Wet West London Win

Online Ed: Three points at the Cottage

Wet West London Win

Maybe it was all just a bad dream. Maybe Aston Villa didn’t really happen. Maybe all’s well with the world of Arsenal and people are getting excited about nothing. Maybe the Gunners will launch an assault on the title and overthrow the big three (remember when we were one of the big four?). Maybe Arsène Wenger will enhance his options with £80 million worth of talent in the next ten days.

Certainly, Arsenal, as they proved at Fulham, are capable of beating most teams in the division home and away, if injuries and suspensions allow them to field a strong enough line-up. That’s a big if though. I admit to being concerned about Tomas Rosicky needing to play as one of the two deeper midfielders, although up against the likes of Scott Parker and Stephen Sidwell, they had the measure of Martin Jol’s side. Santi Cazorla had a cracking game and the introduction of Lukas Podolski from the start meant that poor finishing was less of an issue than it has been at times, not least in that nightmare against Villa last weekend.

As on Wednesday night, what aided Arsenal was that Fulham were not particularly physical, did not really upset the Gunners’ rhythm with cynical tactics. Martin Jol’s team tried to play football and this allowed Arsenal to build their moves and create openings. Podolski’s first goal was a thing of beauty in the build up, even if, closer to their own goal, some of Arsenal’s passing is like Russian Roulette. Olivier Giroud has now scored three goals in three games. A ratio we can all delight in. Let’s hope he stays fit!

The next few weeks are going to be rather strange on two levels. The matches are going to be broken up by international fixtures, and whoever is eventually purchased (and given the numbers available, there is no question at least three more bodies are required) will be trying to gel with new team-mates. It is hardly conducive to establishing any kind of rhythm (even if the club knew this would be the case over September/October long ago) so at present the hope must be that those players fit for duty now remain so. It’s a gamble.

Three games into the campaign is way too early to make any conclusion other than that the head count is too low and there is no way the club can get away without adding to it. The bench today was Wilshere (rested), Monreal (good back-up option for left full-back, but what would have happened today if a centre back was injured?), Fabianski (hmmmm), Frimpong (hardly played pre-season), Sanogo, Gnabry and Zelalem. We are getting down to the bare bones.

I will be intrigued to see who takes the field on Tuesday evening. It should have been an opportunity to rest a few players, but currently the options available due to the size of the squad mean that most of the players that turned out today will probably start.

Still, after the way the season began, let’s be grateful for small mercies. The trip to Craven Cottage is normally far more difficult than this. Arsenal need to pick up points against these types of teams habitually if they are to give us reason for cheer this season. In recent campaigns, inconsistency has been a real problem. To overcome this, more resources are needed. By the time the team face Spurs next weekend, Arsenal will surely have strengthened their hand…

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  1. Tony Evans

    Aug 27, 2013, 12:45 #38253

    Lance - totally agree with you. Any fool (apart from Wenger) can see that this squad is not good enough, and we need at least 4 quality additions along the whole spine of the team. As Kevin pointed out Fulham were an ideal side for Arsenal to play, but someone should point out to Wenger that the Premiership is not made up exclusively of 'Fulhams'. Not that the prat would listen!

  2. Johnny Lynch

    Aug 27, 2013, 11:01 #38249

    Read Bob's post and weep .. Christ , how deluded are some people .. An above average Villa mullered us at home and we've gone on to beat two very very ordinary sides .. Tottenham will find us wanting Sunday Afternoon and Wenger will make his excuses again.

  3. CT Gooner

    Aug 26, 2013, 15:41 #38219

    I thought we played well at Fulham, taking advantage of our counter attacking abilities. This is why I think Wenger has failed, his tactics don't match his squads talents. If he was to focus on defending and counter attacking, I think we do have a chance of success. Unfortunately he still thinks his squad can play like they did in 04-08 (just like Barca), and we all know the talent level has dropped significantly since then. Bottom line for me though is I can't get past the feeling of the club not caring about the fans, paying Gordon Ramsey prices for a big mac meal. Maybe we wouldn't be so critical of the manager if we didn't have to pay 62 quid for a seat at a Class A game.

