Nearly Man article." /> Nearly Man article." /> Imagine


A Response to yesterday’s Nearly Man article.


“Imagine no Invincibles.
No 49ers, why?
No 'Doubles' to boast of.
Just mindless pundits on Sky.
Imagine all the Gooners,
grieving for yesterday.

Imagine there's no countries,
sending their best one or two.
No European competitions,
and no star men too.
Imagine all the Gooners,
bleating into their fleece.

I would say you're only dreamers,
playing with a pop gun.
Wishing to still be at Highbury.
Dreaming of being number one.

Imagine there'd been no Arsene.
No Dein, Ivan or Stan.
No need for Suarez or Higuain.
Above us City/United of Man.
Imagine all the Gooners,
sharing equality with Sperz.

You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us,
and AFC will be as one.”

This is just a response to yesterday’s article, not really the other side of the same coin, but a different take on our situation. Still as a self-appointed aficionado of the Beatles and John Lennon I couldn't allow for the disservice done to 'Nowhere Man', apologies Joe. The point is this, I think much of everyday existence is a straight line thought process. I want new garden furniture, so I shall get some. 'A' to 'B'. Simple and succinct. We demand, we expect. We pay the price so give us what we want. This is where dissension occurs because sometimes that contract of exchange is out of kilter. People perceive it's a little, or a lot out of balance. It's then that the problems arise. Divisions arise and our fan base and society is split, between the 'little or lot' perception. I had a friend who lost his job, and when listing his requirements asked if what he wanted would be considered too much. He'd mentioned house, car, TV, meal out, football on telly, holiday... I told him no, but to never ask the question in Ethiopia. The point is that people expect different things and once voiced woe betide anyone who suggests otherwise because the frustrations are transferred onto the other party.

I recognise the fracture in the club as the two factions of, those for and those against a change of manager. How the two sides imagine themselves as a percentage is anyone's guess, but probably both think they are in the majority - if proven otherwise it is because others aren't wise or courageous enough to follow their lead. The harking back to the 'old days' is a red herring. People are always people and will react to outside stimuli, so the giants of yesteryear would be very similar to today's players in mentality, and guess what? The fans of the 'olden days football' would soon begin behaving like today's wilful, and perhaps negligent young. Times change, and people's behaviour with them, it is happening constantly, and will continue to do so.

The unhealthy aspect of the symptoms displayed in AFC's current polarisation is that the side wanting change are like a dog with a bone. They rail at circumstance and are met with an alternative view. Then it just seems to go around and around. For example, I do not want a change of manager. Someone asks why and I say because of this and that. The discussion becomes a debate, then heated. Along the way veiled barbs are delivered, and why? Due to a difference of opinion. If I am anywhere and a person says 'should we change the manager?', I would say no and offer reasons. I would not expect rudeness because then I would disengage. Nobody tells me which team to support, which player is the best or the worst, or when we should or should not change the manager. I make these decisions, for myself, based on clear evidence before me and my interpretation of such! I offer politeness and courtesy, I expect, no, demand, the same in return, or the conversation ceases. Isn't that a template for all of us?

There is no respite, sadly. Those disgruntled, drawing on times past, grass being greener on the other side, and their infinite grasp of the underlying problem and how to dispense with it, is here to stay. It is a malaise of today, and sadly, as I said, it isn't going away anytime soon.

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  1. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2014, 9:00 #45381

    @Finsbury Joe, Day after day, alone on a hill, the man with with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still, nobody wants to know him, they can see he's just a fool. He never gives an answer but the fool on the hill sees the sun going down & the eyes in his head sees the world spinning round. Nobody seems to like him but you can tell what he wants to do, he never shows his feelings, the fool on the hill. He never listens to them, he knows they're the fools, they don't like him but the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head sees the world spinning round.

  2. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 06, 2014, 23:08 #45374

    Alex Steine,Your madder than those fools Ron and Westlower.

  3. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2014, 19:43 #45362

    Amos,only in your simple mind did I lose and I suggest that you think up your own analogy instead of copying mine .By the way it's you that was taking part in this nonsense and not Wenger , and it is you that lost. I will let you have the last word though because life is too short to spend it in pointless arguments with you over amortized wages and tedious stadium debt .(Yawn)

  4. unbelievable jeff

    Feb 06, 2014, 18:33 #45360

    @jeff exit stage wright. you're getting really desperate now. the boxing analogy is a good one but the contest has been stopped so you can seek medical attention. you're concussed having been knocked down so many times and you're now flailing around blindly trying to land any sort of blow but as always you're way off target and missing by miles. you've lost and wenger's won. just deal with it. everyone else has gone home.

  5. Daniel MK Gooner

    Feb 06, 2014, 17:19 #45359

    I like all your comments primarily because none of you are Piers Morgan......

  6. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2014, 16:58 #45357

    Amos, or whatever you choose to call yourself,you were clearly talking about Wenger staying as long as he liked as the manager,by stating that I wanted him out of the job. There was no mention from you silly willy of him taking a place on the anyway non-existent board that consists in reality of Stan's hand-puppets . If there was a proper board then Usmanov would be on it .You have no idea what Wenger will do when his time is up - so this is just more pathetic nonsense from you in a desperate attempt to try and pretend that you do - after getting your original claims wrong,as usual .If this were a boxing match the ref would stop it to save you from receiving more punishment . If we are playing guessing games though then I will guess that Wenger ,who has said many times that coaching young players is his main interest, will go back to France to do that job somewhere. Or alternatively ,if the price is right, he might be tempted to manage les bleus at a major tournament instead of doing TV commentaries at them. I will be surprised if he hangs about watching another manager at work at AFC . But like yourself I'm just guessing about that.Again I suggest you try engaging your brain before offering up your views as though they are an indisputable fact handed down and set in stone , rather than just more pathetic drivel from yourself.

  7. unbelievable jeff

    Feb 06, 2014, 15:44 #45354

    @jeff not quite wright. of course wenger can stay as long as he likes. he could be on the board as an octogenarian if he wanted to be. just because he might not want to stay as manager it doesn't mean that the board wouldn't want to keep him. you haven't been able to think that one through either have you. wrong post for you to talk about engaging your brain. you first have to show you have one that can function at all.

