A Rebuttal to Richard Lancaster's Positivity

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A Rebuttal to Richard Lancaster's Positivity

Re: The article A response to the Negativity by Richard Lancaster which appeared on the website yesterday…

Fake bids
Richard, it's very hard for anyone to figure out what went on with the bids. All we have are tabloid reports to go by. The club themselves are hardly truthful about it. Wenger admitted to the Suarez bid but wouldn't admit to the Higuain bid though we know Higgy's dad did say there was a bid. However, we also know for a fact that Wenger's bids are often farcical. He will not budge above what he considers the player is worth, but the hard fact is the market dictates a player's price. Wenger lives in his own world. This kind of bidding is not very different than fake bids. What's an extra 5-6 million if we could land Higgy and he would help the quest for silverware? Is that too hard to do for a club with reportedly 70M+ for transfers? Wenger wouldn't budge from his 24M bid and Napoli landed him for a few million more. Now we must lose out on players to mighty Napoli because the man's completely out of touch with reality?

What did Wenger do by saving the 5-6 M? He gave it to Flamoney in terms of wages; a player who deserted us when he was actually a decent player and who nobody wants now. I suppose Wenger knows better than the club Flamoney spent the last 5 years at. Wenger bid 40M+! for Suarez. Did he try with 45, 46 or 47M to test Pool's resolve? No he won't. Because he will not bid a penny more than his valuation. It's always about him. His valuation. His wants. His desires. It's never about the club. Then there's the whole derisory bid aspect. Again, it's not a whole lot different than a fake bid. Which idiot would think that Newcastle would sell Cabaye on the cheap when they know Arsenal have money and are desperate for players? I'll tell you which idiot. An out of touch with reality Wenger. We know about the derisory bid because Kinnear is on record saying Wenger has to match Newcastle's valuation. The whole Schwarzer saga where Wenger would not give in to 100/200k more was flat out embarrassing for a club of Arsenal's size. We could have done with Mark that season. The Cahill situation is another one of those. Coyle soundly criticized Wenger's derisory bid. Wenger lost out on a defender we could have done with and he went to Chelski 6 months later. Is this how a manager of a big club behaves? Now you know why fans are extremely suspicious about Wenger's transfer dealings. They have reason to be.

If anyone does the brainwashing, it's Wenger. He's convinced a large part of the fanbase that fourth is an actual trophy. I can't think of many people who can pull of such a huge spin cycle. Can you? He's convinced folks that playing in the CL (despite being embarrassed regularly when meeting a decent side) is a real trophy whereas the FAC or CC are not. He's brainwashed legions of fans into believing that the transfer market is crazy, that the world of football economy is about to collapse and all the other things he believes entirely in his own head. He even pulled off the spin about Silvestre being a good signing. I think Ferguson probably still laughs about that one now and then. He's convinced everyone that Arsenal run a great youth academy, yet anyone would be hard pressed to name 4-5 players that Wenger has brought along on his own in his 16 years at Arsenal. Wenger is a king of the dark art of spinning lies and half truths into truth and I cannot even imagine you're accusing the media of brainwashing when the fact is no one in the world of football today is more adept at brainwashing than Wenger.

Negativity does not come from any alleged brainwashing by the media. The negativity comes because of Wenger's lies, spin and inability to even compete for a trophy, let alone win anything, over the last few years. The negativity comes because he fools around in the transfer market as this season has shown. Flamoney? Sanago? Unreal. Name me one other top club where these kind of a shenanigans would be tolerated. This is what drives negativity. He talks of "top class", "super quality", "special" players and then signs up Flamoney. Who wouldn't be negative after this kind of cynical manipulation of the fans' sentiments, tell me? If today Gooners are squaring up to each other at the E******s, who is responsible for the polarization? Year after year he finishes fourth and celebrates it harder than the title winners. This attitude drives negativity.

