The Arsenal AGM

Online Ed: There goes another third Thursday in October

The Arsenal AGM

Kroenke – Addressed the assembled

After the near anarchy of last year’s Arsenal AGM there was a greater element of control this year. For starters, there were no microphones to commandeer until the end of the meeting when there was time for a token amount of questions from the floor. The pre-submitted questions have in the past been read out at a mic by the questioners. This year they simply appeared typed out on a video screen. So no opportunity for a follow-up if the answers were unsatisfactory. A shouted out intervention from Dame Maria Petri was quickly quashed by new chairman Sir Chips Keswick. I think Maria was going to plug the ladies’ game yesterday afternoon at Borehamwood, but Sir Chips was having none of it.

So it was predictably far less interesting then the near free-for-all of 2012. Sir Chips was similar to the now retired Sir Peter Hill-Wood in his Etonian accent and liking for a quip. In response to a question about the timing of the 2022 Quatar World Cup, he expressed the view that he doubted he would still be alive then, ironically pinpointing one of the weaknesses of the current board – it’s a little on the geriatric side. A question relating to that was answered with the declaration that the executive team below board level featured a lot of youthful vigour. Sir Chips used the word ‘invidious’ a lot too.

Stan Kroenke gave a short speech which seemed to be geared to address the perception that there was a lack of ambition to actually win things at board level – “None of us up here – players, Arsene, board, fans – no one is happy until we have won championships and trophies.” However, he was happy with the way things were going but realized that the best way to achieve success commercially was success on the pitch.

He was re-elected to the board on rotation, but there was hardly an overwhelming show of hands, many abstentions and a few voting against. Of course, he just needed to vote for himself to get re-elected even if the entire meeting decided they didn’t want him back. His wig seemed a darker shade than normal. What is it about wealthy men not wanting to admit they are follicly challenged? Donald Trump comes to mind. Stan could afford a Wayne Rooney (and with Ozil reputedly receiving over £12m a year including bonuses and image rights, the club can probably afford the Wayne Rooney), but needs to go for a shade of grey.

Kroenke introduced Arsene Wenger who gave his speech earlier in the proceedings than normal. He emphasized that the club still had to develop from within as its modus operandi, just adding the occasional icing on the cake, such as Ozil. In effect, he was repeating the message that Arsenal cannot compete with the big spenders (like Chelsea, Manchester City, PSG and Monaco) and that in the seasons to come, there would be more money being pumped into European football from outside of Europe, and that the number of teams that could realistically win the Champions League would grow, as it already had done. At no point during the hour long meeting did Wenger or Gazidis mention Financial Fair Play, a staple of recent AGMs. It seemed a bit contradictory to suggest that Arsenal were still under threat from the billionaire buying football club indulgence threat with FFP supposedly kicking in, after all the words previously used to justify the club's modus operandi from those in control at the club.

A lot of the answers to the pre-submitted questions were given by Ivan Gazidis rather than Sir Chips. I admit I found myself losing concentration during some of the longer answers, but at least he made a couple of gags, one of them off the top of his head about Gareth Bale now playing for a club that were ‘one of our rivals’. Nice to see a cheap shot at the neighbours coming from board level.

Conclusions at the end of the meeting was that it was all a bit corporate and sterile. Certainly, there was not enough time to answer all the questions from the floor at the end, and the meeting could have been extended by a few minutes to do this. But of course, it is an exercise the club go through because they have to. The issue of Stan Kroenke engaging with supporters’ groups (as he is obliged to after stating as such in his offer document on taking over) was tackled by Gazidis who stated that he met fans once a year at this very meeting. Well, yes and no. Technically, it is a shareholders’ meeting, not a fans’ forum. And no-one from the board hung around afterwards to discuss anything individually with the assembled. Arsene Wenger did his usual thing of signing autographs, but the engagement as such was limited to Kroenke’s brief address. He did not answer any questions.

However, supporters’ groups do get access to others at the club including Gazidis. It’s a lot healthier than the situation at, for example, Blackburn Rovers. It was stated that the board answered every pre-submitted question at this AGM. Certainly, all that were asked were put on the big screen, but sometimes the responses actually avoided answering the question. Why, for example, Arsenal paid over £2 million for a US based data company with a listed value of £28,000 was never answered. There was simply a waffled explanation of why Arsenal bought the company and a declaration it had no direct links with Arsenal board members. So presumably one of Stan’s pals or satellite concerns then? It all sounded a little odd. But we were reminded that Kroenke had never taken any money out of any of his sports outfits. Technically, true, but there is a smell of rodent about this deal.

