Protest planned at Arsenal v WBA over ticket price rises

Sunday at 12.30 on the Bear Roundabout, opposite the Armoury

Protest planned at Arsenal v WBA over ticket price rises

Stan Kroenke: No need for this greed

I have joined an Arsenal action group that are holding a protest on the ticket price increase planned for next season. The action is focussed purely on the owner and has nothing to do with the divisive issue of the manager. They have released this statement below:

Next Sunday (4th May), we will be taking action outside the Directors Entrance before the West Brom game to let the custodians know our feelings on the upcoming ticket price rise. We’ll be meeting at 12:30pm by Bear Roundabout (opposite the Armoury) & ask all like minded Arsenal fans to join us in this protest which is related solely to 3% increase and against Stan Kroenke.

We are not protesting against Arsenal, because we the fans are Arsenal. We are protesting against a greedy billionaire owner who has done nothing but take advantage of the supporters. To quote a better American by the name of Thomas Jefferson – ‘the truest form patriotism is dissent’

Despite Premier League clubs receiving extra TV revenue of up to 70%, Stan Kroenke has decided to continue to hit the fans with the highest ticket prices in world football. It’s believed that Arsenal have a cash surplus of £100 million. If anything, prices should be going down – not up. Maintaining the status quo on ticket pricing would be bad enough – as it’s already too high for too many hard up Arsenal supporters. In recent years the traditional fan base has been priced out and cast aside to be replaced by the affluent. Those diehard fans that have stayed on are making a sacrifice to their finances that is now close to breaking point.

So to increase the prices by a further 3% is an abomination and must be met with visible resistance at the stadium. If there is no resistance to Stan Kroenke’s greed, then it vindicates any decision to increase ticket prices especially when the stadium sells out. If we don’t tell the club they are wrong to increase prices, then why shouldn’t they feel justified in making us pay more?

Succeed or fail, it’s time to take action and make a stand. Whether it’s 1000 of us or 10 of us, we go out on our shield. Whether we win or lose, we can say that we made a stand for our club whilst others sided with apathy.

Our protest is unrelated to how good or bad the team is doing. Even if we were European Champions we would take this action because Arsenal fans are being priced out by billionaires, whose bellies are more than full.

Matthew Bazell is the author of Theatre of Silence: The Lost Soul of Football.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 04, 2014, 15:29 #50753

    KC,Gaz, yes surely it's not to much for fans to want/ask for whats best for the team (and get it)especially when it's/was/is so blindly obvious, i fail to see where he's going to lose face by just listening and doing it after all it's going to be beneficial to everybody, i for one would indeed have a lot more respect for him if he did listen and do what was/is obviously needed instead of plodding along season after season doing it his way and listening to nobody.

  2. jjetplane

    May 04, 2014, 11:34 #50748

    And with 4th place secured we really are stefi graffing. Read all that stuff too and Arsenal are overpaying individuals unless they are Emirate slaves and looking like a safe option that does not do reckless except with paying someone 8 zillion dollars to deliver .... expensive fish and chips. If this keeps going Wenger will not be going back to France but moving into a Hedge 'concern' as senior analyst. Probably worth about 80 zillion dollars. Good luck to him.

  3. allybear

    May 04, 2014, 11:33 #50747

    Gooner Tim you are correct and i agree that as long as the stadium is full or nearly full it will stay the same. I would not set foot in the place to watch mediocrity and an overpaid manager who is too long in the job. On the other hand i cant blame people for protesting.


    May 04, 2014, 10:26 #50745

    Caught a glimpse of the Guardian yesterday. It was only a quick scan-read as I was in the library, and eventually thrown out for loud whistling. Noted we were a minority group of PL teams in profit coming in third just behind Swansea by £1mill and a bit more behind Newcastle. I also noted many CEOs didn't disclose salaries but that the Norwich person out-earned Gazidis, (not sure about bonuses). Also noted Levy was in the frame too. Biggest point of interest to me was that we appeared to be the second lowest wage bill in terms of % turnover. Which to a layman sounds quite healthy. Any financial whizz kids able or willing to expound? Three points today please lads. Good old Arsenal.


    May 03, 2014, 20:56 #50744

    And so the questers sheath their weapons, this battle is won. Damsels weep with joy and many stalwarts dance around the Maypole. He who is Magi and lives beneath the bridge washes off his green woad, he shall not test his sword arm tomorrow. Instead he shall perm his hair. Much merriment shall be had tonight in the glades. The ARkAY shall play his lyre, the one who talks incessantly will Morris Dance his way through the camp, and those fired with home brewed mead will skip to the loo. They shall rest before they march to Wembley for a Flanagan and Allen season finale, with a battle, 'Underneath the Arch'. Good old Arsenal. (criticism of pellegrini for overplaying an injured Aguero-some managers just never get it right).

  6. KC

    May 03, 2014, 20:45 #50743

    @MG - Agreed its although the more you ask the more he finds a sick pleasure in saying no. What I struggle with is his loss of ambition the requests are football requests ie striker, midfielder, pace, strength but he ignores all, then gets all stressed on the touch line as the obvious happens. He no doubt loves power but it's stupidity to stress after failing to address the weaknesses and this is difficult to understand even from an arrogant, power crazy dictator. He lacks class as well because he can not even handle basic questions about his failings and this is something that I find ugly about him.


