Gift Wrapped

Online Ed: Arsenal on wrong end of nine goal thriller

Gift Wrapped

Where to start? Well, firstly, let’s get things in perspective. As Arsenal were unlikely to go the rest of the season unbeaten, the most likely places they are going to experience defeat are the grounds of their principle rivals for the title – namely Manchester City and Chelsea. And so it proved yesterday.

What was very strange about the game was that here you had two teams with title ambitions playing so open from the word go. There was simply so much space on the pitch as each side allowed the other to play. How often are City going to concede three goals at home in the Premier League?

Ultimately, they created more chances and posed greater danger, but at the same time, Arsenal can feel hard done by. There was some shocking officiating. The Zabaleta handball was a 50/50 penalty, but Yaya Toure should have seen a red card for his challenge on Olivier Giroud. As for some of the offside calls, it can only be hoped that the officials are as generous to the home team when the two sides meet again in the return fixture.

Arsene Wenger rotated, dropping Arteta, Cazorla, Gibbs and Jenkinson. Sagna’s return was a no brainer. In came Ramsey, Wilshere and Walcott. It was a more attacking line-up than had taken the field in Naples. Critically, the spine was all present – with Mertesacker, Flamini and Giroud all starting, in contrast to Old Trafford.

Although Manuel Pellegrini’s team dominated the first few minutes, once Arsenal managed to retain the ball and gain territory we had an end to end game which promised plenty of goals. In fact one re-assuring aspect of the game was how open City were at times, explaining some of their problems on the road.

The opening goal was disappointing. Three Arsenal players were beaten to a near post ball which exposed Koscielny at the back post. It was a cheap goal to concede. Still, when Toure was caught napping by Ramsey, the visitors took advantage and leveled.

I won’t rake over the coals of the remaining seven goals. At 3-2 I thought there were another three goals in the game, but had no idea who would score them. I was too cautious in my prediction. And Arsenal could have actually won this match, but for the slapdash errors that presented their opponents with at least three of their goals.

The neutral would have loved it, and as a Gooner, even I can admit it was a great game of football, as long as you are not a lover of defending. The loss of Koscielny did not seem to make too much difference. Arsenal had already conceded two by the time of his removal.

The BBC evening news reported the game as a ‘humiliation’ for Arsenal. On one level, I can see it that way. Conceding six goals is not something you can really defend, no pun intended. However, the nature of this game was such that it was completely untypical. On paper Arsenal were well beaten, and on the day, yes, they were second best. Manchester United suffered a worse defeat at Newcastle under Alex Ferguson one season yet still lifted the title the following May.

The real test of the Gunners' title credentials is yet to come. Their away form against other sides outside of Manchester has so far been on the money, in contrast to both Chelsea and Manchester City. However, it is the home matches against these two sides that will ultimately prove Arsenal’s vindication or downfall. We won’t have to wait long. For some, the nails can already by hammered into the the coffin of their league hopes, but for this observer, it isn't time yet. They still lead the table and are in the habit of piling on the points against lesser sides, which is not something that anyone else is doing with the same level of consistency. At the same time, it was good to see Arsene Wenger visibly angry with his players after some of the defending gifted City their goals.

It’s been a bad week. A home draw v Everton, defeat in Naples and now Eastlands. To add ignominy to the injury, Arsenal announced a three per cent rise in season ticket prices the day after Ivan Gazidis, Sir Chips Keswick and senior staffers mixed with fans for Christmas drinks in club level. It’s all in the timing, eh? Funny how they didn’t drop that into the conversation over the free glass of wine handed out on arrival. The club do not need to charge fans more money, they have enough income from TV deals and sponsorship, as well as plenty of cash in the bank. But they know they can, as long as the stadium is selling out. And so they will. It is strange that they are announcing it so early, almost as if it is some kind of insurance against things going downhill after the good start to the season.

I’ll finish with the thoughts of a man who does a fair bit of the proofing for the website, Mike Preston, who emailed me after the game to say the following –
• Nothing to be ashamed about
• We were outgunned (that kind of money is difficult to oppose)
• We showed good spirit in coming back (more than Sp*rs did) several times
• Theo showed some form
• No-one else (I think) has scored three at the Etihad in the PL
• The real test of our season will come against Chelsea on the 23rd

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  1. Richard

    Dec 17, 2013, 8:39 #43056

    Badarse: I wish you no ill either in fact if God drew you to him to believe the truth I would be overjoyed. You seem an intelligent man and prepared to listen to all views so read the book of Romans especially chapter 9. That will make you either shake your fist at God even more or it could save your soul. As far as Arsenal are concerned if they keep doing things the right way they'll be ok.


    Dec 17, 2013, 8:03 #43054

    Richard I wish you no ill, so may you and your gods go with you...except Bergkamp. Good Old Arsenal.

  3. Richard

    Dec 16, 2013, 23:19 #43050

    Badarse. It's a shame that you felt the need to tell your grandchild there is no heaven or hell. Though as you believe in Darwinism it's natural that you would do so. You can shake your fist at God as much as you want,but heaven and hell do exist. For evolution to be true unbelieving scientists have pointed out that it would take odds of about 1,000,000,000,000,000 to 1,Spurs have more chance of winning the League. Hell does exist and 99.9% of mankind will burn in agony for eternity, seems harsh to carnal ears, though as the bible says.'Many are called,but few are chosen'.


    Dec 16, 2013, 16:54 #43023

    Kevin apologies, bouncing between articles confused me, my thanks to you for this contribution were wrongly ascribed to Ian. Thanks.


    Dec 16, 2013, 13:46 #43001

    Thanks Ian, an interesting position and predicament. radfordkennedy have fun, and come home safely. Good afternoon maguiresbridge, am typing this very quietly, with regards the state of your head, ha ha. Whoops, laughing a bit too loudly, sorry.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2013, 13:38 #42999

    RK, lucky for some.

  7. Rocky RIP

    Dec 16, 2013, 13:26 #42998

    @King Jeremy - and where in God's name was Brian Talbot all game?

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 16, 2013, 13:25 #42997

    BADARSE, just sat down and read your post with a mug of coffee containing four large spoonfuls that should answer your question.

  9. Gus Caesars Curvaceous Bottom

    Dec 16, 2013, 13:18 #42996

    @King Jeremy - Your eyes werent deceiving you, Rosicky did indeed fail to complete a single pass during the match, probably owing to the fact he was an unused substitute.

  10. DJ

    Dec 16, 2013, 13:05 #42992

    What is most dissapointing is the manner we accepted defeat with Ozil and Wilshere both behaving like children. During the summer a number of posters wrote we don't want the likes of Suarez at our club and I notice 46% WOULDN'T want us to try sign him in January. Much better to have that willing trier, lovely bloke Giroud who just doesn't cut it at the highest level!


