Two points went a-begging

Post-match reaction to the draw with Man Utd

Two points went a-begging

(Ed’s note – This was submitted shortly after the game v Man Utd, so when reading it, for ‘tonight’, read Wednesday evening)

I have managed to jump on to the Tube and arrive home straight from tonight’s match. I have gone directly on to the keyboard to give it a bashing without even glancing on my mobile for match reports, considered opinions or tweets in attempt not to be influenced by the plethora of so-called experts. I felt that I needed to collect my thoughts and sent them in, knowing full well that the usual bloghounds, with the added advantage of hindsight, will be waiting in the wings to do my legs.

Tonight’s game was there on a plate for us to take three points and put those nasty odious chavs back in their place. Alas, it didn’t happen and it is my gut feeling that Wenger paid ManUre far too much respect. Such a shame because this lot were there for the taking. Goodness knows what they see in Moyes. With his credentials he would easily get a job as the GB bobsleigh manager with his ability to get his team to go downhill so quickly.

So what went wrong? From the back of block 103 it seemed all too obvious. We had no width whatsoever and our movement off the ball was laboured. The first half was as dull as in most matches at home this season, but tonight we were sucked into the middle with just Sagna and Gibbs occasionally bombing forward and then having to backtrack when ManUre broke. Rosicky was buzzing around as normal and Ozil tried to generate some sort of action but there was nobody moving forward to collect his pass. Even our throw-ins were laboured as we had nobody looking for the ball. I somehow missed the halftime highlights on the big screen. Perhaps I blinked.

The second half wore on in a similar vein. ManUre retreated into their shell and Ozil became completely anonymous. We were crying out for more width. The obvious subs would have been Podolski for Ozil and The Ox for Wiggy Arteta. Wiggy was surplus to requirements after the 60th minute because by then, ManUre had tried to dig in for a point. Unfortunately the law of Wenger meant that we had to wait until after the 70th minute before we saw any fresh legs. I put my head in my hands when I saw that The Ox had come on for our most creative player on the night, Rosicky. And Podolski was kept in the shadows, yet again.

The final few minutes were dreadful. We were having all the play but our movement was Denilson-esque in the extreme with crab like passes into and out of their penalty box, and then back to the halfway line. With fifty seconds to go we were awarded a free kick just outside their box. I could see several of our players who fancied their chances. Instead, they left it to Ozil who tamely tapped it into the wall and that was it.

What on earth was going through Wenger’s mind this evening? We keep on being given opportunities from our nearest rivals to nail the league title this season, but every time that happens we never seem to accept the gift.

If we carry on playing like that in our next two games and beyond, we can confidently book our end of season party in early March.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:49 #45927

    R/K, no mate as i don't live in or around the town itself i tend to watch the games at home, if i'm not there in person, yes there's mancs and scousers around and even a couple of spuds but with what i'm told more gooners, but as you can imagine the former have all been very quiet of late with not much to crow about and lets hope it stays that way.

  2. Chris

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:40 #45900

    Ron - Fair play to you for putting them out! Let's hope you're right about Wednesday.....

  3. radfordkennedy

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:05 #45896

    Westlower..I won't be attending mate,but I've been assured there will be no putting up of shelves,carrying of bags or the need of Grandads Taxi so I can retire to my room with few IPA's and paddy power on the laptop and enjoy the greatest racing festival in peace,I'm off to Normandy in april so what ever I win will be wisely invested in calvados and cider there

  4. Ron

    Feb 17, 2014, 10:42 #45895

    Chris - Cd be rigt there mate. I did have a strange feel for the win there on the basis we hadnt won there for ages. Oh well, 33.3 % then! Here s another to chew on 1-0 v Munich this week s 1st leg.

  5. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2014, 10:38 #45894

    R/K, You lucky devil, 2 days at Cheltenham is like dying and going to heaven. Give your liver a chance to dry out the weekend before the meeting. As far as I'm aware there is no flooding at Cheltenham and there's still a month to go. Always back winners!

  6. radfordkennedy

    Feb 17, 2014, 9:43 #45893

    I'm getting to old for this sh*t 15 mins to go and I was eating Gaviscon tablets like effing peanuts!...thought Sanogo did well(my god there's no chance of him being bullied is there).Good display from Flappy..its amazing how well players play when they turn down a contract and put themselves in the shop window..we discussed a few weeks back about putting gibbs on infront of monreal and I thought it worked well..I realise they should of had another penalty but how did Gerard stay on the pitch some shocking decisions all round really,the Toffees next beat them and who knows..Maguiresbridge if you watched the game in the Coach Inn I hope you wasn't surrounded by scousers as everyone seems to support them or United in your part of the world...incidently I've managed to secure a 48 hour pass from Er indoors which entitles me to be left alone for the last two days of the Cheltenham Festival does anyone know if the course has survived the floods

  7. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2014, 8:50 #45891

    @Ron The maths for any game is simple, it's an equal 33.3% of all 3 results being possible. If you can achieve 50%, you are ahead of the game. Worth recalling the Racing Post's prediction for the 4 games v Liverpool (PL), Man U (PL), Liverpool (FAC), Bayern Munich (CL). Chances of winning all 4, 2%; winning 3, 12%; winning 2, 33%; winning 1, 38%, losing all 4, 15%. The percentages give us an every chance of beating Bayern Munich.

  8. Chris

    Feb 17, 2014, 8:08 #45890

    Ron - No wouldn't be bad 50% but I seem to remember you tipped us to win at the Etihad too and look how that panned out....

  9. WHL87

    Feb 17, 2014, 1:22 #45888

    Objectives: - MANAGE the transition of this footballing INSTITUTION from their glorious, historical home to a state of the art, 21st century stadium (because we can't fit em all in Atsene). - Spend **** all because we're skint. - Keep us in the Champions league. - Keep you're nerve and your dignity (don't sneak up to Sir Alex on the touchline, "tweak" his ear and skulk away like you didn't for example) Tick Tick Tick TICK Success or failure - you decide? She wore a yellow ribbon in the merry month of May. BUILT NOT BOUGHT. Arsenal Football Club.

