Life Begins on the Other Side of Despair

Moving on from Saturday

Life Begins on the Other Side of Despair

Wenger: Delusional team selection

In almost forty years of supporting Arsenal, the 6-0 defeat at Chelsea is unmatched. Even the 8-2 defeat at Old Trafford bore the positives that no team had scored more than one goal at Old Trafford during the entire season previously. And Arsenal had scored two, which could have been three had Van Persie not missed his penalty before half-time.

The 6-1 beating by Sir Alex Ferguson’s men in 2001 was akin to a market correction to take home and analyze; ditto the 5-1 recent mauling at Anfield. Similar scorelines such as against Tottenham only happened in the League Cup.

Saturday’s collapse of Arsène Wenger’s Tower of Babel, the positive communications spin around team spirit, resilience, determination, the collective over the individual has no equal. In seasons past Arsenal fans have watched the train come off the rails on the final bend as teams quicken pace before the final sprint to the finishing line.

Saturday’s breakdown does not figure in any psychological manual. But the existential writer (and goalkeeper) Albert Camus’ famous line that ‘Life begins on the other side of despair’ would appear the most apt offering to take away from Saturday’s game.

Whether this applies just to Arsène Wenger, the board, or a host of overpaid and below par footballing performances on the pitch is a key contention. The board’s ultra-prudence and closing out of Usmanov and Dein from the boardroom to foster a near-US style corporate sports model on English soccer is one contention that needs to be seriously evaluated. The point and purpose of paying up to £100,000 (and beyond in some circumstances) per week for mediocrity is another contention when a more performance related pay structure of a much lower base salary plus £1,000 per week pay rise for every goal or assist you score, £500 per week match-win bonus, £500 per week clean sheet bonus would be more appropriate for a player’s first season. The final salary would be the basis for the following season’s starting salary with a ±10 per cent target over or below which your third season’s salary is reconciled according to the tally of assists, goals, victories and clean sheets accrued.

But most in contention is Arsène Wenger’s delusional idea that fielding a team against Chelsea without Mathieu Flamini in the starting line-up was going to yield success when his absence was noted in the failures against Napoli, at home to Bayern Munich, away to Manchester City and away to Liverpool and, recently, away to Stoke where Arsenal lost 1-0 and also at Spurs where Arsenal clung onto an early 1-0 lead.

After 999 matches at Arsenal with no victories against a determined and universally successful coach as Mourinho, Wenger must have felt like calling the 999 emergency number. Indeed, his starting line-up was akin to Tennyson’s depiction of the slaughter at Sevastopol in the Charge of the Light Brigade. However, Arsenal’s charge lasted four minutes, consisting of Cazorla failing to play a cross-field pass to the left-side penalty box that would have created a goal scoring chance while Giroud tamely tapped a left-footed shot for the outstretched reach of Petr Cech. A chip; first touch control and second touch shot were all very possible for a highly-paid professional and could have altered the shape of the game.

Instead Luiz, Matic and Oscar were able to overrun Arteta in midfield whom, without Flamini (and admittedly the injured Wilshere and Ramsey), could provide no cover for Mertesacker and Koscielny. Chelsea consistently caught Arsenal dawdling in possession in their delusional attempt to play Barça style tica-taca, the frailty of which was ruthlessly exposed at Anfield.

Why Arsène Wenger thought that Podolski and Giroud would provide any firepower remains another mystery. Sanogo’s presence showed the ability of pace to intimidate the opposition. Dropping both Podolski and Giroud to play Gnabry and Oxlade-Chamberlain upfront would have been far more intimidating with a midfield pairing of Flamini and Arteta.

How Arsenal and Arsène Wenger choose to move forward will depend on how deeply they feel the trauma and despair of Saturday’s defeat. In his own pride, self-esteem and self-worth, Mr Wenger must feel crumpled and foolish. He should realize that he was reckless and irresponsible. If not, then the faith the board has in him must have fuelled some psychotic hallucination in his mind that his judgement and faith in his players are justified.

The season can still produce twists and turns. Arsenal can still do the Cup and League double. But after Saturday, simply winning the FA Cup will likely not allay the ‘Wenger-out’ section whose short-sighted traditional impatience has now likely been added to by many of those from the ‘Trust in Wenger’ community who are now wondering if Arsène Wenger is the man who can produce the tactics, team, squad and ruthless ambition to win the Premier League let alone the UEFA Champions League next season.

If everyone from the boardroom to the manager, coaching and fitness staff to the players acknowledge the level of despair and the significant part they all have to play in transcending from the abyss, then Arsenal’s season will not be lost and Arsène Wenger can consider signing a new contract.

The alternative is a major shake-out for both the board and for Wenger, his staff and, of course, the underperforming players.

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  1. Mark Cannon

    Mar 25, 2014, 18:32 #48279

    All this talk of the 4th place trophy everyone seems to have forgotten the Emirates cup to look forward to winning our only "real" trophy over the past few years. Bye buy Arsene.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 18:10 #48277

    Felix, cheers it's always good to hear from gooners around the world whether we're all in agreement or not.

  3. jjetplane

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:43 #48274

    Cheers RON Got a bit carried away there but believe me, it was Overmars and the rest who we talked about as the lager slid down. Happy days with Heinikin. Have not drunk a drop since 2005 - weird ****. Looking forward to me bag of chips at Eastbourne Utd tonite. Football hey. What a bunch of clowns we are ...

  4. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 16:45 #48263

    jj - Excellent post that with all due respect to many, there are a lot whos head it will fly over immediately. Arsene is an intellectual and has an aura that no other Coach has had in football, in my lifetime. The man could preside over a Country and spew froth and bubbles all day and would still accumulate 'desciples'.Some people can. Hes very persuasive and we have all followed him and abided by his dictat and then equally so im sure we ve all thought later, 'hang on, thats not right is it .. ? oh well, its Arsene, ill run with it anyway' etc etc such is his image and persona. Many people 'like him'. Thast fine yet they know nothing of him. Im sure hes a lovely guy, but now, his age has tarnished the veneer, thats ll. Peopel ahve looked again, like you and thought, 'hmmm, hes not that guru we thought he would be'. The trouble is, fear is with us, its fear of him not being there, rightly or wrongly that many are gripped by, shackled and trapped by. Breaking free of his aura isnt easy though.