There was less revolution in the ranks this year. The 2012 meeting was very emotive with the loss of Van Persie a year on from the departure of Fabregas and Nasri. And there were less physical numbers in attendance, as gradually, small shareholders cash in while their shares are still worth something. Kroenke is not obliged to buy them now and Usmanov does not seem as active on that front. Fanshare own 104 shares now, which bolstered the numbers in attendance, and are still buying. As long as Usmanov retains his holding, the AGM will continue. It was strange to have one without Peter Hill-Wood. Less entertaining on one level, but more professional. A shame the manager no longer takes questions (although he seemed to promise the return of his once annual Q&A next May – we shall see), and a pity that there were not more questions from the floor allowed. Still, the directors’ lunch in the Diamond Club was ready to be served…

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  1. Rob

    Oct 21, 2013, 17:56 #40745

    If this :- Why, for example, Arsenal paid over £2 million for a US based data company with a listed value of £28,000 was never answered. There was simply a waffled explanation of why Arsenal bought the company and a declaration it had no direct links with Arsenal board members. So presumably one of Stan’s pals or satellite concerns then? It all sounded a little odd. But we were reminded that Kroenke had never taken any money out of any of his sports outfits. Technically, true, but there is a smell of rodent about this true than I smell more than a rat. That is outrageous. But expect more as Kronke bleeds the Club his own way. Thank the Lord I'm no loger paying for any of it !

  2. Ron

    Oct 21, 2013, 17:01 #40742

    Kenny - I dont agree that Wenger was a 'great' Coach in those years, He was a very good one and a domestically successful one. Great Coaches win European Cups.Your points are good though.GG was at least as good for Arsenal as Wengers been, though they always trot out what AW has done for football generally, which hold water to a degree but not to the extent that many suggest, in my view.

  3. El Bodgeo

    Oct 21, 2013, 13:09 #40733

    Isn't it about time we heard what the wig has to say for itself?

  4. Benny2

    Oct 19, 2013, 17:02 #40651

    Arsenal 4-1 Norwich City - Come on what did Wenger do wrong today?

  5. Jack

    Oct 19, 2013, 10:15 #40650

    I quite like Kroenke as he comes across as a nice guy. By the way is he still married to Janette. Sadly you also can't expect anything but the usual standard talk at these meetings as that is the way of the world. Must not say anything controversial anymore else everybody jumps on you. Probably why we don't hear much from the controversial posters anymore. I think Roy Hodgson is finding this out did he not attend the course which told him the million phrases that cannot be used anymore.

  6. Westlower

    Oct 19, 2013, 9:40 #40649

    Quote from Herbert Chapman: "A great big family with all members pulling together in the same direction" Perhaps that's what we need to do now to ensure a successful season?

  7. Westlower

    Oct 19, 2013, 7:43 #40648

    Green Hut, My original post was on the win ratio of AFC managers who were in charge for at least 100 games. Harry Bradshaw happens to have the 2nd best win percentage. It is not about fame!


    Oct 18, 2013, 23:13 #40647

    Green Hut, it was cheap, and presumptive, sorry pal. The point is yours.

  9. Th14afc

    Oct 18, 2013, 22:41 #40646

    Wenger sent me a birthday letter for my 21st birthday so the geezer is my hero!haha well he signed the bottom lol....anyway up the guns for tomorrow....3-1 to the arsenal I reckon

  10. Green Hut

    Oct 18, 2013, 20:54 #40645

    Westlower- Tell me, why do you think 3rd placed Herbert Chapman is far more famous in Arsenal's history than 2nd placed Harry Bradshaw?