    Dec 16, 2013, 12:42 #42988

    Spaced, a big and influential point tacked onto your observations was this. We played a top PL team in Everton on the Sunday. We were the last team in the division to play, and the first to play this weekend-and away from home. Sandwiched in between a distant trip to Southern Italy against opponents fired up to win. As Orwell once said, 'the past is gone and no longer exists', so let's rest, lick our wounds and come out on Monday night a refreshed, determined side.

  12. Gaz

    Dec 16, 2013, 11:44 #42984

    Understand why fans want to look at the positives from Saturday but when you concede six in one game I find it very difficult to find any. Yeah we scored three times but whats the point when the oppo are outscoring us two to one? I thought it was a terrible performance the kind of which I hoped I wouldn't see again for a long time and especially not this season. I've been really positive about this season but the last two games have left that positivness hanging by a thread in all honesty. Hate feeling that way but defeat to chelsea at home and I'm struggling to see anything other than the usual fight for fouth and capitulation in all the Cup comps. Thats business as usual for me rather than the new era I'd hoped for. So please-Wenger-sort this side out, get them fired up, and make sure we do chelsea at home! Because beating Mourinho in a game for the very first time might just make me start to believe again...

  13. Rocky RIP

    Dec 16, 2013, 10:50 #42983

    Badarse - compliments of the season to you, sir. And I extend that to all fellow Gooners. Hell, as Cliff Richard might say, Happy Christmas everyone, wherever you are. Including Finsbury Joe.

  14. jeff wright

    Dec 16, 2013, 10:47 #42982

    Wenger says that he dreams of signing Suarez . That's about as far though realistically as it goes. As the master said to grasshopper some men dream with eyes wide open to make their dreams become reality,others just dream and dream. Yawn... Suarez is now way out of Wenger's reach. So wake up Arsene and smell the coffeee ,a clue ... there is an awful lot of it in Brazil. The master's advice to grasshopper was right, there is a big difference between dreaming of doing something and actually doing it. A bid last summer of £50m+ might have worked the oracle against that of 40m and a quid . Employing someone with a basic knowledge of players contracts might also be a good idea before embarking on embarrassing attempts to sign them on the cheap. Or was it all, as some unkindly suggest, all just a smoke-screen to dupe the gullible AKB into believing that Stan was seriously trying to sign a top player with offers that he knew would never be accepted? Looking at the maths involved in the ins and outs - and offers made for players last summer - it seems that 30 to 35m was about the sum total of what Stan wanted to spend. This is way short of the alleged 70m that was being claimed that Wenger had in his mythical war-chest. I know that Ozil cost 42m - but we sold old forehead for near 10m - and off-loaded a number of Arsene's deadwood. Albeit he retained some and added Sagnoplay to our squad. There is too much duplicity and sleight of hand malarkey going on at AFC these days for many peoples tastes - with Ivan and co fleecing the punters pockets at the Emirates with all the dexterity of a gang of Roma pickpockets at graft on the London underground.

  15. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2013, 10:00 #42980

    Finsbury Joe, Maybe it wasn't a good idea to compare the wide differential in bookies odds between what's expected from our clubs. You may not be familiar with odds & percentages and I may have confused you, so I'll simplify the current situation. In a two horse race when only one can win, in racing terms, it's called a WALKOVER! I accept you thought it was safe to crawl out from under your stone after AFC losing on Saturday but then the Totts go and do that to you, the bast**ds always let you down. £120m and counting.........

  16. radfordkennedy

    Dec 16, 2013, 9:53 #42979

    Z Victor 1 to Finsbury joe.....please proceed immediately to the large shady grey area on Drayton Park known as Arsenal's shadow and remain there till further notice,over...Dear all in the gooner brotherhood im wishing you all a very merry red n white christmas now as im off to the sunshine state in the morning...Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you all...while we sing this song we'll win the game..UP THE GUNNERS!!!

  17. Spaced

    Dec 16, 2013, 9:48 #42978

    Regarding the match. It's not worth getting het-up about. We play an away match in the Champions League on a Wednesday evening followed by an away match to City on the Saturday lunchtime. 2 days recovery. Not a chance! - - Let's just concern ourselves with the next one.


    Dec 16, 2013, 9:40 #42977

    Rocky RIP, are you warmed up nicely after your casual but scintillating sparring match with FJ? On the way to taking my little 7 years old grandson to school he began talking of hell. I responded by saying, ' You know there isn't a heaven, so there certainly isn't a hell, and anyone who tells you there is are wicked. However if you are very badly behaved I shall take you to WHL!' He laughed, but the chap walking in front nearly swallowed his tongue. He tried to be relaxed and amused, yet strangely didn't appear appeased when I reassured him that at least they came second. Ah, the Xmas spirit is alive and resides in me.

  19. Rocky RIP

    Dec 16, 2013, 9:18 #42976

    Finsbury - call me irrational, but without knowing the future, I had to rely on the present - top of the table - and the past - Spurs have been forever in our shadow. All the facts back this up and provides a famous quote from your greatest ever goalscorer J. Greaves. Thank you for your comments, as you merely serve to unite many disparate Gooners in their disdain for your lot and their love of The Arsenal. Forever in our shadow.

  20. King Jeremy the Wicked

    Dec 16, 2013, 8:55 #42975

    Well folks, I suppose that's what happens when your midfield goes missing in yet another big game. I lost count of how many times City bypassed the entire midfield with three passes. Wilshere had an absolute shocker and Ramsey was back to his 2012 self. If Rosicky completed a pass, then I missed it. That's two "big" games now this year and we've looked like rabbits in the headlights in both of them. Come the final whistle against Chelsea we will know whether we are in a title fight or the habitual scrap for 4th.

  21. ppp

    Dec 16, 2013, 8:47 #42974

    always a tough game - ridiculous michael owen scheduling - clearly bent ref and linesmen - having said all that we still looked a bit crap. **** it. beat chelsea all is forgiven.

  22. Westlower

    Dec 16, 2013, 8:42 #42973

    Finsbury Joe, It's time for some enlightenment as to how the outside world views the rivalry between our clubs. This is today's perspective of the neutral bookies: Match bet, who finishes higher in PL: AFC 1/10, Spurs 4/1; To win PL: AFC 4/1, Spurs 100/1: To finish top 2; AFC 11/10, Spurs 19/1: Top 3; AFC 2/5, Spurs 11/1: Top 4; AFC 2/9, Spurs 4/1: Top 5; AFC 1/18, Spurs 11/10: Top 6; AFC 1/100, Spurs 8/15: AVB, 1/2 next manager to lose his job & 4/11, to lose job by end of season. In case you hadn't noticed only one team from North London is in the draw for today's Champions League & it isn't the Lilywhites! The Spurs go marching on.. to hell in a handcart!


    Dec 16, 2013, 7:57 #42972

    Morning Campers. Why are you lads engaging with FJ? 'No he isn't an Arsenal supporter, he's just a very naughty boy!' Now back to important matters, what's the weather like where you are? Seriously, good to connect N4,(nice name), I never had the privilege of living in 'North London' buddy. SGRB, I approve. Apart from your argumentative and terrier-like refusal to let go of a lost point, you cannot do much wrong in my book chum. What it must be like around your breakfast table if you suddenly take a dislike to your Coco Pops, is anyone's guess. Probably a week later eating Shreddies you'd still be giving grief, but the argument would have widened to Nestle and Nabisco. Now eat up and be hushed, please. How are you today old man, (maguiresbridge)?

