From tabloid nonsense to consensus reality

Encouraging a positive approach

From tabloid nonsense to consensus reality

RVP: It was a board decision to cash in

Since the beginning of the pre-season, I am reading very pessimistic articles written by fans who are not satisfied by our transfer window. Even more surprising, more than a third of published articles in August are speaking about cutting Wenger's head or buying the very-very-best players of the richest clubs in the world.

Today however, I was happy to note there was finally a positive article (by Richard Lancaster) pointing out all this negative atmosphere and telling people to calm down. I think Richard is right, we have gone too far in negativeness in many ways.

We do not hear Arsenal supporters sing at home anymore, and when a wild defeat appears, we sadly hear people booing their own team. Every time a team come at the E******s, their fans are giving everything to support their heroes. What about us? The rest of the spectators can barely hear the home fans and even the 5:0 down Turkish fans were more enthusiastic last Tuesday. Our team don't care about people screaming money-spending things, they are expecting support.

Obviously, a big part of the booing was addressed to Wenger, but how could we possibly blame him for the transfer window we're having? Did you expect Wenger to sign the guy who broke our unbeaten record by diving for forty million, or the other one who bites his opponents for fifty? Maybe you thought we would sign players from Real Madrid starting eleven like Özil, Di Maria or Benzema? Did you sincerely think Abramovich would sell Mata after having spent nearly a billion euros for many, many players around Europe and all over the world for ten years?

This is what tabloids want you to believe. They say simple things because they target simple people. They do not care about making sense, they just want to surprise their customers today to make them pay again tomorrow. Then, fans get angry because it doesn't correspond to reality. In recent Online Gooner articles, it's very difficult to understand how tabloids could make such a devastating effect on fan's approach to transfer window. We can see fans complaining about fake bids, brainwashing, or even about Wenger commentating on France matches during international breaks. This tabloid nonsense has gone too far in recent years, so we must come back to reality and stop believing everything we are told.

In the real world, a business of the kind of our football club cannot be managed like a cart in a supermarket. It is about writing a budget for each part of the business. Paying more than £8M more for Suarez corresponds to adding more than 20% to the expected cost, and this increase cannot be accepted by any serious business owner.

It is not about spending a supplementary coin for better cookies, it is about managing a big company employing hundreds of people. All the cash reserves mustn't be used only to strengthen one part of a business, and this is how qualified people run companies nowadays. They do not throw away the money they make through the (transfer?) window. The point is we don't have the financial power to compete with the big spending sides in the transfer window, simply because they can afford to splash out hundreds of millions of euros or pounds to buy football players.

Stop dreaming, we cannot beat these clubs at their own money game. We need another approach, and Wenger's strategy seems to be the one that could work. Building a team and not a sum of individuals led Borussia Dortmund to Champions League final in 2013 starting from just 10 points ahead of relegation in 2008. You could argue Wenger has been trying this "young player formation" approach for a long time without experiencing a lot of success, but the history in Islington has not been the same as in Dortmund latest years.

Since 2010, Nasri, Fàbregas, Clichy, Song, Van Persie and other players left Arsenal for teams offering them a bright future with many trophies and the biggest pot of gold they would ever see in their lives. The manager tried everything to avoid these escapes, but the board was so desperate for money they sold Wenger's years of work to the big spending sides. We must not believe tabloid nonsense about Wenger being the hypocritical banker who makes money for the board's chest. How can we blame Wenger's long-term strategy if everything he produces is given to competitors?

However, it seems a new step has been taken last season with Walcott signing a new deal instead of being the next player on the departure list. You could also see how the club extended the contracts of all the players of the "British core". Notice the changes since our player management failed to handle Nasri and Van Persie contract issues. I am sure the club will not make these mistakes again. Now almost all our key players have long term commitments, and only Sagna and Szczesny are one-year-left threats. Our management will have to handle these two cases wisely in appropriate time, but it will probably be done over the course of the season. We will also not lose any major player this season, and we can be sure Wenger will bring in some quality players before the end of the transfer window.

Why are we Gooners focusing on putting pressure on the team and the manager? Please, write articles about how Ramsey finally shows high class qualities, about how our style changed dramatically regarding the end of last season. Just write about how we could improve the support for home matches. We do not care about tabloids.

Please, just write things about our beloved game: football.

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  1. Croker

    Sep 03, 2013, 23:15 #38770

    Victoria Concordia Crescit (victory comes from harmony). Hopefully Mr Ozil is just the start and Giroud stays fit. When the signing was confirmed it was like that "What's Dennis Bergkamp doing standing next to Bruce Rioch?" moment when I saw the news on TV of that transfer.


    Sep 03, 2013, 22:47 #38768

    Jason B. Enough Gooners will be behind the team, make no mistake. Those who are locked into an agenda will not, sadly for them. This polarisation means there are more walls than bridges. As I said, sad, because we should all be together, no matter what.

  3. Jason B

    Sep 03, 2013, 22:39 #38767

    Well,well,well.Mr. Wenger promised us a surprise on deadline day. And for once he delivered. Must admit, I thought I was hearing things,e.t.c but no messing, we got our man.And ****ing good news too. Welcome to The Arsenal,Mesut Ozil!! Now,please.Can we now put a stop to this witch hunt against Wenger and the board. Because all we are doing is driving people away and giving the media plenty of food and drink. Yes, I still want changes as well at board/management level.We can get changes on the pitch as well by getting behind the team and stop arguing with each other. Come on Gooners, you know we can do it.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 21:09 #38755

    GoonerGoal, all this time, and still waiting bloody ridiculous isn't it? but don't worry mate Jim White is on the case.

  5. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 02, 2013, 20:09 #38751

    "There is no evidence that changing our wage structure would have enabled us to consistently outperform City, Chelsea and ManU over the last 8 years." Again, I never said that. I said it would make us more competitive. You're deliberately exaggerating your opponent's claims in an attempt to discredit them, it's an old trick (which again Wenger uses). A 'socialist' wage structure is a self-evident restriction on buying wanted players and selling unwanted players, if you want to dispute Wenger admitting to exactly that then simple observation of the last few years, and common sense, should tell you that, whatever occasional 'exceptions' you wish to emphasise. And you're right '"Al's for the best in the best of all possible world's" doesn't make sense. However, what I said was "All's for the best in the best of all possible world's" which you should be able to work out if you read it a few times over.