  8. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2014, 15:20 #45353

    silly willy,your views on the finances at AFC make as much sense as your claims that Wenger, who will be near 65 when he signs his new mega bucks multi-million contract can stay for as long as he likes . Again I advise you to try and engage your brain before making comments that expose you as being just a sad deluded fool waffling obsessively on about club finances.

  9. unbelievable jeff

    Feb 06, 2014, 13:48 #45344

    @jeff hardly ever wright. as far as you are able to think at all you only think i'm contradicting my own argument because you do not understand your argument. how would you know whether what is surplus or not if you can't understand debts? as at the end of the last financial year amounts outstanding to be paid within one year were £149m and in more than one year £274m. stay within your limits and stick to impotent pointless whining about getting wenger out. the detail is way beyond you.

  10. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2014, 11:04 #45334

    Dark Hei, you may well be right in your assumptions. The main questions though is Wenger making best use of his resources and could he have spent more to strengthen our squad than what he has spent. Beano and Dandy ,duff Amos type points about money not being surplus while the club has debts are irrelevant to this .

  11. Ozzie's Dream

    Feb 06, 2014, 11:04 #45333

    Finsbury Joe, You speak a lot of sense, your posts are full of wisdom IMHO.

  12. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2014, 10:52 #45331

    Silly Willy, the only one who has lost the argument is you and waffling on about debts is all you can keep putting forth , however you keep contradicting your own argument but are too dumb to realize it. By the way Wenger is 65 next year and his new contract is for 2 more years so he won't be here for as long as he likes , you do post some tripe. Try engaging your brain before you hit your keyboard. You have posted this nonsense under another name on here before and obviously have an obsession with club finances that you interpret to suit your own case.You are the one who is fooling no one ,not even yourself. That's why you try to hide behind different names but once an idiot always an idiot.

  13. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Feb 06, 2014, 10:33 #45330

    Westlower, rather than blaming the fans, have you considered that maybe the Italian league suits Gervinho better than the English one? Fans react to what they see and Gerv was calamitously bad at AFC. A few less groans and a few more claps and cheers wouldn't have changed him from falling over the ball into a world beater.

  14. Enfield Eric

    Feb 06, 2014, 10:05 #45329

    The other day, Finsbury Joe said it was 'Happy Days' that Wenger would never be sacked. Obviously forgot to stick to the correct trolling script for that one.

  15. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2014, 8:25 #45325

    @Finsbury Joe, I'm impressed you quoted some John Lennon lyrics in your heartfelt post. You may also be familiar with my response to you contained in JL's song Working Class Hero, "You'll always be a f*****g peasant to me".

  16. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2014, 8:10 #45324

    That man Gervinho stars again in scoring 2 goals in Roma's win over Napoli. A very insincere thank you to all those who continually got on the guys back until his confidence was shot at AFC. He is just the type of player we need to replace Theo right now. To all of you writing Arsenal's Obituary, please have the decency to wait until we're dead & buried before you start wailing!

  17. It's all Over

    Feb 06, 2014, 7:50 #45323

    Im not AKB or am I a rabid Anti Wengerist nor even a gambler however I'd bet my house in Aberdeen Park that we will not win the league and in all likely hood win nothing yest again. This season was unique in that all of the teams above us changed manager and thus would undergo a transitional period. We were once again supposed to have the fabled "War Chest" available for purchases but once again as the season started the only thing we had done is loaned out 2 squad players and handed a bumper 4 year 30 k a week contract contract to a perma crocked youngster who has had lesser sightings than the Tibetan Snow Leopard. We eventually signed an out of contract Flamini and Ozil but failed to bolster the squad to the required level to commit to a campaign on 2 or 3 fronts,thus wasting a prim opportunity . Wengers inability to function in the transfer market is glaringly obvious,as is his lack of quality coaches attuned to todays game him. He used to be ahead of his time ,instead he is yesterdays man easily read and defeated by a team of any quality. One thing I am convinced at is that he will never win the league or champions league and seems incapable of taking the other trophies . I have followed Arsenal in person since 1967 so I know what it is to wait for success,in the last few years many of us of the same era now feel the same. So for me in the words of Thomas Dolby "I love you,Goodbye" at seasons end . This wont happen though as the greed driven franchise that is Arsenal cares only about profit !

  18. Dark Hei

    Feb 06, 2014, 6:59 #45322

    @unbelievable jeff & Jeff Wright Let's not go into a slugfest over this. It is not worth it. Some parties like AST and Swiss Ramble tried to work out the amount of $$ available for Wenger by going backwards from a reference point, with that point being cash on hand. Unfortunately that is purely a speculative exercise that is done to reinforce a point/agenda that a party already has. I mean, how would you know how someone base their budgets on? My personal feel is that Wenger's budget is linked to net revenues each season, not the amount of cash that is stored up in the Emirates bunker.

  19. unbelievable jeff

    Feb 06, 2014, 0:14 #45321

    @jeff can't get it wright. there's always short term debt in a business especially one that collects its season ticket revenues upfront and then has to pay the costs for staging matches through the rest of the season but they did pay off the short term loan notes. other forward liabilities can and are incurred over a number of years. buy a player and you incur liabilities for the term of that contract. of course there is money to spend but it is finite and spending it incurs liabilities long term debts are long term liabilities. in arsenals case they have net debt and the more of the reserves they spend the more that net debt increases. now i suggest you stop pretending you know anything at all. you're not able to fool anyone other than yourself. even an adolescent struggling with gcse business studies can see you're totally out of your depth. you've lost this argument just as you have lost the get wenger out argument. he is here for as long as he wants to be. nothing you can do about it other than impotent noise.

  20. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 23:53 #45320

    Silly Willy, you are confusing long term debt with that of short term operating costs . The last club accounts posted in September said quote :The Group has no short-term debt and continues to have a robust financial platform from cash reserves, excluding the balances designated as debt service reserves, of £119.7 million (2012 - £120.1 million). " Now I suggest that you stop trying to appear knowledgeable about something that you clearly are struggling to understand - there was and is money available to Wenger to buy players with and to pay wages - and the long term stadium debt is nothing to do with this. Can you close the door on your way out.

