Had enough yet?

Fears of another pummelling on Saturday

Had enough yet?

Well I have decided to break my self imposed silence since my last blog, Three months on from “Hell hath no fury like a Gooner scorned” where I urged the club to make a statement in the winter transfer window and get us over the line. I pointed out the stat that only Liverpool and Arsenal managed to break the trend that whosoever is top at Xmas tends to go on and win the league. I also said in January that I wanted to see the back of Arsene Wenger EVEN IF we win the league. Perhaps those who castigated me then will apologise now, as their blinded support of failure is now the only barrier to a consensus opposition to the status quo being voiced.


The problems at Arsenal have been repeated ad nauseam, the club is truly broken. A dysfunctional board, a Manager incapable of seeing that he has damaged his legacy, and even winning the FA Cup cannot be taken for granted. Arsene Wenger cannot sack himself, and only his conscience is left. He was always a man of honour. He never betrayed any contract that he signed, a man of the utmost integrity. He remains so doesn’t he? Private life indiscretions aside, what has gone wrong with Arsene Wenger’s reign?

The appointment of Ivan Gazidis is partly to blame. Gazidis has increased the commercial revenues at the club, but he has let down fans by not having any influence on curbing the micro management of Le Boss. His admission that he knew nothing of the values of players during his first Q&A at the club should have warned us of the nightmares to come. Gazidis and Kroenke will not lead the club to greatness. The praise of ex Arsenal Legends is also to blame. I love Titi Henry, but it is a bit rich to laud praises on Arsene Wenger, after you left us for Barcelona. In fact this is now the reality, top players now have to leave Arsenal to guarantee trophies and even have a real chance of winning the Champions League, something that I have repeatedly said will never happen at Arsenal whilst Arsene Wenger is in charge.

Even as we approach the 13th anniversary of the death of the late David Rocky Rocastle, one wonders what he would have said had he seen what is now happening under Arsene Wenger. The lack of fight in our current squad is related to the comfort zone of their salaries and the ignorance of our heritage. Rocky once said “Remember who you are and who you represent”. If only some of the players who currently have the privilege of wearing the red and white shirt would heed this quote. Rocky was a true servant of the club. His infectious smile and get up and at ‘em ethic was what motivated the likes of Ian Wright. His dislike for Spurs among his many triumphs whilst at the club was what made Rocky a true Gunner Legend in all our hearts.

Arsene Wenger believed in his judgement absolutely, even when it failed, there were other scapegoats to let him off. From the farce of letting players contracts run down so leaving the club powerless, to the repeated high score humiliations. 8-2 against Man United? I dread this weekend as Man City might equal that score-line given our crop of injuries. Arsene Wenger is tactically incapable of meeting the new challenges of clubs who bankroll their way to fortune. Rip Van Wenger as I nicknamed him in one blog is a man of the past living in the present, not knowing how to adapt. His biggest mistake for me was to sell Robin Van Persie to Man Utd, and gift them another title. I turned my back on Arsene Wenger then. His role was to strengthen Arsenal Football Club, not strengthen our rivals. The failure of Arsenal Football Club to replace past World Class players is solely Wenger’s fault.

Support of your club comes in different ways.

I chose to support the club over recent months by remaining silent. By refusing to add negative blog after negative blog. I want to write something positive for a change. Perhaps I will get the chance after April 12th if we beat Wigan. The 3% season ticket price increase whilst holding the largest amount of cash ever in its accounts is proof that the club holds its fans in contempt. They will profit from your undying loyalty to the badge. The faith that you hold, the hope that beats in your heart, that maybe, just maybe something will change is futile. For our Club is stagnating, and failure is on the horizon. We can change this if we oppose the status quo with a united voice. But for that to happen, even the most diehard of Wenger supporting Arsenal fans will have to have had enough.

So how much more humiliation and failure can you stomach? Yes losing the first spot and now fighting with Everton and Spurs for fourth place IS a failure. Never being seriously considered as title contenders in December was insulting but now the pundits can laugh behind their hands. I want Arsenal to be back where it deserves to be. I want Arsenal to win the Champions League. For that to happen requires change at the club from the Board down. Bring in the Klopp, bring in the Martinez. But do not allow Wenger to choose our next Manager, or trust me, what is now happening at Old Trafford will happen at Arsenal. So the only question to ask you, is…

Have you had enough yet?

In memory of the great David Rocky Rocastle 2 May 1967 – 31 March 2001.

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  1. Highbury Dave

    Mar 31, 2014, 17:40 #48690

    I Agree 100% !!I have Supported the Arsenal since 1960 , and have not forgotten that the Arsenal were a great team long before Wenger arrived . Iam sure greatnes will again come to our club , just remember our beloved club clearly want to please our shareholders first . (Is Mr Wenger a shareholder?), and care little about the fans . Sadly nothing be done about it .

  2. Ron

    Mar 31, 2014, 16:36 #48681

    BADARSE - Band of followers? I dont want any of them fella and im sure there arent any, theyve their own minds to guide them. Chief high executioner? What were you on yesterday? Sorry my retort to the guys aggressive post didnt appeal to you. Thats maybe due methinks to you more often than not setting yourself up as the self annointed moral and ethical guardian of this site perhaps ... chum.

  3. Martin

    Mar 30, 2014, 20:46 #48658

    Dedicating a load of twaddle like this to Rocky is just pathetic. What are you trying to prove by linking your tirade with his memory? I seem to remember he left AFC in tears when Graham decided to sell him so are you trying to link him with some golden past when the club always did the right thing? I'm as critical as any one about certain aspects of Arsenal and it probably is time to move on, but just remember who ever takes over the club will find it in great shape all thanks to one Arsene Wenger. If CFC and MCFC didn't have their sugar daddies they would barely have atrophy between them over the last 10 years.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 29, 2014, 15:28 #48610

    It's up for grabs, when you hear that you know it's got to him, (so much for staying silent after what Maureen said)the truth hurts.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 29, 2014, 15:09 #48609

    Bard, yes in case of doubt get the spin machine out, it works every time with the sheep.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 29, 2014, 14:57 #48608

    Gaz, yes mate they are, and it's called the Goonies.

