Twists and Turns

Online Ed: Late goals hands Arsenal a tough spring assignment

Twists and Turns

So an interesting set of games await in March. Spurs away, Barca/Real/Atletico/PSG or Bayern away, Chelsea away, Manchester City home. As regular emailer Sami quipped, ‘Mind the collapse’. That is of course defeatist talk, although understandable given recent seasons. However, the period between now and the end of March will tell us whether we are seeing a new Arsenal or another false dawn.

The game against Napoli last night was a strange one. At 1-0 down and with Dortmund unable to take the lead against a ten man Marseille, Arsenal were topping the table and their hosts going through. Everyone at the San Paolo could live with the way things were playing out. But two goals changed everything – Dortmund’s put Napoli out, and Napoli’s late goal – although not enough to change that – did condemn the Gunners to second place and a mouth watering tie against a crack side when European competition reconvenes in late February.

On one level, a disappointment. On another, what has made this Champions League group an interesting one this season, as opposed to the normal boring semi-procession, is the quality of the opposition. Astonishing to think that Marseille, who are no mugs, should fail to win a single point. All the games have had tension and good football. The match in the San Paolo was no exception.

Before the start, Arsene Wenger said that Arsenal would go for the win, and they certainly played with a lot more vigour than they did for the first hour in Dortmund, where he had expressed the same sentiment. The visitors attracted plenty of welcome whistling from the home fans, but Napoli still created more danger. 0-0 at half time seemed just fine though, especially given the mad Szczesny moment that almost gifted Higuain a goal. Arsenal played a very experienced midfield, resting Wilshere and Ramsey, and it was paying off.

As the second half wore on, it looked as if the game might slowly peter out, as Arsenal seemed to be containing the Napoli threat. However, Higuain’s very well taken goal kept the game alive, although what was happening in France determined whether it would be enough. Ironic it was scored by a summer target of Arsene Wenger’s but that is often the way with football. It was strange to see the nature of the game change from the wind down with neither side really pressing after so much of that earlier in the evening, and then the home team suddenly in need of two goals in a short space of time. But such is the nature of the final set of group matches when things are still in the balance.

So yes, a difficult ask, and every possibility that Arsenal could go out at the last 16 stage for the fourth season in succession. Still, immediately after the group draw, most fans would have settled for simply qualifying. Four of the ties have obvious stories. Another meeting with Barcelona, this time with Cesc Fabregas in opposition (at least if he gets picked), another crack at the reigning champions Bayern, with the opportunity to demonstrate Arsenal’s improvement since the tie nine months ago. Real Madrid would bring back memories of the draw at the same stage in 2006, when of course the Gunners went on to reach the final, whilst PSG would raise the question of whether Wenger might be trying to defeat a club he could be managing next season. The only ‘non story’ draw would be Atletico, but even that would still be a tie to savour. Whoever comes out of the UEFA goldfish bowl, the home leg would be first, that is all we know at this stage.

Of more immediate concern is the visit to Eastlands on Saturday lunchtime. Although the match in Naples might not have taken too much out of Arsenal physically, as the pace was rarely intense, I do wonder if it may have mentally drained the players. They will need to be at the top of their game to resist a City side who have proved rampant at home in the league so far this season. It is the kind of game in which anything could happen, and the view is that Theo Walcott might start to give City something to think about that was not asked of Napoli. Avoiding defeat would be a huge psychological boost after a difficult week so far, but it might be a big ask. Saturday will definitely give us some clues as to whether this Arsenal are strong or brittle. If it’s the latter, that run of games in March might just not be so important as they look now. We watch and wait…

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  1. Rocky RIP

    Dec 15, 2013, 17:56 #42941

    @Finsbury Joe - 'Just watch Spurs ... reel in Arsenal now.' Oh. I'm sure I just watched Spurs lose 5-0. At HOME. Budget Mourinho must stay.


    Dec 15, 2013, 11:52 #42902

    Pernickety I know but it should read 'humorous'. That's my OCD at work guys.


    Dec 15, 2013, 11:36 #42900

    Gare K, you are a good man. Now enough of this or it will develop into a love-in, and I am old enough to have been around during the hippy heydays when they were common.@Larry, I remember in '94 in Copenhagen. Wandering around outside the Parken Stadium were two Gooners wearing one enormously huge Arsenal shirt, each with an outside arm in a sleeve. Such a humerous site, so try to track them down. Anyone else who made that journey remember the two lads? Am calmer now so a comment. Both our ruled out goals were onside, though tight decisions, a clear penalty not given, and I believe Milner dived for their penalty. Two errors from Flaminal and Jack when they slipped/were wrong-footed/caught in possession. Fatigue played it's part, no question as both were leaden-footed and had slow reactions. That won't happen again, not twice in one match which led to goals on each occasion. We will be a different proposition against the Chavs.

  4. Th14afc

    Dec 15, 2013, 2:17 #42878

    Lol @ Ronni - funniest post iv read in ages,cheered me up abit after the devastating gunners performance!on the game just need to say as good as city were arsenal gifted them most goals but iv said all season as much as it pains me to say it but I can't see beyond city winnin the league...just look at their strength in depth and the team they have is heart says arsenal for the title but the reality says city...I so hope they prove me wrong....come on the gunners,let's beat Chelsea scum a week on Monday!

  5. ZB20H

    Dec 15, 2013, 1:02 #42877

    Hi Larry, to be a real Arsenal fan you don't need a XXXXL shirt, all you need to do is moan incessantly about being top of the EPL and qualifying for the Last 16 of the UCL from a very difficult Champions League. If you do that then you will fit right in on this website.

  6. Gare K

    Dec 15, 2013, 0:54 #42876

    Barardse; thanks for the kind words. I always enjoy reading your posts as you are very objective and unlike a few of the regulars here, you don’t look for confrontation or imply you are far superior on an intelligence level than everybody else. I applaud you for that.

  7. Danny

    Dec 15, 2013, 0:28 #42875

    I believe our Midfield has been the weakest it’s been for ages. No fight and no strength Arteta is old and slow, Wilshire is overrated , Cazorla cannot cut it in the PL, and the new addition is downright LAZY . Madrid must have laughing all the way to the bank. The sold us a **** lazy player who did not give a dam about the team He hasn’t got the balls to fight like a German player . I am glad Mertesacker called him out, and we all saw why Madrid did not want him I pray to God Wenger does not renew his contract, as it will be the same as the last 8 years. Wenger OUT!

  8. Larry

    Dec 14, 2013, 23:58 #42874

    I'm an American and have been a huge fan of Hotspur for two seasons now but are thinking of changing to Arsenal as I love the way you guys play and think Hotspur do rather suck most of the time. Can anybody tell me where I can purchase an XXXXL Arsenal home shirt from.I tried the Armoury but they only go up to XXL. Any comments would be very much appreciated.

  9. Gaz

    Dec 14, 2013, 20:42 #42873

    I'm sorry but there can be no mitigating circumstances or cries of 'we were robbed' when you've just conceded 6 goals in a game! Our defending-and I use the term loosely-was just awful and sadly the likes of Giroud, Ozil and Wilshere we're just as bad. Wish I could see the positives some of our fans seem to have found today but I just can't and I fear we're beginning g to see a repeat of previous years rather than some kind of new dawn. Horrible to feel so negative but when I start to find any positives from a loss and performance such as the one I witnessed earlier is the day I'll just give up following 'the Arsenal'...

  10. CanadaGooner

    Dec 14, 2013, 20:32 #42872

    Happy Birthday Maguiresbridge Gooner. It surprises me when so many people believe all that crap about the meanest defense; it depends SOLELY on which teams (attack) you have played at that stage of the season (and that pretty much means whether or not you have played Man City at the Etihad this season). We'll see how Mourinho approaches it. Wenger was totally exposed today. We have already seen AVB, so how Wenger went there looking to out-score Man City is totally bizarre. But as I stated in my previous post, as long as we resume beating the Fulhams and Hulls after the Chelsea game, I'm ok. But to have seen spurs get hammered and then go there and let 6 goals in as well, is disappointing - we didn't learn

  11. Ronni

    Dec 14, 2013, 19:59 #42871

    I live in a house with six other students we all support different teams. When the lino ruled Bendtner's goal offside, I launched myself at our resident Citeh fan taking out two of his teeth. The Spurs fan who lives with us is the strangest looking bloke I've ever seen and has a head the same shape as a penis. We were robbed today.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2013, 19:57 #42870

    Thanks for the congrats lads i know we don't know each other but it really is appreciated, i didn't get the present i would have liked but to be honest i'm not surprised, but there's always the second option and she's gorgeous. I'm only in through the door and didn't see the game, see any highlights or hear anything about it apart from the result and as i've a few bevies in me at the minute i'll wait until tomorrow when i'm sober and have seen it to comment. Thanks again, hic

  13. allybear

    Dec 14, 2013, 19:36 #42869

    Terrible display and even though some of the decisions were bad we could of conceded 12! The team mimics the manager,tactically inept,no fight,no heart&too many physically weak players. I hope AW doesnt sign a new contract.

  14. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 14, 2013, 19:34 #42868

    Rocky RIP.Yet you are right in saying I am a massive bellend, though isn't that true of all us Spurs fans.

  15. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 14, 2013, 18:59 #42867

    Rocky RIP the team I support are currently top but rest assured not for long. Don't take your embarrassment and humiliation at yet another wenger capitulation against the big boys out on me. Wenger is a tactical lummox and should not be let near any top flight team. This season will finally see him out of the top four.

