FFP stands for Funny Fair Play

UEFA have no teeth, so time for Arsenal to start spending

FFP stands for Funny Fair Play

Platini: Will he see it through?

With three more points Arsenal will have managed again for the 17th year to be in the top four. Where I will give Arsene Wenger praise is that this is no mean achievement, but next year will be a big test, as let’s face it, had Man Utd got there act together, are you seriously going to say that we would have got this place? The Club has to accept that world class players will deliver and we cannot do without them. It also means that as a club we must now stop selling our best players, and in fact build around them by adding more world class not less. Up until the purchase of Mesut Ozil it had appeared that the Arsenal Board and AW do not want to break the wages structure and in so doing they wished to maintain the Self Financing model. Well the only thing that is being financed by this model are Stan Kroenke’s share portfolio and not eligibility to next year’s Champions League, because what is clear is that UEFA will be powerless to prevent the likes of PSG and Manchester City having their own way. This is because of the way in which they have used massive funds to further their own interest, way in excess of any new revenue streams, thus blatantly infringing the spirit of the FFP rules.

Man City have breached the FFP rules but have already been reassured that they will not be kicked out of the Champions League. So the penalties are going to be paying lip service and a betrayal to all the other clubs like Arsenal who played by the rules. 20 Clubs will find out this week what their plea bargaining deal is. Now if I were in charge of UEFA, no financial fine would hurt. Firstly it could be appealed against and secondly how much pain can a national economy worth thousands of billions take? In any case any severe action by UEFA will cause these clubs to run for the Court of Arbitration in Switzerland and when have you ever seen this body uphold justice in the game? What is clear is that loopholes exist to enable teams to get around the fair play rules, and it is down to the clubs to have the gall to exploit them. Arsenal Football Club appears to have double standards, where the requirement and fairness of applying corporate governance is taken upon a case by case basis in a rather arbitrary manner. It appears from the outside that it is take, take, take, by the board and give, give, give by the fans. Even the new commercial deals seem heavily weighted upon the requirement of the fan base to spend, spend, spend. I can see no evidence that Stan Kroenke has any intention of putting his own money at risk, neither are there plans to allow anyone to inject equity into the club’s coffers.

How can Arsene Wenger attract high quality world class players to the club, when a call from a Man City agent will have multi-million £ signs before their eyes? The average wage for players at Man City is £5.3 million a year. That’s over a 100K per week. Aguero is reputed to earn 220K per week with Yaya Toure close behind. A wage bill of a staggering £233 million a year - how can any team possibly compete with this? Yet don’t be too sorry for Arsenal, we have the highest paid CEO in the Premier League, so clearly we are prepared to spend the money if we want to as a Club. Arsene Wenger reputedly gets around £150k a week for his efforts and if Monaco can entice him to break his promise to the Board then he could leave and increase this to 230k a week which represents a £12 million per year deal. We could also run high level efficiency savings to reduce the £50million costs that we incur in order to run a stadium. Perhaps a few less Diamond Club Lounge improvements and more player squad improvements Ivan? The only way that the bubble in football is going to burst is with another world financial melt down which leads to the leading broadcasters not being able to finance exclusive TV rights packages. So no change there then. So let’s spend a little of that £140 million cash that was put aside to protect the club against being out of the top four and be at the top table as of right, not by good fortune at the expense of others.


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  1. jjetplane

    May 02, 2014, 14:59 #50686

    RAdDIE I'm going with the north Vietnamese and you're playing Martin Sheen who has been turned by the ghost of Marlon Brando - what are all those potato heads doing on poles?


    May 02, 2014, 12:34 #50671

    Yeah guessed it was a personal 'Private Ryan-radfoordkennedy' venture. Well done young Gun. I remember the cut-off corners on the progs. I have testimony to the 1971 queue on my wall, in the shape of the Cup Final Prog and my Cup Final ticket-stamped AFC. Yes and had to get out of work to go and queue early weekday morning for the turnstiles opening at I think 11am. Crazy and fretful of not getting a ticket, did get the ticket but am still crazy!

  3. radfordkennedy

    May 02, 2014, 11:28 #50665

    Hello ron..funny post mate..aghh if only I had the chance I'd certainly consider your wishes,ufortunately as you can imagine the chances of me meeting one of those thieving conning gits on a P+O ferry travelling steerage and queing up for a suspiciouly under measured luke warm stella are remote,although this one has a costa coffee shop on board so the buggers might be in there.ill look for someone armed with an expenses claim form

  4. Ron

    May 02, 2014, 10:54 #50662

    R/K - Hi pal. Ive worked out what you're up to mate. They're M.E.P s aren't they and you're ferrying them across to and from London for their jollies and little fun 'add on s' aren't you pre euro voting? I'm onto you mate!!!Good work if you can get it! Can you 'accidentally' nudge a few of them overboard though?

  5. radfordkennedy

    May 02, 2014, 10:42 #50660

    Mornin Badarse...I can assure you I'm not part of some international smuggling ring for the elderly,I was asked if I could help some elderly gentlemen from the NVA who will be disbanding this year(the NVA is not a Vietnamese communist freedom fighters army,but the Normandy Veterans Association)these particular gentlemen served in a specialist naval unit who got upto all sorts of skullduggery on the beaches well in advance of the landings,indeed one old'jack'told me it was his job to collect sand samples from sword beach in a condom!!knowing that if captured hed be shot for bearing no regimental markings,I felt rather embarrased bearing his story in mind of warning him of mixing cheap red wine with his medication...sorry I missed the cookery lesson it sounded a hoot....incidently does anyone else remember cutting out the coupons from the edge of the programmes and pasting them to a green sheet of paper then queing all the way down Highbury Hill when the front of the queue was at the first turnstile at the clockend for a Cup Final ticket,praying they wouldn't run out especially if you had one coupon missing