  5. jjetplane

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:07 #48253

    I have always had a quaint sensation about Wenger and that is, he is an economics man first and foremost and the football project just happens to be the world he has aligned himself to. Many moons ago when he was winning trophies the pubs would all go quite when Wenger appeared on the screen to give it 'the yes, you can say, I believe ...' in this haughty, detached manner that once it was over we all got back to our pints and talking about Petite and Overmars. It was like 'who is that bloke/what does he want' and other such narratives skipping across our little football minds. What I mean is, is that it was Pires and Berkhamp who knew and Wenger the anti-eccentric suit who fronted the operation. I feel a lot of people who feel personally attacked when all posters are talking about is getting rid of a manager, is that their dream ideal has not quite matched their expectations when all is said and done. The man clearly is not what is written on the tin. Stan obviously loves him because he has made a few bob for the club without too extravagant an outlay and while there was product to sell and with the Emirates giving a transient fanbase a 'soccer spectacle' akin to Friday Night Lights all was brushed over and the media were not smelling the brew that many had known for years. No man is bigger than a club, a history and we need to be getting on with a new experience and this is not a knee-jerk but a conviction many gooners carry after a ten year sojourn in the wilderess of a borrowed football philosophy. Football at Arsenal has become secondary to a corporate, global marketing expedition where the merchandise is perversely prone to outages (yes Stan) and yet if you are distant enough and see football as nothing more than passing spectacle in the realm of cinematic blockbustering you deal with the package as long as it overfeeds the few. This is more than football for a great deal of us. This is our culture. It will not be given up without a fight. Here's to the first kick of a football any of us took while we dreamed. Arsene should appreciate all this, take a step back, and let us get on with it. While we are there, Stan is gonna need some educating. What's that you Mrs Robinson .... Peace to all.

  6. Felix von Geyer

    Mar 25, 2014, 14:00 #48247

    @maguiresbridgegooner. Sorry mate, I live in Montreal these days so I have to avoid the football/soccer confusion. Curiously it's the only word with a 'cc'that's pronounced as a hard 'c', the others are pronounced as an 'x' such as flaccid - appropriate reference considering Arsenal's performance on Saturday.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:46 #48236

    Spectrum, yes, and the really sad thing is he actually believes them, and so will/have his apologists.

  8. Fozzy's mate

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:23 #48230

    DW Thomas - my point re Flamini is look at his average minutes per booking. He could not play much more regularly than he does for he would be forever suspended. In the Evrton cup game he couldnt make a meaningful tackle for fear of a 2nd yellow. OGL waited 5 years for Song to become an adedquate holding midfielder before telling him to charge foerward and empty the midfield. He then sells him and admits he was gambling on the return of Diaby to replace him. Not the best gamble hey?


    Mar 25, 2014, 9:33 #48207

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. Cheap shots? Not at all Bard, just re-read what has passed before. Someone says something crass and I return it over the net. Someone insults and I react, or choose to ignore. My prerogative. Felix has listed many good coherent points and is attacked and labelled a Wengerite. How on earth can you win? It is fruitless to try to alter entrenched mind sets who view things through a slightly different kaleidoscope to the kaleidoscope another uses. Strong pertinent points are offered and countered. These take a shape in an individual's mind, not in the mentality of a herd. No one is hiding, neither westlower nor myself, or any other advocates with slightly differing views to those posting, 'Out! Out! Out!' Too simple. The natural evolution will take place and there is a sense of inevitability about this situation this time. I know there have been too many positives to list in the last decade-many failures too. That is life. Some wish to counter this, and have valid reasons and advice. I absorb and concur with much, though the attitude and approach of many, slurring people, jibes, insults and demeaning statements are beyond the pale. This confuses and distorts much offered on this site. That is par for the course when an army fights amongst itself. Many things may transpire in the near future. Win or lose S/F and it would bring different actions. Win or lose Final, more of the same but perhaps more acute. The eight games in the PL? More dynamics brought into play. Messages from AW or the board, all will play a part. If someone chooses not to stand in front of a firing squad it does not mean they are crawling under a stone. Those shouting loudest and proclaiming they know the solution are invariably the least likely of people I would follow. I have no animosity or harbour no acrimony towards any, lest they attack. I prefer being an ally to being an enemy. I make a much better ally, and am a terrible enemy, believe me. I have the utmost respect for you personally Bard. Good old Arsenal.

  10. Wengerballs

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:02 #48202

    We'll win the F.A. Cup and finish fourth, Wenger will be lauded by Kroenke et all, sign his new contract, and all will be well in Wenger's garden for another 3 years.

  11. Westlower

    Mar 25, 2014, 8:15 #48196

    @Bard, I take your remark as a personal insult. What is it exactly I've bottled? Check the post's after the Chelsea game and you'll find my thoughts there. I'm still a loyal supporter of AFC who doesn't blow hot and cold, nothing has changed in my life. I'm not one who thinks we're brilliant when we win and useless when we lose. Of those who think these are bad times, they have very short selective memories or are relatively new to following AFC. I've come to the conclusion that it's a waste of time debating with the angry mob who have the scent of blood in their nostrils. I'm sure you'll get more satisfaction continually agreeing with people who share your thoughts. The same old words have become mind numbing. It's inevitable that Wenger will leave at some point I just wish it's planned and not at the behest of the angry brigade. Get your knives sharpened ready for when the new man takes office as he's bound to be less than perfect and will inevitably lose football matches. That'll probably be the boards fault as they've appointed the wrong man, etc. Thankfully the Flat season starts at the weekend & I can enjoy the company of people who can control their tempers when things aren't going as well as expected. Hello, Goodbye!

