The Suarez Who Cried Wolf

Con the ref and in the end you will not get justice

The Suarez Who Cried Wolf

I’m a football coach for children between the ages of 6 and 14. Most of them are honest, but some, who are even as young as 6 now dive and feign injury. I recall one serial offender holding his leg in pain and my initial split second reaction was here we go again. But on this occasion the kid was genuinely hurt and he needed a couple of minutes to get back up and play on. It bothered me that my first reaction was unfair to this child, but in my defence he was a constant cheat who always pretended to be injured! So after the coaching session, I told him and the rest of the group the story of the boy who cried wolf and how it relates to diving and injury feigning.

David Ginola was linked into the tale and many of you will remember the time when the Newcastle star was sent off at Highbury in a cracking Cup tie in 1996. This was for two yellow cards offences and the second caution was for a perceived dive. However, TV replays showed that Lee Dixon had actually fouled him and that the sending off was the wrong decision.

Ginola felt hard done by, but it was his reputation that led the referee to believe he was cheating. The same thing happened to our own Robert Pires after the incident against Pompey at Highbury in 2003. As a result Pires ended up on the end of many bad decisions when he was genuinely fouled. If we’re honest then we have to admit that he had to take some blame for that. They say that we don’t mind diving when it’s our own players, but some of us do mind. Opinions on diving have to be across the board and consistent to have any credibility. It’s wrong, it’s against the spirit of the game and there should be no place for it.

I watched Sunday’s Liverpool game on TV and when Luis Suarez went down in the box at 2-1, my first reaction was that the striker was looking for the foul and that Oxlade-Chamberlain hardly touched him. On seeing the replay, it was a clear penalty. What mattered was Howard Webb’s split second reaction and he didn’t have the benefit of the replay.

Suarez should have been given the decision, but he’s simply paying the consequences of his actions. For every genuine foul he is denied, it just makes up for every dishonest one he gained through cheating. As goes the game as goes life, and in life if someone is a proven liar then you have to treat everything they say with suspicion. Sometimes they may be telling the truth, but always in the back of your mind will be the knowledge that this person is capable of being a misleading bulls***ter.

The contradiction in football is that players and managers demand mistake-free refereeing, yet constantly do their best in trying to make referees make the wrong decision. My advice to young players is not to dive. You may fool people a few times at the beginning, but in the end you’ll end up being the one moaning about the lack of justice.

Matthew Bazell is the author of Theatre of Silence: The Lost Soul of Football.

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  1. Ozzie

    Feb 22, 2014, 8:08 #46236

    I am a biased Gooner but have to admit Suarez is a joy to watch and cant help feeling the Arse would have been seriously looking at two trophies had he been in our side. Arsenal just cant crack the jackpot with their signings, can they? I would have paid the ransom to Liverpool along with Walcott; this bloke is a genius as well as a cheat.

  2. Th14afc

    Feb 19, 2014, 22:47 #46066

    Finsbury...u can only dream about ur precious spuds playing bayern in the champions league,enjoy ur Thursday night channel 5 low quality football...the gunners gave a great account of themselves until the red card which competely ruined the game...ah well cud b worse,we cud b support that mob from down the road

  3. Enfield Eric

    Feb 19, 2014, 22:25 #46065

    Hi Finsbury Gooner! Take good care of yourself in Russia on Thursday night.

  4. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 19, 2014, 22:18 #46064

    Oh dear, oh dear. Let's hope next year, Arsenal are replaced by a British team that will give the ECL a real go as opposed to going out every year in the first knockout round. This result and performance will now cause calamity with domestic performances. All downhill from now....until wenger departs


    Feb 19, 2014, 21:49 #46063


  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 19, 2014, 12:35 #46047

    Wombledon, and the biggest offender of them all? scouser Jamie (no body can understand on sky) Carragher.

