500 Games Too Many

File Under: Told you so

500 Games Too Many

Open season is declared

I don’t know what the commotion is all about? At the beginning of this season, I consistently commented and uploaded articles comparing Arsenal to the top teams in the Premiership and concluded that the only way for us to win the league would be by beating the smaller teams, and hoping they nick points off the top teams, as we wont stand a chance against any of the teams around us. Then came Ramsey and the easy 2 - 0 win at the Emirates against Liverpool, who were doing well at that point in the season, and everyone came on this website to say I was wrong and the Arsenal team will do well against the top teams around us (especially after the narrow win against Spurs, along with beating Liverpool). Well, where are all those wise guys now?

It was very obvious from the beginning of the season that the team we have, minus the brilliance of Ramsey at the time, was simply not good enough. All debates aside, Arsenal is not a team that should be losing by margins like 8 - 2, 5 - 1, 6 - 3 and now 6 – 0. It makes a mockery of the club. We are spending enough on wages to be able to prevent such calamities. We can all blame the manager all we want, and goodness knows, he deserves the blame (if for nothing else, not starting Flamini against Chelsea), but at the end of the day, the players have been a disgrace in those matches. At 3 - 0 down, was it not time to shut up shop, pack the midfield and choke the game? Chelsea came to the Emirates and we had nothing to offer, so their players closed ranks and decided to choke the game and leave with a draw. At 2 - 0 down on Saturday, experienced players in the Arsenal side should have passed the word around (regardless of what the manager has told them) to dig deep, park the bus and limit the damage.

I had a moan about Alan Shearer and others on MOTD for their disregard of Arsenal, and even when Mancini was commenting about the Premiership some months back, he didn’t even mention Arsenal at all, when he discussed the title. I was livid, but you can now see where those pundits were coming from. Arsenal was never (in their opinion) a genuine title contender. I thought we were 'title contenders' until we dropped points at home against Everton, away to Southampton, and the Stoke game pretty much spelt it out loud & clear. For me, we only had a shot at the title if we won ALL our games against teams lower than us in the league, then the losses against Liverpool, Citeh or Chelsea wouldn't have been enough to damage our title hopes.

Wenger is yet to apologize to the fans (and I'm sure he won't). In his mind, he is above the club and he is so great, that he can do as he pleases. The fans mean nothing to him. He is Arsenal (and from some of the fanatical Wenger supporters on this site, you can see why he has been misled into thinking the club is all about him).

A lot of us on here have always seen the FA or League Cup as our only chance of getting back to winning trophies, and perhaps winning one of those will galvanize our players back into believing they can actually win the Premiership. That is still where we are. Can we beat Wigan and either of Hull/Sheffield Utd? From how we've fared against lower teams this year, this should be do-able, unless Wenger decides to stick Flamini on the bench again in those games. We can’t afford to understimate those teams.

If Wenger is still at Arsenal at the start of next season, then we are a club with no purpose, and his departure will create a situation worse than that Man Utd are facing right now, as our leadership are obviously more clueless than the Man Utd heirarchy (as they at least had their 'chosen one' lined up; albeit, it hasn't quite worked out for them). With Arsenal, we do not have a plan. A sad state of affairs, for sure. Wenger should have left after 500 games in charge; it's become a tale of two halves of his reign as manager, and there isn’t anything else in store, other than several more years of disappointment.

Finally, for those who are saying Mourinho is right in calling Wenger a 'specialist in failure', grow up you numpties: do we need Mourinho to come and tell us that? It is stating the obvious. Mourinho is an idiot who just uses the press to manipulate referees and the rest of you. There isn’t anything clever or revealing in what he said; we all already know that Wenger's last nine years (which is half his career at arsenal) have been a failure. Wenger ceased to be a football manager the minute he started to dictate issues off the pitch (new stadium etc); he should have been put in his place years back; this is a results oriented business, he can only be judged by his results, and the recent disgraceful results are there for all to see.

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  1. Arsenal Fan

    Mar 28, 2014, 13:13 #48558

    "If Wenger won't spend the resources at his disposal, then he should be deposed in favour of someone who will" @Chris: not picking a fight with you, just want clear things up. I always thought you believe that the money is not being given to Wenger to spend? Since you'll never believe a scenario where Wenger refused to spend even when there's money at his disposal.

  2. ppp

    Mar 27, 2014, 10:32 #48440

    It could well be curtains for Arsene's time as manager - the utter humiliation by someone as wretched as Mourinho really has no silver lining. But wading in to kick him while he's down speaks poorly of your character Canada. You need some therapy.

  3. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 17:01 #48386

    JJ. Its wonderful what Everton have achieved this season and youre spot on, it wd be great for them to get top 4. Bell was the best middle man i ever saw play mate. Bryan Robson got close to him though. Same as you. I like other teams and confess to liking Chelsea in the Hudson Cooke and Ossie days! I actually went to the 1970 FAC Final replay at OT and 'supported' them that night with my Unc and a few of his mates. SKY tv and the filthy money has so badly polarized fans hasnt it. Beating another team for a good few of them is like a life blood injection for some of them, coupled with an injection of 'added hate' fuel.Its very unhealthy and im not missing it.

  4. jjetplane

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:02 #48379

    RON with you there and always had a soft spot for City from the Colin Bell days as I have also had for Everton who at the moment I think should RIGHTLY pip Arsenal for the 4th place spot. The only way there will be change will be a CL Outage (Stan's word ha ha) which will upset the dollar cart. Do you remember as a kid how we would like lots of teams but of course you had the one you support above all. I am still like that and Gooner is what I am and as someone who has never been to the Emirates for 'moral' reasons I feel my gooner credentials are well in order. Picture the new world where Stan and Stan are the only ones at a match. Talking of teams and there have been discussions of a an earlier Chelsea (Hudson etc). Well I thought the advantage Mourinho seized last week was joy football to be beheld. Power football is all the rage and that is why we were 5-0 at half-time last night and when we were at nine our DC10 (oh yes) was demanding 'one more boys'. Let's now move up the tables and hail our old mate once again. Messssi! Off the boil - yeah right.

  5. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 15:41 #48377

    JJ - Ha. I know mate. Pure guess work my prediction but City can be a very flaky outfit.It could be the match to decide the 'Flakiest Cup' that we ve held for 9 years and wont want to lose our crown will we!! Theyve got great players i know and should stuff us out of sight without even blinking and will do if theyre on song. They just seem to be able to screw up from time to time. I hope they win the title now. Im an Aguero fan. Lived in Manchester too in the early to mid 70s. Good fans at City and still know a few of them. They deserve their time in the Sun now. I think so anyway. Great result for your lads that is mate. Well done to them.

