To go or to stay, that is the question?

The signs are the latter, but we wait for the club announcement…

To go or to stay, that is the question?

Arsenal now largely an irrelevance in the competition itself

There is a lot of speculation about why the Boss hasn't signed the agreed contract. What is he waiting for? Is he waiting to see how the season finishes? Some suggest an FA Cup win and a 4th place will give him leverage with the fans or in the light of the dramatic post Christmas capitulation has he decided to leave at the end of the season?

But two other questions need to be thrown into the mix. Reliable sources suggest that he is upset and bemused by the fans’ hostile reaction to events at the E******s. How and why would he be surprised by such a reaction?

The second question is that by signing a new contract will he leave himself exposed to the possibility that one of the great Arsenal managerial careers will end in ignominy.

The first question needs reversing, how could he not be surprised by the hostility. The patience shown by the faithful has been immense, new ground financial constraints, increased season ticket prices, but no supporter of a top club, at least one welding Arsenal's financial clout, seriously believes that finishing 4th every year merits being seen as anything more than adequate. Yes it means CL football but the reality is we are a largely irrelevant sideshow with no hope of winning it. His reaction suggests to me that he has lost touch with the whole football project, which is to win trophies. No passionate Arsenal fan gets excited about a 4th place finish.

The second question is arguable. There are those that believe he should sign and that he will lead us to greater glories. But is there evidence to support that view or is it blind hope? I have nailed my colours to the mast often enough on this website so don't want to labour my point. My view is that there is no evidence to suggest he is capable of leading us to further glory. But as I have said I accept there are those that believe he could and will. But it is worth giving thought to a more pertinent question, what happens if he doesn't?

Next season will be the most fiercely contested ever. Liverpool's success has produced a mathematical problem - 5 into 4 doesn't go. Winning the PL will be even more difficult and one of the previous CL contenders will miss out. The fear of the potential financial fallout from failure to inhabit the promised land is already evident in the way United have sacked Moyes. For some while, the Boss hasn't been able to demonstrate that he can mix it tactically, in the transfer market or with the big boys in head to head games.

It goes without saying that he has been a hugely important figure in Arsenal's history. He has nothing to prove to anyone. I believe he will be putting his legacy at risk if he signs another contract.

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    Apr 30, 2014, 7:13 #50503

    Good morning MARCUS. Thank you for not shouting anymore, it's such a relief. Don't agree with a word you say but whatever it is you feel you need to say, said quietly is much kinder on the ears. Do you work in a library? Now to complete the medical improvement just think, 'Good old Arsenal.'


    Apr 29, 2014, 21:17 #50479

    Jules I know you support ARSENE FC, well I support Arsenal Fc. That is the difference between me and many deluded AKBS

  3. Ozzie

    Apr 29, 2014, 14:14 #50441

    Pity he cant sing. His weekly spiel is insulting to all the intelligent supporters. Please, Arsene, go, while you are ahead.


    Apr 29, 2014, 13:16 #50431

    FP Gooner you ascribed an unsolicited criticism of me, my attitude, personality, or whatever the bee in your bonnet was about. Offensive, insulting? Quite big statements, but I would prefer to say just not very nice. I had never offered a direct criticism of you, nor will I. My view as mentioned somewhere way back is that the person isn't bad, but sometimes their behaviour isn't nice. What you have had back is a muted reaction to your unkindness, no more. I am happy to cease the connection with you fourth with.

  5. FPGooner

    Apr 29, 2014, 12:53 #50424

    BADARSE, as others have pointed out on here, you really have a problem with seeing or hearing opinions which differ from yours. You are in danger of imitating your deity - looking increasingly ridiculous and unable to accept opinions which do not correlate to yours. As you are now trying to split hairs as a way of saving face, this tennis match is starting to look banal and slightly tedious.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2014, 12:41 #50421

    If he does go upstairs when the time comes and we get an ambitious manager at last and he starts winning trophies and honors guess who will be held (by some anyway)and no doubt take responsibility and the plaudits for that?


    Apr 29, 2014, 12:28 #50419

    FP Gooner, there is a succinct difference between principle and aim. As for not wanting to show disrespect to my 'deity Wenger', you fail in the respect stakes.

  8. FPGooner

    Apr 29, 2014, 11:18 #50414

    To correct you BADARSE, the commanding principle of socialism is not the opposition of poverty. The principal aim are ownership of the means of production and management of the economy. I went through all forms of socialist debates in my Uni days and don't particularly want to start one on here based on a remark I made and someone such as yourself, again desperately keen to impress, jumping on that remark. Apologies if I showed disrespect to your deity, Wenger.

  9. John Abrehart

    Apr 29, 2014, 9:45 #50407

    I was at the City Ground for the Forest game in 1979, it was a deferred FA Cup tie. I got in amongst the Forest fans and intended to keep a low profile. There was a tussle for the ball between Martin O' Neill and Liam Brady. I called out 'skin him Liam'. The Forest fans picked up on this and goaded me all evening. I remember the free kick out on the left wing, Liam Brady looked up and saw Frank Stapleton unmarked near the penalty spot. Over came the cross and bang into the net. You could hear a pin drop and Peter Shilton berated his defence. We nicked it after being second best all evening. A Forest fan said to me before the end of the game, 'I should piss off now mate while you can' . I did!


    Apr 29, 2014, 9:21 #50406

    Alternatively they could ask for your opinion FP Gooner. By the way, just to enlighten you, the commanding principle of socialism is to oppose poverty, not wealth. The queaters slumber still, though there is a little evidence of stirrings in the camp. Wisps of smoke can be seen emanating from some huts, they are rosing themselves.

  11. FPGooner

    Apr 29, 2014, 8:12 #50404

    Green Hut, I agree. It has been quite galling listening to someone earning £7.5 million a year proclaim his 'socialist' values. One of the qualities that would be essential for Wenger going upstairs would be to work with the new manager (whenever that happens) and take on ideas that he does not always agree with. Arsene has not shown a propensity for doing this and I am finding it difficult to imagine the Wenger of the future turn into an open, accomodating and dynamic genius exchanging ideas with the new manager. The relationship would be fractious if the new manager was his own man and wanted to do things his own way and would be a distraction to the real task at hand. If the new manager wasn't his own man, then he would clearly be the wrong man. People keep mentioning 'a vast amount of knowledge and experience' possessed by Wenger. I have not seen much evidence of this over the past few years and it doesn't seem to have stymied opposition coaches much either recently or translated itself into overloading the trophy cabinet over the past nine years. Allow the man the dignity to retire and have a cup of milky tea at 11am followed by nothing more physically, tactically or strategically demanding after he has fought his way out of his duvet than a kip and a game of boules. Anyway, all this is moot as the board, with their infinite footballing knowledge, will ask him to commit his future to the club and sign a thirty year deal.


    Apr 29, 2014, 7:46 #50403

    We did the job! Three games to go. Three points, a clean sheet, some goals to put in the bank, (just in case it came down to the wire), and no injuries. European football confirmed-even if it became the lesser competition, and St. Totteringham's Day. We are such bullies! Will have news from the questers later, and shall quickly send a missive to the north of the green isle for one maguiresbridge, good morning to you sir, (clang!) to pass on to the local populace. Oh and good morning Julesd, always brightens my day when you post.