  16. fozzy's mate

    Dec 14, 2013, 18:31 #42866

    I expected to lose but to concede 6 goals when our defence was previously tight is worrying. Problem is due to the fact that as we all know Wenger is a tactician of a similar ability Kevin Keegan, Arsenal will never win a game you don't expect them to. He does not have the ability to outwit a rival. So if we meet a team with more power than us were stuffed. Wenger has been a great coach and can still build a decent team. But as he cannot change tactically play a team man for man better and we can never do the unexpected. Next week v Chelsea is massive, win and we can regain confidence going into the busy xmas period and then Spurs in the cup. But lose and we could be third and re-adjusting our sights towards holding on to third.

  17. Don

    Dec 14, 2013, 18:20 #42865

    Arsenal could have had six today. Worse officiating since OT 2004. Hate Citeh as much as the stinking vermin spuds, Manure, Chavs and Orcs.


    Dec 14, 2013, 17:56 #42864

    Gare K. I thought my earlier judgement of you was correct. Well done buddy. Your response proved your maturity and level-headedness. It is a choppy sea we sail in. People lie and cheat. We have hopes lifted and dashed. That is how it is sadly. It doesn't help to accept these things off the back of a disappointing defeat either. Still, I don't want to focus on the negatives of the game on this post. This post is to just say well done. Any out there who need to understand what radfordkennedy was trying to say the other day should take note. Courtesy gentlemen, and if pointed out that your comments were a bit fruity then take a leaf out of Gare K's book, that's how you do it. If we can't police ourselves we've all lost. To you Gare K, 'Up the Arsenal!'

  19. Gaz

    Dec 14, 2013, 17:55 #42863

    Well that was even worse than I thought! Yeah we had a few decisions go against us but let's not in any way blame that for today's thrashing. Blame Giroud-who was awful. Blame the midfield-which was awful. And last-but very much not least-blame the defence for gifting them five of the goals. Was so going for a big performance but sadly-once again-a Wenger led side in a big game has failed and lost. And please don't give me any bollox about city spending **** loads on their side. None of that had anything to do with how our side played and was managed. Been really positive for most of this season but I'm seeing the same old mistakes and crap performances creeping into our game. Make no mistake if we don't beat a Mourinho led Chelsea for the first time under Wenger I can see this season falling apart. If nothing else I hope this result makes Wenger reconsider any decision on his proposed new deal. I've always said we should wait and that seems far more prudent than ever right now...

  20. DW Thomas

    Dec 14, 2013, 17:34 #42862

    Make no more excuses. We had a chance to show we are contenders and not pretenders. The entire team stunk out the Etihad. How does Yaya Toure get to stroll around the entire game free with Fernandinho? Did you not see Giroud kick his own foot on one chance? Embarrassing! I like Giroud, his effort, but we need much better. Our defending was terrible. Can't blame the backs too much as our wingers an dmidfield think they don't have to defend! Wenger should be pissed for that display. Lose to Chelsea and the wheels are off, if they were ever on.

  21. Roy

    Dec 14, 2013, 16:41 #42861

    Anyone of even average intelligence could have worked out that we might lose today. Now we will see exactly what this squad is actually made of. If we don't beat Chavski at home after a 9 day break for no other reason than that OGL is tactically out- thought by the pompous preening one, then we will know that the trophy drought is not about to end. Why? Because there is a similar run of games in March and I have not much confidence that the lessons will be learned in that time. I dont wish to be pessimistic, but I fear that the writing is already on the wall due to our lack of squad depth and tactical ineptitude compared to our rivals.

  22. Gare K

    Dec 14, 2013, 16:17 #42860

    @ Westie & BARDARSE; the 'deluded fools' (and maybe I was harsh with that comment so I’ll hold my hands up on that) I speak of are the fans (the so-called 'proper’ fans) who think Kroenke is great, Gazidis IS worth his £2m pa salary + bonuses (and we all complain about the banker bonuses don’t we?) and the club is the best run in the country. If not for the selling of players in recent years, the club would have racked up huge losses financially because of the ridiculous wage bill in for which last season stood at £154.4m. To me, that’s an awful lot of money (granted it’s all club staff and not just the players) to pay for a squad which does not have one world-class player and didn’t compete for anything. I’m no fan of the way they run things at Chelsea & Man City, but at least I see ambition there where as at The Arsenal it’s taking our money to pay even more on what we have rather than improving and we should just be happy with it. If you think the likes of Bedntner, Denilson & Djourou deserved their lucrative contract extensions in recent years then maybe that is where the ‘deluded fools’ comment come into it. It’s not hindsight, you don’t pay unproven players aged between 21-25 way above their value if they rarely show glimpse of good in an Arsenal shirt. And for the record, I’m a season ticket holder now realising I’ll have to stump up an extra £29.55 for next season. But hey, that’s what I signed up for because I love The Arsenal so I not expecting any sympathy and I don’t deserve it either. I admire Hull fans for their campaign against the owner Allam and his ridiculous plan to change that club’s name. Would the same happen at Arsenal if the madness there or at Cardiff was forced on fans? I know my view but I’ll be interested in that of those who would never criticise the board. The condemnation the BSM got a year ago from some fans was a joke and their remit as a group is totally misunderstood. Just remember folks that our commercial director claimed a year ago ‘trophies is not important at Arsenal’. Westie, Barardse and fellow Gooners, please remember you are the proper fans and know more of the club not Kroenke, Gazidis, other board members and Wenger. Shame about Man City today. I’m sure you’ll agree that an immediate response against Chelsea is needed.

  23. Rocky RIP

    Dec 14, 2013, 16:16 #42859

    @Finsbury bellend - When was the last time your Sp*rs side were top of the table for more than a couple of weekends running? ('Joint top' doesn't count because there's only one in first place and it's really a childish way of saying second.)No clever answers, just a simple date please.


    Dec 14, 2013, 16:00 #42858

    A poor performance from a poor manager? Or is it poor players from a poor manager? I see criticisms of both manager and players. Did we become poor overnight? The opposition are a good side and got the rub of the green, it happens! Sometimes a little too regularly but losing Kosh and a goal in one moment was a big blow. Lack of zip due in part to our short recovery period, and disruption in playing away. No sooner back in England than going north to check into another hotel. We were always going to be on the back foot and so it proved. True our defence were split apart but their defence failed too. A couple of hairline decisions and it's truly a different game. Time to lick our wounds, recharge the batteries and look for a big response next week. Nice touch Seven Kings Gooner. Gave me a smile, albeit a tight-lipped one, ta.

  25. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:55 #42857

    Finsbury Joe, For once in your life you are correct, AVB did become a joke figure, well said son!

  26. Daany

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:34 #42856

    6-3 Citeh!. Normal service resumed.As i said before Midfield is weak and no balls for the fight. OZIL WILSHERE were poor. Chelsea next to teach us a lesson at our patch and i predict Spurs to beat us in the CUP. Hopefully then people will realize we have a fraud of coach and needs to go before more damage is done

  27. Terry

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:29 #42855

    Can't wait to see 'Untold Arsenal's ' assessment of the bent officials in today's game. As an ex referee it is so easy to fix a game, just deny one side every close call and give it to the other. There was no way that Arsenal were going to be allowed to win today. Too much money involved.

  28. jjetplane

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:26 #42854

    Well said Apollo and An Revoir. I went to a match mid week and it was freezing, foggy and we won three nil against worthy opposition. Fiver to get in and a squid for a prog. I am on another football journey and agree with your comments from the heart about the lack of soul in 'corporate soccer' world. Can I also commit heresy and say 'they ain't half got some big players in that team down the road'. Football is what matters and I am still watching it at a price I can afford. Massive up to the workers at da Emirates trying to get a better wage for themselves. You are the real Arsenal. Ian Ure Hey!

  29. CanadaGooner

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:16 #42853

    Let the criticisms begin!!! -- not sure why. Only an idiot would have seen arsenal winning away at City, with our recent appalling record there. The 5 points dropped against Man Utd and Everton is the main issue for me. We will be lucky to get a draw at home against Chelsea next weekend (as Wenger shakes in his boots anytime he faces mourinho). If we can recover quickly to carry on beating the smaller teams in the league, we'll be just fine. No need to panic yet. Begin worrying if/when we begin to drop points against the smaller teams too

  30. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:16 #42852

    First set City 6 - 3.... New balls please!

  31. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:13 #42851

    Your excuses are as embarrassing as the team Reggie. Arsenals rivals will be laughing, this is as poor as Arsenal at Old Trafford. Still Wenger about to sign a new deal

  32. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:11 #42850

    Gare K, Please enlighten us deluded fools your future vision of AFC? New board, new manager, new squad, dismantle the Emirates & surrounding area, bankrupt the club, return to Highbury, go back to being a mid table side. Better being supportive and deluded than trying to derail the club you supposedly support. No better time to cause disruption than when we are still top of the PL & remain in the CL.

  33. Reggie

    Dec 14, 2013, 15:06 #42849


  34. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 14, 2013, 14:45 #42848

    How embarrassing for everyone connected with arsenal! You AKBs must be squirming. After spurs let in six there AVB became a joke figure and there were calls for his head. Will you now acknowledge wenger deserves the same. This team club and manager are PATHETIC. Just watch Spurs Liverpool Everton and maybe even Newcastle reel in Arsenal now. This outfit are officially LOSERS. Just glad I no longer have a season ticket.