  24. jed

    Dec 16, 2013, 6:07 #42971

    I have always thought Finsbury Joe was that little troll Daniel Levy!!!

  25. Quiet Gooner

    Dec 16, 2013, 1:41 #42970

    I honestly don't think there's too much to be disheartened about. If you look at the score yes it's not great but you'd have to be naive to think Arsenal got "thrashed" or "humiliated". Also, not heard many people crediting Wenger for going for it. He brought off our DM at 4-2 believing we could get something from the game and if it wasn't for two soft goals in the last few minutes it could've finished 4-3. Ultimately it backfired and City were bearing down on our defence but he took a risk and I like to see that. Baffled at why Cazorla was overlooked, surely a "lacking sharpness" issue?

  26. Enfield Eric

    Dec 16, 2013, 0:34 #42969

    Finsbury Joe: you are the most blatant Tottenham Tosser ever. No more needs to be said.

  27. Spaced

    Dec 15, 2013, 23:41 #42968

    Finsbury Joe, as the true, long suffering Arsenal supporter that you so clearly are, you must have a fair bit to say about the Spurs - Liverpool match. Care to share?

  28. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 15, 2013, 23:36 #42967

    Rocky, you rely heavily on the past on four of your points, your fifth will soon be very much in the past I'm afraid. As you say, very little since 2004 around about the time a supine board allowed wenger to take leave of his senses, and the current board are even worse. Looks like Steve Bould has been forced out of the picture again, judging by this week.

  29. Terry

    Dec 15, 2013, 23:00 #42966

    Finsbury Joseph Arsenal are always stronger in the second half of the season so can't see that happening it's your beloved lily white bottlers who drop like a stone. Arsenal will give anyone a game in the champions league as we have proved over the last 16 years unlike the tiny totts who look out of their depth against moderate European teams and Spuds at home in the 3rd round is about the same as being drawn against Hartlepool. If all those other negatives are true then we are simply a stunning team to be sitting top of the Premiership. As far as class is concerned we OWN it while the classless Spuds who are the Souths version of the Stoke Orcs sit there wondering how a team who has just spent 110 million can lose 0-3 to Wham,0-6 to Citeh and 0-5 to the victims without a single shot on goal. The funniest thing is that Spuds fans swallow this crap whole. Citeh and Everton have come out of their neighbours shadows but you will forever be in ours and don't forget it boy.

  30. Reggie

    Dec 15, 2013, 22:35 #42965

    Finsbury Joe is either the worst Arsenal supporter who ever walked the earth or he supports that pile of mucus from down the Lane with their **** football, **** fans, **** ground, **** everything who will probably be playing in the **** Championship next season and are probably the only Premiership team who can lose to the **** victims 0-5. Ha ha ha loser.

  31. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 22:26 #42964

    Actually Westlower, if you really were looking for the opposite end of the spectrum to yourself, I'd say it was Finsbury Joe, were it not clear he's on a wind up. For the record, despite fundamental differences I like lots of what Westlower has to say - the betting tips, the historical stuff, the humour. No real antagonism in our recent exchange, I hope Badarse approves!

  32. Peckham Pete aka Rocky RIP

    Dec 15, 2013, 22:10 #42963

    @ Finsbury - you didn't answer my question: why do you support Arsenal? You clearly hate them, yet you claim to 'support' them. Clearly our definitions of the word support differ. Personally, loving Arsenal was something I was born to do. No matter how much the people who have hijacked our club test that love and through it back in the face of us fans, I'll remain an Arsenal fan. It's a relationship of unconditional love. In answer to your question, just for starters, here are 5 good things to say about Arsenal. 1. 1971. 2. 2004. 3. Dennis Bergkamp. 4. Thierry Henry. 5. Currently TOP OF THE LEAGUE.

  33. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 15, 2013, 21:51 #42962

    Peckham Pete, tell me something good to say about arsenal? About to drop like a stone in the league, about to exit the ECL and FA Cup, one striker, two fit central defenders, a dinosaur dictator as a coach, a divided fan base, players going backwards, no ambition, no class, no future...and that's just for starters

  34. Green Hut

    Dec 15, 2013, 21:02 #42961

    Chris- No of course not, I was just ribbing Westlower. He seems like a nice, enthusiastic, positive Arsenal fan, very supportive of the manager. Just the kind of person I used to be, until long after we stopped winning trophies.

  35. N4

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:59 #42960

    @ Badarse now I know am on the right site :) were quiet that's all! @ CanadaG I like your comment too mate ;)...sorry didn't mention you lol!

  36. Peckham Pete

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:46 #42959

    @Finsbury Joe - remind me, why exactly do you support Arsenal? You don't have good word to say about them.


    Dec 15, 2013, 20:42 #42958

    N4, I'm behind you! Now you wouldn't want to pay my lecturing fees, but any other comments I make on here are free to you, because I know Money can't buy me love. Now what do you want to know? We can offer current bookies odds(and I remember the bookies' runners standing furtively on street corners, dragging on their Senior Service snouts on a good day, Woodbines on a bad). We can supply singing dancing troupes, you hum it, we'll play it, with westlower on guitar and Ron on castanets...or is it football your after?

  38. Chris

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:26 #42957

    Green Hut - You seem to be relishing the shift in title odds? Seems odd for a nominal Arsenal supporter. Shame on you Westlower, for actually enjoying us being top of the league!

  39. Enfield Eric

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:25 #42956

    Finsbury Joe, you're so transparent it's hilarious.

  40. Paul Adams

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:24 #42955

    Finsbury Joe. Tell me, are you Adrian Durham in disguise??

  41. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:23 #42954

    Accumulators are one thing, but the PL compressor is another beast altogether. Be prepared for the big squeeze as Merseyside crashes into Mancworld leaving the capital speechless. I am thinking Ozil's present condition is 'rich boy's trauma' and if that money and some more had bought Suarez (now the most respected player in the PL) we may have seen JW with the purpose he hopefully craves. I blame Napoli. What an inconvenience that was Arsene! duhhhh.... ps well said N4!

  42. CanadaGooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:18 #42953

    Who the heck is this Finsbury Joe chap? Do you read your statements before you post them? top 6? with the inconsistency of most teams in the league, any of the current top 4 can drop points pretty much anywhere. Arsenal have finished in the top 4 for as long as I can remember, not because we're consistently decent, but because teams like spurs, Liverpool, everton and villa are consistently crap towards the end of the season, and the current season wont be any different. As for Gary K - no disrespect mate, but why are you always so verbose? (try saying what you have in mind with less words man!); I like to log on quickly, to read a few posts; but I spend so much time just trying to scroll down past the several lines posted by Gary Kekeke (now Gary k)

  43. N4

    Dec 15, 2013, 20:00 #42952

    @Marcus, Jeff W, Gare K.....totally agree with you mate!