  21. Tutboy

    Feb 05, 2014, 22:41 #45319

    What a brilliant article. Precise and to the point. Debate all you like as to whether AKB or not, but do it politely.

  22. unbelievable jeff

    Feb 05, 2014, 22:39 #45318

    @jeff none too bright wright. surplus cash doesn't exist in a business that has net debt... you are not properly understanding cash flow and the limitations of forward liabilities. in any case you have lost the argument as wenger is not going anywhere unless he wants to. it doesn't matter how much you impotent whining you indulge in wenger has won completely will stay as long as he wants and you can do absolutely nothing about it. all protest is just pointless noise.

  23. Ossies Dream

    Feb 05, 2014, 22:11 #45317

    If I was an Arsenal fan I would be screaming for Wengers head. The trouble with you Gooners is you seem to lack class in most aspects of how a club should be run.

  24. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 05, 2014, 21:22 #45316

    A sad day for English sport. Ok the man in question English due to his mothers nationality but our ECB in their wisdom has just dispensed of one of our all time greats at the age of 33. His crime, he was a strong voice in a setup whereby the head coach did not tolerate strong voices. Sounds like another team setup I can think of a bit closer to home. Wenger, please please me.....and bugger off...

  25. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 20:58 #45315

    Jeff - Fair comment. Liverpools defence is pedestrian. Oh yes, fully expecting Utd to be trouble, despite Moyes hang up s v the bigger Clubs.Hes our best ally v Utd. Too scared to have a go at teams. Always been the same.

  26. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 20:48 #45314

    Your points are valid ones Ron, but that Liverpool defence looks very suspect a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing if ever there was one. So in my view we have the edge over them defensively . Also their midfield looks a bit short on pace . As you say though there is that man that Arsene said that dreams of signing and Sturridge is on a roll this season. These pair surely can't play as bad as they did against us at the Emirates. I'm going to stick with us nicking the game though because overall we are the stronger side. Tbh I see United as being a bigger threat due to Wenger's and our players psychological hang-ups over them also Mata ,Persie, Rooney combination one of them always scores against us.

  27. Almunia is a clown

    Feb 05, 2014, 20:45 #45313

    This is the sort of senseless drivel Wenger comes out with in his press conferences!!! Wenger Out Now! Take your brainwashed sheeple with you when you go!

  28. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 20:21 #45312

    Jeff - You shdt take a win at Liverpool for granted. OK there a one man team, but its a hell of a man to have (if thats what he is of course, im not totally sure - a one 'being' team maybe best definition). Liverpool wont be so daft at Anfield as they were in N7 with 3 defenders. Even that lightweight Rodgers wont let lightening strike twice.Different outfit at Anfield and even though we've had 4/5 years of not losing there, we rarely look very confident in games there and the draws have been shaky ones. Been same for years. They're garbage in London and we re return the favour in Liverpool.

  29. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 20:13 #45311

    goonerD, Wenger still seems to be trying to prove points ,mainly that he is right and his critics are wrong. Abandoning his policies that have failed for donkeys years now - and going mad with the surplus cash that Ivan has hoarded - would be tantamount to admitting that he had been wrong . He will never do that. There is more chance of Silly Billy posting something intelligent. So we will have to make do without the re-enforcements that many feel that we need to put an end to the 9 years without a trophy and see if Wenger is right about not needing them. I won't be betting on it though.Even though I expect us to still be top of the pile when we host United and there really should not be any excuses this time for us not to beat them. The plus is that our players won't have to provide a guard of honour for Van Pursie when he walks out this time.

  30. goonerD

    Feb 05, 2014, 19:38 #45310

    Jeff Wright - a long time in the past - from a different era- a time when he made all the right decisions. All he does now is make excuses and piddle around in a maddening way with his coat zip.

  31. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 19:30 #45309

    Westie - That's brilliant. Great stuff. Love dogs matey. Labbie s are the best though!Not so fast as your Greyhound, but lots funnier!! Hope its a great dog for you.

  32. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 18:50 #45308

    Silly Billy, any cash available after all costs have been met is surplus to requirements and can be used for reasons other than what you ludicrously claim. Ivan made clear that money had already been saved and put aside for the manager to use at his discretion to buy and pay wages with. He also said that forthcoming new revenue streams would also help in this aspect. Your ramblings are nothing more than a clumsy attempt to try and prove wrong is right . Don't be a mug all of your life ,try having a night off.

  33. Silly Billy or James The First

    Feb 05, 2014, 18:24 #45307

    @jeff rarely wright. i think you are confused as to what is a surplus but you are clearly not the sharpest knife in the box. only cash not needed can be a surplus. if there are calls on that cash to service debt and meet other liabilities including player budgets then it cannot be a surplus. that arsenal have cash available to buy players doesn't make it a surplus because if it didn't exist we would have to borrow and as our borrowings are quite high this would be costly which would inhibit our ability to buy top players and or pay top wages ergo you would always want the club to have a healthy cash balance. the fact that arsenal does does not make the "accounts awash with dosh". it is just a little less simplistic than that

  34. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 18:00 #45306

    @Gooner Ron, Let's hope your wish comes true. It surely can't be this complicated supporting our team. I hope we don't pass all of our nonsense onto the next generation. One day sometime in the future, fans may turn up on time, cheer on their team without abusing anybody, leave when the final whistle blows and catch the tube home. No scrub the last bit as there's been an incident and all tubes are cancelled. Most dreams are far fetched but once in a while they come true. @Ron, You're not a million miles out as I bought a share in a greyhound puppy today, to be named Bubbly Storm. How appropriate is that?

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:55 #45305

    Gooner Ron, dammed god shout mate, and that's all any of us want, (and not only this season) but you know something it really could have been made a lot easier.

  36. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:54 #45304

    Bard, Mr Wrong believes that there is no cash surplus at AFC because the club is in debt . Although he also claims that the Ozil signing proves that the club does have money to spend , he’s obviously a bit confused and needs humouring.

