Cruise Control

Online Ed: Arsenal back in flat-track bully mode

Cruise Control

It augurs well for Wembley, that six goals in two matches have come against teams floating above the relegation zone. Four of them have been scored by Lukas Podolski and a bit of me wonders, given his goal threat, whether he shouldn’t be an automatic starter. Certainly the defensive side of his game is a weakness, but there must be a way to compensate. Dare I suggest a 4-4-2 formation with the German playing in tandem with Olivier Giroud? It’s never been tried, but was surely worth a look sometime if the reason the number nine does not start too many games when everyone is fit is his lack of nous when the opposition are attacking. The conclusion is that when played wide he is a liability and does not put in a shift, hence he finds himself on the bench a great deal of the time. Shades of Andrey Arshavin?

It’s been obvious how big a loss Aaron Ramsey has been, and after his performance at the KC Stadium, questions need to be asked about why he missed over three months with a thigh strain. Who is overseeing the rehabilitation of these injured players and are they qualified to do the job? The absence of Ramsey and soon after, Walcott stripped the team of a great deal of its drive and pace, although Ramsey’s contribution at Hull demonstrated that Arsenal can play some very good football without Theo.

I noted the three triangles that led to Arsenal’s goals:
Ozil – Cazorla – Ramsey
Giroud – Ramsey – Podolski
Cazorla – Ramsey – Podolski (albeit via a parry from the Hull keeper)

No doubt about the common denominator there. Aside from the issue about how you get players back from straightforward injuries a little quicker, the other dilemma is how you compensate for their absence while they are injured. Of course, no-one knew how good Ramsey would be this season, but one imagines the plan was that Jack Wilshere is a similar type of player, a driving midfielder. Arsene Wenger has also stated his belief that the natural position of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is as a deep central midfield man. However, neither of the those two have been anywhere near as effective as Ramsey. Arsenal’s problem with his loss was that they were unable to adapt their game sufficiently to compensate for his loss, and with Theo Walcott injured on 4th January, legitimate questions need to be raised about why so much money was left lying in the bank after the end of the January transfer window.

Granted, Arsenal posted five consecutive Premier League wins beginning with the Boxing Day game in which Ramsey limped off, but at times, they looked laboured, and there were signs the wheels were about to come off when the side visited Southampton and were largely outplayed. There followed a sequence of ten league matches which saw three wins, three draws and four defeats, including embarrassing performances at Liverpool, Chelsea and Everton which definitively killed off any title ambitions.

However, given they were battling for first place throughout January, the opportunity to maximise their chances of overcoming the sides around them was passed up, leaving questions about the genuine priorities at the club.

Still, after winning at Hull, fourth place and another ride on the Champions League gravy train is still on the cards, although Everton do not look as if they are going to give up the chase easily.

The team started sluggishly, but changed gear after scoring the opening goal on half an hour. The second was a thing of delight. Jelavic went down softly under a challenge from Arteta and the referee didn’t buy it. What followed was old style Arsenal with a quick break and no nonsense before the ball was headed towards the net after Ramsey had chested the ball down for Podolski.

The visitors controlled the game after that and could have scored more than the three they mustered. Hull did fathom the odd chance themselves, but in goal Szczesny played as if he is actually competing for his place – which of course he will be where the FA Cup Final is concerned. It’s an interesting dilemma for the manager, but on the assumption that Fabianski is offski in the summer, you would imagine he is going to look at the future and opt for the younger Pole, possibly bringing on Fabianski for the last ten minutes if the game becomes a procession similar to this one.

It was good to see Mesut Ozil playing again, although his impact was fairly limited, understandable given his lack of match fitness. I can see him playing 65 minutes of every game between now and the end of the season, but not 90.

It was a good performance, but we have seen a number of these against teams in the bottom half of the division. It should be no surprise, but what Arsenal need to look at is the lack of success against the top teams, a trend that has become progressively worse over the years, and the reasons behind it. For now, though, continue in flat track bully mode and fourth place and the FA Cup will give the board satisfaction. The rather worrying speculation that Arsene Wenger has already signed his contract but that the club are waiting until the right moment to release the news means this is as good as it’s going to get for at least another couple of years. The purgatory is set to continue.

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  1. Chris

    Apr 26, 2014, 23:16 #50281

    Green Hut - You weren't being kind because I never lied, as you full well know. You tried to make out I did, as is your wont, but you were completely wrong as was clearly demonstrated at the time. Crime or no crime, you certainly come across as a mardy teenager a lot of the time, one who is prone to fits of pique and spite towards fellow posters when things don't go your way. To be fair, reviewing the thread now I can see that earlier you were arguing that CL gave Arsenal an advantage through money rather than, like some you align yourself with quite deliberately in the thread, arguing that the extra games didn't impact Arsenal. wWereas I had remembered at the time of my post only that you had argued the CL had not favoured Liverpool. You only have yourself to blame for any confusion for arguing from such a daft position anyway. Accusing me of lying makes you look, as I said in the previous conversation being referred to, like a bit of a t*t from where I am standing. Cue a sudden fit of sensitivity as you attempt to deflect....

  2. Green Hut

    Apr 26, 2014, 22:43 #50280

    Chris- You stated and presented as 'fact' that I 'disagree so vehemently' that beyond the standard 38 games other factors such as other playing commitments influence which team wins the league. That's simply not true, is it Chris? I never disagreed because I don't disagree, but it suits you to paint me as someone who does. Re the conversation a while ago, I remember it clearly and thought I was being kind by not bringing up the FACT that you have previous in this respect. You again put words in my mouth that I had never said and had to accept that you were wrong. The conversation then moved on and I misunderstood something you said in the secondary conversation, admitted it and retracted a couple of comments I had made within that secondary conversation. I know which messageboard crime I'd rather be guilty of, but even now you're trying to blur the lines between the two- and again mislead anyone reading this- in an attempt to lessen your guilt. Nice to see the real bitchy schoolgirl Chris back though, I've missed her!


    Apr 26, 2014, 21:32 #50279

    Evening Any Old Iron. I understand your perceptions and really respect them, as I tried so often to say to others who held the view that we needed a change of manager. Directly in answer to some, indirectly to others. After a while you just become numb with the perpetual roundabout discussion and pull away. I'd decided enough was enough. Then I thought I still had views to air and gave it another run. So it is at the moment, with no intention of running away just yet. Thought the lyrics to Across the Universe were stunning, and well used to explain your position. On a broader landscape they fit our psyches in all things perfectly. St. Totteringham's Day looms large with a win Monday. Anyone want to have a dig because I shouldn't be focusing on them because we should be aiming higher, and it's defeatist talk? Come on, own up, you know you wanted to.

  4. Chris

    Apr 26, 2014, 21:08 #50278

    Green Hut - What are you on about? I basically say you are talking rubbish suggesting that 'AKBs' (I know you have me down as one) would celebrate Liverpool failing to win the league than if we won the FA Cup and then you accuse me of 'lying'. Actually, typical fashion, you pretend to not quite to do so, but then bravery never was your strong point, was it? Last time you did that, you had to eat humble pie after admitting you'd got the wrong end of the stick in the same conversation - for the second time. And you marvel at my obliviousness...

  5. Any Old Iron

    Apr 26, 2014, 19:30 #50276

    Badarse - you mentioned A John Lennon anecdote earlier. I have another:- # Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slip they pass away across the Universe. Pools of sorrow waves if Joy are drifting through my open mind inviting and inciting me....nothing's gonna change ARSENE.....nothing's gonna change Arsene....he's not gonna change Arsenal.....#


    Apr 26, 2014, 16:54 #50275

    Chris, I wasn't directing my comments at BADARSE and Westlower - They are nothing if not consistent. Where you have your polarised fans like me (definitively anti-Wenger) and your die hard Wengerites (Westlower); we have no hope of influencing things, we are to be expected and exist in all walks of life - It's the dangerous middle that I refer to. The dangerous middle I define as the ones who blow with the wind, or with results. They spit bile when we lose and then when we win a couple of games they talk of 'what if's and 'if only's, begin to forget all that happened before the last game and look forward to next season as if anything is going to change. There are people on other websites right now saying 'when Wenger is finally allowed to splash the cash this summer we will be successful again' - Have they learnt nothing from the last nine years? If not they are surely insane or incredibly dim witted. This dangerous middle are the ones Wenger will use as a barometer as to whether he has the fans support or not as they make up some 60-80% of our "support" and are the ones who emit the media-reinforced 'fans perception'. Nothing will change with Wenger in charge, I don't need to reel off facts in support of my argument, I have the last 9 years to back me up (and depress me).


    Apr 26, 2014, 16:40 #50274

    Ouch Green Hut, as The Prince of Thieves said, 'Did I wrong you in a former life?' As explained the unfortunate use of similar words you will also note I did explain in a subsequent post. Apologists? Wow again. Run away? Well I must be honest, sometimes the fruitlessness of it all just makes me throw my hands in the air, but luckily I am a good catcher and once caught I again dive back in. We hold opposing views on one topic and it is enough to create this disquiet, that is odd, but not uncommon. Thank you for the polite considerations, I endeavour to do the same. I always feel that a reaction, though punishable and judged by the same criteria, is distinctly different to an uncalled for action.

  8. Green Hut

    Apr 26, 2014, 16:32 #50273

    BADARSE- I deliberately avoided labelling you as I know how upsetting you find it. Sorry if consequently you found my response to you vague but the last time I critcised you personally you disappeared from the board for a couple of weeks. I've tried to be very respectful/almost friendly since then but I'm happy to resume the tit-for-tat if you promise not to run away again. By the way, are you the same BADARSE who said 'but if you want to lump everyone into a large herd it kind of dilutes what you have to say' just a few hours after saying 'I lump you into the group'? Surely not. You, me, Chris and everyone else on here know exactly what Wenger's apologists have been arguing for years, to dispute that is plain silly. As for 'The rest of your post again assumes abstract proportions in 'spending money is chasing rainbows' etc. Who gives you this information? I am perplexed', Well, Amos used EXACTLY those two words last year in a debate I had with him re Wenger's lack of spending in the 2010 and 2011 January transfer windows. He subsequently used that expression again once or twice in the weeks after and again fairly recently. But you and Chris are more than welcome to continue calling me odd wild peculiar stunted bizarre contorted venomous twisted and insane to your heart's content. It's an anonymous messageboard, I don't take it personally. PS I see a couple of points have already been touched on but they're worth repeating.


    Apr 26, 2014, 16:22 #50272

    Anonymous, (You said it BA)... why anonymous? if individuals attack/challenge/disparage in a group, with one main focal point, they are by definition, 'a group'. Those they choose to foist their attitudes, or force their views upon are individuals who become polarised, as in a group, but as a natural defence mechanism, certainly not in the herd sense. An inappropriate choice of words but I think even you can discern the difference. There is definitely a sense of being under attack if you are not prepared to slate the manager and call for his removal on a daily basis on this site. As stated on numerous occasions I find it puerile and altogether boring. Your post defines you, so I guess you now will head back to your group, safety in numbers and all that, no?

  10. You said it BA

    Apr 26, 2014, 15:57 #50271

    "I lump you into the group which you have all set out to manufacture, develop and nurture-that of those who are anti the manager." "if you want to lump everyone into a large herd it kind of dilutes what you have to say, doesn't it?"


    Apr 26, 2014, 15:34 #50270

    Any Old Iron, as a tiddler I lived a few years in Bermondsey, and we little street urchins would sometimes wander up to The Imperial War Museum. We'd be seen kicking a scuffed and raggedy old tennis ball along the pavement, or chasing it into the gutter. We'd have a pocketful of 'fag cards' for our flicking game when time dragged. No money, just a headful of dreams. We'd think climbing a tree was an adventure. Stroll into the museum, look around, tumble back out into the park, then go in search of a water fountain to slake our thirsts. We'd roam around for ages and drift back home towards teatime, awaiting the first ice cream van's visit before we went in for our nosh. Then back out again, grubby-kneed and messy little scamps, scouring around for anyone joining us in the square with a big ball to play football until dark. The sweaty, little dirt-streaked, BADARSE is looking across those mists of time smiling at me. He knows he is immortal, and also knows I am not. All those passing years...but as an Arsenal man they passed beautifully. Good man chris.


    Apr 26, 2014, 14:47 #50269

    Well Green Hut, if you persist in describing in vague ways it is difficult to contend with. It's like trying to punch smoke. 'The main plank of the AKB argument'. Now am I an AKB? I am most definitely not, but if you want to lump everyone into a large herd it kind of dilutes what you have to say, doesn't it? Have these people told you this is their main plank, and who are they? I shall give you my view of the money clubs but will it influence you in any way? I have previously stated that they are anathema to me. Compete against? Well it's clearly very difficult because the disadvantages are apparent. Stronger and more expensive squads pretty much rule the day. The division is of those rich pair, a clutch of pretty good challengers, of which we are one, and the rest-a band of no-hopers. Liverpool are also in our grouping. They've had a stupendous season in the PL and may win it. Bully for them, it happens! The rest of your post again assumes abstract proportions in 'spending money is chasing rainbows' etc. Who gives you this information? I am perplexed. Then a sweeping statement to end on, which effectively says, if you don't see it my way and don't agree with this analysis you are a sentimentalist content to see the club drift. Wow! Just checked and am none of those. I remain yours, courteously confused by the indictment that I seem to be charged with. Oh and Everton have just lost 2-0 at Southampton. Deep joy!

  13. Green Hut

    Apr 26, 2014, 14:24 #50268

    Chris- Please read again my post 53283 from yesterday, it was a fair and reasonable response to you misrepresenting my viewpoint. I could call it lying but that would be rude. Today you accuse my ilk of trying 'to twist everything into anti-Wenger propaganda, leaving reality far behind in the process'! In your reply to 53283 you once again- in 2014 when even Wenger concedes that things are different- imply that he could have had this season's Champions League money denied to him. Today you accuse me of delusion! Mate you score top marks for persistence but worryingly low for self-awareness. BADARSE- The main plank of the AKB argument has always been that it is impossible to compete with the petro-dollar clubs for the league title without spending the kind of money that they do, and to even attempt to do so by spending the money that we do have would be pointless and tantamount to 'chasing rainbows'. There were no conditions set, it was presented as an absolute. That argument has been blown apart this season, and the only fans that can't see that are those be-careful-what-you-wish-for sentimentalists content to see the club continue to drift while those around us move forward and prosper. It doesn't matter anyway, they've won again if yesterday's Wenger quotes confirm what we already know. Guess it's been a good week to bury bad news.

  14. two more years

    Apr 26, 2014, 13:57 #50267

    Yippee ya yeah!!! yehaa yehaa yehaa!!! Ride em Arsene. No one gunna mess with the 4th place boys for another 2 years. Yippee ya yeah!!!

  15. Mandrakes being scoffed again!

    Apr 26, 2014, 13:19 #50265

    Where's Gaz when you need him. If and when you see Badarse's last post - please give your view?!

  16. Any Old Iron

    Apr 26, 2014, 13:00 #50262

    Badarse, thanks for your reply. I like your individuality, and how you espouse it. I am a Londoner; Lambeth, Islington, Haringey and now Essex. As I said, although I personally feel that Arsene Wenger will never change from type, and as such feel Arsenal will never reach the heights that we deserve, I do not subscribe to the 'head on a plate' stance any longer. I was vehemently opposed to his management style for the good and obvious reasons. But, I want no Pyrrhic victory. With all that said - there are many many more important things in life.


    Apr 26, 2014, 12:55 #50261

    Oh Bitchy Park, you with the eniggy cod piece, transloop you welly, no doubtings, but now then, now then, with Liverpud voice, letter Olsen Vinegar employted your usage. Goodly gracions, it is a puzzly thing to checking on the BADASK and twistlowly supporting him, when indeedy they are the olde worlde Artsnil Fluteball Clump fanwells. They yellon everlast the wordies, 'Groot on Artsnil', do you very otherwise peeps doing the sameways? It is a deep joy feely, I say, deep joy. Trysomes, firstly in the bathrood when no niddy can see or hear it on, then if bravery is it then in a cinnymarm when they showy picflicks. Then you cab say with not some contraceptions, 'I are Artsnil, and I lovely Olsen Vinegar, for a doubling up of yearlong.'

  18. Any Old Iron

    Apr 26, 2014, 12:28 #50260

    @ Chris, that made me chuckle. Perhaps he's got a Wenger-Swingometer wired up and has asked Bletchley Park to monitor the Gooner online chatter! He knows a cup delivery may well sate some if no everyone's thirst.


    Apr 26, 2014, 12:24 #50258

    Any Old Iron, sometimes a name belies the individual, being an old 'cockney', (albeit born outside of the sound of Bow Bells), I attributed that to you, in the first instance. Engaging with you and just reading your last posting speaks of a volume of difference. The musings and reflections-and all the ramifications of disturbance of thought and confusion stems from the fact that we are sentient beings, and that we are conscious thinkers. We bare the gravity and the lightness of understanding in every step we take from cradle to grave. I am an atheist and it simplifies the thinking process in that it limits me from circular thoughts, which would invariably go into ever decreasing circles. John Lennon once said, 'We eat, we s**t, we sleep.' And that's it dude. That simple, anything else we have grafted on. If you come back to basics, (I can't bare this new age cosmic-speak of 'centreing yourself', an ugly expression), life is so, so simple. My loved ones die, and only the memory of them remains-until I die and then they disappear into oblivion. It's why in a previous post I said 'I loved Geordie Armstrong, now I love his memory'. It is a sadness that can descend so shake yourself when it begins to settle on you. Think of the here and now chum, focus on a good thought, then get back in the saddle-remember the questers remount tomorrow to begin a short journey for the ensuing battle. My words carry weight, but I talk a better fight than I can manage on some scores. Advice like this is one such. The closest we can come to revisiting men and times of the future is with a sensible approach of thought. Even then their are so many permutations and ramifications we will all arrive at different junctures. I am locked into what will be, and along with the beauty I envisage I see dark and dreaded ages ahead. Our club is a perfect template of things to come. I fear for the children, their children and theirs. Old greybeards like me are toppling off that old conveyor belt daily, and with all our misguided gibberish, and inability to convey there is a message at root. Voices will soon be silenced. Kids now have little or no concept of what was Arsenal, in fifty years time will anyone? You should have joined our book club, I could have recommended many that would have coloured the picture that I have just sketched. Your closing line is the way to salvation fella, 'Come on Arsenal!' Hope this doesn't sound too heavy people, just blame it on Arsene Wenger if you like.

  20. Chris

    Apr 26, 2014, 12:13 #50257

    That's right, 'Wenger Out', I understand records show that Wenger was feverishly checking Onlinegooner to ensure he had the continued support of Badarse and Westlower before making a final decision on his future...

  21. Wenger's departure has the handbrake permanently applied (GOD HELP US)

    Apr 26, 2014, 12:12 #50256

    Yes, Wenger out is right. Wenger was never going to leave as he's created his Eco-utopian environment in which he's in his perfect comfort zone where he's not afraid of continuous failure. No, indeed it's his virtue! Good grief more of the same bread & butter diet with no afters!


    Apr 26, 2014, 11:26 #50255

    Worrying article on sky sports today... Wenger has convinced himself that he's the right man to 'continue' at Arsenal and we all know the board won't sack him in a million years. This is the fault of all those who go soft on him every time we put a couple of wins together against relegation fodder, you all have the memory span of a gold fish! Here's to 2 more years of embarrassing defeats and dire football... wake me up when he's gone!

  23. Any Old Iron

    Apr 26, 2014, 10:44 #50254

    Morning to you Badarse and all, I was just wondering, perhaps in the vicissitude of time and place, and in posterity we will all come to appreciate what we have and what we hold dear. I would be interested to hear Mandrakes introspective musings on these matters as he yesterday referred to members of his family. I once too had a younger sister and a mother, but now they lay there Lord bless them in shy of one another, and in shy of me when I visit them in the place where people who once were, now sleep. How I wish I could do, say, make an input, effect a change into things that were then. How I wish I could come back to life to see how men read present events then.. But, alas they are not now, they were then. Yesterday is too late for the morrow's abate. " In the headlong rush and all the alarm, I overlooked the potential at another human being's harm. " Any incoherent or not mumbo-jumbo from Mandrake will be greedily digested! One more thing "Come on Arsenal, come on Arsenal.......!

  24. Chris

    Apr 26, 2014, 9:47 #50253

    The last two posts by Westlower and Badarse have to be two of the best and most insightful I've read on here, making a mockery of jj's claims of Ron being the best poster here. Of course I wouldn't celebrate Liverpool not winning the title - it shows how deluded GH has become, his head clouded by anti-Wenger venom. Increasingly it's bizarre to see the WOB's contort as they try to twist everything into anti-Wenger propaganda, leaving reality far behind in the process. There are people on this page who are prepared to accept the obvious fact that Liverpool have been helped by no European football this season, but refuse to accept obvious implications of this because it might 'let Wenger off the hook'. This, gentlemen, is insanity. And three cheers to Westlower for pointing out that in some cases, this anti-Wengerism seems a thinly veiled excuse to distance themselves in the bad times. And for Badarse for pointing out the obvious about Ron's swings of mood that reveal the vitriol towards the manager just below the surface - you are fooling no one but yourself, Ron!