  10. Ron

    Feb 16, 2014, 22:39 #45887

    Ha. Fair dos, but as i've only tipped twice you wouldn't have done so badly actually. The lst was a 2- 1 win prediction v Chelsea in the PL game, so a 50% success rate isn't so bad in my book!I wished i was as 'good' when i do a race meeting.

  11. Chris

    Feb 16, 2014, 22:33 #45886

    Ron - Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day, mate. I don't think I'd have made much money following your tips this season so spare me the 'I told you so' routine! Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's, even if i rarely agree, but top tipster you most certainty ain't!

  12. Ron

    Feb 16, 2014, 22:10 #45885

    Evening Westie - I was very impressed with the young fella mate. He looked quietly assured and followed his instructions. Be lovely if he can keep his fitness now and make a mark before seasons end wouldn't it. What were your thoughts?

  13. Westlower

    Feb 16, 2014, 21:06 #45882

    @Ron, Well done, your forecast was spot on the money! What did you make of Sanogo for a first start? He certainly looks as if he can handle himself.

  14. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2014, 21:02 #45881

    All's well that ends well ..... Maureen.

  15. Ron

    Feb 16, 2014, 18:39 #45877

    C mon guys, Clap your hands to me!! My post 48739 on Friday. Well done Gunners and well done Arsene too. Great win. I love the FAC!

  16. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2014, 18:11 #45875

    If the Arse win today ....

  17. underacheiver

    Feb 16, 2014, 17:04 #45873

    westlower - Victory through harmony. mmm, where have I heard that before???

  18. Westlower

    Feb 16, 2014, 15:32 #45872

    Can't disagree with Bob Wilson's thoughts that Maureen is a boring bully. Bob was quoted on BBC 5 LIVE as saying "I think at best it's disrespectful, at it's worst despicable. I find him boring in the extreme." Hear, hear, Bob!

  19. DW Thomas

    Feb 16, 2014, 14:51 #45871

    If we lose today, and I hope we give our own spanking to Liverpool, Mo is somewhat vindicated. Yet, Chelsea and City do disgust me to no end. Money is not class. I do really respect Wenger for trying win with a young team he built over several years. Problem is no one stayed and/or believed enough in it. And he would never finish thatproject always missing one or two key pieces. For example look hoe Ches has kept us in so many games this year. How many points has he saved? Yet all those with Almunia in goal what did we win? We were all crying out for a better keeper, but no, it wasn't important was it Arsene? It is decisions like these, or rather indecision that has cost us over the years. That is why he seems past it.

  20. Danny

    Feb 16, 2014, 14:31 #45870

    So Wenger has got his gob shut and getting good old Bob Wilson to do hIs talking. Coward of the extreme coach or should i say failure specialist! lets see what happens today.

  21. Westlower

    Feb 16, 2014, 13:57 #45869

    @Underachiever, It's all about supporting and not undermining our man. Victory through harmony and not defeat through disruption.

  22. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2014, 13:19 #45867

    Looks like Maureen has done Wenga a favour 'cause now the press are all behind 'the genius that is le prof'. I was hoping Wenger might get the boot firmly in (joke!) while Maureen spends a week behind closed curtains. But like on the pitch, there is no killing instinct. Now we hear it's 350thou a week for Shrek and Bayern tickets for Arsenal supporters are 'how f...... much!' You have to laugh and Under's Scientology comparison is spot on and let's be honest - mista Wenga is all for 'cruise control' Right! Everton! let's se wot yer got. Nuvver freebie as we await our match of the season. In the Vase. Bless ya Mr Finney who was a winner in more ways than one. Watch out for that Liverpool baby. If the Arse lose today .....

  23. underacheiver

    Feb 16, 2014, 12:55 #45866

    I doubt there is any Arsenal supporter that likes Mourinho but the facts are he is a serial winner and Wenger is now a serial loser. These are facts that cannot be disputed. Wenger acolytes seem to be getting very upset that people on here are pointing this out. They are behaving a bit like members of Scientology where no critiscism is allowed of the heirarchy. It`s all a bit weird and disturbing that people cannot accept any criticism of a football manager.

  24. JAMIE

    Feb 16, 2014, 12:50 #45865

    Mourinho like Ferguson before him is like a red rag to a bull if the right question is put before him. Both men in my opinion live on their emotions, both men played a limited unspectacular style of football which in Ferguson's case meant relying on an under body posse of coaches and in Mourinho's case a Brian Clough type head figure who can bring much media attention to an average side football club yet will never fit in at a larger establishment where that sort of attention is frowned upon.

  25. Bard

    Feb 16, 2014, 12:33 #45864

    Maureen is a distraction and an irrelevance as far as I'm concerned. I'm only interested in Arsenal. We should be more concerned by the way the club are screwing us fans over. Charging sky high prices. stockpiling cash and neglecting to properly invest in the team. These are the issues we need to be debating. We have our work cut out with Liverpool this afternoon as they are flying at the moment, another defeat would really ramp up the pressure on our tactical genius

  26. Westlower

    Feb 16, 2014, 9:23 #45861

    With the camera focused on Maureen, a pertinent comment by Clive Tyldesley during the tribute to Sir Tom Finney. "Sir Tom Finney is proof you can become a football legend without winning medals". Headline in Mail on Sunday reads. 'Modest, decent & honourable', Sir Tom Finney never boasted about himself - he much preferred praising other people. You still have much too learn Mr Mourinho - cheap shot remarks is the language of fools!

  27. WeAreBuilding ATeamToDominate

    Feb 16, 2014, 8:48 #45860

    re Wenger and Maureen; we live next door to a couple of which the husband is Spanish; he told me that although Jose is a winner, in Spain he was considered "not a Real Madrid coach". Pressed further, he explained that whilst he'd bought short-term success to the club, he was starting to become an embarassment as he didn't fit the image of Real as an "upstanding" establishment. Exactly the same thing happened at Chelsea, short-term success followed by acrimony. He's good for a short-term fix, playing the spoiling game. However, look at the results head-to-head since 2004: P6 W0 D3 L3 - with only one real no-contest which was the meeting in December 2005 - which suggests that Jose can stop AFC playing, and look to nick a goal. I will accept that CFC were the better side in the 2007 League Cup Final. Re Jose; the meeeeeeeedja love him because he throws out quotes; but when things aren't going his way he throws things out of his pram instead. But, two European Cups and a UEFA Cup suggests the guy knows his onions.