  44. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 15, 2013, 19:55 #42951

    Still coming to terms with what a laughing stock Arsenal have become. And to make things worse, wenger is clearly taking once half decent players backwards. It is shambolic. It only takes one man to wreck a club. Rivals must be pissing themselves laughing, rivals for sixth place that is

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 19:25 #42950

    It's about time Wilshere learned to take a humiliation us fans have, if he concentrated more on his game instead of twitter and his tattoos maybe they could be avoided, or there wouldn't be any. Even if he and others ludon't think so, wonder boy still has a lot to prove and a long way to go before he arrives.

  46. DW Thomas

    Dec 15, 2013, 19:08 #42949

    Agree with all who say Wenger had a terrible summer signing only Ozil at the last minute. The squad is too thin as always and only a top class striker will save the season. Did you see Suarez's goal today? No striker in our team can score goals like that consistently. The team need help and Wenger always drops the ball. His tactical ineptitude will be our downfall. Where is Sanogo? Diaby? Podolski? Etc, etc. Same lack of depth and problems will bring about another Groundhog season. I hate being a critic, but this club makes it so easy! Some say Arteta would have been our savior but he has been slow and off the pace this year. Another guy we bought too late. Oh, and we still need a dominant player like Yaya Toure as well. And the list goes on...

  47. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 18:51 #42948

    Rocky RIP, Even more embarrassing when you consider that Suarez has played less games than Spurs this season. Liverpool are reaping the twin benefits of not being involved in European competitions and already out of LC. Totally clear fixture list. Spurs are paying a big price for still being involved in both cup competitions. Badarse, Don't get lured in; With our extreme and opposite views SGRB and myself have most bases covered!

  48. MARCUS

    Dec 15, 2013, 18:43 #42947

    What really annoys me, is that the MAN ARAB team well this current one reminds me of are Invisible team. Look at their set up and range of players. You have Yaya Toure their Vieria and they have their Gilberto Silva in the mold of Fernadinho and they have their Henry in the mold of Augeuro, they also have their Pires in Silva and Lunberg in Nasri. It look awfully similar folks. Now that is a title winning teams as it has power mixed with technique not just flashy technique

  49. Gare K

    Dec 15, 2013, 18:28 #42946

    Poor result for us and in truth I expected us to lose but not in that manner. Where do you start? I’m going on MOTD highlights but from what I’ve seen it was poor defending for most of the goals and sloppy passing all round. Granted, there were some dubious decisions from the officials but that’s a cop out. I accept Ozil is still in adaptation mode so I believe as fans we should cut him some slack but it was yet another disappointing performance from him. However, it’s a good thing he’s either making or scoring goals so he’s proving valuable there. Also from what I heard on the BBC radio commentary we were physically overrun by Man City. But then what do you expect when Wenger wants a team predominantly full of skilful technicians and not enough grafters. Personally, I feel that despite being in England since 1996, Wenger still doesn’t understand English football. On this site, we have a good cross section of fans of all ages so could someone tell me if any English title winning team lacked a physical element at the back or particularly in midfield? Anyone blaming the schedule for this defeat will just look for any excuse in my view. As I mentioned earlier, it’s a cop out. Many will blame this setback on Man City’s oil money but you don’t need to spend millions of pounds to coach a defence well. I thought Mertesacker & Koscielny were Europe’s best CB pairing according to some Gooners on Twitter. As for the BFG, top man for telling Ozil to acknowledge the traveling Gooners. Some of these big earners really need to get a grip with reality. But for Wenger to admit he will not to step in and will leave it to the players to resolve the issue is to an extent poor management. One for the clever statisticians. In the calendar 2013, we have failed to beat the Manchester clubs, Chelsea and lost at Tottenham with only Liverpool being the only ‘big’ team we have beaten. Meanwhile, others who have spent far less than less have gained creditable results against these sides. But hey ho, it’s all about ‘net spend’ and ‘points per spend’ with Wenger eh? Let’s hope that there is some serious soul searching by the players for the next week. It’s a must that we beat Chelsea to silence the arrogant one at the Bridge. Up The Arsenal!

  50. Rocky RIP

    Dec 15, 2013, 18:27 #42945

    Westlower - what are the odds on Suarez scoring more than Tottenham this season? Shortening I'd imagine.

  51. Peter Wain

    Dec 15, 2013, 18:05 #42944

    A truly awful defensive performance which shows yet again the appalling transfer policy of the management. We need another centr half defensive midfield player and at least one top quality striker. We cannot win the league with Giroud. He is and honest willing striker but his lack of pace and his inability to score in big games means that he is only a good player. Quite why we have Bendtner in the club at all is a joke and not to spend in January will be a big mistake. Still AKB will not buy and we cannot win anything with this squad it is just not good enough.

  52. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 18:02 #42943

    Finsbury Joe, Spurs home record; goals for 7; goals against 12. Impressive! Back to 100/1 (129/1 on Betfair) to win PL, 4/1 to finish top 4.

  53. jeff wright

    Dec 15, 2013, 17:58 #42942

    The pantomime season is up and running at the lane ,watch out AVB he's behind you ! Levy of course , the only man in football to fire more managers than Abromavich.

  54. N4

    Dec 15, 2013, 17:48 #42940

    Kevin, your post is quite soft in my opinion, because Wenger should be the one to blame!!! Why J Wilshere lasted that long int he game is beyound me?!! why not swap him with cazorla/Rosicky?!! It was a complete bad change and when Bendtner came on I knew we're not going to win anything again this year...simple as!!! The players are tired! Ozil hasn't had a proper rest etc..! I'm not being negative because we lost to man city but we will soon be deflated because we don't have depth in the squad! Arsene is the joker in all this and us fans are mug!!! Anyway where is Badarse with his lecturing?!!!!

  55. CanadaGooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 17:44 #42939

    The good thing about being an Arsenal fan is that, every time we mess up, Tottenham Hot(cold more like)-Spur are always quick to cheer us up. Their ball-boy manager has managed yet another brilliant result at home against Liverpool. Well done spurs and thanks as always.

  56. jeff wright

    Dec 15, 2013, 17:11 #42938

    Marcus,I made the same point about us not having the class of player like Ronaldo up front that Ozil had at Madrid the other day . And today about him playing in the German side with better players around him. It's hardly rocket-science to work this out. However, allegations regarding Ozil going missing in big-games were put forth by Real Madrid and they as you pointed out do have top players . Ancelotti did not want him in his team . Ozil probably realizes that he's at the wrong club now and watching Giroud galloping about like a cart-horse after having the likes of Ronaldo ahead of him can't be doing a lot to persuade him otherwise . Actually if you take Ramsey's massive early season performances - goals and assists out of our results equation we would be in mid-table and not currently top of it . Unfortunately Ramsey has looked off the pace recently . Let's hope the break brings him back to his better form for Chelsea and the other Xmas games.