    Dec 14, 2013, 13:21 #42847

    Incidentally Gare K, you seemed a rather sensible chap from previous posts, certainlyan aggressive writing style on occasions, but switched on. Perhaps your last post was just an aberration. As you often say, 'Up the Arsenal!'


    Dec 14, 2013, 12:51 #42846

    OK Gare K, please let me try to explain this point to you so then you will not suffer under a misapprehension again. Firstly a little time has been spent on here recently asking for a more courteous approach. You have 'blind Gooners', 'blasphemy' with regards to criticism, 'ridiculous minds', 'hating BSM', then signing off with, 'deluded fools'. I think that qualifies your post as disrespectful and insulting. In truth I have never seen that attitude on this website, so who is blind, me or you? I despise the modern approach to business in today's world, of which AFC are a part. I am certainly unimpressed with the board in general terms. The manager is a part of the operation so in that respect stands as complicit. If I worked there I too would be complicit by association. The coach, physio, medical team, stewards, tea lady. Where does the involvement end? All working as part of the machinery that is AFC. Are you responsible for the failings of this nation and it's duplicity in many matters, from PM down? I think so, as we all are. When you point a finger, remember four always point back at you.

  37. Gare K

    Dec 14, 2013, 12:28 #42845

    MG – happy birthday fellow Gooner! 50? You still have plenty of innings left mate. @ ApolloGooner; I hear what you’re e saying pal. But on this site be careful about slagging off the Arsenal board and the manger who at times I feel is complicit with some of the financial decisions made at our club. Too many blind Gooners think its blasphemy to criticise the ‘wonderful’ Arsenal board who in their ridiculous minds, don’t think they do anything wrong and they hate the BSM for challenging the board. #deludedfools.

  38. Westlower

    Dec 14, 2013, 12:13 #42844

    Pleased that we're finally able to play our strongest team, see post 45675.


    Dec 14, 2013, 12:05 #42843

    Just seen your post maguiresbridge, happy birthday buddy. 50! Wow! I can just remember that milestone though never celebrated it, I never do. Enjoy your day and I wish you a title. Whoops, that's a dream isn't it? The human race dies the moment it stops dreaming. No more challenges, achievements aspirations or sense of being, so try hard to dream now and again jeff wright, you'll feel better for it chum, I promise. radfordkennedy during the period surrounding that special Double Year of 71 I went to stand on the North Bank regularly with an older chap from work. He was big, cumbersome, without agility or any sporting ability - definitely not a footballer. He was also of ordinary educational levels with blind spots everywhere, yet I learned more from him than anyone, apart from my Dad. He had such wisdom, knew people, could read human nature, and recognised many aspects that I missed. I listened and learned, I was the scholar of the two of us after all. Intelligence comes in different shapes and sizes. Today we are obsessed by paper qualifications and are losing the messages from elders and history, much around us is a cosmetic attempt to pacify-we see that in the manner of how our club operates. Big up buddy, you were wise enough to support the Arsenal, that counts for a lot in my book, ha ha.

  40. Ron

    Dec 14, 2013, 11:39 #42842

    MG - Happy birthday pal. Enjoy. Hope shes bought you something nice and organised a good meal out for you!!

  41. au revoir wenger

    Dec 14, 2013, 11:10 #42841

    Appollo Gooner i totally agree ,i like many gooners have been priced out of being able to watch my club.i now occasionly go with my brother in law to watch Luton in the conference which i really enjoy as it is a proper football experience unlike that souless bowl that is the emirates

  42. Dude

    Dec 14, 2013, 11:07 #42840

    If we put in a top top quality performance today and have enough mental strength and are com-for-table in posseession, don't play with the handbrake on or look a leetle beet on the nervous side, I can see us winning today.

  43. Dude

    Dec 14, 2013, 10:55 #42839

    Apparently Pellegrini thinks that if Arsenal win 4-2 then Citeh will be crowned champions.

  44. Gaz

    Dec 14, 2013, 10:41 #42837

    Many happy returns MG! Hope you get a pair of socks and some smellies to go alongside a great Arsenal victory!!! Seriously though this game is absolutely massive and will tell us everything we need to know about this side. Is it a new dawn or another false one? We'll find out in around 4 hours time! Come on Arsenal!!!!!!

  45. ApolloGooner

    Dec 14, 2013, 10:35 #42836

    Top of the league and into the last 16 of the CL ... just the right time for the club to announce its 3% price increase. On the eve of one of the most important games of the season so far, a stark reminder of just how loathsome and vile the people who run this club really are. A greedy, self-serving bunch of hypocrites (and I am very much including the manager in that). With the massive increases in revenue they are getting from elsewhere, there is no excuse whatsoever to increase the already obscene prices they charge the fans. But this is Arsenal FC 2013 for you. When finally there is something of a feel good factor again, they decide to exploit it. In truth, the club we loved was buried in the rubble of Highbury. This current regime have turned England's greatest club into something grotesque and I feel such bitterness towards them. Shame on them all for what they have done.

  46. radfordkennedy

    Dec 14, 2013, 9:24 #42835

    Maguiresbridge....50 not out mate have a great birthday I will raise a large laphroaig to you later and here's to 3 points as the best present

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 14, 2013, 8:10 #42834

    I'll be celebrating my big 50 later on tonight and i'd be quite happy if the only present i get is three points this afternoon.

  48. Green Hut

    Dec 14, 2013, 0:44 #42833

    Chris- Spot on mate, if only Wenger had done everything in his power financially over the past 8 years to make our dreans come true, there wouldn't be such a backlash against him now every time we slip up. As ever, it's not the fact that Wenger's Arsenal have won nothing that really pisses people off, it's the way that Wenger's Arsenal have won nothing.

  49. jeff wright

    Dec 13, 2013, 20:54 #42832

    Chris, as the master said to grasshopper , it's actions that make dreams come true, and those actions have to be realistic otherwise the dreams themselves can be elusive things that are never fulfilled.

  50. Chris

    Dec 13, 2013, 20:34 #42831

    Jeff - On the contrary. Dreams are vital, as long as you do everything in your power to make them come true...

  51. jeff wright

    Dec 13, 2013, 20:13 #42830

    Arsene's dream is to win the Champions League ,he's said so . As the master said to young grasshopper , man should never dream because dreams never come true.

  52. CanadaGooner

    Dec 13, 2013, 19:44 #42829

    @ maguiresbridge goner; absolutely. we'll keep huffing and puffing in the CL

  53. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 13, 2013, 19:05 #42828

    Regardless of whether signings are made in January or not, what we actually need to see is a challenge that is sustained until the very end of the season. If not winning it, then pushing the team that does all the way. This hasn't actually happened since last winning the title 10 years ago. Obviously Wenger could sign a new contract any time he likes, so the fact that he hasn't yet hopefully means he's waiting to see if this happens first too.

  54. Bard

    Dec 13, 2013, 18:00 #42827

    We don't have a cat in hells chance of winning the CL but we have an excellent chance of in the PL but we need to buy in Jan. my take on it is this. If he buys a couple of top players it will give the team the kind of lift buying Ozil did. If we don't make it then it won't be for want of trying and Wenger can sign a new contract on good faith. If he doesn't buy he will have blown the best chance we have had in years, that makes signing a new contract a complex dilemma. In my book he' s between a rock and a hard place. Let's he does the right thing.

  55. radfordkennedy

    Dec 13, 2013, 17:35 #42826

    Ron....ive got 11/1 for your prediction of 2-1 and ive had a scores worth,could I please be cheeky at this time of year and ask all of you who have a punt to have a pound on it and send the winnings to BLESMA thanks guys

  56. allybear

    Dec 13, 2013, 17:05 #42825

    Agree with you Frisky but im afraid the team need the manager to be mentally strong and im not sure he has it,always has failed versus Man U! Ozil&Carzola go missing when it gets physical,Ancelotti didnt rate Ozil. Im looking forward to tmrws game&im still of the opinion that this should be AW's last season,he has been there too long!

  57. Ron

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:50 #42824

    Hi Gaz - Yes. Can see why you say that. The Ozil thing can only be just a start as i see it. The team still needs 3 players of the same or near to his quality, esp 2 full backs and a hungry striker. The midfield, while much lauded lacks power of the type that Ya Ya offers MC and without it, it ll get over ran and bullied.Flamini is OK but hes hardly going to get the best midfields on the run. Wenger has been well and truly beguiled by Barca 2007 - the present and that for me is his biggest flaw. He cant see that lightweight artists in English conditions v English teams wont cut it every week. His theories and philosophies are his master not his slave. The type of player he uses cant simply be 'trusted' like those at Barca and how he used to trust Bergy and Henry and Co, they need drilling and thats where AW also falls down. Tactically we ve seen the same old errors repeated for 6 years at least. That AW has retained support by many is that hes a really nice guy i feel and he clearly loves Arsenal so its not just his record from 98 to 2005 that keeps him in favour. His demeanour and comments have made me feel for years that he knows deep down hes inferior to the likes of Mourinho, Ancellotti and Co. His 3/4 places are nt to be scoffed at though at all, but in a PL where the standard has fallen a lot in the last 5 years at least, it needs keeping in perspective. Hes been finished for 3 years for me. The Utd 8-2, albeit with a weakened team seen him off off for me. An Arsenal team shdt ever be mauled like that and the mananger stay afloat with a Boardroom never raising as much as an eyebrow.Hes just had his time, hes been very good, not a great Coach, but a credit to Arsenal nontheless. Change is needed.

