Sweet FA

Online Ed: 2001 and all that

Sweet FA

I’ll start with the words of sometime contributor Ian Henry… “The best riposte to any scouser moaning about the penalty which wasn't given is... Stephane Henchoz” Who said revenge is a dish best eaten cold? There has to be a suspicion that the gymnastic style of Luis Suarez’ progress to the prone position after the penalty box foul that wasn’t given didn’t do the Uruguayan too many favours. Still, football is entertainment and life is rarely dull when Luis is around.

So that’s the main talking point of the game dealt with. Liverpool should have had a second penalty, but it wasn’t given. Fortune favoured Arsenal, but that is so often the way of cup competitions. Certainly, on the balance of chances created, the visitors should have won this game. However, aside from a characteristic late flap that allowed an Agger header to go close, Lukasz Fabianski had an excellent game and was undoubtedly the Gunners’ best player on the day.

It was the predicted weakened selection in advance of the Bayern Munich game, but no-one will complain when the players do the job. In fact, looking around the team, there is an argument that it was not so weak. As stated, the keeper played as well as Szczesny might have been expected to, and there is a debate whether Gibbs or Monreal is a better left back. Carl Jenkinson is undoubtedly a weaker player than Sagna, and was troubled more than once by Raheem Sterling. But aside from the right back, for this observer, the only other position the team was obviously weaker in was centre-forward. Yaya Sanogo will need more appearances to convince people he is going to replicate the effect of Nicolas Anelka over 15 years ago, and the conclusion from yesterday is that if they are needed before the season’s out, we can pretty much forget the league title. At times, he proved awkward to handle due to his sheer physicality, and it was his blocked shot that led to the opening goal, but overall, he does not look anywhere near ready for the task that would be handed to him in the event of an injury to Olivier Giroud. That’s not his fault. There should be other options apart from Nicklas Bendtner, but my view that the FA Cup does not matter too much to the manager is probably the reason Sanogo started instead of Bendtner, who was not even on the bench.

Before the match started, the carrot of a quarter final home draw against Everton might have proved extra motivation for Liverpool, and they certainly started the better going very close to scoring on two occasions before the home side were even in the game. However, goals are what matters and the finishing of Oxlade-Chamberlain and Podolski was simply better than that of the visitors, the Ox having a very good match, which included the assist for the number 9’s goal.

This was the last cup match automatically included on season tickets, and it will be interesting to see whether the club manage to fill the stadium for the quarter final now that gold members have the chance to opt out of the game against Everton, which is presumably going to be a Grade B fixture, as this one was. It will presumably be on ITV and many will elect to reduce their renewal price in the summer and stay at home.

A win was important psychologically as much as anything after a pair of disappointing performances. Arsenal certainly played better in this match, making an allowance for the centre forward making his debut, even if the win was slightly fortuitous. Liverpool can now focus totally on their league campaign, and cannot be discounted from threatening the trio above them, as Suarez does not have too many days like yesterday.

Manchester City have the opposite problem, still involved on four fronts. It must be hoped they can beat Barcelona to add to their fixture pile up, which would at least give Arsenal a hand in their league campaign. Progress for the Gunners in Europe does seem a long shot against Bayern, especially over two legs, and I think most fans are philosophical about a Champions League exit if it will seriously boost the chances of landing a domestic trophy. The club desperately needs one after such a long time falling short. Before the game, people were talking about the traditional ‘season over in 10 days’ phenomenon as one cup exit follows another. Whether that will merely be delayed until the first half of March or we are seeing a different animal this year, time will tell. However, the side have a great chance in the FA Cup this season, so let us hope for a couple of trips to Wembley before the season is out. In 1950, Arsenal won the FA Cup without playing outside of London. Could history repeat itself?

Before I wrap up, two things – firstly, the winners of the competitions we were running last week on the website and on Twitter were Guy Shankland, who won the Charlie George spray paint, and Chris Millard and Jackson Eatherden who each won a bobble hat. The prizes will be on their way to the winners shortly. Thanks to Michael at VCC Designs for providing the prizes. Check out their website at www.vccdesigns.co.uk for a great range of unofficial accessories and artwork.

Secondly, another reminder about the planned card display, organized by REDaction, for the Bayern Munich home tie on Wednesday. To bang the message home, my apologies in advance but there will be a separate exclusive about this tomorrow. The idea is to bombard people with the message so that word spreads and everyone makes a huge effort to get in the stadium by 7.30. That way, even the latecomers will make it in and at 7.35, a full ground will mean the planned display will not end up like a damp squib with half full stands as everyone arrives at the last minute. So please make plans to get in the ground by 7.30 on Wednesday and tell everyone you know who is going to do the same.

The new issue of The Gooner can be at the forthcoming home matches against Bayern Munich, Sunderland and Everton. It can also be bought online here.

