Summing up the season

A little early, but what the hell…

Summing up the season

Ramsey: Transformed season

This article is based on one proviso: I am assuming that we won’t mess up yet another cup final. So, with that in mind, read on….

We began this season knowing that with yet another summer transfer-market failure, and with no clear indication of how our defence would be better or how we would get more goals than last year, Arsenal fans were resigned to the expectation of another season where the chasing pack (for the fourth-place trophy) would again roll on their bellies, leaving Wenger to walk away with that coveted trophy yet again. However, at the final whistle of the first game of the season, most Arsenal fans (at least those who were there on the day, as we all walked home in disbelief and anger) felt this was definitely going to be the season in which we would fail to achieve a top-four finish. In came Mr. Rambo with other ideas, and he single-handedly transformed the season, and it looks like he might have just kept Wenger in his job.

When Rambo returned from his leg-break, most fans assumed he would become the next Eduardo, and in fact, some fans (myself included) showed exasperation last season when he simply couldn’t knock the ball into the net (even when it was empty and gaping). I can recall a few articles calling for Rambo’s head (along with that of Walcott, who showed some early promise prior to his contract extension being signed last season, and then returned to his dire performances right after; albeit, he had a good start to this season). Call Wenger what you may, he gets my credit for holding on to Rambo, and I have since published my personal unreserved apology to Rambo, midway through this season, after his heroics.

Every pundit in the land wrote Arsenal off, and they were right. I was one of many who felt this season could be a turning-point, especially after fan pressure forced Wenger to panic-spend £42m on a single player (something he would never have done, if his job wasn’t finally on the line), but it proved to be yet another ill-prepared season where we could still have maintained our challenge for the title by defeating every bottom club, while dropping points in spectacular fashion, at every top-five or six club. I don’t care how you win the league, as long as you win it. Alas, the good run against the lower-table clubs came to a predictable end and we dropped some very valuable points against Stoke and a few others, which effectively ended our title aspirations.

How would one sum this season up? If Chelsea and Liverpool end it without a single trophy, and Man Utd finish seventh, with Arsenal qualifying for the Champions League for the 17th consecutive season and winning a decent trophy (the FA Cup) for the first time in nine years (and the fifth time for Wenger, the joint-highest number won by the same manager), one would have to put this down as a very successful campaign indeed. No matter which side of the Wenger debate you're on, it is very simple: after nine barren years, I will take the FA or even Capital One Cup plus Champions League qualification each season for the next three or four years, provided we begin to sustain a true challenge for the CL and the Premiership title in each of them.

There is no point finishing in the top four if, in all honesty, you know you haven’t got a chance in hell of winning the Champions League (you only have to look at the performances of the teams in the last eight to know we are nowhere near winning that trophy). We are not that far away, but we will not get where the fans want the club to be until we begin to address the problems in the back, midfield and upfront: Flamini has been a revelation this season and, alongside Rambo, it’s been glaringly obvious that if we can have a Vieira/Flamini-type player in the middle, and a flair-player like Rambo behind or alongside an RvP-type scorer (without being too harsh on Giroud), we will be competing genuinely for every tournament we’re in. A player like Giroud should be kept for those tight games against the likes of Stoke and teams who are setup to frustrate our style of play, where the long balls and set-pieces can help us grind out a win.

I will not bother entering the Wenger debate as it is clearly immaterial. He is set to sign a two-year extension (and some even say he has already signed it, but the club is just keeping up with the pretence until after he’s won the FA Cup and they can then come out smiling). The fact of the matter is that we cannot hope to come out of the nine-year trophyless wilderness by winning everything in sight. We need our players to get used to winning trophies again, and this year will be a great start, with the FA Cup (hoping we don’t mess it up), and then they can hunger for more trophies. With sound investment, we could perhaps return to those early Wenger years of winning multiple trophies, and perhaps even mounting a genuine CL challenge (and not going in just for the money, as we have done for the past eight or so years since 2006).

In closing, a season that has delivered much more than I expected (certainly much more than most fans expected after the opening day debacle), and another massive opportunity for Arsenal to buy the three or four players we need this summer, to get back to being a trophy-chasing football club (and not just a business). But I’m sure we all know exactly what will happen this summer: words and philosophies, cheap players will be bought, nothing will be done about getting a Vieira/Flamini-type midfielder, and we won’t buy a recognized striker.

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  1. Gaz

    May 14, 2014, 11:15 #51375

    @Chris: I think you’ll find you started the ‘pigeonholing’ (if there is such a word!) by calling me a ‘WOB’ a couple of days ago! Anyway I think we both agree that as much fun as this has been there’s a real danger of it becoming ever so slightly nasty if we continue. I’m guessing (being perceptive I guess!!!) that like me you’re a decent fella and not really into that kind of thing (we can leave that to others). So I’ll certainly make this my last post on the subject too and wish you a good day. Actually I will end on a sad note. Isn’t it a shame that fans of the same Club are now so divided they’re arguing and in many cases abusing each other? Whatever side of the debate you’re from I think we’d all agree that’s a really sad situation we find ourselves in. Cheers…

  2. Chris

    May 14, 2014, 10:05 #51369

    Gaz - Your head is so firmly entrenched that you can't see the wood or the trees! I'm not denying anything - 'AKB' is a term the likes of you use to pigeonhole those who's views differ from your own. I've already stated in this thread that I remain broadly supportive of the manager but would welcome his replacement with the right man. So I'm not denying anything and my cards are on the table - I'm sorry if that doesn't fit neatly into your simplistic, childish view of things that by your own admission can not comprehend multiple causes for things... Your 'crazy' way of looking at things is reality, I'm afraid. I do, however, agree you're not "perspective" (sic) - you clearly have none at all. And only an idiot would argue that I don't believe what I'm saying - so I'll call this conversation to a halt now.

  3. Gaz

    May 13, 2014, 18:18 #51346

    @Chris: I don't think I'm perspective at all. Far from it. Watching you try and pretend you're not an AKB is real funny though! As for the spinning no not really. I certainly believe in what I'm saying even if you dont. 'Combination of factors'? What an absolutely crazy way of looking at things! We could get relegated and it would be beacause of a 'combination of factors'!! Thats simply a cheap way of saying Wenger isn't the problem which in my opinion he very much is. I mean what about the other defeats-Bradford, Birmingham, Blackburn, the 8-2, the 4-4, etc etc. 'All just a 'combination of factors' or a manager not performing?...

  4. Chris

    May 13, 2014, 17:38 #51343

    Gaz - I first mentioned tactics in 54328, so it's not surprising I did again in 54433.... You're spinning so much you'll work your self into the ground at this rate! I'm afraid you're not really as perceptive as you like to think - might be an idea to wipe the sh*t off those spectacles - and it's surprising to see someone who's 'boasted' of 'working his magic' on AKBs at parties trying to make out that they don't give a sh*t...... The reality, of course, as we all know, is that a combination of factors resulted in the heavy defeats away from home against the other top five teams. PS Thanks for the 'young man' comment, I'll take that as a compliment!

  5. Gaz

    May 13, 2014, 14:46 #51336

    @chris: oh and don't think I never noticed the subtle inclusion of 'tactics' to try and prove you're not a died in the wool AKB! You cheeky young man!!!...

  6. Gaz

    May 13, 2014, 14:32 #51333

    @Chris: Good job? Nah you've got me all wrong. Couldn't care less about that in all honesty. I know what I see though and I can definately tell when somebody is making excuses. I'll say this again as its a point you're not getting but there is NO excuse for one heavy defeat let alone four. All the bull**** stuff about fatigue etc could apply to every single side we face. Come on Chris, if you're gonna 'show me up' for the 'comedy angry WOB' you think I am then at least have the good grace to admit to being the 'comedy crazy AKB' you come over as!!!...

  7. Chris

    May 13, 2014, 13:55 #51328

    Gaz - Who has tried to justify the heavy defeat? Not me. I've offered an explanation of them - part fatigue, part missing players, part tactics. You're turning into a bit of a comedy angry WOB a la Arsenal Truth - although sadly I suspect you think you're 'doing a good job' when yo seem increasingly ridiculous. For starters, if you don't believe that accumulate fatigue, mental and physical, can affect performance of professional athletes, via sharpness etc, then I don't think I need to say anything else to show you up for what you are. Secondly, if we win the league next season obviously we'll have had a better season than this one but if you cast your mind back, some of the angry WOB on here have argued that points accrued should be a measure of performance and progress, and points difference for the top is often cited as an indication of how inept the team supposedly are..... Obviously both are relevant to comprehensive assessment of how the team has done.

  8. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 23:08 #51299

    @chris: Simple question? If we finish with less points next season but win the league would it be a better or worse season than this one in your opinion?...

  9. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 22:39 #51294

    @Chris: so in your opinion the heavy defeats we suffered were justified because the sides we put out were 'knackered' due to 'an accumulation of difficult games' and injuries?, Regardless of just how stupid that sounds how do you know they were knackered? I mean obviously it's a great excuse for you to believe in but they're highly paid athletes who can cope with a few difficult games. And check out those sides that got heavily beat. Every single one was full of players that were either first choice or were close to being first choice. No, there is not one excuse you can give me that'll make me accept the way we lost those games. It was an utter farce as is your defence of it...

  10. Chris

    May 12, 2014, 21:19 #51286

    Gaz That's not really a counter argument because I've clearly stated that I'm talking about long term accumulated fatigue, not the sort that can be overcome with 3 days extra rest. Fitness goes in cycles - teams always have a low point during the season. In any case, my argument is that points accrued over 38 games gives an indication of how well the team has done. You're trying to change it onto a debate over one specific result because you know your argument that Arsenal's points total was somehow false is bankrupt. Just as is your ridiculous assertion that we could never win the PL with Wenger no matter who we signed. To quote from an unpopular radio presenter's show - "Heads gone, heads gone...."

  11. Don't Piss On Me & Say It's Raining.

    May 12, 2014, 14:57 #51266

    Spike, SPOT ON MATE! I'm excited about the FA Cup final as too! It still means masses to me and I can't wait. Was hoping the arrogant fool in charge may take it as a swan song but even though that is unlikely I'm looking forward to it immensely! COME ON YOU RIP ROARING REDS!

  12. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 14:31 #51264

    @Chris: don't forget by the way that Wenger on many occasions has cited a midweek game as a reason for either losing or playing badly the weekend after. Strangely enough he was kind of quiet about that after we'd lost 6-0...

  13. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 13:49 #51260

    @Chris: My counter arguement is quite simple. You stated tiredness as an excuse then when I gave you an example of where we couldn't use that as an excuse you claimed that having a midweek rest might not be the advantage it seems! Make your mind up pal...