  6. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 19:49 #38749

    I don't think Wenger has admitted any such thing SGRB. He defended it earlier this year while admitting that new resources would enable them to make more exceptions where warranted. Though as he pointed out at the time there have always been exceptions at to that extent has always been merit based but based on talent rather than celebrity. It was never as rigid as is sometimes made out as Gazidis explained at the AST Q&A. There is no evidence that changing our wage structure would have enabled us to consistently outperform City, Chelsea and ManU over the last 8 years. "Al's for the best in the best of all possible world's?" I'm not sure that even makes sense let alone summarises anything I've said. My only claim is that the club is in great shape and can continue to build on that which in turn allows us to compete on an enduring basis. It is that ability to compete continuously that offers us the best chance of winning something worthwhile eventually.

  7. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 02, 2013, 19:25 #38748

    Have Arsenal spent any money yet? NO! (0 days 03 hours 34 minutes 29 seconds until the transfer window closes...)WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  8. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 02, 2013, 19:08 #38746

    No, Amos, the 'socialist' wage structure making us uncompetitive for top players (and losing top players) is a fact that Wenger himself has admitted, so there I am using 'evidence' where you offer opinion that it wouldn't have made any difference to have altered it. And the argument was never to spend more on wages - god knows, AFC spend enough - rather that the spend was merit based rather than 'socialist'. So you're arguing against a point I never made. And I understand we'd still be 4th highest overall spenders, but I'd argue we'd be more competitive. I would agree with you that 'Players like Cesc and RvP didn't leave primarily for money and wouldn't have stayed if we'd offered them more'. Which rather goes against your 'all's for the best in the best of all possible worlds' view of Arsenal.

  9. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 18:39 #38744

    You quite rightly point out Stroud Green Road Boy that I do no know for certain that a different wage structure might not have produced different results. By the same token it is not possible for you to know either hence your claim that it has made us uncompetitive for top players must be dismissed just as readily. The difference though is that I pointed out that our player budgets (wages plus transfer fees) is the 4th highest in the PL and that even if we had spent our entire reserves we would still have only been 4th highest. It also follows that if we had spent more on wages we would have had less to spend on transfers so that the players you felt wouldn't join us because of wages would still have not been affordable in transfer fees. The players that we lost because of wages - such as Adebayor and Nasri - were on wages that we wouldn't have been able match simply because we paid a few players a few thousand a week less. Players like Cesc and RvP didn't leave primarily for money and wouldn't have stayed if we'd offered them more. Similarly I pointed to the examples of Liverpool and Spurs who had spent more than we had on transfer fees but less on wages being less successful than we have. So while I have used evidenced based argument you have just offered opinion. That's fine - but it's not an argument supported by anything other than opinion.

  10. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 17:23 #38742

    @Amos Ronaldo is part of a team, it's how he relates to the rest (better at United). Chelsea- take that line if you like but it isn't testament to a high standard. In any case I agree with you that with new deals we're in a strong position financially, and Ozil joining is testament to that fact. I'll leave it there.

  11. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 16:56 #38741

    Sorry Canterbury Gooner. I'd confused you with another poster elsewhere. I'm not sure that the days of Ronaldo are all that relevant especially as he hasn't made a CL final appearance since he left England. Sounds a bit of a weak point that. Chelsea didn't play the most compelling football but they aren't unique in winning the CL playing that way in almost any era of the competition. Just for the record I'm not overly fussed whether Wenger stays or goes. It makes sense to me if he were to stay around for a couple of years longer but the reality is that the club is in such good shape and on such a sound footing that it is probably easier to replace him now than at any time in the last 15 years. The AKB slur is just a straw man argument used by those who can not reinforce their case with logic or evidence based points.

  12. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 02, 2013, 16:53 #38740

    Amos, the 'if we'd done things differently it wouldn't have made any diference anyway' argument doesn't wash. You don't know that. Nor does simply dismissing rather than engaging with counter-arguments - many of which you admit you haven't even read. Here I feel you take your cue from Wenger. The wage structure has made AFC uncompetitive for top players up to now, thus is highly relevant. The rising share price coupled with his lack of investment serves as an indicator of the owner's ambitions - also highly relevant. Clearly at some point in the past you decided it makes you a better, more loyal supporter to spin whatever words or (in)actions those with power at the club take - however obviously incompetent, self-contradictory or outright lie - as if they are part of some sort of masterplan, e.g. your defence of a summer which as we speak Wenger is desperately trying to rescue in its dying hours, albeit you do it more articulately than most of your fellow cultists.

  13. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 15:59 #38738

    @Amos I haven't moved to Cornwall since our last exchange but anyway, you've compared it to the other leagues when the issue is the previous strength of the Premier League. For the last two, Chelsea's was a complete anti-football, unjust route, and United did not come up against the top competition until the final. I said after Ronaldo but you chose to ignore that. Another AKB cultist more interested in the manager than the club- you're hardly alone sadly.


    Sep 02, 2013, 15:24 #38734

    Amos I take my hat off to you. I would even take Arsene Wenger's Magic Hat off to you if I could. To coin a phrase in the Gooner fanzine, 'Well Played!'

  15. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 14:12 #38727

    I'm not sure that the CL is that good an indicator of relevant strength Cornish Gooner but if it is then the English League has been represented in more finals over the last 5 years than anyother apart from the Bundesliga - and that largely because of the commercial strength (currently dwarfing ours) of Bayern. As for Arsenal progressing beyond the last 16 - it is worth bearing in mind that we went out in the last 16 to the eventual winners in 2 of the last 3 years.

