A Tortured Sol?

Reaction to Sol Campbell’s recent claim regarding race and the England captaincy

A Tortured Sol?

Now, let’s set one thing straight before we go any further with this article; racism certainly wasn’t abolished with an Act of Parliament back in, say 1981, or whenever, as some apologists for racism in society often like to portray. It’s still out there and is often deeply (if only subconsciously) ingrained in the collective psyche of what is, in essence, the aftermath of Britain’s mammoth and, very often in these modern times, under-scrutinised colonial story. Overt racism is very rare in society today and definitely has acquired pariah status, but covertly it’s still very much there and Sol too has definitely been a target of this from those morons in N17, who gleefully sung the line about him ‘hanging from a tree’ - a none too subtle reference to the ‘strange fruit’ of the redneck deep south of America..

Someone at Tottenham Hotspur’s 2008 AGM even came out with this lame defence of that chant, stating that ‘the Sol Campbell song was no worse than what is sung around the rest of the country. Sol has been bleating. This is a national witch hunt. It was not racist. Our fans are being demonised…We made him into a multi-millionaire’. The issue of racism in wider society is obviously one close to Sol’s heart, as seen from this edition of Panorama last May and it certainly is commendable that such a wealthy individual as Sol uses his profile to address the fact that, after all these years, it still very much blights the life chances of so many, rather than simply adopt a ‘pull the ladder up Jack’ attitude that many in his situation may have been tempted to do once they’ve worked their way out of the quagmire.

Sol was also 100% right when last year he addressed the fact that non-white ex-players are under-represented in coaching positions throughout the Premiership and the Football League.. When you consider that most coaching positions seem to go to former players, in comparison to their percentage on the playing staff non-white Brits are shockingly under-represented at this level. There’s not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that, if he was white, somebody like Sol Campbell would have been given more of a crack at football management, as his old Caucasian team mate Tony Adams was given on retiring from the game. TA was a generally a failure at this level, but at least he was given the opportunity to fail; there is only a very tiny percentage of black former players that are even accorded that.

However, just because things often do conspire against you in life, it’s very important to resist the temptation to believe that conspiracy theories are the answer to every problem – if only for the sake of retaining your own credibility. Sadly, with his liberal use of hyperbole, it’s a trap Sol seems to be unaware that he’s falling into. It’s an error he first made nearly two years ago in another Panorama documentary, just prior to Euro 2012, which was held in Poland and Ukraine, in which Sol came out with the sensationalised and, as it turned out, wildly inaccurate warning that England fans risked ‘coming home in coffins’ if they dared to venture to Ukraine to watch England’s games.

Though everyone is aware of the great domestic turmoil that Ukraine is currently experiencing, the risk to the safety of England fans as expressed by Campbell was wildly exaggerated and it’s certainly fair to say that Sol did himself no favours being party to, and complicit in, such a sensationalised Panorama documentary, which is what even those who openly participated in it, such as Jonathan Ornstein, the director of a Jewish Community Centre in Krakow, accused it of being.

Sadly, it seems that with his latest comments Sol hasn’t learned his lesson. In analysing his claim that if he had been born a white man he would have captained the England side for more than ten years, did he actually sit down and ask himself who actually has been accorded that honour for over a decade? If he bothered to do the research he would have found that the only person who had achieved this was former Arsenal manager Billy Wright, who held the captaincy from 1948 to 1959. Two other players have also held this role for nine years – his fellow East-Ender and World Cup-winner Bobby Moore between 1964 and 1973, and Bryan Robson between 1982 and 1991.

It’s fair to say that anyone given the England captaincy for around a decade would have to have been not just a great leader of men, but a truly exceptional one, and with all due respect – remembering his reaction at the West Ham game at Highbury back in 2006 - does Sol really believe he was in this exceptional bracket? If this isn’t what Sol is getting at, then we must assume that he is hinting that during this decade England had a dearth of captaincy material. This too, however, is a ludicrous claim, as during the period in question England had Alan Shearer, Paul Ince, Steven Gerrard and Tony Adams.

In the instance of the latter, despite being one of the most successful club captains of all time, he was only actually given the full-time England captaincy for a brief few months between Alan Shearer’s international retirement and Sven Goran Eriksson’s appointment as England manager. Sol also seems to have forgotten that, in the midst of this competition, he was actually given the England captaincy on three separate occasions, which kind of undermines his own argument. In reality, Tony Adams’s international retirement was the only realistic opportunity that Sol would have had to take up the captaincy – which was eventually given to David Beckham.