  6. jjetplane

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:13 #48362

    RON warmed up for the FA Vase with a 9-0 rout of a decent mid-table outfit who to their credit, never stopped playing. Was not surprised to hear Arsenal were 1-0 down and emotionless when I saw the final score having cycled home from the footer with coastal ice on the ground. After Citeh's domination of affairs last night that scoreline, if they they hit one or two in the first twenty, may need tweaking. Like yourself I cannot be bothered to deal with the current set-up as it is an insult to anyone with half a football brain. Like the sound of this anglo-Welsh league and at least it gives the GDLs something to 'bet on'. What can I say: 'Billy must be Smarting'.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 12:16 #48346

    Spectrun, their Great Dear Leader, l like that, GDL a new one to describe his apologists as well(make sure and copyright it)with their in front of course because there's a hell of a lot of fans (and growing)who don't want him as their anything.

  8. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 8:13 #48304

    “At some clubs success is accidental. At Arsenal it is compulsory.” - Arsene Wenger, 29th April 1998. "In Arsene we rust."

  9. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 7:38 #48301

    I think its time for one of my predictions to lighten the mood heading for the week end: Arsenal 1 Manch City 0. You heard it here and you know you can rely on my faultless predictometer. Cheer up chaps. Its just footie. Nobody really cares. It doesnt really matter. Just look at that Manc in the stands blowing his stack at Moyes and making a top dick of himself (ok, he was probably one already looking at the big tub of lard)and others blasting Ferguson with their spite and bile. Its all a bit pathetic isn't it. Its gone too far in the seriousness that society affords too football in my view. I blame SKY and its like.

  10. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 7:22 #48300

    "We have got a lot of confidence in Arsene that he is the right person to take the club forward." - C.E.O. Ivan Gazidis, June last year. "In Arsene we rust."


    Mar 26, 2014, 7:16 #48299

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. Main question, 'Is it Arsene Wenger's fault that our plight is drastic, or is it westlower's?' Try to work it out amongst yourselves, I am certain you are collectively capable enough-I'll leave you to it. In the meantime, why not get off his back and have a few digs at me? I didn't want a revolution either. I am sure you are all sensible and brave enough to take up the gauntlet. Together! Together! Whatever!

  12. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 26, 2014, 7:01 #48298

    Altogether now.... "Fourth place, here we come, fourth place fourth place here we come"......

  13. Stevieo

    Mar 26, 2014, 6:32 #48297

    Everyone calm down! Last night's result has no bearing on our quest to win the "London's Top Club" Cup, of which we are still odds on to win. Last night's result also keeps us top of the "Anglo-Welsh" league, a round robin tournament of Arsenal, Swansea and Cardiff, of which the bookies are no longer taking bets on Arsenal to win. Things are still looking good!

  14. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 6:23 #48296

    Westlower was smugly confident a couple of days ago when quoting the odds for our forthcoming matches, stating that he was a "glass half full" type of supporter, whilst we were "glass half empty".He even as good as taunted us realists that the Gunners were odds on to beat Swansea, and that they were a massive 7/1 in comparison.Oh dear Westie. We were supposed to be such a nailed on certainty. A team which, according to you, are( still )in with a serious chance of the title, versus a side that have won ONLY TWO of their last THIRTEEN games ! And an Arsenal who were ( presumably ) so stung by that "accidental" loss to Chelsea, that they would be up for the fight and keen to win for their Great Dear Leader.The man who only 24 hours earlier had desperately pleaded with his team to "Play for me until the end of the season." Well Westie, that "full glass" you consumed must have gone to your head and affected your judgement.It's certainly affected Wenger's.Perhaps the two of you should stick to shandies from now on ? Better still, quit altogether.

  15. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 3:30 #48295

    West lower: 'a few bad results' eh??! I suspect I have been watching Arsenal - though admittedly not from the West Lower - for almost as many years as you: results like 2-8 at OT, 3-6 at City, 0-6 at the Bridge or 1-5 at Anfield simply didn't happen with that degree of frequency pre Wenger. I can't recall any Graham side shipping 5 or 6 - apart from the League Cup tie against Utd... We could recall from the Mee era, 0-5 to Stoke in 1970 and then 0-5 to Derby in 1973 - the first result, in splendid isolation, could accurately be written off as a freak; the second caused Mee to fundamentally rethink his tactics for the rest of the season. I see no sign of Wenger looking in the mirror after the various recent catastrophes: instead biased refereeing, early kick offs, injuries etc etc take the blame. The City game is going to be very interesting: if ever there was a time for the team (and the manager) to make a statement - on the pitch - it is now.

  16. DW Thomas

    Mar 25, 2014, 23:37 #48294

    Heard we were 1-0 down and was only surprised when I saw the final score! Got lucky to tie it seems, and to not win. But if we can't beat Swansea at home, when it really counts, that says everything. I held out hope for Arsene, but deep down we all knew the Wenger ship has sailed. People are rightly going back and re-examining his earlier years as they now are starting to feel like he was less to do with his own success than the great players he had. Bergkamp had his quirks, but was a great of his generation. Henry perhaps the best ever PL striker. Who was better? Pires, Cole, Freddie, Sol, and other great squad players. Sure, he allowed them to play, but these last 9 years of failure show he is not the untouchable coach on a pedestal above all others. Far from it. He is merely a man who lacks awareness of his own arrogance that blinds him from reality! Remember a few years back when he said that team was his best or most talented ever? That was a huge sign he had lost it. Head in the sand!

  17. Unchives

    Mar 25, 2014, 23:23 #48293

    As hopeful that i have tried to be, the League dream is over. There is only two targets now, the FA CUP and a top four finish, this is the bare minimum now.....Fail and Wenger must go!

  18. Steve H

    Mar 25, 2014, 23:02 #48292

    Game 1001 and the same drivel served up - how much longer can this possibly go on? 4th place is looking doubtful now and confidence for the Wigan game will be low by the time that game comes around - surely OGL must full on his sword by the seasons end - worst thing we can do is finish 5th and then we have Thursday night football to look forward to next season - what a predictable and nightmare scenario to the end of the season

  19. Reality bites

    Mar 25, 2014, 22:41 #48291

    Westlower....what are the odds now on Everton finishing 4th in the Racing Post!? :-)

  20. Stan Kroenke

    Mar 25, 2014, 22:29 #48290

    Canada - you say it's a results based business. You're damn right! The financial results are in and Wenger is doing wonders year on year and turning profits for me. I asked for an 8% rise in ticket prices to rinse you gullible customers, but was talked down. Still, 3% isn't bad.

