Insipid management

Thoughts on the Swansea draw

Insipid management

I have done my usual trick and jumped on the tube straight after the game without listening to post match reports or viewed anything on social media. I wanted this to come straight from the heart and I did not want any distractions.

Having been a Gooner for fifty years, I thought that I had gone to heaven when watching Wenger at his prime. I love the guy to bits for all the riches he has brought to us all over the years, but what I witnessed tonight really brought it home to me that sadly his time must surely be up.

It was plainly obvious to me that the players needed an arm around their shoulder and given some encouragement, motivation and inspiration from the touchline. But all I saw was Wenger sitting on his arse. After we let in a soft goal when Vermaelen gave their bloke the freedom of Ashburton to plant his headed in the corner, I hoped for a reaction. I waited in vain for something positive to happen. But all too soon it was halftime and we had hardly started. All we had to show for our endeavours was a spate of banging over a series of aimless corners. It was poor. Very poor.

The second half began with more urgency, although the Mertesacker/Vermaelen partnership at the back was not working well, and Arteta appeared to be offering them little protection. A small crumb of comfort appeared in the shape of a rare positive decision from Wenger. He didn’t wait until the 70thminute and went some fifteen minutes early to make a substitution and when Podolski came on the difference was there for all to see.

With fifteen minutes to go we had the game won. Keiran took the game by the scruff of the neck (or was it The Ox?) and set up The Pod, who in turn set up Giroud a minute later. That should have been it. But, with five minutes left I witnessed a colossal error of judgement. Our defence was creaking badly and urgently needed bolstering up. Jenkinson was on the bench, and with Podolski up front, the obvious change was Giroud for The Jenk as Swansea were having a go as time was running out for them. What happened next was inexplicable as Sanogo came trotting on for Giroud. The creaking fragile defence creaked even more. We needed to just see out the game but it didn’t happen. Swansea had nothing to lose and saw their opportunity. We again became outnumbered and when Arteta failed to track back, the inevitable disaster struck.

It was as if we had learnt nothing from the past few years. Arteta was Denilsonesque all evening with his crab like safety first passing Vermaelen turned into Diaby for failing to at least challenge for the header which gave them their first goal. The whole team became Alex Song when they all led an undisciplined cavalry charge in injury time leaving ourselves ridiculously exposed. I feared the worst as Swansea broke fast and it was only the ref who saved us from further embarrassment when he blew up for full time. And of course the catalogue of errors was complete with Flamini acting as the Eboue jester handing them their late equaliser.

The end result was two precious points thrown down the drain. All it needed was some sensible managerial tactics and all this could have been easily avoided.

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  1. Ron

    Mar 27, 2014, 11:10 #48445

    Westie/BADARSE - I was only playing a few chords to 'Heavens Door' last night! Good old Bob D. Top man. Must get myself a harmonica too, though not sure i cd play it at same time as guitar!! Hear from you soon Westie lad.Gunners 1 Man C 0. I can hear you laughing but this time, ill get a prediction right!!


    Mar 27, 2014, 10:45 #48443

    westlower I shall expect plenty of 'oinks' upon your return as you bring home the bacon. Yeah, Bob had some smoothing and soothing words. Been explaining the poetry of wordsmith songwriters from yesteryear to my Grandson Charlie. Has been recently introduced to Billy Joel, but Dylan takes some beating 24601. As I have been linked with John Donne I should bid adieu with his words, 'No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were... any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. Julesd, bring him home!

  3. Ozzie

    Mar 27, 2014, 9:35 #48433

    Never mind Fozzy, your precious Gooners may yet lose their coveted '4th place cup' and in the process surrender their status as a top club which would enable them to play without the expectations tag and go about their business as do many lesser clubs with a 'nothing to lose' attitude. It's time Arsenal were woken out of their delusional state, being the long lost legacy of the Bergkamp/Henry/Adams era. Get lost Wenger!!If the "supporters" were serious they would stay away from the remaining games; now that would be a statement. Now if you are so badly hooked on football go and watch a lower division club and enjoy a real game of football. That would give you your fix for the week.

  4. Hi Berry

    Mar 27, 2014, 7:29 #48416

    Or Everton for that matter, who are a game or two away from overhauling us with even less resources. If it's not the money I wonder where the problem could possibly be......?

  5. Westlower

    Mar 27, 2014, 7:21 #48415

    @Badarse, We read in today's papers that Man U supporters plan to fly an anti-Moyes banner over OT on Saturday. West ham supporters booing a winning team. The changing face of the modern supporter? One of my dogs should win at Hove tonight but I won't be booing him from the terrace should he get beat. I feel like an ageing band doing it's final, farewell gig but I'll rejoin the (un)happy throng later in the year. I wish you well and I'll leave with a few choice words from Bob Dylan: Come writers & critics prophesying with their pen and keep your eyes wide as the chance won't come again. Don't speak to soon as the wheel is still in spin and don't criticise what you can't understand. Don't stand in the doorways, don't block up the hall, for he who gets hurt is he who stalls. The present now will later be past, the first one now will later be last. The order is rapidly changing & the times they are a changing (although not always for the better). @Cornish Gooner, I saw Mel Charles in 60/61, if only we had bought his brother John? Nothing much changes except for the times! Here endeth the final lesson. Be lucky!!!

