In Arsene We Trust

Does the W.O.B. protest too much?

In Arsene We Trust

Arsene: No reason we can’t compete for trophies this season

A lot of negativity has been poured out in recent months and years at Arsene Wenger and the board of AFC and this interested onlooker feels it about time some sense of realism was also thrown into the melting pot so to speak.

When Arsene arrived on these shores all the way back in the mid nineties AFC were a club struggling to find any sense of positive identity. If you went further afield than Dover not many a foreign football fan would have even been overly aware of who we were as a club. The name Arsenal would not have been such a household name as it is now that is for sure.

We were based at Highbury and regularly played in front of under capacity attendances. There was no waiting list for season tickets and you could get in for less than £250 a season in some parts of the ground. We were widely renowned for incredibly negative tactics and fairly so as we regularly sat back on 1-0 leads and tired to hang on for dear life against very average sides to say the least. It was dour times and the club were going nowhere fast.

Anyone that can remember as far back as the Bruce Rioch season will remember the wild celebrations that took place on the last day of that season. We managed to turn around a home deficit against relegation fodder Bolton Wanderers into a late 2-1 win which enabled us to compete in next seasons UEFA Cup (now the Europa League).

This was the level we were at ladies and gentlemen. The glory days of the early George Graham era were but a distant memory by the mid-nineties and we were a club in at best stagnation and at worst decline.

When you fast forward to the current day you have a club that is known and recognised world-wide in an instant. A club that has been competing at the top of the European game season in season out for the past 16 years and regularly plays its home games in front of sell-out 60,000+ attendances where the average punter pays in excess of £1000 per season for the privilege of a seat. There is still a sizeable waiting list for season tickets and the amount of math day revenue from corporate ticket and food sales is astronomical.

We have won titles and we have won cups but the legacy of Arsene Wenger is so much more than that. Arsene alone has transformed the way the club are recognised throughout the world. We are known for playing superb technical football the like of which manages to attract a certain type of supporter and player to our club. Would Ozil have signed recently if we were still playing the same way as we were in the mid nineties? Would we have so many overseas fans pay hundreds of pounds per game to make the trip over to the Emirates on match days?

AFC as a club currently stand in a very firm and solid way both on and off the pitch. We are secure for not only years but decades to come with what we have achieved off the field over the last decade. Make no mistake about it the move to the Emirates has been the best achievement of Arsene’s reign. It will go down in history as being far more important than the Invincible season of 2004. We are now setup to move forward at an exceptionally high level without having to rely on handouts from wealthy owners who could walk away from the club at anytime in the future and leave us relying on finding some other sugar daddy to take over ASAP.

As a club we are now in the position where we can not only afford to make a signing in the ilk of Ozil but where we can also attract a player of his quality due to the way we are renowned to play the game we all love to watch. I expect another marquee signing to be made in January and guess what folks we can afford that too.

Looking at the current day squad of players there is no reason whatsoever why we can’t compete for the major trophies this season. If we need to we can make major moves in the January transfer window without the need to look to sell at the same time to balance the books and going forward this can be the new norm.

In every position we have a minimum of two players who can perform the job required well and with one or two additions in January who else has a stronger playing squad than us? A large number of our players are young (under 25) and a large percentage of them are now British which might help in terms of future loyalty and as for the deadwood well there isn’t much fat left on the bone as far as that is concerned.

Everyone can come back bemoaning a lack of recent trophies but ask yourself this. Would you rather be in Liverpool’s position as a club today or ours? They have won a trophy more recently than us but as a club and looking towards the future whose position would you prefer to be in? Surely the obvious answer to this simple question should make people realise that the route we have opted to take as a club in recent years has been the right path to tread not only for the near future but also the long term safety and financial capability of the club we all support.

In my eyes it has been a simple case of a little bit of short term pain for longer term gain and we are now out of the worst part of that transition and into the better times which should just keep getting better and better from now on.

One final point that I wanted to finish on was the abuse for Ivan Gazidis. The simple fact is this guy has been brought on board to have a positive impact on all commercial matters to do with the club. Many people ask ‘what do you do?’ Look at the balance books of the last few seasons, look at the amount of commercial revenue now coming into the club and look at the future deals some of which haven’t even been made public yet and then ask what does he do? The guy has done a fantastic job in increasing revenue both on match days and commercially. This is a big part of why we can make signings like Ozil come off nowadays. Give credit where it is due and stop overhyping events such as one off defeats where everything that can go wrong does go wrong. That is football and that is why we all come back for more, the un-predictability of it all.

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  1. Green Hut

    Oct 01, 2013, 12:09 #39991

    Chris- The 'made up' statement was the one that you requested for clarification, you asked for my interpretation and I gave it to you, sorry if it didn't turn out to be a stick you could beat me with. I could substitute the word 'like' for 'deliberately' if you want, it makes no difference, the whole premise of this debate re Theo Jensen's article was Wenger's priorities (surely from what you say that was the point that Theo Jensen was making, although as I said at the outset, I don't remember the article), not whether he's actually made a profit for the past few years, and I repeat, I disagree that Wenger's sole aim is/was to achieve a zero net spend. How my view that Wenger would be comfortable spending a low/mid percentage of available funds is more extreme I've no idea. Obviously I misunderstood what you were saying about the accounts last night and I retract the 'lie down' and 'straws' comments, but I would cut you more slack if you weren't such an unpleasant poster. Most of your debates quickly descend into pettiness, which you topped off nicely this time by calling me a t*t twice, so thanks for that.

  2. Chris

    Oct 01, 2013, 9:56 #39989

    Fair play, Green Hut, not only can I not communicate but I can't understand myself! You do come up with some rubbish, but better than having to actually defend a completely indefensible position, eh? And you talk of people taking others seriously....Not only that, but you are quoting a statement that was never made and you made up to attempt to cover yourself for not having realised I'd made an obvious syntax error (and then attacking me for completely reversing my position and denying it!). And as I pointed out, that statement is even further more extreme than the original one. It's bleeding obvious that 'being right' is all important to you - well, you're not even making any sense in your last post so probably time for you to go quietly away. There's no point engaging someone who's sole aim is to give out vitriol to assuage their frustrations, anyway.

  3. Green Hut

    Oct 01, 2013, 1:07 #39983

    Chris- No I'm not deliberately misunderstanding you but I think you're misunderstanding yourself. And no you're not the best communicator but we'll give it another try. Firstly, yes I'm well aware, along with everyone else in the country, of Wenger's splendid financial record in the transfer market. Secondly, I didn't say that Wenger had spent a low/mid percentage of the available money over the past 6 years, I said that the statement that he likes to spend a low/mid percentage of what's available was closer to my position than the statement that his sole aim is a zero net spend. In any case my original comment was based on what I believe he would be happy with and was related to longer than the past 6 years, but the fact that he spent nothing doesn't remotely mean that that was his sole aim or instruction at the outset. It's clear big money's been available for some time, but Wenger believes he still has the ability win the big trophies on the cheap. Yes I know he's staying, but I promise I'll keep sniping.

  4. Chris

    Sep 30, 2013, 21:09 #39975

    Green Hut - I'm not sure if you are deliberately misunderstanding me or whether I have totally lost the ability to communicate. So I'll put it another way. Given that in fact Arsenal have made a profit on tranfers every year up until this year (i.e. Wenger had a negative net spend each year) your revised position ("...that I have argued that Wenger has deliberately maintained a similar annual net spend percentage of the resources available, which is closer to my position") is actually more extreme than what I originally said (that you had argued Wenger tried to maintain a zero net spend) - because a negative percentage of any budget would still see Wenger having a negative spend. Unless of course there has never been any money available to him and he had to make a profit each year.... Either way, you have snookered yourself and this has become very petty. So I'll stop now except to point out that if anyone is clutching at straws, it's you if you are still hoping to see the back of Wenger at the end of the season.

  5. Green Hut

    Sep 30, 2013, 19:54 #39971

    Chris- Well yes of course because Arsenal Holdings PLC's pre-tax profit is not the figure we are talking about. The figure we are talking about is the amount of money provided by Kroenke for Arsene Wenger to spend on players. Let go of those straws mate.

  6. Chris

    Sep 30, 2013, 19:12 #39970

    Green Hut - "What I meant was that I read the revised statement as meaning that I have argued that Wenger likes to keep his annual net spending at a similar percentage of the money available (ie low to mid) to suit his agenda." The point is, Green Hut, that we haven't spent any money at all -we had made some each year, up to recently at least. So I can hardly have meant what you suggested, can I?

  7. Green Hut

    Sep 30, 2013, 19:06 #39969

    Chris- What?? I'm talking about the net spend of the money that Kroenke makes available for Wenger to buy players with. You know, the amount that WOBs and AKBs argue about ALL the time. And you thought that would be in the club accounts?? My God, it's worse than I thought, go and have a lie down mate.

  8. Green Hut

    Sep 30, 2013, 18:45 #39967

    Chris- I don't remember the Theo Jensen article but if his sole argument was that Wenger's only aim was to have a zero net spend then I wouldn't have agreed with it, because that's not what I believe. So yes, you are wrong. And as for your request, what I meant was that I read the revised statement as meaning that I have argued that Wenger likes to keep his annual net spending at a similar percentage of the money available (ie low to mid) to suit his agenda. Any more that you REALLY need explaining, please let me know.

  9. Chris

    Sep 30, 2013, 18:38 #39965

    Green Hut - Just checked on Swiss Ramble and, as I had suspected, up to last year, Arsenal hadn't recorded a net spend in at least six years. So being as steeped in the club's accounts as you claim to be, how can the position you rather ambiguously state in 42820 be yours? And how could you have thought I meant that? I'll tell you how - you made a mistake. Just like I did in missing out 'zero' (and not noticing it's absence in your quote).