  13. julesd

    Apr 29, 2014, 5:40 #50402

    MARCUS - WHY DO YOU SHOUT ALL THE TIME? Don't you know it's very RUDE!!! Stop moaning and building everything out of proportion, get behind the club, that includes the MANAGER!

  14. DaveGooner

    Apr 29, 2014, 0:46 #50401

    It baffles me that people think we'll go backwards. Imagine if we signed an Ancellotti to take the helm ? He consistently guides big clubs to trophies in a short period, Real are big chance of ending their European drought this year. He won the Double with Chelsea. We just need someone to come in and bring a winning culture. Arsene has not had this for years. He's past it. We always say he's building, he's building. But we haven't even said that for years. I say thankyou for what you've done for this club. Win the FA Cup and good riddance. A legacy still stands.

  15. Green Hut

    Apr 28, 2014, 23:25 #50400

    Ron- Just can't see him taking an upstairs/board role at the club without having a guarantee of input into firstly the new manager and secondly the future strategy of the club. A Peter Hill-Wood type role would be an anathema to him and an ambassadorial position would leave him bored silly. Would be wonderful to have a Guardiola or Klopp tell him to f**k right off but I think our chances of attracting that calibre of manager in the first place would be diminished rather than enhanced by having Wenger preaching caution and prudence in the background. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one mate but only 2 long years till we find out which one of us is right.

  16. Rocky RIP

    Apr 28, 2014, 22:17 #50399

    @ Finsbury Joe - Happy St Totteringham's Day. NINETEEN IN A ROW.

  17. Any Old Iron

    Apr 28, 2014, 20:02 #50398

    24601 - If I indeed were to summon Mandrake, would he give Wenger a handbrake? Would he sever ties with a handshake? Would he hold sway on another Arsene stay? As a seer would he steer and again career Arsene Arsenal's way. Would he sooth as a sayer all the things others regard as a slayer? Or, would he contrive to keep Arsene alive in the hearts and the strives of us who always collide...... No, I'm not Mandrake...but if any mishap were to befall him like a rank at Isalndwana I would fall into line... Good Evening to you for now all.....

  18. Moscow Gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 19:50 #50397

    Radford/Kennedy - remember that game very well: the Stapleton goal. Couldn't get up to Nottingham for it but remember living every minute of that game, kicking every clearance, through the Radio 2 commentary! A great night.


    Apr 28, 2014, 19:34 #50396

    MARCUS What about the tea lady? Can she stay? She makes a lovely cuppa, and she gives me Rich Tea biscuits to dip with, they are the best, though it's murder if you leave them in too long and they fall apart and drop into your cup of splosh. So difficult to judge it just right. Only serve cups-no mugs!

  20. Mandrake

    Apr 28, 2014, 19:31 #50395

    Are you saying you've had enough of Wenger MARCUS?


    Apr 28, 2014, 18:50 #50394


  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 18:46 #50393

    I see the clangers are back (remember them) not that they've really went away.


    Apr 28, 2014, 18:44 #50392

    RDT-4 and GoonerBri, do I take it that you knaves shall not saddle your steeds for the battle this eve? Those men from the new castle will lay siege to our Fortress and we need the arms and heads of many, OK, forget the heads but we do need the arms. 'Tis upon us, this battle that the questers must face. GoonerBri you shall be charged with preparing the wafflesas an army, especially a red army, marches on it's stomach. RDT-4 sadly your task is decided, you shall be polishing the clogs for the fray. I bid thee well gentlemen. Remember at the battle cry of 'Forward Arsenal' I want you both to make two little skips to the left, then a big jump ahead, and move as good Knights should.

  24. Ron

    Apr 28, 2014, 18:33 #50391

    Green Hut - Hi mate. No worries at all. I can see the theory behind AW not being upstairs, but as i see it, its a theory that doesnt take account of a new Coach's mettle. If as i think we need, we get a top Coach, an assertive and an established one, i'm guessing such a chap would be at all fazed by AW. With respect to your view you could rightly say there are precedents of disasters ie Busby followed by Wilf McGuiness in 1969 and of course Moyes after Ferguson, both wrong moves. I would say though that it was the choice of coach that was wrong and not the move upstairs by the elder statesman.I would still have more faith in Arsenal as a Club getting it right than Man U. We could both be proved horribly wrong or vica versa couldn't we. My contention is with AW as a Coach in the modern game now, ive no doubts over his merits as a man and if he did interfere it would be double standards on his part and a big slur on his character. I don't think he d want to risk that. I could be wrong. Ive never quite been convinced that hes the totally dominant power (money wise) vis that Board room though GH either. There are negative (unprogressive) forces up there greater than we think i reckon and it might be useful for a new Coach to have someone upstairs who know how the cookie crumbles perhaps. If i'm right, it might save a new Coach from the same fates as have been impressed on Wenger from time to time. PS I share the view with you that AW is tyrannical in football matters and Club organisational matters while hes at Coach level. That wouldn't perhaps apply under the type of new Coach that we need. Your theory might be proved right if we appointed a Martinez type though granted. We need an Ancellotti , Mourinho, Benitez, Klopp type. The no s--t types.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 18:02 #50390

    WENGER OUT, oh yes if only,a real reason to celebrate and put the nightmare years of wenger behind us for good (if we can) but not airbrushed out of history (as some would like)that's there and always will be, no matter what happens.

  26. jjetplane

    Apr 28, 2014, 17:44 #50389

    Loads of great posts & special mention of RON's mantra that true football fans just end up going elsewhere and my what an adventure it becomes. When you have seen the likes of Bournemouth, Cambridge, Broadbridge, the Daggers, Exeter, Luton, Brighton and many more it just keeps it all alive. That Emirates Pleasuredome trip is akin to Rollerball without a Jonathon. Harmless but great for a few family portfolios. I think Arsenal need to get rid of Upstairs and perhaps try getting the lights fixed in the basement. Special mention to GAZ also for terrific passion. Need you in the team mate ha ha. Celebrated winning Sussex 2 and now it's big boys stuff from next season. Might I just say that Liverpool should not copy Wenger's excuses about 'they won't let us play Mummy!' cause I thought Chelsea were really exciting and what a way to score massive goals. Incredible really! Might also say don't particularly like Chelski or Maureen (though for entertainment he is the biz) but yes - they understand football is an ongoing revolution and this latest phase is hotting up. Boring is Great! We need to be boring boring Arsenal again but we also need players like Dixon, Kanu and horseface again. Up the gunners and all that ****! Well done BARD Great take on the 'usual' line .....

  27. Green Hut

    Apr 28, 2014, 17:21 #50388

    Ron- For the biggest control freak in football to become a conduit between our new manager and board would be horrific. He's shown time and again that he's incapable of meaningful change and there's nothing to suggest he wouldn't try and mould the new guy in his own image. You want to take that chance? My God I don't. He's received untold and deserved praise, adulation and credit for his fine achievements in the distant past but now I wouldn't have him doing the Legends tour and I just pray that in a couple of years he still feels he has another (different) coaching job in him. Respect your views mate but totally opposed on this one.


