That day in February 1958

A nine goal thriller that went down in history recalled

That day in February 1958

Action from the game

I first went to Arsenal in 1955. I was seven years of age. My older friend took me, an Irish lad who supported Arsenal. He had told me on occasions 'The Gunners are my team!' I believed him; he was older than me after all. At sporadic intervals, when together, usually playing ' footie' down in the square, he would tell me how great the Arsenal were. I believed this too. He was my friend. I saw a number of games over a three-season period with him. Sometimes others joined us, but their images, and vague personas have faded into the mists of my memories. Now, I only ever see the two of us in my mind, wandering down Avenell Road on match day; two little street urchins, each bedecked in a huge, floppy, red and white satin rosette. I lugged a gigantic wooden rattle with me, painted in Arsenal's colours. Wow! That was heavy for a little lad, and I had to carry it all day, to and fro'. I wasn't dressed without it, when going to the game.

I saw many enjoyable games in that narrow window of time. Oddly, the first game has slipped away from me. I have no idea who it was against, or the score, possibly because I was in a total state of shock. As I arrived, glimpsing the side of that magnificent structure, my jaw must have dropped open. I saw the flags fluttering, distinctive glass panelling sheltering the upper tiers, the good-humoured crowd, cannon murals, and that very important-looking main entrance, with a man like a soldier guarding the doorway. 'Goodness' I must have thought, 'only people like kings and queens would be allowed in there'. Little boys from that era were easily impressed. I was no exception, but this combination could cast a spell over young football-loving kiddies. It did, and that magic still holds me. When I stepped into the stadium, and saw that green baize of a pitch for the first time, I am sure it took my breath away, and were I to have been asthmatic, I might have keeled over. Then I saw men, who would become gods. They trotted out onto the field in red and white. My personal colour spectrum shifted visibly at that moment. Red and white! Just saying it is so, so special. On that first visit when I went to see my friend's team, he referred to Arsenal often as his team. He was innocently mistaken, for after the final whistle they were my team! I remain fiercely possessive to this day. They are my team!

The games were always enormous. Huge crowds, famous players, Jimmy Scoular of Newcastle, and another Jimmy - Dickinson of Portsmouth. Goals galore. Noise. Laughter amongst the fans, smoking their Woodbines, and an atmosphere I have never been able to replicate, in any other of life's situations. This was Arsenal to me. This baptism was completely absorbed by that little reprobate, namely me. We always saw our football from the Clock End, the first end we came to. Our position was right behind the goal, or as near to it as possible. Why, even Jack Kelsey's knees are woven into my personal Arsenal folklore. I would arrive with two ounces of 'Winter Warmers', or 'Tom Thumb mix' sweets, safely stashed in my blazer pocket; by the time of the bus journey home I would be rooting deep into corners for stray, sticky sweets, usually finding a fluff-covered one.

A few times, we arrived late for our special spot. I guess I, for one, was just wandering the streets around the stadium, in awe, eyes like saucers, mouth catching flies. When this happened, we would find ourselves at the back of the terracing. We'd stand in a forlorn way, looking up at the men with our puppy dog eyes. It didn't take long for a kindly chap (and there were so many back then) to announce to those nearby 'Oi, we've got a couple of nippers here. Come on sonny!' Then we would be lifted bodily, above their heads, to begin a most amazing journey to the front of the spectators. Over the heads of the crowd we were passed, feet first; glancing sideways to ensure my pal was still with me, and hadn't been dropped along the way, I would smile. A sort of smug, embarrassed, yet supremely happy and grateful smile. Then suddenly we were deposited right down at the front, pitch side, with the railings to lean on, and yep, I'd be able to see Jack's knees again.