  16. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 13:47 #38726

    I can't say I have read all of the cliched arguments that you have summarised Stroud Green Boy but they are pretty universal. They don't take full account of the wider factors that have influenced our ability to compete over the last 8 years or so whether the financial distortions of City and Chelsea or the effect of the changes in player contract law over 2005 and 2008 which made it harder for a club like ours to retain key players. Whether we our wage structure was ideal or not I don't think matters. It is difficult to see what it would have changed. If we had reduced our wages and increased the amount we had spent on transfer fees we would still have had the 4th highest player budget in the PL and lagged some distance behind the clubs that usually finished above us - though it is also worth bearing in mind that we have finished 3rd in 3 of the last 6 seasons. We can look to 'pool and Spurs for some guidance as to how successful a bias towards higher transfer fees and lower wages has been. The share price of the club is irrelevant other than showing that the directors are making the club sound and stable. It's a positive sign not a negative. These are the good times!

  17. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 13:33 #38725

    @Amos the most important point is that looking at the Champions League record of English teams in the last few years, it simply doesn't compare to the era where United had Ronaldo, Chelsea could match Barca, Arsenal could progress past the first 16. The league isn't as strong as it used to be, we wouldn't have to invest as much as City to finish top of the league- they can't even get out of the group stages in the CL. As for total investment of resources- the point is we leave too many gaps in the team. Wenger gets most of a team cheap, but doesn't spend to finish the job. That is the problem.

  18. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 02, 2013, 13:28 #38724

    Amos, I realise you think you're operating on a higher plane of understanding than us malcontents but if you looked back through the articles and comments on this site you'd realise the wider context you speak of has been taken account of over and over again - the criticisms remain valid. Hoarding cash in the bank and overpaying young and mediocre players is not sensible and pragmatic, from a footballing perspective. However, Kroenke's share price does keep rising. If you're happy to invest in the club through tickets and merchandise and not see that money reinvested in the playing squad, then that's your prerogative, but one definition of such a person is a mug. And this I can assure you of: The barren times are not going to end under this manager. So I expect to hear you admitting you were wrong when that day comes, but then again I suspect from the way you write that you work at the club.

  19. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 13:04 #38723

    If you have answered the points I have made Canterbury gooner then I haven't seen your answer. For the same reason I'm not able to respond to whatever counter argument you have made. Incidentally, just to add to the points I made in my earlier post I guess it is understood that even if we had spent out entire cash reserves we would still not have spent as much as City, Cheksea and ManU. In all probability we would have achieved no more than we did but would have made ourselves poorer in the process.

  20. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 13:02 #38722

    *You are moronic to claim... *It is actually...

  21. CharlieGeorge1971

    Sep 02, 2013, 12:45 #38721

    "Did you expect Wenger to sign the guy who broke our unbeaten record by diving for forty million, or the other one who bites his opponents for fifty?" Er .. no, actually, as I recall these two hair-brained ideas came from Wenger, not from the fans or media. I just expected him to use the club's resources to strengthen the squad. But apparently, there weren't any good enough players anywhere in the world at reasonable prices.

  22. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 12:44 #38720

    @Amos why don't you try addressing my arguments then? I've already dealt with the points you've repeated- they've been dealt with numerous times by different posters on here. You're moronic claim that you belong to those who "are more understanding of what has gone on, and the wider footballing environment the club has operated in over the last 10 years or so" is actually a point against you since you've failed to so much as attempt to understand the point against your position.

  23. CanadaGooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 12:32 #38719

    @ Pierre Walch - Matey, the 5 - 0 turkish fans you refer to have not seen their team go from being INVINCIBLE to 9 years of winnign nothing and empty promises. I'm sure Fenerbache havent gone 9 seasons without a trophy. If Arsenal management start telling the truth about what's going on at the club, and why we sold 5 or 6 of our best players in the last 3 years, only to bring in Silvertre, Squillaci and free transfers, perhaps the fans will start singing like the Fenerbache fans (win or lose).

  24. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 12:29 #38718

    Arsenal still have the resources to use Stroud Green Boy. If they had used them chasing rainbows as 'pool and spurs have done we wouldn't be having this argument. At the same time you should keep in mind that Arsenal have the 4th highest spending on player budgets (transfer fees plus wages) in the PL. Only City, Chelsea and ManU spend more. You can try to argue that we would have had more success than City, Chelsea or ManU if we had spent more on transfer fees and less on wages but you would have to ask yourself how successful that has been for those clubs like 'pool and Spurs who have done just that. Frustrating as it is for the 'spend some effing money' brigade what the club has been doing is absolutely right and increasing commercial revenues should ensure that they can do so while still retaining reasonably healthy resources. It's a strength not a weakness.

  25. CanadaGooner

    Sep 02, 2013, 12:16 #38717

    Congratulations to the manager and team for beating Tottenham yesterday. But that isnt a trophy, and the RELIEF that enveloped the whole club after the final whistle tells it all. After losing to Villa at home, you never know what's next. We should be beating Tottenham at the Emirates anyway. That said, Ozil is the latest in the long line of the phoney links to Arsenal. How about just going out there and buying players as opposed to all the pandering to the press!! We should be looking for trophies not top 4

  26. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 02, 2013, 11:55 #38716

    Amos, a manager who doesn't utilise the resources at his disposal isn't going to help the club realise its objectives either, but of course you're too 'loyal and supportive' to point that out, aren't you.

  27. Amos

    Sep 02, 2013, 11:32 #38715

    In the current atmosphere surrounding the club it is difficult to write anything positive and expect to have many supporters willing to say 'you may have a point there'. The discontents are always going to be more vocal than those that are more understanding of what has gone on, and the wider footballing environment the club has operated in over the last 10 years or so. The current level of negativity surrounding the club, such has become the norm in the Online Groaner much of which is formed from under informed or ill considered opinion, isn't going to help the club realise its objectives but the malcontents will remain unhappy until their support is validated with a trophy. At that time of course all that we will hear from those same supporters is how loyal and supportive of the club they were in the barren times. Until that time the club has to continue to act sensibly and pragmatically as retaining the ability to compete on an enduring basis is what offers the best chance of achieving success.