    Apr 28, 2014, 17:06 #50386

    Thank you Ron. Thought your last post about AW going upstairs was surprising, but not, if you get my drift. I didn't expect it, but know you are a worthy. To endorse that view I also think his integrity wouldn't allow him to encroach. Listen, if we change horses we need a westlower, if we need a manager we need someone as that conduit you spoke of. The new man would not want to mess with suits, he would want to be involved with the players and his assistant. Relatively speaking Arsene is a young man, and would be a stabilising effect. All conjecture of course, but would see a move upstairs as a progressive step. Green Hut, if someone shouts 'Owzat?' I see you baring your teeth. We are the Arsenal. We shall sort this.

  29. Beaugey

    Apr 28, 2014, 17:05 #50385

    My concern, and some people have already alluded to this, is the refusal of the board to contemplate a post-Wenger era. Don't they understand that, even if he signs this time around, he will leave enventully, or just die? Then what? Will their heads all explode?

  30. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:39 #50384

    Westie,there should be no need for excuses being offered when we play sides like Newcastle at home . The problem with Wenger is that although he's turned the Emirates into a bit of a fortress , albeit mainly against lower case opponents, with his pitch playing a big part in this ,Wenger gets our players to move the ball about quickly on it in the tippy tappy build ups he works them on at the training ground ,however he can't reproduce this in away games,especially against top 4 opponents he lost every game this season away to them and even at struggling United . These pastings that we received at City,Liverpool and Chelsea were an embarrassment. Observation once is bad luck twice a coincidence,but three times or more is a pattern. Time for a new man now to try and come up with something that is more than just a 4th place challenge . It's still mathematically possible for Wenger to miss out on this 4th place and he really should be doing a lot better. Next season it will be even tougher at the top and in my view Wenger had some good fortune this season early doors with the fixtures and the new manager at City and Mourinho having to sort out his squad . Not having to play a qualifier for the CL group stages also helped. What with the World Cup this summer impacting events and the China tour to make Stan some bucks as well preseason, things could be very different next term . I don't think that Wenger has the drive and ambition anymore to take on the big sides .I'm expecting him to win tonight though and for City to do him a favour at the weekend.The old codger was looking very stressed out prior to Pulis's Palace beating Everton so at least he should be a bit happier now .

  31. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:38 #50383

    @Ron, Wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Wenger. After nearly two decades managing AFC he would be a great asset in the board room, adding much needed football experience & knowledge. It would be an act of sheer stupidity to just wave him goodbye & would probably come back to haunt us. I'm sure the new manager would be comforted knowing he is able to consult with AW over all matters AFC.

  32. Ron

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:31 #50382

    BADARSE - No digs mate, not at all. Just seems that way perhaps. No offence intended.

  33. RDT - 4

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:29 #50381

    I agree GoonerBri. I use this website because I am interested in what Arsenal fans think about the main issues of the day facing the club. Instead we get Badarse and Westlower constantly clogging up the pages with drivel. Cheers guys!

  34. Roy.

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:25 #50380

    I fear that whether Wenger stays or not, our perennial run of top 4 finishes will come to an end next season. The only thing that could stop that happening is if his replacement has the same tactical nous and knowledge of the opposition as displayed by that classless Portuguese tw*t, and how many of those are on the market ? As much as I'd like to absolve Wenger of the lions share of the blame for our predictable title collapse ( after all, I still have a lot of respect for the man ), I just cannot make a case for doing so. So, unless the aforementioned happens or there's 3 or 4 quality/experienced additions to the squad, this time next year we'll be looking at Europa league football at best. There's still time to head this off, but all we can hope is that those who are paid big money to make big decisions come up with the right ones, because, make no mistake, this is a pivotal Summer for the club, new manager or not, FA Cup or not.

  35. Ron

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:18 #50379

    I don't really see how Arsene would be damaging 'upstairs' lads. If his credibility crown has slipped re coaching, as some of us feel' he's still a man of integrity and dignity and im pretty sure that he wouldn't involve himself in team matters unless asked to do so. He's had free rein as hes no doubt insisted on and i think he d afford a new chappie the same courtesy surely? What's to suggest that he wouldn't. Hes still a good figurehead for the Club upstairs and represents continuity not to mention a good conduit for the new Coach to the Board. I reckon AW would excel up there now. Hes not belligerent or ignorant enough to tread on the toes of a new Coach in my view. Hes much to offer in such a role it seems to me anyway.

  36. GoonerBri

    Apr 28, 2014, 16:15 #50378

    Badarse - you're so boring and so up yourself that I can't bother reading your comments. Contribute seriously to what's going on at this football club and stop filling up this website with your waffle and crap will ya? Can't the moderator limit the number of words you spout?

  37. I am Gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 15:57 #50376

    If Wenger does sign another deal for 2 years (Which i hope he doesn't), then i hope he has told the board that it will be his last contract with the club, so giving the club 2 years notice to find another manager. The names that spring to mind at the moment are De Bore, martinez, Klopp and Guardiola, they all may be available, or ready for a new project in 2 years time.

  38. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2014, 15:27 #50375

    @Jeff, Getting your excuses in early before tonight's game. Were the lovable scallywags laughing when we beat them twice at the Emirates? Parking the double decker is proven to work, as when Sunderland & West Ham applied the tactic at the Bridge this season. It's an anti-football tactic, would you pay to watch it? Come on you flat track bullies, smash the bar-codes bus out of the way!

  39. jeff wright

    Apr 28, 2014, 15:09 #50374

    Observation, Mourinho,although no genius, is still in the title race and made that possible by parking two buses at Anfield .Boring boring blues,but better than getting beaten and being laughed at by scallywag lovable scousers . Observation, Wenger is not in the title race and got caned at Anfield and was mocked by laughing lovable scallywag scousers. Also he was battered by the non-genius Portugeezer at the bridge and mocked by amused chavs . Observation , observations are best left to astronomers who gaze out into the cosmos through their telescopes at night at twinkling stars . The 'stars' will be out tonight at The Emirates where our little fast track bullies will be able to strut their stuff on the perfect pitch again, after having had run outs on the training ground around dummies to get them up to speed to do so against a struggling Pardew bar-codes side with nothing to play for, and knowing they are not under any pressure now to actually win the Prem .C'est la vie !

  40. Green Hut

    Apr 28, 2014, 15:06 #50373

    No, let's not let him go upstairs and poison the mind of the next manager. And the next one. And the next one. Let's not let him lecture the new incumbent on the evils of money, the transfer window and physical contact, and the glories of the Virtual Trophy. Need a football man upstairs? Well go bloody find one, it really shouldn't be that difficult. We're the biggest club in the biggest city in Europe, we've got pots of money and we pay extremely well. We are The Arsenal, not the village cricket team that some seem to think we support.

  41. au revoir wenger

    Apr 28, 2014, 14:57 #50372

    i would move him upstairs then open the window and chuck him out


    Apr 28, 2014, 14:56 #50371

    Ha ha 24601. So apt. Sometimes elementary observations slip under the radar-though perhaps the system is switched off on purpose on occasions. What really surprises me about life in general nowadays is that everybody acts as if they have a unique awareness and comprehension of every given thing. Nobody suffers from humility nowadays. Of course my talents are also endless. For instance I've never tried the Rubik Cube, and as it is it's 40th birthday I bought one. Am supremely confident I shall be able to do it easily-once I find out how to get it out of the box.