    Apr 26, 2014, 8:29 #50252

    Green Hut, just reread a few posts-didn't have much time to absorb yesterday evening, I just fired off a couple in support of views. Your post is an odd one. Your post has been satisfactorily answered by westlower but the post betrays a peculiar group mind set. I lump you into the group which you have all set out to manufacture, develop and nurture-that of those who are anti the manager. Ron is a classic in that constantly he refutes this position as if he isn't really concerned at all, then his guard slips and venom trickles out. Like your post odd, but not unusual. You make a wild, stunted and completely wrong assertion and deliver it as fact. Then others seize on the essence and build on it as if it is an axiom, until it is so far removed from reality that it becomes laughable. Celebrate Liverpool's possible failure? Are you mad? Why would anyone, unless they have a personal bête noir lurking in their background-'Oh he took my bird from me and he was a Scouser therefore I hate Liverpool'. I am uncomfortably set against the two big money clubs, which though stupidly childish in practise is a rational reaction if you believe in fair play and equality of all things where reasonably justified. Liverpool are not lilywhite but are closer to my acceptance. You really shouldn't try to inflame an already divided fan base.

  26. Westlower

    Apr 26, 2014, 8:09 #50251

    @Green Hut, It's a well established trend that the top 3 clubs provide the following years Champions. Maybe there's a good reason to not finish 4th? Liverpool are the exception that proves the rule. Periodically, circumstances can change the status quo. You're misguided in your belief that AKB's will celebrate should Liverpool fail to win the title. Unless I've had a bet to the contrary I don't have any preferences who wins if it's not to be AFC. I backed AFC at 28/1 to win PL, 5/1 to win FA Cup & Everton to finish 4th at 17/1. I don't bet blindly on AFC to win everything and often oppose them in individual games. I feel that WOB's use the Wenger out excuse as a way of distancing themselves from supporting the team during the bad times. It's when the club & team needs us most.


    Apr 25, 2014, 21:54 #50250

    Bard you said on the other article that George Armstrong would have thrived in the modern game. This is the single truest post I have read. Absolutely my friend. I would give a king's ransom to have him on our flanks right now. If only we could find even a pale imitation of him it would automatically make us more deadly. A great player and a great man. Loved him to bits, and now love his memory.


    Apr 25, 2014, 21:38 #50249

    Welcome home westlower. I've just got in and seen you are back and read the tribute to Geordie Armstrong, powerful karma buddy. That single moment when everyone on the pitch stopped as the ball rolled out of play...but it didn't! Geordie stopped it, turned and in one movement looked, zeroed in and executed a perfect cross onto Big Ray's head. A jump and a flick of the head and we were 2 minutes away from being champions. That moment shall remain. Nice words pal.

  29. Green Hut

    Apr 25, 2014, 21:11 #50247

    Westlower- Great stat mate, so what you're saying is that in every recent season one of the teams with a more congested fixture list has ended up as champions. Surely it should be the other way round? One thing's for certain though, if Liverpool fail to win the league the huge AKB celebrations will dwarf anything that occurs after we beat Hull.

  30. Westlower

    Apr 25, 2014, 19:43 #50245

    @Bard, Since the Premier League was formed in 1992/93 the Champions have always finished in the first three in the previous season. Liverpool are in a wonderful position to break that trend & not many would have predicted that. I believe it's relative to their main rivals stuttering from fixture congestion, travel fatigue, lack of game prep time & injuries. Liverpool have surely been blessed on all those factors this season.

  31. Mandrake

    Apr 25, 2014, 19:29 #50243

    Seems ages Arsenal.Today my mother and sisters came to see me. I had been alone a long time with my poems, my pride . . . almost nothing. My sister---the oldest---is grown up, is blondish. An elemental dream goes through her eyes: I told the youngest "Life is sweet. Everything bad comes to an end." My mother smiled as those who understand souls tend to do; She placed two hands on my shoulders. She's staring at me . . . and tears spring from my eyes. We ate together in the warmest room of the house. Spring sky . . . to see it all the windows were opened. And while we talked together quietly of so much that is old and forgotten, My sister---the youngest---interrupts: "The swallows are flying by us."

  32. Bard

    Apr 25, 2014, 17:10 #50240

    Chris; I agree the extra games makes a difference. But it doesn't seem to have hampered Untd over the years or Chelsea for that matter. ( this year excepted). The gripe I have Chris is that we have become a club that looks for excuses be it injuries or in the case you raise number of games. The truth is that we haven't been good enough over the last 8/9 years to win anything and when we've been in with a shout we either bottle it or we don't go that extra mile to sign a player that will make a difference. The responsibility for this state of affairs is Wenger's and his alone. You can spin it every which way but that's the bottom line. We'll see where Liverpool go from here.

  33. jjetplane

    Apr 25, 2014, 14:36 #50233

    What has happened at Liverpool this season is not just jack-in-the-box effort from a few disparate elements. Watching this lot even half a decade back I was struck by the energy and power of them. What has happened now is the coaching has become more incisive and Gerrard has become their Tony Adams as pitch source of inspiration. Maybe - if we are to fumble around with the idea - Arsenal had had a few seasons away from the coffer-swelling CL they may have added a couple of PLs. Sounds unlikely and it probably is. I would put Liverpool's possible success down to the new coach who has managed to fire up the squad and inspire the youngsters. As RON as said - the best team wins it every time. I hope it's them as I hope (ridiculous) Athletico nab big ears. The best team is the one that exploits any holes in their rivals. Winning runs wear anyone down. Arsenal need to relearn (new boss) how to go on a run that hurts the others. The last year has been largely cosmetic with the occasional team-suicide thrown in. Last point - I do refer to RON as others do because he is simply the best poster on here. He knows his football. Hey & we are champions down here so only another season and it could be the Ryman. I ****ing love it! World Cup - what's that all about then. Poor people pissed off with the rich folk intent in turning the game into something akin to the National Opera only the seats cost more. What do we want? Football! When do we want it? Now? Onward the favellas and the estates of Islington ..... Have a nice weekend.


    Apr 25, 2014, 14:21 #50232

    Oh Any Old Iron, a great post, ha ha. 'Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble...I wish things hadn't changed. I wish the European Cup was around and just for champions, the Cup Winners for them and the UEFA for League Cup winners and the next three in the league(?). I wish I was still a young man. I wish we had a fairer society/world. I wish there were no Multinational companies. I wish we had only a few chains and none for eating in, or shackling women. I wish I was still paying my tanner to get into the North Bank at Highbury and singing with the lads...oh boy do I wish! KC, as said previously we are close in most aspects. I prefer you since you left behind The Sunshine Band-was Arsene responsible for the split? Only kidding chum. If we begin a new term with Arsene in control the clock will have begun to run down on his last two years. It would be good to see an improvement in some questionable areas-they do not completely escape me-and if we can win that cup and get a new silhouette printed inside the stadium reading '2014' it may be a start. In the meantime it's a suck it and see time.

  35. Any Old Iron

    Apr 25, 2014, 14:21 #50231

    I thought if also mention just in case it's been overlooked - in the Dol Campell article SOE have closed down Station X's transmission as Mandrake has become increasingly dangerous to the operational integrity of their Enigma machine. They cite a very high security risk as the reason!

  36. Any Old Iron

    Apr 25, 2014, 14:02 #50230

    Whilst I agree Liverpool not being involved in Europe has favoured them and agree with CHRIS in this, it's not in anyway shape of form an endorsement of Wenger. Others do that not bet ably. Just that I can see that it doesn't have to be vitriolic. Badarse - a cup is a cup and I for one will not frown upon it. Some years ago it would've brought Cup Winners Cup entry. That was a great tournament. One Arsenal have a particularly noted history in. But in an other analogy :- Video killed the radio star, so it was with that tournament. The Eufa cup was the superior of the Europa League also. The Champions league whilst pushing the pinnacle up has done so at cost to the other tournament/s. What a shame. Does anything change for the better. Thus Spoke Zarathustra..... On Wenger, I know you, Chris and a few others, are not up for a coup d'état. Every liege has his praetorian guard. Caesar did too. The ranters and ravers though look increasingly like being disappoimted as Wenger is near bailed on to stay.,Whilst you urbane souls less demonstrative, and on a PH scale 7 will get another term. Mandrakes been eating the stuff; his musing has revealed stops, spots, and changing of non-colours is a Sanogo Leopard!

  37. KC

    Apr 25, 2014, 13:44 #50229

    There is no doubt that Liverpool have been helped by their quantity of games but that is just a side show of an excuse. Over the years teams that have won the league have generally had to deal with a lot of games. Arsenal do suffer with a general lack of what Wenger calls top top quality and deepness to the squad and if you are unlucky with injuries this gets highlighted. A clear example is Walcott's injury it took a quality player although some times frustrating one out, but more importantly it took all the pace away. People claim we had strikers to back up Giroud i.e. Poldoski and Walcott but Wenger has shown great reluctance to play them up top, at the start of last season he played Gervinho up top. The bottom line is that at the start of the season you have to judge your squad against the competitions you are in and we were clearly short especially up front. Liverpool had a squad to deal with their competitions and yes they have been lucky with injuries but I bet they strengthen for next season. My issue and concern with Wenger is that he does gamble with the squad one striker was criminal, but he seems to forget our injury record, Walcott, Ramsey, Wilshire, Diaby, Gibbs, Rosicky, Vermaelen, are all liable to injuries and missing big chunks of the season as history shows, add Arteta's age into the pot and I think he should be taking all this into consideration, or finding out why we suffer so much with injuries season after season.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 25, 2014, 13:38 #50228

    DW Thomas, spot on if only some at our club had the balls to rein him in, but then he'd probably take the huff and leave and that's probably what their worried about and you can bet that will still have that clause in his new contract.We can all laugh at the demise of man yoo and nobody has laughed more than my self but at least they showed balls in recognizing they made a mistake and done/doing something about it, if only our yanks had the same balls and ambition. And one's things for dammed sure the demise of the red mancs will not last long because unlike Arsenal they'll not make the same mistake again and keep making it.


    Apr 25, 2014, 13:30 #50227

    chris and Any Old Iron, as we are clearing the decks I would say this. I, like all want Arsenal to win everything. I am a realist and it translates to me that a sense of sacrificing the League Cup sadly is a necessity to aid a better chance in the big two competitions. That leaves the FA Cup out on a limb too. We have progressed this season mainly because our squad has changed. We have a much more even settled group of players, perhaps not as good as recent squads where we housed the likes of Fabregas, Nasri or van Persie, but a much more equal set of players. Take out Jack and Aaron steps in, Santi and in comes Pod, Gibbsy and we have Nacho. More seasoned and it has helped-plus the home draws. If the powers that be wanted a higher status for the FA Cup make the winner a CL entrant. The two biggies are obvious, each bring bags full of money to the club, by finishing 4th or having no more than skipping through the group then stumbling. It is a profitable model and continues. I want better but not with a coup or anything similar. That is my position. I don't think I qualify for the firing squad at dawn for holding that viewpoint. Am I frustrated? Yes on occasions, but still able to focus on my club and currently bidding for a top four finish and a cup win. I shall celebrate both if they are delivered. Priority? Obviously the cup!


    Apr 25, 2014, 13:03 #50225

    Gaz, the apology is all mine fella. The problem with these posts is the tone is open to interpretation. For the record I am an even-tempered chap, never, ever get angry, blustering or go into a Wildman's act, (except when I lose my temper-which is rare). I try really hard to explain intrinsic feelings, thoughts and views because I know that communicating can be very difficult. I do tell people when I think they have crossed the line, because rarely do I cross it, and I think it just isn't nice! I never hold a grudge. I think I've understood Ron's personality from day one and we are in many ways chalk and cheese. He has much to offer though, and I would always engage if there was an invitation to do so. Your question confuses me a little-(because it's so simple)-as it has nothing to do with the unbearable lightness of being, (jjetplane gets it-sing up dude). Who has actually downplayed Liverpool's likely, but unconfirmed success? My position is simple, they are on the verge of winning the title and a big factor was having fewer games to play. They had to be a good side, they had to have unity and desire and a bundle of other contributing qualities too, but fewer games has aided them. That is a simple fact. Do I want to devalue any trophy that they might win? Not at all. Although they have financial skeleton's rattling in the cupboard they are spendthrifts compared to the ugliness of the money-influenced clubs, as in Chelsea and Manchester City. I have no axe to grind with them either it's just that an extremely unfair advantage of financial help offends my sensibilities in fair play and sportsmanship. Beyond that nothing. I know with all it's warts and boils my club is the classiest in the land. So for me Liverpool for the title then MC, (this is for a selfish reason as there are fewer MC fans here in the south to have a dig at us). If we won the title in any fashion it would be worthy of celebration. Why if we win the FA Cup we will be the only club to have won it TWICE without leaving London. An advantage? Probably. Celebrate it? Yeah, me and Rocky RIP have a large table cleared for us and any other to get up on and dance. Hope those going to the Final take some toy monkeys with them to toss onto the pitch if we do win.

  41. Gaz

    Apr 25, 2014, 12:44 #50224

    Good old Arsene....'managers deserve time to get things right'. Hmmm, what point could he possibly be trying to make there?... Oh, have you heard the IG breaking news? Diaby has picked up a little groin strain and is out of Mondays game...sigh...

  42. Gaz

    Apr 25, 2014, 12:26 #50223

    I realise it was a difficult question to answer (well actually it wasn't-I'm just being sarcastic!) but I see nobody has said what there response would actually be if we won the title in exactly the same way Liverpool might and I came on here and both devalued the achievement and called it lucky. My guess is that those same people dcurrently downplaying the achievement (if it happens) would be the first ones on here to give me reasons why I'm talking bollox. Come on, you all know its true...

  43. Chris

    Apr 25, 2014, 12:22 #50222

    Green Hut - On the contrary, I have often said that a) I want us to qualify for the CL and b) that the money will be useful. The fact is the CL money allows Wenger to slightly exceed Liverpool's expenditure (or allows more money to be secreted elsewhere within the club whilst that spend is maintained, depending on your outlook). From a playing perspective, we haven't been helped, compared to Liverpool, by being in the CL. Whether that should have lead to a substantially larger expenditure on transfers and wages to help us cope with those demands is another issue, but the reality is it didn't.

  44. Gaz

    Apr 25, 2014, 12:12 #50220

    @BADARSE: If I gave the impression I was 'backslapping' Ron because of any comments aimed at you I apolagise. Any 'backslapping' was aimed at the general points Ron made which I totally agreed with...

  45. Green Hut

    Apr 25, 2014, 12:03 #50218

    Chris- I don't disagree at all, either vehemently or non-vehemently. What I have simply done is to offer perspective and balance by giving the full Champions League picture that you and others who brought Liverpool's reduced fixture list into the debate have failed to acknowledge, that being the huge amount of extra money that Champions League teams are able to spend on strengthening their squads in advance of the extra games. Money that Liverpool were denied. I don't ever remember a great number of Wenger's supporters wishing for a fifth or sixth place finish to enhance our title challenge, but I don't read every post so maybe I missed them.

  46. Any Old Iron

    Apr 25, 2014, 11:35 #50216

    Chris you're right about Liverpool's season overall. Let's hope we can lift the cup. An 11th win to put us on a par with the Mancs!

  47. Chris

    Apr 25, 2014, 11:24 #50215

    Any Old Iron - I'm not aware of anyone suggesting that CL participation is the sole explanation for Arsenal's Big Dip this season. But the absence of CL football for Liverpool is part of the context in which their PL success this season needs to be viewed within. That's all.

  48. Any Old Iron

    Apr 25, 2014, 11:22 #50214

    Chris - as Badarse has said on a sliding scale there's nothing really between us. We all want Arsenals betterment. How we all wish it could be under Arsene Wenger. I would love it to be. I'm not anti-Arsene, I'm pro-Arsenal. I just cannot see It happening under Arsene any longer. My eyes don't deceive me. Of course hope us always there that Arsene will approach things differently.

  49. Chris

    Apr 25, 2014, 10:32 #50212

    Badarse - Although I'm on record as saying that I would welcome the right manager to come in and oversee a progression ot the very highest level, I am generally more in agreement with your positive outlook than the 'anti-Wengers'. And given the choice, I would much rather success at the highest level came under this manager than under the hypothetical new one. I'm just not sure that we should be waiting much longer to fins out if that's going to happen...

  50. Any Old Iron

    Apr 25, 2014, 10:29 #50211

    Chris - I agree that CL participation does invariably drain resources. Mourinho was the first to publicly state Liverpool were the favourites when they hit the summit for Christmas. Chelsea in particular have been caught with both eyes on both pots. Whilst they're still in the hunt for the pair. It appeared sometime ago Mourinho fancied the European flavoured one. Man City too have been derailed somewhat. Arsenals though mate is more complex at explaining away solely on that basis. As a Wenger defence counter-argument it won't hold much sway. It also lacks credence.,Sorry!

  51. Chris

    Apr 25, 2014, 10:09 #50208

    Bard - The best team over the 38 games wins the league. No disagreement with you there. But other factors influence which team that is, such as the other playing commitments they have. It's not that controversial and the fact you and GH disagree so vehemently looks to me because it suits your agenda to do so. Given that yo both obviously understand football, I find it hard to believe that you don't think 20% extra games, of high intensity midweek CL football, wouldn't have affected Liverpool's PL results.


    Apr 25, 2014, 7:16 #50207

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. Firstly FP Gooner, thank you for your misevaluated insight. It was more Willie Young than Carl Jung, but I get where you are coming from-Ron's side of the fence. Just to clarify, I am dispirited by the recurrence of the Go/Stay chit chat, which in all honesty is a Go chat. One or two offer resistance, notably myself or westlower. Others agree but rarely post and are conveniently dismissed or character-assassinated. With us two we ask for different approaches because we are constants, and boy do we get it! Human nature or not, sometimes it is less than pleasant. The herd always bands together and tries to eject the rogue, or if you are still locked into insulting mode the runt. Yesterday in a loose post I asked if the game with Chelsea was a poor one as I only saw the last 20 mins. I got a tirade of nonsense from Ron in return, then people slapping him on the back for a good job. I'm sorry but some really need to focus. My gibberish? I spontaneously threw that in as I do like entertaining as you all know, but this had a specific purpose. I wanted to check for negativity. It was an observational success. I got a couple of negative reactions as expected. I just hoped as an aside it would make for a smile. FP Gooner tried to analyse me through it- interesting. Any old enough would have recognised that I borrowed it from Professor Stanley Unwin, a kiwi comedian from way back. Anywhistle I have explanted my posishunned and can obliquely say goon morry to each and every, so custardly piecaps at the reddy, begint. And FP Gooner I am liked by those I hold dear, respected as much as any lowly creature who works overtime at caring for others, but feared by none-though I do enact a fearsome Clint Eastwood gait when ready to confront, so I am told. This must be locked away in the genes from caveman days, or possibly learnt by watching too much Telly as a nipper. As dear old Spike would say, 'Peace, Love and Light'. Good old Arsenal.

  53. DW Thomas

    Apr 25, 2014, 3:06 #50206

    Dudes. Not to sound like a yank surfer, but that s..t was funny. Especially the enigma line and fluent Martian! Wow we can get so roused up on here huh?! This is more fun reading and decoding than any sane arguments over Wenger and his failings! Made me laugh out loud, I s..t you not! Yet, I take a step back to the earlier disagreements and although my heart can understand those who defend Wenger, my mind thinks surely this club can do and be more! It has the potential to great, but great glory takes great risks, non? No one at the club seems to have the balls to really change track and make bold decisions to take the club "forward". Like many of you, I have heard enough spin, seen enough fools gold to last a lifetime. Had we simply put forth enough money, we might have nabbed Suarez and be where Liverpool is now! And no it's not just money that wins titles, but it doesn't hurt does it? This club has made too many false steps, bad decisions to simply give my support to without great criticism and skepticism. Wenger, if he stays, should be given the shortest of leashes and forced to go all out with whatever cash we truly do have to make a creditable effort to win the league and/or CL. And that is being nice to the man! I agree with most his time has been up for quite awhile now. So if he is gifted one last chance after so many, many collapses, CHANGE must be demanded. Better transfers, better tactics, no more dips..tty sound bites. No more water bottle throwing or futile attempts at jacket zipping. No more excuses that just belittle our intelligence. Earn your king's salary and figure out how to win one of the 2 big ones! It's the least you can do to repay our patience. And for goodness sake, show some grit and bottle that can rub off on your players!