  21. jeff wright

    Mar 25, 2014, 22:09 #48289

    Stan and son are not even making a great job out of the financial side of affairs either. Despite what some claim. After that awful result tonight 4th place is looking less of a shoo-in with City at home and Everton away to come .

  22. Pesho Saulov

    Mar 25, 2014, 21:57 #48288

    The article makes a great point that has got me thinking since the Chelsea defeat - no one in the club, barring Wenger, actually knows anything about football. They are afraid to sack him because they have no idea who to replace him with. I would be amazed if the name Guus Hiddink actually means anything to Gazidis or if Kroenke can explain the offside rule. All the people employed by Arsenal have no understanding of the main activity of their company (the strange sport of soccer). This is what geniuanly scares me.

  23. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 25, 2014, 20:48 #48287

    Unfortunatlely for Arsene and even more unfortunately for a large minority of the fanbase Wenger didn't follow the old maxim of leave them whilst they are still shouting for more. Around 2009 a decent bow out would have united the fanbase in reverence. Supporters like me would have been secretly pleased at his parting and we could of all gone on arguing about the potential or failure of replacement managers. He is now sadly a pitiful joke figure, a man mired in failure, unable to compete with the new vanguard of top managers. The team performs outdated Wenger ball that is now regularly smashed by high tempo teams. A Nottingham Forest equivalent prior to their eventual relegation. I have said it before but Wenger is the new Clough. The main difference being that poor old Clough destroyed his brilliance by drink. Arsene's brilliance was destroyed by arrogant control freakery.

  24. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 19:32 #48285

    @Ron, maybe Wenger always lacked the right coach alongside him? Sort of like Brian Clough and Peter Taylor. Cobbled together amazingly talented sides, needed someone else to coach them to the dominance their talent should've given them? Wenger's personality wouldn't allow for that though.

  25. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 19:22 #48284

    Still find that Chelsea CL result in 2004 more gutting than the CL final those for that very reason, Chris - we were so much better than them. The team was on the wane by 2006 and it was a surprise they were the final - devastating though the denouement was. There were a number of other years we had great teams where Wenger was tactically outdone in Europe. Not taking sufficient account of the opposition is the standout flaw for me, results are getting worse and worse against the best sides and Wenger won't change, so that won't change. Bloody hell, there's a match coming up, better stop chatting.

  26. Stevieo

    Mar 25, 2014, 19:16 #48283

    Maguiresbridge, although Colonel Blink has passed his retaken driving test, it begs the question who in their right mind would want to insure him for the next 3 years? Looks like the premium is set to increase by £1m per annum, which isn’t too bad a price considering there are no other drivers on the road worth taking on.

  27. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 19:12 #48282

    SGRB- ooh. Thats opens a big debate there ie was the 'invincibles' team really a 'great' team or did it simply achieve a remarkable feat? I've pondered that a few times and seen some animated debaters since amongst match going Gunners mad mates who as i saw all bar 3-4 of those 49 games. Lively stuff.Theres no definitive answer for me, but the match stats didn't make it a truly great team as i always saw them. Fantastic moments yes, but it badly didn't win enough to justify the tag 'great'. Great times though weren't they. The wins dragged from the teeth of 'losses' were often the best ones. It was a team with so many crucial players whos peak had been reached though in that period. Decline from that level was inevitable really. Not a great team in the relative sense of the Liverpool sides of the late 70s and 80s in my view nor the Utd sides of the late 90s either.I rate the Leeds side of about 69 - 71 higher too. It had more panache and verve, oh yes, but it wasn't a team you d put your house on to win a match for you. It opens up a case of whether a different Coach would have done more with it too. In my view, we cant say with certainty. The dynamic might have been different vis team and Coach, but i suspect maybe the answer is yes. That team often disregarded Wenger in my view to win matches and i recall well, he would often look amazed and surprised when it won, when the alternative was looking likely. Arsene has to have great credit for it though. He put it together, turned the ignition and just let it motor. The 'coaching' was minimal im sure. For sure football in this Country had never seen its like before.Its mental shattering/collapse after game 49 was a poor show though. From that point, my doubts about Wenger as a motivator were sown. Im sure its haunted him since too, hence his oft said references to 'mental strength'in his teams since. All spurious. Its like the hard man of the local town syndrome. He doesn't need to say, 'im hard'. Everybody knows. Its the loud mouthed pretender that feels the need to state it isn't it.

  28. Chris

    Mar 25, 2014, 18:58 #48281

    SGRB - Better players would equal better results with any strategy and with Wenger's, I think the dividends would be greater for the reasons already noted. If Wenger won't spend the resources at his disposal, then he should be deposed in favour of someone who will, because I think it's clear his 'magic touch' isn't strong enough for us to win the league without doing so. Ron may well be right about the specific reasons for Saturday's debacle - I remember Ferguson citing something similar after his 6-1 drubbing in the Manc derby. I'd take issue with the notion that the strategy caused Wenger's very best teams to fail in Europe - the two best chances of glory were in the Invincibles year, when we were knocked out by a Chelsea team we had proved clearly superior to domestically, and in 2006 - when things really could still have gone our way despite Lehman's sending off if Henry hadn't missed his famous chance to make it 2-0....

  29. billthered

    Mar 25, 2014, 18:57 #48280

    The Chavs blew us away in the first fifteen minutes something we used to do.You see they have two players for every position another thing we used to have but now any injury ie Walcott Jack etc and the wheels fall off alarmingly.OGL has tried in the last nine seasons is do things on the cheap and it hasn't worked and he hasn't wised up.I know it's old words but we were sold the new ground on the promise of competing with major European teams now we play them but the competition has waned somewhat.Wenger said a few seasons back if you don't learn from your mistakes then you are foolish,well Arsene you said it.

  30. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:59 #48276

    Thanks for your response, Chris. I'd take issue with the notions of 'positive' and 'negative' implicit in your post. Personally I'd find it hugely positive and refreshing if AFC had a manager that attended the matches of our upcoming opponents and incorporated that into his planning accordingly. And I saw nothing 'positive' in an approach that led to the shambles of Saturday, with that constantly breached high line and all those players in front of the ball, looking bewildered. I'd also argue that the strategy is flawed per se. Football has moved on but the strategy has remained the same. And Wenger's very best teams failed in Europe. Strange as it is to say, the Invincibles actually underachieved, given how great they were. Even if we accepted the strategy could still work, I see no reason think Wenger is going to go out and buy all the players required to even give it a chance.