  43. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2014, 14:47 #50370

    Observations: Maureen is a genius coach on his 'masterclass' days beating Man City & Liverpool. Why does his genius disappear when losing games to Villa, Palace & Sunderland, or do we simply blame his 'useless' strikers? Scousers disgraced themselves again yesterday by reportedly letting off fireworks outside the 'Chelsea' Hotel to disturb their opponents sleep. Perhaps Stevie G's slip was poetic justice or was it down to Maureen's genius?

  44. declan burke

    Apr 28, 2014, 14:40 #50369

    It looks certain AW is staying and I for one think it is a missed opportunity for him to retire somewhat gracefully. He will go on until he is hounded out. simple as that. I just cannot see any reason for any fan to get excited about him staying or about anything ARSENAL FC right now.


    Apr 28, 2014, 14:31 #50368

    In book club I can seriously recommend 'Gulag 17', by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the only other book I like is the one I'm still colouring. 24601 have urged caution before everyone begins celebrating Liverpool's title win on a few occasions; now they are no longer favourites, who knows what the next week will bring. I will state this though, and I don't think I am going out on a limb, they will flounder next season. They will reach overload very soon-the CL does that to a team. Any Old Iron, 'If I wrote a sonnet, and stuck it on me bonnet, would the punters wan' it? To sit an' gaze upon it? If they did I'd feel like Monet!' Or, 'Anytime you're Lambeth way, any evening any day, you'll find us all, doin' the Lambeth walk. Oi!' That's probably the first and last time you've been sung to in a post. Am I trying too hard FP Gooner, or just having a giraffe?

  46. FPGooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 14:04 #50367

    Love it, Ivan the Terrible CEO.

  47. Wenger has broken the ******g handbrake. We're stuck/****ed!

    Apr 28, 2014, 13:43 #50366

    The Aral Sea I believe is shrinking due to the former Soviets industrial misuse of it. Perhaps a Gulag is more reasonable! Can you imagine poor ol' ' Ivan the terrible' wow even the name fits crying out "Arsene Arsene, help me" as his barrel gets marooned, with the cry from the shore being :- nyet nyet!!

  48. Any Old Iron

    Apr 28, 2014, 13:32 #50365

    Badarse - Morning to you. The invigoration,of this site is by your hand and sleight! Mandrake helps too. Ha ha...

  49. Mandrake

    Apr 28, 2014, 13:29 #50364

    On footbah day... I walk to the side of destiny, second day I talk to ecstasy, three to five I'm dead or alive. The rest is a test, a test of love, compassion, action and reaction.The test courage and truth, the test to find your inner youth. Cold or hot my soul is not; one or the other I trust no other; than myself. Alone I am my own home. Home of righteous, home of justice,peace and tranquility, where I can find my own instead of being alone. As I walk on the side of destiny.


    Apr 28, 2014, 13:29 #50363

    I was thinking more locked in an oil barrel and cast into the Aral sea, but gulag would work. Speaking of Gulags, I hear that Giroud has asked for a transfer to Siberia after complaining that he's overworked and underpaid.

  51. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 13:26 #50362

    Good post Bard, and your right he has been a hugely important figure in Arsenal's history and that hasn't been or never will be denied. But i have to say i think he has a lot to prove or still has a lot to prove as if he just walked through the doors eight or nine seasons ago as those eight or nine years potless and all the humiliations that went with them says, maybe that's why he's staying for a couple of more seasons in the hope he'll do that, to himself anyway.


    Apr 28, 2014, 13:17 #50361

    Ha ha, I got slated when I began the Poets Corner last week-now lots are at it, great stuff. I shall begin the transcendental meditation classes after school Tuesday, whoops, just found fluff in my belly button Ron. I recognised a dig near the end of your post but liked your post all the same- anyway I've had enough digs to resemble an allotment. 'Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away-into the next room...', argh it's Arsene's last will and testament.

  53. Wenger has broken the ******g handbrake. We're stuck/****ed!

    Apr 28, 2014, 13:11 #50360

    @ Wenger out - are you referring covertly to Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago. You're not are you?! Mmmmm.....


    Apr 28, 2014, 13:04 #50359

    @Wenger has a 'little bit' the handbrake on / permanently stuck - You don't become a billionaire in the former Soviet Union by paying redundancy!

  55. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2014, 13:03 #50358

    @Bard, I must confess to not reading your article fully because your posts are as predictable as mine. I am well aware of your sentiments towards the manager. Once I saw the subject matter & the author I rightly or wrongly assumed the content. Regardless of my bad manners I stand by my view that AFC have never been or will ever be an irrelevance, regardless of which competition you refer to.

  56. Wenger has broken the ******g handbrake. We're stuck/****ed!

    Apr 28, 2014, 12:52 #50357

    Wenger Out- sending Gazidis out on some Uzbek mission (Silk Road to Samarkand or soomit) is brill. Ha ha ha......I'm rolling about ha ha ha....!

  57. Any Old Iron - Doubling up as Mandrakes Scribe & Troubadour

    Apr 28, 2014, 12:38 #50356

    SAY not the struggle naught availeth, The labour and the wounds are vain, The enemy faints not, nor faileth, And as things have been they remain. If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars; It may be, in yon smoke conceal'd, Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers, And, but for you, possess the field. For while the tired waves, vainly breaking, Seem here no painful inch to gain, Far back, through creeks and inlets making, Comes silent, flooding in, the main. And not by eastern windows only, When daylight comes, comes in the light; In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly! But westward, look, the land is bright! As a very great man once said that these words seem pretty appropriate to our fortunes tonight... Does Mandrake gave any fans then? Have I left you in any doubt! Ha ha....


    Apr 28, 2014, 12:35 #50355

    In my fantasy world Wenger departs this summer with handshakes and pats on the back all round - Kroenke decides the club is now too risky and sells up to Usmanov - Usmanov sends Gazidis on some Uzbek mission he never returns from - Usmanov brings Dein in as his right-hand man - Dein manages to convince Klippety Klopp that his future lies at Arsenal - Hail a new era of aggressive, attacking football and success at Arsenal - An Arsenal where saying to anyone that finishing 4th is a success loses you a place in the team. In my dreams ay!!

  59. Tony Evans

    Apr 28, 2014, 12:25 #50354

    Moscow Gooner / Radford Kennedy - I remember that game at the City Ground well; Forest were a top side back then and that particular 1 - 0 to The Arsenal was a fantastic result that the team we have today just would not be capable of. Also much as Liverpool probably deserve the title for their attacking style of play I can not bring myself to want them to succeed because I still can not forget my hatred of them back in the 70s and 80s and the way the media loved them. If Arsenal passed the ball back to the keeper back then it was always labelled boring but if Liverpool did it (and they did in spades) it was described as 'taking the heat out of the game' or some other such nonsense. I would laugh my socks off if they throw it away now right at the death.