    May 03, 2014, 20:29 #50742

    Coming home from the Ruby house an Irishman in a hoody came up to me. He said his name was Ken O'Bee, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I shook him warmly by the throat,(be quiet Spike), and as I left he said, 'May the fourth be with you!', and it was.

  8. Gaz

    May 03, 2014, 20:26 #50741

    @MG: all this talk of this next deal being his last is absolute bollox. If it is he'll announce it when he confirms the new deal. He won't though because he knows if he doesn't he can sign yet another extension in two years time. He'll never leave because he does not believe he's made ANY mistakes. He's so arrogant now it's just crazy. Thankfully for him there's enough fans out there still hanging in his every excuse...sorry I meant word of course...

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2014, 20:08 #50739

    KC, it's all about power and his ego, he loves it, he won't be told what to do, sticking two fingers up at the fans by way of the more they want/call for something (proper strikers for a start)the less chance there is of getting it/them, letting us know he's the boss and won't be told what to do or influenced in any way and that's the way it's going to be, he has learnt absolutely nothing (and would rather continue his way and fail than any other), and any body that thinks he has and it's going to be any different in his last two years are just as deluded as him.

  10. jjetplane

    May 03, 2014, 19:16 #50737

    Tea with sugar yuk! with milk yukkier! Only tea for me over past decade is Clipper white tea which is smoother than green tea. No infusions or bollicky flavours - just the pure stuff- leave the bag in and get all ommmmed up. Somehow Citeh are not as unpleasant as Chelski but unpleasant enough. I'm forever firing spud guns/pretty spud guns in the air.... Right then - lets get the broccoli and chicken going. Bournemouth - nice try. Next time.

  11. KC

    May 03, 2014, 18:23 #50735

    Come City. Stop Liverpool and ensure I can go tomorrow chilled out and enjoy our last home game.


    May 03, 2014, 18:17 #50734

    Oilers gone ahead 1-2 just before HT, Everton fans don't know whether to laugh or cry. Lose and AFC in the CL and they have the Europey Cup, but they may stop Liverpool from winning the title. Confused!


    May 03, 2014, 17:54 #50733

    Everton just gone ahead, ouch. Thanks KC. Gaz, good to know about the tea. I don't take sugar next time you are in the chair. I am a fussy boy with a number of things, tea no exception. Must be full of body with milk-no sugar of course. (Yorkshire tea perhaps the best). All over the world it has to be so and have turned down so many cups as the criteria hasn't been met. Also fussy about coffee. Will only drink ground coffee, good Italian or even Dutch, though you can get good blends from anywhere probably now. Must be served with single cream and no sugar of course. Could not find a decent cup anywhere in the States-oh and will not drink or eat in 'chains'. Yea 1-1 at Goodison, 22 mins gone.

  14. Gaz

    May 03, 2014, 17:10 #50732

    @BADARSE: I love a cup of tea-without doubt my favourite drink! My big Arsenal mug, Yorkshire gold tea bag, nice and strong, one big spoonful of sugar, and some milk to finish it off! Just can't best it...

  15. KC

    May 03, 2014, 17:00 #50731

    Badarse -Have a great anniversary mate. Ok all, why does he do it again Wengers transfer comments are again negative, appreciate he won't say we are going to spend big but there is a way of saying something. It's like he genuinely wants to wind us up. He used to always do the same with his contracts like he was playing a game with the fans and press. His comments this time are like petrol to a fire for the press. They will wind up the fans and it's all negativity again. Added to the fact that his past transfer record shows a completely deluded ivory tower fool I have no confidence he has learnt anything. Just the fact that anyone with a football brain could see we required a striker and athletic holding midfielder last summer and yet here he is talking about consistency after being battered against quality opposition. We are consistent and have been for 5 years we always get stuffed against better teams that's consistency for you.


    May 03, 2014, 15:38 #50729

    Gaz I am a teapot. No relax it isn't BADARSE going all obscure again. My Mum was one and I took after her, just love a cuppa Rosie-that was her name funnily enough. I raised one to you chum, thanks again. maguiresbridge it's a Ruby again, oh how boring, ha ha. Love it! On my deathbed I would still wish for just one more cuppa and one more Ruby, oh, and this old ashtray, and this old umbrella-nothing else, well apart from this lampstand...

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 03, 2014, 12:09 #50724

    BADARSE, happy anniversary i don't know if it'll be as low key as mine but law of the curry's.

  18. Gaz

    May 03, 2014, 9:02 #50718

    @BADARSE: cheers fella. I'm at work so a cup of tea will do just fine!...


    May 03, 2014, 8:32 #50717

    Thank you Gaz, you are a good man. I am raising a virtual glass of your favourite brew to you pal. Not sure what that is so it looks like a weird concoction-something like a witch's brew, ha ha.

  20. Gaz

    May 03, 2014, 8:24 #50716

    @BADARSE: Happy anniversary mate and good luck to your good lady wife... @Julesd: yeah I believe you....henestly!!! :-)...