  54. Bletchley Park

    Apr 25, 2014, 2:44 #50205

    Station X here again: I've just carried out a preliminary test on those last two posts as described by Mr Gaz. Mr Maguiresbridge was quite close in his assessment it is Martian. I can tell you both in fact that it's a farther most intergalactic Ur -Anus script! The Enigma machine has decoded the two dialects.

  55. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 25, 2014, 1:09 #50204

    Well there you have it realists, it was only a matter of time until it came to this and that time has arrived, the bottom of barrel has been scraped that much for excuses for OGL that there's nothing left from his apologists and disciples, only fluent martian.

  56. Bletchley Park

    Apr 25, 2014, 0:08 #50203

    Dear Gaz, Station X here. Please arrive promptly. Your Loan Enugma Machine will be ready. I took the liberty of evaluating the 'coded' work you intend to use it for. Good luck, you may need!

  57. FPGooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 21:42 #50200

    BADARSE, I suspect your insecurity makes you want to be liked, respected and even feared, but there is no need to try so hard to impress others on here. jjetplane, good point on lack of pitch insecurity, a consequence of having a squad limited in quantity and quality.

  58. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 21:41 #50199

    Those last two posts? Anybody got a spare enigma machine?...

  59. Mandrake

    Apr 24, 2014, 20:54 #50196

    ome let us reason you wobs.Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea, London has swept about you this score years And bright ships left you this or that in fee: Ideas, old gossip, oddments of all things, Strange spars of knowledge and dimmed wares of price. Great minds have sought you — lacking someone else. You have been second always. Tragical? No. You preferred it to the usual thing: One dull man, dulling and uxorious, One average mind — with one thought less, each year. Oh, you are patient, I have seen you sit Hours, where something might have floated up. And now you pay one. Yes, you richly pay. You are a person of some interest, one comes to you And takes strange gain away: Trophies fished up; some curious suggestion; Fact that leads nowhere; and a tale for two, Pregnant with mandrakes, or with something else That might prove useful and yet never proves, That never fits a corner or shows your use.


    Apr 24, 2014, 20:53 #50195

    Oh golly my goshy! Don't them all over speaky in some dangly ways wished it wasn't how it is. Now don't them say any word of contradicky, I know who you are, ha ha, see it's all like wiggly in the byroads if the jummbernaut rattles all bye and ever does. Yonder salty wounds wooden heal, don't hidey seek, show it true and be away in the wind with you. Resting on your kneeclabbers it's right on the leftwise, so bendy stoop and do little doctor. Then the ball travelly over the shouldem behind he inner the netflick and Bobbin your uncles, Ahsen winning the cuppa an more we the fanslow go whoopee in the airy and shouty out droppy on the pavemendle down drunken, but we wondley the cuppa and it's deep joy all round. Goodly on Arsenlow. Twomen more yearstop for the mangler Ahsen!

  61. Ron

    Apr 24, 2014, 20:50 #50194

    BADARSE - I can only think you possess a very delicate disposition if you can find any alleged 'aggression' in my post earlier 53296. Its just an opinion and with all due respect your retort was predictable in that once again you've shown your tendency to use spite to convey your indignation at anothers view that doesn't quite sit with your own.Im not at all sure what you think that you can 'see through' and not really of a mind to try and work it out. What i see through with your posts and this reply of yours in particular is that you seem to have an issue with anyone with the intelligence to challenge you. I may well speak nonsense (as you say) for all i know, but these are just my thoughts on a posting board that asks for opinions, right or wrong. Carry on trying to disguise your own true self if you like but it doesn't fool me either, but here, as often, much of what you say reads like confusion dressed up as waffle in all honesty.

  62. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2014, 20:21 #50193

    BARD and that muscling is done in the opposition's half as near to the area as possible. Talking of Liverpool it is really half of Suarez's game and like some of the Chelsea men, though not big players they are powerful athletes who dare not put in a shift or they they know they will be warming the bench. We don't have that pitch insecurity at Arsenal but then it is hard to see what is a coherent form of play over the last decade for us. Will be really interested in the Athletico game at Chelski. See who's gonna do what. As with the RM game. I think Liverpool could be a force with their youngsters who are gelling around the Suarez effect. Not sure whether Ozil is quite that sort of player but certainly Ramsay in the last year is good enough to play of anyone. Arsenal seriously need a big trophy yesterday.

  63. Bard

    Apr 24, 2014, 19:33 #50190

    jjetplane; An interesting and thoughtful post mate. I had been thinking the same thing. Pep's style may well have had its day. The problem with it is that sides just concede the space, they don't chase around like headless chickens. They sit tight and try to break quickly. We may be seeing yet another tactical shift in this beautiful game. Liverpool offer an intriguing if unexpected possibility. They are weak enough at the back to give you a chance thereby giving you an incentive to go at them but you run the risk of getting exposed if you don't make anything of it.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 18:29 #50189

    Pass no remarks guys he's lost.

  65. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2014, 18:21 #50188

    BARD FP GoONER superb posts though I think ASrsenal will find it hard to contend at the top for more than even the next two years. They have simply been muscled out of contention by no nonsense power football. Pep's grand design may have possibly had it's day and Wenger's attempts at replication have been fruitless has proven by these barren years where policies that are as suitable to a furniture outlet have been deployed time and time again to appease the pockets of a few journeying business vultures. You need a beak for that and guess who's got one .... Am never really impressed by Maureen but much entertained but if RM beat Bayern that will be a footballing turnaround. On the break with exceptional forwards. Stirling stuff indeed!


    Apr 24, 2014, 18:13 #50187

    Did someone mention clowns?

  67. FPGooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 18:09 #50186

    Jim, so, you are ok with Arsenal not winning anything, as long as they finish 4th every season? You do realise the people who benefit massively are Kroenke and his cohorts, Gazidis (£1 million bonus for not winning anything, good job) and Wenger. We should be looking to win the league every year. We haven't made a serious effort to win it for years. A serious effort means having the right players, tactics and a strategy. What do we have? A man who can't fight his way out of his own coat. If you are one of the AKBs who shouted that we were going to win the league this year, you will also probably be rejoicing before the new season starts that we are top of the league (even though its for alphabetical reasons). While Wenger presides over this farce, EVERY year is a sabbatical from winning the league. The matter of winning the league is a serious matter for serious clubs with serious managers. We are starting to look like clowns and jesters.

  68. Bard

    Apr 24, 2014, 18:06 #50185

    Belatedly Green Hut you stole my thunder but I'm a generous man. Ron; dead right mate the best team wins the league end of. All the other stuff is b******s. For once Westie we agree. i watched the Chelsea game it was anti football. Semi of the CL and he plays 4 holding midfielders! He's playing for pens from the word go. He will implode before too long. Badarse I wouldn't be too sad for Moyes he will pick up a tidy sum and be back in business sooner than you think. This money debate about who spends what miss the point Wenger couldn't win the league if he had £200m to spend. Currently its taken him the best part of two transfers windows to sign one superstar ( we hope) and an injured loanee from a Russian team. I really hope he takes proper stock and doesn't sign a new contract. The first hammering we get next season the atmosphere will be toxic at the Emirates. I would hate him to be sacked Moyes style. He deserved to leave with dignity. All those wanting him to stay on need to recognise that by doing so you're consigning him to a humiliating ending. Next season will be a dog fight now that Liverpool have joined the chosen 4. And we know from the past 9 years that the boss doesn't relish dogfights.If you love the bloke as much as you suggest on this site then you need hope that old David Dein will have had a quiet word with him.

  69. Stevieo

    Apr 24, 2014, 17:45 #50183

    Jim. We've been on a 9 year sabbatical as it is.


    Apr 24, 2014, 17:37 #50182

    Hi Gaz. Listen buddy, if a member of my family treads on my toes I politely ask them to step off. They are still my family. Some in my family I get on with better than with other members. I love them all though. One in particular in my family I do not like very much, but still love him. I do remember 1968 well and learned then that, 'There's nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game-it's easy! All you need is love!' All together now!

  71. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 17:26 #50180

    There goes my 'one big happy family' theory out of the window then!!!...

  72. Jim

    Apr 24, 2014, 17:24 #50179

    If Wenger can get the exact results that means Arsenal finish 4th each year he's more of a genius than we are giving him credit for. Wenger starts each season with a genuine belief that we can win the league, the fact that we are the only side who have consistently finished top four since 97 proves he's more consistent than his opponents. Or are you advocating that Arsenal should only attempt to win the title every few years and take a few sabbaticals so we can concentrate on the cups.

  73. Chris

    Apr 24, 2014, 17:08 #50178

    Green Hut - I think 4th place is a GOOD THING because I want us to be in the CL (even if I know we almost certainly won't win it). But I accept that it is more difficult to win the PL if you're playing extra games in Europe. I also imagine that Wenger's budget would be restricted if we didn't qualify, so that's another reason it's a good thing. Oh - and if we ever did try to make a marquee signing, I imagine it would be harder without CL football. BTW - in post 53210 I meant to say: "Look at the calibre of player that United or Liverpool ARE BEING LINKED WITH CURRENTLY and then us..."


    Apr 24, 2014, 17:08 #50177

    Hi Jim, thanks for the words of support, they meant a lot. When you are posting on what you perceive to be a heavily biased site opposing your views it can be laborious, naturally the reverse is true when you post what the majority want to hear. It doesn't phase me, but I do get tired of it all sometimes and just pull away. As I said it was a nice supportive post but your previous one was the one for me. I lived through the 1960-61 season, and though a youngster-and with serious questions levelled at my comprehension of the game of football recently-am not sure if you want to trust my assessment. They were a good side, but far from great. Much of their play was about stirring the troops from the likes of Dave Mackay. One of the most wonderful scheming inside forwards in John White, a pair of nippy wingers in Cliff Jones and Terry Dyson and a bulldog 'crash bang wallop' centre forward in Bobby Smith. They won the cup in '62, Cup Winners Cup in '63, then evaporated into the pages of history. By doing the Double and making a new points record of 66 shortcomings were overlooked, as they usually are. A good but not great side, and ephemeral. We were getting the criticism of being boring even in our '71 Double year. Yeah, boring even though we scored more goals than any other team in the division. We played to our strengths admittedly, but Geordie Armstrong whipping the ball over with pinpoint accuracy time after time, and Big Raddy and Ray Kennedy filling their boots with so many goals was unbelievably boring, ha ha.

  75. FPGooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 17:05 #50176

    @Jim, not sure of your logic. Wenger has been criticised for selling out Arsenal fans by getting into the CL as his sole ambition, to ensure maximum returns for minimal outlay. He has been accused of not winning anything for the last 9 years. His transfer dealings have been a disaster. His tactics have time and again proved to be farcical resulting in thrashings from all of our rivals this season. Our team are seen as fair game by the opposition to kick off the park, never used to happen. He sells our star striker to one of our main rivals. On the touchline, other coaches read the game and make astute tactical changes and substitutions, Wenger wrings his hands or tries to fight his way out of his sleeping bag. Are you saying that these same arguments are being used to attack our rivals?

  76. Dreamland not Poundland

    Apr 24, 2014, 17:03 #50175

    On a lighter note instead of the article being called Cruise control, as it's Arsene it should be CREDIT CONTROL!

  77. Jim

    Apr 24, 2014, 16:38 #50174

    I find myself agreeing with a lot of what BADARSE says. People seem very happy on here to say AMEN to every negative aimed at Wenger yet are totally against the idea of using the same arguments to attack our rivals. Seems rather hypocritical and childish to me.

  78. Game of Footballs

    Apr 24, 2014, 16:37 #50173

    All are blind in the kingdom of the three-eyed eagle. But some are more blind than others. The dragons are circling as we play.vBpg

  79. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 16:28 #50172

    How i wish Arsenal, indeed it's not to much to wish for or ask for, we all wanted and thought that was what it was going to bring but that was just spin as well even then, apart from the wealth bit, it was true enough, it's certainly made the rich richer and the fat cats fatter, as for the fans? we're still being starved and thrown the scrapes of the imaginary fourth place trophy but some still gobble it up and think it's a five course meal. As for been feared? those days are long gone mate (it's the opposite now )and your right to have no hopes of those days returning, because they never will under this excuse for a manager, FA cup or not.


    Apr 24, 2014, 16:21 #50171

    OK Ron I don't do this-'posTing tennis', I got into it with SGRB once and vowed never again. I see he and chris standing toe to toe getting nowhere, it's not for me, but perhaps SGRB and chris need it, not me. I have to respond because it's you making false statements doesn't make them any truer, despite the 'pats on the back' you receive for the deliverance of the rebuke. You are aggressive, denying does not alter that fact. I defy you or anyone to reread your post and conclude otherwise. Points in hand, I am unsure of the first accusation. I disagree with the hypocrisy on the site? No, there is hypocrisy everywhere but the charge you lay at my door is unearned. Liverpool lucky? No. Fortunate to have a side good enough to take advantage of a smaller games programme certainly. Chelsea thugs? Sometimes thuggish behaviour, but no allusions to that in my posts regarding the S/F. Banter and teasing has to be accepted. You vilify without substance. The second point is a fairly obvious one, but thank you for the unasked for explanation of what it takes to win trophies. To deem a manager to have a narrow footballing philosophy is a point of view, not a hypocrisy, neither do I need to make comparisons with any other manager to substantiate my view. I f you reject that view it is fine by me, as it is just my view, so just ignore it as I do with many of your views. Third point is another unasked for explanation of TV and grading entertainment above or below sport, which is very obscure and irrelevant. I love the sport, and I love the entertainment. Your percentage view of which ranks higher, first or by how much doesn't interest me in the slightest, and certainly not when in a rumbustious manner you deliver it as an absolute. As I said, you saying it in a loud voice doesn't make it so. The last piece is dressed up in nonsense but basically you are trying to use both westlower abd myself to rail at and to issue a diatribe against Arsene Wenger. I see through it chum. Pity others are blinded and impressed by the scything macho approach. I'm not. For me, this is the end of the topic. If you want to continue I suggest you look back over my previous postings to support your claim that I have denigrated other teams' successes. The last part about envy, romanticism of Arsene Wenger and the emotional shackles he has placed on me is utter nonsense and a vehicle for your directed vitriol at Arsene Wenger. For a man not much interested you offer quite an alternative figure.

  81. KC

    Apr 24, 2014, 15:46 #50170

    @How I wish Arsenal were feared in Europe - Yes spot on that was my hope, great stadium, massive fan base should lead to a Great Team. I was there in Paris twice, Copenhagen against the Turks three finals all lost. I remember watching Milan I believe destro Barcelona and that was the dream for Arsenal to be the best in Europe - We have an awful lot in place to achieve it if only the club would go the extra mile.

  82. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 15:43 #50169

    @Jim: That was the perception though wasn't it Jim? Bit like the perception that we still paly fantastic flowing football...

  83. Jim

    Apr 24, 2014, 15:09 #50168

    Gaz I can't ever remember Spurs playing decent football in fact it's a myth made up by their fans the same as us being boring,doesn't really exist.

  84. Green Hut

    Apr 24, 2014, 14:40 #50167

    Chris- It's remarkable how in the last few months Champions League qualification has gone from something akin to the air that we breathe to an irritation with potentially damaging consequences. Just so there's no argument at the end of May, can we clarify now whether winning The Fourth Place Trophy this season will be a good thing or a bad thing?

  85. Chris

    Apr 24, 2014, 14:17 #50165

    Green Hut - I obviously haven't made my point clearly so I apologise. I'm not downplaying the impact of the CL - I've no doubt that Wenger wouldn't have been able to maintain the spend he has (net transfers and wages) without the revenue form it. But unless it elevates Wenger's budget significantly above Rodgers' rather than hauling it level, it doesn't give an advantage. And that is what you are talking about - whether being in the CL gives Wenger, specifically, an advantage over Rodgers, specifically. In any case, even if it did raise Wenger's budget well over Rodgers' (and there is no evidence that is the case) that advantage would be dissipated to an extent by having to play 20% more competitive games than Liverpool and the extra squad demands that would entail.

  86. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 14:13 #50164

    Wenger couldn't win the Champions league when he had a great side with many truly world class players in it. As we've said on many occasions when the great sides are playing the great sides in the big competitions it's the small details that make all the difference. And as we all sadly know Wenger never goes in for those preferring to just 'send his team out to play'...'

  87. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 14:12 #50163

    Ron, excellent shout but as we all know it will be in one ear straight out the other.

  88. Any Old Iron

    Apr 24, 2014, 14:07 #50162

    @ MaguiresBridge - well said! Wenger's Arsenal has been eliminated in the Champs league by Liverpool, Chelsea, and Manure in the semis. All of those ties were blown by Wenger's inability to do what these managers did last night and the night before. I think the Chelsea tie we got a good 1-1 away and lost at home. We lost 4-2 at Anfield when Wenger's defensive Blunderos Almunia cycle was in full swing. Manure also beat us at home. Awful to read. Awful to remember. That's 0-3 to the opposition. Please dress that up!

  89. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 14:01 #50161

    Apologies on last post as it wasn't maureen but made even worse with a novice.

  90. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2014, 13:51 #50160

    You can say what they like about the chavs and maureen but regardless how far they go this time and are laughed at if and when put out even if there's nothing to laugh at as the damage has already been done, another humiliation if you like, they and maureen were the first London club to win big ears and the fact it wasn't mighty Arsenal and OGL is probably what pisses his disciples off more that anything else. And that's probably one thing that pissed us all off but came as no surprise, as most of us fans know OGL hadn't/hasn't it in him to win it and never will.

  91. Green Hut

    Apr 24, 2014, 13:02 #50159

    Chris- Yes I knew what you meant but unless Rodgers' budget was bigger than the £70-80m that most independent analysts estimated Wenger had, then the Champions League money gave Wenger a significant advantage in the transfer market. And it certainly is bizarre to read someone attempt to downplay the potential impact of Champions League qualification when we have been told ad nauseam over the past few years how vital it is. Certainly lack of ambition is one problem but a misguided belief in his own abilities is another, and while over the years we've rarely had more talented players than the big north-west clubs we were never one of the richest clubs in the world back then.

  92. jjetplane

    Apr 24, 2014, 12:23 #50156

    RON was interesting just watching the anti-drama of Maureen on the bench. He's in a Shakespeare play of his own division. You can see how he makes the Ramirez's of the game stick to their task. How he plays Luis is a massive case in hand. So Ramirez has violent conduct, Maureen and his coach are confined to sitting in the car park and Terry needs a new pair of slippers. Onward Athletico! Madrid look like they carry Maureen's residue and it would appear Bayern as ANY OLD IRON have probably got the manager they do not need. Maureen to Bayern next ..... BADArSE you and me on a virtual North Bank singing surreally ... Happy Hedgehogs one and all. **** - forgot this was an Arsenal site. It's so ****ing expansive man! Holy Communion on the Hill - that's Archway.

  93. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 12:09 #50155

    I reckon chelsea are the new us (not very exciting but win trophies) and we're the new spurs (play decent football but hardly ever win anything)...

  94. How I wish Arsenal were feared in Europe...

    Apr 24, 2014, 11:50 #50154

    Some years ago I watched my beloved Arsenal lose to Valencia on pens. Rix and Brady if my memory serves me right - I've followed Arsenal for 40 odd years now. Years later I saw us suffer a catastrophic defeat after John Hartson levelled versus Real Zaragoza. I'll always remember watching our players' utter devastation after that halfway line goal in the closing seconds. Has there ever been a more devastung defeat in European football?! 2000 we lose to Galatasaray in another shootout. Another heartbreak. Is it too much for people like me and others to wish, pray for, that my beloved Arsenal can right these wrongs. I better add Barcelona, or have we forgotten that one in the firmer catalogue of terrible defeats that Arsebal have suffered in Europe. I thought the Emirates would bring wealth and success to the club I love dearly. I wanted to see us enter the arena with the best on Europe and for us to be respected and feared. This looks increasingly unlikely now. I have no hopes in this quarter. I dearly hope we add an 11th Fa cup. Going old Arsenal....

  95. Terry

    Apr 24, 2014, 11:28 #50152

    Ron speaks as wise old Buddah.

  96. Any Old Iron

    Apr 24, 2014, 11:28 #50151

    Getting away from Wenger talk for the moment:- Mourinho and Ancellotti have approached their respective ties with a cautionary approach. The Spanish I cannot remember ever being noted for this. Mourinho came under increasing pressure in Madrid because of his perceived defensive strategy. They have undertaken a near identical approach with the wily Italian Ancellotti. He has been there before and knows the ropes. This Madrid are more expansive though, but an equal adversary to the Mourinho one. Bayern under Juup Heynckes had their best year and demolished Tikka takka Guardiola. Only just beating Mourinho's Madrid. Guardiola has taken Tikka takka with him to Munich. This could fall short this time as Mourinho at Chelsea is a hand in glove. Bayern were more direct under Heynckes. Madrid have the best Triumvirate and a great tactician on the Italian. Whilst these ties are clearly not over, it looks like extra-time shootout territory. Out of these 4 semi finalists I would not back against Mourinho for starters!