Patrick Barclay however, in the Evening Standard gives an alternative view to Campbell’s, stating sarcastically ‘Yes, Sol. Of course it was being black that prevented you from having ten years as England captain. The fact you could barely string together two mumbled words for the public’s benefit had nothing to do with it. It was pure coincidence that David Beckham, quite apart from being as fundamental as you to such successes as the team achieved, was an able, polite and admired ambassador’. In all fairness, Barclay does forget that there too was a time when Becks was not known for his extensive vocabulary either. However, Sol bases his claim to a divine right of captaining England for a decade on being chosen as Tottenham’s skipper during the Christian Gross era, which is kind of like international football’s equivalent of being crowned the world’s tallest midget.

However, rather than Becks, it is Michael Owen for whom Campbell reserves most of his ire, seeing that he had been selected as England captain eight times to Campbell’s three. Campbell, however, was only available for selection on just three of the occasions in which Owen was given the armband. It may be true to say that the ‘star’ factor of both Becks and Owen too played a part on their being selected for the England captaincy on more occasions than Sol. However, it’s odd that he never has raised this as a bugbear for being passed over for the Arsenal captaincy. After all, he had more captaincy experience than both Vieira and Henry when they were each selected as skipper and a huge factor in both of them being given the captaincy was to avoid either of them leaving a club they kind of deep down felt they were getting too big for.

Raising his skin colour in this instance, however, isn’t an option as, like Campbell, Henry and Vieira are both gentlemen of colour themselves. You sadly get the feeling that Sol’s annoyance is rather down to his bruised ego, rather than any great social comment on racism, which more than anything is a rather sad tainting of his own legacy and, ultimately it’s extremely doubtful as to whether he’s done the wider cause of anti-racism any good whatsoever.

So, yes Sol – as you pointed out in your Panorama edition last May, you are 100% right that racism – even in this day and age - is still very much a social ‘wolf at the door’ as it were. I do urge, however, that, as a man of high public profile, you should take the utmost care when crying out that you’ve spotted the wolf’s presence within your midst. Because, if you can only consider those less fortunate than yourself, such as the young disadvantaged black men you met in your Panorama documentary last May, you would understand that the consequences of failing to do so can potentially be disastrous for all concerned.

It can also undermine many years of hard work, carried out by both black and white people, in combatting this great evil. And that, my son, is a far greater tragedy than Sol Campbell not being England captain for over ten years!

*Follow me on Twitter@robert_exley

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  1. Jason B

    Mar 09, 2014, 12:05 #47183

    Well, I think Sol should knuckle down and get some coaching badges done if he feels that hard done by. Then he can help to produce some future leaders.

  2. El Bodgeo

    Mar 06, 2014, 13:32 #47074

    This is the 'team leader' who walked out on us at half time. Bloke's a complete idiot, regardless of his skin colour.

  3. Croker

    Mar 06, 2014, 11:52 #47060

    Thanks for writing this Robert - very nicely done.

  4. Spike

    Mar 06, 2014, 7:08 #47036

    He may have a point. Racism is the only explanation for disallowing his goal against the Argies.

  5. frankytheswede

    Mar 05, 2014, 17:44 #47021

    well I think good ol sol man does have a point about him being passed by but I dont think his skin colour had anything to do with it, atleast I hope it didnt. The timing is as many of you say interesting need to reel people in, sell the book im cool with that, if its what the man believes but atleast he has something to say, sol has a career behind him playing and performing at the highest level with and against the best in the game. compare that to say theo walcotts lol wait for it growing up fast autobiography lol

  6. Silly Billy

    Mar 05, 2014, 17:22 #47018

    sol once told a friend of a friend of my sister that he thought selfish was what fishmongers do

  7. ajw080270

    Mar 05, 2014, 13:25 #47011

    Sol Campbell is, by all accounts, a private, thoughtful and enigmatic character as many hacks were keen to point out on Sunday. Like many, I applaud the way this article has been written and like a few I agree that the book sale is key to the timing of these comments. For me that's the biggest mystery: if he really felt these things and had evidence to back it up - even merely anecdotal - then why did he not raise it earlier? Why, apart from having a book to sell, would you wait this long when the issue, if proved to be real, is such an important one? Surely the inequality Sol cites and the way he clearly felt about it was better highlighted at the time or upon his retirement, neither of which are in recent times.