Leaving after the final whistle was a laugh to us. Children never see danger, or anything that could be described as a potential threat. This gay abandonment changed a long time before I took my own son to a game. Awareness of circumstance, my own brushes with fate, and realising how fickle our existence is, meant a deep respect of football stadiums, and the menace they held to anyone's survival. For us in those days it was just part of the ritual, and the fun. When leaving, we could almost lift our feet off the ground, and just be carried along by the swell of the crowd. Amusing, though a little squashy, to us then. Now I fear for the little chap, that was me. Still, I was already settling into a routine, and I was off home for a welcome mug of hot Bovril. By the time I got off the bus near home, the Pink Classified was on the news stands. This was not a gay dating magazine, but a rushed edition for football fans, often offering a part of a report, and only half-time scores for some games, not wholly satisfactory, but in those days 'beggars couldn't be choosers.' It was a source of strange interest for me to buy a newspaper, and read an account of an event I had just been to. A sense of 'being' for a youngster, I suppose. Unable to describe my feelings, even to myself, I just knew it was important. I expect it was a sense of being a part of an event, larger than the norm. An 'I was there' kind of feeling.

One day in February, 1958, just a month or so before my tenth birthday, I went to the Arsenal with my pal. We went to see Manchester United, the reigning champions. They were quite a big club too. It was especially exciting because their manager, Matt Busby had developed a very youthful side, and they were known as the 'Busby Babes'. This game was going to be quite special, as the 'Babes' were quite famous, and babes made me think of little ones. We got to the Arsenal, found our way behind the goal at the Clock End, and as I awaited a glimpse of Jack Kelsey's knees, got into some friendly banter with some nearby children supporting Manchester United. Were these the babes? Well the game got underway and we found ourselves 0-3 down; a cricket score loomed. The little Mancunians went potty during half-time. I assured them that we would recover, and we did! I believe we found three goals in our locker, lying there unattended, so we used them to draw level. Phew! Then, as if we had offended them, they ran into a 3-5 lead. All that hard work for nothing! Then a hero of the day, dear old Derek Tapscott, who seemed to wear the most magnificent of smiles, as he played the game, got us back in it. Sadly, the game ended 4-5, despite us pushing the limits for that elusive equaliser, which never came. How unlucky we were, how lucky they were, or so it seemed then, that weekend. Luck drifts upon, and around us, like smoke, never fully settling, yet we know of it, and of its absence. A few days later, Arsenal were the lucky ones, the 'Babes' were not.

My Dad worked 'nights', and my Mum was an office cleaner in the City. A 'crack of dawn' job. They sort of handed over the baton. One came home to guard my younger brother and me, while we slept, as the other left to earn a crust. I remember coming downstairs to see my Dad sitting at the kitchen table. He looked sombre. My Dad never looked sombre; he always greeted us with a smile. Something was wrong. Still looking at me he said 'There's no more Manchester United, lad.' I was perplexed. Then I sat with him, and slowly he explained. Munich, snow, ice on the wings, plane crash, dead footballers. It was an extremely moving moment. There at the table with the Daddy's sauce bottle, and porridge bowls, I sat and listened, trying desperately to take in every word, as I watched his lips. I was somehow involved in all this, yet I wasn't quite sure how. I felt alright, I wasn't injured, or suffering, but something had happened to me, as well as all those poor young fellows. I tried to reason and rationalise during the rest of that day, but the feelings were mixed up in a strange way, and nothing really made sense. I knew I was irredeemably linked with a group of dead footballers. That persuasion still has a haunting effect to this day.

The next evening, coming back to our flat, my Dad and I were stopped by someone who knew him. They engaged in a short conversation. I stood around, with hands stuffed deep into pockets. It was a chilly, draughty, dark February evening. There was a nearby swirl of rubbish. A few scraps of litter, and a sheet of newspaper. Idly, I wandered towards it, as little boys are often drawn to rubbish and grubby things. It was lit by the overhead gaslight, which threw a gloomy aspect. The newspaper was a centre-page spread. I think it was the Daily Sketch, or Herald, but it could have been any of the newspapers of the day, as they all sported the same centre pages. I trapped the crumpled piece with the toecap of my baseball boots, which many kiddies wore in those days. Holding it down I manoeuvred the opposite side with the other toecap, then spreading it out, I held it firmly. There was a blow up of the Manchester United team. Beneath were their names. In brackets following them was their status.