  10. Chris

    Sep 30, 2013, 17:47 #39963

    Green Hut - No I didn't actually. You'll even notice that I mentioned the infamous article by Theo Jensen, went he spent a few hundred lines convoluting an argument (which he considered virtual proof) that Wenger's sole aim was to have a zero net spend - how can you not have realised that I had made a mistake? Looks more than a bit petty to me. Anyway, my recollection is that you supported his supposition, but I could be wrong - it wouldn't be that suprising. Surely we aren't now aking ourselves so seriously that we get upset because someone else forgets precisely what we thought on a particular issue some time ago? I can understand you getting so tetchy, with the new contract and all that, but no need to take it out on me! As for ambiguity? Well I'm not so clear on what you mean by this: "but I read the revised statement as meaning that I have argued that Wenger has deliberately maintained a similar annual net spend percentage of the resources available, which is closer to my position." So perhaps you can start by clarifying that.

  11. Green Hut

    Sep 30, 2013, 17:28 #39962

    Chris- So even after I repeated the sentence to you and remarked on the discrepancy, you still didn't notice that the most important word was missing? OK Chris we'll leave that one there, but I read the revised statement as meaning that I have argued that Wenger has deliberately maintained a similar annual net spend percentage of the resources available, which is closer to my position. The original point however, is the fact that you accused me of 'arguing for some time that a zero net spend was all important to Wenger'. This simply isn't true, so please get back to me and tell me when and where I said this. And I'm less inclined to take you seriously when you just criticise me for exactly the same things I criticise you for, it's like debating with a parrot. If there is anything in what I've said (either now or in the past) that you feel is ambiguous, please let me know and I will explain it again nice and clearly for you, because as you know, I deal in direct quotes and club accounts, I don't hide behind the unknown like you do. As for your last sentence, well, welcome back The Real Chris.

  12. Chris

    Sep 30, 2013, 15:52 #39952

    Green Hut - one word that I hadn't even noticed was missing! Read what I wrote - it doesn't even make sense without the word 'zero'. You're hardly doing yourself any favours by pretending it wasn't obviously a mistake / typo. I have, recently & until very recently at least, afforded you the courtesy of trying to undertand what you meant even when it was ambiguous, rather than simply pick holes in the words. If you can't do the same, I refer you, once again, to the frist sentence of post 42767.

  13. Green Hut

    Sep 30, 2013, 12:30 #39924

    Chris- 'Zero net spend' on Friday night changed to simply 'net spend' by Saturday morning. One word that changes the argument is missing, can you see which one it is yet? You really don't do yourself any favours when you deny doing something that is there in black and white for all to see.

  14. Chris

    Sep 30, 2013, 10:29 #39909

    Green Hut - with all due respect, you're being a bit of t*t here. I've not changed anything - you're playing with words trying to make out I have! It's not hard to see what I'm saying - it looks like whatever Wenger does it would not be enough for you. Perhaps you should define in advance what net spend you would be happy with? If we had signed Higuain as well as Ozil, and beaten Aston Villa, would you have been happy to suspend judegement for a while? SGRB - I don't know and fortunately it's not my decision. But over all, we cetainly haven't seen anything so far to make me change my mind about him continuing for the timebeing. I can see why they are talking about a new conract - from what we're hearing, Ozil wouldn't have come without Wenger and even Jack has said he'd think about his future if he left. Further top signings might depend on his commitment. I would say that a 3-4 year contract seems premature at this stage but can see why they might be looking at one year..

  15. Marcus for manager

    Sep 29, 2013, 22:24 #39890

    Wenger out. Marcus in.

  16. MARCUS

    Sep 29, 2013, 18:34 #39871


  17. The man who used to engrave the trophies

    Sep 28, 2013, 13:01 #39819

    When I engraved the name 'Arsenal' on to the league title (and the FA Cup) in 1971, it was the 8th time the name appeared on the trophy. More than any other club. Who were this club? Beats me.

  18. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 28, 2013, 11:37 #39816

    So Chris, your position was you'd wait to see what happens this summer before giving your personal judgment on Wenger. It seems the signing of Ozil and the recent run of results has been enough to convince you to defer judgment - but to when? Under what circumstances would you like to see Wenger sign (or not) a new contract? During this season at some point if results continue to be encouraging? Or would you prefer to wait until the very end of the season and see how he's done? If the latter, if the season pans out in a familiar fashion and there is another scramble for fourth, would you then concede it's time to try something else or would you want to see Wenger sign on for more?

  19. Pele

    Sep 28, 2013, 11:33 #39815

    When I was introduced to the crowd at Highbury in 1981 before the Villa match, I had absolutely no idea who Arsenal were. Thankfully Mr Wenger has cleared up any confusion.

  20. Green Hut

    Sep 28, 2013, 11:29 #39814

    Chris- So you're retracting your accusation of me 'arguing for some time that a zero net spend was all important to Wenger', in favour of one of me 'certainly having argued vehemently that Wenger has deliberately maintained a net spend for his own devices'. Thank you for making that distinction. Last night the actual £34.5m figure was arbitrary (which it's not), this morning it's my decision to judge Wenger that is arbitrary (which it's not). Yes of course I COULD criticise Wenger over ANY spend bar the maximum (to use your example 'a net Summer spend of just £54.5m, barely 3/4s'), but I wouldn't, that would be silly. Spending less than half though, all on the last day, and in the Summer that we were all told things were going to be different, is worthy of criticism in my book. I'm afraid you invite me to pick holes when you try to play with words so much, and you don't so much move the goalposts as throw the old set away and plant your own set in the goalmouth, but I'm glad we've got the old Chris back anyway. And from everything we've heard over the last couple of days, Wenger's definitely staying for another 3 soul-destroying years, so you should be happy.

  21. Chris

    Sep 28, 2013, 10:10 #39810

    Green Hut - If I recall correctly, you certainly have argued vehemently that Wenger has deliberately maintained a net spend for his own devices (along with the seemingly-departed Theo Jensen). Nonetheless, the point remains - you are arbritrarily deciding that the realised net spend would clearly have been acceptable to him. My point (which I'm sure you'll underastand of you try to rather than to pick holes) is that you could have said that about any spend ("If it meant a net Summer spend of just £54.5m, Barely 3/4s.." etc). From what I've seen, you won't be happy until the coffers are empty. SGRB - you are being silly again now. I said if he'd spent all the money already he couldn't have bought Ozil. That's indisputable. What has Higuain got to do with it? Personally, I would have liked both Higuain and Ozil and agree they could have both been bought but that doesn't change my point. Finally, my opinion, based as it is on incomplete information, does in fact evolve and involve assessing new information as it comes in. The signing of Ozil was an encouraging sign, albeit the credit it affords Wenger was offset somewhat by other deficiencies in the transfer window. Things aren't black and white - the team is currently doing well and things have moved in the right diection on the transfer front (the team & squad are considerably stronger than a year ago). For that reason, I have not made a definitive judgement on what I think about Wenger's future. What I would like to see is - continued, well-considered, investment in top quality players; continued excellent results on the field (as we have seen so far this calendar year). So far, I am seeing both of these things. If things continue in the same vein, I think Wenger SHOULD get a new contract - although I concede that now might be a bit premature. Where you are being silly is in accusing me of extending a further line of credit to Wenger, when any objecive observer can see that at this time, he is repaying credit, not extending it. Let's not get childish again, gentlemen.

  22. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 28, 2013, 1:43 #39807

    Afraid Green Hut has you there, Chris. You did concede Wenger could have bought Higauin as well as Ozil. So, based on the purchase of Ozil it seems you have decided to extend another line of credit to Wenger. And you've also told us you want to see how he does in next summer's transfer window. Which would mean of course by then he'd signed a new contract, so that's another 3 or 4 years of Wenger. So is that what you want to see then?

  23. west facing cannon

    Sep 28, 2013, 0:16 #39806

    I wonder if The Hove Gooner is old enough to have been at the Goldstone Ground in January 1988 when Arsenal took 9000 fans there for an FA Cup fourth round tie ? Yeah ... right mate, nobody had heard of Arsenal Football Club before 1996 had they ?????

  24. Green Hut

    Sep 27, 2013, 23:28 #39805

    Chris- You obviously remember our previous schoolgirl spats, and you are a worthy adversary, but your last post has been by far your most disappointing. Please tell me where I have ever argued that 'a zero net spend is all important to Wenger'. I have never said that. And the £34.5m figure is hardly arbitrary, it is Wenger's net spend during the year's main transfer window. As for Ozil, fine player that he is, I would much rather have bought Higuain as our striker department certainly needed strengthening, our attacking-midfield department didn't.

  25. Chris

    Sep 27, 2013, 19:42 #39803

    Green Hut - With all due respect, who's moving the goalpoasts now? After arguing for some time that a zero net spend was all important to Wenger, you're now plucking an arbritrary £34.5m out of the air as something that you understood in advance would clearly have been acceptable to Wenger! Your point is, I realise, that he is loathe to spend absolutely everything he could straigthaway. Well if he had done that at the beginning of the window, we wouldn't have ended up with Ozil...

  26. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 27, 2013, 15:16 #39795

    Absolute garbage - you're clearly a JCL who knows nothing of the club's history: Arsenal have had global recognition since the 1930s. Your article shows a total lack of respect for Arsenal FC, its supporters and those who came before AW.