  7. Gaz

    Mar 29, 2014, 13:39 #48606

    @john hawleys boots: Thats not the real madness pal. The real madness is the fans lapping those kind of excuses up still! Just been listening to a podcast where one of the guys on there genuinely felt that four points from spurs/chelsea/swansea wasn't that bad! Kind of glossed over the fact one of those games saw us put in one of our worst performances ever...

  8. Stevieo

    Mar 29, 2014, 13:36 #48605

    Gaz, I think it was you who said the other day, that you’re so disillusioned with this farce, that you’re not even bothered whether Wenger stays on or not. I too am at that point. Probably been there for some time. The rumblings that Wenger is staying for (at least) another 2 years doesn’t aggravate me. It has the same impact as watching a miserable weather forecast. It’s gonna be cr@p, but there’s nothing you can about it. You just have to accept it, hoping one day the sun will come out again. In the meantime, just go with the flow. The squirming and excuses from Wenger and his disciples provide good entertainment. The circus must go on!

  9. john hawleys boots

    Mar 29, 2014, 13:26 #48604

    I read in the press today that Wenger says the only game where we suffered a proper defeat was Liverpool away. That's it. This is madness.

  10. Gaz

    Mar 29, 2014, 11:17 #48603

    @stevieo: nail on head fella...

  11. Stevieo

    Mar 29, 2014, 10:27 #48601

    Rocky, the change in angle of wanting Kroenke out still spells out the same thing in that you’re not happy with what’s happening on the pitch, which is down to Wenger. You say you will renew and voice your displeasure at the games, but seriously, when will this happen. You won’t do it when we’re 2-0 up at half time to Sunderland; you’d be on your own. You won’t do it at full time when we’ve beaten Norwich 3-0 and everyone is happy. In fact, you won’t do it even if Chelsea beat us in November, because to be honest, we will be sitting in around 4th place, which by default means we’re in the title race. Christ, we’re 4th now and we’re still hearing we can win the league? Once the season starts, we go in to this annual cycle of “let’s give it time and see how it pans out”, and next season will be exactly the same. Anyone who wavers from this line of thinking is deemed a trouble maker. As well as our periods of capitulation, the club also has its periods of winning streaks. It’s these winning streaks where Wenger his extended borrowed time. No one will be screaming and shouting in this period. If results do go bad, and you voice your unhappiness, please be willing to accept full responsibility for Wenger’s incompetence, because the AKB’s will be looking to shift blame, and the disgruntled fans, as before will be blamed for our poor form.

  12. chris dee

    Mar 29, 2014, 10:06 #48600

    Hate to spoil a beautiful spring morning but read what Arsene says about the away defeats to City and Chelsea in todays Independent. You'll be banging your head against the nearest wall. More proof that it time for a change.

  13. Rocky the King

    Mar 29, 2014, 9:09 #48599

    Dan, in the Guardian 26/9/2007 David Conn has confirmed my quote "although Hill-Wood said after Kroenke's first purchase of Arsenal's shares that "we don't need his money and we don't want his sort", He also was against Usmanov mainly due to Fiszman's influence. if we give up our season tickets, our seats will be taken by plastic gullible fans with no memory of what has happened. I am also to blame, check out youtube and FTK Wenger, and you will see my SSN interview where I supported Arsene. FTK stood for Fabregas the King, when I wrote blogs at Arsenalinsider. Now I have seen Fabregas, Henry Nasri and RvP leave the club and not support Arsenal with their performance. so i will stay and voice my opposition, because by silencing us Kroenke will win. This is why the club is trying to price out the grass roots and quell the opposition. Anti Board protests in the ground will be shown around the world. besides i cannot wish our club to fail Arsenal til I die

  14. Dan

    Mar 29, 2014, 8:52 #48597

    Rocky the King - was it not Usmanov PHW was talking about in that 'don't want your sort' statement?, he had a hand in creating this mess. As for shouting for Kroenke to go, as you said he's a business man, giving up your season ticket will make him take notice, I doubt shouting will. I wonder how those idiots with the Love Arsenal hate Usmanov banners feel now?, probably nothing as I suspect they were the same sort of brainwashed idiots that are also AKB's!

  15. Rocky the King

    Mar 29, 2014, 8:46 #48596

    Mowaller are you for real? RvP to Man Utd was just plain wrong. Why didn't Man U sell Rooney to Chelsea? Why didn't Liverpool sell Suarez to Arsenal? When you have worked out the answer then reflect on the nonsense that you have posted...lol

  16. Dandy Modd

    Mar 29, 2014, 8:12 #48595

    Oh Ken, my hero! Can I sit next to you so we can both show Arsene our undying adulation & devotion together?! I can't take hearing anti-Arsene sentiments, and as you bravely stated you will not stand for it, perhaps we can sit together for it?! Ken my hero!! Forever Dandy

  17. mowaller

    Mar 29, 2014, 8:02 #48594

    This is one of the most ridiculous articles I've ever read. How can you claim to speak on behalf of Rocastle? Remember how loyal Graham was to such a 'true Gunner legend'? If you want to support a club that splashes money indiscriminately you are wearing the wrong colours. Who would you have sold RVP to? The player clearly wanted to follow the little boy's voice inside him - after on season at one of 'our rivals', where is he now? Be careful of what you wish for!

  18. Gaz

    Mar 29, 2014, 7:38 #48593

    @Rocky: Sadly I dont think we do want the same thing. We (you and I) want whats best for Arsenal Football Club whilst the others (and I'm talking those real hardcore AKB types) want whats best for Arsene Wenger. How else can do explain the fact whatever Wenger does, how ever bad the defeat, they defend him like he's some kind of religious cult leader...