    May 03, 2014, 8:11 #50715

    Morning julesd, to you and the other half. Funny how we three have morphed into one. Never really celebrate anyone's demise or downfall. Just mentally set my face, and shake my head. I did that yesterday when Max Clifford got his comeuppance, he came from a similar mould as that horrid man McCririck. Off in beautiful sunshine for my wife to run her 5k Parkrun, then onto footie training for young Charlie. Our anniversary too! No plans, just eyes riveted on the Everton game. The battle for cup final tickets rage, always saddens me, whether I miss out or others-that's when I am BADONNE. Now go and wake him up, 'Keee-own! Keee-own!' Good old Arsenal

  22. julesd

    May 03, 2014, 5:57 #50713

    GAZ No, we definitely aren't one and the same! I know one of them is male.

  23. Bob

    May 02, 2014, 22:22 #50708

    Patrick Barclay - is that a jest. What a worn out copycat phrase.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2014, 21:06 #50706

    Gaz, spot on, they'll milk it alright especially OGL expect one of the first things he spouts while grinning like a Cheshire cat to be, it just goes to show/prove i was right all along, you don't need to spend big, you don't need superstar players to win something, something he's been dying to do/say for years but only with the CL and Prem (something he'll never do). He will very conveniently forget to mention that it's taken him nine years to do it, with numerous humiliations, beatings, embarrassments, etc, and money wasted on dross not fit to wear the shirt, with a trophy that he has treated with disdain in the past (and expect his apologists who thought the same to agree with him)and he would gladly sacrifice even now to be still in the CL or guaranteed fourth spot.

  25. Gaz

    May 02, 2014, 20:15 #50704

    @Ron/Stevio: sadly you both make a lot of sense. For me I'm now finished with the Club until Wenger and Kroenke both leave as quite frankly I can't take any more of their spin, bull****, lying, and in Wengers case his excuses and failure to admit he's ever wrong. If you'd told me I'd feel this way just 5 years ago I'd never have believed you yet I'm now just worn out by it all. The Club I fell in love with has long gone replaced by a corporate monster far more concerned with making money and lying to the fans. Despite what Wenger and his many fans say there's no real ambition at the Club to be the best merely a compulsion to make money so as to line the pockets of Wenger, Gazidis and co. The fact a lot of our fans not only can't see this but actively support it is a mystery I can't quite get my head around. Quite frankly I could not care less about the cup final and I'm not even sure I'll bother watching. I certainly can't face seeing the players and in particular Wenger and Gazidis celebrating a trophy that in reality neither could give a **** about. Worse still they'll both milk it for every last penny and Wenger will only use it to prove that he's always been 'right'. Maybe it's an age thing (not that I'm that old!) or maybe it's my job or the fact I've got different priorities in my life. Maybe it's football in general I just don't like anymore. Whatever it is I certainly can't face watching us anymore whilst Wenger and Kroenke are still around. Guess I'll have to wait until they've gone to see if them that's the problem or football in general. Sadly my gut feeling is it's them...

  26. Green Hut

    May 02, 2014, 19:28 #50703

    Stevieo- Not asking or expecting any individual to turn up on Sunday, just wondering whether the Arsenal fan who desperately wants Wenger and Kroenke to leave attended the demo that called for Wenger and Kroenke to leave. Re this weekend and 'the public eye', there has already been this week a substantial piece on one of the biggest newspaper websites in the world, but if you're genuinely 'not one for protesting' then there's no conversation to be had.

  27. Stevieo

    May 02, 2014, 19:07 #50702

    Hi Ron. It's take it or leave it. I have no problem with other points of view, but when you voice an opinion that's anti wenger and told to go support spurs, that's where they lose my respect. And we all know they love a good excuse, but when we play sh!t and then we're blamed for the teams performance for moaning on here, you start to realise there are some crackpot supporters out there!

  28. jjetplane

    May 02, 2014, 19:06 #50701

    Ain't that the truth RON & STEVIO. Just looking st the gazzette online with Per 'explaining' how we need to combat the big teams away from home in the first 20 minutes. Apart from that Giroud says it really working out with Ozil who has a 5m twatter following and JW now also has a job as marketing director for Pepsi worldwide whereas the Ox may be a future PM. There is no way this club is ever coming back to earth and it is strange even now when someone asks you 'your club' and you mumble something about Arsenal and in the same breath I tell them I'm watching the non league cup up the road. See on another post people with short/no memories are upset at not being able to watch them 'finally pick up some silverware this month'. That easy is it? What d'you reckon Brucie! Never thought Athletico would own the Bridge but there we go. Shame how our club died though and was turned over to 'sportsfans'.

