£1000 an hour for that?

Online Ed: Arsenal’s once promising season continues to collapse in installments

£1000 an hour for that?

Two managers. One huge game which could make the difference when it comes to Champions League qualification – let us not forget, a "trophy" worth more than the FA Cup in the priorities of modern football. So what happens in terms of tactics and preparation? Roberto Martinez decides to play his centre forward wide and push up one of his midfielders into the space vacated. Arsène Wenger tells his players the same thing he has been doing since his team last won silverware – “play, play, play”. One of these men earns far more money than the other. And exactly for what? Because the club’s majority owner can see the profits he is making with the manager, who does not want to spend money in the transfer market. He prefers to makes stars rather then buy them (and end up selling them to perpetuate the profit figures). However, trophies have proved elusive for eight long seasons.

Many a text and email was received during the game. In one, Pete Mountford requested I posed the following question – for fans, rather than the owner – “What reason, other than sentimentality can anyone have for Wenger staying on?”

I have heard through friends of one of the current squad that the manager has “lost the senior players”. And looking at this performance, you would have to concur with that possibility. In the starting eleven, how many of these players owe their careers to M. Wenger? And look at the level of commitment displayed. Which side looked hungrier? Which side looked up for it? Who was quickest in the tackle? Who worked harder to win back the ball?

The pundits after the game used the following words and phrases to describe Arsenal's performance –
no zip
no closing down
not organized

Everton entered this game with five league wins in a row. Arsenal had taken five points from their previous five matches. Momentum, form and confidence were with the home team and the 90 minutes that followed looked very much like it.

Lacking pace and natural width up front, there was a definite argument to begin Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain as one of the wide attackers. But the youngster was on the bench. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out Leighton Baines would be marauding from left back but there did not seem to be much of a plan to contain that particular threat. Exactly how much thought had gone into this critical encounter?

Although Arsenal’s run-in from now looks – on paper – as it if could yield maximum points, based on recent performances, you would have to wonder if that is actually likely. Incidentally, what plans do you have for Thursdays and Sundays next season? Prices are going up for season ticket holders by 3% but we may be watching Europa League matches. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Arsenal can of course point to their injury list, but Everton were playing a 19-year-old at centre back. There was no explanation for the gulf in quality that we witnessed at Goodison Park. Unfortunately, to this pair of eyes, it does appear that the players have stopped giving of their all, and for that reason, the blame can only lie with the man who has a new contract on offer paying him £1000 an hour, even when he sleeps, the man whose job it is to motivate them.

The spark has gone. And you cannot blame petrodollars for the two performances we have witnessed Arsenal give on Merseyside this season.

I have called for change on more than one occasion in recent seasons. The club desperately needs a breath of fresh air because there have been too many high profile failures for too many seasons. The collapse in 2007-08. The team selection for the 2009 FA Cup semi-final, when the manager decided to use the opportunity for a Champions League semi-final training session. A fat lot of good that did, given Arsenal’s capitulation to Manchester United in Europe when the tie came around. 4-4 at Newcastle from 4-0 up, 4-4 at home to Spurs when two goals up going into injury time. 8-2 at Old Trafford, eliminated from the Carling Cup at League Two Bradford City, 6-3 at Manchester City, 5-1 at Anfield, 6-0 at Chelsea. And there are many others including further two title challenge collapses in 2010 and 2011. This isn’t co-incidence, it’s poor management.

The question I always ask when people state “Be Careful What You Wish For” when I confirm my belief that it is time for change in the dugout is this – Could a different manager get more out of the same players? And my belief is that there are managers who could prepare, organize and motivate the players better than Arsène Wenger has been able to do for several years. And on the money Arsenal are paying for the job, there would be a queue of them willing to prove it.

It would be wonderful to win the FA Cup after so many years without a trophy, but whether or not that should be reason enough to maintain the manager after four separate title challenge collapses in the seven seasons is one that will be debated by the increasingly divided Arsenal fanbase.

There are valid questions that need to be asked:
Should the club have entered the season without decent back-up for the centre-forward position?
Why has no inquiry been done into Arsenal’s appalling record of injuries over recent seasons that suggest something is fundamentally wrong in the club’s medical department?
Why do the players seem so unprepared for the majority of the matches against quality opponents that they play these days?
Why have Arsenal and tactical innovation become two concepts which are a mile apart?
Why have Arsenal, in 16 seasons of Champions League football, only managed to reach the last four on two occasions?
Why have Manchester United been able to compete with the petrodollar-funded clubs since the arrival of Roman Abramovich and Sheikh Mansour into the Premier League, yet Arsenal have not?

Arsène Wenger has been offered a new two year deal because the club’s priorities are financial rude health rather than glory. However, now, both are within reach. Is Wenger the right man to deliver both? The squad is lacking quality in depth while there is over £100 million to spend in the bank.

Everton were perfectly happy with David Moyes because he kept them at the level they felt they should be achieving whilst not spending a great deal of money. Circumstances meant they were forced to try someone else with fresh ideas. Roberto Martinez has a lot less money to work with and inherited a squad of far less value on far lower wages than Arsène Wenger has at Arsenal. Everton are a point behind Arsenal with a game in hand. Sometimes, change is not always the worst thing.

Currently, watching Arsenal is like witnessing a car crash in ultra slow motion. There are genuine fears the team may not be able to overcome Championship side Wigan at Wembely next weekend.

The dream scenario is Wenger winning the FA Cup, maintaining a top four place and then leaving a new manager the opportunity to start from a solid foundation without inheriting the trophy-less run monkey on the club’s back from the outgoing manager.

For many, the nightmare scenario is Wenger renewing his deal for a further two years of passionless performances of the ilk witnessed at Goodison Park.

As Robert Plant once sang, How many more times?

The current issue of The Gooner will be on sale before the home match against West Ham and hopefully at Wembley halfway down Wembley Way before the FA Cup semi-final. It can also be bought online here.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2014, 12:54 #49271

    Peter Key, a hell of a lot of fans can believe history is been repeated, and are not one bit surprised. And don't be surprised when it's repeated again regardless of what happens in the cup because it will until this so called manager is replaced.

  2. Peter Key

    Apr 10, 2014, 12:16 #49266

    The sadness of letting go. We all owe Wenger such a lot. We all remember that mess of that last season with Graham and poor Bruce [ never a long term option, but underrated]. The sadness is that even the most liberal and soft-hearted fan knows that he has simply made too many mistakes in the past near decade. Yes we have been unlucky at times, but luck or bad luck happens to every team, its how you cope with the challenges which in the end we have to be measured by. I can't believe that we are watching history repeating itself again and again over the past few seasons. For what it's worth, l do think we will lose against a strong and focused Wigan. I even think we will have most of the procession yet again, but they will score early on.We will level half way through the second half and another mix up at the back will allow them to win.History repeating again eh? God I hope i am wrong, but somehow l don't think so . If there isnt a change of direction and not sticking to a tired and broken status quo then we run not only the chance of not playing champions leauge football, but finishing below Spurs and that would be just too much to bare!

  3. Wengerballs

    Apr 10, 2014, 8:54 #49252

    Blah de blah de blah..same old thing you've all been saying for the last 5 years, ad nauseum. Yet not a single one of you have the balls to hold up a banner at the stadium calling for Wenger's resignation. You keep on buying your season sticks ad nauseum. Put your money where your moaning is.

  4. John Rawley

    Apr 09, 2014, 18:41 #49217

    Pep Guadiola says Man Utd Liverpool and Chelsea just defend deep and hoof it whenever they play in Europe, yet those three sides are the ones who arguably have had the most recent success in Europe playing their anti football. Should Arsenal change their style and play ugly like these other teams to grab Euro success...

  5. preston

    Apr 09, 2014, 18:04 #49214

    I have said it before here and repeat it again. Arsenal FC are not prepared to pay the wages or fees to ensure silverware because the 100m needed will generate minimal return to owners. Wenger is complicit in this arrangement of deceit. It is deliberate because we know he can win and he can even buy historically. Arsenes management is so stale you can smell the decay. I do not want to hound the man out but he needs to go pronto and take the medical staff with him. As I recall Gary Lewin was replaced by his brother , why, did he need a job? was there a process. I am not a United fan demanding huge transfers but I want them to try and compete. For 8m a yr I am surely entitled to tactics, competant back up and a plan B and if its not available via Wenger there will be no shortage of takers for the stipend. The worst thing about the thrashings is that it makes Brent and Mourinio look like geniuses , an utterly unpalatable thought.

  6. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 08, 2014, 22:37 #49168

    Ha Ha, a younger fresher man take the reins......with this board, that would be....David O Leary.....if lucky, or Steve, or even Mike Gatting if Stan is occupied by other more important things, such as the type of wood to stock his open fire in his Montana ranch...on the fateful day the serial failure departs. Still after finishing sixth this season, the only way is up ...isn't it .....with this ambitious bunch!

  7. Bard

    Apr 08, 2014, 19:22 #49163

    Rob; You don't need to make such a dramatic gesture mate. The tide has turned for good. There is no coming back , no reinvention. Whatever happens this season 4th place FA cup, he's been rumbled and its the end. I don't rejoice because I believe he's been good for us certainly in the early years but the debate has moved on. Who will take over and how are our useless board going to manage the transition? These are the pressing questions. If they get it wrong it will be years in the wilderness. Remember this is a business masquerading as a football club. Wenger is its interface without him there is a serious problem. No worthwhile new modern manager will want to have to keep the coffers full at the expense of winning things. Let battle commence.

  8. tpm

    Apr 08, 2014, 18:57 #49157

    badarse and jamie simply attempt to distract from the very obvious problem that exists at the club, with weasel words and flowery language designed to mask them having to face up and attempt to justify (because they can't and don't have any valid reasons bar sentimentality)the continued tenure of their messiah. there are simply no valid reasons anymore and he is the cause and main poroblem at afc currently, thus his removal or stay is the hot topic. we lost 3-0. analysing the whys and the wherefores all lead to the manager. thus he is the topic. thus its discussed here. on the everton match report. theres not really much else to talk about on such a page. the 2 chaps just sound like your average jcl (even though they protest not to be) who knows nothing but AW and is scared of change, and sees him as arsenal. well we were one of the biggest in the land before him, and will be when hes gone. it may be a rough ride and take time fixing the rotten core that he has allowed to develop at the club, along with his cohorts kroenke and ivan but to start the regeneration you have to get rid of the stale pox ridden disease that festers.

  9. Ron

    Apr 08, 2014, 18:26 #49152

    Welcome Chris Kennedy - be proud of your team and new Coach fella! Hope you can hang onto him. I always thought Moyes held you back with his dour style. He brought good players in and then harnessed them into his drab yoke. You would and shd have won a Cup or two in the last 10 years.He d take his Everton team to Arsenal and it was always 'how many will we score' or latterly, like wtaching paint dry as Moyes tried to scurry off with a 0 - 0 yet rarely getting it. PS Not sure if youre a scouse lad of course,but nice compact new stadium down on some of that land that seems to be underused by the docklands would be good for Everton i always think? Goodison - good atmosphere though! Well done last Sunday.

  10. FPGooner

    Apr 08, 2014, 16:31 #49140

    Ron, absolutely fantastic post, very well said.

  11. Chris Kennedy

    Apr 08, 2014, 16:00 #49137

    I can understand the passion and reasoning of your argument. As a Toffee, I dreaded losing the comfort blanket that was DM, but look what has happened! Undoubtedly, DM stabilized our club and put it on a sound financial footing, but the improvement in style and attitude has been a breath of fresh air. In fairness to Arsenal and Arsen, You guys were playing some fantastic fast flowing football before the injuries to TW, AR and JW, but maybe it is time for the old boy to hang up his boots and let a younger fresher man take the reins!

  12. Goontang

    Apr 08, 2014, 15:31 #49136

    Enduring this "should he go?" or "shouldn't he go?" ****fest is as bad as sitting in the Dentist's waiting to have half the teeth in your head filled. Thanks for the (long past memories Arsene; now call for a Taxi.

  13. jjetplane

    Apr 08, 2014, 13:57 #49129

    Can we bury the myth that Arsene rebuilt this club, and then decided to dismantle it? What made this club incredible for half a decade was that goal Pires scored against Aston Villa. The Seaman to Petite goal against Wimbledon was another one. Viera against Newcastle. Freddie against the planet. Wiltord (wicked geezer) .... the list is all about players. The stand-out thing about this period was the team were managerless and as Le Prof never tires of telling every Tom, Dick: 'well ... I just let the players express themselves and you can see the spirit (record whirrrr whirrrr)...' We have been suffering this for the last decade and the man is so busy building his private portfolio he probably forgets who half the team are. I know I have with the numbing variations on a second hand theme. Away! And take your squires and footmen from hell with you. The game of thrones is over king Arsene. Long live the real Arsenal! .... Oh yeah May the best team win! ha ha ha!

  14. ximbe

    Apr 08, 2014, 13:57 #49128

    it should not be wenger out but usmanov in

  15. Rob

    Apr 08, 2014, 13:10 #49119

    No tactics. No motivation of the players and I could well believe that they no longer listen to him. But I really fear he will sign this extension and we are stuck for at least two more years of Chelsea and City winning trophies with us doing nothing to stop them. For what it's worth, I will not return to the Emirates or put any money into the Club until that changes. And if enough followed suit that might force the change.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2014, 13:03 #49118

    SGRB, I've said it before and i'll say it again his disciples are so afraid of change that if we were bottom of the Championship about to drop into League one they'd still be hanging on, they'd rather go over a cliff with him than let go. Sad.

  17. Gaz

    Apr 08, 2014, 12:41 #49112

    @Ron: Love your posts fella! Top drawer stuff....

  18. just get out of the car sir...

    Apr 08, 2014, 12:26 #49108

    and hand over the keys and your driving license.

  19. Discombobulate

    Apr 08, 2014, 12:26 #49107

    Well said, Ron. By the way, there are such things as 'Philosophy Forums' if one wishes to test their intellectual skills.