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  1. Westlower

    Feb 18, 2014, 19:07 #46020

    @Ron, Apologies for not getting back to you sooner but I've been out all day. I also know a number of football fans in Manchester as I used to visit a factory in Moss Side. Mix of red & blue supporters but the MD was Bobby Charlton's golfing partner. Bobby worked at the factory as an apprentice when footballers had to have an alternative trade to fall back on. Got to meet Bobby at OT in his mates private box the night Overmars ripped them to shreds. Later sent him the AFC V Man U 1958 programme as he didn't have one.

  2. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:20 #45990

    I agree about RVP in truth Ron he had one good season with us ,and although he did score that goal against Barca at home he blew it big-time when he got sent off at the Nou Camp . I think that Wenger's comments before the United bore draw were a clumsy attempt at mind-games. Surely though the memory of the clown who Wenger sent on to replace him with, displaying all the dexterity with his first touch of a man with a wooden leg, should be reminder enough to anyone of what his capabilities at top level are.

  3. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:55 #45984

    Hi Jeff - Yes could be a great game at City if both teams go for it. Pellegrini doesnt seem to put much store by defence does he! You ll always get fans jumping on board a sleek ship like they have at City. Lets be honest, there are droves of them who are at Arsenal now, who have some how got season tickets who wouldnt ever have gone if not for the stadium move. A good many know little about the game in truth. Its good to see Man U as an also ran. PS Mate - theres no way i d want RVP back at Arsenal as its being hinted by the press. Would you? Hes past it. He had his 2 stellar seasons. His was a good sale by AW and Arsenal in my view. I said it then (to much abuse) and still think it. The issue was and is one of replacing him.

  4. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2014, 11:54 #45965

    Morning Ron,I can see the point about City and United,although the hordes of non-mancs that have now leapt on to the blue moonies band-wagon negates it somewhat for me and I'm not a United or City fan anyway so their squabbles are not something that bothers me . I have never liked the way in which United exploited the Munich thingy and the way in which the club treated the families of the victims was a disgrace . Ferguson was never on my list of football managers that I admired either. The TV money stitch up between Barca and RM in Spain,I lived there once for six months, and the supporters of the other clubs in Spain are no big fans of those pair. The TV money stitch-up in Spain by them is a source of annoyance to them . Also it is something that Fair Play to 'em Platini chooses ,along with racist abuse of black players at the Bernabue, to ignore. I will watch the City game tonight but I'm not bothered,unless I have a bet on the result ,who wins . I agree with your views on Messi I was just pointing out that he is a club player and could be playing for City or anyone else that he chooses . His record in England in these CL ties is not a great one though ,so no doubt he will be hoping to improve on that tonight. That City defence is not rock-solid so he might well do that.

  5. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 18, 2014, 11:34 #45964

    Barca, whilst still excellent opposition, are not the all-conquering force they were in 2009/10/11. Bayern maybe peaked last year but are in my opinion still better than Barca. We have the tougher game I think, but there is no reason to bend the knee for sure. Let's see if OGL learnt anything from the Dortmund game in the qualifiers.

  6. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 11:24 #45963

    Jeff - I didnt see it that way. Both Clubs are still english institutions after all, no matter who plays for them. Hes making the point that teams here have a habit of paying too much respect when only some respect is enough to perform to the best they can. Many times over many years english clubs have wilted in the face of the opponents names rather than the opponenets real abilities. BM wont fancy coming to Arsenal and we need to remember it and thats what Kidd is trying to say perhaps. I think City will KO Barca over two legs too. I dont quite see City and Barca as you do. Its great that City have usurped Man Utd however theyve done it and from such a long way back. I used to live up in Levenshulme though and know many City fans still. Great fans whove had to suffer more than most due to their red freinds remoresless pursuit of success post war. I dont begrudge them their time in the Sun at all. No probs with Barca either. Ive a bit of knowledge of why Catalans are as they are vis Castille so i can only respect the Club for trying to be as they are. As for Messi, i think hes one of the top sportsmen of the last 50 years. Top player. Top bloke. Smiles. Doesnt cheat or dive. Hes humble. Top professional. Respectful to other Clubs. Cant have any angst towards the guy. Hes one of maybe only 2-3 players the World over who id pay just to see, as i used to with Georgie Best as a kid. Such players transend their Clubs and need to be enjoyed in my view, even if they do rip your own team to shreds from time to time. Not to do so, means your denying yourself an experience that doesnt occur often and that lifts up the humdrum level that many if not most players are at.

  7. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2014, 11:01 #45962

    There appears to be a touch of the old nationalism in that Kidd article Westie all a bit silly really because the European Cup is a club competition and most sides are are up of foreigners with foreign managers and owners anyway . The days are long gone when eleven Englishman or Scots won a European Cup final and owners such as Jack Walker walked on earth. Personally, I'm not really bothered who wins the City v Messi ( he's an Argie) game because both clubs are an abomination .Old life long loyalties to AFC keeps me interested in the game and I'm only interested in our result . We need to keep a clean sheet because many of these ties are decided on the dreaded away goal malarkey and BM have the advantage of playing the second leg at home. With Wenger's one dimensional tactics it is going to be a tough call for him to beat Pep an expert on tika-taka type possession football - but who now employs more robust expansive physical type of football over two games . And Wenger doesn't have RVP to help out as he did in the game against Barca at home that he won the last time that he took on the Spaniard . Having an in-form Ramsay would help . Arteta is out so it will be interesting to see how Flam fares against the Bayern midfield who are not averse to going down in dangerous areas as though shot by a sniper at the slightest contact.