  29. Ron

    May 02, 2014, 18:29 #50699

    Stevio - You've got it for me there. Right on the button my friend! The dye was cast there the day they left Highbury (before then really). 22000 new arses on seats. Hike the prices. Max the turn over. Carry on skin flinting in the transfer market the way that the Club's done in all my years as fan. There are 1000s of the original supporters who don't go down now but as you say, they've been easily replaced by better off and well heeled mugs prepared to pay the premium prices.It looks like carrying on awhile as Wengers luck continues too. People who really want change there are a small minority as you say. This forum gives a very misleading view. For every one of me, there are hundreds of Westlowers. As you say, if they enjoy the humdrum low key offering thats dished up by the Club each season whos to say they're wrong really? Its each to their own. So many have been seduced by that freaking Stadium (i cant stand the place personally and never have done) and the imagery thats the Club has so cleverly created over the last 8 years. The imagery sustains the hope. This protest is great in its intention. In practice, its effect will be like your Grandad farting in a wind tunnel.While the Club keeps its stance, i wouldn't go to home games if the admission was a tenner, as i d consider it a tenner wasted on Wenger, Kroenke and Bendtner and Co, plus a few others.The Club has never in all my time been very supporter orientated in truth, but now its 'match day experience' is a cynical, cold eyed, blatant p--stake. People are waking up slowly, but football Clubs have the oxygen of loyalty like no other team in any other sports has.Can only speak for my own experience but i will say that once a decision is made not to subsidize the Club, it allows a better perspective on what the Clubs become and for me, makes me wish id dropped out years back.I dropped off the season ticket radar in 2010 and now go only when i get a cheapo away match ticket off somebody who changes their mind about doing the odd away game or if a certain Supporters Club has a few tickets to shift. Never thought my perceptions of Arsenal FC would be ever be like this, but feel liberated that they are.

  30. Stevieo

    May 02, 2014, 17:35 #50697

    Green Hut, the main problem fans have is that they want rid of Wenger/Kroenke, due to their lack of ambition/incompetence. A 3% hike is not as high on the agenda, certainly for those that don’t attend or boycott on a matter of principle. I am not one for protesting. To me a protest has to be in the public eye, which hits at the target, which in this case would have to take place in the ground and during the game. I don’t know how protesting outside the ground away from the eyes that run Arsenal can achieve anything. I am also a believer that protesting at the game, creating a nasty atmosphere spoils it for those attending the game. I have no problem with those that are happy with the status quo, and it is not for me to ruin their ‘enjoyment’ of the game. I would have to admit I am in a minority wanting Wenger out, as the season ticket sales and waiting list would seem to prove. Therefore, it surely becomes a personal crusade that only the individual can follow by making sure they don’t give a penny to the club. And I’m sure that makes them feel a whole lot better than the feeling of being duped with false promises and fleeced by the club. So with regards to this protest, you can hardly expect such fans to turn up, simply to make it cheaper for those fans that are financing this circus. Such fans have principles by not attending You could half the ticket prices for all they care, but they would still not attend on principle.

  31. Matthew Bazell

    May 02, 2014, 16:20 #50694

    Well said Green Hut

  32. Gaz

    May 02, 2014, 16:02 #50693

    @maguiresbridge gooner: it's just unreal mate. I've just re-red his comments and its unbelievable. He really does not blame himself for anything. He blames injuries yet fails to mention he had time to replace those injured players. He then says this: "The regret we have of the season is that we have been remarkably consistent, (but) it is against the teams who did not fight for the Premier League title - and especially away from home in some of the big games - we could not claim the points." Could not 'claim the points!!!!' My God, we were slaughtered!!!! And wheres does he mention the ridiculous striker situation HE instigated? If he'd just accept some of the blame I'd have some respect for him. As it is to me he's now the most self centred, arrogant, and annoying man ever...

  33. Green Hut

    May 02, 2014, 15:33 #50688

    GoonerGoal- From what I know many at the forefront of the protest don't pay a penny to the club, but unlike you they are willing to get off their arses and work to put the issue in the public domain. I would much rather the protest on Sunday was about removing Wenger, but I'm not about to criticise those who put the effort in to fight for what is right. Minimum £62 for the games you really want to see? It's wrong. Pay up front for first 7 cup games when almost no other club's fans has to? It's wrong. 3% rise when the extra price of the Bayern game has already been added? It's wrong. So what are you doing about your concerns apart from bitching on an internet forum? Did you attend the Man City demo when it DID include Wenger? And when and how is LA REVOLUTION going to happen? Certainly not by the likes of you and I not attending games when there are many thousands to take our places. Please tell though, let's hope it's not WEAK and brings shame on you and those like you.

  34. jjetplane

    May 02, 2014, 15:23 #50687

    What I did was found my sport elsewhere at a cheaper price. It's a bit like the housing market as the prices are pushed up in the Mayfairs (sic) of football you get the the same hiking at the other end where you can buy a season ticket in the conference at over 200 squid which although not a lot of money is still too much for people who really don't have a lot of extra cash. I look up at the conference from my lowly stand at a fiver a go and guess what - I really am looking forward to the adventure next season in a higher league. Though I have never been to the Emirates I know/knew that area better than most people who pop up for a game there now. There are plenty of us ghosts about. Oooooooo Gooner ha ha! Good luck with any fight against the latest imperialists. Power to yer!