  37. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:49 #45303

    Spaced is right. I can't be reasoned with. I am just like Mr Darcy. Once my good opinion is lost, it can never be recovered. Consequently I shall not be taking tea and cucumber sandwiches with Mr Wenger ever again. He and I will not be attending the Henley Regatta together, neither will we be seen in the crush bar at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, or for that matter in the rear bar of the Compton on a match day. I am also working hard to get him banned, as Patrick Vieira was from the little chef at Ripley!! Slightly more seriously, I have watched the bloke for 17 years or just under a third of my life. I don't think that he is competent in all of the areas which we require of our manager. I have formed that view over a long time, and it is just as valid a view as those who take a differing view. I would defend to the death the AKB's right to hold the contrary view, except that I am rather more attached to the vision of Arsene Wenger's P45.

  38. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:37 #45302

    Que sera sera GR , I'm going for a win for us against Liverpool, an apt side to be playing with the Beatles theme article, they look like a side that is set up to struggle against our midfield as we saw earlier in the season. They don't appear to have got any better since then defensively with Kolo plodding about in their back 4 along with the rest of the defence looking disorganized . So I see no reason why we can't again repeat our win at Anfield last season. Even without Diaby who played a big part in that win. Every game now is like a cup final and long may it continue.

  39. Bard

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:27 #45301

    Jeff wrong:,now now jeff less of the sarcasm. Your post suggested the club didn't have the money however my recollection is that they say they do. So why aren't they investing in the team. One signing isn't enough, we've needed a striker , another centre back and another DM. If we don't have the money then tell us and expectations can be managed.

  40. Spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:20 #45300

    Fine words GoonerRon, but futile... If Ozil has an unremarkable game but sets up a goal with a killer pass in the final 3rd (as has happened many times this season), some here say "Ozil made the difference", others say "Is that what we spent £42m on? He's overrated". I guess some of us are glass half full and others are glass half empty people. I'm one of the former. You'll never change us!

  41. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 17:11 #45299

    Gooner Ron - Sound stuff and respect as ever matey. Ill have a word with Westie to see if i can stop him stirring it up. Im sure hes got a greyhound, a wippet even or a pony somewhere he can go and tend. Hes a devil isnt he!!! C mon Arsene lad, show us youre still our man and c mon you Gunners!! To be honest matey, we re all wating the team to do it and its probably only on here where the 'fan split' is evident in truth. They always seem fairly happy at the ground bar the odd burst of frustration dont they.

  42. GoonerRon

    Feb 05, 2014, 16:59 #45298

    I just wish for the next 3 months all pre-conceptions, gripes, frustrations, anger, resentment, hatred etc in relation to the board and manager, however warranted, were put to one side so we could all focus on getting behind the team for the rest of the season. Irrespective of the propensity for us to win something, the fact is we will be putting 11 players out on the pitch whose hands it is in to win three trophies. Surely, but surely, whatever our standpoint at this moment, the one common ground we all stand on is wanting Arsenal to succeed? Put aside your differences and fight it out after the last game, whether its I told you so, Wenger must go, Wenger is genuis. Hopefully, whatever the angle, it will be under the beautiful halo of a trophy-laden season end. UP THE GUNNERS.

  43. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 16:40 #45297

    jeff wrong , a good name this for you, I suggest you give up trying to baffle us all with your financial views on what is transpiring at AFC ... Ivan clearly does not agree with what you said ... in fact he says the opposite cash put aside is surplus to any owed in debt even one that is a planned one with repayment taking account of future income and backed by wealthy share-holders... so I suggest you NOW disappear and return using one of your usual names - or even another one such as, Silly Billy or James The First.

  44. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 16:17 #45296

    Westie,AFC shares are artificially high if you take away Usmanov's ones,he's the richest shareholder in the Prem , far more wealthy than Abromavich is, and were to spread the share Red And White shares out among small share holders the value of the shares would plummet without the financial clout behind them that the Usmanov's vast wealth provides. Their is a marriage of convenience going on between Stan and Usmanov with the podgy Usbek looking content to allow things to continue that way. What transpires in the future is anyone's guess - but Stan is not with us to win trophies if it will cost him money ,he is here to make money not to give it away.

  45. jeff wrong

    Feb 05, 2014, 16:05 #45295

    @jeff never wright. if i am wrong all you have to do is show where i am wrong. the ceo hasn't said anything different from what i've told you but you are probably not able to understand what he said either. @goonerD. everyone's trophies are in the past.

  46. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 16:04 #45294

    wrong,you are now arguing against your own views! Here is what Ivan said when asked about competing financially with the big boys last summer. "Gazidis said the club could do that when asked if Wayne Rooney was a possibility. “We can look at some options that weren’t really in our financial capability. There has been a financial constraint and we had a strategy within those financial ****eters which hasn’t delivered what we all want, I accept that, but that has been carefully thought through. “Of course we could do that. We could do more than that. We have a certain amount which we’ve held in reserve. We also have new revenue streams coming on board and all of these things mean we can do some things which would excite you. “What excites Arsene isn’t necessarily what excites you." Slippery Ivan clearly though tries to lay the onus on to Wenger regarding actually signing any players. We all know who he did excite him though it was some injured Swede and yet another tika taka midfield player - who his old club pay the wages for. Now that is real ambition shown by Arsene . You couldn't make it up.

  47. GoonerD

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:58 #45293

    Arsenal has been as good for AW as he has for the club. Fergie and Mourinho are better managers. AW is as much chief exec - and a brilliant one at that - as he is football coach. All those trophies are in the past.

  48. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:56 #45292

    Isn't the real reason for the division among Gooners down to those in the Usmanov camp wanting their man at the helm of AFC? Joe Fitz (post 48165) looks forward to the day Usmanov takes control. Good luck to Joe if that's his dream but Stan doesn't look as though he's about to sell his shares anytime soon. It's unhelpful that his supporters agitate for change while causing unrest & confusion for the wider Arsenal family. Neutrals looking in from the outside must be shaking their heads in disbelief at the conflict between supporters of a title chasing club. Ironically it was reported that Usmanov intended to keep AW as his manager if he had gained overall control of AFC. I feel the AW love/hate conflict is a smokescreen for the real political power struggle bubbling underneath.