  14. Wenger

    May 12, 2014, 13:40 #51258

    Maureen, go away you complete failure. I will be winning a big shiny cup zis season and you will have nothing. My team was assembled for next to nothing but your expensive players - most of whom I would have signed if I was not so, how you say, skint - have failed again. Zis must be down to you.

  15. Maureen

    May 12, 2014, 13:17 #51254

    Arsenal were the worst team we played this season, of course. I wish I could play such idiots every week and their manager could moan about the referees. As the boys say - you could not make it up. Next time we will score 12!

  16. Chris

    May 12, 2014, 13:14 #51253

    Gaz - Rather than ask me 'whether I'm for real', can you give me a counter argument please? I've explained that I don't believe that not playing in midweek would have given Arsenal a big freshness advantage at that stage in the season, and I'll add that that is esp the case given that the injuries meant squad rotation had to be close to zero in the weeks preceding the game, and you come back with some two bob put down as I would expect of a teenager. If I'm wrong, at least try to explain why.... You're far worse than all the 'AKBs' as you like to call them because you're trying to seize the moral high ground at the same time as beding things to suit your agenda. Are YOU for real?

  17. Money Formula

    May 12, 2014, 13:05 #51250

    No BADEGGS the point of my email is to try to help ALL Arsenal fans see us for what we are and what our owners board and management want us to be. The tension will be less if we ALL accept we are Athletico madrid, Napoli, Dortmund, Liverpool. But also that our manager buys into this very nicely and actually has NO intention of investing moer in players as he has worked out the Formula

  18. jjetplane

    May 12, 2014, 12:58 #51249

    End of season on the radio had various managers coming on the radio including the Spudman. Wenger nowhere to be heard, just a wooly statement to the effect that 'he will be there next season' as though he's decided and that's that. What other club in a major division is run like that? They also read out a text 'same old same old' and laughing at it. This is how Arsenal are perceived and rightly so. If you think the media are finished if the pretty boys overhaul the mighty Hull, you are in dreamland. You might have a monkey on your back that vanishes with an FAC afterthought, but some of us realists are looking for the absolute overhaul. Out out out! Apart from that - Hibees what are you doing!?

  19. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 12:05 #51243

    @Chris: Are you for real? So you dont think if that had been the other way around you wouldn't be using is as an excuse? And lets be blunt you AKB's are full of them...

  20. jeff wright

    May 12, 2014, 11:01 #51235

    In what was for various reasons a fairly open title contest season the demise of United being one main factor after Sir Jocko had looked around at his squad and thought fook this for a game of cowboys,I'll let Moyes sort it out ,the settling in at City for Pellegrini and Mourinho not having the squad of yester-year to help him on his return to the bridge. So all in all everything was set up for Wenger, with our settled and experienced side, to take advantage of the City and Chelsea situations. Wenger failed to do this, despite at one time having a points advantage over the other sides, including Rodgers Liverpool , whom we beat at the Emirates in the Prem . In the end however it was Rodgers and not Wenger who offered the bigger threat to City and it was he who was still in the title race at the end . Wenger had already secured 4th place but had been out of the title contest for weeks. So no no improvement for him at all really,just the same as last season with only City and Liverpool improving their finishing positions. No one other than AKB's give a toss about how many points are involved because everyone else knows that you can't use that to judge anything by.For various reasons points totals vary from season to season. Ony finishing positions count,ask United about it. Wenger knows that he should have done better than 4th place and he has said so, with this being the case the question is why didn't he try and strengthen our squad to help himself to do that . As Chris concedes next season is likely to be tougher and it seems to many that once again an opportunity to do better than 4th in the Prem was missed by Arsene who now faces another qualifier tie at an awkward time this summer - with the World Cup impacting - and the preseason friendlies in Asia to play to try and drum up some more money for Stan to hoard away . Good luck to him ,he will need it.

  21. Chris

    May 12, 2014, 10:58 #51234

    Gaz - And...? At that stage in the season, fatigue is accumulated over many months. My personal experience is that in some ways that free week could have even made it worse, after months of two games a week, because that's not in any way long enough to get rid of the accumulated fatigue and when you lose the rhythm of activity the fatigue takes a greater toll.

  22. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 10:15 #51230

    @Chris: For the record in the free week we had leading up to the chelsea thrashing they had a champions league game to deal with...

  23. Chris

    May 12, 2014, 9:49 #51227

    Gaz - Well it's bleeding obvious that the squad was a bit knackered during those games, due to the accumulation of difficult games in a single run and the injuries that meant squad rotation wasn't possible. Your failure to properly acknowledge that is telling, even if I do agree that tactics obviously contributed to eg the Chelsea result. That doesn't mean the result is a barometer on how good the team is, though, as that was Mourinho's biggest ever victory I believe and we clearly aren't the worst team he's faced. In fact, his team lost to some quite average teams this season which shows that single head to heads don't tell us much. The fact is poiunts-wise we were c loser to the top than in recent years and accrued more points. The fact we finished fourth is another piece of information that puts that in context and suggests that we have more competition than formerly, that's all.

  24. Gaz

    May 12, 2014, 9:20 #51224

    @Chris: What a load of nonsense fella. Tiring squad? Come on thats pathetic stuff really. And injuries or no injuries should any side be conceding 20 goals in four games against their main rivals? Oh and guess what, we still finished fourth...again! Your support for Wenger is admirable if not a little bit crazy...

  25. Chris

    May 12, 2014, 8:57 #51223

    Gaz - re 54313 - Just because you are a relatively new convert to coming out with the kind of b*ll*cks you have taken up recently as a hobby doesn't give your arguments any weight or credibility. And if you knew what you were talking about, you would realise that my position on Wenger has changed quite significantly over the course of this season, to such an extent that although I am still broadly a Wenger supporter, I have said I would welcome the right new manager to come in as long as that meant more strengthening of the squad etc than would otherwise happen. That was done on the basis of observing what has happened this season but it doesn't mean that I have taken a revisionist approach to my view of what's gone on in the last 9 years or Wenger's past achievements - even on-going achievements, such as they are.

  26. Chris

    May 12, 2014, 8:47 #51222

    Gaz - Come off it. We constantly here that only the number fo points we accrue by the end of the season wil be a decent barometer of out season, and now it has come you don't just move the goalposts, you redefine them in quasi-existentialist style! The reason we won our last few games is becuase they were EASIER games than the horrific run we had in which we flatered with a tiring squad and becase we started getting our injured MAINMEN back. That's the context in which you need to view those results and our final points tally. You are struggling, mate, because you don't like what the FACTS (79 points) are telling you - in my experience, that's the time to re-assess what you think you believe. I agree that the nasty run of results we had - again - is a cause for concern but when you start picking your contexts to suit your agenda you lose me and probably all of the fair minded people here. We need 2-3 players (not a keeper Jeff IMHO) and we'll be flying. But then so will Cteh etc and probably Man U next season - it's not getting any easier that's for sure yet we're still more or less up there.

  27. Westlower

    May 12, 2014, 8:36 #51221

    To those who believe AFC only improve by changing the manager & smashing the clubs transfer record. Relegated clubs Fulham, Cardiff & Norwich all did just that this season. In fact eight of the bottom half clubs broke their own transfer records this season. It was good to see Diaby back in action yesterday.

  28. unchives

    May 12, 2014, 1:24 #51220

    Wigan knocked out the champions then we beat them....Der!

  29. jefff wright

    May 11, 2014, 23:07 #51219

    So Wigan then must have been the second best team last season when they won the FAC .Or was it 3rd because Chelsea won the Ropey one. Odd though that Wigan could have been one of the most successful sides because they were relegated from the Prem . You couldn't make it up.

  30. Moscow Gooner

    May 11, 2014, 22:40 #51218

    Arsenal top for 128 days, finish 4th. City top for 17 days finish as Champions. That speaks volumes for the Wenger approach.

  31. Monaco calls, FALLS!

    May 11, 2014, 22:26 #51217

    Wenger ain't got the balls!

  32. unchives

    May 11, 2014, 22:22 #51216

    It seems to me that there are just several guys that run the show on this site. Lets get real, we were just 8 points from winning the league with the weakest squad out of the pack of 4. It was Wenger's fault for not buying a striker, but guess what, we could win the FA Cup and be the second most successful team in England this season and the best team in London. GET WITH IT!ENJOY THE MOMENT BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE GETTING BORING!

  33. DW Thomas

    May 11, 2014, 21:26 #51215

    I like Pelligrini. Seemed calm in all storms. Their away form early on was terrible, but he rectified that didn't he? And didn't he bring in Dimechelis who wasn't asbad as everyone thought was he? Dzeko played a big part too. He made a lot of big decisions and even got Nasri playing well again. The major difference between us and them is Comany. A true leader. We need someone like him in MF to push the others. Again Wenger has proven he can lose. Pelligrini in his first season wins two trophies. No way Wenger does that. He is too much of an excuse maker. Always talking of this or that issue when his plan (or lack of) doesn't go his way. Plus City did have a great squad, I give Wenger that. But the problem is unless someone else were in charge of buying and building the team he just wouldn't get it right would he? Always one or two missing pieces. Remember he let Ronaldo and Hazard go. Not to mention selling 2 captains and letting one sit on the bench who will probably go this year. I'd like to see someone make a list of all the errors made the last 10 years. Man it'd be long. And they've been repeated how many times?

  34. Gaz

    May 11, 2014, 21:26 #51214

    @Chris: just admit it fella-that's the same old bollox you've been coming out with for five years now!...

  35. jeff wright

    May 11, 2014, 21:19 #51213

    Chris, Liverpool and Chelsea were closer than us to winning the league and in the case of Liverpool they had the two top scoring strikers in the Prem - they and other Liverpool players scored 100+ goals but still let it slip to City. Personally I think that City under-performed in many games ,possibly due to Pellegrini being the new guy on the block and making mistakes in away games and at home to Mourinho . The Quiet One though had our man sussed out when he dropped in at Poundlands and this doesn't augur well for next season when the Spaniard will have more nous about the Prem and what is needed to win it. I think we would have gone closer this season with a stronger midfield in front of our defence and a quicker mobile top striker up front and I will chuck in a new GK as well. Defence starts with your GK having an experienced top one is a big plus. Having a manager in the modern game who thinks on his feet and makes tactical changes during the course of a game instead of just ranting at the hapless 4th official also helps .Unfortunately we don't have a manager who can think on his feet during games and this is why he fails to beat top opponents now days who do that. Wenger will be a weak link again next term ,he will spend the remainder of his time with us developing Sanago and trying to prove that ticky tacky tactics are the way to play the game. He's built his squad to play that way and would need years now to turn this around. At near 65 he is only filling in time securing Champs League money by finishing 4th in the Prem . It will be a lot tougher next season with United back and Europe midweek free.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 11, 2014, 21:18 #51212

    DB Thomas, yes, and lets not forget one more useless waster that we've had to(look at his picture)let alone put up with for far far to long, and had to listen/laugh at OGL trying to big him up into some kind of footballer (not for the first time)after he failed to bring someone in that could/would have won won us the prem, (while costing us a fortune but failing miserably to some fans anyway) that was still costing us right up until 5pm today, and who knows might even still be costing us until this time next week and beyond.