  4. In Arsene We Trust

    Aug 26, 2013, 2:33 #38181

    Lance, you are a disgrace saying that winning is "the worst thing". So called fans like you and people who agree with you should go away and support Spurs since you anti-Wenger rabble like the senseless spending they are doing. On another topic, without injuries and stupid refereeing decisions, which was the main reason why we lost to Aston Villa, I believe this team is good enough to compete for trophies. The team have a full year of playing with each other and we had no departures to our key players. As Wenger said the quality is there, but number-wise we are a bit short, because of injuries. Just support the club and stop being a disgrace like the fans who were calling out Wenger on the Villa match. Wenger has a plan for this season, just be patient. Arsene knows best.

  5. jw

    Aug 25, 2013, 18:50 #38171

    Jack, yes i have witnessed the same 8 years as you, my point still stands, you DO NOT know what the next 10 days holds. You can look at trends, but with trends there is also often an anomaly. For all you know this year may be an anomaly and he may go out and sign 4 great players...like I said unlikely, but the fact stands we put in a good performance yesterday, enjoy it, that is why we watch football anyway! As for getting yourselves in a tissy over the transfer activity...WAIT until the window CLOSES. ENJOY supporting the boys...if you really are unhappy at winning because it may get the manager a new contract then you seriously need to get a new hobby. I WILL NEVER be annoyed we have won a game!

  6. jjetplane

    Aug 25, 2013, 16:13 #38170

    Pro-Wenger republic now very pensive about giving it the 'He knows'. Perhaps they are waiting to see if he delivers in the next four years. Time for a coup for the good of the club. His only agenda is getting another contract which will have clauses to ensure come what may (sic) he will probably earn even more than if he did it 'with the burden of trophies'. Sound business when your master may as well have already moved to Mars with a view to inter-planetary franchises. Wait a minute! .....

  7. Bard

    Aug 25, 2013, 16:01 #38169

    They looked terrific yesterday but that is no surprise. They can turn it on from time to time but lets wait till they play Untd, Chelsea or Man City before we get excited, it was only Fulham. Whatever we think about these crazy transfer rumours the squad is so thin we are only an injury or two away from a full blown crisis. Either that or he runs them into the ground. I would be happy if we signed a top keeper and decent centre back. Sadly our transfer week is starting to resemble a keystone cops movie.

  8. Jack

    Aug 25, 2013, 15:53 #38168

    jw Because we have had 8 years of false dawns.We are now battle hardened to inconsistent Wenger teams.At the start of this summer everyone knew we needed 4/5 quality players.Everyone except Inspector Clueless.The team that produced yesterdays win was the same who finished 4th.They proved are not good enough to win the league.While we have £70m burning a hole in our pocket.Yes enjoy yesterday there will be more of the same this season but not enough to get us further than 4th.And when the domestic cups come around expect us to throw the towel in again.If a few more wins like yesterday keep Wenger in a job for 4 more years that will be a bad thing

  9. DW Thomas

    Aug 25, 2013, 15:16 #38167

    I agree about subbing Podolski. Another questionable decision. Why not rest Ramsey or Cazorla or someone else? When has Pod finished a game he as started?

  10. DW Thomas

    Aug 25, 2013, 15:04 #38164

    Arsenal used to bring me so much joy. But I will always have high expectations. That breeds success, through hard work. Being let down season after season when only a little more from the manager would bring that success is not joy. Winning is. And I am a fan of Wengerball, when its working. You still need a plan B. We don't seem to even have a plan A most days. And don't even get started on the transfers of the last 5 years!

  11. jw

    Aug 25, 2013, 14:54 #38163

    God some of you are the most miserable people on Earth! Why do you bother following Arsenal if you can't rejoice on a fine performance yesterday? Enjoy our win, enjoy our last 2 positive games! None of you are psychic, you do not know who we are gonna sign, being honest neither does Wenger! To say winning yesterday was the worst thing that could happen is nonsense! You are really such joyless people!