As I read, it chilled me, as the cold night air never could. It said Pegg (dead), Charlton (alive), Violett (alive), Taylor (dead), Byrne (dead)...and their fates continued to be listed. It really affected me. The poignancy was profound. Still, to this day do I see that little confused boy, standing in the dark, peering down at that newspaper, experiencing his first brush with mortality. There was also a sense of desecration. These men had died. Now, the newspaper carrying the story was vandalized, discarded, a piece of unimportant rubbish. It seemed to reduce the importance of the event. Years later, I would understand the term, 'yesterday's news', in a very sharp, and focused way. There were more than sixty thousand people present that day, who watched the game. How perverse to be writing of the deaths of a handful of footballers, when probably fifty thousand of those at the ground that day have shuffled off this mortal coil. Once more I am aware of being in an exclusive, ever-shrinking group, who can tell a tale, and pass on something to younger ones.

This is my story of a day in the life (apologies, Beatles); of a day I went to the Arsenal, to watch my team. How could I have imagined that such an innocuous game would leave an indelible imprint. An impression so vivid it lingers still, in my mind. Ah, this Arsenal, this football, this life.

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  1. DerbyGooner

    Nov 23, 2013, 10:16 #42052

    Excellent article, super descriptive style and correct grammar made it easy to share and imagine your experiences. My dad went to that match...years ago I found the match day programme stuffed in a cupboard and he had written the score and scorers in pencil on the back page. I remember he said Manchester Utd. run us ragged that day. I made a note to keep it safe, and then forgot about it, and it was lost when he died and his house was cleared. The loss of the programme and the link to my dad was re-awoken by your excellent piece. Like many here, I can also frame my first visit to Highbury with the same images that you described - green baize pitch, te sights, sounds and smells. Fabulous. It helped that we beat newcastle 4-2 in a cracking game. Your article has set me up for the day :) Up the Gunners !

  2. Jason B

    Nov 21, 2013, 19:16 #42041

    Great story.

  3. Croker

    Nov 21, 2013, 13:57 #42040

    Magnificent - well done Alex

  4. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Nov 21, 2013, 10:08 #42039

    Great read, you could tell it was Badarse by the writing style! Really captures the atmosphere of Highbury, as does the chosen photograph. Great to get first hand experiences of that era, as the author suggests that won't be possible for that much longer. I first went at a similar age, it was the 1980s but I can recognise much in the description that was still the same. It's completely gone now - that Highbury, that Arsenal. Football getting richer has actually made it poorer, in every sense but the financial.

  5. QuartzGooner

    Nov 21, 2013, 2:13 #42038

    Very good article, well written, concise and good descriptive language. My dad was at the famous game too.

  6. Th14afc

    Nov 20, 2013, 23:14 #42037

    Excellent article,credit to the writer!


    Nov 20, 2013, 21:52 #42036

    Ron, he was fast, too true. The thing is his brain was faster. I think that made him a member of the 'very special' club. Some are fast, much faster than their brains, like Theo, some are a shade faster than their brains and are ordinary, those whose brain and feet are in synch are good. It's why I think Rob was better than good. Great close control, fast and able to sway left and right, such balance, and a craftsman when delivering a shot or a pass, and he is still very much a Gooner.

  8. Ron

    Nov 20, 2013, 20:58 #42034

    BADARSE - It was those "5 mins to 1 o clock feet" of his that formed BP s running! He was deceptively quick though.

  9. Ron

    Nov 20, 2013, 19:33 #42032

    SKG - Great point re cross bars. I used to think it was my national health service wiry frames specs playing tricks! Mom used to make me wear them on a match day in case of any aggro coming my way mate, even though i was only about 12 and 8 stone wet through then!

  10. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 20, 2013, 19:19 #42031

    PS : How could I forget the clock! - do you all remember how the police would start walking round the cinder track at twenty to five, that told you there was a few minutes left. No game ever continued past 4.45, today they are still at it at 4.55 - 5 o clock!!!

  11. Old Paddy

    Nov 20, 2013, 19:00 #42030

    I was at the game as a 12 year old with my 'Old fella'. He and his brother and cousins were just a part of the Irish that came over in the 1930's looking for work and settled all around the Finsbury Park and Drayton Park area. Alex is so right about Jack Kelsey's knees! A sight to behold! Do you remember Alex how Jack used to come over to us kids at the front and chat to us? On the day of the game I remember the state of the pitch it was muddy and every tackle seemed to be a slide. People of our age recall the fact that as football supporters although we loved our teams there was not the ridiculous hyped up rivalry/animosity there seems to be now fuelled by the inane garbage from outlets such as Talksport. How interesting the point made by Alsace re the Denis Evans decision not to 'do' Duncan Edwards. (What a player he was!!! Duncan Edwards was quite good too!) The aftermath of the crash summed up the attitude of football in those days when Manure (There! I have slipped into today's thoughtless vernacular)sorry, Manchester United were allowed to recruit new players from all over the place - remember Ernie Taylor? How things have changed! Come on you Reds!!!!