He cannot coach defence after spending "30 years in football having made 1000's of substitutions" and he makes the worst substitutions of managers at this level. For all of this, he pockets a neat 7.5M/year. More than what Ferguson used to make. This is what drives negativity. Then he talks utter bollocks about Real Madrid being after him. He wouldn't last 6 months at Real, let me assure you. He holds forth on petro dollars in the football world and preaches to all and sundry, yet who acted as a paid consultant to PSG's Arab owners during the takeover? Wenger. This kind of hypocrisy drives negativity. He's the one manager that needed to do real work in the transfer window, but while other managers busted their chops finishing deals, our man was off to the Confederations Cup earning money commentating.

Name me one other manager of a top club that was commentating when business need to be completed at the club that pays his salary. People do get irritated when they see callousness like this and that creates negativity. How could a club like Arsenal lose to Wolfsburg for Gustavo? Only Arsenal could. He talks about CL football drawing players, yet name me one player he has signed over the last few years that wouldn't have come without CL football? Gervinho? Giroud? Freaking Flamoney? Please. This is what drives negativity.

But, people of your ilk won't understand any of the above. Your lot are still blinded by a busted flush of a man and simply unable to see what the rest of the world sees clearly. I'll pray for you.

(Ed’s note – Just a reminder that The Gooner and onlinegooner.com are platforms for Arsenal opinion right across the spectrum. If we received pro-Arsène Wenger submissions, we run them. It’s a reality that we get more pieces that are critical of the current state of affairs, but encourage views from all sides, and those in the middle.)

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  1. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 11:07 #38714

    You miss the point Somak. That Song maybe worth £15m to Barca does not make him worth £15m to Arsenal. Your argument is that Arsenal should pay whatever the selling club demands even if that player is not worth as much to the club as the buying club believes. That's nonsense. All overpaying means is that you have fewer resources available to spend when you can get that value. Cazorla is an example for valuing talent as opposed to celebrity.

  2. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 02, 2013, 10:44 #38712

    Received in my SPAM box this morning....To Somak Goswami from the Office of Supreme Leader and Lifetime Chancellor at Arsenal FC... "You don't frighten me, English pig-dog! Wet kind of name is that anyway? Go and boil your bottom, son of a silly person! Ah blow my nose at you all, you so-called "Arsenal Fins”! Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wipers! Ah fart in your general direction! Now go away, or I shall taunt you all for eight more years… !”

  3. Jamie Hunter

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:58 #38681

    Outstanding article, well said that man


    Sep 01, 2013, 7:33 #38647

    @SOMAK, Alex Song a donkey! Singing from the same page as me? We are clearly reading different books! That level of judgement is a failure in the making, pal. Were you the manager, how many AFC fans would be criticising you for that statement alone? You see young man, it isn't easy to please everyone all the time, is it?

  5. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 01, 2013, 1:06 #38638

    Amos, Arsenal need to buy players and have the resources to do so at the prices now in the market. The market is the market, be it the selling club's price, be it a negotiated price. You're trying to obfuscate to make excuses for Wenger. Wenger has his own valuations, he doesn't even negotiate. He just walks away. What do AFC currently 'compete' for? What did we compete for last season? AFC is in great shape? Sure, if you're interested in the balance sheet, not what's happening on the football pitch. These are the good times? If your definition of 'good times' is simply having Wenger as manager - which is the only conclusion I can draw from your remarks - then I suppose you're right.

  6. Joe S.

    Aug 31, 2013, 23:25 #38637

    Some pretty lame AKB nonsense up above. What justification is there for Flamini being given a second chance? The guy deserted us and has since then been a total waste of space in a Milan shirt.In an aging decrepid mid field he not only failed to stake his position but proved totally ineffectual.Here at Arsenal he will slow down the play to make it even more boring, add to the deadwood,and also to an aging squad which will eventually have to be cleared out at an exorbitant cost.From what I've seen of the EPL so far this is the weakest for some time,with so many clubs in transition. Tragedy is Arsenal have opted for the money, rather than prizes. truth is I don't envy you season ticket holders one bit. there's more to life than helping to prop up a rotten regime.

