Capital Punishment

Online Ed: Title pretenders exposed once again

Capital Punishment

Where to start? Well let’s get the positives out of the way first.
1. It has been ventured to me that technically, Arsene Wenger’s 1000th game is on Tuesday because the Sheffield United cup game has been included and, as the result didn't stand, the game shouldn't either.
2. Bacary Sagna at least attempted to demonstrate he is worth the wages the club are paying him, unlike the majority of his colleagues.
3. The defence prevented Fernando Torres from getting on the scoresheet
4. Arsenal’s away support, as ever, was fantastic, at least until they started drifting out at 6-0 down.
5. The sun shone.
6. Arsenal won’t have to play Chelsea again until next season.
Er… that’s it.

BT Sport’s Jake Humphries, referring to a heavy defeat in Arsene Wenger’s 1000th game in charge of the club said you couldn’t have predicted that. But the truth is that away to a title rival in 2013/14, in fact you probably could.

Arsenal – noted for their possession football – spent most of the 90 minutes giving the ball to the opposition. It was akin to watching a piece of animal welfare reportage which I can see is going to show some footage of an animal being tortured or mistreated. As I really don’t want to see what follows, I invariably cover my eyes. There were times I felt like doing exactly that during this game.

I have given the manager the benefit of the doubt this season as long as the team have remained in the mix for the title. Hoping that a belief he no longer has the managerial ability to deliver a league title will be proved wrong. It’s a belief many others share. Few will be happy to have had their judgment confirmed.

In key games of this nature, the manager’s job is to prepare his team for the challenge. Get them focused and fully aware of what lies ahead of them. As it turned out, his players were totally switched off. It was a contrast to Chelsea, who demonstrated real hunger. Few would dispute that Jose Mourinho is a classless act, the managerial equivalent of TalkSport’s Adrian Durham. A wind-up merchant, who succeeds if enough people are foolish enough to take the bait and not realize what he is doing. However, behind the scenes, what he can do is motivate and organize highly paid footballers to perform. Arsenal had some very highly paid footballers on the same pitch today, but there seemed little in the way of motivation. They played as if nothing was at stake.

Before they were down to ten men, they were losing by two goals and facing a penalty kick. The loss of a man was only mitigation for the margin of defeat, but not the performance, which smacked of an overpampered spiritless bunch that simply did not care. They should be ashamed of themselves and have a whip round to refund the price of the tickets for every away fan that was unfortunate enough to have witnessed that shocker.

I perceive Arseblog as a fairly glass half full website, very forgiving of the board and the manager. However, here are some excerpts from the site’s liveblog on the game, I assume written by Arseblogger himself, Andrew Mangan (certainly the style looks like the great man):
Giroud runs at the Chelsea defence, resembling a two legged zebra chasing after lions that have scoffed his hindquarters.
He had all the grace and poise of a retarded dolphin on land who had just been given rohypnol down his blow spout
Giroud tries to chip Cech from halfway, but unlike his late night hotel room shenanigans, his effort is limp
Giroud felled, waggles his fingers as he tumbles like a giant oak
Actually, for Tuesday's game, I'd think about playing a tree
There is literally nothing in the rules against it
Arsene could go down to the garden centre, pick out a cherry blossom or a japanese birch and stick it up front against Swansea.
Chelsea 6-0.
I don't know what else to say here
unquestionably one of the worst performances and results ever
I wish this was just over
Embarrassing, pathetic display
Giroud loses it on halfway like a f***ing pub player

I’d say that Arseblog is pretty down on Giroud, but the defensive shambles that was witnessed today can’t be blamed on him. Certainly, at 0-0, he had a great chance to put the visitors ahead. However, against big teams, especially Chelsea, he frequently fluffs his lines. A £12 million buy, he is evidence that you get what you pay for (unless you are an Arsenal fan, as one guy on ArsenalFanTV quipped after the home defeat to Villa back in August). Witness what happened at the other end when Eto’o and Schurrle had chances in the moments that followed.

Arsene Wenger has not signed a contract renewal because he is going to assess his own performance at the end of the season. He told BBC Radio 5 Live after the game, “I take full responsibility.” Time will tell if he really will by bowing out. The best case scenario now would be if he won the FA Cup and then can depart with a bit of dignity, but after today, following the concession of five at Liverpool and six at Manchester City, he knows that, in 2014, he can no longer cut it against the best teams. The record of one Champions League semi final appearance in spite of making the last 16 in the eight seasons since leaving Highbury confirms he is, tactically, out of his depth in Europe when the going gets tough.

It’s all about momentum at this time of the season, and Arsenal have taken seven points from the last 18 available in the Premier League. The last five away games have been:
Southampton 2-2
Liverpool 1-5
Stoke 0-1
Spurs 1-0
Chelsea 0-6

In honesty, Arsenal were the inferior team against Southampton, and were fortunate to win at Spurs. Last season, from a losing position, they took 26 points from the final 30 available. They could still take 27 from the last ten matches this season, but can you see them beating Manchester City on this performance? Everton away? When the title is out of reach, and the pressure is off, I suspect they will re-find winning ways against less challenging opposition, although a collapse along the lines of the 2010-11 season can’t be ruled out either.

Certainly, the squad is weakened by the injuries to Ramsey, Walcott, Wilshere and Ozil, but none of the missing men are truly defensive players. Arsene Wenger felt like he had to win this game, and was probably right, but the selection of Oxlade-Chamberlain as a holding midfielder was bold and ultimately foolish. Better surely to ensure greater solidity with Flamini and Arteta, at least for the first hour of the match, to make sure the team were still in the game by that time.

The title challenge was good while it lasted, and on paper, Arsenal can still register 86 points, which might just be enough to squeeze first place. Chelsea would have to drop five points (given the goal difference) from their last seven matches and Liverpool and Manchester City would also need to falter. But sides hammered as much as Arsenal have been so often this season do not win the title. It’s over now. It is about consolidating a top four place and maybe hope for third if one of the other three sides has a collapse of some kind.

Making the Champions League again would be an achievement, certainly. But for fans, the best football memories are those associated with glory. Meaningful matches that lead to something other than £s in the club coffers. Perhaps the FA Cup will offer us that this season, but in the league, how many of the matches in 2013/14 have been the kind of stuff that you will remember in years to come, as you do with so many games from the Highbury part of Wenger’s era?

Arsene Wenger described the events at the Bridge today as “a nightmare”. Let’s hope this nightmare doesn’t have to go on for another couple of seasons. I hope the manager can win the FA Cup and leave with his head held high. If he cannot defeat the combined might of Wigan, then Hull or Sheffield United to land some silverware, then his position will surely be untenable anyway.

Psychologically, Arsenal have never recovered from the twin blows in spring 2008 when they gave away winning positions at Birmingham in the Premier League and away at Liverpool in the Champions League quarter final second leg. Arsene Wenger has had six seasons to put right the collateral damage from those two encounters. He has never managed it. Arsenal are now associated with a failure to see the job through, which is why there are doubts even about the FA Cup. There are other concerns – the shocking injury record at the club, which statistics reveal to be more than misfortune, and the inability to conclude transfer deals that could strengthen the squad and the team’s chances. At least, in the last couple of seasons, experience has been drafted in as the naivety of project youth was abandoned, but it has not been able to turn around the culture of the club – one of complacency and ultimate failure that we witnessed at Stamford Bridge today. Jose Mourinho’s description of Wenger as “a specialist in failure” was unnecessary, but in recent years, I find it hard to argue with, looking at some of the excellent positions Arsenal have been in to win both titles and cups.

Unfortunately, the saddest thing about the collapse of Arsenal’s title challenge is that it was wholly predictable. And that is the reason why it is time for a change in the manager’s dugout.

It was a day of opportunity, a chance for Arsenal to prove the doubters wrong and seize the moment. And on the occasion of the manager’s 1000th game. Champions win games like these. They used to in the days when Arsene Wenger led his teams to titles. One thing is certain. Whatever does happen in the future, his 1000th match will be remembered for a very long time. The title challenge proved to be another Wenger illusion, until reality arrived on the scene. How many Gooners can endure more seasons of this? Where is the pride, where is the passion? Where, indeed, has our Arsenal gone?

Finally, on a totally separate note, we have been asked to give a plug to the hire of a venue next to Wembley Stadium on the day of the semi-final just for Arsenal fans. Even if you cannot get a ticket to the game, you will be able to watch the game on big screens there, and there is food and drink on sale from 11am until 11pm or possibly later in the event of an Arsenal victory. These are the same guys that arranged a similar bash last time the Gunners were at Wembley in 2011, but the less said about the game that day, the better. Tickets are £7 and only available before the day. Full details can be seen here. Plug over.

The current issue of The Gooner can be bought online here. The next edition will go on sale at the home match v Swansea.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 17:22 #48160

    BADARSE, not a problem mate, i didn't know wengers circus was recruiting i thought the transfer window was closed has he not got enough clowns already? A new ringmaster needed i think, glad you could have a couple of laugh out loud moments, the rest of the prem and further afield have had plenty of them this weekend as well (again).

  2. Ron

    Mar 24, 2014, 15:01 #48150

    Mark - I know mate. Its his dignity ive got in mind. I want him to go, but with his honour fully intact. His intentions, his integrity and his status as a man are all as intact as they were in Sept 1996. The dark new age of football has just worn him down and it just doesnt fit in with his ideals. I can share many if not most of his ideals, just as many others do. The only issue is that his ideals are just that, ideals. Totally lost in the pragmatism dominated modern game. I still respect him and his ideals, but sadly theyre not at all useful to Arsenal now.

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 24, 2014, 14:55 #48149

    Ron - dignity; yes the one thing Arsene has stripped us of, I don't feel vey dignified today, nor against the other top 4 thrashings. So I don't see it as an easy thing. In fact whilst many spent a good week in the media celebrating his 1000th game. I'm glad I spent absolutely no energy on this. I just worry after the total ineptitude of his tactics whether he has blown team morale completely. Anyway no one is going to sack him before a cup final. But let's just hope he wins the the thing and goes with whatever state of dignity he choose

  4. James

    Mar 24, 2014, 14:48 #48148

    At the risk of being hounded and shot down in flames here.....lets remember what this man has done for us. When he took over he inherited a squad which consisted of journeymen and players who were never good enough to cut it at the Arsenal with the exception of the back 5 and one or 2 others. He also inherited serious off field problems from key playing staff. He was also ridiculed in the media on a regular basis (which sadly never changed). I mean ... does anyone remember chris kiwomya? glenn helder? i could go on, but you get the point right? Not good enough. simple. Arsene Wenger came in and changed it all. were we ever even close to apremier league title before he got here? NO! Now, im not going to say im an AKB or WOB, and i don't disagree that the performances in big games this year, and previous years (in particular semi final against the chavs in the FA Cup and the semi final vs UTD at home in UCL) have been incredibly poor. I also would not disagree that our tranfer policy is poor at best. Or that tactically we seem to struggle to evolve and adapt depending on the opponent. Case in point being why were neither Kos or BFG man marking the 1 centre forward chelsea played with the other covering? At times you could have driven a tank through the gap between them. This happened all too often for it to be a player error, it was clear to see that is how they were told to set up. Again, not good enough. However, although i see all of the points being made, let me encourage you all to not forget what this man has done for us. That doesnt mean that you have to sing his praises, or agree with him, or even want him to stay. What I mean by that is that i think the man, regardless of what people think of him, deserves our respect and should have his dignity in tact. Some of the comments on this post are as harsh, if not worse than the derogatory bile that came from mourinho! So, yes, disagree, give your opinions on why we should have someone new, but always remember where we were when he took over and where we have been since and where we are now. Even today, we are better than we were that day he took over from rioch. If we turn opinions and disagreements into abuse of our own manager what does that say about us? Calling the guy in charge a loser or failure is what the other mugs out there want to hear. Its not the Arsenal way. Stiff upper lip, push your chest out and fight the cause for the team and manager in public and then behind closed doors vent. But dont forget and be respectful at the very least!

  5. jjetplane

    Mar 24, 2014, 13:32 #48139

    Things are very quite on the Colney front so I am expecting some statement to be made along the lines of 'Diaby's Missus has had the baby and both are doing well. Diaby will celebrate quietly in a sanatorium on top of a Magic Mountain (geddit!)' Other matters will include the sacking of Bouldie (it were his bluddy fault in a French accent!?) and the hiring of a little known French coach who used to work in Japan ........ Anyway - that little Messi fella - off the boil, new kids on the block, Bale on his butt. Football - it really happens. Ohhh RON that Hull score, assuming ...... Peace old bean!


    Mar 24, 2014, 13:17 #48135

    westlower, really enjoyed the book. When I read of Barney fighting The Jockey Club the words transposed and it became Arsene Wenger fighting the FA. So similar. As you can't supply the horses required I am concentrating on the clowns for this circuit. All will be wearing red a*ses and noses, Cathy's two, Don and Phil will be kitted up and I shall use recent 'gag' material from this site. Now those Arsenal fans were singing, ' So let's go and drink to the death of a clown...'

  7. Gary Gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:43 #48131

    Am i the only one who blames BT Sport? Sorry i have to laugh or else i will keep crying until Tueasday night!

  8. Westlower

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:35 #48130

    @Mark from Aylesbury, 'Lost it against the new generation of managers,' Brendan Rodgers; AFC 2 Liverpool 0. AFC 2 Liverpool 1, Roberto Martinez; AFC 4 Everton 1, Tim Sherwood; AFC 2-0 TH 0, TH 0 AFC 1. Pep Guardiola; BM 1 AFC 1, Herr Klopp: BD 0 AFC 1. Alan Pardew; Newcastle 0 AFC 1, Paul Lambert; A Villa 1 AFC 2. Steve Bruce: AFC 2 Hull 0. Tony Pulis; Palace 0 AFC 2. Maurico Pochettino, AFC 2 Southampton 0, Southampton 2 AFC 2. Sam Allardyce, West Ham 1 AFC 3.

  9. Ron

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:11 #48126

    Mark from Aylesbury - easy really. Its because Wenger deserves to go with some dignity and class and because we re not tottenham. No point shifting him with a few games left whatever the perceptions of him and his brittle team.