  31. Graham

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:51 #48275

    In those 500 we became the first team to throw away a 4 goal lead(in the last 20 mins as well!).The worst defeat in over 100 years the 8-2.The worst defeat in Europe 4-0 v an average Milan.And no finish above 3rd.A cup final defeat v a team who got relegated.And we became happy to finish 4th

  32. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:35 #48273

    Chris - yes, good points. Arsenes best teams ad libbed themsleves to many, many wins that looked like losses didnt they. Its as if AW s been in a time warp since. The Chelsea game o Saturday called for a 'leader'to forget tika taka winning and to just organise and defend for their lives. OK we d still have got beaten probably, but the damage might have been say 2-0 or maybe 3.This happened at the Lane on year, about 4 years back when that oaf Eboue got himself red carded after about 20 mins. Gallas literally took command, they organsied and defended like warriors. Score - 0-0. Fans were really pleased and the Tottenham High Road hell hole walk wasnt near so bad!! Cant recall Wenger doing this since and im sure that day had nothing to do with him. I suspect Wengers arrogance and pride blinded him on Saturday. He wanted to beat Mourinho and the red card wasnt going to stop him. Visions of turning Mourinho over with 10 men and all that.

  33. Man United Killer

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:32 #48272

    Good work Canada Gooner- though I think 300 games is more like it.

  34. Fozzy's mate

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:31 #48271

    Stroudgreen and Bardarse - it was not aimed at individuals at all just an opinion. Maybe its time to agree to differ. I did used to enjoy buying honeycombe as a lad strolling along Southend Seafront in the late 70s and early 80s. Maybe an overdue cup triumph will bring back the feelgood feeling of our once regular march to Wembley.

  35. foxinthebox2001

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:22 #48269

    The 'accident' statement AW came out with shows he still learns nothing from his errors. Does he think the 6-0 was some sort of freak result? Chelsea had us by the throat before the red card and penalty, and judging by Mourinho's mood he wanted blood. I would like to know how he faced up to his players in the dressing after the game. Was it a complete bollocking? giving a few a verbal rocket for basically throwing in the towel at 3-0. I doubt it, he was too worried about hurting the feelings of some of his delicate flowers, he probably gave them a warm friendly hug and told them they were just unlucky. I will always remember the game at Old Trafford, Santos was constantly getting roasted by the winger and was hooked at half time, it may have been the 'RVP shirt swap' game. Anyhow, he had the worse game I can remember n Arsenal player experiencing. At the final whistle as Santos walked down the tunnel with AW he gave his player a pat on the back. That shows his weakness, too soft.

  36. Chris

    Mar 25, 2014, 17:11 #48267

    SGRB - I accept that in certain types of games, Wenger might have more success with this squad - and even more with a similarly expensively assembled one with different characteristics - if he used a more negative strategy with greater emphasis on nullifying the opposition. That's because Wenger's management style is best suited to getting the best out of very high quality players who can think for themselves on the pitch (more quickly than any manager than instruct them). Basically, I agree with Frank McLintock that the players aren't good enough - perhaps not as good as wenger thinks they are - and that we need better ones. Nonetheless, we're still on target for a decent season overall. I would imagine that the addition of 2 or 3 top players who can really impose themselves would make a big difference in these sorts of games - and then we might see that it's not the strategy per se that's flawed, it's using the strategy with the current personnel.

  37. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 16:57 #48265

    @Fozzy's mate, thought you made the point that Wenger has a 'cult like' following with quite a linguistic flourish. As it wasn't aimed at any particular individual, I'm not sure why any individual should be claiming offence. @maguiresbridge, if my granddad had 3 serious accidents in the space of 3 months I wouldn't be letting him behind the wheel again.

  38. jjetplane

    Mar 25, 2014, 16:46 #48264

    Would like to see that filmed MG 'priceless'!

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 16:38 #48262

    It has just been revealed OGL has retaken his driving test, it was taken in the groundsmans cart and conducted by the grounds man himself sitting in the back on top of freshly cut grass(so he could be blamed if he failed) around the pitch,he refused to display L plates as he has taken 1,000 tests before. It was rumored it was been pulled by a well known cart horse so it wouldn't have to much acceleration for OGL but the cart horse wasn't needed as the cart is electric. After one lap and a bit of reversing around some cones and an emergency stop in which the groundsman and some grass landed on top of OGL the test was over. It was then the groundsman realised why they were going so slow the handbrake was on. It didn't matter OGL had passed, he ran up the tunnel and into the dressing room waving his certificate to the cheers of the players. Right he declared there will be no more accidents i'm a competent driver now, i have a certificate to prove it, anyway i have no no claim bonuses left, it's the mighty swans tonight so we can go back to playing our wenger ball with tippy tappy football because the opposition won't stop us and we'll score three or four Arsenal style goals and when we wake up in the morning everything will be rosy in my garden again, and the fans will have forgiven me and everything will be alright. Mind how you drive.

  40. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:49 #48261

    To read through the critiques since Saturday and conclude it's all 'last result syndrome' demonstrates either a genuine inability to understand what's been said, or simple dishonesty. I have yet to read a considered rebuff of the following critique: 'There is a direct connection between Saturday's and other humiliations and Wenger's failure to take into proper account the opposition. This is why they do and will keep on happening.' The reason is, there isn't one.

  41. jjetplane

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:41 #48260

    ANY OLD IRON Your post I find a great deal more convincing than CGs (Friend of Felix) because giving it the I TOLD YOU So smacks of a rush job to get on the bandwagon and then try to commandeer whatever you think is happening. I wanted Wenger to go gracefully the time I saw Pires on the pitch with sticks and the team in media savvy adoration of him. A great moment but also a closing of an incredible chapter for the club. Sorry CG but you calling posters numpties tells me you like The Inbetweeners a tad too much. Anyway, here's to Martinez - hope he really is a gladiator. Good luck to football and to 'all the clowns who just want more'.

  42. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:37 #48259

    Westie - The 2-3 'anger days' you mention might apply to a greater or lesser degree on here,i dont know really, though i suspect youre wrong, but be assured there are many with no anger at all about whatever the Club does, but who have reasoned views anyway (such as me) who have thought a change of coach has been needed for a few years to benefit the Club. Just because you dont doesnt mean you should assume other points of view are transitory, anger fueled, superflous or ill thought through. If there is anger many guys who i know have been angry for some years, not a few days. You dont monopolise whatever the 'correct' opinion is (if there is such a thing!) or have a higher wisdom on these things (esp if its basis is that Racing Post rag you keep quoting). I agree with you that the debate has been done to death and said as much earlier. Arsenes here for a while yet. On the bullet proof vest point, on 7 mill (and some) per annum, so he should wear one. Football wise, Wenger has only an arguable but tenuous case to keep a job as a Coach. Last Saturday offers you even more proof of that, though i tend to the view the Club could be whacked 26-0, 3 or 4 times per season and you would still say change isnt required, as if Arsenes your fav Unc or your Grandad or some thing. Cmon you Gunners, youre pretty rubbish but your our rubbish!