  60. Any Old Iron

    Apr 28, 2014, 12:24 #50353

    Modern day football has no time for pleasantries. When the Mackems did Mourinho's 77 game home-bastion sequence last week, we should've all known that a compensatory price would be exacted. My only consolment to Liverpool is you were Chelsea's next game. Like him or loathe him, the man is a footballing monster. I have said before that Lisbon, no Portugal in fact awaits her prodigal son..Mourinho is capable of spiking Madrid's triumvirate of Bale, Ronaldo & Benzema, or Guardiola's German Vorsprung durch Technik. " Any Okd Iron you speak as if you have great admiration for me" - Jose Mourinho?! Is that a rhetorical question Mr. Mourinho! That 1-0 win at the City ground against Brian Clough's mighty Forest -I was there too. We ended their 42 game unbeaten run going back to their title year. That Forest side went on to win the Eurooean cup -twice! We went to Wembley and you know the rest in the '5' minute final... Would Wenger employ these methods to get a result, or more importantly a trophy. There were elements in the Wigan semi that suggested that there may be some margin if movement in that respect. The caution to wind approach appeared distinctly more absent as a vital win in that semi was paramount. We appeared to be set-up not to lose for starters. That final v Birmingham though was thrown. Wenger's kamikaze tactics came to flounder in the final seconds. Has Arsene learnt percentages? Hull awaits us. An answer maybe is dawning!

  61. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/Mike Riley

    Apr 28, 2014, 12:05 #50352

    To park two buses or park the robin reliant? That is the question.

  62. Gus Caesar struts and frets his hour upon the stage

    Apr 28, 2014, 11:47 #50351

    Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing. — Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17-28)

  63. Jose Mourhinho

    Apr 28, 2014, 11:35 #50350

    Consider how I celebrated the second goal at Anfield yesterday. It was all about ME. Self-centred posturing for the cameras. Vulgar? Yes. A winner? Yes. Then study how George Graham reacted at the final whistle having just clinched the actual title up there in 1989. He behaved with dignity and class and respect for his opponents. (Arsenal players even handed out flowers to the fans at the start of the game in respect of the Hillsborough victims and the club donated a cheque.) Chelsea win my way. Classless and vulgar. Arsenal win the Arsenal way. That's why anyone who cares are the values of The Arsenal won't want me at The Holloway Bowl.

  64. Bard

    Apr 28, 2014, 11:35 #50349

    Westie:read the article properly. There's no mention of league form. The irrelevance refers to winning the CL. I don't mindh getting some stick but not for stuff I haven't written.

  65. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Apr 28, 2014, 11:25 #50348

    can you see OGL adapting his tactics like JM did yesterday? It's obvious that LFC have started at home like an express train, scoring early goals to hand them the initiative, then sitting back and taking advantage of the oppositions mistakes. JM did what any sensible manager would do, defend deep, keep it tight, and hit them on the counter. No way were CFC going to be 4-0 down after 20 minutes. OGL is a footballing dinosaur. We'll take 4th and the FAC and then thanks for the memories Arsene. It may take a couple of seasons of rebuilding cos no way are Citeh or Chelsea going away just yet, and look over your shoulder cos neither are MU.

  66. radfordkennedy

    Apr 28, 2014, 11:12 #50347

    Moscow gooner..I saw the similarites too mate,do you remember a game up at the city ground back in 79 in the FAC we beat a top forest side 1-0,after Stapleton scored you could have booked a cab,ordered a pizza anything we just got behind the ball and made sure they wouldn't score,real tactical nous,not pretty but who cares when it wins games.

  67. Mioscow Gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 10:47 #50346

    The Chelsea performance yesterday reminded me of the old Arsenal: the George Graham/Bertie Mee/Don Howe/Herbert Chapmanesque Arsenal - OK, the real Arsenal rather than this effete French counterfeit - which could go 1-0 up in the first minute and then defend with backs to the wall for the next 89. Much as I hate Chelsea, seeing Liverpool win the league would be worse: the media love them (always have) and they had been crowned champions there, in a wave of Hillsboro' induced bathos and emotion, long before the game kicked off. 'Liverpool lose at the shrine/impregnable fortress that is Anfield?! Impossible!' As for Arsenal.... L'Empereur will stay until he is carried out: 'L'Arsenal c'est moi' just about sums it up.

  68. FPGooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 10:33 #50345

    There is only one major topic for discussion with Gooners at the moment. It is not the FA cup, it is not winning the 4th place trophy, it is the tenure of Arsene Wenger. If anyone thinks that gooners should be more interested in team selection for the next match or matches, they start to resemble the diner on the titanic asking about the soup du jour as the ship starts sinking. AFC is not sinking, but can you imagine a fan of Citeh or Chelsea being jubilant at the prospect of a 4th place or even an FA cup final place? No, because their aspirations and their clubs' ambitions are considerably higher. If we were to play Barcelona or Bayern Munich tomorrow in a CL semi-final, I would not fear them if our manager was Klopp or Guardiola or Simeone or Morinho because these men have the tactical nous to counteract whatever is put before them. Right now, I just fear for how big the tonking will be, with our dinosaur in charge if we face those teams. I remember Chelsea before Maureen took charge and they had the nice but hapless Ranieri; we used to beat them for fun. Same Chelsea, different manager, different proposition, we could not get near them. I would have advocated giving Wenger even more slack, but for his total lack of appreciation of the slack that the fans have given him. He has never mentioned any regret for nine years of not winning anything. When he does speak, he speaks drivel. He commented two days back that every manager is only one game away from being sacked. Really Arsene? is that figure not nine years in your case? As for Wenger going upstairs, when Len Shackleton, a footballer from yesteryear published his autobiography, one chapter was called 'The Average Director's Knowledge of Football' - There was one blank page. This certainly applies to our great club and Arsene going upstairs may improve that average but be detrimental to the club moving on rather than a continuation of the current staleness. Lastly, We all wish to be seen as the voice of reason or the bastion of moderacy in a swirling tide of hateful radicalism, but we are all on here because we have an axe to grind, so lets not pretend to others or to ourselves, otherwise.

  69. Mandrake

    Apr 28, 2014, 10:19 #50344

    Arsenal what is this hold upon me? It constricts and stifles every thought that appears, with a chloroform rag drenched in discontent Mild perfectionism, if such a thing, and procrastination leave me frequently wondering where the time went The questions I ask myself repeatedly never receive answers with credibility A rhythm with no rhyme; a melody in offset time A misty meaning behind glossy eyes that I’ve tied together with endless lines of verbose attempts to explain my mind No feeling is palpable, no imagery fabricated Only an idea of what could be, of what I cannot grasp, and what I cannot convey So I’m left with this clouded mind jostled by ambivalence (this word ceases to elude me) on a maladjusted playground, teetering and tottering on the fine edge of sanity in this bleak reality Toon in toun.

  70. Gaz

    Apr 28, 2014, 10:01 #50343

    Part of me would like to see Wenger move upstairs as there really is nobody in that area with any real footballing expereience. My concern though is that he'll then continue to hold far to much influence on team matters. As for the FA Cup I really couldn't care less about it. Fans can pretend as much as they like that its a big trophy worth winning but the truth is its the booby prize no big Clubs really want unless its coupled with a top four spot or one of the bigger prizes. As for this site in general I've posted on other sites before but just ended up in arguements as my opinions differed to a lot of those on there. Of course they were repetitive but no less so than the opinions of those trying to absolve Wenger of any blame. Unfortunately it meant I ended up in stupid arguements which believe it or not is really not my style! Reason I like it here is that I sense the majority feel like I do and I enjoy the fact we cam 'let off steam' together. In the main I'd say theres a healthy level of respect between those 'for' and 'against' which is why most of us can't keep away!...