  10. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:55 #48116

    I cannot understand why some people still wants do some sentimental , celebratory good bye to Wenger. The man is way past it, why reward continual failure. he has totally lost it against the new generation of top managers. Exit door as quickly as possible and let us get on with a new manager ASAP.

  11. Ron

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:53 #48115

    SGRB - Ha. a quite proper request matey. Im saying he should leave really, whether he actually will ive no idea. Wouldnt put cash on it.Lets face it, if the Board are happy unless hes had enough himself, he ll stay. On that salary why wouldnt he? The Club is a real paradox isnt it. All the infrastructure in place, no real money problems, but on the pitch ..... oh dear! Dismal.

  12. Westlower

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:50 #48114

    @Badarse, I concur with your opinion on 'Me, Me, Me,McCririck. He's far too dogmatic in his opinions. So pleased he never attempted to interview me on a racetrack or dog track, as it would have been a struggle to be polite. Barney has him weighed up! Glad you found the book an enjoyable read.

  13. radfordkennedy

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:44 #48112

    I posted after the game on saturday but it was removed I can only assume I forgot to use the # instead of the letter k,anyway since then all my rantings have been covered by others,but I have to say that since 1968 I've wept tears of joy and despair following the Gunners but saturday I experienced something of a new sensation to be so embarassed that I stopped watching after the penalty.if we were to lose the semi would that be the time for Wenger to walk and let bouldy play out the remainder he couldn't do any worse...don't p#iss on me..I live close to colney and passed down harper lane this morning on the way to the M25 as I went passed the entrance to colney there was more than the usual 2 fat blokes in hi-viz jackets scarring schoolkids there was maybe half a dozen not letting anyone near their heroes,I put the radio on expecting some sort of announcement,heard nothing but definitely a step up in security.

  14. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:27 #48106

    @Ron, given your record with predictions, can I kindly request you withdraw your prediction that Wenger will leave?

  15. GoonerRon

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:16 #48104

    Christ, what a painful weekend it's been, it felt right up there with Zaragoza and Birmingham. It's so frsutrating that we seem to go into these big away games with our pants full, unable to pass the ball like we know we can, unable to make the right decisions. The fact is in the last 2.5 years we've conceded 8, 6, 6 and 5 goals away to close rivals. Psychologically or mentally, that is just too often to be coincidental. News of clear the air talks, and Wenger acknowledging that it's happened too often sound like an element of self-evaluation between the staff and players is taking place, which is exactly what's needed. I said at the start of the season that if Wenger delivers progression, which at the time I said was either a trophy or genuine title tilt, then I thought he should stay. He is still on track to deliver that.

  16. Bradybunch1967

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:01 #48102

    Great article, can't disagree with a word, painful though it is to admit Mourinho is right. Wenger says he takes full responsibility, it remains to be seen how far he feels that responsibility needs to go. I have a horrible feeling that he will be offered a new contract regardless at the end of the season. His tactical decisions are almost completely to blame & I think the players know it - we set up to fail. A number of our wins this season have been poor performances, we have not had possession of the ball as much. But what makes me most mad is Wenger's stubborn refusal to see that OTHER TEAMS HAVE FIGURED OUT HOW WE PLAY!! He refuses to alter his tactics and assumes that we just turn up & play the same way, home & away, regardless. He has to go - his legacy is already damaged, hanging on will only erode it further.

  17. WeAreBuilidngATeamToDominate

    Mar 24, 2014, 8:07 #48093

    morning all. Didn't post yesterday as took the kids up to the Smoke and did all the usual touristy things. Expensive but fun. As for Saturday, well as the Ed said on his report, how many more humiliations do we have to put up with before anybody will do anything? The answer is lots, as long as the Top 4 Trophy is secured every season. NOTHING will change unless the club fail to reach the Holy Grail of CL gravy train. I'm no fan particular of Maureen, but whatever you think, the guy is a winner and knows how to set teams up. The modern game is all about counter-attacking football with pace - something this AFC side has not. Possession football should have died the death 3-4 years ago. Wigan ain't gonna be a pushover either, although let's not start bigging them up too much shall we. They are after all, in the Championship (yeah I know, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bradford et al).


    Mar 24, 2014, 7:54 #48092

    My second laugh out loud moment westlower. Though my wife's second came last night when I undressed for bed. Reading of McCririck in Barney's book was unsettling. Worked with him years ago in another life, a 'lech', and a 'toucher', an altogether odious individual. I was cheering for Barney when I read it. A good read 24601.

  19. Westlower

    Mar 24, 2014, 7:40 #48091

    @Badarse, Can't help with Arabian's as thoroughbred's are my preferred breed. Good luck with the travelling circus though. Gypsy's, Tramps & Thieves; "Every night the men would come around and lay their money down." @Don't P*ss On Me, Although my naivety results in me being fleeced of money on a daily basis it may be worth you trying my bank account to see if there's any left. PIN 24601; Mothers Maiden Name - Valjean. Don't spend it all at once.


    Mar 24, 2014, 6:53 #48090

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. Am busy for next few weeks, am with a travelling circus and will only get to post occasionally unless there is an opening, which I hope for. Can you deliver the shipment of high-stepping Arabians by Thursday westlower? @maguiresbridge I don't do personal insults, which I deem cowardly. I was using a metaphor as in, 'the ravings of a wounded animal'-judgement being clouded by immediate pain. Animals are not sentient creatures, have no sense of consciousness...hang on I'd better stop there the description is getting too close for comfort for some on here. The old adage of, 'if the cap fits, wear it!' is very apt, I have the greatest admiration for some on here with different views and the cap wouldn't fit for them, for others it is tailor-made. Anyway how does it work for some? Ah yes, it was Ron's fault for predicting a 1-2 victory. Shoot the messenger! Morning Ron, eloquent and sensible post chum. My score was worse than your one, I thought 0-1. Ta Hibbeegunner, a few words help now and again. By the way supporting AS or not you will never be allowed to leave the Union-the money men will see to that with scare-mongering and dodgy tactics. They will also prevent the UK leaving the European Union. Anyway, back to real life, Tuesday looms.

  21. Mathew

    Mar 24, 2014, 4:55 #48089

    Thanks Stevieo & maguiresbridge gooner for your replies, agreed that its Wenger who is responsible for buying these baggages and selecting them to play. As a player i think a few hasnt been able to show a credible performance throughout this season, like Arteta or Giroud (except those lucky goals at the start of the season). I dont want to name a few but these two stands out in my list. Wenger out campaign has been long running as our patience has been tested for years. But I still believe Arsene deserves a better sent off than these. Its not a rocket science that he isnt able to catch up with these money laundering clubs around, but is it the lack of money or is it his prejudice which hasnt changed for years. As usual there will be questions raised by the end of this season as well. But removing Arsene, i am not sure that will answer ALL of them !

  22. Ozzie

    Mar 24, 2014, 4:40 #48088


  23. Charlie

    Mar 24, 2014, 1:11 #48087

    A holding player, istead of Arteta and a striker should be first priorities in the summer. And you need wingers with pace, atleast one walcotts injury, therefore, was probably the worst injury we could get. A front three, as in some games, consisting of cazorla, rosicky and giroud is simply insane. Good players,cazorla and rosicky but the balance is a joke. no penetration. wenger has lost it.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 1:00 #48086

    Stevesam, spot on, the players will arrive at training tomorrow without a care in the world (that's if the fragile little pets haven't been given the day off) if you did get to see them they'd probably be fooling around joking and giving each other piggy backs having a great laugh like nothing happened, just like a lot of fans.

  25. Ron

    Mar 23, 2014, 23:46 #48085

    Good evening lads and lasses. I just think we've seen the end of an era this week end. I just feel so sorry for the Club, the players and Arsene. Its very sad bit not surprising. As some of you knew, i predicted a 2-1 Gunners win for yesterday, Really thought there was a performance in them, well, there certainly was!Hope he stays until the end of the season too and certainly hope he can win the FAC. I truly think Arsene knows its time now.It was etched in his face yesterday. It's done. Its over now and he deserves his release from it in a fully dignified and celebratory manner. He deserves that very much.

  26. Don't P#ss On Me & Say It's Raining

    Mar 23, 2014, 22:18 #48084

    I've heard that Wenger tearfully asked the players to play for him until the end of the season as he has decided it's his last. Apparently the players are on some sort of lock down (probably social media). Anybody else heard similar rumblings? As much as I've become anti for reasons sane Gooners know it would be fitting to bow out with the FA Cup, he deserves to go with dignity despite trying to hang on and destroy a beautiful legacy.

  27. Ken

    Mar 23, 2014, 21:44 #48083

    @El Bodgeo: I saw MR Wenger the other day he smiled at me and informed me that we are going to win the F.A. Cup well I nearly pissed my pants he is such a great man I will be lost without him. LOL

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 21:11 #48082

    Mathew, hear what your saying and your right about team selections, and tactics (whatever they are)and lack of fight from the players but it's not a one off, and who signed this baggage in the first place? and put them on, or sanctioned their inflated salaries? whether you or others like it or not it's time for change and sooner rather than later.

  29. Noodles

    Mar 23, 2014, 20:27 #48081

    Prepair for Wenger to 'rest' players in the semis to make sure we get 4th .....groundhog day!!!!!


    Mar 23, 2014, 20:01 #48080

    I look on supporting this club as being like the parent of an underperforming child. Every year they're sent into their exams underprepared and it's little surprise when their results come back with a big fat 'FAIL'. Every year you hope they might do better and for the first few years you feel genuinely surprised and disappointed when there's no improvement. After a while you start to wonder if your child is just not smart enough to succeed, but no, that can't be the case, they did very well at primary school and exceeded expectations in everything they did. So maybe you look at the what the teacher is doing... why is my child always so underprepared for their exams? Every year it's the same and yet at parents evening I'm told 'everything is fine, next year will be different. Your child has exceptional mental strength and spirit.' So what's going on here? Is the child that the teacher knows a different one from the one who consistently fails exams? Speaking to a few other parents on the schools online forum you find out that they too are not happy as their children also appear to be falling short of expectations. Perhaps the teacher doesn't have a clue what they're doing, but surely that can't be, they're head of department and have been for 18 years, always pass the Ofsted inspections; something would have been done by now if they weren't up to the job. So you seek out the head teacher, who you find to be a horrible slimy sort of person, the type people would describe as being made of Teflon. "Andy Wanger is an exceptional teacher, one of the best this school has ever had. In fact, he was one of the ones who interviewed me... I was surprised that I got the job actually, I used to be a marketing executive and I made it very clear at interview that I had no teaching experience, apparently it didn't matter..." Completely frustrated at this point you hope that maybe the board of governors will understand your plight and see that something is not quite right. You write them several strongly worded letters, but never receive a response. So what can you do? You can't ditch your child, your pride and joy, and nobody in a position to make changes seems to give a flying f##k what you think, after all, you're only a parent.

  31. Stevesam

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:57 #48079

    AW has a simple philosophy which has never changed – forget about the last game just concentrate on the next. A bit like an alcoholic looking for his next drink, he doesn’t believe he has a problem. This reflects on the squad, the staff and the Board, they shall all arrive at work Monday and not be bothered about the Chavski disgrace and only be concerned with Swansea. Are any of them in any danger of being made to explain or answer for their errors ? As for the players, they should also take the blame and be named and shamed, by the Manager – Chesney should have saved at least 3 of the goals, but not good enough. All our previous top keepers have good records of saving important penalties – not Chesney. I cannot think of one player who came out of the game with any credit. I fear for this team against Wigan. I agree with most – Aw should walk the short plank at the end of the season, with or without the F A Cup. The Wenger legacy that was being talked about ten years ago is now looking very fragile.

  32. Don't P#ss On Me & Say It's Raining.

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:46 #48078

    Jamie, West Lower et al you must be very poor. Being as naive as you clearly are you must be giving out your PIN number and mothers maiden name on a regular basis.

  33. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:28 #48077

    @MarkT - Agree with that. How many away performances have been impressive this season most have either been awful or hard work which I don't complain about I just want to see some quality on our travels just not at the Emirates against the ordinaries. At home I think of Napoli, Spuds twice, Liverpool (league) as real quality but to often it's all been a slog.

  34. El Bodgeo

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:23 #48076

    "You know something, Arsene is one of my favourite people I have met in the last 20 years. He is a great person and I love the way he handles himself. I love his focus. He is a very intelligent guy. You can talk to him about anything and, when he starts talking to people, I really love to listen to him. He should hold seminars he is so good at it. His ability to spend money and extract value. That is what it is all about to be successful in pro sports" - Stan Kronke Sept 2011. Basically, Kronke doesnt agree with you, me or any other disillusioned supporters view. Wenger will definitely still be our manager next season, the one after that, the one after that, the one after that, etc etc. Get used to it boys & girls. Glad I could assist with cheering your missus up Bardarse.

  35. Dottie

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:22 #48075

    Would you rather Arsenal won the FA cup and Virtual trophy or were Champions but finished outside the top four. I've been pondering this all day and still can't decide.

  36. Stevieo

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:21 #48074

    Mathew, what baggage are you talking about? You mention the bad team selection; that's down to Wenger. The lack of tactics; that's Wenger. As for players that lack the fight? I'd class that as bad baggage and we need rid of. As for next years challenges, you'd rather have this same 'stability' going forward?

  37. Roy

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:18 #48073

    When we fail to beat Citeh on Sat., all the talk about winning the league will surely stop, which will be a blessed relief to those of us who never believed we could in the first place. Any outside chance we had went with the injuries to Rambo and Theo, but to concede 17 goals in those three games is completely unacceptable. I could add to the debate about Wengers shortcomings, but it's all been said already. I do still have respect for him, but as someone else has already stated, nothing lasts forever. It would be entirely fitting if he won the FA Cup and bowed out, but like a few other posters on here, I am very very wary about the Wigan game.

  38. Frank Butcher

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:13 #48072

    The luckiest guy in football. Taking over at Arsenal post-Rioch,he did the equivalent of buying a run down mansion in Mayfair for pennies. He gave it a lick of paint and cut the grass and hey presto he looked like a genius. Now that mansion is still worth a fortune but the fence has blown down, the paint is flaking off and there's dog **** all over the front garden. Wenger is akin to a tramp living inside with coke bottles full of his own piss and pizza boxes everywhere. Time to sell up and let someone do the place up properly!