  20. Gaz

    Apr 08, 2014, 12:24 #49106

    @Badarse: Problem is theres nothing 'organic' about this football club any more. We're effectively run/owned by people who have no real affection for the Club nor do they have any footballing background to fallback on. So they'll look for the simple/only option they know which is to rely on Wenger however bad it gets...

  21. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 08, 2014, 11:40 #49101

    @Badarse, thank you for your straightforward response. We shall all await the decisions of those with the power to make them at the club. For me, I don't see posting on here as a question of picking and choosing who to respond to, I just offer some thoughts when I have them, and try not to worry too much about the manner in which others have expressed theirs. The important thing, surely, is the issue at hand. Vitriol comes from all sides; I have seen you supportive of the often vitriolic JAMIE on this site, or omgarsenal's expletive ridden response under a recent article. You seemed to excuse these because they were pro-Wenger. However I'm glad we now share a belief that Wenger should retire.

  22. KC

    Apr 08, 2014, 11:32 #49099

    Badarse your comment "I will accept and support any eventual outcome". While supporting your club is great just accepting is well beyond me. SometimeS there is right and wrong even at your own football club and when its wrong it should not be accepted.


    Apr 08, 2014, 11:19 #49097

    @SGRB, well my simple response is this, I feel that the time is right for Arsene Wenger to retire. Whether that means a move upstairs, pastures new or a complete fracture from top class football. However, as I am not privy to all things Arsenal, I have no real idea of any manoeuvres backstage. I shall await the organic occurrence. @ Bard, 'the anger on here is not against the boss', I think you should have gone to Specsavers chum. Just reread a few posts; I give you licence to ignore the vitriol, just decide if they are against him or not.. Now SGRB you can post to who you like in the manner you see fit, I will do the same. If I determine that somebody is offensive I will decide if a response is worthy or not. My need to answer isn't as important as the attitude offered. You may approach things differently and I would be happy for you to adopt that accordingly. Perhaps in some things I'm just a little bit more picky.

  24. Ron

    Apr 08, 2014, 11:09 #49095

    Hi BADARSE - i suspect most of us on here see footie as an esacpe from the demands of the vagaries of the wider society that you seem to be acutely troubled by. Its a simple game ran by money, populated by people chasing the money first and foremost and bosses and players who really cdt give two hoots in most cases for you, me or whoever and in many cases no doubt, cdt give much of a hoot for the Club that employs them. Im pretty sure most of them laugh loudly at the exchanges of views we make.The lively debate and exchanges on here may seem black and white to you and indeed theyre meant to be. The point is that the true fans do care equally as much as ever you do and this type of board is designed to give an outlet to express views and frustrations. There are many of us who lead hard working lives tied to and hamstrung by 'society', big companies and business demands of difficult work. Football is a welcome break from it, albeit a frustrating one more often than not. With all due respect youre always a bit precious about any view that doesnt accord with yours and usually seek to counter such views by dressing your comments up in verbage that suggests you feel that your in some way the self annointed moral guardian of this board, tut tutting and tousling the hair of the naughty agitators who simply 'fail to understand'(seemingly your stance judged by most of what you say). You need to lighten up. Its football, not theological theorizing we re chatting about here or purporting to be social scientists.To be brutally honest, i find that youre often very condescending as well as sanctimonious. Despite the attempts you make to make to seem cool about others disagreeable divergent views,im afraid it doesnt fooln as many of us as you'd perhaps like to think, as you often show your thorny side far more nastily than do many of us in your retorts from time to time. We all get the hump with each other from time to time, its part of the fun. Perhaps you shd try divorcing football from those sinister aspects of societys ills that seem to hang like a great weight around you? You might even enjoy the ride.

  25. Bard

    Apr 08, 2014, 10:19 #49089

    SGRB: you are unlikely to get a response to your simple question, Badarse doesn't do analysis only lofty moralising. Badarse: I don't like big corporations especially ones who screw it's punters. Does that sound familiar ? The anger on here is not against the boss, who like all managers has a sell by date sadcbut inevitable,it's the club's betrayal of its fans. As Ron aptly put it they sold us a pup and now there's revolution in the air. Unless of course your one of the many lemmings on this site. Ron: it was the Everton deserve it comment that got me, it was slightly tongue in cheek mate.

  26. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 08, 2014, 10:00 #49088

    @Badarse, yes the Wenger in/out has been far too dominant for far too long, but now it's never been more relevant or pertinent. His contract is nearly up. The team have gone from top of the league to relegation form. And we've seen this all before. Why not focus on the issue at hand rather than the way some people express it (which could of course very often be better or more politely put)? I find your theory that the club is 'organic' with an 'evolutionary process' going on, to be inappropriate. Club policy and process don't operate under their own blind power, they are directed by the conscious decisions of human beings, and what the fanbase en masse thinks is a factor in that. A very specific question for you, Badarse (and yes, I'm aware of the wider context of the society in which the club operates and yes, I'm aware that our individual opinions on here do not affect the outcome): What would you like to see Wenger do? Sign up for a couple more years, or take this opportunity to walk away?

  27. FPGooner

    Apr 08, 2014, 9:28 #49084

    maguiresbridge gooner, Gare K, radfordkennedy, SGRB, Ron - great posts. I am filled with a mixture of pessimism and GroundHog Dayitis. As we come to the end of another season, we are yet again seen as clowns and a bunch of fops. If an alien from a distant planet were to look at the remaining teams in the FA cup, they would bet their spaceship on an Arsenal FA cup win. But, this would be without the certain knowledge of our 'house of cards' defence, safe as the 'Bank of Harare' goalkeeper, midfielders and forwards (Arteta, Giroud) one would think are being played to win a bet not a league title, a manager who is odds on to have his contract renewed not just this summer but well into his 90s, despite not having won so much as the Dagenheam Under 11 Girls football cup in 40 years. What is it with Wenger, that every post-match interviewed he has conducted after every tonking, rather than saying that the team played like one-legged headless chicken, he talks about spirit, focus and how they will respond. I am lost as to why any Arsenal fan would want the current situation to continue. If you are one of those, do you want to continue seeing us being taken apart with such alarming regularity? do you still want at the helm of our club someone who does not have a clue and has been the architect of this demise? This is not about glory, this is about having pride in your club. George Graham may have had his faults, but no opposition team was guaranteed to either kick us off the park or humiliate us so badly. There were times, I am sure against Chelsea, where we were so punch drunk, the referee almost stopped the game. I realise it is a bad time (and has been for a long time) to be an AKB, but it would be interesting to hear some coherent and intelligent thoughts from an AKB why they love seeing our club being humiliated and at what stage will they say that enough is enough. For those AKBs on here professing their profound love for the club, that is not what is being questioned. I just want to know why you have such great loyalty towards the man who has destroyed the ambitions of this once great club. Would any club with Arsenal's resouces tolerate, his failure for 9 years or his tactical naivety or his inability to outwit any of the top three, no, top four, sorry, top five or is that six? Therein too lies the answer to many responses by an AKB 'If Wenger goes, who could possibly replace him?' If there are so many coaches just in the premier league who outwit Wenger in their sleep, how many more are there internationally. On to their next question 'But who is available?' There are very few players or managers who are 'available'. If a club is after a player or a manager and they wish to join you and you can agree recompense, they are 'available'. I am looking forward to the day I can hear the words 'By mutual consent, Arsenal FC and Arsene Wenger have .....'.

  28. R.I.P. highbury glory days

    Apr 08, 2014, 9:20 #49081

    I agree with most on here that the best current scenario is we win the cup and finish fourth,then wengers bows out gracefully. I just cant bring myself to hope we lose in the cup just to speed up the proccess. Anyway i digress,my point is if wenger leaves at the end of the season the next guy through the door will have the polar opposite job to do that wenger had when he came, we have some good individuals that like to play football all thats needed for the next guy is to add some steel and a backbone!


    Apr 08, 2014, 9:19 #49080

    @maguiresbridge with your fence-sitting gnomes and little people, @SGRB with your awareness of the mentality of, 'what you are up against' and the battle ahead, @Gaz, with your hammer 'nail-hitting', means what? I am an Arsenal fan, looking at the current situation and mentally preparing for a triumphant passage to the Cup Final, or the ignominy which will come with defeat. You three, with the rest of your gang want to focus on and deliberate over the removal and replacement of the manager. That's fine but as you have only seemingly ever been interested in that topic why is it a problem if another doesn't want to join this boring dialogue? More importantly, why is it that the fan base who don't hanker for your view of things, or perhaps might, but just with a slightly less voracious appetite, be objects of derision? When I come away from this site life continues in an uninterrupted fashion, with different objectives and targets. Imagine yourselves with an opposing outlook to the majority of posters and interpret them accordingly. You may suffer to get this SGRB as recently you couldn't recognise the insulting and demeaning manner a post was couched in when aimed at me. I find most of what takes place laughable. Fairies! Fence-sitting! etc. All drivel and rude nonsense, from one narrow perspective. I have said on innumerable occasions that whilst appreciating all that Arsene Wenger brought to my club I am not an acolyte. I have been frustrated and sometimes bemused by his orchestrations. I am not a big fan of modern corporations and the mind sets that prevail; I think I would drive most out there crazy with my observations and ire regarding attitudes and the insidious approaches of what is directing society, whether it be Sky TV, the government or the sheep-like acceptances of the flock who allow themselves to be directed. Sanctimonious, sermonising, lecturing? No, not really. A plaintive attempt to offer a slightly different perspective to those at the back of the mob with the lighted torches. A football club is organic. Our club will grow, bloom or wither and wilt. People will come and go, us included. So too the manager, owner and board. It is an evolutionary passage. We are at a seminal point in our transition, I will accept and support any eventual outcome. Which will be imminent, within the not too distant future. I cannot do anything else-I am an Arsenal supporter.I refuse to bay for blood. If that makes me a 'blue meanie' in your eyes, or anyone else's then so be it. Am I really so bad? Think. Did I make Arsenal lose the last game? Did I not witness failures? Did I also see other things which counted against us? Life is a patchwork; there are those who will always see it as black and white though. I will not insult, though am irked on occasions and my posts show that. Now reread any posts and imagine them directed at yourselves. Just look out for the slightly offensive, or is 'slightly' OK? The tribalistic rites of being a fan means en masse we are together, as in the 'old' days. Supporting the same team is a flimsy condition for seeing everything in the same manner. On a site those differences are cruelly exposed and dissension is natural, hence the grouping together with the attitude of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. This is all transitory gentlemen, as are we all. Good old Arsenal.

  30. ozzie

    Apr 08, 2014, 8:43 #49078

    How many more post mortems do we need? I turned off after 15 minutes, all that endless sideways backwards passing left me feeling empty. They couldn't have come out any worse off by constantly banging high balls in, at least that becomes a 50/50 chance whereas the way this rabble are playing their fruitless walk the ball into the net is quite obvious to all. Now we have to wait ANOTHER YEAR and put up with all the endless bulls##t of who is coming and who is leaving. And we know damn well we are in for more of the same. Oh, groan!

  31. Gaz

    Apr 08, 2014, 8:20 #49077

    I guess it comes down to whether you really believe the only thing holding us back is a lack of money. If you really believe that...well good for you! Me? I just dont believe that. We've had money that Wengers spent really badly and no ammount of money will see Wenger study the opposition and use tactics to win the more difficult games. So even if we were to spend 100m in the summer I still expect us to win none of the really big prizes under Wenger. We might split one of chelsea,Liverpool City and Utd and we might even make it through the first knock out stage of the Champions league. But ultimately its Wengers managing that'll hold us back because-wuite simply-he just ain't that good anymore.

  32. Martyn

    Apr 08, 2014, 8:00 #49076

    The sobering thought this morning is while we are toiling away trying to beat Wigan next week the Spuds could be two points behind! What a capitulation and a disgrace that our great club is in this position.

  33. Its up for grabs now

    Apr 08, 2014, 7:20 #49075

    I read this morning that we are linked to a striker for £17m currently playing in France (where else!) who is Italian but has not scored since 2012 during 50 games! This rumour must be true, as that sounds like a perfect Wenger player, because if he so much as scores one goal Wenger can claim he continues to be a genius and all the AKB's will hail their messiah! He could alternate with sonogoal to see who would take the longest to break their duck or break another leg!

  34. Gaz

    Apr 08, 2014, 6:13 #49074

    @SGRB: you've hit the nail on the head there pal. I really do think the reason these people can't bear to criticise Wenger is because to do so in their minds is actually criticising Arsenal. For me-and you I'm guessing-the two are separate. That's why I have no issue criticising Wenger to the hilt although I won't ever go in for abusing the man. Respect him too much for that. Stage I'm at now is there's simply no reason I can think of to want him to stay. I can think of countless reasons why I want him to go though. And quite frankly I do find it absolutely staggering that a large proportion of fans still think he'll turn it around. He's set in his ways and will not change for anything or anyone. Those who want him to stay fine-just don't expect anything different. What really annoys me is that when it's all said and done we're a football club. A special one at that but a football club all the same. Players come and go, managers come and go. How in earth did we become a club where however stale it gets, how ever bad the defeats, we have a manager that can't ever be replaced. Because in reality that's where we are. The board won't sack him and as the poll says even if we lose to Wigan-yes WIGAN a large part of our fan base-despite the evidence staring them in their face-will still want him to stay. Quite frankly I can't even watch Wenger nowadays as he irritates the life out of me. The daft comments, sitting on the bench doing naff all as usual, that ****ing coat! As I said I can't hate him but he annoys me at all levels now. Yet we're stuck with him-it's as simple as that. We'll either win the cup or finish fourth and that'll be that-at least two more years. I love Arsenal Football Club with a passion but next season I doubt I'll have much interest as to what's going on at the Club. I've lost all interest if truth be known and that'll only change when Wenger finally leaves.