  8. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 10:41 #45961

    Westie - 48900. my post! Sorry mate.

  9. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2014, 10:29 #45960

    Gooner Ron ,I was being sarcastic ,you obviously don't do sarcasm. My comments were the same as the BFG type that our supporters at games call Mertesacker,gedd it? I was pointing out that he 'the little Welsh midget' has been the star man this season and not macho man Flamini. Give it a rest you tiresome old bore.

  10. Westie

    Feb 18, 2014, 10:29 #45959

    Finsbury J hardly worth you guys rising to the oaf and im always surprsied when you do. You should leave him with the age old, historic conundrum of trying to work out if there is, or indeed whether there ever has been, any point to Tottenham's existence? That should occupy the whole of his time, though nobody has ever worked it out, so i doubt he will!! Gunners 1-0 v BM. PS Good article by a guy named Kidd (i think) in the Mirror on line about why Arsensl or Man C shouldnt just bow at the knee to BM and Barca respectively.Well worth a read mate.

  11. GoonerRon

    Feb 18, 2014, 9:34 #45958

    @ jeff wright - 'the Welsh midget'? Are you seriously an Arsenal supporter?

  12. Ghost of George Orwell

    Feb 18, 2014, 9:21 #45957

    Finsbury Joe, I disregarded you because I believed you to be a fool. I have revised my opinion, I now think you are a dangerous fool, as I detect fascism in your post. You are a dangerous, but grubby fool.

  13. JAMIE

    Feb 18, 2014, 8:57 #45956

    Finsbury Joe is the owner of a time machine. He posts on Arsenal forums before he leaves the so called spuds game he has supposedly been attending.

  14. Westlower

    Feb 18, 2014, 7:42 #45955

    @Finsbury Joe, Who are Spurs playing in the Champions League this week? Who did you draw in the quarter final of the FA Cup? Will you ever be a top 4 side? Will you ever be a top 8 seed in the Champions League? Will you ever have a stadium worthy of playing in the Champions League. You must be due to change your manager again anytime soon, so how long will the new guy last? Why support a club destined to live in the shadow of a famous & rich neighbour? There are only two clubs still able to win the treble this season, Arsenal & Man City. Save your soul and become a Gooner, as we can all feel how much you love us!

  15. Quiet Gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 23:13 #45954

    I feel Sanogo will improve with a few games under his belt. I saw people critical of a few air swipes and how he looked a bit awkward on the ball but I think that's something that can be put down to overeagerness, ultimately rushing his game and not playing like himself . Give him a go upfront in a few 'easier' games or a relaxed 20 or 30 minutes in a game that's already won and I think he'll start to show what he can bring.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 23:11 #45953

    I hear the scousers plane was delayed on the way home last night due to a safety issue, it turned out as they were about to board Rogers was chatting up everyone in a skirt and every time he smiled the pilots thought they were being targeted with a lazer pen. It was only when every body was seated permission was given for take off and even then the trolly dollies had to wear sunglasses.

  17. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 17, 2014, 22:28 #45952

    Quite amazing, Wenger calls a serial winner an embarrassment, then needs a ref to bail him out, the man has no shame, nor respect for his clear superiors. Yet again, a slow start, they Liverpools forwards would have punished on another day. A lucky win and characteristically wengeresque inept performance. Fans should dread what is coming this week

  18. dartford gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 20:58 #45951

    Well said Chris Dee, why does everybody keep knocking Jenks, he is young and still learning the game. Sagna was awful at anfield. It was not long ago that people were calling for Wenger to sign Given because Sczcesny was crap, give the young players a chance.

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 20:52 #45950

    Ron, your spot on about St Stevie, and another one of his now ex team mates falls into the same category Jamie the one nobody can understand on sky Carragher who got away with shirt pulling, holding, tripping, arms around the waist,even jumping on opponents back inside the box, for years, which makes stuffing them all the sweeter.