  37. Gaz

    May 11, 2014, 21:14 #51211

    This points difference argument is totally flawed because it fails to factor in any kind of context. I mean we've done this a few times where we win our last few games quite easily when there's no chance of winning the title and the pressure that goes alongside that is off. Simple fact is the title was lost weeks ago and the fact we're 'close' to the eventual winners means absolutely bugger all...

  38. Ron

    May 11, 2014, 21:01 #51210

    Season's over then eh fellas. Its certainly been dragged out a bit. Does anybody else find all this 'chase for top 4' a bit manufactured and tedious really ?It seems that the debate over Arsenes credentials for his new contract will continue apace, looking at the posts here today suggests as much anyway. It struck me today, when money for the likes of City was being endlessly spoken of again and its use in future years for them, that its perhaps to as close a cert as you can get that they will lift the CL in the next 2-4 years assuming their model remains intact.Good luck to them really. Makes you wonder if AW would have achieved the same as Pellegrini has with the same players and set up? I couldn't see him doing it? What's the consensus on here about it? a few of us had a decent debate on it this PM.

  39. Chris

    May 11, 2014, 20:48 #51209

    Jeff - You can't have it both ways pal, BADARSE is post on. Just admit you're letting your prejudices doing the talking. As is Gaz, who's increasingly off-kilter analysis on the verge of veering completely out of control. So - we miss out on the league by 7 points but no matter who we sign, we won't win the league again under Wenger? Silly talk. we've achieved what we have this season with only one proper striker, and even he isn't exactly prolific considering the team he's in. A top class striker and a dynamic defensively minded midfielder would transform our squad, with one or two others and with Wenger staying, we'd be flying.

  40. jeff wright

    May 11, 2014, 20:47 #51208

    Westie, I was not aware that it was comic relief day ! So Wenger drops Giroud because he got caught on the job with a model in the team hotel room t weeks before *?!! I don't recall WWenger going on gardening leave when he was caught having extra-curriculum lessons with that rapper in Paris when he was suppossed to be signing a players . What about big Bendy who Arsene assuared us would have a part to play in the rest of our season when supportrs were demanding that he sign an experienced striker in January ? It's not Wenger's job to drop players for massive games for moralistic reasons or because he wants to play macho man - the only justification for dropping Giroud so long after th crime was if he was nor fit to perform and as the big randy oaf was on the bench and a sub we can rule that out.

  41. jeff wright

    May 11, 2014, 20:35 #51207

    Yes Badarse, thanks for the maths advice, but your equations are rather flawed because City pipped Everton by 14 points so I suppose you could say that we are the inbetweeners with a 7 point gap up or down and still not yet in the Champions League. If a fisherman dangles a worm on the end of his line sooner or later some dumb fish will take the bait and swallow it. The spuds are again that dumb fish with having 'qualified' for the Ropey ,you would have thought that by now the fools would have known better. United slyly avoided the awful Thursday night energy sapping farce - and like Liverpool did this season - they will be able to concentrate instead during the cold winter months on the Prem every week.

  42. Westlower

    May 11, 2014, 20:33 #51206

    @Jeff, As a matter of fact, you're being very factual this evening. If memory serves, Sanogo played against BM as Giroud had a major domestic problem at that time and was on 'gardening duty,' @Maguiresbridge, Here are the bookies predictions for 2014/15: Man C 2/1; Chelsea 11/4; Man U 6/1; Liverpool 13/2; AFC 9/1; TH 64/1; Everton 129/1; The odds suggest that 4th spot isn't a given in any year.

  43. Gaz

    May 11, 2014, 20:21 #51205

    @jeff wright: seems to me either you think our lack of success is down to Wenger being denied funds or-like us-you believe that even if he had the funds he'd find another excuse not to win anything. That's why whoever we buy in the summer I still don't believe it'll be enough to see us win the two big trophies a club of our size and wealth should be competing for. He might get closer but he won't ever win them again. By the way I agree with you 'cult' analogy...


    May 11, 2014, 20:18 #51204

    No contentions jeff, I leave you and others to work out the mathematics. 'We just pipped Everton'-by seven points. It follows that Man City just pipped us by the same seven points.

  45. jeff wright

    May 11, 2014, 19:50 #51203

    Fact. Liverpool and Chelsea came close to winning the league we just managed to pip Everton for 4th spot. Fact a side with strikers such as Giroud,Bendy and Sanago do not win titles,Ramsey or no Ramsey. Or European Cups either . Fact starting a game in the European Cup against Bayern Munich with Sanago up front was an act of lunacy can any sane person seeing any other top manager doing something like that ? Fact Wenger's tactics dressed up against modest opposition by training ground MOTD goals, in between the tedium of the boring possession and watching silly Giroud miss chances created will not win us titles, because this nonsense comes up short against better opponents who brush our little men aside. Fact 4th place is just Europa Cup form that's why a qualifier tie has to be is played and won to allow the 4th placed team to get into the Champions League proper. Fact, it's a fact that all of the facts mentioned are facts.


    May 11, 2014, 19:16 #51202

    Money Formula, that was good. For an experiment to be accepted as infallible it has to be repeated. My question is does it follow if Liverpool spend £100 mill they would win it? Or Everton? Or Southampton? Newcastle? Or is it just as I suspect a convenient throw away statement to have a dig at Arsene and AFC? We just played a game away from home and won 0-2, anyone would think otherwise. Draw back the curtains and let some light in.

  47. Money formula

    May 11, 2014, 19:07 #51201

    66 points from 26 matches against the bottom 13 teams is very good. 2.53 points a game or 96 points if you do that against ALL the teams which Arsenal NEVER will anymore as you need to spend £100m to do that and we dont want to.

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 11, 2014, 19:06 #51200

    There you have it Canada, objective achieved, if yourself or anyone else are at a loose end this Wednesday or Thursday you don't even have to wait until the start of the season, just re post your summing up article or something similar to the last eight, don't worry about it being to early because it won't be, just put next years date on it because it will suffice, you or whoever may even win the imaginary trophy for being the first to predict next season, and clairvoyance tendencies will certainly not be needed.


    May 11, 2014, 19:05 #51199

    Though you couldn't be my long lost sprog-there isn't one-I liked your post. It was very nice. Very USA based but written as if by an Englishman. That is not a criticism, my favourite writers number many from the North American continent, and my all-time favourite John Steinbeck. I would not put soldiers 'next' in terms of fallibility, many march at the head of the queue. Very evocative words though all the same. You could easily be a sprog in spirit.

  50. Wenger

    May 11, 2014, 19:04 #51198

    I'm staying and that's that. No one tells me when to go. I shall be on here quite a lot next year. Move over Badarse, and Westie - where is my Telegraph?! Much groaning in luxury tent at Highbury Fields. A mutter in the dark - I taught Nazri everything and now he shares with Ya Ya of all people. I have a new Ya Ya (Yo Yo) but the string is stuck inside.

  51. BADARSE's long lost sprog

    May 11, 2014, 18:21 #51197

    Hiya Daddio.Humans are fickle beings, in happiness and sorrow, Sports fandom, marriage, All of life. Loyalty Is a hard thing to find. How are people all over In “wealthy” countries Happy, joyful, when people Are dying, starving sometimes Right under their noses? Some men, married To beautiful women, Are unfaithful. Sports legends take One misstep, suddenly they become more Infamous than famous. How fine that line is. media pundits first love, Then hate idols in a blink Of a hypocritical eye. Children idolize those they see, Yet more and more of them Childhood heroes, those who were GODS, fall. Drug abusers or Adulterers, all. McGuire, 73 home runs- Asterisk. Woods, 73 Women – Asterisk. Clemens, 300 plus wins – Asterisk. Baseball, football, Golf, Singers, actors, politicians. Who will be next? Soldiers? Firefighters? My grandfather? No. The line has been Drawn in the sand. The public longs For the time (in baseball) of Kaline and Trammel; Of Ruth, Gehrig, Maris, Mantle, and DiMaggio; Of Cy young and Ty Cobb, Even of the Black Sox. We long (in Football) For Bart Starr, the Ice Bowl, the Dolphins’ Domination, That first Superbowl, they let out doves At halftime. We long for Teddy and FDR, JFK, or even Ronald. We long for honesty, Frank Sinatra; Big Jazz bands, unity. no more arguing, we want The Andy Griffith Show, Silent films, The Wizard Of Oz. We long for simpler things, when children Walked five miles uphill Both ways in the snow Just to learn to write. We long for the golden Age of cultural memory when everything was Good and clean and pure. And so did those Who came before us.Good old Arsenal

  52. Bard

    May 11, 2014, 17:42 #51196

    Westie; if its too early to judge Sanogo what's the point of your previous post bigging him up. The Sanogo issue is a complete irrelevance, Arsenal need a world class striker now not in 4 years time. Painful to watch City win the title and 2 of our own collecting their second titles. The smallness of the gap between us and City makes our pathetic summer and Jan transfer efforts even harder to digest. A massive opportunity missed.

  53. DW Thomas

    May 11, 2014, 17:09 #51195

    Just watches Jenkinson score. He looks to have his heart on his sleeve. Wilshere just on too. This team with a few additions and the right man in charge could be great, yet we just keep getting by, barely finishing fourth. Everton's collapse gifted us a smooth end to the season. And sure we all want to win the cup. Yet again and again we remain a team on the build instead of the finished product. I respect that Wenger's job is very difficult, but like CEOs paid 500 times their average employee, he is paid that to deal with the pressure. No excuses for failure. If he can't/doesn't get us over the line he should go. He's had 10 years. That is an age! A recent contract for Kos and every one says oh how he can find those gems and mold them. But then I think of the Denilsons and Almunias. That cost us so much and were trusted too long. Ramsey seems the exception, not the norm. And even he looked poor for a while. No one can predict the future. All we can do is all we can. Can't stand City winning either. Sure their attacking ability is a thing to watch, but just like Chelsea years before they buy everything in sight and them some to win. Who,wouldnt win with players like Silva, Toure, Dzeko, Aguero, et al. And Nasri the little traitor. Money has ruined the game.