  71. radfordkennedy

    Apr 28, 2014, 10:00 #50342

    Morning all..I'm fully expecting Aw to sign up for another 2 years irrespective of clinching 4th or winning the cup,and the last 6 months to be something of a transition period,as it wouldn't overly surprise me to see Bouldy take over,however what does worry me is other than AW we don't have anyone whose worked 'half a day in football'upstairs and by that I mean a Bob Wall,Ken Friar type whose first concern would be to make the right choices for our club.As you all know AW seems to be the only man in football who doesn't have to answer to anyone,when we had the title in the crosshairs and he failed to use all resources available to him to really give it a go,the silence was deafening from stan and the board.I heard today that we make more money from our corporate boxes than the whole of the Highbury crowd,so you can see why 4th is so important to the club,but I genuinely fear that over the next few seasons if we don't have a few more football people and a few less accountants on board we could just start to drift away from the pack if we don't make the right signings,as much as i believe its time for a change of leadership,when AW takes his hand off the tiller I can't see anyone at the club who would have the nous to steer us on the right course

  72. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 28, 2014, 9:58 #50341

    It makes me laugh when people still think we will improve next year. Is Wenger going to go and buy a world class 30 goal a season striker or the world class destructive midfielder we've needed for years? That's £100 million. No chance. Is he going to change tactically and have a practical,flexible game plan against the big teams? It would be a first. It also assumes that the current top three will stand still. Unlikely. And that Manu don't improve considerably with a proper manager.Unlikely. Wenger should have targeted the two winnable domestic cups for the last 5 or 6 years.Not the trophies he had no chance in,with the quality of players he was buying. He is a dreamer and an idealist who thinks playing the football of the playground against top class teams will get him results.When it doesn't,he can't understand why.

  73. AKB

    Apr 28, 2014, 9:12 #50340

    I believe he has already damaged his legacy. Nine years without a sniff of a trophy is intolerable for a club of Arsenal's size. Not only that but lack of a decent squad and the refusal to replenish it when it's glaringly obvious. The lack of progress in the Champions League...One final in 18 years...

  74. Bob

    Apr 28, 2014, 9:09 #50339

    Sorry, I don't want Wenger "moved upstairs". We need him gone, completely. A new manager needs to be given free rein to introduce radically new ideas, tactics, approaches to team building and the transfer market. Nor do I want him to have any say whatsoever in his successor. Fergie's presence on the board at United and judgement about his successor has done them no favours - some people need to be saved from their own vanity and sense that they are somehow irreplaceable.

  75. Westlower

    Apr 28, 2014, 8:57 #50338

    Great posts by Ron & Badarse, both consistent in their beliefs. I agree with Ron it would be negligent to let Wenger walk away from AFC. Surely a place on the board as Director of Football is the least he deserves. A team that leads the PL for long periods is by definition not an irrelevance as touted by Bard. Some fans may be bored with the longevity of the managers tenure but that isn't a good enough reason the show him the door. AFC are not in terminal decline as this seasons expected points tally of 76-79 points has only been bettered once in the past 8 years. Tactically naive? On occasions yes, but would we be happy watching our team line up with two banks of four. I don't believe we have the personnel to play such a system successfully. We have become renowned as a team who play expansive football & as a consequence gained much admiration & support world wide. With normal luck re injuries we can improve again next year with Ramsey, Wilshire, Ox & Ozil leading the way. We'll need to replace Fabianski, Sagna, Arteta?, Bendtner + a new CB. I also hope the classy Kallstrom signs a permanent deal. There remains no necessity to replace the manager just to appease the lynch mob. It will be planned & implemented sometime in the next 24 months in the traditional Arsenal manner. I further believe that all English clubs competing in Europe should be exempt from the League Cup, particularly post the World Cup. Liverpool & Everton will be sucked into the fixture pile up after having a years sabbatical.

  76. Ron

    Apr 28, 2014, 8:45 #50337

    Morning Badarse. Some truth in that. Its all a matter of perception though. The posts for ages have been primarily about managerial change as you say, but thats due to so many being of the view that the Clubs progress or lack of it, whichever angle we all come from is overarched by the route the Club follows as defined by its Coach. For many, its THE issue and contemplation of all the other stuff is heavily influenced by it. Youre right too, there is a Cup Final, but lets be frank, its a tournament that has been and still is being spoken about, by players and the Coach in terms of it being a mere aside to the quest for 4th spot. Its not surprising therefore that fans have made the FAC in many ways peripheral to the main issue is it? I disagree about the 'fire having gone out of people's bellies'. Its the very frustrations oft seen on these boards that proves otherwise. Im not sure if you still go to any games, but when i do (not many these days admittedly) the type of conversations you mention that you want on here are engaged in, but to use them on a message board carries no drama and posters would soon tire of them i reckon. Its right though that often the best exchanges on here are when posters speak of football generally and of other teams and Clubs. Why is that? Maybe its due to so many thinking Arsenal are in a constant state of self imposed inertia? For me personally, that where i am at. Since dropping attending games regularly 2 years back, its given me a better view of other Clubs and getting enjoyment from what they do and achieve. Its quite liberating actually, as lets face it, most fans these days live by a motto of 'my Club matters the,rest are just teams we play'. Your post is quite quaint in that its a hark back to the days when discussing a winger's 'turn on a sixpence' or a keepers 'great one handed save' were things to deliberate on. It was common years ago to speak in positive terms of opponents wasn't it and to acknowledge when a certain player had ripped our team apart. Great stuff, but alas no more. Wall to wall media, social media and an obsession with punditry has torn all of that asunder sadly. Being a footie follower first (for me) is far better than being an Arsenal supporter. There are a lot who've gone that way though it does prompt a less dewy eyed and precious oversight of all things Arsenal. Perhaps its that which you're railing against? Seemingly setting yourself up as the Lone Ranger defending Wengers/ the Clubs honour though is no less tiresome than many of the posting styles that you consistently never fail to condemn or disapprove of. Its each to their own, visit the site when you want, post when you want, be insightful if we can,talk garbage when we want either deliberately or mistakenly. We all do in truth, including you old Son. This isnt a 'debating' forum really, its more for the short sharp hit and go type commenting. There are plenty of sites around for mystical navel gazing though Badarse.

  77. Tony Evans

    Apr 28, 2014, 8:32 #50336

    4th place, to give a new manager CL buying power, the FA Cup and then bye bye Wenger - happy days but unfortunately only in my dreams as I can definitely see him staying on and indulging in more of his lunacy for two more years at least.