  19. Rocky the King

    Mar 29, 2014, 6:48 #48592

    Thanks to all of you who took the time to comment. Arsene Wenger apparently has promised the Board that he will sign a new contract. So we will have him for another two years. He continues to blame others, he maintains that other teams have not adhered to FFP, and now they have built their teams, they intend to play ball. What is so sad about all of this is that everyone AKBs and WOBs love ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB, which is why I maintain that the Board must have the heat turned up on them. Forget the Wenger out rants now, he is staying. So that will be another two years without the Premier League or Champions League trophy. Its time to call for Kroenke to leave and to take Gazidis with him. So my negativity from now on will be to ignore Wenger. He now deserves contempt. But the real enemy within is Stan Silent Kroenke. £130 million in the bank and he still will bleed us for another £2.8million. Next I predict that he will asset strip the club, first by taking dividends, and secondly by mortgaging part of the estates to provide cash to invest in some other US sports enterprise. Kroenke is a businessman, and recall his first interview, coming to Arsenal was purely about business, not loving the club. His intentions were always to make money from the club, which is why Wenger is the perfect man to keep at the helm. Gazidis will play games with the fans, as I recall his comments that the fans can get rid of Wenger if they want. Well how about the fans turning on Gazidis? Arch protector of all things Kroenke? The heritage of Arsenal has been dismantled, it's rich history has been tarnished. At least Liverpool had the success in the Champions League to make up for over 23 years of not winning the League Title. We will go 11 years without either. Shades of the drought from 1971 to 1989 methinks. We now prefer to have the son of Kroenke on the Board instead of Usmanov, that just about sums it up. Forget shouting for Wenger to leave now, he will not, he has given his word, only failure to stay in the top four will change that. We now have to turn up the heat on the Board if you want fairer season ticket prices, and the ambition to be the best in Europe. How can so much love for our club be divided? We all want the same thing... For Arsenal FC to be the best. But whilst we stay and support our club quietly and ignore the cancer at its heart, nothing will change. Giving up my two season tickets would be the next move, but I don't think that is the way. I should stay and witness more failure and voice my unhappiness at the ground. The louder the better until Deaf Silent Stan gets the message. Sadly Peter Hill-Wood was right we don't want your kind here... So take £50 million and go back to the US of A, Stan you are definitely not the man.

  20. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 29, 2014, 4:26 #48591

    Just read AW's interview in the Guardian: how depressing, how familiar. Chelsea was an(other) 'accident'; people who have never managed have no right to an opinion; he alone will decide whether he will stay at Arsenal after this season; the team have incredible mental toughness. The only original thought to come out of this: 'No one teaches you how to make Coca Cola' - ie genius can't be replicated. Shockingly delusional. The guy has to go. Will there be another 'accident' against City.....?

  21. Ozzie

    Mar 29, 2014, 1:11 #48590

    Willy, it seems the members of the "old man's club" on here with all their spent rock groups whilst parroting has-been philosophers have got about as much fight as chickens. If their actions matched their blabbering...they'de have had Wenger out 3 years ago. Good luck to the 'banner activists' this weekend....at least someone is making themselves heard where it counts.

  22. johnnyh

    Mar 28, 2014, 22:52 #48588

    articles like this,whilst they sum up very well the frustration currently being felt by all gooners ultimately acheive nothing. the only way to get change is for the supporters to get some sort of organised and structured public protests against con man wenger before this useless clown signs a new contract. the clock is ticking and we will have nobody to blame but ourselves if this charlatan gets his new deal.

  23. billdodgin

    Mar 28, 2014, 21:03 #48584

    Every nail in the coffin of wenger helps to build a ship that will relaunch the Arsenal . Ha ha. But true.

  24. Its up for grabs now

    Mar 28, 2014, 20:25 #48583

    So according to Wenger commentators can't comment unless they have managed, so presumably had Souness spoken those words he wouldn't have been riled by them? The fact that Paul Scholes has won twice as many competitions than Wenger ever has, apparently still renders his opinion as useless. How incredibly arrogant and disrespectful is that. It's a similar comment to the one he made about us not having worked half a day in football, except of course Scholes has worked a tad longer than that! Scholes was merely stating what a lot of us have been saying for the last five years or so anyway. During that period we have been proved 100% accurate in our assessment and Wenger has had a 100% failure rate in his belief to the contrary! This man's arrogance is something else, he hates and can't handle any form of criticism, probably because he doesn't receive any normally from the "yes men" he surrounds himself with, or the board, and runs the club as if it's his own. Well I suggest you start wearing a crash helmet, because that car of yours might be heading for another accident on Saturday, and were that to happen, what Scholes said will merely be the tip of the iceberg!

  25. jjetplane

    Mar 28, 2014, 20:07 #48582

    Just heard Super Bobby Pires on the radio and summation between the lines was 'a team with no character', a team 'without (English) leadership', a club without 'a Dein figure'. Bob also corrected himself when he referred to AW as Wenger which, even though he trains with Arsenal you can see below Bob's words a very shaky ship in deep water. Bob mentioned Adams, Parlour and Keown, saying nothing would have been possible without them. And no time did he speak of Wenger in the way, say a whiney old Giggs would talk about Fergie. You know what - Scholes is alright. Bob thought so too.

  26. UB10

    Mar 28, 2014, 19:07 #48581

    Sigh....... Sometimes I have to force myself to remember we're still in the FAC, but how many on here honestly see us messing that up? I bloody do. @Bard, I have to admit I did have a little chuckle when I heard AW say we are still in the title race!! Oh dear.

  27. Bard

    Mar 28, 2014, 18:56 #48580

    UB10; I've just read that. No surprise really. I don't think it means that much in reality. Its partly to halt the negative media perception. He's still trumpeting the fact that we can win the title, how bonkers is that, Its all spin. You know things are desperate when we hear Abou is on his way back as if we suddenly have Messi available. Its easy to forget that Arsenal is massive business masquerading as a football club. No shame there but the spin they put out suggests it's a different animal. We are the loyal saps being bled dry because we love the club. Its a great business model. In the real world if we can avoid a humiliation tomorrow we will have had a good weekend.

  28. Gaz

    Mar 28, 2014, 18:42 #48579

    Eastcamp/UB10: It's just incredible that even after all this time and after another crushing defeat these AKBs are still as committed as ever in their support of Wenger. It really is like they're part of some kind of cult or something as they just won't ever see anything bad in their leader however badly he performs...

  29. UB10

    Mar 28, 2014, 18:24 #48578

    Judging by Wengers comments today he had every intention of signing his new contract. So I guess that's it then. We've him, we're stuck with him and now we have a choice to make. Either we get behind him, or we vote with our feet and boycott the Grove.

  30. eastcamp

    Mar 28, 2014, 18:18 #48577

    I'm afraid we are kidding ourselves when we think we are in the majority that want Wenger out. Just read the retarded comments on the official Instagram...