  7. Matthew Bazell

    Feb 19, 2014, 12:31 #46045

    Champions League Final 2005. Gerrard dives and gets the pen. Champions League last 16 2008. 2-2 at Anfield. We're going through on away goals. Liverpool player runs in the box, falls over gets pen and we're out. FA Cup 2001. Handball denies Henry a goal. Nothing given. 2014: Karma

  8. JAMIE

    Feb 19, 2014, 12:24 #46043

    Teams like Liverpool, Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea and Tottenham have it in their DNA to dive. There's barely a game goes by when one of these puts on the histrionics. They also all use the old trick of rotational fouling, which English referees let them get away with. Watch how these teams managers in Europe complain like mad when they're having to play on a level playing field and the referees don't pander to their anti-football. Just be glad Wenger never allows Arsenal to sink to these depths, which is why it will be more the sweeter when we win something.

  9. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 19, 2014, 12:14 #46041

    Any LFC fans still bitter might want to recall their hero Mr G, who won them a penalty at Sheffield Utd in 2006 without even being fouled. If you remember, the challenge came in, he swerved it, and then went down. The penalty was given, unbelievably, for "the intent".

  10. vintage gooner

    Feb 19, 2014, 12:00 #46040

    There is another side to the point being well made by this article. Referees are naturally reluctant to give penalties and players learn very early that if they stay on their feet when challenged then they are very unlikely to get a penalty with the referee considering that they have 'played on'. In the circumstances the fall and the play acting are often only forcing the ref to face up to making the right decision. So the issue may well turn also on improving refereeing performance.

  11. radfordkennedy

    Feb 19, 2014, 11:47 #46039

    Were as good as through to the next round of the CL fellas,panic over,Alan Brazil this morning said he fancied munich to win 2-1 and coming from someone who couldn't tip a dustbin it makes the 4-1 odds on us winning tonight virtually stealing money.

  12. Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Feb 19, 2014, 9:14 #46034

    Still Suarez is an immense player and if he had his wish he would be playing for the Arse right about now and we'd be on our way to at least a double... small margins... Maybe in the summer? The grievers will bend over for enough money i'm sure!

  13. chris dee

    Feb 19, 2014, 8:45 #46031

    I absolutely abhor diving by players unless of course an Arsenal player dives and wins us a trophy.Then I would have to give the matter some thought.After thinking for 2 seconds I would be celebrating the victory.

  14. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Feb 19, 2014, 8:40 #46030

    Why is this article controversial? It's saying that Webb had a split second to see the incident and make a decision. Suarez has a well deserved reputation for simulation, inter alia, and that may well have affected how Webb saw the incident. Pre-disposition. If you look at the architecture of his falling to the floor it was grossly exaggerated. He imparted a sort of spinning motion which suggests that he did it from a fixed point ( ie he could have stayed on his feet) If he had just fallen on the floor as a result of the collision the result might have been different. Suarez turned a genuine foul into a triple pike and sulko and thus failed to get a penalty. Liverpool fans should be angry with him, not Howard Webb.

  15. Westlower

    Feb 19, 2014, 7:39 #46029

    No mention of the shirt tugging and strong-arm wrestling that Skrtel usually indulges in at corners & free kicks. How many penalties should have been awarded against Liverpool this season? The refs have been as kind to Skrtel as they always have been to Stevie G. I hope this kindness continues when they play Chelsea & Man City at Anfield.

  16. Wombledon

    Feb 19, 2014, 6:56 #46028

    Oh feck off, always picking on the strikers for the odd half-dive or preemptive fall while the dirty niggling cheating shoving grabbing fouling defenders get away with murder left right and centre at every corner, set-piece, constantly fouling. Why don't you write a twatty sanctimoneous little article about that. The strikers can hardly get into the penalty area half the time or get a decent shot away the game is so weighed in favour of defending.

  17. got ya in my webb

    Feb 19, 2014, 2:47 #46027

    yeah,watched the game too from China at midnight,so it was the Webb again and knew it was game over for Liverpool. The game had already been won by matter who did what...but thanks to both teams for the entertainment. it's better watching a game and knowing the result rather than moaning over a blatant in LIES the result. I'm proud of Liverpool and it's players but shocked sometimes by the lack of FIFA to use technology when it comes to important decisions...the governing body that's fooling us all. hope Webb doesn't make the world cup finals again...that will be a shocker

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 23:26 #46026

    Matthew, maybe that was the idea all along?