  6. The Specialist in Failure

    Mar 27, 2014, 6:24 #48414

    The AKB's biggest excuse is we cant compete with moneybags City and Chelsea.Of course their arguement falls down with Liverpool

  7. Edmund

    Mar 27, 2014, 5:52 #48413

    Wenger has Three important things to do before we play City. 1. Sign Sagna and pay him what he wants. The worse thing is to put him on to aid his potential future employers. 2. Watch the Wigan/City cup match video replays with his new friend SAF (enemy of my enemy is my friend) and get some tactical ideas. Play 3 centrebacks. Vermaelen as sweeper (what he did as the Verminator). 3.Choose a youth player to freshen things. The young players have no fear. Ryo? Chuba? Eisfeld? Pelegrini like Mourinho is very stategic but will have to plan based on AW's predictability. I doubt he will do any of this but if he did, the three points are ours.

  8. Tony Evans

    Mar 26, 2014, 23:07 #48412

    Wenger great with the fans, I myself have had some great selfies with him, yet fun aside I think come 2017 he has to go.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 23:00 #48411

    On the subject of inspiration from the sidelines the cameras caught bouldy shouting instructions last night on two or three occasions as the GDL sat motionless then suddenly he sprung into life to and decided to shout something as well, goodness knows what it was probably at the ref but it wouldn't do to have your assistant seen to be taking charge and calling the shots (he'll probably be told off for that). On another occasion bouldy shouted something and the GDL let a jump and followed suit, it reminded me of an old grandad sleeping in a chair and when you let a yell you woke him up.

  10. El Bodgeo

    Mar 26, 2014, 22:28 #48410

    Just heard Mr French Bean's post match interview 'it's important to focus on the past but now we must look forward as well as looking back..' I think he's learning the Green Cross Code to try and avoid the next car crash!

  11. Bard

    Mar 26, 2014, 22:03 #48407

    The angst here on this site is evidence of the huge change that is slowly but surely engulfing the club. Injuries, referees however you see it this is the tipping point. Wherever we finish at the end of the season you just cannot see anything but decline. Next season's summer transfer window will be a massive test of resolve and financial power. Man u need a new team, Chelsea need a top striker. Liverpool now in the CL will spend . City will strengthen. And Arsenal scrabbling around for cheap deals, unknown talents, unwilling to pay the going price, hoping for a miracle signings. Its not a recipe for success and at the helm is the man who hates spending a penny over his valuation. This is the organisation that brought Kallstrom in the jan window in an attempt to win the league. QED

  12. Van de Ed

    Mar 26, 2014, 21:19 #48405

    To have the slightest chance of avoiding another hiding this weekend, we must start with Flamini & Kallstrom protecting the back 4 (btw where's Diaby? still in the Alps during the business end of the season?). Hope we win the FA Cup so Le Boss bows out graciously (since our gutless board will NEVER sack him) and moves upstairs. Then, Klopp or Diego Simeone must be seriously considered as they've got experience competing for major titles both domestically & in Europe, are ruthless no-nonsense Gaffers & surely by end of this season, would have taken their respective clubs as far as they possibly can. I'm very certain they'll be willing to brush up on their English lessons & take over at Arsenal for half the pay currently being gifted to Le Boss!!

  13. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:48 #48402

    Westie - Thanks. I still reckon we ll win the Cup to be honest, despite how impoverished they look right now. Hope so anyway.


    Mar 26, 2014, 20:44 #48401

    Wengers a busted flush, clueless,tactically naive and taking us backwards.Even though these are my sentiments and I'm always slagging the man off,I do really like Wenger and respect all he'd done for the club.I even got my wife to give him a big kiss and got a great selfy with the man after the Everton game so nobody can accuse me of being anti-Wenger.

  15. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:36 #48400

    Cornish Gooner - That made me smile buddy. Good stuff. Love it. PS Down in Fowey as per the norm in May!

  16. Westlower

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:34 #48399

    @Ron, I wasn't the slightest bit offended by your earlier post as you're right to say that betting is a mugs game. My definition of a mug is someone who bets too often & chases their losses. Anyone who lacks self discipline will quickly go skint. Thanks for your best wishes. AFC winning the FA Cup will give me a nice financial boost in May.

  17. Mark T

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:25 #48398

    Great article. We get done by six and then turn in performance like that??!!! Beggars belief. The manager sits on his arse staring at his shoes. He's obviously lost any belief and passion he ever had. How long can this go on????

  18. Matthew Bazell

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:25 #48397

    The club needs a manager with desire and hunger. Wenger has it to a degree, but not anywhere near the level you need to be successful. And yet he's been offered a contract because Stan Kronke only looks at the profits made last night. Wenger is getting all the stick but some attention also needs to be put the way of Silent Stan. He's the biggest problem. Get the yank out. Even with a new manager we'll be pissing in the wind with the current board the way the scousers did with Gillet and Hicks

  19. cornish gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:06 #48396

    As that stand up American guy, Mr John Henry, might say "what has that 'Westie'and his mates been smoking?" It is surely time for a "conscious uncoupling". Surely you City boys can organise an in stadium protest? As for me, luckily I no longer chase around the country using my student grant (not "loan" - those were the good old days) to watch the Bank of England club and suffer the same sort of despair - remember "Abou" Mel Charles anyone? However, being an impoverished pensioner, I realise that I can now make significant financial savings by hitting both Sky and BT Sports on the head for next season. Hope my wife appreciates the sacrifice. Finally, I am 74 and have a bloody sight more energy than the clapped out Frenchman and retain all bodily and mental functions along with excellent zip competence. I would come very cheap, Stanley, and feel I could probably combine both the role of Manager and Managing Director. I have a good track record in brand marketing and financial control. Available for interview.