  39. Riverhawks FC

    Mar 23, 2014, 19:06 #48071

    Anyone who cannot retain the league with Henry, Pires, Viera, Bergkamp, Gilberto, Campbell, Llundberg etc etc should have been fired a long time ago ! Not one title retained ...Man U's dominance should have been half what it was ! I questioned him then and right now we are a joke. Its a Joke !

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 18:52 #48070

    SGRB, bloody well said, as i've already alluded to in another post if there had been more of a backlash and more of an uproar by fans over the last two or three seasons to things especially the humiliations instead of having the ah well better luck next time attitude, maybe action would have been taken and embarrassments and humiliations like yesterday wouldn't have happened and there would be no need for some to TRY and brush them under the carpet and airbrush them out of history.

  41. DW Thomas

    Mar 23, 2014, 18:40 #48069

    Ok. Lets say we win our last 8 games and the FA Cup. I still think because he never changes, adapts, his time is up. Am I happy about that? No way. I wanted to believe he had turned it around this season. But yet again I feel like a mug. I wanted to believe only getting Ozil, Flamini, and Sanogo might be enough with the rest of our squad. It wasn't. It never is. He doesn't go all the way. And he fails, each time. The only reason 4th is a target is because the CL. Which we don't even regularly make the quarters! I respect all views, but enough is enough. Being blind to the failures this club has endured shoul never be an option. Sure, cheer the team, but they should also earn it, earn our adoration. Otherwise we are mugs.

  42. Matthew Bazell

    Mar 23, 2014, 18:32 #48068

    How much was the ticket in the away end yesterday? I would imagine £60 which is lot for a game that ended on 10 minutes. The club should pay back the fans who had to endure one of the worst performances in the club's history. That would be the decent thing to do. Chances of that zero. Akll the focus is on Wenger but what about Kronke and co? Time to look to the very top as well.

  43. Mathew

    Mar 23, 2014, 18:25 #48067

    Dear fellow goners, Please don't use this loss for a Wenger out campaign, agree that we've got it all wrong in team selection, tactics and above all lack of fight from players. So it's not just with Wenger, if he has to go then lots of those baggage has to go too. That invariably will bring a lot of instability for the next years challenges. We still don't know whether it's Wenger or the board who don't want to spend. Being an Arsenal fan is very emotional so live with it.

  44. Mark T

    Mar 23, 2014, 18:12 #48066

    Same old, same old as far as I'm concerned. I left 20 minutes before the end. I've been watching Arsenal for forty years and NEVER leave early. But this was more of the same. It's important to look beyond the big defeats - Man City, Liverpool! 8-2 at United etc. There have been many more smaller losses that were down to no passion, no desire, no tactics, and mediocre players that don't deserve the shirt. Perhaps my biggest gripe is that it's all so predictable. You can normally tell what kind of performance you're in for within the first five minutes. Just like we know that the substitutions will take place on 70 minutes and the team has mental strength. Everyone makes mistakes, but making the same mistakes over and over again is unforgivable.

  45. Matthew Bazell

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:55 #48065

    The problem is simple. We don't prepare for the opposition. We just play our game and hope it's good enough. It's why that even with all those great players from 1998 to 2005 we didn't impact in the CL despite having the best set of players on the planet. Wenger assorted most those players, but until he changes his philosophy we'll be second best to the top teams like Chelsa, Munich Barca etc.

  46. jjetplane

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:52 #48064

    HIBBEE great post mate and totally respect your views. The GG story is fantastic and he was our hero of style when we were kids and watching from the schoolboys. Bang on the nail on the sell-by date and I was fortunate to see all of Wenger's great moments as a manager but something as to give and as JEFF WRiGHT has said the bloke needs also to watch his health as he did not look very well in front of the camera after. The trauma of watching that kind of Killing where those inside forwards were rampant from the whistle blow. It was like watching basketball, the speed of the first two 'dunks'/goals. Compare with Giroud who looks what he appears to be - wannabe gigolo - chased down by a pack in blue and he was never going to score. The response to that moment was Chelsea hit six. WESTIE we are all reading what we see and perhaps you should spend your time analysing the 'football' and not bleating about your percieved bleaters. Once more - One manager doth not a club maketh. When we have all passed to the other side there will 'always be an Arsenal' Thought you had gone anyway you old dog! Nice to have ya back! Afternoon madam. ps WENGER OUT Cambridge Utd Now thats what you called glory!

  47. arrgee1991

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:51 #48063

    "Psychologically, Arsenal have never recovered from the twin blows in spring 2008" I don't think they ever recovered from losing the European Cup final. Same with Leeds in the mid seventies. Almost made it, but from that point onwards in slow decline. The season has been defined by six defeats, four of them away at United, City, Chelsea and Liverpool and the two home defeats to Dortmund and Bayern. Had they drawn these games, Arsenal would still be chasing the big trophies, but when it comes to the crunch, they just can't shoe the resolve to get a result. The thing is that this isn't new to Arsenal under Wenger. 1999 saw them blow the cup at Villa Park abd the league at Elland Road, 2000 Copenhagen, 2001 losing late on to Liverpool and 2003 when they threw the title away from a winning position. Even in 2004 they went out of the cups all too easily to Chelsea and Man U in less than a week and but for 45 minutes of brilliance from Henry against Liverpool the invincibles may not have even won the league. Looking back over Wenger's reign, Arsenal have lost far too many games that mattered even when they were arguably the best team in the land and possibly the best in Europe (2002-2004). It's time for a change.

  48. Bard

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:46 #48062

    Westie; I agree that we don't want a lynch mob and its true that nothing will change before the end of the season. The problem I have with the debates on here is the notion that thoughtful ( but arguable) posts about the state of the club and team get dismissed as either not supporting the team, disloyalty, or spitting the dummy. This trivialises the debate. What I have yet to hear from those who support the status quo is their analysis of why we keep getting spanked and why we regularly show an alarming lack of bottle. Just saying its a bad day at the office or we have Kallstrom to come in or that our many injured are due back ( when?) is tilting at windmills. It doesn't even attempt to address the question.

  49. BNG

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:24 #48061

    Dear Mr Kroenke Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position with Arsenal FC. I understand that two weeks notice is standard. However, if at all possible, I would appreciate you releasing me from employment with the company as soon as possible. I would be glad to provide any assistance I can during this transition. A Wenger

  50. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:18 #48060

    We have potentially 10 games to play and have no choice but to complete the season with the squad & manager we have. What's the point in keep whinging about them? These same players have beaten Spuds, Liverpool & Everton to get to the FA Cup semi and spent a long period on top of the PL, so are they as bad as some would have us believe? Players returning from long term injury such as Ramsey & Kallstrom can give us a boost in beefing up the midfield, which would free Ox to play wide. We have at least 8 winnable games to finish the season on a high. If Wenger stands down in the summer, then so be it, but let's not have the lynch mob forcing the decision. We are Arsenal and we are classier than that.

  51. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:10 #48059

    @Bard, I'd suggest those 'other reasons' are to do with Wenger's footballing philosophy. People wonder why he doesn't study the opposition and use tactics to beat them - it's not because he's an 'imbecile', it's because he 'believes' in focusing on his team's strengths rather than working on weaknesses - his own team's or the opposition's. People also wonder why he just sits there and watches as the goals rain in, doesn't try to change anything - it's not because he's an 'idiot' or a 'moron' (such comments are seriously unhelpful), it's because he doesn't 'believe' in doing anything himself. He can see what we all can see, but he wants the players to work it out for themselves. Unfortunately, this doesn't work so well in today's changed football landscape. It works well enough to win a few more games than you lose and draw over a season, which in this league will get a top 4 finish and a few good looking stats for his supporters to defend him with. But when it comes to the crunch - the big occasions, the big opponents - Wenger's philosophy, in this era, means the team will always fall short. He's not going to change now, whatever resources he has - who would, at 65? So if you want him to carry on, you're signing up for more top 4 scrambles and more humiliations.

  52. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2014, 17:04 #48058

    MG, Swansea might not be the shoo-in for us to beat that it would appear to be. They gave Everton a tough time at their gaff on Saturday in a narrow 3-2 defeat . I expect us to win the game, but it could get a bit nervy if we don't score early doors , and the knowledge that this game is just the starters before the main course and desert to follow , City at home Everton away will pile on the pressure . Not least on to Monsieur Wenger who looks ever more stressed out as the season goes on .He really needs to ask himself at his age with 60million salted away, and his reputation in ever increasing decline, if he really needs this and to consider moving on at the end of the season.

  53. Hibeegunner

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:51 #48057

    Jjetplane No I am not a Leith man though I was born in Edinburgh I watched the Hibees from a very young age my first football kit was an Arsenal one at the age of 7. My first game at highbury was in 1966 not a good year if you are a Scot.I remember many great Scottish players at Arsenal but my treasured possession is a Scotland Jersey given to me by George Graham after a win against Wales in the home internationals when he scored both goals in a 2-0 win hence my little rebuke about the spelling of Frank's name.At the end of the day we all support the club in different ways but I can't help but think the A.W. Is now passed his sell by date perhaps if he had done what Fergie did and had some people around him a modern approach today's game then just perhaps he would not be under the pressure he is today.The stadium debt is now not an excuse now with money to spend but I think he is a little bit afraid of the world wide transfer market as he has been taken out of his comfort zone ie the French market.Lets hope we can finish in 4th or above win the F.A. Cup and let him bow out gracefully because sure is eggs is eggs he at least deserves one more trophy to hold his head up high and say goodbye. My preference as a replacement would be Roberta Martinez premier league experience hungry for success though a little short on European experience I am convinced with his in depth approach to every game he would be a success. Once again sorry to pick you up on Frank's name but it is important to us Scot's that we are treated the same and respected as we are not all in bed with Alex Salmon.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:38 #48056

    jeff wright, yes, our so called technicians got a rude awakening (yet again) yesterday where was the tippy tappy wengerball, it's easy when their up against inferior opposition who just sit back and allow them to do it, (but not against real teams), maybe Swansea will oblige on Tuesday night.

  55. jeff

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:31 #48055

    This let's just forget the 6-0 spanking and move on in Arsene we trust is exactly the reason why these poor performances happen. Wenger himself is the main problem and history shows that he never learns from his mistakes but instead he carries on perpetrating them again,and again and again...

  56. Bard

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:22 #48054

    SGRB; there is a worrying blindness to our repeated debacles. Writing off yesterday would be fine had it not been the third time we have been properly spanked this season.There is something fundamentally wrong somewhere. I don't know what it is my hunch is that the squad is too small and too poor in quality but there may be other reasons. The lack of character and backbone goes back years. Wenger has had long enough to sort it and it is clear as daylight that he can't.

  57. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:15 #48053

    @Westlower...yes its true, wallowing in self pity is a waste of time & energy, but emotionally and financially cheaper than wasting time and energy in the myth of Wenger! WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  58. Bergkamp10

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:12 #48052

    Mr Whitcher. Can you please elaborate on your concerns regarding the injuries. Many thanks.

  59. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 23, 2014, 16:10 #48051

    @Bard, I too noticed even Arseblog making a connection between these huge defeats and suggesting their may be a 'fundamental flaw'. Yet here we're still reading posters suggesting we basically just forget it, reset and go again in exactly the same fashion. 'Dwelling on it' is EXACTLY what needs to happen at the club. Delusion is not optimism. A proper critique of the present is required to move forward with optimism. Without it, this will keep on happening.

  60. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 15:38 #48050

    Marcus, No one is defending yesterdays humiliation. It was a game we were expected to lose and duly did. Playing with 10 men for 75 minutes at 0-3 is a Bridge too far for anybody. No point dwelling on a sh*t day. We can only go on to the next game and put things right. Wallowing in self pity is a waste of time & energy.

  61. jjetplane

    Mar 23, 2014, 15:36 #48049

    HIBBEE Kept saying the spelling woz not bleedin' right but there you go! True gunner - something in WW2? having been born within walking distance of Highbury I well remember when Frank turned up in the 60s and celebrated with the man at his greatest moments at Arsenal. Do I take it you are a man of Leith - used to watch Hibs a bit many moons ago when I lived in Eddy. One of my best pals is a bit 'disillusioned' with this season that could/should have been a step-up. He's also a gooner so he is getting a double dose of silliness. WeSTIE - you finally leaving us though cannot see how backing a couple a nags would stop you posting when I bet you are perusing the posts daily? Gotta say - you do a lotta moaning about the moaners.


    Mar 23, 2014, 15:29 #48048

    As usual the wenger apologist and akbs have turned up lol. I like to call them the DELUDED ARSENE FC BUNCH LOL. They know who they are i.e JAMIE, JULESD, WESTLOWER AND BARDARSE. How on earth can you defend yesterdays performance??? Come on now, you can not defend that performance with a straight face that is a fact. For me that is a sack-able offense and wenger has a few of the last 4 years. He should have really gone after the 8-2 maulling that made he go buy the panic buys he did that season OH DEAR. He has had a few these season as well i.e the 6-3, 5-1 and now the one that hurts the most the 6-0 beating and you could tell mourhnio enjoyed it so much he lfet early to go tell hes wife looooool. YOU COULD NOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP. You wneger apologist need to get with the times and stop all this sentimental love fest. The man is a bust he can no longer takes us further

  63. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 23, 2014, 15:12 #48047

    One newspaper headline today reads "Mourinho's master class proves Wenger really is a specialist in failure", nobody can really argue against that... It's time to go! WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  64. Bard

    Mar 23, 2014, 15:05 #48046

    Please don't start a pointless debate about the ref or the handball. We were 2 nil down and already out of the game at the time of the pen, that's 3-0 in 17 mins. Chelsea could have scored 10 they had that many chances. Marriner made a mistake big deal it wasn't a game changer. Bottom line even Arseblog (aka Wenger's love child) thought it was an even worse performance than the 8-2 Man u debacle. That says it all.