  11. Kenny

    Oct 18, 2013, 20:45 #40644

    @Westlower Wenger has got Arsenal to 9 finals and has won less than half of them GG has an 80% WIN record in finals.Wenger has been manager for 16 seasons 11 have been trophyless GG won 6 trophies in only 8 years.Wenger's record in the last 8 years is nil trophies.Wenger WAS a great manager between 96-05 but dont compare him with other Arsenal managers ie Champman and Graham who won more in a shorter period of time

  12. Westlower

    Oct 18, 2013, 20:40 #40643

    Green Hut, I'm not criticising GG. He was outstanding until his final season, winning 6 major trophies, 2 League, 2 FA Cup, 1 League Cup & 1 ECWC in 9 years. AW has won 3 league & 4 FA Cup in 17 years. GG's managed for 460 games and won 225 times, 48.9%, which is 4th best in AFC history. Herbert Chapman is 3rd best, won 201 times from 403 games. Harry Bradshaw is 2nd best with 96 wins from 189 games. AW, clear 1st, has won 559 games from 966 played. All Arsenal managers are hero's to me!

  13. Green Hut

    Oct 18, 2013, 20:19 #40642

    BADARSE- No idea what you mean by 'exclusive rights', I think you assume way too much sometimes, as managing tottenham and winning them a trophy is a far bigger crime than Wenger could ever commit. I can however, appreciate the trophies that both managers have brought to The Arsenal, and my point to Westlower was valid even if you chose to ignore it in your eagerness to score a cheap point.


    Oct 18, 2013, 19:37 #40641

    Wow, Green Hut! Hero? Why he is mine of course, but not your hero? Oh dear. You see George Graham is mine too, even though you may claim exclusive rights. So I guess I win 2-1 on that. Bit silly? You bet!

  15. Green Hut

    Oct 18, 2013, 19:28 #40640

    Westlower- Does the Arsenal mag also quote the far more relevant statistic of trophies won per seasons in charge? Does your hero beat George Graham in that one?


    Oct 18, 2013, 19:21 #40639

    maguiresbridge Gooner. Hi buddy. I think we see much the same panorama of all that is AFC. The only difference between us is the assessment of Arsene Wenger. Am not going over old ground; it's just a small fork in the road but a mile further down each road and we seem an awfully long way apart. Yet close enough to talk to each other, which is nice. If a family member did something untoward that you felt was out of character, you perhaps would cut him a little more slack. Think I automatically do that. So perhaps this is partly the reason on the Arsene Wenger opposition. We are still driving towards the idea of winning something. We both want that, and I may still need your muscle for that victory open top, bus parade.

  17. vg

    Oct 18, 2013, 19:15 #40638

    Hey guys. I correctly predicted the last match, tied at 1's. Tomorrow, we will have an awesome Highbuty victory.

  18. Westlower

    Oct 18, 2013, 19:06 #40637

    Just to correct my last post I should have said AW would have to lose/draw or 'not win' his next x number of games to lower his win ratio to that of GG, HC & BM. Arsenal mag also ask various people to name their best 6 midfielders/attackers assuming everybody fit and on form. Mine is Ramsey, Flamini, Diaby, Rosicky, Giroud, Ozil.

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2013, 19:01 #40636

    BADARSE, I agree the right noises are been made alright, and we trust the board at our peril although i would include OGL in that, can HE be trusted to show more commitment to the playing side with one or two more of the Ozil caliber and not revert to his favorite type? then we really will be witnessing real ambition with the emphasis on winning silverware and being the best again. Like you say time will tell.

  20. Westlower

    Oct 18, 2013, 18:15 #40635

    Informative stats in Arsenal mag re win ratios for AFC managers. AW is top with a win ratio of 57.9%, 559 wins from 966 games. He would have to lose the next 177 games to have the same win ratio as George Graham, 48.9%; lose the next 153 games to equal Herbert Chapman, 49.9%; lose the next 286 games to be the same as Bertie Mee, 44.6%. Arsene Wenger is the real daddy of them all in Arsenal's history. AKB.


    Oct 18, 2013, 17:44 #40634

    CanadaGooner, radfordkennedy, Benny2, ignore.

  22. Vermont Goon

    Oct 18, 2013, 17:25 #40633

    Hey Benny2 strokes, go take a valium before you fall apart. As for you CanadaGooner,stick to ice hockey, maple syrup and get back in your igloo you peaceful hippy. You guys crack me up.

  23. radfordkennedy

    Oct 18, 2013, 17:19 #40632

    Vermont Goon..I suspect that you are about as american as pie mash n liqour mate..but if you are I would suggest that you read a history book and I'm sure that you will discover that when it comes to dithering America have got form for it mate


    Oct 18, 2013, 16:46 #40631

    I think he is definitely a leg end!