  20. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 20:06 #48395

    Hi Westie - Having been on both sides of the fence must be good for you. Ive seen some horror stories though pal and been a close to one of the 'subjects'. PS Just read my earlier post. Sorry if it sounded a bit harsh or disrespecting. I didnt mean it too and didnt look to target you in anyway.Good luck with it, if it does pay off. Go get them there bookie boys!!

  21. jjetplane

    Mar 26, 2014, 19:56 #48393

    Only just watched City from the weekend and they are also moving into another gear again. They also have half a team built like proverbial ****houses and when you weigh that against a slight though overwhelmingly fitter Chelsea side that tore shreds off the Arsenal Puppy Project (APP), I wonder for saturday. Arteta would appear to be able to put a penalty away in a Toure fashion, but there the resemblance ends. If Flamini is selected he would be wise to lower his squawking or he end up on his arse real pronto. Apart from that will Arsene be wearing a 1000 plus match suit or will he favour the duvet to curl up in. This sis what keeps me interested. How about you? Of course, we might be beat them an Everton and voila! Duvet out and I predict he will be wearing shorts white dem gangster white stockings. Know'm sayin'

  22. Westlower

    Mar 26, 2014, 19:10 #48390

    @Ron, Correction, last year my profit was 32.9% of turnover from 69 bets, not 39% as I previously stated. The 39% was my strike rate winners/runners. My best year was 2010 when I had 290 bets with a strike rate of 41.3%, making a profit of 64.8% against turnover. A consistent period of stable weather conditions is key to the number of bets.

  23. Westlower

    Mar 26, 2014, 18:49 #48389

    @Jeff, I agree 2/5 to beat Wigan doesn't look attractive. If AFC go a goal behind that rationale would change as the price will drift to odds against. Thankfully my money is already on and I get a return regardless of the outcome. @Ron, You're correct that betting is probably the hardest profession to consistently make a profit. I record all my bets and I've made a profit every year since I started betting seriously in 2000. I'm no scientist but I do have an analytical brain. I had my worst year in 2013 but I still made a profit of 39% on my turnover during the Flat season (late March to early November). To date I've owned shares in 10 racehorses & many more greyhounds. Back in the 70's I held a bookmakers licence & I trained to be a settler with William Hill. The abolition of betting tax at 9% made it possible to make the game pay. My natural cynicism holds me in good stead and I only bet in certain races, about 60-80 bets per year.

  24. jjetplane

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:57 #48385

    It seems the only truly unhappy posters on this site are the GBLs. Might I add they your blessed beloved has not looked particularly happy since Tony Adams was running the club having been giving the reins by GG (what was that bet in '89). And now they are fleeing the ship living us suffering gooners to clean up their mess. Anyone got a broom for all these betting slips. Set the Alarm Paddy - we're off!

  25. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:47 #48384

    Hi Westie - Theres not a 'wise' man walking, now or ever who bets for a living. Just mugs who are barmy enough to routinely make bookies rich who have the odd win themselves and crow about it. The losses, esp the big ones rarely to never get mentioned though do they as you well know. Ive had many a client in your game. Dreamers all and usually next to broke by the time i get to see them. If you think theres 'reason' in that malarkey your into, its a good job you never became a scientist. Id say too that you only think youre not subject to influence by others, both the sensible and the not so sensible amonngst us. The sub conciousness that you seem to deny possessing is your 'engine', like it or not.Its governing your next punt on whichever nag your gonna waste cash on very soon.

  26. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:31 #48383

    billthered - see your angle mate but Sagna is playing likes hes done with rsenal and has done for ages. The busted legs have finished him. Jenks - bless him is a real tryer and deserves more than flaky,lightweight feint hearts around him to help him develop, but sadly, hes not cut out for a top level Club (he ll be fine when we drop to become an established mid table Club though). TV looks like a player riven with old injuries and poor morale.Using these players how you suggest = more and possibly bigger thrashings. All 3 need to let go in truth. I do like TV and Jenks though, but a hard headed Coach wdt want

  27. jeff wright

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:25 #48382

    After last night's shambles Westie, against Swansea , Wenger being a shoo-in to beat Rosler's Wigan in the semi doesn't look odds-on to me . I had a good punt on City to beat United last night but I left our game out ,and have only seen the goals 'highlights' . So much then for the theory that Flambo was the missing link and Wenger was bonkers to leave him out against Chelsea and others! Flam ,who said thew other week, that he left to win trophies , is back on a 3 year deal on 40k a week wages .Well done Arsene you are a real genius.