  27. Green Hut

    Sep 27, 2013, 12:17 #39789

    Chris- I certainly wasn't one of those. I have no doubt Wenger was more than happy to spend £42.5m on one player if it meant a net Summer spend of just £34.5m, barely half of the funds available to him. You have already conceded that the money was there for Ozil AND Higuain. There are no excuses, but good luck with your wish, hope we're all still alive to see it come to fruition.

  28. Chris

    Sep 27, 2013, 11:38 #39787

    Green Hut - depends what you mean by changin. Many many folk would have found the idea of Wenger paying 42m for a player totally preposterous only weeks before he did it - maybe minutes before in some cases... If you mean he will continue to strengthen the squad in a piecemeal fashion, then as long as it's with players the calibre of Ozil and we don't start haemorraghing top players again, I'm all for it.

  29. Green Hut

    Sep 27, 2013, 10:47 #39785

    Chris- Oh yes, this summer's pantomime has only increased my desire to see him gone, wouldn't want there to be any confusion about that. As Kroenke said only yesterday, “We’ve always said that there are resources available. There are guys who say that we should push Arsène harder to spend. That’s fair enough – there are always lots of opinions but Arsène is an independent thinker and planner. He works very hard at it and has a wonderful record. He was trained in economics”. Wenger ain't listenin, and he ain't changin.

  30. Jim M

    Sep 27, 2013, 10:08 #39783

    You know, the other night when hanging out with my buddies in the Mojave Desert, sharing Peyote, smoking Marlboro’s and watching mischievous coyote’s taunt the moon with their sarcastic impressions of a morose satellite trapped in an eternal orbit of a greater body – it occurred to me this: Dying 25 years before 1996 means I haven’t a Goddamned idea who Arsenal are. And that sucks, man. This is the end.

  31. Chris

    Sep 27, 2013, 9:55 #39782

    Green Hut - "I desperately don't want him to continue his eternally piecemeal rebuilding of the team beyond the end of this season, it's not neccessary and hasn't been for several years. But I guess that's where we disagree." We don't necessarily disagree - I'm sure the club could have invested more in the playing squad over the past 5 years than they have done, at a financial risk, and I would have liked them to have taken that risk - so in that sense we agree. I also desperately hope Wenger will thoroughly strengthen the squad over the next two windows (next summer probably being more realistic than winter, for all the usual reasons) - so we agree there too. If the possible interpretation that you would like to see the 'eternally piecemeal rebuilding' stop becuase Wenger was removed / left is correct, there we possibly disagree because at the moment, I would probably prefer it to come about by him strengthening throughly rather than him leaving and someone else (who is likely to be wiling & available) doing it. But the priority is definitely the team / squad getting better, by hook or by crook!

  32. Irish Rover

    Sep 27, 2013, 8:27 #39776

    'Jesus' said Paddy, 'Who are the Arsenal?'

  33. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 26, 2013, 23:11 #39772

    Badarse, a final point before I put down my cards - yes Wenger has the desire to win... but not at all costs. It has to be his way or nothing, he's made that clear enough times. He's also the one that's created the '4th is good enough' culture at the club with his '4th place is a trophy' type comments. Let's see if Ozil shifts that culture, but even if he has, the squad, as always, doesn't have the legs to sustain competitiveness over a season. At that I rest.

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 26, 2013, 22:08 #39769

    Ron. they still do it for me mate.

  35. Chris

    Sep 26, 2013, 20:54 #39767

    SGRB - Well if there are, when they start to call themselves 'realists', we really do have trouble...


    Sep 26, 2013, 20:26 #39765

    Ron, it started early to mid 60's I believe. I'm sure I can remember it in around late 64 or early 65, I may be wrong, but it is still shocking isn't it? I can still sing the theme tune, and know the lyrics, how insane is that? and all done in a North Bank falsetto. You go to bed an eighteen years old, and awake an old man...but for that painting in the attic!

  37. Ron

    Sep 26, 2013, 20:14 #39764

    BADARSE - Of course i recall matey as i'm sure the others will too. She was one of my first fantasies mate, and there's been a few. 80. Unreal! when do you reckon, mid to late 60s wasn't it.Must have been. Hot pants used to do it for me!ha


    Sep 26, 2013, 18:53 #39762

    Apologies that this is not football related, but this post is specifically for Seven Kings Gooner, Ron and westlower, plus any other wrinklies out there who remember 'The Beverley Hillbillies'. The young buxom,female star, in the short denim hotpants, celebrated her birthday today. Wait for it...she was 80! Donna Douglas. She played Ellie May, do you still remember guys, or has the dementia kicked in on this one?


    Sep 26, 2013, 18:35 #39761

    S.G.R.B, I think you may be halfway right, which could make me halfway right too. Sounds a bit corny and convenient but flexibility is perhaps the key to a meeting point. Although I was an adherent to the policy of shielding and protecting the Big Guns, I have certainly moved my position. I always want to be a winner, those that know me are aware of this. I am but rational though. It's the ying and the yang of BADARSE at work, ha ha. I want so desperately for Arsenal to succeed, but as mentioned on other occasions success is measured in many ways. Against Chelsea in the next round it must be a stronger combination fielded, than yesterday, and am sure it will be. Possibly even Arsene has the same desire to win, don't you think? The most salient point you make is the marrying-up psychologically of a team striving in the league, but also in tandem with a cup run. I personally, place a lot of store in mental strengths, belief, and habit. So a team winning believes itself to be indomitable, or as the pundits say, 'they've got into the habit of winning'. It can become a powerful mind set. So on this subject, I will lay my king down, and invite you to do the same.

  40. Vradar

    Sep 26, 2013, 18:28 #39760

    Oh look another AKB who thinks we were nothing before Wenger how interesting...not. Wenger did a fantastic job in the first half of his time at the club but for the last 5 years or more has been a shadow of his former self who has been to stubborn to make changes where needed and has time and time again failed to reinforce areas that are needed. The fact that you think we have the strong squad is really laughable, we have a strong first team but outside of that are squad is paper thin with no reliable cover for the likes of Szczesny,Flamini and Giroud. Unless of course you think the likes of Bendtner and Diaby are reliable cover then there really is no hope for you.

  41. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 26, 2013, 17:19 #39756

    Badarse, I agree any of the PL clubs can win one of the domestic trophies, AFC included, and in theory at least they're more capable than most. You point to motivation, this I think is a key point. Look at the final v Brum. You know where I point the finger. Nothing you say goes against my contention that Swansea's cup win served as an illustration of extracting more from less - indeed you don't factor in the resource issue in your comparison. There is no reason why a club with AFC's resources could not go for top 4 AND go all guns blazing for a domestic cup. It is not the either/or it has often been posited as. One could even help the other.


    Sep 26, 2013, 16:58 #39754

    S.G.R.B, a reasonable answer as expected. However any Premier side can win a cup, if they can play well enough, are motivated enough, and have the bounce of the ball. Repeating the feat is virtually unknown. Laudrup had a priority of keeping the Swans in the Premier league and their early season form suggested that would be achieved, beyond that he was largely unfettered. However, Arsenal had to make that dreaded number four spot, which meant both eyes had to remain on the ball for a much longer, and more intense period. We didn't keep focussed on occasions, which in turn made the task more difficult, though it was achieved. That is the reality. After Swansea it was Wigan, and so it goes on. Quite easy to take the winners' hand after success, and hold it aloft as if a point was proven, then when they fail, hold another as if to prove the same point. It's a bit like being the fastest gun in the west, and all comers want a showdown, when a fast draw can sometimes be as fickle as the fortune in a football match.

  43. Bard

    Sep 26, 2013, 16:40 #39753

    Love some of the post WBA comments. Haven't had such a laugh on here for a while. It must be connected with the realisation that after hammering the Albion we are on the road to Wembley where destiny awaits.

  44. WashBelly

    Sep 26, 2013, 16:29 #39752

    Onlinegroaner, bore off

  45. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 26, 2013, 16:21 #39751

    Badarse, I believe winning the League Cup was used as an illustration that Laudrup got more, relatively speaking, out of his infinitely smaller resources than Wenger does. That isn't altered by them going out in this round this year whilst we progress, nor by the fact that we'll finish above them in the league this season.

  46. The Pope

    Sep 26, 2013, 16:09 #39750

    Who's that team they call The Arsenal?


    Sep 26, 2013, 16:08 #39749

    Here is an open question: If Swansea were offered as a stick to beat Arsenal with in winning the League Cup, and Laudrup pushed as a likely replacement for Arsene Wenger, as amongst other qualities it was tacitly suggested he had more tactical nous. Then how comes Swansea, the holders, went out without a whimper, at the first hurdle due to many team changes, a ploy Arsene uses?


    Sep 26, 2013, 15:55 #39748

    @Green Hut, I think the world of you, sorry that I wear my heart on my sleeve, and sometimes my foot in my mouth. I knew what you were saying was cohesive and sensible, and it came with a pop at Arsene, as expected, and yes I know it amuses you, in fact your amusement amuses me too. It's a win, win situation, like Arsenal at the moment! I understand what a champagne socialist is supposed to be, a man I respect and admire has been called it a few times, Stephen Fry. In California they make their own champagne-type wine, and as they are not bound by EU legislation, and don't play fair, they call it champagne. To a man who doesn't care much for white, especially sparkling wine, I think it tastes the same. As I can't do it personally, I shall raise a metaphorical glass to you now, well let's say a flute.

  49. Highbury (aka the old girl)

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:55 #39747

    I saw them win the title 3 years in a row in 1933/34/35, long before Man U or Liverpool ever managed it, and even I hadn't ever heard of Arsenal. So what chance anyone else?