  12. Spectrum

    Mar 25, 2014, 7:48 #48195

    Ha-ha ! Wengerspeak is alive and well, folks. After his self imposed silence, he’s come out with some gems. In typical style, he’s making excuses for the Chelsea fiasco. More or less saying that it was a mere blip. An accident. ( quote ) – ” An accident has happened, that doesn’t mean that you’re not a good driver,” Wenger said. And even blaming the early kickoffs for our pathetic performance(s) ; ( quote ) – “The common thing was that it was a 12.45 game and twice we were caught at the start of the game,” he said. Then there was this clueless comment from him, showing that he really has no idea that it is HIMSELF and his own lack of self awareness that is the problem ; ( quote ) “We think about that, and at the moment there’s no rational explanation other than the quality of our opponents and that we were caught at the start of the game. Why? We don’t really know.” - ” No RATIONAL explanation” ???? and “Why ? We don’t really KNOW.” ???? Well you f*****g moron, ANYONE and EVERYONE with even half a football brain, can tell you why ! It’s because of your poor team selections, and more precisely your inappropriate tactical approach to the game. Playing your usual high line of defence, and going at a strong Chelsea team from the start, leaving us exposed to their quick incisive counterattacks – THAT’S why ! And his words illustrate clearly that he absolutely is incapable of learning from these SAME tactical and man-management errors. He plays into the opposition’s hands over and over again. And we pay the price for his continued ineptitude. "In Arsene we rust."

  13. declan burke

    Mar 25, 2014, 7:15 #48194

    What makes me laugh or rather cry is the amount of talk about why and if Wenger had played such and such and left out another and so on, the bottom line is that the common denominator is the Boss himself, yesterday we had him revealing that they were having clear the air talks, It' high time he cleared out of his office

  14. Its up for grabs now

    Mar 25, 2014, 7:12 #48193

    Just read that according to OGL the result at Chelsea was an accident! More like an accident waiting to happen! At least that's a new one, rather than the usual we will put this right, have learned our lesson etc! The only accident here is that Wenger remains in charge.

  15. CT Gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 3:04 #48192

    Thanks Stevio & especially Ken, having a good chuckle. Can't believe the issue is now who's better, well...I really can. Anything with a pulse please...

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 0:28 #48191

    Felix, i try and respect everyone who goes to the trouble and effort to write an article but four and counting in the one go? and no disrespect you'd be taken a lot more seriously if you didn't use the word soccer, it might tell us less.

  17. DW Thomas

    Mar 24, 2014, 23:55 #48189

    What soe of you have forgotten is in 2008' Flamini was paired with Fabregas and the two formed a great partnership. We should not think h is the savior to his team, but had he consistently started all season, I think it would have changed some things. He's got mettle. Maybe not the most skillful but he knows his role and does it well. Not saying he's as good as Makalele, yet he does his job and relishes defending. Too many of our players don't. Even teams with gifted attacking players defend well. Look at Barca or Bayern. Two great skillful teams that hound other teams when defending. We had a blueprint of how to play from that Chelsea game a couple years ago. Why do we never play like that consistently? It truly baffles me how Wenger is so arrogant yet seemingly so ignorant as well. I think our squad when healthy is very good. We have weak links at left back and striker, but other than those we are fairly strong. There just needs to be a stronger consistency of desire and strong will versus whining about refs and fouls. But then look at our manager! A top striker and better defensive effort would give us 5-10 points more than we have right now. And maybe a better DM or just more Flamini. Until our weaknesses are addressed, nothing will change. Proof is the 17-4 goals against City, Chelsea, and Pool.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 23:38 #48188

    Bard, 51175, i heard they didn't turn up for the heart to heart either.

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 23:19 #48187

    Fear not fellow gooners this time tomorrow night everything will be rosy in the garden of arsene again, and also for all his apologists and disciples and they'll have dusted themselves off and we'll all be back on track again after our blip. You couldn't make it up.

  20. Ken

    Mar 24, 2014, 23:14 #48186

    @Felix Von Geyer: Wenger or another Manager. Would the new manager go ten years without silverware? Would the new Manager put players out of position? Would the new Manager be too scared to spend the money on big players? Would a new Manager put up with big defeats? Would a new Manager pick a player week in week out who plays like s**t. I wonder

  21. John Rawley

    Mar 24, 2014, 23:11 #48185

    A lot of over-reaction going on. It wasn't a sending off and with 11 men we could have easily come back and won the game IMO. Similar against Liverpool where an offside goal gave them the initiative and at City where some bent officials robbed us of two on-side goals. Our win ratio this season has been up there with our two previous title winning sides so foolish to start panicking yet. Wenger is still the man and I would be happy to see him here for at least another three seasons.

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 22:36 #48184

    Interesting article Felix, (the caption says it all) and some excellent suggestions and some good points. But the FA cup will not allay the wenger out section? should it? short sighted traditional impatience? how patient are they supposed to be? another nine years? there's short sighted alright and their not members of the arsene out community.

  23. Felix von Geyer

    Mar 24, 2014, 22:23 #48183

    As I say - the epic nature of this 6-0 was the product of delusional thinking. If Wenger wants to even think about renewing his contract, he'll have to respond this season and it will likely need more than the FA Cup. A Double might do it or coming a very close second. Rethinking how we build the club will require a deep level of digging. Anyone thinking we will find another coach who'll turn us around into a PL and UEFA CL winning side for next season is hopeful.

  24. Bard

    Mar 24, 2014, 22:00 #48182

    BADARSE; Step up a level mate. The cheap shots are easy, give us a coherent analysis that rebuts the argument that Wenger needs to go. Westie has bottled it as have all the other status quo merchants.

  25. Ken

    Mar 24, 2014, 21:43 #48181

    @Badarse: that must mean the drinks are on you pal.


    Mar 24, 2014, 21:34 #48180

    Ken, I could be. Do you want a second audition? As you just passed the first one.