  54. jjetplane

    May 11, 2014, 17:03 #51194

    Arsene You have done it again! No stopping this man. Just beat silly Hull and that's a great whopping double for the only Invincibles ever! To think if Ramsey had played all season with Theo and Ozil we would easily have pipped Chelski and the scousers. Citeh may have been tough but with Ramsay, Theo and maybe if Kallstrom had come in earlier to beef us up though still reckon Arteta did a good safe job and talking of good safe jobs - Arsene! What a great big diamond you are. Let's be honest - we were robbed! Least we bullied Norwich out of PL. Hey Arsene! You lovely lovely man. Tell me Arsene - who is the 50m man hey in the spare wing at Totterridge (sic)? Come on - friends here. See you next week. Could not get a ticket but good luck - as if you need it hey!? Cooooooor Arsenal hey Now if Ramsay had ......

  55. Arsene's departure is nearing ( BADARSE)

    May 11, 2014, 16:28 #51193

    Badarse -,as per Wenger's stewardship(sic), it's staccato just line all things Wenger; and WéngeRUST oops ist! In any case I think dead poets as they are all lost or in your case lots for words. Ha ha.....the above nom de guerre is an alias. The nomenclature is not. One last big Wenger AUS......


    May 11, 2014, 16:00 #51192

    Aunty, it's me little BADARSE. If you can still make the soldiers march around the eggcup chanting, 'Not in my name!' before you dip them in, like you used to, it would be a great recipe addition to our cookery club. Oh, and don't forget to bring your big wooden spoon. By the way, how's uncle Everard's piles?

  57. Auntie Badarse

    May 11, 2014, 14:55 #51190

    I'm waiting posters! Here's yer boiled egg and soldiers Arsene and I've fixed the zip on that coat. D'you want me to get it cleaned for next week?

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 11, 2014, 14:45 #51189

    Carlos, again very true and the FA cup will probably only be quarter filled with champagne on the orders of OGL in order to keep costs down and you can be sure it will be the cheap option, that if kept for a few years might have come good

  59. jeff wright

    May 11, 2014, 13:29 #51187

    Charlie, you are entitled to your views but you state them as though they are proven facts . The reality is that it can't be proven that no one can do a better job than Wenger,but it's certainly possible that they might do. The starting point for any new man would be to at least achieve 4th place in the Prem and then win a qualifier tie for the group stages of the Champions League. I certainly don't think that doing this is beyond the wit of mortals other than Arsene to do .Hey,they might even do better and avoid that by getting 3rd place in the league! The new man could then try to avoid getting the sort of regular pastings off other top sides that Wenger is now renowned for achieving in his old age . Again that is not surely,given the resources that we enjoy, mission impossible. Trophies>/? Well, 9 years without any ( we haven't won the FAC yet so lets stick to facts ) is again surely not an impossible feat for a new man to emulate ,or even better? And if it's just the FAC he need to win with 9 years to do so,well work it out. Football played,yawn , please don't make me laugh ,the sterile ticky tacky stuff served up by Arsene these days is so so boring,no wonder hoards of supporters leave the stadium early ! No Charlie, it is not a fact that Arsene is the only man for the job ,unless you are happy with mediocrity that is and if you admire Ivan the uncredible then you obviously enjoy getting ripped off financially as well. Silent Stan loves happy supporters like you .


    May 11, 2014, 13:23 #51186

    Ah, Arsene's Departure(PUFF PUFF), you missed off, 'Him I hate!' and, 'All rantings maniacal!' Do you want to join the Online Gooner Poets Corner? We can help with couplets and stanzas, doublets and dhansaks, timings and rhymings, but not big name signings.

  61. Spike

    May 11, 2014, 13:00 #51185

    Wow, all those comments and articles but so little excitement about the upcoming cup final. Football really has lost what it had when we cannot even get up for our first major final in years. The first match I ever watched was the 79 final and I still remember the thrill of that amazing finale. I for one am still feeling the buzz about next week, regardless of who else has won it lately and what other let downs we have had this season. A trophy is a trophy and the FA cup is still special to me. Come on you Reds!

  62. Charlie

    May 11, 2014, 12:36 #51184

    That's your opinion Jeff Wright, I could say the same stuff about your ramblings about everything negative you have to say about AFC. I'm not someone who just tows the line saying whatever is politically correct or just slags off Arsenal to get the applause of the majority, that's what weak people do. In my opinion Wenger's still the best man for the job and with his knowledge of everything Arsenal and his ability of keeping Arsenal always in amongst the honours it would be foolish to get rid of him yet. I also like the fact that he doesn't appear to have an ego like some of the others and is always pretty straight with Arsenal, yet his wife probably wouldn't say the same thing. As for Ivan I think people are pretty hard on the guy this is the man who turned down Man City and in my opinion is doing a great job, and what's wrong with our Stan anyway a quiet American who's only real crime is wearing a dodgy syrup. In years to come when we're probably owned by some bent billionaire or pervert, we'll look back and realise things weren't as bad as they were made out to be and how Arsenal were the best run club in world football.

  63. Arsene's departure is now a only a pipe-dream ( PUFF PUFF)

    May 11, 2014, 11:50 #51183

    Cruciate, salivate, alleviate, pupate, stagnate, triumvirate, opiate, sedate. WengerGate. All revolutions, cyclical. Get rid of him!

  64. jeff wright

    May 11, 2014, 11:33 #51182

    Charlie,you are either a blind in the teeth of evidence deluded AKB - or are being paid to post on AFC forums to belittle anti-Arsene-Stan and Ivan posters. Your comments on all things Wenger suggest that you are reciting the party line after another pasting of Mourinho or City ,etc, when expressing views such as , surely it doesn't matter if lose to the top sides because we will beat all of the others. There was no evidence to support this claim,but when aspirations are based on deluded optimism then pragmatic realism goes out of the window with the baby's bath-water .Wenger supporters need optimism to believe in him because there is little else for them to cling onto . So they snatch at anything that can be used at the time to try and prove him right,rather like drowning sailors desperately clutching at straws to try and stay afloat do.


    May 11, 2014, 11:25 #51181

    RECORD-TOP6, yes, the record isn't as good as it needs to be. Put simply it's because they are a little better/stronger/better coached/motivated than us. It's Darwinian. The second point of your post I also agree with, which is, 'if nothing changes-things stay the same', also Darwinian. Third point I shall enlarge, it's to get into the CL and at least to get out of the group, anything more being a bonus. The financial rewards leading to stability and continuity, or survival if you wish is also Darwinian. The final two points I disagree with. Realisation that FA Cup makes fans happy was already known, so too the League Cup, but perhaps just a little less so due to status, but at this period of our history one would be as good as the other. There was no strategic grand plan. The FA Cup happened because we are quite a good side, got home draws and our squad is a better more developed, more mature, and therefore able team. The FA Cup can use up ST credits, the League cup not, so that means it will always outrank the lesser comp. Once more Darwinian. This bloke Darwin has a lot to answer for, I reckon we should get rid of him!


    May 11, 2014, 11:01 #51180


  67. Dick Wenger & Arsene Dastardly

    May 11, 2014, 10:37 #51179

    Muttley :- hee hee hee.......!


    May 11, 2014, 10:31 #51178

    KC, you mention children. A big part of educating kids is to teach them not to hurt. The mistaken parent belts the kid if it makes, what they deem to be a mistake. This just teaches a youngster that force gets the prize. If it's taught correctly the child doesn't hurt others because it has developed empathy. Empathy needs developing, it doesn't occur naturally in many instances. As a grown up if jeff throws out a dig, he can expect one back. Reducing it to playground level jeff is the little boy who hits, Charlie is the little boy who hits back. Sadly their parent-me-wasn't around to 'tut' and stop the behaviour. Relax guys, I have a fireman's pole alongside the pulpit, so back down to earth in a trice-now where did they leave that collection tray?.

  69. KC

    May 11, 2014, 10:16 #51176

    Charlie are you posting from Russia? Live and let live mate I don't want bring up my son in a world of bigoted narrow minded dinosaurs.


    May 11, 2014, 10:07 #51175

    Morning Gaz, Doctor BADHOLBY here, (see what I did there?). Reading your last post there is a big chance your knee problem may just be a torn piece of meniscus, (people often refer to this as cartilage). Keyhole surgery, (arthroscopy), could well be a simple answer. It is a simple op. They trim off the tiny piece of dog-eared meniscus, and you are fit within a couple of days. I walked out of the hospital the next day carrying both mine and another lad's bag, (what a hero!), and never used the supplied crutches. Hope this is the case. Get a diagnosis done quickly, they may get you a scan and the conclusion may be remedied really easily. Good luck Gooner. My fees? The bill is in the post.

  71. Carlos

    May 11, 2014, 9:45 #51174

    Very true Mike Collins, most accurate and perceptive post on here. I'm sure the balance sheet will be waved from the open-top bus should we beat the tigers

  72. Mike Collins

    May 11, 2014, 9:14 #51173

    It was a great season for the things that really matter at AFC these days, CG. Revenue streams were strong; capital deployed on the market yielded alpha (if you don't understand my sophisticated City terms look 'em up): and analysts evinced a consistent 'Buy' sentiment. What is wrong with any of that? All that other stuff about managers, players, hopes and dreams etc. goes over my head? What part of the operation is that?

  73. Gaz

    May 11, 2014, 7:50 #51172

    @BADARSE: thanks pal for the knee advice. Using your analogy it's fair to say it was a more 'stumbling out of the 19th hole kind of injury!'. It wasn't but that's close enough! After that last game of golf I could hardly walk properly for months and was getting regular physio which helped. Was told if it flares up again I might need key hole surgery. My worry is that I'll get half way round the course next week and it'll start hurting again. Mind you I went to the driving range last night to hit 50 balls as I thought if it starts hurting during that I can just leave. The good news is that it never hurt-the bad news is my 'game' was just ****ing awful. Tbh it's because of that I'm more than likely going to cancel!!!..

  74. LJB

    May 11, 2014, 3:39 #51171

    Sanogo will NOT come good; he is 21 and can't even trap a ball.Love the way OGL was criticising young English players who, at the age of 17, can't head or use their left foot,yet signed Sanogo! Guess when a player is French they can be utter pants and still play for the Arsenal.Well Wenger might have signed for 2 more years but if things don't improve the chances of him completing his next contract are slim.The majority of match goers are sick to death of him now.Loads of money available,no more excuses for having such a pitifully lightweight squad.And Ozil will be gone by 2015,mark my words.

  75. Charlie

    May 10, 2014, 23:53 #51169

    Jeff Wright finds the AKB's strange yet I find the WOB's even more out there, similar in fact to that weirdo who just won Eurovision. When you speak to them they have very stand out eyes and they are normally rotund characters with local accents.