  50. Green Hut

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:40 #39746

    BADARSE- If you receive what you believe is the market rate according to your ability then you should make sure your staff receive the same. That will make it less likely that the more talented ones will want to leave. That's the fairly obvious point I was making, although I'm sure a man as learned and worldly-wise as your good self realised that immediately. In any case, I wasn't remotely having a pop at you, merely a petty, needless dig at Wenger which keep me amused for a couple of minutes. And I certainly wasn't saying that Wenger actually drinks champagne, as this would imply that we actually win trophies.

  51. Peter Marinello

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:38 #39745

    If I had realised this club had history, I would have lived up to my enormous potential, and tried a bit harder, instead of making cringeworthy appearances on TOTP. Basically, all the players from my era spent our time waiting for a foretold messiah to come from the land of Alsace

  52. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:34 #39744

    Chris, I don't think many on your side of the argument are less romantic - there is quite an intense (albeit one sided) romance with Arsene Wenger going on there.

  53. Jeff ('solid and sound') Blockley

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:32 #39743

    Blimey, did we really have history. If id have known, my own performances would have been superlative, ratehr than just exceptional. You ll recall me guys wont you? Ever dependable. An older generations, poor mans Squillacci if you like.

  54. Steve Williams

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:17 #39742

    I'd never heard of Arsenal or their worldwide reputation either, at least not until Wenger arrived. Maybe a few whispers about some guy called Chapman(Lee?) in the 1930s but thats about it. Thats why I left for Luton Town, after all, why stay and play for a club I have never heard of?

  55. Gus Caesar

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:17 #39741

    As Arsene Wenger was still in France in 1988 I too hadn't heard of Arsenal FC and therefore didn't realise I was playing for them - thought it was about time I gave an explanation for my performance.

  56. Joe Worrall

    Sep 26, 2013, 15:00 #39740

    As referee at Wembley on that day in 1988, I have to say, frankly, I grew up scarcely aware of Arsenal FC or any worldwide reputation.

  57. Kingsley Black

    Sep 26, 2013, 14:57 #39739

    A long time ago. Now, I do the best sausages in Majorca! But I can assure you it was all down to Gus Caesar

  58. Brian Stein

    Sep 26, 2013, 14:48 #39738

    @Andrew Dibble and Mark Stein - er, guys. Really?

  59. Chris

    Sep 26, 2013, 14:45 #39737

    SGRB - But I don't find it as grating because my personal belief is that many on 'my' side of the 'argument' are more objective and less 'romantic' in their aspirations and view of where we should be (but I don't have a problem with the other side being romantic at all). However, I'm delighted to see you have popped up to give the other side of the story, and thus balance.

  60. Mark Stein

    Sep 26, 2013, 14:34 #39736

    @Andrew Dibble - Hang on there Dibbler! Slow down mate. It's not always about you.

  61. Andrew Dibble

    Sep 26, 2013, 14:15 #39735

    I think I will take some credit for 1988, and Ashley Grimes of course

  62. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 26, 2013, 13:34 #39734

    'Absolute certainty in their own objectivity' also applies to certain elements in the AKB (if we are to continue with these acronyms) end of the spectrum. Shouldn't a fellow such as yourself, Chris, who professes to strive for balance, also be making reference to this? Us WOBs find this just as grating.

  63. Rob

    Sep 26, 2013, 13:29 #39733

    Sorry 'Hove Gooner', I got as far as this :-' When Arsene arrived on these shores all the way back in the mid nineties AFC were a club struggling to find any sense of positive identity. If you went further afield than Dover not many a foreign football fan would have even been overly aware of who we were as a club. The name Arsenal would not have been such a household name as it is now that is for sure.' and did not bother with the rest. Are you really totally ignorant of Arsenal's history from 1886 to 1996 ? Apparently so. Try reading Jon Spurling's excellent history of Arsenal in London N5 'Highbury'. It really doesn't begin when you think it does. For the record Arsenal had 10 League titles, 5 FA Cups, God knows how many Charity Shields and 2 European trophies before the dear leader emerged. Inspite of having more attempts to change the latter statistic than all other Arsenal Managers put together - he hasn't ! He really hasn't. We were actually excluded from European competition for half of GG's years as were all English teams. I am not suggesting Wenger is a very naughty boy but I have my doubts as to whether he really is the Messiah his more loopy cult followers, are otherwise convinced he is.


    Sep 26, 2013, 13:25 #39732

    @Green Hut, if I'd opened a book on who would respond first to my question you would have been a very short-odds favourite. One thing puzzles me in your explanation. I understand the principal, but how is the managers salary relevant. If it is then I am definitely not one of them, as I don't have a humongous wage. Thanks for the post; as I have said before, and no doubt will again, you never let me down. Ron, thank you again chum, for the well intentioned advice, you are good to have around. Radfordkennedy, hope you are reassured that my initial response to Ron wasn't a pop, it was quite a light-hearted comment-with your moniker I have always aligned myself to you anyway.

  65. Green Hut

    Sep 26, 2013, 13:20 #39731

    Chris- Fair comment, and I'm sure I'm one of the 'some of them' that you refer to, but I think the perceived/projected certainty of WOB members stems from their belief that they are constantly swimming against a tsunami due to the seemingly inexhaustable supply of credit given to Wenger by much of the fanbase since the glory years, irrespective of what's been happening on the pitch in the intervening seasons. I'm sure no-one believes he's 100% responsible for everything that's gone wrong (although I'm sure some believe that nothing's gone wrong at all), I certainly don't, but I desperately don't want him to continue his eternally piecemeal rebuilding of the team beyond the end of this season, it's not neccessary and hasn't been for several years. But I guess that's where we disagree.

  66. Graham Simons

    Sep 26, 2013, 12:07 #39730

    I was there on Sunday and the atmosphere was fantastic. Can we please at least until the end of the season resist referring to each other as AMG/WOB or Wengerites? We're all gooners - let's forget the past and get behind the boys - great things can happen when we do.

  67. Chris

    Sep 26, 2013, 9:39 #39729

    Green Hut - "It seems us malcontents are the true football romantics." I wouldn't disagree with you there. I've always thought the WOB members who termed themselves 'realists' were anything but. Nothing wrong with that, mind. It's just the absolute certainty that (some of them) have in their own objectivity that grates, in the circumstances.

  68. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 26, 2013, 8:46 #39728

    Hove : Read Bernard Joy's book "Forward Arsenal" read it several times and I will ask you questions on it later. Who is Bernard Joy? yes son, and that is your problem, learn the history of our great club and you will find out that we pretty well invented the modern game!

  69. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 26, 2013, 8:32 #39727

    Napoleon Bonaparte. Now there was a guy. Toulon, Austerlitz, Jena, a string of magnificent victories against the odds achieved with brilliance elan and eclat. Yet the ungrateful French rejected him when he lost 300,000 men in Russia and made a complete t*t of himself as a result. How very dare they. My point is that every dog has his day, and Wengers last day was in 2005, which is a very long time in football. The length of time without a decent result tells its own story.

  70. CanadaGooner

    Sep 26, 2013, 8:21 #39726

    @ BADARSE - good win; it'll all make sense if we can win the cup

  71. Greg71

    Sep 25, 2013, 23:58 #39725

    surely after the last 8 years its not quite time for the confidence have we not learn,t anything ! Game for game v last season we have less points than last year ,please please just wait until the big boys have been faced. what price Hernandez in january ?

  72. Green Hut

    Sep 25, 2013, 23:38 #39724

    I reckon someone who pays his most talented players less than the market rate so as to not upset his least talented players, whilst taking a disproportionately humongous salary himself for winning absolutely nothing, could be described as a Champagne Socialist.


    Sep 25, 2013, 22:43 #39723

    Whoops, another victory. That one was for you CanadaGooner, I hope it eases the pain of last season a bit. Even Bendtner put his spotkick away. Well done the lads.


    Sep 25, 2013, 22:18 #39722

    @Ron, I don't agree with your analysis or conclusion, however I thank you for your sound advice. I would never want to upset you or radfordkennedy; and radfordkennedy to you a big apology if the term offended you, the whole thing did me, but if it was so sensitive and hurt it wasn't my intention. It was not a jibe! As for champagne socialist, what is one of those? Nothing much wrong with either in my opinion, and that didn't offend me, I'm used to such.

  75. Eddie

    Sep 25, 2013, 21:02 #39721

    Great article stating the obvious. Well done! But no mention of where we could have been, or what we could have won/achieved if we spent more spondolies in recent years. This 'lack' of funding and bolstering of the squad is critical as to why we have endured 8 years of sweet FA editions to the trophy room. Not to mention other factors which could turn this comment into a ten thousand word assignment. Good article in the sense that it's all true, but regarding the bigger's aload of bollocks!!

  76. Ron

    Sep 25, 2013, 20:05 #39720

    BADARSE - Matey, that pragmatism of yours makes all that you normally espouse very inconsistent sadly.To align what youve said on here with westlowers rather depressing utterances is a U turn of gargantuan proportions. Sorry, but have to point it out. Also, the comment RADFORD/KENNEDY made re Stanley/Goose Green connotations. I don't think you were mocking either him or me at all, but age tells me its always best to be advised to not make too many assumptions of the origins from where posts from unknown guys come from my friend. Ill say no more. No offence taken. WESTLOWER - I cant think of one sane person on this planet with a modicum of football knowledge who would denigrate our side of the 30s to Wengers last 8 years. You've hit rock bottom with that one. That 30s team was a dynasty. Wenger had what many call the greatest team in 04 (i dont and never have) we've had yet hit a glass ceiling even with that ensemble of so called invincibles.