    Mar 05, 2014, 6:37 #46999

    Thank you Robert, an interesting read, got your message across clearly-ever think of running for the England skipper's job? Think most on here have a handle on this 'racism' approach of Sol's. Am about to go existential on you guys, well you would expect that, wouldn't you? Sol knows that racism abounds and it is quite simple to hitch a lift with the topic-he knows uncluttered souls will just hear the sound bites and buy into the concept. It will therefore sell books-not many I wager though. This is the modern phenomenon of advertising in today's muddied waters. Weaned on a diet of Sun/Sky dross people need a fix of sensationalism. They crave it and when without it just pass over the subject matter. Sol isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and has clumsily trodden all over his prospective book sales but also dented any credence he has for racism's ugly tentacles. Just a bit of a silly boy, but a great centre half. By the way Sol, that chilly February night in 2006, I stayed for the entire match. Oh, and we lost by the way, pity you didn't stay, we may have won the game. Still, that's what captain's do, isn't it? westlower, thanks for the heads up on the book, sounds interesting.

  9. Murphyr

    Mar 05, 2014, 2:47 #46998

    This was a well balanced article in my opinion. I think Sol is very wide of the mark to reduce this issue down to racism. Most of the Engalnd managers during his tenure as an international have said that they did not receive any pressue on who to award the captaincy to and if you look at whohas been given the armband its hard to conclude that he only difference between them and Sol was the colour of his skin. I personally think that handing the captian's armband to Beckham was just a profile exercise as he never struck me as being much of a leader - he got it as he was the worlds most famous footballer (certainly NOT the worlds best...). Unfortunately i think that racism has become a deeply depoliticised issue and due to this racism becomes as much a problem of people's personal perception that they have been wronged than it it is to do with institutional discrimination.

  10. Trevor Phillips

    Mar 05, 2014, 0:36 #46997

    Tobiah - you know it is possible to put some articulate points as to why you feel Campbell was so deserving of his decade of England captaincy instead of polluting the comments page with sub-literate crap.

  11. 12 years a gooner

    Mar 04, 2014, 22:51 #46995

    Did he build a swimming pool under his house in the manner of an oligarch? Highly evasive when being questioned and only have great memories of him as a player.

  12. KC

    Mar 04, 2014, 22:15 #46994

    Great signing great player but not really captain material. Books always sell better with a headline though!

  13. UB10

    Mar 04, 2014, 17:09 #46988

    @tobiah. Either you are very young, which would be a shame because the "love thy neighbour" comments will be sailing straight over your head,or your very stupid which makes you not worth posting about.

  14. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 04, 2014, 16:06 #46983

    Tobiah: I'll assume your post had its tongue firmly in its cheek. But going along with Roy's post I'll suggest you check out Youtube for clips of that other 1970's TV show "Mind Your Language".

  15. Roy

    Mar 04, 2014, 15:39 #46981

    Hey, Tobiah - Nice attempt at a wind up, matey. Tell you what, why don't you campaign for a return of "Love Thy Neighbour" while your at it ! If your old enough to remember it, that is.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 04, 2014, 15:26 #46979

    Yes Racism is still out there and that's sad, as Arsene once famously said i don't look at their passport when i'm signing players and he was quite right too, and that still stands today (maybe a bit closer at they're ability would have been more in order but that's for another time.) No disrespect to Sol who i have a lot of time for and boy did i cheer when i heard he's signed for us and saw Arsene parading him at London Colney, but like you say had a lot of competition for the captaincy at the time like big tone and it's a shame he never made it as a manager. No matter how good a leader you were, or how good a captain you'd make, and no matter who you were i don't think anyone would have gotton it ahead of nice boy Beckham because we all know why he got it and it wasn't for his skill or leadership qualities.

  17. I am gooner!

    Mar 04, 2014, 15:01 #46978

    I am hoping Tobias wrote this comment about 'honkeys' with his 'tongue in his cheek'! I hope.

  18. Offended...

    Mar 04, 2014, 14:31 #46977

    Tobia - So it ok for you to call white people 'honkeys' (which last time I looked is a racist term), but if I use N word on here I'll the police knocking on my door - double standards (so is Paul Ince a honkey???) Muppett!

  19. Ron

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:46 #46974

    Hi Gus - I never knew that mate. It makes sense though as i cant imagine anybody wanting to read his book without some controversial outburst to market it. Can you? On the premise thats its a book about his career that motivates the reader, it wouldnt get my attention. Couple it with the person which is what most of these footballer auto s need to sell, i would suggest that the book might take a nosedive. Sols never seemed very endearing has he. Still, theyre many of them at the book thing arent they so to keep them from dissaperaing of the football radar altogether i suppose.

  20. Ron

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:36 #46972

    Its up for grabs - Tend to agree. He doesnt seem to have the personality to do a captains job. Can only guage it from when hes on TV as a pundit. Seems quite anti social at worst and stand offish at best towards those who accompany him. Appears tetchy and suspicious of everything. His demeanour doesnt create much in the way of faith that he could be trusted. As you say, his behaviour down the years has seemed knee jerk and inexplicable. Perhaps he s just very introverted and private though? Who knows. Hes difficult to fathom though with this latest assertion.