  58. Gaz

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:29 #42823

    @Ron: Doubt the editor will remember this but we had a conversation at one of the AGM's a few years back and I told him I can't see us ever winning another trophy again under Wenger. At the time I was still very much pro-Wenger but even then I felt he'd lost the ability to win us enough of the really big games. Up to last year nothing had changed that opinion-indeed I'd very much become anti-Wenger and very much entrenched in those views. This season though the Ozil signing had a big effect on me as the lack of world-class signingss was a big factor in why I held such opinions. Today the 'Ozil effect' is still lingering on but the next stage of this has to be us beating the likes of City and Chelsea and anything less will be seen-by me at least-as an indication Wengers managment-as I've always feared-is the biggest reason we'll never win a another trophy under him again...

  59. jeff wright

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:26 #42822

    Canada, not sure about the experience of having won the Prem will count for much ... Ancelotti won it and the FAC in his first season - and so did Wenger in his first full one . In Wenger's case it was against the odds with Ferguson having a good points lead at one time and a stronger experienced squad . It's never wise to get too carried away with early season leads in the league. One of the doubts I have regarding Wenger now is that he's never won the league after losing at United - a win in that fixture has been a bench-mark for title success for him. Also 8 years without winning a trophy ,given that he did have chances to win them , also looks to me like another handicap against him.

  60. Gaz

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:19 #42821

    Sorry about that last post of mine. Far too 'doom laden' and totally forgetting of the monumental Dortmund away game. Just really hope we win or draw tomorrow as anything else will see these doubts of mine start to really creep in again which'll be a shame as I've really enjoyed what we've done so far this season...

  61. Ron

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:18 #42820

    MG and Gaz - Youre both dead right. Ive suggested a winv City and Chelsea but ive nothing to suggest why. Its just a hunch. I wdt be at all surprised if the wheels came off big time and we lost 4-0. Ive felt for a few years, we ll win no trophies again under Wenger and its the kindly fixture list thats put a gloss on this Season so far.

  62. Gaz

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:02 #42819

    Been feeling real positive about our prospects this season but theres a few things beginning to worry me. Firstly we lost to Utd-again. Ok they're a good side but this season they were really there for the taking yet we somehow managed to put in a terrible performance and lose. Secondly the chelsea League Cup game. Not of much importance as its not a competition we take that seriously but the side put out was a decent one yet once again we lost to a Mourinho led side. Thirdly we somehow managed to lose to what in all honesty was a pretty average Napoli side seeing us-once again-finish second in a champions league group game. There have been some good moments this season and real signs of progress but ultimately-when faced with the really big games-we've lost and I was desperately hoping to see some progress in this area too. My overiding feeling is that Wengers simply lost the ability to manage us to the really big victories-the kind of victories that make all the difference. Hopefully tomorrow will prove this theory wrong and we'll either win or draw (still a great result) against a rampant City side. If we lose-and also lose to Chelsea next week I fear a lot of the progress made this season could begin to unravel in front of our very eyes. So come on Arsenal-time to put a real marker down tomorrow...

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 13, 2013, 16:01 #42818

    Canada, Ron, I hear what your both saying guys but we all know what OGL'S priority is and unfortunately it's not the competitions we actually have a chance of winning.

  64. CanadaGooner

    Dec 13, 2013, 15:35 #42817

    @ Jeff Wright - From the start of the season I have made my prediction that this year's premiership title will go to a manager that's won it before (that pedigree will get his team through). @ Ron - yes, I think the FA Cup game against Spurs will be a stroll, if Wenger doesnt go on and start with Bendtner or do something silly.

  65. Ron

    Dec 13, 2013, 15:25 #42816

    R/K - Hi matey. I saw CG score a few up there, one was hit so hard it nearly lifted the net out plus i went in the double year when we won in the mud up there 2-1(i was living up there at the time for a year to 18 mths or so) CG again did the honours and Storey as i recall.They had a good side then. Lee Bell Doyle and Young et al. I used to get to Maine Road to see them and the 'derbys' with Utd were electric. Ive never experienced atmosphere like it was then. The NLD derbys were hot them days but like grannies tea parties compared to the manc one s. Recall one where Bestie had been threatened with an assassination that was beinng taken seriously. It ended 3 - 3. Up there with the best games ive ever seen in my life that was. He still played! Would that happen today? ha. 2-1 Gunners tomorrow.

  66. radfordkennedy

    Dec 13, 2013, 14:59 #42815

    Ron...hello mate nice to chat again,funny you should mention Charlie and Maine Rd I was watchng one of those history of dvd's the other day with my son and it showed charlie scoring a brace up there in the double year and to be honest I'd forgotten just how hard he could hit a dead ball have you ever seen someone hit a free kick so hard?,poor old crash in goal didn't even move I think he heard it but certainly never saw it.....badarse..just thanks mate and indeed we're proud to say that name

  67. Ron

    Dec 13, 2013, 14:52 #42814

    We are building .... Biggest problem will be that Man C are a very physically imposing team and we usually cant handle that when we confront it. Cazorla needs leaving well away from that team sheet tomorrow in my view, yet balsa wood though he is, we do need Walcott as 'an outlet' if nothing else otherwise id leave him out too. Monreal for me and not Gibbs plus strict instructions to Jennkinson not to over lap too much/at all if Sagna isnt back as theyll rip us apart down that side if he does his party piece of allowing them in behind him, whilst dreamily looking in the wrong direction to see where play is on going!

  68. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 13, 2013, 14:35 #42813

    [email protected]: you're right over the years we have a very good record v them. They went from 1975 to 2013 without a win v us away (OK we didn't play them every season granted) and we especially used to get a win up there from the turn of the century onwards. It's only in recent years they've started to win the home fixtures. Well, anyway, tomorrow is THE game for me: are we up for the fight? Any kind of result up there must mean we are in with a genuine shout this season.

  69. Ron

    Dec 13, 2013, 14:26 #42812

    Chris - You never know, Pellegrini's notion of the rules might yet ride to our rescue as well as it did Munich's. Maybe Arsene does know something!!

  70. Ron

    Dec 13, 2013, 14:15 #42811

    CG - Do you really reckon the Totts FAC match will be a stroll? We were a bit lucky to beat them last Sept and this time will be a game of Wenger mix and matching a few kids, Bendtner, one or two regulars plus a few peripherals surely? The Totts have sunk quite badly vis the spending theyve made and will now see the FAC as a Cup worthy of getting. I only wish we did, instead of whats likely be another dose of FAC indifference from Mr W.Totts to KO the Arse. On the contrary, i still have a gut feeling that we might win at Man City for which ive landed a cut price 30 quid ticket for it this AM or does that expend all my available Man C related good fortune for this week end? A couple of mates going with me forecasting 2/3 - 0 drubbing? We ve a good history at the old Maine Road where wins were routine (Charlie George used to seem to score there every game back then). I know its no guide to the cash rish City of now, but we ve been a bogey team to them since the early 70s even, when they last had an impressive side. Omens and all that stuff matey some times repeat themselves inexplicably in football.

  71. chris dee

    Dec 13, 2013, 13:57 #42810

    Arsene Wenger has just said in his press conference that he does not envy City and that we have more versatile players than them. That's right Arsene, make Pellegrini's team talk that much easier and our task that much harder. The journo's ,knowing exactly what will happen, throw out the bait and Arsene as always, bites like a naive rookie manager. Unf*****gbelievable.


    Dec 13, 2013, 13:33 #42809

    Radfordkennedy you are so right in what you say. Sadly people today are quite rude, aggressive and willing to show it whenever the mood takes them. The danger is on boards like this, so too in environments in real life, a status quo is attained and the attitude,approach and acceptance all walk together. Some things fly in under the radar for many, which are clearly obvious to others. II have manoeuvred myself in tune with many on here with a general behest to be courteous. I think it has improved though claim no credit for that, AFC doing well is more likely. And never my friend confuse education with intelligence. You can educate a monkey, but intelligence shines through even if the individual can't spell AFC. Good Old Arsenal.

  73. davey

    Dec 13, 2013, 13:01 #42808

    This was a test passed. Competent performance and the result we needed. The only test arsenal have failed so far is the Mank U game (apart from villa at home).

  74. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 13, 2013, 12:42 #42807

    DW Thomas, with you all the way this is indeed the time to stand up and be counted, if we've got anything in us at all show it, whether we're tired or not and maybe there might be something to get excited about after all.

  75. jeff wright

    Dec 13, 2013, 12:04 #42806

    Canada,in football what often appears to be the obvious outcome before a game is played sometimes turns out to be anything but. So I don't rule out the possibility us getting something other than a spuds type battering at Poundlands tomorrow morning. However , will have to raise our game above what we have shown in recent ones - City are not Cardiff - also we will need to see from our manager and players more mental strength than they displayed at United where they bottled it before a ball was kicked. We have already had Van Pursie he scores when he wants especially against us celebrating beating us. We need 'super Sami Nasri' doing it like an hole in the head. The good thing is that we will still be top of the league even if we do lose. I thought I would add that on to save someone from pointing it out again.