  27. Andy Sunderland

    Mar 24, 2014, 21:23 #48179

    I wrote on this website about four years ago that Arsenal will never win the league again under Arsene Wenger and nothing has changed , Good luck to all you loyal fans who pay silly money to sit in row Z you deserve so much better and your loyalty is amazing . Arsene Wenger is a decent man but he's well past his sell by date I hope he brings the FA Cup home then does the decent thing and resigns .

  28. Ken

    Mar 24, 2014, 20:58 #48178

    @Badarse: What circus is that? I like clowns are you one?


    Mar 24, 2014, 20:39 #48177

    Nice bit of racism there Danny. Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira too. What a clown, come and join my circus.

  30. jeff wright

    Mar 24, 2014, 20:26 #48176

    Replacing Wenger is easy enough because any number of top managers could ,with the huge resources available to them, get a third or at least 4th place finish in the league to guarantee the CL money . Domestic Cups are a sideshow and the luck of the draw plays a large part in them,or motivation even. I suspect that the other top 3 sides lacked a bit of that this season with the Prem obviously more open to win now with the departure of Sir Ferguson and the demise of United. Wenger is obviously not up to challenging any more for top trophies so I an't see any reason why he should be kept in his overpaid job . It's time that the AKB grew some balls and moved on. It's normal practice at big clubs to replace managers ,even successful ones , and Wenger ceased being that long ago. It's all got to be rather boring and silly with him and these embarrassing hammering's by top sides and the manic celebrating finishing 4th ones ,are turning us into the laughing stock of football. Enough is enough . At the end of this season whatever the result of the FAC and 4th place finish is Wenger has to go . He's hung around now for far too long for any good that he has done in the past. An FAC win would allow him to retire with some of his credibility still intact . Stan should be looking now for a replacement for Wenger and anyone who thinks that there is no one out there to replace him with really is living in la la land.

  31. Stevieo

    Mar 24, 2014, 20:24 #48175

    So seeing as there’s no one out there that fits our criteria, the only hope for all us short sighted impatient fans, is to hope that Wenger can step up a level? Well we simply must give Wenger a contract extension asap before he changes his mind, and pray that he can deliver. As I said, there will always be an excuse keeping the wool over your eyes.

  32. Ken

    Mar 24, 2014, 20:14 #48173

    @Felix von Geyer: For f**k sake ten years without silverware and you still want Wenger. We just lost six nil to Chelski next you will be saying in Wenger we trust look at this moment in time anybody in football management is better than Wenger.

  33. Felix von Geyer

    Mar 24, 2014, 19:51 #48172

    Another pertinent question is that with this current board, should they need to replace Wenger, what will their selection criteria be? To turn around this club requires a Mourinho/ Huudink/Guardiola. And why should they join? So the options are someone relatively unproven and still looking to cut their teeth: Martinez/Klopp/Simeone/Bergkamp. I fear the problem is far too systemic than just changing the coach. I don't mind being labelled a Wengerite... Arsenal would be in a much worse position without his reign here. The question is does he feel that he can step up the level to provide and prioritize the trophies? The scale and level required is beyond just tinkering in the transfer market. The 1,000-game Reich came to a crashing end and how will the next 1,000 games be created and who will deliver what?

  34. billthered

    Mar 24, 2014, 19:43 #48170

    We are all in danger now if it hasn't already happened to half of us,we are turning into spuds.We are now hoping they get beat so we can finish above them,pathetic idiotic morons that they are they just wanted to beat us and their season was over,ring any bells.We get told by OGL that the mentality,resilience etc in the players are great.Well you need all of that when you play the big teams not the little ones like Hull.Spurs,West Ham etc leagues are won against the bigger teams something that 3-6,1-5 and 0-6 is the stuff of Sunday morning hungover teams usually encounter.Thanks Arsene you won us trophies albeit a few years ago and you make us money but time waits for no man,and please don't anyone come on here and say who would you get in and be careful what you wish for the world is full of good and bad managers Liverpool have taken years trying but seem to have got it right now.We must be searching for the right man or is it like our team no plan B.

  35. Stevieo

    Mar 24, 2014, 19:41 #48169

    Felix, your point that without trophies the financial structure will fail is well off the mark. The club have managed to pull the wool over yours and many others eyes for the last 5 years, and if they wish to continue along the same path, they will find ways to keep the wool over your eyes. This is quite clear as you bemoan the fact that our past failings have been down to hard luck. You blame injuries. Even with our full squad (probably excluding Diaby) we have seen white flag surrenders. Cesc and RVP leaving wasn’t hard luck. That is the natural progression if incompetence is allowed to reign. These excuses are nothing different to what Wenger has said. If he comes out with some new excuses you will swallow these too. If a war chest of £100m to spend this summer is mentioned, you will believe that too. If Gazidis says we will be able to start competing in the next 2 years, well, you’ve already taken this on board too by the sounds of it. Fortunately, the short sighted and impatient fans won’t fall for this. The club know how to stall and defer expectations from fans like yourself. This May, when the club tell us that we qualified for 4th with three games remaining and didn’t have to endure another last day trauma, you will see that as progress, because the club will tell you it is progress, and then you’ll be happy to see Wenger sign. But just don’t expect any of this ‘resilience’ you mention, just more excuses and jam tomorrow.

  36. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 24, 2014, 19:09 #48168

    I do like your idea of performance-related pay, but sadly this would have to be, at the very least, a UEFA-wide pay structure before it would ever work (perhaps for players under 25, with trust funds being set up so little Johnny Fancyboots can't become a cash millionaire before he turns 20). But it will unfortunately never happen.....

  37. allybear

    Mar 24, 2014, 18:56 #48167

    Interesting article Felix but i think deep down your a Wengerite! There are still so many on this site prepared to give this man one more chance. Please fellow Gooners realise that the manager is finished and has been for quite some time. The club need a NEW manager and Wenger must go at season end even if by some fluke he wins the Cup! He has had too much time to destroy the club i love.

  38. smithy

    Mar 24, 2014, 18:30 #48166

    Unfortunately we,the average fans,have no say in what comes next.Kronke and Gazidis don't care what we think,top 4 revenue is their target,and that's about it really.They are not interested in really competing.More of the same for the next two seasons I fear.Then Arsene leaves to be the next France manager.Football tatically has moved on,Arsenal hasn't!