  19. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 18, 2014, 23:15 #46025

    Suarez is a predator, just the sort of player Arsenal lack but wenger refuses to pay for. Only the referee prevented what would have been a just Liverpool victory, but we all know this team probably will not get past an Everton replay, and even if they do, they will never beat City, so it is all rather futile really. How many years will that be?

  20. Matthew Bazell

    Feb 18, 2014, 22:54 #46024

    One thing I like about the theme of these responses, is that it's turned into a Arsenal v Liverpool supporter dispute, as opposed to the usual Arsenal v Arsenal bickering. Good, this constant us v us is draining our souls.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 22:35 #46023

    I think it boils down to the fact that after the first mauling the scousers thought they just had to turn up to do the same again and they were in the next round. And their pissed because that didn't happen and they didn't have things their way this time, and being brought back down to earth with a sore arse hasn't helped.

  22. Don

    Feb 18, 2014, 22:02 #46022

    If Suarez was a Gooner everyone would love him and rightly so.Suarez is a wonderful player who tries his heart out every game.One thing i do know is if Suarez had joined us the title would be ours already.Player of the year by a country mile

  23. Stevieo

    Feb 18, 2014, 20:29 #46021

    The best thing about all this is the paranoia that scousers have always had with Webb being a manc. They are an embarrassment. And this is what makes me cringe when I hear Arsenal fans reeling off stats about how we never win with this or that ref because he is biased, or how the FA deliberately give us a tough schedule when there is CL game, etc. Leave that to the scousers, they're the experts. Also, the difference between the Henchoz and Kuyt infringements mentioned, were that certain goals were prevented. It's not as though Suarez was about to pull the trigger as he was veering off to the corner flag. And let's not forget the Fowler dive either. I know he told the ref it was no penalty (through sheer embarrassment of the dive), but I don't recall him tapping the penalty back to Seaman or deliberately blazing it wide. Victories like Sunday are made all the more sweeter under such circumstances, just like the England penalty in Sapporro over the cheating argies (won by a Liverpool player as I recall).

  24. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2014, 18:38 #46019

    Leaving aside Suarez and wolves howling at the moon the question is why has Webb failed to deal properly with numerous other incidents that clearly were fouls meriting red cards or penalties . De Jong in the World Cup final being one and then he later missed the foul that Spain committed in their build up to their winning goal - or more likely having realized that he had dropped a clanger earlier with De Jong he chose to ignore it. Webb is a bad referee end of and I doubt that Suarez's reputation and a boy crying wolf had anything to do with it . If he has this phobia about boys and Wolves then why did he award Suarez a penalty earlier in the game when Poldolski lumbered in on him? Could the reason be that Webb doesn't like Germans ! Most likely the real reason was that he thought it was a penalty and Suarez's reputation did not make any difference to his decision. As the actress said to the bishop ,you can't have your cake and eat it.

  25. lee afc

    Feb 18, 2014, 18:22 #46018

    Did Liverpool have more chances than us.....yes. did Liverpool deserve another penalty.....yes. Are they in the next round......NO..

  26. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 18:02 #46017

    Old Timer, nice post - I saw both those Liverpool Cup games, such different times, although Joe Baker's flattening of Ron Yeats was worth the entrance fee alone. Now even the pundits earn "millionaire's money" all for stating the bleeding obvious. I have been watching football for over 50 years and I would like to think I know what's going on in a game. Suarez did not get the second penalty because HW decided one penalty per game is enough and you know what I make him right. How many "stonewalls" have we had turned down over the years - it evens itself out. Anyway the penalties were not the key moments of the match - Sturridge's missed chances were, had he scored one of those 3 early openings we would have been well beaten.

  27. julesd

    Feb 18, 2014, 17:16 #46016

    Very well said, obviously Suarez has never read the story of the boy who cried wolf. Neither for that fact have the commentators on these shows.

  28. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 16:53 #46014

    Old Timer - Nice post. Yes, its a game of bitter and scowling supporters and players now. Coaches too. Hardly anybody is prepared to appreciate or even acknowledge the other teams qualities now. The teams dont help in that wins chased at ANY cost are the norm arent they. I recall non segregation too. 63/64 was my first match away at Aston Villa. Dad and i stood with the home fans. The habit of fans claiming their own 'ends' was well developed by then though and visitors avoided them for all the reasons that i found about upon going to the North Bank for the first time some 4 years later! I even recall going on to the Stretford End though as a Gunner in about 67. Must have had a death wish but survived it! Perhaps cos we lost!

