Grinding It Out

Online Ed: Another key 1-0 victory at Newcastle

Grinding It Out

It was a game very reminiscent of Arsenal’s previous visit to St James’s Park. A narrow 1-0 win, with a goal from a set piece converted just in front of the goalmouth. And surviving the Alamo at the end. Certainly, as in May, it was no great entertainment in terms of the quality of the play. However, Arsenal needed to work hard to grind out a result today, and as on some of the games on the ten match unbeaten run that concluded the 2012-13 campaign, defensive resilience won the day.

This, of course, taking account of the mad Szczesny moment. They don’t happen every day, but they happen often enough for someone at the club, to perhaps work on this aspect of his game. It was a hoof upfield, not an attempted pass to anyone, so why it had to go straight at the incoming Luc Remy is beyond me. After hitting Remy full on in the face, it could as easily have gone in as wide. These Szczesny moments are like the joker in ‘It’s A Knockout’ – a chance for a team to gain an advantage for no good reason whatsoever. Fortunately, the Gunners survived it.

Rotation was the name of the game in midfield when the starting line-ups were announced. Arteta, Ramsey and Ozil out for Flamini, Wilshere and Rosicky. Arsene Wenger said Ozil had a ‘shoulder injury’ and would be out for 2 or 3 games. Winter break anyone? Koscielny returned in place of Thomas Vermaelen, who probably feels a bit hard done by after decent enough displays since his return. However, sentimentalism will not win a title, and Koscielny played his part well enough to justify his return. Podolski remained on the bench in spite of his impact on Boxing Day, as the front three were unchanged.

I reckoned the number of French players on the pitch for both sides at nine, with four Englishmen. Times have changed since Alan Pardew had a pop at Arsenal for not having many Englishmen. His side today started with just one.

It was the type of game Arsenal have to win if they are not going to take many points from their principal rivals. After today it does appear as if Manchester City and Chelsea are lining up behind them, and no cheap points can be dropped. Of course, dropping points away to Newcastle cannot be considered as losing cheap ones, as not every game against a non-title contending team is going to be straightforward. And on such days, Wenger’s team must focus on the result and work hard enough to achieve it, with appropriate discipline. A back-heeled volley in his own half from Mikel Arteta when his side were defending their lead in the second half was not what the doctor ordered.

Giroud was not rested as some thought might be the case, and returned to scoring form. The goal was a deft one, reminiscent of Alan Smith’s opener at Anfield in 1989. It broke the deadlock of what had been a pretty dull affair up to that point, carried on tension rather than action. Some of Arsenal’s passing wasn’t happening. Kieran Gibbs, when he gets forward, tends to just try and pump it in rather than play a ball to anyone in particular, often hitting the first man. Full backs are becoming so important to attacking play in the modern game that this needs to be improved. Granted, someone like Lee Dixon was never a great distributor, but times have changed. Defenders can often be the sole source of width, especially at Arsenal when at 4-2-3-1 formation does not include any real wide men, although Walcott is capable of performing the role on the right hand side. Ironic, in that light, that Sagna is a better crosser than Gibbs.

Santi Cazorla was the nominal marker on Gibbs’ flank when Newcastle right back Debuchy attacked, but defensive cover is something he struggles with. In this sense, one can see an argument for playing the likes of Wilshere and Ramsey wide. At least they are more industrious.

The ref – Lee Probert – impressed me. He was very strong and in no way can be described as a homer. It was a physical game, but he let it flow as much as he could. A goal was desperately needed, but on Arsenal’s side, too many players were passing into space where no-one was making a run for the ball. Perhaps, fatigue is beginning to tell. It was difficult to see where a goal might come from, but fortunately, a set piece converted by Giroud provided the required breakthrough. The subsequent miss when Walcott and then Giroud failed to take advantage of a gilt edged chance meant a nervy ending to the match, and things got spicy with some questionable challenges and the home crowd baying for blood.

But critically, Arsenal stood tall. There was to be no collapse of the type this stadium has seen from the Gunners in the not so distant past. Flamini was moved to left back as Gibbs was removed from the fray (although I am uncertain if he was injured or not) and it felt like the spring of 2006 all over again. The Flanimal earned a yellow card for good measure. This was exactly the kind of game that required his fist-pumping.

In the end, the points were all taken and the onslaught survived. Arsenal returned to the top of the table after Manchester City had overtaken them yesterday and must now focus on continuing the winning sequence that was initiated on Boxing Day. There is very little room for slip-ups, but they have played every team once, and have more points than anyone else. It’s been a good season so far, let us hope that the work the team have done up to this point is carried through and earns them some silverware before the season’s out. But just to put the cat amongst the pidgeons, what price Nicklas Bendtner starting in the FA Cup tie v Spurs?

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  1. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 31, 2013, 21:41 #43478

    And a happy new year to you Team to dominate and the rest of you especially Westlower, loved that Who related response a couple months back. Just don't build up expectations too high in 2014

  2. jjetplane

    Dec 31, 2013, 14:57 #43467

    RON Talking of weakened teams ... It appears half the squad is out for Cardiff which may mean Wenger is kicking up an anti-steam ahead of the spud-we-hate game. Will be very upset if this proves to be the case. Over to you Selector! This week we want a minimum of five goals for us and none for the others. If its a problem then some people are clearly in the wrong, overpaid jobs.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 31, 2013, 13:41 #43465

    Ron, i should have read on before commenting on Gare's post the same reply to you.

  4. Westlower

    Dec 31, 2013, 13:29 #43464

    WABATTD, Two teams from the past who played for AFC on New Years day. 1982/83, Arsenal 2 v Swansea 1: Jennings, Hollins, Sansom, Talbot, O'Leary, Robson, Davies, Sunderland, Petrovic, Woodcock, Rix. 1989/90, Arsenal 4 v Palace 1: Lukic, Dixon, Winterburn, O'Leary, Bould, Richardson, Thomas, Groves, Rocastle, Merson, Marwood.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 31, 2013, 13:23 #43463

    Gare K, hear hear

  6. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 31, 2013, 12:22 #43462

    Happy new year to one and all - even Finsbury Joe. :-) To get into the spirit of things for later (no pun intended)here's a few of my memorable New Years Day games from years gone by: 1980: Saints 0 AFC 1 a tough trip to a fast-improving Southampton side who were scoring goals at home for fun but AFC take the points thanks to Willie Young's first half goal 1985: AFC 1 Spuds 2 ah no let's not go there; 1987: AFC 3 Wimbledon 1 the great run of form that took AFC to the top of the league continues. Charlie Nicholas scores with a header inside the first 10 minutes! 1989: AFC 2 Spuds 0 OK this was actually Jan 2nd but Paul Merson's bobbly goal I remember well. Guess what? They should have had a penalty when Lukic brought down Paul Stewart. Aaawww. 1990: AFC 4 Palace 1 a great start to the new decade after two away defeats over Xmas. all the goals in the first half! Perry Groves should have had a hat-trick in the second. Any others? All contributions welcome!

  7. Chris

    Dec 31, 2013, 12:14 #43461

    Ron - The margins are so small that even a very small reduction in performance / reaction times due to fatigue can have big consequences for perceived performance level, esp with the pace of Arsenal's / the modern game. It's not the same as the fatigue a soldier gets from tabbing 50 clicks with 40kg on his back or having no sleep for a couple fo nights, but it still affects performance and therefore results.

  8. Westlower

    Dec 31, 2013, 11:47 #43459

    Ron, Fatigue is not to be confused with exhaustion. Dictionary definition of FATIGUE: extreme tiredness or weariness resulting from physical or mental activity. EXHAUSTION: a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness or collapse. Footballers are exposed to fatigue by overplaying, carrying injuries and/or travelling long distances, and thankfully are rarely exhausted.

  9. GoonerRon

    Dec 31, 2013, 10:59 #43458

    @ Westlower/Ron - I think it may be a moot point about Wenger resting players for the Spuds game. We have decent options available to us at the moment where we can freshen the starting line up a bit without hindering the quality too much - gone are the days where 3 or 4 changes disproportionately reduced our odds of winning. We started against the bar codes with Flamini, Wilshere, Rosicky, Theo and Cazorla yet over the next two games at least two of those could get a break (if needed) and Podolski/Arteta can come in. After Spuds there's 9 days before Villa so plenty of time to re-charge the batteries in any case.