  12. DW Thomas

    Aug 25, 2013, 14:48 #38161

    Good win, but how can anyone be excited for this season? Ramsey looks solid but still apt to give the odd pass away at a key time. If motivated, Podolski does well. But compare his effort to Giroud and you have another Walcott. Hustles only when he wants. At least Giroud has heart and works his n..ts off! We dominated because we pressed well and left them no space to play. Why don't we play that way every game? I think it's because the team and manager have this ego that they are above that. What they don't get it that style with good passing and counter attacking is why Barca won so much. And Messi. Sagna is becoming my favorite player. He was always held in high esteem, but many said he was past it! Without him with all our current injuries, we might be looking at a lot worse results these past two games. I agree, Sanogo did not impress, even for 10 minutes. We need a Suarez class player. A player that can change a game on his own. An RVP. Who have we brought in of that class the last 5 years since we sold our captains? NOBODY! Cazorla comes close, but he does not score 20-30 goals a season does he? Wenger needs and deserves all the pressure he is getting.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 14:31 #38160

    It wasn't a bad dream Kev the humiliation at Villa happened alright, along with all the others,and one win against the mighty Fulham doesn't make everything alright although as usual some fans will think it does, and we're now going to win the Premiership. The team played well and it's good to see, and deserved the win, with some good counter attacking play in poor conditions but it's no thanks to OGL whose incompetence in the transfer market has left the squad so short. The worry now is that he'll think we need no one, that we're strong enough to compete and win something and not bother his arse strengthening (and that would be no surprise)and i use the term strengthening lightly, well we're no where near being strong enough or good enough to win anything we're way way short and one win against a middle of the road team changes nothing. We're going to be coming up against better teams than Fulham this season and teams that are a lot better than us, and certainly more physical, and if we have any hopes of winning something this season we're going to need better and more than we have, we may get more but the question is will they be any better.

  14. CanadaGooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 13:38 #38158

    ....maybe we should wait for that week when we get knocked out of every competition. I didn't get excited when we lost to Villa; the reality is that Spurs & Liverpool will cock it up again (as they've done in the past 10 years) and Arsenal wont have to do much to finish 4th. But is that all we should be hoping for? Likewise, I wont get excited by an away win at Fulham. When we beat Man City or Utd or Chelsea at the Emirates, and give a good account of ourselves (getting a draw) on their grounds, I will begin to feel some excitement. As always, well done to the team and manager for the 2 wins last week. But that doesn't explain going the entire summer without buying players who could have trained with the team and perhaps averted the 3 - 1 loss to Villa. every point counts.

  15. Peter Wain

    Aug 25, 2013, 12:35 #38156

    Lee afc Giroud is a whole hearted player but lacks pace and is too slow to be a top premiership striker. Which is why we bid for Higuain and Suarez. As for Sanogo may be it was too early too say he is a duffer but in the time he was on the pitch he could barely stand up. Following on from Wenger's masterful pursuit of top top players like Gervinho and Santos to name but two I remain sceptical of a free transfer who played in the French 2nd league and has already two broken legs. He may improve lets hope so because it looks as if we will not buy a top top top striker.

  16. Gooner si

    Aug 25, 2013, 12:21 #38155

    Forget about Benzema's and suarez's...first sign cesar and a good DM and CB(if possible).

  17. Gare K

    Aug 25, 2013, 12:20 #38154

    Chris; apology accepted. Like you, I think we are good enough for top four as I mentioned on my original comment and I will not change my view on that throughout the season until it's mathematically impossible to finish top four but in my view we are still far away from challenging for the title let alone winning it.

  18. johnnyh

    Aug 25, 2013, 12:15 #38153

    cazorla was the difference in this game. he was outstanding,if only he could play like that against the top 3 teams in the league. one thing that annoyed me was wengers substitution of podolski,the guy had nine minutes to complete a confidence boosting hat trick against a weary team that knew it was beaten. even after a very satisfactory win wenger still leaves us scratching our heads.

