A disgruntled but not (yet) former Gooner part 2

Is there something terribly wrong with this club?

A disgruntled but not (yet) former Gooner part 2

Good Day, you Gooners.

Allow me first to apologize. I do, like you, love the Arsenal unconditionally since my early days of childhood after converting from those wretched red devils, as I wrote here when I was particularly frustrated by the impending departure of RVP. However, it seems to be quite a significantly discrediting factor that I haven't known as much of pre-'90s Arsenal as most of you undoubtedly do and that I am in no position to clap off the team after an 8-2 or 3-1 thrashing at the beginning of the season like some of you are privileged to do.

But as (still) a loyal fan, I thought I would take some time to reflect on our present situation and perhaps remind us all of what may, sadly, no longer be remembered, by taking time out of my life to post a little note. The truth is there is something terribly wrong with this club, isn't there? Lack of silverware, an agonizingly long period of fan unrest, a seeming lack of response from those who can bring change, a manager who undoubtedly was brilliant but has since become the face of deterioration and desperation in the club, and a seeming lack of commitment to ambition and success domestically and internationally. And whereas fans should have the voices to object, a platform to air concerns about the team and changes as you see fit, you seemingly have an authoritative audience deafened by profits piling from their pockets up to their ears.

How did this happen? Who's to blame? Certainly there are those who are more responsible than others. And they will (hopefully) be relieved of their duties. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror.

I know why you did it. I know you were sold and you bought into a dream. Who wouldn't be excited? Here was a manager who had a knack for finding talent. He brought you a 49-game unbeaten run (f*** you red devils), legends who commanded a cult following and multitude of trophies never seen before in London in that era. A history which, in hindsight, conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense when the signs of a need for change appeared. Your past glory made you weak, victory had defeated you. So you kept on buying into the dream, paying for season tickets, funding terrorism. Wenger's track record got the better of you. When your captains started leaving, and your rivals started spending and strengthening, you turned to the now High Chancellor Arsène Wenger. He delivered you a new stadium and promised a generation of teams that would be the envy of Europe's elite, but without the massive debt or a billionaire sugar daddy. And all he demanded in return was your patience with youngsters and season ticket renewals - silent, obedient consent.

And then some of you sought to end that silence as your patience ran out. Some of you marched, wrote open letters and blogged (who reads those things anyway?) to remind this club of what it has forgotten. That football isn't (just) a business. That trophies aren't merely temporary titles. That ambition, pride and "Victoria Concordia Crescit" are more than words. They are perspectives.

One day we all woke up to a shock; we are a selling club, the fourth-spot trophy etc.. Then came this rise of AKBs, believing the board was holding us ransom; denial of our manager's inadequacies. But the reason I believe that the fault lies with the man in the mirror is what followed. We got to a stage sometime after the departure of Cesc and during RvP's unrest; a lot of anger and dissatisfaction was flying around. Usmanov was making a lot of noise and finger-pointing was the norm. RvP got his f***ing wish at United but still, as it stands, we are firmly divided between those stuck in a bargaining stage, wanting signings that will give "our rightful and fearless leader" traction to aim higher than fourth each season, and those calling for Wenger's head, and the upheaval of his cohorts and henchmen in the boardroom. Is this not a classic "five stages of grief" model? I'll be damned if I accept our state as the norm. I am not content to be competing with Tottenham!

We have been victimized and we are still acting like victims of bad management and corporate greed. Who is going to remove Stan and Arsène? Who is the target of this ongoing tantrum? Surely it can't be the team. We love the lads. The board's ears are firmly padded with layers of profits, the majority shareholder seems to have no concept of football. What do they know about the horrors of Tottenham finishing above Arsenal?

Side note - Abramovich is so hands-on and involved with his team but I hardly see Stan at the stadium, whereas Abramovich was in the dressing-room last weekend. Which is the lesser evil here?