  35. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 08, 2014, 1:02 #49073

    This is the mentality we're up against: Some people think that continuing to support Wenger makes them a better, more loyal supporter of Arsenal. They don't - and don't feel the need - to give any reasons beyond that for their support. We need a new General to lead us into battle, but some would rather carry on following the current one as he keeps leading us into slaughter.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2014, 0:05 #49072

    I wish i had that lovely garden gnome my neighbour has sitting on his back fence.


    Apr 08, 2014, 0:03 #49071

    Thanks JAMIE, am still thinking it through, and loving my club beyond words at this really trying and testing time. Focusing on tomorrow's games and staying hopeful and positive. Running scared and hiding? What from faint hearts? Every bit of me is Arsenal, and it's odd anyone like me, people who share my thoughts and views should be reproached for a loyalty common to them. We are in the midst of battle and some want to bicker, divide, and run up the white flag. Well my friend to coin an apt and recently used phrase, not in my name! Good old Arsenal.

  38. Matthew Bazell

    Apr 07, 2014, 23:51 #49070

    Watch this space - From this point onwards a top 4 finish and cup success will paper over all the cracks and the AKB's will tell us that Wenger is a God. No matter that this was our best chance in years to win the title and lack of ambition from the top buggered that up. No serious top team would put their faith in our current striking options.

  39. JAMIE

    Apr 07, 2014, 23:16 #49069

    Just because some folk are not sticking the knives in doesn't make them fence sitters.Could it not mean that they have too much love for the club and won't stoop to the level of others. People who are frustrated are always the types who look over their neighbors fence and wish they had something their neighbor has. Football fans are no different, some are smart and think things through but the majority are foolish and impulsive.

  40. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:31 #49068

    The myth of possession stats is dead! The myth of buying cut-price players and young player development is dead! The myth of mini midfield players playing tiki-taka is dead! The myth of playing the "Arsenal-way" is dead! The MYTH of WENGER is finally DEAD! All that's missing is the raucous laughter and thunderous applause that will greet us as we suffer an FA Cup defeat at the hands of so called "lesser" sides, and fail to make the Champions League. You really think it can't happen with the Accountant currently masquerading as a Football Manager in charge? You think Wigan won't be all over us? Never mind Everton, have you seen Spurs remaining games? The final nails for the coffin are being readied... WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  41. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:29 #49067

    Bard - ooooh dear me mate. Youve shook me to my timbers there,likening me to a BADARSE fence sitter. Ha. please, just pinpoint what ive posted so i can explain and mitigate and escape from this terrible place you've put me in!! Seriously, after going to see that on Sunday, ive just sort of felt duty bound since to try and scratch deeper for explanations about what's going on there. It always comes back to the Coach i know, but i suppose i just want an ideal end to it i.e an honourable discharge instead of him going by Court martial, when really i and we all know, in truth that to make real change at the Club its almost got to be unpleasant hasnt it, as the arrangements at the Club are so deeply entrenched over such a long time.Pretty much like any dictators compound really. The more they dictate, the firmer they make the walls they reside within, security and institutions they command. AW is a dictator after all. Its an odd feeling when i do go to a major game now, i know whats going to happen, but still try and persuade myself it wont, until i can see that it has. Its still very sad to face it that Arsenal are now becoming fodder for such as Everton to whom i mean no disrespect, as teams like ours on Sunday are there for and deserve to be battered. I've even rationalized that by saying its likely to be another 10 years before they have another win like that v Arsenal, but then whjo knows with how things are right now. Worrying!

  42. UB10

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:28 #49066

    maguiresbridge gooner 52099, I'm still waiting for any AKB to finally answer the question that's been asked many times on here, and that is "What will it take for them to realise that Wenger has to go?" Continuous heavy defeats? No, done that, Lose in Cup Finals with deliberately picked weakened sides? Nah, done that. Embarrassing defeats and surrenders to top 4 or lower league sides? Nah done that too. Pathetic transfer non dealing/ eleventh hour farce? Nah done that. Midtable obscurity? Soon. I'm at a loss, perhaps the Wengerites can enlighten me.

  43. Stevieo

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:23 #49065

    Guys, I think this latest 'Wenger might do the honourable thing and quit' scenario could be used as a new smokescreen by Wenger. Everyone starts to feel sorry for him, sympathy pours in, get behind him etc, a few god results, and before you know it, all the wavers have convinced themselves they like him again. Before you know it, lets give him another summer, reckon he'll change, etc. Maybe I'm just preparing myself for the worst case scenario!

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:07 #49064

    Stevieo, good post and good point, i've been saying this for a couple of years or more now that the more fans want something and ask/shout for it ie proper players, decent keeper, decent striker/strikers, defenders, proper tactics the less chance we are of getting them as has been proved, he's that arrogant he listens to no one and would do the opposite. The best chance we have of getting rid of the old has been is for us to tell him we want him to stay.

  45. Bard

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:01 #49063

    Steveio; I do get that. He is master of all he sees at Arsenal but his achilles heel is that he can't take criticism. He doesn't give a f*** about journos but he is scared stiff of the fans. He expects devotion and as was shown after Villa he wobbled badly when they get at him. I agree the odds are on him staying but he hasn't got the balls to take on the fans which is why he hasn't signed his contract. The really interesting thing about this is that the team replicate his mentality they don't have the balls for the fight and neither does he. Ron; I always enjoy your post's mate but all this 'seen it before' is dangerously like Badarse's fence sitting,( incidentally where are his words of wisdom in times of need ?)its the refuge of the disappointed. Passion is what Football is about not reason, rationality and bank balances. Everton may well deserve to be top 4 but they are minos compared to us and I for one hope we blow them away over the next 4 games.

  46. Stevieo

    Apr 07, 2014, 22:00 #49062

    Ron, my concern is not only do we experience groundhog seasons on the pitch, but we also have these groundhog patches where Wenger's reign seems to be untenable. If Wenger can come through that 8-2 and sham of a summer, and smelling of roses I hasten to add, then I ain't counting my chickens until I see it on Ceefax! I've had a look at arseblog today, the ex AKB mouthpiece, but I'd hardly say he's pro Wenger out. He's wavered before after a bad spell, but he's hardly downed tools. A couple of wins on the bounce and he'll be back perched on the fence in no-man's land again. At this point right now, I feel we are at the lowest ebb of the season, and things can only get better. And you know how the goldfish AKB brain works. They don't assess 5 years of failure You're just as good as your last game.

  47. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 07, 2014, 21:58 #49061

    Spurs and utd running riot Everton will soon be out of sight. Where will wengers losers finish? Truth is it does not matter stan and the akbs will back him no matter what. Arsenal are now a world wide joke and it will get worse

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 21:54 #49060

    UB10, 52094 It's all they have left now nothing else, case closed.

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 21:44 #49059

    I don't know what Sagna was doing hands clasped praying, it didn't or hasn't done him or the team much good lately. We all know what it's going to take to sort this rabble out and it's not divine intervention.

  50. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 21:19 #49058

    Stevio - Its a sound perspective that is mate and you're likely to be proven right. I ve just this feeling though that last Sunday was a step closer to the tipping point. Arsene looked very drained in that TV interview i looked at today. Almost resigned to having nothing left. A defeat to Wigan will see it done i think.I hope we can beat them though, really do. I cant stand anymore embarrassment for him. Im in the FAC win and stand down mode im afraid mate.At least that would deposit a semblance of positivity in the Club, esp with the players who would survive a new Coach coming in and in turn offer a new Coach a start that didn't seem so desperate and thus to maximize his opportunity and task him with at least some momentum left from this awful, awful, putrid, insipid, soul destroying Season.

  51. nicistyx

    Apr 07, 2014, 20:47 #49057

    At one stage of this Turbulent Season" I thought maybe, just Maybe we were quite Good with Potential to maybe, just maybe win something! Then I awoke from the Fantasy Daydream that helped me through. Manc Utd Are so S..t That they may now even finish above A.F.C. What a F.....g Laugh. The current Batch of useless W.....S could not Win The Championship let alone the Premier League. I used to be A very Proud and Passionate Gooner but Now ....Im Squirming and Hiding behind Sofa's. I remember Standing on The North Bank with Soldiers all around me while my Team went to War with Sleeves Rolled Up .....Not Now.....Please F..k O.. Arsene.

  52. Stevieo

    Apr 07, 2014, 20:40 #49056

    Think people are running away with themselves if they seriously think Wenger will leave this summer. Seeing a lot of sentimentality towards him in how it would be fitting for him to leave with the FA Cup. Drop your guard with this fraud at your own peril. Just don’t get your hopes too high. Wenger will leave when he decides it’s time. The man has contempt for journalists, fans and ex players who have an opinion on Arsenal different to his. Do you seriously expect him to listen to any of this ‘your time is up’ nonsense. It’s like this. He tells the fans and journalists what success is. He’s wrangled it for 10 years, and he’s got a couple of more years of deceit and spin in him. Just listen to the cr@p Jamie Redknapp said after the game. “If you’d asked any Arsenal fan if they’d taken 4th and a place in the Cup semi final at the start of the season, they’d have taken that.” Wenger’s just riding out another storm. He is bullet proof. A few satisfactory results in the close season, season tickets renewed, and it will be as you were. As can be seen on here, there are still some AKB stragglers lurking. No real argument left in their tanks, just criticising real fans for getting upset with five and six goal drubbings. They are clearly beyond help and this place will be awash with them on Saturday, and Wenger will be a hero again.

  53. UB10

    Apr 07, 2014, 20:38 #49055

    @Complainers, Is that your case for Mr Wenger to continue as manager of our club? To question peoples love for Arsenal FC? Oh well, at least you've said it with more conviction than the "let's wait till the end of the season" sheep!

  54. Complainers

    Apr 07, 2014, 20:09 #49054

    Those who always complain are the fan equivalents of Ashley Cole, Samir Nasri and Robin Van Persie. No real love for the club and will happily go off and support somebody else if it wasn't for the fact they enjoy slagging of Arsenal so much.

  55. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2014, 19:37 #49053

    Just checked out the results from that BSM survey and quite frankly I think I want to cry. Just what is the matter with some of our fans!!! The percentage of them who'd want him to stay even if we finish fifth AND lose to Wigan is simply crazy/baffling/weird. Just how bad would it have to get for them to finally come to the conclusion that it's over? I'm sorry but it really does seem like their loyalties lie more with Wenger than they do with the Club...

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 19:12 #49052

    Gare K, good to hear from you, i would say the fact the way that both the scousers are playing and where they are regardless of what happens, that the financially unable to compete myth has already been exposed.

  57. UB10

    Apr 07, 2014, 18:51 #49051

    @radfordkennedy,Best post on here by a country mile

  58. dbq

    Apr 07, 2014, 18:49 #49050

    Kevin You make very valid points and I am totally with you on the need for Wenger to go. It was time to go at least 4 seasons ago in my opinion. But, you are and I are looking at things from a fan's perspective which is not how Stan Kroenke looks at things. The question for you and I am other gooners is as you say "Could a different manager get more out of the same players?" we all know the answer is an unequivocal "YES". Unfortunately for us, Kroenke's question would be "Can another manager continue to generate the profits that Wenger has been generating for me as majority shareholder ?" and I suspect the answer is less clear. Kroenke doesn't give a monkeys how many trophies the team wins or that the team collapses every season through a combination of poor coaching, preparation and motivation with one important caveat, as long as the fans keep spending their money and he continues to make profits. Sadly, that is the bottom line, pure and simple. To see Wenger go, the fans have to stop attending matches and (at least publicly and financially) stop supporting our club. Nothing else will persuade Kroenke to do anything otherwise. Why should he if he can continue to rake in the cash ? Otherwise, it will be groundhog day all over again next season, we will have a squad just strong enough to get into the top 4 and the second round of the Champions League. We might get a little further if we get a favourable draw but we won't win anything because there's no need. This is the north american approach to owning and running a sports franchise because sadly for us, that's Arsenal Football Club is now, just another North American owned sports franchise.

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 18:07 #49049

    Gunner_Blood, yes like porno's, just like OGL you always new what the out come was going to be.

  60. radfordkennedy

    Apr 07, 2014, 18:06 #49048

    Peter...like a lot of people on your side of the fence you miss the point let me explain Once upon a time it was Wilson Mcclintock Storey Radford this became Jennings Oleary Talbot Stapleton which in turn morphed into Lukic Adams Thomas Smith and laterly Lehmann Campbell Vieira Henry and then we arrive at what is laughingly called a SPINE!! Today Chesney Bfg Arteta and Giroud.Now do you see what were getting at

  61. The Fans Are The Second Biggest Problem At The Club

    Apr 07, 2014, 17:50 #49047

    Gunner_Blood- You are correct of course. On last night's 606 a caller rang up to say the club should stick with Wenger. When asked why, his reply (and he sounded like a proper grown-up) was "Well he's just...err...well I can't remember a manager before Wenger, he's been manager of Arsenal my whole life, he knows what he's doing, he might have changed his philosophies a bit but he still knows the formula to win trophies. He built The Invincibles!". Wrighty's reply was simply, and obviously "I can't see the case you're putting for him apart from pure sentiment". But unfortunately there are many many more out there like the caller (see the Untold Arsenal site for proof), terrified of letting go of Arsene's apron strings, a fair number of whom I would presume voted on the recent BSM poll which concluded that a majority of Arsenal fans want Wenger given a new contract even if we blow the FA Cup AND 4th place! There is little hope of meaningful change with a fanbase like this.

  62. au revoir wenger

    Apr 07, 2014, 17:33 #49046

    we have all heard how Wenger is supposed to spend all his time studying videos of football matches,well i am having none of it.This bloke has absolutely no understanding of the tactical side of the game whatsoever.A managers job is to set his team out to exploit the opponents weakness and nullify their strengths.Wenger does neither he is not a manager but just a bloke who picks the team

  63. jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2014, 17:31 #49045

    That £4m Ozil signing was what Wenger should have paid instead of 42m .