  12. Seven Kings Gooner

    Nov 20, 2013, 18:42 #42029

    A lovely piece Alex, thank you. So much about Highbury you notice when you are a boy, the crossbars were higher in the middle than at the ends, the camber from the middle to the edge of the pitch was quite pronounced, and how could I forget how the half time scores magically appeared at just before 4.00pm. No ground in the country looked quite like Highbury, the wonderful glass house that the players walked through onto the pitch, the floodlights that were fixed to the east & west stands. Other clubs had ugly pylons pointing out were the ground was for visiting supporters but with Arsenal it was absorbed deep into the community and visitors would suddenly happened upon our ground. I would watch from the front of the west lower and those lights dazzled your eyes but the players were lit up better, it added to the drama! The Art Deco designed East & West stands are more suited for theatre than football, the place was so special and I miss it now more as each year passes. I have the programme from that game up in my loft and I will be up there tonight to find it! I was too young (7) to see that game but my dad saw the match and like me was very happy when United finally lifted the European Cup in 1968, it seemed as if unfinished business was finally settled. However any affection for United disappeared when Fergie took over - I wonder why?

  13. Ron

    Nov 20, 2013, 16:12 #42026

    Ramgun - Those things that you miss are missed by all of us who spent our years at Highbury, esp our formative years as supporters. The Club is a far different animal now and the old Arsenal is sadly gone and much lamented. Its still a great Club (not near as classy as it once was though) but im sure i speak for many when i say that the Club now doesnt get close to what it was and it isnt just nostalgia that makes me say it. The Club once had a 'feel' of Arsenal, a tangible presence that demanded love. Its gone. That monstrosity of a passionless stadium is a glass/concrete eg of the modern game and all its ills and faults. The place will fall down and crumble before it even starts to generate the feeling of a true footballing home. Looking at it and its construction, i ll give it 50 years tops before the concrete stress takes a grip on it despite modern anti 'concrete cancer' measures that i assume are inbuilt into it. Its a good job the atmosphere there is painfully muted. I wouldnt want to be in the place with too much noise for fear it would collapse! The glass is likely up for renewal in 10 years. Id love to see the architects projections. The younger fans are welcome to it matey.

  14. Ramgun

    Nov 20, 2013, 13:54 #42025

    My family decided that the crush at the game would be too much for me to attend. I wish that I had gone. My Brothers (now 76 and 73 years of age) both went and still talk of that day and it's terrible aftermath. I was first taken to Highbury by my Sister (now 78) in 1955 and it remains the greatest thing she ever did for me. I miss Highbury. I miss the multi-ownership Arsenal. The memories are intact though. Thank you for the article.

  15. Big Andy

    Nov 20, 2013, 13:12 #42023

    I wonder if there are any young fans who get excited by their first visit to the the Emirates. For me it's an ugly concrete structure that can't be compared to the beautiful old stadium. Yrs, the new ground is functionally better, and of course much bigger, but it doesn't possess half the character of that old stadium.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 20, 2013, 12:42 #42020

    As soon as i read the title i knew it was going to be a good article and i wasn't disappointed. I don't think there's an Arsenal fan anywhere who hadn't the same feeling's the first time they laid eyes on the old girl. Excellent read Alex, keep them coming.

  17. Tony Evans

    Nov 20, 2013, 12:28 #42019

    Wonderfully well written account of a time before I was even born! My memories of Arsenal start from 1970 and I can well remember the feeling of awe as I saw Highbury for the first time. Despite all the glitz and polish of The Emirates and football in general these days I would gladly swap it for the amazing camaraderie and atmosphere at Highbury in days gone by.