  28. Westlower

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:12 #48381

    @Spectrum, Thank you for your derisory statement about my smug assessment of the odds re the Swansea game. As Badarse has pointed out on many occasions 'don't shoot the messenger.' I was merely relaying the bookies odds for the benefit of those Gooners who believe our implosion is under way. Why wouldn't you oppose the Gunners in their current form? It's so easy in hindsight isn't it. If like CG and the majority of WOB's who see these slip ups coming, why not cash in on your judgement? It helps pay for next years ST. From a betting perspective, last nights game unfolded perfectly for me. Pre-match I backed Swansea to win at 7/1 & the draw at 100/30. In play, with Swansea taking the lead I was able to continue backing the draw at 13/2, 6/1 & 7/1 & AFC to win at 9/1. Once AFC led 2-1, I was able to back Swansea to win at 16/1 & 41/1 & the draw at 10/1. Whatever the final result I achieved my ultimate target in winning a substantial amount of money regardless of the result. I also backed Everton to win at Newcastle at 11/8 & to finish in the top 4 at 17/1. I've backed AFC to win the FA Cup at 5/1 to a large sum and as insurance I've backed Wigan to reach the final at 7/2 to retrieve my stake placed on AFC should events transpire against us. Yes, I've already backed Man City at 7/5 for Saturdays game & as a Gooner I hope to lose but as a pro punter I expect to win. My judgement remains as as sound as a bell. Yourself??? Backing my assessments is how I earn my living. 'A fool sees what he wants to see, the wise man has the power to reason away.' I'm not influenced by hype, pundits, ex players or fellow Gooners, just what I see with my own eyes. With the Flat horse race season starting this week I'm sure you'll be pleased to see the back of me & my smug black humour. I'll be back in November, Hello, Goodbye!

  29. billthered

    Mar 26, 2014, 16:02 #48380

    With Kos injured the best centre half we have is Sagna he played there when we had no one else and he was a revelation.All OGL had to do was swap around a bit Verm into a holding role in the middle of the park Jenks in at FB and bobs your uncle.There again what do I know I've never worked a full day in football ever.Mind you there is a bloke called Warburton who studied coaching whilst working in the city passed his coaching badges and when Rosler left for Wigan he took over at Brentford and if you look at their results since he has taken over apart from last night he hasn't done to bad has he.It aint rocket science if players don't put effort in for the club and fans drop them and put players in that will like Jenks.I know he lacks a few things but commitment is not one them.Can you imagine if George Graham was in charge and no effort was shown.Read Paul Mersons book and he will explain.

  30. Ray

    Mar 26, 2014, 15:48 #48378

    I think people are being a bit hard on those who run Arsenal. I like Kroenke and think the guy is perfect for us, he seems a nice guy like Arsene and Lord Chips which always says a lot. You can't expect a business man who was brought up watching the red socks to know everything about the red gunners, or to put away his momma's apple pie for jellied eels.

  31. Tony Evans

    Mar 26, 2014, 15:18 #48376

    Stan - You just don't get it do you. I am fully behind the Arsenal cause. I just happen to believe the club will be much improved without Wenger, and I did the only thing in my power that I could do to try and achieve this - namely giving up my season ticket. I know one season ticket makes little difference, but if one became hundreds or thousands the club might listen. What are you doing to rid the club of Wenger? Perhaps you are more than happy with him, if so I would love to hear your reasons why.

  32. same old crap year after year

    Mar 26, 2014, 15:15 #48373

    4th spot race V everton and i think this time we might lose it

  33. Liam K

    Mar 26, 2014, 15:10 #48372

    Same old issues... We seem to do this season after season... Remember Norwich at home? Just after RVP got us in the game.. We blow it... Liverpool at home? Eboues last touch for us...Giving away a pen... We never seem to learn... Arteta has filled the gap for 2 years and now his time is coming to an end.. Flamini runs around a lot and barks orders but we wont win the league with him. This team has been crying out for some muscle in the middle of the park for years and we keep ignoring it. We need some grit in there. We need someone who when they see Ozil, Wilshere and Rambo getting kicked will scare the life into other teams knowing that he has there back. We havent had that presence in the middle since Paddy V. The movement off the ball is shocking. Santi seems to be struggling with the lack of movement up front. A guy willing to go in behind the defence would change the dynamic of our attack. Why didnt Wenger fix this in Jan??? We cant just rely on Walcott to be our penetration. We add a top draw DM and CF into our team and when all fit we could compete. Rosicky Arteta Grioud Podolski Flamini are great squad players to come in and plug a hole. see out a game. make an impact. But they wont drag us to a league title. We have so much potential and this club is ready to go to the next level. It just needs 3-4 quality additions.

  34. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 15:03 #48371

    Bard - Might even be a year with an option to renew and youre right, theyve already got the transition plans underway i reckon. I know theres nothing been said, or nothing ive read but its just the 'feel' behind Wengers comments this pat 12 months. Hes not daft, he knows the writings on the wall and also knows he cant go on. I wdt be at all surprised if theres closer attention being paid to Martinez than we think. Hes one for a big future i reckon. Classy and honest too.

  35. Stan Kroenke's Barber

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:59 #48370

    Hi Fellas just to put a little rumour to bed about Mr Kroenke, I have been cutting Stanley's hair now for three years, he's a super guy and loves the Arsenal more than any other thing in the world, his hair is all real and I have never once had to apply any colour to aesthetically improve his appearance.