  10. Dan h

    Dec 31, 2013, 10:05 #43455

    Have a great NYE everyone.First we have a job to do against Cardiff then on to Saturday.To play anything but the strongest available side makes no sense to me.We need to take advantage of the fact we are at home the last thing we need is the possibility of them turning us over due to a weakened team.Get the job done avoid the other scenario a replay.The Villa game is the following Monday plenty of time to relax & recuperate.

  11. Ron

    Dec 31, 2013, 9:37 #43453

    Morning Westie. Hope youre good. Ive never waved a white flag in my life matey, thats why i have the view i do, unlike a great many modern feinheart footballers. I know what genuine fatigue is too, thats why i know that footballers dont get it. They get stale and performances ebb and flow due to tweaks, knocks and strains for sure. Ill give you that. Nothing more. All Clubs have to cope. As a supporter, i can accept that and its easy to spot a player that leggy but equally so, same player within a few days can feel re invigorated with modern training, physical and dietary methods. A genuine injury causes a player to hit the wall, playing regularly doesnt. In fact NOT playing is often the root cause of a player becoming jaded. With all due respect i feel that youve bought the tiredness myth. Its really a means of getting excuses for losing in first. Selective rotation can and shd happen v the likes of Cardiff and Norwich, of course it can. Im not saying a coach shd flog a dead horse. I wdt be surprsied at all if Wenger either 1. Played a very weakened team v Spuds or 2. Played what looks like a very strong team but the evidence on the pitch will show that the said strong team is under instructions to avoid tackling, and to conserve energy. We ve see it so, so often down the years and to be honest its depressing. We dont fight on '3 fronts' mate, we havent done that since 04 and the Club knows it doesn't despite the spin they weave to make us think they do. Theyve almost secured top 4 now and that remaining CL programme is now window dressing. They could play weak teams in every PL and FAC game till MAY and they still wdt win the CL.We simply dont have the players or the Coach to take that trophy, hence if there is any latitude to 'prioritize' the sensible way is to demote the CL. We all know that Wenger has a hard on for it though. He d blatantly sacrifice the PL and the Cup if ever the remotest hint of a CL win emerged before him. Have a great NY Eve buddy and heres to a good new year. Absolutely too - C mon you Gunners!

  12. Bard

    Dec 31, 2013, 8:43 #43452

    Ron et al; completely agree. Its a no brainer that we need to beat the Spuds with our best team. It will be a war but thats the nature of the beast. Winning it will give the side a terrific boost going forward. I agree with others that CL is way beyond us unless we buy half a new team in Jan. I keep banging on about it but what we do in the Jan window is absolutely critical. It will show us whether the club have moved up a level as they say they have or whether, as I suspect, the Ozil buy was a sop to keep us quiet and it will be another familiar post Feb disintegration.

  13. Westlower

    Dec 31, 2013, 8:26 #43451

    Good morning Ron, Trust you didn't blow a gasket posting your 'lukewarm' response to fielding a weakened team against the Spuds. Given we don't play again until the Villa away game on the 13th there's every reason to suppose we will play a strong team on Saturday. AW will doubtless be criticised whatever his team selections for this weeks games. Having said that I'm sure they'll be some rotation of players if only to keep them match fit instead of remaining parked on the bench. I disagree with you that the season begins and ends on Saturday's result; it's the view of a typical Brummies fan only wanting to sh*t on the Villa. Yes it will hurt if we lose but looking at the bigger picture I'd sooner lose on Saturday if it means we win all our PL games in Jan. A bigger disaster would be in dropping points v Cardiff. Unlike you I haven't waved the white flag with regard to winning the PL or progressing in the CL. The fixture difficulty arises in Feb/March should we still be in the FA Cup. Even if we get knocked out of the CL on 11th March we'll have played in 3 rounds of the FA Cup which is not ideal preparation for Munich or the intervening PL games. We are not equipped to fire fully on three fronts simultaneously. Apart from possibly Bayern Munich nor is anybody else. Should Chelsea & Man City go a long way in all competitions the pendulum swings back in our favour come the closing weeks of the PL season. There are many on this site who don't recognise fatigue but just watch it hit the sides who are over stretched come April/May. Last years FA Cup winners Wigan, paid the ultimate price by being relegated. Lack of PL focus and fatigue saw to that! I bet the majority of their supporters would trade the secondary FAC tin pot to be back in the big time of the PL? Ron, I wish you a Happy New Year, pour yourself a stiff drink, strum that guitar and enjoy the evening because the serious stuff starts tomorrow. Come on you title chasing Gunners!!!!!

  14. Ron

    Dec 31, 2013, 6:25 #43450

    Anybody even contemplating the notion of playing a 'weak' team v Spurs in the FAC should be denied entry to the stadium forevermore and advised to frequent WHL for the remainder of his/her days. In fact such people probably already go there from time to time to cheer them on! Arsenal have ONE genuine rival and its them, not Chelsea, not the Mancs (of either hue), not Liverpool et al. Any real Gunners fan of the red blooded type wants Tottenham crushed in ANY game. It takes 6 games (540 mins of the tired mites time) to win the Cup. There exists a pool of 25 highly paid players to use to do it and the best ones have to be picked for big games. Theres non bigger than v Spuds in the FAC. More importantly, its the best and arguably the ONLY realistic chance of a trophy. Arsenal's chances of winning the CL depends on every other team in it being abducted by aliens. Their only chance of winning the PL depends on Man City totally losing the plot and Chelsea doing something similar.Moreover theres the small matter of 62 quid being charged to see the spuds tie and if Wenger or the Board are even remotely inclined to take a Cup game of that ilk lightly they owe the fans not only an explanation for it but also a reduced entrance charge of £10.00. These weak willed types who are duped into this 'prioritizng' and 'tiredness' mentality ought to be made to go to a soundproofed room and advance their mindless theory of sacrificing a game v the spuds to an audience containing Frank McLintock, Charlie George and Ray Parlour, Bobby Pires et al as its their types plus the committed fans who are being insulted. Be sure that you've executed your last Will and Testamant though.Taking the Cup lightly is the worst form of deluded 'trophy snobbery' thats gripped people who go to Arsenal in the last 10-12 years, moreover its absolute bollocks to even try to justify such a position as their simply isnt any justification to be had. The Club and Wenger in particular doesn't have the right to claim the privilege of 'selecting' games. A 9 year trophy desert makes that clear to anybody bar those amongst us who live on fantasy island.

  15. CanadaGooner

    Dec 31, 2013, 5:04 #43449

    Finsbury Joe is such a comedian aint he? Ha ha. Funny chap. Is this the same Wenger who has finished in the top 4 consistently since he arrived almost 20 years ago. Only a depraved lunatic would query Wenger's ability to finish in the top 4.

  16. Gare K

    Dec 31, 2013, 1:48 #43448

    I see that the “let’s play a not so strong team in the FA Cup’ argument has reared its head again. I may not worship the altar of Wenger & the greedy board like a lot of fans but I will never ever in my lifetime ever as a Gooner (since January 1987 for the record) want to us to lose a match just so our poor little lambs don’t suffer from fatigue later in the season. What utter nonsense. That’s the whole point of having a big squad FFS. Some of these guys would be involved in the World Cup next summer in searing temperatures in Brazil or have some of you forgotten that? How many games did the ‘double’ winning collective of 1970/71 play that season? No way would a true Gunners legend such as Frank McLintock (not phoneys like Eboue) would have said to Bertie Mee (RIP) during that glorious season “please gaffer, don’t play me in that game because I’m knackered”. Liverpool’s 1983/84 squad played 63 games on route to winning their treble, some of them ever-present, so why should we be any different? Any Gooner that wants us to lose to THAT LOT on Saturday just so our players don’t get tired should join the 5000+ Tottenham fans at the Grove and allow Gooners like me to support the team to end Tottenham’s hope of winning domestic silverware for another season. The Premier League is there for the taking, no doubt about that but I would also like to see us go an FA Cup build to momentum and who knows maybe even another great day out at Wembley but even that’s far-fetched I will admit. And besides, last time I checked Bayern Munich are a bloody good trophy winning machine threatening to become even better but we shall see on that. Up The Arsenal!