    Mar 25, 2014, 15:35 #48258

    My quip regarding a brain like a Malteser was firstly a rhetorical question, never a statement. It alluded to an important organ being honey-combed, allowing scatter-gun criticisms of anyone who doesn't sign up to your take. I thought this site was supposed to be exactly like you pronounce it to be. Therefore the courtesy extended should be from yourself as I illustrated the references you made which I challenged. I have been quite impressed in the past with your posts/views and all I ask is a common courtesy offered to all who disagree with you. This exchange is a storm in a teacup. You are an alright guy, that much is clear. I ask you to re-read your post and imagine it directed at me. It isn't that nice. Perhaps this is just a manifestation of your frustration, anger and pain. I have my own to deal with. Right now we should be together for the final furlong, whoops, westlower is gate crashing the post.

  44. Jason B

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:27 #48257

    A little off subject here, but I have to get this off my chest.The ref has owned up to his mistake and apologised. Gibbs and the Ox are now free to play. Given this, I think the ref should be suspended and an inquiry into refereeing standards,particularly at Chelsea should take place.This is the 3rd sending off at the bridge this season where the red card has been rescinded retrospectively.(Steven Reid and Younes Kaboul were the other two.)

  45. jeff wright

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:27 #48256

    Having had his car repaired to make it roadworthy after Saturday's lunch time car crash... Wenger will no doubt have had the sex mad driver Giroud... who again had looked as though he had not had a good nights sleep... chained to his bed last night and wearing boxing gloves and he will now as a result be up for it to take out his frustrations on the hapless relegation haunted Swans and to score for a change on the field of play rather than in his hotel room ... a few quick routine dashes around the static cones by the little technicians and an inspirational talk Henry the Fifth style while pointing out that Barca had beaten Ronaldo and co on Sunday playing tika-taka ... al-right they do have Messi ! but hey Swansea are no Real Madrid so all of this should work the oracle for a victory tonight at home against the Welsh side. I am going for City to turn over United who again did not look convincing in their last two games despite RVP's hat-trick and Rooney's wonder goal. Well the Hammers GK wondered how he had scored it. United's midfield and defence still looks dodgy to me and I will be surprised if they can beat City even with home advantage.

  46. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:24 #48255

    @A Question to you all ? You ask if Wenger signs a new contract , will you stop going ? HA! I am a third generation Arsenal supporter who had attended virtually every home match every season for 48 years, but I refused to renew my season ticket and made sure I wouldn't buy anything that would help line the pockets of WENGER/GAZIDIS/ROENKE two seasons back. I will still support the club from a distance but will not return until that dark triumvirate are no longer associated with my club. What are YOU prepared to do to make a stand WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  47. Twenty minutes in football

    Mar 25, 2014, 15:08 #48254

    Wenger is only part of the problem. Anyone stupid enough to be his successor would have to deal with those f--k wits Kroenke and Gazidis. The only hope for the club would be a change of ownership as well as manager.

  48. Aaron

    Mar 25, 2014, 14:48 #48252

    If anyone witnessed the capitulations against Blackburn, Wigan, Tottenham and 4-0 up at Newcastle and thought Wenger was still a competent manager more fool you. Probably the same brigade who thought Moyes would do a seamless job at United

  49. Westlower

    Mar 25, 2014, 14:47 #48251

    For those of you who put great store on the equivalent result from last season, Swansea won 2-0 at the Emirates. The Racing Post also tip Swansea to win. As Jamie has just highlighted, following every defeat, 2-3 days of anger & bile is posted until tempers start to subside. For that reason alone let's hope we get a win tonight. The Wenger out debate has been done to death. The new manager will be well advised to wear a bullet proof jacket and not a long coat with a dodgy zip fastener.

  50. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 14:41 #48250

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing.who else could/would of got us through the tricky move to our new home? Any other manager would of wanted lots of cash to compete with chelsea's benefactor. We would of won the league if Edwardo's leg had not been broken.we have been unlucky in Europe also.it is only in the last three years that the wheels have come off and we looked useless.sometimes a mans biggest strength is also his biggest weakness, this I think is AW problem. He appears unwilling to delegate to others.we also once had 4 world class players who could get us out of bother-now Chelsea's benefactor or city's benefactor offer money that is hard to refuse and arsenal have not adapted to this .

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 14:28 #48249

    chris dee, well said, listening to or reading (it's not even worthy of being called spin)crap like that makes it worse. But the saddest thing of all is it's lapped up and believed.

  52. JAMIE

    Mar 25, 2014, 14:12 #48248

    Certain folk on here always get really annoyed and angry after every defeat or draw, so it's only natural to expect these kind of posts and foolish anti Wenger dialogue. After we thump Swansea this evening they'll all feel much better and if we beat Citeh on Saturday they'll all start to get optimistic and all will be well with them and they can all settle down in the evening once again with a nice cup of hot milk and dream of better days to come. Until then unfortunately it's lets all gnash our teeth at Wenger because of 'last result syndrome' and see how annoyed we can all get.

  53. fozzy's mate

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:59 #48246

    Bardarse - feel free to criticise and debate. Thats what sites like this are for are they not. Just beacuse you disagree or do not like my grammar, does this mean I have a brain the size of a malteser? Not knowing you or anyone else commenting personally I would not venture to dismiss or assess your intellect, merely comment on any points made. Please show me the same level of courtesy.

  54. chris dee

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:57 #48245

    Memo to Arsenal's P R department and Arsene. Enough of the slick manufactured little asides that always come out after a s**t performance. 'having a serious accident doesn't mean you are a bad driver' Just stick to winning games Arsene don't talk b*****ks to your fans,it ain't clever and as fans we are way past that stage now.

  55. lance peters

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:54 #48244

    Dear Canadagooner I have not read an article as good as this in a long time. You are bang on target. Well done

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:54 #48243

    Yes Canada if all this power he has (although thankfully it's fading fast)had been nipped in the bud years ago and he hadn't been allowed to dine out for the last nine years on his past successes, and had his massive ego pulled into check instead of been allowed to indulge in pet projects etc,etc. And told in no uncertain terms he's a football manager first and foremost and nothing else, instead of been given a free rein on everything, maybe he still would be.