  49. jeff wrong

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:55 #45291

    @bard. who said we don't have any money? we bought Ozil and paid him top wages instead of rooney. you must have read about it it was in all the papers

  50. jeff wrigh

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:52 #45290

    Wrong again wrong , you have obviously not been paying attention to what our CEO has been saying .Either that or you believe that he was lying. Your financial views are on a par with your football ones ...wrong!

  51. Its up for grabs now

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:51 #45289

    Spaced - So what if once again for the ninth year on the trot we are proved correct, does that count for anything? Using your mantra if it takes Wenger 21 years to finish first (remember he is happy to finish second for twenty years) will you and him still be right all along! Surely at some stage you have to accept that failing to prepare is preparing for failure, when as a club we are in a position to compete financially. As others have stated, he won't go the extra mile, because he would be putting pressure on himself to actually win something, and we can't have that now can we, when there is a 3 year £8 million per season contract ready to be signed! Wenger whingers - That's the entire point though isn't it, the board are money men and are only interested in money, which is why they want to re-new Wenger's contract. If it was based on success on the football pitch, for lets not forget one of the biggest clubs in world football, he would have been fired in the tunnel at Old Trafford after the 8-2 humiliation! Can you not see that?

  52. Bard

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:50 #45288

    Jeff wrong : I don't know enough about the maths to get into a debate but why did Ivan the terrible keep going on about being able to buy a Rooney and pay top wages if we don't have any money ?

  53. jeff wrong

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:37 #45287

    @jeff never wright. There's no such thing as ring fencing in the Arsenal accounts. Debts are debts and a sustainable debt is only sustainable while you have the means to pay it. There is no cash surplus only cash held. There would only be a cash surplus if cash held was greater than liabilities. Arsene never wore a magic hat he is a scientist not a magician.

  54. Matthew Bazell

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:32 #45286

    So, what are you saying, without Wenger Arsenal would not have won anything since 1996? At this moment in time we are top of the league and the manger can be praised for that. I'm one of few who thinks we will win the league this year. But I don;t need to imagine Arsenal without Wenger because I've supported the club for 30 years. And guess what, we also had great times under other managers. He's got lots of attributes but he's not the Messiah.

  55. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:21 #45285

    Jeff Wrong , you are wrong on all counts, the money owed on the stadium is 'ring fenced' to be paid off over a period of time. Most businesses (and that's what AFC is) carry some sustainable debt . The club accounts show that there is a cash surplus stashed away by Ivan like a little squirrel storing nuts that , judging by Stan's own comments when asked about it, could have been be stored away to pay himself a dividend with , if or when , some silverware has been won to justify this . I suspect Stan will have a long wait before this happy moment transpires because the days when Arsene wore a magic hat are long gone sadly along with the rabbits that he used to produce from it. It costs money these days to buy success no one can do it on the cheap. Stan knows this though and on his watch we will just paddle along lie his other clubs do by competing but not winning. Come back and tell me about in May Mr Wrong .

  56. jeff wrong

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:05 #45284

    @jeff wright. Nobody can guarantee you can win anything all you can promise to do is compete. The clubs accounts are not awash with dosh they show that we owe more money than we have. Your "little boxes" could be a good track for Simple Minds!

  57. spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:04 #45283

    Up for grabs, if the fan base is divided because of Wenger, then so be it. If we win the league, those who still want him to leave can then surely be the sole cause of the division in the fan base. You will have been proven wrong, if you don’t change your view then you are the problem and would have to deal with it. I suspect the split would dissipate. Wenger should’t leave but I suspect that he may well do actually. He will have guided us through a period of historical change for the club, during tough times financially, against silly money clubs. So to win the league he may see that his job is complete, leaving on a high… and that would be bad.

  58. Bard

    Feb 05, 2014, 15:03 #45282

    Spaced: I can follow the logic of pottering along enjoying the ride as you say. In which case the club need to come clean and be honest about where we are going and the limit of their ambition. But they tell us we are now able to take on the big hitters and can afford a Rooney etc . It's the deceit that I can't stand. All in the service of screwing the fans over in their pursuit of bucks.

  59. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:45 #45281

    Sir Chips Keswick,he is the latest Kroenke hand-puppet club chairman, made plain the club's policies when saying in his inaugural speech that 'competing for trophies is our ambition. Note 'competing for' and not winning. The lack of ambition regarding actually winning trophies is self evident with an empty trophy cabinet at the Emirates stadium .The club's accounts are by comparison awash with dosh. Every season we get the let's wait and see what happens followed by the battle for 4th place is exciting .Is it really so surprising given the squad strength of our main rivals that many doubt that it will all be any different this season? The Chelsea players that some claim are inferior to our ones have won the CL and Europa Cup while our ones were winning a Westflower and Chris Calendar League! Sums it all up really where some supporters are in the greater scheme of things. In the spirit of song lyrics is an ode based on 'Little Boxes' to our midfield that can pass the ball around in pretty moves but who never beat the big boys when destiny calls and have never won a pot. Even the Emirates Cup that was set up for them to win. Little players all the same. There's a German one and a Spanish one And a Welsh and a English one, And they're all made out of tika taka And they all look just the same.

  60. Spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:43 #45280

    Ron, conversely, what makes you absolutely sure that Wenger and the Club are NOT doing everything they can to bring in success? Are you in the know somehow? You sound like you are, or are you merely making conclusions based on what you read in the press? I have no problem with people doubting Wenger, I do it myself, however, like I said previously YOU cannot give credit where it is due. I am willing to. Of course we can doubt our manager, he is not a perfect omnipotent being. He is human and makes mistakes, but what he has achieved and continues to achieve against a backdrop of oil fuelled almighty money power is quite remarkable. So I appreciate this. I am proud Arsenal are a club that others look to as the sustainable model for a football club, we have competed with the big money when we should not have been, fighting for trophies or consistently making the Champs League. And all the time Wenger has given us football which is consistently enjoyable to watch! Even those clubs which have had this money have not been as successful as many seem to give the impression of. How many times have Man City or Chelsea won the league, done the double or gone a season undefeated since the money arrived? Now I do not have blind faith in the club/manager, but I prefer the way this club is run and the team is managed to so many of its rivals. What is your alternative? Who do you get in that will give us all these trophies which still elude Man City and Chelsea? What matters is how good your manager is, we have a great manager, Man Utd had the best. Looks what’s happened to them? Where would Arsenal be if we swapped Wenger for Moyes? We wouldn’t have, you say? Why not? He was deemed good enough for the mighty Man U… In my opinion, there is nobody worth gambling on, besides, Arsenal FC will not suddenly change from a sustainably run football club to some massive spending petro-club, especially now that financial restrictions are beginning to make this a thing of the past. I do not know if this season is heading any other way than it has done the last few seasons, but I am enjoying the ride and my dented confidence has been repaired somewhat along the way.

