Forward, Arsène?

Is it going to be a 1989 or a 2008?

Forward, Arsène?

Something like this would do just fine

It was John Maynard Keynes who once, when questioned on an ideological u-turn over macro-economic ideals, responded with the retort ‘when the facts change I change my mind. What do you do sir?’ Although Arsène Wenger has worked wonders to rehabilitate his reputation in recent months, and though the ‘Arsène Must Go’ brigade has gone reasonably quiet of late, the dissenters may well not be entirely dead just yet. There is no doubt a confident ‘Champions Elect’ feel to Arsenal at the moment and, in all my years of supporting the club, it’s comparable to two other seasons nineteen years apart. Back in July, I drew comparisons between the close season of 25 years ago and that of 2013, as Arsenal also suffered a frustrating summer in the transfer market compared with the other big sides of the time.

As irony has it, Arsenal look on course to finish this calendar year in similar fashion to how George Graham’s side did in 1988 (the top spot gained through this impressive 3-0 win away at Villa Park on New Years’ Eve of that year). However, Arsenal suffered a truly bumpy ride through to the spring time, almost providing a master class in how to blow a league title, as seen by this performance against a rampant Nottingham Forest side on their way to winning two cups – the Littlewoods Cup and the Simod Cup (you may be surprised to find that during the post-Heysel ban they were actually both important to a degree), as well as reaching that ill-fated FA Cup Semi at Hillsborough and coming third in the league by overhauling early pace-setters Norwich.

Arsenal were still hapless in the transfer market right through to deadline day, unable to prize Frank McAvennie away from a relegation dogfight with his old club West Ham (a move probably regretted more by Frank than Arsenal no doubt), to add to Tony Cottee and Kerry Dixon both turning us down the previous summer. Ultimately, though, as we all know, it didn’t matter. Arsenal won the title with the last kick of the season, over-hauling Liverpool on goals scored, after drawing level on points and goal difference with Michael Thomas’s last minute winner. Nineteen years later, however, we weren’t so lucky.

Anyone wishing to recall the 2007/08 season, can get the full picture from my previous Online Gooner article on the subject. However, as a recap, after finishing the calendar year on top and challenging for honours on all four fronts, a springtime collapse saw us finish four points off the title, losing just three games all season after the January window purse remained closed.

How does this tie in with 2013/14? Well, some of the football thus far has been majestic. We’re spoilt for riches in the midfield and I’d even go as far as claiming that our fully-fit first team can potentially beat any team in the world on their day. Considering that we’ve beaten both Champions League finalists away from home this calendar year, I don’t consider that an exaggeration.

However, the downside is that the wider squad still lacks depth. Aside from the opening day defeat against Villa, the two biggest disappointments this season are a direct result of the shallow squad. The League Cup exit against Chelsea was the most woeful performance of the season. Considering that it was Ryo Miaichi, Ju-Young Park and Nic Bendtner up against Samuel Eto’o, Michael Essien and Juan Mata, how could it have been anything but? The weak squad was also the main reason for our inability to beat the most laughable Man Utd side since the days when Fergie actually selected Charlton-reject Ralph Milne in the berth later challenged for by Ryan Giggs and Andrei Kanchelskis.

Though only Mertesecker and Rosicky were omitted from the side, Arsenal’s lethargic performance at Old Trafford suggests that there were more of the first side stricken by the 'flu bug, but, with such a shallow squad at Wenger’s disposal, they had to turn out for the game. Also, though our striking options will increase when Podolski returns, the very fact we’re still calling on a Nic Bendtner who I’ve barely seen break sweat whenever he’s turned out this season is self-evident that we require more firepower in attack. Despite his goal against Hull City, the feeling I get when still seeing Bendtner turn out in an Arsenal shirt is comparable to watching an unfunny and farcical TV sitcom that’s managed to drag itself out for nearly a decade and that you just wish someone accountable would cut their losses with and swing the axe.