    Mar 25, 2014, 13:42 #48242

    Fozzy's mate, what do you seriously think you achieve with such nonsense as, (and I paraphrase), '...development of AKBs was promulgated by Gazidis pumping out club propaganda..and mobilised army of Wenger's god squad crucifying ...who dare criticise.' Is your brain like a Malteser? I am genuinely concerned. I am not an acronym, I do not regard Gazidis in a favourable light-he is a company man, no more, no less- and give scant regard to club propaganda, governments, or even your brand of it. As an anti-religion chap I take exception to being branded one of your god's squad, rather than anyone else's. As for crucifying those who dare?!!? Well this as far as I take it when I feel I need to pull someone up who has over-egged it. Any nails in your hands or feet? Thought not. Good old Arsenal.

  58. A Question to you all ?

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:18 #48240

    If Wenger signs a new contract , will you stop going ?

  59. DJ

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:07 #48239

    Ron - Perfectly summed up. The 8-2 debacle should have been the end and subsequent non transfer dealing have highlighted that. Walcott was injured at the beginning of January and to not replace him was a dereliction of duty. It has left our team lacking forwards so one paced it is untrue!

  60. theopants superstar

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:05 #48238

    Talking of 'wise guys'.... you've spent the best part of the past two/three years defending the manager, blaming anyone and everyone but him, and then you have the cheek to now claim it's 500 games too many? Not sure if that is irony or just good old fashioned hypocrisy. The sad thing is neither do you!!

  61. Commitment, Quality, Spirit, but it was difficult

    Mar 25, 2014, 13:01 #48237

    Bore, yawn. jolly good show ol' chaps and stuff. All you patrons of the loyalty club, who espouse all the virtuous elements as supporters of Arsenal FC. How charitable of you all to fall on Arsene!s sword for him, whether you're regular posters, or casual respondents. There's nothing wrong with the jest of Canada's article title. What he is adding credence to is that the club can/could/should/would do better than 2 League cup runners up, 1 Champs League runner up and many big game rubbers lost. Also, getting through the trap door perennially for the Champs League stinks to high heaven. Why has all of this not been converted into a success of any sort? Number cruncher machine reads: lnability to see the bigger picture. Pedantry beyond necessity. Frugality beyond requirement, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat? Erm....no reverse that one! It will be 10 years soon when the move from Highbury was made. A super stadium for a distinctly average team. All this overseen by the great overseer. A lot has happened in recent years which is NOT to Wenger's credit. On the pitch in fact it's to his detriment. It's not about liking,or disliking. It's about the shortcomings of Arsenal FC under HIS WATCH. That for a lot of football people, Arsenal or not is glaringly obvious! Stand down Arsene, please!!

  62. kilkenny cat

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:42 #48235

    I can see it now,a goal up in the fa cup final a minute to go,then Kos hauls down their cf and concedes a pen and gets sent off. Then they go on to win in et. Wenger calls it an accident gets a new contract and we suffer more trophyless years under this eejit. He will not ever be sacked because there is no one to sack him. He wont leave because he is too arrogant. We are stuck until he gets too old to rip us off.

  63. Fozzy's mate

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:34 #48233

    I agree that although he started making bizarre selections in 2007, 2011 with the summer transfer debacle culminating in the OT disaster followed by the supermarket sweep delivering such duds as Park and Santos, should have been the end of at least the beggining of it. The shame now is that the current malaise will continue and Wenger may be remembered as a figure of run rather than an excellent manager if he had gone back then. The problem is as pointed out by many that when Dein was shoved out the supine board thought of OGL as the ultimate cash cow delivering glory on a shoestring. Wenger unfortunately believed the same. The development of the AKB's was promulagted by the pumping out of club propaganda by Gazidis and the ever mobilised army of Wenger is god squad, crucifying anyone who dare criticise the man. A sad state of affairs.

  64. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:33 #48232

    Wenger - used to be great, but he isn’t anymore and hasn’t been for at least four years. Haven’t been, won’t go, as long as Wenger remains. Haven’t given, won’t give, as long as Wenger remains. Haven’t beaten top opposition regularly, won’t beat top opposition regularly, as long as Wenger remains. Haven’t won a major trophy, won’t win a major trophy, as long as Wenger remains. And yet, a competition which once had majesty but has been treated almost like a second-class trophy by Wenger for years, has suddenly become THE trophy as far as he is concerned. But will it be a straw trophy? Will it be that straw for a drowning man and his acolytes to cling to, or the straw that ultimately breaks the back of even the most avid AKB? Whichever, it’s time for him to go… WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  65. Born Gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:01 #48229

    @Ron - totally agree, "500 games too many"?? - I don't recall many fans calling for Wenger's resignation straight after we won the FA Cup either.

  66. Matthew Bazell

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:00 #48228

    The only argument that we are title contenders is that our run in is piss easy.

  67. Bard

    Mar 25, 2014, 12:00 #48227

    I agree with the thrust of your post CG if not the tone. There is a serious level of denial going on at the club and on this site. I listened to Wenger describe the Chelsea capitulation as one bad accident not making you a poor driving. That the logic behind the support for him on this site. The problem is its not one accident but the third one. Three serious accidents in 6 months is cause for concern. It was a classic Wengerism. My view is that at the very least the Chelsea debacle will trigger a managed transfer of power. It's unarguable that he is finished as a top manager and as I've posted before I hope he leaves with dignity. I suspect we're in for another period of in no mans land while the change over occurs. Oh how different it might have been if he had had the balls to have bought a top striker and a couple of others. A wonderful career down the pan because the club or Wengerwouldn't spend another £50m or so.

  68. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 11:50 #48226

    Canada Gooner - Your assertion that AW has been a poor Coach for 500 games is ridiculously over the top in my view. How can that be? The mainstream view of his time being close to its conclusion from many if not most that ive spoken too seems to be 2011 at the time of the OT slaughter and subsequent transfer trolley dash. Its always been my view that August 2011 was a time for the start of the parting of the ways anyway. As i recall too, you were until only about a year or two back one who defended Arsene quite strongly, so your revisionism now is a bit extreme to say the least.

  69. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 11:38 #48225

    Wenger out - i think AW will become a director and he ll handle the transition and be given full control over the choice of Coach, so the Board will for the most part only be rubber stamping his choice really.

  70. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Mar 25, 2014, 11:38 #48224

    I've wanted Wenger out since 2008 - BUT - the aggressive "I told you so" attitude of this article is not helpful. Stick to the evidence of why Wenger is past his best because there's no point hurling insults at each other. We must be the most divided fan base in English football and that is so sad!

  71. Unchives

    Mar 25, 2014, 11:34 #48223

    As bad as it seems at this moment for all gooners, the season is not over yet. I predict Citeh will lose to both Manure and us....then who Knows. What will be unforgivable would be not winning the FA Cup. As bad as Wengers decisions have been on the pitch, i have no doubt he will know himself when its time to go.