  64. jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2014, 17:20 #49044

    MG, the problem for Wenger now is that the previous OTT hype,4th place is a trophy was undone by this season's expectations ( unrealistic ones but..) of a league title so celebrating 4th as though it's 1999 will look a bit naff. It always did to non-AKB's anyway. The previous downgrading by the likes of Hill-Woodentop and parroted by the AKB's that the FAC was not worth bothering with these days also places Arsene and those fools in an invidious position if trying to now claim that winning the cup proves thart Arsene has been succesful in earning his 7.5 million a year wages. Let's face it though City didnt spend a billion to win the Capital Cup ands if that's it this season then they can hardly claim to have done well. Deja-vu Wenger with his 150+m wage bill and 4m Ozil( where is he?)signing . The domestic cups are only a good win if they are doubled with the league, or on their own for smaller clubs like spuds and Wigan. Martinez won the FAC last season and got relegated,if he or Wenger had to choose whether or not to finish 4th or win the cup we all know what they would go for. I've got to the point now days where anything that Wenger does fails to excite me anymore,so I hope he wins the cup and uses that for a swansong because his time has come and gone.

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 16:58 #49043

    jeff wright, your right the pressures off now with the realisation that we're not going to win the league (even though a lot of fans realised it long before now)and no more hard games so the little fairies can relax now. Normally at this stage we'd be saying with a handful of handy games left and no pressure the little light weight so called tacticians will go on a run and scrape us into fourth place,cwand there would be celebrating and bouncing on the pitch, and all the sheep would be happy, and OGL would be hailed as the great one again, but now we're so bad it's got to the stage that that's by no means certain.

  66. Gunner_Blood

    Apr 07, 2014, 16:44 #49042

    Hanging on to Wenger is like hanging on to your old VCR (Cassette Recorder) because u remember that u used to watch your favorite movies on it. SMH

  67. Jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2014, 16:44 #49041

    How do you know there are no positives in them if you skip the posts after a few lines? You sound as though you have a very limited attention span.

  68. Peter

    Apr 07, 2014, 16:25 #49040

    Those who only complain after every defeat are so boring it's laughable. All they do is spout negative after negative so I always skip their posts after a few lines. When someone comes out with proper arguments which have positives and negatives then I listen. Otherwise it just sounds like a child crying for his dummy.

  69. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 16:01 #49039

    JJ - Hi mate. Bad luck in the Vase, but its sounded like youve had a great time you and your guys. If you can say youve been tonked by a better side and you cdt have done more, its not so bad is it in a Cup tourny. The Arsenal?, We re so turgid and stale arent we, but when you put it into perpective, this juncture has been coming for 6 years at least. It wasnt ever 'if' but 'when'. Even if Wenger stays, i suspect the likes of Ramsey Ox and Wilshere (the only 3 in the sqaud of any note in my view)wont want to hanging around too long. A new vibrant Coach is needed urgently, but he ll have little to build from unlike Wenger in 96. AW on the pitch 'legacy' isnt really up to much is it.Its not just a new coach but the absolute correctly chosen one thats needed.Despite all the media fueled parallels with following Fergy, its not a bit like that following Wenger. Arsenal arent even near being a Man U as a Club and its 9 years of not much to follow, in the midst of a mini 'in house' crisis after all.

  70. Pete Mountford

    Apr 07, 2014, 15:55 #49038

    I think the appropriate Led Zeppelin songs have thrown up a few more. Next time we play in a downpour, he struggles with his zip, berates the 4th official and flaps his arms around like a drowned rat, we could have 'Fool in the rain' and for the medical dept 'achiles last stand', 'Song remains the same' anyone?


    Apr 07, 2014, 15:53 #49037


  72. jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2014, 15:36 #49036

    I don't disagree with your points about Everton Ron but as you know it's all about total points won over the course of a season , and as with everything else in football, sentiment , or right and wrong, does not come into it . Us dropping points to top 5 opponents away has been happening all season and actually for sometime as well .Wenger's record against top sides in head to heads is appalling so it was all very predictable. The AKB theory was that it didn't matter because we would beat all of the lower sides. A bit odd this though taking into account that we lost our first game at home to Villa and dropped points shortly after away to West Brom so no big surprise really that Southampton,Stoke, Swansea joined in the fun. Swansea were cheated by the ref out of a win against us at the Emirates. Can you imagine Wenger's reaction to the hapless 4th official if it had been one of our players bearing down on goal only for the ref to blow for time, jesus wept the AKB would have been going spare aswell ! As I said though I'm not expecting max points from our last 5 games , but looking at Everton's ones I can't see them them winning all of theirs either. It will be closed and fingers crossed we don't need to beat Norwich away to seal 4th spot. Everton have Hull away ,and depending on circumstances , that could also be tricky. No doubt it will all make for riveting viewing on Super Sunday.

  73. jjetplane

    Apr 07, 2014, 15:25 #49035

    RON glad to hear you had a good one as you knew what to expect and no-nonsense toffees would swat that lot down. Feel sorry only for the Ox and Ramsey and hyper-angry at the irresponsibility shown by that money-grabber. Have not even got to Wenger yet! ha ha We have been onto him for years now and how turgid that he hangs around for more money. What other reason is there? The club stinks and the momentum is with Wigan for next week. I love football too much to be sucked into 'let's get behind Arsenal' when it means getting behind another two years of predictable, spin, bull**** and half of Nigeria wearing the new range. Nothing wrong with Nigeria but they would be better off with Liverpool shirts. Everton - even better. See how football works. Someone like Suarez is now the best player in the country. He has everything and he learned quickly how to get to the top. he cut out the **** and enjoys his football. Looking at the Arsenal bench and the team - where is the ****ing happiness? Probably on a X-box or in a fast car. Undeserving and not worthy of consideration. Hell must be descended to if Arsenal are going to get out of this mess. Again - Wenger and the Mayor in Jaws - Ringers! RON we battled in the vase but got semi-whipped by a superior team. No shame and the targets now are promotion and a local cup. Another year and it will hopefully be the Heady Ryman. Football - ****ing love it!

  74. KC

    Apr 07, 2014, 15:24 #49034

    In agreement that Everton have a tough run in but the way we are playing the lack of creativity, pace etc I am not confident of any away game whats so ever. If we do finish 5th the consolation is that hopefully it will not be to the Spuds. That makes it easier to handle and will also be a slap to a board and manager who devote so much emphasis to a target that gives them more cash and us an entrance to a compeition we can not win because they dont spend, a vicious pointless circle. Please help "why do we have the only manager in world football that does not want to spend and improve the squad? I dislike Jose but I know he will buy a top class striker I have no faith Wenger will! but why? Has he totally lost all ambition?

  75. Gare K

    Apr 07, 2014, 15:12 #49033

    Not much to add here really as I agree with all the posters who say that Wenger’s time as manager is up and have done so for a long time. Full credit to Everton for the win. We were poor. So which AKB/Wenger apologist is still going to use the pathetic ‘points per spend’ and ‘net spend’ argument to defend a once great manager who doesn’t learn from setbacks, errors and mistakes and makes all manner of excuses to hide his own shortcomings? Arsene, do yourself a favour, win the FA Cup (I’m at Wembley for the Wigan game and I’ll state for the record there is no guarantee we’ll win that tie or the FA Cup in general) and leave with a trophy and the gratitude and well wishes of Gooners worldwide. My main issue is that I wouldn't trust this current money-grabbing board (and the ‘fans’ who love the board, own up) to properly appoint Wenger’s successor and he should play no part in the recruitment process either. I’m not interested in Martinez. My guess is some Gooners only want him because of his brand of football. Alex McLeish won a trophy and still took Birmingham down in the same season so why no clamour for him (not that I want him as the next manager)? I’m rooting for Liverpool to win the league (and I think they will) to expose the myth that being unable to financially compete with Chelsea & the Manchester clubs should result in limited ambition on the pitch. Up The Arsenal!

  76. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 14:28 #49032

    I do hear you Jeff and youre right that the team has moved into that part of the season where they pick up max points in games where the opponent has beaches and birds on their minds rather than blocks and tackles. Ive a feeling though that this time it might different. There seems little unity in the camp there now and those so called 'easier' games arent going to be push overs. Everton have a head of steam now and know it. Arsenal know it too. This latest thrashing is far different to the catalyst of losing narrowly to Tottenham last March 2013 when the pressureless zone was entered the time.PS Just imagine, the old garbage about the 'best points haul in the calender year' etc etc wont be the availible worthless diatribe next time Arsenes apologists seek to justify his staying until time seeks to tick. Lest be honest too, Everton deserve a go. Theyve been beter than Arsenal this season and given people a lot of pleasure. Have Arsenal? I dont think so.As an objective footie fan, its good that the tedious old tired 'established' top 4 has maybe been smashed to bits this season. Its good for football and Liverpool and Everton have proved that 'financial doping' was always a suspect lame excuse.

  77. Rocky RIP

    Apr 07, 2014, 14:17 #49031

    Who chooses our next manager? That's my biggest worry. I don't have any confidence in the people running our club to get it right any longer. They are businessmen who know how to make a profit. Are they football people? Doubtful. Since David Dein left Wenger has been a poorer manager. I read someone suggest today that Dein is offered a 6 week contract to headhunt our next manager. He was the man who brought us Wenger after all. (Not to mention signing DB10.) He may have got it very wrong over Wembley, but he isn't afraid to make big changes and embrace progressive measures.

  78. Halesy

    Apr 07, 2014, 14:03 #49030

    Same old story. Yes, we've been unlucky with injuries but the lack of depth and balance within the squad (not to mention complete disregard when it comes to planning for our opponents) has been brutally exposed this last month. Wenger's methods helped revolutionise the game in this country but, unless we plan for change soon, we're in danger of being left further behind.

  79. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 13:48 #49029

    The big worry now is what has all this done/doing to the players? not necessarily the older ones but the young lads that will be left behind, how has it affected them? are they gone, shot, mentally? will or can they recover? and how long will it take? can they come through this unaffected and put it behind them and move on and realise their potential? or is it shot to pieces too, providing the potential is there in the first place of course.

  80. jeff wright

    Apr 07, 2014, 13:32 #49028

    With no pressure on to win the Prem and the last tough game on paper out of the way our little heroes can relax now ,not that they were ever likely to do win it but expectations from some deluded souls thought that they could and that added pressure on to them . The remaining fixtures look likely to provide enough points for a 4th place finish , with Everton having played their last easy game yesterday and now facing tougher opponents who will not roll over for them. I predicted that we would get 81 points back in December and that this would not win us the title. I also predicted that 87 points would win it. I still see that as being a realistic points total and Chelsea look best placed currently to make them. We can only win 79 points but are unlikely to do so - even if on paper all the games look winnable. Norwich away could be tougher than it appears with anew manager syndrome and the fact that the Canaries are a lot better at home where they defend better than they do away. City and others have only managed a draw at Carrow Rd this term. If Everton had an easier run of games left they would probably beat us to 4th,but as it is we have to be favorites for that play-of Champions League qualifier spot.Hey also in our favour is that there is no better man than our one to win you a 4th place trophy ! He might even do a poor man's double with an FAC win . A case here however, taking account of his stressed out appearance yesterday and with rumors that all is not happy families behind the public candelabra , of definitely maybe.


    Apr 07, 2014, 13:31 #49027

    Does anyone remember when we won the league at SHL and Lehmann refused to celebrate with the team because he'd cocked up and contributed to a draw, a draw FFS! Last season our players were doing laps of honour when we finished 4th, every one of them delighted - Compare and contrast... I totally agree with you Ron that even that team was brittle, just look at the CL collapse at Chelsea. The difference was that team was a team full of winners and leaders who took defeat worse than any I've seen, they played in spite of Wenger, not because of him.

  82. nilz21

    Apr 07, 2014, 13:25 #49026

    I have to post Nick T's comments again because its a true reflection on how much wenger had lost it...this sums up the fact that ..money is'nt a excuse or building a new stadium as 'bury your head in the sand' pathetic so called AKB supotters like to point out. His managment style doesnt hold anyone responsible for humiliating defeats - the board doesnt hold wenger accountable, and wenger doesnt hold the players accountble for poor performances ...so what happens?? it continues to happen again and again. NICK T - One of Wengers remarks yesterday in his post-match interview was 'I wouldn't question the spirit of the team'....kind of tells you everything about how far he's slipped these last few years. Every team loses games but the nature of these recent defeats points to something truly rotten at the core. Can you imagine Ferguson/Maureen in the dressing room after a performance like that, it would be X-rated stuff and there would be immediate consequences!! One other point is that Im sick of hearing how 'whats important is how we respond' in the aftermath of every embarrassing defeat. No its f*cking not Arsene, whats important is to learn from your mistakes and not to get f*cking battered in the first place!!!!! Plus our 'responses' to liverpool 5-1 was a dire 0-0 home to the mancs and to the chavs 6-0 was 2-2 at home to swansea....if those are reponses worthy of character then god help us! - Post No. 52032

  83. Spectrum

    Apr 07, 2014, 13:19 #49025

    "Be careful what you wish for?" No. "Be careful what you SETTLE FOR." "In Arsene we rust."

  84. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 13:10 #49024

    Moscow, i haven't heard or seen anything yet but i'd bet a few quid it will be Arteta wheeled out to spin us the usual bullshyte.

  85. Tony Evans

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:53 #49023

    Entirely predictable and the result of Wenger not investing (apart from his money no doubt) properly in the squad in January and especially in the summer. A striker or two were the bare minimum plus a decent keeper and a central defender but no Wenger knows best! Add to that his complete lack of tactics and awareness of the opposition and it was only a matter of time before this season followed the usual depressing course. Interesting that certain players are saying how much they want Wenger to stay - I bet they do because they are on easy street with him in charge. I dream of the day that Wenger finally departs to allow a new broom in to sweep the cobwebs away and get Arsenal back to firing on all cylinders again. Next up Wigan which could be Wenger's get out of jail free card if we win, but that is big if, based on the performance v. Everton.