    May 02, 2014, 9:37 #50656

    Good morning my little cupcakes. So radfordkennedy you are smuggling older men across the channel? Mmm, not sure how that one works or why-more older ladies over there perhaps? So that is why you never turned up at the cookery class yesterday. A few of the children misbehaved as half expected but it was a success despite jjetplane and maguiresbride having a Coke/Pepsi fight with their shaken cans midway through the evening. Ron's jam roly poly was interesting but it looked better in the dish than around his mouth, still he admitted to being a bit peckish. jeff wright, a surprise late arrival, scoffed all of GoonerRon's rendition of rock cakes. When admonished he was definitely between a rock cake and a hard place. And a word of advice to julesd, despite the arrival of St. Totteringham's Day. the way you stuffed that chicken was a little disconcerting to all around. Setting light to the tea towels brought a new understanding to cooking with Gaz. Anyway my little meringues, same time same place next week and we shall be preparing a Rioja-based paella from radfordkennedy's recipe knowledge.

  7. radfordkennedy

    May 02, 2014, 6:44 #50655

    Did someone mention my name and a glass of rioja?..yes please and make it a large one! And while we are at it ill have the paella the meat one not the fish...I am at present escorting some elderly and in some cases infirm gentlemen back and forth across the channel and will be up untill the first week in june which is why I haven't posted a great deal and let me tell you don't believe the utter tosh about normandy cuisine they are famed for their beef rib(cote de bouef) let me tell you you need teeth like a blackpool donkey to get through it!!give me a west country steak anytime....Ron..I agree with you mate my love for the FAC is borne out of memories rather than the here and now rosettes silk scarves nerves hot days I'm sure you get what I'm waffling at.."Through to George,George who can hit em" ohh memories

  8. jeff wright

    May 01, 2014, 18:35 #50642

    All of food spiel has made me feel hungry Badarse... and thirsty ... Cheers.

  9. jjetplane

    May 01, 2014, 18:02 #50641

    Looking at that foodie wish list of yours bAdArSE - I get the name now. I'm only on the green tea too now and not the stuff you smoke. Dem days are long gone though the flashbacks are fun. Had one where Wenger got dragged into a trophy winning contest ... boom boom or two blokes with a half a days football between them walk into The Emirates .... Ah well once we get a proper coach on board and the yank gets 'like totally' bored with 'soccer' this forum will close 'cause everyone will be purring in front of the trophy cabinet and wondering where did Maureen get to. Just downloaded pic of Athletico fans for the background ambience. What d'er reckon? Big up for Jeff as always - nice keyboards.


    May 01, 2014, 17:52 #50640

    jeff you are on the money buddy. Of course vegetarian meals can be served a la carte, actually our country stands head and shoulders above all others in the vegetarian stakes. Does this mean I can expect you to emerge through the back of the wardrobe soon? What is your favourite food? I love Indian food, despite virtually all restaurants being Bangladeshi. I am a sucker for Italian too, love Chinese, in fact pretty much all foods of the world-I make a really sumptuous English Sunday Roast too, ha ha, so modest! So sensible about not drinking wine with a Ruby, cold beer is the winner. I am a bitter man-London Pride my tipple. Loved Guinness and G&T's-not together. Not interested really in white wine though could see to a glass. I am a Rioja man-ask radfordkennedy. Was advised that abstinence would help healthwise three and a half years ago so stopped. In an act of solidarity my wife said she would stop too. Don't miss it either, but can still warm to others relishing a good glass. To you chum, I am raising the richest virtual glass of claret to you. Remember your rolling pin! A promise of custard pie fights after the lesson should have enticed more. Still am planning a three-tier cake and an odd man said if I build it they will come.


    May 01, 2014, 17:35 #50639

    I told jjetplane ages ago I loved him, ha ha. OK dude, I love you too. Carry on carrying on, the double acts are good on here, though I also love Dara O'Briain (a Gooner), and Ed Byrne. I know they are from the other side of the line, but are witty and hugely sharp, intelligent guys. Cookery class begins at 6pm sharp. Please don't be late and do bring a tin of mushy peas if you insist, though it doesn't really go on pizza pal. Still each to his own. Just step into the wardrobe, when you emerge through the back of it the kitchen is the first door on the left marked, 'Drink me!'.

  12. jeff wright

    May 01, 2014, 17:31 #50638

    Badarse, there is a'la carte veggie meals you know... I don't see you anyway unlike lee afc as being a chicken wings and coke man ... at least not the sort of coke that you get in a cardboard carton... I had a nice curry the other night although curries are not my favourite as I like to drink wine with my meals at night and I find that the hot curries tend to spoil the taste of the vino ,so I drink cold beer with them instead. Cheers!

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2014, 17:26 #50637

    BADARSE, if we are it certainly seems to be working, especially when it comes to comparing our manager to more successful ones anyway, especially in the last eight years which is what i was doing when referring to maureen as well as pep not Chelsea who of course is Chelsea manager and can be associated with but whose name i didn't mention at all in any of my posts and is been talked about and referred to by more than jjetplane and myself on here and what's wrong with that anyway? is it because it makes OGL look bad? And when it comes to comedy double acts we're certainly not the only one on here alright, and i hope like ourselves you'll take that as a compliment, and your double act is welcome to join us in the armoury for our debut just to add a bit of balance, but our jokes will be funnier and better than yours.