  36. Bard

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:52 #48369

    King Jeremy. You are right on the money. He will still be here next season albeit on a shorter contract. The deal will be either a transition or give him two more seasons to win something. The shortened deal will be the fan pacifier. In other words he's earned the right to turn it around or it will be spun as his first duff season in 17 years. He certainly won't be forced out and for £8m pa why would you leave. I do think the club will start planning for the next manager though.

  37. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:44 #48368

    No worries Mr K we all make mistakes.The old syrup must take some holding on in Winters like we ve had what with the rain and storms and such like? What are your thoughts on Mr Wenger by the way? I know you keep your arse out of the place for all but the odd token visit, but arent you just a little miffed at his performance as a Coach.I mean, the spin off is verbals and stick for your good self isnt it. What will take to make you dispense with the old fella?

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:32 #48366

    Fozzy his time is up alright and has been for some time,thankfully others are now seeing and beginning to see what a lot of others have known for some time. This manager is incapable of giving any encouragement, motivation, or inspiration from the touch line and it's hard to remember if he ever did. But he's an expert at putting an arm around players (especially dross)after defeats,humiliations and cock up's making excuses for them and himself,and blaming everything and everybody except the real culprit,instead of putting them right on the training ground. The only time he does get of his arse is to argue with the fourth offical, i wonder what the excuse for last night will be and who's to blame, it can't be the referee again as he should be thanked for saving us from another humiliation, but it'll hardly be the real culprit.

  39. CT Gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:30 #48365

    It really feels like the tide is changing, and if we lose the next two games things could become very ugly at the Groove. My feeling is we should not be looking to replace just the manager, but bring in a structure where the manager focuses strictly on the playing side and has help in making the signings he's identified, akin to the Dein/Wenger days.

  40. Stan Kroenke

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:22 #48364

    Ron - sorry buddie, I was just fixing my toupee, and made a typo. You guys are the craziest customers ever. Whatever the quality of the product and no matter how much we charge, you stay loyal to the brand. If some move on, there's plenty more to take their place. The moment things get hairy (pardon the toupee pun), I'll sell up and move on. We simply cannot lose! Thanks for all your money.

  41. Paul Thomson

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:13 #48363

    For all that has been great about the Wenger era I think his obsession of wanting to almost single handedly build Arsenal in his own vision may be his downfall. The man has been under enormous pressure in the last decade - a lot of that down to himself, when coaching / managing the football team was the only job title he was appointed to. Shame on the current faceless Board of Directors for a distinct lack of leadership and direction, they have left one man with far too much responsibility. When the day comes and Arsenal have to appoint Arsene's successor, do you have confidence in the footballing knowledge of Gazidis and Kroenke that they will pick the right man?

  42. King Jeremy

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:04 #48361

    All you AMG's - be honest, you know he's going nowhere in May regardless of results between now and then. You also know that as it's World Cup year, we won't be bidding big (if at all) for any star players (the prices will be inflated in the eyes of OGL). You also know that Walcott, Diaby and Ramsey will be like new signings. Don't forget that "we will learn from this" and it's all "an accident" anyway. No, the only way Arsene leaves is by his choice and the man's ego is just too big to admit he's had his day. Arsenal should act now and secure his replacement becuase Man Utd and that mob from N17 will be looking for a new manager come June as well.

  43. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 14:00 #48360

    Ha Ha - Hi there Mr Kroekne. At least your honest fella. Might try spending a few quid on an english course though esp if helps you spell your name!!

  44. Stan Kroekne

    Mar 26, 2014, 13:51 #48359

    As long as you lot keep paying, I couldn't care less what you think. You can leave you seat empty as far as I care. As long as you pay up, I'm happy.

  45. Tony Evans

    Mar 26, 2014, 13:24 #48355

    Stan - It is not 'glory hunting fans' giving up their season tickets, but fans like Gooner Pete, Ron and myself. Fans that have been through think and thin over many, many years with Arsenal that have refused to part with their money any longer whilst the lunatic is running the asylum. What other top manager, with title aspirations, would go in to a season with only Giroud, Bendtner and Sanogo as recognised strikers (although I use that term loosely), ditto with Arteta as a holding midfielder, ditto with only freebie Flamini signed to give the team more backbone, ditto without a top class experienced keeper. That's before we even think about the clueless tactics he employs, the gungho approach to virtually each and every game - without seemingly a thought as to which team we are playing and the very nature of (and I hate to agree with Scholes on this) the lily livered players he seems to love that regularly go missing in the big games - hence the regular drubbings we suffer from the true top sides.

  46. ATID

    Mar 26, 2014, 13:12 #48354

    Any news on when Diaby is going to be fit again? He could be like a new signing.