  17. Finsbury Joe

    Dec 31, 2013, 0:15 #43447

    A sterile performance a lucky referee assisted win a false position in the league and AKBs creaming themselves....happy days. Most of the good people on here know this is a false dawn and that sixth place beckons for this idiot manager and his squad. Big teams await in vital spring games and we know how wenger does against the big boys. 2014 will be a painful year unless wenger goes

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 23:27 #43446

    jeff wright, spot on we all know where OGL's priority lies but the much more realistic FA cup has to be taken seriously and i also wouldn't expect him to do so but for the fact we're playing the spuds, any other team and i suspect it would be tossed aside as irrelevant not only by him but his die hard supporters also, as doing the right thing (whatever that means). OGL has been here long enough to know that the FA cup still means something to a lot of fans and so does stuffing the spuds even though they're no real threat, and playing a weakened team and maybe getting a tonking by them in it will not go down well at all, and as well as that he knows he has to deliver this season and as the CL isn't going to happen and the prem is a long way off yet the FAC is as good a chance as any and i don't think he'll jeopardise that just yet. But, But i could be wrong and if he does and it goes tits up and we remain potless at the end of the season after blowing it yet again he will have no hiding place and will have to suffer the consequences.

  19. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 23:09 #43445

    Fair riposte BADARSE. And a happy new year to you too sir!


    Dec 30, 2013, 22:54 #43444

    Yes westlower, as you say a different world, one that many of today wouldn't engage with. It is amazing how times have changed, in what seems to us a blink of an eye. Without going all cosmic on you there are parallel societies walking alongside us right now. Those who couldn't imagine surviving without central heating, and standing beside them a person who puts newspapers under their cardies to keep warm on the cold nights. Today people get edgy and irritated if they are made to wait a couple of minutes extra at the checkout, in our day, as you said, we would wait patiently on the terraces for ages. My routine was to find myself comfortingly seeing the clock at the Clock End read 1.25pm, grasping my piece of iron tubing of crash barrier. I was on cue and prepared, my ritual complete. Different and demanding. It would be nice to revisit. Those were the days my friend!


    Dec 30, 2013, 22:27 #43443

    Hi Canada, sorry, you missed my point. Damnably difficult to explain or express yourself correctly sometimes on these posts, at least I find it so. Of course people can up their response under certain conditions, that is motivation. The opposite, as in the lad you mentioned, is a question of demotivation. You impress for a new contract, all the neurons are on full alert, you can leap over the moon, you acquire it, then you settle back. The endorphin rush subsides. Let a person know he isn't earning as much as his co-worker and you kill his interest and desire. Why do you think the archaic and right wing mentality defended that principle so vehemently throughout the fifties? Each worker told he was special and was given a rise of an extra two shillings a week but to keep it under his hat. They all got two shillings extra, or at least the conniving company bootlickers did. It is always the personality of the individual. When I wash up the dishes I do a pretty mean job, ask my wife. I get a sense of pride from it but do it by rote. If I got a monetary reward of £1 I would perform it in the same manner. If I was under observation to perform I would perhaps try to speed up to impress. Pay me £2 and I couldn't do it twice as fast, or twice as well. Anyway buddy, it was just a throwaway comment, though one I firmly believe to be accurate. Of course I would crawl over broken glass to play for the Arsenal, or run through a wall for a skipper like Frank McLintock, of course I wouldn't be much good then, all bloodied and bruised, ha ha. Happy New Year Gooner.

  22. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 21:44 #43442

    Jeff Wright - absolutely.

  23. jeff wright

    Dec 30, 2013, 21:31 #43441

    Wenger must take the FAC seriously ( not that I expect him to do so ) the facts are that prior to the Everton game we had a great chance to go 7 points clear in the Prem but blew it . we then lost to Napoli making our already slim hopes of winning the CL even harder by having now to play the Favs to win it. The hammering at City and bore draw at home to Chelsea ,following on the draw at home with Everton, have put a big dent in our Prem title tilt , with City having closed the gap between us to just one point . We have a similar run of games to play in the league in March starting with spuds A. Chelsea A. City H. Then Everton A. Before then we face another run of dodgy fixtures at the end of January and during February , playing, Southampton A. Palace H. Liverpool A .United H. The bookies are not stupid that's why they offer odds of 9/2 or even 5-1 in some cases, against us winning the Prem - so the FAC could be a season saver for us come May. Wenger says that he accepts that anything less than first past the post in the league race is not a trophy. Even Wenger can only produce 4th place is a trophy so many times before the crowd suss out that it's all just an illusion. I am being diplomatic here .

  24. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 21:30 #43440

    Maguiresbridge gooner - indeed. I just read an article on SkySports, which mentioned Giroud looked 'EXHAUSTED'. if a fat guy like the brazilian Ronaldo, could go to his last world cup and still break the goal scoring record, with his skills; I think Giroud's skills and capability is what perhaps need examining, and not whether or not he's tired. This whole tired nonsense is linked to every pundit trying to say Wenger was wrong again and Arsenal needs to buy this or that to win the league. Did ANY of those pundits think Arsenal would be anywhere near the top of the league in December?! And for the last 10 years, we've been told how Arsenal wont be anywhere near the top 4, and each season, they pundits have been proved wrong. So, this year, it's all bout how tired Giroud is (and they started saying that even before 10 matches had been played in the league this year); seriously!!!!!!! if a player is only good for every other game, then where does consistency come in? AVB was slaughtered for buying too many players, Tinker-man (Ranieri) was slaughtered relentlessly by the british press for over-rotating! Now, Wenger is being slaughetered for playing Giroud for 9 or 10 games? The press slaughtered Southampton for sacking the physio they had as a manager, but when Pochetino started winning games and Southampton were 4th earlier this season, all the detractors disappeard, but nobody has given the Southampton chairman any applause for making that change. The same has happened at Cardiff in the past week: who the heck does Malky think he is? when he has £100M of his own money to invest in a club, he can start talking! but the press and pundits are again saying Vincent Tan is an idiot, but when Cardiff stay up this year, the stupid press/pundits will go quiet as usual. It is alwasy so easy to criticize aint it? Giroud should come out on twitter or whatever, to shut those idiots up: he's not tired! he's simply NOT an accomplished scorer/striker. We need to get 1 decent scorer (even Defoe could be ok) who wont be tired after 9 games or hide behind those stupid excuses.

  25. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2013, 21:23 #43439

    Badarse, Further thoughts on that game in 67. The modern supporter who turns up late, leaves early for his half time beverage/toilet, arrives back after the game has restarted and leaves before the end would have a very rude awakening. It was first come, first served & unless you were at the ground at least an hour before kick off for the big games you missed the match. Once you had fought your way to where you roughly wanted to stand there was very little chance of moving again for the next 2/3 hours. You pissed down a rolled up newspaper if you had manners, otherwise up the leg of some poor devil standing near you. Going for a half time drink wasn't an option, you wouldn't want to surrender your spot on the terrace anyway. If you looked at someone the wrong way you were in danger of getting a slap. "Who are you looking at" was a familiar cry. It was before the days of more sophisticated lines like "you're going home in a London ambulance" or "you're gonna get your f88king head kicked in." It was a different World back then. Can't remember too much about the game but it was the great Man U side of Law, Best & Charlton and we did well to get a draw.

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 21:11 #43438

    Canada, couldn't agree more with you mate us fans will believe anything i don't remember Henry, Viera, Parlour, Adams, Wright, etc,etc,etc, being tired and needing a break didn't DB10 always stay behind for extra training and take long car journeys instead of luxury travel, didn't wrighty more than once take the huff at not being played and eff and blinded all round him at been subbed, are players not supposed to be fitter and stronger now? maybe it doesn't apply to ours, yes we're all being told half the current crop are tired and in the imaginary red zone, quarter, half way through the season, so it must be true. As for Giroud yes i'd have far more sympathy for him been tired if he was doing what he's supposed to and getting paid to do, and that's scoring goals week in week out like Henry but there again if he was doing that i'm sure he wouldn't be tired or need a break. No the time to be tired and need a break is after the celebrations surrounding lifting the trophy/trophys on the last day of the season and the open top bus parade etc, and then they can have all the rest they like or need, and we can all say it's will be bloody well deserved.