  29. Chris

    Feb 18, 2014, 16:40 #46013

    Sodomising a member of the royal family? Surely he'd get knighted for that, in some cases.....

  30. Old Timer

    Feb 18, 2014, 16:20 #46012

    I started watching Arsenal as a youngster in the 1962/63 season when Liverpool had just been promoted to the First Division.Shankly had got them well organised and they had some excellent players. Lovely team, really friendly supporters (in those days fans weren't segregated).They knocked us out of the FA Cup in the 5th round at Highbury two years running, that season and the following one.In 62/63 we lost 1-2, and their winner was a penalty, one of the most bizarre I've ever seen conceded. The ball was crossed into our area and one of our players, think it was John Barnwell, just reached up and caught the ball. He thought the ref had blown for an infringement but the whistler was in fact in the crowd. Looking back what strikes me now is the Arsenal supporters' reaction - disappointment of course but an appreciation that a genuine albeit very unfortunate error had been made. No vitriolic attacks on the player, no derisive chanting. For that matter, no opining from TV pundits or analysis of the slo mo footage - in short no hysteria, no constant regurgitation in the media. Perhaps if we'd had social media we might have discovered a few nutters but the collective response at the time was surprisingly grown up.

  31. Gus Caesar's Curvaceous Bottom

    Feb 18, 2014, 15:58 #46010

    @ Apollogooner - Not quite as the ban was overturned on appeal, although the media hyperbole that followed that incident was quite astonishing, one would have thought Eduardo had sodomised a member of the royal family rather than make the most of what was minimal contact to win a penalty.

  32. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 15:57 #46009

    MG - Absolutely matey. If it was one of them, you d have that idiot Hansen and his gormless oaf sidekick Shearer saying ' there was contact so he was ENTITLED to go down' an other such sh--e. PLUS it would be 'Steven' or 'Wayne' who are entitled, not 'Grrard or Rooney'.

  33. ApolloGooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 15:16 #46008

    Am I right in thinking that Arsenal are still the only club to have a player (Eduardo) subsequently banned for diving after a media outcry?

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 15:07 #46007

    Ron, yes i go along with you on that and I'm quite sure the majority of Arsenal fans would as well (but after they stopped cheering)and i'm sure the players would still hug and congratulate Giroud and each other, and it would be very interesting to hear what Arsene had to say about it. But can you imagine what the meedja would be saying? my god there would be up roar, you can see the headlines now. But if it was St Stevie the scouser or shrek you'd hear or read very little about it, with excuses like they did what they had to do maybe even been made.

  35. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 18, 2014, 14:59 #46006

    Arsenal were not outplayed by Liverpool. We took our chances, they did not. Indeed, had Santi hit that volley dead on it would have been 3-1 and game over. The so-called "onslaught" was simply a side going out of the cup trying to (quite rightly) stay in the competition. I can't recall Arsenal being played off the park somehow. Anyway, re diving, blame the managers, not the players. The managers tell them to do it, then complain when the ref doesn't give them what they want. They're all the same.

  36. Mike

    Feb 18, 2014, 14:49 #46005

    Suarez is a brilliant player, but has built a dodgy reputation around himself beginning with a deliberate hand ball in the last minute of a game which prevented Ghana prgressing though to the semi finals - he can only sit down a blame himself in the end

  37. ApolloGooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 14:30 #46004

    I agree with the point this article is making but even taking that into account, there is NO EXCUSE for so-called top referees not giving what is a blatant penalty. Even if the players reputation causes a referee to have doubts. There was also NO EXCUSE for Webb missing the E'to kick on Suarez in the Chelsea game. I would like to see Webb held accountable for his mistakes. There are far too many result changing decisions he gets wrong. No set of fans in the country can take any moral high ground when it comes to diving players though. Sadly all teams have them. And its no longer just a foreign thing. Some of the worst culprits have been English players. The likes of Rooney, Ashley Young, Gerrard, Joe Cole. Even Wilshere has a tendency to go down too easily. Until punishments are handed out to these players uses TV evidence then I cant see an end to it.