  35. Matthew Bazell

    May 02, 2014, 14:51 #50685

    Gooner Goal, you assume that the protesters will go to the game. Most if us won't because won't pay those prices. We've been preaching empty seats for years and how's that been going?! You say shame on us for not going far enough, I say what have you done? For this protest is more a about a **** you message to football for what has happened. And then I'm done with trying to engage with apathetic masses whether it be releasing books or protesting. Whether it's BSM or these guys on Sunday, they're the only ones who make an effort and they end up getting **** both both sides of the debate. From people who do nothing.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 02, 2014, 14:37 #50682

    Gaz, are we really surprised? as we know it's always something/somebody else's fault and there's no doubt the sheep are lapping it all up left right and center.And anyway have you never heard of the eleventh commandment, thou shalt not criticise OGL, it's ingrained into his apologists.

  37. Ramgun

    May 02, 2014, 14:12 #50677

    I note that Atletico Madrid have a squad that cost £13 Million less than Ozil. I bet that they wouldn't swap owners or managers with us. I wonder how much their tickets are?

  38. Any Old Iron

    May 02, 2014, 14:08 #50675

    GoonerGoall - Ditto my friend. All of them lock stock & barrel!

  39. Ron

    May 02, 2014, 13:38 #50674

    Gooner goal - apologies - meant 'sterile' footie, not 'puerile'.

  40. Ron

    May 02, 2014, 12:54 #50673

    Gooner goal - whatever the assumptions that can be made to sit behind the protest (and yours are very reasonable assumptions to make might i add)in my view, the real value of an average PL football match (for me) is about 25 quid, certainly not beyond 30. I don't even distinguish between opponents either in holding this view. How many of those cat A teams really have players who you would pay just to see, how many get you off your seat? Aguero gets sort of close but save for him,there are none in my view. Liverpool are no more attractive than any other Club and so on and so forth. Appreciate its all subjective, but as kids years ago, we used to go anywhere within reason to see Man U when Georgie Best was playing, just to see him skin his full backs! He was just one eg in his time. Jimmy Greaves,Rodney Marsh was always worth watching. Stan Bowles, Tony Currie, Frank Worthington too. Brady, Nicholas and George at Arsenal and so on through the years. Today's game is so flat and sanitized. They're like the snooker and tennis players today. All colourless and boring, but all know the price of everything and what they can eke out of the game. The protest needs to have a notion of what value it puts on football. Without one, it seems pointless and just gesturing for the sake of it. Stopping giving the Club money is the way to make a point. Empty seats speak volumes. I cant think of any circs now that will put my arse on a seat again in that stadium.The very feel of the place turns me right off it, never mind the puerile football.

  41. Ramgun

    May 02, 2014, 12:51 #50672

    Well, Westlower, it spiralled out of control in 1966 and Hill-Wood (Denis, that is) had to sack a manager he vowed that he never would. Hill-Wood also stated that he would leave before the manager - and then completely forgot to resign! The successful protest led directly to all of the success that followed involving Mee, Howe and Graham. I do hope that the protest does "Spiral out of control"

  42. Gaz

    May 02, 2014, 12:33 #50670

    I see Wenger is in full blown 'blame anything else' (injuries) and daft quote mode ('we were remarkably consistant'). Just once I'd like to see the press say to him 'yes Arsene you had injuries but you also had more than enough time to replace them though' and 'yes Arsene but even without those injuries should you be conceding 20 goals in just four games against your rivals?' Honestly anyone who suggests Wenger gets a tough time from the media are kidding themselves...

  43. GoonerGoal!

    May 02, 2014, 12:28 #50669

    I applaud the sentiment. but do you really call this "visible resistance at the stadium"? IT'S JUST WEAK! The only true form of dissent is to IMMEDIATELY STOP PUTTING MONEY INTO THE TROUGH that WENGER, GAZIDIS, and KROENKE continually enjoy emerging their noses, until such time as they are forced to permanently remove them. But then you are not really complaining about anything to do with what happens on the pitch are you? Your complaint is just about them increasing the cost to you of watching a second rate manager, running a club with too many second rate players, without any pressure to succeed beyond 4th place every season. Presumably if there was no price increase, you'd be perfectly happy. Shame on you and those like you! WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  44. Ron

    May 02, 2014, 12:25 #50668

    Jeff - Yes. I know mate. Pardew and Ashley though. Made for each other. Totally classless. Green Hut - Exactly mate. Arsenal fans haven't made a song and a dance about anything really since they murdered Billy Wright so the present social make up of the support there now aren't going to for sure.

  45. Gaz

    May 02, 2014, 12:19 #50667

    Always felt BADARSE, Westlower and Julesd were the same person so thats no surprise to me Ed :-)...

  46. Website Admin

    May 02, 2014, 11:38 #50666

    To the person posting from IP address Your comments were removed in line with the house rules. You were posting under multiple identities and were fairly obviously on a wind-up to provoke a reaction. Opposite views are always welcomed to create debate as can be evidenced by those who do comment on here regularly.

  47. Green Hut

    May 02, 2014, 11:23 #50664

    Yes Westlower, let's protest but let's make sure we do it quietly. Heaven forbid that anything should disrupt the nice, comfy status quo.