  27. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 21:02 #43437

    BADARSE - I totally disagree with your statement "how much an individual earns does not dictate or influence his ability to perform" - Ronaldo earns more than Gareth Bale, because, although Bale cost Real Madrid more to buy, Ronaldo plays better and is more important to them. How much an individual earns does dictate and HEAVILY influences his ability to perform: several years back when I first finished Uni and started my first job, we had a chinese graduate working with us and he was great at his job, same as the rest of us; the day he discovered he was being paid almost £5000/annum less than the rest of us who are brits, his performance dipped and he just couldnt bring himself to keep on giving his best, when he found out he wasnt being paid the same. Clubs value players based on how they perform. Right now I dont see anyone offering £40M for Suarez after what he's done this season, it will be a minimum of probably £70M now. Why do players play better after they get a new deal? or why do they play well (e.g. Walcott), when they're looking for a better deal? Money influences and dictates almost every aspect of today's football (and any sport for that matter). I'm actually quite surprised you made that statement BADARSE; very unlike your typically astute observations - this one you got very wrong indeed. And I'm sure you'll be magnanimous enough to accept that


    Dec 30, 2013, 20:59 #43436

    That was the game westlower. Wow, it always plays with my mind a little when I discuss certain games with others. To think we could have been rubbing shoulders, nearly a half a century ago, wow again. Yes as champions they met the Spuds in the Charity Shield that year, Tottenham beat Chelsea in the FA Cup in '67, (I was there that year). They then went on to win the European Cup the following May, (I was there for that too). A few years later they were in the second division...I wonder what that is like? Ninety five years and counting! ha ha.

  29. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2013, 20:49 #43435

    Badarse, That Man U game was played on March 3rd 1967 and I'm pretty sure it was played on a Friday evening. I was one of the sardines alongside you in the West Lower. Like you it was impossible to see much of the game. To those who are advocating standing areas being reintroduced then they probably have never experienced how scary it can be being trapped in a big crowd. For the record Man U went on to be champions that season and we finished 7th on 46 points (equivalent to 60 points today) We only scored 58 goals in that 42 game season.


    Dec 30, 2013, 20:46 #43434

    Hi CanadaGooner. Just a simple response, firstly my personalised view of 'fatigue' that sportsmen suffer from, is a reason not an excuse. Secondly how much an individual earns does not dictate or influence his ability to perform. If you believe you are worth £7 per hour to toss burgers, then you toss them. If like Theo you believe you are worth £650 per hour(how many did that shock? Be honest!) to run around in short trousers then you run around, (sometimes you walk, and then sometimes you even stand still for a while), but you believe that is a fair payment. You do not toss the burgers faster, or in Theo's case, play any better. Good to be top though buddy. What would the Spuds give to be in our dreadful position. Did you notice how Hoddle, when discussing our victory taking us back to the top, was close to closing his eyes, biting his nose with his bottom row of teeth, sucking, and in danger of turning himself inside out?

  31. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 20:44 #43433

    @ Westlower - matey, you're thinking of Arsenal of times past. You mention "chances of beating Bayern Munich diminishing": what difference does that make? Even if we beat Bayern, we wont win the CL. end of. As for the premier league, yes, it appears (for now) to be our best chance of winnign a trophy this year, mainly because Citeh & Chelsea have shown they are far from being invincible (even though they have phenomenal squad depth - Citeh's team B struggled to finish palace off). I dont think the present day Arsenal need worry about the sort of strategy you're talking about. We should go out there and try to win every FA Cup and PL match. CL is the only tournament we can conveniently set aside, as I dont see us winning it anytime soon. But to attempt to sacrifice the FA Cup would be foolish. The PL is nowhere near being a possibility yet; Liverpool were top of the table just 2 weeks ago, and today they're in 5th (just off the back of losing 2 games). Arsenal MUST concentrate on both the FA Cup and PL.

  32. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2013, 20:31 #43432

    Reasons not to linger too long in the FA Cup. The 4th round is scheduled for 25/1. We play Southampton(A)in PL on 28/1. The FA Cup 5th round 15/2 is sandwiched between Man U(H)12/2 & Bayern Munich(H) 19/2. The 6th round 8/3 is played 3 days before we visit Munich 11/3, followed by Spurs (A) 15/3. The longer we remain in the FA Cup the more our chances of winning the PL & beating BM diminish. If some of the players are physically & mentally fatigued now, watch them drop like flies in March/April if we remain in all competitions. Given our present league position it would be risky playing the squad players against Cardiff, witness Man City struggling against Palace. I'd sooner play a weak team both against Spurs and in further rounds should we continue to progress in the FA Cup. The PL has to be the priority.

  33. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 20:30 #43431

    every man to his own opinion I suppose. But if I'm paying someone north of £100k per week, I will expect at least 30 of 38 games from them. Today's football is over-analysed! How many times a player touched the ball, how many passes they completed, tackles, how many times they spat or farted during a match etc.; and the jargon you get at the end of it all, is the excuses about being tired. Well, they need to re-structure their wages around that then? why else would we buy players to pay them full salaries, if we think they can only play a handful of games each season due to tiredness???!! I've had enough of this nonsense. But as always, I will rest my opinion here. People can say what they want, but in my mind, it's simple; complain after you've won some silverware! we've gone 8 years with nothing, and I'm totally sick of the excuses.


    Dec 30, 2013, 20:16 #43430

    Tired? Well fatigued, to use the French root of the word, yes. Sorry to go against the action-men of the Online Gooner, but I disagree. The 'fatigue/tiredness' syndrome is a reality. It manifests with multi-layered symptoms, resulting in a poor performance on the pitch, of course sometimes that poor performance is just because the lad has played badly. A few of the posters have already touched on a couple of reasons. When you are winning and at the top of your game the next cannot come fast enough, losing and every ache and pain is manifold. Kicks and knocks of all kinds take a day or so to show, and a day or so later to really affect you. When I played, way back in 1770, twenty four hours after the game my chest and forehead hurt when I gently touched them, or at least I should say they were very, very tender, all through heading and taking the ball on my chest. Now I never faced anyone who could hit a ball as hard or as often as the top men. Yesterday a man, (Kosh?), blocked a close cross, my wife winced as I screamed 'Good block!' Olly got hurt. It had to be an ankle ligament tweak, the TV showed his foot twisting. That will swell the moment he removes his boot. Today, tomorrow he will hopefully be able to jog gently, if not in the plans will be asked to rest it and keep it elevated. Or not! If the tweak wasn't so severe he is already all but over it...or anywhere in between those two scenarios. It could affect his performance in the next game. That is part of the 'tiredness' claim. Travel and disruptions take the edge off-all given the generic excuse of tiredness. It is also difficult to remain at the peak. A boxer is a different creature and hones himself towards a time and a place, a postponement can be very damaging to him, ask any fight fan. A footballer is asked different questions but occasionally they come close to a boxer's realm. An awkward but innocuous fall and he gets up and continues. A day or so later and his hip is often locking and a deep massage may be called for. A tumble at their speed can do a lot of damage compared to one of us tripping over when chasing the kids. I think more allowances are necessary gentlemen. Glad you are back westlower, and if that 1-1 drawn game you were talking of was an evening match I was there, ironically in the West Lower and saw very little of the game to remember. It was a sardine job that night.

  35. Chris

    Dec 30, 2013, 20:12 #43429

    Danny - either you're not the same Danny who posted after we drew with Chelsea that we would lose to WHU and the Toon 'and be shown up for what we are', or you've changed your tune to a remarkable extent. If it's the latter, fair play for smelling the roses, but please don't come on the negative doom-monger again as soon as we lose a game....