  19. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 12:10 #38152

    I hope this kills off the idea of shipping Podolski out (to fund our latest signings??) Objectively, the defeat to Villa was a bit of a freak, aided and abetted by abject refereeing. The win over Fulham was bog standard - they are at best a mid table side, more likely this season to be on the fringes of the relegation battle (the fact that they won at Sunderland away simply underlines the fact that Sunderland are likely to be deeply involved in the relegation battle...) Neither result has really changed the fundamentals: Wenger should go - as gracefully as possible. The team entered the season under prepared and under resourced. Without significant reinforcements in key areas, the wheels will come off sooner rather than later. We have left it far too late in the day to bring new signings in - we are now likely to pay over the odds for 3rd or 4th choice players. (The pursuit of Cabaye at Newcastle suggests that we haven't even made the right analysis of where strengthening is most desperately required.) Still not beyond the current team and squad to scrape over the line into 4th place again (and that might encourage SK/IG and AW to believe that noone needs to be signed and that we can flog a few more from the current line up) but it would be the biggest gamble to date and as many others have commented, it shows how the expectations of the world's 4th wealthiest club have now been downgraded.

  20. Will-I-An

    Aug 25, 2013, 12:03 #38151

    We have learned nothing we didnt know in may.Without major strengthening we are in a fight for 4th/5th/6th place again.And thats how it will turn out.Wenger is not ruthless.If you have a squad of players not good enough to even challenge for the title you replace them and replace them with better players.Wenger has backed the same players who continually fail when it matters.The talk of Flamini coming in tells you all you need to know.To me the season is not about us its about the Spuds.If they gel as a team they will finish above us its a simple as that.We havent improved we have stayed the same.The total spent still stands at £000.000.000. Should be some fun to be had if Sanogo starts v the Turks the new Park?

  21. Dan h

    Aug 25, 2013, 11:42 #38149

    Good team performance in terrible conditions. Whatever you think of the players we have anyone that thinks this team will challenge is naïve.You need quality in depth which we don't have.You need quality players coming off the bench to change games again we don't have that either.The same small group of players will obviously pick up injuries JW remember?Players lose form they also become complacent this squad needs additions of quality.They should of been signed by the end of July no excuses & cryptic answers from OGL.3-0 up at home to Fenerbache instead of rotating players we have nobody to bring especially with the NLD next Sunday.Fingers crossed no more injuries think about that 3 games into a season poor planning & management.

  22. Chris

    Aug 25, 2013, 11:18 #38147

    Gare - I'd missed/forgotten that, sorry. Good for a decent shot at the top four, perhaps, but that'd be about it.... In my opinion this team ARE good - just not good enough to come close to winning the title.

  23. Gare K

    Aug 25, 2013, 11:10 #38146

    Chris; looks at Bob's comment at the very top; "Get Flamini signed and we're good to go". You, myself and others know we need to spend on top quality but Bob thinks otherwise.

  24. Chris

    Aug 25, 2013, 11:01 #38145

    Gare K - "Anyone who thinks signing freebies alone will do the trick is deluded." Bit of a straw man, don't you think? Has ANYONE actually said tthat, or anything like that?

  25. Gare K

    Aug 25, 2013, 10:51 #38144

    Good performance and a deserved win. I’m not convinced though that new players will arrive even though it’s clear we need them. Anyone who thinks signing freebies alone will do the trick is deluded. And I agree with others that the recent wins would convince Wenger that we don’t need to strengthen and he’ll wait for the injured players to come back. After all, he’s been waiting on Diaby for goodness knows how long. I suppose then I should delude myself into thinking we don’t need another goalkeeper, another centre back, a couple defensive midfielders & a couple of strikers. Wenger’s loyalty to the current squad is admirable but also naive. Didn’t this lot fail to beat TWO lower league teams in the domestic cups last season? Back to Fulham though, Cazorla ran the show; Szczesny proved that when he’s not the arrogant pr*ck he is a lot of the time, he’s on par ability wise with Cech & Hart et al. I’ve said many times on this site he needs to show humility but as long as Wenger is his club manager, Szczesny will continue to be the mouthy idiot off the pitch and the sometimes clown on it. Big up also to Mertesacker, Giroud & Podolski. Although I’m not one of these Mertesacker knockers, at the same time, I can see the argument that he’s not the world-class player a lot of Gooners make him out to be. Ditto Giroud & Podolski. I hope Podolski is still with us after 2nd September as he proved yet again that he’s the best finisher at the club even if his all round play is minimal. Still, on the performance and result alone, it was worth it getting soaked! Another top four finish for us this season is what I predict even though for me it won’t prove that we are going upwards and just remaining stale until the new order from boardroom level arrives. Up The Arsenal!