  61. wenger whingers

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:29 #45279

    @its up for grabs now..."In any other professional organisation this issue would have been sorted out years ago" It has already been sorted out - and for a long time now. If Wenger wants to stay he will stay. The board and owners will offer him a new contract as manager or any other position he wants tom say as long as he wants. They will do so because they are convinced he is the best man for the job and there opinion , and Wengers are the only ones that matter. No matter how much you want to see something different you won't get it. You can make as many posts as you like telling us all how unhappy you are but like it or not really its just pointless impotent whining.

  62. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:24 #45278

    R/K when BADSRSE goes missing there's a good chance it's because he's writing/written an article.

  63. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:20 #45277

    Unique business plan- that's just genius. Love it.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:13 #45276

    Westlower, excellent idea and we could do worse than use the lyrics of some of the songs that yourself BADARSE, Ron, R/K talk about.

  65. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:10 #45275

    Spaced - Of course he 'desires'a title. Is it an imperative though? Doest look like it. Rather then condemning those of us who doubt the Clubs ambitions and Wengers too, what is it (in a football sense) that makes you so absolutely sure that Wenger and the Club are doing all they can to bring success to the Club? also, why are Wengers doubters so wrong to have the reservations they hold? People like you are very good at raising your eyebrows and going tut tut,now,now but not so hot at showing what it is that sustains your blind faith in the Clubs intentions and in context of this season, showing whats any different there to make people think its not all heading the same way as the last 9.Most of us hope that your faith brings a title win, but are so many, so wrong in doubting it and if so, why?

  66. Spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:09 #45274

    Fractured. Yep, I'm sure Wenger didn't really want to win those league titles and FA cups. It's the taking part that really counts in his eyes, right? Oh dear.

  67. Its up for grabs now

    Feb 05, 2014, 14:09 #45273

    Two contrasting articles using the medium of musical lyrics, whichever way you look at this issue re Wenger, it can’t be denied the fan base is totally divided. Whether you are someone like me who has had enough of Wenger's excuses, poor tactical acumen in the big games, plus a host of other reasons to numerous to mention once more, with him living in the comfort zone of a top 4 finish, but that’s your lot folks, despite being one of the highest paid managers in world football. Or you believe he is the greatest manager the club has ever had or are ever likely to have in the future. The point I am trying to make in a roundabout way, is that one way or another, the boil needs lancing, so that we can all once again unite in a common cause which after all is what we all want i.e. Arsenal successful (not just top 4). We must be the most divided fan base in the country, despite being currently on top of the league still in CL & FA Cup. The question however remains how do you lance that boil? Obviously from my perspective get rid of Wenger and replace him with someone whom we can all eventually unite behind. The alternative to this argument is do nothing and hope that it will all come good in the end. The question then has to be (which many have already been asking for at least the last 5 years) for how much longer do we have to wait? Some on here obviously will argue only a matter of months, as we critics will all be eating humble pie should Arsenal end their trophy drought in May (I sincerely hope I am). If that did not happen though, given that Wenger once again from a position of strength opted to effectively sit out the last transfer window, would those who back him to the hilt at least acknowledge he messed up here, just like he did in 2008 & 2010? You see the additional problem now created after years of failure is that even if Arsenal do win something, many (me included) will believe that it has happened despite of Wenger, not because of him! Irrational argument I hear many shout, but that's the problem, and it will never ever go away, as it hasn't done these last few years, which is why the boil needs lancing! Obviously not right now, but definitely at the end of the season if once again we bottle it during the big games! Those pro Wenger supporters please don't use your tired and worn out argument that we should f""k off down the lane or that we are somehow not true supporters simply because we don't trust in Wenger. Remember all of us on here once were just like you, we loved Wenger, but that was in the now very distant past, and we now believe it is him who is holding us back with his egotistical mantra that only he knows best. In any other professional organisation this issue would have been sorted out years ago, but not at Arsenal, because one man somehow wields so much power that he thinks he is the club, and not just an employee!

  68. Multiple User Identity

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:59 #45272

    The fans have invested nothing in the club. They have just bought a ticket, or subscription, to watch a game or games of football. They are owed nothing for that, not even a trophy, other than to be entertained. If they don't like what they are getting for their money and don't feel the entertainment is worth the ticket price then they don't have to buy. This sense of entitlement that somehow those who buy tickets to see a football match are owed more than those buying cinema or theatre or any other event tickets is a nonsense. If support is conditional on winning a trophy, or the expectation of winning a trophy, then it isn't support.

  69. Unique Business Plan

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:58 #45271

    Buy them very young they are cheap. buy them when they are injured they are also cheap. buy them when they are dead and revive them later with my special Evian water spa treatment a la Emirates and they are free !

  70. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:57 #45270

    @maguiresbridge, It's becoming contagious this revamping of song lyrics. Between us we must be able to come with a new Arsenal song.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:43 #45269

    Nice one also Alex, i see Joe Fitz is not going to be out done, do you see what you've both started now?. Imagine the nearly man never became one, Imagine if the nearly man had stayed as number one, Imagine all the doubles we could have still done, imagine all the trophies we would/could have won, Imagine being the first London club to lift the jug eared one. Imagine if our Arsene had stayed the way he was, Imagine if our Arsene hadn't let his ego become the boss, Imagine if our Arsene was still the number one then we wouldn't be wondering where the next pot is coming from, Imagine if there was no nearly man how different things would be spun, Imagine if OGL was still the way he used to be Imagine what we would have won and what it would have done for fans like you and me, you can say i'm a dreamer but i'm sure i'm not the only one.