  47. Felix von Geyer

    Mar 26, 2014, 13:08 #48353

    Wenger said that there would be a big response. If that was it then I might for the sake of my own sanity have to avoid watching the match on Saturday v Man City. In the words of Frank Zappa - 'The torture never stops'. If I'm one match away from a breakdown, then what about the rest of the team? The tactics were awful - lame tica taca/tika taka. The reality is that the trophy-winning Arsenal would in four passes have the ball in the back of the net. Remember 2002 and the Arsenal v Newcastle replay? I even missed the first goal and had to see the replay on the Highbury screen it was so quick - combinations of Pires to Bergkamp and vice versa - cross-field cutting passes. Or the Pires masterclass against Southampton that started the 49 unbeaten run, including giving Pennant a hat-trick. We used to have the personnel to provide possession football although we often had the tendency then to try and pass the ball into the back of the net instead of shooting (UEFA final 2000 anybody?); take the game from defence to counter-attack quicker than the blink of an eye. Now there's no creative pass and move, line of sight passing, running or playing into space, behind defences etc. Imagination, desire and ambition are seemingly in the process of transevaporation. I think the question to be completed is who and how quickly?

  48. Bard

    Mar 26, 2014, 12:55 #48352

    My view is that the boss looks visibly shaken and is looking more like a rabbit caught in the headlights. This maybe explains his tactical paralysis at the crucial moment yesterday. He must be under enormous pressure. Three weeks ago we were in contention for the title and he was ready to sign a new contract. Now we are struggling to hang on to 4 th spot. Hevhas backed off signing a new contract so we are led to believe. And he is facing the fact that we might even miss put on that, Its a remarkable implosion (although not unexpected ) even by Arsenal's standards.


    Mar 26, 2014, 12:54 #48351

    The whole rotten lot of them need to go, we need people at this club who are motivated to do something useful with it. Stan doesn't give a f**k about soccer, he certainly isn't an Arsenal fan. It's a tragic situation that the club can be owned by anyone who isn't Arsenal through and through, such is the modern world I guess. Whether uncle Stan is the problem or not is debateable - according to official releases, the money has always been there to spend. Let's just hope that this really is the case and that the new manager, whoever he may be, is given the chance to reshape the team with a view to restoring some measure of real success. It's come to the point where defeats, although painful, are desirable if they lead to some kind of change. The fans need to speak with one voice if we are ever to have a chance to affect the direction of this club.

  50. Ray

    Mar 26, 2014, 12:39 #48348

    I like what you say BADARSE even though you do sound like a bit of a 'hippy humanist pipe smoker'

  51. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 12:31 #48347

    Think what you like about Mourinho, but he tells it straight and as it is. My favourite comment of his ( next to the “specialist in failure” ) is this, from August last year….. ………Mourinho said: ” I’m not the person to be in a club three or four years without winning a trophy. “In this case I wouldn’t need the club to say “we’re not happy with you, goodbye”. I’d be the first one to say “I gave everything I could but I didn’t succeed, let’s go and try a different thing”. All hypothetical now of course, because he’s contracted to Chelsea. He WAS available for a while, but our weak kneed board never approached him. THAT in my opinion, was the biggest crime the board committed. Would Jose have tolerated the ongoing farcical circus that we experience annually ? What do YOU think ? ” In Arsene we rust.” P.S. Ancellotti would have been my second preference, Di Matteo for third. All these men are or have been employed by Chelsea at some stage. Shows THEY know how to pick winners. Albeit Di Matteo was treated disrespectfully and discarded way too soon. Remember however, he was sacked AFTER winning a trophy. Wenger has won nothing – and they’re offering him a new contract !!!!

  52. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:49 #48344

    Found that a little hard to follow, Badarse, and like to hope I've got half a brain. Looking at an extract, you are saying we've got a personnel issue, which is true, but we've also got a personnel utilisation issue i.e. the way the team is sent out to play. Even in the corrupt modern game, other teams still have leaders and an 'esprit de corps' of a sort which is evidently lacking at AFC. Plenty of us are aware of wider context in which the club operates, and perceive more than two dimensions, but still believe the 'transition time' has been very long and is, or should be, up in its current manifestation.

  53. jeff wright

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:41 #48343

    These corporate owners the Glazers, Kroenkes and Henrys are all motivated by profit as against the sugar daddy glory hunter Abramavich and Mansour type. The corporate ones who are putting their own cash into their clubs are not under the same pressure from supporters, as is the case with the corporate rip off the customers Stan and son and Malcolm and sons type are when things are going awry . The managers at the sugar daddy clubs are always though an endangered species under threat from the owners, Chelsea and City change managers regularly even if there is no demand from supporters for it. Henry at Liverpool was unpopular not so long ago with the laugh when you are winning scousers . Henry however took steps to rectify the problems that were making him unpopular , starting with the decision to get rid of Dalgleish , another old style manager who used tactics that were even more outdated than what Wenger uses , and to replace him with the younger Rogers , this along with playing hard-ball to keep Suarez, has turned around Liverpool's fortunes and the scousers are now as happy as Larry with Henry and life in general . The chickens on the other hand have come home to roost at United, and it won't be long before they are clucking away at the Emirates either, where an over reliance on an old manager past his time is impacting on affairs. At least Ferguson had the sense to get out while on top ,but he couldn't resist hanging about and choosing who his successor would be. The Glazers know nothing about football in this country deja vu the Kronenkes so they just accepted Ferguson's advice to give Moyes an 8 year contract . Let's hope that Stan doesn't just leave it to Wenger to sort out a successor to himself, Arsene MK2 is not what we need , a completely new approach is required to take the club forward into the 21st century. Henry at Liverpool is a better role model to emulate on this than what Stan's idols the Glazers are. Unfortunately, as I have said before , I can't see any major changes taking place under Stan's watch . It's not just Wenger who needs to go we need a new owner as well , and one with more ambition than just trying to make money out of football .