  7. Croker

    Aug 31, 2013, 23:22 #38636

    @Somak. Good stuff from you and your 22-57 post was the best so far. Wenger has long run out of ideas and cannot operate in today's transfer market. He does n't have to spend £50million on one player, just have a recruitment strategy and some decent scouts.

  8. Somak

    Aug 31, 2013, 22:57 #38633

    Amos, I assume that you know the price of a ticket and munchies at the Emirates? Pray tell me,is that market rate fare? Arsenal have no issues with market rate then. They have no issue with charging 15M for a donkey like Song. Their only issue is when taking money out to pay for someone. We expect the selling club to sell us their players for cheap. Why? And bizarrely, when Arsenal does pay big money it's the Denilson's and Bendtner's. There's no logic to this and these policies are being set by a man who's seriously lost the plot. It was the same with Clough. He simply couldn't understand why his old methods were no longer working. Any other manager in Wenger's position would have never conducted himself this summer the way Wenger has. Especially not after the 2011 debacle. He will continue to do things the way he believes in his head is the correct way, no matter how much it hurts the club.

  9. Amos

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:47 #38627

    In order for there to be a market rate for players Stroud Green Boy there needs to be an efficient market. There isn't one. Is the market rate for Adebayor the £7m we supposedly paid for him or the £24m City paid for him or the £5m Spurs paid for him? Was the market rate for Andy Carroll really the £35m Liverpool paid for him or did they just fail to value him correctly? The market rate is the value to your team at the time you want or need to buy the player. That's going to vary from team to team, manager to manager and lcub to club but on the basis that retaining an ability to compete in the market as and when value becomes available is better than blowing your stake chasing rainbows. Arsenal is in great shape. We can continue to compete on an enduring basis and it is that that gives the best chance of ultimate success. These are the good times. You just don't know it.

  10. Ronster

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:43 #38626

    The AKBs are crawlng out of the woodwork and getting desperate.Fellow AMGs...step up the anti Wenger gospel wherever you are...the dictator must be toppled.Herbert Chapman is King!

  11. nugs

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:40 #38625

    Hear hear you echo the thoughts of the vast majority of the real fans who truely love this FOOTBALL club and stroud green road boy great response!

  12. Greenwich Gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:24 #38624

    Agree with you Somak. The only way to bring about change is to either boycott going to games, or at the very least to do what the Dortmund fans did on ticket prices - staged a mass walk out when the first whistle blew. The trouble with too many Arsenal fans is that they complain online, but still go to games (and maybe boo. Management don't care if you boo, as you've paid the highest prices in probably the world to boo). Kroenke and Wenger's business model is built on gate receipts and player sales. Hit them in the wallet. Wenger's reported salary is obscenely large for such mismanagement and Kroenke backs him to the hilt as long as the moolah rolls in.

  13. Gooner Daniel

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:21 #38623

    Perfect in every sense. Totally agree with you he is becoming an embarrassment to the club. We are one of the eight seeded teams in the champions league. The difference between Arsenal and the other 7 seeded teams is that we have not one the champions league. 16 years of failure and selling our best players so he gets his 7.5m a year. Last season for him need to move on .

  14. Wenger OUT

    Aug 31, 2013, 20:46 #38621

    Wenger HAS termed the fourth place a trophy. FACT. Google it

  15. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 18:59 #38615

    yeh you folks would just love to get rid of Wenger replace him with your version of Jose Mourinho, get the fat Russian in and bing bong Arsenal are now a bigger version of Chelsea, going around buying up trophies. No thanks!

  16. MARCUS

    Aug 31, 2013, 18:40 #38614

    JAMIE I see your back, look its not anti-arsenal its anti-WENGER. We are no longer confident in his ability as a manager he has lost the plot mentality and needs to go maybe to a old peoples home. Time to move on and bring in a man that knows what 21st centuary football is all about not some gut who is stuck in the early 2000s thinking he can win stuff on the cheap and win stuff with kids, its failed folks and you may ask whats my evidence that it has failed well 8 years going on 9 years without a trophy is evidence enough.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 18:31 #38613

    declan burke, yes we're the club to be at now with a perfect manager at the helm for any player/players with no ambition and aren't to bothered about bettering themselves, and as we can see they're proving hard to come by as there's not to many of them about, apart for one we already have who's been welcomed back into the fold and fits that category perfectly.