  72. Hello I am Fractured Vertebrae out for 6 weeks

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:39 #45268

    It is simple. the Fan base has invested very heavily in upfront emirates tickets, expensive tickets, expensive everything and not had a trophy in return for 9 years. THE FANS HAVE INVESTED - THAT IS WHERE THE FABULOUS GATE RECEIPTS AND MARKETING INCOME COMES FROM. In return they just want to know their manager really really wants to win a trophy and I think that categorically and without question the fans have an undeniable right basis evidence to fear that he does not

  73. Spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:17 #45267

    Y'know, Wenger frustrates me too at times. But what really frustrates me is the people on here who refuse to give him credit for anything other than negative results. Our defensive record is credited to Bouldy, our good signings are luck, our bad signings are Wenger, our great performances are the players, our poor performances are Wenger's tactics etc etc. - - Regarding job done 4th place, are you really saying that Wenger has no desire to win the league? If so, have a word with yourself!

  74. Bard

    Feb 05, 2014, 13:04 #45266

    Joe: I agree completely. The interesting question is why wouldn't you really go for the title. Take punt and see where the cards fall. The only reason I can come up with is that barring a collapse of monumental proportions the job is done, champions league qualification guaranteed with room to spare. Another excellent season, new contract, let the money roll in. Enough of a fight to keep fans believing in the future. Might get lucky in the cup that's it. It's not what the big clubs do but ........

  75. Bard

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:50 #45263

    Westie point taken although Im not sure which season he's likely to have an impact on. By the time he's fit this season will already have been decided. Spaced: you need to go back and read all the counter arguments to your position. Yes we are in it this year for the first time in years but there is a difference of opinion on whether we are seriously going for it and why we, if we have all this money, aren't we strengthening our weak positions. The next month will answer those questions.

  76. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:42 #45262

    Spaced- I don't hate Wenger I just feel the need to poke fun at him and ridicule him because he frustrates the hell out of me. He has indeed done a fantastic job getting us into 1st position but he has failed to consolidate that position going into the tough games by reinforcing the squad with the resources that are available. I was willing to believe that we could win the league with a new striker and a back up centre half but now I'm completely convinced that we will not win the league again under Arsenè Wenger because it's not his real ambition anyway. It can't be, otherwise he would do all that he could to ensure victory.

  77. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:40 #45261

    R/K - Its true that i could see Wenger paying a lot of money for Van P and Van P liking the idea. Lets face it, where else could he command a fat salary, while knowing that as a guy in his early 30s he could sit in that treatment room half the time? His time came and went. His zenith was his last year at Arsenal and the title win at OT. His best days are gone. The goals are drying up as they do with all strikers as they decline and hes too brittle to carry on too long at the top.

  78. AJW080270

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:34 #45260

    Whilst I'm not totally in favour of the desecration of Beatles songs, I would agree with Alex in that contemporary thought processes in many areas of life tend to be based on hearsay (the heresy of the ill-informed). Until such time as people are prepared to think for themselves then the ridiculous conflict and playground bullying of anyone with a different opinion will persist. Reading some of the comments below makes me wonder what these forums would be like if we were mid-table and going nowhere rather than leading the Premier League. To compare the Arab Spring with a football club is ludicrous in the extreme.

  79. Spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:31 #45259

    Westlower, I'm not sure I really believe these detractors on here. I could understand it last season, but this season we have been top of the league all the way through to now and they still do not have a good word to say about anything! So this leads me to think they are either wind-up merchants from other clubs or just delusional. Either way they can't be reasoned with.

  80. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:20 #45258

    @Bard, You're seriously underestimating the talents of Kim Kallstrom. Far from being unknown, he has 108 (16 goals) International caps for Sweden, scoring in World Cup/Euro qualifiers. Recently accredited with 3 assists in 2014 World Cup qualifier in 4-4 game with Germany. Astonishingly, Mr anti-Arsenal, Adrian Durham of Talksport rated KK as the best player in the World at one stage of his career. At club level he has scored goals for Lyon in the CL. Unknown, definitely not and may yet play a big part in our season!

  81. Spaced

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:18 #45257

    How the likes of Joe can hate Wenger so much just mystifies me. Here we are, top of the league in February and many of the 'supporters' think the manager is useless and should go! What planet are you on? We have still got the same team which got us to this point in the season y'know... Someone even said in an article on here that they would like to see Wenger leave even if we won the league this season! Who are you people?! You can't be supporters, because you don't 'support' Arsenal. You are detractors. ---- Come on, drop the anti-Wenger view for a moment, open your eyes, realise where we are and what a good position we are in... and support Arsenal for once. I for one would be unreservedly happy if we won the league, will you or will your pride take the shine off a little?

  82. radfordkennedy

    Feb 05, 2014, 12:12 #45256

    Ron.Ahh that would explain it..on the subject of RVP I said to my son as soon as RVP felt that he wasn't the big fish at OT hed orchestrate a move,and the obscene money being paid to Rooney who has now assumed his place as top banana has proved to be the just the excuse he needs to get a move,he was too dim to realise that SAF was using him to give him his swansong before letting him rot in yesterdays team,now he wants out to be a superstar somewhere else,AW loves him so never say never,but if we get the chance of Ballotelli fantastic mate,I'd take him over RVP anyday,I don't have a soft spot for anyother club except Celtic but that's for family ties,but I've always loved a maverick..Tony Currie,Frank Worthington,Stan Bowles Bestie and our dear own Charlie,and if puma are sticking a few quid in the hat I'm sure that will appeal to both AW and Stan the Syrup.

  83. Bard

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:58 #45255

    Balotteli you must be joking .He's young fit and would cost a shedload. Kallstrum is the prototype of the new Arsenal target, unknown, currently injured,unlikely to play for weeks and someone else pays his wages. There is a serious problem with our transfer policy and the way it's conducted.