  76. William Tell

    May 10, 2014, 20:52 #51168

    DW Thomas - you have struck the Apple and found the core. I also include losing Ramsey and Walcott and not covering their positions crucial. Even without their loss, an additional striker of the calibre you stated would have in the evidence of the last few weeks, more than likely win the title. But, we were given Sanogo and Källström. Wenger is BANG OUT OF ORDER to put it colloquially. This amongst other things have made him quite odious, because his actions, or lack of them are stridently obvious to those who have eyes.

  77. DW Thomas

    May 10, 2014, 20:05 #51167

    I love to read read each and everyone's comments and then digest it all. What I keep coming back to and can't get my head around ( until I remember this club is profit oriented above all else) is how the club can sit on piles of cash like Smaug in the hobbit story/films and yet not spend any to try and win. If Sanogo is the answer, we are asking the wrong questions. Suarez would all but have guaranteed our title this season, yet we would not pay what many thought he was worth OR bought at least Higuain who might have done the job too. We lacked goals, offense, staggering to believe when you look at our coach and how he wants to play. This team is always filled every season with developing players who WILL be great one day but aren't yet and those with talent but injured too often and too long. When have we bought that top top finished product that not only fans like us but the players as well so dearly desire? Can't remember it in the last 10 years. And I don't count Ozil as our midfield was solid already. FA Cup win or not, what will change between now and the end of next season that will be any different from what has happened the last 10 years? Winners find ways to win, that's what makes them winners! Too many times we seem to find the best ways to lose. That needs to change starting first and foremost with a better striker and squad, then perhaps the manager. Only then will this club be a force to be reckoned with again!

  78. GoonerRon

    May 10, 2014, 19:17 #51166

    @ Ron - the respect is very much mutual. It is fair to say that the FA Cup isn't completely what it used to be, whether it be the occasion, build up, anticipation or kudos. That said, I often find that all cup competitions apart from the CL have a slightly apathetic feel to them in the early rounds, but the mood seems to change when the QF and particularly the SF arrives, due to proximity to the prize. This is largely down to money, and the relative lack of it for the domestic trophies compared to PL TV money and CL. It sits a bit uncomfortably with me that money plays such a part but I think I accept it as Arsenal is so important to me and this is part of modern day football. To be honest I feel a fair bit of frustration at our inability to get over the line with a trophy in this 'drought' but I get more frustrated when there is a lack of balance when reporting our failings as I feel it hasn't been as bad as some would have you think and do honestly believe the more positive points I've highlighted are noteworthy.

  79. KC

    May 10, 2014, 19:15 #51165

    Far to early to judge Sanogo, injuries, no proper pre season, first season in English football he requires a little bit of patience from us but typical Wenger bringing someone in not ready and heaping unwanted pressure on him if he was a third choice striker fans would then think one for the future. The real issue is that Wenger brings in a top striker so that Giroud becomes second choice Sanogo third so we improve the first 11 quality while improving the squad depth.


    May 10, 2014, 18:50 #51164

    Now for something completely different. I have found two wallet/purses in the last eight days. One was at a roller-skating rink where I went to pick up my grandson. I spotted a familiar wallet on a table in the seating area, so went and scooped it up. Some friends kiddies were skating that night, all AFC fans. This last part will become relevant in a mo. The wallet was an AFC embossed one. I took it to the cash desk and handed it in. When I saw the parents that I knew I asked if their kids had brought an AFC wallet and they asked me if the colour was red or blue. These are the usual colours. Do you know what? I could not tell them. It was a Derren Brown moment. I just remember the badge. This, as some might want to claim, was definitely not old age in action. The badge had taken priority over the colour. I still think it a little freaky.

  81. Westlower

    May 10, 2014, 18:38 #51163

    @Bard, Sanogo has only made 5 substitute appearances in the PL for a grand total of 42 minutes playing time. He needs a proper close season preparation and plenty of game time. It's far too early to judge him & next season will tell us much more about him. If we were all subject to shotgun assessments, we'd probably all have lost our jobs in week one. Given his lack of recent games he could easily make abnormal improvement after a run of games. IMO he deserves a fair crack of the whip. Sadly it's become fashionable to try and be first man to slag a player off.

  82. jeff wright

    May 10, 2014, 18:21 #51162

    KC, Wenger's outdated tactics and squad building are another problem that he will not be over to overcome,in fact he is not even aware that they are a problem ! It will be interesting as you say next season and Mourinho,who admits that he is not special anymore (if only our bloke could show a bit of self awareness) will have a job on his hands,despite having money to spend. The Prem was there for Mourinho to win after beating City twice,but he came unstuck against opponents that he really should have beaten. It may well be that Jose will prove that old adage of you should never go back to be true again. I do believe that we should,with our resources be doing better than what we are doing under Wenger , even against Mourinho , there is no excuse for the striker situation or AGK one that we have had for donkeys years either. Even with those places fixed though we are still stuck with Wenger's tactics,or rather lack of them, someone was praising him for going 4-4-2 against Wigan to nick a draw at Wembley ,when his normal close possession and passing move game was failing ,for me this just shows that Wenger has wasted years on training his sides to play tippy tappy during which time they have won zilch and have suffered the worst results in AFC history. I can't see how things will get any better with monsieur Clueless leading us. He's taken 9 years to get back to where he last was ,in a FAC final ,this is hardly a ringing endorsement for his managerial skills.I see also that he is still edging his bets on staying, saying that the result of the FAC final plays no part in that. So I guess that having failed to get 3rd spot in the Prem and auto CL group football,Liverpool have that,Wenger is awaiting the outcome of the qualifier tie,this also plays a part in the plans of Ivan the Uncredible , with the group stage millions not in the bank until that tie is won. Wenger is more concerned about this than he is the FAC.


    May 10, 2014, 18:17 #51161

    Fair points Bard. I agree that Higuain wasn't a Mourhino type but even so, he knew him and his capabilities and it seems a vague notion that he just didn't suit his style. It may be what you say though. The Sanogo situation is obviously open to debate because it's all speculation. Next season the lad will be at the Grove so we all can monitor his improvement or his stagnation. @KC I know I kind of said it the other day but I am not so intrigued by next season's development with the top finishes. Certainly not as much as I was this season. I do not expect to see Everton or the Totts advance. I genuinely feel Liverpool will dip and Man U improve. I see the top four being the usual suspects, with the Oilers setting the pace, Chavs grinding on, Man U beginning to flow again and us as an unknown-more than likely playing catch up unless we find one or two newcomers. Though I may be selling us short because I think there is much more to come from our side. Fewer injuries would show a great improvement in our chances I believe.

  84. Bard

    May 10, 2014, 17:44 #51160

    Badarse;Westie Sanogo may or may not turn out to be a decent striker in a few years but not at Arsenal. He looks decidedly championship material to me. He's big alright but his control and general awareness are too poor for this level. As for your comment that he looks a decent finisher I was wasn't aware he had scored a single goal for us this season. What he does have though that makes him a standout Arsenal player is he's always injured. I disagree about Higuian. Just because Maureen doesn't want him is not a valid argument as to his value. Maureen and Chelsea shop at a whole other level and because of Maureen's counter attacking style he like his strikers to be big and mobile like Drogba.

  85. KC

    May 10, 2014, 17:37 #51159

    @Jeff W Agree it's gonna be an interesting fight next season. I am hoping the injuries are kinder but I am not sure if they are down to the club in some cases because we get so many out so long, although it's hard to believe a club our size could get that so wrong. I expect utd to come back cfc and city will be there Liverpool is interesting as Rodgers teams often concede goals Swansea did as well plus I'm not certain on his player judgement lots of poor buys and he got super lucky with having Suarez plus Gerrard a year older. My concern is that Wenger will not address his team set up at high profile away games and his lack of belief that we require more than two players and his judgement on these. He just seems stuck in a time warp where he refuses to embrace the clubs income and believes our injury prone players will all come good. What I do believe is that if he does not buy quality and improves the squad then wining the cup will be quickly be forgotten if indeed we win it and the outcry will get louder if we start to slip further behind our rivals.

  86. jeff wright

    May 10, 2014, 17:13 #51158

    KC, it's probably fair comment that Liverpool profited from their failures in the cups regarding the Prem. The same was also claimed about our 'Invincibles' when they went all season unbeaten in the league, but flopped in the domestic and Euro cup comps. United point to their treble as being the real deal,but with Sir Ferguson claiming the League Cup as being a top comp ( when it was all that he won) he obviously came up short by not doing the quadruple! Liverpool will probably struggle to replicate their league antics next term ,although not possessing a lee Arsene fc crsytal ball to gaze in I am only guessing at that - and they could still be dangerous in head to heads if keeping their two strikers. Which ,with them having the fabled Champions League football now , they may well do. I expect United to be back the Glazers have to get their stock market shares back up to scratch - and Everton may be a nuisance again .So with Chelsea and City as well it could be mighty crowded at the top next season with even more pressure on players and managers to get results . As we know only too well Wenger doesn't handle pressure very well and he looked rather stressed out again this season . This is another reason why I think that at his age he should depart to somewhere less stressful than what our league is.

  87. KC

    May 10, 2014, 16:27 #51157

    We must look to win any competition we enter so it is vital we win at wembley hopefully to change the mindset stop the boring crap being labelled against and to give the supporters something back. I don't agree top four is failure when you are up against two of the richest clubs and the possibly the biggest in the world. What is failure is for a club not to utilise all it's armoury in the challenge. In defence of Wenger Liverpool have busted the top four but we need time to tell if it's a regular occurrence plus for them it has been a long wait. There is a lot our manager has achieved that should stop the nasty criticism but he has also given many me included reasons to despair and be critical. The statements, inability to address the shocking defeats and the soft underbelly wengers teams have. @Ron I was there in 05 there was no steel about that game utd could have scored 5 we got lucky to me that was the first sign of our decline we just said your better than us and we played like Hull will play against us. That day the positive was the win but it left a bad taste. @Mike W so any one that questions should go and support the spuds that old chestnut may I refer you to Jeff Wright and his piece on cults.

  88. Ron

    May 10, 2014, 15:25 #51155

    Gooner Ron - obviously the Millenium, not Wembley! What a stadium that is. Wish the Final could have stayed there. The fun in Cardiff pre games there made up in many ways for any disappointing scores didn't it!