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 14:45 #48045

    BADARSE, it's good to know you think posters who don't think along the same lines as yourself are raving, and are animals. Posters on here no matter what their view have been called and labeled a lot of things over the years but animals is a first so congratulations. Maybe your the one raving and lashing out.

  66. Ken

    Mar 23, 2014, 14:40 #48044

    @Wenger we trust: Did god give you brains I wonder?????????

  67. Hibeegunner

    Mar 23, 2014, 14:35 #48043

    Jjetplane The legend that is Frank spells his name McLintock if you are a true Gunner you would know that Do your homework on the greats before you post. Ron where are you. Badarse good posts

  68. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 14:18 #48042

    KC, 51002, that's exactly what they do mate, they're at it as we speak.

  69. Reality bites

    Mar 23, 2014, 14:08 #48041 about smelling the horse **** instead?

  70. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 23, 2014, 14:03 #48040

    "If only we didn't lose football matches, if only we had the best players in the world playing for us, if only Herbert Chapman was still alive, if only Frank McLintock was still skipper, if only Maureen was our coach, if only we didn't get sign players who suffer long term injuries. The usual suspects will still be moaning whenever we lose under the next manager. We're even being told a Sunday League team is better than a top 4 PL side and it's ME who needs to smell the coffee? " Weslower, coudy ou point me in the direction of these comments? I couldn't find them. I understand your mindset will not allow you to make the obvious connections between events, as the conclusion is too unpalatable - so all defeats must be viewed in isolation and down to external factors. However, exaggerating what you've read in order make it seem absurd just highlights your lack of a robust defence.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:59 #48039

    Gaz, yes he'll always have his apologists even now, and the latest one is telling us the prem is still (mathematically possible) mathematically? is that where we are now? you couldn't make it up. And i've no doubt if he got us relegated we'd hear he's still be the man to get us back up.

  72. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:47 #48038

    In many ways the Flamini situation sums it up, yes he should have started and yes it was a decent squad addition. But it was also the manger showing his frugal mentality we have a lot of money and he could have spent the summer obtaining a top athletic defensive midfieder to replace an ageing pretend def midfielder but no he goes cheap again and gets a player who is not a first choice!!!!!!!

  73. Jason B

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:42 #48037 sound like a born again Wenger follower. What a load of crap you talk. Are you climbing Wenger's ladder?

  74. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:40 #48036

    If only we didn't lose football matches, if only we had the best players in the world playing for us, if only Herbert Chapman was still alive, if only Frank McLintock was still skipper, if only Maureen was our coach, if only we didn't get sign players who suffer long term injuries. The usual suspects will still be moaning whenever we lose under the next manager. We're even being told a Sunday League team is better than a top 4 PL side and it's ME who needs to smell the coffee? You'll be pleased to hear this is my final week posting as the Flat season starts on Saturday. @Bard, I agree with your sentiment that Wenger is allowed to leave with dignity, something some of his detractors on here would do well to recognise. @Badarse, The ref missed the handball as did his assistants, including the woeful 4th official Antony Taylor, who earned notoriety as the ref in the Villa home game, 2 pens + red card. Long term friend of AFC. The decision was guessed at by Marriner under pressure from the Chelsea players. Disgraceful!

  75. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:35 #48035

    @DWThomas - Yes agree everytime we have a big game I expect to lose thats because we usually do! Thats the reality at present!

  76. DW Thomas

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:24 #48034

    Got up yesterday morning to watch the game late. Against Liverpool, same thing happened, turned it on late. Vs Liverpool, my DVR was taping but the game was on when I turned on the tv. Already 3-0. I thought it was a replay of some past bad loss years ago, not realizing it was the current game. Then, yesterday, putting my Arsenal jersey on, i had this thought heading down my stairs---what if its like that game at Anfield? Turned on the tv, my kids cartoons were on, 20 minutes into the game I start my DVR to watch from beginning kickoff. By the 20 minute mark I am just shaking my head, déjà vu. Could not believe my eyes, again. I seem to have developed this feeling that Arsenal will simply disappoint with anything big on the line. Nothing changes. Failure ensues, and its always jam tomorrow. It is now unacceptable as an Arsenal to put up with this kind of performance. And the FA Cup is a minimum to save some face. Wenger looks a buffoon following Mo's Specialst in Failure comment. Instead of proving him completely wrong, he has lived up to it! Sad. I respect Wenger, many of us do, but his arrogance (nothing else to me explains his actions/inactions) is his downfall. It is this ego, an attitude that he is king of all things Arsenal, that lets us all down. Poor decisions, no tactics, bad player selections, etc., etc. Change is the solution. Not more of the same!

  77. Reality bites

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:23 #48033

    Westlower....weren't you supposed to be otherwise engaged till November!? Suggest you pull your nose out the Racing Post once and a while and smell the coffee.

  78. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:19 #48032

    There are no excuses - results, lack of tranfer dealings, no pace, no true top class defensive midfielder, no top class striker, all obvious to nearly all, its not hindsight we would have said the same this time last year! Its like a sick joke!

  79. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:16 #48031

    @Reality Bites, Your glass looks to be half empty, best you top it up before Tuesday. Current odds on Top 4; AFC 1/8, Everton 11/1, TH 13/1, Man U 26/1;Tuesday, AFC 4/9, Swansea 6/1; Saturday, AFC 7/4, Man C 7/5; FA Cup semi, AFC 2/5, Wigan 8/1; FA Cup winner, AFC 1/2.

  80. Edmund

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:14 #48030

    In Wenger I trust - to resign if trophyless this season. I do believe he loves the club and will do what he thinks is right. All the nostalgic talk about the great Arsenal teams of past - the average position was outside the top four. Wenger moved the club to a new level. I hated the boring pre-Wenger Arsenal. Unfortunately after many years of supporting him, I finally agree its time for him to go. He will probably win France another world cup if he becomes their coach but he is out of ideas at Arsenal.


    Mar 23, 2014, 13:12 #48029

    I know this is tripe, but tripe and onions is fare loved by many. How can a straight red be given for a goal scoring impediment when the ball is travelling wide of the goal? Sorry if it is obvious and has been covered by pundits or whoever, I haven't been able to watch any TV or radio reports...or AFC reports.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:09 #48028

    julesd, some more than others, and you know something maybe just maybe if there was or had been more lashing out over the last two or three seasons instead of just brushing things under the carpet and going again we wouldn't have had days like yesterday.

  83. Gaz

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:08 #48027

    @stroud green road boy: yep-I've heard/seen all those excuses and a lot more on my twitter time line...

  84. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:04 #48026

    We get accused by many of over reacting to a bad result, presently its not the results its the performances that are so concerning as well as the direction. I walked out of the Millennium after to late owen goals gutted but deep down i knew we were by the far better team and knew the future was bright sometimes the best team does not win. Years later I walked out of the same stadium after beating the Mancs on penalties feeling ok at least we won but really concerned at the way in which we played and concerned about the direction. Right now the concern is turning to anger at a manager who keeps going down the same road no matter what! People say he is blinded by his own beliefs but the results are there in black and white its like the actions of a madman! If its not working change it, 6-3, 5-1, 6-0 prove its not working, we did not build a new stadium for this. My take on fans is that there are two types supporters and followers, supporters get to as many games as possible, watch when on tv, listen online / radio etc have passion, get angry want the best ask questions etc. Followers keep an eye on the scene, dont get to excited either way, may see it as a day out, may not know the score until later etc. The supporters deserve more from the club and the manager the away supporters do not deserve to keep travelling to big games and watching a big club with finance in place being sh*t on by rivals. The performances give no optimism for the future and right now we are slipping further behind.

  85. Bard

    Mar 23, 2014, 13:01 #48025

    SGRB; Good post. I completely agree. The tripe written on here to justify that capitulation yesterday beggars belief. Those like myself who have argued that he should resign at the end of season do so not as some kind of knee jerk reaction but as consequence of years of watching him making the same mistakes. There is another powerful for him to resign; I for one think he's been good for Arsenal especially in the first years. I don't want to see him sacked or suffer more humiliations like yesterday. I don't want him to become a figure of fun and booed at the Emirates. He needs to go with some dignity and we can then all look back fondly on his reign. He was like a rabbit in the headlights yesterday it was painful to watch. so all those out there deluded by notions of his immortality had better be careful about wanting him to sign another long and lucrative contract. It might just turn out into a very painful public dismantling of a great Arsenal man.


    Mar 23, 2014, 12:56 #48024

    The sending off is a very handy excuse for the apologists. We were 3 down in 15 mins FFS! In their eyes the red card excused what was inevitably going to follow anyway. Going down to 10 men actually improved our game significantly as we acted like a much better defensive unit. I honestly think they would have hit us for double figures if we had kept 11 men on the pitch; that's the way the game was going. If my Sunday league team had lined up at Chavski yesterday, I honestly think we would have done a better job. Anyone defending the manager after yesterday really needs to have a good hard look at where their loyalties lie. How can you watch 9 years of the same utterly pathetic performances and still be happy with what's going on? I respect everyone who cares enough to post on this site, regardless of their view point (except maybe FJ), but yesterday was a sackable offence, simple as that; never mind the City or Liverpool spankings...

  87. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:50 #48023

    Good report Kev, even after yet another humiliation, obviously you feel like all right minded fans do or should, but maybe not able to express them as much as others on here or the wenger apologists would be declaring war on you. I wouldn't worry about them today as their all firmly in their bunker at AKB central command doors locked looking at each other. A woeful performance disgraceful, unforgivable no passion no pride no balls and clueless,so much for his 1000th game it will be remembered now alright with another humiliation,as someone has already said and on more than one occasion, we're a laughing stock again, thanks to a manager who is clearly not up to the job and past it, and regardless if we do fluke the FA cup his position is still untenable because as we all saw for ourselves yesterday he has clearly lost the dressing room.


    Mar 23, 2014, 12:42 #48022

    SGRB, you are not far wrong. Still I do flinch at the compartmentalising of those not screaming, 'Enough!'. I made my position clear, that much has always remained consistent and though I won't buy into the ravings of wounded animals I do understand. This is my way of getting through the hurt. jjetplane no hatred of a single entity on here. I react if I'm attacked. Simples! It is a tough time for us all buddy, and should I suddenly announce, 'You were all right all along!', it would change nothing and affect no one. I can understand Frank's view too, though again am not at that point in this Arsenal affair of the heart. @underachiever, wow, you named it pal. How do you do that? So perceptive. 'Got me big brush, where's me paint pot, gonna splosh on some broad brush strokes, that'll tell it as it is!'. No, you missed big time chum. Now on a lighter note a huge thank you to El Bodgeo, you made my wife and I laugh out loud for the first time since 12.50pm yesterday afternoon.

  89. declan burke

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:37 #48021

    38 years a gooner and I have GENUINELY never been as demoralised as this in all that time, City away was farcical, Anfield unbelievable, yesterday totally and utterly UNFORGIVEABLE. Wenger says he takes full responsibility - REALLY ? This fiasco has to stop.

  90. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:22 #48020

    Guys, if AW is allowed to continue next season I can see us losing a game by double figures. Wigan's manager Rosler will play the same way as Chelsea and Liverpool did against our midfield, what I saw yesterday could just be a "hiccup" compared to what could happen at Wembley next month. I fully agree with Kev about the 2008 league game with Birmingham as the moment when Wenger's mojo was lost - sometimes when events like that are so deeply rooted into the club's psyche the only solution is a complete change of coaching and management staff, combined also with a return to the club's historical pragmatic style of play.

  91. Dartford Gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:20 #48019

    He did not have the balls to face the press after the game, it was said he did not want to miss the bus? You missed it years ago Arsene,time to go even if we do win the FA cup.

  92. Gunner SA

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:20 #48018

    If Arsenal wins the FA Cup do you really think Wenger will resign Kev? On £7.5m a year would you? By the way Wigan won again yesterday

  93. jeff wright

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:19 #48017

    Leaving aside his well known lack of any tactical nous, and reliance on rigid training ground coaching to beat opponents with , Wenger comes across now days as having all the charisma of a cold battered saveloy lacking any inspirational motivation with which to fire up his players. Mourinho’s jibes about Wenger and failure ,were according to some supposed to have done Wenger’s team talk for him and our players would show the mouthy Portugeezer who the real boss was ! Unfortunately they apparently were not aware of this, reality kicked in however within a few minutes after kick-off when it was again obvious that our little technicians are only fast track bullies who beat up the lower sides , and bottle it against the top ones. So just exactly , apart from Stan and co making money from all of this success of failure by Wenger, is the point of it all ? The FAC has been so far a successful campaign ,but all of our games have been played at home , and there is little evidence to suggest that we might have beaten Liverpool and Everton had these ties been played away, we have beaten Liverpool twice at home but were well trashed by them away . Everton still lurk in the league away , so another possible banana skin awaits in that fixture. Latest title odds : 6/4 Chelsea and City. 5/2 Liverpool. 50-1 Arsenal. These odds show that Wenger, the master of illusion , has again had his title challenge exposed for the sham that it really always was.

  94. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 12:10 #48016

    STOP PRESS: The Referee's Association has requested that every Arsenal player wears a different colour shirt to enable the match officials to distinguish between them. It's understandable that they should confuse BFG with Santi Cazorla.

  95. jjetplane

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:54 #48015

    Sir Frank McClintock also talking about Pink-Panther stand-in being unhappy with fans chanting 'you don't know what you're doing'. When you earn that money you are in the mix for people having a serious pop. BADARSE you can carry on with the stoicism and apostolic word-play while you also vent your hatred of most of the people on here today. When people say he should do the right thing, that is hardly a lynch mob. This is a 500 game verdict and let's be stark here. He's made more than enough money (too much) out of OUR club and it is plainly obvious that a golden cannon (the irony) has taken precedence over some serious prep work against a pathologically driven foe. Mourinho is mad and that is why he was 3 up before most people had even got to pub yesterday. If you don't like what is written here, then listen to Frank. I know you will. Peace me old mucker and that is all capitalism is - a hedge fund propelled revolution into the abyss. Who knows - one day the Emirates will be a Rollerball type monster where football becomes a side show to game promotion like hot dog races between the likes of Arteta and Giroud. Finsbury Joe knows the score. Here's a book for ya. Axel Munthe's Story of San Michele. For the BARD ha ha I studied Kerouac in the middle of yankie land with a beat poet who hung around with Dean Moriarty. Visions of Cody is my stand-out. BadARSE Camus - now there's a football man for you. Are we at the stage of THE FaLL - initial pages a terrifying read that puts the 'early minutes of the early games' in perspective. More coffee officer ....