  18. Goongoonergone

    Aug 31, 2013, 18:28 #38612

    Can all you AKBs on this site continue spraying the same cream on Wenger's you-know-what and continue doing what you do best. Licking is a great past-time for you. It helps you stop thinking.

  19. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 31, 2013, 17:22 #38609

    JAMIE says: "take the money away from Mourinho, Pellegrini, AVB and Rodgers and they just stand their clueless". I say: "GIVE the money to Wenger and he just stands there clueless".

  20. Wenger is the Daddy

    Aug 31, 2013, 16:34 #38606

    Proper fans will make it happen Declan, not Burke's like you.

  21. declan burke

    Aug 31, 2013, 16:05 #38605

    35 years a gooner, and as each day passes i can't believe what is happening to our club, I cannot believe how much of a shambles we have become, A club that no longer holds any appeal to any player with any serious ability or ambition, A club which no longer appeals to young up and coming players, a club who let a successful manager seize total and utter control of everything within the club, the board members PAST and PRESENT should be ashamed of what THEY have let develop. Arsenal F.C. is in need of a total revolution, and ONLY THE FANS can make this happen.

  22. Man United Killer

    Aug 31, 2013, 15:10 #38604

    Amos they didn't just raise expectations they also raised the cost of supporting our Arsenal.FACT!

  23. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 15:02 #38602

    Same old Anti Arsenal drivel. Toddle of with your Talk Sport, tabloid, sensationalist, forever the victim's drivel. Real Gooners know the score and we ain't buying it. No other manager can compete with Wenger, take the money away from Mourinho, Pellegrini, AVB and Rodgers and they just stand their clueless. Go and learn your latest anti Wenger catchphrase which changes by the week and don't forget to attend your leaders Adrian Durham's Daily Arsenal brainwashing the clueless seminar.

  24. barloo

    Aug 31, 2013, 14:33 #38601

    Whats happening now is just the result of Wenger delusions and inept managment over the last 3 years. In addition the Board and owner are not Arsenal people and do not really care while the money still rolls in. Its going to get a lot worse just you wait and see......

  25. MARCUS

    Aug 31, 2013, 13:54 #38595

    100% agree with what you have written. I read the article of thbat guy that was bashing folks who where voicing their opinion on the total shambles at arsenal led by the one and only Lord Wenger. I to also said that wenger is the one doing the brainwashing with his great spin that fourth is actually a trophy??????? huh,huh and these muppets actually believe that smh,smh. see for them wenger is their messsiah, their idol he can do no wrong in their eyes what a deluded bunch of folks and AMOS is a great example of what I call a wenger sheep cult lover. He will always support wenger no matter what he does??? It called suicidal behavior and this man is basically signing his own sacking papers, because if we lose 2moro

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 13:34 #38594

    Farcical a word that explains this club and it's manager down to a T. I agree Somak putting in a low bid on purpose to try and get a player on the cheap, instead of pay what the player is worth or the selling club want can certainly be construed as a fake bid, but that's what our manager is now a fake. Yes the biggest brain washer of all is OGL and he has his cult to prove it and as you have pointed out has them all believing everything he says/chants, but as i said before he's been found out now, and been called out, and that really pissed him and his cult off so hence it's all the big bad media's fault for brainwashing everybody against him, because it his HIM he's referring to not the CLUB as he has fans believing. What has been going on at this club the last eight years has produced negativity you've given a few examples but the list is endless the humiliations,players,embarrassments,etc,etc,etc, and it's still happening even as we read this article, but it's all the big bad presses fault and the fans for believing them, NO IT'S NOT, because the fans know the real culprit, because they all haven't been brainwashed.