  38. Chris

    Feb 18, 2014, 14:18 #46002

    Suarez dived for the first pen - he was kicked by Pod but he dived over face first to make the point and maybe it wouldn't have been given if he hadn't. That shows the beginnings of the grey line that demarcates 'cheating' from what is at worst 'gamesmanship'. It isn't as simple or clear-cut as it looks, in my opinion.

  39. P

    Feb 18, 2014, 14:10 #46000

    Rightly said Ron...

  40. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 14:03 #45999

    MG - A great moral and sporting dilemma that one my friend isnt it. Wdt it be nice if said Captain did and Coaches did too. Its all it would take to humiliate the cheats and give the game some of its integrity back. Im a big believer in destiny and think that in those circs you describe, the team who suffers are often motivated and rewarded better in the 2nd game as a result of such injustices. For me, a win like that wdt be celebrated and id condemn the Club for tolerating it and the offender as a dirty cheat, even if it was Arsenal.The said fact is that the players in the game know and tell each other theyve conned the ref and laugh together about doing it. Theres an attitude of ' i done you there mate, match that if you can next time'! The refs have no chance really as all conspire willingly against them.For the record, ive said Webb got it right. There was contact, but it wasnt a deliberate charge and there was no kick or attempt to kick. It was a clash of bodies. Suarez knew it too hence his barmy leap in the air like a dolphin on heat. Refs have a discretion on these matters. Mere contact doesnt equal foul, for either a free kick or a pen. Some fans need to learn the law of the game.

  41. Sean

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:52 #45998

    Oh the Irony from a team that regularly supported the diving if Pires and Ljungberg and a manager who failed to see any of it.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:52 #45997

    Yes the cheating certainly catches up with you very quickly now, as the biggest cheat in the game Suarez has found out and he has only himself to blame for that, his manager and team mates also have to take some responsibility as well as his teams fans for being quite happy for him to do it and then reap the rewards, thankfully he's now been found out and the rewards are becoming less. Talking of rewards if it's 0-0 with five minutes to go against Bayern tomorrow night and Giroud dives looking for a pen will our captain run to the ref and shout no pen no pen? will arsene come running off the touchline waving his arms pleading for it not to be given? and just as Giroud plants the pen in the top corner will the fans boo or cheer?

  43. Dave

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:40 #45995

    The moral point that this article is trying to make is correct. However, regardless of any previous reputation, when a player is taken out of the game GBH style by an opposition player moving in the opposite direction then previous reputations should be wholly irrelevant. It was a shocking decision. Given that Arsenal have moaned all season about decisions going in favour of their rivals then I think you should just accept that you have been gifted a place in the next round after being outplayed by Liverpool again, and accept it gracefully.


    Feb 18, 2014, 13:37 #45994

    Ha ha, a lot of very bitter Mickey Mousers on here - Although I imagine they only have a very tenuous connection to the city of Liverpool itself... You'd have thought they'd have been a bit less whiney considering the amount they've fluked over the years - I seem to remember a CL quarter final when a very soft penalty was given against Kolo Toure when we were due to go through.

  45. GoonerD

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:34 #45993

    Hard to think of a player who never cheated the ref, one way or another. Some are more blatant offenders (like Suarez) than others (like Shearer). Simple fact that Arsenal at 2/3 strength were good enough to beat Liverpool at full strength, even after 5-1.

  46. Paul

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:33 #45992

    The idea that Webb was against Pool is this match is surely negated by the fact that Pool did get a pen (soft one) and that he spoke to sterling when he poked him in the chest. No one could have complained if that was a straight red. Again, no second yellow for Stevie G. So what Pool supporters want everyone to believe is that this bias was only evident for this pen? That makes no sense at all.

  47. Matthew Bazell

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:26 #45991

    Hey Stan, you call me an idiot 'fact' yet said nothing to counter the point of the article! You just went on a tirade of childish predictions. Go on pal, have another try and one that actually relates to the question in hand. Go on, you can do it.