  20. Reg

    Feb 17, 2014, 19:59 #45949

    What we learned was for the rest of the season The Flaminator has too start in front of Arteta who has been way off the pace in recent games.Flamini gives us that steel in midfield we lack.He gives Ozil and the Ox freedom to go forward.Lets hope Wengers sticks with the Ox and doesnt leave him out for Cazorla or Rosicky against Bayern.The Ox gives us pace

  21. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2014, 19:29 #45948

    All of these claims for Flam are based on hyperbole and not any real substance to substantiate them with. Flam was organizing things against Southampton and it made no difference - in fact he ended up costing us points by getting himself sent off .His at times desperatiom tackles are always a problem . He was left out of the start against Everton but we lost the lead after he came on so not much protection from him there. Or against Dortmund either when we lost at home to them. It is a fact however that our best two performances this season were when he was out injured , the home win against Liverpool followed by the win away to Dortmund. Psssttt... that Welsh midget was the star-man in those two wins - and also in the early season results in the league.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 18:34 #45947

    R/K, We are building, agree on the commentators and indeed apart from seeing Arsenal on it the whole Bt sport package isn't up to much either there's only so much of the clare balding show and it's not much anyone can take,and only i get it free i certainly wouldn't be paying for it but expect that to change next season with a charge. At least they do have arsenal legends on with mad lens making an appearance on the platform yesterday if only the fans behind would keep quiet so we could hear what he had to say.

  23. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2014, 18:31 #45946

    Good omen being drawn home in the 6th round against Everton. AFC have only lost one of their last 37 FA Cup ties at home and that was last year v Blackburn. Incredible that Blackburn only had one attempt on goal, shades of the defeat to 3rd division Walsall in 1933. Arsenal have also only lost once at home to Liverpool in the past 18 matches. PS. Howard Webb wasn't the ref in all those matches.

  24. DW Thomas

    Feb 17, 2014, 18:00 #45945

    Every team needs a protector. Flam is that and more. We need more personalities like him or others to follow his lead. Jack is similar just not experienced yet. Per and Kos need consistently more of this too. Not just when teammates f..k up.

  25. Colonel Chunder

    Feb 17, 2014, 17:54 #45944

    I personally dont think we will get past Bayern over the 2 legs - would be a massive surprise..However if we had played for the win in Naples we could have possibly avoided this dreaded scenario

  26. Flam Im for one glad youre here !

    Feb 17, 2014, 17:28 #45943

    it is a key point and dont forget it. Did you see again how Flamini was constantly trying to organise people and stir them up ? you have to watch him and not the ball and you will see it as it is worth its weight in gold. he is a natural captain albeit a bit rash at times

  27. Mike

    Feb 17, 2014, 17:23 #45942

    Prophets of doom with the next match sydrome all over here. Since Christmas we have been hearing about wait till the next match and then we will see. At the moment it is mid Feb and we are still second in the FA cup and have no reason to fear Bayern. Admittedly we are not favourites for any of the competitions but we are still competing and that is all you can ask - the good thing is after this week there is a relatively easy run to get the likes of Ramsey back before the next series of tough games. Chelsea have had worse results than us over the last two weeks or so yet they are percieved to be some form of benchmark?

  28. Bard

    Feb 17, 2014, 17:07 #45941

    Excellent result, we got a bit lucky but thats cup footy for you. All the moaning from the scousers about what ifs is a waste of time. The result is the result. We look a much better balanced team when Flamini plays. Good to see the Ox doing well and Sanogo looks decent as a back up. He put himself about a bit which was nice to see. Its old ground I know but what might we do if we bought a decent centre forward. A 0-0 draw at Bayern will be a very good result. The roller coaster continues.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 16:37 #45940

    A good performance and well done to all especially the ox and podolski for the goals, a good old fashioned cup tie both teams going for it and more importantly being allowed to, (something i doubt we'll be allowed on Wednesday night)with thankfully Arsenal coming out on top playing a lot better than in the previous meeting with the scousers, and going someway to make up for the embarrassment and humiliation caused then especially as this win knocked the scousers out of the cup. Although it could have been something similar again if the scousers had taken advantage of the gifts presented to them at the start although flappy done well to deny them on more than one occasion but we can still see why he's called flappy (and will be for a long time providing he's still with us next season) as he very nearly cost us late on with his usual rush of blood. There were the expected changes although not as many as we thought, maybe he is taking it seriously or maybe he just hadn't many more options, sanogo was used instead of the cart horse and done alright but he's going to have to do a lot more to convince he's not just another sows ear and is this the time to be allowing inexperience like that to do so? like i said he probably has no other options, i'd imagine we'll not see him again until the next round of the cup. We're still in the cup with a damm good chance of winning it with another home game in the next round, get through that and then another favorable draw and you never know. Maybe the dark forces that we keep hearing about that are always at work to keep arsenal from winning anything have already declared our names on the cup, as they didn't seem to be at work yesterday especially the referees. And yes Kev what would an appearance at Wembley and lifting a domestic trophy do for the moral of everybody, as great and sweet as it was to get revenge and knock the scousers out of the cup yesterday we got nothing for it, so maybe the players could save their lap of honor or mini lap of honor if you like until we've get there and have actually won something.

