TV5 to the rescue?

Is the club captain an option for defensive midfield?

TV5 to the rescue?

Today, fellow Gooners, we are greeted with the unhappy situation that our talismanic midfield enforcer Mathieu Flamini will miss the game against Southampton due to suspension. This leaves us with a gaping hole in our master plan as Flamini has become the difference between a balanced Arsenal, comfortable in defence and lethal in attack, and the attack-heavy defensively-weak shambles of an Arsenal we saw against all the top teams last term.

Since his return to Arsenal, Flamini has gone on to become the most vital player in the team. If he is not starting the next attack through a well-timed and robust tackle, or a pass to and in front of – a very important distinction, pay attention Arteta – one of his more creatively minded midfield players, he is doing it through willpower and sheer volume. I think that it is not a stretch to say that without his considerable ability to marshal the midfield, we find it a lot more difficult to pick up points. Wenger must address this issue as a matter of priority as I do not believe, with the greatest respect, that Mikel Arteta is up to the job. Unfortunately, as Milan themselves found out, Flamini can be very injury prone – such is the burden of combating the more physical side of the opposition week in week out – we must be prepared for more of the same.

The forgotten man

I am convinced that the answer to this problem is staring Wenger and co. in the face - the forgotten man, or Thomas Vermaelen. Our club captain and former star defender has clearly fallen out of favour with Wenger and Bould since the emergence of the irregular, but effective, Mertesacker-Koscielny partnership, but I think perhaps he has not been given the opportunity to prove his worth in recent times and has become somewhat unfairly marginalised.

I believe that now is the perfect time for TV5 to remodel himself and prove his worth as a vital part of a balanced team. As the best football playing centre-back in our squad, Thomas is the perfect blend of combative defending and technical proficiency. He is a natural leader having captained both Arsenal and Ajax and is every bit as vocal in the team as Flamini himself. It must be remembered that to effectively cover the Flamini role, Thomas needs to act as little more than a shield for the defence, picking up the scraps in that cavernous hole between defence and midfield before giving the ball to the more gifted players in the team like Ozil, Ramsey and Cazorla. Anyone who doubts his ability going forward only needs to look at his goalscoring record in his two full seasons at Arsenal.

I know that many will dismiss this suggestion as frivolous armchair management (which it is), but I think that not making use of a resource as valuable as TV5 amounts to little more than negligence. I know that many will also consider this a square peg for a round hole and that he is lacking ‘a little bit’ sharpness, but I would argue that the Verminator is much more suited for the role than Wiggy and moreover, deserves the chance to make his mark on the team once more.

Regardless of whether the Belgian is suitable for DM or not, I for one would certainly like to see more of him in the team. While I would agree with his critics that the performances leading to his being dropped were unacceptable, you only have to look at the resurgence of Laurent Koscielny to see that all is not lost. A little confidence goes a long way in football and a little protection in front of the back four goes a lot further.

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  1. google

    Nov 26, 2013, 23:24 #42169

    north bank 123, im saying he is to good to sit on the bench EVERY GAME. Not saying we should change the starting line up to fit him in. for now. never change a winning team.... however, he is hardly used at all and if this continues its probably just a question of time before he wants a transfer. For now, i think he would be a better option than many others that wenger throws in to secure the lead. Anyway, on form, which he was at OT, i beleive TV is our best center back, left back (great crosser) and who knows, maybe our best defensive midfielder. again, interseting thought John F.

  2. Graham Simons

    Nov 26, 2013, 10:42 #42134

    I agree on giving Vermaelen the chance to play in defensive midfield. But the facts prove you wrong on Arteta. Unlike Flamini, when Arteta is given the role we keep clean sheets and the only way of guaranteeing points is with clean sheets.

  3. Nick

    Nov 25, 2013, 9:00 #42102

    I agree with this article to the full, When TV signed for Arsenal I was very excited. He looked sharpe at the back and I think he had a lot to offer us defensivly. With BFG and Kos working well together (apart from the odd hick-up) now he has been outcast becauase he is prone to mistakes and I would say it all started at Old Trafford last season when he gift wrapped the opening goal to "You know who". Maybe as a CDM he would flourish as he has the footballing quality to play there as we know, he would also be covered by the two CB's if everything went south. He seems to me like a confidence player (much like Gervinho) in the sense that when he is playing with confidence he is solid and works well, but when he is not doing so well and the fans get on his back (maybe rightly so) he is a bit dodgy at times. I don't see any better way of re-installing that confidence into TV's game than to play him in a more advanced defensive role.

  4. QuartzGooner

    Nov 25, 2013, 6:43 #42098

    This has been discussed on the forum section for a while. I think his strengths would be tackling and an ability to break forward and have a shot. His weakness is his positioning. As an alternative to Flamini is worth a try but only if he has ample chance to try it in training games and does well in them. I actually think Wilshere would be OK next to Ramsey but only when he is fully fit and confident. And only if Flamini was out, because the Flamini-Ramsey pairing is my first choice pick for central midfield. Frimpong looks well out of things, reckon he will be sold in the summer.

  5. Black Hei

    Nov 25, 2013, 6:35 #42097

    I think TV can become a great DM as you say. But positional discipline is not want of his strong points. Might just become a Song mark 2.