  31. declan burke

    Mar 28, 2014, 17:35 #48575

    Very well said. Of course there is a split among the fans pro/anti Wenger. The Anti Wenger numbers must be swelling. HIS REIGN HAS GOT TO END, as it should have done at least 2 years ago.

  32. Louis XIV did not leave of his own free will

    Mar 28, 2014, 17:21 #48573

    we are in the grip of a self proclaimed king who looks in the mirror 20 times a day. he is not a leader of men. his ego could fill st pauls cathedral. he is french and he believes it is his god given right to rule arsenal. i predict more and more pain for fans

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 28, 2014, 16:58 #48571

    BringBackDene, you can be sure you'll hear more from them tomorrow mate if we scrape a draw, and they'll be in full flow if it's a win. And everything will be rosey in the garden of arsene again as well as their own.

  34. alan whiffin

    Mar 28, 2014, 16:49 #48570

    Spot on how any true Arsenal fan cannot see the obvious is beyond me.I think Wenger believes he is irreplaceable.

  35. Spaced

    Mar 28, 2014, 16:31 #48569

    I suspect that people like Rocky and most of those supporting his absolute relish of Arsenal's failings here will never be happy. When Wenger finally succumbs to the tirade of abuse relentlessly directed at him, you guys can expect many more years of unhappiness to come... you'll just love it. Come on you Gunners! Spaced(Arsenal Supporter).

  36. BringBackDene

    Mar 28, 2014, 15:57 #48568

    I am in the Wenger must go camp and have been for some time, but I want to hear more from the AKB camp. How can we justify hanging on to this manager??????

  37. Scholesy

    Mar 28, 2014, 15:31 #48567

    You forgot about Salford City. Now that is spirit.

  38. jeff wright

    Mar 28, 2014, 15:23 #48566

    Sigh, again I'm not bothered what Flammy said 6 years ago Cheis I was commenting on WHAT HE SAID IN THE ITV INTERVIEW RECENTLY! However,as what he previously said seems to bother you so much I will reiterate that I believe that he left for more money and to have a better chance of winning trophies,but it's irrelevant to the point that he was being an hypocrite by claiming that he left to win things while slating Mourinho for calling Wenger a failure for not doing so.

  39. Flammy

    Mar 28, 2014, 15:16 #48565

    I left because the supporters were making me sick with 'Arsene this' 'Arsene that'. Merde! Now I am back because I have 'crashed all my scooters'. 'Now where has Gibbs gone? ....'

  40. Chris

    Mar 28, 2014, 15:03 #48564

    Yes Jeff, I and probably almost everyone reading this page are aware of that. However, let me ask you this: What is more likely to represent the real reason why Flamini left - a) what he said at the time or b) what he says 5 or 6 years later, when he is back at the club. At the time, he clearly stated that winning the league wouldn't have altered his decision to leave. It seems unlikely, therefore, that his primary motivation for leaving was the pursuit of trophies. Money and playing for a bigger club, yes maybe, but that's different.

  41. jeff wright

    Mar 28, 2014, 14:48 #48563

    Chris,here is a transcript of what Flammy said in the ITV interview about why he left. I recall Lee Dixon having a go at him about it when asked what he thought,also him and Roy Keane were not that impressed by him slagging off Ozil in the BM game as they thought Flam believes himself to be a better player than what he actually is . He's not in a club of one in doing that of course in this current Wenger wonga side.Arsenal have not won any piece of silverware since they defeated Manchester United in the FA Cup final nine years ago - so hope of that glut ending has certainly palpitated today. Of that 2005 FA Cup winning side only one remains - French midfield general Mathieu Flamini. Of course he has been away for a while. He re-joined the club on a free transfer this summer - after six years away at AC Milan. It was his 30th birthday yesterday and ITV spoke to him ahead of the FA Cup tie at The Emirates, presenting him with a nine-candled birthday cake to represent the trophy drought. And he spoke of that 2005 glory - and just why he left the club in 2008: “(Winning the FA Cup was) Beautiful or maybe magic. At the time there was players like (Dennis) Bergkamp (Thierry) Henry; major players which was a huge advantage. We went to the final of the Champions League and the way we lost, it was hard. I still have it in the back of my mind it is something that I don’t think I will ever forget. He was then asked why so many star players had left the club in that period - and why he made the same decision: “It’s a good question. I think that question maybe you should ask the coach or the management. But I agree with you when you are a top club you want to keep your top players. (I left) because I wanted to win things.” Note how he switches the onus on to Wenger and the management as to why he and others left the club.

  42. jeff wright

    Mar 28, 2014, 14:36 #48562

    Chris there is no case other than in your confused mind. I was pointing out that Flammy was being an hypocrite slating Mourinho for saying that Wenger specialized in failure, when he himself said on TV in the interview when asked why he had left, that it had been to win trophies! Now whether he was lying about that is irrelevant to the point that he was being an hypocrite by saying it. Simple enough to understand so just exactly what is your point then apart from posting as usual your silly childish wrong and right nonsense . Have you a link you canshow me where Flam said that he left for more money? I don't doubt that this was his main reeason but it's unusual for players to admit it. They usually claim ,as Nasri did,that they are leaving to have a better chance of trophies ,with 27 of them after departing from Wenger having won 50 trophies it's difficult not to agree with this. Mind you as I said the money obviously must play a part as well in it. My point again though was about what Flammy said in the interview and not what his motives for living really were . Take your pick because if you are right then he has given two reasons fo leaving,then again both are probably true,he wanted to win trophies,Wenger's won fork all since then,and he wanted more money,don't we all. Over and out.

  43. old geezer

    Mar 28, 2014, 13:31 #48559

    OMGARSENAL You've changed Amos. You've really changed.

  44. Gaz

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:56 #48557

    I guess these AKB types think if they say anything bad about Wenger it in some way makes them unloyal or less of a fan. Reason I can be critical about him is that I just dont see that as being the case. For me Wenger and Arsenal are seperate issues and I can still love the Club whilst criticising Wenger at the same time. What I really can't fathom is how they can simply gloss over every bad performance and defeat by saying-as Geoff on that podcast said last nigh on many occasions-'its happened-get over it and move on'. How can I 'move on' if the base problem is never sorted out? Wenger is that base problem and untill he leaves nothing will change.