    May 01, 2014, 17:11 #50636

    jeff it depends on your values chum, as a vegetarian and also teetotaller I would not be interested in an a la carte meal or champagne, have eaten in many places like Savoy, Hilton, Grosvenor, but it depends on the company doesn't it? Without my lady it would be a drag-though ek glass pani and a vegetable vindaloo, saag paneer, and bhindi bhagee, kulcha and some fresh green chilis would do it. Namastay.

  15. jeff wright

    May 01, 2014, 16:33 #50633

    MG, there is a sort of melancholy air about among supporters after the title challenge was again exposed as being just another trick by the master of illusion Wenger and his assistant in deceit Ivan The uncredible.Of course had expectations not been raised ,not least by Wenger himself , that a league title was on it's way ,then 4th place and an FAC win would be regarded differently, if you spend half the season in 5th or 6th place then nicking 4th with a late florish seems sort of like a victory,if on the otherhand you have been top of the table for a long period and end up having to scruff about to finish only 4th,then this is more a case of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. For supporters having been promised a Prem title and ending up with the FAC is rather like they have been told they are going to be treated to an a'la carte meal with champagne to follow , and then they find instead that they are actually only at a KFC eating fries and chicken wings with just a paper cup of Coca Cola to wash it down with. A bit of advice here for lee afc.. regarding chickens... as Col Sanders once observed... hey it's best not to count them until they are hatched. Lol

  16. jjetplane

    May 01, 2014, 14:39 #50629

    Toys and Prams anyone. The Young Ones indeed. Cheer up BADARSE - got the Madrid final and the world cup soon and we kick off in August. On comedy Preston Sturges is king! and that geez who takes the piss out of Top Gear is good. I love vegetables, especially with chicken. MACGUIRE - we got our first booking at THE ARMOURY (up and coming comedy house) ..... yet?


    May 01, 2014, 14:19 #50628

    maguiresbridge and jjetplane, you are wind-up merchants, aren't you? Or a pretty convincing comedy double act, (there could be more of you). What is all this nonsense about Chelsea? The only one's talking about them are you two! Good stuff though fellas, keep it up, throw in a few 'OGLs' and 'muppets' and 'drones' etc and it stays fresh oricinal and highly entertaining. You both realise, don't you, that you are tempting a revisit by Professor Stanley Unwin and/or the imitation Bob Newhart?

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2014, 14:07 #50626

    jeff wright, your dead right and also in answer to The muppet show's question at the end of his post it will change nothing it will take more than one trophy that he and his apologists weren't interested in, and as far as OGL's concerned hasn't been for years to make up for the last nine years and all the humiliations and dross etc we've had to put up with, and there's not much likelihood of him doing that.

  19. jjetplane

    May 01, 2014, 14:01 #50625

    Ha ha MAGUIRE I thought the same thing! Ye old barrel has found a sub level (one cell habitation strict zone - robots only). Just watching that Atletico team/coach on little cash/small squad/unknown players tear the **** out of Euro fuseball. Simeone thanks the player's mums. Arsenal have only one poor mum wrapped in a duvet. Or is that a mummy. Wembley is coming.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2014, 13:52 #50624

    jjetplane, yes it's hilarious isn't it coming on here (i was going to say scraping the barrel but there's no bottom left in it any more) laughing at maureen been torn a new one and completely or conveniently forgetting that HE tore OGL an even bigger one not very long ago. And also very conveniently forgetting the amount of silverware they have won in the time their messiah has won fook all. You couldn't make it up, but like i said there's no bottom left in the barrel any more. At least their referring to the appropriate part of their own anatomy.

  21. jjetplane

    May 01, 2014, 12:18 #50610

    Superb post FPGOONER IKEA - all bright colours, no substance and the odd drunk! 'I want to make love to your cab' - he was gonna be the one to get us to the post. We're here! 4th! Tally-ho!

  22. Ron

    May 01, 2014, 12:08 #50608

    Lee AFC - Like Jeff,I'm not there either. I was there though in 1969, 1971, 1979, 1980, 1988, 1998, 2003 and 2005. This time not a chance of a ticket. I'm guessing there are loads who are going though who were advocating that we abort the FAC back in January. You may well be one of them, but the ones who did (there were several) know who they are. Its ironic isn't it really that the very trophy we ve not taken at all seriously really since 05 is the one that AW s hanging onto now to salvage a little bit of credibility. 4-5 years back it would have worked and most of us would have seen it as a sign re in forcing Wenger as the man for the task and that the re build and project youth was bearing fruit and creating a natural upwards progression for the Club, post stadium shift. Not now. His horse has long bolted (for me). In all the years, ive never known myself and so many, many others who are so underwhelmed by the prospect of a Cup Final. It could be that my years of bigging up the FAC as a vital tourny are now on the wane and that im closer to accepting its tarnished rating as the Cup that serves little purpose, save only to make people feel better. Sadly, i dont think Wenger will feel any better at all, assuming he wins it, which is far from a given.

  23. jeff wright

    May 01, 2014, 11:14 #50606

    lee afc, I was expecting you to appear once Arsene had us up to fourth place from first doing your chest beating teeth baring gung-ho Orangutan act! No unfortunately I will not be at the final,I was at the Everton game though, along with many others, who will also not be at Wembley. Ain't that always been the case though somethings never change.I refuse to pay exorbitant prices to ticket touts for football tickets on principal. I expect us to beat Hull but past experiences of cup finals against lower sdes leaves me a little more cautious than you are regarding that. By the way winning the cup will not change the last 9 seasons of failure ,nor will it suggest that Wenger is on the cusp of a new successful era. In reality the fact that after nine years he needs the FAC to claim some success just shows how far he has gone backwards since 2005.He was claiming that we would win the Prem back in December,best forget about this now though eh? He also claimed a few years ago that winning the European Cup was his main ambition,there was no mention of him wanting to win the FA one again. Cheers.