  25. CanadaGooner

    Oct 18, 2013, 16:16 #40630

    "dithering" is hardly a regular american word (and I would know, as I spent years in North America); so, you're either a closet brit, or you watch too much coronation street on your cable, when you should have been watching the arsenal matches.

  26. Benny2

    Oct 18, 2013, 16:09 #40629

    Sit down and shut up. > Vermont Goon 16:03pm 18th Oct 2013 I'm glad we've got an American in charge of the Arsenal soccer team. The guys a legend and far more useful than any of you dithering Brits. - Post No. 43494

  27. Vermont Goon

    Oct 18, 2013, 16:03 #40628

    I'm glad we've got an American in charge of the Arsenal soccer team. The guys a legend and far more useful than any of you dithering Brits.

  28. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Oct 18, 2013, 15:48 #40627

    I have no idea what the rush is to give Wenger a new contract. Surely better to wait until the summer then take stock. If we haven't won anything that's nine years. Where do you draw the line? Lets not forget the summer was only saved from complete disaster by Madrids need to balance the books. Ozil wasn't planned but obviously I'm pleased it dropped into,our lap. We are still hopelessly exposed up front as we have been for a number of years. RVP was on his own for two years and now so has Giroud. The keeper situation rumbles on and on. Surely we are a CB short. This should have been addressed. Let's not get carried away until mid December when we will get a truer picture of where we are.

  29. unchives

    Oct 18, 2013, 13:09 #40626

    With Chelsea, Liverpool & Man Utd coming up in close succession, I hope the feel good factor is still with us. I wonder whether the timing of the AGM was planned out with these fixtures in mind......the board wouldn't be that sneaky would they?

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 18, 2013, 13:01 #40625

    Very predictable alright, just like a Wenger post match interview win or lose you can guess what was/going to be said, all that was missing was the handing out of the bonus cheques but i guess that would have been done at lunch in the diamond club if not before. The spin/speech writers must have been working overtime trawling through old work with great mental strength even getting an airing. Conclusions, TKOP is still the king, although well done with the joke i wonder who told him to tell it.

  31. Gunner SA

    Oct 18, 2013, 12:01 #40624

    Don't forget the fact that Arsenal can't compete with teams like Aston Villa and Swansea for players like Benteke and Michu {!!!}

  32. Jack

    Oct 18, 2013, 11:14 #40623

    I would have thought everybody would be quite content with what is going on at The Arsenal at the moment. Whether your a devout AKB who never see's anything wrong, or a blubbering AMG who goes crying to his mummy after every defeat.


    Oct 18, 2013, 10:48 #40622

    Thank you Kevin. The new style sanitised, or at least more strongly controlled meeting, at least gives us a certain insight, I think. Less of a rugby scrum allows for less of a smokescreen usually. The noises being made are pretty much what we want to hear, but we trust the board at our peril. At this juncture we need to witness their commitment to the playing side of the club. I think we have reached a crossroads and have taken the correct route, time will tell. Any big corporation is not to be trusted, AFC are a big corporation. The emphasis may have shifted, I think it has, I hope it has, towards a more pro-active playing approach. It protects their brand image if nothing else. We as fans are no longer that important, if we ever were, but I think the signs have been read, and it is a perfect time to crank it up, with extra funds available. Running through this season as serious challengers will do much to cement a belief of progress. It has been absent for too long.

  34. CanadaGooner

    Oct 18, 2013, 9:29 #40621

    Kev - thanks for the brilliant feedback. It's good to hear that the club heirarchy are at least aware of the fact that some of the fans have spooked them out: we know they only largely see Arsenal as a Golden Donkey, a cash-cow, and they're only here to milk the club dry, then walk away. Knowing they know, that we know what they're about, and that they only care about Arsenal winning trophies, IF and ONLY IF, our trophyless run begins to impact their commercial status and how much money they have coming in. So, right now, they're still sitting pretty, as the Arsenal Jerseys are still selling nicely in China, and we're in the CL as always. If only we can get a board who simply want to see Arsenal become a trophy-winning (consistently) club: setting an absolute MINIMUM of 1 trophy per season as the minimum requirement for the manager and players. I suppose I can keep on dreaming!