We are not in a good place, but I'm sure most will agree that better this Arsenal than Chelski, Mancs or Spuds. We are the Arsenal; Jack Wilshere and co are the team we love. But the businessmen saw a business opportunity and converted our passion into a product and our loyalty into profit. As we have seen over the years, there is only one language that this regime understands and it comes in the form of numbers and figures. They will not respond to open letters and marches, but they will respond to a balance sheet. Let's kick them where it hurts, in the bank!

*For f***’s sakes, STOP buying season tickets!*

Yes, I am a fan of "V for Vendetta" and I am still plotting a move to London.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 21:21 #38177

    Chingford Gooner, good shout you should have saved it for an article, of course we'd still support Arsenal no matter what happened even the unthinkable, unlike the JCL's who would head over to chelski or the mancs, and i'd doubt very much the prices would be reduced anywhere, not in the club shops or the turnstiles and most certainly not salarys in the board room. They'd give it another season to see what happens and if we got back up again. But the biggest problem of all would be fans would still support OGL, yes make no mistake about it, the first thing we'd all hear is we should stick with him, he's not far away, he's still the right man for the job, he's the right man to get us back up again, and they'd probably give him a new contract for doing so.

  2. Jason B

    Aug 25, 2013, 20:44 #38174

    For F**ks sake,stop moaning about lack of trophies and get on with supporting the team. Our problems are at home. Not enough chants of the players names during the warm up and just prior to kick off. Even after we've scored, sometimes we have to be 2-3 goals up before any prolonged singing. Don't just leave it to the singing section in the north bank corner. It's up to all of us Arsenal fans. Not just a small section. After all, we're very quick to boo and shout when things go wrong, aren't we?

  3. Chingford Gooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 15:15 #38166

    Well said. I'm not a season ticket holder and no less a loyal fan for it. The question of loyalty intrigues me. I guess a true fan would follow their team after the unthinkable, which in football terms would be relegation. If for some unfortunate footballing reasons we ever got to be relegated, we'd all still support our team and cheer them on back up the leagues. But we are not Bradford, or Hull or Palace so its unlikely to happen in our life time. Our loyalty is never in question. I just wonder if that were to happen, would the club reduce the ticket prices and the managers wages??? Or take control of the real issues, i.e. Wenger? See the problem isn't loyalty, its the treatment of fans by the club. They push things too far. They test our loyalty. They pay themselves ever higher wages and invest a bit less each year. By doing this they are stretching fans to the extemes of loyalty until it affects moral and the team, as it has done recently. The players should not be subjected to angry fans because of an inadequate manager. This is not the fans fault. Its the manager's and the boards. The Club need to survey the supports for their opinions. When was the last time anyone here was asked for their views by the club? AFC, being a top sports brand should be conduction online fan research on a regular basis. This is 2013 not 1913. The worst thing that could happen to us (as I see things) is to finish behind Spurs or give Wenger another contract. The likely hood of the matter is that at least of those will come true in the next 10 months. The only people with any power the change things are the fans. But if you are too loyal in this situation you are not helping to bring about change. You are telling the board you are happy with the current situation. Its like you are all KFC addicts. You know its bad for you but you keep going back for more. Well the Colonel is loving it and he ain't gonna change the recipe if you keep eating it .

  4. 1975

    Aug 24, 2013, 11:08 #38115

    Being a passionate supporter is first and foremost about caring for the club. I didn't renew my st because I'm worried about the deterioration on capabilities, vision, leadership and ambitions at the club and the rank incompetence in management. I want arsenal to compete. Nobody can guarantee trophies. But we expect our team to do all it can to have a go. You can buy into that. Do you think arsenal have been doing their best over recent seasons.

  5. Lord Froth

    Aug 24, 2013, 8:24 #38112

    I think that the majority of long term season ticket holders are unlikely to not buy their season ticket because they probably feel that as soon as they give it up then things might pick up at the club and they'll have lost their season ticket and end up at the back of a long waiting list and might not ever get it back. They are not like cinema tickets and if going to the Arsenal is your passion then it's not easy to give it up because the club is going through a rough patch.