  57. Mark T

    Dec 15, 2013, 17:04 #42937

    At least we've had three months of smiling. It beats another year of misery. I never expected anything from this season. And judging by many of the Arsenal fans in Middle Eastlands, neither did they.

  58. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 16:56 #42936

    BFS, Thanks for the correction, Chelsea do indeed have a LC game at Sunderland on Tuesday.

  59. Peter Hughes

    Dec 15, 2013, 16:51 #42935

    Two good goals disallowed & penalty denied which would have been given at the otber end. Milner's legs aready colapsed before contact made. Both teams poor defense.Wenger played the team most craved.Should have kept things tight & hit them on the break.From the sound of Wenger players failed to protect defence which was our best chance of winning.So disappointing as I thing we should have got a result.Top teams on the whole make sure that they still get results despite bad decisions. Chelsea must win for confidence. All not lost yet but how we respond vital. All teams dropping points so anyone who can put a run together will find themselves clear.

  60. MARCUS

    Dec 15, 2013, 16:47 #42934

    I see alot of folks on here bashing Ozil?? I'm sorry but you folks clearly know NOTHING about football. I know most of you are bashing him because he cost 42 million smh. Look the guy is a midfielder his not a striker. I guarantee you we would have lost yesterday even if had Inesita playing for us that is a FACT. You need players around you of your ability to help you, that is how football has always been. Clearly that is missing at arsenal. We just do not have enough world class players. Look who Ozil had with him at Real Madrid. He had Ronaldo, Xabi Alonzo, Benzema, Khaderia, Hignuan, Modric, Ramos, etc now that is world class. All those players mentioned would start for us 100% every week. That is the difference its world class vs average players. Giroud is so average its unbelievable. I do not care how good his hold up play is, if you can not hit the back of the net often then you are average and that is what he is. He would never start for either Manure, chelski, man arab and you know that. So people need to get a grip of reality we just do not have a world class team. Its full of average players who may be internationals how many of them actually start for their countries?? Also it still does not take away from the fact they are average. Even if Fabregas was there we would have lots yesterday. Wenger tried to cover up a awful transfer summer by buying Ozil. Well it did not deceive me. As i knew Ozil was only one person we needed at least 5 world class players at the end of last season not just one. That is how you build a team capable of challenging at this very high level. It was glaring obvious we needed a world class striker and people on here did not want us to buy Suarez now are complaining of how crap giroud is NOW loooooool. You can not have it both ways folks. Imagine if had bought Suarez and Ozil and 3 more world class players?? We would have at least got a draw yesterday or won as the level in the team would have been on par with Man ARAB. If we had Suarez playing for us yesterday we would have scored more goals. I have no doubt about that. I also think Ozil might be even regretting coming here now. As he must have realized that the players around him are not on his level. Its not arrogance its a FACT. That is why Fabregas left that is why RVP left etc.

  61. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2013, 16:36 #42933

    I see Mr Venga has a 17 yr old lined up for the new year. He is a forward and he is from the Barcelona set-up and should be ready to face er teams in March 2016 or thereabouts. I think talking down Citeh in post match comments, not shaking hands with Martines in a sporting fashion can influence the players. Cue Ozil and JW wandering above their station. It's also embarrasing for us fans and opens up the club to ridicule. Apart from these musings, surely we can beat Chelski at home? Looking at hose mid week fixtures for the cup and you have to thing we are missing the boat here. It all looks pretty tantalising and we are nowhere near the party. Believe me - trophies are f...... trophies.

  62. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 16:24 #42932

    The most telling statistic for me, was one booking - our goalkeeper, for brushing Milner's ankle. Time was in a game of this importance we would rack up 5 or 6 bookings and then be warned by the FA as to our future conduct. However with the "rub of the green" it would have been a lot closer but not close enough for us to gain any points. Any team with aspirations of winning trophies (sorry a trophy) must be judged against the top sides and whatever anyone says or thinks, we have fallen short each time we play a decent team. Although it cannot help the balance of the team with Wilshere playing out wide left, that IMO was the major reason why Zabaleta had a "field day" down the right hand side. Truth is guys, tactically we played just how Citeh like their opposition to play and got what we deserved, all be it that the referee was very unkind to us!

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 15:58 #42931

    jeff wright, yes comments proof of(not that any was needed of course) where his priority lies.

  64. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 15:54 #42930

    Westlower, in turn you seem to think Wenger can never, ever be implicated. So if we were both right in our assumptions about the other, then we'd both hold views that are extreme to the point of ridiculousness. So in that sense we'd have common ground.

  65. Big F***ing Scot

    Dec 15, 2013, 15:49 #42929

    @westlower - Don't Chelsea have a League Cup tie this midweek away at Sunderland? They will probably play their reserves, but hopefully a couple of key players will also play and they'll get taken to extra-time before losing on penalties, which will then, by your criteria, give us the advantage next Monday.

  66. Bard

    Dec 15, 2013, 15:48 #42928

    The title wouldn't be won or lost whatever the Citeh result. We got spanked and need to recover. All the problems against Citeh have been there all season. Slack midfield, jack poor , Ozil hot and cold etc. We absolutely need 2/3 top players and if we get them we're in with a chance. What we've been good at this season is knocking over the non title contenders. If we keep that up it'll go down to the wire. Keep the faith

  67. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 15:40 #42927

    SGRB, I'm only looking at the events of this week in isolation. The external influence of TV scheduling has upset the sense of fair play by loading the dice against AFC. No complaints this week as both Arsenal & Chelsea have a clear and equal run up to Sundays game. You seem to disagree with any point of view that doesn't implicate Wenger as the root of all evil.

  68. Tom

    Dec 15, 2013, 15:26 #42926

    If you take away their penalty dive and give our penalty and three offside decisions we would have won 7-5. Wenger is 100% correct in stating we were the better team and in reality City are no better than Southampton or Everton.

  69. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:55 #42925

    Westlower, do you mean 'a reason' or 'the reason'? I think there is one fundamental difference between us, in that you think it's all externals.

  70. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:51 #42924

    Ed, strange the announcement is so early? (maybe their clairvoyants and there will be a few more popping up when the cart horse eventually gets his hoof to something). It certainly wouldn't look good just as another false dawn befell us but would it worry this shower? not in the slightest, they know only to well just like the result yesterday it will be excepted with a whimper.

  71. Danny

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:43 #42923

    DW Thomas- good read, but who coaches these players. Defence has improved because of bould's presence. Midfield and Forwards and tatctics and planning is the coaches responsibility. The team's mentality is like the coaches , weak, clueless and no spine, particularly OZIL, Cazorla and Wilshire. Everton's Barkley is a better player because he has a better demanding coach. Wenger is sensile old codger who has been found wanting in this game

  72. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:33 #42922

    SGRB, Ultimately we only disagree on one word. You say no EXCUSE for defeat and I say REASON for defeat.