  26. lee afc

    Aug 25, 2013, 10:49 #38143

    Well, here goes PETER WAIN.......yet again. How on earth can you be that critical of a player who was given around 10 mins as sub in a game that was already wrapped up. So Sanogo, according to you is yet another Wenger duffer. Explain to me, how you reached that conclusion? I remember you coming to the same conclusion about Giroud after a couple of games last season.

  27. JT

    Aug 25, 2013, 10:41 #38142

    Bad dream?Yeah the last 8 years have been a bad dream and it has continued again into this season.Fulham were powder puff a perfect team to play just like the awful Fenerbahce in midweek.Cesar should have been signed a month ago.An experienced top quality keeper proven at the highest level something we havent had since Lehmann.We are still crying out for a DM.The Villa game showed that.Giroud will get 15 league goals this season but so will Ricky Lambert.Would you want Lambert as our CF?No we need a world class striker who will get 25-30 goals.Ramsey is the flavour of the week but if we signed a quality DM would he start be honest now.Not even trying to sign Fellaini is a disgrace the man would be a beast in our midfield plus he would get a dozen goals.What the last two games have shown is we have settled for the same players who have struggled to finish top 4.Wenger will only splash the cash if it all goes wrong v the Spuds and we will have another 2011 supermarket.What a way to run a football club.A whole summer spending decided on one game

  28. Peter Wain

    Aug 25, 2013, 10:31 #38141

    I think the most depressing part of yesterday was when Sanogo came on and looked completely lost. Yes a good performanace but could this side compete with the top four clubs in the country. We will find out next Sunday. Either way Wenger has to go if only for the rank mis management during this transfer window.

  29. Terry

    Aug 25, 2013, 10:13 #38140

    The quality of Arsenal's football yesterday was of the highest order especially in the conditions. Can they keep it up all season it's going to be difficult, City are the only team who play a similar style though I believe we move the ball much better than them, though they are more physical. Man Utd and Spurs are more direct the former far more effective will pick up a lot of cheap points though look average against good sides. Chelsea are not as fluent as last season and Mourinho will get them playing more rigid and defensive against the better teams and more expansive against the smaller.

  30. Chris

    Aug 25, 2013, 10:03 #38139

    We could sign Cesar, Williams and Flamini and still have a zero net spend for the window whilst hopefully having options for tightening at the back. Would allow Wenger to spend the now-infamous 70million on a couple of top-notch attacking players he would probably prefer to spend on. Suspect we probably will sign Flamini but that Wenger doesn't want to incur any further wrath by 'going cheap' before a major signing is confirmed. At least that's what I like to think....

  31. Jack

    Aug 25, 2013, 9:37 #38138

    Kev the last two fixtures have proved Wenger will not buy anyone(except Flamini).He is happy with this bunch of 4th placers.We may be capable of beating most teams home and away but we cant beat the top 3 sides(2 points out of 18 last season).Its amazing how many fans have already forgotten the Villa game,who of course lost their next two games.Anymore results like yesterday and Gazidis will have Wengers name on that contract by the end of september.Now that is a drepressing thought.Finally no one has mentioned Sanogo who made Kaba Diawara look like Henry proving Wenger hasnt lost the knack of signing ****e.4 more year oh dear