  28. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 02, 2013, 11:00 #38713

    Good Grief! Let me guess, as long as the roots are not severed, all is well, and all will be well in the garden. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter, and then we get spring and summer again. I find it hard to reconcile that there can still be people who having sat through the past 8 years, still believe in this Chauncey Gardener/Arsene Wenger mentality when applied to some thing that is supposed to be a FOOTBALL CLUB! WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  29. Colonel Mustard

    Sep 02, 2013, 10:14 #38711

    of course just written on top of a win...

  30. Gooner Fan

    Sep 02, 2013, 2:15 #38710

    Arsenal centrist? More like Wenger's right hand man. If you did your research, Fabregas said this "without him (Wenger) I would not be a Barca player now, he convinced the owners of Arsenal, who would not sell under any circumstances, to lower the price". Sounds to like that Wenger had the go ahead to sell Cesc. You Wenger apologists stop pretending Wenger has no power when in comes to transfers. There's an interview of Wenger in the Daily Mail about how he's against having a director of football in the club, because it's the manager that should have the decision on who comes in and out of the club because it's the manager the one responsible for the team. It's funny how when things goes well, you praise Wenger to high heaven, but when it doesn't it's always someone else but him. Anyway, it's great beating the spuds. But for Arsenal to be competitive for titles and compete against the likes of the Manchester clubs and chelski (I don't consider the spuds to be serious contenders despite what they say), we need to spend on quality players we need like a striker, winger and DM and not another attacking midfielder, which we got plenty of.

  31. ppp

    Sep 02, 2013, 1:43 #38709

    Excellent article but I don't agree Wenger can't be blamed for not spending this summer. The board made a public statement that we had the money to spend on transfers. So it's definitely been Wenger's decision not to. You have to hope he's got something lined up for tomorrow. The win against Spurs was terrific but will feel a bit hollow if we don't improve the squad quite significantly on Monday. This is a really good side he's got but without help they will not make it through the season - not even close - today we ended up with 4 full backs on the pitch playing a variety of positions. The bench had nothing to give and it needs sorting!

  32. John Gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 23:41 #38708

    Pierre, after reading your caveat/apology comment, I take back some of my initial censure. I appreciate that you are an optimist and I respect the fact that you care enough to write an article and contribute. I wish some others would follow your example rather than filling the comment pages with self obsessed claptrap.

  33. John Gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 23:22 #38707

    Clap clap, congratulations, you are the biggest Wenger apologist to have written an article for the online gooner, possibly ever! You are totally wrong, but more than that, infuriatingly ignorant. You skim over so much, and simplify things down to the basest level. I really hope no more people waste their time reading this drivel. I can't wait for the AKB nonsense to kick off tomorrow after we scraped past the spuds.


    Sep 01, 2013, 21:30 #38705

    Pierre, what a very humble comment. I think your article was clear enough, but your rider just made it a little clearer. Mind you, not as humble as the lads down the Lane must be feeling right now. What a lovely result, what a nice day.

  35. Westlower

    Sep 01, 2013, 19:47 #38704

    Show me a club whose fans try to influence what happens on the playing field and I'll show you a circus with management & players jumping through hoops in an attempt to appease demanding fans(e.g Newcastle United). Supporters should keep it simple, get behind the team the manager selects and leave your media driven anxiety at home.

  36. Pierre

    Sep 01, 2013, 19:43 #38703

    Thanks for the feedback for my very first article, I am glad to get so many answers. After reading all your comments, it seems you understood my message as an AKB support to Wenger. And it wasn't. However, it seems I've not been clear enough on some points, so here are explanations. I am not defending every single decision Wenger makes. This article is not supposed to excuse anything for the manager or the board. I totally agree with you on many points. Among them: excellence of away support, bad wages management, (very) high prices for seats, Bendtner/Denilson/... cases, lack of ambition and incapacity to bring in top players. The article was written with its positive blindness (that's probably why Ted wrote a parody about it) because I'm really tired of this gloomy transfer window atmosphere. I'm also sorry I failed to express my thoughts correctly when writing "we can be certain he will buy" at the end of the article. What I meant is that Wenger needs to buy before the end of the transfer window because we are short regarding numbers. I also wasn't targeting you when writing "simple people". I know you are football lovers and everyone of you wants the best for Arsenal FC. The problem is the tabloids are taking more and more space in football and we're not speaking about actual football during the transfer window anymore. I call me "centrist" because I am from the ones who want to read articles about football. I would like to see more constructive pieces like "Mind the gaps". I don't care about the "AKB" vs "Wenger out" fight, it's not about the game. Unfortunately, I shot on the wrong targets and made many mistakes in my article (as you know, it's my first one). I'm sorry for that but I hope my real message has been heard. I'm desperate to read more about actual football in the next weeks. Again, thanks for your great feedback !


    Sep 01, 2013, 16:29 #38701

    Thanks for the advice underachiever, but I shall keep on selling it, you may just buy one day.

  38. Rob

    Sep 01, 2013, 15:41 #38700

    Sorry Pierre, but I think you've fallen hook, line and sinker for Wenger's media brainwashing nonsense. Not everyone is simple. Many of us have intelligence and are able to see that this squad needs improving. Intelligent enough to see that we've spent NOTHING apart from bring in free transfers. We're intelligent enough to know that signing Higuain was realistic. We're intelligent enough to look at our bench vs. Sp*rs today and see a painfully thin squad that is crying out for investment. If you can't see the problems that are right in front of your eyes, and have been for several seasons, then I think you should look in the mirror before labeling the rest of us as simpletons.

  39. Letchkov

    Sep 01, 2013, 15:29 #38699

    What utter tosh

  40. DW Thomas

    Sep 01, 2013, 15:06 #38698

    You say they "just want to surprise their customers today to make them pay again tomorrow." That's not the media, that's the club! I cannot believe this "brainwash" stuff coming from Wenger. Yes he gave us fantastic teams long ago, but he has fallen behind and his methods no longer work. Just look at how many trophies he has won in 8 years. We lose great players again and again and still fans fall for his utter bulls..t. One man has the last say and one man should be first out the door for his own failure. I used to think hey, give him one last shot. This transfer window is the final straw for many of us. The club is an utter shambles because we could be a Bayern Munich or Man United like club. One man has held us back. And it could have been so different, even under him! I hate thinking about the last 8 years and all the things he failed to do to get things right with the team. Losing the title in '08 is still to me his biggest failure. Failing to boost the squad then and several times now has prevented the team from really soaring. He will not change and thus he will not win anything again. I didn't quite believe that, but it seems so true now. How can you find success when the truth stares you in the face year after year, yet you ignore it, even after the failures have illuminated the shortcomings? He has been blinded by his own ego and once that path is taken its near impossible to come back to reality.