  28. Westlower

    Feb 16, 2014, 7:47 #45859

    People have short memories in forgetting Abramovich got rid of Maureen when he tired of watching Chelsea's boring brand of football, albeit winning football. If every coach took Maureen's approach of percentage football & rarely taking risks, the game would become sterile overnight. Get used to 0-0 because that's how the majority of games would finish. His 'genius' tactics are invariably limited to stopping the other side from scoring. There is nothing clever or creative about playing 3 holding thugs in midfield. Mikel & Matic looked more like club bouncers than footballers at times. Refreshing that Pellegrini was able to put out a more balanced team and reverse the result of the previous encounter. Man City made Chelsea look second rate at times or alternatively, Pellegrini made Maureens tactics look predictable & second rate.

  29. Arsenal Fan

    Feb 16, 2014, 1:23 #45858

    @Chris, I think it's a bit of an exaggeration that Wenger would own that bitch aka Mourinho all day, even if they're on equal terms. I'm not saying Wenger can't get one over Jose, but their head-to-head sees Mourinho on top over Wenger. He lead chelski to win the league title, taking the trophy away from The Invincibles, a squad which was better than the team Jose put out back then, even if it was more expensive than ours, but judging on talent and how our team has been playing longer together than chelski's, we're the better team. Also, Mourinho did lead a Porto side that didn't have a sugar daddy like Abramovich to a Champions League. As talented as that Porto side was, you got to agree that that team isn't better than The Invincibles. Now if you've excuse me, I'm going to throw up which usually happens after stick up for Mourinho.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 15, 2014, 23:14 #45857

    DW Thomas, yes it's a good quip, and it's been tried many times over the last nine years by OGL where players are concerned, but it's also been already used many many times over the last nine seasons to describe them, so sorry no imaginary trophy, so far.

  31. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Feb 15, 2014, 22:12 #45856

    I wonder if my and many other's criticism, and in my case hatred of what OGL has done to Arsenal predates Jose Mourinho's comment about Wenger? Oh yes, it does, so that makes it independent of J.M. and his comment. J.M. Is not scared of us or Wenger. He isn't playing mind games with an opposing coach who he has never failed to beat or outthink. He doesn't need to. He's just telling the truth. I want to win something, so do the players, so do the AMG's. OGL's commitment to his way amounts, logically to a determination not to win anything. Proof: failure to even try and strengthen in January.

  32. jjetplane

    Feb 15, 2014, 21:18 #45855

    Hoy! Maureen! Where yer going? Whazzat 'bout Hazard.... Gotta get our kicks somewhere! Nice goal from that Nasri bloke.

  33. Roy

    Feb 15, 2014, 20:31 #45854

    I'm not defending Wenger one little bit. All the same, I'm glad Maureen got f*****g stuffed tonight, the pompous pontificating twat.

  34. Bard

    Feb 15, 2014, 20:17 #45853

    All this Wenger worship smells a bit like religious fanaticism. The worshippers really get their knickers in a twist when they read criticism of the 'Great Man' He's only manager of a football club. He's done well in the past but has done diddly squat for nearly a decade. I would have thought that its reasonable to suggest that he might not be up to it anymore.

  35. Chris

    Feb 15, 2014, 19:47 #45852

    Nice big 'F' for Fail from Mo this afternoon. Fair play, he made me enjoy Citeh's victory today so he does have his benefits.

  36. DW Thomas

    Feb 15, 2014, 19:36 #45851

    Remember boys, Wenger and Mo have a long history of animosity toward each other! I for one enjoy the attempted mind games played by both, but Mo comes out on top with is battle. Sure, he is a little hard to like, but Mo was dead on with his specialist in failure comment. What have we won in 9 years? Yes we have nice new stadium, plenty of money in the bank, but where's the silverware? You cannot deny Mo is a winner and has done it everywhere he's gone. And Wenger is the king of spin. Again he keeps spouting bs about how we bounced back from the 5-1 hiding by Liverpool with a 0-0 tie! You gotta be f...king kidding right? How can you defend him unless you accept losing and failure? I cannot think of any coach of any team in any top sport that has been allowed to stay in his job this long without success. But then again my view of success is winning, true winning. No matter how you wrap up finishing second, third, or fourth, it stills smells like a turd to me. You can't polish a turd! How's that for a quip maguiresbridge? If Wenger wins something fine, I have no problem as long as he is accountable for his success or lack thereof. This is what Mo was talking about. At least he was being honest!

  37. jjetplane

    Feb 15, 2014, 15:44 #45850

    ' .. causing trouble and booing ...' Naughty, naughty men. As I have never been to the Emirates though I did used to do a bit of work at the old rubbish tip that used to be there, can someone tell me if there is a 'swear section' or an 'alternative shed' space for 'the enemy within'. Oh the paranoia. Oh the rubber daggers. Big game on this evening. It's a freebie so I'll scrounge a look! Peter Storey - where are ya? My own match postponed again .... I remember an old mate of mine standing on the north bank during some miserable match in the 70s and stating 'I am never gonna watch this **** again'. He kept to his word. Ha ha! Enjoy your week stormtroopers!

  38. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Feb 15, 2014, 14:52 #45849

    Bit daft of Wenger to provoke Mourinho with the 'fear to fail' and 'Chelsea's to lose' comments. Given his character he was always going to turn that around and hit on the rawest nerve.


    Feb 15, 2014, 14:10 #45848

    The only stat that matters is how many times Wenger's Arsenal has beaten Maureen on the pitch - A big fat 0 - Maureen is odious, but Wenger is a loser - The truth hurts fellow losers!