  48. jeff wright

    May 02, 2014, 11:21 #50663

    Ron, spot on about Pardew and Asley,but have looked at the picture of the grinning geezer wearing a syrup and sporting a 70s porno tash at the top of this page? He's our owner!!!! As for Wenger even thinking about Pardew can't entice me to want the old ticky tacky codger to stay . The AKB's celebrating Mourinho's current discomfort , after him being dumped out of Europe by Athletico is amusing though,shame it wasn't Arsene that did it.

  49. Ron

    May 02, 2014, 10:44 #50661

    Westie - They love a few Clowns up in Newcastle. As much as things are not right at Arsenal, can you imagine following a Club with the odious Pardew as a Coach and that fat, beer swigging oaf Ashley as an owner? Talk about putting things into perspective mate! In fact,......... thinking about it, .... Arsene in, FOR EVER!! Ha

  50. Gunner SA

    May 02, 2014, 10:28 #50659

    On the podcast: Was the panel made up of Andre Marriners? It was OXLADE-CHAMBERLAIN who assisted Mertesacker's goal NOT Gibbs.

  51. Gaz

    May 02, 2014, 10:24 #50658

    @Steve A: Problem is every terrible result/performance is airbrushed out of existance as soon as the run for fourth place has been won. Throw in a competition nobody really cares much about and suddenly all is rosey again in Arsenes garden. Who cares if its happened 4/5 years and who cares if its bound to happen again next season. Thats the problem with this Club and its supporters...

  52. Westlower

    May 02, 2014, 10:13 #50657

    Protest against the price rise by all means but don't let it escalate into us becoming the circus that is Newcastle United. Once protesters get a taste of blood it can quickly spiral out of control.

  53. Steve A

    May 02, 2014, 6:08 #50654

    The protest should be against Kroenke and Gazidis givng Wenger a new contract not a 3% ticket rise,Everything that is wrong at our football club is down to Wenger.United have a poor season the manager is replaced.Arsenal have 9 poor seasons and the manager is rewarded with a new contract.Rotten to the core.

  54. Ron

    May 01, 2014, 22:45 #50653

    Whats all this about - Your perfect for this Country with such sound business acumen as that! Seriously though, i doubt that you're in business or self employed with that outlook, but if you're thinking about it, let me tell you now you'll be insolvent in a month and rightly so.

  55. Roy

    May 01, 2014, 22:14 #50652

    Most things in life go up in price don't they ? The surprise would be if any yearly cost for anything actually came DOWN ! On the flipside, why shouldn't you exercise your right to protest if you feel that price rise is unjustifiable, which certainly appears to be the case in this instance ? Good luck with your protest.

  56. We got the Wrong American

    May 01, 2014, 20:34 #50649

    to the tune of David Bowie..... wrong american wrong american we got the wrong american, all night we got the wrong american

  57. steve

    May 01, 2014, 20:23 #50648

    Hum.. I saw these guys and their banner a few weeks back at the emirates... many of them looked like they wanted a fight.... looked angry for more reasons that football or 3 percent on ticket price... amazing world of tweeter

  58. Stevieo

    May 01, 2014, 19:36 #50647

    Matthew, yes the club is a greedy rip off, but in real terms is a 3% increase extortionate? Everything goes up by about 3% every year, bar the petrol or gas bills that used to go up 3% every month.

  59. Gooner Tim

    May 01, 2014, 19:30 #50646

    These fan groups do my head in.When will they realise if the club raised prices by 10% the muppets who turn up at the Emirates and dont shout a word of protest to our Specialist in Failure will pay up.I speak as an Arsenal fan who was a ST holder up until 2009 the club has not had one penny off me since.If you back failure on the pitch cant you blame Gazidis and Knoenke taking the pee off it.Its the fans who pay the high prices who are to blame.The board have raised ticket prices by 3% because they know the fans will pay it.Remember you are paying for the privilege to see your team challenge for 4th every year.Mugs

  60. Green Hut

    May 01, 2014, 18:56 #50644

    Matthew- Always a cause worth fighting for mate, even if it seems futile at times. Turned up to the Kroenke/Wenger protest before the Man City game at the roundabout/Armoury but left after 15-20 mins when it seemed that the police disruption had worked and nothing was going to happen. Saw the next day that a few had managed to display a fine banner outside the Diamond Club but I'm sure numbers would have been bigger if word had got around at the first meeting point. Understand why you've separated the issues this time but I do agree with others that as long as Wenger remains it does feels like fiddling while Rome burns at the moment, although I believe that one BSM commitee member has stepped down to focus solely on Wenger so hopefully going forward enough pressure will be placed to at least ensure that the next 2 years of misery will be the last. Of course you're right when you say that everyone is free to organise a protest themselves if they're not happy, but respect to you guys for sticking up for those about to be priced out of The Arsenal. And very much enjoyed the book!

  61. Matthew Bazell

    May 01, 2014, 18:40 #50643

    'Wrong Protest' Cheapest season ticket is £1000! Reasonable to you maybe, but for others no. It's not reasonable that 7 home games this year carried minimum pricing of 62+. And no I agree with you that it's not reasonable that our away fans have to pay £50 to go to Norwich and co. Every Prem club is a rip off. Sunday's protesters are AMF - Against Modern Football. Can I suggest that people look at the history of where the game came from and that for over 100 years the fan base of Arsenal was mostly working class. The price of a football ticket was the same as a pint of beer. It's only recent history in which the fan base is mostly middle and upper class. It's a cultural robbery. For some it's a days wages to go to one game and that is not reasonable. A handful of tickets for for some Grade C games is not the bigger picture. They will sell out first leaving the majority of tickets unaffordable. Okay, but then why preach 'Arsenal for Everyone' if so many are priced out? Is it reasonable that lower earners should be shunned for the big games?