  89. Ron

    May 10, 2014, 15:14 #51154

    Gooner Ron - Fair comment. The likes of us still rate the FAC and still recognise its age old magic but even we have to be honest enough to accept that the top Clubs don't now make a beeline for it as a primary trophy. Indeed, even the lesser Clubs now see survival in the PL in exactly the same terms as the top clubs see getting into the top 4. Its almost as if they will take whatever good fortune comes their way and if it sees them into the final, they'll take it, of course they will.The old silver sheen is well tarnished now. Its not even afforded the same treatment as an occasion now either.You and me can recall when losing a final was heartbreaking. It isn't now. It barely raises a ripple. All about money isn't it. If theres no big money, its flotsam sadly. Arsenal's record over the last 9 years is modern day 'success'. it can't be argued. Is it genuine sporting success? No. Its failure in my book. Arsenal and Wenger have taken the 'Kings Shilling'. For me, its an option theyre free to take of course, but disappointing that a club with such heritage and great tradition have settled for it. The thing that galls is that they've sold it to the fans as being a type of success that equates to genuine sporting success as your goodself and me understand the meaning of that description to be. Therein lies the insult by the Club to the fans for me. Youre making a case for Wenger and the Club there in your last post. I think deep down you know the case that making is the one you've been fed for so many years. If it was 'success' in the true meaning of the word, neither the Club nor yourself would need to make it as it would be self evident and axiomatic, beyond discussion. We all know it isnt though. Lot of respect for your post though as ever mate. PS Was at the final in 05. It was great BECAUSE of who we robbed, especially as it came so soon after that game at Highbury in Feb of that year when they rubbed our noses in it at Highbury (2-4). The team that won at Wembley showed a steel that Wengers teams have never done since.

  90. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 10, 2014, 15:00 #51153

    Gaz, maybe your knee is something to do with genetics so ask Charlie.

  91. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 10, 2014, 14:48 #51152

    BADARSE, na doesn't have the same ring to it, i do know a guy who has only one though, the ladies love him.

  92. GoonerRon

    May 10, 2014, 13:46 #51151

    @ Yawn - I'm struggling to agree with much of what you say. In 2005 I don't remember anyone saying the FA Cup was a consolation prize, in fact I remember the invincible squad bouncing, celebrating and loving the moment - if it's good enough for them then why not the Arsenal team of 2014? And not everyone has dismissed the domestic cups like you say, me included. As for the other smaller teams who have won the cups in previous years, what has that got to do with us this year? It's unbalanced for everyone to bash us for trophyless years, for bottling it against Birmingham blah blah blah, but then to overlook the achievement of winning a cup (if we win) because 'it's only Hull'. As for 4th place, you say it's nowhere but had we have finished 5th or below most would be saying its catastrophic for the club, so you can't have it both ways. Plus, I'd also suggest that whilst our position is the same as last year, our proximity (points wise) to the leaders has closed by 9 points, we've won more points and are further ahead of the chasing pack. So progress of sorts. Lastly, re: your comments on ROI, 8 years of Wenger on £8m per year (which itself is debatable), he's probably achieved a 1000% return just by virtue of consistent CL qualification, not to mention linked income from consistent CL football in terms of corporate and endorsement income. So if ROI is your measure his success is without any question. The currency of trophies isn't there yet, but hopefully that starts next week.


    May 10, 2014, 13:41 #51150

    To coin a phrase maguiresbridge, if you were a teammate of mine and you didn't bounce I would have serious reservations of your passion and commitment. Me? I would be a positive Tigger!

  94. Ron

    May 10, 2014, 13:41 #51149

    HB. They'll beat Hull. They just need to recall the poor attitude they took to the CC Final 3 years back and reverse it and make sure theres a bit more urgency to beat them.Histoy is a guide to these things. The lower level/status teams who've caused FAC upsets have actually been very good sides. 1973 Sunderland and 1978 Ipswich and 1976 Saints and of course 1980 Hammers. All excellent teams with top players in them who did well at the top level.On the contrary, Hull are pretty well very mediocre and only have fight to offer as i see them. I know fight is a thing Wengers teams have struggled to counter of course.

  95. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 10, 2014, 13:29 #51148

    Bill Murray, spot on, players with ambition don't come out with that, and neither do managers but when we have a manager with none and just happy with the fourth place trophy it's to be expected, then he indoctrinates it into the players and they believe it and become just like him and of course celebrate and start bouncing every time we scrape fourth. And needless to say whatever OGL says or tells them, his followers believe him and become indoctrinated too.

  96. Highbury Boy

    May 10, 2014, 13:13 #51147

    I'm sorry but it's too early to judge this season. The crucial Cup Final awaits. 2 scenarios. Scenario A. A lovely warm day. Flowing football with pretty patterns. Ozil and Ramsey inspire us to a comfortable win. Wilshere makes a brief substitute appearance. Ox and Theo come out on the pitch in suits. The vast majority of fans plus the media will dream about what could have been if those players hadn't been injured. SzCz is taking a selfie. Fans will believe the trophy will provide a platform for a strong challenge next year with just one or two quality signings. Scenario B. A cold and rainy day. Hull's muscular defence nullifies all our possession. A few minutes from time a Huddlestone free kick goes through Fabianski's hands. Sanogo comes on as sub but misses a great chance to equalise. Wenger's sentimental choice of gk would be blamed plus tiny midfielders and lack of signing a decent striker. Another year without a trophy. Who is going to say what's going to happen next week? A lot of views certainly in the short term depend on that result so that's why I think it's premature to start judging now.


    May 10, 2014, 13:09 #51146

    Yeah knew about you and Russell Brand, 24601. Very obvious. As to Sanogo I am astonished but not surprised by the lack of countenance given to the lad. I see so much in this lad. I hope he develops but am sure positive development is on my side. This boy is big, can clearly finish, very mobile, has the platform to build on of a certain confidence in his self belief. He needs to settle as you rightly point out, this is the desire to be seen to be capable, once overcome I think he will be a strident figure. Of course it may not happen but I am gambling it will, and you know I never have a flutter.


    May 10, 2014, 12:51 #51145

    Gaz, the knee isn't the brain. There is a limit to the possibilities. If you did it playing golf despite the severity of pain it isn't likely to be too drastic, though you can never be sure, hence the disappearance and reappearance. Golf, striking a ball, is all about knee swivelling, which is not a natural movement of the leg and the stress on the knee can be quite dramatic. I suspect you have perhaps torn a ligament, which will not be a complete rupture that requires a serious trauma. It does depend where the pain is. It may be a troublesome tendon. Tendon holds muscle to bone, ligament holds bone to bone, quite a big function increase. If it is eight months and you have rested it and not abused it I think it is a scan job. You will have to push for this, but it will be worthwhile, though I have had scans before where nothing was revealed and I had a big problem. It may discover a small fragment of bone, a foreign body accounts for knee pains as the fluid there allows them to float in and out of nerve areas. Alsace is right on the money about a private diagnosis. It will hopefully point you in the right direction. If you did it swinging a club it sounds more likely to be a ligament tear, if you stumbled out of the 19th hole or anywhere on the course it could easily be that or a tendon tear. It seems too long as a problem to be a tendon stretch. Like me, your problems seem to be with low down joints, hence posting on this website.

  99. Westlower

    May 10, 2014, 12:42 #51144

    @Ron, I've been watching young players blossom for five decades now, starting with the 17 year old John Radford, right through the years to Anelka, shining like a beacon in the reserves. Due to serious injuries, Sanogo has had limited play time for his age and we supporters need to cut him some slack & encourage his development. No player ever improved for being abused. He has the physique & pace, his weakness is his first touch but it'll come in time. His lack of self confidence is apparent in front of goal as he's anxiously snatching at everything. He just needs to relax & goals will boost his self confidence. He got rave reviews during the U21 World Cup, so the ability is there. A loan spell may benefit him at a club like Palace. It was easier to develop young players in previous decades but now impatient fans demand the instant complete player. To that end, I'll be very surprised if we don't sign another established striker to replace Bendtner, maybe two if Podolski moves on.

  100. Mike Walsh

    May 10, 2014, 12:29 #51143

    Yes of course I would love the Arsenal to win the Premiership and Champions League every year whilst competing against the wealth of Abu Dhabi and Russian unlimited wealth Yes I'm waiting for Uefa to expel teams from the Champions League who overspend every year but it's not going to happen so clubs continue to try to compete with these teams on wages and transfers and end up in receivership. Yes I want to see winning football every year and at the same time build and pay off a stadium that is among the best in the world when other teams who have gone through this transition have suffered on the pitch. I also wish the "fans" who almost appear to hope for failure at Wembley and for the greatest manager in Arsenal's history to be sacked would go away and support the spuds down the road, they will have plenty to complain about down there

  101. Ron

    May 10, 2014, 12:21 #51142

    Westie - with you there on that. Sanogo has shown signs to me that theres some thing there still to develop. Sounds barmy, hes not helped by his name. If his name was Santiagio or Santioni etc etc, the perceptions would alter im sure! As it is, it sounds a name more befitting a hapless, hopeless oaf type player who falls over his bootlaces! We do need a top striker though, we cant just wait for him or do you think we can?

  102. jeff wright

    May 10, 2014, 12:07 #51141

    AKB's are like a looney religious cult with Arsene their messiah they have the same look in their eyes that you see in those of Jehovah witness's. The AKB have 'faith ' in Arsene and they sincerely believe that he knows best. So whatever he does or says must be right. (YAWN) Wenger is cunning though and gets an easy ride off the media who avoid upsetting him, knowing the catastrophic consequences of doing so. Wenger is now the elder manager of the league with Sir Ferguson gone, so the media hounds kindly avoid asking poor old dithering Arsene any nasty upsetting awkward questions - and he easily skips around the embarrassing whackings that he has received in the Prem again this season - by claiming that - because we will finish closer to the top of the table this season - just how far that is depends on the way results go tomorrow - according to Wenger this means that we must have improved on last season . Is this true though ,or is it just more Wenger chicanery ? United had the title sewn up ,with the help of RVP whom Wenger sold to them, with 5 games to spare last season and finished 16 points clear of us ,they disappeared off the radar this season - albeit still taking 4 points off Wenger so no improvement there Arsene non ? United were replaced not by us but by Rodgers Liverpool it was they who offered the biggest threat to City and Chelsea in the Prem. Wenger should really be comparing Rodgers side to us this season regarding how well we have done , because we were well ahead of them last term and by comparison with them we have gone backwards. We finished behind City and Chelsea last season and have done so again, so no improvement there either. The whole thing is pointless though really, because in reality, while 2 of the teams above us both mathematically have a chance to win the league on Sky Super Sunday , City with the best one , we are not even in the race and have finished 4th again,just as we did last season. So no improvement at all in reality. Our title challenge was really always just doomed to fail anyway due to our lack of squad strength it was just another magical trick performed by Monsieur Wenger ,the master of illusion. Meanwhile at Everton, where reality bites , Martinez ,Wenger's only rival for the 4th place trophy this season , and who won the real one last term by beating City the same FAC that Wenger is now in an attempted face saving maneuver trying to emulate that by beating Hull, shoots Wenger's moaning about City finance down in flames saying that : " I don't buy into this we can't compete with City because we don't have money - you just have to find other ways to compete." Wenger is obviously struggling to do so. Wenger's sussed out though that City have scored 100 goals and Liverpool have also scored a shed-full, and says that: 'We need to improve that area'. Right on Arsene , so how about if you had signed a top striker last summer, instead of a inexperienced French under 21 player - or even a striker in January - rather than a midfield one with a broken back . Might not that have helped ? You couldn't make it up.