  30. Better when ARS is against the wall

    Feb 17, 2014, 16:35 #45939

    Ill take Sonnogo over Bendtner anyday. At least the guy has some bottle and spirit. so pleased to see BT Sport has dropped Michael Owen and brought in Andy Gray as we might now get more objective commentating ? i hope Jose and others really attack us as we seem better with something to prove. i still expect nout against Munich however as they are a different kettle of fish

  31. nas

    Feb 17, 2014, 16:15 #45938

    Sanogo wasn't half bad. He's big , strong and hard working. His first touch is crap and his passing is very suspect but i was impressed by his strength. If he gets his act together he has the makings of a Drogba in him

  32. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:46 #45937

    DJ, even Wenger is not deluded enough to play Bendy against Bayern! No Wenger just used him for an excuse when he was being given some stick for not signing another striker. If Giroud fails to stay on the day job we are in trouble. Sanago lacks experience and looks a bit erratic anyway,how he will fare in away games is anyone's guess and Plod is not a centre-forward .

  33. DJ

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:39 #45936

    Jeff: I thought Bendtner must be injured til I read Wenger's comments that he was unlucky to be left out and looked sharp in training! To not even get on the bench instead of the naked wrestler Giroud shows how low he has sunk! Perhaps he is being saved for Bayern!!!

  34. DW Thomas

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:38 #45935

    I will criticize Wenger and the club till a trophy is won and they can show improvement in areas we have failed in years past. Yet, I am suckered in to thinking give him one last season to win something. If not time's up! There is no way he should be given a contract for as much as reported with nothing tangible to show for it. Mo was right. It's a results business. Yes we are run better than most, but he is on his last bit of reserve confidence built up by his early success. Bayern is the test and league. Winning the league would quiet many including me. FA Cup would be a start too. Without either of them it is failure again. Wenger got extremely lucky yesterday on so many levels. But I don't really care how we win, just win.

  35. Ron

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:28 #45934

    Jeff - Nor me mate. My BM prediction is purely a gut feeling, but now we ve got past Utd and Liv (twice) i suspect they ll play OK and relax and might just perform like heroes in the home leg and that BM will keep it tight and would take a very narrow loss. Arsene has a hard on for the CL youve got to remember too. We re highly unlikely to do any damage in Ger for a 2md time though.

  36. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:14 #45933

    The most glaring thing about yesterday's team selections by Wenger was the notable absence of the Danish car-vandalh. Wenger was talking him up during the last transfer window when his army of critics were pointing out that Giroud was his only experienced striker ,apart from Big Bendy. The fact that he was not even on the bench says it all about Wenger 's duplicity in his comments that he makes .

  37. Johnny Lynch

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:04 #45932

    Guardiola will be the latest Manager to show up Wenger for the second rate Manager he is .. Liverpool should have been two up inside ten minutes yesterday , Munich will not make the same mistake.. Wenger sent out a rookie for the FA Cup , granted that rookie played well , but the statement by the 8 million a year man resounded .. He has no regard for the trophy despite the FA CUP offering us the best chance to end the drought and no regard for the paying public.. Mourinho was completely justified in what he said about Wenger , the latter about to put his name onto a new contract to give us three more years of misery .. Anyone on this site who believes that Wenger will produce anything other than third/fourth place is certifiable . Wenger has become the curse of this great club.

  38. jetplane

    Feb 17, 2014, 15:01 #45931

    Think everyone is enjoying this cup run now and plenty of teams have been serious about it. Scousers gave it some but like John said, Arsenal beat them despite possibly underperforming though with the changes and Flamini have an inspired return, and Sanogo at least playing a good doorman job (something Bendy should know is not just about doors) and Ox having a commanding presence, there was plenty of grit in the performance. Thumbs up to Wenger! for really sticking Maureen in the doghouse with a few measured words. Quite impressive really and let us hope it undermines chav stability. Thought Everton finally came very good so that will be a tough one but I think Wenger is beginning to sense that any trophy of a silver type is one worth chasing. Gotta say it is an endless fascination watching Ozil settle his velvety self into the bang wallop of the PL. May be the perfect start for him. Ron - goofy cannibal ha ha!

  39. underacheiver

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:55 #45930

    I thought ozil had an excellent game, seemed far more motivated, faster, kept possesion well and good passing. Lets hope it continues on Wednesday. Also Podolski should be given far more minutes on the pitch. His goals per minute played must be amongst the best in the premiership. What has Wenger got against him?

  40. JAMIE

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:53 #45929

    Great result in the end against a team who loves to hoof, dive and always seem to be in their eyes hard done by. Lost count of the times we've been done by officials against them, well at least Suarez and the rest of the Liverpool cloggers can go home complaining that they're always the victims which they seem to thrive on. The AMG's were briefly aroused by the 'special ones' latest words of wisdom but like the AMG's Mourinho's words have proved to be a lot of old wind and bluster, like Mourinho these comedy characters have to learn they can't just go around giving it large to those more qualified to judge.

  41. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:53 #45928

    It's true that you do need a bit of luck in the Cups and home advantage is always a plus,or should be. Tbh Ron I have seen nothing since November to suggest that we will beat BM ,even in the first leg, we will need some luck to do it and also to find some form. I'm certain that Wenger is not bothered about the FAC but he keeps needing it to try and gloss over the poor results in the league ,even so he still took a gamble by resting players for the BM clash and he won even though our performance was far from being convincing. If Rodger's or Wenger could have chose which game they had to lose out of their last two meetings then we all know which one that would be. All of this revenge is a dish best served cold makes for good tabloid headlines but there is a big difference between a la carte and a Big Mac.