  32. Forty Years A Gooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 9:26 #38137

    @Bob - Why is everyone who doesn't agree with all of Wenger"s decisions called a 'hater'? Also, why just look at the stats for the last third of last season? Why not look at the stats for, let's have a think....games where we've shown no commitment or games where Ramsey has been played on the left wing. Statistics can be made to tell any story you want, The game against Fulham was great for a number of reasons, not least because our fans were at their imperial best. Some of these fans like Wenger, some think he's ok, some think he's lost the plot. All of the love Arsenal. Haters??!! Really??!! The truth is that when we're 'on it' as a team, we are pretty much a match for any team. But we're not able to reach that level often enough and at the right times. So, signings needed and a strengthening of the pool of tactics that we can use in games. It would also be good if we could move beyond any kind of constructive criticism being seen as hate.

  33. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 25, 2013, 9:25 #38136

    Well I thought that OGL was a bit of a div as you know, but the fact that he isn't able to sign a proven defensive midfielder who is on a free and is actually training with us puts him into a whole new league of inertia. I wonder whether he will be able to do so before we have a bit of a toughie against Totteringham Hotspurs? Perhaps he has convinced himself that much like 1) Having an excellent goalkeeper 2) Having three excellent central defenders 3) haveing 2 destroying / holding midfielders in the squad 4)Having some sort of strategy outside securing his salary for another 3 years, that the Spurs game doesn't matter. On a positive note, Podolski does know how to strike the ball properly and it is nice to see a modern footballer who is professional enough to know what he is doing.

  34. Gaz

    Aug 25, 2013, 9:23 #38135

    Sadly-as others have said-Lance really has this one spot on. Trawl back over the past six years and you'll not only find results/performances like this but even better ones. Just as you'll see performances/results like Bradford/Norwich away too. Make no mistake if we fail to make three very good signings-not just squad fillers-this season will pan out just like the last and the one before that...

  35. Torbay gooner

    Aug 25, 2013, 9:17 #38134

    Yes good performance yesterday and pleased that Poldoski was effective in his first start(and he should have stayed on instead of a wasteful Walcott), however the test as always will be when we play a top six side ie Spurs next week. Look behind you Dick Law that's the window closing!

  36. Rob

    Aug 25, 2013, 7:47 #38132

    Lance - totally agree !

  37. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 25, 2013, 6:48 #38131

    Lance you have hit the nail on the head, my feelings exactly!

  38. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 25, 2013, 0:42 #38127

    Any joy at a win is tempered by the knowledge it pushes Wenger nearer to a new contract. Not a good situation, would love to revert back to the old days e.g.GG or early Wenger.

  39. Lance

    Aug 25, 2013, 0:35 #38126

    Call me cynical, call me pessimistic, call me a Spurs fan, whatever, I don't care, the fact is, this is the worst thing that possibly could have happened; now Wenger thinks we don't need to make any big signings, and all we're going to get is a couple of second rate players. Basically, if he doesn't sign a world class striker to compete with Giroud, a defensive midfielder as cover for Arteta, a defender who doesn't need the rest of the season to get used to the Premier League and a world class goalkeeper to compete with Sczchezny (or however you spell it), this season is going to be yet another scrap for fourth place and a 4-year contract extension for Wenger, and I, for one, find that to be an extremely depressing prospect.

  40. Gooner Ryan

    Aug 25, 2013, 0:10 #38125

    Good couple of results compared to the debacle I witnessed against the Villa, time to get behind the team, the new song is great, c'mon you gunners

  41. I don't want Wenger to fail but he probably will

    Aug 24, 2013, 23:24 #38124

    Kev Arsenal has won two matches in a row and are on course for European Cup group stage qualification there's no way Wenger's going to buy (quality, experienced) players now. Tbe best we can hope for is that he flukes a cup like in 2005!

  42. Bob

    Aug 24, 2013, 23:10 #38123

    Magic Mr Wenger. Get Flamini signed and we're good to go. For all the haters, Villa game apart, check our stats since Last third of last season, this team are good they just don't get much supprt at the emirites.