  77. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 25, 2013, 19:23 #39719

    Wenger deserves immense credit for his achievements up to 2005 but if he gets the credit for his first nine years, then he must accept criticism for eight seasons of under-achievement. To win only 1 FA Cup since the unbeaten season is a very poor return. And the author of this poor article shows real ignorance because Arsenal were a huge club prior to 1996 - Highbury was regularly packed with overseas fans, especially those from Scandinavia, Ireland and Europe.

  78. Donald

    Sep 25, 2013, 18:42 #39718

    Was this article written by a kid? Aside from the questionable content the article is ridden with grammatical mistakes and is full of cliches. Sort it out.

  79. radfordkennedy

    Sep 25, 2013, 18:27 #39717

    What tosh, visit any continent you care to mention and there will be a team called something Arsenal who inveriably play in red n white since the thirties,we advocated numbered shirts,floodlights and artificial pitches years before they became the norm.And without the spine which AW inherited.seaman..adams..GOD..wright its a matter of debate as to wether he would of achieved what he did,our clubs fortunes have always been cyclonic and they will return not because of wenger but inspite of him...Badarse...i got the jibe by you using the term las malvinas,but i wont post a retort it might offend your champagne socialist values

  80. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 18:21 #39716

    Bard, a tricky game yes, and a cup competition as well, and the excuses have already been made.


    Sep 25, 2013, 17:46 #39715

    S.G.R.B, a few years back a Manchester United fan tried to give it large off the back of an FA Cup win. I said it didn't trouble me because I saw it sadly as a 'Mickey Mouse' competition. Now I admit there was a sense of devilment in my statement, and would love to win it again, I didn't drive to Copenhagen and Paris to lose. I said it because in part I believed, and still do, it's what the clowns in charge have reduced it to. The route to survive, with the hope of building to perpetuate is the financial sop that orchestrates our every move. I dislike what money can do, and it's corruptive powers, however when I play Monopoly, I play to win. So, I want my cake, and to eat it. I want to win the FA Cup, but am a realist and recognise that with a weaker squad any distraction would place the CL qualification in jeopardy, so the two domestic cups are sidelined. It sickens me, and I'd burn the CL given half a chance, but I can't. Things are as they are, so we concentrate on the two most important competitions, and grab the cash to survive to fight another day, at least. Others don't, and fall between two stools. C'est la vie.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 17:07 #39714

    Rockey RIP, 42501 good post all round, yes we were always a well known club with a proud history and rich heritage before 1996, and as you said first in many things, and had class before Arsene arrived it's just a shame others don't realise it,you just have to have a read through the copy of the first match programme between Woolich Arsenal and Leicester Fosse at the weekend to see the class we had even away back then.

  83. FPGooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 16:58 #39713

    My apologies Westlower, I was so appalled by Hove's article that I didn't read your post - Post No. 42531. Marvellous gems of wisdom. It is sure to quell all the doubters and cynics who question the last eight years of failure. Yes, winning nothing, as you point out, is quite obviously a sign of the good times. What on earth are the people at the FA and the Premier League doing, awarding the Championship to other teams over the last 8 years, when you have made it abundantly clear, that it belongs to us? because the winning teams had more points? And to the really cynical gooner,we can comfort them with the fact that we have accumulated more points than the Arsenal team of the 30s. Maybe, you could take this stat thing to even greater heights by digging up stats, if any, on number of goals scored, maybe even throws and free-kicks we got. That will be a real killer and just wipe away any argument that these whingers may have. If you can dig up some dirt on Herbert Chapman, that would be the mega killer and then we can crown Arsene Wenger as the greatest manager in the history of the planet. You could be onto something Westlower, your radical formula could be the Duckworth-Lewis of football. Well done.

  84. Man United Killer

    Sep 25, 2013, 16:57 #39712

    @Johnny Lynch.Great post mate.Let me quickly say that while I agree with your post, I strongly feel Arshavin was a clear case of some combination of player mismanagement,playing player out of position and lack of player motivation (due to lack of show of intent from club).I truly believe Arshavin is a fantastic player.

  85. Man United Killer

    Sep 25, 2013, 16:45 #39711

    While you are working on the "Math Day Revenue" you mentioned, please take a minute to do the math on how much we spent on transfers and wages on many second raters when we could have signed a few world class players and still remained competitive during our 8 trophy-barren years.

  86. underacheiver

    Sep 25, 2013, 16:25 #39710

    Westlower? 8 years of no trophies but high average points is better than 5 league titles & 2 FA cups in the space of 8 years. LOL!!!

  87. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 25, 2013, 16:14 #39709

    Congratulations, Westlower, that is the most convoluted, twisted use of statistics I have ever read. So according to you the last 8 years have actually been more successful than the 1930s. What a deathly way of viewing football.

  88. FPGooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 15:33 #39708

    I have read articles on here that I have agreed with and others that I have disagreed with, but I can't remember the last time I read one that was so filled with sycophantic drivel. This is the type of fan that reminds me of news reports from North Korea where fans eulogise wildly about their glorious leader and long may he reign. Am not sure if Hove has heard of the public clamour for a striker and that our squad is so threadbare,Yet the article states 'In every position we have a minimum of two players who can perform the job required well', that Our Glorious and Magnificent Leader has threatened to play Bendtner (Maybe its a trick to get the Baggies laughing their heads off before the match). In fact, that's what the article lacked to finish off a fine article; a spirited and poignant paragraph on how wonderful Senor Bendtner is and how he is responsible for Arsenal's fame abroad. Does Hove not think that if there wasn't such a public outcry from gooners, Wenger may have been tempted to let the recent window close quite firmly with just picking up freebies? Your defence of Gazidis ends a truly woeful, servile and fawning article, lacking objectivity, in abject misery. I can make far more comments, but need to get back to work.

  89. Westlower

    Sep 25, 2013, 15:29 #39707

    Lets kill this myth of our recent 8 year failure and compare it to the clubs greatest run of success in the 30's. From 1930/31 when we won the league with 94 points (all time best) divided the points by 9% because they played 42 games. It equates to 85 points today at 38 games. Omitting our worst season in the 30's of 35/36 when we only had 60 points, now 54. The total points gained in 8 seasons through the 30's beginning with our all time best totals 567 points at today's ratio of 38 games. The last 8 years of doom and gloom has resulted in us accumulating 576 points. Now the difference would have been more marked if I included 35/36. Some of you need to realise THESE are the GOOD times.

  90. Green Hut

    Sep 25, 2013, 15:25 #39706

    Westlower- 'I'm proud of my club playing CL football on a regular basis after enduring many seasons of mind numbing mediocrity'. What could be more mind-numbingly mediocre than comfortably qualifying from a weak, very boring Champions League group only to get beaten in the knock-out rounds by the first good team we come up against? Would you really prefer that every year over an an FA Cup win? For the sake of £20m that Wenger won't feel the need to spend? BADARSE- After everything you've said I'm amazed you agree with such a hard-nosed, pragmatic, deceptively downbeat post. It seems us malcontents are the true football romantics.

  91. Rocky RIP

    Sep 25, 2013, 15:02 #39705

    @Johnny Lynch - the Bendtner situation is so laughably shambolic, so farcical, and so utterly ridiculous that it might just work. Football throws up some odd turnarounds. Bendtner's Arsenal career ended for me the moment he was put through on goal in the Nou Camp in 2011. We seemed very unlikely winners, with the clock ticking down. 3-1 down, with the tie at 4-3, we had 10 men and had barely had a shot on goal. BUT HOLD ON! Bentdner is clean through one on one with the keeper with a chance to win Arsenal the tie on away goals. He just needs a good first touch and some composure and it's one of the most classic unlikely victories of all time .... but no. Fluffs it. Put Wrighty in that position and we all know the outcome. Followed by scenes of delirium. It's instead followed by absolutely no signs of regret, conpunction or that he may have cost his team. Instead we get a strutting peacock strolling away from the scene like nothing happened. So I'm clinging to the idea that by an utterly bizarre twist of fate NB52 becomes Nicklas ''the difference'' Bendtner. After all, he's not THAT bad. If fact, he's half-decent. He may be an arrogant clown, but he's still ours. Watching people reverse their opinions on this one could be very funny. That's my coping mechanism for prolonged life with the greatest striker that ever lived. NURSE! THE SCREENS!

  92. Bard

    Sep 25, 2013, 14:44 #39704

    While we are banging on about whether there is cause for otimism or not I notice we're going into a tricky game away to the Albion with two duffers in the squad. The invisible man Park and the world's best striker Barry Bender. If that doesnt tell you where the club is I don't know what does.

  93. Johnny Lynch

    Sep 25, 2013, 14:35 #39703

    Everything's going to be OK .. Bendtner's back

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 14:14 #39702

    Maybe if they'd have protested a lot more we wouldn't have went eight years potless and had an Ozil before now, instead of all the second raters and deadwood we've had to endure and still have to tonight, we're all aware of where OGL came from and when he arrived and what he has done for our club, and it will never be forgotten and don't need reminding, and that has never been in question and never will be. But the last eight seasons of failure (short term? i'd hate to see your long term) and all that went with it are (and that will go down in history) and maybe just maybe that's why there was so much protesting and the signing of one world class player doesn't make up for that. Yes lets hope there are better times ahead now and we can at last win something the fans deserve it after what they've had to put up with over the last eight years, but we've all been here before. It would be great to be able to celebrate winning something again and on a regular basis too and have silverware we can actually see, but if it does happen it won't erase the last eight seasons and all that went with it as much as you and others would like it to.