  45. King Jeremy

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:51 #48556

    @WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate - We could lose 10-0 and it wouldn't change a thing. He will be here next year regardless. The man has become so arrogant that even with a half-full stadium he still wouldn't do the decent thing. Stan has his money safe so he's not getting sacked either.

  46. Chris

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:48 #48555

    Jeff - You stick with your usual rubbish, Jeff, it's obviously all you know, hence your perverse and unique definition of 'being right' - or should that be 'being Wright'?! But he stated clear as a bell that he would have left even if the team had won the title that year. Case closed.

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:46 #48554

    WENGER OUT, their fanatics alright but not Arsenal fanatics they just can't let go or won't, if we were falling through the trap door of the Championship they'd still be clinging on to him for dear life.

  48. DJ

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:40 #48553

    Rejoice Diaby is back in training the double is in the bag!!!

  49. UTU

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:27 #48552

    Great Article Rocky, Agreed. Arsenal Fans don't renew your season tickets. Boycott the club until we have New Owners and New Management in place who want The Arsenal Football Club to complete on the football pitch and win trophies. The Arsenal used be feared and respected on the football pitch now we are known for playing pretty football just like sp*rs

  50. The old man has lost the dressing room

    Mar 28, 2014, 12:04 #48551

    Martinez and Rodgers both innovative tacticians as well as excellent man managers full of drive and ambition. both their terms have more heart also than current arsenal. Man U think they have troubles ? ours are alot worse, Moyes will be alot easier to move on than Wenger because Wenger makes money for the board, owners and directors. he is part of the club in their eyes more than the fans are and they will continue to tolerate him. i think this year he comes unstuck however and we lose the 4th spot in the last games of the season when at one point we were miles ahead

  51. willy d real gooners

    Mar 28, 2014, 11:57 #48550

    I realy feel sad and ashame any time i see failure in my team. I had enough and enough is enough, does he (ARSENE WENGER) want a riot and abuses like man utd fans or to stone and cut off is head before WENGER leave our ARSENAL FC? I think so, and he will get it. Let prepare ourself on saturday to kick him off.


    Mar 28, 2014, 11:11 #48549

    Therapy, you should have been there in '69 against Swindon, a little less acute in '88 against Luton. That was pain of HD resolution. @ Bard, I thought people were clear about my rationale and reasoning. It will do no harm to reiterate though. Right now I am under the cosh time-wise. Will post to you later. Of course it will just be a point of view, mine, no more no less. Having a majority does not suggest anything more than that either. Though on this website it does mean when in the minority there will be an avalanche of spoilers and critics, whereas the reverse is true of course when in that spoken of majority. Good old Arsenal.

  53. N4

    Mar 28, 2014, 11:02 #48548

    I've had more than emough!!!!!

  54. Therapy

    Mar 28, 2014, 10:42 #48547

    i am still numb from chelsea away one of the worst experiences i have ever gone thru as an arsenal fan

  55. jeff wright

    Mar 28, 2014, 10:28 #48546

    Well Chris,I saw the interview on TV myself with Flammy recently and he said that he left to win things. As you have never been right about anything before I think that I will stick with my comments about him ,if you don't mind. I'm sure that the money also did play a part, a big part even, but my point was about his hypocrisy in using the lack of success by Wenger to justify him leaving.

  56. Gaz

    Mar 28, 2014, 10:10 #48545

    This is the last paragraph from the latest 'Positively Arsenal' article: We are on the up. This team has given us hope all season. That’s a huge step in the right direction. Really, we have little to complain about. I kid you not... We should be rejoicing, not moaning

  57. Chris

    Mar 28, 2014, 10:10 #48544

    Jeff - "Flammy was the latest suspect, he admitted recently when asked why he had left to go to Italy that it was for exactly that reason." Do you believe everything uncritically that fits your preconceptions? he left to earn three times as much as he did at Arsenal. He even said at the time that it would not have made ANY difference if Arsenal had won the title that season.

  58. Mark

    Mar 28, 2014, 10:05 #48543

    When the other teams sing 'we want you to stay' that sums it up. I remember wanting Benitez , Houliier and AVB to stay at their clubs as they were mugs too. OMarse you are a mug , enjoy tomorrow and Everton and then come back ??????????

  59. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright Wright!

    Mar 28, 2014, 9:59 #48542

    Yes, funny that Ashley Cole fiasco. Wanger actually really thought he did Moroninho like a kipper. I beg to differ. Lots of fans started waving around £20 notes calling him Cashley, but the real villain really was Wenker. Jose ran off with one hell of a coup! Wanger got 5 lovely mill to put away and Gallas. Wow!! What a great trade Arsene. Idiot! You know the rest re A. Cole..... There are so many things that wrankle...like many I did not renew my season ticket out of principle. Wanger out!!!

  60. jeff wright

    Mar 28, 2014, 9:33 #48541

    I have to agree about the nauseous praise for Wenger from ex-players who left to win trophies elsewhere . Flammy was the latest suspect, he admitted recently when asked why he had left to go to Italy that it was for exactly that reason, and this was during an interview when defending Wenger against the infamous criticism from Mourinho ( or true even) that Wenger was a specialist in failure. Wenger himself says that he was reluctant to resign Flammy no doubt th prospect of having to watch him waving his arms about and getting booked in every game was not something that he felt he needed. However,sign him he did ,and on a 3 year contract at 40k a week. You really couldn't make it up. It's not all doom and gloom though There are stories going about that David Silva will miss the tete a tete at 5.30 Saturday night and, which along with it not being played at 12-45 lunchtime, must be good news for Arsene . As they say every cloud as a Silva lining.

  61. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 28, 2014, 9:09 #48540

    I find myself stuck between two stools; do we take a(nother) humiliation at home tomorrow night if it changes anything; or as fans do we want our team to win? I want my team to win, but knowing it will only paper over the cracks -cracks which are turning into a chasm

  62. Stevieo

    Mar 28, 2014, 9:03 #48539

    Guys, I think we are counting our chickens before they hatch if we think Wenger is finished. This charlatan is bullet proof. OMG’s histrionics shows the fanaticism that Wenger still holds. To say and rejoice that this is our best season since 2005 shows the lengths the AKB will go to keep hold of Wenger. Doesn't that just show you how bad it's been.