  40. UB10

    Feb 15, 2014, 13:54 #45847

    As bad as it gets when we have Maureen supporting 'fans' on here! Could not think of anything worse. Shame on you all for backing this no-class big headed twat! Wenger is and will always be a better manager and a better man.

  41. Westlower

    Feb 15, 2014, 12:35 #45846

    For all the newly formed members of "I love the Portuguese Peasant" fan club, may I direct you to CFCUK. Enjoy reading about your new found egotistical hero. You really are the enemy within.


    Feb 15, 2014, 11:48 #45845

    Ha Ha, welcome back JAMIE! Your comments are hilarious, always brighten up my day. Fortunately Arsene FC might be playing from Paris next year, which you'll love because it will cost a fortune to watch and you won't have to spout your ridiculous nonsense about scroungers.

  43. Moscow Gooner

    Feb 15, 2014, 9:54 #45844

    Regardless of Maureen's comments nobody should be offering excuses for failure here - either for the team or for the management (in the broadest sense). Another season without a trophy would be a failure; there might ultimately be credible explanations for that failure but at this stage the focus has to be on winning all three trophies that we can still compete for - not developing reasons that would protect the manager and the players if we finally fall short. Supporting a football club is not about sitting on your hands and keeping your mouth shut when you see mistakes being made.

  44. JAMIE

    Feb 15, 2014, 8:50 #45843

    Alsace. The AAA are the enemy within who go around creeping and whispering with the opposition bad mouthing the true Arsenal supporters. Then they go off spouting their anti-Arsenal propaganda on Talk-Sport and other media outlets just to be liked by opposition supporters. Always playing the victims and twisting the truth for their own means.

  45. underacheiver

    Feb 15, 2014, 8:41 #45842

    Mourinho is just jealous. Jealous of the fact that Wenger earns a fortune and has no pressure on him to win anything. If thats failure, give me some please. Not good for the fans but who gives an f about us.

  46. Chris

    Feb 15, 2014, 8:33 #45841

    Alsace - you do strike me as an intelligent and even, mostly, a reasonable man, albeit with a strangely schizophrenic blindspot when it comes to our esteemed manager. However, I would have thought it was blatantly obvious that Maureen's outburst both exposes him as the slimey, arrogant cheapshot he is and revelas just how rattled he is by Arsenal this season. Wenger is not the enemy within - that term would be far more apt for those that side with the Chealsea manager, in my opinion. One hundred years ago, they would have been taken outside and we know what would have happened next...

  47. Westlower

    Feb 15, 2014, 7:43 #45840

    @Bard, I didn't comment on Wednesdays game because my prediction of a draw (48545) proved to be accurate. Money in the bank, easy as taking candy from a baby. That's something over £121,000,000 in spare cash now, but unlike mouthy Maureen I don't like to blow my own trumpet. Love, Ivan.

  48. Alsace Lorraine de totteridge

    Feb 15, 2014, 7:10 #45839

    No Westie, Wenger is not our man, he is the enemy within. Thank goodness that a proper manager has told the truth about him. Un object inutile. A waste of space, time and our money.

  49. JAMIE

    Feb 15, 2014, 7:03 #45838

    The Wenger out Brigade, also known by true Arsenal fans as the AAA, have now hit an all time low with their whoring after their new idol the Chelsea Manager. Maybe you lot should finally do what you've been threatening to do for years and go and become fully signed up chavies. Mind you it's a minimum of £41 to watch a Chelsea cat C game which won't suit you lot as most of you seem to be scroungers, who like going around winding everyone up with your constant belly aching about money. Nobody is asking you plastic glory hunters to follow Arsenal anyway, if you're so annoyed by the manager and the way we are run then why not just find something else to do with your time. Very few of you attend matches anymore and the ones who do just cause trouble and boo, so why bother?

  50. Minchbaghat

    Feb 15, 2014, 0:47 #45837

    Mourinho has done a keegan. If Fergie had done this, or mourinho had done it to wenger, the media would be loving portraying wenger as 'losing it'. Well done Arsene for winding the stain up with a simple statement of facts, it is theirs to lose, if they win all their games they are champs. Whatever mourinho wins, he'll always struggle to fill his inner insecure void. COYG!!!!

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 14, 2014, 23:48 #45836

    Bard, and it will not take them long to get over it you can be sure of that, the wengerites and the arsene fc fans anyway if the last nine years are anything to go by, but maybe they just might wake up at last out of the trance this old has been has had them in.

  52. Chris

    Feb 14, 2014, 22:29 #45835

    Johny Lynch - That's right, the odious Maurenn didn't inherit a famous back five, he came and took over a Chelsea team that had finished second by a point and then chucked best part of a £100m at it before the season began. He's the biggest example of a chequebook manager you could want - in today's society, that does count as a winner but on equal terms Wenger would own that bitch all day long I'm afraid.

  53. Football in the US

    Feb 14, 2014, 21:29 #45834

    Not sure what game you were watching. I'm all for passes into open space, but Rosicky's passes were to empty space. If he wasn't dribbling up the field (good), then he was passing to a ghost (bad). I was glad to see him go and thought he should have come off at the half or just after. Ozil was playing with his head down more than once or twice. I'd say he's tired. If there wasn't such a shortage of firepower at midfield right now, I'd suggest sitting him. I would have liked to see Podolski come on and change to a 2 forward system at halftime. I think that would have been a better solution, but I'm a Yank who doesn't know much.

  54. UTU

    Feb 14, 2014, 21:03 #45832

    No ideas, No tactics in breaking down a poor Man Utd team and No Podolski in the team, WTF. The Arsenal need a change of Ownership and Management if we are going to complete for silverware as a Genuine Football again, not some corporate franchise. Mourinho is right and we all know it !