  42. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:40 #45926

    Probable team for Wednesday: Szczesny, Sagna, BFG, Kos, Gibbs, Ox, Flamini, JW, Rosicky/Cazorla, Giroud, Ozil. We still look vulnerable when opposition in possession of ball with both Cazorla & Ozil on pitch together. Neither are likely to win the ball back which puts more pressure on team mates to compensate. They are almost clones of each other with Santi having the harder shot & Ozil a better range of passing, especially when we counter attack at speed. If Ozil played behind the Liverpool front three he's go up another gear & they would be nigh unbeatable.

  43. Ron

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:31 #45925

    Hi Jeff - Oh yes, HW loves himself to death, no doubts there. Refs do have discretion though in the circs he faced and to be honest, exersizing it against that little s--t Suarez is understandable. Liverpool are a decent side now and youre right too that St Gerro should have gone. Fact is, hes got to more or less take a gun on to the pitch and shoot a player to get sent off though. Hes cheated, conned, dived and sythed his way through the last 10 years and been barely troubled by refs. Arsenal got lucky too, but thats Cup football as you know, the luck could go Evertons way next time for all we know and we ll need to play better to beat them. Its not a foregone conclusion we ll win. Im still not convinced either that Wengers that bothered if we progress or exit. He d like too, but wont push the boat out to make it happen. If Munich take us out his approach is likely to change though. On that point, i think we could win in the week (ive predicted 1-0), but over 2 legs its goodnight i suspect.Needs to give the Pod a few games, esp v BM, to whom he has a point to prove. Hes the only player we have who can shoot true and we re going to need players to chance their arm with a few hits over the next few games as we re going to spend time on the ropes for a fair amount of time. The FAC s winnable with the right approach now, despite the blue mancs being there still. Im tipping them to beat Barca over 2 legs, so theyll have bigger fish to fry by March im guessing. I love the FAC. C mon Gunners. Spuds Liv and Everton and likley Man C, (if all beaten) makes a case for us deserving it surely?

  44. DW Thomas

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:29 #45924

    Good win. Sanogo did alright, but his first touch needs work. We got lucky but I'll take wins like that all the way to a trophy. Love or hate him, Suarez is fun to watch. He makes something out of nothing and had tons of chances. Had we not made an idiotic bid last summer and actually bought him Ozil would have 20+ assists by now! Many get on Ozil's back but his pass to get Ox the assist was top drawer. Maybe Sanogo and Poldi should play more now simply in lieu of Girouds pre game shenanigans?

  45. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:23 #45923

    All this talk about a pen,when sterling should of walked.simply not good enough that he did not walk, nor that the press have ignored it over a pen the reff did not give And he was closer than anyone.-can you think what we would be lisning to if wrighty did it.?it would of been game over then.thought sango played well.priceless to see Liverpool take the loss so badly.the cl game and cup final they cheated us out of is still a loan which I hope we repay with interest sometime.

  46. Dan h

    Feb 17, 2014, 14:07 #45922

    They have no one to blame but themselves wasting gilt edged chances at the start.The first goal yesterday was vital more so after last week.Gerrard was always going to get the benefit of being England capt just like Robson,Terry,Shearer before him.For Sterling he was the one that 100% should of walked don't remember anyone sticking up for Petit on Gerkin i mean Durkin back in the day!FA rules state sending off offence no if's or buts.

  47. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:53 #45921

    Hi Ron, it looked like a foul to me under the laws of the game even though Suarez did writhe about drama wise after hitting the ground. Gerrard should have been sent off though so my take on it all is that Webb was playing god again . I see the Flambo myth is up and running again ,it's true that he did put himself about, and got his normal macho-man booking ,but in reality only a couple of good saves from Flappy and Sturridge's poor finishing prevented Liverpool from beating us . The same Liverpool that were fortunate to beat Fulham a few days before. But as they say why let the truth stand in the way of a good story.

  48. Ron

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:39 #45920

    Jeff - As i recall there are about 10 offences in the box that allow a pen. At best, Chamberlain 'charged' the goofy canniball. No kick, no attempt to kick etc. The goof leapt like a salmon in the Tay, why was that if the 'offence' was so heinous? Webb got it right. The Liverpool loving media are a bunch of inept, incompetent, ignorant c--ts who have whipped up a pro Liverpool wave of hysteria that most are following as usual. It wasnt a pen. In fact, Saurez needed booking for his con. Well reffed Howard. Youre no longer 'Fergies r--t boy' Brave too.