  21. Gus Caesars Curvaceous Bottom

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:32 #46971

    @ Ron - Why did he bother to make the comments in the first place? He's got a book to sell, that's why.

  22. Its up for grabs now

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:27 #46970

    Campbell has gone down in my estimation, because he has never ever been a natural leader, and to now use the race card as his reason for not being made England captain for ten years is laughable. I don't recall any ex England or any club captains come to that, ever leaving a game at half time, because they were having a stinker and the pressure was to much, can anybody else? Just look in the mirror Campbell, and accept you were never captain material for any club, let alone your country. Natural leaders are not only inspirational but generally vocal, which is why the most renowned captains of the recent past are players like Tony Adams or John Terry, love them or loath them it can't be denied they are natural leaders and Campbell has never ever fallen into that category, despite his undoubted footballing talent.

  23. Peter Wain

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:13 #46968

    no doubt I my mind that Sol is correct. The scum loving media was so keen to peddle stories about Sol that I a m sure the blazers in the FA decided that it was not to be. Shame because he was our last world class centre half

  24. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:07 #46966

    Two words: Publicity Stunt. Campbell has a book to sell. No need to say any more. A well-know firm of bookmakers is also beginning to wonder if their publicity stunt was ill-advised too.

  25. billdodgin

    Mar 04, 2014, 13:03 #46965

    Fair analysis , Robert. The key thing to remember too is that Sol has a book to sell. Ghost-writers and publishers may encourage this kind of thing .Like you I would not want to conflate scepticism as to what he says about this matter with any minimising of the very ongoing and intrinsic racism still at work in this society. While ruling elites and the pirates and gamblers of finance and banking mash the lives of the majority of ordinary people I see that Mr Farage is identifying " immigration" as the main issue this country faces.And I hear the misled and naive are going to be queuing in large droves to vote for his party .Scary. Sol I remember well as part of great Arsenal sides who won more than top four finishes. Nostalgia. He also left the Spuds to win things, and did. Unfortunately just as RVP did with us.

  26. jeff wright

    Mar 04, 2014, 12:56 #46964

    Sol was twice voted into a FIFA World Eleven team,presumably a number of white people in the game world wide would have voted for him ? He was also the captain of the spuds but wisely decided that his talents could be put to better use at AFC where he was also paid 100k a week making him at that time one of the games best paid players. There was an issue of trust and loyalty involved though as regards Tottenham being betrayed by Sol . I don't know how true these claims are regarding bias against black players being given coaching /managerial jobs, but it's a tricky trade and not many people succeed at it ,that's why we see the same old mugs keeo reappearing on the managerial magic roundabout turning up here and there as one goes in comes another previous flop from elsewhere. It may just be that at this point in time that there are not enough good black managers out there rather than any racist bias involved. As for Sol well he's had a few problems off-field and that incident at Highbury during the game against WHU when he stormed out of the dressing room at half time and went home plus other incidents such as the bizarre Notts County incident could make some clubs reluctant to take a chance on him in a manager's role. Why the violent headcase Pardew is allowed to remain in the game though is something that I'm struggling with.

  27. kilkenny cat

    Mar 04, 2014, 12:30 #46958

    Racism exists in all walks of life. It would be naive and stupid to say it doesn,t exist in all levels of the game. In my opinion the higher it goes,the more racist and bigoted they are. This includes the fa uefa and fifa. They might stand there all self righteous but it is all a facade. I myself had to suffer the thick mick,go home paddy stuff. People like that are morons and cant be taken seriously. England is not my concern,but i feel Sol was right. And before anyone says it yes the fai are the same.

  28. Ron

    Mar 04, 2014, 11:49 #46954

    In the fullness of time i reckon Sol will regret his comments. Its unfortunate hes made them, unless he has examples of how race impacted upon him of course, which he may have. The thing is though that its such a legally dangerous area to speak of, if he does have examples that hes unlikely ever to reveal so there will never be any flesh on the the bones of his comments. This begs the question of why did he bother to make the comments in the first place. Only Sol knows that.

  29. Black Hei

    Mar 04, 2014, 8:41 #46928

    Great article and fully agree. Strange but I see such similarities between Sol and Adams. They both are so uncertain on what to do with their lives. A note to the "hanging on a tree" reference. I think it is a Blibical reference with regards to the Spurs people calling him Judas and might not be racial in nature (though still appalling).

  30. Keith

    Mar 04, 2014, 8:40 #46927

    An excellent piece, very thoughtful and accurate. It probably won't stop the comments from melting down, but we can hope.