  36. Gaz

    Dec 30, 2013, 20:00 #43428

    Gutsy hard fought win against a very good side in very good form...cant ask for any more at this stage of the season in all honesty. Ok, I could suggest the subs put us on the back foot when we looked comfortable anyway but that really would be nitt-picking. Not been feeling great about things recently with the Champions League cock-up and defeat to City making me lose a lot of my early season positiveness. But the simple fact is that half way through the season having played everybody once we're top of the league and quite frankly I can't ask for more than that. So I'm kind of back where I started (at the beginning of the season) and looking forward to a run in that's going to include some mighty tussles and nervous moments. So come on Arsenal, buy that striker-that we really do need-and roll on 2014!!!

  37. Ron

    Dec 30, 2013, 18:46 #43426

    Interesting debate guys. Fueled by good cheer and red wine i suppose!!As for yesterday, the days proceedings ended ...... Pardew 0. Thats good enough for me! Canada and We are building - Agree with you both on the 'tiredness' thing,its bollocks in the main, though its a medical reality that the majority of footballers are actually 'injured' from approx Sept end through to seasons end. I saw a programme on BBC 2 a year or two back. Its conclusions were that many players will cope mentally and forget the knocks and tweaks or not even mention them and others cant/cry like babies. Couple that with modern techie gadgets that the Clubs use to assess fitness and physical performance and the end result is a graph of 'tiredness'. You ll hear AW speak of the 'red zone' from time to time. The trouble is that the players views on their feelings and sense of fatigue are ignored plus the massive insurance cover Clubs take out on players means that theyre paranoid of losing a player to long term injury and then to find insurers say that the Clubs are to blame for causing the injury (overplaying etc) and drag out paying out. Anyway lets not dwell on it or we ll have Westie staggering back here, waving his raised bottle of JD telling us that footballers are like his wippets and horses and guessing the odds on Wally staying fit and Diaby's latest 'return' date. Have a great night tomorrow guys, wherever you all are.

  38. theopants superstar

    Dec 30, 2013, 18:38 #43425

    Given the prices that are charged to watch the team and add the fact that the club itself have made great play out of our supposed 'great style of football' I think gooners, while being happy with the result, have every right to pick up on the lack of entertainment - particularly over the past few seasons. The people now claiming it's only the result that matters are probably the same ones that were telling the critics of our lack of success to 'stop moaning about not winning trophies, coz we were fortunate to be watching such great football!' and asking 'Would you prefer a return to the George Graham days?' Well some of the stuff we've played over the last couple of years has been as bad - and at times worse - in terms of entertainment than what GG sides produced, while costing much more to watch. Funny how things turn around to suit a particular argument, eh?

  39. DW Thomas

    Dec 30, 2013, 16:53 #43424

    Agree wi GoonerRon. Rosicky is was always class. He has suffered through injury like no other (save Diaby) at the top time in his career and is now back! What a gifted passer, attacker, and even a tough defender. He has moments that Jack and others should emulate. Ramsey could learn from his passing, on the floor passing that is. I think he and others badly want a championship and it shows in their dedication. Mettle. That is the key me thinks. And defending as a team. Work hard off the ball both on offense and defense! That is what the best do. Enjoy defending because it leads to the pure attacking joy we are known for. Waiting to hear Sagna is re-signed or he becomes the next Cesc/RVP.

  40. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 16:47 #43423

    @ WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate - indeed matey; and most of it coming out of that idiot on Sky Sports (Jeff Shreeves), who is now the template for all sports journalists; with some of the dumbest post-match interviews I've ever seen. Back to the subject of Giroud; I hear he said on French TV that we dont need another striker in January! I dont blame Giroud, he needs to believe he is good enough and that the likes of Walcott & Podolski can fill in for him when he's not playing (but the problem is; Bendtner seems to be the player coming in!). Arsenal should bring Ibrahimovich in for his final stint in the spot-light (he wont be available for CL; which would be great! he can focus on winning us the league). It's an acclaimed finisher of that standard (like Fat-Ronaldo) we need; someone who wont waste time being cute, but will wrap his boot around the ball and get it in the back of the net 99% of the time he has a clear opportunity, and 60% of the time when it's not a clear-cut opportunity. We wont win the league if we carry on past the January transfer window with the current strike-force who convert 30% of clear-cut chances and only 5% of non clear-cut chances!

  41. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 30, 2013, 16:29 #43422

    Canada: I agree. When a team is on fire, the players will always tell you the next game can't come fast enough. Strangely though, when they are struggling, suddenly it's because everyone is tired. Professional football players are paid to play football. Simples. No newspaper or meeeeeedja outlet will ever pull the wool over my eyes. Here's the cut-out and paste for your typical post-match interview: Is the team tired? What did you think of the sending off/refereeing standard? Was it a penalty? Can you still win the title? Is this team too good to go down? etc etc

  42. Colonel chunder

    Dec 30, 2013, 16:19 #43421

    Reckon bendy will start v Cardiff instead of Giroud - Giroud back v spurs

  43. CanadaGooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 16:10 #43420

    The MENTAL side of the game today is so huge! And the PRESS are in total control of that. They say a player is tired, that player has to be tired. The pundits begin to criticize the manager if said player is played, and the player himself, begins to show signs of tiredness almost like a placebo effect! What the heck is all this nonsense about Giroud being tired and needing a 2 week break? seriously! Players like Henry, with a much higher work-rate and goals return, want to play every bleeding game! Roy Keane, Viera, Scholes; managers fight to get those guys off the pitch, even in training, never mind on match days. But today's PRESS and Pundits and the big money machine behind football have us all brainwashed into this tiredness crap! He should try to score as many goals as Suarez first, and then he can take some weeks off whenever he wants! ENOUGH of this tiredness crap!

  44. jeff wright

    Dec 30, 2013, 15:27 #43419

    Westie, I suspect that our laughable 42m and quid bid for Suarez had more to do with him staying at Liverpool than anything that Hanson and co told him. Liverpool made plain that they rated Suarez at over 55m - that looks about right and I doubt that Suarez himself saw himself as being worth just 42m and quid - in fact he probably decided there and then that he was not going to start jumping up and down and chucking cups and saucers about like a demented Chimp at a tea-party to try and force a move to us. Anyway,I have always thought he would most likely move to Spain - his new contract doesn't change that possibility - with contracts only helping clubs to get some money from such moves - against losing players on a free. It wouldn't surprise me if Suarez starts his want away from Liverpool antics again next summer. He will be sold for a lot more than our 42m and one pound - but not a penny more - bid though.

  45. Westlower

    Dec 30, 2013, 15:08 #43418

    Badarse, The reindeer ganged up on me and got me the sack for whipping them too hard with the finishing line in sight. Bang goes my future career as a dominatrix! Here's hoping the Xmas results have made some Gooners glasses half full instead of the usual half empty. Good point made on the radio today about the domination of Liverpool pundits in the media. Lawrenson, Hanson, Murphy, Houghton, Quinn, Owen, James, Thompson, Barnes, Carragher, Hamann, Redknapp, Fowler, etc. These are the neutral media clowns who went out of their way to help persuade Suarez to remain at Liverpool rather than join a 'lesser' club in AFC. Ironic that at the halfway point of the season we are top of the tree, whilst reaching the knock out stage of the CL. Penny for Suarez's thoughts? Happy memories at reading the History Lesson page in the Chelsea programme about the 1-1 draw with Man U in 1967. A crowd of 63,363 ensured it was the noisiest game I ever attended at Highbury. Both sets of supporters really went for it creating a fabulous atmosphere. These days, Health and Safety would be concerned at the decibel level and would probably demand a new law be created to stop such a loud public commotion. Not too many negative supporters at Highbury on that particular day! Happy New Year to all and sundry, including the hapless Finsbury Joe.