  96. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:51 #48014

    To the words of Neil Sedaka, Oh Carol: Oh Arsenal I am but a fool, I love you but you treat me cruel, you hurt me, you made me cry, oh Arsenal I'm so in love with you, I'll want you for my sweetheart, no matter what you do, they'll never be another, oh Arsenal, I'm so in love with you.

  97. Ian

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:37 #48013

    Can't disagree with a word of that, it sums it up pretty well. With the favourable press Arsene was granted on the occasion of his 1,000th match (and deserved), he couldn't have chosen a more symbolic way to fall on his sword. Or indeed a more humiliating way. I can't see a way back for him now, these humiliations are becoming a regular occurrence and cannot be dismissed as freak results. Aston Villa, Fulham and most of the other PL sides have given Chelsea more of a game than that, which tells you something about the simple ability to organise a side whatever the quality of the personnel that these teams have. And Arsenal haven't. The upper echelons at Arsenal, if they were doing the job they ought to be, would take AW aside and persuade him to go out with dignity this year, maybe with the FA cup. There is no future in 2 or 3 years of the same, and watching his humiliation and lack of answers is painful, like watching your Dad losing his strength. Please take the dignified way out.

  98. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:33 #48012

    You were right, Maguiresbridge Gooner. You said the excuse would start to come and sure enough, they have. To paraphrase what we have and will hear: 'There are worse things in the world, so support AW!' 'Hey, defeats happen! Forget it and move on, get behind the manager!' 'It's a one off' 'It's a blip', 'It's an accident', 'It's only 3 points' 'It doesn't matter if it's 1-0 or 6-0' 'It was the ref' 'We cannot expect to compete with Chelsea' 'It doesn't matter if you lose to your rivals as long as you accrue enough points over the season' 'Arsene Wenger is a nice man'. All of the above can't or refuses to see the relationship between this and other sound beatings and collapses at the crucial moments, and recognise the source of them. No point in the personal insults aimed at the man however; I'd echo the calls that he wins the FA Cup and walks away with his head up.

  99. Sarf Lunden

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:29 #48011

    Went yesterday (in the West Stand) in 23 years as a season ticket holder I've never seen, live, an Arsenal team play so badly. Not playing Flamini from the start was madness. Our midfield got over run by Chelsea's work rate and leaving Giroud up front on his own never troubled Terry and co after the first minute.The high line meant once they got behind us we had no chance of catching up. Wigan were good enough to out think then punish City so must believe they have a very good chance at Wembley. As for Wenger getting one trashing a season away from home(8-2) is normal. Getting three is sign of a major decline by a manager blind to his faults. Yes we've done better in the league but would we be in fourth if Ferguson had stuck around for one more season? And please can everyone stop going on about the Invincibles. I was there, it was great, it was a long, long time ago. Stop deluding ourselves about past glories. No one gets a tattoo with "fourth place and out of the CL before the quarters".

  100. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:20 #48010

    @ChrisDee -Spot on mate, same game plan no matter what. As we have injuries could he not just reconsider the fact that if the best players are missing we may not be able to play the way he wants....... Just at least consider it... It was the same at OT with the 8-2 injuries to many players but a stubbornness to carry on regardless sometimes you adapt or lose badly.

  101. jjetplane

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:13 #48009

    Frank McClintock on the radio this morning using words like 'disillusioned' 'overrates the players he has' 'none of them would make the earlier team'. This is Frank (a true leader) talking. Imagine how he would deal with a bunch of average Joes living in mansions. Wenger's wage policy is a bit like Barclays. Reward failure because in the 'new world' failure makes money for the few. Note the football language before kick-off with Wenger dressed for a sunday walk and Mourinho in appropiate 'this is business' ware. Thought Mourinho also came out well post-match. It was almost beneath him to talk about fly-swatting tournaments. Oh how the Chelsea fans laughed and so they should. There was a time we could. That time is over.

  102. Bill Murray for Manager

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:12 #48008

    We were beaten even before a ball was even kicked.The line up, the lack of tactics typical Wenger.The Ox and Arteta in the middle while Flamini was on the bench.You couldnt make it up.Arteta hasnt go no legs he can get away with it at home against the weak teams but away to City Liverpool and the Chavs he was mullered.Mert and Kos our first choice CB's played in all three games in which we have conceded 17 goals.Cazorla once again a big match turns into Lord Lucan.As for Giroud he is awful.As an Arsenal fan said on the radio yesterday you get what you pay for.He's the worst number 1 striker at the club since Lee Chapman.Good to see the Wenger apologists are back.Its like yesterday didnt happen.We will finish 4th but thats all we are a 4th place team and a last 16 team in Europe.Groundhog Season again

  103. Graham Gooner Ward

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:11 #48007

    Sat in a pub in Dublin looking forward to Arsenal proving their worth as a genuine challenger, game over in 10 minutes, tactically inept again, simply embarrassing, time for a change

  104. julesd

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:02 #48006

    STEVIEO - you obviously don't understand why Arsenal have people collecting money on match days, do you ever read the programmes or watch people appearing on the pitch with huge cheques? It's all for charity, I seem to remember Arsenal made a homeless charity their goal a couple of years ago, keep up please.

  105. Ozzie

    Mar 23, 2014, 11:02 #48005

    Bard, I think WWT is on metho! Forget the "we" you are on your own mate. My long standing admiration for Wenger wore out two years ago. Football is a dog eat dog world nowadays and it is obvious Wenger doesn't have the teeth. Please, Arsene, do the honourable thing, before you go down in history as a clown. Oh boy, some of you are suckers for punishment or just plain masochistic. Think I'll go and watch Leyton Orient and enjoy an old fashioned game of football.

  106. Reality bites

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:56 #48004

    Westlower....or on the flip side Everton win their game in hand,turn Arse-ne over at Goodison and are two points behind.....

  107. underacheiver

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:52 #48003

    The only way to get change is to stop giving them your money. Stop going to games and stop buying merchandise. I see the Arsene acolytes are starting to put their heads above the parapet. In essence their only argument now is stop being nasty to our beloved Arsene. Its only 1 game blah blah blah. They can waffle all they like about their love for Arsenal Football Club but they appear to have no passion for the club, only for Mr nice guy Arsene Wenger. If they don't feel humiliated by these continuing embarrassing defeats and cannot see what the root cause is then they are no supporter of Arsenal football Club no matter what they say.

  108. chris dee

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:50 #48002

    Deep down we all knew didn't we?From one to eleven their players are better than ours.So what does Arsene do?What he always does.Nothing,no plan,no adapting our now so predictable way of playing ,no attempt to nullify the opponents strenghts,a more stringent defensive unit against a big team,keep it solid for twenty minutes etc etc.It was painful,distressing and humiliating for us the fans.It's happened to many times,something in the teams D N A,which is down to the manager,stinks.By the way what other manager would have a culture at his club that would allow a player to think of nothing about taking 'a selfie' on the pitch after a match.How infantile, how classless.No selfie yeaterday eh Chesney?Hill Wood said there is no plan B regarding a new manger if Arsene doesn't sign his new contract,he better start thinking of one because even Arsenes supporters,me included are wavering.

  109. BADARSE

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:49 #48001

    @I remember when Arsenal...a true fan with damaged feelings, but showing subdued reactions without rancour. Understand all you say-who couldn't? Stay with it chum. Again, where else is there to go? Hurry up Tuesday night! Here's a thought, me and a few notable others running in a Benny Hill style sketch, with the usual suspects chasing with custard pies. Silly? Think about it guys. Some view antics and attitudes a little differently than the usual laid down outlook.

  110. Dirkus

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:48 #48000

    I don't know about 2008. I don't think Arsene has ever recovered from Manure beating us to end the 49 game unbeaten run. I think his head went along with his bottle. As for yesterday's performance, Giroud has to be the worst no1 striker we've ever had! Arteta and Ox holding midfielders. Really! and i hope this has finally put to bed the myth that Per and Kos are world class defenders! Santi is once again MIA. From a team 10 yrs ago of pace, power, brilliance and winners, we have come to this. A team with no pace, no power,no desire and NO Bottle! I really want us to win the cup but if defeat brings change then sometimes you prune to save the whole. He should have resigned yesterday and taken this bunch of no hopers with him. If you can't motivate a team or be motivated to beat the ODIOUS chavs from west London, jose, terry et al, you don't deserve to wear the shirt!

  111. El Bodgeo

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:41 #47999

    Ref: 'Gibbs, you're off!' Ox: 'But ref, it was me!' Ref: 'Shut up Walcott and get on with the game!'

  112. Johnc

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:36 #47998

    Enough is enough. Wenger out.

  113. I remember when Arsenal cared about its fans.

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:34 #47997

    The comments are understandable. All true Arsenal fans are hurting. We can take defeats within a framework of mental fortitude when things go against you in a game but they really hurt when actions of your own club cause the problem. The selection was naive against Mourinho, the tactics even more so., to stick to those tactics after you have half-time to impose damage limitation is negligent. Expect the usual ringing of handa and a queue of players telling us through the mandelson like PR machine that they are hurting/we owe the fans who have been marvellous/we will learn the lessons..etc, perme any of these and more. It is like a computer bank that the media office just give to the players to say. The real problem is the way the club is run.Our anger should be directed at the board and Ivan the Terrible. Their contemptible increase in ticket prices for next season when revenue from commercial interest is rocketing tells you all you need to know about what they feel about the fans. Only when we have fans on the board will we really know what is going on. Though the evidence suggests our beloved Arsenal is just a cash cow for Ivan the terribles bonus and the boards share prices. In the real world their treatment of the fans would be classified at best neglect and at worst abuse. Though like all those emotionally trapped the fans will stay and come back for more. Shame on the Arsenal boatd and Ivan the Terrible for reducing this great club to this framework of abuse. Adopt the German system , the fans should own the clubs-it seems to work over there very successfully, ask Bayern fans.

  114. Westlower

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:33 #47996

    No particular type of fan has a monopoly on pain & hurt. It's part & parcel of losing, even more so when it's a close rival inflicting the pain. It was the one game in our remaining fixtures that we were expected to lose. Chelsea were odds on favourites to win the game and once we've conceded a penalty & reduced to 10 men a humiliating defeat was always on the cards. What happened is over and done with and all our opinions & mud slinging won't change events from yesterday. How can the ref award a penalty & an unnecessary red card when his initial reaction was to award a corner kick? What happened to only give a decision if you're 100% sure. Life is all about how you cope with adversity & the team need to get back to winning ways on Tuesday and put us on 65 points before Man C turn up on Saturday. In our previous 3 games, we reached the semi's of the FA Cup, drew away at B Munich & won at the Lane. The criticism of the team would be more justified if it contained Ramsey, Walcott, Wilshire, Ozil, Diaby. Some posters complain persistently when we win, so it only serves to dilute their argument when we do lose. Who knows what the coming week will bring, 2 victories & we'll be on 68pts. Hope springs eternal. If you have any custard pies left........

  115. BADARSE

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:22 #47995

    This is someone else's purple prose but is apt. julesd, spirited and defiant as expected, well done girl, this to you. From 'Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves', 'I've seen knights in armour panic at the first hint of battle. And I've seen the lowliest unarmed squire pull a spear from his own body, to defend a dying horse, (sounds a bit like 24601 to me). Nobility is not a birthright. It's defined by one's actions.' I know, I was there!

  116. Stevieo

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:16 #47994

    Julesd – totally spot on. There are worse things going on in the world. That is actually one of the best defences for Wenger I’ve read on here. How is Wenger’s team set up going to help the homeless? How is a striker of note going to solve the Crimea dispute? Can’t dispute that. Maybe we should ask Kevin to stop writing about Arsenal on his football blog, and use this far reaching platform to make the world a better place?

  117. JAMIE

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:10 #47993

    Usual over-reaction as usual from all the light weight Goons. Stop all your bellyaching I slept like a baby last night completely unconcerned as I know all will turn out fine. Chelsea got lucky and Wenger shouldn't have gone gung-ho early doors, nothing really lost except our ego's bruised, could have lost the game after dominating as have done in the past to a dodgy late goal and still got nothing from the game and goal difference doesn't affect us now anyway. With an easy run in we can expect 8 wins on the trot from now on which will still give us an outside chance and there is absolutely no danger of finishing outside the top four. Plenty in the bank for a summer spend fest which will strengthen us far above any of our rivals and two visits to Wembley to look forward to against a couple of comedy clubs with a trophy 90% certain. Have faith!

  118. Gooner Pat

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:07 #47992

    Agree with everything said. On reflection of the game I don't think we would've had to do that much to get a point at stamford bridge. Before they scored there seemed to be quite a bit of space and they just had two strong donkeys in the middle of the park. That's whats most disappointing for me, we didn't even fight man for man, where the hell was gibbs for the first two goals! Think Flamini should've started. Problem is Wenger has become the master of papering over the cracks. A few wins against swan, man city and wigan would change everything but I just cant see it.

  119. BADARSE

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:04 #47991

    @artetaiswengerslovechild, as I said, educated enough to type readable English, unintelligent enough to be rude and insulting. You walked straight into the trap. I couldn't have scripted it better.

  120. KC

    Mar 23, 2014, 10:01 #47990

    Kevin -Good read and very much agree we have hoped all season! while seating at the games knowing that what we're watching is not a title winning squad in terms of squad quality and performance. @All is the website Untold Arsenal owned by the club or supported by them? The report on there today is beyond utter belief! Appreciate all are entitled to an opinion but do these people have any passion and hurt it's almost like a little hobby to them. Do they check scores on sky sports news then sigh oh well there's always next week and go away and read about referees?