  24. jjetplane

    May 01, 2014, 11:06 #50605

    So Maureen has inherited the serial failure tag (de luxe model) for getting to the end of the table but failing to have his trifle. This must put Wenger under the table, but my, the scraps are good. Certain sensitive posters on here are forever going on about other posters and their perceived miseries. Reminds me of followers of that McScientology outfit who also have a 'top gun'. Keep shouting MARCUS it's working. Ps Athletico (small arse financial outfit) are rocking! If they do RM then Wenger will have to revise a decade's spin quickly. Wait!: '... well yes Diaby is making progress and Jack is not far away and and and .......' The Misery of Wenger.


    May 01, 2014, 10:06 #50602

    Wenger loves stats & formulas. he worked out a way he can not bother competing with the best teams in the ELP, get CL each year and have the club and himself make alot of money. Its not fun its no longer passionate and it never will be anymore for FFP; its cold and calculated and loved by our american businessman whose favourite film is MONEYBALL.

  26. Wenger Out's True Fans or WUM's

    May 01, 2014, 10:03 #50601

    The Wenger out folk who in my opinion are in the large wind-up merchants and fans of other clubs who just come on here to annoy the proper fans, can be seen through very easily. All their arguments are built on hearsay, made up nonsense that never materialises and if you look back on their posts they change their policies weekly with whatever the latest tabloid/talksport saying is and the latest made up stuff concerning Wenger, these people are masters at erecting straw men to fit their agendas.

  27. FPGooner

    May 01, 2014, 10:02 #50600

    I find it amusing to hear the different achievements / excuses dredged up by Wenger's apologists. 'He has kept us competing'. So, if Wenger hadn't been here the last nine years, we would have shut up shop and now be selling carpets or something? competing? you mean just entering competitions without a hope of winning? You mean like buying a lottery ticket? or do you mean getting shamefully thrashed each time we come up against the big boys?. Do you not see how you are being slavishly sycophantic and blindly obedient to someone who has contempt for you? After all, have you worked half a day in football? I do get annoyed hearing Gooners talking about the players we are likely to buy this summer. Why should this summer be any different? Wenger will be trawling the Poundshops to pick up a postman from a sickbed in the French second division, who he says will be the new Zinedine Zidane and Michel Platini rolled into one. He may go to Ikea's Customer Returns department to buy a 31 year old with a broken back who he says will be a cross between Henrik Larsson and a Volvo. He is also guaranteed to buy another cheap and useless midget, so he can have a full set for his production of Snow White. Wenger is a lynchpin in the business model designed first and foremost to make money, not to win anything. So, you are rejoicing at the fact that AFC is operated, like any company, to ensure maximum revenue generation for minimum capital investment. An essential aspect of this revenue generation is to ensure that CL participation is achieved. Winning it or attempting to win it, requires either more money (as Real Madrid are doing so) or having a decent coach (as teams such as Borussia Dortmund and Atletico Madrid do it). AFC's very healthy balance sheets make a mockery of claims that there is no capital to invest in players. So, another key part in the whole money making process is to have a coach who colludes in this and is paid a princely sum for his collusion. A Klopp or a Simeone or Van Gaal would demand funds to purchase players and if refused consistently, leave. Can you imagine any other major club anywhere in the world tolerating nine years of winning absolutely nothing? When was the last time Wenger addressed the fans and showed any regret? Are you not the slightest bit annoyed at what this great club of ours has been reduced to? we used to look forward to winning things at this, the business end of the season, now some of our fans are happy to merely compete.

  28. Competitor

    May 01, 2014, 9:55 #50597

    I wonder how little Atletico Madrid, with a wage bill lower than QPR FFS, managed to humiliate Chelski? I thought money was the be all and end all of success? What's that? A class manager can make the difference against richer teams? Oh! For a manager obsessed with youth, he's produced absolutely nothing of note? I have no interest until this joker Wenger leaves. He's an accountant (a rubbish one at that) not a football manager.

  29. Charles Watkins

    May 01, 2014, 9:48 #50596

    Arsene Wenger's management can be summed up as 'smoke and mirrors.' I used to admire and respect his achievements. Not any longer.

  30. Wenger's departure has been shelved ( WISH HE WOULD BE)

    May 01, 2014, 8:53 #50595

    Dear lord, please hear my prayer. I would like a new manager at Arsenal so that my team can be up there where it used to be. 4th spot every year is not enough for me. It might be if you're an AKB. But as I'm not and in fact a proclaimed WOB I wish he'd just let us be! Ha ha ha.......

  31. julesd

    May 01, 2014, 5:40 #50591

    Oh dear! It strikes me that quite a lot of you on this site take the bitter pills every morning, you need to get a grip chaps you are becoming addicted to misery! Sadly most of it invented by winding each other up.

  32. Joe S.

    May 01, 2014, 4:01 #50589

    I always thought FFA was Platini's way to create a more level playing field for the French clubs, however now that they are also cashed up it doesn't really need to be reinforced and has become as toothless as any other regulatory body, which exists as a show piece without really having any strong direction.As such the rich clubs can do as they like and continue spending. Can anyone really justify the wasteful outlays of cash which the likes of Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manure expend every year.On the other hand I don't believe that Arsene Wegner is a deluded idealist who is repelled by the prostitution of a game he loves. I think his philosophy is more in line with the money ball economics popular in American sports where the owners are trying to increase their profit margins and squeeze the players. In this regard he and his owner are as one.