  73. jeff wright

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:28 #42921

    mg, the top of the league has been the saving grace for the AKB this season they trot it out to try and cover up the obvious problems that have been there since the 3-1 defeat at home to Villa . Since then only the win over Rodger's 3 at the back kamikaze Liverpool has been a better result than against the same sides from last season. United was same again, West Brom away 2 points down ,City away 2 points down . A big game now against Chelsea with the possibility that City will have overtaken us at the top before we play. Wenger comments after being asked about not resting players against Napoli that he could afford to drop points at City because we had ' a comfortable 5 point lead at the top' shows yet again that Monsieur Deluded is only fooling himself.

  74. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:07 #42920

    Gift wrapped indeed Ed but it doesn't have to be the festive season for that as far as Arsenal are concerned. We're just not as good as we think we are but some of us already knew/know that and are not afraid to say so, the only person who doesn't seem to realise it is this manager but will he do anything about it? will he fook, after all there's players with other traits apart from the ones their supposed to have and get paid for, hopefully the new manager will think differently. We were stuffed again (well it is Xmas and that's what happens to turkeys at this time of year) another humiliation, we've shipped six regardless of this so called great defence and the reasons/excuses that no doubt are already in full flow but there's NO excuses for conceding six. But don't worry everybody, getting stuffed doesn't matter everything's still alright in the world of arsene fc we're still top of the league.

  75. Danny

    Dec 15, 2013, 14:04 #42919

    defence is ok, urgent need is a WC striker like Luis Suárez and strong of a OX player like Yaya Youre in Midfield Would we get them -NOOOO! He wasted the money on OZIL and his lovely contract. More of the same crap with this dude.

  76. jeff wright

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:55 #42918

    Realistic, our game v Chelsea is on Monday night 23d December.

  77. DW Thomas

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:51 #42917

    A few observations. Giroud was tired yes but still poor. The chance where he kicked his own foot symbolized the day. Wilshire looked like a spoiled brat. All around this team complains too much in games and loses focus too often, and he is not looking like the potential talent he should. Our midfield is a bunch of spoiled young men in some games. It's like they think their skill is enough without effort. Yaya Toure had acres of space second half and we made error after error to gift them goals. Just compare these two key players from yesterday and who is the type to win titles: Giroud vs Aguero, and Kompany vs Mertesacker. I like the BFG, but he was so ponderous yesterday. City have such great game changers that step up in these big games. Like Drogba used to always do against us. Why can't we ever have that? Instead we self explode! The officials were bad, yes, but didn't pass them the ball all those times. We put on Bendtner to make a difference. Yes he scored, but who wouldn't in our team? I agree with Kevin the real test is Chelsea. Get three points and we're back on track. Lose and the wheels might come off. One bad loss and one good win is better than two good ties! Just want that result against a good team that says we are for real!

  78. Realistic

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:46 #42916

    Below is what I wrote last week. our true position is about 4th despite we started well. we need to add to squad. you all also critiscised me last season when i said Martinez was a great manager. i feel we need to play at a high pace and City tore us apart in this respect Weaknesses about to be revealed 16:33pm 12th Dec 2013 in my view from hereon in it gets tougher for us. club must invest in 1 or 2 more in Jan. Giroud cannot be asked to play every game this is crazy. Unless we are anything other than 100% on Saturday we will get a heavy beating. Chelsea at home i think weve already seen JM knows how to box in our midfield so we have to learn to play with a PLAN B. I worry that the good work for aug/sep/oct/nov could be undone in dec/jan - Post No. 45679

  79. jeff wright

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:42 #42915

    If City beat Fulham ,no certainty with their away form, then they will be top of the league before we play Chelsea on Monday . Still it's best to be top of the league than no top of the league. Even better though if we can stay there if not then the fact that we have been top for a short time will count for no more than a possible runners up top 4 spot. In other other words deja vu the last 8 seasons. So far we are down on points won against the same sides same games played that we played last season. We got a point last season at City away ,3 against Villa at home 3 at West Brom. We did better v Liverpool at home the game was a draw last season . The 9 points won from beating the newbies,Palace ,Cardiff and Hull has masked the disappointing results against the experienced Prem sides like United and City ,Villa and West Brom . There is a chance to improve on this against Chelsea - whom we dropped 3 points against last season at home. Wo war Ozil yesterday ? He is struggling to refute the allegations that Madrid made about him going AWOL in big games. Chelsea is another chance for him to show his abilities are not confined to beating ordinary sides and playing better in that German one with big physical players like Swinesteiger around him. Ozil gave his shirt to Mourinho after Chelsea had beaten us at home in the cup tie earlier in the season - let's hope that the outcome is different this time and that Mourinho leaves with nothing to celebrate. A draw will only help City - if they have already won at Fulham .

  80. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:29 #42914

    Westlower, I don't like the way football has gone any more than you do. It's just not an excuse for failure, that's all. 'Dishonest' just isn't the appropriate word, for me. 'Crap', maybe.

  81. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:20 #42913

    SGRB, If you believe 'two wrongs make a right', 'swings and roundabouts' it just about sums up what's wrong with football. Incompetence & TV rule, how dishonest is that??

  82. Declan Burke

    Dec 15, 2013, 13:11 #42912

    As bizarre as it may sound to some, there were a lot of positives from yesterday. The chances created were numerous, overall our defending was the seasons poorest, but let's face it we will not face as sharp an attacking force as city until they return to the emirates. The biggest worry is confidence and team spirit, I hope the Mertesacker/Ozil incident is done and dusted, and Jack Wilshere had better learn to mature bloody quickly if he is going to BECOME the great he can. I still firmly believe this can be a great season for us and that is not something I would have dreamt of saying on August 12.

  83. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:58 #42911

    Westlower, I agree that TV rules and scheduling can have an influence over an individual match. My point stands - it is not an excuse over the course of a season, as it will happen to everybody. It's also not an excuse to concede 6 or 8 goals. I also don't have any reason to believe match officials are corrupt - incompetent at times maybe, like on some offside decisions yesterday.

  84. John Gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:54 #42910

    Yesterday just proved that Giroud is a ddonkey and that Wenger hasn't really changed at all. You can't outplay a team whose bench costs more than your squad, so perhaps look at keeping a clean sheet and snatching a goal. You know you're a donkey when Bendtner looks sharper by comparison. My prediction of 3rd/4th with no trophies stands... much though I wish it didn't!

  85. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:47 #42909

    SGRB, We have NO advantage over Chelsea as both teams haven't a mid week game but we WERE at an unfair disadvantage this week. Unfortunately football has evolved where TV rules and whether you acknowledge it or not they exert an influence over the results of football matches. Any edge gained in a football match is relevant to the result, regardless of the team or manager. I call it dishonest but you choose not to. In my many years experience I find horse & dog racing more honest than football. Do you question the motives/actions of the 'homer' officials yesterday? In my opinion they stunk the place out!

  86. Gunner SA

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:45 #42908

    * Arsenal finished third on goal difference and Man U won 1-0 at home so six points against Man C and Chelsea then?