  95. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:58 #39701

    Badarse, you strike me a football romantic, so as such I would have assumed you would not share Westlower's denigration of the domestic cups. You say you refuse to compare the present with the 30s, but that's exactly what Westlower has done, to try and say the present team is more successful. Are you sure you stand with him? It doesn't look like it. He is an 'all is well' man, all the way.

  96. Peter Wain

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:58 #39700

    the reason that Arsenal is well known throughout the world is due in part but only in part to Arsene Wenger. Like all AKB's the importance of the manager is widely overstated one good signing does not wip away the memories of at least ten poor signingsd. As for the authors comments about the snake oil salesman I am left speechless. gazidis has not done a fantastic job. Arsenal have for many years charged top dollar for their tickets and have for the past nine years provided less than top dollar entertainment or top top quality players. As far as I am concerned the whole management needs to be changed. Remember we have not won anything this season yet.


    Sep 25, 2013, 13:46 #39699

    @S.G.R.B, then it's westlower and myself, I'm afraid. I find his views uplifting, and solid. I too, am a fan of vintage, and so therefore my similar view no doubt depresses you too. That is a shame. I mean that with all sincerity. I am so much more than a cardboard cut out saying, 'All is well!' Still, our senses on the particular points of interest show a marked difference. Different, not necessarily right or wrong. So with underachiever. I refuse to even begin to try to compare the 30's with what we have experienced in recent times. They are both unique, different to each other intrinsically, but both superbly unique. I stand proudly parading both iconic eras. I also refute the tag of being an 'Arsene supporter', and just because I do not share another's ethos, which may well be flawed.

  98. Ron

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:34 #39698

    Rocky - Swindon 69. Peterboro 65 and Walsall 93. All bad. Luton was too, though i venture slightly more palatable. Westlower - How depressing. football is supposed to have some romance to accompany the balance sheet.Its posts like that one of yours that gives me a warm feeling that ive now more or less dropped out of football save the odd game here and there. Clibs like Arsenal seeing the Cups that way is the best evidence they cdt care a f--- about nor understand the fans. Anyway, its a cop out used by you and Arsenal. The fact is they arent near good enough to win the title or the CL but are too stupid or dishonest to admit it to the fans, preferring to brainwash them to express the view that you have. When over 16 years of Wengers CL have Arsenal ever signed a truly World class player at the top of his game anyway? Theres no reason why they cant push for the odd Cup while playing CL and title/top 4 'also rans', none at all. Youve bought the bull****e and paid up front for it matey and the wheelbarrow to carry it in im afraid! Youi need a sqaud to win Cup s, CL s and titles but that means paying out to build one which we all know Arsenal arent keen on.

  99. underacheiver

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:27 #39697

    Westlower - your stats for the 37/38 season tells us what most of us already know, i.e. back then it was a more level playing field and consequently far harder to win the league. Since the start of the Premiership and Champions league football the top 4 clubs accumulate more wealth and the financial divide between them and the rest of the league becomes ever greater, hence fewer lost games. Also we won it 3 times in a row which makes it even more amazing. The 30's is Arsenals greatest era, and Arsene supporters should admit as much.

  100. BADARSE

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:13 #39696

    @Oh, CanadaGooner, I feel it too, buddy. What a killer! The reaction is automatic. You take a pop at someone, whether the manager or the bloke next door, and you open yourself up to a reaction. I make a point of never insulting, it is too easy, and it's wrong. I respect your view and see the pain, it's evident. My advice is, as I would say to a pal, or a family member, go easy on yourself. I am much better at giving advice than taking it though. Debacles occur, upsets happen, it makes football what it is. I was at Wembley in '69 against Swindon, I still cry myself to sleep over that one!

  101. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:13 #39695

    Sorry Hove, but I have to say that if ever someone wanted to read a humdinger of an article along the lines of 'There wasn't an Arsenal before Arsene', this is it. So Arsenal were unknown once you left Dover until Wenger came along? What!?!? I won't even bother to refute such nonsense. Attendance: This may come as a surprise to you, but Arsenal regularly used to get 60,000 attendances at Highbury when we had terraces. I (and I'm sure the other old gits ;) on this forum) have been to many games where 63,000 was the official attendance. Since when is 8 years 'a little bit of short term pain'? Blimey, the Second World War was 2 years shorter than that and that was to get rid of Hitler. We have ALWAYS had the money to attract world class players - but Wenger stubbornly chose not to spend it in trying to prove a recurring failing point. You say 'Would Ozil have signed for a club like Arsenal in the mid nineties?' You mean like a club that had recently won their domestic league twice in 3 years, an FA and League Cup in the same season and had won a european trophy? ARSENAL FC - not Arsene FC.

  102. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:10 #39694

    Badarse, I find Westlower's 'healthy' outlook utterly depressing, particularly coming from a fan of his vintage. If he'd only ever known Wenger and Sky era football I could sort of understand where he's coming from. His wholesale swallowing of the line peddled to us that the cups don't matter, only finishing top 4, is a financial perspective, not a fan's perspective. A fan wants a focal point, something to actually cheer at the end of the season.

  103. jjetplane

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:04 #39693

    Watch out! Da Spuds are Coming! Yeah I know - go down da road if ya like em dat much. Anyway - north london top o the league (extremely early days) and Citeh if they can be bothered will no doubt be raising the biggest shout; still, it's alot a fun and with all the spineless inactivity of the past 8 years you gotta get a kick somewhere. See Denis tells of how he lost it with Wenger in the end. All making sense there.

  104. BADARSE

    Sep 25, 2013, 13:00 #39692

    Rocky RIP, yes that beautiful face of joy will show itself again, I am certain of that. Being an Arsenal fan means that I can make such a statement and it is believable, Burnley fans couldn't say the same, for instance. I drove to Parc des Princes in '95, then drove straight home after the game. I was in the upper tier almost on the halfway line, near the front. I knew it was a goal within micro-seconds of it leaving his boot. I could anticipate the trajectory and watched as life slowed, hoping my judgement was off. As my wife and I left immediately, many were standing, still dumbstruck. A young boy, standing with his Dad, was crying openly. I stopped and wiped the tears off his cheek and told him not to worry, that we would be back. Of course we did come back, and with a bang! Are you out there reading this, young Gooner?. So, Rocky RIP, keep hoping and believing, that beautiful face may just be around that next corner. My life as an Arsenal fan has been full of the disappointments you talked of, with some glorious high spots. I wouldn't swap being a Gooner for all the cups possible. I made my choice, and it was the best decision I ever made, it was the best decision I ever made for my wife, my kids, and my grandchildren too, ha ha.

  105. Rocky RIP

    Sep 25, 2013, 12:31 #39691

    @BADARSE - I too was there at Wembley in 1988 and recorded it but never watched it again. I'm told Lukic made one of the best saves ever seen. I just remember Gus making a shambles of clearing the ball and .. Booger. Ditto Nayim in Paris in 1995. I've often thought if there was a counsellor for depressed football fans after crushing results, they'd do a roaring trade. The life of a football fan is largely one of pain and disillusionment, centring around expectation levels, not helped by delusions of grandeur and false dawns. And we are amongst the most fortunate ones. 3rd most successful club in the country. Maybe some signed up to Arsenal for an easy ride. Not me. Anyway, the pain makes the joy so much sweeter, if it ever shows its beautiful face again ...

  106. BADARSE

    Sep 25, 2013, 12:14 #39690

    S.G.R.B, 'why not wait before crowing', means little or no debate, as you alluded to recently. There is nothing wrong with a point of view, or a positive spin, on that view, it's expected, just as the opposite viewpoint is. In my opinion, westlower's take is a very constructive approach, which you may be able to pick a few holes in, but it's quite a healthy outlook to my mind. The fear of having a clown-like, posturing, celebrity-style manager like Mourhino, haunted me for a while. A choice between him and Arsene Wenger is no choice at all, as far as I am concerned. chris dee illustrates this perfectly. That view will be challenged by many, and I can understand why, and certainly anticipate it from a certain kind of personality. They would not be able to get their heads around my repellent distaste of Mourhino. That division of thought is characterised by a split in society. I am glad I am, as I am. Those opposed to my way of thinking on this particular point, 'STAY OR GO', may couch their arguments in a very persuasive manner, the bottom line is, we see things differently; placing more, or less value, on different aspects than our opposite number. Generally, it's a 'never the twain shall meet', entrenchment, I'm afraid.

  107. GoonGer

    Sep 25, 2013, 12:11 #39689

    Got to agree with most of that,good article.Though we did get rid of a lot of wages this Summer and got money for Gervinho.So can we add that on to the original pot of money we where told that we had to spend?

  108. CanadaGooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 12:07 #39688

    @ BADARSE - I have been going to Arsenal games since I was 3 years old, so yes, I have experienced several heartaches at Highbury and the Emirates. I dont have a problem with that. I was working in Canada when we played Bradford and I flew over at great expense that week to watch that game and the weekend game and I can still remember all the excitement at us drawing Bradford, which I thought could lead us back towards the trophy-winning path! So, yes, if you spend so much money and a 9 hour flight to come to a game where we lose to a team that isnt spending the kind of money we spend, and then someone decides to write an article about how great the manager is, and how ungrateful us fans are, I get miffed! We all have such a short memory! It was Wenger that moaned and moaned for a new stadium (even threatened to quit) to get us to the next level; and we didnt mind losing to Man Utd, Chelsea, City and the big clubs who invested more than Arsenal, over that period of time (and such excuses could be tenable); for me, it is those losses in Cup Competitions to lower league teams that really piss me off, and the excuses people try to put forward for them! There is absolutely NO reason why Arsenal couldnt build a new stadium and still win a trophy here and there during the past 8 years: it's be bloody idiot we have as a manager, who decided he's too great to bother with a carling/capital one cup or the FA Cup!