  97. Chris

    Apr 24, 2014, 11:20 #50150

    Stevio / Green Hut - What I'm saying is that the CL revenues allow us to spend more, potentially at least. Whilst that helps us, that doesn't necessarily give us an advantage over other teams because it depends what their budget is. If Liverpool's budget in the absence of CL is the same as ours with CL, how does that give the manager an advantage? If the point you are trying to make is one about ambition, then I'm with you. Look at the calibre of player that United or Liverpool and then us, and you have to fear for the future. But this is nothing new in the 38-odd years I've supported Arsenal (with the odd exception)

  98. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 10:51 #50149

    Pedro at Le Grove has also hit the 'nail on the head' with his latest post...

  99. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 10:38 #50148

    @Ron: spot on as usual fella...

  100. Wenger's departure appears to have the handbrake FULL-ON (WORSE LUCK)

    Apr 24, 2014, 10:27 #50147

    @Ron - Precisely!

  101. Ron

    Apr 24, 2014, 10:21 #50146

    Morning BADARSE . No aggression from me my friend. Ill be honest enough to say that i no longer care enough for top level footie to feel that. Couple of quick points though 1. You disagree but there is so much hypocrisy and double standards on these boards. Liverpool are seemingly 'lucky'. Chelsea are seemingly thugs and tedious. Its rubbish. If the Arsenal were in the same position doing the same things as those Clubs and ran by the same people, those who seek to devalue their achievements such as yourself and others who cant/wont see Arsenals/ Wengers stark shortcomings would be overjoyed and crowing from the rooftops. 2. Winning top tournaments calls for the playing of a percentage game and maximising your opportunities only as and when they clearly occur. Wenger doesn't have this skill or the mindset. To deem Mourinho as having a narrow philosophy on the game is with respect more hypocrisy. Whos mindset is narrower than Wengers? 3. Football will always survive, dour and defensive eras. The TV might not want it long term i grant you that and there are many punters who wdt either, no doubt. The TV would be no great loss and neither would the type of fan who seeks his 'entertainment' from within a football stadium. Football is a sport first and 'entertainment' a very far back second. I reiterate my view that the views of those like yourself and Westlower who denigrate other Clubs successes are doing so primarily out of envy and from an irrational and romanticised view of Wenger and Arsenal. Release yourselves from the emotinal shackles that AW has imbued many of you with. Its a far better place. You owe Wenger nothing. Hes owes Arsenal and the fans everything.

  102. Wenger's departure appears to gve the handbrake FULL-ON (WORSE LUCK)

    Apr 24, 2014, 9:46 #50144

    Getting results in football when the odds are against you is called strategy. This sadly is something that OGL has lacked, never ever had I hasten propose? Why would I want to praise a swashbuckling loser, when I can glory at 'winning ugly.' The Italians have won ugly for years, and have an enviable record on all levels. No, a protracted battle of attrition if needs be to carry off the trophy, rather than suicidal frontal assaults at the ramparts and then get ripped 3-0, or worse. Wenger in the Vicente Calderon the other night, would've got spanked, trying to get admirable glances from the Spanish aficionados. Arsenal would tumble out as they do perennially from the tournament they struggle to finish 4th in every year. Wenger aficionados wouldn't recognise a 6 or 5 goal tonking if it hit them up their Arse 'n' all!

  103. Gaz

    Apr 24, 2014, 9:15 #50143

    @Terry: nobody on here denies anything RE Wenger. He's been absolutely brilliant for this Club and nobody will ever take that away from him. For some of us though the repetitive race for fourth, the regular thrashings and usual loses to our rivals means we simply have no faith in him anymore. And let's be fair-it's not as if we haven't been patient but when you see the same mistakes repeated time after time after time something eventually has to give. Surely even you can see that?...

  104. BADARSE

    Apr 24, 2014, 8:19 #50141

    Speed you well my liege and good fortune favour your endeavours. Onwards to the land of the Tigers, cry god for Miliband, Cameron and saint Clegg.

  105. Terry

    Apr 24, 2014, 8:12 #50140

    No English team has ever triumphed in Europe playing an expansive game. United won it in the 60's defending deep and hoofing it up to George Best, Fergies teams always defended deep away from home and loaded the box at home with crosses which the foreigners didn't like. Liverpool's triumphs in the 70's and 80's were in general turgid affairs with endless passing back to goalkeepers and general time wasting against superior football teams. Villa and Forest's triumphs equally dismal. GG tried to play an expansive game in 92 but got caught with his trousers down at home to Benfica, Wenger has tried it came close but in the end has come short. Chelsea have triumphed but have hardly been a good advert for the English game with Pep Guadiola calling them and Manure anti-football obstacles you have to overcome. I think Wenger should at least be given credit for the fact he has changed the way English sides are perceived in Europe if it be his Arsenal sides only.

  106. Westlower

    Apr 24, 2014, 8:09 #50139

    @Chris, Hold your bets on 2000 guineas until the day, as Kingston Hill is a doubtful runner should the going be fast(good to firm). Price drifted to 14/1 on betting exchanges. I'm now off on a trip to Hull before an afternoon's racing at Beverley + Sandown tomorrow. @Badarse, I'll try an infiltrate General Bruce's HQ to try and glean info on his battle tactics for May 17th. @Ron, Chelsea now have thugs both on the pitch & on the bench. Friends, Roman admirers, & Questers, have a nice day! Be Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, Lucky. Bredan Rodgers has been extra lucky, as his secretary is now on garden leave, allegedly! Shades of "Who's up Mary Brown, who's up Mary Brown, Tommy, Tommy Docherty"

  107. BADARSE

    Apr 24, 2014, 7:53 #50138

    With two articles running it is a bit confusing sometimes, so a second good morning gentlemen and ladies. Ron I understand your general point, but along with the 'sword slashing' style you have, and that of denigrating or criticising the invisible foe, I believe you have confused the issue. I watched around 20 mins of the game, saw an immediate and unchanging pattern, and decided as the clock ticked down that it was turgid stuff. I personally don't regard defending as a dirty word, (hero in McLintock?), or am I a media-driven hypocrite, nor narrow-minded. All this aggression needs to be controlled my friend. All the 'slamming'-to endorse the view, and 'folding/collapsing and sad sods' to reduce any who would argue against. Well you perhaps knew I might oppose that approach didn't you? Chelsea have played the system, (Premier League football), admirably. Huge resources that the gangster has funded, in taking over a very stable and good side which has been built on very well. Mourhino knows how to adapt his narrow footballing philosophy and has proved successful. They have gained from stability and continuity with a number of positions. The usual suspects Cech, Cole, Terry and Lampard. Like the first to tumble Drogba the others are inching towards their final games, that may show us a different Chelsea in seasons to come. To have your backs to the wall and succeed is great when you are up against the odds, I have even played in games like this and it is exhilarating, but perhaps not to a spectator, and professional football's function has a wider remit. Regular matches like this would drain it's lifeblood. On a less provocative note I think you have been influenced by westlower at a subliminal level, as many of your posts refer to a GG.

  108. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 23:24 #50133

    jjetplane, who says westlower and I don't like seeing happy fans from other teams? We are pleased for your happiness aren't we? Seriously dude, that's the wrong idea. I have no acrimony towards anyone in that respect. Even the parvenus, who come for a match day experience. They are only people. People brought up in a different era, with a different set of values, expectations and demands. They can no more be guilty of a crime than anyone from any period. We are all dinosaurs my friend, and that old rattling and rumbling conveyor belt is carrying us along and we can't jump off. Soon all the voices will be silenced. Have your day in the sun, let everyone, if it should so be. (Just hope it rains on their victory parade-only kidding.) The slipper, it fits!

  109. Ron

    Apr 23, 2014, 23:19 #50132

    JJ - i'm in a sad minority of one i know, but i truly didn't find Chelsea boring last night. I admire their bottle and willingness to tough it out and stifle a point from games where they know that they'll cop a cold if they play it wide open. 'Defending' isnt a dirty word. To slam it as such as many choose to do while they're wrapped in their media driven version of good football is the word of a hypocrite. I can watch Chelsea and always find myself asking what would Wenger do in the matches Chelsea have to face? We know the answer though don't we? He and his players would meekly fold and collapse like the proverbial deck of cards. I watch Chelsea and Mourinho and see shades of GG. The way those players play for him is great i think. Its still an open tie and Madrid cd nick it in London, but i dont think so now. These who are too narrow minded to give Chelsea some credit are just ridden and immersed in tiresome jealousy. Sad sods. I'm no Chelsea lover, but out of all the british teams they've been the best for years in the CL and with a kinder run of the ball would have at least 2 CL wins under their belts by now wdt they.

  110. Terry

    Apr 23, 2014, 23:15 #50130

    Too many on here seem to get their fun in putting Arsenal down with their constant negative Wenger navel gazing drivel. Grow some you useless bastards and stop bellyaching about Arsene all year and quit your love in with those scouse gits. Time for me to start punching a few heads.

  111. KC

    Apr 23, 2014, 22:38 #50129

    Dislike everything Liverpool but if they win the title it will be a great achievement over 38 league games. Sure no cup runs, less games, less injuries than some but in an era of super rich owners it would be sad and cheap to try and devalue it. Still hope they blow it though!

  112. jjetplane

    Apr 23, 2014, 22:25 #50128

    Hi RON be careful there! Westie is on a two match win against 'difficult opponents' which has disrupted the betting malarkey and forced him back on here til the next about turn. BADArSE must be in his study drumming up the next round of the 'eternal return'. Why they cannot like seeing happy fans from other teams. What a bitter little world. Here's hoping Athletico piss on Maureen's Mupidos in a more open game. Onward Football the Project....

  113. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 22:21 #50127

    Good evening gentlemen and ladies. To the barricades 24601. More obscure? No, no, no, no, no, yes. 'Norman!' 'Coming Mum.' Buoyed by the two year extension Arsene is signing have gone all limp. Green Hut, time is elastic. You can stretch and compress it. Without humans there is no time, it ceases to exist. There was none before and will be none after we've gone...mind you watching Chelsea last night was eternal. This dates me but, 'We hate Bill Shankly and we hate the Kop, we'll fight Man. United until we drop. We don't give a wiggle and we don't give a W**k, we are the Arsenal, North Bank!' Actually sang it as I typed, been a long time. So, off with my head! jjetplane what was in that last batch of baccy you sold me? My wife, who is very deep, and is able to think around corners has just said, 'What if the Archway One had been a Manchester United footballer, could they have carried out the ban by preventing him from entering the AFC stadium? See what I mean about her thought processes? Interesting though. 'No!', cried Snow Fluff. 'You mustn't make the apples sleep for a hundred years!'

  114. Ron

    Apr 23, 2014, 22:13 #50125

    JJ - Right with you there.

  115. Ron

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:57 #50123

    You sound very desperate Westie lad, not too mention a poor sport. The team that wins the title is the best team. End of. Non arguable, save by those who've brought Wengers bull crap for years. You know, its seems its only Arsenal fans who quote stuff like your post 53166. Quite quaint but naive and pointless nontheless. Wenger's Arsenal are a poor lot whichever you choose to denigrate other teams. They've barely put in a decent challenge for the domestic Cups or the CL for years, but still not won the title for a decade. Wenger aborted the Cups early for years and could easily have gone through the motions in the CL ( he ll never win it with his policies and style) so to go for the title? The Clubs greed and not being prepared to seek the glory of it is the answer, preferring instead to just safely bank the takings.

  116. Toby

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:48 #50122

    The greatest Liverpool team of the past 25 years beaten twice at the Emirates by a manager who is supposedly clueless. What I've seen of Liverpool this season is an average team with a lot of pluck roared on by a load of glory hunters, playing with a dodgy defence a midfield that is steady and a few flares and dives upfront. With a manager who's prone to a bit of blarney and self-flattery and who will probably take them back to seventh next season.

  117. Stevieo

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:33 #50119

    Westie, what definition is that? The definition we use is the league table. You'll find it's yourself and guys like Chris that make your own definitions up, such as if the season started in January? You also define success as 4th place. And when true success comes along for Liverpool, you define it as luck? It's you guys that keep moving the goal posts. For us to challenge for the league, it would have meant we'd needed to reverse some of the defeats we've suffered whether we've beaten Liverpool or not. The defeats we've suffered we're thrashings, and I fail to see how CL games were to blame for such humiliations.

  118. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:26 #50118

    A mate has reminded me that that failure moyes has won more in his ten months than OGL has won in ten years well nine then.

  119. Green Hut

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:15 #50117

    Westlower- I'm sure the next 2 years will seem like 450. Sorry if I beat you to it, Bard mate!

  120. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:12 #50116

    @Westlower: pretty sure you won't have ever seen me coming out with any type of 'because we beat them we're better than them' comments. Always find them pretty childish if truth be known...

  121. Westlower

    Apr 23, 2014, 21:00 #50114

    @Gaz & Steveio, By your own definition, Liverpool can't be that good, as the moderate, injury stricken, striker less AFC, managed by a clueless clown, beat them twice in their Championship season. Chelsea didn't play football last night, they just stopped the other team from playing, BORING MAUREEN, what a pheasant plucker he is!!! @Bard, What's the odds on AW still being our manager in 450 years time?

  122. jjetplane

    Apr 23, 2014, 20:53 #50113

    'I'd rather be a toffee than a Wengerite/ yes I would' My instincts lead me to football and where it's happening. It appears to be happening elsewhere. You can have another two years of your 'fun'. It worries me not as I saw it happening way back in 2005 and now it is in full swing. I have had loads of great times with Arsenal so a decade old Prof all zipped up with the money is not today's news. It's as old as he looks. You Wenger lovers are such a happy bunch. Why should you worry about a few online postings unless ....... Ha ha said the Clown! Oh yeah - extra special luck to Liverpool and Athletico.

  123. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 20:47 #50112

    Ok, let's make this easier. On the day we've won the title in exactly the same way as Liverpool could (obviously this is a hypothetical question) I come on here, dismiss the achievement, and call us lucky. Do you a) agree with me or b) tell me to **** off?...

  124. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 20:29 #50111

    Green Hut: funny you say that. Was watching the Liverpool/City game the other week and I was so jealous at what their fans were obviously going through. Been a long time since I've felt like that and I really miss it...

  125. Green Hut

    Apr 23, 2014, 20:22 #50110

    Chris (Presuming it's the real Chris, I'm beginning to wonder)- Yes, I'm ACTUALLY saying the Champions League money gave Wenger an ACTUAL advantage over Rodgers that he decided he didn't need to use. Why, do you believe that Wenger only had £34m (already considerably more than Liverpool spent) to spend on transfer fees this season? You'll be in Cult Of Wenger territory there mate, no ifs or buts. Westlower- Agger, Cissokho, Gerard, Suarez and Sturridge all missing vital periods of the season, and I'm sure they could have increased their squad size with some lovely Champions League money. No excuses left mate. James- How fantastic must it be to REALLY be a Liverpool fan at the moment, can anyone on here remember what it feels like to be THAT excited and nervous watching games? Surely that's what football is all about. Just not in Wenger's world.

  126. Stevieo

    Apr 23, 2014, 20:16 #50109

    So without CL footie this year, that 6-3 defeat at city would have been overturned? With no fa cup run, the 5-1 at Liverpool would have been reversed? Without the Emirates cup distraction, we would have prevented moyes picking up his only win against a top 6 team? Thank god Chelsea are still in the CL. Can you imagine how worse the 6-0 could have been if they'd only played forty odd games!

  127. Bard

    Apr 23, 2014, 20:02 #50108

    Westie; I bow to your superior footy knowledge mate. You can see things in Barry and Sanogo that passed me by. I may be wrong but between them they have contributed precisely 1 goal all season but hey we're splitting hairs here. They are world class stars in the making; its just that the making is taking a hell of a long time. Maybe in another 450 years we will look back and realise just how important they were in the making of Arsenal FC. Looking forward to Pep joining in two years as you suggest. Thanks for remembering my birthday !!! Badarse you've been very lively recently and more obscure than ever. Have you upped your medication recently or is it the joy that dear old Wenger is probably going to sign for another 2 years thereby condemning us to another period of 'if onlys' thats getting you excited.

  128. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 19:53 #50107

    @Westlower: did you see my earlier question? If it was us winning the title after playing only 43 games would you be happy to downplay the achievement?...

  129. Westlower

    Apr 23, 2014, 19:51 #50106

    What to make of Liverpool? They will have played 43 games by end of season compared to Man City 57, Chelsea, 57, AFC 58. Smallest squad of 20 senior players, very few long term injuries, helped by weeks rest between majority of games. Early exits from domestic cups, no Europe. They'll never be this lucky again!

  130. James

    Apr 23, 2014, 19:42 #50105

    There are clearly a lot of imposters posing as Gooners. Finsbury Joe is clearly a tiny tott, Stevio and Green Hut seem like fans of the victims while jetplane a bit toffee.

  131. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 19:23 #50103

    @Stevio: yes, it's certainly made their excuses far more creative! Let's hope for their sakes Atletico don't win the league and the champions league or they're gonna really struggle to get their heads around that one!!!..

  132. Stevieo

    Apr 23, 2014, 19:10 #50102

    Gaz, this Liverpool revival has really thrown a spanner in the works at akb HQ. I didn't want them to win it, but it's now worth it to watch the akb's tie themselves in knots. They had a list of pre prepared excuses ready to go with when needed from August, but nothing in the handbook for the scousers who were being laughed about with Jordan Henderson and Allen in midfield. The policies are being rewritten on the spot, backtracking and getting themselves in a right muddle. At least if wenger gets another 2 years, the entertainment will be there from the akb.

  133. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 18:51 #50101

    @Stevio: isn't it obvious? Wenger says its a great thing so of course it must be a great thing!!!...

  134. Stevieo

    Apr 23, 2014, 18:27 #50099

    Chris, why are you asking green hut what advantage we had over Liverpool by finishing 4th? Being able to use the extra funds for players has always been forwarded by the akb's. But now you're saying finishing 4th doesn't give us an advantage over Liverpool. A massive u turn there in the akb manifesto to defend wenger. So that begs the question, if there is no advantage to finishing 4th, then why the street parties every year?

  135. Slope

    Apr 23, 2014, 17:48 #50097

    I think we look clucking good in general and spuds, citeh, victims, chavs and manure are ruggish.

  136. Chris

    Apr 23, 2014, 17:14 #50095

    Green Hut - So you're actually saying it gave Wenger a hypothetical advantage that he never used. And even that hypothetical advantage only existed if the budgets of the two mangers of the clubs were otherwise the same and thus the additional revenue gave Wenger that much more spending power than his rival. Too many 'ifs' for a firm conclusion, my friend.

  137. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 16:13 #50092

    Saw some of the last twenty minutes of the game last night. Thought, even when Terry limped off that Chelsea looked very strong defensively. Thought they were lightweight in attack but always likely to score a rogue goal, as modern football makes this commonplace. Ironic that the rule to promote away teams attacking has inhibited home teams positivity. Atletico end the game in a semi-satisfied state of mind because Chelsea failed to score a vital away goal. Chelsea can grind out games like this but will a completely different approach in the second leg. Now Atletico must have a stronger chance of scoring as Chelsea, giving them more room, in an attempt to score themselves. Looks like a 1-1 to me. Thought also that Atletico had no answer to Chelsea's tactics. A poor spectacle-or was the earlier part of the game better?

  138. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 15:14 #50091

    Absolutely Gaz, one big happy family, hang on! Who's been sleeping in my porridge? I bet it was that rascal Bard. Did you know Bard that your namesake was perhaps in a small way influenced by Galileo? Possibly the choice of AFC manager is not under the gravitational pull of a fans website. What thinks you? The Bard was indecisive anyway; Arsene or not Arsene, Toby, or not Toby?

  139. Nick

    Apr 23, 2014, 15:03 #50089

    Great result Saturday and a sterling performance from Ramsey, and as usuall the away support were in full voice ,as a former north banker am dissapointed with the lack of imagination in the songs, the Santi chant in particular is really something of a dirge ,we used to havegood chants and songs i realize that the pc brigade have stamped out some of the more risque ones , but surely we can come up with something better ,clubs like Sheffield Utd and Birmingham have signiture songs why not us ? what about a song based on Viva Espania for santi ,"he came to us from sunny spain a viva Carzola, he came to play here in the rain a viva carzola ,hes our own little spanish matador a viva carzola when he wants he will surely score carolapar forvor carzola por forvor" and a tune like Snow Patrols "Run" , for a general song , " Sing up sing up as if you have a choice were THE ARSENAL can you hear our voice were singing for the Arsenal " how about bringing some of the old songs back such as "knees up mother brown " and upating the old standard ," we hate manchester city we hate liverpool too we hate west ham utd but Arsenal we love you " nottingham forest are an irrelevance these days,i also realize that many at the soul less bowl are stuffed shirts to self important and image concious to join in but there are many who would im sure, im also sure i cant be alone among the old guard who pine for the songs and atmosphere of yesteryer

  140. Westlower

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:44 #50087

    @Bard, Hope you're celebrating your 450th birthday in style. If you live for another 450 years you may know as much as me on all things football.