  86. Mark

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:52 #49022

    I bet on 3-0 and 4-0 ,if you had been at the cup game recently they controlled the game for long periods and 4-1 flattered us , it was obvious they would really be up for revenge yesterday and the result was not a surprise. Can Wenger take this team forward ???????????

  87. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:51 #49021

    Gaz - Youre totally right as well mate. The interview i saw on line of AW s to that cretin Shreeve (what a purposeless knob he is)showed AW as a man who knows its time or at least approaching time now i thought. Quite sad and so easy to recall so many memories of his best sides devastating opponents and a smiling exhuberant AW lapping it up and yet Gaz i always thought even his best sides had a propensity to be brittle when the chips were down. Never far from a panic, a strop or two or a ropey day at the office were they at time s? Its just more pronounced and evident now with far inferior players.

  88. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:50 #49020

    Problem with the 'lets just wait until the summer' line is that we all tend to take a step back and look at things through far less critical eyes. Result? Wenger gets yet another season and the whole sorry saga starts again. For me there can be no more chances-he must go as soon as the season ends. And as critical as I am of him I'll be sorry to see him go but I'll know its the right thing for him to do...

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:49 #49019

    Pete mountford, even that cop out phrase is been used less and less now and we know why. There's no more excuses even the scrapeings at the bottom of the barrel have run dry. In answer to your question there isn't one.

  90. ppp

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:38 #49018

    @ Moscow Gooner - A thousand quid? Bloody hell your tickets cheap!! Personally I think it's unlikely Wenger will stay now. The players don't look like they are fighting for him at all which must be very painful. I love the guy but you can't keep a manager who's lost the team - whatever the reason is. Don't want anyone like Martinez or Rodgers instead of him - I want an experienced guy who will kick the players up the arse!

  91. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:21 #49017

    @Ron: I hear you buddy and always enjoy/respect your views (usually because I agree with 99% of what you're saying!). Thing is though if we look at all those crap performances/defeats over the past few years (it'll take some time of course as theres been so many of them!) some/most of them have been with either our best side available or a side that should be-on paper-more than good enough to win games at best and avoid crushing defeats at worst. Wengers a busted flush and he just has to go now regardless of where we finish or what we win. I think a lot more fans are finally coming round to that view too...

  92. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 12:09 #49016

    KC - I agree with every word that you say too and always respect your posts. Its totally correct that tactically, its all done and over. Looking at his team, it lacks shape and the level of understanding that each player has for each others role is nil. Its really bad. Theyre like Fred Karnos army trying to plug holes, like a poor Sat aft team. Once superb players like Arteta look washed up really. I cant stand the goal keeper, i have to admit. We used to condemn Almunia. He was better than this Pole in my view ( i can never spell his name - sorry)His body language and languid movements make me want to run on the pitch and boot him hard. They seriously need to get shot of him. The wobbles at the back often have him as the root of them, though Vermaelan is a liabilty now too. Im convinced the players think the keeper is useless and cant trust him. Its very sad to see the level of decline close up. They know it too i feel. Its etched on their faces, particularly the older players. I dont mind defeats. I was always taught to credit the opponent but defeats where the effort isnt there is sickening and its easy to tell when players arent putting it in, once youve played to any level. The players to blame? yes but its a coaches job not to allow it to happen isnt it. Wenger seems lost now.

  93. A French Rapper's Gaping Poop Shoot

    Apr 07, 2014, 11:50 #49015

    The AKB - Excuses for everything. Solutions to nothing.

  94. Hi Berry

    Apr 07, 2014, 11:16 #49014

    Don't worry everyone.....Kallstrom to the rescue! The man with a broken back will be arriving in a suit of shining armour on the back of a milk-white steed any day now to save us all. Oh no, he was on the bench yesterday and not used....when exactly is he going to help us in that final push for the title? He's only got five matches left before his holiday in the uk is over and his tourist visa runs out.

  95. Time to Unite

    Apr 07, 2014, 11:15 #49013

    stability is a good sentiment. Whether you are a loyal so called AKB who see's no wrong in Wenger and the current status quo and remembers the harder times of old or a disgruntled Wenger must leave newbie who cries out for glory and want's the Arsenal back of 2004. The time to debate is not now but at the end of the season.

  96. Arsenal Fan

    Apr 07, 2014, 11:14 #49012

    "Why is everybody obsessed with us finishing in the top four,we are no where near winning the champions league" Because some AKBs use qualifying for the Champions League to determine that Wenger is "punching above his weight" or "overachieving". It will be interesting to see what's their excuses for this lost.

  97. Arsene's biggest accolyte

    Apr 07, 2014, 11:00 #49011

    The Holloway Bowl will crumble to dust if Arsene, King of Alsace leaves. This club was nothing before he came. I will take my bags of Waitrose and my Apple tablet elsewhere if he is hounded out by people crying out for change. Tarquins unite, we must keep our great leader, the one and only Arsene Wenger! Hoorah!

  98. KC

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:53 #49010

    @Ron, I fully respect an away supporter expressing a view and in trying to view honestly I agree that the injuries have hit us hard and do impact the team. The problem though is the performance and set up of the team at the away games if you offer nothing going forward you then invite the opposition to attack at will. If they do not fear us breaking on them its almost game over instantly and we will not break on a team with no pace and desire. We can not also blame injuries for defenders that allow players to run past us at will, find space in our box at will and for our players passing like sunday league players. There was no excuse for the Ox to be on the bench when you are playing Poldoski especially away. I agree that Everton had the run of the ball and everything went for them but that would be an excuse if it was a one off but right now its every away game. We are the complete opposite to what Wenger says we are mentally weak, lack desire and strength. I once dreaded the day Wenger left Arsenal now I dread the day he signs a new contract, total power has corrupted him and he has lost sight of his job spec, his remit should be the team not the balance sheet, but right now we are so pathetic (especially away)that you question his whole understanding of tactics, formation and English football, its the same fuc**** errors game after game. I am a ST and am baulking at the cost when the monies we pay are not invested in the team so I admire your loyalty so once again its not a tirade at you.

  99. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:47 #49009

    taking the ed's final line a little bit further: "How Many More Times" must we suffer supine, gutless, clueless performances like yesterday, watching the opposition offer "No Quarter" to our side, currently suffering "Communication Breakdown" in a big way, before AW announces "I'm Gonna Leave You Baby, leave you in the summertime", having to "Ramble On" to pastures new. I'm sure some of you can come up with some other good ones.

  100. Joe S.

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:46 #49008

    I haven't read any other posts so I'm writing this one blank however I'm pretty sure most of us will be on the same wave length. Firstly Arsene Wegner conceding the Premiership is a futile Quixotic gesture when one considers the lack of effort he has put into strengthening his squad. This is also a smack in the face to those deluded AKBs with their heads up their Arsens who two years ago were deriding the idea of Rodgers or Martinez even being mentioned as possible alternatives to their great man. Now while those two clubs look to the future Arsenal FC contemplates the carnage with a squad of fillins and a manager bereft of ideas.

  101. Red Member

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:44 #49007

    comment after comment of criticism and yet when it comes to match day everyone just sits there like sheep and says nothing! until there is a coordinated protest then groundhog day will keep happening. bored of it all now really

  102. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:39 #49006

    be careful what ........ Not using it as an 'excuse', but im saying that on Sunday the lack of a midfield was a factor. Evertons mid field isnt top quality and i just thought those two or even 1 of them plus JW might have allowed us to scratch a draw that all. JW and Ramsey arent world beaters but they do 'turn up' at least. The Wally is a bit of a fairy, but he does give teams something to think about. Apart from Chamberlain, hes the only one that does in that squad. These in my view were the ingrediets that might, just might have given the proceedings a bit of respectability. A defeat might still have occurred due to the gutlessness of the majority as you say, but im just positing a different perspective, thats all.

  103. Mathew

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:35 #49005

    I just want this season to end, enough of this ugly bashing and spoiling the name & tradition of this club. We were inept in our tactics and game plan, all we had was some tiki-taka which Everton successfully closed down. Arsene needed to change his horses to courses and he is failing to do so. Title was lost the day we didnt signed any new players and continued with average ones who wanted to develop their name in this league. Its a rude awakening and the damage has been done. Challenge to FA Cup and a 4th spot is going to be interesting.

  104. Referee

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:31 #49004

    Why are Arsenal players constantly flagged offside when they aren't. This season away to City, Everton and Liverpool we have had 3 onside goals disallowed while conceding 2 goals that were offside. As an ex referee and linesman it's very easy to spot the rigged matches as off-sides are the easiest way to get the required result as you can just say you made a mistake.

  105. Be careful what you wish for?

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:23 #49003

    Ron, injuries are partly to blame but that's no excuse for the gutless displays the team are dishing out every away day!

  106. Ron

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:15 #49002

    Hi Gaz - In all fairness and as one who went on Sunday i thought a fit Wally and Ramsey in from the start would have made enough difference in that one game v Everton at least to have got at least a draw. Rubbish as we were, Everton arent top quality. Theyre good and very committed and in Martinez have a very sound coach who has them believing. They had so many kind bounces of the ball though at critical times, it was astonishing really. Not knocking Everton. Ive connections with a few of their fans etc but these partic injuries did in my view impact particularly on this game. I ll get my head bitten off now i suppose for offering slight mitigation, but fairs fair, i hammer Wenger and his teams so its right i make some comment on this point at least.

  107. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2014, 10:02 #49001

    @Website editor: sadly over at untold Arsenal the main 'vibe' is that its injuries to blame and nothing else. They truly are a weird bunch of supporters over there...

  108. UTU

    Apr 07, 2014, 9:48 #49000

    Same sh*t different day, move along nothing to see here. This nonsense will continue at the corporate franchise that is masquerading as The Arsenal FC while the current owners/management remain.

  109. Be careful what you wish for?

    Apr 07, 2014, 9:20 #48999

    What is it the AKB brigade say be careful what you wish for. I wish for a manager who has some tactical acumen and the power to motivate. Arsene, for the sake of your beloved Arsenal please leave!

  110. chris dee

    Apr 07, 2014, 9:18 #48998

    Now you know why Arsene will not sign the new contract and we will have a new manager next year. It's the end.The players are not playing for him, and they obviously don't believe in his same old predictable 'tactics' which have been become so outdated they have been torn to shreds by all the top clubs. But if we had any players who had pride in the red and white shirt they have the privilege to wear,even if Arsene can't motivate them, then we wouldn't be losing 6-0 6-3 6-1 to rivals. Yesterdays performance was so limp,so insipid,so gutless,so infuriating,so amateurish ,so naive it took the breath away. But even now something can be salvaged this season,but to do that Chesney must not play another game this season.The defense begins with the goalkeeper and Arsene firstly with Almunia and now Mr Selfie Chesney has disgracefully ignored this important position for 9 years. If,fingers crossed,we can win the F A Cup Arsene still has to walk away.

  111. Website Editor

    Apr 07, 2014, 9:15 #48997

    The tide has truly changed. Even Arseblogger is saying it's time for a change in the dugout, regardless of whether Arsenal win the FA Cup.

  112. Moscow Gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:58 #48996

    To be fair there have been some gutless Arsenal sides in the past: mid 70s, mid 80s etc. But - as others have pointed out - we weren't then one of the richest clubs in the world, nor were we paying a thousand quid a season to watch the dross. Tolerance levels were higher. None of this will mean that I won't shout myself hoarse at Wembley: we should get behind the team, we need to win the Cup - but we also need to believe that change is around the corner, not that the board will continue to sit on their hands and let this club endure more seasons of slow sad decline.

  113. radfordkennedy

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:43 #48995

    Truly awful,I've seen like others a lot of Arsenal sides over the years but yesterday was something new,and it made me angry,to watch a team wearing our shirt who were effin' scared,scared of getting beat by a hatful again,scared of receiving the ball,getting beat is one thing but surrender without going into battle is a disgrace to our club...what the hell have the coaches done to Monreal,when he first arrived he looked more than useful,but the boy has gone alarmingly backwards,he's a bundle of nerves.Also its my opinion even if we do make 4th its unlikely we would win the CL qualifier with this sorry shower.Nice to see David Dein take the trouble to attend an away game hopefully making a report of who to bin come june,it was truly embarrassing to hear the fantastic Everton support laughing at us,I'm actually glad I'm out the country this weekend I'm not confident about the SF at all,facing a young eager team,with bags of confidence and pace,who expect to win every game..what could possibly go wrong

  114. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:36 #48994

    WENGER! Are you still here?

  115. Nick T

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:35 #48993

    One of Wengers remarks yesterday in his post-match interview was 'I wouldn't question the spirit of the team'....kind of tells you everything about how far he's slipped these last few years. Every team loses games but the nature of these recent defeats points to something truly rotten at the core. Can you imagine Ferguson/Maureen in the dressing room after a performance like that, it would be X-rated stuff and there would be immediate consequences!! One other point is that Im sick of hearing how 'whats important is how we respond' in the aftermath of every embarrassing defeat. No its f*cking not Arsene, whats important is to learn from your mistakes and not to get f*cking battered in the first place!!!!! Plus our 'responses' to liverpool 5-1 was a dire 0-0 home to the mancs and to the chavs 6-0 was 2-2 at home to swansea....if those are reponses worthy of character then god help us!

  116. Van de Ed

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:35 #48992

    Unbelievable! Somehow this team is determined to look worse than United in the latter's worst season in recent memory. Just 1 question to the AKBs (if there are still any out there), how many more years before you reach your tipping point. 1,5,10yrs? I really can't blame Sagna for considering his options at this point.

  117. Hi Berry

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:04 #48991

    Here's an interesting fact....when Arsenal last won the Premier League title in 2004 the share price was £2k per share. After a decade of sporting under-achievement the share price today stands at over £15K. More or less says it all doesn't it?