  62. Gary T

    May 01, 2014, 17:05 #50635

    A noble, if probably futile, protest Matthew. I wish you all the best. Unfortunately, as you seem somewhat resigned to yourself, this will not make any difference. As others have said, Silent Stan won’t even notice the protest if the ground is still reasonably full. Because of the location of Ashburton and the global appeal of the premier league, we would certainly still fill the stadium even if long term season ticket holders stop going in protest. Besides, I am afraid that nothing is ever going to make me sacrifice my season ticket, as long as I can just about afford it, and I am sure the board know that. Attending home games has been a huge part of my life since I was a small boy, and I look forward to introducing the next generation of my family to the experience of watching the team live. Football will continue to be sanitised and commercialised, but that’s modern life I'm afraid. Of course it is not the same as it once was, but it still beats the hell out of pretty much anything else that I would be doing on a Saturday afternoon/morning/evening/whenever else the TV companies decide they’ll get the best viewing figures. On a final note, although personally I have long been of the view that it is time for Arsene to move on, I completely agree with the decision to limit your protest to the issue of ticket prices. Aside from the obvious tension the managerial issue causes between fans (as demonstrated above), I do not believe that the stadium is ever the place to attack the team, and the manager is a big be part of that. Such protests from the boo boys affect the players, and are thus entirely counterproductive. We may still need the points on Sunday, and we certainly need to head into a hugely significant FA Cup final in as robust and confident a mood as possible. I trust, therefore, that once the demonstration has ended, you and all other Gooners, regardless of your feelings towards the board and/or the manager, will get behind the team on Sunday and send the lads off to Wembley with a sense of what they should be fighting for. I know, of course, that we play Norwich on the last day, but I have no concerns at all that the travelling support will not do so.


    May 01, 2014, 16:36 #50634

    Kroenke's hockey team the Avalanche were eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs last night in a game 7 loss. The San Jose Sharks and the Philadelphia Flyers were also eliminated. But there was a stark contrast between the 3 postgame press-conference. The Sharks and Flyers managers both admitted that losing was not good enough. Whereas the Avalanche's manager tried to make it seem like getting to a 7th game was good enough. Same attitude that Arsenal have with the 4th place is a trophy nonsense. Spin that glorious failure, spin it.

  64. Patrick Barclay

    May 01, 2014, 16:24 #50632

    Protest? Be careful what you wish for.

  65. Damo

    May 01, 2014, 16:12 #50631

    Good luck with your protest. I am a silver member (since 96/97) who has now not been to E******s since 2009 (3-0 against the spuds). I detest what has happened to our club and simply cannot bring myself to spend the kind of money that is being asked. Shame as it wasnt so long ago that i was present home/away/europe but i'm afraid enough is enough. Of the 20 or so of us that used to frequent the Twelve Pins only 1 or 2 still go, everyone else has simply stopped going.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 01, 2014, 16:12 #50630

    Good cause Matthew, i'll not be there myself as my season ticket now involves a few family members for the reasons you mention and the group are protesting about (but they'll still not get rid of all the old hands we'll still be here when their gone)and it's their turn to use but i'll certainly be mentioning it to them if they don't already know.

  67. Red Member

    May 01, 2014, 14:12 #50627

    instead of organising a protest why don't you consider why a 3% increase is taking place in the first place - reason because Kroenke knows he can get away with it! He sees the ground is sold out every game and probably thinks he is charging too little and he is probably right. After all Arsenal is a business now and not a football club. I heard that he actually thought about an 8% increase. Simple way of not having a ticket increase - do not renew your season tickets. you can still go to the game but dont pay so far in advance.

  68. Matthew Bazell

    May 01, 2014, 13:38 #50622

    Yawn and Gaz, the reason Wenger is not an issue for the protest is because there will be people there who still support him. The way we see it they'll have come out to support this protest, with us, and then they;d end up on a Wenger out protest which they don't support. That's not fair. The manager issue is very divisive, whereas ticket prices in football (not just Arsenal) is an issue we can unite behind (expect for the odd sheep, but the again some will always bleat amongst the herd). Come and join us. Like the letter says, we at fail but at least we made a stand. 10 of us or 1000 at least we say we tried.