  27. the dec

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:45 #38591

    Amen to all of this

  28. Canterbury Gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:19 #38588

    @Amos you should try looking at the AMG arguments responses to relative spend arguments. Essentially, the problem is that firstly only a fraction of the available resources are invested and secondly, the Premier League isn't as strong as the employees of Sky make out- plenty of realistic people have acknowledged that the EPL's teams aren't doing well in Europe (not as well as they used to anyway). City spend millions but get through the group stages- expectations are high because of the club's massive turnover and high ticket prices as much as Wenger's early success.

  29. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:12 #38585

    Amos, whatever context you wish to place it in and caveats you wish to emphasise, if you don't think there is a problem with making such a statement and then not spending one single penny, with a manager who has made it quite clear he's not prepared to pay the market rate, then you're making it quite clear where your support is aligned. Indeed your latest comment reads as if Gazidis made it himself. "These are the good times"... "we're in a position to compete" - you're talking about what could be, not the reality of the situation as it is. When is this exercise of power going to start happening then, if not this summer?

  30. Torbay gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:09 #38584

    Decent rebuttal, speaking to supporters of other clubs and reading comments on various web-sites it's clear that other supporters feel 'genuinely' sorry for us because of our lack of activity thus far in this transfer window and hope our illustrious leader stays for as long as possible. Says it all really!


    Aug 31, 2013, 11:58 #38583

    Somak, you are a little naive in your grasp of the situation you profess to know about. Some of your answers to Richard's points actually were a little flimsy. Above all this you were insultingly rude. We can all call each other names. How puerile! Actually I don't realy subscribe to Richard's view either, but am respectful of it. Take away the crassness and venom from your article and I can respect your view too.

  32. N4

    Aug 31, 2013, 11:29 #38581

    Super spot on....although I would add that it is not only Wenger's fault but the board and the yank!!! Not to mention how quiet they are with the fans!!! That I ca't get why don't they come clean or talk to the fans...is it because they've ran out of BS!!!

  33. derek thompson

    Aug 31, 2013, 11:24 #38580

    It's all gloom and doom out here in the real world. Silent Stan's americanisation is worryingly into phase two, the scouting system is in tatters, Gazidis and Law are second raters compared to Levy and the Italian. On the pitch and off the pitch, we could be in trouble. If the Spuds finish fourth this year the ramifications will be more severe than previously predicted.

  34. Amos

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:49 #38578

    I think you need to revisit what Gazidis said about our financial power in its full context Stroud Green Boy but even taking the superficial understanding I don't see where what is happening now is yet inconsistent. We are now, and once the new sponsorship deals kick in, are in better financial shape to compete against clubs that hitherto have been much financially stronger. You don't reach that point by dropping your trousers and paying £18m for Cahill who less than 6 months later is worth less than half that. The poor judgement in that case was that of the selling club not Arsenal. The current negativity is a result of the club raising expectations over the last 16 years or so beyond the levels that had existed for many decades before that. The club is in good shape and though it hasn't won anything for a while is in better shape to continue to compete on an enduring basis than possibly at any other time in its 125 year plus history. There's little to be negative about really. These are the good times.

  35. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:21 #38575

    Amos, so the current negativity has nothing to do with the CEO of the club creating expectation by issuing public statements about AFC's financial firepower, then two weeks into the season the club has spent £0? And on a point of fact, Cahill ended up going for less than our original bid because he had only four months left on his contract when Chelsea bought him. That's how a market works. But again, Wenger reiterated yesterday he'll be sticking to his own valuations ("we will decide still to pay the right price"). If you're happy with the fact this means our club have no chance of competing with a manager who has this attitude, then you're placing your support of him above that of the club.