  41. Mark from Aylesbury

    Sep 01, 2013, 14:17 #38697

    Surely as a man of principle and not one that is primarily pocketing 7m per year. If the board kept on undermining his project he would resign? Don't see much chance of that so one can only deduce that he is doing exactly what he wants and sanctions all sales and purchases. Sorry think this is an apologetic poor old Arsene piece with very little basis in reality. Remember Wenger has said he does not a director if football he wants total control of sale and purchase.

  42. underacheiver

    Sep 01, 2013, 13:36 #38696

    BADARSE, you can save even more energy if you stop posting your pseudo intellectual twaddle in here.

  43. ApolloGooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 13:10 #38695

    Hmmm, it’s all very well people calling for us to rise above the negativity but it’s a shame that whenever anyone attempts to write something positive it involves them being away with the fairies. Sorry Pierre but so much of your article is fantasy not reality and if being positive means writing stuff like this then it pretty much proves there is very little to be positive about that is built on truth. I find this growing suggestion (started by the manager himself, surprise surprise) that we are all taking our cue from what the tabloids say highly patronising. No doubt most of what they write is fabrication but that has been the case for decades and most of us have been ignoring it for decades. What is not fabrication is the fact that Wenger has gone all summer without spending a single penny of the fortune he has had at his disposal on transfer fees. This is negligence of the highest order and totally irresponsible. It is laughable how Pierre defends Wenger by saying ''how could we possibly blame him for the transfer window we're having?'' Seriously are you for real there Pierre? If Wenger cannot find a single player in 3 months that is an improvement on his squad that regularly finishes around 20 points behind the champions, then quite clearly he is not fit to be the Arsenal manager. The one thing I don't disagree with Pierre on is that Wenger’s strategy is one that could work - Dortmund have proved this. The problem is that Wenger himself is NOT capable of making it work. We need someone else to come in if we want to make it succeed. Wenger just isn’t good enough at coaching, motivating, disciplining or organising players to have success the way he wants to. And he isn't ruthless enough. Wenger simple must go at the end of this season! His presence is detrimental and he is holding us back. His position used to be something worth debating but anyone still defending has lost all credibility in my eyes.


    Sep 01, 2013, 12:47 #38694

    StroudGRB. I am fully supportive of your stance, in essence I just disagree in small areas, which leads me down a different pathway. I have stood alone for principles all my life, though gratefully not alone on all occasions. Yet,even then I was usually in a persecuted minority. I am an atheist. That is an imaginary cross I bare. Politically, I am so far left wing that I am in the first row of spectators. I am a vegetarian too. Not an area of discourse? Not so much now but twenty years ago I had to stand and defend the line. I am anti-racist, I stood up and spoke out in a pub once (proud of me Titi?)A feminist, though heterosexual have been to Gay Prides,(was in Dublin for this year). Ran to raise money for CND, and been on innumerable demonstrations; and I go to sit at the feet of Tony Benn whenever I can. Love Mark Thomas and Iraq was 'not in my name'. I still refer to the 'conflict' in '82 as the war for Las Malvinas. It was obvious that I would support a team that everybody and his dad hated, it kind of fits. Have given a lot away here chum, but felt you deserved an explanation. Despite the 'change' you demand, we clearly both want the best for 'our' Arsenal. Oh, and I still enjoy reading your posts. If only others were as respectful.

  45. N4

    Sep 01, 2013, 12:35 #38693

    In case you missed yesterday's quote. Wenger himself said yesterday that he controls who and what players come in and even about their value. He also stated that he refused to pay the market price!!! I get the feeling that people like you are scared...a bit like a believer in a religion and believe that there is the one but are scared that in case they found out that there isn't the one. All these years they have been thinking or believing into something that didn't exist and worry to feel like a fool! So make up your own conclusion...for I have seen enough at this club!

  46. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 01, 2013, 12:24 #38691

    Badarse, thank you for your words, though it's a bit of shame to discover we're still in opposing camps after a summer in which Wenger has been so badly exposed. And yes, I'm aware you think it doesn't make any difference what we as mere fans / customers think of Modern Arsenal, but personally don't see it as then following that we must be supportive of the current manager. As with bigger, more important issues, there is still value in individuals taking a stance.

  47. jjetplane

    Sep 01, 2013, 12:12 #38689

    Simon have you changed name. Scanned the title - binned.


    Sep 01, 2013, 12:02 #38688

    @StroudGRB. We are in opposing camps as you know, sadly, as I have said before that I am deeply impressed with your reasoning and ability to put your case. I disagree with fundamentals, but we have covered that and I have vowed not to waste energy on that again. On a point of principle I come out decidedly in your favour, that of using the term centrist. It is a weak, though often describable term I think, yet no opponent can claim to both be on the side and also in the centre, unless they are a sub-atomic particle. As a lover of English it also affects me as a horrid-sounding word. Wow, what a complex individual, and you think you have just Arsene Wenger to worry about.

  49. adelaide gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 11:26 #38686

    Pierre, It's not Pierre Wenger is it? Surely only a devout AKB or a family member of Arsene's could pencil such tripe. This is the first blog I've read of yours and it's certainly the last.

  50. Torbay gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 11:21 #38685

    Ted, loved your post I laughed my head off.

  51. Lance

    Sep 01, 2013, 11:15 #38684

    Two points: 1. You say we can't compete financially with the big clubs. Why, therefore, did Ivan Gazidis say we could? Was he lying or is he just a cretin? Neither of those explanations is especially palatable as far as I'm concerned. 2. The club won't pay over the odds for players, yet they expect the fans to pay over the odds for tickets. If you want people to be more positive about the state of affairs, you need to address these issues. Over to you ...