  33. Waltham Forest Gooners

    May 01, 2014, 2:52 #50588

    I represent a number of Gooners in the borough. Our message is: get this clown parading as Arsenal manager out ASAP. He is so unpopular at grass roots level. Most Gooners are now past the point of no return We're nauseated by all aspects of his management. He is full of BS, and can't lead Arsenal to any victory of any significance. We've been turned over time and time again against opposition that our record in the past was favourable against. His tactical nous is void. His transfer activity is void. His success record is void. We now wish his position would also become void. Wanger OUT!!

  34. Why are all these fans still whinging

    May 01, 2014, 0:07 #50587

    We could end up having a great season and have been competing for all the major honours for the last 18 years plus we have easily played and still play the most attractive football by a country mile in Europe while the likes of Chelsea, Manure, Victims and Citeh have for the most part apart from the odd season just defended and hoofed it. You people who moan have been spoilt for too long and are no longer fit to support a great club like Arsenal FC. I suggest that media darlings Victim FC would be more to your preference as it is illegal to criticize Stevie Mee and his gang of luvvies.

  35. aabbs

    Apr 30, 2014, 23:38 #50586

    Whilst its true that the likes of Man city and Chelsea can blow anyone out the water with regards to paying wages,they cant buy every single world class player and play them every week. Theres enough world class players around for the likes of Arsenal, we just dont want to spend money. Just found out today that Wenger actually didnt even want Ozil, he thought 41 million was too much, so the board locked him in a broom cupboard then went ahead and signed him. If that story is true then Wengers taking the piss. With all the money being generated in the new stadium, we supposed to be competing with the likes of Madrid, Barca, Munich. Right now teams like Spurs Everton and the likes are our rivals. The buck stops with the board, why are they allowing Wenger to run the club as if its 1999, times have changed, Wenger it seems hasnt.

  36. lee afc

    Apr 30, 2014, 23:22 #50585

    @Jeff wright.......your comments concerning the `9 years without a trophy` will be soon a dead argument in the long grass that you play along in. I'm quite happy for you to remind me of this comment if all goes tits up in the cup. But I can genuinely remind you that you have nothing positive to comment upon concerning the arsenal...I will be there May 17th........WILL YOU???

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 30, 2014, 23:17 #50584

    WENGER OUT, and don't forget that failure moyes has won more silverware in his failed ten months than the genius we have has in eight/nine years.

  38. Gooner89

    Apr 30, 2014, 23:14 #50583

    WOBs are ridiculous. The only ridiculous one is you. The one thing AKBs have relied on for years is the Wenger rubbish that says we can't compete with Petro dollars. That being the case I must have dreamed that I watched Atletico Madrid rip Chelski a new one. As was pointed out throughout the match AM have used around 15 players to be top of Spanish league and in the CL final. So AKBs how have they done that without Petro dollars? Before you answer that is same Chelski team that ripped us apart a few weeks ago but then they aren't alone in doing that are they? Wenger Out


    Apr 30, 2014, 22:39 #50580

    I'm surprised that the AKB's are having a dig at Moyes. he's outperformed Wenger for the last 9 years in terms of points/spend, which seems to be the only proof AKB's can offer for Wenger's supposed success. The only valid case for keeping Wenger at the club in any capacity is that he's the only one at the club who's worked half a day in football, which really is a damning indictment on the way the company - sorry club - is run.

  40. Formula football - you know it makes sense

    Apr 30, 2014, 22:34 #50579

    Why are 60% of arsenal fans disgruntled ? because they want to see Arsenal compete properly with the bid teams like we used to and they have realised Wenger has a formula that gets him to 4th every year. Arsenal record against the top 6 sides ? played 12, won 3 (2 against the same team.., lost 5,drew 4 points 13 out of 36 Arsenal record against the other 13 sides ? played 24, won 19, lost 2, drew 3 points 60 out of 72 with 2 matches to play a possible 66 points from 78 IN OTHER WORDS DONT INVEST THAT NEXT 100M NEEDED TO REALLY BE ABLE TO BEAT THE OTHER TOP 6 TEAMS A BIT MORE OFTEN. SAVE THE 100M AND PUT A TEAM TOGETHER THAT WILL WIN MOST OF THE MATCHES AGAINST THE OTHER 13 TEAMS

  41. WOB's are Ridiculous

    Apr 30, 2014, 21:50 #50577

    Where are all the Wenger Out Geniuses now that their idols Moyes, Guadiola and Mourinho have all been torn a new one while Wenger looks like finishing the campaign with silverware. Hahahahahahaha losers.

  42. jjetplane

    Apr 30, 2014, 21:21 #50575

    There goes Wenger's mantra into the bin. Athletico are pulling the big boys apart. To think how Chelski pissed on Arsenal tells us everything we need to know. Some buses get better parked than others. Both philosophic strands Wenger holds on to with arrogance have been buried this week. The way you play and the way you pay. Failed on both counts. Nevermind as Arsenal if they beat Hull will have done better than Chelski .....

  43. Wenger's departure has been cancelled ( PRAY TO THE WINDS)

    Apr 30, 2014, 20:32 #50572

    The title was available to Arsenal. But Wanger had already spent his allotted funds on Özil. His perverse affection for the Profit & Loss account far exceeds his passion for the Arsenal squad. His pathetic transfer activity or not as it would appear meant we fell away when some finite surgery was needed. I repeat, in came Sa-No-Go, a 2nd div Ligue player with injury history. Then the classy Källström äs WestFlower called him. A loanee with a back fracture who could not appear in any case for weeks. Arsenal fans have in truth in this respect been treated with the utmost disrespect, disdain, & downright deference. How can any Arsenal fan mitigate for him? But a fast dwindling few still do. He has earnt and rightly so an overwhelming ire which will now not be dampened down whatever transpires. I have to say fools do not suffer gladly. An Fa cup does not alter my feelings on the man-Ager!