  36. Richard Morgan

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:17 #38574

    Well it is clear where you stand but where is the debate. I will start with the Suarez bid as it is easiest, the bid as we all know was supposed to trigger a release clause which was not there and it was the second bid we had tabled the other being smaller. Liverpool had made it quite clear they were not willing to sell to us after that. Now the Higuain deal a bit harder but if its correct we had agreed a fee and then Madrid upped the ante now rightly or wrongly declined to play that game, I can see wengers point if you agree to the new price what stops Madrid upping the price again. I do wonder though how much Wenger cut his nose off to spite his face in this case. Cahill went to Chelsea for roughly what we offered. The cabaye one again is cabay worth four times more than Newcastle paid for him no is the simple answer. Now gustavo didn't come here now one he wanted to stay in Germany and two he was guaranteed starter a Wolfsburg he wasn't necessarily with us. Have these bids been fake no they haven't . You talk about market prices and Wenger being the one out of touch but surely it's the market that's out of touch with reality when and where is bale worth 86 million pounds on that figuring messi a truly world class player is in 130 million range or more which is stupid, even platinisation has said transfer fees are stupid and are about making agents fees and club owners rich and would love fia to step in and deal with that issue. He has never said fourth is a trophy he has said fourth is important for champions league qualification and has placed that above the cups now technically from a purely financial prospective this is right by getting to group stage a team can earn more than they do for winning the fa or league cup outright soon a financial side fourth would be more important. Remember those sixteen years of top flight European football has brought in plenty of cash and has helped keep our balances looking good. Now I would like to see a trophy lifted again but I still believe European football and cl is a must. Now you deride flamini now we can't assess what shape he is in and whether or not he is any good to we see him play. One thing though we have lost arteta and wilshere Ramsey and rosicky can't play 90 mins twice weekly or more for a whole season so he is a useful squad addition in that sense he has premier league experience knows the way we play and that helps and he also can cover at full back so three positions covered by one player and he cost 0 meaning more money available for more urgent areas. I will say if Wenger fails to sign any other player and I don't mean a 40 million marquee signing and we finish the season out of top four then Wenger has to go.