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 14:30 #43416

    Yes not exactly what you'd call entertaining, i suppose you have to dominate for that, or be beaten 6-3 or have your keeper make a cock up which Szczesny is doing his best to prove he can do, thankfully again it didn't prove costly but it's early days, i suppose having a carthorse trot on masquerading as a footballer/striker preening himself could be classed as entertainment. Entertaining or not we did what we had to do against better opposition or a team in form get our goals/goal play well,and defend well when needed and it was good to see us do that especially in the last ten, and getting the ball out of the danger area especially Wilshire, instead of pussy footing around, what wenger thinks about it is another thing maybe it's the Bouldy influence but we'll need more of that a lot more later on at the business end of the season when defending a lead so it's good to see we're capable of doing it. We got our goal thanks to our number one striker getting on the score sheet at last, not the best we'll ever see, but important all the same and it's good to see him do what he's actually supposed to and getting paid to do, even if he did return to type immediately after. I agree the ref wasn't a homer it was a physical game and there were some decisions that could have went either way, and we won, so the ref can't be blamed yesterday. It was an important three points to keep us top into the new year and all the more sweet to get one over that cretin Pardew. But when the new year does arrive we'll still have won nothing yet, a lot of football still to be played and work to be done starting with Cardiff at home although is there anyone not expecting three points?


    Dec 30, 2013, 13:51 #43415

    jjetplane, do you know if westlower's annual stint as Santa is over yet? And have a word in Ron's shell-like, the New year's Eve bash is not the time or place for him to do the Masai jumping routine in the corner of the room at midnight.

  48. jeff wright

    Dec 30, 2013, 13:47 #43414

    I thought that overall we did rather well yesterday to nick a 1-0 win at the bar-codes . Once again the much maligned Wally played his part with that clever looping free-kick that Giroud got his large head on to divert into the Newcastle goal. It looked before this as though the game was heading for another draw - to add to the two home ones during the Xmas run of games. I don't myself see those games at home as being points gained but rather as 4 points dropped . City were 6 points behind us at the start of the current run of Xmas fixtures and have closed that gap to just one point they are now odds-on favs with the bookies to win the Prem. Chelsea are second favs at 9/2 - obviously the point that Maureen nicked at our gaff to add to the 3 that he won in against Liverpool yesterday is reflected in that price. We are third favs at 5-1 .A good price that for a side on top of the table - but a few more points won over Xmas were needed to make us favs to win the Prem with City and Chelsea's big squads only a point and two behind us. I stick with my view that to have a realistic chance of finishing ahead of the two blues Wenger will have to buy a couple of top players - it's too late to mess around bringing in a new GK - and Wenger sticks with iffy ones for ever anyway, but a new striker is required, and a proper winger who can cross the ball at pace with accuracy - if we are to win games against the top teams. Our slow ball retention passing build up play doesn't' worry these top sides like it does against lesser ones. Results say so. Liverpool's inability to beat the top teams has cost them dearly - and we ourselves have already dropped 8 points against United,City and Chelsea . We still have to play them all again . Despite what some blinkered posters claim we can't carry on dropping points against them and expect to win anything. Wenger himself has conceded that he won't be celebrating if we finish 4th this season that is a positive sign from him . I also add my praise to him for his more pragmatic approach that he has made regarding tactics and subs in recent games. I still think though that he needs to strengthen our squad for the tougher looking run of games in the second half of the season that await us. Cardiff with their lunatic owner look likely to receive a good tanning on New Year's Day. It's a shame that Ramsey can't play to give Cardiff's dopey supporters something to cheer about.


    Dec 30, 2013, 13:35 #43413

    GoonerRon your understanding is spot on. I have a thing for numbers and minutiae. I regularly surprise the young players in my grandson's team when trooping off the pitch I will give a 'gee' to one of them by saying something like, 'Well done Charlie, your block which won us a throw lead to our second goal.' The lad had no idea that a run of the mill block, which flicked off a man and gave us a throw, was the start of a mini-move leading to a strike and a goal. The kid often gets boosted by this observation, especially mentioned in front of his peers. As an adult I have a certain validation, plus wearing an Arsenal badge is a badge of honour, ha ha. You have posted a great deal of sense Bard.

  50. GoonerD

    Dec 30, 2013, 13:32 #43412

    This season is similar to 70/71 - lots of good teams, with Citeh in the role of Leeds. Arsenal weren't the best side in the league that year - got beaten by Leeds at Ellend Road, drew at Highbury; lost to Liverpool and Chelsea away as well If memory serves. Consistency at home and against the rest won the title that year. Would still put Citeh ahead of Arsenal and the Chavs, but Arsenal have won it before without having the best team. Typical Germanic sort of achievement, perhaps.

  51. jjetplane

    Dec 30, 2013, 13:11 #43411

    Great points in the Xmas sack whch keeps us in the running if we keep doing the boring and the ordinary. See Everton more as a top 4 team than their neighbours though the mancs are creeping into the mix along wiv dem old spuds. Palace gave citeh a right royal run so thats a video for Wenger to study. We need to be ruthless against dear old Cardiff and with no Ramsay hopefully no sentiment. Great to see Ozil rest that 'shoulder' and we grind out that muddy old 1-0 with a goal to make smudger smile! If the flags are coming out for the Spud match, Bouldie must instil the necessary agression for the game. We must spank them into tomorrow and that will set us up for February ..... So - win the next two with a lorryload of goals and we can all start believing. Big festive to the veteran massive!

  52. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Dec 30, 2013, 12:08 #43410

    This is the sort of win that has traditionalist Arsenal supporters in raptures. Get 1-0 up and keep it by defending properly. Wenger selected a defensive formation that should start every game. Interestingly on MOTD two things emerged. The pundits identified the vital role which Flamini plays in preventing the build up of danger. Secondly, Wenger used a phrase which suggested that the tendency of the TEAM was to defend. He seemed to accept that, although with regret, and admit that he had backed that tendency towards the end. If he continues to listen to the voices of sense and balance then we may get somewhere. Lets hope that Stan and Ivan are standing over him with a big stick and a cheque book for the January window and that we get business done early. Good to see Podolski back against tha 'ammers. He can play a bit and may well do some damage to the opposition in an Arsenal team that functions properly. I hope that Wenger will resist the temptation to blow the FA cup especially as we have some momentum again.

  53. Bard

    Dec 30, 2013, 12:02 #43409

    A lot of the disagreements on this site are to do with differing views about expectation and ambition. I accept the argument that our finances have been a handicap although we've had our chances to win cups and the league but we are told we can now compete ( relatively speaking ) with the big boys. If the buying of Ozil was a statement of intent then it did the job but this increase in expectation comes with a price. I expect, not hope, that we are in the mix come the run in and I expect ,not hope, that Wenger moves up a gear. He has been able to claim perhaps rightly that we have performed above expectations because of our finances but now the club is solvent he has to show that he still has the acumen and desire to go toe to toe with Maureen and Citeh. The omens are good but we all know that we need a striker and maybe a couple of others to deepen the squad for the last 3 months. If we are not in the mix at the end then there should be a legitimate debate about his future. As I said its all about expectations.

  54. GoonerRon

    Dec 30, 2013, 11:31 #43408

    @ BADARSE - Super Tom was my joint MoTM - he was out on his own but Per's brilliance in the last 15 minutes elevated him alongside our little Mozart. He was just everywhere. It just shows that smaller players don't have to be lost in attritional games like yesterday. One moment typified something I was taught as a schoolboy, even if you're much shorter than the opposition still challenge them in the air, get into their ribs, he did that on the half way line against Williamson and whilst he didn't win the header he made Williamson put it out for a throw. Tiny little details but added up can make a difference.

  55. Wenger out

    Dec 30, 2013, 11:29 #43407

    Great to see the Flaminator back in the starting line up.He loves games like yesterday.I have always said he is the captain without the armband.Now Wenger keep him in the team.As for Bendtner Kev i think he will start v Caediff and Spurs.Giroud needs a two week break.Remember everyone raving about Podolski after West Ham he didnt even come on yesterday

  56. Seven Kings Gooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 11:28 #43406

    I enjoyed this win, a bit of cussedness and I liked the idea that 50,000 Geordies had their weekend end spoilt by a team that for the most part had every player in the right position when they did not have the ball - real shades of a George Graham set up! I like Kev's views on our full backs because Sagna is for me our most threatening defender when he goes forward and I would love to see how it would work with Jenkinson and Sagna working down that right flank for 90 minutes in an away game, with the corporal in front of BS. There seemed real thought in the way we played and I hope this pragmatic approach will continue. I thought Giroud's wide work was, as Ron & Badarse had described - excellent. Us veterans will remember John Radford as a raw ugly duckling in seasons 65 - 66 who blossomed into the finest "Ramrod" styled C/F who ran the wings so well in our double year. Yet for all JR great goals and workrate it is the clearance of the line against Stoke City in the last home game of the 70 - 71 season game that I remember him for, as my dad said when "Big John" some how got behind Willow to belt the ball away to give us a 1-0 win, "where the f*ck did he come from". Yes, if we are to win something this season Mr Giroud will be part of that winning formula - although he and the team will need re-enforcements in January - over to you Arsene.