  6. Peter Wain

    Aug 24, 2013, 8:16 #38111

    thnks to our great leaders transfer policy the season is over before it begins. Sure we will qualify for the champions league may even get out of the group but thats as far as it goes. We may challenge for 4th place but with our injuries I think this is unlikely. The only certain thing is that this week spend money in a panic and buy total rubbish. When will they all go and give us our club back. Gazidis out Wenger out Kroenke stay in America and slel your shares.

  7. Jack

    Aug 23, 2013, 20:20 #38102

    Only joking, I love them really.

  8. Jack

    Aug 23, 2013, 20:10 #38101

    Glory hunting arse lickers give their season tickets up. Why? Cos they have no love for The Arsenal and use Wenger as their excuse. Whenever I meet these fickle phonies I tell them to scarper before I get me cudgel out.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 23, 2013, 19:24 #38100

    There is something wrong with this club and has been for a while, it's just not the lack of silverware as no team has a right to that but the lack of ambition to even compete for it,and not having players even capable of winning it especially when it was there for the taking Birmingham? Bradford? Blackburn? and with investment on proper players instead of pet projects to massage an ego over the years who knows how many others and i'm not talking 30,40,50, mil players just better than the crap that has stunk the place out for years. Who's to blame you ask well if you were to listen to some they'd tell you it was every body from PHW to the groundsman, from the Laundry lady to Rob the Chef but others have known better and others have now woken up.

  10. Bard

    Aug 23, 2013, 19:09 #38098

    Tiny I have the same level of frustration as you but once a gooner always a gooner through good and bad. You have to support the team no matter what. We have had some great times although not for a while. Wenger wont be there forever. You have to man up Tiny.

  11. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 23, 2013, 18:38 #38097

    End of May - Club executive / management state "we've got lots of cash to spend on players". This prompts club's season ticket promo dept. to go into overdrive. June - Season ticket sales are analysed, end of financial year balance sheet prepared. No players arrive. July - "we're working very hard". No players arrive. August - free transfers arrive. Wonky start to season is endured. 1 September - TROLLEY DASH!!!!!!!!!!!....Start of May - thin squad squeaks through into fourth on bones of backside. Repeat.

  12. Amar Amdan

    Aug 23, 2013, 18:29 #38095

    I totally agree with this article. And stop saying this kind of views as being disloyal, WE ARE NOT. We're probably more loyal than u AKBs! We support the club, and the manager/owner/players are not the club! they come and go, but Arsenal is Arsenal no matter what! If Lord Sugar or Daniel Levy decides to buy Arsenal, we might not like these personnel but THE CLUB IS STILL THE SAME! IT'S ARSENAL!! It is pretty straight forward actually, if u see something wrong with the club, u ought to be critical about it, especially with the people running it. That's more like love and loyalty to me.

  13. Ron

    Aug 23, 2013, 17:53 #38089

    Some truth in that. We re all guilty of at one time thinking 'project youth' was a concerted, deliberate and necessary policy. Im thinking of the time around the CC Final in 2007 when we we re all 'proud' of our young tiro's thinking its only a matter of time that King Midas Wenger was creating the next circa 1970s Ajax. We all thought the Emirates was the next 'home of football' where visitors would fear to tread. Little did we know that King Midas was actually King Canute and creating Ajax, circa now in a lifeless stadium that lost any zest it did have a long time back.

  14. HYL

    Aug 23, 2013, 17:14 #38087

    IT's funny how these AKB people still think they r the majority. The state of the Emirates after Villa's third goals tells us they r clearl no longer the majority. Also, wanting Wenger to stay doesnt mean you are a "true fan". True fan wants the best for the club and one can certainly question whether Wenger is best for the club now!

  15. Brian

    Aug 23, 2013, 17:08 #38086

    If you are a true supporter, you are a supporter for life no matter what. It's OK to be frustrated but never to stop believng.

  16. Geo

    Aug 23, 2013, 16:45 #38083

    What a lot of crap...aren't you people tired of repeating the same rubish... A few angry people might give their season tickets but you will find that the vast majority won't... There are many true fans out there that do support their team no matter what...