    Apr 28, 2014, 5:33 #50335

    Another interesting aspect for me is the confirmation of reactions as displayed in the postings delivered. Only interesting fleetingly I must add. The article is by a self-confesses 'anti', (though bully for you Bard in actually writing an article), but it just gives a platform and an outlet for those like-minded souls to spill their effete views. Nothing wrong with the views of course if you perceive things this way, just tired and limp as they are aired constantly, and by the same posters. As an exercise if I picked an article from say two months ago, selected a post and ascribed it to the real poster, posted it today it would fit snugly into the current 'debate'. I put debate in inverted commas because of course it isn't, it would be in context though-it is akin to a regurgitating of an earlier meal. There is little to comment upon, because it has been 'done to death'. Each poster lines up to wail, one after the other. We play an important game this evening, and a cup final in less than three weeks and all the postings are about sacking the manager. Nowhere is there seemingly any interest-except with a negative spin. It is a form of reality to you people, but if the sentiment isn't shared, or is, but the circumstances of manager replacement aren't identical, it isn't a reality at all, it is an obsession. There appear to be no exchanges of team news discussions. When players are discussed it is with a negative codicil attached. Clever phrases with cutting edges, or club-hammer deliveries, they all sing the same song, over and over again-criticising! We don't talk of the forthcoming opponents unless negatively. A lesser side and the view is we shall bully them. How negative is that? What it means is we shall probably win. Then again if it's a stronger opponent we shall stumble and fall. How defeatist. It's alright to assess a game, and depending on who we are playing, to adopt a belief of it's outcome. We are doing this subliminally in all things constantly, it's what is wired into the genes and has kept our species on the planet for so long, so it is quite natural as a survival instinct. These instincts are to be regarded but closely monitored and harnessed in a sensible fashion, otherwise the regular outpourings just become more of the same-a phrase repeatedly used in these 'anti' postings. There is always the temptation to say, 'OK people, have a good life', and walk away. That day will come no doubt, but I just see myself as a minority of perhaps 5% in posting terms, but of a far greater percentage...possibly even as high as 20%, (more realistically considerably higher), trying to hold the ground. To anyone reluctant to post as it isn't there forte or they see the site as toxic due to the majority view, I am a voice for them, as are others who share my sentiments or are marginals in this blighted topic. So we know what to expect late evening and tomorrow, irrespective of the result. How predictable is that? People talk wistfully about all they have lost since the stadium move, yet always overlook something which is graphically clear to me-the fire in your bellies has gone out!

  79. DW Thomas

    Apr 28, 2014, 4:06 #50334

    I am no big fan of Mo, yet he beat the in form team of title contenders today. Tactics help win trophies. Lack of them loses things. Even players get tired of losing when they know they are better. Yet the manager's philosophies and attitudes have spilled over to his players. Take Giroud saying 4th is more important that the FA cup. Why? Money? Luring players? Failure has become acceptable, in some ways, welcomed by the club. At all levels. I do take stock and think, am I being overly critical? But, I always come back to one thing. My love for club. That is what I hear in all arguments for or against the manager. And I think change is needed. Since he won't, Wenger must realize his time is ending. Can he really be baffled that many of us see through his spin and arrogance? We could dominate at the top, or, at least compete with the best each year for first if major but realizable changes were implemented. We all know what they are. We've been talking of them for 5-6 years. Just gotta take that seemingly risky step outside the comfort zone that is Arsene.

  80. Edmund

    Apr 28, 2014, 2:40 #50333

    Bard, totally spot on. Wenger should take up the French national team job and leave on a high with a trophy. My only concern is whether the current board knows who to replace him with.

  81. a fan

    Apr 28, 2014, 1:48 #50332

    If we really want WENGER out, then why do we do nothing about it. I'm certain that if there are banners and signs for him to go in every home game he will leave. The reality is we don't know what we want and we are too scared of change until it gets much worse. So we only have ourselves to blame.

  82. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Apr 27, 2014, 23:58 #50331

    Wenger Out, why do you think its going to be another 2 years of purgatory? Surely his tenure can only be brought to an end by his demise, one presumes through natural causes. It looks like we will lose the league by 7 or 8 points this year. This league, for Arsenal, despite our injuries, was winnable with relatively small tactical changes (using a credible midfield destroyer for an entire season, employing players in their proper positions for example) and reinforcing the team in the summer (properly) and in january. I allowed myself, stupidly, to become enthusiastic because I saw something of a return to sense in the first half of the season. The lunatic is however, firmly back in charge of the asylum. More 6-0 drubbings next term by our closest rivals. More misery in a part of our lives which should lift us up. However those of us who will have an impromptu national holiday upon his leaving the job can take comfort from one thing. What goes around comes around, and our combined loathing of a formerly much loved manager should see him to a humiliating exit which I for one shall deeply enjoy. Until then we have only our enmity to sustain us. It isn't a healthy thing but it is born out of a love for our club and a hatred and loathing for those who harm it. Whilst an extrenal threat is bearable, the club being eaten away from the inside is appalling.

  83. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2014, 23:35 #50330

    Ron, but would there be? he hasn't exactly shown he has one over the last number of seasons, probably more of a one that's there at the minute granted, but one that we could use or need.


    Apr 27, 2014, 23:01 #50329

    Can't add anything that hasn't been said already - It really is hard to care anymore! He will stay on for another 2 years of purgatory and we true fans will just have to let him get on with it and hope he doesn't damage the club any further. What kind of football manager lacks the ambition to improve his team? Every year the same s**t and yet he comes back for more - It defies belief!

  85. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2014, 22:58 #50328

    If he thinks another imaginary fourth place trophy will give him leverage (he's had enough of that over the last nine years/seasons to last a life time)he's badly mistaken (and that's nothing new) an FA cup as much as it's welcome (by some anyway) will make no difference either, his time is up, regardless, and has been for a long time, so he should do the decent thing, but it doesn't look like that is even forth coming but no surprise there then if the recent and not so recent humiliations are anything to go by, so we have two more years of the same old same old the only surprise is it wasn't three. If he's surprised by the hostility i don't know why, as you say Bard has he not had enough leverage over the years so it's a bit late worrying about his precious reputation/legacy now when it's to late.

  86. Ron

    Apr 27, 2014, 22:09 #50327

    DW - I think you've just described the symptoms of the comfort zone that the Club has been in for so long. Its really a form of paralysis. The regularity of the 4th spot and it being defined by the Club as success, which lets be honest, it is success of sorts, but not such as befits a Club like Arsenal with its resources. When the Club set out on its journey post Highbury, they seem to have not factored in expectation and the new type of fan profile that comes with the highest charges to see them. The Club, Arsene and the players rarely display any urgency. Its all so gentile and civilized, it seems its a 'lets just do enough' mentality at the Club and my word it shows. When was the last truly exciting game that we fans enjoyed or even endured? Its truly hard to recall. The Club badly needs new impetus, new ideas and a new vibrancy, Its become quite a chore watching Arsenal and for me, its been that way really since the 07/08 Season. The Club needs to take its slippers and woolly cardigan off basically to blow away the staid arrogance of ' we re always top 4, what's the problem'. It might sound perverse, but even a relegation scrap for a Season or two would be more deserving of taking notice of than this tired old outlook that the Club seemingly so cherishes. At least some tension , nerves and vitality would be brought to events at the Club, unlike what we do now.