  141. KC

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:43 #50086

    Badarse - Football is passion and that's what makes it so great, we experience great highs, bad lows, total contentment, total anger, and total frustration right now its this frustration that is so frustrating!!!

  142. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:38 #50085

    When all's said and done we're just one big happy family really!...

  143. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:27 #50084

    Tony Evans, you said it, and we all know it (although some will never admit it)and there's a hell of a lot thinking and feeling the same FA cup or not.

  144. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:19 #50082

    KC we are very close to being as one on the subject. I would never doubt your pedigree or validity in your thoughts and judgement. I just wanted to stress a difference. Am right alongside you on the common courtesies expected also. Unconditional loyalty can stretch beyond the family though, and sometimes that should be curtailed even with family members I think, but we are close, very close.

  145. KC

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:08 #50081

    Badarse - There is no problem questioning judgement, but as there are supporters of Wenger that will not, I question that. I have reached a conclusion based on results over a 4 -5 year period. Its not trigger happy and I was a massive Wenger fan. I accepted the transfer budget was hit due to the stadium and all the other issues. My upset is with the beatings and the inability to compete against the best teams both home and abroad, the expectation that when I travel to home games against the best I have no confidence at all based purely on recent results and performances. I struggle to understand how a club with an income we have accepts fourth and accepts that away from home against top opposition we do not perform. How ever you or I dress it up I am an Arsenal fan that pays a lot to support my team and expects it to do all in its power to be the best it can. Agreed if you vanished nothing would change but debate is healthy as long as its not abusive, we cant all have the same opinion and all are entitled to theirs. My main point though how ever good or bad some one is they do not deserve unconditional loyalty, that should only be reserved for family!

  146. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:06 #50080

    Can any of imagine any-and I mean ANY-circumstance where Arsenal win a league title and our own fans play down the achievement in any way shape or form? Nope, didn't think so...

  147. Green Hut

    Apr 23, 2014, 14:00 #50079

    Chris- Because it gives Wenger the ability to spend an extra £30m that Rodgers hasn't got. That fact that he chose not to before and during a season in which all the top 3 clubs had new managers and were in transition is the football crime of the century.

  148. Chris

    Apr 23, 2014, 13:21 #50076

    Green Hut - Liverpool's expenditure over the past few seasons has been only a tiny bit less than Arsenal's. How, then, does the CL qualification give Wenger a massive advantage?

  149. John Rawley

    Apr 23, 2014, 12:54 #50071

    This rubbish the AAA and WOB's are coming out about Liverpool and their lack of spending power is pure comedy gold. Liverpool have been the third highest spenders since the Premiership began. The fact that this season could turn out to be their only title won shows how they have underperformed. Sorry to tell you this but Wenger is still head and shoulders ahead of the other managers and that includes Rodgers with his direct and diving tactics.

  150. Zen and the Art of Football Maintenance

    Apr 23, 2014, 12:01 #50069

    Sack em all and get Simeone in now!

  151. radfordkennedy

    Apr 23, 2014, 11:31 #50068

    Urgent message....Be pleased to inform her majesty that the White Ensign once more flies alongside the Arsenal flag in R/K's garden..GSTQ..End of message..I know that St George isn't our true patron saint and his flag isn't the true flag of the Angles but nevertheless Happy St Georges Day Gooners....incidently my Daughter has informed me that my darling grand-daughters will both be sporting yellow ribbons in their hair on Cup Final day a proud old grandad indeed

  152. Ozzie

    Apr 23, 2014, 11:07 #50066

    Well, whoever wants Arsene to stay obviously prefers drama to success.

  153. Green Hut

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:55 #50064

    Tony Evans- Of course Liverpool haven't had the massive advantage of Champions League money that we and others have had this season. Added to losing their best player for the first 5 games and losing Sturridge for 8 games mid-season amongst others. How have they managed to be 5 points clear with 3 games to go? We were told this wasn't possible. Wenger's disciples must be praying with every fibre of their being that Liverpool blow up.

  154. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:44 #50063

    Fergie being begged to come back for an interim period. Discussion of a possible 1 year deal in order that moves for a definitive successor can be finalised. Fergie can't lose. He gets to drink Port with Moroninho, oh ok then (BEST MALT), and both gang up on Arsene..But seriously folks......

  155. Gaz

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:36 #50062

    @Tony Evans: bigger picture? Nah, far easier to look at the last three games as yet another new start...

  156. Dreamland NOT PoundLand

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:28 #50061

    70! What! 6 more years. S***...ha ha....

  157. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:22 #50060

    The sacking of Moyes is a sad affair. Any individual's sacking or redundancy is a huge disappointment to the individual, in the public eye it magnifies to the nth degree. As Arsenal fans we can delight in the bigger picture of watching the McDonald's of football go into a form of meltdown. There is the distinct feeling-real or imagined-that Moyes was a 'patsy', breaking the ice in readiness for the 'real' manager to arrive in the summer. This man has suffered a blow which will perhaps accompany him to his life's journey end, though who really knows. The next page hasn't even been written. At least he can morosely drag a sack of gold to the bank next week. At AFC we move towards a conclusion of sorts, rumours are the deal for Arsene has been extended. They see 70 as a round number, ha ha.

  158. Tony Evans

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:22 #50059

    Just read that Liverpool will take advantage of Champions League qualification to seriously invest in their squad during the summer, and I bet they do. Meanwhile over at Arsenal no doubt Wenger will be faffing about at the other end of the market and Gazedis will be encouraging the usual paper talk linking Arsenal with top players that will never actually be signed. FA Cup final or no it is still depressing times for me (unless Wenger leaves) if you look at the bigger picture.

  159. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 23, 2014, 8:10 #50058

    He laughs the longest...... No I do not want Arsene's head on a platter. Any man's demise diminishes me. When he's gone he's gone. I want that to be a mutually satisfactory severance, not like the 'discarded one's acrimonious end last night.

  160. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 7:58 #50057

    And just remember, 'He who laughs laughs, lasts, laughs last!

  161. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 23, 2014, 7:46 #50056

    Chris, I am in Badarse spiritual mode at the mo, so the only reposte I can give is the Zen/Socratic " the only thing I do know is that I know nothing. "

  162. BADARSE

    Apr 23, 2014, 7:44 #50055

    Been up a while but only just switched on, so good morning gentlemen and ladies. DreamLand, what can I say? Just one thing, everyone read Dreamland's last post! ha ha. Magical, loaded with compliments, and my failings get disguised a little in all this. It's a bit like a move which flows from one end to the other but hits bumps along the way, we nearly lose the ball, it cannons off opponents legs, it falls kindly, a chance and it's...swept home! Yippee! or, hits the keeper's trailing leg and flies to safety. With the former the bumblings are overlooked and ignored, with the latter we reflect perhaps that we were lucky to even get a shot on goal let alone score. My persona is a bit like this-possibly all are. That is an imponderable for far too early in the morning. Anyway, I have never hidden, or taken a step back whenever I didn't need to, except for immediate survival, so am never perturbed by circumstance. With that I am really happy, I've made a friend. That's nice, I shan't have to talk to dead mother in the rocking chair anymore. Seriously dude, thanks. Did you know the questers are readying the caravan for their next battle? Rumours abound a new horseman rides with them, one who has mastered the habit of marching forward with eyes locked on the heavens and a permanent smile on his face, known as the Dreamer. Good old Arsenal.

  163. Chris

    Apr 23, 2014, 7:28 #50054

    Poundland - Oh come on, not trying that one are you? The revenues of the club have no direct relationship to what's available to the respective managers to spend. You know it, I know and everyone else knows it.

  164. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 23, 2014, 7:03 #50053

    Good morning Badarse, you are not being spiteful. You are being spiritual. I like that. Actually people like you are the going-across, and not the suspended animation phase, or blockage., Your approach is Atticus in the Harper Lee classic., You have managed to alter my modus vivendi. Whilst they are far far more important things in the world than football,I incidentally happen to think Arsenal could be better served by another manager at this juncture., But, given your logic and Socratic questioning, you have somewhat dampened down my disappointment. If I could, I would abolish all pain and suffering, and make a bountiful harvest for all the cosmos. Parallels, universals, yin & yang... Without the diametric we have the flat world of pre Gallileo and Newton. On this site Badarse you are worth your weight. If you suddenly stopped, or vanished, this forum would be the poorer for it. Yes, let's get this cup in the bag and hope that nothing occurs in order that we become slightly more caustic again after the event..

  165. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 23:27 #50052

    KC I question Arsene Wenger's judgement. Is that OK? I also question your judgement, as I do my own. Don't we all? Or are others without failings in this department? It is a matter of interpretation and perception. If you have reached a certain conclusion then I am pleased for you, and others like you, along with discovering the conclusion you must also have discovered a certain peace...except like the rest, you haven't. I am not being spiteful or unkind, just seeing things differently. So what if I want Arsene to stay. How does that affect you or the ret of the gang? If I say you have been right all the time and I have made not only a grave error of judgement but am living with the wrong principles or whatever handle you want to hang on it, will it change anything? Listen my friend if I vanished from this site, and other like-minded souls with me, what would all of you do? It's OK it's a rhetorical question, I'm not seeking an answer. If just a crew remained here all banging dustbin lids saying Arsene must go, then how long could you all realistically keep it up for? I don't want to be a part of this witch hunt, and shan't be. Am I to be criticised for that? Do you see how silly it all is? Anyway, time for bed, red and white dreams fella.

  166. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 22, 2014, 23:01 #50051

    There is a stench coming out of the Emirates, the stench of failure. I have engaged true Gooners on various forums, all are united in the view that even should the FA Cup be won, it cannot be counted as a success due to the dismal failings of this season. Wenger is more than capable of blowing things against an under strength Hull, but a win should not let him off the hook.It is not the cup itself, the old trophy has been won in the most glorious manner throughout the years, but there is nothing glorious about a team managed by the wenger of today. Two more years of wenger will kill the club. Jose, Martinez, pellegrini, Rogers all have more than the measure of wenger. Van Gaal vs wenger, well, a humane sport would not allow such a mismatch, wherever the Dutchman ends up. Btw, Kalou, done deal. So very Wenger.

  167. Gaz

    Apr 22, 2014, 22:37 #50050

    @KC: it's bizarre really isn't it? Mind you Wenger's managed to airbrush those defeats (and those from other seasons) from memory so it's no surprise his merry bunch of followers have too!!!...

  168. KC

    Apr 22, 2014, 22:29 #50049

    @gaz 53099. Good post. I once waited to hear any wenger comment now it's often embarrassing and tiresome. I can understand why so many have had so much support for him but I just can not accept that these same people can not see the direction we are going. If you really want the best for your club how on earth can any Arsenal supporter not question wengers actions especially in regards to so many very average players having great contracts and not question why a manager with money refuses to spend it and then watch us concede 6,5,6,3 goals at away games. Agreed he has done wonders but surely people must question his judgement now.

  169. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 22:24 #50048

    You've got it Gaz, though during the warming up and interval I may just recite a little poetry. Is that OK? Oh we can rope in radfordkennedy too as he can do the sailor's hornpipe whilst we are singing. Stop it maguiresbridge, we've seen enough of your Riverdance skills.

  170. Gaz

    Apr 22, 2014, 22:08 #50047

    That'll be me in the lead singers role then? :-)...

  171. Any Akbs fancy backing Atletico now?

    Apr 22, 2014, 22:07 #50046

    Lisbon beckons a manager who is so adept at malleability, who can do near nye anything. The defeat at the Bridge is now put into context. Jose twisted rather than stuck. The reward is advantage in the semi. One tie from the final. Arsenal are due to have the 2nd best season in a England someone said earlier. Whilst I'll concede this is still possible, and very welcome of course if it were Wenger challenging for this position and not Mourinho I would not put a buck on him.

  172. AFCasap

    Apr 22, 2014, 22:02 #50045 post 52941....I too was thinking about the fans reaction to a brand new fresh were nearly there...iexcept change, the "might well" to will definitely and "moaning mugs" to wenger dependent mugs...yes that's it...but you're right the moaning will never stop

  173. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 21:56 #50044

    MarkP, see chris' post. underachiever that hair restorer quip was so funny, only thing is it set my hairbrush off again and is snapping at my trouser leg, damn these bell-bottoms. Love the duet idea DreamLand, better one would be a barbershop quartet, us three and Gaz, perhaps? Silly, silly boy I am.

  174. Liverpool

    Apr 22, 2014, 21:48 #50043

    The victims have spent the third most over the last five years behind City and Chelsea they should be challenging for the title with only having to play so few games.

  175. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 21:18 #50042

    Top 20 clubs Deloitte Football Money League 2013 Click on each team below for more detailed analysis and commentary. The following indicates the finance theory is BS., Sorry Chris this debunks it. Real Madrid€512.6m FC Barcelona€483m Manchester United€395.9m Bayern Munich€368.4m Chelsea€322.6m Arsenal€290.3m Manchester City€285.6m AC Milan€256.9m Liverpool€233.2m Juventus€195.4m Borussia Dortmund€189.1m Internazionale€185.9m Tottenham Hotspur€178.2m Schalke 04€174.5m Napoli€148.4m Olympique de Marseille

  176. Gaz

    Apr 22, 2014, 21:13 #50041

    Saddest thing about this whole Wenger issue is that whilst I'll never stop respecting him he now just irritates and frustrates me. Just think that if he had any real respect for our club he'd admit that he can't take it any further and retire gracefully. He'd do so with his reputation just about intact and for the first time in years the fans would unite in wanting him to win the FA cup and go out on a real high. As it is I feel he's now conning both himself and us. He refuses to accept any responsibility instead always looking to blame others for our own misfortunes. Rather than blaming injuries and heavy schedules (amongst other excuses) he should be honest and say if he'd performed better in terms of transfers and preparation we may have done better than we have. But no he has to pin the blame on something/anything else whilst downplaying Liverpool's fantastic achievement this season. I don't like listening to anything he has to say anymore because he's always looking for an excuse. He's an absolute master at setting his own targets as and when it suits him and doesn't seem to have any idea as to how appalling some of our defeats have been this season. As it is I believe he lacks self awareness and honestly believes he's made no real mistakes. And it might be churlish to talk about his own salary but when a manager has earned over £64m during the past nine years I'd think better of him if he made some kind of comment relating to him feeling just a little embarrassed at earning so much. And if he gets a rise this summer I think that's taking the absolute piss...

  177. Chris

    Apr 22, 2014, 21:04 #50040

    MarkP - Man U managed it because they had 'the best manager of all time.' Oh - and they are alot closer to Citeh and Chelski in terms of expenditure than we are. We are at the head of a pack of 3-4 clubs quite a way back behind the Big Three...

  178. underacheiver

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:57 #50039

    Dont forget, Liverpool players use less hair restorer than ours, that also gives them an unfair advantage.

  179. Arsene Wenger walked on concrete now the b......Stuck!

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:45 #50038

    I think that the anti-Wanger monickers are in the ascendency. Pro-Wenger posters' names are un-amusing , uninspiring, and ubiquitous. So Akbs eat crow. My Fav: tippytappynevershooty....ha ha ha....!

  180. Stevieo

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:31 #50037

    MarkP, if we keep wenger nothing will change, for the nth year running. There will be new and refreshing excuses, but that's about it.

  181. MarkP

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:11 #50036

    I actually think Wenger is great and still the man for the job. I'd love to him win the league or Champ league. We just can't finish 4th again next year. Something has to change.

  182. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:11 #50035

    Gaz, perhaps Baddy and Westie could form a duet. Then we get two for one. Oh happy days Gooner is for us goons and buffoons! Luv it!

  183. Stevieo

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:04 #50034

    MarkP - moaning and grumbling about fixture scheduling, referees, oil money, the last man red card rule and the targeting of arsenal players is not only permitted, but fully promoted in some quarters. However, grumbling against these ridiculous and overused excuses apparently makes you, wait for it, a grumbler. Even to question makes you a grumbler. Please keep any moaning in line with company policy.

  184. MarkP

    Apr 22, 2014, 20:00 #50033

    BADARSE, UTD managed to win the league last year whilst competing in the champions league. They successfully beat the money men at Chelsea and City. Why can't Arsenal?

  185. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 19:59 #50032

    Come on Bard, first things first. Let's screw up this season before we worry about ruining next year. Am listening to The Division Bell and slowly blending into the walls, but the hairbrush keeps biting my trouser leg. 'What do you want from me, Bard? You can have anything you want, you can drift, you can dream, you can even walk on water, anything you want.'

  186. Bard

    Apr 22, 2014, 19:49 #50031

    Another Westie classic, Pep to join us in 2 years ? Er... Why ? Is this from the same neuro circuit that brought us Bendy is a good back up for Giroud and Sanogo is the next new thing. The boss may have bought himself some time but the ferocity of next season's campaign will expose his weaknesses even further. The tide has turned despite the temporary relief of 4 the place. Badarse yes Athletico and Liverpool have yet to nail it but at least they are still fighting. We capitulated in spectacular fashion weeks ago through lack of bottle and managerial incompetence. Looks like we are on for more of the same next year.

  187. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 19:39 #50030

    MarkP, if a competing team plays approaching 20% less games than your team, what is there not to understand? They clearly have an advantage, irrespective of outcome. simples! 'Oh, on the Ning Nang Nong, where the cow's go bong!...'

  188. MarkP

    Apr 22, 2014, 18:54 #50029

    I can't understand why Wenger is blaming fixture schedule again - comparing ours to Liverpool's. Why can't he just accept that Arsenal aren't good enough to win the league?

  189. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 18:22 #50028

    Ahh, the feather ruffler, you've rumbled us. It reminds me of the film 'Privilege',(a poor one). Paul who I liked with his Blues Band, was a tearaway singer in the film, picked up a big following then the 1984-style government got him to suddenly relent on stage and become a 'good boy'-his followers did the same. We are actually members of UKIP and are spreading the word that 26 million foreigners are coming to take your job, though I think we have enough moaners on this site already. So we try to seduce the audience by spreading common sense, fairness and consideration, then when we've reeled them in we revert to dimwittedness, inequalities and disrespectfulness. (What a long word that is). So to the tune of 'The Swinging Cymbals' Pop Pickers, it's Number one this week with David the Price is Ian Wright Wright right, and 'Blame It On The Boss(anova)'.

  190. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2014, 18:00 #50027

    Alan Whiffin, a lot of fans have done and indeed do mate , (and that's what their conclusions are based on)others can't, don't, or just don't want to and never will(they'd rather the last five or more years were air brushed out of history)because of their support for their messiah and just look at and go by the last game (with the usual belief that this is it) which we've obviously won judging by the amount of posts from his apologists.

  191. Jouster (A song for the WOB's)

    Apr 22, 2014, 17:51 #50026

    10 seconds... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... Ignition... Lift off Wobby, oh Mr Wobby, if only you could make us understand Wobby, oh Mr Wobby, your influence will spread throughout the land Let's hear it for Mr Wobby (Wobby, Wobby, Wobby) His philosophy of life will steer him through And as far as he can see He's the same as you and me There's nothing in the world he cannot do No hill too high, no desert too dry No road too long, no tide too strong No bridge too far, he's got a car No slope to steep, no thought too deep No star too bright, no squeeze too tight No tale too tall, no cat too cool No bass too low, he'll give it a go No end to his talents, no sense of balance Wobby, oh Mr Wobby, when disaster strikes you never get depressed Wobby, oh Mr Wobby, you'll always prove that Wobby is the best Although he's unconventional in hue His philosophy of life will steer him through And despite the limitation Of his poor co-ordination He knows he'll show the world a thing or two (Wobby, Wobby, Wobby) Wobby, Mr Wobby, you're the guy who puts the do in do or die Wobby, Mr Wobby, your deeds are guaranteed to stupefy No ride too rough, no test too tough No act too slick, no race too quick No shot too hot, he'll hit the spot No style too chic, no joke too weak No chance too slim, no fate too grim No foe too strop, no odds too long No price too high, he's put some by No dodge, no doubt, no backing out Wobby, oh Mr Wobby, if humanity's a question of degree Wobby, Mr Wobby, stay loyal to your Wobby pedigree Wobby, oh Mr Wobby, you're the one who bears the pink and yellow crest Wobby, Mr Wobby, you'll always prove that Wobby is the best

  192. The feather ruffler

    Apr 22, 2014, 17:32 #50025

    Badarse and Westie are good solid conservatives even if Badarse keeps thinking hes got the trots.