  55. Bard

    Feb 14, 2014, 21:01 #45831

    We're 3 points ahead of Liverpool in 4th spot and the team look and play as though they are on their last legs. The fight is on, we need a rousing finish to finish 4th. Luckily we will have Kallstom fit and firing by the end of March for that last push. Westie I noticed you virtually ignored Wed game. Even someone as optimistic as you has at last got the message. The really interesting issue is if and when Wenger signs his new contract. it will be a PR disaster to doing it before the season's out. My guess it will be signed sometime in the summer when the club deem the fans will have got over the 2014 debacle of missed opportunities. Or maybe he will have had enough?

  56. Stevieo

    Feb 14, 2014, 20:48 #45830

    I see ready made excuses for Sunday are being made already - Liverpool have the advantage of not playing CL so can play their strongest team? A small price to pay I say. The advantage of playing CL football is ****ount to attracting the best players. We grab the creme de la creme like Giroud, leaving the Scousers with the leftovers like Suarez. If only we could have played this fixture last weekend without the hinderance of a CL game, I reckon we'd have mullered them...

  57. A Specialist in Failure

    Feb 14, 2014, 20:06 #45829

    @Unchives Mourinho won the CL with Porto thats why he got the Chelsea job in the first place.Meanwhile Wengers record in Europe is nothing short of pathetic.One final and one semi final in 17 years.And another last 16 exit looms because Wenger buggered up the group stage again

  58. RED FRED

    Feb 14, 2014, 19:39 #45828

    I would like to ask the the question if we finish 2nd in the league this season, is that a success after last year or is it failure? Are we on the cusp of winning something or is it the prelude to the top 4 finish and no trophies? Being from an era when we waited 18 years for a title win between Bertie and GG i not sure if i should expect more success or less success from the Wenger years. I remember the abuse being thrown at Don Howe and later GG during the Hillier, Jenson, Selley era from the stands. Don certainly laid the foundations for George to win things and i think although George won 2 titles and other trophies the modern game caught up with him. Was Wengers glories due in part to GG and the purchase of Bergkamp in Rioch's only season or would he of won things anyway, no one will ever know. Zip that coat up Wenger and don,t let Maureen wind you up, it,s **** or bust this season!

  59. CT Gooner

    Feb 14, 2014, 19:09 #45827

    If you want to pretend Arsene is close to Jose, could you also mention age. Perhaps you can also differentiate French cups with the champions league. The abject failure of the summers transfer window coupled with January has pushed me too far

  60. Unchives

    Feb 14, 2014, 18:42 #45826

    As much as we can agree with that loathsome creature that is Mourinho, regarding lack of trophies, Sky Sports compared Wenger's trophy's of 15 to Mourinho 20, however the bit they missed out is a comparison of how many millions it cost to build each team, add a self financed stadium build....who is the best manager? Perhaps Mourinho next ambition is to create a team under the same circumstances as Arsenal.Chelsea have spent £670 million to date.

  61. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 14, 2014, 18:39 #45825

    Specialist in failure? The truth about Wenger hurts but it doesn’t harm. It is his illusion of success that is killing the soul of our club... WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENK OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION

  62. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2014, 18:39 #45824

    Over to you Arsene ...... Sardines and Trawlers. Can someone please verify ticket prices for The Munich Footfest? If the pitch holds I'm off for a bit of FA Vase for a fiver tomorrow. Maureen - How could you! Mr Lynch - nice one!


    Feb 14, 2014, 18:28 #45823

    now george graham really did do a turnaround job on a failing club for those of you that were watching arsenal 1981 to he arrived in 1986. Wenger inherited 10 years of good work that yielded trophies plus Seaman, Dixon, winterburn, Bould bought cheaply and made into winners. developed Adams, Keown, Parlour, Merson from the youth team. Wenger was intelligent enough to see what he had as a base and then he added viera, petit, henry, overmars, etc but he had a fabulous base to work from.

  64. GoonerD

    Feb 14, 2014, 18:18 #45822

    Hard to justify a new contract for Wenger. His utter lack of ambition is perfectly summed up by Mourinho: 8 years without a trophy has made him a specialist in failure.


    Feb 14, 2014, 17:12 #45821

    Finally Maureen has broken the shield of false respect that surrounds Wenger. I'm fed up with managers going on about how great they think he is before waltzing off with 3 points. The truth is they love playing against him, it's not in their interests to speak honestly about him; you've always got a chance against Arsene FC.

  66. Danny

    Feb 14, 2014, 16:59 #45820

    Specialist of Failure spot on Maureen. This is how i see Wenger and most of the FANS I speak at the stadium feel that way!

  67. Gav Lee

    Feb 14, 2014, 16:54 #45819

    As loathsome a character Mourinho actually is, I find his "specialist in failure" comment totally spot on. For some Arsenal fans the truth hurts but for others it's a shame we need a rival manager to tell it how it is.

  68. Johnny Lynch

    Feb 14, 2014, 16:51 #45818

    Westlower - The Portuguese Peasant is a winner mate , proven track record at every club , the players and the fans loved him wherever he went and he didn't inherit a ready made back 5 from Georgie Graham to kickstart his career.. The Glasgow Thug ? Another winner , turned Aberdeen into a force in Scotland , came South and did the same for United .. Wenger is a Bum in a ridiculous coat who treats us with complete disdain

  69. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2014, 16:01 #45817

    Some of you have hit rock bottom siding with the Portuguese Peasant rather than support your own man. Did you also love the Glaswegian thug?

  70. Highbury Boy

    Feb 14, 2014, 15:33 #45816

    Specialist in Failure & From the Desk of Gazidis;I agree with you both but I think I read once that though in the Rich List AW doesn't own any AFC shares. One key point you missed out on is that it's all about the value of the brand. Therefore the target must always be a CL place which keeps Arsenal's name out there in the world,especially in the growing USA and Asia markets. A trophy or two might help but it's not really worth spending many millions to win even the PL when coming 2nd ,3rd or 4th brings in virtually the same cash taking into account tv appearance money. It's worthwhile to risk being knocked out of the FACup which pays out very little for the chance of progress in the CL. The value of AFC shares will rise in line with brand awareness. This will not only increase merchandise sales but make the club's name even more attractive to a potential overseas buyer. AW fell into line completely a couple of years back when he abandoned his Austrian training camp regime for pre-season far East overseas publicity tours.