  44. Big Andy

    Apr 30, 2014, 19:57 #50571

    It's funny how the Petrodollars didn't stop Liverpool from having a real tilt at the title, which the might still win. And it's strange that Everton could come so close to pipping us for fourth despite a much lower income. Arsenal ae big enough to win the title - but only if we are peoperly managed.

  45. Ramgun

    Apr 30, 2014, 18:08 #50569

    The most nauseating thing about all of this is that Wenger and co knew all along that UEFA had no chance to really change things and Wenger, Gazides and others cynically used the FFP carrot to keep the donkeys on board. It was spin, spin and more spin.

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 30, 2014, 14:04 #50555

    Ozzie, that's the place for him alright not a dugout, but it would always be someone else's fault there as well.

  47. Matthew Bazell

    Apr 30, 2014, 13:56 #50554

    Genius Wenger, yawn, you're a fake I reckon. You're a parody from someone who actually wants Wenger out. If not then who the hell are you to call other fake Arsenal fans because they like you don;t consider him a genius. The guy as huge fund yet you act like he's riding a small club high on a tiny budget.

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 30, 2014, 13:43 #50552

    Ah yes FFP it was going to make a difference it was going to be our saviour just like Diaby and that was funny to.

  49. Genius Wenger

    Apr 30, 2014, 13:28 #50549

    The fact that none of these clubs will abide by FFP shows just what a genius Wenger is to keep us competing. I can't believe all these so called Arsenal fans who want him to leave and be replaced by Moyes, Pep, Klopp etc. Are they just pretend Gooners trying to sabotage our club. I think so.

  50. One more thing

    Apr 30, 2014, 12:40 #50542

    Reading the comments section I am just embarrassed to call ymself an Arsenal fan. Please remember, this si the 4th richest club in Europe we are talking about here. A club that lied to its fans that it was moving to compete with the best clubs in Europe, and went on to celebrate finishing 4th! A club whose fans bitch about petro-dollars, but whose manager has done everything in his power to prop up these oil clubs by selling them his best assets: Ashley Cole, Sam Nasri, Adebayor, Toure, Clichy. Wenger and Kroenke were perfectly happy to profit from their oil money then weren't they? They were also perfectly happy to go begging cap in hand for Benayoun on loan, despite having over £70mil sitting in cash, in the bank! This is the same club that rips its fans off, claiming it's to 'compete' in the transfer window, and then proceeds to be a laughing stock in it! And what of the king of the moralizer,s Mr Wenger himself? Yes, what a man of honour! We all read the stories about his private life in the papers, so I'm sure Giroud musta taken a lecture from him like, reeeeally seriously lol. The same man who has bored us to tears about immoral wages in football but has thought nothing of picking up over £60mil in cumulative wages for 9 years of failure. The man who, despite failing again is happy to sign a new improved contract! The man who disrespects the fans with his 'haven't worked half a day in football' spiel. And considering that Arsenal Fc are such paragons of virtue, sure is funny to see our CEO paid so much money! And to see that same CEP do everything he can to get new positions for himself on the side in UEFA. Arsenal FC, the same club of values and integrity that SUDE an old Spanish lady who made hats using a logo they didn't like. The same club whose fans, after years of berating those naughty Wenger-chants, were perfectly happy to chant worse things at RVP at Old Trafford. But hey, you all showed RVP he was wrong eh? Oh no wait...we didn't. RVP went on to lift the PL trophy, whilst Chesney was taking selfies for finishing 4th. Like I said. I'm a Gooner but reading this modern-day Arsenal outragen is a pure embarrassment. I want nothing to do with the post-Wenger Arsenal fan. Pathetic.

  51. Tony Evans

    Apr 30, 2014, 12:29 #50539

    Good article, Rocky, and we are about to see how toothless the FFP rules are going to be. As others have said it suited the board at Arsenal to assume the moral high ground and to try to convince supporters of jam tomorrow once FFP came into play. Most of us saw through that charade years ago though. The harsh reality is that the only way forward for Arsenal now is Usmanov and a new manager not afraid to spend his money. Wenger leaving and a more tactically aware manager coming in may improve certain aspects of our game, and with even moderate spending there have to be better players out there than the likes of Sanogoal, but ultimately it all comes down to money in the end.

  52. The Muppet Show

    Apr 30, 2014, 12:28 #50538

    What is crystal clear here, is that the only true morons in all this story are not Platini and UEFA. It is all the apologist AKB Wenger-zombies, who spent years telling us that our austerity 'would prove Arsene to be a visionary when FFP kicks in'. It was deluded bulls***t then, and it has been proved to be even bigger B.S now. That's the problem with always selling the future, you have no bloody clue what it holds! So just to recap: Wenger has spent years denying Arsenal the top class players it needed, based on a fantasy away-with-the-fairies theory that, in fact, has turned out to be hogwash. Congrats Arsene. These last 9 years of humiliation and failure have ALL been worth it! (oooh but we might scrape past Hull in the FA Cup so the last 9 years are all forgiven! right?)


    Apr 30, 2014, 12:20 #50535

    Don't hold your breath regarding new signings or any genuine attempt to keep the 'star' players we currently have. Assuming we win the final 2 games of the season and Everton win one 1 of theirs, we will have secured 4th place by 7 points. That's actually very wasteful by Wenger's standards and the board will be looking to 'trim the fat' to avoid such future inefficiency. You could probably knock 6 points off by selling Ramsey and raise £30m+ in the process - Food for thought Stan!