  63. Ozzie

    Mar 28, 2014, 9:00 #48538

    After reading many posts it seems to me that Wenger and the fans deserve each other. There seems to be as much fight in the fans as there is in old man Wenger. Good luck to the few activists with their banner at the weekend.

  64. Tony Evans

    Mar 28, 2014, 8:48 #48537

    Rocky - I am in complete agreement with what you have said and am hoping that the anti Wenger sentiment gets louder and louder at home games, starting when we probably get stuffed again tomorrow. The home game v Villa has been one of the only times that the crowd have given Wenger the stick he so richly deserves for the awful, powder puff team he has created over the last 9 years, but he successfully snuffed that out with the signing of Ozil and a good run in the League, created mainly by beating teams from the lower reaches. Now is a key moment and I would take another hammering tomorrow if it meant the crowd finally turned on Wenger big time. With his new contract still unsigned now is time to tell him, loud and clear, to go.

  65. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 28, 2014, 8:38 #48536


  66. Mark

    Mar 28, 2014, 8:34 #48535

    I had enough in 2009 after the Man Utd CL humiliation.We have a manager who is unsackable,who will never resign(and give up £8m a year)and sadly we still have deluded fans who still back the Specialist in Failure.When will they realise the only way the club will listen is EMPTY SEATS.Do not renew season tickets or else we get 4 more years of this clown and get more disgraceful humiliations like City Liverpool and Chelsea


    Mar 28, 2014, 8:34 #48534

    Please no more 'told you so' pieces. No one wants to hear it and the sad part is that being right means Arsenal have failed miserably once again, which really gives no satisfaction. There does seem to be a band of Arsenal fans out there like omgarsenal who simply refuse to use evidence and facts to form their opinions - Dare I compare them to religious fanatics? As Richard Dawkins would say, these people are not harmless, they go against the very fabric of modern society, the evidence and reason based constructs that sane people build their lives on. You won't be hearing from omgarsenal again, attack delivered he/she is now back in the AKB's soundproof central command licking his/her wounds and asking the Wenger shrine what to do next.

  68. Bard

    Mar 28, 2014, 8:19 #48533

    Badarse; Balance is all well and good if you're buying a car or deciding where to go on holiday but surely not in football and more especially if your club is in meltdown. Ron's posts are by and large pretty balanced in my view. Many of us on this site have asked the more pro Wenger to give us their analysis of the situation but to date no one has come on this site and posted anything remotely coherent.. All we get is psychophantic rubbish, idolatry, betting odds, cries of betrayal and win loss ratios. What is your explanation for the current meltdown and do you think Wenger is the man to take us forward ? Your an eloquent man surely its not beyond you to nail your colours to the mast for once and give us something to think about. I thought omg's post suggested someone spoiling for a fight not balanced at all

  69. Terry Bell

    Mar 28, 2014, 8:09 #48532

    Question to omgarsenal did you first start supporting Arsenal ? and when did attend your first match ?


    Mar 28, 2014, 7:45 #48531

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. @Ron, methinks you set yourself up as Chief High Executioner too often chum. omgarsenal is clearly peeved, with every right. A tirade borne of frustration and irritation it was, and he betrayed himself with a few choice words, but just re-read the insulting, rude and offensive reactions to it, by those you perceive as your band of followers, including your own and get a little balance.

  71. Its up for grabs now

    Mar 28, 2014, 7:45 #48530

    I am sure omgarsenal is just a wind up by someone infiltrating this site, as no one surely could be that brainwashed? Having said that, I did take a peek at the Untold Arsenal site and it was astonishing as well as depressing that their truly are people out there that refuse to analyse all the evidence in a rational manner. I did notice that Mandy Dodd has found her spiritual home here and hasn't changed her views. Talk about the blind leading the blind! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but jeez it's like the invincible season has just finished the way Wenger is worshiped by some on this site, unbelievable as Chris Kamara would say.

  72. Bard

    Mar 28, 2014, 7:34 #48529

    I dont disagree Rocky. Unfortunately once an Arsenal fan always a fan. We are all going to have to man up while we traipse through no mans land for a few seasons. I think the debate about the boss had been done. Its not a matter of if he is going to leave but more when. He says he is reviews his performance at the end of the season but if that process had any validity he would have resigned a long while ago. Ending are always painful ask Man u fans, they are either a gruelling long drawn out affair or painfully abrupt but Arsenal have another problem they don't have anyone on the board with footballing knowledge. The boss will decide when he leaves and he will decide who replaces him. I am in two minds about the end of the season. is it better for the long term future of the club for it to be a catastrophe or a partial success. My head tells me we need a total blow out to get rid of him but my heart can't take that and I am hoping for a glory end. omg; brave for posting those sentiments but Im afraid there isn't even a debate to be had now which is why the disciples of Wenger have all gone quiet. It shows how far we have fallen that I feel we need to park the bus tomorrow to avoid a thrashing, forget trying to win it. If Man C spank as tomorrow it might be terminal.

  73. ljb

    Mar 28, 2014, 4:37 #48528

    omg Arsenal ,get back to Positively Arsenal you loon.Oh and if we are talking about refereeing decisions,Arsenal got away with it v Swansea when Probert blew when Swansea were through on goal.And Liverpool should have had at least one pen in the FA cup.Oh and Flamini should have been red carded v Tottenham at the start of the season.As for injuries,WHOSE FAULT ARE THEY? Wengers insistence on a small squad means that players are overplayed and then break down.Only Wilshere is out through an impact injury.Finally,and who cares what YOU think.A fan since 2008 who never goes that's my guess.When Wenger goes you can follow him to PSG and be a hypocrite like him.Bet the words financial and doping never pass your lips again.

  74. EborGooner

    Mar 28, 2014, 1:08 #48527

    Ok, Wengers done and dusted. That much is clear. But can anyone explain to me why our medical team appear so inept? Sure, injuries are a fact of life in the League, but ours take FOR EVER to recover. No other club seems to take so long to get their players fit again. Is this another example of mismanagement within the club? It truly is now time for a change. Not just at Management level, but throughout the whole organisation! COYG.