  37. The Pimp in the Box

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:17 #38573

    You have a right to vent and some of your argument is good, However..... Fake Bids, I agree with you that the only information you get are from the tabloids, and most of those stories were spun by player agents, telling the papers that the player is wanting to leave the club, and they would lie and say they had contact with Arsenal, Chelsea, PSG, or Napoli to name a few. Arsene only admitted to making a bid for Suarez, Suarez got his agent to contact Arsenal and tell them about the £40m bid to release him to get Real Madrid's attention, and Arsenal took the bait, yes he didn't say anything about Higuain until later, as for Luiz Gustavo, that is a mystery, Arsenal made a bigger bid, promised him a starting position, and offered him more money to play at the Emirates, he goes to his Brazil friendly, speaks with his coach Scolari(Former chelsea manager btw) and he decides he wants to stay in germany and play for Wolfsburg. Our current transfer window has been dominated by agent talk and tabloid speculation. Most coaches do go after the free out of contract players first at the start of the window, then dither and give trials and sign a player here and there, Arsene's priority to check and see if the Academy members can play well enough to promote them to the senior side as was the case with Chuba Akpom, Serge Gnarby, and Chuks Anebe, and the team was on a strong winning streak. His next priority was to beat Fenerbahce, which many negative arsenal fans and haters said we weren't going to be able to do in Istanbul, and AFC came away with a 3-0 victory, and a 2-0 win at home making to the group stage in a well balanced grouop, i heard the english say we have no chance of advancing, the Italians are saying the same thing about Napoli, and the Dortmund fan were hoping to play in a group with Porto or Benfica, they wanted to avoid Arsenal, they know how strong Arsenal can be if their backs are to the wall. 2-0 at the Allianz vs. Bayern Munich scared them, no other team beat munich at their home all year. The Squad is strong, and i agree it's not championship strong, but strong enough to still qualify, you say that Arsenal celebrated 4th as a trophy, NO, they were celebrating being better than Tottenham by a single point in the campaign, to be able to say with a shout that NORTH LONDON IS RED! February they were 12 pts behind Tottenham, and AVB ends up saying we were on a downward spiral, and what happen, we kept winning, they kept dropping points by losing or drawing. as for what you say about Flamini, let's look at his entire history, he signed for Arsenal on a free from Olympique Marseille, he leaves Arsenal on a free, and returns to Arsenal on a free, Flamini didn't like the idea of being sold to another club, he had some weird idea that being sold from one club to another was akin to slavery, therefore decides to complete his contracts. Brainwashed, The media is stupid, they don't know what goes on at Ashburton Grove or at the Shenley Training Centre near London Colney, all they can do is speculate, and listen to agents, they give more attention to Arsenal's lack of signings, but not on Manchester United's lack of signings or snubs by Thiago Alcantara, and by Everton over Felliani. you want someone to name 4-5 academy players who made the senior team, okay, there's Kieran Gibbs, Frimpong, Jack Wilshere, and Szczesny, others like Benik Afobe, Serge Gnarby, Thomas Eisfield and Chuba Akpom will get their call up to the senior squad soon. you are people with little to no patience at this time, how many clubs are able to stay consistant while paying off a huge stadium debt, not many, Liverpool is falling deep in debt, and you can see how they're falling down toward midtable obscurity, they want a new stadium, but can't afford it, because the owner is paying his own stadium debt for the New Fenway park in Boston. Tottenham fans want a new stadium and with the rising cost of construction, they'll be having to pay off theirs in a lot longer time than it's taking Arsenal if they've gotten start on the project, and they won't be able to do it, the same way that Arsene did to stay competition during the leans year, if they go ahead with building their new egg stadium. Negativity, You talk about Arsene being unable to compete for trophies in the past 8 years, Arsenal made the finals of the Champions League, and twice made the finals of the League cup, in the last 5 years, Arsenal made the Semifinals of the Champions league and the quarterfinals of the Champions league, 3 out of those last 5 times they made the Elite 8 of European football and that isn't enough for some fans who think that the club isn't strong anymore, Liverpool hasn't qualified for the Champions League for 3 years in a row. Fans were quick to get mad over a loss to Aston Villa, a game where i can't understand how a referee would wave play on, over an obvious foul, then calls a penalty immediately after the shot went wide. Yes, we lost to Villa who was nearly relegated, you were expecting Aston Villa not to make improvements over the summer to avoid relegation again. Villa stayed home and played friendlies in England, while Arsenal had to travel to Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Finland. you go on holiday to those countries, and tell me you are not going to come home tired from the journey. As for what you say about Real Madrid, the Real Madrid job is a poisoned chalice, many coaches don't last long there, Fabio Capello won La Liga, but was fired for allowing David Beckham, their cash cow, to go to L.A. Galaxy, Manuel Pellegrini was fired for not winning La Liga, Jose Mourinho and Vincent de la Bosque were lucky to last 3 years there, no coach can deal with the number of Egos in that locker room, the only other team that can rival them in egos is the Miami Heat Basketball team(Lebron James, Chris Bosh and Dwight Howard each make at least £40m/yr, RM C. Ronaldo makes £15m/yr)you make the false claim that Arsenal finished 4th year after year, since the last time they won the Premiership, Arsenal finished 2nd, 4th, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th. all i see is that the team has been trading 3rd and 4th with Liverpool for the first 3 years after they were second to Chelsea, then ended being 4th on odd numbered years, and 3rd on even numbered years while paying off a stadium debt, don't believe me, check the records. 4th year after year, my foot, it was 3rd, then 4th back to 3rd year after year. You talk about the players he attracted to join the club after they got into the champions league group stage in the past 8 years, Arsenal was on a tight wage budget, who did they get that you are not mentioning that are good, Walcott, Podolski, Giroud, Ramsey, and Cazorla to name a few. Podolski got himself injured to get Arsenal in the group stages, what do the nega-fans do, curse Wenger for lack of coverage, but they don't say thank you to Podolski for what he tried to do for the club or send him a get well card. In terms of the transfer window, i'll reserve judgement until the 2nd of september, as for the NLD, i'm not going to watch, I know Arsenal will win, the two THFC Players who scored for THFC last time it was at the emirates(Bale and Adebayor) are not playing, Tottenham needs time to get their team "Gelling" and my stress level watching that game this early in the season will be 10x highers than any other game, i'd be watching if Arsenal was playing any other team in August/September, and that includes if they play Man. United, Man City, and Chelsea, if you people taught me anything while in the UK, is that you let your hatred for other teams fester like an untreated open wound, other sports in other countries, there would be banter during the game, and then brotherhood after the game is over, but here, the war and the hatred between the fans goes on and on.