  52. Wombledin

    Sep 01, 2013, 11:03 #38683

    Thanks Mrs Kroenke.

  53. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:52 #38680

    Pierre; you ask - - - - - "Why are we Gooners focusing on putting pressure on the team and the manager?" - - - - - I'll tell you why mate - because they live in a bubble whilst charging the highest prices in World football to watch a sub-standard product. Added to that, they lie to us (£70 million . . . .) and try to spin their product as "super quality". That's why I put pressure on arrogant, selfish, out of touch men like Wenger and Kroenke.

  54. Terry

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:39 #38679

    Ted we let the world best full back at the time leave because we went back on a deal that was agreed.All for £5k a week.And we ended up giving Bendtner Diaby and Denilson £50k a week contracts.And we have offered Sagna our best defender for the last 5 years a one year deal.The Flamini deal sums our club.Our club is run abysmally.As for RVP he turned down £300k a week from City to join Utd.And Ted i remember the 60's and Spurs were a much better team all during the 60's

  55. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:24 #38678

    All of this is just assertion really. The players you mention, with the exception of Song, left the club because they wanted to. The board may have, incidentally, encouraged that, but it's because they wanted to cover up the massive operating losses they would have made (due to the ridiculous wages of the deadwood). It's far more 'negative' to focus on things like Aaron Ramsey having a good few games against weak opposition, or how Walcott signed (just) a three and a half year deal only when he was given £100k a week, despite years of mediocrity, when there's continued failure in a weak league throughout the years because of Wenger's poor coaching and management.

  56. exiled&dangerous

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:22 #38677

    I see the point you're trying to make, Pierre, but consider this: if Wenger really did have his hands tied by the board's approach, he would have said a long time ago "this is not right, I cannot continue under these working conditions, I have no option other than to resign over this." However, the board have also seen fit to make him the highest paid manager in the land. To me, this puts him in the same boat as one Nicklas Bendtner - too comfortable to move on, and nobody else wants him. So nothing changes. If it really is wholly the fault of the board, it would take a man of Wenger's stature to make such a gesture to wake them up, wouldn't it? Before you all label me as an AMG, actually, I'm not. But I'm no longer an AKB, either. Anyway, let's mash the sp*ds again, I could do with cheering up.

  57. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:17 #38676

    Just admiring Ted's parody of the Wenger apologists by taking their arguments to preposterous extremes... Cole and RVP were on a downward spiral... Man U and Barca are 'lesser teams'... people who want a change of manager should be violently attacked... hilarious stuff, Ted, I like your approach of making knowingly ridiculous comments.

  58. northbank123

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:09 #38675

    "Obviously, a big part of the booing was addressed to Wenger, but how could we possibly blame him for the transfer window we're having?" What a piece of apologist rubbish - what does the bloke have to do to be blamed by some people?

  59. au revoir wenger

    Sep 01, 2013, 10:07 #38674

    Pierre are you a frenchman? coz you talk the same bollocks as another frenchman i could mention

  60. Ted

    Sep 01, 2013, 9:55 #38673

    Cole, Fabregas, Van Persie . All left for the extra money, also despite what many think, Wenger was always confident about replacing these players and results have proved he has. Cole did the dirty behind Wengers back, Fabregas always loved Barcelona and Van Persie was old and doubling his wages. In fact Wenger has been quoted in saying that Fabregas was the only player he was sad to see leave, the rest were all on a downward spiral. In fact all bar Fabregas would have stayed if the money would have been offered as playing the expansive football at Arsenal is surely more appealing than the more pragmatic of these lesser teams. In fact Jimmy Greaves always said back in the 60's that he would have left Spurs in a flash and joined Arsenal as he was sick of always chasing after balls launched at him from center halfs. Changing the subject to the support as someone who attended Highbury in the 50's I would call for the fans to unite. Back then any trouble or protests were dealt with by the military, normally a few jolly tars, who would have a word if anybody caused trouble and normally knock you over the head if you persisted, it did the trick and those calling for Mr Wengers head should take note.

  61. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 01, 2013, 9:54 #38672

    I do wish people who are vehemently pro-Wenger would not call themselves 'centrists'. You are seeking to excuse and absolve Wenger of any responsibility, that puts you far into the pro-Wenger end of the spectrum, admit that to yourself at least. Your article is also factually incorrect. Wenger himself has made it very clear, time and time again, that he makes all decisions regarding players going in and out, transfer fees and wages. The board do not sell players against his will. It is well known that Ferguson rang Wenger to get RVP, look it up. I'm just amazed that the CEO made it abundantly clear Wenger has the money, Wenger has not spent a single penny on players of any level - not on world class players, not on decent players to strengthen positions in which we're weak, not on squad players - and there are people STILL defending him, in the face of the clear evidence in front of their eyes. It's actually denying reality. Behaving in this way is not supporting your club, it's supporting an individual who is damaging that club.

  62. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Sep 01, 2013, 9:50 #38671

    Yawn. More sanctimonious drivel from one of the manager's acolytes. As soon as he laughably mentions that fans are brainwashed, right on cue, someone will come out with an article which says the same. "Every time a team come at the E******s, their fans are giving everything to support their heroes. What about us?" We have filled the Holloway Bowl with plums since day one, there is hardly ever been any noise and as for "their fans", have you not heard our away support? One of the very best in the country, it happens. Stop whining and start waking up to what is happening. Your deity is a has been, a footballing dinosaur. We wont move on till he's gone and that is a fact.

  63. RDT - 4

    Sep 01, 2013, 9:46 #38670

    If any of the utter nonsense in the article was true, Wenger should've resigned years ago on principle.

  64. Ali

    Sep 01, 2013, 9:44 #38669

    To summarize the article: Wenger has never made any mistake and it is always the fault of other teams, referees, fans and media.