  18. Mike Walsh

    Nov 20, 2013, 11:57 #42018

    A wonderful account which captures the magic of that era. My own path to a life long devotion to the club came via my father and brother which led me to Highbury. We all have our stories to tell, in my case I worked as a gateman for 20 years and can remember after one match asking the great Jack Kelsey (at that time running the club souvenir shop) if he would sign a copy of the centenary book I had purchased. Without any bitterness he replied "No trouble son but there isn't actually a photo of me in the book", so he signed on the first page. A very simple encounter but just as with Alex Steine memories one that has remained in my memories.

  19. Hibeegunner

    Nov 20, 2013, 11:44 #42017

    First Class article my does that not get the old grey cells working. My first Highbury game was in August 65 against Stoke we won 2-1.I was 17 at the time. I moved down to Hertfordshire from Scotland that year though I had followed Arsenal from the age of 7. I watched Hibs as a schoolboy but always looked for the Gunners result first. JJetplane don't remember the Hoochie Coochie place as I was long gone by the time you reached Edinburgh though I am sure you enjoyed your time there.

  20. Ron

    Nov 20, 2013, 10:56 #42015

    A love;y poignant read. My Dad used to recollect that game as he was there too. I saw Vic Groves play. My first match was 1962 as a very young kid. I can still smeall the Highury grass as i read this. Highbury was and remains the only pitch where you could actually smell the turf. Lovely!

  21. chris dee

    Nov 20, 2013, 10:36 #42014

    My memory doesn't quite go back to the Munich tragedy but I can remember waiting at Finsbury Park station for the Pink Classified printed by the Evening News ,in those days a rival to the Evening Standard. Once me and my mates had got the paper we popped into the Wimpy across the road for a meal while we read the paper.And then in the evening our weekly trip to the Tottenham Royal where we drank our light and bitters to the sound of 'Baby come back' by Eddy Grant and the Equals.

  22. Steve

    Nov 20, 2013, 10:31 #42013

    What a read that was. My dad was also at that game (10 years old) and like yourself the poignancy of the occasion is always detectable when he talks of that game. I know take my boys as my father did with us and they get the same buzz we all did.

  23. Westlower

    Nov 20, 2013, 10:29 #42012

    As an 11 year old back in 1958 many different teams were supported by us school kids. There wasn't the peer pressure to support the most successful clubs as it is today. Although I only lived 70 miles north of London I was the only Arsenal supporter at my school. There were a sprinkling of Man U fans because of the Busby babes but their numbers increased dramatically post Munich. The signing of Albert Quixall in September 1958 heralded the rebirth of Man U. He was later joined in 1961 by David Herd, who scored 97 goals in 166 appearances for Arsenal. I didn't see AFC live until 60/61 but much of that team who lost 4-5 were still playing, Jimmy Bloomfield, Joe Haverty, Danny Clapton, Vic Groves, David Herd, Jack Kelsey. I bought a reprinted programme of the 1958 game aginst Man U and a few years ago I was able to give Bobby Charlton my programme via a good friend of his. Another player connected to both clubs was Tommy Docherty. He joined AFC in 1958-1961. As a 13 year old Santa Claus brought me a pair of football boots with the name Tommy Docherty printed on the side. None of my school mates possessed such a flash pair of boots, I was King! It was the era of cavalier football when coaches hadn't been trained to 'park the bus'. Good memories of joining the queue outside Highbury at about 11.30 to make sure of a good spot on the North Bank. Once inside our usual treat was a lukewarm steak & kidney pie. The Gents toilet was usually a brick wall to pee up. People who've only known computerised tickets sales linked to a dedicated seat, choice of good food, proper toilets, shelter from the rain, etc, will have no concept of life in the 50's & 60's.

  24. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Nov 20, 2013, 9:24 #42011

    Excellent piece if you don't mind me saying so, especially the part about going to Highbury for the first time and the magic of it. Different today but still fun for the first timer. In Tom Watt's weighty book " The End" he describes a moment in this match where Dennis Evans had to decide whether to go over the top in a tackle on Duncan Edwards in revenge for a foul on Danny Clapton. Had he comitted the leg breaking foul, Edwards would not have travelled to Munich.

  25. basil is a gooner

    Nov 20, 2013, 9:16 #42010

    Really well written and emotional article, gives a fascinating insight into supporting Arsenal in those days, along with a very touching and poignant recount of how you felt about the crash and the impact it had. Puts things into perspective really. Thanks.