  75. Any Old Iron

    Mar 28, 2014, 1:07 #48526

    When Ashley Cole was allowed to negotiate a deal with Mourinho for the sake of 5k-for which Wenger got 5m and Gallas I knew then that the writing was on the wall. I was seated in the Green Quadrant for 3 years at the Emirates and Arsene lovers were everywhere. My mates who sat with me are also long standing fans and like myself have seen the wood as against the trees. I think OmgArsenal can only see felled timber! I didn't renew my season ticket in 2008. I was an east stand season ticket holder in the 80's, whilst a standing Clockender before that. My first game at Highbury was 1968. My dear boy OmgArsenal you're full of ***te!

  76. neil

    Mar 28, 2014, 0:26 #48524

    most of the sane people have, the mugs who support Wenger line up for more of the same, profit was always the name of the game, it's an American corporation, football is secondary, the fans don't realise, they are blinded by that undying loyalty, follow like sheep, thinking Wenger is the messiah

  77. KC

    Mar 28, 2014, 0:12 #48523

    Omgarsenal same problems year after year but you still hide behind the refs. The humiliations thus season show a manager not setting the team up to deal with the opposition and the ref is not the manager. Not to question him at all is either deluded love or a complete lack of football knowledge.

  78. Gaz

    Mar 28, 2014, 0:00 #48522

    Just been listening to the latest Bergkamp Wonderland podcast. That Geoff is one depressing geezer!!! Hardcore AKB with ridiculous views that excuse Wenger of any blame. Thankfully a couple of the other lads on there are giving him it large but considering he's not alone in his views (see that plonker who was on here early) it really is sorry stuff...

  79. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:48 #48521

    Either someone has tunneled out of AKB central command, or there's a village somewhere searching for their idiot.

  80. Red Member

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:47 #48520

    Omgarsenal - you deluded fool. You and the rest of the AKB sheep currently have the team you deserve. Blaming injuries is laughable - we always get injuries in March. Funnily enough the other top clubs peak around this time. We will end up with a lower points total than last year.

  81. stuart

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:43 #48519

    Get that man out - 10 years is enough other chances. He always has an excuse, it used to be "I didn't see it" when vieria left a foot in or stood up for his side. Now it is "the game changed after we had a man sent off" - even if we were already 3-0. too many thrashings and the only team in the country who cannot beat woeful ManU. I hate to say it but for a couple of years now we needed to not scrape through into the Champions League and lose for some action to be taken. The club is being completely run by the manager that is an 80's business model - and not acceptable for today. Sorry Wenger you needed to leave maybe after 500 games. Please don't sign another contract just fade away. Money talks you can buy anyone whether they are already in another role or not. Good Luck Man City - put us out of our misery and make it impossible for Arsenal to spend another year dwindling with players wanting to leave to win. Maybe Wenger wants to leave on a high and if we win the FA cup he can leave then.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:35 #48518

    Good to hear from you again Rocky, we've had enough alright to bloody much, so much that an FA cup will not make a bit of difference it will take more than one pot that himself and his disciples treated with disdain in his pursuit of his Holy Grail, i wonder what's classed as the Holy Grail now? a cup that could well save his job and a stay of execution. But it will take more than one pot to erase the last nine years and all that went with it, in fact even forget the last nine seasons the last four or five humiliations are enough. Dear old Rocky Rocastle the last name i ever got on a shirt, who's name would you get on one now? better left blank,that's if you bought one at all.

  83. Any Old Iron

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:30 #48517

    Man Utd supporters have chipped in to raise £840 to pay for a light aircraft to circle the ground before kick-off of the struggling champions' Saturday's lunchtime fixture against Aston Villa, towing a banner with the words ‘Wrong One - Moyes Out’. Perhaps we could commission this aircraft too. We could employ this aircraft to have a banner unfurled stating " stand down Arsene". We as supporters if Arsenal are complicit in this constant mediocrity, because we are too civil, and too servile. Wenger out out out!!!

  84. DW Thomas

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:30 #48516

    Rocky, I for one agree with you. Many of us never felt like we were ever anything this season but pretenders. Can't blame injuries when your squad depth on a good day is inadequate! Take the Sagna transfer saga for example. One of our most loyal players with a lionheart and now he may go to City as well?!! It beggars belief! Our club policies are a recipe for failure. Everything from wages to transfers. Give Ozil the moon, but a true Gunner gets the runaround? What a joke. Then, take our manager's comments following the Swansea loss and Chelsea debacle. Accidents and great spirit? He really believes we are all fools, doesn't he? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...well you know how it goes. Wenger has fooled too many too many times. I do not agree at all with some supposedly expert fans take on the club in that we are performing where we should and can't compete with the richie riches of football. Bu..sh..! We have tons of money, a top stadium in a top city and fail miserably season upon season. We all know the same old story and to be honest I am so sick of writing and hearing about it all! Yet, I find myself hoping that our discussions of the need for change will effect it. Then I remember, we are dealing with the kings of spin. They say Mourinho plays mind games! Wenger's been doing his own version with the fans of AFC for years now. Lets hope the tomfoolery all ends very soon! FA Cup win or not!

  85. Roy

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:18 #48515

    Yes, I have had enough, along with quite a few others. What disappoints me slightly here is that after your self imposed silence as you put it, you have come back with what appears to be little more than a personal rant. And then you've put it in memory of Rocky. Listen, we're all frustrated on the topics you've covered, but "truly broken" and "dysfunctional" we are not. The most accurately descriptive word you used was "stagnating". That is spot on, but it's not too late to do something about it. Question is, what are we as fans going to do to affect change ? You vote with your feet, that's what you do, as it seems thats what quite a few actually did against Swansea. I felt physically sick after that debacle on Saturday and I can't say I'm looking forward to this Saturday either. Anyhow, I'm glad you've got it off your chest ! RIP Rocky.

  86. Gaz

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:05 #48514

    Lets be blunt. If Wenger had left in 2006 and been replaced by another manager who had EXACTLY the same results since then he'd never have lasted this long. The only thing keeping Wenger in this job is sentimentality leading to a bizarre sense of loyalty.

  87. Dan

    Mar 27, 2014, 23:02 #48512

    There is one reason (other than him saving them money) that the board want Wenger to stay - he protects them from the wrath of the fans, as soon as Wenger goes they will feel exposed, if Wenger is truly an Arsenal man he will do the right thing in May, as it is clear he cannot achieve more with this group of players. It will be interesting, not necessarily good though, to see what happens if Wenger leaves, at least Kroenke will have to show his hand and not hide behind Wenger, then we'll see how ambitious he really is (or more likely isn't), I am so glad Usmanov is hanging around, without him about Kroenke would have free reign, Usmanov knows he can destabilise things quite nicely if Kroenke doesn't do a good job.