  39. alan whiffin

    Mar 24, 2014, 18:05 #48162

    Simple question.How many top clubs in Europe would put up with these results 2-8 Man U,3-6 Man City,1-5 Liverpool,0-6 Chelsea and 9 barren years.Answer none.Time to go Arsene,perhaps you need David Dein to tell you the obvious.Love Arsenal but really getting to hate the arrogance of £7m+ a year Wenger and the board.

  40. Felix von Geyer

    Mar 24, 2014, 17:13 #48159

    There is not one of your comments that I can disagree with - no matter where you are on the spectrum. This is all part of the despair. We have all been despairing for many years, expecting the glory years back in an age of hypermoney when we were spending on something else. Let's be honest - Sir Alex and Wenger raised the bar of English football to the point that you needed a fortune to compete. Hill-Wood's lockdown stopped Arsenal from following that path leaving only one business model available and under those circumstances Wenger competed well and faced a lot of bad luck: 2007 League Cup final; 2007-8 Premiership and UEFA CL were unlucky. After that came a lot of papering over the cracks and once Fabregas could no longer resist his childhood sweetheart, just as Van Persie and Song finally had hit their form and RVP a spell of continued fitness RVP no longer believed he would win anything with Arsenal as he became even older. So they both moved on and we papered over the cracks - Arteta, Podolski, Giroud, Mertesacker and Koscielny before Ozil so the team and squad are still short of resilience. Signing Ozil may show that spending lots of cash on a player doesn't buy you your bragging rights. Or maybe Wenger isn't tactically astute enough to bring the best out of his players. Is Podolski wasted? Were Gervinho and Arshavin and Wiltord before them as Wenger didn't play them properly? Likewise Ozil. Somehow Wenger always believes that the 11 he puts out on the pitch with his wannabe style of tica taca/tika taka should have been capable of winning everything. And every season this delusion becomes unhinged through whatever set of variables: injury, bad luck - the long and the short of it is that the RESILIENCE just is not there. Developing this requires a different level of ambition and this needs to start now. Wenger showed an almost ruthless level of ambition at the end of 2006/7 with a clearout of the dross and was unlucky the folloing season. The terrain has changed substantially and the club is financially fit enough for the challenge. The question remains as to whether Wenger, who can now see that his methods to date have come crashing down; that the board's financial prudence and goalsetting for Wenger needs to be totally reset as well as a major rethink of the type of player being developed, bought, the tactics required, the flexibility are all part of the despair. I fWenger left today: he would still have left a great legacy in terms of his overall contribution of bringing Arsenal into the modern era. There are many clubs who will flounder tryingto even qualify for Thursday night soccer and I would love to see ARsenal win every trophy for the next 5 years back to back. Financially the club is now strong enought to start to comepte in that direction. The question is whether the board has the ambition for it; the coach the tactics and the man-management adaptability and whether the club has the personnel, both on the pitch and in the coaching staff. Let us remember that at their best and producing football that made Brazil's 1970 world cup winning squad seem quite sterile, we could absorb pressure and between Vieira to Pires to Bergkamp to Henry - or even with our own Romford Pélé - counter-attack with such line of sight instinctive passing it was as breath-takingly beautiful as it was effective. Mourinho did exactly that to us - although the pressure lasted not even four minutes - and Chelsea were not breath-takingly beautiful, just sickeningly effective.

  41. Bard

    Mar 24, 2014, 16:31 #48158

    I read the team had a heart to heart yesterday to sort out what happened on Sat. That says it all. Here we have the club well positioned to make a stab at the title and they don't turn up. And the manager doesn't know why. This team has previous Man City and Liveool and he still doesn't know. How can this be if he is all he's cracked up to be. I wrote yesterday asking those who want him to continue to post a coherent analysis. Still waiting and reading todays posts would suggest they have disappeared into the ether.

  42. UB10

    Mar 24, 2014, 15:40 #48157

    How many on here think that even the 4th place trophy is in jeopardy? Nah no chance! Arsene Wenger would sacrifice the FAC before he lets that happen. And we've got 3 more years of this?? Tragic.

  43. Its up for grabs now

    Mar 24, 2014, 15:31 #48156

    Just a thought, but now is the optimum time for Kroenke to sell up. All the new enhanced sponsorship deals are in place. The TV revenue streams for both domestic and Champ League have recently gone up dramatically. Barring a complete balls up, the fourth placed trophy is almost secure. The cash mountain at the club is incredibly high and they may even win an actual trophy, rather than a pretend one. The price Kroenke could now extract from his 66% stake from either Usmanov or any other Middle Eastern oil billionaire would be I am sure be phenomenal, in relation to his purchase capital and interest charges incurred for his share holding. I know he doesn't have a history of selling and might be waiting for the African market to open up more via further TV revenue and merchandising bonanza's, but now from a purely business point of view is the time for him to sell. Were he to do this, I wonder if Wenger would also walk, knowing that actual pressure to produce like all other managers at big clubs would automatically follow. I am just dreaming here, but maybe that's why he as yet hasn't signed a new contract? I am willing to clutch at any straws right now, as long as Wenger is NOT the manager at the start of next season. I like many, have had enough groundhog seasons to last me a lifetime, hence my wishful thinking!

  44. jjetplane

    Mar 24, 2014, 15:23 #48155

    UB10 Caught tail-end of that sacking on the radio and thought He's gone! Then I heard it was Forest. But still let's not be 'overly hasty' (Felix). Let's see what happens over the next threeeeeeee years argggggh. Swansea - careful what you wish for .....

  45. UB10

    Mar 24, 2014, 15:15 #48152

    Notts forest get smashed to smithereens in their big derby on Saturday, manager sacked by Monday. Just saying.

  46. Ron

    Mar 24, 2014, 15:12 #48151

    Felix - Fabs, Van P and bloody Song? Youve got to be kidding. They played in Gunners teams far stronger than this one and didnt change anything or win so much as an egg Cup.