  118. JAMIE

    Apr 07, 2014, 8:02 #48990

    Why wasn't the Sanogo wrongly disallowed goal shown on MOTD,so nothing positive can be said about Arsenal. We'll now have to endure all the anti Arsenal tabloid reading and Talk Sport Fan boys slagging off Arsenal all week when the cowards should be getting behind the team before their biggest game of the season. Shame on you jelly spines.

  119. Joe Broadfoot

    Apr 07, 2014, 7:59 #48989

    The only good thing about yet another heavy defeat is reading your comments about it. You're spot on, as usual. The only additional comment I'd like to make would involve moving Wenger upstairs and let him continue to make the club money. Meanwhile 'downstairs', I'm starting to think we desperately need new ideas at pitch-level. Martinez anyone?

  120. King Jeremy

    Apr 07, 2014, 7:49 #48987

    Those final 5 games don't make pleasant reading now do they? There's really no point in commenting on the game because we all know what went wrong and who is to blame. It was irony in the extreme that Lukaku should score in the manner he did - a player Wenger would never consider buying in a million years - a goal Giroud will never score in a million years. I have never seen a more disinterested player lead the Arsenal attack than Giroud. Even that carthorse Bendtner was actually mobile and actively sought out the ball. I'd say it's also touch-and-go whether Chamakh's had a better first touch. His recent comments along the line of having faith with internal options means it's Giroud and Sanogo for next year as well. I'd like to think that failing to get top 4 would be the end of Wenger. I'd like to think that defeat to Wigan would be the end of Wenger. But, sadly, the man is the type that the harder you beat him, the more he entrenches. For that reason, very sadly, I am sure he will be at the helm again come September.

  121. GoonGer

    Apr 07, 2014, 7:37 #48986

    Woeful!! It's just not good enough

  122. Declan Burke

    Apr 07, 2014, 7:17 #48985

    For crying out loud when is this humiliation going to stop ? We had Walcott on TV yesterday morning sounding like Wenger himself, excuses, excuses, but overall everything is rosy in the garden. I'm sick to the teeth of this Shambles that ARSENAL F.C. has become.

  123. Edmund

    Apr 07, 2014, 7:02 #48984

    Statman, that's why the FA is known as Fergie's Association. They don't want to be called MA (Moyes Association) which explains ManU's decline. Haha. But seriously, WengerOut and all the other fellow frustrated fans, please cut the team some slack. We do still want the FAC as Wenger's farewell gift right?

  124. ed enough....

    Apr 07, 2014, 6:13 #48983

    Get your money on Wigan... Gutless bunch of bottle jobs. No heart, passion, or pride in the shirt they wear...Disgraceful performance again. Taxi for Wenger please...

  125. Lee

    Apr 07, 2014, 4:25 #48982

    I too asked the club why did we leave highbury , just a few weeks ago when I emailed to request a refund of my Chelsea match ticket for that pathetic no show surrender! As per usual I got the comical politician esque response of its natural to feel like this after something going wrong and to vent our frustration Bla Bla Bla .... Our once great proud club is being run by businessmen and that's why a new contract is on the table for a manager that is clueless on tactics and preparing a team for battle, totally deluded and penny pinching year after year!! A man that hasn't brought a trophy to us, in the modern game, for 8-9 years now!! At modern prices!!! £1,000+ for my season ticket now! But it won't ever change until we stop paying! It's the only way it changed at highbury cos we all voted with our feet! However nowadays , this business is run by idiots selling the match day EPL experience ! You'll see what the club is all about if you go upstairs , with the rich business folk!! That's where the clubs market is and that's where they all keep coming back for more!! Well so do I tbh , in the hope it'll change? Cos I love our club and it hurts! I watched most of this debacle from my hotel room in Disney land Florida this morning, quite fitting and apt really as yet again all I could see was MICKEY MOUSE PERFORMANCES !!


    Apr 07, 2014, 2:15 #48981

    Gentlemen and ladies be careful what you wish for.I often used to pop round to Tony Benn's for tea and crumpets and he would extol the virtues of stability,loyalty and keeping those bayonets firmly in hand as the natives come charging over the hill.Westie where are you mate? What are the latest odds!?

  127. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 1:42 #48980

    Bard, don't worry they'll pop their head above the parapet soon enough when they think all's clear.

  128. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 1:14 #48979

    Lee, yes something i was going to mention myself, the postman thought it was funny and great craic, but failed to realise himself and his manager were part of the joke and the problem.

  129. DW Thomas

    Apr 07, 2014, 1:12 #48978

    Time to go Arsene. Has been for some time. One observance to add to all the others. Lukaku was allowed inside on his preferred left multiple times by many. How? Why? As Arsene said, that's basics FFS! The team were a complete heartless shambles today. And Sagna despite some odd so so displays still has the heart of a lion. But he must be thinking I stuck around for this s..t?? Criticize all you want but he, Ramsey and Ox were about the only ones with desire today. And Giroud is top top quality? I think I'd take Chamakh over him! At least Sanogo made some effort full runs! Let the misery end...

  130. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 0:56 #48977

    Ron, good shout, are any of us really surprised? (there i've said it yet again) maybe just that it wasn't more, glad you had a good day (but no more predictions) And yes well done Everton you thoroughly deserved to win the game, you had everything we used to have a long long time ago, but haven't had for a long time and won't have again under this manager. The ole's said it all.

  131. Ken

    Apr 07, 2014, 0:54 #48976

    Most of us on this website wants what's best for Arsenal football club. There is a Wenger website on Facebook I don't know if he has a Twitter site, but put your messages on there someone from A.F.C. Might read them and inform the man himself.

  132. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2014, 0:28 #48975

    Kev, the answer to your questions is a very simple one, an answer we have known for a long time, a past it manager. There is no reason whatsoever this old man should spend another hour at our club he's finished, done, a busted flush. I have said it on here before now and there was no doubt about it then, and there's still no doubt about it now, he has lost the dressing room and his actions indicate he knows it. And the way he's going he's going to lose respect if he hasn't already. As much as we don't like certain pundits they were right and the five words and phrases you have used above are correct and you could add a hell of a lot more to that like cart horses, not good enough, past it, etc. This club needs fresh air alright but it's more than a breath because it's drowning, and has been for three seasons or more now and every week that goes by it's sinking more with the air running out at an alarming rate and it's all down to one man the manager. It's time for wenger to pull the plug and go and take everything that is suffocating our club with him, and let this club rise to the surface again and breath fresh air.


    Apr 07, 2014, 0:09 #48974

    It's a time for action. If we don't act on the overwhelming momentum this season, we really can't complain when the same thing happens for 2 more years. Collectively we must demand that Wenger departs, there can be no uncertainty about the will of the fans. Creating a hostile atmosphere at the stadium can be no more damaging to the performance of the team than Wenger is himself. I will be ramping up my WO campaign on all fronts, I don't care if it means getting smacked by a bone-headed AKB; it's a case of speak now or forever hold your peace. The time has come to make a difference at this club, reclaim the club that we all fell in love with.

  134. It's All About The Glory

    Apr 07, 2014, 0:01 #48973

    The glory hunting WOB's should join forces with the glory glory boys for a glorious glory hunting glob fest.

  135. Leslie

    Apr 06, 2014, 23:39 #48972

    Yes the AMG's in general are rather plastic and in general fall into the category of fickle or glory hunters yet some were here before Arsene came.

  136. Jon

    Apr 06, 2014, 23:20 #48970

    Wenger loves Sagna because of his marauding runs down the flank, yet he ambles back each time and leaves gaping holes behind him, yet instead of playing Vermaelen next to him (or Koscielny when fit) he plays Mertsacker, the slowest. This means the gaps behind Sagna are exploited by top opposition time and time again. I wouldn't mind if Sagna's delivery on crosses outweighed his defensive deficiencies, but they don't. And yet Wenger's desperately trying to persuade him to stay?? Let him leave and replace with a quality Right Back. Except he won't - will have a young Sagna-esque replacement doing more of the same, but worse, so that we actually end up wishing Sagna had stayed...

  137. Stevieo

    Apr 06, 2014, 23:03 #48968

    A bit scathing Kevin? Only a week ago you wrote about signs of recovery? The fact that we got to half time against a top 5 team and were still mathematically in the game is a positive for me. That in itself surely keeps us on the road of recovery? Due to the inaction on the pitch, the entertainment comes when the cameras pan on our bench. Watching that clueless clown surrounded by his ‘yes’ men sitting there like motionless crash-test dummies is worth the Sky subscription. The expression on Wenger’s face as he tries to fathom why we are once again on the end of another pummelling is truly hilarious. Go on Wenger, sign up for another 2 years. We’ll have another 2 years of these blogs dissecting what’s going wrong and what’s needed in the transfer market, but nothing will change. The entertainment for the next 2 years will be watching the clown on the bench and his post match interview excuses. Hopefully the AKB’s won’t become extinct either, because their input on here is needed to keep the laughs going.

  138. Gaz

    Apr 06, 2014, 22:47 #48967

    Yet another pathetic display from both the players and manager. Really wish Wenger would leave in the summer but I think we all know deep down if we win the FA cup it's gonna be the excuse the club need to announce his new deal. Sadly for what now looks like most of us on here there's a few more years of this nonsense to come. And whilst I don't blame the fans for us being in this mess (I'd look in Wengers and our crap boards direction first...) I do think a lot of them need to ask themselves just exactly where their loyalties lie. Because in some cases is defo say they lie with AW more than they lie with AFC. I mean some of the things I'm hearing tonight in defence of Wenger is just plain weird...

  139. Peter

    Apr 06, 2014, 22:27 #48965

    I suppose all the WOB Glory Hunters will be there on Saturday and then you won't see them again. Sad fools get on my nerves they're only happy when Arsenal loose so they can go around playing the victims.

  140. Dandy Modd

    Apr 06, 2014, 22:25 #48964

    Oh I must say Arsene, we were poor today. We can't afford many more performances like that now can we. Finishing 4th is what we're good at, and this is still achievable. Us loyalists still believe in you and when you have guided this club to another cup win your detractors will all bow to your lofty persona. Arsenal without you Arsene is unthinkable, here's to another 2 years at least. As ever Dandy.

  141. Stuart

    Apr 06, 2014, 22:23 #48963

    Enough was enough six years ago. Just go, Wenger.

  142. kilkenny cat

    Apr 06, 2014, 22:17 #48962

    The last 3 long term managers were Terry Neill,George Graham and Arsene Wenger. TN had young players who turned out to be world class. Coupled with some clever signings and the team went upwards and should have won more. GG also benefited from the youth system and took the club to new levels for most of us. AW had the Graham back 4 plus DB10 to work with and raised the bar even higher. The next manager will have no such luck as he will have nothing to work with. I really do fear for our future.

  143. Bard

    Apr 06, 2014, 22:16 #48961

    No surprises today surely. As you say Ron football is cyclical and there is a changing of the guard at the top. These recent results are not glitches but signs of serial decline. i have said countless times on here, the squad was threadbare at the beginning of the season and with no significant additions it was a lost cause from day one. He must be in two minds now about signing the new contract. It all rests on the Semi. If we lose to Wigan its curtains for the boss regardless of the rest of the season. The real crisis is to come though. The club haven't planned for this, they like some on here were deluded enough to think all was rosy in the garden. ( incidentally where are you all ?) Its panic attentions at the club here on in. Tragic but inevitable. Wenger's arrogance in thinking he could go into a full season with one striker and threadbare squad beggars belief.

  144. Ron

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:57 #48960

    West Upper at Highbury - They were on the crest of a wave dominated by 2 Clubs and 18 average ones when they hatched the plan to move mate. They moved to maximise their profits. No other reason. They sold the fans a pup.They thought it was Utd and them for ever, a monopoly, the short sighted fools.

  145. Ken

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:57 #48959

    I am sure many fans remember the days when Arsenal were losing but we would try and fight to get a draw or even win, now we just turn up and hope for the best,I am trying to put some light on a very bad day.

  146. What was the point of leaving Highbury?

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:51 #48958

    I have held off posting for most of the season as I have desperately wanted to be proved wrong about the useless idiot in charge but unfortunately I'm right and have been for many years. The bloke is hopeless. Repeated mistakes year in year out. The phrase Groundhog Day was invented for this muppet. I actually physically ****ing hate him. I also blame our fan base for being so unambitious and complicit in our down fall. I suppose I should now go and support the Chavs! ****ing divs

  147. Billthered

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:49 #48957

    Why is everybody obsessed with us finishing in the top four,we are no where near winning the champions league so why bother being in it.On another subject the ox in my opinion has been our best player in recent games and shown real passion and his reward is a place on the bench.I am sure OGL will walk away at the end of this season as his interviews are looking more and more like he does'nt want to answer questions any more.Losing seems like the norm now and don't hurt like it should.If they are serious about putting prices up next season then it will be a bigger own goal than the one we witnessed today.

  148. 71guns

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:43 #48956

    We are now getting thumped by good teams as well as the so called elite. They are having a go (Everton) but really 3-0 at a canter? A new low. I think Wigan are favourites on Saturday - they've been to Wembley they have no fear and nothing to lose. I can't imagine the players would rebel against Wenger but either they aren't listening anymore or he has nothing left to offer. I think a bit of both. Wenger has to go and he can take 5 or 6 players with him. Lets start again (as we were supposedly doing 8 years ago) accept a few more lean years without CL football I think we would all get behind them rather than on their cases because we currently expect so much. I know the club has moved on since the glory league cup nights of spurs away 87' and Everton at home 88' but I'd love to feel like I did on those nights again. We've tasted invincibility but we are still hanging on to that time and it's so far gone, we are no longer a great team sometimes we're not even a good team and each season we think we've turned a corner but caves in as standard every February or March and we all act shocked. As I said it is a new low for me today be being 'out' everything by a team we should be able to compete with.