    Mar 25, 2014, 11:26 #48222

    What I wouldn't give to have someone at the club who knows how to handle a managerial transition. David Dein could have done it, this lot will probably put an advert in the paper FFS. This board losing Wenger will be like man whose wife has left him after 20 years... She knew what all the keys were for, she knew all the details for the joint bank accounts, she knew when everyone's birthday was - They didn't need to know any of that boring football stuff, that's what they had Arsene for. Pathetic bunch they really are!

  73. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 11:01 #48221

    I find it strange that some people still refer to those of us who want Wenger to go as glory hunters. Nine years without a sniff,I should think even the most stoic of glory hunters have long since f***** off.

  74. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:57 #48220

    SGRB - Yes. Just paper talk, but seems to ring true doesnt it. Ill be surprised if the Club hasnt already started the phasing out/in process. For all we know, they and AW may well already know who's taking the job. PS interesting article in Mail sport on line i think it was about Utd fans perceptions with some good supporting comment from different acedemics about how footie fans perceive success and failure and what they say as a result. Its good and worth a look at as it applies to much of the discourse on here.

  75. hope your not calling me a numptie

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:52 #48219

    500 too many would indicate you are not happy about that superb cl run of 05/06. two other near misses in the minor cup and some superbly entertaining football. now afc look distinctly average in comparison to days gone by but have built an excellent foundation for the future. my hope is that arsenal stay on good terms with guardiola, and he gets bored at bayern in the next 2 years by which time wengers time will be up if he does not deliver now the financial constraints have been removed. he was never going to be at the end of a gun while the restrictions were on but if he signs an extension, then the pressure is on. better get a couple of top strikers this summer old chap. the defeats seem to be getting bigger against the top teams and there was no midweek cl game to blame this time, although curiously, chelsea had one...

  76. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:30 #48218

    @Westlower, not suggesting you, or we, 'kick when down' rather offer a cogent analysis, look at the connection between things. But okay, you don't want to look at it, that's your prerogative. @Ron, just newspaper rumours at the mo aren't they? I do fear that's also the reality though.

  77. Westlower

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:18 #48217

    @SGRB, Read your comments & thanks for your thoughts. Nothing much too add as I'm sure you're well aware of my stance on AFC. I simply don't believe in kicking people when their down, whether it be the manager or individual players. Bullies & pundits do that, don't they? In life, that's when people going through a bad patch need the most support. Historically I've been through too many AFC mediocre periods to let a few bad results phase me. @CG, Pity you're not a betting man as you could have made a lot of money with your astute foresight. @Angry mob, Anyone who has recently discovered AFC reality can bet Everton at 10/1, TH at 14/1, Man U at 26/1 to finish 4th, if you truly believe our implosion has begun & we finish outside of the top 4. Hull, Wigan & Sheffield United are all massive prices to win the FA Cup. Don't hesitate, make sure you bet early in case we lose tonight as the odds will change dramatically. Swansea are 7/1 to win. Trust your judgement & back your long held beliefs (last 500 games or more recent), if you have the courage and/or conviction to do so. Don't bottle it now.

  78. ApolloGooner

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:17 #48216

    Think 250 games too many is a fairer number. After all, not many were calling for him to go after we'd won the FA Cup in 2005 and rightly so. Summer 2009 is when I think he should have left. Yet again Wenger is showing he will not learn from what happened at Chelsea though. By dismissing what happened at Anfield as an ''accident'' meant it was only a matter of time before it was repeated. Sure enough it happens just a few weeks later ... and Wenger laughable writes that off as an accident too. He claims that having a car accident doesn't make you a bad driver ... well it damn well does if you caused the accident. And then did EXACTLY the same thing within a couple of months. I despair for this club if he signs a new deal.

  79. JAMIE

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:15 #48215

    It's very silly so called AKB's and Glory hunters squabbling after every Arsenal defeat,as the only ones who benefit are our rivals. 'When The Snipe And The Clam Fight Each Other,The Old Fisherman Gets The Profit'

  80. jw

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:12 #48214

    wow...what a dreadful article. Now I am not disputing the validity of some of the points Canada Gooner makes here, however to post an article where the author of it has to refer to people who oppose their opinion as "numpties" is poor in the extreme and ruins what was otherwise a well-written piece with some very good points.

  81. chris dee

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:11 #48213

    Wow! 500 games too many eh? What an insult to a great manager.I agree that it's time for a change but to slaughter the guy who has won more trophies for us than any other manager,who made sure we were at least competitive while 360 million quid was being paid off for the Emirates is just plain nasty and vindictive. We should wait until the end of the season and then evaluate Arsene's time at Arsenal.If, and it's a frigging big if,we finish in the top four (funny how we Arsenal fans have come to hate that phrase ) and win the F A Cup we should look back and see it as an improvement.ButI still think it would be time for a change. As for obnoxious Mourinho it would take idiot not to succeed at Chelsea this year.He has taken over a team who have won the Champions League and Europa Cup (without him ) and spent the usual £100 million (which Arsenal can't do ) that Chelsea use to buy trophies.A monkey could manage that club and win trophies .Mind you he spent £100 million last year at Real and had Ronaldo one of the greatest players in the last 30 years and still won f**k all.What a a botch job!

  82. Ron

    Mar 25, 2014, 10:02 #48212

    With all due respect to all posters, both original contributors and respondent posters, the debate about 'staying or going', 'should he or shouldt he' is over. Its academic. AW is staying for at least 2 or possibly more years. Ive done with it anyway guys. Have a good day all.


    Mar 25, 2014, 9:52 #48211

    Thanks CG, but one point. You talk of 'fanatical Wenger supporters'. That is a foolish distortion. It mirrors many religious discussions I have had in my life. I debate quietly and evenly. My opponent rants then declares me a fanatic. You did the same. The only ranting and raving comes from the side I oppose. Many try to rewrite history, this is a ploy of similar intentions. I am now going to have a nice cup of 'Rosie' and blow bubbles into the cup in a ranting, raving fashion. @Bard see previous article.