  87. Reggie

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:34 #42907

    Arsenal could have easily won the game today. I agree with Wenger that Man City are no better than Southampton or Everton. A few incompetent homer officials and you can really get whatever result you want.

  88. Gunner SA

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:33 #42906

    Kev, that 1996/97 season saw Man U draw 0-0 at home to Newcastle (runners up) and beat Liverpool (3rd) 1-0. Let's see Arsenal take at least four points at home to Man City and Chelsea. The way Arsenal defended yesterday and in Naples it doesn't look good does it? Walcott was effective.

  89. jjetplane

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:16 #42905

    With you on that Tony but would also be very concerned with those knocking on the door. Everton will not fade. Neither will Liver or Totts. Citeh have players that make even top teams afraid. Chelsea have still to hit form. Ozil is a wonderful player but have seen him go missing playing for his national team too. The way clubs set up now like corporate entities flooding their towns and cities with product and constructed visibility sees a lot of players on platforms alien to their fans. Top 4 is the goal for a settling corp but this season has a long way to go. What can we say - for instance - Nasri is now the player he wanted to be. If we don't win anything then it could be that Ramsay will be the next to get overly distracted. Whatever happened to the pools! ha ha!

  90. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 12:07 #42904

    Westlower, I haven't missed your point by pointing out AFC aren't being targeted. In your original post on this, you gave examples of scheduling working against us to this end. However, in your second you've acknowledged it also works the other way with the Chelsea example, which should mean you know it isn't an excuse over a season. The overall point is, no one is being 'dishonest' and the only 'agenda' is simply to have matches played at a time that suits them, not to hobble AFC - they simply don't care if it helps or hinders us. If the team do fall away again this season, it will not be due to bent refs, fixture scheduling or the fans not cheering loudly enough - it will be due to the manager and the players.

  91. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 11:58 #42903

    Green Hut, As requested the revised betting for the PL is: Man C 6/5; AFC & Chelsea 4/1; Liverpool 10/1; Man U 33/1; Everton 40/1; Spurs 66/1. True to form when a football betting expert on Sky recommended that Man U were the best bet but then they give their audience what they want to hear. The brainwashing continues unabashed! Man U, Man U, Man U, Man U...........

  92. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 11:43 #42901

    SGRB, You've missed my point re the betting angle. The TV companies present serious punters with golden opportunities to win money. Speaking personally I've won a substantial amount of money this week from the Napoli & Man C game. I backed Napoli to beat us and Dortmund to win the Group. Earlier in the week I advised Gooners to back Napoli at 6/4 because it was a unique situation where AFC could lose but still qualify, win/win. I'm not making excuses for AFC losing at Man C (we may have lost anyway), just highlighting that an already difficult task was made even harder by a deliberate man made fixture pile up. If we'd played Man C today who knows if the result would have been different. Speaking personally I've won a substantial amount of money this week by taking advantage of circumstances. AFC were shafted by having both games moved either side of a CL game. Fergie went ballistic when similar happened to him and it worked because Man U have been treated like a preserved species ever since. It's the small details that make a big difference when the prizes are handed out. As you say the pendulum swings back in our favour against Chelsea. The bookies recognise this and bet AFC 7/5 & Chelsea 11/5. I feel a bet coming on!

  93. Tony

    Dec 15, 2013, 11:12 #42899

    Wenger is tactically inept.City have been banging goals in left right and centre at the Etihad yet Wenger tries to go toe to toe with them.Yet a month ago we went to a badly out of form Utd who were there for the taking and sat back and created nothing.In Naples he played Flamini and Arteta yesterday he left Arteta out.Cesc used to say Wenger never talked about the opposition and never set out tactics to stop them..What was the Gnabry sub all about with Cazorla and Rosicky on the bench?. Come March when we have secured a top 4 place watch us fall out of the title race.Its between City and Chelsea.Stronger squads simple as

  94. Torbay gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 11:00 #42898

    Let's face it we lost to the team that should win the title this season. We have to pick ourselves up and beat Chelsea next week and pick up further two further wins against teams down at the bottom to finish the year on top. If we don't beat Chelsea then frankly this season is starting to look like previous others and the only reason we have led the race thus far is because of the kind fixture list, because this team will be nailed on for 3rd or 4th. If I had belief that the manager would buy the quality additions that we all know we need in January then I might feel differently, but I don't!

  95. Lee

    Dec 15, 2013, 10:55 #42897

    Has anyone seen Mesut Ozil??? 42.5m record signing, last seen scoring two goals against the mighty Norwich on 19th October..........

  96. Green Hut

    Dec 15, 2013, 10:38 #42896

    Westlower- You forgot to give us your regular update of the title odds in your long excuse-laden post. I believe there's been quite a shift.

  97. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Dec 15, 2013, 10:15 #42895

    Westlower, all teams - especially teams competing at the top - have their schedules messed around with for TV. This week it hasn't helped AFC, next week it will be someone else. We now have a 9 day gap, so there it is working to our advantage. Over the course of a season, fixture scheduling does not stand up as an excuse for any individual team. Betting companies are interested in making money off everyone, not in targeting AFC to do so. To imply otherwise is daft.

  98. Unchives

    Dec 15, 2013, 10:14 #42894

    It was a strange game, and yes we could have won it If we defended better and the ref and linesman put their match glasses on. However we have now had three windows of opportunity, Man Utd, Everton, now Man Citeh, we failed in all three as we know. Its a must win game against Chelsea in my opinion or we will get swamped. Man Utd will not win it, Everton will fade, Citeh will continue to be inconsistent away from home, which leaves Chelsea who can at any given moment lose home or away. Our chance is there for the taking.....end of January will certainly tell the true story.....any predictions now Simon Rose?

  99. Jason

    Dec 15, 2013, 10:09 #42893

    The problems with the Arsenal squad are quite obvious to me. 1. Defence - So with just the one centre back out injured, we now will have no substitute centre back on the bench for the next few games. Absolutely ridiculous for a side trying to mount a championship challenge. Wenger will point to Sagna and say he "can" play there. Well Arsene, I don't want someone that can play there, I want someone who does play there. Also, if Sagna plays centre back, that in turn weakens us at right back. Midfield - We are completely overloaded with central midfielders. There are seven centre midfielders vying for three positions. As normal, Wenger will pick his best players instead of the best team. It is no coincidence that Wilshere, Cazorla, and Ozil have been poor recently. Why, because they have been chucked out on the wing. You only have to look back at Arshavin to see how Wenger ruined his time at Arsenal by playing him out of position. In my opinion we must play, either Flamini or Arteta, Wilshere or Ramsey, and Cazorla, Ozil, or Rosicky. The get some genuine width, Walcott, Poldolski and Gnabry. Up front - Giroud or Bendtner says it all. Transfer window - A striker and centre defender are an absolute must!!!!!!

  100. the truth

    Dec 15, 2013, 10:08 #42892

    its like the emperors new clothes: dont say it! goes! "JACK WILSHERE HAS BEEN CRAP ALL SEASON!" There, that's said it.