  47. Felix von Geyer

    Mar 24, 2014, 14:38 #48146

    I think the Wenger Out community has in general been overly hasty although we have all been torn between the pragmatic prudent approach of building for the future versus the short-term quest for glory. Many of us have appreciated Wenger's ability to almost succeed while delivering a new stadium and financial base. The previous blow-ups have of course been hard to take and there has been a lot of hard luck. Yes with Walcott, Ramsey, Wilshere it would be different. Yes if we had back Cesc, Van Persie and Song it would be different. Building and achieving resilience is now what is required and Saturday's despair is the catalyst that ends any delusions that we can continue as we have previously been thinking. My point is that now Wenger has laid the foundations and created what appears to be a sustainable financial structure that provides the money to sign the expensive players people have been calling for that can win trophies- is he able to make that transition to create a resilient club that takes the club to glory or is he stuck in the same ultra-prudent 'this should work' mentality when it clearly can't while the board just look at the financial statements, their share price and fail to realize, in corporate social responsibility terms, a football club's mission is its social licence to operate. And that is to be the best, in every dimension. Now, without the trophies, the ultimate financial structure of the club will fail. If Arsène Wenger is the man for the job and task ahead, he will show it before the end of the season. But as I say in the title, to achieve that will require everyone looking at themselves, acknowledging their part in the failure and finding a rapid answer until May and then building on it for next season IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. This will require everyone thinking more like Sir Alex Ferguson, José Mourinho that winning trophies is now what matters; not achieving corporate soccer.

  48. Man United Killer

    Mar 24, 2014, 14:14 #48143

    Talk is cheap.Stop giving them your money!Wenger knows this uproar will blow over after a win against Swansea and then he will back in business.Not even the FA cup win should earn him a new contract.Talk talk talk isnt going to get us anywhere.Much like the tiki-taka football hasnt gotten us anywhere.Let's start/join a revolt.Away with Wenger. *Wenger's Arsenal-Never Contenders,Always Pretenders*

  49. jjetplane

    Mar 24, 2014, 14:14 #48142

    Here FELIX I foretold as a nipper in the schoolboys that a french professor would come to Highbury bearing brocculi and boiled chicken for the many only to be told by the canteen staff that was sooo last year and now we are fusing stir fries that have turned Razor's hair the colour of ..... That is patience my man.

  50. DJ

    Mar 24, 2014, 13:31 #48138

    Ron - I want change as I feel the majority of supporters do. However, nothing will happen in the cosy set up that is modern day Arsenal. I remember as a young pup joining the masses outside the marble halls calling for Terry Neil's head after defeats at home to Walsall and West Brom. Can't see that happening now and to be honest would rather Arsene fell on his sword and went with some dignity

  51. Cloggs

    Mar 24, 2014, 13:30 #48137

    Usually, when somebody starts with the all too familiar "I have been a gooner since the resurrection of Christ" I stop reading as the "IamHolierThanThou" argument is generally a subsconsious need to cover up for the bollocks being spouted next. And yes, it didn't take long for that to happen; Putting Wenger criticasters aside as glory hunters with their " ‘Wenger-out’ short-sighted traditional impatience" says it all. Been there done that. The last two paragraphes are really some good fun, it makes me think of an AA parallel; . "....Welcome to the Wengerites Anonymous; We are a Fellowship of gooners who have an insistent yearning to enjoy Arsenal as we once knew it, but cannot picture Arsenal without Wenger. Although we only can remember our highs from a distant past while our hangovers are becoming more frequent and increasingly worse, we still have a heart breaking obsession that by some miracle of change Wenger will be able to bring back the Arsenal as we once knew it..." . Get it clear into your mind; HE WON'T !!

  52. Micky

    Mar 24, 2014, 13:21 #48136

    @Westlower, no doubt you've got a street party arranged for when we win "London's Top Club" cup. I hope the open top bus has been booked. You seem to be living in some kind of parallel universe where failure, not success, should be rewarded. How well are we doing in the "Away To Our Top 4 Rivals" cup? surely a far more meaningful "trophy"?

  53. Ron

    Mar 24, 2014, 13:14 #48134

    DJ - the thing is that we ll probably beat Swansea quite easily. Theyre typical victims for Arsenal ie lower down the table, having a tough time, a few decent players. If we beat them well, people will then again say, 'oh maybe Chelsea away was just a bad day. lets stick with it a little longer' and so on and on and on until the next genuinely good team canes us. Its a never ending (boring) cycle. Winning the FAC (if we do)will just add to the 'hope' that things are changing. It will be nice, but in truth what it will do is just reinforce the view imbued in AWs mind that hes on the right track.

  54. DJ

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:55 #48133

    It will be interesting if we fail to beat Swansea how the crowd will react. As has been mentioned on here I would be loath to chant for Arsene's head after all he has done for the club but I feel he is is so far removed from reality in his ivory tower he doesn't realise the majority of supporters want him to resign and only a demonstration would change that.

  55. Tony Evans

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:45 #48132

    Arsenal have now fully morphed back in to what they have been for long spells of my support - namely a domestic cup team, capable of beating anyone on their day but no threat whatsoever to the big boys at the top of the League and in Europe. At least we have a great chance in the FA Cup (which the realists on this site knew was the only likely trophy we were capable of winning) but I wouldn't put it past Wenger to screw that up as well! How much longer do we have to put with this - not another 3 years please.

  56. Don't P#ss On Me & Say It's Raining.

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:25 #48129

    My wife reckons I'm the most impatient person on the planet so you cut me deeply Felix when you write 'The Wenger-out section with short-sighted traditional impatience'. I waited HALF A DECADE before calling for the managers head....for me that's a bleedin' life time! I agree completely about Flamini but also agree with Ron in that it shows how poor we actually are if he is that important. Wenger cannot even claim it was a master stroke either as he admitted Flamini fell in his lap. Let's call the Chelski result what it is. A complete screw up, an embarrassing disaster over seen by an arrogant has been unwilling to adapt. And BTW West Lower, there was not a penny left. Spot on!