  49. au revoir wenger

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:29 #45919

    great cup tie and great atmosphere and i am sure it will be the same against Everton. Wenger should make the f.a cup his priority as it is our best chance of a trophy

  50. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:25 #45918

    Webb's performance yesterday was atrocious and the claims that he is our best referee only shows how poor the rest are. Webb ,perhaps due to his previous plod training, likes to play at being god and to judge for himself what actions he should take instead of applying the letter of the law . He's always done this even when he was in charge of the World Cup final .He put himself in the position,due to his own earlier favouring Liverpool with a couple of wrong decisions such as the second Gerrard foul one , where he did not want to award a second penalty to Liverpool . This was all down to Webb's own incompetence. For me a Bafta award should have gone to Wenger with his energetic arm waving kicking-every ball histrionics and the pained facial expressions of a football manager who cared passionately about winning the FAC . The master of illusion at his best. Let's hope that it's not back to sitting in the dug-out struggling with his sleeping bag zip persona on Wednesday night .

  51. John

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:25 #45917

    Good result. We're currently not playing as well as we can and we got the win against a team that I don't think can play better which is a very good sign. As has already been stated I think Flamini makes a big difference but mainly because Wilshere lacks the discipline to play the role. Last week Wilshere lost his head and instead of adopting a clever approach got angry, ill-disciplined and embroiled in unnecessary petty incidents.

  52. Peter Wain

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:15 #45916

    So typical of the media all about the penalty that Liverpool never got. Cazorla's brutal assault by the Liverpool centre half totally ignored. I though Sanogo looked quite useful and gave the Liverpool centre halves lots of problems considering the lack of service from mid field.

  53. Ron

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:14 #45915

    theopants ... Mate . you'd be superior to what ever BT Sport offered up. The fact of Gray being superior tells its own story. Arse you sure he mentioned Gerrard? All if heard was lots of 'Steven's', in fact Gray seemed to be tongue tied with the name Gerrard, but it could have been his tongue stuck up his saintly hero's rectum for an hour and a half that was impeding his speaach i suppose.


    Feb 17, 2014, 13:02 #45914

    A good result even if the performance was questionable. It speaks volumes for the benefits of having pace (Ox-chambo) and finishing prowess (Poldi) in the team. I agree with Westlower (for once) in that I was pleasantly surprised by Sanogo's performance - He could do with some serious work on his first touch and finishing, but that will improve significantly with match practice. What concerned me was how Liverpool were able to split the defence time and again with relatively simple - if well executed - passes. This is the Mickey Mousers we're talking about, not Barcelona, we shouldn't have to hang on at home against that rubbish, even with the odious diver in their team. I agree with Howard Webb about the pen - Suarez was looking for it, had clearly lost control of the ball and from H Webb's angle it looked like a robust shoulder charge from the Ox. I say fair decision and crack on whinging jammy scumbags.

  55. theopants superstar

    Feb 17, 2014, 13:00 #45913

    In fairness to Andy Gray - the one analyst who does actually know the game well and someone I, for one, am happy to see back on our screens - he did mention that Gerrard was lucky not to get another yellow card for the tackle and that Stirling was a 'lucky boy' not to get sanctioned for touching the ref. Although disappointed that he didn't make as much of the tackle on Cazorla, Gray is certainly superior to anyone else BT Sport has on.

  56. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:55 #45912

    [email protected]: mate, both BT Sport and Five seem to be where old commentators go to be put out to grass. Even one of the better ones, Martin Tyler, still on Sky, seems to be just turning up for the cheque. He did the Man Utd-Fulham game and every time the ball got near the 18-yard box he just said umpteen variations on "a goal now would really change things". All I kept hearing yesterday was Liverpool this, Liverpool that, Sturridge 6 goals in a row, Liverpool scored in their last 14 games, the game at Anfield was all over after 18 minutes.......oh, by the way Arsenal have just taken the lead.

  57. Peter

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:46 #45911

    I really dont think Liverpool will be too upset to lose yesterday.Their season is now a 12 game season.No Europe no cups.Just 3 points behind us their difficult games unlike ours are at home.If anyone believes we can win the league you must believe the Mickeys can finish above us.What we had yesterday which we didnt have in the previous two games was the fight and leadership of Flamini and the pace of the Ox.It showed how important pace is in the modern game which we lacked so badly last week.I would play a midfield of Flamini Ozil Jack and the Ox v Bayern as i dont see Ozil and Cazorla working in a big game.Will we beat them i very much doubt it.

  58. Moscow Gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:42 #45910

    Kev - you're saying we could have problems filling the ground for the game versus Everton?! These are surely the games you would walk to the Emirates through a snow storm for! FA Cup quarter final - and just a couple of games away from our first trophy in nine long long years... We are not a Sunderland or a Wigan. The only ones likely to skip this one for a few quid off the season ticket price are the 'arrive ten minutes late/leave fifteen minutes early brigade' - and good riddance frankly.

  59. DJ

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:34 #45909

    Just a word on the atmosphere yesterday. I thought it was rocking and showed how much 90% of us fans crave a trophy even if it is just the FA Cup! Hopefully, this win will have a positive effect on the rest of our season. Also Mr Wenger please pick Podolski and Chamerlain it gives the team balance and pace.