  54. Arsene Wenger's nonsense

    Apr 30, 2014, 12:13 #50533

    Ooooh but don't you know? FFP wikll save us! Our knight in shining armour! Once it's implemented, then Chelski, Citeh and PSG will all go out of business and Arsene will reign supreme!Yes, the best chance Arsene has of winning is for All competition to be eliminated! Arsene 'cannot compete' with the likes of financially doped clubs like Everton and Liverpool! Oh hold on errr...new excuse please...oh yes it's because Liverpool played less games than us in a season! THAT is how they compete. And not because they refuse to sell their best players, have a manager who does tactics etc...no siree! But remember, Arsene has 17 years consecutive CL experience hah! And in all that time, he is still too stupid to work out that if you play more matches, you need more quality! Still. Got Giroud and Sanogo. I'd imagine the likes of Ronaldo and Suarez must be green with envy at such quality! SOOO. It appears that the whole premise on which Wenger's excuses 'FFP will save us', was a big fat lie. It actually transpires apparently, that football isn't about balance sheets and FFP. Apparently, FFP will not help you beat Bradford in the FA Cup, will not prevent you losing a cup final to Birmingham, will not prevent you losing 6-0 to Chelski (where West Ham manage a clean sheet!) and will not teach your useless team to win a significant trophy ! WHO KNEW!!!!

  55. jeff wright

    Apr 30, 2014, 11:29 #50527

    GP, Wenger on 7.5m a year wages and 9 years without a trophy is hardly someone qualified to pass moral judgements on others financial dealings. Not that this will prevent him from doing so. The Giroud situation with his wife must be a difficult one as well for Arsene to moralize about. Ron I read those Mourinho comments and Wenger should do so as well because they say everything about why he keeps coming up short against top opponents .With tika tappy now very much yesterday's game Wenger, being the genius that he is , has saddled himself with a midfield full of midgets to play it .

  56. 600NER PETE

    Apr 30, 2014, 11:08 #50526

    Good point about the morality argument Jeff Wright. It has just suited the board to be able to argue that without FFP we can't compete with Citeh and the Chavs. It is obvious we could have competed better with a wiser use of resources and a manager with some tactical nous but it has suited the board to just get into the champions league each year and not to push for anything more ambitious. In a way you could argue that although the board are stating that they are holding the moral high ground in effect they are treating supporters immorally.

  57. Roy

    Apr 30, 2014, 11:05 #50525

    Door. Stable. Bolted. Horse. And the answer to the question posed beneath the picture of Platini is "No". A more pertinent question for him would be why did you let it get to this stage in the first place ? After all, it's almost a dozen years since Roman stepped into Chavski. I suspect it went something like this - " That Mr Abramovich is a bit of a bounder, isn't he ? Although he's not breaking any rules, it's hardly fair is it ? We've never been faced with this situation before boys, that's why there's no rules against it in place. So the question is, what shall we do about it ? By jove, I've got it. We do absolutely nothing for now, as it means there's loads of lovely petro dollars coming in to our beautiful game. Some other clubs are bound to follow suit at some point in the near future, then we may have a problem. Still, we'll put it off as long as possible in order to maximise this corrupt ( prove it ! ) revenue stream". Fast forward a decade. " Ok chaps, that point in the near future we discussed has now arrived. I'm afraid we now need to been seen to be doing something about it, so get your thinking caps on - but don't forget, whatever we come up with can only be implemented gradually and any sanctions we impose cannot include expulsion from the Champs Lge. Meet again same time next month". Hence, the totally useless FFP is born. Bloody hypocrites. Hence, the

  58. Ron

    Apr 30, 2014, 11:05 #50524

    Jeff - Sound words on tactical acumen from Mourinho this AM. ' Today, there are many philosophers in football, who know more than me, but i said 10 years back that with a forward like Didier Drogba, why play short? To face a team whove fast and sharp players in it who want room and space between a defence and a middle, why give it to them as to do so is stupid'. A quote that sums up the difference between him and Wenger and why one's a winner and the other makes up the numbers. Like him or loathe the guy, hes a voice for coaches who still havent fallen into the media driven myth that defence is bad and stifling teams is immoral.

  59. Matthew Bazell

    Apr 30, 2014, 10:59 #50523

    The whole FFP was a total and utter farce after all. Platini is now the opposite to the great man he was as a player. We should be in a position to benefit from this as we have two, not one, TWO billionaires as the main shareholders. but Wiggy wants to make money, not spend it.

  60. jeff wright

    Apr 30, 2014, 10:53 #50522

    We have played by the rules ,if there really are any , because it suited our shareholders to do so and at the cost of winning trophies and suffering humiliating defeats at the hands of other sides.Morality doesn't come into this it is all about profits. The original plan thought up by Diamond Danny was for us to build a new stadium to generate more cash to buy the best players with and to pay their wages and not tofront a moral crusade on football finance,indeed it was a blatant attempt to use money to buy success. Nothing wrong in that as far as I am concerned because others , including ourselves ,have always done it. . The arrival of Roman and the Arabs at Poundlands has spoilt this plot with them raising the ante out of their own pockets rather than by self made club profits. When the Fiszman plan was hatched there was only United to contend with and indeed for the first 8 years of Wenger's tenure that remained the case. Platini's FFP is not going to make any difference to Wenger's lack off tactical nous though and silly squad building , is he really the man to trust with spending millions on squad rebuilding ?Wenger's forte is developing kids and turning frogs into princes, unfortunately he has lost his mojo regarding this and the latest crop of youth team players don't look likely to become the super- stars of tomorrow. In reality the chance to take on Chelsea and City was always there before FFP was threatened. Ferguson did it with only a 20m larger wage bill than ourselves. Wenger however struggles to finish in front of sides like spuds and Everton every season for 4th spot, despite having a 50m or more larger wage bill and a stadium with a 60k capacity crowd in central London. You couldn't make it up.