  149. BNG

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:28 #48955

    Groundhog decade

  150. Skid Row

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:26 #48954

    Goodness, it pains me to say it, but another slip next week and the immovable object begets some more lubrication. If this happens and we lose to Wigan then this would indeed exemplify what's deemed a ' Pyrrhic victory.' Let me remind the Wenger backers that at home we faced the European champions with a player called Sanogo. I mean a club with a stadia such as this, and an abundance of financial power at its disposal starts with a free rookie crock. ***k we have fallen so low..... All we get is BS about loanees, FFP, financial doping, everything but the girl! ***k off Arsene for ***ks sake!

  151. Ken

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:18 #48953

    61AndNeverAgain: Well said.

  152. N4

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:15 #48952

    AW said that money has changed football and that he's been fighting that instead on the pitch issues!!! But like the old saying goes..."...if you can't beat them...joint them"!! Why doesn't AW spend the money?!!! But then how does he justify his pay packet?!! Obviously to us he doesn't!!! He should be on a pay packet what managers used to get 15 years 0r 20 years ago?!!!

  153. Its up for grabs now

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:14 #48951

    So another “accident” then against a top 5 side away from home, having one is unlucky, two is careless, three is reckless but a fourth surely it’s P45 time! That insurance renewal policy on Wenger’s car would be an interesting figure to read today, because to have four “accidents” in only four months is something else. So of the current top 5 we have lost all the away games by a minimum margin of 3 goals and have in those four games conceded 20 goals which equates to 50% of our total goals conceded in the entire campaign! This would not have been the end of the world if we had beaten all those sides at home to cancel out those results, but on closer inspection we only managed that once and drew the other three. So P8 W1 D3 L4 F6 A23 Pts 6, those stats are the real “accident” which Wenger is solely responsible for. Wigan are currently on a winning streak and having beaten Man city away must fancy their chances against us on current form, especially as they won’t need to research our tactics on the day, as Wenger only has the one, so not much second guessing required to play against us. If Everton do end up finishing fourth at our expense, that will then be two club managers from Merseyside with vastly smaller resources who have put faith in young dynamic managers who will have reaped the rewards. We no doubt will get Wenger for a further 2/3 years should he scrape home once again for his only real target that infamous fourth placed trophy! So it’s fifth and no Champ League money but also hopefully no Wenger, or fourth and 2/3 more years of this never ending groundhog day! One final thought assuming Wenger stays; I bet that secretly he wishes he was now in Barcelona’s shoes with Arsenal having a double transfer window blockade imposed on him. He would have an orgasm were that to happen, as I am sure that would be his idea of heaven, as guaranteed further two years readymade excuses to offer up to the Wenger disciples to swallow, hook line and sinker!

  154. 61andNeverAgain

    Apr 06, 2014, 21:11 #48950

    No doubt the plastic muppet fans will be queuing up when the new puma kit is released! Time to put up or shut up and get kroenke his son and gazides out! We are THE ARSENAL and not arsenes plaything or Arsene FC . Boycott everything arsenal / merchandise wise

  155. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:54 #48949

    Arsenal Football Club, after years of living with this disease, is finally disgorging the infection. A few more weeks on the figurative lavatory and it will, providence willing, be gone and flushed away. I long for the day when we will have our club and our self respect back.

  156. Ken

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:53 #48948

    The team were crap today no fight no leadership and a Manager who just looks on like a person in the crowd. But apart from that Wenger is a nice man and when we win the F.A. cup I will text on this website another two years please arsene lol.

  157. Alex

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:50 #48947

    Wenger has proved to be an awful manager. When he arrived he inherited a good squad and so won silverware. He continued to be successful due to the fact that Dein was never afraid to tell Wenger what to do. Once these two things went in 2007 Wenger was on his own. Since then the club has declined and it is all due to the fact that Wenger is a terrible manager

  158. Ron

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:41 #48946

    Hi Fozzy - i don't know when the mediocrity will end pal. It cd get far worse yet. Going to the odd game for me has been just that ie going to the game being the enjoyment with a few friends and a pint. Wengers mediocrity has been there for 7 years in my view and i, a long time back stopped caring truth. We ve had long spells of rubbish before but for me, with 40 odd years of loving the Club behind me have NEVER known the team be so shorn of drive and passion and physical presence, even in the dead mid 60s, we cd fight our corner. in the dead mid 70s we never lost our self respect and in the dead as dodo mid 80s we didnt lose our courage. I think AFC (ON THE PITCH) is a disgrace to the red shirt and ive felt it for years and been hammered for wanting Wenger out since 'game 50' in 04 and latterly since the 8-2 in 2011. Im not happy to be proved right and wished i was wrong but the FAC and top 4, for me, wont change my mind. Football has outpaced Arsene and while the club has the external trappings of modernity its ancient where it counts. I cdt and wdt watch Arsenal every week now even if i cd afford too. They're boring and have been for some years. I like football with honesty and heart. I go now for my mates, the few i know who i've gone with for years, but they're pretty much where i am with it all. We have a laugh though, even if it is at Arsenal.Im always amused by these on here who defend Arsene to the last. Im sure they don't see any games 'live'. Its defending the indefensible. I do find the Clubs decline sad, but hey, they get paid an awful lot, so why shd i really care?

  159. JackL

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:37 #48945

    Just home from the match-I feel so sick I don't know whether I want to lose or not against Wigan. Of course I really want to beat Wigan but how can we change our manager. I have always liked AW but the time has now come. It's not a recent thing, we have been playing on the whole very averagely for around 5 or 6 years and it's now coming to a climax. I hate the slow tedious way we start our home games and end up chasing the game. I hate our short free kicks instead of doing a cross (like today), I hate the tippy-tappy football when, after 10 square passes the ball is lost etc etc AW is frequently tactically naive week in week out-everyone today realised OX and Rambo had to come on at half time-why didn't the boss? So many mega defeats this year yet no improvement the following game, I hated the way we were happy to draw at home to Manure-viz no effort to go forward in the last 10 min accepting 00, yet Manure still nearly scored in the last minute. And mostly I hate the cheek of a 3% rise next year, and it is reported, when asked why, the reply is 'because we can'!!!! OMG to renew or not-someone must organise a staged match boycott.AAAgh

  160. West upper at highbury

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:33 #48944

    Mike Collins you are spot on mate couldn't have been more right,why did we leave highbury and it's full trophy room in the first place somebody please tell me?

  161. kilkenny cat

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:29 #48943

    The fact that we are all worried about Wigan says everything you need to know. We all know Wenger wont prepare properly. We all know that shower of wasters wont be up for it. We all know if they score 1st we might as well leave the stadium and enjoy saturday night elsewhere. I remember the mid 80,s when i started going to away games on a regular basis. They would drive you mad,but at least you wasn,t getting ripped off. Ive never been so angry with the players,manager and board as i have been these last 7 years. I pretend not to care,but i do. Unfortunatly not many involved with the club now care at all.

  162. RED FRED

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:25 #48942

    Lets hope Mr Wenger wins the FA CUP and leaves with his dignity just about intact. I have enjoyed the rollercoaster years of Mr Wenger but enough is enough. He can take his backroom staff, tactics and medical team with him. The next manager has the bones of a great team as did George and Wenger did when they started . It might take a few managers to get it right but so be it, some of the players are not fit to wear the cannon on their shirts at mo. Thanks for the memories Arsene including 3 Titles and 4 Fa Cups but we love the club more than you and always will. UP THE GOONERS!

  163. El Bodgeo

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:23 #48941

    Fozzys mate, when was the last time we actually turned up and won any game? 2 wins in the last 9 games is it now? Relegation form. Can't really add anything else to these excellent posts (Statman excluded). Time for a massive change and f**k Wengers 'legacy' it's our club not his.

  164. STATMAN

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:22 #48940

    DID YOU KNOW.If Arsenal's wrongly scored and conceded 'offside Goals' had been correctly judged by the officials they would have been Champions instead of United in 1999,2003 and 2008.

  165. Any Old Iron

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:16 #48939

    A cup win would be welcomed. 4th place would be an anathema. If you do love Arsenal, please Wenger, set them and us free. You have already tarnished your image by holding on. Relinquish power, and I am certain in the ebb and flow history will be more kind to you.

  166. John F

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:14 #48938

    Don't worry people this result was only an accident.It was accident that we have not changed the way we play so other teams know how to beat us.Stoke Liverpool,Chelsea,City,Everton all accidents.Relying on Giroud other wise known as Brian the snail, sonogoal and our danish cab drivers friend.Balls being crossed over in to the box with no one to meet them time and time again.Pushing the full backs up the pitch so we get caught on the counter attack.Not playing our one player with any speed.Tippy tappy football with no end product.All just accidents.I used to play for a kingston hospital football team in the 80s that would often lose by double figures.one of our players designed a team badge that had a goalkeeper picking the ball out of the net with the words underneath saying keep them down to ten men.I wonder if Wengers team talk was, keep them down to five chaps.well down

  167. Lee

    Apr 06, 2014, 20:09 #48937

    Take a look at Sanogo laughing and joking at the end while Arteta is in discussion with Baines. Says it all

  168. Gee

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:57 #48936

    For the good of the club AW should've said one way or another whether he was staying or not. At present the players don't know what he is going to do and operate in an uncertain environment. At this rate he'll string the club along until July and by then it will be too late to properly get a replacement. I honestly think Wenger will decide to leave after dilly dallying for 2 months in the off-season. We'll start pre-season with no manager at the helm and after a bungled search to find the right man (who won't be available) we'll end up with Bould in charge for next season. this will all be because the board and wenger have not acted quickly enough to decide that this should be his last season and start the search for a new manager now. Kroenke and Gazidis should already be speaking to Dortmund/Klopp and ensuring he starts asap when the season finishes.

  169. Gunnersaurus's Mum

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:56 #48935

    Too many nothing players whose sole job seems to be passing for passings sake. They were being carried by people like Ramsay but now with these players out you have a load of lost sorry looking gutless players that can't take control of a game. They don't get in the box, they don't shoot, they can't beat a man, they can't track back with any urgency - just hapless. Personally I don't care any more this season has been predictable and the fact the manager went into the season so short then did nothing in Jan when the injuries struck is an insult to people that pay through the nose to watch the team. If he goes I will not give a toss.

  170. Imploded again this time its real

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:53 #48934

    so reality that many said was coming as finally arrived.

  171. pete

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:51 #48933

    I think your point that other managers might get better result with this team is highly debatable.. with semi-standard players like arteta,flamini,and the gr8 giroud you can't achieve much.but it is also wenger's fault that he didn't buy a top striker last summer..he's handicapped ozil by giving a shambolic striker like giroud upfront. I want him to leave with all these players .. the only condition on which he can stay is that he brings in atleast 5 top players in forward , cdm , wing and defence next summer..but it's wenger..so he won't do anything..one draxler can't change this team...players like matuidi , bender , martinez/ d costa , antoine griezman and fabian schar..otherwise goodbye wenger.

  172. fozzy's mate

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:48 #48932

    Horrible stuff to watch. When was the last time We actually turned up and won a game we weren't expected to? We used to say no plan B but we now have no plan A. In particular but not exclusively Mourinho, Rodgers and Martinez have embarrassed OGL. I pick up on a point raised below by Dartford Gooner. As much as I loved dear old Paddy Rice he was well past his sell by date at the end and needed to be replaced. He has the grace to know it but OGL wanted him to stay. Some used to liken him to a pensioner on a deck chair or sun lounger who didn't move. I felt we needed someone young, hungry and passionate to challenge OGL and bring fresh ideas, including being more vocal and as some modern managers say "influencing the game" during the 90 mins by cajoling, instructing and tweaking things. Bouldy gets out of his seat even less than the latter day Paddy Rice. When our non tactics are being torn apart by well drilled sides and their managers and staff are still up and cajoling their team, OGL and Bouldy sit back, motionless and clueless watching the car crash paly out in front of them before making a pre planned substitution after 72 minutes. Ron, you say football is cyclical and I agree. But Arsenal is not a useful football club in terms of its aims and how it is run. So will our current cycle of mediocrity actually end?

  173. KC

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:42 #48931

    @Danluvsafc With you mate. Stadium, sponsors were meant to move us forward but wenger thinks he will do it with average and not spending why we pay a fortune. Europa league and Sunday games no way unless we appoint a new top manager. While the club gets bigger money wise the team gets poorer and now both Everton and Liverpool overtake us. What's the point of a new stadium if you just use it to make the club richer and the team poorer. The promise of competing with the best across Europe is becoming a joke. What's the point of Champions league money if you don't utilise it, there is no sense to wengers actions just sheer arrogance and a man in an ivory tower.

  174. Danluvsafc

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:31 #48930

    For me finishing outside the top four is the only way we are going to get rid of this clueless idiot.Time after time we are being subjected to this garbage. I even still hear some deluded fans say " oh but you still play good football, and we do enjoy the way arsenal play the game". To be honest I'm totally sick of it and I for one will be tossing in my season ticket after over 20 years if we finish outside the top four or that idiot wenker signs anything more then a one year rolling deal.i nearly gave up last year but for the social side of meeting my mates in the pub before and after. I certainly didn't renew for the dross that has been predictably rolled out week after week.Enough is enough now. Wenger and the spineless board out!!

  175. DB10Gooner

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:30 #48929

    **** off TwatMan

  176. Dan h

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:28 #48928

    Got a bit of stick last year on here when i touted Martinez as a potential Arsenal manager.Works on a budget,plays good football,doesn't BS the fans and media,young with fresh ideas.Yes got relegated at Wigan but it was a miracle they stayed in the PL on those gates alone and won a cup .Replaced Moyes who's top points tally was 65 in all the years he was at Everton i believe.Well that will be beaten this year regardless of getting the coverted 4th place prize or not.The media also said to the Everton public be careful what you wish for when Moyes left....For us what can I add?The 'strikeforce' of Giroud,Sanogo & NB52,lack of pace,tactics,direction.The club handicapped by a top 10 WORLD turnover,how could we possibly think we could be doing any better as a club?Be careful what you wish for....er o.k...