  84. Any Old Iron galvanised

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:52 #48210

    Canada..ditto! All my sentiments have been echoed in your article. You mention the numerous Arsene lovers who purportedly support Arsenal. Well in that reckoning, according to the barefaced FACTS: the people who are against Wenger, and they are also many support Arsenal FC. We do not get a hard on the minute Wenger sneezes! Can anyone please name a major rubber/tie one-on-one where Arsenal have prevailed in recent years? Answer: there ain't any! Exits in Chumps league to Liverpool, Chelsea, Man U, Barca again & again. Milan, Bayern again & again. Inability to close a group when leading it - evidenced many times in recent seasons therefore drawing the fire of the 'big boys' and being eliminated. Lessons the ' professor' failed to heed as he's repeated the experiment again and again! Only for another 4th finish so we can all go along again happily into the arms of.....Barca, Bayern et al! What a calamitous joke of a tenure the recent years have been. Wants all the prizes but wants to win them with a pop-gun! When we lined-up v Bayern recently we had a freebie rookie striker from France facing the European champs. This from a side who built a stadium to equip themselves with all the arms at hand to compete and be victorious. We do not compete - we are always now the fall guys and really are not taken seriously in Europe. As for domestics, when Chelsea hit the 6th Mourinho punched the air as if the deadlock had just been broken. Gladiatorial stuff indeed. Our man though is NOT up to it. Why should we ***k**g keep on indulging him at this great club and be flattered by it. We are no longer London's No 1 club where once it was our preserve. We've been eclipsed by Chelsea who many mock and say "oh the Russian will get fed-up withdraw his cash and go." The Russian was in the stands clapping and looking mighty pleased with his man's work on the football pitch. What can be said of our man. The Anericans were over the pond looking mightily pleased with their man's work off-the pitch. There lies your/our dilemma. If you look carefully you will see the 'blood out of a stone' look in Wenger. He has gone back to his roots as en Economist as that's how Arsenal FC are managed. We will never ever compete on a level playing field with this approach by Wenger. Enough said. The carousel awaits us for another repetitious trip through memory lane. Bored by Wenger and his ways. Zzzzzzzzz

  85. Clockender78

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:47 #48209

    Quote: "we had good results against bayern and Tottenham so maybe this was just an accident". You couldn't make it up..

  86. James Woodfine

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:46 #48208

    A well written piece. I agree totally with everything you said. Wenger should have moved upstairs in 2006 the year we moved into the new stadium and he legacy would have been intact. Now he is simply tarnishing it every year he stays.

  87. still top 4

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:31 #48206

    well its clear to see who the top 3 are anyway. they score the most and lose the least. funny thing is that they each remind me in different ways of what Arsenal used to be like. now we are loaded with "inventive" midfielders with no one to pass to. set up at chelsea should have been to deny them every possibility of getting forward with at least 2 or 3 defensive minded midfielders who can play a good forward pass. there should have been no repeat of anfield. the club captain should be the first player on the team sheet. vermaelen should be perfectly capable of playing in a defensive midfield position breaking up play alongside Flamini, with Rosicky Ox and Santi ahead of them. I think even Sanogo would be a better starter than Giroud lately. my mate is a cfc fan and watched their fulham game. he was right in line with the defence and said terry,cahill and matic were in constant communication and totally switched on for the whole 90. that does not happen at arsenal. it used to.terry, as much as i can't stand him, is more like adams than any other player i can think of. the foundations of success are almost always in that cb position or dm but the last 9 years we have given the captaincy to the star man. then vermaelen got it and he doesn't even start. wtf is going on with that. terry, kompany, gerrard, these guys don't sit on the bench! give it to mertesacker and be done with it. he did at least notice that in 12.45 games arsenal get slaughtered. not up early enough? not enough coffee? no preparation? think we are better than the opposition? bogus tactics for the big games? yes to all i should think. apart from the spuds, has any team in the division been battered by all the top 3 the way we have??

  88. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:13 #48205

    That last comments of my should've been posted under the previous article. Oh well, sure Westlower is reading this one. Unfortunately, ill mannered though it was, it seems as though that 'specialist in failure' tag isn't going away. Mourinho has come out on top, in every way but the moral high ground - the ground he cares least about. Nasty old business, modern football.

  89. alan whiffin

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:08 #48204

    spot on analysis and he's paid millions for this together with Gazidis,an overpaid office boy.

  90. brdgunner

    Mar 25, 2014, 9:08 #48203

    I think 500 games too many is an insult to Arsene's work for the club. Maybe its time for him to go, maybe he has run out of ideas and the tactical advancements of the game are too much for him. But 500 games too many is suggesting he left the season of the invincibles? However, his loyalty, to his own detriment, is something we should show more gratitude for than the article above illustrates. 9 years of failure? Really? In addition, if Arsene goes and another manager comes in the new guy will have a decent squad, lots of young players, and a hell of a lot of money to spend. Arsene has helped build that. I don't for one second think Arsene is the only man responsible for the stadium or CL football for 17 years. However, I will be forever proud and grateful that Arsene Wenger was the manager of Arsenal Football Club. And I will never forget we are a better club for his involvement. Very, very few managers can say that. COME ON THE GUNNERS


    Mar 25, 2014, 9:00 #48201

    You're spot on Canada, but 'told you so' won't win you any friends. I believed we had a very slim chance of winning title until Wenger failed to find any kind of replacement for Walcott with all of the riches and scouting resources available to him. I've been saying all season we will finish 4th with no trophies and I'm going to stick by it. I don't agree that losing Wenger will create a situation worse than United, in my view there could be no worse situation that maintaining the status quo - Don't see any Liverpool fans envying us right now. They had a few lean years, but now they have a real cause for optimism, never mind the fact that they're playing the best football in the league while we pay the highest prices to watch Stoke football without the effectiveness.

  92. Victor Thompson

    Mar 25, 2014, 8:46 #48199

    I agree that Wenger should go.Despite his ego, he is not a good tactician. Rogers, Pellegrini and Mourinho all know how to play against his teams. He never has a plan B and he consistently picks unbalanced teams. We had a lightweight midfield full of "Hanky Ball Players" against a very physical, regimented team. I knew when I saw the selection that we were doomed. I do howevever think that Wenger should leave with the gratitude of the club because he leaves a legacy of a magnificent world class stadium and training facilities. Any subsequent manager will owe him a debt of gratitude too.

  93. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 25, 2014, 8:45 #48198

    @Westlower, why don't you just ignore what you term the 'angry mob' and just provide some cogent analysis of why this and similar humiliations have happened, e.g. do you think it's anything to do with Wenger's attitude to the opposition and the way he sets the team up, or are they just all 'accidents', forget them and move on? Leaving aside the insults that fly around on this site from all sides, can you not see there are people trying to provide some thoughtful analysis? Why not engage with them and the questions they ask?

  94. Its up for grabs now

    Mar 25, 2014, 8:24 #48197

    Can't disagree with any of this article, the problem however is that our board will. If they have their way, it will be another 500 games with Wenger in charge. Wenger's ego is so big, that he is probably targeting Fergie's matches in charge statistics, as he knows he probably can achieve this personal target, because there is simply no pressure from above to actually win the PL or CL!