  71. Ron

    Feb 14, 2014, 15:30 #45815

    Chris Dee - Seconded mate. Every day and all day long. Its a pity AW doesnt thieve a bit of Maureens desire to achieve though. To be honest though, even if he had it, hes too compromised to do much with it now. One foot in the door 'upstairs' and all that .....

  72. au revoir wenger

    Feb 14, 2014, 15:26 #45814

    Jose Mourhino has just said Wenger is a specialist in failure. well said Jose spot on.

  73. chris dee

    Feb 14, 2014, 15:20 #45813

    I don't mind Arsenal fans having a go at Arsene but when tossers like Mourinho or Adrian Durham open their gobs I just want to stick up for the guy. Mourinho just hasn't shut up about Arsene or Pellegrini this season it's almost as if he was a voyeur. And if I had the choice between Arsene or Mourinho a man who pressurised and victimised referee Anders Frisk so badly his wife and children received death threats than it's Arsene for me. As Gerard Pique said of Mourinho ,he is a stain on football.

  74. Ron

    Feb 14, 2014, 15:16 #45812

    Ha. 'From the desk of Gaz' - Thanks Ivan. The message is yet to sink in with a great many, but its getting there, reluctantly for some though!I'd like to say all the best regards to you and 'Ars', but cant really as youre both frauds. Good at it though, all the same. So ill, just say go f--k yourselves too. Im sure you understand. Appreciate your post.

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 14, 2014, 14:54 #45811

    dirkus, yes a striker that actually scores goals, chance would be a fine thing.

  76. 71 guns

    Feb 14, 2014, 14:51 #45810

    I suppose it's wrong to complain when you're top but the truth is we have been hanging on for some time, yes we've been more clinical and more organised in defence but we've grinded out results through the season, Man City for example have either won at a canter or not turned up and their league position has been earned without breaking sweat. Chelsea on the other hand have struggled early on but now seem genuine contenders. The problem is the same as it's been for some time, we're a good team but we don't seem to be getting any better, a thumping under Wenger is never too far away, though I didn't see the scouse defeat coming I wasn't suprised (maybe only that it stayed at 5). What has dissappointed me is champions elect bounce back, Man Ure are having a terrible time and yet the game was so evenly matched, a poor game played out by 2 poor teams. If the shoe was on the other foot they'd have taken us to the cleaners. I want to be wrong but I think the only winable trophy is the FA cup, but whats the odds on a 2nd string team saving the 'big guns' for Munich - a competition we have no chance of winning? Fed up.

  77. From The Desk Of Gazidis

    Feb 14, 2014, 14:51 #45809

    Keep turning up you chumps , nine years and counting failure.. Really ? Not for us , the money men , not when you lot renew your season tickets in droves , turn up every game to see us smash the West Broms and the Palaces and lose to the cream.. Don't care about your posts , Don't care about your 40 years service . Miss Highbury ? , Pah ! Go f*ck yourselves .. Want a trophy ? Doesn't affect the balance sheets , the moolah .. If all we have to contend with are a few girly boos at full time, we'll take that .. My man Wenger knows the score and the score is the CASH straight outta your pockets into ours .. We are a profit driven , cash generating rip off lead by the man in the ridiculous club. The Specialist in failure , The Accountants dream . So carry on with your fey posts and get your wallets out. CHUMPS

  78. Ron

    Feb 14, 2014, 14:44 #45807

    Specialist in Failure - If youre right, and you may well be as his actions for years suggest as much, then he should resign as theres clearly a conflict of interests. He has a duty to the supporters and the Clubs sponsors to do his best to win honours as a coach of a sports Club in as much as the bosses above him are prepared to fund him to do so. He cant do that if hes an eye on his own pecuniary gain.


    Feb 14, 2014, 14:28 #45806

    understand he does not wish to win at all costs. he wants to be seen to try to win and he wants to make the club make money because he is on a huge bonus scheme and has shares. Wenger will in the end have more than David Dein who sold for 70m. Privately Wenger is today extremely wealthy. you dont realise how lucky this man was to inherit the foundations built by Dein and Graham between 86 and 96. Dont underestimate this plus Dein shrewdness in transfer mkt, persuasive powers and own knowledge of football

  80. Andrew

    Feb 14, 2014, 14:13 #45805

    Arsene Wenger's record against the big 3 going back six seasons is as follows: P38 W6 D8 L24. You'd be relegated in a full season as the bottom team with stats like that. TWENTY FOUR DEFEATS. Just 6 wins. There are teams in the bottom half with superior records to that. Absolute joke. Yet here is a chancer on £7.5 mil or whatever it is every year. Just WHAT is he being paid all that money for? For scraping into the CL? That's the minimum expectation with a wage bill of over £140mil! Who is supposed to beat them to it? Liverpool? (they might this year!). Everton? Sperz? So basically, Wenger is good at beating teams any manager on that kind of money should be beating in their sleep. But he can't ever be expected to win the big matches or beat the big teams. Laughable.

  81. Ron

    Feb 14, 2014, 14:11 #45804

    Wenger can field a strong team too, yet he chooses to prioritize a tournament that hes less than no chance of winning and that barring a disaster of epic proportions hes already in it again next Season, so to run again with his and the teams making up the numbers role in it. The FAC is winnable and this Club and its fan base is crying out for a taste of a silver pot. The 'weaker team'(if we ve really got one) should be assigned the task of playing BM, not Liverpool in my view.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 14, 2014, 13:50 #45803

    I wonder why the free kick was left to Ozil with others fancying it, it wouldn't have been to help the little lambs confidence? Sod the team and the result we'll put Ozils confidence first.