Also, Wenger has actually said in the last few days that: ‘we don’t need a striker, we have Sanogo’ – a quote that is quite literally a rope that his potential detractors will hang him with should we see a 2007/08 relapse. Wenger needs to appreciate that there is a dearth of trophy-winning experience in this albeit impressive side, which will matter when it comes to what the old Govan shop-steward used to call ‘squeaky-bum time’. Though still an unknown quantity, relying on a 21-year-old forward who only has 21 appearances in the French league to his name is taking a huge risk if Olivier Giroud gets struck down with injury.

This season is a huge opportunity for this post-Highbury incarnation of Arsenal to finally make their mark on the footballing world. It’s a huge opportunity for Wenger to finally be vindicated after nine barren years, bury the Wenger-out brigade and cruise toward the twenty-year mark at the Arsenal helm in style. Though it is December, metaphorically speaking at Arsenal the sun is presently still out. Here’s hoping that Arsène doesn’t hit the rainy season with regrets that he didn’t fix that leaky roof while the sun was still shining.

*Follow me on Twitter@robert_exley

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  1. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Dec 14, 2013, 10:52 #42838

    You have just spent several eloquent paragraphs explaining very clearly that Wenger is the reason why we probably won't win it. If he maintains his stance as the luckiest man in football, how will that bury the wenger out brigade, of which I am a very proud member. This season is an illustration of why we absolutely must get rid. There have been many recent opportunities for us to win the thing-it's just that he doesn't want to. Let's hope that we can keep the straightjacket on him when it comes to the crucial decisions, so that we actually can do well this year. There is a chance. I believe that Stan and Ivan have realised that he is bonkers and are countering his self destruct button on the major decisions. On the field we have a Flamini inspired change of attitude and belief. Let's see what today brings. I'm more than a bit nervous.

  2. Twat

    Dec 12, 2013, 17:27 #42788

    Ii suppose Bayern and Dortmund are not decent teams then? And yet a United side that can't even beat Newcastle or Spurs are?

  3. Danny

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:31 #42773

    TWAT - why the nickname. i wonder why... Remember United beat us few weeks ago and watch what Chelsea and Man City do Our Midfield is physically and Mentally weak just like our coach. All we do is tick tacka crap and when we meet a decent team, we fold.

  4. Twat

    Dec 12, 2013, 6:59 #42732

    Danny- Our midfield is our weakness? Seriously? And United are going to overtake us? With David Moyes at the helm? Seriously, shut up!

  5. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Dec 12, 2013, 5:31 #42731

    I'm sidestepping the majority of Danny's over - reaction to the Napoli result, however his point about needing a better than average striker rings true. How I wished that Giroud had more revs in his motor when he couldn't catch up to the through ball that would have put him clear in the second half. Either my eyes deceived me or he really was five meters closer to the ball than the Napoli keeper but still lost the race. Much as I appreciate his endeavour and team ethic, it's obvious that Giroud has as many gears as an East London fashionista's inner city bicycle. By the way, the verification code i had to enter to post this began with the letters "bvb" - how's that for rubbing it in?!?!?!

  6. Greg71

    Dec 11, 2013, 23:57 #42730

    Bill Murray has appeared at the window and is looking in,will he be knocking on the door to say hes here by the end of january ?fn

  7. Danny

    Dec 11, 2013, 23:04 #42729

    As I said many times before, we are not good enough to win anything under Wenger The PL start we had is a mirage and not because we are good, it is because Manu Utd, Citeh and Chelsea have been cocking it up. They will get stronger especially after the JANUARY window, while our fearless leader will sit on his ass and do nothing!. His European record is also shocking! Our midfield is the biggest weakness, we need a Patrick Vieira type player to play alongside Flamini . Arteta is slow and all he does is side and backwards passes. Cazorla is out of dept and the biggest flop is Ozil, no bite and balls for the fight. That why Madrid got rid of him Giroud is average at best and we need a killer of a WC striker. Until then, nothing changes Napoli took their chances and just watch Citeh and Chelsea do to us.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 11, 2013, 20:05 #42728

    Robert your right this is a huge opportunity we've found ourselves with, and as i've said over the page if we don't do it this season we really never will, but if we do manage to do it and win a pot will it vindicate the manager for the last nine barren years and all that went with them? really? As far as i'm concerned winning something this season (as much as it will be welcome)will certainly not do that, he will have to deliver a hell of a lot more over the course of his next contract before the last eight years can be conveniently forgotten about (and i'm not suggesting you have) before there can be any sort of vindication.