  6. Ron

    Nov 24, 2013, 19:16 #42090

    Im sure that you speak from the heart John, but TV is too slow, his passing isnt great and judging by his displays for the last 2 years (such as theyve been) at CB his judgment and reading of the game isnt too clever either. This latter aspect of the game is intensified in midfield and he's too old to convert now. He is what he is, a back up centre back and in the main, he useful back up too. Moreover he harbours a Belgian place and playing him in the middle wdt be an option he d want to contemplate. He scored 5-6 goals 3 years back straight after he signed and to be honest, hes dined out on those games since. Cd well be sold in January for the right offer.

  7. northbank123

    Nov 24, 2013, 11:41 #42071

    google - is he really too good to sit on the bench? Really? If that's the case then he should play at CB and drop Koscielny (personally I disagree). If he's only the 3rd best in his position then why disrupt the strongest midfield unit in the league so that he can play out of position where the same flaws will still restrict him hugely?

  8. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Nov 24, 2013, 8:49 #42062

    Yes, and Nacho would be good as well. We actually do have what we might need to do the job in this area of the pitch. All we need is the correct use of the assets.

  9. google

    Nov 23, 2013, 22:59 #42061

    vermaelen is too good to sit on the bench every game. on his best our best defender. and he defenitely deserves another chance. midfield? good thoght. wanyama was by far the best midlfielder today. arteta/ramsey or Wilshire is not a well enonough balanced midlfield in the long run. Also gives me pain to wath ramsey or wilshire playing on the wing when we have a slow player like giroud up front. i am tempted to say that gnabry is a better option but looks like walcott is ready again and then theres the Ox. my fear is that wenger will use ramsey or wilshire on the even if we have a full squad. its so f... slow, slow, slow

  10. CanadaGooner

    Nov 23, 2013, 22:32 #42060

    just about to watch match of the day (not sure why); cant wait to see that stupid gap-toothed idiot (kevin kilbane) and alan Hansen tell us arsenal wont win the league..

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 23, 2013, 14:16 #42059

    Flamini's certainly the most vital player in the team alright but part of any master plan? We know what OGL's like when it comes to addressing issue's especially ones that are so obvious like the striker situation. If reports are to be believed he thinks we don't need to buy another striker to win the league so there's not much chance of that issue being addressed so i wouldn't hold out much hope on others, unless of course they drop into his lap like Flamini, and that wouldn't even have to happen with Vermaelen as he's already at the club.

  12. Benny2

    Nov 23, 2013, 12:55 #42058

    thank you north bank! sense!

  13. northbank123

    Nov 23, 2013, 12:18 #42057

    The reason Vermaelen is not one of the best centre-halves in the league is because his decision-making is rash and he gets pulled out of position far too easily - both as important at DM as CB. His good tackling would be useless at DM if he's chasing the wrong balls and not reading the danger. Arteta provides a brilliant tactical alternative to Flamini as he reads the game very well, anticipates the danger often snuffing it out without the need for Hollywood tackling and is actually a great footballer - Vermaelen may like overplaying from CB but couldn't dream of being as composed on the ball or having half the passing ability. We have two great options at DM and Vermaelen is a useful 3rd-choice CB so why are we trying to crowbar him into the team??

  14. Lobster

    Nov 23, 2013, 12:14 #42056

    I'll assume that the author was hammered when writing this, or this is just a once-off.. So many things wrong with this post

  15. Steve 1962er

    Nov 23, 2013, 12:00 #42055

    I could not agree more, I have had this thought for a long time, in fact ever since TV5 lost his place in the back four. He definitely has the defensive capabilities to play this position, is very mobile, and definitely more solid in the tackle than Arteta, but lacking his passing ability, but together they could make a very good team in the absence of Flamini, who I agree has been our most important player so far this season

  16. Benny2

    Nov 23, 2013, 11:13 #42054

    For heavens sake! Liverpool and Dortmund, two games we were missing Flam, two games that we won. Yes, we looked a bit open but Arteta did a good job and he will again. We didn't have Flam in the good run last year so he isn't 'integral' like everyone is making out. Putting other players out of position is not the answer!

  17. Mike

    Nov 23, 2013, 10:39 #42053

    Yes he can do a job there - just to note Arteta was an unsung hero against Liverpool and Dortmund two of the more tricky games so far - You definately cant play Arteta and Flamini together as they did at OT so it is one or the other.

  18. Nigel Blayney

    Nov 23, 2013, 8:51 #42051

    I agree. I remember Martin Keown did a similar job for us when he re-joined prior to moving into the back four.

  19. D

    Nov 23, 2013, 8:39 #42050

    I've been saying the same thing since we signed BFG.I think TV5 could become a very good DM. TV5 is a good footballer he can tackle, pass and win the ball in the air. With the right coaching and playing alongside players like Flamini and Arteta he would learn a lot.


    Nov 23, 2013, 8:29 #42049

    Thanks John, well high-lighted point. Have discussed this theme with a pal for quite a while, as much to utilise his resources as find a back-up for this position. The topic has been explored on the postings too. I can only assume he hasn't shown enough in training to be an option. He may only get his chance in an emergency, rather than a planned move. I think you do a small disservice to Mikael. With all players you find different personalities and with them characteristics. Weaknesses and strengths. Mikael is not a blood or thunder Flaminal-type, but a cultured 'pass master'. He does a job with limitations in the defensive mode, but creatively he brings a bonus.