  193. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Apr 22, 2014, 17:31 #50024

    I'm afraid that I resent the assertion that what is happening is positive. I will list the positives from this season. 1) There is a chance that Wenger will depart 2)Ozil 3)Ramsey improved 4)Rosicky fit 5)Flamini back and inspiring a low line and defensive strength when played 6) Liverpool, the Champions elect, being beaten in two games. The overwhelming sadness of this campaign, as many have pointed out is that S.I.F was not physically or mentally able to reinforce in August or January. Each and every one of the figleaves of self justification have now been blown away, as were Arsenal in four or 5 crucial games. WE will lose the championsip by 10 points or thereabouts. A reinforced team would have gained those 12 points necessary. We cannot win with SIF. While he continues in post, we cannot be positive. We have no hope.

  194. Stevieo

    Apr 22, 2014, 17:25 #50023

    @ court jester. Think we're over the spilt milk. You akb's keep kindly mopping it up on behalf of wenger. Glad though that you agree it's been a mess. We've now moved on to next seasons milk float that wenger's gonna be steering at a snails pace. So get your mop ready again, because we'll be in another car crash and the full wagon will be p!ssing milk all over the road again.

  195. julesd

    Apr 22, 2014, 17:18 #50022

    Badarse and Westlower are really 'Smashie and Nicey!

  196. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 17:05 #50021

    (Apologies to Steve Martin in 'The Jerk'), but I love Gaz too. I love Martin Keown, Bill Nighy, Dreamland, Gaz and Porridge, and that's it. Nothing else, except a Dhansak, so Keown, Nighy, Dreamland, Gaz, Porridge and a Dhansak, don't love anything else at all, nothing, well and the Beatles, I love them, and Roy Orbison; so that's Keown Nigh... Oi, who turned the lights off?

  197. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 16:53 #50020

    We are like two old pirate radio DJs westlower. Watched The Boat That Rocked, again recently, with young Charlie, as with a game I kept up a running commentary of the 'pirate' saga, until my wife told me to put a sock in it. I love Bill Nighy, saw him in the upper tier a couple of years or so ago when we played Plymouth in that rubbish competition the FA Cup. So that's two, no three people today that I love. Martin Keown, Bill Nighy, and Dreamland!

  198. Gaz

    Apr 22, 2014, 16:48 #50019

    @Westlower: never thought I'd ever be saying this but I think I prefer BADARSE'S poems!!!...

  199. Westlower

    Apr 22, 2014, 16:38 #50018

    WOB's ANTHEM: I went down to the Emirates, to get my fair share of abuse. Singing words of 'Wenger Out' frustration, enough to blow a 50 amp fuse. You can't always get what you want, you can't always get what you want, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might just find, you get what you need......

  200. KC

    Apr 22, 2014, 16:07 #50017

    @ Alan Whiffin - Exactly mate - one season unlucky with injuries, one season poor against the best, one season poor transfer window, one season no top striker yes it can happen. But year after year is a neglect of your position and a belief you are right and everyone else wrong even though the facts show you always fall short.

  201. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 15:53 #50016

    I see the computers/laptops, (are they the same thing? My technological knowledge stretches from here to there, which is a short distance, say a 'head', ha ha), this is so silly. Anyway I see empty chairs and empty tables. Many have walked away and are crying into their teacups, like the Mock Turtles that they are. Think I'll have to organise a virtual reality celebration event. we'll have Ron leading the group in 'Fat Belly Jones' style, (courtesy of the Two Ronnies), 'Do you wanna be in my gang...'. Although we are in red for the final I shall be wearing my replica yellow '71 shirt. A long story but it has rested in moth balls for a while as my son wears one regularly and I didn't want to take away from him; May 17th 2014 is the day for it to be worn though. What was that JL? Oh yes, 'Let's hope it's a good one, for the red and the whites!'

  202. Gaz

    Apr 22, 2014, 15:45 #50015

    Even if we finish fourth, win the FA Cup, and Wenger spends 100m on three top players in the summer I still want him to go. Reason? Because we’ll never win the Premiership or the Champions league with him in charge. Even if the above were to happen of course we’ll improve-of that there’s no doubt-but when the pressures really on and games are decided by the small details we’ll always find some way of losing games we just can’t afford to lose.

  203. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 15:32 #50014

    Bard, you are a rascal. Knickers? Bloomers more like, only kidding, I only wear stud boxers. OK so that's my undies dealt with. Am really pleased that fourth place is in our hands again; would you genuinely prefer we were fighting to come fifth; Totts are fighting to come sixth, perhaps that would suit? Non? Atletico/Liverpool(they haven't crossed the line yet, famous last words and all that, even though they are the media's darlings it isn't a done deal up to now), do not dispel the principle. A good big one generally will beat a good little one, but occasionally they don't. Check the odds with westlower.

  204. Westlower

    Apr 22, 2014, 15:31 #50013

    Breaking news: Pep Guardiola is to remain at Bayern Munich for the next 2 years, then he'll take over from the retiring AW at AFC. Oh no, 2 more years of WOB's moaning & groaning, what ifs & why didn't we, there just aren't enough prams & toys to go round, you'll have to form a queue behind Maguiresbridge, Bard, JJ, Poundland, Alsace, Uncle Tom Cobbly, Jamie Carragher, Kevin Witcher, Robbie Savage & his mum Lily ...oh, joy!!! Think I'll emigrate for a couple of years.

  205. Bard

    Apr 22, 2014, 15:20 #50012

    Good post Kev, reading the posts dear old Badarse, Westie et all getting their knickers in an excited twist as we head towards another 4 th place spot plus plenty of 'of only' arguments. Someone presciently posted that the real injury story was that Giroud stayed fit all season, extraordinary luck. Looks like Wenger will sign on the dotted line soon and we have more 4/5 place battles to look forward to. The success of Liverpool and Athletico has at least killed all further discussion about needing petro dollars to ever win anything. Don't let Westie posts wind you up guys he's only having a laugh. Horse racing is his thing not football.

  206. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 15:07 #50011

    Thanks 24601, my first real chuckle of the day.

  207. Westlower

    Apr 22, 2014, 14:47 #50010

    Arsene Wenger best price of 150/1 for Man U job. Fill yer boots! Poundland will be in Dreamland.

  208. Jurgen Klopp

    Apr 22, 2014, 14:29 #50009

    hallo gooners. you vill seen i av not taken ze job vis ze manchestered united. i vant to be a gooner!

  209. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 13:49 #50008

    jjetplane, 'She was on the bridge at midnight. Her voice was all a-quiver. She gave a cough,her leg fell off, and floated down the river.' A bit of 'Spike' to make the daemons in your head sleep for a while.

  210. jjetplane

    Apr 22, 2014, 13:42 #50007

    I liked Keown until I heard him doing major league arselick saying the usual old rubbish to those who live and breathe conservatism. RON was correct - Keown is not proper Arsenal whereas my old mate and Paddy's old mate Keano is proper Arsenal because he knows we need change. Keown is just happy to earn a packet as a two bob pundit. Moyes is orf and maybe Maureen and Pelo and yet 'the grey one in a duvet' is left unscarred by the competition of football. That is because he has not taken part for a decade. Tiger Tiger ....

  211. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 13:36 #50006

    Nice story maguiresbridge. Well done to you, and to the Martin Keown fan club. I had that photo, which I clipped from a 'rag' and stuck it on my wall too! People miss an awful lot on motorways, it's much better on occasions to travel the bye ways, had westlower not gone out on a limb, (albeit a sturdy one), we wouldn't know his and julesd's high regard for Keown, or learnt of their story. It follows that had I not aligned myself, then yourself, we would be none the wiser. I am sometimes chastised for my postings, being reminded it's a football site. What passes for football comments often are anything but though. True they have something to do with football, but are often just vehicles to take a stick to beat Arsene Wenger with. If nothing else that is a little repetitive. We have learnt what exactly? A multitude of things about each other, one is that Gaz doesn't like poetry. Ron is a musician with bags of musical experiences, radfordkennedy a guitarist, westlower a darts champion, me-often lost for words, (not really-you can tell I have some Irish blood, check out the Blarney), SGRB loves the great Hendrix, MARCUS LOVES TO TYPE IN CAPITALS, DW Thomas will not jump since being talked down from the ledge at our virtual reality BBQ. That the questers were victorious and shall ride again, and bundles of other detritus, ( a good word, a strong description, insultingly used the other day), still as they say if you don't crack an egg, er chickens might not cross the road!??! Of course you guessed, 'I am the eggman, Goo, Goo, Ga, Joob!'

  212. Arsene Wenger walked on concrete now the b......Stuck

    Apr 22, 2014, 13:12 #50005

    I don't transmit my disappointment at what other clubs do, rather than what mine doesn't. Therefore: good luck tonight CFC. If only Arsenal could make the opposition fear them in Eurpoe too. In Wenger we bust, crust, dust, gust, just, RUST!

  213. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2014, 12:55 #50004

    BADARSE, always been a Keown fan myself he has family not far from where i live, i have met him on a couple of occasions, although on one occasion out side the Emirates he was very abrupt maybe because it was late on and he'd had a long day commentating but i never held it against him as he signed a 7 x 4 photo for me of himself in that famous pose as he was coming down on horse face after he missed the pen, and i had it blown up and framed.

  214. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2014, 12:31 #50003

    £40mill +, i wonder who's to blame for that, but i'm sure there's an excuse.

  215. Arsene Wenger walked on concrete now the b......Stuck

    Apr 22, 2014, 12:24 #50002

    Jester, quite pre-emptive comment. Hope you come on here if all doesn't go to plan. I for one do not countenance suck blabber. Mourinho cannot be underestimated, nor can Bruce. Unlike Wenger of course!

  216. allybear

    Apr 22, 2014, 12:20 #50001

    Well Moyes is sacked and leaves with 5mil, not bad eh. Glad to hear from you BADARSE&good that you acknowledge that OGL will retire some day(not soon enough for me). Looking forward to seeing Chelski get spanked tonight. Oh yes last 2 results very welcome especially against two very powerful sides!

  217. Daynton Legsy 78 Clockenders

    Apr 22, 2014, 12:07 #50000

    AKB muppets! Gertcha!

  218. mkherd89

    Apr 22, 2014, 12:01 #49999

    one arsene wenger

  219. Jouster

    Apr 22, 2014, 11:52 #49998

    You Wob fools need to wake up and man up and stop crying over spilled milk. If we had done this? If we had done that? If Wenger had done this or that? Every team could say the same thing. Stop being such blubbering cry babies and enjoy the season. Arsenal look like they are going to have the second best season of all the English teams.

  220. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 11:38 #49997

    Badarse, you are both teasing, tantalising, telling, and challenging. You succeed in getting to one Ton depot. Had we lived we would have had a tale to tell. I decided that you warrant oops merit then-the tete a tete that your strident-ism seeks. Of course all your elaboratedly raised innuendos are worth their weight erm wait! Good ol' Arsenal and Baddy....

  221. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 11:17 #49996

    Dreamland I love outcomes like this. The difference between us is marginal, much less than you might perceive. I have been on a sliding scale for a long time-it's how I personally deal with things and make judgements. There is the perception on this site, due to a clumsy form of reductionism that you are in one of two camps of acronyms. I am not a number! (Whoops, old telly show), I am not an acronym! Let's just suggest you are a rational individual who recognises what I've recently posted, as having some gravitas, and therefore to be considered. You then place yourself as some way along the spectrum, I advance from the other end placing myself towards the middle. The difference may be insignificant, it may still be enough to take up arms over, but realistically we both love Arsenal and want the best. Parents do that, yet have differing strategies, but they may still be good parents. So here's to you fella, one rousing Good old Dreamland! Good old Arsenal! (Someone will bitch at that, ha ha).

  222. Alan Whiffin

    Apr 22, 2014, 11:14 #49995

    People should look at the last few years and not concentrate on the results over the last few weeks.The fact is that Wenger cannot cut it at the top level either tactically or in the transfer market.He should go now rather than string it out for another few years of the same.Seeing Sanogo tells you all you need to know.

  223. Arsene's biggest accolyte

    Apr 22, 2014, 11:00 #49994

    Hoorah! Hull put to the sword by the mighty Strasbourg King himself. Further proof if ever any was needed, that Arsene Wenger, Alsace's greatest son is the right man to continue our stratospheric rise to the top 3. With the FA Cup a mere bonus, this will be one of Arsenal's greatest seasons ever. Let's unite our phones via bluetooth during the final at Wembley and invade Twitter by telling the world how great he is. Huzzah!

  224. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 11:00 #49993

    Read it all baddy. The inference is we all make (Wenger too) mistakes. Fine agree. We all think we know a bit about football that's why we read and contribute to this forum. I am no less a Gooner than you. I happen to think Arsenal are underachievers. You evidently don't. The hair splitting to attempt at reconciling Wenger's modus operandi juxtaposed against other teams' failings can be counter argued vis a vis success against spend. Every club that has had the courage of their convictions had a trophy laden haul! I'm sure you're also a decent chap. Behaviour us learnt also from bad parenting. Plus, when struck first be prepared to receive a blow or two - child or not! WENGER OUT MATE ok!

  225. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 10:59 #49992

    No underachiever. I am on record as saying it's perhaps the time now. I was just offering an overview of circumstances elsewhere. We need a top man at the helm, whosoever we individually regard as such. CL football is a tempting carrot, (Poundland pops up again- by the way you fish for fish not rabbits), yet many decry the need/desire to qualify thereby reducing any bargaining power it carries-forgetting the financial rewards. You appear a well-balanced lad and I perhaps mirror your attitude, select with caution and with care. Then you have to just hope the chemistry is right. My main joust is at those rattling dustbin lids with, 'Get him out! Get him in! He is the source of all our woes! He will be our saviour!' I know he will retire soon one way or the other. I also know the pathway to adequately replacing him will be strewn with likely problems. I just warn to be cautious, both in actions, thoughts and words.

  226. underacheiver

    Apr 22, 2014, 10:43 #49991

    Badarse - were you trying to say "be careful what you wish for"?

  227. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 10:28 #49990

    You got it in one 24601. Bob is a class act and he and Martin are both men of substance. I know you two rascals have a special connection with Martin Keown and it would have seemed a bit trite to just echo the same views but often views are the same and so I said it at last. I do tend to squeak up sometimes. So it's happened, Moyes gone and takes that £5mill package with him. The whispers coming out of Old Trollope suggest the yanks want CL football done on the cheap. Mmm, now where have we seen that before? Interesting blueprint available for them to copy. It will be seventeen months at the earliest before they can play CL football again, with all it's riches and stability it can bring it's a long time to wait. The players there, like our own, have contracts tied into and linked with CL qualification. They are all awaiting a 25% salary reduction. We are talking a serious loss. It's probably why Rooney got his increase to fireproof him against the loss of earnings-a loyal player, great principles, ethics spelt with a double 'f', and a role-model for the youngsters, also a brave three lion(s)heart...(see what I did there?) They are talking of needing a £200 million player investment as a requirement to get to a level to compete. Hang on, something is rotten in the state of Denmark! Ferguson has been lauded by a few on this site. Fine we are a fair minded collection of individuals and we insist on giving credit where credit is due. Now it is broadly suggested that he was restricted to his outgoings on players in recent times and when he bowed out the squad was not strong enough to compete. Moyes was hand-picked by Ferguson, (I'll come back to that in a mo), so Moyes failing was Ferguson's failing too. The club is interested in Klopp because he is a recognised success at shoestring economics. All good so far. Now many, myself included are aware that a change of manager can be a traumatic affair- house-moving is high in stress levels but no one says on occasions we shouldn't move, (fancy living next door to me!)- most on this site would agree with me if I conducted a straw poll on whether the board or anyone else beyond Arsene Wenger, knew anything about football. It would reveal an emphatic 'No'. Yet the same people would quite rightly say Ferguson does know quite a bit about footie. Get the drift? He picked the wrong man! There are lessons to be learned in all this. Not suggesting that it is, or should be view-changing by any means, just a little less gung-ho. Over to you guys. Poundland, no offence chum, am sure you are a pleasant chap. As I say to the children with behavioural problems, 'You are not bad, it's your behaviour which isn't nice.'

  228. Unchives

    Apr 22, 2014, 10:21 #49989

    @Jouster - What you say is spot-on, looking at results against the top sides, if Arsenal had won their home games instead of drawing, we would be champions & further in the CL, however this again accentuates the poor management skills that got us to this point. I'm sure Arsene will now argue....why spend over £90 million to win the Carling cup when you can win the FA cup for nothing and qualify for the CL.The players mirror the managements attitude.

  229. Westlower

    Apr 22, 2014, 10:12 #49988

    Maureen only had 4 things to say at his press conference on Saturday. Here's 4 more from a Gooner. ATLETICO. PLEASE. WIN. TONIGHT.

  230. Gaz

    Apr 22, 2014, 9:49 #49987

    @jousrer: is it April fools day again...

  231. Please someone deal with Jester

    Apr 22, 2014, 9:31 #49986

    Chelsea - played 3 won 0 Man City - played 2 won 0 Man U - played 2 won 0 Bayern - played 2 win 0 Everton - played 3 won 1 Liverpool have been contra'd against Napoli, Dortmund, and world beaters Marseille! Outstanding stats Arsene.

  232. Jouster

    Apr 22, 2014, 9:21 #49985

    Arsenal's results against Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, Man C, Man U, Spuds, Napoli, Marseille, Dortmund and Bayern this season have been Won:10 Drawn:5 Lost:9. Not spectacular but not as bad as people make out. Against the lesser teams it's Won:23 Drawn:3 Lost:2. Arsenal hold their own against the bigger teams and destroy the smaller clubs, which is what the best clubs should do.

  233. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 9:08 #49984

    @Westflower - next year will be the same as it had been for many now. Excuses excuses. M'Vila, is one. Song is another.How about the tank Tiote. Money will get you what you need. Action too! Wenger got Özil so Mata was no go! Mata was available when Law and Wenger got Joel Campbell instead. Players were available but Wenger got no-go Sanogo instead. Yes, Torres going round Victor Valdes in Barca's goal when CFC nailed them in 2012 on the way to the trophy, plus other important killer goals is worth £50m!

  234. Westlower

    Apr 22, 2014, 8:54 #49983

    @Badarse, Keown & Bob Wilson, two of the most intelligent people ever to pull on an AFC shirt. Both class acts. @Poundland, As I stated yesterday, Ramsey's injury was originally believed to keep him out for 3/4 weeks. Where do you find a like for like replacement in the Jan window? Mata was the only notable player available but Chelsea wouldn't sell him to us anyway. Draxler picked up an injury and was expected to be out for the same period as Ramsey. What happens to Ramsey on his return after he's been replaced? Do you regard Torres a good buy at £50m?

  235. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 8:16 #49982

    I managed to snare a hare when fishing for a rabbit. Badarse always takes the bait (carrot) . As for rocks or stones make sure your webbed feet cling tightly. The Wenger pond is unforgiving. Misplaced principles. Eloquent use of words Badarse!

  236. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 8:03 #49981

    Just a comment directed towards julesd and westlower, good morning you two. How good was it to see Martin Keown on MotD2? I have resisted the compulsion so far in avoiding nailing up my colours but have finally cracked, Sunday evening pushed me over the edge. I love, admire, and respect his views attitude and approach. I really have similar feelings for Tone but Martin is my man. I have this vague imagined affinity with him and think we might have been friends in a different life; why I might even write a poem to him, (relax Gaz, only kidding buddy). I always feel when he is on the panel no one will take liberty with Arsenal. That is a big call for me, I want to know my Arsenal is in good hands-safe and secure. Come on julesd, KEE-OWN!

  237. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 22, 2014, 7:58 #49980

    Others have already stated that Arsenal's derailment is purely down to logistics, or, a lack of them. As soon as Wenger lost Ramsey he should've left no stone unturned to target a like for like player. When we lost Walcott the same should've applied. That's what his job is. A football manager who should be primarily involved in the nitty gritty of football. Not denigrating this and that because it doesn't favour his misplaced principles. January transfer windows exist for clubs to conduct surgery to their squads. Torres was also un-buyable, but £50m got you your man. Wanger bid a quid more and got two fingers. Perhaps Arsene, you should join the EUFA ethics board and legislate in all matters judicial and jurisprudence. As a manager though you seriously retard Arsenal from winning the biggest prizes in football. - Post No. 53036

  238. BADARSE

    Apr 22, 2014, 7:46 #49979

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. So the knives are out and sharpened for Moyes-another £5mill down the swanny. I take exception to 'misplaced principles' of Arsene Wenger. They are good principles, I would like to think they mirror mine and the people I respect. Without them we are grubbing around in the slime and ooze. Ethics! Another word hurled with disdain. Some must crawl out from under stones, see the bright sunlight and then scurry right back under again. Now if it is couched thus, that perhaps he overstates, over-relies, uses the usual excuses or trots out a regular mantra to explain/disguise circumstances then I will accept. Otherwise it's narrow and far too convenient, and more, it doesn't really explain anything-it is just a sound bite. I would still contest the claim, but at least we would be doing 'big boy' stuff and discussing like adults. All you wordsmiths who are critical of this just ponder. What variations are there to say? Every single game demands a comment nowadays. In the 'old' days you would have to scan every newspaper and still come up empty-handed if you wanted an Arsenal manager's view of things. Times have changed, but what do you honestly expect? Think about it, please.