  61. 600NER PETE

    Apr 30, 2014, 10:17 #50519

    There have been a lot of factors that have not made supporting a football team as exciting as it used to be. The one thing that has had the biggest effect however, is the arrival of Abramovitch. It is a ridiculous world when one man can have such an effect on millions of peoples entertainment but unfortunately there is not a lot that can be done.That is Capitalism for you. Arsenal have been affected more than most as pre Abramovitch the prem used to be between Utd and ourselves. Wenger has never got to grips with the problem and seems to have been on some moral campaign to show how a club can be run without spending any money. I think we could still have competed better than we have with a wise use of the money that we have had. We all knew that FFP was a non-starter as clubs are always going to find a way to bend the rules. It is a sad state of affairs that to compete with Citeh and the Chavs on an equal footing we would need to bring Usmanov on board and use some of his money. It would be nice to keep the moral ground and only spend what we earn but altough this might win us some friends, it would not win many trophies. It is a sad world.

  62. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright right!

    Apr 30, 2014, 10:03 #50517

    @the RealWorld - are you serious? Wenger doing the football and leaving the financial out. Get real will you for him it's entwined in his DNA.. Part of me wants to say keep him out if football matters completely and because if his parsimonious ness place him at the head of logistics. But I know he would torpedo any move the club makes for a serious big money move so....that leaves?.... No Wenger should move from onfield football matters completely and move possibly into a boardroom rôle in a titular position to add gravity and gravitas much needed at Arsenal boardroom level. Failing that pension him off!


    Apr 30, 2014, 9:38 #50512

    Thanks Rocky, nice article, missed you around the place. @brdgunner, where have you been hiding? Warmed to your point of view. Following two posts were very apt also. Life can be sad, this reckless pursuit of 'success', allows only for money as it's god. A troubling reality. I haven't got any answers to the dilemma, consumerism and capitalism has done for us. However change is coming, it's just over the horizon-too far off for us to see yet. Paying for things is slowly disappearing. True it's happening at a snail's pace, but change will occur. Prices are governed by cost of the resource and a profit margin. I am not a financial man but understand this much. I also know that this model is unsustainable. Technology is bringing almost infinite possibilities. The price of the commodity plummets, the selling price is reduced. As this huge machinery, which is our current world's economical structure, feels the impact of an altered perspective it will morph into a completely different world-most commodities will be nearly free, in some, perhaps many cases, companies will shift and become free non-profit making, as is the Gooner. It is a vision, and perhaps a likely one, but I guess we probably won't be around to reap it's benefits. I just hope Arsenal is.

  64. Any Old Iron

    Apr 30, 2014, 9:37 #50511

    Yes, but like tippy tappy tikka's getting takkared. It did so last night big style. Guardiola's Barca stylee does not suit Bayern at all. Barca also have been found out still playing it post Pep. Their ascendency is OVER! My point:- Wenger still steadfastly adheres to it even though it's now fast becoming old hat. Perhaps, now we know why Özil was sold to Arsenal. Ancellotti knew Arsene was still happy with tappy! They've done it before & they can do it again. Good luck tonight CFC - everything we're not.. As for FFP - Fools For Peanuts!

  65. Ozzie

    Apr 30, 2014, 9:19 #50510

    Well put brdgunner, I share your sentiments, the sooner the oil runs out and ALL teams compete on an even field the better. Perhaps AW should run for presidency of FIFA - he is always at the forefront of fairplay arguments and would do more good for the Gooners than as a manager. How refreshing it would be for all to see a young dynamic manager with new ideas take over. Build up a mostly English team and get the Canons blazing again. Ah, dream on!

  66. unchives

    Apr 30, 2014, 9:10 #50508

    If anybody bothered to read the FFP rules, the biggest threat comes from how sponsorship is controlled and policed. Because of the amount of money in the game, what amount of sponsorship is deemed as fair trade. The other parts of income can be measured and controlled such as gate receipts and merchandise sales which are gained, measured and increased via success.The FFP was designed to control the British clubs from dominating the CL from UEFAs beloved Real Madrid & Barcelona. The FFP is like a shark with gum disease, the teeth will eventually fall out and have limited bite.

  67. TheRealWorld

    Apr 30, 2014, 9:07 #50507

    The sad truth is that FFP was never going to have any teeth, and overspending clubs were always going to find loopholes. We all saw it coming from the start. This is the real world where people with no scruples will do whatever they want and find ways to get away with it. But that being said, the real world is a place where, eventually, debt catches up to you. And I'll be damned if my club turns into a ManCity or PSG and it leads us down the path of financial ruin. So I have to say I am a supporter of the Self Sustaining Model. That is not to say that we can't be Self Sustaining AND successful on the pitch. We just need someone with a better sense of the balance to take the role of striking that balance. It's been said a million times, but Arsene should be tasked with ONLY the footballing matters and someone else should be tasked with financial matters. I believe (now I sound like Arsene!) that the Self Sustaining Model is the only way forward if we wish our club's future to be secure. But the real world reality is that we need to be smarter than our cheating competitors if we want to couple a secure future with a successful one.

  68. brdgunner

    Apr 30, 2014, 8:51 #50506

    Unfortunately,we are now not a leading club in this country. Now the leading clubs are the oil clubs. Its an unfortunate truth of the modern game. In the same way that for 50 years before Roman turned up, Chavski were not in Arsenals league it now appears to have reversed. This is not to say we can't compete. However, we need to accept that when it comes to getting signatures we are now the club looking for bargins, because, as you state, we can't compete with the wages at the highest level. It is an absolute joke and it has really attacked my personal relationship with the game, not Arsenal, but the game. COME ON THE GUNNERS