  103. Gaz

    May 10, 2014, 11:54 #51140

    @Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge: thanks for the advice fella. It's a longstanding problem which I really need to sort...

  104. Westlower

    May 10, 2014, 11:38 #51139

    Reasons to be cheerful, part 9: We haven't recently bought/wasted money on Soldado £26m, Fellaini £27m, Lamela £30m. Total of £83m. Would be stuck with them for the duration of their contract as surely no one will pick up their inflated wages? Thankfully our transfer budget is still in tact and will be used to bring in some genuine class. Every foray into the transfer market is a gamble, some you win but most you lose. Just ask Mr Levy & Moyes! To those who reckoned Higuain was a missed opportunity, why didn't Maureen buy him as Chelsea have been desperate for a goal scoring striker? He managed him at Madrid but obviously didn't fancy him. Contrary to some/most Gooners judgement, I reckon Sanogo will progress into a decent striker next season. Put that remark in your notebooks to throw back at me in 2014/15. @Badarse, Just for the record I also can't stand Russell Brand, but I guess you already knew that!

  105. KC

    May 10, 2014, 11:06 #51138

    Charlie - Are you for real? What are you watching? Not angry at the away defeats just blame refs! Deluded and easily pleased come to mind. Money in the bank nothing new there and a two horse race with city hope your around next season to discuss this prediction. I must presume your are the ultimate wind up merchant or the editor of untold arsenal.

  106. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    May 10, 2014, 11:06 #51137

    Gaz. Find a decent knee surgeon on the internet who has direct access and go and see him. It shouldn't cost that much (ask what a consultation will cost)and you will find out what is wrong and take the decision about your golf accordingly. You can get to see good private suregons on the NHS as well. You can either sort it out or do some serious damage. Most decent professional people will give you a view about what is wrong at not much cost.

  107. N4

    May 10, 2014, 11:03 #51136

    1st AW is unsackable I'm afraid even though Rambo messed up massively....! Yes he may have signed a new contract and these are things that we have seen again...nevermind what fans think he'll be sold to the highest bidder soon and millions in kronke's pockets. I still don't belive that AW decided to spend that much on Ozil when we clearly needed a Striker more than a midfield! the end nothing will be done i.e. rubbish purchase, no investment...and the 2 biggest story will be us selling our main assests (players) and that the great Diaby(spuds wearing shirt) is back! This club in terms of proper fans is going down and down....!

  108. Gaz

    May 10, 2014, 9:14 #51135

    @BADARSE: Got a 'knee' problem of my own. Got a golfing corperate day looming (2 weeks) and after eight months of not picking up a golf club (hurt the knee playing last sept but its been pain free since jan) its suddenly started hurting again. Thing is I need to give them a weeks notice if I can't attend yet its one of the highlights of my year (been doing the same one for 9 years now) and I'd hate to miss it! Gut feeling is that I shouldn't go because I'm fearful I'll do the knee more damage at a time I really cant aford to. I'll give it a few more days...

  109. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    May 10, 2014, 9:03 #51134

    We are suffering an endless night of Neville Chamberlain style mangement and we want Winston Churchill style management instead. Nothing is remotely as important as getting rid of the manager. Losing by five or six goals to your rivals at our level is a disgrace and yet it is acceptable to Wenger and the club and is accepted by Wenger's disciples. The only stat which is interesting from the pro wenger point of view is that the wage budget is now reputedly £163 million per annum. This is a significant increase and against a background of a smaller squad. We have finite resources, but that makes it more important and not less that we have a manager who is tactically adept rather than a predictable trainwreck. This season was fun in the first half before Wenger decided to torpedo it all because he doesn't want to win.

  110. 1975

    May 10, 2014, 8:23 #51133

    one thing to note. This is the first season in about 5 where we have mounted a title challenge. That normally ends by october. Even more of a shame that the club failed to seize upon that and buy a striker in jan. Wenger to blame.

  111. BADARSE

    May 10, 2014, 8:20 #51132

    Damn it! Not one of them ever hinted that this might have been the cause, and I never thought to ask the question. That was quite fortuitous because I met a woman, fell head over heels in love with her, and still worship at her feet. Off to the local Parkrun with her, grandson Charlie aand a few extended members of the family, sadly my broken knee reduces me to cheer leader. Then off to Charlie's footie traing-I have the same remit there, though I do kick the ball around with the kids for a while-I will suffer for it tomorrow.

  112. Gaz

    May 10, 2014, 8:12 #51131

    @BADARSE: Or you could talk to your girlfriend (star player), find out exactly what she wants (trophies), see if theres any common ground you can agree on (better players), and if you still dont't agree (because you're only interested in cheap french players and fourth place) let 'her' go to your far more ambitious best mate!!!...

  113. BADARSE

    May 10, 2014, 8:09 #51130

    Gaz, don't we all get what we deserve up to a point? Look around chum. If you don't like what you see-and I don't like quite a lot-then who's fault is it? My comment is a generalisation of course, little nippers suffering with a serious health problem can hardly deserve it, even old timers hardly deserve it, but you get my gist. The discussion of gonads is interesting as there is such evidence of this particular part of the anatomy flouted daily on here. ('The Online Gonad', like that maguiresbridge?) The figure of speech is too sweeping and really has no place in an intelligent exchange. Sadly intelligent utterings are quite rare if you dismiss those couched in insults. Personally I can offer you a lifetime membership of 'my' club chum, and no one should tell you to go somewhere else let alone endeavour to have more than two conkers. The reaction to them saying 'grow some' is just that, a reaction. Not really necessary, but perfectly understandable. Just dismiss them with the contempt they deserve. Mind you I could do with a new pair any time soon!

  114. BADARSE

    May 10, 2014, 7:37 #51129

    CT Gooner, I can't give you what you want but will offer this. Those who leave and clearly want to for money/new challenge(whatever they conceive it to be), will surely go. That broadly speaking is beyond the control of the manager-and us! If a girlfriend wants to end a relationship and leave, then you have to let her go, though am scarily fearful that some on here may have a few girlfriends chained up in bedrooms somewhere. You touched on how many were needed to supplement the new playing staff and probably are very close to being exactly correct-it shows just how damnably difficult it is for any manager to maintain a balanced squad, doesn't it? Evaluation of those developing, those ageing, those wanting to go, those at end of contracts, cover for specific positions, and all this before you reach the meaty part of buying new high profile men. Then the availability of them and the price or contract demands made by the player, make for a difficulty of gargantuan measures. Nothing in life is easy, of course no one said it would be, it becomes a period of hope versus expectation usually.

  115. Gaz

    May 10, 2014, 7:32 #51128

    Bill Murray for Manager: you make an interesting point when you suggest our fans 'have got what they deserve'. Its a subject I've mulled over for quite a while now and whilst not wanting to criticise our own fans I do believe theres a general apathey and unwillingness amongst them to risk something better because they're scared it could get worse. Wenger over the past 6/7 years has been very much the 'safe' option for both fans and board alike and its for this reason alone I expect him to be at Club until at least 2017. I get irritated when fans come out with the daft comment 'you should grow some balls and back the manager' because in my opinion any fan fearing change because it 'could' get worse are the ones lacking balls...

  116. BADARSE

    May 10, 2014, 6:50 #51127

    Patrick my comment of you being a silly little boy was me being kind, not playground. You crept out from under the floorboards, a la Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (I threw that in so as not to disappoint), to offer a cowardly attack, then scuttled away again. I could have said what I felt but as I intimated, I didn't want to sink too far, though am aware I've slipped a little further down the evolutionary chain in responding once more, I shan't after this. For your edification I am aware of what the terms mean, completely so with pseudo, I am just a little unsure of how you can disseminate the difference with a few posts. Perhaps you are the real deal, an intellectual. If so a tip for you, try not to be too spiteful, it detracts, as does Ron's posts. I have a genuine sense of individual worth, which is quite low-we all have feet of clay. The currency I spoke of is that those who consider themselves as anti Arsene Wenger are clearly aware people like myself who they see as defenders, are whipping boys, and it doesn't sit comfortably with them despite the difference of one point-stay/go; in general the 'antis' are genuinely frustrated, this frustration manifests as offensive or rudeness directed at those who refuse to be sucked into the vacuum you have created for yourselves, because in that way lies madness. So let me guess, you don't like Wenger and you see me as a defender of the faith, ergo you don't like me. Simples! My posts are an attempt to give another perspective, to hopefully enlighten, if not to show the other side 'the way', but at least to explain how I travel 'my way'. Flowery? Absolutely, yet ironically I don't like tulips, carnations, orchids- so that's tulips, carnations or children. The last sentence was meant not to enlighten, but just lighten, because it looks quite dark in your world.

  117. Bill Murray for Manager

    May 10, 2014, 6:02 #51126

    Sadly the most disappointing thing about this season is the acceptance of failure by the majority of our fans.Our manager talks of progress the players talk of how proud they are to finish 4th(never heard Vieira say that!!).But what about the FA cup i hear you say?Oh yeah the cup a relegated team won last season and the cup Wenger couldnt be bothered trying to win for the last 8 years.This review of the season could have been written at the end of the last 9 seasons.The Ozil signing was a last day panic buy signing a player for £42m in a position we had plenty of players yet we failed to sign a striker. Wenger should have been sacked after what he did in the January.We lost Walcott on January the 4th yet our clown in chief signed an average midfielder with a broken back.You couldn't make it up.And all along our fans take it.Will things change next season of course not why would they?Our Specialist in Failure will pick up £8m a year for finishing 4th there's no incentive to actually win the title.Nothing summed Wenger up better than in the CL game v Bayern Wenger started with Sanagoal.Beggars belief.Yet he gets away with it again and again.Do us the Arsenal fans get what we deserve?Ask yourself

  118. Patrick

    May 10, 2014, 5:47 #51125

    Sorry badarse. My mistake. I assumed you would understand what is meant by pseudo intellectual. I mean a fake, phoney person with knowledge or insight. So just to let you know for future reference there is a significant difference. And I wonder if your feelings of dislike towards Russell brand are based on his habit of using flowery speech, his apparent insight into matters others struggle to grasp and his sense of self importance? Ironic if they are. Incidentally, i have noticed your similarities whilst reading your posts, or dissertations as they sometimes are, over a long period of time. Your insightful comment on me being a silly little boy seems a little playground to me. Maybe I'm a little close to the bone. Let's clear another thing up. Someone commenting on or reading your posts should not give you even more sense of worth. That adds to your similarities with mr brand!