  48. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:10 #45989

    Red Del - i used to have alot of respect for Liverpool FC mate and by the way, i love Liverpool as a City. Ive got family there and go often so im not sniping for the sake of it. The Club has eroded it though over the years since the PL formation. Im prety sure Bill Shankly would turn in his grave at whats gone on there and in football generally for that matter if the great fella knew. Yes, we were lucky v Liverpool on Sunday. Thats the Cup for you. I disagree that past games shouldnt influence perpectives on these things. Its just convenient for you to take that view in the light of those past games in which Liverpool benefitted unfairly, so youre being disingenous there with all due respect. Swings and roundabouts and all that. Had some great seasions in 'the Arkle' mate when ive been at Anfield with your fans down the years. Great respect for your fans and the Everton lads too.

  49. Paul

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:07 #45988

    Suarez was diving a lot in this match, acting as if someone broke his leg or something. The facial expressions say it all. Then pen he got was so soft, it was a con job, that is why you see Podolski laughing. The free kick that led up to the non-pen call was no free kick at all in the first place. Red del, the game was not one by luck but by taking chances that were presented. Pool supporters are so blinkered on this one.

  50. Mark

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:03 #45987

    Good article Matthew, although have to point out that Ginola was sent of for an elbow on Lee Dixon in '96 which the cameras missed initially but the linesman didn't, the replay showed him nailing Dixon and getting a red. Cracking game though, remember Wrighty's bizarre first goal that swerved so viscously Srnicek ended up diving the wrong way!

  51. declan burke

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:01 #45986

    Absolutely spot on (pardon the pun) If you study the replay you see Howard Webb smiling as he is shaking his head and waving a finger as if to say ''no way''. Genuinely I thought it was a foul but the total exaggeration in Suarez reaction swayed Webb

  52. Mark

    Feb 18, 2014, 13:00 #45985

    You say he is paying for his serial cheating and peope still go on about his "reputation". You and everyone else must admit that he has cleaned his act up 100% in the last 18 months where he has not dived at all. He is trying hard to cut out the rubish. So serial diver he is not anymore and his reputation should be well behind him. Webb has an issue with LFC when you put the 3 key decisions V Chelski and then the non penalty on Sunday. None were hard decisions but all went against LFC and Webb needs to answer for this reputation

  53. RedDel

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:54 #45983

    Ron, show some respect. Liverpool fans respect Wenger and it's clear Rodgers is doing a great job. Why comment on a match from 13 years ago. Things don't even out, everything needs to be assessed on it's own merits. Arsenal fans, be happy you got through while getting a bit of luck, I believe all the blogs attacking Suarez are because you know you got away with it

  54. Peter Wain

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:54 #45982

    it is all very well to complain about the Suarez penalty but what about the challenge on Cazorla. This was also a penalty but as usual it is totally ignored by the media.

  55. Gus Caesar's Curvaceous Bottom

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:53 #45981

    @ Slick - Delighted to hear you will be watching tomorrow, I guess you, like all Liverpool fans, are at a loose end this week.

  56. P

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:52 #45980

    I honestly don't understand some fans. You should stop giving excuses for why you lost. Refs are not perfect and so many decisions have gone away against so many teams, Arsenal alike. Liverpool lost the match, whether a penalty was awarded or not. Arsenal at least needed no penalties to make their score. One question though, did it occur to you that if Gerrard had been sent off Liverpool could not have even had a penalty, or might have lost by a wider goal margin. why are we whining. Arsenal won, painful for liverpool but the truth is you move on. some decisions favour you and some don't. Life itself is not fair.

  57. Ozil

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:50 #45979

    it's really embarrassing to see Arsenal fans comparing Suarez cheat to Arsenal players Pires and Caz. Pires obviously dived a blatant one and may 1 o3 others, but he wasn't a cheat because diving was a habit for him. no no. And Cazorla? well, it's just ridiculous to suggest Cazorla is a diver; he's actually one of those players who refused to dive even when they were clearly fouled in the penalty area. just watch Caz youtube clips to see evidence of that. Is there any other players comparable to Suarez? the answer is yes but they don't play for Arsenal; they play for Liverpool, Sir Gerard and Manu Sirs Young and Rooney. So for those liverpool fans who came here to bark: you have two world class divers so you just deal with refs.ignoring your penalty appeals. But I don't understand this outrage against Webb's bad decisions against liverpool, it was obvious other important decisions in Liverpool's favour; Caz should have had a pen, Ozil could have had a pen, Gerard would have been sent off, and Sanogo could have had at least 4 fouls.