  109. Bard

    Sep 25, 2013, 12:04 #39687

    westlower: I agree winning the CL or PL is what matters. As we're not good enough to win either whats with the euphoria ? Your argument doesn't make sense. Buying a striker in Jan is too late. As an aside you can buy anyone anytime if you pay enough money. Why do you think Falcao went to Monaco to play in front of one man and his dog?

  110. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:50 #39686

    Without wishing to get into the same old tired argument about whether Wenger has done well or not in the last 8 years, I'll pick up on a few points. 1) AFC were the 3rd biggest club in the country in 1996. They are the 3rd biggest now (Chelsea and Man C do not count, they are not big clubs, they have big owners). 2) Getting a season ticket for £250? Sounds good to me. 3) Wild celebrations for finishing 5th? Sounds not dissimilar to the wild celebrations for finishing 4th, one point off 5th, last season. 4) Glory days of the GG era a distant memory? We'd last won a trophy 2 seasons before when Wenger took over. You don't seem to think 8 years is a distant memory though, strange that. 5) Bergkamp signed in the mid-90s. 6) Emirates best achievement of Wenger's reign? There seems to be an assumption that everyone thinks the Emirates is a great thing. They do not. Personally I wish we'd redeveloped Highbury to as high a capacity as we could and stayed there. Plus the name 'Emirates' still sticks in the craw. 7) 'Overreactions to one off defeats' are not reactions to one off defeats. Firstly, we've had a number of these 'one off' defeats in recent seasons that follow a very similar pattern, and you're failing to take into account the broader context. Results such as the 1-3 v Villa are not about that result, they serve as a catalyst. The rest of your argument is just more 'jam tomorrow' that we've been hearing variations on for 8 years now. Why not wait until something is actually achieved before crowing?

  111. BADARSE

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:47 #39685

    @CanadaGooner, I warned you the other day about your condition. Please keep taking the tablets, all will be well! Seriously buddy, I know the 'B' games recently must still be an open wound, but stop picking the scab, let it heal. I have experienced so, so many disappointments in life, generally much linked with Arsenal. I went to the 1988 League Cup Final, when we lost to a last minute Luton goal, in a second half we dominated so much so, that had it been a boxing bout the ref would have stopped the fight. I recorded the game whilst at Wembley. I was never able to watch it. Some hurt leaves massive scars, you have to be able to deal with it, and move on. Make no mistake their will be other painful events along the way, which makes right now, pretty good by any standards.

  112. TH14

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:37 #39684

    @CanadaGooner 100% agree. There seems to be an over reaction to the start of this season. After five games we have 12 points, and after five games last season we had 9, and we had played both Liverpool and City away, and we were unbeaten. Hove Gooner is the sort of fan, who will not question anything, and will loudly proclaim how wonderful Wenger is after a few wins. Its dissapointing that the gooner is allowing an article that is clearly biased.

  113. Rocky RIP

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:35 #39683

    @Canada - I get the feeling those Bradford and Blackburn defeats still rankle with you mate. (Not a criticism, but you do refer to them a lot.) Just as well you weren't around in 1933 when mighty Arsenal got dumped out of the FA Cup by Walsall. We you there for the debacle in 1992 when as defending champions we were beaten by lowly Wrexham (with a lot of help from the ref)? Or Swindon? I'm not sure what my point is, other than that cup competitions throw up some strange scenarios as I'm sure you are aware. Bad results happen. Nobody is entitled to anything. That's not to excuse them, it's just the glorious uncertainty of football and the cups in particular.

  114. Westlower

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:34 #39682

    I've supported AFC for 6 decades and I've never felt more optimistic about the future. As a club we are light years ahead of anytime back in our history. Yes, the 30's was a great era but football then is nowhere near the level it is today. In 37/38 we lost 11 & drew 10 of the 42 games but won the league with 52 points, equivalent to 73 points today. Well our much maligned team achieve that points total or more on a regular basis. DB had suffered two miserable years at Inter Milan and his star was on the wane before he joined AFC. Henry's story was similar. AW turned this pair into World class players. It may have gone unnoticed by some of you but our reputation is now massive World wide. We have to shake off this small minded ambition that winning the LC and/or FA Cup is deemed as a success. In 2013 it is no longer the case. Only the PL & CL matter to clubs of our standing. Which World class striker is going to join us in Jan because we're having a good run in the Cups? In the past decade the domestic cups have become a distraction for any team playing CL football. Who wants their fixture's piled up with pointless games against lower league sides? We've suffered in recent times for going a long way in these secondary cup competitions. Even if we won the LC the players would probably switch off for the rest of the season because they've won a tin pot. I'd gladly settle for teams in CL not being allowed into the LC. The glamour of the FA Cup has long since died. They'll be no more Stanley Matthews final, Charlie George clinching the double, etc. Those days are consigned to the history books. The future is more likely to be a summer World Wide cup competition played around the globe watched by millions via TV. Yes, I'm proud of my club playing CL football on a regular basis after enduring many seasons of mind numbing mediocrity. A top 4 finish is be cherished and applauded. Arsenal FC is very much the future and a rosy one at that! ARSENAL, there's magic in the name.

  115. Peter Lavelle

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:30 #39681

    I will dispute the 60,000+ attendance figures!

  116. BADARSE

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:28 #39680

    Thanks Hove Gooner, a nice article, and a positive outlook, how refreshing-well written too. Delays in Marseille Ron, due to early fog at Stansted, got home frazzled, as a Premier League footballer wouldn't be, 40-30! ha ha. radfordkennedy reckons your diatribe sounded like being in Las Malvinas, I'm thinking of plagiarising it for a Lord of the Rings, book four.

  117. Johnny Lynch

    Sep 25, 2013, 11:27 #39679

    You're an idiot mate .. Like all the other idiots standing by this man .. He inherited Georgie's legendary defence , Rioch's legendary Bergkamp signing and Ian Wright .. Credit where it's due of course with regard to Anelka , Henry and co but then you would think a man on 7mill a year would be able to unearth such gems.. No weigh all that up against his half a day in football disdain for the Arsenal Supporters , the 8 years and counting of abject failure , the players .. God the players - Bendtner , Santos , Diaby , Eboue , Arshavin , Squillaci , Fabiankski , Mannone .. The Champions League exit at the very first good football side .. We, the supporters forced his hand with Ozil , but like the other world class players before him , Cesc and Van Persie, he'll soon realise we're ****e and fu*k off too ..

  118. Rocky RIP

    Sep 25, 2013, 10:59 #39678

    As much as I value very highly what Wenger has done for Arsenal, can we ditch the misconception that we weren't a world famous football club pre-1996? I too vividly remember the years preceding Wenger's arrival. The wild scenes when Dennis fired it in down at the Clock End against Bolton were part of a feeling that things were back on the up after the final days of George when things were turning a bit stale and went a bit sour. (There's also been a re-writing of the history of George's tenure and the nature of the football, but I don't have time for that now.) Signing Bergkamp and Platt gave us all a lift and Rioch had us playing some decent football. Wenger's arrival however felt like a magician had arrived from absolutely nowhere and transformed us into the kind of team we could only dream about. However, Arsenal has a proud history and a rich heritage which pre-dates Wenger by years. Wenger has done a fantastic job of keeping us involved at the top level and for overseeing a move which takes us to another level commercially. However, who were the most famous club in the world in the 1930s? Which club introduced ground breaking innovations which clubs the world over copied? The club since had several lulls and some famous, euphoric highs. We are the 3rd biggest and 3rd most successful club in England behind Man U and Liverpool. Wenger deserves our thanks for the enormous amount he's brought to our club - who had ever before seen football played like the 2004 vintage? - but to re-write history which claims he established Arsenal's standing in the game is nonsense. Unfortunately, a club's historic reputation can count for little as players now go where the most money is on offer and where the CL football is. (Or where the manager they want to play for is.)

  119. CanadaGooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 10:56 #39677

    @ The Hove Gooner - this has to be one of the most pathetic (and I apologize for saying this, as I always try to appreciate people who actually take the time to draft up articles) article I have read on here so far and I'll tell you why: (1) We have been knocked out of Cup Competitions by Bradford and Blackburn, lost a final to Birmingham: what has moving from Highbury to the Emirates got to do with that? (2) Our past history isnt better than Liverpool's (be it domestic or in europe), and even recent history, Liverpool still won a CL trophy in the last 10 years. Yes, their fans find it disgraceful that they've never won the league in the premiership era, but surely, as an Arsenal fan, after going a whole season unbeaten, you want to see the club moving forward and not backwards?! (3) I find it extremely irritating when people like you wait till we've won a game or two (and the season's not even got anywhere yet), to come out with such an article: WHY NOT WAIT TILL WE'VE ACTUALLY WON SOMETHING? (4) If all fans are as complacent as your type, and we all give Wenger carte blanc, Ozil would NEVER have arrived, and each year, our expectations would get further lowered till we start to see top 10 as a job well done Finally, regardless of what's said on here; I think EVERY arsenal fan gives Wenger credit for what he did in his first 8 years, nobody is taking that away from him; but to think that, and getting a new stadium then means we can go around losing to bradford and blackburn and go 8 years with ZERO trophy and nobody dare complain, is simply naive! Hopefully we win tonight! come on you gunners!!!!