  83. Lord Froth

    Feb 14, 2014, 13:50 #45802

    Come on guys - the season's not unravelled yet. We've recently lost one and drawn one, the same as Man City but no one is saying that they've unravelled and it's not like they've got decades of championship winning experience either. The team need to get back to grinding out results and the next 3 league fixtures are a perfect opportunity for this. We've not been playing effervescent attacking football all season but we've been defensively sound. Two thrashings aside we've been very hard to score against. The back five remain intact and Flamini will soon return. I would love us to win the league but not one of us thought we'd be in this position last August but it's a bit arrogant to think that we should be crushing everyone given the competition. Am I also the only one that finds a four way championship battle intriuging? When is the last time that the league table was so close at this stage of the season. To be honest, I believe that whoever can win this war of attrition will be worthy champions. Oh, and finally I see us beating Livepool in the cup on the weekend. They're not going to do us twice so close together.

  84. Ikechukwu

    Feb 14, 2014, 13:30 #45801

    Oh dear, so all of us who saw this unravellling have been proved correct YET AGAIN. I mean, it isn't as if there's any previous evidence of Arsene's increidble incompetence is there? Only hmmm..oh yeah, EIGHT years worth of trophyless evidence! I have said this before and will say it again: the biggest impediment to Arsenal winnign trophies is Wenger. Every time the club's tails are up, he will do something retarded to screw us. Like signing a crocked joke Swede instead of a top striker. 'Oh but it's sooo hard to sign quality in Jan' mumbles the AKB. 'Aaaah but he had 3 months of the summer to do so and d**ked about with a farce offer for Suarez' say the realists. Olivier GIROUD is a otal plonker and it is a joke he leads the line for Arsenal. He'd be lucky to start ahead of Shane Long at Hull (I'd take Long all day, at least he makes runs in behind). Here's a fascinating stat for you. Giroud has had his 'season to settle in'.Ina combined total 10 matches against the big 3 clubs (Chelski, Citeh and ManYoo), Olivia Giroud has not only scored ZERO goals...he has a grand total of ONE SHOT ON TARGET in over 900 minutes of football against the big 3 clubs. That is a joke my friends. What has he been doing? A striker that manages just 1 on target in 900 minutes. Heskey would do better FFS. We all knew what was required and Wenger's arrogance and loser mentality has screwed up yet another season. It's a farce when the club even dares discussing rewarding nearly 10 years of persistent failure and lies with a payrise. Ozil? I feel sorry for him. A class player surrounded by buffoons. Arsenal cannot get anywhere with Wenger. He was past it 10 years ago, so why on earth people would expect him to be more competent now is beyond me. The club needs a class manager to kick on. Guardiola should have been hired when we had the chance but right now I would settle for Klopp, or even Brendan bloody Rodgers, such is Wenger's incompetence. 'We were nervous' says Wenger after the game. Yet Stoke, WBA, Everton, Sunderland and even Spuds have shown far more courage and balls and taken the game to ManYoo and beaten them in their own backyard. Yet this utter Clown on nearly £8 mil a year is 'nervous' of the worst Manu team in 2 decades? LOL

  85. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 14, 2014, 13:22 #45800

    Yes they were there for the taking alright, but they were probably saying the same about us, and so was the chance to take advantage of the gifts that were presented to us (where would we be without them) but no, just like the chance to give us any kind of advantage, or better chance to win something wasn't taken during the transfer windows, the law of wenger has seen to that, but who wants an advantage anyway where's the fun it that? where's the fun in winning something with great players, and just think what boasting OGL can do if he does eventually win something with cheaper inferior players, and what it will do to/for his ego. But overall (where have we heard that word before?)it was a good night we weren't humiliated.

  86. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2014, 13:19 #45799

    Liverpool are 13/8 favourites to win on Sunday, AFC 9/5 & the draw 13/5. I suspect we'll find out if NB23 & Pod can team up as an option to Giroud. Possible team: Fabianski, Jenkinson, BFG, Kos, Monreal, Rosicky, Flamini, Ox, Gnabry, NB, Pod. Liverpool have the advantage of not playing in CL next week so can play their strongest team.

  87. Ron

    Feb 14, 2014, 13:12 #45798

    Rodgers reminds me of Neil Kinnock ie hes a big, blowing windbag who never once forgets to use 10000 words where 10 would suffice. Add to this his worship of the said Mr Me (his tongue is so far up Mr Me s ring every time he speaks)that its [pretty sickening). I did think after last Sat that Liverpool would fancy it, but ive tempered that view a bit. I reckon theyre flaky away from Anfield and will be cagey and hope to get us back for a replay. It will serve 2 purposes for them 1. More games for us to help their top 4 aspirations and 2. They'll fancy knobbling us at Anfield. I think they ll fall short. 2-1 Gunners. I say this warily as Wenger may send out such an insipid line up (paying deference to his hard on for the CL) v Liverpool that we may well lose again as you suggest.

  88. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 14, 2014, 12:52 #45797

    Anyone agree that the Mickey Mousers are favourites for Sunday? I say this with a heavy heart, tortured with thoughts of another gurning Stevie Me celebration and the Greatest Manager That Ever Lived And Who Invented Passing Football (that's Mr Rodgers btw) getting another metaphorical blow job from the LFC Fan Club AKA the meeeeeeeeeeeeedja. The team lacks pace, width, guile (unthinkable with that midfield) and has all season pretty much. Come on AFC do it on Sunday even if it's only to shut that w****r Mark Pougatch and his cronies up

  89. Ron

    Feb 14, 2014, 12:40 #45795

    The type of performance was two fold. 1. To galvanise the team after the thumping last Sat and 2. To alleviate the mindset that a top 4 place was at risk of being put in jeopardy. A draw was what AW wanted and im guessing Moyes was ecstatic as its a departure from his usual dosage away from home for the last 12 years, for him to get any points anywhere. Utd looked so Evertonesque pre Martinez. Their fans must shudder! Arsenal find themselves still in with a shout but their only care is top 4.Im sure they would be astonished if they won the title. We re up there though by dint of a poor Man U, a collapsed spuds, a strangely iffy Chelsea at times (who cant score themselves) and a Man C who are iffy away plus a Liverpool who seem to suffer confidence drainage away from Anfield. Set this v Wengers approach in the Utd game and its clear that topping the table isnt ****ount in a Season when the chance has never been more obvious.Wengers lost his mojo for me and lost it a few years back.