  76. radfordkennedy

    Dec 13, 2013, 9:47 #42805

    I am the product of Highbury Grove comprehensive school,and because of that i have no formal education nor qualifications,but there are people on this forum who are obviously well educated,well versed,and know their way round the OED,people who can put down words that i didn't know existed,and who can wax lyrical at will,but who cant differentiate between concern and it not possible for some on here to simply post'i think youre wrong and this is why'instead of your a f**king idiot because you dare to question

  77. CanadaGooner

    Dec 13, 2013, 9:27 #42804

    The only KEY positive from Wednesday's result is avoiding joining Spurs in that awful second-rate, meaningless competition (Europa)! I'm dreading Saturday's game, but as Citeh have already amply demonstrated this season, they're not high-flyers either, so, I wont be at all surprised if we get an unlikely draw. As for Spurs; cant wait to have them back again for a stroll in the park in the FA Cup.


    Dec 13, 2013, 8:06 #42803

    Black Hei, thank you for my first smile of the day, now to deliver one to The Fonz. 'Come Grasshopper, sit at my feet and in relaxing the muscles make your face rest. When I look into you I see a strong tree standing upright in a densely wooded forest, many stand with you. I view your clarity like a swiftly running crystal-clear stream. You listen like the forest itself, breathing in the scents of the natural perfume, yet the acrid air creeps into your nostrils sometimes; breathe, expel. You are you. You are a child of the woodland, be comforted, all around you see sense and enlightenment. Observe, take stock, be amongst friends, and above all else spread your quiet words...Up the Arsenal!

  79. Black Hei

    Dec 13, 2013, 4:39 #42802

    Poor OG. In 4 CL games against top draw sides, he got 2 goals and an assist. He is still crap by everyone's opinion.

  80. DW Thomas

    Dec 13, 2013, 3:41 #42801

    Wenger again couldn't get an important win out of his team. That second goal was embarrassing. Jenkinson was too timid and out of his depth. Why don't our wing backs ever try to beat their man 1v1 with trickery? Especially in or near the box. Ozil must look at Giroud and think why bother? I love his effort and strength, but we need a quick, crafty striker who can finish off our midfielders penetrating passes. If we get at least 2 or 3 points from our next 2 games, we are still contenders. 4 would be great. Lose both and I don't care where we are in the table, we are pretenders yet again. This is the time, now, to stand up and be counted. Show that we've turned a corner, and not just against the Hulls of this world.

  81. Danny

    Dec 13, 2013, 0:45 #42800

    I see this site is filtering peoples responses. Excellent web site i keep on saying this coach will never win anything again and should be fired because he mentality weak and tactically clue. this week will show the man is made of-weak!

  82. Citeh all the way

    Dec 12, 2013, 23:57 #42799

    Ha ha ha. You goonies might as well not even turn up on Saturday, likes those useless Totts we're gonna do you right our kid. Ha ha ha ha.

  83. ITK

    Dec 12, 2013, 23:49 #42798

    @ Richard, you're right. Ozils form has been disappointing. He does the minimum. Loses possession cheaply. Yes he may create one key pass during a match but that ain't enough at this level! Giroud is a average, if we had a genuine striker who could run beyond the back four and score goals out of nothing we could piss this league. Arsene screwed up in not addressing this in the summer.

  84. The Fonz

    Dec 12, 2013, 23:36 #42797

    Hello Ron, we meet again. I find it both curious and ironic that there are those on this board that have echoed the same sentiments as myself in the same bullish manner, yet you haven't attacked then with the same ridiculous verve that you have recently reserved for me? Could this be that it's harder to lay ones myopic assertions on more than one person opinions? I expect one of your atypical, piers morganesque retorts grounded in negative shortsightedness, bit I find it curious nonetheless that you lack any type of consistency in your arguments. My case has most definitely been rested, thank you!

  85. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 21:36 #42796

    jeff wright 45680, yes, the players we once had that buying someone better would have stood in their way, or ruined, flogged as/with the dross.

  86. Frisky

    Dec 12, 2013, 21:18 #42795

    I feel that we have lost some of our incisiveness in the last few matches. Our ability to grind out a result and our position at the top of the table is compensating for that. To beat the best teams, the team need to be playing at the top of their abilities but in the match against Everton and last night they lacked that special something that we saw earlier in the season. AW needs to find out how to get that back. Trying to defend goes against the nature of this team and so the sooner we can get back in the “zone” the better we can beat the likes of City and Chelsea. We are like a F1 race car that is a bit out of alignment I feel. Perhaps fatigue is getting to the players.

  87. Jason B

    Dec 12, 2013, 19:50 #42794

    What a miserable bunch you lot are. Just got through group of death and top the league. There are 91 other clubs who would give anything to be where we are at the moment.Mission accomplished, Arsenal!!

  88. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 19:24 #42793

    Weakness about t b r, we'll hardly learn now mate.

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 18:57 #42792

    Ron, give me two Romford Pele's over Cazorla and Wally any day.


    Dec 12, 2013, 18:16 #42791

    Arsene Wenger just wants to win the CL. It's all he's interested in, just to put it on his CV. That's why he isn't bothered with the two domestic cups, and only ever builds a team to finish fourth in the PL. He is a disgrace of a man; totally inept, and westlower always wants to support him. Doesn't the aforementioned sound puerile and vacuous? Yet that's often what I read on here from negative posts. How comes some, 'in the know' souls, know he only wants to win the CL? Did he tell you? Are you mind readers? Do you not think it's because it carries a huge sum of money when we qualify, and more when we advance from the group, to enhance the club you support? Sometimes I feel like waving a white flag. This conjecture is not valid under any circumstances. Please be sensible gentlemen. Interesting observations of the radio commentary WeAreBuilding-more propaganda. Liked your post once more Spaced, me liking it could be the kiss of death though, so be warned!.

  91. Big Andy

    Dec 12, 2013, 17:48 #42790

    The truth is that yet again Wenger has managed to produce a squad which is a couple of players short of a genuine Champions League or Premier League side. The chronic lack of a real world-class striker was obvious before a ball was kicked this season; now we are going to pat the price. It was ironic that Higuain scored agaist us yesterday: he was precisely he player who we needed. Like everybody else, I love Giroud, but he should really be our second striker. Suarez would have been fantastic. And there's every chance that Giroud will burn himself out by the end of March.

  92. Unchives

    Dec 12, 2013, 17:41 #42789

    Whist I was gutted we dropped points against Everton, they deserved the point. We should have beaten Dortmund at home, however we balanced it off with a win at their place. We should have at least drawn with Napoli away, however we just set-out to control the game, and we got what we deserved. Lets enjoy the Champions League next round whoever we get, as I don't think we will go all the way with this team anyway. We must not make the same mistakes in the League, for if we win @ Citeh and beat Chelsea, I truly believe we will be champions in May.....and guess what.....that will do for all of us. So lets go out and beat the "poundstrechers" in Manchester, and the Fake Russian Franchise.

  93. Man United Killer

    Dec 12, 2013, 16:47 #42787

    @Richard Post No. 45645, of course Ozil is overrated.He goes missing when things get tough.So is Cazorla.I am surprised you havent noticed till this day.

  94. jeff wright

    Dec 12, 2013, 16:39 #42786

    How many of those assists and goals Caesar were against the top sides that we have played ? I thought that Ozil was disappointing against Chelsea and United - also despite his goal against Everton. One problem for him when he looks up to play a defence splitting pass to our centre-forward is that instead of having Ronaldo in his sights he sees just an empty space instead - with Giroud not where he should be - Giroud is too slow anyway and not that technically adept either let's put it this way , I don't think that the girls on Strictly would be queueing up to partner him. . Now if Wenger had signed that chap at Liverpool I would have had a little wager on us to win the title,although it would still be difficult - as it is my money stays in my pocket . I could change my mind if results go our way in the Xmas games - and if old tight arse-ne buys a top quick proven striker in January . Not that I'm expecting him to do so. He would stand in Sanago's way,and we can't have that happening.

  95. Weaknesses about to be revealed

    Dec 12, 2013, 16:33 #42785

    in my view from hereon in it gets tougher for us. club must invest in 1 or 2 more in Jan. Giroud cannot be asked to play every game this is crazy. Unless we are anything other than 100% on Saturday we will get a heavy beating. Chelsea at home i think weve already seen JM knows how to box in our midfield so we have to learn to play with a PLAN B. I worry that the good work for aug/sep/oct/nov could be undone in dec/jan

  96. jeff wright

    Dec 12, 2013, 16:12 #42784

    Westie, it's rare for any manager to be able to field his strongest first eleven these days . It's a squad game and managers have to have a squad capable of handling their priorities. Wenger's ones have suffered from a chronic serious injury problem for donkeys years. Due to him in part buying players with a poor injury record- his training methods - and our medical team who have been accused by Bendtner - and others including an ex-England manager - of being incompetent. Considering that we only needed a draw last night Wenger was again in my view Wenger exposed for being tactically inept. He should have rested Giroud for starters the poor guy looks knackered - and we needed him as fresh as possible for the more important game away at Poundlands on Saturday . Leaving Arteta on when he was obviously struggling, and on a yellow card, especially with the ref scattering them about like drunken jocks tossing confetti around at a wedding in Glasgow was not another of Arsene's finer moments either. He just doesn't think on his feet during games even his subs are pre-planned. Bould has said so. No wonder Wenger looked glum he knew that his gamble on winning the game for purely reasons of his own ego had backfired on him.

  97. Ron

    Dec 12, 2013, 16:07 #42783

    Augustus C - Yes, he s a quality schemer, but needs to show more than he has v the better teams. There was a feeling at RM that he didnt peform when the heat and expectation was on so it seems and was why Ancellotti let him go.Next Season will be his benchmark i suspect. On Parlour. Yes, its one or two like him that we do lack in my view. Had his limiations but never hid.Can Mr Cazorla and Mr Walcott say the same?