  38. Bard

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:08 #38570

    It's not the site that's negative, it merely reflects the dissatisfaction of a section of the fan base. I just can't get my head round the argument that suggests all is well at the club and that we should leave Wenger to get on with it. The team are short on numbers and quality that's been obvious for several years but he hasn't addressed those issues. It's ludicrous to suggest that there is a master plan and it will emerge in the last 2 days of the transfer window, it's a shambles. I fully expect the club to go into full spin mode on Tuesday. Whether the AKBs think the site is too negative is irrelevant. If the club don't beat the Spuds and/or start to slide the atmosphere at the Emirates will be be poisonous and that won't be because of a few disgruntled fans on this site.

  39. Danish Gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:07 #38569

    Perfect Article.Only at Arsenal will 8 years of total and utter Monthy Python like incompetence be rewarded with another contract.

  40. John Gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 9:53 #38565

    Good work Somak. So Spurs have spent all of their Gareth Bale money an then some.... We already had that money from years of selling our best players and our improved commercial deals, yet where are our marquee signings? It seems that by holding onto Bale until Monday, Spurs have been dictating our transfer dealings as well... Imagine being eclipsed and dominated by SPURS in the most crucial transfer window for years... Embarrassing!!! Wenger Out!

  41. Amos

    Aug 31, 2013, 9:14 #38562

    According to the Real chairman Perez Arsenal did not make a bid for Higuain so that's probably closer to the truth than any agent inspired utterance from a member of Higuain's family. So what is the market price for a player? Is that only ever what the selling club demands. How do you know that the £40m offered for Suarez (information that only came from the selling club) wasn't already £5 or £10m more than Wenger valued him at? Liverpool had already said they wouldn't sell at any price so why waste time chasing rainbows. Cahill is a great example of an unrealistic view of the transfer market. We apparently offered £10m for Cahill but were told he wouldn't go for less than £18m. We bought Mertesacker (arguably a much better footballer) for £10m and Cahill was sold the following January for less than the £10m we offered for him - but we should have paid the 'market price' for him at the time? In terms of generating the resources to pay these market prices you imagine we have to accept without negotiation or setting our own value judgements CL qualification is vital and the FAC and CC almost worthless. You are not even in the game if you rely on domestic cups to generate the resources to pay 'market prices'. Negativity comes from supporters expectations. The expectation that, despite what has gone on in football over the last 10 years, it should have been possible for Arsenal to have consistently outperformed ManU, Chelsea and City. If the club is guilty of creating negativity then it is as a consequence of the positive in consistently creating the expectation that we can. Don't bother praying for me because I'm pretty sure that when we do eventually win something you will be one of the many thousands flocking to tell us how you loyally supported the club through these (relatively) barren times.

  42. we need re-inforcements!

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:55 #38560

    A good article. Champagne prices for lemonade football!

  43. More smith

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:48 #38558

    Moan moan moan why don't you just wait and see what we do and stop moaning

  44. Jonathan

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:42 #38554

    A decent counter argument to yesterday though slightly bordering on hysterical. Mind you perhaps that's what mr Wenger has driven him too? Really interesting two articles and for my part I am more swayed by the negative than the positive. I'm loathed to do that as its far easier when your not winning every year to apportion blame but I do believe Wenger has made far too many errors of judgement and appears from the outside to have no restraints set to his role. It's about time that changed. My only other point is the success we had under Wenger was with an introduction of flair, the defence were already established and I will always have my doubts about Wenger defensive coaching.

  45. Stonroy

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:39 #38551

    Finally. Well done, one more year and he will be gone.