    Dec 30, 2013, 11:22 #43405

    jugunner and GoonerRon, as well as chris dee. The type of performance we witnessed was of course not the free-flowing magnificent performance we always hope for. A sense of maturity usually tailors our hopes and desires. There is no Father Xmas! However anyone with a wide-angled view of subjects must accept the obvious. For my part along with the overall 'edge of the seat' enjoyment as we grafted our way towards the top of the league, was my unabated rapture of Rosicky's performance. Constantly I was telling everyone around of that little bit of trickery. His ability to take, control, turn, and give a pass. His movement and desire. As I said, I was enraptured by it. It was a performance of beauty, the Bolshoi are tracking him now!

  58. GoonerRon

    Dec 30, 2013, 11:08 #43404

    @ chris dee - couldn't agree more. I wouldn't give a tiny little **** if we had 19 more identical performances to the end of the season that took us to the title.

  59. Jugunner

    Dec 30, 2013, 10:58 #43403

    Well said Chris Dee. To win and play beautiful football is a wonderful bonus but let's not forget the end result is the 3 points. Grinding out a result is no less admirable. It is being done now more regularly than in the not so distant past. The entertainment value is nice when you can get it but not essential at this point.

  60. lee afc

    Dec 30, 2013, 10:52 #43402

    A few stats that put our season into perspective. If the season was played from January to December2013, we would be champions. Our away form this season as far as points are concerned is far superior than anyone else in the league and lastly, for the last 4 seasons, the team top of the league on the last day of the year has gone on to win it......just a few positive thoughts.


    Dec 30, 2013, 10:50 #43401

    A plaintive plea chris dee, which will go unheard. In a nutshell you have the human psyche. The parody of Little Britain's Andy, 'I want that one-I don't want it. No matter what is brought to the table it is never enough. Chill buddy, we both know it was a toughie. We knew how hard we had to work to win, and we achieved that, worthy of back-slapping all round I would say, despite what others may say.

  62. chris dee

    Dec 30, 2013, 10:02 #43400

    Please no more 'there was not much in terms of entertainment in the quality of the play'.So bleedin'what? We won. There have countless of comments over the last few years,including myself many many times, bemoaning the fact that we play good football but can't ground out results.So lets hope we have many more games 'there was not much entertainment' but three points gained.


    Dec 30, 2013, 9:56 #43399

    Merry Xmas to you all, and especially to those I connect with regularly(pro and anti Arsene).Kevin gave a reasoned report, as I stated, a report isn't a personalised assessment of every player; my first post highlighted a few individuals. I could have added Per and Kosh are becoming a formidable partnership, different characteristics which complement, Per is the new 'Tone'. Sir Chesney's rashness is diminishing, it needs to disappear, his save in the first half was top drawer. Sagna is the standard Gibbs needs to aspire to, it is a high level and he probably will never get there, but he brings something to our side and is improving year on year; Nacho waits in the shadows. I will say this again, our little Mozart was the most gifted of all on show, and played like a lion, but an artist of a lion! Jack and Santi I felt were off the pace, early days for them in recently coming back. Many areas of the pitch are pockets of play and Santi's 'iffy' performance didn't help young Kieran, Theo offered to Bacary every time going forward, he just shrinks a bit battling back. Finally to Ron. Hi pal. Hope all of your crew enjoyed the holiday, nice times were had at this end thanks buddy. Olly scored the goal I had half hoped, half anticipated, in true centre forward style. It was likened to Smudger's style, I also saw big Raddy in it. Big Raddy was the supreme CF in my book, as you know. I marvelled at Olly's close control and skill throughout. He uses his chest as well or better than any I have seen. When he left the pitch we failed to hold the ball enough up front and every clearance returned as an attack. May be something in that. Hope this pleases you Jim, I do empathise. WABATTDominate, answer to your question is because they have a subtle but onerous bias chum. Brian Dawes, Gare K, good posts fellas.

  64. Danny

    Dec 30, 2013, 9:40 #43398

    @Jim - I don't know Kevin and certainly don't agree with everything he says, but I think his assessments are generally on the money. I've been reading his stuff since his Gunning For The Double book about the 97-98 season and enjoyed it so much that I started reading The Gooner as a result. What has always impressed me is that he often writes about things which I've commented on during the game to my mates, so I guess we're on a similar wavelength and that's why I enjoy his material. You might be right that he has it in for Wenger as he seems reluctant to praise him thesedays, although I would argue that much of his criticism has been fair in the past. For the record, I'm enjoying this season a great deal and based on what I've seen so far, do not think there is any reason not to think we can go all the way. Fingers crossed.

  65. MarkH

    Dec 30, 2013, 9:27 #43397

    I thought Probert had a poor game. Allowed Newcastle to get away with multiple early fouls,then the first booking was for Arsenal.Seems to be the norm.

  66. Esso

    Dec 30, 2013, 9:16 #43396

    Lee Probert did not impress me at all. No homer for sure, his poor decisions were equally distributed. How Tiote did not get booked is inexplicable.

  67. Bard

    Dec 30, 2013, 8:53 #43395

    Brian Dawes; yes it was a good defensive performance but we were toothless going forward. Lots of pretty patterns but no real penetration. Our passing was laboured and at times careless. I dont remember their keeper having to make a decent save the whole game. But as I said good win and we can hope for better attacking performances going forward. Falcao in Jan for £60m, now that would show ambition and intent !

  68. Dan h

    Dec 30, 2013, 8:23 #43394

    Great three points yesterday against a form team that has recently turned over Man Utd & Chelsea.Good to see we ground it out can't help but think big Per's influence at the back isn't getting the credit it deserves.Got plenty of stick from pundits & some on here in the past those of us that said 70+ plus German caps would tell you he organises & reads a game well I think have been proved correct.To go into the new year at the top just reward for the effort so far.

  69. smithy

    Dec 30, 2013, 6:39 #43393

    I will definately take a rollercoaster ride like 1989 if we end up on top at the end.Swopping the Liverpool machine For the twin evils of ****ty and Chelski,taking the title against all odds and the media.Having congratulated the team for winning ugly (a skill Manure have had for years), I still think offensively we haven't been at it for about a month.We need an injection of new energy, ideally a flying left winger and an explosive forward.This I think would just about get us over the line,without the new energy I'm afraid the Juganauts will grind us down by their money fueled extended squads.

  70. Jugunner

    Dec 30, 2013, 6:28 #43392

    Winning ugly at this stage of the season, or at any stage of it is commendable, against a determined side. A win is a win. I agree with Jim that a balanced report is to acknowledge all sides of the game. He is allowed his own opinion without being jumped on with easy cliches. It was a crucial win which takes us back to the top of the tree. For how long is anybody's guess but let's enjoy our position while it lasts. I was also glad to see Giroud score. He's been quite instrumental to where Arsenal stands on the table.

  71. Gooner

    Dec 30, 2013, 3:34 #43391

    A slight correction to that article: Since Vermalen was ill today (as well as Monreal) he will propably not feel "hard done by" the fact that koscielny played today.

  72. Bendtners Comeback

    Dec 30, 2013, 2:23 #43390

    @Gooner4Life: I totally understand the way you feel! :) Maybe he can be cloned or something so that we can plan with him even in longer terms and are not restricted by the unfortunate finitude of a human life span... :D Fortunately Özil will be back at least against Aston Villa as I heard. But does anyone know how long Ramsey and Gibbs are expected to be out now?

