Musings from the top of the table looking down

Thoughts after another home Premier League win

Musings from the top of the table looking down

German misses penalty?

Our game against Hull City - or was it Hull Tigers? – broke a mini sequence: our previous two Premier League home matches, against Liverpool and Southampton, gave an opportunity to both the home and the away team to be table-toppers at final whistle. Dear Norris, I doubt that this is “a record” – by which I mean a first - but when did it last happen at an English professional ground?

Hull were never going to continue that trend. I’m not meaning to “diss” Steve Bruce’s side, especially after they outplayed those lovable Scouse Scallies 3-1 on Sunday; with a four-point lead over the field at kick-off, we were always going to be top at 10 o’clock.

Talking of Hull’s possible name-change, like all admirers of footballing trivia, I’m hoping that the status quo is maintained because, as you know, Hull City are the only league team whose name does not contain a single letter that can be “coloured in” (viz. a, b, d, e, g, o, p and q). Long may that “record” remain.

Some bad news for those who think the purchase of Mesut Ozil, the only German to ever miss a penalty, will be the first of many “marquee” signings. As Arsene and Ivan Gazidis are always at pains to explain to supporters’ groups, when Arsenal sign a player they look not just at the headline purchase price that provides endless perverse fascination for all and sundry (as Adam said to Eve, the bigger, the better), but take into account also the player’s wages over the lifetime of his contract. To my mind, that does not seem entirely unreasonable, especially in our increasingly risk-averse, ‘elf & safety-obsessed world. Assuming Captain Nemo is “on” two hundred grand a week for five years, a figure in excess of £90 million needs to be put aside, figuratively or mentally, to secure the services of our German with the ultra-short – not to mention stu-stu-stuttering (geddit?) - run-up at penalties. (I’ve never seen Ozil play cricket, but doubt very much he’s a fast-bowler) With £90 million approximating to one-third of our annual turnover, one such signing every two years or so is probably the most we can hope for to augment our squad. As they say in America: do the math.

But the bad news doesn’t stop there. As no-hopers such as Aaron Ramsey and our latest clown-between-the-sticks, Wojciech Szczesny, are given extended and, presumably, enhanced contracts, there will be even less money in the kitty for our parsimonious Board and manager to spend on a world-class midfielder and goalkeeper. Just a thought.

Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan, or so says the proverb. Calls for our stubborn and increasingly cantankerous manager to be removed, screaming and kicking if need be, presumably to be replaced by a man with a more impressive curriculum vitae – the applicants’ short-list would indeed be short, possibly even shorter than Ozil’s run-up when he attempts to bowl a Fraulein over (geddit?) – seem to have subsided recently. Concerning the implacable AMG (Arsene Must Go) brigade, “Forgive them, Arsene, for they know not what they wish for.”

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  1. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 07, 2013, 11:23 #42553

    Whoever coined the phrase "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" would be very happy to see that phrase verified after reading this awful article

  2. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2013, 17:27 #42547

    mg, i wouldn't rule out Stan and son from trying to screw some money out of changing names or other things - i reckon a shares-dividend payment is more likely though - with Silent Stan having refused when asked about this to rule out the possibility. He's got to get back the money he borrowed to his shares from somewhere - sooner or later

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2013, 16:05 #42543

    jeff wright, now that you mention it i remember reading somewhere that he said that, maybe it was a veiled message to the powers that be as i don't think he said it won't/could never happen.

  4. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2013, 13:48 #42538

    Interesting points MG ,Wenger was actually asked about this name changing, shirt colour change malarkey before the game at Cardiff. His reply was ' we would get hung outside the stadium if we tried it' . The new stadium according to CL ,Europa Cup rules is called the Arsenal Stadium ,most folk would prefer it if that, or Ashburton, was used all the time,but recognize that money never sleeps and has to be earned. There has been a certain amount of messing about with shirts I don't like those French looking roundels on the sleeves of the home ones and can well understand someone taking a pair of scissors to them.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 06, 2013, 13:31 #42537

    A lot of their fans are taking the name change with a wimper just accepting it, a bit like our fans when Flamini showed disrespect in cutting up our shirt. I wonder what the reaction would be and would it just be accepted if kroneke's boy decided his first order of business was to change our name or even propose it to maybe for example, Arsenal cannons fc? or The Arsenal Broncos? I'd imagine there would be more than a wimper and suddenly tradition would become important again. But also i'd imagine it would depend on our stubborn and cantankerous manager and what he thought, and if he was for it i'm sure it would go through with a wimper after all OGL must not be questioned as Arsene knows best.

  6. jeff wright

    Dec 06, 2013, 11:12 #42529

    With all due respect this article seems to be a little flawed - and tat is not just the math . The problem for Wenger is that he's not actually won anything for 8 years -and until he does replacing him with a manager who had to match this is not the same as doing so with one who has won numerous trophies recently. Moyes is finding that out at United where finishing 2nd is not considered a trophy - 4th or less is a capital offence.

  7. GoonerD

    Dec 06, 2013, 10:57 #42527

    Surely your math is wrong? He amounts to roughly £55million of this year's spending (transfer + wages), not £90 million. His wages will make a £10million annual dent in Arsenal's profits over the next five years. If there are no more marquee signings, it won't be because of funds, but because of the manager's aversion to spending money. Everything looks good now, but the MOTD pundits are only reflecting what most people are concerned about: whether Arsenal will tail off in spring when the silverware is up for grabs. Having seen that happen repeatedly over the past 10 years, it makes sense to wait and see. How much would the savage Uruguayan (or someone equally good) increase our chances? Arsenal are pretty mean at the moment; with a top draw CF Arsenal would be a terrifying side to face.

  8. Westlower

    Dec 06, 2013, 10:03 #42523

    Finsbury Joe, Save your soul before it's too late. Join the junior gunners as your Christmas present to yourself. It's the least you deserve for all the years of misery suffered at the Lane. 53 years and counting!! Joe you know The Game is all about Glory, jump on board the Arsenal express and taste some real Glory. Your Lilywhite friends will understand why you've dumped a team of also ran's in preference for the Champions elect. To Dare is to Do, Joe.

  9. Big Sean

    Dec 06, 2013, 8:39 #42517

    Great humour in a great article, shame that it seems a few people didn't quite get it.

  10. Black Hei

    Dec 06, 2013, 8:22 #42515

    Sarcasm is under appreciated these days.

  11. smithy

    Dec 06, 2013, 5:22 #42513

    God I've had a difficult few months at work but the writer of this article must be a manic depressive! We are top of the league, the team are playing well, why be so doom leadeningly negative? I wouldn't want to sit next to this guy at the staff christmas meal!

  12. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 05, 2013, 23:32 #42509

    Don't be fooled by the present, the past usually tells all. Wenger has done irreversible damage to the club, team and attitude of the players. The temporary Bould effect is in evidence, but it will be brief and ephemeral. Normal service will soon resume as Wenger becomes bored with an increased emphasis on defence and the team face teams that have been in this league for longer than two years. Good to see son of Stan has joined the board....change is coming

  13. gooner

    Dec 05, 2013, 23:13 #42508