  54. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:30 #48342

    " We send scouts where others don't look." - Arsene Wenger, 3rd August 2000, after the signing of unknown Lithuanian Tomas Danilevicius from the Swiss side Lausanne. " In Arsene we rust."

  55. Many Old Iron

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:20 #48341

    Well said Theopants. So we'll beat Swansea will we? The 'out brigade' 'angry mob' will then quieten down, and that will allow us custodians of AFC to mimic the board and hierarchy in thinking the club belongs to the patricians. The club my dear learned friends belongs to the 'mob', the people. They in increasing numbers are saying different to you. Do you get it?! Now get your slippers' on now all of you good boys there...

  56. San Franscio

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:16 #48340

    Too much acid badarse

  57. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:11 #48338

    BADARSE - All a bit 'windy' mate with all due respect. It reads like more flannel designed to avoid facing the hardest decsions. The Club needs a new direction both at its top in its business thinking, right down to its bottom.The product is tired, the staff arent doing it. It needs changing. Its no different to any other business, which has gone stale. The Wenger era is over. Those at the top need to accept it and open their minds to embracing change or just go and leave it to people who will before the Clubs staleness makes it rotten.

  58. theopants superstar

    Mar 26, 2014, 11:03 #48337

    Stan: Glory hunting fans? Surely they would have left a few years ago as we've certainly had no 'glory' to sing about! No, the truth is that it's the long-time Arsenal goers/season ticket holders that are the one's giving up as they are sick and tired of the club playing lip-service to making a serious challenge for honours and know nothing will change while this manager and owner are at the helm. It's generally the newer fans - the ones that think Arsenal didn't have a history or were never successful before Wenger took over - that are the ones happy with the status quo and in doing so are permitting this state of competitive paralysis to be sustained.


    Mar 26, 2014, 10:39 #48332

    Good morning Fozzy's mate. You often talk a lot of sense buddy and your last post, (wow, last post sounds so final), was no exception. Apologies for yesterday's defiant mood, it is in my nature but I should overcome the ire. If I can build a little on what you have said I would venture that the problems are convoluted in many senses. The 'Out' crew will not necessarily solve the problem that they envisage with a coup de grace. The board and the management structure is a complicated aspect of our dilemma. A new man arrives and is given a target. The question is, what will the target be? I have pursued this line for ages and know it's deliverance is subject to a myriad of circumstances, none of which I have any control over. The guesswork employed in trying to analyse any minutiae which occurred in the past is manifold, and always subject to interpretation. That is often confounded if an individual brings their own agenda to the perceived solution. The selling of shares by individuals, political intrigue leading to sackings and retirements. The alienation/embracing of different parties, and the change in world finances with the resulting dynamics which ensued. The stadium move, and one man's attempt to fly a kite by himself on a windless day. All are part and parcel of our club's situation. The fans reactions are more two-dimensional and simplistic-to win, be the best, or die in the attempt. It is difficult seemingly to do this, when competing with the modern rich player's mentality and money-rich clubs. There is a mood of the 'gun for hire', and moving for larger wage packets. All human traits, but disruptive, unsettling, destabilising and ugly to boot.We as an aside from the club's structural complications have a personnel problem. A dearth of leadership which drags us all into thoughts of more nostalgic days, and with good reason. We have had many sterling captains in our past and sometimes a team of them took to the pitch. The esprit de corps of the modern game is dying on it's feet, and will probably never return. It makes for an extremely difficult transition time, and that is a commodity in short supply. I hope mine, as well as your Arsenal comes through the flak. We deserve to because this club, with all it's sham and drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful thing. (Apologies to Max Ehrmann). Good old Arsenal.

  60. Stan

    Mar 26, 2014, 10:24 #48330

    Results like this are hard to take but there are the positives. A lot of the glory-hunting fans are giving up their season tickets so the proper gooners can get back to watch them and the atmosphere is improving as there are less front-runners in the stadium each year. As I have said before the wheat has to be separated from the chaff for Arsenal to go forward as a club.

  61. Spuds, Spurts, Chavs, ****ty, Manure, L'pooh

    Mar 26, 2014, 10:14 #48327

    On behalf of tha above: please sign Arsene. Hahahaha....

  62. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:51 #48325

    @Neil Harris you have to remember that Gazidis was actually interviewed for the job by Wenger. I'm sure he's not an idiot and realises that the manager isn't up to it but he has no power. The problem is Stan needs Wenger to keep making the club money.It remains a mystery what Stan's motives for owning Arsenal are but I'm pretty sure he doesn't lose sleep over not competing for trophies. Unless Wenger turns it in, one of two things need to happen for there to be a change.The fans stop going to matches or we don't qualify for the Champions League.If the money dries up a bit it might focus the minds on the football.