  177. Up4grabs

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:25 #48927

    Deja vue... Same old end of season collapse. Until that man Wenger is GONE I have no interest. 25yrs after our greatest night and I am now cheering on Liverpool.

  178. Wibblefish

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:20 #48925

    It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. At some stage the manager will go, however don't be deluded into thinking the club with appoint a klopp type figure. Instead we will end up with a Bruce Rioch type yes man. Who on the board has any experience in European club management or even the contact base to make a good appointment? Wenger will resign at some stage and Kroenke will then ask him to appoint the next manager. My money's on Christian Gourcuff, the Lorient manager. He looks like Wenger, acts like Wenger and has a reputation of finding young talent which he can develop. Here we go again.....

  179. STATMAN

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:20 #48926

    SHOCKING!Arsenal have had more than double the next team 'offside goals' scored against them since the Premiership started.

  180. Moscow Gooner

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:14 #48924

    It's hard to be original or say anything new about this situation: it's suspended somewhere midway between a classic Greek tragedy and a poorly written French farce. Torn now in my feelings about next Saturday: we win and it increases the chance that AW stays and we continue on this slow steady bank of decline - I guess until the guy dies in harness.. We lose and even then there is no guarantee of him moving on: Everton implode and we scrape into 4th place! But would this board get rid of AW even if Wigan beat us 5-0 and we finished 7th or 8th in the league? I think not. Whose turn will it be to turn up on Arsenal.com tomorrow and say that the players are determined to 'put all this behind them' and that it will all be different next time they face one of the top clubs....?

  181. Mike Collins

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:13 #48923

    Come along, everyone, let's get perspective on all of this. As an ex-fanzine editor (1-0 Down, 2-1 Up) I thought our performance was excellent today and unlucky not to be rewarded with something, if not actual league points. Giroud's grimacing was as good as it's ever been (always one for an effective grimace is Olivier); Arteta's scowling and pointing to sections of turf (usually to the rear of the direction we should have been going) was exemplary, as ever, along with his own-goal; and Macho Montreal's zephyr-like waftings in defence were pure poetry (Keatsian) to the new kind of "audience" we have these days. Only Ramsey and Oxlade-Chamberlain spoiled everything by coming on and trying to do something, breaking sweat, and looking genuinely concerned at the unfolding catastrophe. All of that nonsense went out of the window when we left Highbury, scene of old-fashioned foolery like Tony Adams' defending, the limited Ray Parlour's 100% commitment, and generations of Arsenal warriors laying it all on the line for the North Bank Boys. Forget all that and welcome to the new architecturally stunning, corporately-appointed soul-less world of Emirates AFC plc. You're welcome to it.

  182. Ron

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:09 #48922

    We had a great afternoon. A great week end in fact. Won a few quid at Aintree too.A really nice pub in Aintree this afters and then on to watch the mighty reds! Cheer up ffs. Theres nothing left to debate. 3-0 wasnt too bad, We we were expecting worse. Footie is cyclical. Arsenals decline has become more pronounced no doubt but give credit to Everton please. They showed our feckless rabble no respect and rightly so. That score was nailed on today. Good bye Arsene and thank you for the memories.

  183. N4

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:06 #48921

    Jjetplane I'm with you on that one, well said!

  184. Torbay gooner

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:02 #48920

    Thanks for the memories Arsene, now at the end of the season please do the decent thing and vacate the club you purport to love. Oh and you can take Diaby and Giroud with you for a start. We need a a totally new infusion of ideas, and personnel top to bottom, new coaches, training methods, medical staff etc. Not much to ask surely!

  185. Peter Le Beau

    Apr 06, 2014, 19:00 #48919

    Kevin, It is easy to overreact to defeats but the recent series of humiliations we have suffered against our rivals have been incredibly painful. The supine approach by the players is one thing but the tactical naivety of our coaches has been little short of pathetic. Today we needed a big change at half- time. Ox and Ramsey made a difference when they came on after the game was lost. Here we had nothing, no change in attitude, personnel, tactics or anything. I have huge respect for Wenger but his legacy is being stained and tarnished by days like this when we seem so out of our league against teams with resources which are considerably more limited than ours. Next week has assumed huge importance. At the moment it wouldn't surprise too many Gooners if we cocked it up

  186. N4

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:54 #48918

    What are you lot on about?!!! We won possessions and we did a lot of passings and played our game! So it's all good then!!! Us fans not having worked a day in football ...what the hell do we know!?! All fans know we needed a striker this season except AW because he's done 30+ experience in football and knows it all!!! Why did we play SanaNoGoal when there was not a slight of difference. After 4 years I'm stil glad that I gave up my season ticket...pmsl about the mug who bought my ST lol!!! The way we're playing we might as well lose the FAC since (hopefully that will be the only way for AW self assessment change)! I would love to know where are all the AKB goading AW positivity come from?!!! We're foked!!!

  187. Pete Mountford

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:51 #48917

    'Careful what you wish for' how I hate that cop out phrase. irrespective of everytime an AKB lamb utters that, i reply " how about I've thought long and hard about it and I still wish for it" ?. but i tell you what I'm careful I wish for, decent set pieces, that make us look dangerous on a regular basis, tactics that reflect the opposition, being better without the ball, although these days we're not even good with the ball- injuries permitting a bit. and ironically for the back end of last season and the first half of this one we were better without the ball. Kevin posted my question in his report and i'll ask it again here in the comments, for any fans that still back wenger, beyond sentimentality what sound reasoning do you have that wants him to stay on as manager? this is not will he get a contract or not (many of us fear what answer that will be), but what is your rationale be for him getting one?

  188. Mr Protest

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:51 #48916

    It's time for the fans to protest outside the stadium in during the game for the full 90mins. The media coverage of a empty stadium with fan protect can work us ordinary fans. We have understand that the board and Wenger live in controlled environment where they dictate who can be around them. They simply don't understand our feelings (only money). I urge fans to respond by not buying club products and services until fundamental changes happen at the boardroom, team management and medical level.

  189. Aylesbury Gooner

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:46 #48915

    A total shambles today cant believe we have not learnt from previous poor performances. Its got to be down to Wenger and the coaching staff. Fingers crossed we can win next Saturday evening but if we don't hope the CEO and directors who might be present get untold grief and withdraw the offer of a new contract.

  190. jjetplane

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:46 #48914

    Wenger in fugitive mood saying 'we have to go back to basics in defending'. Many years ago when he was just a harmless old prof we had so many leaders on the pitch that ran through the complete squad. So of them were there before Wenger and it's not outlandish to say it was the players who ran Arsenal at the time. How else can you explain this ecomomist at the helm for so long with zilch happening on the pitch. He either sells players or destroys their self-belief and when that is not happening they are laid up due to extraordinary incompetence on the physio side. It's just plain boring now but what do you expect when a non-football type is running a football club. He himself is a bore and always has been. Maybe he will step down tomorrow and make Arteta club manager .... ha ha ha.

  191. Jamie

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:40 #48913

    "Wenger didn't ruin arsenal, the fans did." That is without doubt one of the strangest things I've ever heard. There really are some mentally retarded people in this world. As for the shower of **** that is now Arsenal, it occurred to me earlier that whereas a few years ago we were a team without backbone that were unable to stand tall in the face of pressure and see games out to the finish, now we are a team that against anyone but lower half of the table opposition doesn't even have the skill, guts and know how to even stay in the game for twenty minutes. The slightest hint of a team fancying it and they roll over to get their tummies tickled. Only the fixture list put us in the false position we had until February. Nothing has changed, least of all our comedy gold manager who supposedly loves the club, but appears hell bent on killing it. But I think the light is at the end of the tunnel. I can genuinely see Wigan doing a number on us next week, and I think that might be the last straw .

  192. STATMAN

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:40 #48912

    Liverpool have been awarded 12 penalties this season more than any other team at this stage of the season in Premiership history. The most penalties awarded by one referee in a season to any particular side was 9 by Mike Reiley for Manchester United.

  193. GoonGoonerGone

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:38 #48911

    Totally agree with you Kevin about the old fool losing the dressing room. Even I would become tired with a manager who is a tactical imbecile. The senior players also look for guidance but Wenger gives nothing. Week-in, week-out, it's tippy-tappy 5-a-side training rubbish. When Vermaelen came out and said he and the players wanted Wenger to stay, I laughed. Here was a captain who was on the bench because Wenger did not believe in him, a captain who wants to leave but because he is the captain, he is forced to face the press and say nice things about Wenger. When you hear players praising Wenger all the time while Arsenal get trashed, then you know Wenger is under pressure. The contract has been signed by Wenger but his recent spate of results and the constant bad press on how the season is imploding is preventing Arsenal from revealing the truth. The FA Cup, ironically, since Wenger saw the fourth place trophy as more important is the one thing the BoD is now desperate that Wenger must win so that they can announce his contract signing in order to save face. You see, Wenger hides behind his pseudo-morality that he never breaks a contract and never breaks his word. Yet you wonder about the morality of a man who wrings his hands, berates the fourth official while he gets paid 145 000 pounds a week to lead Arsenal like lambs to the slaughter against the likes of Man City 6-3, Liverpool 5-1, Chelsea 6-0, Everton 3-0 - always with the same tactics. And fans wonder why the players are up to their ears with Wenger's bull****ting and sounbites - the latest being - going back to basics. In Wenger world basics mean tippy-tappy, paceless, tactic-less, one-dimensional, backwards-sideways passing, playing the donkey Giroud, the useless Arteta, the lost Mon-un-real, Postman Sanogo while he sits like a clueless owl on the bench clutching his knuckles, kicking a water bottle or fiddling with his zipper. The AKBs warn us to be careful what we wish for? YEAH, RIGHT!

  194. Duncan Sotty

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:34 #48910

    I don't blame Arsene Wenger , the board , Stan Kroenke or the players............i blame the Arsenal fans . We keep on whinning season after season yet we still bankrolling their pockets ! Cease attending live matches for two consecutive months and the entire club will wake up !

  195. Jason B

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:30 #48909

    Bunch of ****ing useless fokkers.Cost me 100 quid in ticket and coach fare.The lot of them should be fined two weeks wages.****ing disgraced.

  196. Mark

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:29 #48908

    Statman - first what a load of nonsense - do you seriously think that anyone believes that it's nearly 3 times the next highest team?; secondly what are you saying - would Arsenal have won lots of trophies if they had all been allowed? thirdly, get out more

  197. Davenh

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:28 #48907

    A clueless manager who has been shown up in the big games this season again.Does he have any tactics?The players are not good enough.The defence ripped to shreds against good strikers.Over run in midfield again.As for upfront Giroud is a joke.Its time for all the fan groups to campaign to get Wenger out.Time for the Gooner to come off the fence.Enough is enough.Today was probably worse than the City Liverpool and Chelsea games as Everton are not as good as them 3.We are too lightweight.When we play a big team its like men v boys.The FA cup should not disguise another pitiful league season.

  198. Dartford gooner

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:19 #48906

    Not much more to add, he can take Bould with him, he just sits there with no passion and the defence has now gone back to its old ways. Play back the first 5 minutes of the game when the ball broke in the Everton area and watch the lack of pace from Giroud. New manager and at least 5 new players for next season even if the fa cup comes our way and thats a big if, but all we can do is get behind the team

  199. illigitimate AFC son

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:18 #48905

    Well, is'nt this rich. Arsenal fans seem shocked, bemused and/or bamboozled by echelons win today. You all are as pathetic as Mr Wenger himself, or should I say deluded. For the past 6-7 years you've been planting oranges and now all of a sudden, you lit are expecting ticking racks potatoes in the harvest. Even God must be rolling on the floor with sheer - uncontrollable laughter at your incomprehensible stupidity. Arsene Wenger didn't ruin Arsenal FC , you lot "The Fans" did

  200. Roy

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:18 #48904

    Yes, Kev. Couldn't agree more. But the most telling telling thing you said was that it appears that the players are not giving their all for this manager any more. It certainly looked that way to this pair of eyes, too. If we go behind against Wigan on Saturday, I think we're gone. That was an absolute shocker today.

  201. James Gunner

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:17 #48903

    Football is a simple game but Wenger has made it complicated for the gunners. Instead of shooting when possible its one pass or two too many giving defenders times to regroup time and again to stifle the gunners. Arsenal are the only team ,imho,currently playing a complicated style of football. Compare that with other teams.They don't pass all day. Wenger is out of touch and shd leave asap otherwise Arsenal could go into meltdown before you can say bingo.I will say thanks for the memories.Get out and let someone take over who will make football simple.

  202. Peter Wain

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:15 #48902

    that performance was indefensible particularly after the Liverpool and Chelski rubbish. When will Wenger learn to prepare a team properly and use the transfer window wisley. The answer is neve sack him now and the boad. Where have we made any progress this year? Our young players are going backwards and the first team is disintegrating. Time after time we get trounced by the big teams and no lessons are ever learned and there is no accountablility. This must stop now winning the cup fat chance with this mediocre bunch

  203. Nozzer

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:11 #48901

    It was clear today that this team is totally inept. They looked tired physically and mentally. They had no ideas, no pace and no power. Leighton Baines had the freedom of the right side of our defence in the first half. Yet again we do not prepare for our opponents. You never see Wenger at away grounds watching upcoming opponents. We need a change, because we need fresh ideas, the squad is not playing for him and he cannot organise and inspire them. How many of us are nervous about Saturday, If Wigan go an goal up we will be in trouble. On another matter how can the club justify Europa league as Cat A or B games. The club should offer the season tickets without cup ties and charge league cup prices for the Europa league, but they won't. Mr Usmanov please make Kroenke an offer he can't refuse.

  204. deejay

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:11 #48900

    on the other hand, Arsenal have been hammering everton for years. they deserve a few crumbs from time to time...

  205. STATMAN

    Apr 06, 2014, 18:03 #48898

    Did you know since the Premiership started that Arsenal have had 70 goals wrongly dissalowed for offside the next highest by a team is 27.