  121. julesd

    Mar 23, 2014, 9:20 #47989

    Glad to see all the experts are back on the page, why don't you go and find a nice quiet corner and read a good book, stop opening your mouths and letting your stomachs rumble. Get over it there are far worse things going on in the world, shame you don't worry about some of them. At least we have a manager with dignity and grace, give the man a break. Congratulations on your 1,000 game Arsene.

  122. Alsace Lorraine de totteridge

    Mar 23, 2014, 9:16 #47988

    JJet plane, I don't know what you can mean. Surely arsene Wenger is our glorious leader and must have another thousand games. All those who suggest otherwise are libertines wastrels and thought criminals. Bless the glorious leader who should be leader of his country or president of the world.

  123. fozzys mate

    Mar 23, 2014, 9:12 #47987

    DW thanks for the welcome back. I've been trying to keep my head down this season but the lava is rising given the inevitable collapse of the last couple of months. I've said it all in the past re OGL and his sponsors the DDT and MSS. The desparation to give OGL a new deal is pathetic. This season the propaganda machine buried bad news by slipping in a 3% price increase while we were 5 points clear for inflationary reasons. What when commercial income and tv revenues have gone through the roof? Our board are masters of stuffing the company with cash forcing the share price up. Someone below talks of billionaire owners. We would be better with Sid the butcher as owner as even he would invest more in the club than the DDT who was not put one penny in to the company. His gushing interview about Wenger last season said it all "he extracts value". OGL is now a laughing stock with fans of our rivals imploring him to stay! Giroud is getting pelters but if you were shagging everything that moves the night before games you would be sluggish. With our resources to have the man more adept at banging birds than goals in, a kid who has had 3 broken legs in 3 years and a man more interest in effing a taxi than football is a disgrace. But scraping into 4th and a 24 million contract for OGL will be the upshot.

  124. arstetaiswengerslovechild

    Mar 23, 2014, 9:07 #47985

    badarse: you talk out of it! simple answer: shoot arteta and giroud.

  125. Postie

    Mar 23, 2014, 9:06 #47984

    Excellent article viewing my sentiments. The real deep seated problem with our great club lies at board level. They are only interested in profit and having a manager who is reluctant to spend any money suits them perfectly. Kronke and Gazidis will be desperate for AW to sign a new contract for that reason alone. I for one will be happy for us to win the FA Cup and for AW to set off into the sunset with dignity and let a new chapter in our history begin.

  126. Nick T

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:59 #47983

    Wenger now needs to demonstrate how much he really does love the club and do the honorable thing. Im just so bored of it all now from the bizarre team selections and tactical naivety not to mention the embarrassing post match press conferences and laughable mantras he trotts out after every game. Loyalty is admirable but blind faith is certainly not and what this club needs now is fresh eyes and ideas. Whilst Im firmly in favour of wenger leaving, like any gooner hes given me some of the greatest moments of my arsenal supporting life so I only hope that should we win the FA Cup it is used as an ideal moment to bow out and not as justification for a new deal. If its the latter then things could end up turning really ugly and that would be very sad. If of course we fail to win the cup then I think his position is simply untenable.

  127. BADARSE

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:58 #47982

    Apologies Kevin, thank you. A very good report. Painful to read but as usual clear-sighted and observant. Good old Arsenal.

  128. Champions Never Again

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:46 #47981

    I thought Wenger should have gone after the 8-2.So do i think he will go after 3 humiliating defeats?No.The man is bomb proof.The 4-4 at Newcastle the 8-2 Bradford Blackburn the annual exit in the last 16 in the CL have no effect on our Specialist in Failure.He can stay as long as he likes and that is the problem he decides his own fate.I wish that Gazidis would read the comments on here.Us the fans unlike you we have been Arsenal fans for years we have Arsenal in our blood.We are hurting are you? Arsenal need a total revolution a new owner and a new manager.Arsenal should be a football club not a PLC

  129. BADARSE

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:42 #47980

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. I heard my name! I have been where I always go in times of acute stress, into a deep dark place within. I have been drawn up sharply a few times, caught gazing into the middle distance, but I have appeared from the other side of that mental wormhole and am ready to go again. A loss is painful, a surrender is of course much, much worse. From where I sit running through a wall for Arsenal is a given, no expected. The problems on the pitch were manifold-are these the deep-rooted frailties the 'manager out' brigade see constantly? I witness the same things and have said often when pressed. Arsene is stubborn, may clearly be locked-in with his technical ability. We all become dinosaurs to watching eyes very quickly, he is no exception. The fundamental differences between my position and those who oppose yet pledge love and loyalty to Arsenal is this, I await natural evolution, they advocate revolution. That is a little trite it's true but the essence is valid. I view the Arsenal manager as I do all things. I try to attain an all-round view and then weigh the circumstances. Arsene remaining has always outweighed the idea of him departing for me. I am stuck with that as a clear and solid belief. It is impossible to quantify, 90% in favour of him staying, the sliding scale measure moves it drops to 75% as the idea of him leaving increases. Constantly fluctuating. This is not indecisiveness. Positions alter, vines wither or grow, times change. My views with them. Amended, reshaped, and redirected. Arsene provokes reactions. In the same way the opposing camp react, I too have been irritated, irked and annoyed on occasions-that is par for the course for any long term relationship. Time marches relentlessly on, and time will see changes for sure. I await the eventual outcome. I wait patiently because I shall not be part of a witch-hunt, I will not tack myself onto a baying lynching-party. It is beyond my considerations. There are far more legitimate reasons to protest in this world, I save my energies for them. I am aware that when people hurt, and Arsenal losing like this make people hurt badly, it forces a natural reaction in some. They want to strike out, to blame someone else. They always want to shoot that poor messenger. Well here I am. Fire away! Just take a look in the mirror though, because in many ways I am you. My pain is obvious, it is seeping through the words I type, spilling onto the screen. This is my time for repair, but I am defiant. I abhor the insulting vitriol that gushes from so-called intelligent Arsenal fans. I should qualify that, educated Arsenal fans. There is a big difference between intelligence and education. Education sometimes seems to be wasted on Neolithic attitudes and poor manners. OK, custard pies at the ready, begin!

  130. Martyn

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:23 #47979

    I can't imagine what the pre-match talk was. It seems there wasn't any on the evidence witnessed at Stamford Bridge yesterday. I find it difficult to comprehend how poor Arsenal were in the basics of passing the ball. Chelsea knew exactly how to play Arsenal and were tactically switched on from the start. Arsenal had no tactical awareness and only goes to highlight the main Wenger weakness of not looking at the opposition but only playing his game. Hope will be rekindled when we beat Swansea on Tuesday but lets not be fooled again; Wenger must bow out at the end of the season, hopefully with the FA Cup, but if if I was a Wigan fan I would fancy my chances big time. Get Klopp at he Emirates and start believing again.

  131. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:18 #47978

    Our real problem is that the club's owners care more about making money than glory or even competence on the pitch. Unless Wenger walks we are stuck with him and the inevitable status quo. If that happens only the fans can change things but the manager still has an awful lot of disciples out there and it'll get messy. How bloody frustrating.

  132. UB10

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:17 #47977

    Difficult to defend yesterday's shambles. How many more times will we have to put up with horror shows like this? Wigan must be quaking in their boots!

  133. Bard

    Mar 23, 2014, 8:11 #47976

    InWWT; what are you on mate? We were evicerated yesterday and not for the first time this season. You are not serious suggesting we are in a position to win the league. Its precisely your kind of thinking that has us stuck in Groundhog day. I don't know what it would take for supporters like you to understand that Wenger is finished as a top class manager. If yesterday was anyone other manager than Wenger, a sacking would be a near certainty. We were tactically inept and didn't turn up psychologically. That is unacceptable for a club of our stature.

  134. In Wenger We Trust

    Mar 23, 2014, 7:54 #47975

    @Chris: it will be more damning for ManU and Liverpool as they got more expenditure and spent more on wages than we do. Out of anyone here, you should know this, unless this is another Chris I'm talking to. Either way, you don't need to overreaction because of this lost like the others here. Our situation isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I'm sure ManU would trade places with us, even if it gets them a beating by Chelsea. @Everybody else: stop being drama queens. While the lost is disappointing, we are only seven points behind Chelsea with a game in hand, it's still mathematically possible to win the league. Even if we don't win the league or any trophy, this season is still success. We were top of the league for the majority of the time. Before the season started pundits and naysayers like yourselves were saying Arsenal will struggle to finish in top 4. Wenger deserves to get a new contract, it's only a matter of time. So stop your whining and support the club. Arsene knows best.

  135. Gaz

    Mar 23, 2014, 7:43 #47974

    If you want Wenger to stay expect more seasons like this and results like yesterday. If you want him to change forget it-he won't. If you want change what you really want is a new manager. Its that simple. Yesterday was a big moment for Wenger and the Club and once again him and his side blew it in spectacular fashion. 17 goals conceded away to the top three is and should be unnaceptable to any fan but even now I see and hear excuses being made for Wenger. He has to go at the end of the season even if we win the FA Cup. He wont of course and we'll be doing this all again in 12 months time (and I remember saying the EXACT same thing twelve months ago).

  136. Gooner72

    Mar 23, 2014, 7:24 #47973

    All so very predictable so no surprises here, fourth place is about our limit, if you cannot turn up in the big games then you'll never win anything, I could slag off Wenger but hey that's already been said, his time is up basically, why do we Gooners think we are close to the top sides because honestly we not, I don't rate Gibbs from a defensive point of view, sadly Arteta is way to slow and Giroud is average at best, don't even get me started on Sanogo and Kallstrom and Ozil is 42.5 million piece of the jigsaw we didn't need IMHO, yesterday showed our limitations and confirmed what all us Gooners really know, let's win the FA Cup so that Arsene can leave with a little bit of pride restored and a polite thank you to Mr W for his past achievements, pass over the reign Mr W your time is up.

  137. julesd

    Mar 23, 2014, 7:13 #47972

    Everything that could go wrong, duly did. Devastating to give the ball away so cheaply twice in the first 7 minutes. Needless penalty to give give away and the game is beyond recall after 17 minutes. Not the first time this season that we've lost when down to 10 men, Villa (Kos), Napoli (Arteta), Bayern Munich (Arteta) + draw with Southampton (Flamini). Penalties have done for us against Villa x2, Bayern Munich, Stoke. Maybe time to bring Kallstrom into midfield on Tuesday. Of the 8 remaining PL games, 5 are at home and 80+ points remains an achievable target. @Wenger Out & Maguiresbridge. We all hurt when AFC lose but some of us restrain ourselves from lashing out. Bring on Tuesday and let's go again.

  138. Enough is enough Wenger

    Mar 23, 2014, 6:51 #47971

    17 goals in just 3 games v Liverpool City Chelsea is a disgrace.Not even Fulham do that.The reason is Wenger doesnt do tactics.You can get away with it against the lower teams but against the big teams you will get killed like we have its bleeding obvious.It makes you wonder what the team actually do in training other than playing one touch 5 a side.Yesterday was a Flamini game yet he was left on the bench while the snail like Arteta was crushed by the Chelsea midfield.You cant go toe to toe with the big teams.But Wenger wont learn what did he learn from the Liverpool game a month a ago?.Yesterday like the Liverpool game the game was over in 10 mins.Whatever you say about Jose he is a master coach he had a game plan.Its no surprise Wenger hasnt beaten him in 11 games.Watching Arsenal in the big games is now verging on cruelty.So once again we will creep into 4th and reward our tactically clueless manager a new 4 year contract.How mad is that?The really sad thing is Wenger still has his followers and defenders.Dont they hurt when we get spanked by 6,5 and 6 goals.I just wonder how many more of these spankings(which will continue to happen)do we have to put up with till these deluded fans finally realise Wenger has to go.

  139. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 23, 2014, 6:00 #47970

    D W Thomas: how about only the champions get into the UCL? And we revert back to the UEFA Cup and ECWC format? A pipedream I know but would probably make the Premiership - and other European leagues more competitive - and would restore real value and prestige to the Cups.

  140. Wengerballs

    Mar 23, 2014, 5:11 #47969

    Come on Wigan, come on Wigan. Nah, we'll win the F.A. fecking Cup, Wenger will sign his contract, and all will be rosey in Wenger's garden.

  141. Malaysian gunner

    Mar 23, 2014, 4:52 #47968

    I believe and so do many fans that as long as Wenger stays,Arsenal won't be able to win the epl. This is because tactically he has lost it time and again. He may be able to beat lowly teams by a big margin but against the top sides,he has been found out repeatedly.The main cause is his hdl. Foot ball is an attacking game,no doubt. But sometimes you have to play anti soccer to get a result.That's how Chelsea go the better of Barcelona to win the cl.Messi who Wenger said was unplayable,was stifled. This was because De matteo devise aplan to stop the maestro. Wenger has flattered to deceive. Unless he gets a top class coach, believe me,it will be the same thing ,leading the the epl for 28 games only to collapse at the finishing line.Once or twice is pardonable but if it becomes a regular occurrence the heads must roll. In this cae ,Wengers'. I 'll say it again Thanks for the wonderful memories. It's time to move on with a new guy.

  142. Edmund

    Mar 23, 2014, 2:35 #47967

    Wenger lost the league in Jan. Ok if you can't get Diego Costa. Berbatov was available and wanted in for reportedly only £2mil. Now he's scoring for fun at Monaco. Even Falcao was available. He's gone to China. So he signed a crocked midfielder in KK but didn't dare to start him against Chelsky. At least he would have provided some unknown x factor. Wenger is too predictable and that is why he always get beaten by Mourinho. Hope he really takes responsibility for his poor tactics. Third time Sat noon kickoff the team looked like they just had a full lunch and feeling drowsy. Or too soon to recover from late nights at the pubs.

  143. DW Thomas

    Mar 23, 2014, 2:19 #47966

    What if a CL spot were given for winning the FA Cup instead of 4 th place? And how about one for the League Cup instead of third? Now I'd love to see that! Give only the top two an automatic CL spot and the cup winners a place. What would that have done to our Champions League priority each season? Something different to ponder. Just tired of critiquing the same old s..t. I will always be a Gooner, but maybe it'd be nice watching some other team, lower down like some have said on here recently. At least they wouldn't be quite the overpaid pampered wimps we've been seeing. Imagine a CL with only champions! Now that might be something! So far away...