  65. Steve

    Sep 01, 2013, 9:28 #38667

    Cashley Cesc and RVP truly great world class players left because of the lack of ambition at the club.Wilshere and Cazorla wont be there much longer.How must they feel when they see we are signing free transfers like Sanogo and Flamini?Jack and Santi are too good for a club trying to finish just fourth.The modern day footballer is loaded they want medals and trophies to look back on their careers.Why would Rooney Suarez Benzama want to join us.Get real.Wenger says today he would never work with a director of football well tell me what David Dein was then?This season is the 10th anniversary of the Invincibles.Who would have believed it we have finished in the top 2 once since then.I sometimes wonder why we ever moved out of Highbury other than to make £1.5m a game extra.At Highbury we competed we won things we signed great players.Since we moved we havent done that.You can back Wenger all you like but you are backing a loser who will never win us another trophy while he remains at the club

  66. Tunde

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:58 #38666

    OMG!!!! I finally read something that makes sense! Thanks a lot Pierre Walch for putting a lot of thought into your article. I hope a lot of gunners are reading and thinking. Let us support our team, let's make our home ground a fortress, let's be the 12th man that we are supposed to be! COYG!!!

  67. TrueGooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:52 #38664

    Great article, some people seem to think than we should of spent 50% more than our agreed price for Higuen, and that paying over the asking price will solve all of our problems. Spurs have paid over £100m on five players. Who out of those 5 players did you hear about prior to them buying with the exception of Paulino? Spurs have a habit of buying average players for large sums of money so I wouldn't get too worried of what the tabloids are saying. I do fear for wenger when we play at the emirates though, when fans like a particular accountant shown various times on youtube, thinks that because he can read a companies financial statement; thinks that the reason behind Arsenal's lack of spending is due to lack of will; is simplifying the matter. Teams are reluctant to sell their best players. Were the five players that spurs bought recently essential to their teams in the way Mata, Suarez and Rooney are to theirs? I would say no.....transfers do go to the wire when you go for real quality.

  68. Ted

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:51 #38663

    It's true we do have a lot of sad boo boy fans they're called Wenger Outs, they used to be called Rioch Outs and before that Graham Outs. We also have a lot of great fans who get behind the team whatever. You could understand these whingers if we were not competing at all but glory hunters are what glory hunters are. We could hang them from their codlings around the stadium like the Romans used to do with their traitors but I think human rights would be against that. We'll just have to ignore them and hope they go away.

  69. terry stevens

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:50 #38662

    I really cant agree.Even the article lacks ambition. There is no mention that Wenger has over 100 days to fine tune his squad and hasnt even spent a penny.No mention that Arsenal fans pay one of the highest ticket prices in Europe and are right to expect Marquee signings. The lack of signings in the past correlates to our lack of trophies. Fans read these newspapers in hope. Its only penny pinching Wenger that is holding the club back.Wenger and Gazadis have made our club a second or third class club that no one wants to sign for ......Enough!

  70. Stu889

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:50 #38661

    I have to disagree with your article. The press are not the ones twisting my view of things. I take with a pinch of salt what is said in the press. My view of Arsenal is that Wenger has too much control. He has openly admitted he has the last word on transfers. As a result we will not pay market rates for the players we need. I am not on about the silly money for Bale. But i believe we could have spent money of up to £30m on a player and got someone who would have improved the team. The team have all said they want new signings from Arteta to Wilshire and before that Cesc and Van Persie wanted new signings. They left as none were delivered. We need a change and I believe Wenger should go. I have been convinced of this for 4 years. His promises are empty and I do not believe anything he says now. The club I think is run poorly with the wage policy and the coaching style of its my way only does not benefit us. I agree with 4th will never be enough that Jurgen Kloop would be a good choice as a new manager.

  71. eddie

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:34 #38660

    nice article,i refuse to be brainwash by anyone paying overboard for any player has never secure championship i.e real madred has not won the champions league for a long time,man city has not gone beyound the group stages so i am not being carried away by spending big or not what is the essence of buying a substandard player for 25million to put him on the bench?it deosnt make sense i believe and trust what wenger is doing and know he will be justifield at the end


    Sep 01, 2013, 8:29 #38659

    Thank you Pierre, you presented your case well. George, I admire your style, thanks to you too.

  73. 4th will never be a trophy

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:22 #38658

    Highest ticket prices in the world.3rd richest club in the world.Why should we expect the club to spend more than 1p in the transfer window? Dont blame Wenger.Tell me who signed Chamakh Squillaci,Arshavin,Santos,Park,Gervinho and Sanogo???.Who gave Bendtner Denilson Diaby Djourou long term contracts??? Who tells us 4th is a trophy???The blame for everything that is wrong at Arsenal is Wenger the money has been there this summer to spend.I have read some poor AKB articles but this is the worst.Get Kroenke and Wenger out and get Usmanov and Jurgen Kloop in.This cult of Wenger has to be destroyed

  74. Bard

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:18 #38657

    Coherent but completely baseless. How can you seriously argue that the discontent is a media conspiracy. Its a ridiculous argument. I agree we can't compete financially but if that's the case then the club needs to come clean instead of all the lies and spin. If this is the best the AKB can come up with they need a wake up call. Wenger's a bust flush.

  75. George

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:10 #38655

    @Babandiga, 11 of those 39 trophies were won during the Arsene Wenger Era, that accounts for almost a third of the total number. Did you forget that we had to have 8 lean years and a half billion pound debt to pay off for having that new stadium to create that revenue that Arsenal has now, you think they would get that by staying at Highbury, i am not dissing Highbury, i love that stadium, it was one of the most beautiful, but it couldn't be expanded. Try to think of any other coach who can keep the team in the champions league while trying to pay off a huge debt, look at liverpool, they're now deep in debt since they were taken over first by Hicks and Gillette and now John W. Henry, and they're out of Champions League Contention for 3 years now. Are they attracting marquee signing, no, they're desperately trying to hold on to the only Marquee they have, Luis Suarez. In the case of Liverpool, i say sell Suarez, Daniel Sturridge is picking up the slack for Suarez and don't really need him.