    Mar 24, 2014, 12:23 #48128

    It looks like the jig is up at last, not much point in any more articles debating whether he should stay or go. The rumblings are there and growing louder, Wenger has finally seen sense. This season will be his last and we can finally start to look forward to some exciting times. Thanks Arsene for all you have done/tried to do, if only your vision had been realised.... Unfortunately the world moved on and now we must do the same. Au revoir!

  58. CT Gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:10 #48125

    Felix, I was with you until the attack on those Gooners who want Arsene out. Recall many of us have vocally championed change for at least 3 years, I'd say that was patient!!! In all honesty though, what is your point? Do you think Wengers got what it takes or not???

  59. Reality bites

    Mar 24, 2014, 12:08 #48124

    jeff wright...the plaudits Wenger receives is embarrassing.Chapman was a true revolutionary 80 years before.The Hungarians in '53 with their tactics,slimline kits and boots should have been a wake up call.Ajax in the 70s were mind blowing...a system brought to Barca by Cruyff.On these shores the likes of Allison,Robson and Clough weren't afraid to expand their horizons.Wenger a very good manager?...Of course...a 'visionary/genuis'...I'm afraid not.Remember Arsenal Football Club were winning titles,cups and moving/upgrading stadiums before he arrived.He's been in post long enough and been handsomely rewarded...time for someone else to have a go.

  60. radfordkennedy

    Mar 24, 2014, 11:25 #48123

    Fozzys mate...thank God for that fella I thought it was just me I cannot see what the fuss about Flamini is all about he is as you say a dot on to get offed at any time in the match,missing him speaks volumes about those who played though doesn't it you'd think he was Baresi by some comments.Watching Giroud at the moment is painful his head is destroyed and shouldn't be near the side you can't play football worrying if your wifes gone by the time you get home,I posted recently that I would be out of the country on semi final day and would miss the game,however a mate who has an encyclopedic knowledge of Irish Bars anywhere in the world you care to mention,tells me there's a bar called O'Donnels in Caen,that show football games I think it might take several large Jamesons to steady the nerves in what I'm sure will now be an even bigger nervier game than first thought for both us and AW

  61. jeff wright

    Mar 24, 2014, 11:24 #48122

    Reality, that's true overall a very experienced squad for Wenger to kick-start his tenure with not so many kids and no postman for a back-up striker. It should also be pointed out that contrary to legend many of the 'innovative ideas' , that Wenger is given credit for introducing ,such as dietary ones , were already being experimented with at AFC before he arrived.

  62. chris dee

    Mar 24, 2014, 11:11 #48120

    Come on now Felix please, don't do an Arsene special.We can not ,repeat, can not, still do a Cup and League double. The team is so fragile that winning the F A Cup now looks dodgy. Why?Because going on our record over the last nine years Arsene's insistance our 'mental strength' is good and that we are 'up for the fight' is complete and utter b******s. For a manager to keep saying these things in public means the squad,which is the responsibility of the manager, has a problem. Fingers crossed we can finish in the top four and win the FA Cup at the end of the season .Arsene should then step down,the manner of the defeat at Chelsea was the final straw. Thank you Arsene for all your fantasic work but enough is enough.The club need to step up ,and step up big time because United will be back next year and Liverpool,Chelsea and City will no doubt improve their squads, or we will be forever be behind the clubs who actually are serious about winning trophies. Unless of course the board are happy with being a 'good,well run club' and nothing else.

  63. Matthew Bazell

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:59 #48118

    The 6-1 at OT in 2001 was a bad result but it was just one of those days. Nobody called for anyone's head because we knew we had a good team and were close to going places. Good article Felix, but I'd disagree that the Wenger out section are impatient. Wenger's been in the job a long long time.

  64. Highbury Boy

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:55 #48117

    Yes I was another fan who was surprised that Flamini didn't start but we fans always go on about the absent ones. What if Theo wasn't injured……what if Ozil played etc. If Flamini had started he might have got an early yellow which might have stopped him going in hard or he may have been sent off. Who knows? The fact is the squad is nowhere good enough for a realistic challenge for the title. We can beat the smaller teams and thus be fighting for that 4th spot especially now that United are presently in disarray but that's it. Wenger has gone on record as saying he wants to leave the club in better shape than when he arrived. Certainly the stadium is superb. The training ground is excellent. I believe the dining facilities are first class. But on the pitch? Would you rather have in your squad Seaman,Dixon,Bould,Adams,Keown,Winterburn,Platt,Merson,Wright,Parlour and Bergkamp or any of the present lot,some of whom have just been given extended contracts. I think we all agree that Arsene was great in his first half,getting the best out of an ageing defence,making some bargain buys of French players,selling at high prices,playing with power and pace but he hasn't coped at all well in his second half. He wasn't the "miracle man" as DD called him. He is a human being who is stuck in his ways while the game has changed. The Board won't sack him as he delivers an annual profit while enhancing the brand via regular CL football but please Arsene just leave,hopefully after an FACup win.

  65. Reality bites

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:48 #48113

    jeff wright....don't forget he also inherited your namesake as well as Parlour,Platt and Merson.

  66. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:41 #48111

    I suspect getting paid a fortune to work for Arsenal softens the blow for the management,players and staff.The club is a money making machine and no-one inside it wants to change that.Unless Wenger doesn't want any more hassle and walks,I doubt there will be any changes in the near term. We either suck it up or demonstrate for change.

  67. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:36 #48110

    Wouldn't it be great if, after each fresh disaster, instead of wheeling out various senior players to promise that 'we've put this behind us, the important thing is now to bounce back vs [Insert team name]' the team actually went out and performed versus one of the big names? A 4-0 win versus Man City would be the perfect response to the Chelsea debacle and would say more than a million press releases...

  68. Paul Adams

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:29 #48107

    After Saturdays debacle I am too humiliated to complain anymore, I am more depressed about my once great team, than in the last 40 years, but of course I am still going to Emirates tomorrow.