  144. Malaysian gunner

    Mar 23, 2014, 2:14 #47965

    I am sick and tired of this man.He buys players and plays them in the wrong position. It may have worked with Henry/RVP/,etc but it won't work all the time. He has lost repeatedly to the big teams by a big margin but shows no sign of changing his system.The 6-3 loss to MC shd have been a wake up call but no Pool humiliated him again and now 6-0.Only a manager like him will allow NU to come back and draw 4-4. His wengerball can easily be nullified.If he has any pride,he shd make way for another guy.

  145. Ozzie

    Mar 23, 2014, 2:08 #47964

    The only way you're gonna get the p##@k out is to organise a revolt. Time the Arsenal supporters regained control of THEIR club. Stop blabbering and ...DO SOMETHING or put up with more of the same.

  146. Ozzie

    Mar 23, 2014, 1:51 #47963

    SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! GO WENGER..........GO!!!!!

  147. Finsbury Joe

    Mar 23, 2014, 1:33 #47962

    Wolfgang, this season, and last, the team have been anything other than pretty, they cannot use the beautiful football excuse, but at the same time, lacking strength and defensive thinking. A complete shambles, much is made of performances against big teams this multi millionaire bunch have lost to stoke and Aston villa, and were extremely lucky against Spurs, Soton and Everton recently. Wenger has left the building. It looks like the coin has dropped with the players, their lord master and protector is going, and in fear of getting a proper manager who might take them out of a comfort zone, they have downed tools. If wenger is stupid enough to stay, he will have the trio he has embarrassed himself this season to contend with along with Van Gaal and whoever the Mancs put in. He knows he cannot compete, the coward is gone because he is too afraid to change

  148. Wolfgang

    Mar 23, 2014, 1:30 #47961

    The special one had not lost a game at home for ages. By the law of averages ,he was due a loss..Sadly Wenger failed and was humiliated yet again. The defeats to MC and Pool shd have made him aware of the need for a more focussed defence.Instead he opted more or less the same approach. He wants Arsenal to play like in the Norwich game when Wilshire slotted the ball. Chelsea are miles apart from Norwich. His tactical naivety has been exposed time and again by the big teams. Yet he show s no wish to change his one dimensional style.Sadly he has no one to blame but himself. He is too arrogant for the ARSENAL brand. I say thanks for the memory.Failure to win against Wigan will be catastrophic. It will lead to earthquake among the fans.Win the FA cup and leave .On paper it looks easy but Wigan won't let Arsenal play the passing football.They will harass every gunner.After getting the better of MC,the Lactics will be fired up. Wenger,you have been warned.

  149. Ken Dodd

    Mar 23, 2014, 1:30 #47960

    I bet Babatunde is killing himself laughing....!!

  150. Wolfgang

    Mar 23, 2014, 1:06 #47959

    Wenger has said he is to blame. Then he shd do the honourable thing and leave.If he stays,it will be or less the same way he has managed Arsenal. Arsenal have choked when within sight of the title not once but five/six times. This is unacceptable at a big club like Arsenal.I just hope the board will get a new guy.There are many ex managers whose track record surpasses that of the fm.I believe whoever,assuming the fm leaves,won't follow Wenger's all passing and pretty soccer.The focus will be on winning and winning now and the present. The future can wait. In a way Wenger could have put Arsenal in abetter position had he bought a striker. he was always thinking of the future when Arsenal were leading the epl.Had he gone for Berbatov or someone else,things could have been different. All that is in the past now.

  151. Finsbury Joe

    Mar 23, 2014, 1:05 #47958

    Specialists in failure, wenger, Gazidis kronke. Gooners should hide away in shame for several days. This was one of the most pathetic performances in top flight history. No other team in the league, and the one below would have surrendered in such a way. The luckiest man on the pitch, Gibbs,,taken away from his own personal nightmare. The good news, wenger will not have the affront to sign a new deal, too much even for him, the bad news, kronke and Gazidis have set out to bring what they perceive as the true Arsenal back to the club......and have approached Glenn Hoddle

  152. Wolfgang

    Mar 23, 2014, 0:27 #47957

    No need to say anything. Wenger shd,indeed must go.He has failed to close the gap on the big teams. He doesn't want to play anti soccer. Arsenal better get someone whose focus is on winning not indulging in pretty/dancing soccer. Wenger has been playing the same style for years which why he has lost repeatedly against red face Chelsea in both the cl and cl. In fact he is lucky to have survived up to the 1000th mark. I say thanks for the memory. Arsenal need a fresh start to reflect the world wide brand: ARSENAL.

  153. Gooner89

    Mar 22, 2014, 23:52 #47956

    Belfast Gooner. I did feel the pain in 1980. I was at Wembley. 18 then: got a lift to game from my neighbour l, a West Ham fan. Can't compare with where we are now. Different Era. Wenger out

  154. Joe S.

    Mar 22, 2014, 23:50 #47955

    Yes,it's been the perfect season for Arsene Wegner and those who share his philosophy. Work on the cheap,pretend to be in the hunt thanks to a dream run,put up ticket prices and scrape into fourth place. Otherwise known as Ground Hog Day,only with ever deepening humiliation for the true fans.

  155. rotten bizness

    Mar 22, 2014, 23:18 #47954

    I like the idea of Wenger being Malcolm was a revolution-explosion of new 1976-McLaren/Wenger in 1996..Bobby Pires was our Sid..but alas he is no more and poor old Wenger keeps recycling the same old tunes/meaning there's no unity between him and the players-they're now the sidemen and it's all about him. He dismantled the Invincibles in double quick time so it could only be about him..and there in a nutshell is his downfall. Cover band!

  156. Belfast Gooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 23:17 #47953

    @Gooner89 you obviously never felt the pain of the night when we lost to Valencia on penalties four days after losing the cup final to the Hammers...and then after a valiant 2-1 win at Wolves on the Friday in our 69th game of the season, getting tanked 5 at Borough on the Monday and not even qualifying for Europe. That was pain. Today was just embarrassing

  157. rob1970

    Mar 22, 2014, 23:07 #47952

    Go back to the last summer...Wenger offered 15 (or 16 mil) for Gustavo, but would not go to 18 mil....Gustavo a fine DM and fixture in the Brazil team. Fast forward.... Artetea is shoe horned into the DM role and Flamini sits on the bench for a visit to Maureen's Chelsea....sheer and utter deranged, inexplicable lunacy. And yet I still think Wenger ail be re-signed for another 3 years.


    Mar 22, 2014, 23:06 #47951

    Yaya Toure was not 'top top quality enough for Wenger, but Giroud was.... enough said.

  159. Spike

    Mar 22, 2014, 22:42 #47950

    This really is getting silly now. The head says recent form in early kick offs, recent (5 years) dismal form against top teams, dreadful record against Mourinho, abysmal form away from home all point to a bad day out. But your heart stays delusionally optimistic because you just never know in football and the law of averages means something has to change sooner or later, right. But the head is always right, the facts do not lie and you get back what you put in, just like all the other times. The real truth is that you cannot expect to have winning seasons if you never win the transfer window and there does not appear to be anything about to change in that regard. Sad.

  160. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 22:34 #47949

    Wenger has been playing wide open against the top teams for the last five or six years with increasingly appalling results. He's an idealistic fool, who has embarrassed himself and the club time and again. If he had a shred of self respect he would tell the board he will walk away at the end of the season. Football has moved on and Wenger need to as well.

  161. Andreas

    Mar 22, 2014, 22:14 #47948

    Today surely must be the day Arsene holds his hands up and realise he just can't take this team any further. The end started with the 8-2 defeat at Old Trafford 3 yrs ago and has culminated in the hammerings we have received this season. Winning the cup would be a dignified end to his 18 year tenure but as we know football doesn't work that way.

  162. Gooner89

    Mar 22, 2014, 22:12 #47947

    The AKBs are very quiet. Back under their stones? Oh wait not even they can defend the indefensible. Wenger out. Our club is an embarrasment. All on the clown that is our manager. I have never felt so much pain as a Gooner. Shame our manager and players don't have the same passion.

  163. Nozzer

    Mar 22, 2014, 22:08 #47946

    It was galling to hear mourinho's post match interview but he was right. In Arsenes first 500 games the teams along with technical ability were built on power and pace. We would win the battle then win the game. The sad fact is the current side is devoid of that. The fault lies with the manager who has lost his way, sentiment must go out the window especially at 7 to 8 million a year.

  164. Jeremy C

    Mar 22, 2014, 21:44 #47945

    At the Arsenal supporter's Christmas drinks back in December hosted by Ivan, our esteemed CEO gave a speech in which he said, and I paraphrase slightly, "while there was a long way to go I believe we are on the verge of something special...". He may want to rethink that after recent results.

  165. Anti-Wenger

    Mar 22, 2014, 21:27 #47944

    I can bet that if you give this same Arsenal squad to Mou, he'll still use it to win the title and advance in the UCL.Afterall Giroud has scored more goals than all the Chelsea strikers put together. The players aren't that bad, but the manager is past it(and has been for a while).Even when he had Fabrgas, Nasri, RVP,Song,Hleb,Flamini,Adebayor etc, he still couldn't win.

  166. Marco G

    Mar 22, 2014, 21:11 #47943

    What is the battle cry before the game? Surely you learn the lessons of the previous maulings? Keep it tight first 20. Don't give anything away. Instead we are cut apart, playing a high line and the game is over before it's begun. Even at 2-0 down its not's irretreivable if we can stay in it until the last 15. Still we play the same way. Fans short changed again and Bully must be doing his nut on Fans tv. How many more false dawns. Thanks for the memories but please go. I used to look forward to Spring. Fellow Gooners, I feel your pain.


    Mar 22, 2014, 21:10 #47942

    Bravo, Great post. Look the problem with wenger is that he just does not know how to win the BIG games anymore. This is not something knew. Last season we did not beat any of the teams that finished ahead of us and the same will happen this season as I do not see us beating man city even at home. We will be lucky to get a draw smh. Also alot of akb's defend wenger based on sentimental past glories, it has nothing do with footballing reasons. Its all about what he did in hes first 9 years as the second 9 years have been a abject failure. He has not won a trophy since hes 497 game when we won the FA CUP in 2005. So hes other 500 games have been years of failing. What mournhio said about him was true, yes it was a bit crass and nasty, but it was true. As they say the truth hurt. Wenger just does not learn from hes defeats he is so deluded and stubborn. The blueprint to beat arsenal convincingly has been established this season. Man city exhibited it with their 6-3 mauling of us then so did liverpool with their 5-1 drumming of us, now chelsea have done it as well with their 6-0 thrashing of us. TO beat arsenal you have to press them high with high intensity and they will make errors in the middle of the park and then you have to expose the space they will leave as you will have alot of space to run it and just hit them with fast pace and passes. That is the blueprint but one man seems oblivious to it smh. Is it downright arrogance or stubbornness folks??? I think its a mixture of both. Also where do I start with some of the folks that play for us. Well I will start with Arteta as he was the worst guy on the pitch. HE IS NOT A DEFENSIVE MID and never was. Why in the hell does wenger keep playing him?? He has no pace what so ever, he could not out run a old age pensioner. For Gods sake the guy is slow. He has not athletic ability that I can see to play that role and he has no power. All three important ingredients needed to play that position. Yet one man persists in playing him there. HMMM who is that then folks??? Also lets not forget arteta was a panic buy after the 8-2 mauling with took at manure smh. Another decision of the SPECIALIST IN FAILURE. Now Giroud. Where on earth to I start with thsi donkey lamp post?? Well when you pay 10 million for a striker this what you get a a very,very average player. A striker who can not hit a barn door with a banjo. He has made Ozil look bad this season as they are on completely different wave lengths. Ozil needs a striker with pace to playing with him. With giroud there is no point even playing through balls lool or any balls over the top, the guy is so slow its unreal lool. Yes he is are top goal scorer as the akbs will protest and shout about, well that should tell you all you need to know about arsenal under wenger for the last 8 years. A club full of mediocre egotistical players with no fight and no steel all on some type of socialist wage bill as wenger said last season. So we pay quite a few average fools 60k a week lool. Anyway back to giroud he needs to go back to France to save hes marriage. He is not good enough to main striker for any team thinking about challenging for the title. He would not even start for any of the top 7 teams let alone 4. That is how low arsenal have fallen under wenger folks. Are midfield today was non existent. Time and time again both Mertasacker and Koschinely had chelsea players running at them one on one over and over again. WHY IN GODS EARTH WAS FLAMINI not playing?? yes I know he played when city mulled us with their 6-3 but he would have done a better job than the old age pensioner arteta. Also I believe we will not win the FA cup I really dont think we will. Even with the pathetically easy draw we now have. This team is full of bottlers. Why will Wigan fear Arsenal when they beat city at the Etihad with only two other teams having done that. Them being one of those teams two teams. Wenger is now becoming a caricature of himself. The man looks lost out there he looks like he knows the games up. If you can not motivate your players to play for you on your 1000th game then the times up for you I'm afraid. Where was the fight?? The spirit?? All looked like losers not economically of course lool but footballing wise.Again wenger can not beat Mournhio and that record does not look like changing. Wenger looks a tactically naive. Im sorry but he does for a man with 1000 games under hes belt he looks like a novice when it comes to tactics. He has to GO ASAP. I have been consistent with that view since 2009 so the akbs can not call me FICKLE.

  168. Wibblefish

    Mar 22, 2014, 21:07 #47941

    Great article, I agree with every word. My only concern is that the FA cup could save his job, rather than be the final swan song. Think about it seriously? The board will just use this as an excuse to extend Wenger's contract and increase their ever growing profits. Whilst Wenger will feel winning the FA cup could be the foundation to carry on. Let's hope we go on to win the cup in May, but don't be surprised if the price of that success is another 3 years of Arsene Wenger!