  98. AugustusCaesar

    Dec 12, 2013, 15:54 #42782

    Are people really complaining about Ozil!? He has scored 5 goals and created another 8. Arsenal not being clinical in the final third has often been our achilles heel and when a player who puts this right arrives you still complain!? Wake up. His touch, awareness and passing is superb. Honestly, you spoilt lot wouldn't know a good footballer if it bit you on the arse. If you want to see a team with eleven Ray Parlours there are plenty of clubs that will oblige. The guy is world class, appreciate his art you bunch of divs.

  99. Westlower

    Dec 12, 2013, 15:49 #42781

    We have yet to field what I regard as our strongest team. Szczesny, Sagna, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal, Ramsey, Flamini, Wilshere, Walcott, Giroud, Ozil. That line up would be better able to support Giroud. Subs, perm from; Fabianski,Jenkinson, Gibbs, Vermaelen, Diaby, Rosicky, Arteta, Ox, Cazorla, Gnabry, Bendtner, Sanogo & Podolski

  100. Frisky

    Dec 12, 2013, 15:09 #42780

    I’d rather we played a big team. If we’re not good enough to win the competition and get beaten, then we can focus on winning the league. If we win, then we know we’re in with a good chance of winning the whole thing. Praying for easier teams only to get beaten in the later stages achieves little and is a distraction.

  101. jjetplane

    Dec 12, 2013, 14:44 #42779

    See Terry has been caught at Poundland. This is Arsenal's biggest problem. We cannot shop dirty. Cue Wenger with the free range Waitrose. Saturday you will entering Greggsworld - be afraid ......

  102. CT Gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 14:04 #42778

    Many excellent comments. I watched the game knowing the score last night, so I was searching for some one to blame! I thought starting Arteta and Flamini played into their hands, firstly it's extremely defensive in nature, but who's going to put their foot on the ball?? and Arteta didn't have a night to remember, did he? the main point was lack of width for me, with the wing backs staying home, we never had width so made it really easy for Napoli to defend. Also, when Jenks got forward, he couldn't cross the ball! so for me, we need some true wide players and a mobile striker in January

  103. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 14:04 #42777

    We're through even though we were beat,and we done enough to get OGL closer to his Holy grail yet again and all that extra CL dough will keep everybody very happy at board room level as well.But we'll have to do far more than just enough in the next round that's for sure if OGL is going to get any closer to the promised land. Will we get there with the likes of Giroud? who drew another blank we keep hearing he has other qualities so what? one of those qualities last night was losing the ball then watching it go halfway back up the pitch before he even moved. I thought a strikers number one function was to score goals,if he's not capable of doing that buy someone who can. It will be one of the big guns next the real big guns and i bet they'll be really crapping themselves at the thought of him, and i wonder are they worrying about us as much as we're worrying about them. We're through again with the chance to meet the real big guns it's a hell of a lot better that going to some god forsaken place that nobody has ever heard tell off in the never ending EC. It's one of the PL big guns on Saturday that's if we're not to tired, and then another one, maximum points from both would be nice or at least one of them but i'm sure Wenger wasn't thinking about that last night as we know where his priority lies and if points are dropped there's always the excuse we're still top of the league.

  104. Ron

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:58 #42776

    Hi Westie - I cant see why so many get so steamed up about the CL.I cd understand it if we had the CL pedigree of a Madrid or a Munich, but we have no entitlement at all to expect much more than what we get in it. You mention the Europa Cup. The realiy is that Arsenal are a Europa Cup level team if you apply the 'prospects of winning' criterion, yet im unsure Wenger would win it if he had 14 consecutive attempts at that. Tactically, hes not really at the races in Europe. We ve known it for years. On Giroud, youre defending the indefensible. Hes only a journeyman, albeit a very professional one with a great big heart. As for Higuain, is he truly top marque? I dont think so. If he was , he d still be at Madrid. Suarez is only where he is for now. He ll be scooping the major Cups in no time once hes moved to a Club that befits his talents. He is top class, like or loathe him as a man. He is what Arsenal need if theyre to win the PL or any Euro cup at any level. Not since the days of Hankin and Hawley have the Club been so desperately bereft of quality up front. Its quite disgraceful really.

  105. Spaced

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:45 #42775

    Unbelievable how miserable you lot are! We have just got through a very difficult CL group. Yes, disappointing that we didn't top the group but all it means is we meet a big name one round earlier. - - Giroud had a good game for me, held the ball up well on his own when it was evident that Arsenal were out there to contain, not win. So the critisism I read about him here based on this match is short sighted. I thought Arteta had a good game too, bit unfortunate with that soft second yellow. Up to the Napoli goal I was very satisfied with the performance, our possession was good. You're never going to get a team fired up when all they have to do is not lose by 3 goals. So stop moaning and get behind this team. We're top of the league and have just progressed in the CL... wo is me, such doom and gloom!

  106. jeff wright

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:32 #42774

    Don, seeing that everyone seems to believe that we have to avoid the top sides in the draw , what is the point then of progressing when we will only have to play one them in the next round - and if we win another in the round after ? We look nailed on to at least qualify for the cash-cow comp next season , so lets concentrate on the league and beating spuds in the FAC ,a competition that we do have a shout of winning.

  107. Westlower

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:20 #42772

    Au Revior Wenger, Contrary to comparing us with Spurs, I'm relieved were not involved in the lower level Europa Cup & League Cup. Potentially playing 3 games a week, Thursday & Sunday, would dilute our efforts to win the PL. You crave a top class striker, but were we a better team when RVP was our main striker? It's the easiest thing in the world to criticise a player when taking a snap shot of a particular game. All players have strengths and weaknesses & suffer form dips for a variety of reasons. Some games highlight their strengths, while others expose their weakness. Top class striker Higuain, plays for a team eliminated from the CL, his team are not top of their domestic league. Suarez plays for a team that won't win the PL or CL. Last seasons beaten finalists Dortmund scraped through to the next round with minutes to spare against a pointless team reduced to 10 men. How do you appraise Herr Klopp? Consider that Arsenal have lost 3 games this season when reduced to 10 men. You seemed annoyed that the board of AFC back their manager, in my opinion that is a strength not a weakness.

  108. Don Froth

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:18 #42771

    Be fair people, we would have all taken second place when the draw was made and in all truth we were probably the second best team out of the four. It's not ideal but we are still in it and if we get PSG or Athletico in the draw, chances are we'll progress again.

  109. jeff wright

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:12 #42770

    daz if we had been offered 2nd place in the so-called group of death before we kicked a ball then we would have taken it. However the group was not as deadly as was claimed - Wenger any said he thought that 10 points would win it for us - with Marseille being French he overrated them - and they by gifting everyone 3 points made things harder . Our poor performance at home to Dortmund, a game we only needed to draw but lost also made life harder , but Wenger never does anything the easy way does he? Napoli away was always going to be tough , but again we should have been able to have got a draw . Personally I'm not bothered about the Champions League I believe that it's a boring overrated tournament - if we can win it fine - but I won't be losing any sleep over it if we don't . I'm more concerned about Wenger's obsession with it and how this impacts on his squad building with our squads looking more like he's built them to try and win in Europe rather than in the English league. A fairly easy fixture list has made things look better up until the Everton game - and the next two will probably provide another reality check. Having had Palace,Cardiff and Hull in our run of league games, the three newly promoted sides, helped with us taking 9 points from them. We are actually down on points won against the experienced Prem sides that we played last season - same games played . We have to beat City to better last season's draw and to beat Chelsea to improve on the 3 points we lost to them last season. Come and tell me about it all at the end of March.

  110. Ron

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:04 #42769

    Brad - the thing is mate that Wenger doesnt see it as a distraction. For him, its the be all and end all isnt it, what with no euro pedigree on his CV? His actions and approach to the PL and the Cups show this to be his crusade for so many years, yet never creates a team likely to fulfil it.

  111. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 12, 2013, 13:03 #42768

    A job done. Qualifying from a tough group when some of the self-appointed "experts" didn't give us a chance. Once again disgraceful reporting from the BBC. Reading their online report "Arsenal failed to gain top spot in the group", "Wenger frustrated", etc even the man on the radio commentary, you know, the one with the whiny Wearside accent, as Napoli score their second "and one more goal and Arsenal are going out!!!!" and didn't we laugh when there was only time enough for the restart before the final whistle. Straight afterwards the talk was about how tired the team are going to be on Saturday. Well Beeb, you can collectively "do one" courtesy of me.

  112. Bard

    Dec 12, 2013, 12:50 #42767

    A bit perspective is in order. No ones beaten Napoli on their own patch for ages so it's not a disaster. And it doesnt matter whether you win the group or not. We can beat anyone on our day but we are not good enough yet to be CL contenders. City have spanked almost everyone at home so it's asking a lot to get anything there. Nothing changes if we lose.The crucial issue is whether we get players in the jan window to bolster options going into the final furlong. What happens in jan will decide whether Wenger deserves to stay or go in my opinion. The CL is a distraction.

  113. Beaugey

    Dec 12, 2013, 12:41 #42766

    We should fine in the next round, just as long as we don't draw Bayern or Barcelona. Or Real. Or PSG. Athletico look quite tasty as well ...

  114. Ron

    Dec 12, 2013, 12:40 #42765

    As far as Euro football goes, Wengers invincibles never mastered it either and they trod on every banana skin that ever got under their collective feet when it came both to groups and KO stages, so i expect nothing better from this very,very much weaker Wenger team in all honesty.