  60. radfordkennedy

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:11 #45908

    Weare building...about BTsport commentary did you hear it during the United game the Ian Darke michael Owen Man u fan club-love in was nauseating the only time that Owen changed that irritating mono voice is when they had the ball it was all he could do to stop himself shouting c'mon united,and I agree with you regarding Gray funny no-one wanted to talk about how the hell Gerard stayed on the pitch only the penalty that wasn't given,I thought hansen and shearer were biased but BTsport is unreal

  61. Wenger Out

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:10 #45907

    Kev you could have summed up the game in just three words.FLAMINI IS BACK.Without him we are a powder puff them with him we have steel and leadership in the side.Its a blessing that Arteta is banned for Bayern

  62. Clive the Gooner

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:06 #45906

    Great team performance, I thought Sanago had a good debut looked strong and put in more effort than Bendtner. We seemed to have more pace up front, something that has been missing of late, and this helps Ozil's game. Never been Fabianski's biggest fan but thought he was immense yesterday. I think holding out for this result was important for the rest of our season, lets hope so.

  63. JJB

    Feb 17, 2014, 12:02 #45905

    The liverpool friendly press seem quite eager to gloss over the fact that Sterling & Gerrard should have been sent off, and the foul on cazorla from skertel was arguably as blatant as the Ox's foul! But football Karma is in full effect......henchoz cheated us in 01 and Gerrard dived to win them the CL! Which makes yesterday's victory even more sweet...Despite the 5-1 aberration, we have played the city of pity 3 times and won twice...and they actually think they will win the league this season....brilliant!

  64. Mike

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:50 #45904

    Why wasn't Suarez at the BAFTA's last night?

  65. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:48 #45903

    LFC had more of the chances, AFC were clinical in the chances they did get. The penalty? 1st one was a gift, (LP shouldn't have tried the tackle) 2nd one, in real time they came together so fast I don't think he could have give it. Anyway, it was Suarez so who's complaining? Sanogo did well, made a nuisance of himself. As usual St Stephen of Gerrard has it in his contract that he can't get sent off. Well played AFC, it was almost like the good old days of a 5th round do-or-die tie at Highbury. BT Sport; commentary a disgrace. They seemed to think only one team was actually playing. Andy Gray, crawl back underneath what ever stone you came from.

  66. chris dee

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:46 #45902

    Blimey what a downbeat report! It seems to have upset Kev. Cheer up mate we've had worse results than this one. Sonogo?Excellent performance!Jenkinson? 'Was troubled by Sterling a few times'.Not as troubled as Sagna was when Sterling scored twice in the 5-1 deafeat at Anfield.

  67. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:43 #45901

    Completely agree about the Stephane Henchoz incident as a more blatant handball you'll never see. Where I do disagree is with the performance of Sanogo. He came across as a rough diamond with pace, stamina & strength. Considering he's been out since August & recently only played for half a game in the reserves he did remarkably well. Not blessed with Anelka's ball control & dribbling skills but much more robust & intimidating. Anyone who can give BFG a black eye must be intimidating! For a 21 year old having only his 22nd senior game speaks volumes for his potential. He didn't make his professional debut until 2011/12, partly due to suffering a broken tibia in 2010/11, and scored 11 goals from 21 appearances for Auxerre. Played 56 times, scoring 34 goals at U-16 through to U-21 level for France. He was France's leading scorer with 4 goals when they won FIFA U-20 World Cup. In racing parlance 'he could be anything'. Maybe he's the reason we didn't sign a striker in Jan- time will tell. I obviously rate his talent more than Kevin does, as he comes across to me as a Giroud type with pace. Finally, well done Fabianski, you made a few people reassess your goalkeeping prowess.

  68. Ron

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:34 #45899

    Just quote CL 2008 to them. They cheated the penalty that night on top of 2001 when they cheated the FAC. The enjoyment of beating them could only have been heightened by them having a 3rd 'stonewall' (how i detest that word) pen denied and Saint Steven sent off as he should have been. In other words, boll---s Rodgers, f--k off!

  69. GoonerRon

    Feb 17, 2014, 11:25 #45897

    When I saw the teams it was a 'changed' line up but didn't feel too 'weakened' to me. When Wenger says we have an 'even squad' I can see what he means. Yes, Liverpool should have had a penalty but hardly anyone has mentioned Cazorla getting taken out by Skrtel for what should have been a penalty for us. I thought Sanogo did really well in occupying their experienced CB's - I certainly came away from the game thinking that whilst he is raw, he is a viable option in that his pace and physicality could provide a good platform for us to work from, if he was required. And for my money, I don't call this a fortuitous victory - teams each put 11 players out to score more than the other side - we took our chances and our reserve GK is miles better than theirs. God knows, we've been on the receiving end of such results and been called profligate, want-to-walk-the-ball-in-the-net etc and I don't recall our opponents ever being called lucky. Lastly, we never got the penalty for Kuyt's foul on Hleb in the CL 2008 which still wrankles with me even now - what goes around comes around.