  73. Gooner4Life

    Dec 30, 2013, 2:12 #43389

    I hope Wenger will be our manager for another 20-25 years until he dies.

  74. GoonerRon

    Dec 30, 2013, 1:43 #43388

    A pretty fair assessment of the game I'd say, although I have no idea how us scoring a goal from a set piece is 'fortunate'. A brilliant three points and the type of performance that we haven't been renowned for in recent years. What impressed me was the level of control in our defending towards the end - whilst it was nervy we were well positioned and mopped up the second balls brilliantly. Also credit to Wenger for changing the shape of the team to react to their subs - I love the fact we have sufficient confidence in our defensive ability to shut up shop and protect a lead when we need to. No time to rest on our laurels though, Liverpool went into Christmas top and before New Year are now in 5th and 6 points off the top.

  75. Gare K

    Dec 30, 2013, 1:23 #43387

    Solid if unspectacular performance but another win especially away from home which to some extent has been our Achilles heel in recent seasons and another clean sheet. I give Steve Bould credit for the shut-outs as well as the those who play. Happy days. Long may this consistency continue right through 2014 and beyond. Happy New Year to the sensible Gooners who regularly post on this site (and there are plenty but too many to mention!) worldwide and not the ones who love to abuse (and sadly there are a few of those morons too) just because they see a view which is the polar opposite of theirs (and there are too many to mention here too). Up The Arsenal!

  76. Brian Dawes

    Dec 30, 2013, 0:37 #43386

    Unlike the Bard I think the more that's said about the manner of our victory the better. We ground out a fine result away to a very decent team on a good run. We effectively defended a one goal lead and scored from a free kick. To win the league you have to be able to win when you're not playing at your best. We did that at the Toon and it was sweet.

  77. Mark from Aylesbury

    Dec 29, 2013, 23:13 #43385

    Nice to be top a the start of the year. Well done lads!

  78. DW Thomas

    Dec 29, 2013, 22:55 #43384

    Finally, a Giroud goal! Not pretty, but I'll take it. What we need now is to push, add some quality and keepfighting. Strengthen and we may continue to challenge. Don't, and its most likely a real struggle again. And Kevin, since I've been on here your posts have always rung true to me. A fan like those of us who want the best for Arsenal. Not to just continue with the same old same old.

  79. FrankButcher

    Dec 29, 2013, 22:51 #43383

    @Jim. Stop sucking lemons and get your head out of Le Professoor's behind. This was a tough match where we ground out the result. Do you think it was the Harlem Globetrotters on speed?

  80. Frank

    Dec 29, 2013, 22:46 #43382

    For once Wenger used his brain.When he bought Jenkinson on he kept Sagna on the right side and Flamini at LB.This is the type of game we signed Flamini for.Szczesny is going back to his old habits now his has got that £100k a week contract.He made the same mistake in Naples.His mistakes could have cost us dear.We still need a striker

  81. Jim

    Dec 29, 2013, 22:29 #43381

    Danny, if you think these are balanced reports you're either a friend of Kevin, or, like Kevin, have such hatred for wenger that you can't enjoy the ride. Will arsenal win the league this year, who knows? At least let yourself enjoy the season. These stopped being balanced reports long ago.

  82. Peter Hughes

    Dec 29, 2013, 22:26 #43380

    Not such a bad, bad run now W2 D2 L1. As long as that is as bad as it gets. Many bemoaned the Everton & Chelsea draws but it was as important not to lose those games & those solitary points could prove vital come the end of the season. While WHam was a must win todays was a real bonus. A win that makes us a real contender. We have waited until the end of the year to evaluate & we are still top. The team now deserves credit. We are now defending with real purpose & strength. Not for the first time this season we held an onslaught at bay with relative ease. In real time the nerves jangle but we dealt & answered everything Newcastle threw at us.This is what we lacked & why we have not been good enough to challenge in recent years. Top of the league at the halfway stage. I can't believe there is not one fan who would not have taken that position if it had been offered at the start of the season. For me we only got the 2 Manchester games wrong. We should have attacked utd & kept it tight at city but did the opposite in both cases.Hopefully lesson learnt. Overall well done to the team the challenge is well & truly on.

  83. CanadaGooner

    Dec 29, 2013, 21:42 #43379

    Yes Kev - that's exactly what we will need to do, to win the league this season: we can build a healthy gap of 4 to 6 points at the top of the table (as we did, prior to dropping unnecessary points against Everton and Man Utd, who with Moyes are most likely just in contention for a top 4 spot)to serve as cushion for our next away game at one of the teams around us, as I still dont see us doing well at those games (unless we buy a lethal striker in January). If we can carry on winning home and away against teams like Cardiff and those others, who will hopefully nick a few points off chelski and citeh at some point, then we will definitely win the league this season. Well done to the team and manager; I didnt see them getting more than a draw at newcastle (especially with recent results); very pleasing win for sure! come on you gunners!!

  84. Danny

    Dec 29, 2013, 21:15 #43378

    @Jim - Plenty of us prefer Kevin's balanced assessment over some of the blinkered reports you can find elsewhere on the web which perhaps would be more to your liking. I get the impression you had made up our mind to have a dig in the comments before you even started reading because I certainly didn't feel as though Kevin was unreasonable with his assessment and he credited the team for their defensive resilience. One man's praise is clearly another's criticism. Perhaps anyone who feels they could write a better report should give it a go and submit it for publication? From what Kevin has said in the past, everyone is welcome to do so.

  85. Jim

    Dec 29, 2013, 20:59 #43377

    The ref impressed Kevin, but no Arsenal players apparently. Keep up the dismal match reports, sour puss. What will it take for you to give a positive review of a Wenger team?

  86. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Dec 29, 2013, 20:58 #43376

    A gritty 1-0 win against a big strong side reminiscent of those lovable Stoke City characters of not so long ago. George Graham would have been proud of that performance. Thought the last 15 minutes was real backs to the wall as they pressed so far upfield that every AFC clearance was coming straight back again. The Chesney howler came as a result of an underhit backpass. Reminded me of how Leeds scored their goal in the 3rd round FA Cup game of 2004. Still, as we keep saying, a useful 3pts specially with those loveable Scousers picking up null once again. Why don't anyone pick up on their inability to beat the "top" sides?

  87. Ron

    Dec 29, 2013, 20:54 #43375

    A very good win. The manner of the results is unimportant at Xmas Kev. Quite a few of us feel the keeper isnt good enough and have said so for a long time. Gibbs too. He offers very little either forward moving or when at the rear. We need quality in both positions. Its not hard to cross a football and Gibbs fails every week.Giroud continues to carry the fight and hes due his credit, What a grafter he is. Some of us recall John Radfords early difficulties though im not saying Oli will reach big Raddys levels, but he ll try to im sure. Keep it up you Gunners! PS Hi BADARSE. Hope Xmas has been good for you and heres to a great New Year to you and all of the guys on here with a big special happy New Year to all of the comrades in the "veteran Club"!!.


    Dec 29, 2013, 20:23 #43374

    A well-reasoned report Kevin. You covered every base. On arecent post I proclaimed that Olly's goal was on the conveyor belt, and arrived as a winner today, full marks to him and his endeavour. Rosicky was an absolute gem today, and as suggested recently the Flaminal was a much needed requisite. He did a job! Bacary was surerb too. Thought Theo went AWOL again but delivered a peach of a free kick. Sir Chesney? Oh boy, he single-handedly almost threw it all away. A swift and biting comment on the training ground is deserved there. 1-0 to the Arsenal has a ring to it, should be a chant. At the top of the year we are top of them all. That is nice!

  89. Bard

    Dec 29, 2013, 20:09 #43373

    A gutsy win, three points job done. The less said about the manner of the victory the better. I was pleased for Giroud, as we all recognise he puts in a shift and it was good to see him rewarded. You make an important point about the role of the modern full back these days. Gibbs needs to up his game in the final third. I also noted that for the second time in a week ( he did the same against Chelsea) Wenger shut up shop with 15 mins to go. Maybe there's some much needed flexibility developing in the old dog.