  115. Au Revior Wenger

    Dec 12, 2013, 12:20 #42764

    @Johnny Lynch Spot on .Wenger wil be offered a new contract regardless of us winning f*** all again.Gazidis has already said that.The board love him.Any other manager with his record would be out of a job by now.With Wenger over recent years it the kings new clothes.He wont buy the world class striker we are crying out for.Giroud is a trier but lacks guile and crucially pace to be top class.Wengers record in Europe will always stop him from being called a great manager.16 years and only one CL final is really poor.I want Arsenal to be champions of Europe not a last 16 team.Back to the first post @westlower compares us to Spurs is that really the height of our ambitions?

  116. daz

    Dec 12, 2013, 12:20 #42763

    Some of you people are a joke we made it through the group of death didn't we it's like you want us to fail so you can av a go at Wenger it's just pathetic really do any of you know what support is giving an opinion based on evidence is fine by me but to just give abuse is wrong are the Dortmund supporters abusing klopp for only just making it through with a last minute goal against a 10 man team who have been awful this year I doubt it we have been the most inform team in England for 2013 without spending a billion quid on players like Chelsea or man city yet that's still not good enough your lucky were not mid table because that's where were gona be when Wenger leaves just like man u are

  117. Johnny Lynch

    Dec 12, 2013, 11:41 #42761

    Given that the Arsenal Board have stated that they were going to offer Wenger a new contract regardless of the performance this season , last night doesn't matter . Getting knocked out , as we will , by Barcelona, Real , Atletico , PSG or Bayern won't matter , watching Chelsea or Man City winning the title won't matter . throwing away the FA Cup won't matter . Wenger's here to stay , he's going nowhere. Would you on £8 million a year ? No criteria other than 4th place and a competition we will never win ? Disgrace of a man

  118. jeff wright

    Dec 12, 2013, 11:22 #42760

    So we dropped 2 points at home against Everton but it was a point gained... great ... Wenger only needed a draw v Napoli to win our CL group but ended up losing 2-0 and just avoided going out and into the Europa Cup and now has to play stronger and better sides in a KO tie ... but hey it was still a good result ... well done Arsene ... next up City who have the best home form in the Prem league and appear to be just hitting form .. just as well we are doing well ourselves then... not to worry though because Fulham will beat them anyway to stop them going top even if they do somehow manage to beat us on Saturday - and Wenger's great record against struggling Mourinho will see us start to draw away from the pack after a routine win over Fat Sam on Boxing Day... Phew ! I was starting to think that the usual meltdown had started a bit earlier this season but apparently not... this will be a relief to Arsene and confirm his view that he doesn't need to sign anyone else in January with Poldolski set to return being anyway like signing a new player.

  119. jjetplane

    Dec 12, 2013, 11:21 #42759

    Notice the media are already being kind to Arsenal by pushing the 'early saturday should be a sunday game' narrative. The media are a lot softer on Arsenal than the bigger teams certainly are and they will be hearing the familiar tones of resignation being spoken already from a suddenly tired Wenger. Sorry to say but with a Martinez type, one who reeks football we would be getting a softer option in the CL - is that not the point!? Would also add that Barca are possibly the soft touch out of the Spanish sides with perhaps only Citeh having the only credibility to stay the pace. They will be a formidable opponent on saturday and a draw would be spectacular. TV should definitely be in there with Flamini and let's see if that helps. Great post Totteridge.

  120. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 12, 2013, 11:15 #42758

    Pathetic performance. This Arsenal team are clearly no more than flat track bullies. It is abundantly clear all will be in effect over by the end of Jan. Mark my words this team will collapse and be overtaken by rivals currently a few points below but have tactical managers and squads designed to cope. Any true Gooner must call for Wengers head at the next home game and hope he takes the majority of this team with him so a new team may be built on British values, rather than Wengers failed foreign BS.

  121. daz

    Dec 12, 2013, 11:01 #42757

    At least we won't have to travel to Russia in the next round anyway the cl is all about playing the best in Europe so don't care who we get arsenals game suits playing against a team that will try and play aswell. Why are people still being negative were through and top of the league what more do you want we could lose to city and I won't be worried as they will then probably go lose away to Fulham I think this year if we beat all the so called lesser teams and get some good results at home against the rivals we can afford to lose away to them. What the team needs is support not for negativity at every bad result that's why were called supporters of the club I for one am over the moon about where we are right now were going in the right direction so lets just get behind the team.

  122. Clive the Gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 10:59 #42756

    Have to agree with Rob1970. We should have won this group but Wenger got his tactics in Europe wrong again. We were far too negative last night a goal would surely have killed napoli's spirit and seen us group winners. Instead the amount of chances we gave them could have seen us out. Wenger has years of champions league experience but never learns. Let's hope we get it right for the next few games.

  123. Ron

    Dec 12, 2013, 10:45 #42755

    Losing the late goal was typical Arsenal and typical Wenger. All the fuss over now getting a harder tie as opposed to a perceived easier game is a waste of words. Arsenal arent winning that CL with this team. Theyve no chance. Get ready too for a half arsed, lethargic FAC tie v the spuds. Still think we ll somehow get some thing at Man City though and beat Chelsea ironically.

  124. Gunner SA

    Dec 12, 2013, 10:41 #42754

    Also, as well has things have gone so far this season it's an indictment of this Wenger squad that fans are worried about playing Bayern Munich, Barcelona or Atletico Madrid. In 2004 Arsenal could have faced Porto (eventual winners) or Bayern Munich but I think would have fancied beating either of those teams

  125. Richard

    Dec 12, 2013, 10:33 #42753

    Is any one else concerned about Ozil. I appreciate he has only been here for just over 3 months and many top players take a season to bed in....but I have been really disappointed with our 40 million pound signing so far and he has really struggled in the big games.

  126. Gunner SA

    Dec 12, 2013, 10:16 #42752

    Through. Kev Arsenal was in 2nd place when Dortmund scored winner, not when Napoli scored the 2nd goal. Come on PSG in the draw!!

  127. radfordkennedy

    Dec 12, 2013, 10:01 #42751

    Lance...and there's the problem mate,Giroud is there to bring the attacking midfielders into play with knock ons and glancing headers,we play to his strengths and concentrate on what he can do,unfortunately the fragile house of cards will come tumbling down if the midfielders under perform,he ends up being exposed as having no pace and casts a forlorn lonely figure upfront with his hands covering his face.He is a striker who will score from 6 yards but as you know we dont play with any real width apart from when Walcott plays,so the chances of him latching on to cross are remote,last night he was expected to chase down balls over the top (and lets be fair hed need a number 19 bus to catch one)which isnt his game and if he doesn't get some help soon he's going to end up exhausted,as ive said before this game plan works when everyone is performing behind him but when it doesn't i cannot see where we are going to get goals from to outscore both city and chelsea....King Jeremy im not sure how smudge would feel about that comparison,personally Giroud reminds more of Niall Quinn.....Incidently im pretty sure young Jenks knows a few more expressions in German after the game than he did before i thought the BFG was going to chin him at one point!!.

  128. billthered

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:59 #42750

    Last night was a bit of a disappointment but lets not go back to last seasons doom and gloom which I was part of myself.We are through to the knock out stage and I'm not sure the other teams relish playing us either.We sit five points clear and the last two matches have not seen us at our best with certain players not pulling their weight but look at the bench now and that gives me a bit more confidence.So come on lads get positive we're still in there.One last thing isn't Santi putting in a shift these days.

  129. Bard

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:44 #42749

    All this guff about the CL is a distraction. To win it you have to beat best so it really doesnt matter whether youre first or second in the group . What matters is that we have a fantastic chance of winning the pl but we need to grind it out till the jan window and buy two or three players. We will never have a better chance of winning it. Has Wenger got the balls to seize the opportunity. I think not but that's just my opinion.

  130. Hornsey Bill

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:40 #42748

    I love your optimism Westlower and I whilst I too prefer the prospect of playing against one of the current “big boys” of Europe, rather than some “dead rubber” match (which last nights turned out to be) – “death or glory”- as you put it I am with Kevin, on what’s coming our way in March, so a strong dose of balance needs to be applied! Last nights game showed again (for me) how important it is to come up with some other attacking options. I have mixed feelings about Giroud. He works hard and is good with his back to goal, holds the ball up, lays it off well, but he is not what I call a natural striker. Someone who strikes fear into defenders. He is a bit lumbering and ponderous, preferring to lay the ball off, rather than take it on himself. Good work-rate but sadly not sharp enough. Top class strikers have that something extra, they’re a bit selfish, with a turn of speed or an instinct for goal - that he simply does not have. Most of his goals this season have been close range efforts after some defence splitting move from our wonderful midfield. We all know strikers with something extra – a free kick, a burst past defenders, a spin and a shot (a la Higuain) qualities he just does not have in his toolbox. Don’t get me wrong, I like his effort as team player, but he’s not what we need when we face tight games when a single goal against a tight defence is the difference between success and failure. We need another option! Podolski? (nah) Walcott? (nah) or a January window purchase? My other concern after last night is Jenko. Don’t get me wrong, I love his spirit and effort, he’s quick too, but he just does not have the class you need against class opposition. Look at their second goal last night. Jenks could have prevented the ball into the box, but inexperienced showed and he did not get close enough, to the player delivering the assist. What’s worse he didn’t attempt to block the chip into the box. – you just can’t afford to be that slack against class players. Monreal is a good alternative to Gibbs, but we don’t have good enough backup to Sagna for those big games where we are sure to be tested. Kevin is right our real test will come in March, the fixture list makes December’s look straightforward. It will come after a period when our mental strength has been tested, and our “death or glory” tie will have been played. But can we stand up to the challenge? My view is we have to strengthen with a January signing or two. This has been our best chance for years to do something and whilst I have enjoyed the ride so far, I am not sure I see our future with such wonderful optimism as “Westie”. I am excited (for the first time in years) about what’s in front of us, but will Arsene go for broke and splash the January chequebook, like I think he needs to? – I won’t be holding my breath on that one!