  58. nev the red

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:44 #45978

    B******s mate. it is openseason Suarez; it takes soemthing close to GBH before he wins a penalty, see the Norwich away game last season where the centre half would have been prosecuted if the attack had been outside the ground!! but he then ran at the ref claiming diving. liverpool outplayed Arsenal in the second half, again, lets see where we both finish come the end of May

  59. Ron

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:41 #45977

    Webb had a poor game, but Saurez's form as a serial cheat worked against him as the original poster says. Its a shame as hes a great player but with the personality of a dung beetle. These things even out over the course of time though. Many Arsenal fans still recall FAC Final 2001 when Henchez played as Liverpools '2nd goal keeper' yet no pens given for his delibetate hand balls and also 2008 when Liverpool conned a pen 2 mins after it was back to 2-2 with Liverpool being played to death as they had been in 2001. 2 wrongs dont make a right in life but it was good to see some pay back last Sunday. Will Liverpool learn from it? I doubt it with that lightweight, windbag Rodgers fannying about up there.How ever did his like become the coach of such a great Club?

  60. PatrickTheRed

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:39 #45976

    I don't think Suarez is a diver more than any other striker in England who gets tackled a lot in the box. I think he accentuates to make sure the ref sees it but there's always contact. I remember seeing Cazorla going down in the Liverpool box in a similar way that upset the Liverpool defenders but fans only notice it when other players do it to them.

  61. Paul

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:36 #45975

    This is simply the truth. Why are Liverpool supporters so hurt by this game. Webb missed many calls and on both sides. Upon review, Webb did the wrong thing by letting Sterling stay on and Stevie also. The idea that the calls were one sided is so bogus. Pool fans you are embarrassing yourselves, get real and move on. Stan, the thing is Arsenal are at least in it to get kicked out. That means a lot.

  62. AlLFC

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:31 #45974

    I feel the ref got many things wrong including the penalty as said by two other top refs and Winterburn your own player.

  63. patrick

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:27 #45973

    I think Webb just didn't have the nuts to give two penalties so close together. If the Chamberlain tackle happened before the Podolski one Webb would've done the same and given Liverpool a penalty for the Chamberlain tackle and then not the Podolski tackle. English referees are just rubbish and always trying to even out their decisions even when one team is doing worse things than the other. Referees should look at every tackle and judge it only on that and not earlier ones. Like, "I didn't give Suarez that penalty so I can't send Gerrard off" etc.


    Feb 18, 2014, 12:24 #45972


  65. Red

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:22 #45971

    Agree with some of this but makes you laugh when Arsenal fans never criticised Robert Pires in his Arsenal days of diving. How pompous fans can be when the boot is on the other foot.

  66. Ozil

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:20 #45970

    two Livpool fans here commenting on Arsenal blog, strange! and one of them says "hoof ball here we come" funny stuff. redrock Suarez is a cheat whether he plays for Arsenal or Liverpool wouldn't change fans minds. Ask every fan in the world of football then will tell you that he's simply one the worst cheats we had. In fact, we're talking about a penalty he didn't get but you're penalty was a result of his cheating; not a genuine foul. You should go to do your ****s on your blogs and leave our blog pleasse. and Stan where do you think Liverpool will finish? 7th? that's where you deserve actually.

  67. Stan

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:16 #45969

    Matthew your an idiot ( FACT ) Bayern will knock use OUT,then EVERTON.Then arse-anal will finish 5th in the premier league...

  68. aa

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:08 #45968

    slick Feels good to have beaten liverfool 2 out of 3 gamaes.. Liverpool out of all cups lmao will collapse now

  69. redrock

    Feb 18, 2014, 12:05 #45967

    shame on you....i wonder what you would have said if Suarez was playing for Arsenal.

  70. slick

    Feb 18, 2014, 11:59 #45966

    the only way you win is by the ref cheating for you, can't wait for your game tomorrow. hoof ball here we come