  69. Yawn

    May 01, 2014, 13:31 #50621

    Interesting Matthew, how you have chosen to conveniently sidestep my question so I shall ask it again: why are you deliberately avoiding addressing Arsene Wenger? HE is the most divisive figure at this club, not Kroenke. Wenger has openly and in public, backed the ST price rise. Not just this one, but the last oen too. He takes £8m every year out of the club but is dismissive of supporters, who I'll remind you, pay the overblown fool's wages. He wins nothing too btw. If we could get Wenger removed, then it would be Much easier to get to the board, as their bullet-proof monnk would no logner be there to act as their a*se-piece. Don't you see? But oh no. Cannot do that, because no one can criticise Lord Master in public eh? Sounds very similar to that retarded organisation known as the 'Black Scarf Movement' - who will witness the team get hammered 6-0 and 8-2, and immediately begin to blame the owners, failing to notice that there is a moron known as the Manager, who should be held 100% responsible. Kroenke is in the position he is because Wenger is allowing him to be. It's Wenger you should really be addressing. Any 'protest' that fails to mention him is reflective of the type of manager, and football club and fans we now have: spineless, excuse-making, Cowardly. I stand by that assertion.

  70. Gaz

    May 01, 2014, 13:29 #50620

    @Matthew: sorry mate, I wasn\'t having a go at the protest which I totally agree with in principle. Indeed whilst Wenger cops a lot of the flak kroenke is mighty lucky that the fans-for whatever reasons-haven\'t really turned against him yet. I mean let\'s be blunt-he\'s ****ing awful and I wish he had no part to play in this great club of ours...

  71. Gaz

    May 01, 2014, 13:18 #50619

    Of course the sad irony is that whilst trying not to implicate the manager we're sidestepping the one issue that would make the 3% rise more palatable. I mean let's be honest if Wenger left, Klopp (for example) took over and spent the cash available the moaning would stop overnight..,

  72. Matthew Bazell

    May 01, 2014, 13:17 #50618

    Yawn - you call us 'cowardly' for this protest because it has nothing to do with the manager. Why don't you organise your own protest? It takes time, conviction and you also have to put up with ridicule from the sheep who defend the shepherd. You're not in a position to label us as cowards.

  73. N4

    May 01, 2014, 13:13 #50616

    Totally agree! It's not as if the club is doing well like keeping the fans happy by winning decently let alone winning throphies!!! I am not a ST holder anymore but I'm not far from there so I will come and make up the numbers!!!

  74. Joke Protest

    May 01, 2014, 13:10 #50615

    Can't see any problem with 3% rise Arsenal tickets best value for money in Premiership IMHO Spurs and Chelsea far bigger rip offs.

  75. Ron

    May 01, 2014, 13:05 #50614

    Priced out indeed Matthew. Its not just Arsenal though they're by far the worst offenders. Away games only for me and that's how its staying.Good on you re the protest but you're wasting your time with that lot down there. They're impervious to the fans wishes.

  76. Yawn

    May 01, 2014, 12:40 #50613

    Another futile cowardly protest that fails to address that the MANAGER is the biggest problem at the club right now. And of course it's linked to success you jokers. Success means price hikes are justifiable. If Arsenal were playing swashbuckling football and in the CL final, with the PL wrapped up, hardly anyone would bat an eyelid! The FUNNIEST thing with you kind of protesters that you will plan a protest march...before sitting in the stadium, spending £4 on a matchday programme and then ringing the club up to renew your outrageously-priced ST! You have a choice: DO NOT RENEW. But oh no. The usual retarded excuses will come up 'I can't not go'. Course you can. So to conclude: enjoy your wee protest, but if you renew your ST, you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. And as a businessman, Kroenke has every right to fleece the sheeps! Kroenke is scamming you lot, and you moan, whilst emptying your pockets into his bank account. Gotta laugh...

  77. jjetplane

    May 01, 2014, 12:32 #50612

    Well done Matthew and it's great what you and others are doing who are concerned with what is happening to a football institution. As is the wants of an americanised hedge fund culture - asset stripping is well in progress and five more years of this type of ownership could see a new 'elephant in the room'. As someone who first saw the Arsenal in the 60s I gave up after the 'move' because of finances. Now I see the prices verses the product and a whole new agenda is rolling I find it morally reprehensible that young kids in Islington will never see Arsenal because they are not rich enough. I watch a team now with a five pound admission and that to me is football. Anything else is multi-plexed spectacle fayre. Up the Arsenal! Well done Athletico!


    May 01, 2014, 12:28 #50611

    Totally support you Matthew, wish I could be there.

  79. lon time fan

    May 01, 2014, 12:15 #50609

    I'm a member of a supporters club in NI and the thing that annoyed me most was that the home game against West Ham was classified as a category A match. How any team managed by Fat Sam can be given the top classification is beyond me.

  80. Matthew Bazell

    May 01, 2014, 11:27 #50607

    By the way, for those who will no doubt come on here and point out that West Ham, Chelsea and Spurs charge similar prices - yes we know! We don't condone that either, but we don't support those clubs therefore it's not our duty to protest what they charge. We are totally aware that Arsenal fans get ripped off and virtually every away game we go to. So many away games are 50+ and this to is totally unacceptable. This year 7 home games carried minimum ticket pricing of 62 and this prices out so many loyal fans. If you think this is wrong then make a stand with us. Regards,

  81. EBRIMA

    May 01, 2014, 10:34 #50604


  82. dirkus

    May 01, 2014, 10:26 #50603

    Good luck with the protest. The sooner silent Stan ups and leaves, taking Ivan the useless, with him the better for our great club.