  9. Chris

    Dec 11, 2013, 17:48 #42725

    Ron - "A lot of media observers think the same too but editors advised by defamation law advice stops them saying or writing how its manifested itself." That's an interesting comment. Find it hard to believe that these observers you mention are frightened to criticise Wenger for 'vanities and self-indulgence' unless 'how it's manifested itself' is really quite juicy indeed. Care to enlighten us...?

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 11, 2013, 16:57 #42723

    Good read Robert and enjoyed the clips. Oh it would be great to have something like that picture again especially what's in it, something to really celebrate and bounce about, i bet they wouldn't have worried about a flu bug.

  11. jeff wright

    Dec 11, 2013, 14:25 #42718

    Wenger is soon out of the traps Ron if any suggestions about him personally are aired by anyone. In some instances rightly so . I believe the days of just finishing 4th and it's job done are a thing of the past now and Wenger will have to do better than that. I suspect this is the reason why he is stalling on signing a new contract - he's waiting to see how things transpire this season before before putting pen to paper.H At 64 though time is not on his side and that 8 year gap without winning anything is starting to look like a chasm. He doesent make things easy for himself though but no doubt will blame the players and supporters again if it should all go pear-shaped.

  12. Ron

    Dec 11, 2013, 14:08 #42716

    Right with you on Wengers agenda s, philosophies, vanity and self indulgence as having been the major cause of our failings since 05. A lot of media observers think the same too but editors advised by defamation law advice stops them saying or writing how its manifested itself.

  13. jeff wright

    Dec 11, 2013, 13:29 #42714

    I agree with the priorities having changed for the owners of clubs and that of our current major ( just slightly) shareholder . Stan belongs to the world-wide merchandise and tv, broadband cartel. His son Josh though having now joined the 'board' will along with Ivan and others be concerned with the lack of silverware not being won by Wenger for them to use to attract more Asian glory hunting supporters to our cause . Selling tickets at Ticketmaster to Jap tourists to watch games at the Emirates can only generate so much money and Stan and co have bigger ambitions or hopes even than that. Wenger's long losing run on the trophy front has impacted on the merchandising side of things because glory hunters don't want to be associated with losers . Wenger's own policies and personal ambitions than this. Wenger's own policies and personal ambitions - rather than a lack of money - have hampered him in the past regarding winning trophies - and in my view will continue to do so.

  14. Adam

    Dec 11, 2013, 13:13 #42713

    Best article i've read on this site for a long, long time.

  15. Ron

    Dec 11, 2013, 12:43 #42710

    Jeff - Its all about 'profile' mate. Getting through the tedium of the CL groups and beyond (not often far in our case admittedly), gives a Club a profile of grandeur thus commercial riches to follow. These commercial interests hardly give a jot whether the Clubs 1st or 4th mate in the Prem as long as there up there. You have to be aware as well that for a club to bridge the chasm from being 2nd to 4th to Champs costs a lot of money and what does the Club get for its return? Very little, apart from a bit of advantage via better seeding for the holy grail CL. Im not saying its right, but tbh the days of winning the title carrying any gravitas have long since gone. Not only that, but the days of the Euro League and even a World league arent so very far off, leaving domestic leagues full of broke feeder Clubs for those who break away to the said leagues. Its a sad scenario but there you go.What we have is Clubs like us who neither need or are that bothered about actually winning their titles or the CL, knowing that theyre highly unlikely too anyway. Being top is just a nice little bragging point now and a CV filler as you say. Its all making for the sterile 'game' that its becoming if not become already.The new euro/world leagues will be an elite club ran in a USA extravaganza style. Not a nice thought.