  90. Spaced

    Feb 14, 2014, 11:55 #45793

    Disappointing performance. Whilst we are still very firmly in the race, I am a long way from being convinced that we will actually triumph at the end. I think we are still in with a shout, but THAT was not championship winning form. Chelsea and Man City's continued inconsistency are our only hope. Please prove me wrong Arsenal! I live in hope! - - Talking about Wenger out at this stage is frankly ridiculous. Give it a rest until the season is over please, then by all means, moan to your heart's content...

  91. dirkus

    Feb 14, 2014, 11:39 #45792

    I agree, why Arteta was still on the pitch, Rosicky off and Lukas yetagain not even on it is beyond me. Someone has to tell Giroud is NOT DB10 and his main function is to shoot and hopefully score. NOT everytime he gets the ball try fancy flick to someone else. But to be fair to him there were NO midfield runners into the box so we should have played with 2 up front against the old centre halves. VERY disappointed with performance and with our run of games can see a very long month ahead which could see us go from title contenders to fighting it out for tha 4th place cup again! I hope I'm prooved spectacularly wrong. Come on The ARSENAL

  92. DJ

    Feb 14, 2014, 11:06 #45790

    The last few minutes showed the lack of ambition at the club. To go gun-ho for the last few minutes with Poldoski and Bendtner (maybe!) thrown on to try and gain two points at the risk of losing one would have been preferable to watching the square passing of the previous eighty odd minutes. While I agree that Ozil is not playing well he must despair of the lack of options ahead of him when he receives the ball. Five central midfielders started Wednesday no woner we created so little!

  93. James

    Feb 14, 2014, 11:02 #45789

    Why do most on here seem to think that we should be about ten points clear at the top, it's very arrogant and illogical. At the start of the season people were complaining that we wouldn't make top four and we needed a big name signing. We got the big name signing and are one point off the top, yet still more complaining. Only one team in the Premiership are having a better season than us and that's Man City due to their Capitol Cup final. Why? after exceeding expectation is the majority on here so downbeat. In all competions this season we have at home won 14 drew 3 lost 3 and away won 12 drew 2 lost 4 total=won 26 drew 5 lost 7.That is not bad and shows no cause for concern. To just say that we have seen this all before is not good enough, we finished the last two seasons as good as anybody and there's no reason to not expect the same again.

  94. chris dee

    Feb 14, 2014, 10:20 #45788

    Why have we failed when we've had chances to pull ahead in the title race?We lack ruthlessness from boardroom to pitch because we are happy just to be in the leading pack.As Arsene has stated many times fourth place is a trophy for the people in charge of the club. We are four wins from winning the F A Cup,hopefully for four games we can become totally focused,ruthless,ambitious and show the bo****ks to cross that familiar line from pretenders, that Arsenal fans know so well, to winners. We'll know by Monday if the season is finished for winning a trophy

  95. Roy

    Feb 14, 2014, 10:03 #45786

    I think most of us have given up trying to work out Wengers mindset. Since we lost Rambo and Theo we don't have enough pace going forward, and the sad fact is that it's easier to defend against for ManUre or anybody else. He had the opportunity to do something about it, but clearly mismanaged the situation. Why would you not see the predicament, allied to a massively difficult run of fixtures coming up, and try to give yourself the best possible chance ? None of this is making any sense to most of us, but one things for sure. The unique relationship OGL enjoys with those above him ( doesn't exist at any other club and would have been sacked ages ago ) needs to end. Unfortunately, as long as gate receipts don't suffer there's nothing to force anyone's hand. Stability is one thing, but crass mismanagement, especially at crucial periods, is quite another. Better the devil you know ? Not any more. Untenable.


    Feb 14, 2014, 10:00 #45785

    I like your post-match views Fozzy, very honest and a fair reflection on the sad reality that how now become the 'Arsenal way'. Pass the ball around until the other team die of boredom and then hope that one of the midfielders can do Giroud a favour and put the ball in the back of the net. Unfortunately Ozil has developed a shooting and forward-passing allergy (yet is undroppable), Cazorla doesn't turn up for the big games, Grampa Wiggy is well past it, JW can't do it all himself - though he does try - and Ox Chambo, Rosicky, and Podolski are starting to look distinctly bench-shaped. I would have loved to have seen Loic Remy in this side, apparently he was available during the summer, Wenger must not rate him; not 'top top quality' enough like Giroud. I agree with previous posters that no negativity should be levelled at the players, but I think the time has come chants of 'WENGER OUT' to become more prevalent at games - He needs to know we aren't down on the players, just him and his £7.5m a year.

  97. smithy

    Feb 14, 2014, 9:15 #45784

    I think Arsene was thinking about how he,ivan and Dick law can contrive to cock up the Summer 2014 transfer window." Let's buy some unknown from a lesser world cup team, who falls off the assessment table while having a medical for the club,is given a 5 year 60k contract,then keeps Diaby company in sick bay for the next 5 years." Mismanagement.

  98. TeeCee

    Feb 14, 2014, 7:57 #45782

    Whatever was going through Arsene Wonga's mind, it wasn't anything to do with tactics, formation or ambition. He wanted 4th place at the start of the season and now it's touch and go whether we get 4th or 5th. The man is a disgrace. Wenger out!!

  99. Kenny

    Feb 14, 2014, 7:40 #45781

    We should all know by now Wenger only plays for 4th place.Thats the be all and end all.The last 5 mins and injury time we played like a team who were happy with a point.Against a team Fulham who are bottom of the league scored 2 on a sunday.Giroud is hopeless.Season will be over by the end of March.Again

  100. Hornsey Bill

    Feb 14, 2014, 7:25 #45780

    What was going through Wengers mind? "Oh we'll at least we did not loose"? "At least we have plenty money in the Bank" "I wonder if I should go on that decision making course" "Why do people think me stubborn" "I really like Olivier's new hair style" Who knows Fozzy, I have given up trying to fathom it out. One thing I can say - It certainly wasn't anything related to tactics!