  239. £40mill + £1 signals your intent?!

    Apr 22, 2014, 6:59 #49978

    I see Arsene's name has been omitted from the World Almanagersac latest edition. I'm sure this is an oversight, and that the publisher will endeavour to rectify this ASAP in time for other forum members to Peruse. I'm sure Arsene's proper position should really be somewhere between Mourinho and Guardiola! What does everyone else think?!

  240. julesd

    Apr 22, 2014, 5:45 #49977

    I see that Man City players received a couple of nasty injuries playing West Brom, but I'm sure it won't affect them, they may still win the league! injuries should never be used as an excuse should they? Especially when the best players are the victims.

  241. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 23:08 #49976

    @maguiresbridge gooner: it's incredible isn't it? Think we're witnessing something remarkable-something that will never happen again. After all we'll never have another manager who wields so much pore and influence over the whole Club...

  242. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 22:34 #49975

    Gaz, yes and as we all know when their master speaks the lambs ears prick up and the bleating starts.

  243. World Almanagersac

    Apr 21, 2014, 21:29 #49974

    2013/2014 - Edition coefficients 1. SAF 2. {Mourinho 2. {Guardiola 3. Ancellotti 4. Benitez 5. Rodgers 6. Klopp 7. Blanc. 8. Conte 9. Mancini 10. Martino 11. Simeone 12. Martinez 13.Martini 14. Cinzano 15. Bourbon 16. Daniels 17. Guinness 18. Weatherspoons 19. Bergerac 20..........................,,

  244. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 21:01 #49973

    Van Gaal is 2-1 fav to go to the scum. Let's hope he goes to United instead as he is a serious manager and there is no way that Wenger can live with him. Either way it looks like the top 4 and the FA cup possibilities of this season will be as much success as AFC will be getting in the near future under Wenger.Either way Wenger will have to kiss goodbye to his precious fourth place trophy. All the top teams will now be addressing their shortcomings with top managers and signings. The TV money looks set to go up again with BT coming in and most will spend the money. We know Arsene FC will sit back and watch them. Let's enjoy the cup final and then concentrate on getting this pathetic board and manager out.

  245. DJ

    Apr 21, 2014, 20:15 #49972

    Gaz: That is why it is so frustrating with a bit more ambition we could have won the league this year or at least avoided the humiliations at Liverpool, Chelsea and Everton. Fourth place and the FA Cup will be something but with a bit of ambition it could have been so much more!

  246. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 20:00 #49971

    @DJ: you naughty naughty person!!! You know you can't ask sensible questions like that! Seriously though I see AW is really going big on the injury/cup games excuse. As you rightly slide to though if he helped himself his excuses might be a little more palatable...

  247. Mike Collins

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:51 #49970

    The manager we really need could be soon available on the job market - great record in finishing 6th-7th, excellent communication skills with the media, and popular with his players. Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together please for Dav... Oh, all right then.

  248. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:48 #49969

    Nice one MIKE COLLINS and lets be honest. If Moyes (or his mum) had the wasted resources at his disposal OGL has had over the last nine seasons I am sure we would have at least won the Europa and maybe a league cup. Pray tell how most venerable leader has even reached that. Is there a balcony at the Emirates where he comes out and waves to his drug induced, fanatical followers? Just asking!

  249. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:42 #49968

    At least a lot of fans may have something in common with an arsenal player at last especially the old ones (no we're not cart horses)we've a false tooth, no selfies for arteta for a while.

  250. DJ

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:37 #49967

    Just without being rude or calling me anti arsenal could someone explain why we didn't strengthen in Jan when we knew Theo was out for the season and we were woefully short of pace and options up front?

  251. Mike Collins

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:31 #49966

    AN APOLOGY: After the Everton defeat you may have read my post about a useless and knackered old manager well past his sell-by date inexcusably dragging our once-mighty club into the mire. Since the West Ham and Hull victories, however, I would like to make it clear what I really meant is that AW is a footballing colossus whose vision, tenacity and integrity are qualities we must retain, at any cost, with a new 20-year contract (no-one is too old at 84 these days). I apologise for any confusion caused.

  252. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:24 #49965

    Hi 24601, if the news suddenly broke that Moyes had been sacked, but a few days later he was installed as our new man because Arsene was finally stepping down, I bet despite my support for Arsene that I would handle the news better than many. There is every chance they would find themselves in a form of mental turmoil. We wanted him to go-he has. That's good, isn't it? We've got Moyes, we wanted him in July, do we still want him now though? Still we have him. That's good isn't it? Short-circuiting brains everywhere. Me? I would be saddened as it would signal the end of an era, (mortality advances, and all that), but ready for the new man. With my usual, old-fashioned loyalty and understanding that Rome wasn't built in a day, I would be quite relaxed. Some might put away their voodoo pins and begin to worry about something new. I don't believe in Wenger, I don't believe in Moyes, I don't believe in Martinez, I don't believe in Beatles, I don't believe in BADARSE, I just believe in me, my baby and me...the dream is over. Custard pies at the ready, begin!

  253. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 19:08 #49964

    One person's explanation is another's excuse. It's too simplistic & wrong to dismiss every reasoned opinion as an excuse. It's hard to find a good word from some of you about the football club you claim to support.

  254. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 18:38 #49963

    Just got home and am laughing. Seriously gentlemen, the claims are so lop-sided. As stated so often, everyone at AFC are useless. The strategy and direction of the club and it's soulless stadium. The badge the hamburgers. Every other team falls into three main groups. The mega rich, but they have the best managers and play the best football, so they are excused. The main chasing pack, of which we generally lead and finish above most if not all every season, are all doing the business with better managers styles of football and players, (tiny totts excepted). The third group are the lesser lights, who have the greatest of sympathy from AFC fans to a point of excusing their defeats when we beat them, because 'we are flat-track bullies'. You really couldn't convince a newcomer to the site that you are serious. Now where is that artetaisachild? I feel rhyming couplets coming on.

  255. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 18:34 #49962

    KC,53001 Some fans are very very good at doing just that, in fact experts, (but i suppose they've been listening to an expert)and would like nothing more than to have all the humiliations and embarrassments and not just the ones this season but the others also, airbrushed out of history, but all the excuses in the world can't and won't do that. And one trophy that wasn't important to a lot of fans not so long ago isn't going to make up for them all either.

  256. Moaning Mug

    Apr 21, 2014, 18:15 #49961

    I want my cups and I want them now and all you lot who don't want to win anything because YGL thinks it's vulgar can go and support the Arsenal Anteaters. Any ideas for the badge?

  257. Peter Wain

    Apr 21, 2014, 17:22 #49960

    the problem with this type of performane is that Wenger convinces himself that their is not too much wrong with the squad and as usual we invest very little, late and not top top quality. Some day the penny will drop but just not with this manager or board or owner

  258. Glory Hunter Basher

    Apr 21, 2014, 17:17 #49959

    If it was up to the AMG's Wenger, Szczesny, Mertesacker and Ramsey would all be gone and we would have Moyes, Schwarzer, Samba and Parker playing for us. Dullards the lot of them.

  259. jetplane

    Apr 21, 2014, 17:08 #49958

    Now there's a bloody team against all the odds - threadbare squad, players giving their all, no namby-pamby ooh my leg hurts .... Give it up for Burnley - they're coming after ya Wenger!

  260. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 16:58 #49957

    Stevieo, as was predicted even with the barrel scraped the excuses would always be found.

  261. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 16:23 #49956

    Gaz, yes here we go again and fans didn't need to be clairvoyants to see it coming, although some are being fooled (yet again)some certainly aren't.

  262. David Moyes

    Apr 21, 2014, 16:13 #49955

    Just got off the phone with Stan and he should be making a statement tomorrow.

  263. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 16:07 #49954

    @Cyril, In my time of watching AFC live, we have finished worse than 7th on 12 occasions, 5-7th on 9 occasions, 4th or better 11 times in 32 seasons. Since Wenger's arrival, never worse than 4th x16, going on 17. Most consistent record in AFC history.

  264. Hibeegunner

    Apr 21, 2014, 15:40 #49953


  265. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2014, 15:35 #49952

    Just proved a point there all by yourself WESTIE. Cheer up! Arsenal are winning in your world! I have been laughing ever since Paddy put that penalty away. I hope he stays because it might get funnier than Maureen's meltdown. Wenger the seventh Stone ...... if you do not understand the Everton computation, well .....

  266. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 15:27 #49951

    @JJ, What have you been smoking over there? AFC didn't win at the weekend, please explain! Before you tell me Everton are the greatest thing since sliced bread, do remember they conceded 3 goals at home to Palace midweek. Moyes to replace Wenger anyone?


    Apr 21, 2014, 15:14 #49950


  268. Jack Harper

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:54 #49949

    We are in a familiar situation and look more comfortable because of it. Returning players will bring a positive impact but we look more controlled mentally now we are on familiar ground. It is not unreasonable to think that winning a Cup Final might instill a winning mentality. We don`t have that player that refuses to be beaten, that the other players are scared of disappointing. We haven`t really had it since Adams. It tends to be a developed player and is difficult to find. This season was plotting a predictable path for me from the Old Trafford performance onwards. You could see in that game that the belief was not there.

  269. Cyril

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:41 #49948

    This idea, that we were a mid table obscurity side before has no grounding at all as most know. Going back to 74 season , arsenal have only finished below 7th on 3 occasions and on one of those we did the cup double. It's an insult to any self respecting arsenal fan to peddle this as if Wenger is the be and end all of this great club. We have arguably the greatest history of any club in the country. Wenger has added to it but we have 2322stagnated clearly as we have not won a trophy in nine years. Winger must move on, upstairs or wherever. Thank you for everything and please make us happy on cup final day.

  270. jjetplane

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:36 #49947

    The funniest thing is how the lickle wengerites try to make out they are so happy and positive and full (probably are) with self help dvds courtesy of the armoury. Bit like that little bloke who 'lost in the snow' because he was mad as well as greedy. Moysey is to be sacked any minute. Listen up Stan. We want a dose of romanticist negativity. Fact: Arsenal did not win at the weekend. Everton did.

  271. GoonerRon

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:31 #49946

    I'm not sure our current position is without pressure. Due to our consistency in finishing in the top 4, allied with the media love-in for Martinez and Everton, we are under pressure. Throw in the FA Cup final we are expected to win and incessant questions about Wenger's contract, there is plenty riding on our remaining games, and indeed in this match.

  272. KC

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:26 #49945

    To many people complicate Wengers decisions. It's all out there. 1 - Sold RVP not replaced 2 - Sold Song not replaced. 3 - No shield to our back four especially when our full backs bomb forward. 4 - No X factor up front. How can we just pretend Anfield, Stamford Bridge Goodison and the Etihad never happened. If we bury our heads in the sand and just blame injuries and refs we are being naive. Our inability to compete against the better teams consistently shows a lack of ability and a manager who refuses to recognise another teams strengths. We have some great players but also to many average ones. Wenger has achieved an amazing amount for our club that should never be forgotten but he has to much power and no threat to his position and he does not seem capable of admitting mistakes. It's another season where we were almost there but almost year after year is frustrating especially when you do not utilise your income.

  273. DreamLand NOT PoundLand

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:18 #49944

    Badarse, all this horticultural talk could end up with you calling him WestFlower petal!

  274. Roy

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:11 #49943

    A sound performance and win but not unexpected. Couldn't agree more with what you've entitled your report, Kevin. Our thrashings against the other top boys this season have been totally unacceptable with poor tactics and team selection meaning that the contests were all but over early on. There's losing and there's losing. The failure to do anything decisive after the injuries to Rambo and Theo was also extremely poor management, and from that point on anyone with even a modicum of intelligence could see that was that as far as the title was concerned due to the lack of pace going forward. It's a shame because FA Cup or no FA Cup, these glaring errors are what a lot of us will ultimately remember this season for. I will be as happy as anyone else if we finally bring home some silverware, but it shouldn't be tempered in this way, should it ? I'll do my very best to put it aside for one day, I promise ! And we should all do the same, and then hopefully the Summer will bring some kind of watershed.

  275. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 14:03 #49942

    maguiresbridge, gardens, gardners, roses, yet no mention of hedgehogs? Enjoy the moment buddy, if you can. Incidentally when westlower is away winning big any concerns you may have can be taken up with me. I would never deign to speak for him but I think you would get a similar answer from me, so don't grieve too openly people, it is just a game after all, ha ha. As if!

  276. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 13:33 #49941

    @Maguiresbridge, AFC only flourish when they're able to field something like their best team. No different from all the other teams.

  277. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 13:28 #49940

    Another stroll against one of the power houses on our way to our usual trophy, and no real surprise with none of this horrible pressure to distract us if only there was no such thing as pressure, another routine win with a couple of sweet goals while enjoying ourselves passing the ball about as is usual at this time of the season, it's just not fair every team doesn't allow us to do it, if only we could get that rule changed. And can you smell the roses? delightful, the aroma is everywhere the garden suddenly looks wonder full again and they're all queuing up to complement the gardener. If only the gardener could have done the same job when it was really needed, but maybe roses are like Arsenal they only flourish at a certain time of the year when their under no pressure to do so, and lets hope they don't wither again before or at a certain big flower show that's coming up shortly.

  278. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 13:02 #49939

    Am amazed at the wisdom on display yet again. When a player is bought it is a huge commitment and a very big investment- that beyond the elementary requirement of finding a player who will add to the team's potential. If you are buying the top class finished product it has certain demands. The middle strata calls for something else and of course the raw recruit something different again. Diaby has to be the prime example. Here was a young player with an abundance of skill who might develop and make the grade. He has suffered so many injuries in his career. The biggest he brought upon himself by standing near the touchline and allowing a Sunderland assassin to hurtle in and smash his ankle to pieces. That's what you invite when you are injury prone! When Aaron had is leg snapped in two it was very clumsy of him. Injury prone. Theo just twisted and ruptured his cruciate, how careless. When do we keep and persevere, when do we release? Our great player from yesteryear Edu ruptured his cruciate immediately after leaving us. He returned six months later and promptly ruptured the other knee's ligament. Now that is taking the 'mickey'. You cannot plan for injuries beyond what has been floated before that some players are overplayed. The analysis of JW tackling at the wrong time is a very interesting point and one I pretty much subscribe to, up to a point, (though when someone stomps you the best you can do is scream). The timing of his tackles, when to/when not, hopefully will be ironed out as he develops. After that it is in every sense a lottery. True we could have fared worse by losing Giroud the 'carthorse', as we only had Bendtner or Sanogo, (the carthorses), in reserve. Well that may have been a very real concern, not having top class deputies but we know how we arrived at this CF juncture. Had the problem occurred we would have shuffled the pack and perhaps played Theo or the Pod there. We have been hard hit by injuries. That is neither a support argument for or against Arsene Wenger, just a simple statement of fact. Some on here would have us legislate for every likely and unlikely event. Not possible gentlemen. Despite your angry claims to the contrary.

  279. Torbay gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:57 #49938

    Actually Westlower, I am sure that there are a significant number of people on this site who like me predate Arsene Wenger. My adolescence coincided with the start of Terry Neil's reign,so hardly a golden period as far as top four finishes are concerned. The fact is that with a club of Arsenal's resources we should be competing for the title most seasons and not the usual leftovers. The reason we are not has been explained on this site more times than our manager has said we 'lacked a little bit of confidence and mental sharpness'. All I hear from you and others of similar viewpoint are excuses and dodgy stats.

  280. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:57 #49937

    @Underachiever, Frustratingly the start of the flat season is fragmented so I've been able to take a short break until Thursday when I'll be at Beverley, then Friday & Saturday at Sandown. The following week culminates in the Guineas meeting at Newmarket. Sadly on Cup Final day I'll be at Newmarket but I'll post my best wishes that AFC has a successful day. Should you wish to oppose my views on all things AFC please do so until Wednesday. Be lucky!

  281. 600NER PETE

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:38 #49936

    I thought we were very poor until we scored but then we looked comfortable. I agree Kevin, I've thought for a long while that Podolski should play up front in a 4-4-2 formation. His power and shooting ability is wasted on the wing. As other posters have said, Wenger leaving is the only thing that would classify as a successful season to me. Fourth place and the FA cup would be an added bonus.

  282. theopants superstar

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:36 #49935

    Westlower: you might have a point if it weren't for the fact that the manager goes into each season with at least 4 or 5 players who are known to be injury prone and another half a dozen that just are not good enough!! That isn't bad luck - it's bad planning!!


    Apr 21, 2014, 12:32 #49934

    As usual Westlower you completely miss the point, well done! I would expect no less from one of Wenger's disciples. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail... snore zzzz

  284. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:29 #49933

    @Wenger Out, I bow to your powers of perception. It's so obvious looking back that Ramsey, Wilshire & Walcott we're all going to suffer long term injuries. Do you suggest we dump all these known lame ducks before next season? How about Ox? He's been lame too? How about Ozil? Goes and pulls his hamstring when we're playing the best team in the world, how selfish is that? Good job we didn't shoot Sagna as he lay prostrate with a broken leg at the Lane last season. Barcelona are having a moderate season, can't trust trust that Messi to stay sound. Human beings, what to do with them? What to say when we get injuries under the next manager? Am I missing the point that injuries only happen under Wenger? Mick Jagger summed it up perfectly, "You can't always git what you want."

  285. Sambo

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:27 #49932

    Your very right in what you say BADARSE, Arsenal have been getting screwed by officials for years. Mainly down to the fact that we don't appeal like other teams do. A crap team like Liverpool find themselves top due to the fact that referees love doing them favours, If Arsenal were given the same hand outs our poorer opponents are given we'd be champions every season.

  286. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:12 #49931

    Just a consideration but what of our two penalties not given, Ozil in the first half and the Ox in the second? I do not have stats to support but if you say most penalties wrongly given against, most penalties not awarded when they were earned, most fouls given against us, most reds given etc you will always find Arsenal's name in the forefront. This has been going on for years.

  287. underacheiver

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:08 #49930

    What amazes me is how horse racing meets are synchronized to Arsenals loosing runs and thus some Arsene supporters are too busy to comment on this sites whilst attending aforesaid meets.

  288. Matthew Bazell

    Apr 21, 2014, 12:04 #49929

    Podolski should always start ahead of the lamp post and the postman. One chance one goal. Two chances two goals. He's by far the most clinical striking option.


    Apr 21, 2014, 12:03 #49928

    More papering over the cracks from the AKB's. As for not being able to legislate for the injuries this season Westlower, I think Man U Killer summed it up pretty well. You can't legislate for what happens every season - That is called incompetence. Who would have thought that Jack Wilshere, the player who has spent half of his short career on the treatment table would get injured? Who would have thought that Ramsey, who featured sporadically last season, wouldn't be able to handle carrying the team every week for the full 90 mins? Who would have thought that the 'the beast' Walcott would get crocked - I see you wilfully forget to mention that Walcott's injury was well known about before the January window closed... Blaming our title collapse on injuries is like blaming the recent flooding coastal damage on the rain and high winds - Desperate stuff guys! Great to see us win, but gains nothing if that doddery old git stays.

  290. Sambo

    Apr 21, 2014, 11:43 #49927

    Remember most of the Wob's wanted Ramsey replaced by Fellaini at the start of the season and Wenger replaced by Moyes. Good job those in charge have more sense than those idiots.

  291. GoonerRon

    Apr 21, 2014, 11:32 #49926

    Good result and a really encouraging performance. I thought Ozil played well, should have had a penalty and played a prominent part in out first two goals. As for the rest, I said at the start of the season that for Wenger to stay I felt he needed to deliver a title tilt and/or a trophy - the former is debatable but the latter is definitely up for grabs.

  292. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 11:04 #49925

    Informative to read that Ramsey covered more ground than any other player, 7.9 miles. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, blessed with similar ability can also become a dynamic player for AFC. I have to smile when I read Gooners bemoaning the fact we're ONLY a top 4 side & a CL top 8 seed. Shame some of you weren't around when we were firmly anchored in mid table, season after season after season. Playing against the elite in Europe was merely a pipe dream for long spells in AFC's history.

  293. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright right!