  84. Unchives

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:54 #45254

    1) We have the best Club Stadium in the world. 2) We have Three Financial options, Self-sustaining, one of two multi-billionaires to invest. 3)Biggest sponsorship deals in Football. 4)Most expensive Tickets in Football. 5)£150 millions sitting in the bank. Wenger's words on leaving Highbury to compete, "The best teams have the best players" That is now our target. TIME TO DELIVER or GET OUT....NO EXCUSES!

  85. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:29 #45252

    R/K, Badarse is closer than you think!

  86. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:20 #45251

    R/K - rumour has it that Badarse is on a mercy mission at Colney performing polarity therapy on that swedish guys back, in an effort to get him at least 1 game beore May.

  87. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:18 #45250

    I can't see Wenger being forced into a deal for Balotelli if he doesn't want the player in the first place. Balotelli is too mental for Wenger to consider as an option and he would probably fear for the delicate harmony of his squad being disrupted by super mario. Personally I'd love to see the Italian in an Arsenal shirt but I can't see Wenger going for it.

  88. Jack

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:18 #45249

    I wondered how long it would take for this site to hit rock bottom, and today and yesterday's "posts" have confirmed this! Pitiful....

  89. radfordkennedy

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:11 #45248

    Westlower..Ron..Have either of you forgotten to take Badarse his prescription of Tramdol and Rioja,where is he?,this thread would have been right up his street,John Lennon and all that

  90. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 11:04 #45246

    Ozzie - Me neither. The money we had for him was a hell of a deal got by Wenger for a crock in waiting. Hes back in injury mode now like he was for 7 years with us. Was never gonna go much beyond 30/32 and hes 31 now.

  91. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 10:53 #45245

    Ballotelli - Mad as a hatter but just the type we need! He'd get bums off seats and brighten up the landscape for sure.The Club needs such types. The fans would love it and all of his histrionics and tantrums.The modern youngster hasnt ever seen his like, like we had with Charlie G and Charlie Nick et al. It would take a massive departure by Wenger from years and years of acquiring lightweight clones of each other with dodgy fitness records to sanction the buy of a rebel like Ballo though. The only hope for that is that Wenger might see himself as a Father figure who cd put him on the road to righteousness!Great idea Puma. If Wengers hanging about, some body needs to grab the transfer market ropes there, whether he likes it or not. This January has underlined that much if nothing else.

  92. Ozzie

    Feb 05, 2014, 10:52 #45244

    Love the lyrics, Joe. There is a saying: "When the going gets tough the tough get going." We're about to find out. One question: Do you really want Van Pursie back? Not Me!

  93. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 10:39 #45243

    Interesting that Puma want their star man Mario Balotelli in an Arsenal shirt next season to coincide with their shirt sponsorship. Also acknowledgement from Schalke that Draxler will be moving on, with the player ruling out a move to Bayern Munich. Could this be the AFC attack in 2014/15:- Walcott, Balotelli, Draxler, supported by Ozil, Cazorla, JW, Ox, Ramsey, Rosicky, Gnabry, Zelalem, Sanogo, Arteta, Diaby.

  94. Ron

    Feb 05, 2014, 10:24 #45242

    Alex/Joe - Great new concept guys. The musical themes certainly add to the flavour on the site. Good stuff lads. Cmon the Gunners!

  95. Westlower

    Feb 05, 2014, 10:08 #45241

    Songs, musicians, lyricists, football chat, dreams fulfilled, dreams shattered, unrealistic dreams, transfers in & out - players we've got, we want out (Park is now on loan at Watford), players we haven't got, we want in & sod the expense as we're loaded. All we need now is a daily weather forecast and we've created our own entertainment centre! Enjoyed the updated lyrics from both Joe & Alex. For every argument there is a counter argument, twas ever thus! Now, how did the words go, "Who'll be strong and stand with me"?

  96. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 05, 2014, 9:38 #45240

    Imagine there's no Wenger It's easy if you try The spurs below us Above us only sky Imagine all the Gooners Winning titles for their play. Imagine there's no Kroenke It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no cult of Arsenè too Imagine all the Gooners Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the Arse will be as one Imagine no Niklas Bendtner I wonder if you can No need for Park or Miyaichi A team full of men Imagine all the Gooners Parading through Islington.. You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday Usmanov will lead us And Arteta's missus will give us one!

  97. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Feb 05, 2014, 9:25 #45239

    Some good points, such as about players of yesteryear. Conversely, we call today's players greedy, but of course had they been born into the wage cap era they would still have wanted to be footballers. The problem is the simplistic polarisation the author draws. Not everyone who'd like a change of manager is 'bleating' and 'railing' - you see it expressed in different ways, some more reasoned than others. Same for those who want him to stay - for some he is their shepherd, he is infallible, any failure is always due to external circumstance. Others are more reasoned. The author's belief that the disgruntlement and desire for change are necessarily a 'malaise' and that the 'unhealthy aspect' all lie on one side lessens the reasoning power of the article.

  98. Joe S.

    Feb 05, 2014, 9:20 #45238

    Couldn't agree more than with Seven Kings Gunner. Arsenal certainly have the resources to spend and buy quality reinforcements. The fact that they picked up some lame Swede dogsbody on a free and are content to ride the season out with a squad that still includes Bedner and Park and whose ace is Giroud,is a gamble that not only slaps the serious punters in the face but also smells of defeatism. I don't want to be right but the clouds are ominous.

  99. Mutilation is the most sincere form of flattery

    Feb 05, 2014, 9:15 #45237

    Yesterday's piece was an attempt to do something original and creative, this is just plain bad. Be original.

  100. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 05, 2014, 8:46 #45235

    Alex - Joe Fitz : Guys, all I wanted was a striker in the transfer window not a "song for Europe"

  101. Savage

    Feb 05, 2014, 8:39 #45234

    John Gooner, the Arab Spring has been a murderous disaster. You want Arsenal to be the new Egypt?

  102. John Gooner

    Feb 05, 2014, 7:42 #45231

    When someone divides the fan base to this extent, they've got to go - No matter which side of the coin you're on. Would the Arab spring have happened if all the 'just wait and see' people had their way?