  16. jeff wright

    Dec 11, 2013, 11:46 #42709

    Squad strength will play a big part in who wins the Prem; it always does.Champions League ties can also have an impact when Prem games are played a couple of days afterwards. Wenger is still chasing his holy grail of the European Cup although in Mony Python fashion at times - he is desperate to fill that gaping gap in his CV of no European successes - other than the San Siro Cup which is not really the equivalent of a 4th place Prem trophy. So Arsene is putting out his first team tonight so he has a better chance of winning the group and thereby avoiding the top sides in the next round - albeit he will have to play them anyway later in the tournament if he is going to win it. Pellegrini rested his players last night to have them fresh for Saturdays tete a tete leaving no doubt where is priorities lie - he couldn't even be bothered to learn the rules regarding his game with Bayern . Arsene on the other-hand is taking the game with Napoli very seriously and says that he is prepared to sacrifice points in the league to win it. In reality though he has little chance of winning the Champions League and would be better off concentrating on the Premier one - instead of chasing victory in a tournament where the final attracts less viewers on a Saturday night than Ant and Dec's Big Take Away .


    Dec 11, 2013, 11:44 #42708

    A nice article Robert, thanks. Yes there are similarities and no one quite knows how this season will play out. Of course we talk in terms of a 'battle plan' for a season. Generals around the table deciding who to move where, who to bring in and release, best positions and options. This is the beauty of following a team closely, being a part of all that occurs around us. Paradoxically we have very little input and can just offer approval and criticisms of both positively conceived moves and retrogressive decisions. We shall see, but the sense and feel of this season is a vaguely familiar one to this man, I hope for the right reasons.

  18. Ron

    Dec 11, 2013, 11:24 #42706

    Were all guessing Robert. Nice article. Well done to you. For me, the firpower of MC is going to get them to top spot. Theres a momentum building there, that we cant match. Result in Munich last night very ominous, yet oddly, i fancy us to get some sort of a result at their place and beat Chelsea. Its that kind of season.

  19. Bard

    Dec 11, 2013, 11:11 #42705

    Good post Robert. You might get some stick for having the audacity to suggest that a thin squad and a lack of a striking alternatives might be our downfall. Such suggestions on this site are tantamount to treason in some cases. But fantasy is always more palatable than reality. Of course you're dead right. I also heard the we have got Sanogo option which I thought was Wenger demonstrating he has a sense of humour but hey it will all shake down by the end of Jan.

  20. GoonerD

    Dec 11, 2013, 10:11 #42703

    I'm doing probability with my GCSE students - we look at the PL table and try to work out on current standings who will win the league. The girls tend to take the mean points per game (currently 2.33) and multiply that by 38 - which gives us 89 points. Of course the boys, who know a thing or two about footie, factor in the games that Arsenal have to play - Mank U, Chelsea, Citeh, and they say all the same things that the MOTD pundits say. However, they agree that the points tally required to win the PL will probably be between 89- 92 points. Which is possibly more than Arsenal have ever achieved, even in the invincible year. It will be some achievement to win the PL. You can't argue with GCSE maths.

  21. chris dee

    Dec 11, 2013, 10:08 #42702

    I hope I'm wrong but I still feel we lack a collective lack of physical and hard nosed presence when it comes to facing top cynical battle-hardened opponents.The Napoli,City and Chelsea games will reveal if the Emperor really does have new clothes. The season starts tonight at 7.45 pm.

  22. Dutchie

    Dec 11, 2013, 9:02 #42700

    I think we have some options as cover for giroud, apart from sanogo and bendtner. We can play podolski up front. And also I'm curious what ozil and walcott can do together up front in a 4-4-2.

  23. Tony Evans

    Dec 11, 2013, 9:00 #42699

    Lack of squad strength in depth has been Wenger's Achilles heal for a long while now and we can only hope he has learnt the lessons of previous implosions. Time will tell but we all know how stubborn and intransigent the man can be so I fear the worst.

  24. Bildad

    Dec 11, 2013, 8:43 #42698

    This is a very interesting read. Since the start of the season we have been largely been very good. I always say that the best team has had was the 2007-2008 season. But what a tragedy it was for us to fall short just a couple of matches to the end of the season. It is imperative that the boss buys a good enough striker who can stand in for Giroud effectively. We might also need another defender, a sweeper if you like just in case. Wenger should not let the optimism sweeping the club turn into regrets. January will be the time when we either win or lose the title. January will be the decider by either utilising the month to buy/loan in some players or we dont.