    Apr 21, 2014, 10:56 #49924

    Where's SGRB to put this luck idiom ' to bed.'

  294. Tony

    Apr 21, 2014, 10:55 #49923

    How many Liverpool players would get into Arsenals team?Suarez Sturridge Sterling and Gerrard definitely.But who else?And that tells you the problem with Arsenal.The manager.Rodgers has tactics, he has new ideas.Wenger is playing the same tactic's we played 8 years ago when we had better players.I watched Liverpool yesterday they played with pace from the first minute then i watched the Hull game and it was the same ponderous football for the first half an hour.Yes we can get away with it v the likes of Hull but we get hammered against the top teams.Wenger is now a tactical dinosaur.Now i hear Wenger making the excuse that Liverpool didnt have European football.Well Mr Wenger come the run in every season we are already out of Europe.No more excuses you loser.The comment you made Kev about Wenger already signing that £8m a year contract is depressing.Oh for a Klopp or a Martinez to put some life into our club

  295. Torbay gooner

    Apr 21, 2014, 10:52 #49922

    A fair report Kevin,and 'Do one Wenger' sums it up pretty well too. However,there are plenty of posters on here who are happy with our continued 'exciting' race for 4th place.

  296. Do one Wenger

    Apr 21, 2014, 10:25 #49921

    We are stuck in no mans land.This team with Wenger as manager will never win the league but is never bad enough to finish outside the top 4.So we are trapped.The board are happy because we will get the £40m CL money.But how much longer will Ramsey Kos and Ozil hang around while we are just playing for 4th every year.It does my head in come every May to hear Gooners say we have had a good season because we have finished 4th.Take a look at Liverpool they are playing the type of football we used to.Pace and strength with tactics.11 straight wins is what we used to do.They have a young manager who doesnt keep bleating about them not being able to compete with petro-dollar clubs like Chelsea and City.You cant win a title with a Giroud as the main striker.The cup will be a distraction but it will just paper over the cracks.Again

  297. KC

    Apr 21, 2014, 10:13 #49920

    When I judge I try to be honest and look at seasons rather than a season. It's very true injuries have hurt us but we can not hide from the fact that we can not compete with the very best which has been happening for a number of years. It's not rocket science it's just that wenger wants to penny pinch, does not appreciate the importance of playing football when you don't have the ball and the fact that nearly all top sides have a world class striker. I enjoy all our victories want us to win every game but you can not sweep the ongoing humiliations against the best teams season after season under the carpet. Beating Hull was great but we know that it does not address or make up for the pathetic away performances when it mattered most.

  298. Stevieo

    Apr 21, 2014, 10:00 #49919

    The excuse making has reached new heights. Looks like next season's excuses have already been pencilled in before a ball has been kicked or a transfer window has been bodged. There was a time when wenger used to make the excuses, but he leaves that to his disciples now. We used to have to wait post game for the comedy, but now they even see the car crash coming well in advance and book early now. Saying that, if wenger came out with some of these excuses he'd be sectioned. But that's martyrdom for you. Anyway, sorry to diversify on this football blog. All is well in the world as I can birds fluttering their wings in the bird bath outside in this crisp sunshine.

  299. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:54 #49918

    @Jason: Think I said this recently-can't remember though. Gary Player once said: 'the better I get the luckier I get'. With that in mind I wouldn't mind betting if we used all the money at our disposal, used tactics to try and win games, and stoped the excuses we'd suddenly start to see the the 'luck' you mention come our way. Mind you that goes against my main own opinion that using 'luck' to describe our own failings is as rubbish an excuse as it gets...

  300. Jason

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:44 #49917

    Although it may be time for Wenger to leave, it does make me think what fine lines football managers live with. Brendon Rogers is deemed the greatest manager ever, and Wenger useless. However we have only lost and drew 2 more games than Liverpool, and beat them in the league and FA cup. Liverpool have not had their midfield and attacking line up decimated by injuries, and have had no champions league football to contend with. Yes there have been some shocking performances this season, but when it comes to a bit of luck, Arsenal seem to have none!!!!!

  301. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:39 #49916

    Ha ha, that ruffled a few feathers. Are you all bristling with rage? westlower's last post must be just what you are looking for instead. I loved it, bet you didn't though, ha ha, back to the bun fight gentlemen.

  302. tippytappynevershooty

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:35 #49915

    ZB20H you are quite correct You can clearly seperate fanbase types by those that vent all their anger onto their latest victim, and those who relate things back to the culture, leadership and structure of the club. Although some players rightly get a pasting from time to time, I am one of the latter and generally place all the issues good or bad with the leadership of the club, if a player is underperforming, he is either badly coached / motivated or not up to it, both of which sit with Wenger. For the record I always liked Ramsey and found the constant vitriol aimed at him ridiculous, as I do of any player to be honest. We have a lot of great players, they are poorly led, end of.

  303. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:33 #49914

    Despite the poetry BADARSE is a good lad...

  304. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright right!

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:17 #49913

    Gaz - spot on, AGAIN! I also prefer the longer term good rather than short-termism. Guys, let BadArse sit on the bog with his laptop. There's no better place than the Kaazi for him. After all they have detritus in common. A goodArse has no function! Keep it down 'on the pan' BadArse! Kev's inactivity in censorship may indicate tacit approval of the fun had by all 'ere!

  305. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 9:02 #49912

    @Westlower: You may well be right that I'm letting my own personal agenda take away the enjoyment of winning games. Why is that? Its because in my opinion that 'agenda' is simply far more important than the usual triumphant march to fourth place! You know what really irritates me though? Its this acceptance that because we had injuries we couldn't win these big games. We could have and in some cases we should have. What we could have definately avoided though was the humiliating thrashings-those were simply unnaceptable. The facts are that over a long period now our performances against the bigger sides have simply been appaling. Thats a strong word but I can think of no other. Until we stop the endless excuses and accept Wengers the problem nothing will change...

  306. don froth

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:57 #49911

    Podolski is stinking the club out! well taken first goal though.

  307. artetaiswengerslovechild

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:57 #49910

    i wish badarse would stick his head up his own, where he can contemplate al the dark and smelly matter before he decides to write it down for us to read. he thinks this is a forum for his nonsensical spoutings. get a life man and get off the toilet seat, where you obviously sit all day with your laptop open dreaming up pointless comments. leave this site for sensible comments. kevin, you need to get back to monitoring what goes on here...

  308. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:51 #49909

    @BADARSE: I fu*king hate poetry :-)...

  309. Westlower

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:50 #49908

    Kevin, When Ramsey was injured on Boxing day we had plenty of cover with Wilshire, Ozil, Rosicky, Gnabry, Arteta, Flamini & Ox returning late in Jan. Kallstrom was brought in late in Jan window when it became apparent there wouldn't be a quick return for Ramsey. We certainly had enough midfielders for the 4-6 weeks it was expected KK to regain full fitness. In various stages we lost the majority of the aforementioned to injury or suspension. Only now are we returning to something approaching our full compliment of midfielders. The problem we had with Arteta & Flamini playing in tandem meant we lost our pace & power driving forward. Giroud became a lonely figure up front during this period with no runners going beyond him. You simply cannot legislate for all injuries that beset a team during a season. Being involved in Europe and domestic cups compounds the problem because those left standing get over played. No team can cope with a long injury list over a protracted period, whatever the pundits may pontificate. PURAGTORY: An extremely uncomfortable, painful or unpleasant situation or experience. That description must encapsulate those Gooners who 'want their team to win' but not with the present set of players/manager/board. It appears your personal agendas have become more important to you that your team winning.

  310. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:43 #49907

    OK, look out, it's him again. I was awake early this morning, snuffling from garden to garden as a little hedgehog, drinking saucers of milk and eating nuts set out for the birds. Amongst other aimless things I do, I write some poetry. In the light of julesd's post I was tempted to air it as in a response to her. It is a to my wife and loved ones, (ahhh!), a little morose as a topic-death-but it is also about life. julesd indirectly inspired me to post it, (it's therefore her fault).Sorry guys, here goes. It is entitled, 'To Be No Longer Me'. Stilled is the night. An endless sleep without dreams. No longer to have you, or others in my mind. How sad that thought. How empty to no longer hold you-or others in my arms. The thought that no more shall my lips kiss your lips, or those of others. Why should life do this to me, to make me love you so, only to lose you? How cruel, what grief the thoughts do bring. Stilled is the night, with me wrapped silently within it. A sadness too difficult to bare settles upon me. How lonely to be aware, how sad to imagine. Yet thankful that I can love you now. This instant, this moment, this day. To be able to pledge my undying love. To love you now. My poetry in print, ha ha. It may be a bit crackpot, but you do get more for your money on this website. Good old julesd. Good old Arsenal.

  311. Gaz

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:35 #49906

    Going over old ground again but Wenger can lament the loss of Ozil Walcott and Ramsey as much as he likes but the simple fact is when we had a full squad to pick from and a really important game to play (Napoli away) he left three of his big stars on the bench. We lost, finished second in the group, drew Bayern and that was that. Then in the next game we fielded our best side possible and still conceded six goals. I'm sorry but for me these end of season wins against poor sides when the pressure is off is just a side show to the main issue-should Wenger stay or go. My position is now deep rooted in that even if we sign the players we want I don't think Wenger will ever win the League title again or the Champions league. Those cmpetitions are now sadly way beyond his managerial capabilities...

  312. Its up for grabs now

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:25 #49905

    Just typical isn’t it, that as soon as the imaginary 4th placed trophy comes under threat, hey presto we start winning again! When an actual real trophy appears on the horizon i.e. the ones Wenger is only truly interested in these last few years, we collapse like a deck of cards year in year out. No doubt having now beaten Hull they will turn up at Wembley complacent and arrogantly assuming the game is already won, and end up losing, just like Birmingham in the 2011 League cup final. My only flickering of hope I retain is that Wenger has still not signed his contract or at least it hasn’t been announced. If and it’s probably wishful thinking on my part he goes, that in my view will be a truly imaginary trophy to celebrate!

  313. Any Old Iron

    Apr 21, 2014, 8:05 #49904

    6 PTS from basement boys. No big boys left to play.,Everton are going to fall short. 'Ere we go again, round the chumps league carousel. Wenger fudging the group stages with the EPL, domestic cups, scraping the group stages drawing a seed and, or, getting knocked out of the cups. Unless of course we get home draws and get lucky. ManUKiller - you could add : 2006/14 title crash bang wallop because of no transfer activity because for Arsene " it was difficult!" Wenger out!

  314. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 7:25 #49903

    Thanks for the acknowledgement julesd, it was a delight, wasn't it? Edmund, here's a loose strand of thought, (Oh Susej, all these loose strands he has!). If we lived in Scotland we would comfortably be a Celtic/Rangers. Beat up the rest regularly and have the tiniest of flirtations with Europe. We would hear things like, 'That is Arsenal's sixth consecutive title in the bag.', and occasionally doing some kind of 'Double', on very rare occasions a 'Treble', and like those fans who reside there we would celebrate and enjoy. Wouldn't we? The two Scottish clubs would struggle in the EPL, probably finishing outside the top six or seven season upon season. I am not going anywhere with this, it was just a random thought. One consideration with all their monies, including the unearned money that Rangers spent, they are at least one strata below us, perhaps two. As I said just a thought.

  315. julesd

    Apr 21, 2014, 7:10 #49902

    Badarse I'm delighted to hear it.

  316. Edmund

    Apr 21, 2014, 7:05 #49901

    BADARSE and Julesd have a good point here. Why are we fans in the first place? To see Arsenal win and feel good about it. A great win again this week. Lets enjoy it. Long may it last whoever is in charge next season.

  317. BADARSE

    Apr 21, 2014, 6:41 #49900

    Good morning gentlemen and ladies. julesd I have a wonderful day on every day, sweetie. Even on days when sad, irked or troubled by all around, or just specifics. The world is beautiful, even when a rainy day, or the cold wind blows. It is all a state of mind, we know this. I salute you Colonel, and you Mister hedgehog, go about your business, spread a little happiness. Yesterday, having no Sky Sports we acted as parasites again and visited a nearby relative. A family group were present. The youngest grandchildren take their lead from noisy Grandad. I have many peculiarities and failings, one is talking my way through a game, (I do it even at young Charlie's matches too-it's perhaps why other parents move away from me, regularly on the touchline). The grandchildren smile from ear to ear when Grandad whoops and jumps out of his seat. I do a circuit of kissing everyone, unless they pull away from me in laughter. Yesterday was wonderful. These 'Littlies' will remember and no doubt talk of Grandad's shenanigans after I have shuffled off this mortal coil. It was the most wonderful of experiences- pure joy. A lifetime wrapped up in a couple of hours. Nerves, enthusiasm, verbal mutterings, screams of delight, intensity, belief, artistry offered and accepted, and grabbed with both hands. Certitude settling upon us all, lauding it and then the verbose celebrations, and kisses of jubilation. Later quietly, on two perhaps three occasions saying, 'We did well today, didn't we?' and my wife reassuringly saying, 'Yes, we did!' Oh what a magnificent gift to be privileged enough to support Arsenal, and to have what I had yesterday. Flat-track bullies? Oh people, you are missing the point of it all. Say and do what you feel necessary, but at least let the light in. Enjoy what you have whilst you have it. Crow again Colonel, one more time.

  318. julesd

    Apr 21, 2014, 5:53 #49899

    Good morning you merry band of moaners! You know who you are. We won yesterday and you should be happy, there are far worse things going on in the world, least of all in our back garden, Mr Hedgehog called last night, knocking over the water bowl and making a mess but he ate his special food so all is well in the world today, birds are singing and the cockerel over the road from us (known as 'The Colonel' is crowing merrily! Oh and just to reiterate - The Arsenal won yesterday, have a lovely day you merry band!

  319. Man United Killer

    Apr 21, 2014, 5:43 #49898

    2006 Arsene :Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2007 Arsene :Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2008 Arsene :Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2009 Arsene :Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2010 Arsene :Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2011 Arsene:Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2012 Arsene:Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race. 2013 Arsene:Injuries hampered Arsenal in title race.

  320. Dark Hei

    Apr 21, 2014, 5:05 #49897

    Podolski isn't Arshavin. He does have a higher work rate. Only problem he is a one-footed guy with no pace and a turning radius of a bus. If we do win the FA Cup, does it justify Wenger staying? IMO answer is no. I want Arsenal to challenge for the top spot which means breaking the 80pt barrier. We can't do that now. But all those folks in the start of the season wants a trophy as the condition for Wenger staying. Now that we are going to get our hands on it, they want Wenger out. Hypocrites I say. Stay consistent. Still, we have no say in this. It is the owner. But as a fan, IF and finally IF, Wenger buys an athletic DM and a decent striker, I think we are set for next season. And finally let's enjoy the rest of the season. The last comment from the author is unbecoming of a fan. Should be ashamed.

  321. Edmund

    Apr 21, 2014, 4:19 #49896

    I see Kevin is shares my conspiracy theory on missing January spending. And as for Podolski being the next Arshavin, I fear that is still a real possibility. On the other hand, he does seem to be out of gas after 60 minutes, strolling around like Berbatov. On the other hand, if he knows where the back of the net is, who cares! Aha!

  322. Boro Primorac

    Apr 21, 2014, 2:06 #49895

    "IF" my aunt had bollocks she'd be my uncle..... The AKB can't help themselves. I like to deal with facts, not fantasies. Likewise "virtual" trophies are make believe. WENGER OUT!

  323. BADARSE

    Apr 20, 2014, 22:02 #49893

    Where's Wally is a Gooner, in France you are Where's Charlie.

  324. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 20, 2014, 21:57 #49892

    Purgatory sums it up nicely. I always want Arsenal to win but to listen to Wenger and his disciples talk like we're world beaters,when we win against poor sides makes me feel sick. It looks like he's staying though. I'm surprised that those that care about him are not encouraging to quit. Look at how he's a nervous wreck on the touch line and how's he's aged. The Rolling Stones must look at him and think ' Christ, at least we don't look as f****d as that guy'.

  325. Billthered

    Apr 20, 2014, 21:57 #49891

    Why would we play Flappy in the final he is off at the end of the season and I would not even have him on the bench.And before anyone says he deserves it what good would that bring to the club.On the other subject regarding Podolski OGL does not set teams up to be defensive so what should be so difficult about playing someone who scores goals.

  326. BADARSE

    Apr 20, 2014, 21:21 #49890

    Sometimes the negative posts prompt a response, then again a few demand I ignore them, then very occasionally I find myself falling about with laughter- one such time is now!

  327. Stevieo

    Apr 20, 2014, 21:03 #49889

    Christ, what is up with everyone? We have just played an away game , and not only have we avoided a thrashing, but we actually won! Kevin, as has been widely discussed, you can still win the league by being flat track bullies. Unfortunately for us, this theory still relies on the top teams slipping up against the crap that we can see off comfortably. Had the scousers drawn with City last week and Norwich today, along with fifteen other result permutations in our favour, I think you'd find us top. Fine margins and all that...

  328. ZB20H

    Apr 20, 2014, 20:44 #49888

    Arsenal might well benefit from a change of manager this summer, at least in the short term. However the main reason I would like to see it happen is to see how long it would take all the moaning mugs on this site to start slagging off the new man. It would probably start happening from the second he got appointed, 'why didn't we get Klopp/Simeone/Martinez/etc?' - the moaning will never stop.

  329. ZB20H

    Apr 20, 2014, 20:28 #49887

    You make me laugh. A year ago you and most on this site were slating Ramsey but now you want an inquiry about his injury because he is so important to the team. Hilarious.

  330. jjetplane

    Apr 20, 2014, 20:12 #49886

    Meanwhile Everton beat the Mancs home and away on cruise control. Far more deserving of a 4th berth and it would not be open to the abuse it has suffered at the hands of this fair-to-middling accountant. The predictability of all this had hit the bottom tier of fathomless boredom. The world creaks and Arsenal play on in another universe that few can be bothered to visit. The only positivity Arsenal needs is negative capability. Bet Martinez has a good cringe when the pundits start comparing him to Wenger. Martinez is way ahead. About the only friend he will end up is Maureen (ha ha) now uncle Fergie's gone. Viva la fuseball.

  331. DW Thomas

    Apr 20, 2014, 20:01 #49885

    Great result! Ramsey has been sorely missed and I love his drive forwards. Ozil's pass for the first goal was what he brings, great vision. Those two could use a player like Aguero or Suarez and then we'd see a team able to attack,and beat anyone! Still, Liverpool won a tough game getting a little lucky. Still we must go back to Ramsey's and Walcott's injuries. Why oh why did we not buy??? At least a top striker could have helped. Lets hope this is just a preview of an even better win in the cup final. Pretty obvious to me Liverpool and Arsenal both mirror the managers. Compare us selling Cesc and RVP to them not selling us Suarez. Those kinds of differences win you titles. Just ask Ferguson and possibly Rodgers. Can't get over Wenger's comment about Ozil, over Ramsey, as player of the year next year. Dummkopf is the word that comes to mind. He just needs to stay away from the mic for a long long time. Focus on the present and not what could be Arsene. Oh and where was Giroud's goal today?

  332. Positive

    Apr 20, 2014, 19:54 #49884

    god you guys are never happy. a year ago you were unhappy that we didnt have a trophy for 8 years. now we're a game away from the FA cup you're on about the purgatory of "being 4th". Enjoy the freakin moment FFS

  333. Daniel MK Gooner

    Apr 20, 2014, 19:34 #49883

    Couldn't agree more with you Kevin. I want them to win every game of course but if we do finish 4th it's just a licence for more years of decent football like this against the lower ranked teams only to be completely let down against the 'big' teams. If AW signs for 2 years you may as well put your mortgage on 2 more 4th place finishes.

  334. Gaz

    Apr 20, 2014, 19:33 #49882

    So we're going to probably finish fourth again-big deal. We'll cock it up in the Groups again then lose to the first certain side again. And don't give me any of that old bull about it enabling us to buy better players. I mean think back to 'those' celebrations last season at Newcastle and the players we signed on the back of winning-sorry qualifying-for fourth again? Flamini and Sanogo! Don't give me Ozil who was only signed because we lost to Villa. If we'd have won that we'd never of signed him...

  335. Gaz

    Apr 20, 2014, 19:17 #49881

    Summed up the afternoon and the situation pretty well I reckon Kev. Did exactly the same thing last season when the real pressure was off and I'm sure we'll be doing it all again next season and the one after that. Sorry but I'm not falling for this old crap again..

  336. BADARSE

    Apr 20, 2014, 18:58 #49880

    Thank you Kevin, a nice upbeat winning report, two on the bounce. Why it's almost commonplace. Let's hope the habit continues for the next four matches at least. Aaron is the man. As I said the other day he has been missed so much that his return may well prove the catalyst and his power-play may be the deciding factor in all this. He may be the one to see us over the line. There I've said it again!