  169. Bard

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:58 #47940

    Terrific post Kev, balanced and analytical. It is absolutely clear that he can no longer cut it against the top sides. On a day when the other title contenders upped their game we dissolved like ice cream on a hot day. Losing is forgivable but not turning up is not. if he can't get the team up for a major game like today then he has to resign. I agree with others on this site that it made no difference to our title chances because only the deluded believed we had a chance. We have our work cut out to get 4th spot and the way we are playing you wouldn't put your mortgage on that happening. All his chickens are coming home to roost, its inconceivable that he will sign another contract whether he wins the FA cup or not. The absence of his regular flag bearers on this site to date suggests they have finally lost patience. Will Maureen be the man who finally destroyed Wenger's career, I can't think of anything more galling .

  170. Munchbaghat

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:27 #47939

    Our left defensive quadrant is repeatedly the oppositions playground. We do nothing about it. Gibbs really expanded the "left back in the changing-room" in every which way today. The fight for fifth is on!

  171. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:21 #47938

    Stevieo, the excuse making is an art form alright and there's some very good at it they have it down to a T, but they (the apologists) will be back even before Tuesday night (it's been long enough now and i'm surprised their not here already)and that's a fact.

  172. Danny

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:15 #47937

    When is this coward of coach going resign. Never , becasue he know he be found elsewhere a disgrace. well Arsene on 1000th- a 6-0 thrashing and guess what he is staying. what a club!

  173. artetaiswengerslovechild

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:12 #47936

    chickens. home. roost. to. come. rearrange to make a true sentence. build a team around a slug like arteta, and what do you expect? i've said it for weeks. a load of lucky results, playing rubbish football. when everton beat us they'll be 2 points behind, and it wouldn't surprise me to finish 5th or even 6th.

  174. BiggoonerDave

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:09 #47935

    What an absolute shambles and total embarrassment that showing was.How on gods earth can you go into a match of that magnitude with so much riding on it and being so unprepared,that side was never ever going to be a threat to a team of Chelsea's experience,they literally toyed with Arsenal and swatted them away like you would an annoying fly,they chewed us up and spat us out.Wenger has had he's day, i,ve said on here before and I,ll say it again,he must do the decent thing and go.After going 2 down he just sat in he's chair as if he did,nt have a clue and unfortunately he did,nt.The only thing he did was constantly give the 4th official grief,instead of using up he's pent up frustration on 4th officials he wants to tear into the player's on the pitch who are capitulating in front of he's very eyes.How many Arsenal manager's have had the luxury that Wenger has that he can manage a side that for the past 3 seasons have been hammered by their title challengers,that's not to mention the 4 goal leads squandered,the European disasters,going out of cup competitions to league 1 & 3 teams and of course getting beaten in a cup final to a team that were so bad they got relegated just 2 months later.Thanks for the memories and great times Arsene,but it's time to move on.5

  175. Stuart

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:02 #47934

    ''Where to start''? With the words: "Arsene, clear your desk."

  176. KC

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:01 #47933

    The lack of motivation the lack of pace the lack of fight are depressing but so is the ability of a man to build a great side with great purchases to a man that buys badly and builds a mechanical slow predictable side. Is it the same man? I guess no, once it was a man that had something to prove managing our club now it's a man who feels he has nothing to prove who believes it's his club!

  177. Aylesbury Gooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 20:01 #47932

    good post Stevieo I cant believe that after the Liverpool game we started this game exactly in the same fashion and without Flamini in the starting line up.And with that gung ho approach we were doomed to fail. What the hell were the defence playing at being so far upfield and being exposed time and time again.What we needed was to soak up their pressure and hopefully get them on counter just like we did at SHL.Time to go Wenger and take the remaining deadwood with you.

  178. Don Froth

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:41 #47931

    If only he had started with Yaya and the dane, it could have been such a different story today....just one of those things I suppose.

  179. Sambo

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:38 #47930

    What's wrong with winning the FA Cup and the virtual trophy, two cups should be enough for anyone. Agree with Jetplane about the rubbish music acts we've had to endure at the Emirates Coldplay, Bruce Springsteen yawn. Back in the sixties we'd have had the Who and the Doors.

  180. Stevieo

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:36 #47929

    Glad you mentioned the positives Kevin. Would hate to hear the apologists shoot you down for not writing a balanced article. The whole thing has just got tedious now. We’ve had the same shortcomings and faults for the last 5 years. We’re just going round in ever decreasing circles, and it looks like we’ve got another 3 years of the same. At Liverpool and Chelsea this season, we looked more like a non league team going there for a day out in the Cup. That’s probably a disservice to the Skrill Premier League, because I think most of its representatives would have gone to these games with some sort of game plan expecting the initial onslaught. Whereas we were dead and buried after 10 minutes in both these games, the likes of Luton and Cambridge would still be in the game at this point. And herein lies the problem. Non league teams out of their depth, would recognise this and adapt. Our team of overpaid primadonnas and the clown in charge think they are above this. The fact that we can stuff Norwich at home and the plaudits we get for playing Sunderland off the park makes us think we are impregnable. After all, when average players are picking up £60k/week, you’d expect them to think they’re the bees knees, and this justifies them sauntering around. As for we can still register 86 points etc, leave that to Arseblog. He may have the no 1 following, but his ‘sitting on the fence’ to appease everyone is bland. I feel you have been holding back on your true feelings of this farce to achieve a ‘balanced’ view. I’ve seen the criticisms against you when we’ve beaten Fulham and the fact you’re not jumping up and down like you’ve won the lottery attracts criticism. Leave that to the apologists. Their excuse making is an art form to be admired. They’ll be back in force on Tuesday night after a resounding win over Swansea to put all the doubters back in their place.

  181. billthered

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:35 #47928

    He has now overseen 1-6,2-8,3-6,1-5 and now 0-6 sorry mate you are now writing different scripts.Do you remember when we used to have ten men and still win.Come back Paddy we love you and I know you love us.

  182. Dan h

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:12 #47927

    Three Saturday morning k.o's away against the sides above us three thrashings.In all of those games started slowly,poorly set up and to me accepting defeat all too easily.The car crash we could see coming post January and allowed a great opportunity to challenge for the title pass us by.Wigan will certainly know we have all the pressure on us frankly something we don't handle well.Winning big pressure games not something we have done too much of.Swansea,tuesday night insert usual pre-game quote 'belief,desire,mental strength,quality'.Lets finish the season off win the fa cup and give a new younger man a chance it's run it's course nothing last's forever.


    Mar 22, 2014, 19:10 #47926

    julesd, JAMIE, anything from you? A good analysis Kevin, a sad day indeed but one which was thoroughly on the cards. This result changes nothing - other than perhaps the number of Wenger apologists willing to stick their neck out - Wenger was and is unfit for purpose but isn't going anywhere until the summer. Let's hope that even he can see what is so painfully obvious now, does the decent thing and walks. I think Klopp is going off the boil at Dortmund and could really do with a change of scenery and a new challenge. I like Martinez, but I'm not sure if he's done enough yet to demonstrate that he's capable of a challenge as unique as turning the great ship Arsenal around - I suspect that he's the one Wenger would hire though and I'm pretty sure Wenger will have a say.

  184. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:09 #47925

    jetplane, yes mate and i suspect the majority of players would be glad to hear/see that too as he's obviously lost the dressing room, and if it were to happen i've no doubt we'd see a different Arsenal for the remainder of the season.

  185. EborGooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:06 #47924

    Agree it's the lack of passion, fight, and desire that hurts. If the players felt as bad as the fans after these kind of defeats then they simply wouldn't happen! Losing football games is inevitable. Capitulating, and effectively being beaten 20 minutes into any big game, is totally unacceptable. For it to happen so many times, plus conceding a 4 goal lead at Newcastle, must mean that there is a culture within the club. We need winners. Matty is a winner. Why doesn't he start the big games? Result might not have been different BUT he sure as hell wouldn't have complacently capitulated the way the others did. I am SERIOUSLY worried about the FA Cup now. The semi final is a big game, therefore we are likely to bottle it. Even if we don't the final is a bigger game, and, whilst I hope I'm wrong, I really can't see this group, under this Manager, performing in 2 big games.

  186. DW Thomas

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:05 #47923

    Good to see you back Fozzy's mate! I find myself feeling angry today more than at any time we failed in the past. This might be worse than 2008, even the CL loss. It's because we all know the wheels are now well and truly off. Look at what our 3 rivals did today! There's no comparing us to them. Sadly we are just good enough for top 4 and nothing else. Extremely lucky SAF retired or we'd be out of the top 4 for sure I think. We are owned by not one but 2 billionaires, yet can't compete for title? We come close to a complete team each year but then depend on the likes of Arteta, Giroud, Sanogo, Kallstrom et. al to save us because we fail in the transfer market each year. We don't buy superstars, we build them? Not anymore. Failure is boring and depressing. My springs as an Arsenal fan have been littered with too many disappointments and too few joys these last 9 years. What bothers me the most is people involved with club keep acting like we are trying to win things! I too don't care too much for Mo, but his failure comment seems spot on, sadly. Yesterday Wenger received a golden cannon. Surely that was for the profits and sustainability and not any success? The man once led a great team but is now a wannabe who just doesn't get the job done. I even find writing now a waste of my time as I don't necessarily see things changing even if he goes. But, it's dams sure worth a try, isn't it? This is AFC we are talking about FFS!

  187. Bob

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:05 #47922

    For all that this team have flattered to deceive, we remain essentially flat-track bullies. The abject displays at Man City, Liverpool and now Chelsea show just how little we have actually progressed this season. The best that can be said is that we have not continued to fall back any further, but if the height of our ambition is to benchmark against Tottenham and celebrate "St Totteringham's Day" we delude ourselves. We should have had the balls to go for Mourinho a year ago, though that would have involved a complete change in philosophy from the self-satisfied board. Wenger should leave at the end of the season - no question.

  188. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 22, 2014, 19:02 #47921

    What hurts me most after another no show, is that I actually don't feel surprised or even that gutted, as I have become immune to capitulations in big games, as I now expect it under Wenger. Resignation is the word that springs to mind, if only Wenger could also think about this very word!

  189. UTU

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:55 #47920

    Back to reality after victory over sp*rs. We have been thrashed by all the top Club. Mourinho proved his point today about Wenger today, no question. Pay your money and continue to get mugged off, your choice Arsenal Fans.

  190. Wenger Out

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:49 #47919

    Kev we were never in the title race only the deluded and the stupid believed we were.We are in a race for 4th as we always are.We are a million miles behind the top 3.Wenger is tactically clueless.He goes to Anfield and the Bridge and has Flamini on the bench.The lessons of the Liverpool game were not learned.Where as Jose who is a great tactical coach who knows teams weaknesses attacked us down the left side our weak side.The time has come for the excuses to end.Stop burying you heads in the sand Gooners Wenger has to go.It wasnt a coincidence thet the 1,000th game tributes have very little about the last 500.Today was worse than the 8-2.Just remember this our board are offering our Specialist in Failure a £24m contract.Maybe Gazdis and Kroenke believe losing by 5 and 6 twice is what makes a title winning team

  191. Fozzy's mate

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:45 #47918

    Its all so predecitable. Scrape into 4th place. Board absolutely desparate to hand the man who as manager of one of europes big clubs has not won a trophy for 503 games 8 million pounds a year. I agree with Kev's point re the collapse of 2008. That seasons demise should have been the end of Wenger. The regular mobilisation of David Dein, Bob Wilson and the rest of the Arsene is god squad is embarrassing. Can someone tell them 2004 was 10 years ago?

  192. jjetplane

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:40 #47917

    ALSACE Great post as always and MAGUIRE ... you and me will wonder why a seeming professional such as le Prof does not make a statement to the effect that Bouldie takes charge till the end of season and tries to restore some fight in these players or whatever gives, they will not deserve to win the FA Cup if Arsene Wenger remains 'at the helm'. Well played Kevin and understand you holding your fire. Hopefully they are already talking to either Martinez or a big name from errr Germany. The alarm bells were sounding many years back and I fell out with a good friend over what I said was an increasing complacency/attitude from Wenger that will result in zilch silverware. That was 2006. This is 2014 and all that has happened is that Arsenal have moved to a multi-plex that also doubles as a 'music' venue for some rubbish acts. Talking of rubbish acts .....

  193. smithy

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:39 #47916

    If we could have a clear out,Arsene going first who would you keep? Kos,sagna,ox,ramsey,jack,rosicky,walcott plus jenkinson cos he loves the club that's about it really.The rest are suspect at top 4 level.We need a change of attitude- we need to get nastier like keown,grimandi and viera- they hated getting beaten- this lot on the whole don't care enough.Really frustrated another big match/season bottled.

  194. Ambergooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:32 #47915

    Brilliant post and impossible to argue with a single word. I am not confident that we will beat a resurgent Wigan in the semis. Rosler must be licking his lips after that supine performance and if we implode in the league we could still finish outside the top four. It will take a major fans' revolt to get rid of him because the Board, sure as hell ain't gonna do it .

  195. au revoir wenger

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:31 #47914

    surely even the most ardent of Wenger supporters must now see he must go. I said 5 years ago Arsenal would never win another trophy under Wenger and i stand by that .He will find a way of screwing up in the F A cup its what he does best

  196. Richard

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:29 #47913

    Resign,resign,resign,resign,resign or just sack the useless gutless loser. Can't stand Mouriniho but he is right!

  197. Peter Wain

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:25 #47912

    samse performance of last week without the luck. When are we going to buy the top top quality our manager is always talking about. The lack of pace up front was so evident and Giroud's last two performances were embarassing. However due to our transfer policy I cannot see us being able to with any thing with squad. Why is Arteta in our mid field the first twenty minutes was a replay of Liverpool and our manager and coaches seem unable to learn anything from our frequent thrashings. Wenger must go at the end of the season and take that snake oil salesman Gazidis with him.

  198. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:12 #47910

    Kev, i've honestly just read the first three words of your report and i'm going to comment on them first with two words. A resignation.

  199. Chris

    Mar 22, 2014, 18:12 #47909

    It's the lack of fight that hurts. Can you imagine ManU or Liverpool capitulating like we do. Wenger's living in a time warp. Time and tide wait for no man.

  200. Sambo

    Mar 22, 2014, 17:55 #47907

    Didn't think we'd get anything today so no great loss. Still think the titles ours to lose.