  63. Fozzy's mate

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:51 #48324

    Mate as discussed in the Kebab shop pre-match the annual Devon Locke is now in full flow. Interesting piece in the times today discussing how Taggarts annointment of Moyes may have prolonged OGL's stay. If Fergie could pick a dud like Moyes it will throw those aptly described below as the parsimounious Americans into a soin regarding the dreaded thought of having to make a fotballing decision. Whilst I agree OGL is inispid, clueless and spent those needed to be rooted out to ensure change are those who bought their shares from the previous supine board members who drove Dein out. Frankly as the DDT has invested not a penny in the club having purchased his shares on the secondary market, we would be better with you or I as the owners. Certainly as the DDT continues to bat off Britains richest man. The club is a money making machine, nothing more or less. Why would DDT and MSS install a manager who demands cash to spend?

  64. Ron

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:38 #48322

    Lds, what youre all feelig if its anything like me is just sadness really. Ive said already this week, its simply the end of an era and in any aspect of and in an any activity of your lives when the curtains are being drawn across, theres always a feeling of melancholy, sadness and some regret too. Yes,its crumbling but lets just see it out now. Keep our dignity,allow the boss to keep his and let the players shape theirs. Quite a few of them wont be there much longer. There really isnt anything left to say.

  65. AFCasap

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:37 #48321

    wenger makes AFC a laughstock again. how many more times are we going put up with this?...only the wenger version AFC look so weak, clueless and nervous when leading in games...season after season... let go of the deathgrip wenger and go, sod the "what he's done" history...its archaeology.

  66. James Woodfine

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:30 #48319

    Why renew season tickets? As long as Wenger stays it's only going to be groundhog day.

  67. declan burke

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:26 #48318

    This is torture.

  68. Mark H

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:26 #48317

    In the dying minutes of the game Wenger was in the technical area urging the players forward . As usual the tactical nouse seems to have gone and we're left with the prospect of more of the same for the next two years if the board and Wenger have their way.

  69. John Abrehart

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:20 #48316

    Agreed that we should have locked up the shop in the final minutes to see out the game, didn't this also happen against Napoli which probably cost us at least a quarter final place in the Champions League? But where would that have got us, given the paucity of the squad now? Kos out for some time now apparently (the centre back we needed was not bought), Arteta running on empty (the manager knew of our injury situation in January) and after a brilliant season and playing nearly every game plus internationals, the BFG is beginning to creak. We have no credible striker option and Giroud has been worked out by the Premier League coaches, his first touch does not enable him to hold the ball up as TH14 for example. Wenger is an incredibly loyal person and I think he hides the truth about the parsimonious Americans. Should another manager be in place for next season, will things change and our buying policy be any different? I think not. Yanks out.

  70. chris dee

    Mar 26, 2014, 9:04 #48314

    Serial insipid management. Why the frigg does Arsene find it so difficult to hold out for five minutes for a win?Tell you midfielders to cover the defence,stop crosses,tackle,put the ball into the corners any f*****g thing.But no, we come to the last minute and there are as many Swansea players in the penalty box as there are Arsenal players.And Arsene's reason why Swansea equalised?We were to conservative!In other words we should have been attacking full on until the last minute,as if we have never been caught on the break before!Talk about wanting to tear your hair out. Alex Ferguson was at United 26 years but he adapted his tactics over the years. Arsene has stuck with plan A and that's it,no defensive organisation just send out the players to play 'our game'.What s**t! Had to agree with that tosser Scholes last night who said that players like Carzola,Ozil ,Rosicky etc seem to be told to just go out play some pretty tippy tappy football but don't bother running back,covering or tackling. And let's something straight not one Arsenal player would get into the Chelsea or Man City team,so all this talk of challenging for the title was just bulls**t. But the buck stops with the board.It's they who set the agenda and ambition of the club. Yet another night of despair.

  71. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 8:54 #48313

    After Westlower's highly embarassing odds quote on our supposed thrashing of Swansea, here are some quotes that WON'T CHANGE much for us, - Man. City 1.91, Chelsea 3.30, Liverpool 4.33, Arsenal 101.00 These are for the league - the one that REALLY MATTERS. As you are steadfast in your faith that we can win the title, be quick and you can still place your 50 pound wager on before the betting shop closes. " In Arsene we rust."

  72. Spectrum

    Mar 26, 2014, 8:32 #48310

    Looking back, how's this for "the pot calling the kettle black" hypocrisy ? - "You have to say he ( Ferguson) did not win things for a long time at Old Trafford. When you think about managers today, they only get five or six months to be successful, whereas Alex got five or six years." Arsene Wenger, 10th April 1999. " In Arsene we rust."

  73. Neil Harris

    Mar 26, 2014, 8:27 #48307

    The section on the Arsenal website about the club needs changing "Arsenal is synonymous with history, tradition and success". Perhaps "used to be about success but will now settle for just missing out on success" is more apt. It is surely time for a new manager with new ideas. Wenger must go - if he can go with an FA Cup triumph that would be best, but go he must. Arsene has no one to blame but himself for tarnishing his reputation, which was built on success, for not going earlier. As I think Cromwell may have said "you have outstayed your usefulness; in the name of [Arsenal] Go!" Meanwhile, the inept board of our club who have no real knowledge of football and consistently fail to hold the manager to account must also go - Gazidis in particular. New owners (preferably the Bayern model) are also necessarily - sadly the only way to achieve this is to hit them in their pockets - for season ticket holders not to renew and other fans to organise and boycott one matach as a threat to the board's obsession with profits rather than success on the pitch.