  87. Gaz

    Apr 27, 2014, 22:01 #50326

    @Ron: If he'd retired this year I'd have been so happy for him to have won the FA cup then move upstairs and become an ambassador for the Club. That would have been great. Thing is though he just doesn't see a problem and that arrogance in blaming everyone else is just annoying now. If he had any semblance of self awareness he'd realise he just can't cut it any more but sadly his new contract and subsequent huge rise tells us otherwise...

  88. DW Thomas

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:49 #50325

    I used to think like many, give him one more shot. But I first said that years ago. This years collapse after no buys of note for striker in either window reeks of incompetency and/or cluelessness. Did he really think Giroud could tow the line and be the man to count on against big teams? Giroud tries very hard, but the odd goal and poor showings versus the big boys is not good enough! Our club has failed in so many areas its pitiful! We have the potential to be so much more but those supporting Wenger say be careful what you wish for or he is doing a great job considering our circumstances! He will be here probably two more years. But what does that say? Even if he wins the FA cup he still has not managed to win either the CL or the league. Why? We're in it every year. But when have we ever been close to winning it save with Invincible squad in '06? I no longer get very excited about watching games either. It's all too predictable. Even a few years ago we went toe to toe withthe best, but now we stumble almost every time. At the very least we deserve a manager who takes responsibility for his results. No, it's always something or someone else's fault!

  89. Ron

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:44 #50324

    Well, id still like him to go 'upstairs' and go with the fans blessing and dignity. Whatever i reckon of his declined coaching abilities, at least there would be a footie brain in that Diamond Club and Board room and blimey, the Club needs that.


    Apr 27, 2014, 21:27 #50323

    I was just messing around. I just wanted to type some extreme nonsense but from the other side of the fence-can I have my ball back neighbour? Any Old Iron, Real Love? Oh yes, though if you are me, is this narcissism?

  91. Sean

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:26 #50322

    I think anyone who believes that Wenger leaving THIS summer would be a good thing needs their head checked. I think however long a contract he signs it will be his last. But this summer several signings could see us compete (for a whole season) again. So to have to look for a new manager would be catastrophical for the club. Wenger signing a one or two year deal is good, if only to give the board time to find a new manager and avoid hiring Moyes2.0

  92. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:19 #50321

    He will sign because he's an obsessive who can't leave it alone. For a supposed intelligent man he still thinks that if he continues to do what he's been doing for years he will be proved right in the end. Obvious madness. I think most of the board realise his limitations but are happy for him to stay and take all the flack. If he goes, they will be under pressure to find the right guy. Gazidis and co. don't want that. It seems likely we will be battling for 5 the or 6th next season so I doubt even an FA cup win will stem the vitriol for Wenger. You'd think his friends would talk some sense into him.

  93. Any Old Iron

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:18 #50320

    He'll stay, worse luck!

  94. CharlieNick87

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:07 #50319

    Whatever the outcome, another summer of incompetence in the transfer market cannot be tolerated. I suspect Arsene will sign on for another 2 years but fear there will be no change in his or the clubs M.O. Love the man and all he has done for the club but think the time for change has come. Unfortunately I have little confidence we have the footballing knowledge in the boardroom these days to appoint the right successor if that change does take place.

  95. Any Old Iron

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:07 #50318

    Bardarse, oops a typo, Freudian! Like the Instant Karma one again. Lennon is far superior to B.Wilson. On a Richter scale Wilson will be a moderate 5 whilst JL will be a magnitude 8.5!

  96. Matthew Bazell

    Apr 27, 2014, 21:06 #50317

    If he stays fine, but I just get sick of this attitude that he's the only man on planet earth how can manage Arsenal. I'm sick of him being touted as our savoir and I'm sick of him being refereed to as a genius and professor when he makes so many of the same mistakes year after year. That said if he wins the FA Cup that should be considered a good season. But the question is can Wenger take us forward to challenge for the title and Europe. Title maybe, but unlikely. Champions League, no way. decent teams no Wenger and how to handle his way of playing.

  97. Gaz

    Apr 27, 2014, 20:50 #50316

    @Bob: the one thing ALL fans have in common is that they're fickle! Every single fan currently deriding chelsea and mourinho would be defending them to the hilt if we played like them and had him as manager...


    Apr 27, 2014, 20:33 #50315

    Love Arsene Wenger, two years is not enough. He is the single biggest reason you lot are even able to moan and groan about wanting to be champions. Of course there is the Instant Karma view that you get what you deserve, so He is good for me ergo I deserve it, bad for you, ergo you deserve it.

  99. Bob

    Apr 27, 2014, 20:25 #50314

    There are two separate questions - will he sign a new contract, and should he. He will, because he is being paid a ridiculous salary and given unwarranted job security based on past glories. He should not, because his continued presence epitomises the complacency and lack of burning ambition that has existed for so many years at Arsenal. For all his personal faults, I would have loved Mourinho to have been installed 12 months ago. He is much more than a chequebook manager, as this season has proved. He is a superb motivator and tactician, especially on the big occasion. Even if he had moved on to pastures new after three seasons, in the time he spent here he would have given this club the root and branch shake up it so sorely needs.

  100. jeff wright

    Apr 27, 2014, 20:03 #50312

    Wenger has couched his comments on leaving or staying in ambiguity.He does this with most things. I have told the club that I want to stay. Now this is not exactly the same as saying I will stay. With 4th place now looking a certainty only the fear of not winning the qualifier tie and having to play in the Europa Cup, rather than chasing his elusive dream in the Champions League could be a factor . Wenger must be very disappointed that he has not managed to get at least 3rd place in the Prem this term,considering the position that we held up until a few weeks ago. He should leave whatever the outcome of the cup final ,but I suspect that he will still be with us next season,if he wins that qualifier tie.

  101. Gaz

    Apr 27, 2014, 20:03 #50311

    He'll sign a new deal because in his world he's done nothing wrong. Everything bad that happens is either an 'accident' or nothing to do with him. He has absolutely no self awareness and believes the huge rise I gather he's getting is totally deserved. And consider this. The other week he said himself and the Club will be working on transfers 24/7. Sorry is this before or after he goes to Brazil for a month to commentate for French TV? I might respect him but quite frankly I can't stand him anymore and as long as he's at the club my interest will be a passing one at best...

  102. BADARSE

    Apr 27, 2014, 19:31 #50310

    Well done Bard, succinctly put. Of course you follow the usual line and there are some imponderables in amongst this view of likely/unlikely happenings. We shall know the answer soon enough. Whatever the final decision and outcome we shall remain Arsenal...until the next bump in the road of Arsenal's interminable journey. Thank you.

  103. I.P. from South Africa

    Apr 27, 2014, 19:25 #50309

    It will be FAR better for Wenger to go and dream his impossible dreams somewhere else.

  104. EborGooner

    Apr 27, 2014, 19:15 #50308

    Even another 4th place finish and an FAC win will not disguise the fact that OGL has been left behind in the tactics and signing department by other PL Managers. He's had enough chances to show he can change, and he can't, or won't, so if he carries on we can only expect more of the same, and an ultimately tarnished reputation for one of our greatest ever Managers. We will (probably) have to endure a period of going backwards, before we go forward again, but in the long term, I believe the only way we will really challenge for PL (or whisper it quietly, CL) is by changing the Manager. And persuading the Board that footballing success IS a necessity.