  120. SimpleTruths

    Sep 25, 2013, 10:36 #39676

    Nobody denies Wenger's achievements, even those who most strongly want him out. The criticisms against him and the Arsenal management have always been about us being ALMOST competitive in the last 8 seasons... we were good enough to get to 4th or better, but just didn't quite have what it took to get us truly in the mix for the title, and then take us over the line. You must surely admit that this could have been done better, even within the financial constraints. Cmon, admit it ... you know that it's a simple truth. THAT's what hurts the most... We all knew that we COULD have been better, COULD have spent better, COULD have played better, but we didn't. Simple Truth. There was better value to be had in the market for the the money that was spent. There were overpaid unproven players who took up budget that would otherwise have been spent on proven stars. Simple Truth. And if we'd maintained strong challenges for the title and some strong cup runs, this might even have been the reason for our stars NOT to have left. Consider if Wenger hadn't dismantled the Invincibles so quickly and as a result we'd (1) won the title in 2007 and or 2010, when we only failed at the death, (2) won an FA Cup since then and (3) had a few great cup runs and strong title runs... Perhaps then we'd still have Nasri, RvP and maybe even Fabregas would have decided to stay until he knew he was gonna be the first name on Baca's starting lineup. We might have had Flamini never leaving... Henry might have finished his career with us. Vieira might have finished his career with us. The possibilities are mind boggling. All that the critics are saying is that Wenger's post-Invincibles decisions, stubbornness and playing style have cost us chances of winning titles and cups when we should have won them. That's fair criticism and all Wenger defenders should accept this. Personally, I think the achievements have earned him a chance to carry on even after all this time, but I can fully understand the critics and the W.O.B on why they want him out.

  121. Hamed

    Sep 25, 2013, 10:33 #39675

    Wenger has won nothing for 8 years.He is passed his sell by date as a winning manager.He is content to finish 4th every season.It was his own words that 4th was a trophy.Now 4 league wins out of 5(the same as the Spuds by the way) and the last 8 years have been forgotten.How fickle are our fans?The fact that Wenger failed to sign a striker this summer tells you all you need to know.This is another false dawn by our fraud of a manager

  122. Don't Count Chickens

    Sep 25, 2013, 10:20 #39674

    I believe this time last year we believed we were trophy challengers again

  123. Ron

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:58 #39673

    Sorry, but your article is garbage and shows a total lack of knowledge of what Arsenal were, are and will continue to be whether or not Wenger and this Board are there.

  124. John Gooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:56 #39672

    I stopped reading when you tried to spin the fact that we now have to pay £750 more for a season ticket as a good thing. Utter nonsense! Bergkamp joined us in the mid 90's? Or could we not attract players of his ilk back then? I really hope we have turned a corner, but the overwhelming likelihood is that we will finish 4th with no trophies.

  125. Fishpie

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:50 #39671

    For the moment I am just enjoying Arsenal having bought a genuine star, enjoying being on top of the League and also looking forward to the mouthwatering prospect of seeing Gazola and Ozil playing together. And overall (as Mr Wenger likes to say)there is quite a lot to be more optimistic about regards our future; the club has more money, we have young players getting better and better all the time, we have exhibited greater pragmatism on the pitch defensively, team spirit looks high, much of the "dead-wood" has departed, we have a strong German contingent in our first team and youth ranks and Ozil (like Bergkamp before him) is a magnet for other better players to consider coming to Arsenal. I cannot see Mr Wenger walking away from that. Mr Wenger had, in my view, made a lot of mistakes in the last eight years. Although qualifying for the CL in every one of his seasons was a very good achievement (especially given the emergence of City and Chelsea) Mr Wenger had, in my view ,under-performed in the last 7/8 years as a coach in that he couldn't create a defence worthy of the name, allowed insipid performances to regularly take place against smaller teams and brought to the club a series of poor footballers, quite a few worse than other clubs with less money were able to attract. I was exactly where the AST was; he should not be given a new contract without re-proving his original powers. But if he has rediscovered his Mojo and if he continues to invest in better players, and if his team can seriously challenge for silverware, I will be delighted to have been wrong about him. And as I said, I think he'll stay anyway, there is a sense of progress and he'll want to re-establish his reputation.

  126. Bard

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:50 #39670

    If you had of posted this 8 years ago it would have been spot on but we've slipped further and further away from being able to compete. The tired old argument that we didn't have any money is false. We spunked it on a vast array of second raters on massive wages. Our first real test is tonight when we see whether youre assertion that we have a big enough squad to compete will be sorely tested. Of course if we lose the other set piece excuse of injuries will be rolled out. You obviously didn't catch Man City demolish Utd. if you had I doubt you'd be quite so certain we're contenders. We are flattering to decieve, we'll be a busted flush by Christmas sadly.

  127. I remember when the club cared about the fans

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:38 #39669

    Useful counterbalance from the over reaction to Arsene,as by any standard he has moved the club forward leaps and bounds. On Gazidis however you got carried away. The man is an apologist for the main function and aim of the board, namely to make money and try and fool the supporters that the board care about,as their main activity, the football on the pitch. He took a massive bonus this year, for what? protecting the board and telling us to eat cake. His commercial deals are actually very poor when you analyse them by todays standards(ManUre don't get out of bed for the figure Gazidis accepts). Until Gazidis & the board are changed we will continue to be subject to mushroom management. If they really care about the fans but one on the board NOW , then we will get real transparency and have supporters owning a proportion of the club(successfully works in Germany and look at Swansea. Arsene has taken the hits for Gazidis and the boards lack of passion for the real reason the club exists-the players on the pitch and the supporters in the stands and fans who wish they could afford to attend.

  128. TH14

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:32 #39668

    A typical Wenger love in, typed in September when we are top, but no such article will be submitted by christmas(if we are struggling to finish 4TH)Your article mentions the positives of Wengers reign as manager, and there have been alot of positives, but you have airbrushed certain parts of his history as manager. What about the flop signings, the lack of a clear plan against certain teams, and his refusal to accept we have weaknesses in the team e.g. goalkeeper. I hope we win the league this season, but if we dont, then i hope you will write an article admitting Wengers faults.

  129. dheer NHbdC

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:22 #39667

    An excellent outlay of compassion but yet true to the core.Yes Arsene Wenger has done more than anyone else together with Ivan Gazidis.Today Arsenal Fans can put their heads high and walk for NO Team in the EPl is known as the invincibles.

  130. chris dee

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:18 #39666

    Many of the points made are valid.Arsene Wenger is the best manager Arsenal have had since Herbert Chapman and I love the guy.When I compare him to managers like the obnoxious Mourinho who pouts and preens himself in front of the press like a tart and talking complete bollocks,(while some of the cretins in the press laugh at unfunny Mourinho quips) I'm so pleased he's our manager. The Emirates move was a huge success and whether Arsene admits or not ,top top players,coached by Arsene, were sold to help financing the move. But,but but,and Arsene knows this better than us,tangible success in terms of trophies is now required. Arsene is also intelligent enough to know if he feels he can't take the club forward he will step down.But at the moment let's just hope the current form continues because nothing would please the majority of Arsenal fans than Arsene holding aloft a trophy at the end of the season.

  131. Camgooner

    Sep 25, 2013, 9:02 #39665

    This is utter twaddle. Total nonsense. Arsenal were world famous in the 1930s and it didn't go away. Bergkamp was a bigger signing at the time than Ozil now (don't get me wrong: Ozil is huge too) in your denigrated mid-1990s. We'd won a European trophy and two league titles in the early to mid 1990s. Won a European trophy. Has Wenger managed that? And you compare celebrating clinching the UEFA place with where we are today. Competing for the 4th place trophy and a European place. Good grief. I'm really pleased we're top of the league, that we signed Ozil. I'd far rather have Wenger than Rioch. But... marathon not sprint etc etc.

  132. Amos

    Sep 25, 2013, 8:29 #39664

    The board is not split smithy - Usmanov doesn't sit on the board of directors. While Kroenke controls more than 2 thirds of the shares there's no need for Usmanov to do so - and so the board remains totally united as Kroenke alone can appoint those he wants. Kroenke doesn't really need to buy out Usmanov either - he has control enough as it is.

  133. Capt Fassil

    Sep 25, 2013, 7:41 #39663

    Dear Sir! I can not thank you enough for you positive review of my beloved Arsenal. You are becoming a rare breed. Keep it up!

  134. smithy

    Sep 25, 2013, 7:39 #39662

    This doesn't take into account the board situation,which has not moved on one jot.Totally split and not agreed in a common direction.kronke needs to buy out usminov or vice versa.For any major business to succeed the board cannot be at war with itself.This has effected the resources to the playing side.Anyone watching the greatest striker who ever lived tonight back in an Arsenal shirt will be reminded of the situation.But want us to win whoever plays for us!

  135. Andy M

    Sep 25, 2013, 7:36 #39661

    I do hope the 'Math Day' revenue typo was deliberate! :)

  136. Harry Barracuda

    Sep 25, 2013, 7:31 #39660

    Many would argue that Gazidis is failing to exploit our commercial opportunities. Do you really think he alone is responsible for us reaping the benefits of our status as a top premier league club? Still, no doubt that he's several leagues above Edelman.

  137. Ali

    Sep 25, 2013, 7:24 #39659

    In Arsene I have conditional trust until the end of this season and this trust will be extended if he wins a trophy this year. If not, I don't want him at the club next season.