  101. Westlower

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:58 #42891

    The moment Sky/BT condensed our fixtures by moving the Everton/Man C games either side of the Napoli game we were at an unfair disadvantage at the Etihad. The arrogance & dishonesty of the PL/TV companies is breath taking at times. I look at games from a different prospective from the normal fan. For my sins I am a semi-pro punter and access games purely from a betting perspective. In recent times there has been two cast iron, can't lose, bets both played away in Manchester after CL away games in Italy midweek. For a serious punter those two games represented writing your own cheque for how much money you wanted to win. The 2-8 game at OT in particular was a licence to print money for every pro punter anywhere in the World. AFC conceded 14 goals in those two games and regardless of your views on Wenger that is an abnormal amount of goals to concede. There are obviously other factors at play. The first is the PL who scheduled the original fixture list, giving AFC away games in Manchester after CL games & then the TV companies compound the problem by removing recovery time between our televised games. It may not be corrupt but dishonest certainly, if you consider the games integrity is being distorted by people with their own selfish agendas. Finally a word on Ozil, he is struggling more than most coping with the frequency and intensity of matches. I'm sure we'll see a refreshed Ozil against Chelsea.

  102. kilkenny cat

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:54 #42890

    Defending was brutal,everyone knows that. But Giroud had 2 good chances when the game was in the balance. His effort and commitment is not in question,but he is not world class. Any of City,s strikers are better. If we hadn,t insulted Liverpool and made a proper bid for Suarez the league would be ours.

  103. fozzy's mate

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:51 #42889

    We all know OGL is tactically bereft. We will finish 3rd or 4th no shock there. Board delighted. Slip the 3% rise in while were top before the collapse starts.

  104. au revoir wenger

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:33 #42888

    one thing for sure Ozil is no top player went missing again .Madrid dont sell the best players in the world they buy them.another Arshavin me thinks

  105. Clive the Gooner

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:33 #42887

    We were far too open against City and got punished. To score 3 goals and lose is dissapointing. Have to say though the officials were shocking. Again though it seems Wenger got his tactics wrong. Only hope we don't have the usual game against Chelsea where they just sit back and wait for a silly mistake then pick us off. It's starting to look all too familiar but hopefully they'll prove me wrong.

  106. Esso

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:24 #42886

    Inspector Clueless! Heh! So fuuny how he's got us the top of league. Innit?

  107. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:06 #42885

    Not a disaster if we learn from it. Wenger is incapable of it so let's hope that Steve Bould and the team do. Ozil has been flung into the deep end of the premiership. Who responds well to that immediately? I remember one of my best friends saying "somebody's d*cked up badly" in relation to the acquisition of one Denis(Dutch Baby naming regulations be blowed)Bergkamp. His anxieties were ill founded

  108. northbank71

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:05 #42884

    get real all of you! too much xmas spirit in my view. jack is just a shadow of his former self: slow around the field, slack with his passing, knocked too easily off the ball, fast becoming a little fat version of our 'captain' arsteta. ozil looked like he wanted his midseason break that he's alway had, or perhaps realised that he isn't winning anything with this lot. and to rub it in, off the field and in the bar without so much as a thank you to all the punters who'd dragged themselves at crack of dawn up the M1. szesny beaten 6 times in 7 attempts on target. giroud, willing as ever, and donkeylike as ever too. wenger hasnt a clue: midweek, wally stays on the bench when it was crying out for someone to gallop into the acres of space behind a team desperate to score. yesterday, the always willing cazorla left on the bench, whilst the midfield got pulled ragged. theres clearly no masterplan with OGL. still look on the bright side: if you're a red member ( not a euphemism) think how much easier its going to be in the new year to get tickets!

  109. Fishpie

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:03 #42883

    I'm with Kevin on this one. I think we were always likely to lose at City. I had hoped we could avoid a drubbing and make a match of it at least. But in the drubbing we were ultimately handed out, we had moments and periods when we showed something of what we are capable of. Worryingly what is often referred to as our strongest asset, our midfield, is full of players in poor or at best inconsistent form. Wilshire was shockingly awful and seems completely out of sorts with his team mates, Ozil flits in and out and doesn't seem capable of bossing a game, and Cazola has barely turned up this year. These three guys are simply not formulating anything like the creative partnerships we were dreaming of. And yesterday our unfocussed players gave the ball away again and again and again. But we are top and if we beat Chelsea, which I believe we can do, we are back on course big time. Wenger needs to ensure his players are much much better prepared for Chelsea, physically and mentally.

  110. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 15, 2013, 9:01 #42882

    yes we scored three goals up there but what is the point of scoring when five minutes later you let the opposition in as well? Even if we'd scored 8 they would have scored 15. Sunday morning defending from both sides which goes to show how s**t the league is this season

  111. GoonerRon

    Dec 15, 2013, 8:53 #42881

    Coming away from the match I was really struggling to rationalise in my head what had just happened. It was probably the first time since the first game of the season that we made a succession of unforced defensive errors that led to goals for the opposition. City are very dangerous and played better than us over the piece, although from where I was (and without seeing a replay yet) the handball from Zabaleta looked nailed on and it would be interesting to see two 'offside' goals from Giroud and Bendter again. Perhaps big decisions going our way could have made a difference to the outcome, perhaps not. All this stuff about Arsenal having to beat our rivals to win the league is nonsense and whilst I clearly would have preferred to win this game, our ability to claw ourselves back into the game gives me encouragement that this isn't a terminal blow. I know we've been top for a long time but its inevitable we will drop points this season and if we are still top or within 1 or 2 points of the top come the New Year then it's been a good first half of the season for me.

  112. Paul Thomson

    Dec 15, 2013, 8:40 #42880

    Cringeworthy defending for 1st, 3rd and 4th goals but at 3-2 we could have been ahead 10 minutes later. Strange game indeed but top drawer entertainment for the neutral. I think the 9 day break is a godsend as many of the squad are out on their feet. Overall we're still in a great position and 3 points against Chelsea would see us right back on track. COYG.

  113. Kenny

    Dec 15, 2013, 8:35 #42879

    We could have scored 6 says Inspector Clueless yes he's right but he fails to say City could have scored 12.They attacked we attacked but they were better than us.Everytime City upped their game they tore us apart.We scored and twice within a minute we were picking the ball out of our net.Does Wenger ever go into a game with any tactics?The Elephant in the room is Ozil who everyone is ignoring.Not one mention of him by you Kev.Just like at Old Trafford last month he did a disappearing act.Its seems he is immune from any criticism because he cost £42m.His form in the last month has been awful.Now with Rambo hitting a bad patch we need others to step up to the plate that.We will finish 3rd this year we just havent got the squad to compete with City or Chelsea.City scored 4 after their best striker went off.As long as Wenger and some deluded Gooners believe we were unlucky and we are not far behind City we are in big trouble.Yesterday should be a wake up call.But Wenger will just bury his head in the sand