  76. Gooner Daniel

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:04 #38654

    You miss the most fundamental point we sold all are best players to teams that win trophies. That is the measurement of success. As Jack Wilshire made a comment in January 2013 that you want to look back at your career and see how many trophies you won. If Arsenal don't win anything in the next 2 years with him signing a long term deal he will be gone, he is not going to be hanging around. We are a joke in the transfer window, arsenal supporters were told at a Q&A session in June by Gazidis that we would get our transfer targets in early and what had happened nothing. Yet the club has banked my season ticket thank you very much!! Enough is enough we need a sweeping change and it starts with Wenger. If you want to know how much this club has made since the Emirates move compare the Arsenals financial accounts at Highbury with the balance sheet for this year 2013 which will be published in a months time and see how many millions its increased by. Who's paid for that - supporters. Who owns the majority of shares - Kronke. Nice earner if your the owner who does not attend a game. Who's ripping us off then?

  77. Since66

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:03 #38653

    Yes yes yes what a great group of thoughts expressed brilliantly. Tabloids themes include paint someone famous as the villain to grow a long running pantomime. Guess who falls for it and then grows the panto to the masses - those who call selves gooners.

  78. Stevieo

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:01 #38652

    This is a groundbreaking article. It’s now the media’s fault for the bad feeling at the ground? Just when you think the excuses are exhausted, along comes another pearler. So we shouldn’t believe everything we are told? Well you’re right on that score. For the last 5 years the media have been right behind Wenger, telling us how he’s performing miracles and doing the best he can with what he’s got. Total codswallop. Wenger’s been given an easy ride by the press, but they now seem to have woken up to the fact that Wenger is a joke. Yet we are to believe everything in this article are we? The list of players that left was down to the board was it? Quality players carrying the likes of Bendtner, Denilson and Almunia in this ‘long term strategy’ you mention realised they were wasting their time with this set up. And what sort of strategy is waiting a full season to replace outgoing players with free dross. The buck stops with Wenger there, not the board. But you saved the best for last when you tell us that Wenger will bring in quality players? So you slate the tabloids off for saying we’re after quality players, and then in the next breath you say we can be sure Wenger WILL bring in some quality players. So now you’re just being as speculative as the press that you blame for upping expectations. Yes, you are spot on. Don’t believe everything you read. In fact, just have a good laugh at it, like this article.

  79. ross

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:52 #38650

    if it wasn't wenger's decision then he should be uncomfortable with it. And the only way to show your frustration is to simply resign-many coaches has resign because their board has sold their best players-. He hasn't done that and it simply means the decision to cash in was a collective one. So what are you saying??

  80. Babangida

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:40 #38649

    Hey enough of this baseless and meaningless article,what on earth re u trying to insinuate?stop asking us to tolerate Wenger in thick and thin,we didn't owe him that coz he didn't make Arsenal what it is today,Our team is Great even before his arrival,remember Arsenal have total number of 39 trophies?the Fact is that AW is too old to the Job coz according to his Policy signing quality players is a SIN,then let him go,we're tired of his Same old strategy which isn't workable with due respect please#WengerOUT

  81. mos

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:34 #38648

    You don't face fact here.Money rules football. Richest man in Britain is among the directors,get the greedy board out .Man City,Chelsea started after us they're betterthan us

  82. EZ_Gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:29 #38646

    1.) we have almost the same cash reserves as the rest of the league combined. That's not media spin that's independent expert info based on published accounts. 2.) the chief executive came out and said we could now compete with the richest clubs in the world, and we could do things that would excite fans. He did this on cue right at the time season tickets were up for renewal. Arsenal LIE to the fans every year on this, and fans have finally started to vocalise their disapproval. They boo the board and Wenger not the players. 3.) the chief exec said Wenger had new cash revenues available to him and would be able to spend more than in previous seasons. Money spent £0. Profit made £12,000,000 at a time when we've sold or released 12 first team players. Arsenal ticket prices = the most expensive in world football. Trophies won by arsenal in last 8 years = 0. Value for money of arsenal tickets given on pitch success and fan excitement caused by transfer activity = worst value in the league. 4.) your article is an apologists account of failure and pays no attention to the fact that other clubs are buying this summer and buying well. Wenger had total control over player buys and sells. It was him who ratified the sales of pur best players and made it easy for them to leave so don't try and make out he's the poor out upon one when he earns 7m a year to win nothing and was going to get a new contract!!!

  83. Harry Barracuda

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:17 #38645

    Sorry, but even as a supporter of Wenger it's painfully obvious that we are sitting on money the customers have spent and not buying players that the customers want to see. As a business policy, that is a ****ing joke. As of now, we can't sell the boxes, and it won't be long before the club level waiting list has evaporated either. So even from a business perspective, the transfer policy is an utter ****ing joke.

  84. Patrick l

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:09 #38643

    My issue with the situation for the last number of years is the simple, blatant fact that we have been told a number of lines from the club which never come true, and seem designed to be said to give justification for their 'model'. Hiking of ticket prices; illogical wages to players nowhere near the needed quality, and finally, the one that I find the most dumbfounding, the paying of extortionate wages to management. I am no expert but I fail to see how this fits in with this wonderful financial and moral model. I find it embarrassing that some people champion the club as some kind of alternate way that is standing up to an immoral sport. If that's the case, reduce wages and stop making us pay the fortunes per game to watch matches which are becoming more and more tedious. Until then the clubs pr machine needs to stop being so sancamonious

  85. Stonroy

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:04 #38642

    Simple minded article. I'm sorry you're completely wrong, the press didn't corrupt my mind at all I came to my own conclusion and that conclusion is that Wenger doesn't want to win things he wants to keep on consistently nurturing talent (you know the talent that ups and leaves us for a club with serious title aspirations). Where do I get this from you may ask? Take what Wenger said just today..."My ideal squad would be 17 to 18 players and they would be young players, If you have too many in a squad You never have a chance to give a young player an opportunity"... Oh that's very nice. You know what I want to read, I want to read . I need a big squad of seasoned players because I want to win trophies... See what I'm getting at???

  86. Polewalker

    Sep 01, 2013, 6:54 #38641

    Well said...... At last a sensible perspective.........

  87. Bon

    Sep 01, 2013, 6:48 #38640

    Waoo! At last what i have long waited for. This is what i call realism and coming from a true fan.