  88. Victor

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:59 #48511

    Omgarsenal is not a gooner, just a disguised Tottenham or chelsea fan hoping wenger stays on.

  89. Danish Gooner

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:57 #48510

    More then enough !!! I cant go on, it simply cant.He must go or someone must have enough balls to show him the door.

  90. DANNY

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:56 #48509

    Yes the fan base is split We have enough Wenger and the board! We want david Dein back f and the FANS should call for him otherwise same all same all The trouble with the FAN base is the older geezers who have seen the good and bad times are seeing the same mistakes for the last 9 yrs , whereas the Johnny come lately clowns see only sunshine coming out the club’s ass. If and If Wenger goes , he has to severe completely from the club and do not appoint his successor otherwise we have the same issue as United Did you guys see United taunt Ferguson after the CITEH game

  91. MBGooner

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:50 #48508

    omgarsenal- who do you blame then for not having the squad depth to cope with key injurys?.let me guess it was the referees fault?. You absolute frigging MUG.

  92. dazzy90

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:49 #48507

    @ omgarsenal - you and the likes of you are the reason why 1) the clueless clown remains in charge of the Team. You fail to see his repeated failures in the past 6 or more transfer windows. Failure to strengthen when to all and his dog it is so obvious we need strengthening. 2) You fail to recognise his tactical failure against different teams, time and again. 3) You are I suspect the type of fan who has only been watching arsenal under Wenger. Yes he has done great things, but way way way too long ago. If he fails to land the FA cup he should be fired immediately. 5) How much longer are you prepared to watch mediocre players prance about without any fight or desire, led by a manager who too lacks fight and desire. There is no 'win at all costs' mentality on or off the pitch. I cannot see any Arsenal fan who will back the clown any more based on the Liverpool away, Stoke away, and Chavs away games this season alone. These come on top of the persistent perennial failures over the past 5 or 6 seasons. Truly embarrassing performances, with no game plan, no fight, no desire, NO LEADERSHIP! As for past capitulations remember the United 2nd leg CL semi-final at home??? May 2009 2 down inside 11 minutes! Game over. The players were not prepared, not fired up, no clue! And so it has been that way for too many years now without ANY change, and it never will pal. There is only one person who is to blame for these repeated FAILURES, he’s French and manages our Team / Club! Wenger has overstayed his welcome and is now making himself and the club a mockery of the game. Time for change and new ideas at the helm.

  93. Red Member

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:36 #48505

    I had enough the same time as you - when he sold Van Persie. It was like a lightbulb had been switched on. He has to go and the biggest reason for me is that he has split the fan base. That cannot continue.

  94. Dan

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:21 #48503

    omgarsenal - Should you not be safely locked up with straight jacket on by now?, seems like you get internet access anywhere these days..

  95. Ron

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:18 #48502

    omgarse - Please, please sit back and read what you've just typed for heaven's sake and then ask yourself what it represents. If you're totally honest (though i'm suspecting that you might find honesty with yourself a challenge) you might just form the view all by yourself that you've just regurgitated familiar pie in the sky spin and claptrap that has no footballing basis to front an argument that Arsene has a good case to stay in his very, very highly paid job.The tone and nature of your insults and the use of your foul mouth to try and give your position a real foundation is the real 'tirade' here. It hasn't worked and in fact betrays your desperation to find a willing recipient of your position in the first place.You really need to try harder.

  96. Stef

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:16 #48501

    Omgarsenal you a complete and utter mug and mugs like you are why we are still in this mess.

  97. Gaz

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:16 #48500

    I'm guessing Untold Arsenal are a man down tonight...

  98. Ramgun

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:13 #48499

    Gaz says that AKB's are crazy and then along comes omgarsenal to prove him right.

  99. omgarsenal

    Mar 27, 2014, 22:04 #48498

    What a useless tirade and ****e rant disguised as a pro-AFC monologue. Who gives a damn what you and a handful of malcontents pretend to think. Here are a few realities you so conveniently ignore: 1)Neither Klopp nor Martinez are available or apparently interested in coming to the Arsenal. 2)You have already thrown in the towel, yet this is our best season results-wise since 2005...we are in for the FA Cup and there are still 7 games (potentially 21 points) to go before the title is decided...we have a mathematical chance, even if slim. 3)We have had the highest key injuries per capita of any EPL team and specifically of the top 4. 4)We also lead the EPL in bad officiating decisions against us as shown by at least two blogs. 5)YOU don't represent anybody....you are just an anti-Arsenal moaner and whiner who loves to predict gloom and doom and try to stir up the few other malcontent plastic fanboys who believe everything the gutter press and ****e media feed them. You are NO king but a court jester, unworthy to lick the ****e off Wenger's shoes.

  100. Gaz

    Mar 27, 2014, 21:53 #48497

    I've certainly had enough. Can't get my head around the fact some fans are still saying 'give him the summer and if he doesn't spend properly I'm finished with him'. Er, yes, but there's a tincy wincy problem here isn't there? If he predictably fails to invest properly there won't be any time to do anything! Then we'll get the predictable 'there's nothing that we can do about it so let's get behind him' and the whole sorry saga starts all over again. Personally I really don't care what happens from here now. I'm just desperate for him to go and see a new man given a chance. If he stays I doubt I'll have much interest in next season so all the crazy AKBs (and they really are crazy) can have him all to themselves...

  101. CT Gooner

    Mar 27, 2014, 21:50 #48496

    Those are the two names in my mind. Would that not put more money in the bank too??

  102. Stephen Grenville

    Mar 27, 2014, 21:41 #48495

    David Rocastle,George Grahame ,they were the days that brought back memories of when my father ,God rest his soul,when the players were worth every penny they earned and no matter what the weather my dad was there.Now we are a laughing stock with the thrashings we have had and now are a laughing stock.Wenger has taken us as far as he can.Now time to move on.

  103. Ron

    Mar 27, 2014, 21:28 #48494

    As i recall Rocky, we used to agree on much stuff of Arsenal. Your post just reminds me my memory isn't failing me. Well said that man.