  131. Gaz

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:34 #42747

    @Lance Peters: Sad to say I agree with you re Giroud. I say 'sadly' because he's a top bloke who never gives less than 100% (as all players should of course). Simple fact is though he's good but not good enough and suffers from a chronic lack of pace that means our attacks are very one dimensional. We really need a top striker with the pace to go beyond opposition defences and I don't mean Walcott who might have the pace but most definately hasn't the nous to play the lone striker role. As for the game itself I was really dissapointed with the outcome. Once again we've messed up-yet again-a great chance to confidently top the group and not only avoid the big guns but to play the second leg at home. Of course we'll have to play the likes of Barca/Bayen/Real at some point but I think the confidence gained from either winning or drawing and topping the group would have held us in good shape ahead of such games. As it is I reckon we lost to a really average side and like others have said I don't think Wenger covered himself in glory. And whilst I realise there have been some good moments so far this season and reasons to be optimistic its worrying to note we've lost two massively important games to what in all honesty are pretty average sides (Utd/Napoli). Still optimistic about the season but performances like last night see small doubts beginning to creep into my thinking again. Hopefully we'll get a good result on saturday but I'd be lying if I said I can't already hear Wenger bemoaning the fact we had less preperation time than City...

  132. scorpion

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:34 #42746

    was it the 2nd goal that put arsenal in 2nd place in the group standings or was it the inferior head to head record against dortmund?

  133. GoonerRon

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:31 #42745

    It was a strange game really with the various outcomes from both matches impacting the flow of the game in parts. If you chart our progress to this point, most people wrote us off for even qualifying for the CL at the end of last season, then many tipped us to not get through the qualifier against Fenerbahce, then loads said we wouldn’t qualify out of the ‘group of death’. We’ve overcome all of these obstacles to get into the knock out stages so should be confident. We proved by winning at Munich and Dortmund that we can play against big teams and get big results. With our defensive improvement we should be confident of playing anyone and still firmly be in the tie for the second leg. Re: Man City on Saturday, it will take a monumental effort from the players to lift themselves and respond. There is still the spectre of some fresh legs with Sagna, Monreal, Wilshere, Ramsey and Walcott all possibilities to come into the team. I don't think hardly anyone fancies us to go there and get a result so let's prove the doubters wrong again shall we.

  134. CanadaGooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:29 #42744

    Not sure why Wenger is obsessed with the CL!??? Is this a CL winning team? I dont frigging think so! We need to concentrate on winning A TROPHY of any type first before thinking we can be kings of europe!!! 11 consecutive years.... bla bla.... 14 consecutive years.... who gives a deuce?!!! Chelsea only started showing up in the CL recently and they've already been in more finals than we have, and have won it! so, wtf? We cant have a better chance to win the league than this year (but citeh will soon solve their away games issues and chelsea will soon begin to fire!); so DONT THROW IT AWAY!!!!!

  135. chris dee

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:25 #42743

    The period between now and March will tell us if we are seeing a new Arsenal? No my friend,the next two games will tell if it is a new Arsenal.Forget the early Saturday kick off and the tired legs s**t,go and make a statement at City,stuff the the media who are positively relishing an Arsenal collapse. And next week Arsene take a good look at the way Mourinho always sets up against us and counter them,you are acclaimed as a great coach,show it. Two wins and we are the real deal.It's a monumental task,but do we want to win the Premiership or not?

  136. Sam

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:21 #42742

    Thought Giroud played well last night, as did Koscielny and Mertesacker. Giroud is slow, slow feet, limited technically. His job seems to be to hold up the ball and lay it off to more talented midfielders. Last night the midfield looked seriously ordinary. Second game in a row that there was no spark, no good movement and passing. Mert seemed angry at the end and don't blame him. We scraped through a group we could and should have won. (Given the situation going into the game). We now have group qualification as our CL version of 4th place in the league. On this form, I'm not expecting much from the City game.

  137. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:20 #42741

    Of course the manager is incapable of changing things when they need to be and of course our players are tired. That is the legacy of years of neglect. On the other paw, we are 5 points clear at the top and have qualified for the knockout stages with something other than the bland resignation to defeat. Things are getting better but someone has to kick the manager up the bottom and get him to use Vermalen in the central defensive role with Flamini. If anyone saw the Vieira v Keane thing the other day they will have seen that PV said that his best ever midfield pairing was with Petit. If you dominate the midfield with two strong DM's, it makes it much easier for everyone else to play.

  138. King Jeremy the Wicked

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:15 #42740

    lance peters - I hear what you say, but Giroud is not that type of player. He's the Alan Smith of 2013. Difference is, Alan Smith had a certain Ian Wright feeding off him - Giroud has no such luxury, and that MUST be addressed in January. I get the impression from watching recent games that the whole thing is stalling a bit, and a fresh face in January (even a loan deal) will give necessary gee-up.

  139. prophetofdoom

    Dec 12, 2013, 9:00 #42739

    this was a disgrace! why not admit it? tactically clueless, and as the bfg said after, less than a 100% committed. arteta should never have been on the pitch: he's the reason we had no impetus. why no walcott? pace would have undone them. jenks is no more than a div 1 defender. no positional awareness and poor on the ball. and wenger? don't get me started....

  140. Ramgun

    Dec 12, 2013, 8:46 #42738

    Trouble is, Lance Peters, that Giroud can't play like Henry or the young Anelka because he has no pace. He plays the only way he can.

  141. Rob1970

    Dec 12, 2013, 8:30 #42737

    Sorry to be a party pooper.....but I thought AW was tactically inept last night, as he often is. We could and should have won that game. Nil all at halftime was great. We really struggled in the second half and had to absorb a lot of pressure. We had no shots on their goal ; Giroud was out on his feet. AW, in my humble estimation, should have brought Walcott on at around the 60 minute mark. That would have pegged back their left fullback who was causing us a lot of problems, and given us some attacking option. Instead AW lets things plod along. We only needed a point to finish top of the group. So they score, so Arteta gets sent off and it's high drama. I love the Arsenal but we will struggle at City and over the Xmas games with a relatively small squad vis a vis the other top clubs. Will be deja vu, all over again.

  142. lance peters

    Dec 12, 2013, 8:20 #42736

    i have a serious problem with olivier giroud and would like to hear your comments. this guy is always playing with his back facing the opposition goal. As a striker he needs to be looking to spring the offside trap and running onto through balls or over the top passes (other strikers are always pointing to where the ball should be played). But not Giroud , he has a world class supply in Ozil , Cazorla , Wiltshire , Ramsey but instead of looking to run through he is always lying deep doing these fancy flicks which end up in us losing posession. The only time he scores is when the ball is played from a square position into the 6 yard box for a tap in or header. I find this extremely frustrating as i believe this is causing the side to lack fluidity. Example 1) in the 1st half Ozil played a classic through ball which Giroud did not even see coming then mis-controlled it when he could of had a free run in Example 2) towards the end when we were 1 nil down again ozil played around the last man but then giroud sets off too late and has no chance of making the ball. He then realises what could have been and puts his hands on his face and looks up.Extremely frustrating watchin this guy. I cant help think that with Rvp/Suarez leading the line we would be almost unplayable but Giroud is making our midfield look very average.

  143. gb gooner

    Dec 12, 2013, 8:18 #42735

    i think last night sowed we need a right back coz jenkinson isn't ready yet. he's good for the future (and can fill in now and then) but if sagna is stalling on a contract, why not go to city and offer 15-20 million for richards (who can play right back and centre)and left sagna leave?

  144. smithy

    Dec 12, 2013, 8:01 #42734

    Objective achieved- get out of a group that all of the press said would be our downfall and that we wouldn't qualify. It's a shame we didn't come top, but if we get PSG I think we will progress comfortably. We don't want Bayern though! And both spanish teams will be difficult. As to the prem I hope we can get out of city with a point as the boys look mentally tired. I agree with many of the previous posts that we are extremely light up front and need to sign a striker on january 1st. Sanogo, podolski,walcott and park are not the answer we need an alternative- a live wire Ian wright type. Still we are doing ok, it's a marathon and not a sprint.

  145. Westlower

    Dec 12, 2013, 7:39 #42733

    Reasons to remain optimistic: 1. We've qualified for the knock out stage of the CL after many 'experts' predicted we'd fail in the group of death. 2. We're not in the Europa Cup competition, which is probably the biggest plus to come out of last night, even better than being out of the LC. Spurs play in those lesser tournaments don't they? 3. Better to have a 'death or glory' tie than kid ourselves we've drawn an easy opponent. Should we get knocked out our priorities become obvious. 4. A defeat at Man City is not a terminal defeat. No team has got anything there so far this season and it'll be a major bonus should we come away with a result. We'll still be top after the weekend games, come what may. 5. We're very much in contention for all the major competitions; Bring it on!!