  69. jeff wright

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:26 #48105

    Stan, giving Wenger 100m to spend would be a complete waste of time, because according to Hill-Wood he would just hand it back! Wenger likes to make the stars not to buy them. All a bit of a myth this really that Wenger himself has bought into. As I said the other day he got lucky when arriving at Highbury and he fortuitously inherited the Graham defence and Denis Bergkamp . I don't think that it is any coincidence either that Wenger's fortunes ( on the field of play) have declined since DB10 departed , and now days instead of walking in a Bergkamp wonderland Wenger has been stumbling around in Blunderland. Wenger has never changed he is exactly the same person that he was the day he arrived ,time though has passed him by . His comments after each catastrophe are always the same, we must forget this result and concentrate on our next game, nothing about I must learn from my mistakes and try something new ! Wenger needs Bergkamp and Henry ,Vieria type players who can turn his duff coaching into a winning formula by playing things off-the cuff, when it's apparent that things are once again not working out as they do when running around static dummies on the training ground. Where was the leader on Saturday on the pitch to order our two full backs to stay put and defend the spaces that they were leaving behind when charging gung-ho forward , and that Chelsea were gleefully exploiting ? Meretsacker was certainly not him , afterwards he put the 6-0 shameful shambolic drubbing down to the game being a 12-45 kick-off To add to some equally other bad ones . The fact that these results all occurred against top three title contenders had nothing to do with it of course, and if you believe that then you really will believe anything.

  70. Ron

    Mar 24, 2014, 10:10 #48103

    To be brutally honest, the very fact that a Club of Arsenals undoubted stature in the game is talking about Mathieu Flamini as being a fundamental player for high profile games versus the top Clubs is in itself a window pane view of where the Club really is on the pitch. Its quite dismal. The reality is that the Club has not and doesnt have now, the type and number of players to compete with the Chelseas et al of the game.Blaming injuries and so on for the last Saturday, Anfield and Man C is so puerile and desperate. Please do stop it. We re not good enough.Arsene seems tired and empty of inspiration now. Theres no debate to be had. The sad indictment is that Chelsea were not that great.Theyre a different propostion to us, of course they are, but they didnt need to be particularly efficient or zippy to see Arsenal off. It was a sad, sad performance and smelt of players who know they cant compete with the top players of the top Clubs.What do Arsenal do? Ive no idea, but what saddens me more is that im not too sure that i really care that much anymore. The one resentment that i have against AW is that hes made me feel that way. As one whos travelled so often down the years to away venues, i do feel for the 'away crew' though. Change at the Club, right through, top downwards is needed though and those who cant or wont see it really are grasping at the flimsiest of straws. Team selection, tactics and line ups are the leats of Arsenals problems right now. Good luck to the lads and Arsene in the FAC though. The title was always a mirage and you know what, Arsene knew it too.

  71. Unchives

    Mar 24, 2014, 9:46 #48101

    How many obvious team selection blunders is this man going to be allowed to make? He has well and truly passed his sell by date. The parity wage structure was Wengers idea, this has now been scrapped. The one year rolling contract for over 30s has also been confined to the bin. As for the youth system, bar Wiltshire and Gibbs, who has come through. If we don't win the FA Cup, im sure he will walk. Why we didn't go for Pep Gurdiola i do not know.Do we now allow this man to spend £100 million plus?

  72. Peter Wain

    Mar 24, 2014, 9:10 #48100

    The problem is that the from the defeats at Manchester City and Liverpool nothing has been learned. The first half at Stamford Bridge was the same as at Anfield. Lack of commitment and doing the basics. A lack of shape and a cavalier attitude to defending leading to the same result at half time. We were fortunate that this did not happen at the Scum but they are an inferior team in every way. The problems we have at every single transfer window we have never learned from. I think this stems from arrogance and stupidity. No doubt Wenger will sign his extension but I do not expect us to win anything whilst this management system is in place. We are deluding ourselves if we believe we were ever in the championship race we were not as we are so inferior to the top three and are fortunate that we are fourth. Next season I cannot see this happening because United will definitely be stronger.

  73. Tony Evans

    Mar 24, 2014, 9:02 #48099

    What really depresses me now about these regular drubbings is that I am no longer surprised by them. It will be the final straw for me if Wenger signs on for another 3 years of the same.

  74. Westlower

    Mar 24, 2014, 8:41 #48095

    I can understand that the team that won at the Lane would be given the chance to repeat the feat. Personally I would have liked to seen Kallstrom in midfield with the Ox playing wide. Doubtless every Gooner has his own preferences who plays but it's all about the team performing from here on in. @Jeff, An update on the 'head to head' league for top London Club. AFC, P9 W7, D1, L1, Pts 22 Chelsea, P9, W6, D3, L0, Pts 21. One game for each left , AFC v West Ham, Chelsea v Palace. Bookies odds, AFC 1/4, Chelsea 3/1.

  75. fozzys mate

    Mar 24, 2014, 8:18 #48094

    Interesting read and as I've been preaching for 5 years the DDT and MSS are masters of nothing but spin, fan fleecing and empty promises. What speak so loudly for me is firstly their desperation to sign up a manager on a 24 million contract at one of europes to ten clubs who has not won a trophy for 503 games. Secondly many fans amazement that Flamini didn't start on Saturday. With a vault stacked with cash the best OGL and co could come up with is a past it free transfer who is frankly a walking yellow/red card? An aboslute joke that and I agree his our "best" holder warrants such support. Lots of comments to Kevs article regarding when Wenger lost his mojo. I agree the Eduardo game in 2008 leading to the Gallas dummy incident was bad but I go further back to the PSV game in 2007. In that game to accommodate Denilson he moved Toure to right back played Gilberto at cebtre back and deck chair in centre mid. Since then he has been obsessed with countless players out of position. The latest to save cash was Arteta as a holder. So out 2 holders are the aforementioned walking card and Wiggy Arteta. Both paceless and unathletic. While DDT, OGL and MSS are in charge things will not change. The FPT is forever ours.