  119. DW Thomas

    May 10, 2014, 5:03 #51124

    This season still feels like a bust even if we do win the FA Cup. It's always what could have been. Groundhog season again. Same old same old. Let the boredom end. This club and team need to grow up and grow a pair...get a real desire to compete and not complain. Character is lacking. We need characters. And I'm not talking cartoon ones.

  120. Finsbury Joe

    May 10, 2014, 1:28 #51123

    Summary of the season FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE Far greater challenges await next season, including Dennis versus arsenal

  121. Charlie

    May 10, 2014, 0:13 #51122

    So what can we say about this terms report. Probably a B- rising to a B+ if we can capture the FACUP. At start of season and the downbeat wob's were predicting more misery,no champions league and early exits by comedy clubs in the early rounds of the domestics. Not so! despite an opening day defeat mainly down to some good amateur dramatics in the Arsenal pen-area by villa fall guys Arsenal's so called fans are up in arms,but Arsene soon gets them playing and b4 long they're showing the world how to play and for 128 days are streets ahead of the chasing pack. Yes there are a few falls on the way, which come in the shape of 4 away defeats against the top four assisted by some very suspect lino-calls and a 2nd round Euro defeat helped by a diving dutchman, yet the FA trophy see's Arsenal slaying all the top pretenders reaching the final in style, while the title looks like it's heading North to an impressive yet un-interesting Citeh. Some able bodied performances this season by Kos,Mert,sagna,Gibbs,Pod,Rambo,Rosicky,Ozil,Theo,Arteta and Giroud and with plenty in the bank to re-inforce in the summer expect a two horse race between us and Citeh next season along with a good push in the champions League. Wenger has proved once again he's the most knowledgeable and least bull****ter of all the top managers and can see him at the helm for a few years yet.

  122. BADARSE

    May 09, 2014, 22:48 #51121

    Ah Patrick that was a rib-tickler. You do realise that despite not being in accord with my stance with regard to the manager some may have respect for, and interest in me? Now I have often wondered what the difference is between an intellectual and a pseudo-intellectual which I think you allude to. Perhaps you have the ability to enlighten me. As a point of interest I detest Russell Brand, but then you probably detest me. You do realise that in being offensive to me you just add to my currency. Now, let me see, what do you remind me of...? (Rather than leave you guessing it wasn't something wicked; you just remind me of a silly little boy.)

  123. CT Gooner

    May 09, 2014, 22:38 #51120

    Isn't it funny where we've got to... We all want the club to rebuild, and I'm sure we can all agree on the players we'd like to do it around, but we've got so used to selling our best players that the faith has gone. That for me is one of the main reasons we need a new manager, the trust has to be built again.....

  124. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 09, 2014, 22:08 #51119

    CT Gooner, there's no need to worry because it's inevitable, not if but when, and it will be snapped up, and of course all we will hear is the same tired old excuses from OGL and his apologists.

  125. CT Gooner

    May 09, 2014, 21:52 #51117

    Those thinking we only need to sign 2 or 3 top class players are deluded. Sagna is going to Manchester, and Thomas V will be leaving too. So now we're at 4 or 5. My biggest worry is that a big club offer us 30 mil for Ramsey...

  126. Patrick

    May 09, 2014, 21:37 #51116

    After racking my brain for a very long time I have finally realised who and what the ramblings of 'badarse' remind me of. It's that pseudo poet/social commentator Russell brand. You both are peas in a pod with your mock intellectual insights! What a weight off my shoulders finally making the link

  127. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 09, 2014, 19:09 #51112

    johnnyhawley, with respect but the make or break summer for OGL line has been repeated now for the last three or four seasons and here it is being repeated again, when is it actually going to be break?

  128. Tony

    May 09, 2014, 19:02 #51111

    To those who say we have improved this season.We havent.We finished 4th last year we finished 4th this.Liverpool improved Man Utd fell back but we didnt improve we stood still.Ozil was a disappointment.We expect our big players to turn up for the big games he didnt.In the big games he looked like a little boy lost.Giroud proved once again he is not top quality but we knew that last year.But will Wenger get rid of his lovechild? As for Sanogo anyone thinking he will come good dream on.He is non league at best. Last but not least well done Aaron a magnificent season easily our best player even though he missed 4 months(thanks our useless medical team) if he has a full season next season he better start learning Spanish

  129. Podolski

    May 09, 2014, 18:31 #51109

    We are nowhere near it/we are not that far away? Vot dvd are you watching?

  130. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 09, 2014, 18:31 #51108

    Canada, hopefully we do return to those early wenger years of winning multiple trophies and setting records (of the right kind) that's all any of us want and ask for and with the proper investment i've no doubt we will, i'm assuming you meant with wenger but that investment includes a new manager because it's not going to be with the old fraud himself as he hasn't it in him anymore he's past it and winning the FA Cup that has now suddenly become important will not make any difference. And it's good to hear from you again.

  131. Bard

    May 09, 2014, 17:28 #51104

    Tony Evans; really good post. Investment in players and luck with injuries misses the point. The game has moved on at the elite level. Maureen is right big games are decided by small margins, tactical errors and occasional moments of brilliance from your world class players. We have been consistent agains the minnows for sure but have been found cruelly wanting against the big boys. Some of those games have been over in the first 20 mins so poor have we been tactically and mentally.I don't think it will matter who we buy in the summer Wenger can't/won't engage with the tactical battle that goes on nowadays. Systems have to be changed quickly, substitutions made swiftly depending on the ebb and flow of the game. We all know Wenger never makes a substitution until the 70th minute or thereabouts. For what its worth 4th really will be an achievement next season with the dog fight thats going on next season.

  132. winning_starts_here

    May 09, 2014, 17:12 #51102

    So we should rather lose the FA Cup, right? Cos it's worthless anyway, right? And it would have been all the same if we were 6th or 5th all this time, only to nick 4th at the death, right? Cos being top of the league for the most part of the season counts for nothing, right? We've not progressed at all, right? 4th place last year, 4th place this year is the same, right? Not losing a home after the Villa disaster isn't really anything to pay much attention to, right? I mean... it's not like we've signed one of the world's best players and he's improved the team or anything, right? And that Ramsey bloke... still useless as we all thought (and weren't afraid to say) he was, right? And Giroud only managed 6 goals all season, right? And we didn't even have any injuries this time round, right? God Almighty! We just managed to scrape out of that relegation battle, right?

  133. Stevieo

    May 09, 2014, 16:55 #51101

    @ yawn. The goalposts move every year. When we get dumped out of the cups, we are told to stop stressing as it has turned in to a joke cup. Excuses like you only get £2m for winning it. Or, it's only a cup that depends on the luck of the draw. Or, any clown can win the cup, even redknapp's won it. Or, even crap teams like Wigan can win it. So you take this akb advice on board, and now we're told it does actually constitute success? These guys make the rules up. It's they that keep changing with the wind. What's the betting that if hull do win, the fa cup reverts to being a triviality that even someone like Steve Bruce can win. Maybe someone can post the odds on that happening?

  134. smithy

    May 09, 2014, 16:17 #51098

    Fair article, except for Sanogo, give him another season see how he does. I just think a lack of planning and fore thought really killed us this year. The squad just isn't big enough or in depth enough in key positions. Centre of defence, centre of midfield and out and out pace up front.Take out kos and mert, flamini and ramsey and er... we haven't got a pacey forward- I don't count walcott I see him as a winger/right midfield. We are so slow compared to HENRY, WRIGHTY,ANELKA.Arsenal are at their best when they play at speed. Arsene, kronke and co have under invested in key positions- just think what we would have achieved if we had paid 10 million extra for suarez or had taken a punt on wilfred bony. We are too cautious, we need at least two premiership quality or aspirationally two world class players for every position. Fingers crossed for the cup and the following transfer window and season!

  135. Croker

    May 09, 2014, 15:36 #51096

    Are we any closer this year to challenging the top sides in the Prem League and Europe? Nope. Thoroughly enjoyed Ramsey's continuing improvement, splashing the cash on Ozil, Szczesny becoming a presence between the posts and Mertesacker and Koscielny's partnership. Still appallingly tactically and highly vulnerable permanently down our left flank. not sure even multiple new signings will fix that.

  136. Yawn

    May 09, 2014, 15:25 #51094

    I find it hilarious to see the Desperation in Arsenal fans today. It's just sad really. For the past 5/6 years I've seen Arsenalhumiliated in the FA Cup by Chelski, by Man United, even by Stoke FFS. And what have we been told by Arsene and his lapdogs each time? "The FA Cup isn't a big cup competition, none of the big teams care". Now, all of a sudden, after 9 years of frankly commical failure, the FA Cup is being treated like the World Cup itself! Funny that. It says a hell of a lot of how small-time Wenger FC has become that fans are moist at the prospect of emulating Wigan's season last year. Or, of emulating Redknapp's Portsmouth. Hilarious. I'm not one of those easily please muppets however so I shall say it clear and simple: 4th place is Failure. It is nowhere. After 9 years of rubbish management and incompetence, an FA Cup won against a pathetic Hull side will not satisfy me, and many others. That the club is planning a trophy parade for the FA Cup, when clubs like Wigan didn't even bother, is just a joke. When we won it in 2005, it was seen as a small consolation prize. How the mighty have fallen. Attitudes such as 'this season delivered more than I expected' as the author puts it, is what kils me. I want ambitious Arsenal fans with standards, not easily pelased gimps who will taste crumbs of stale bread and claim it is caviar. You're not fooling me. Wenger is a failure. Full stop. £8mil a season over 10 years and the return on that investment is One FA Cup? Scraped against the mighty Hull? Oooh maybe I'm forgetting all the 4th place trophies, and the 'stamina league' trophy and the 'calendar year' trophy. Oh yeah and Arsene is being constrained by the board etc bla bla. That probably explains why he lost 6-0 at Stamford Bridge and 5-1 at Anfield. Oh and even managed to lose 1-0 to Moyes (who couldn't beat any other team in the top 7). Pathetic manager, pathetic AKBs.

  137. Tony Evans

    May 09, 2014, 15:15 #51093

    Fairly well summarised, Canada, and if we win the FA Cup I think most fans would have to say we have had a successful season. Successful and frustrating in equal measure though - an unlikely platform was built but then casually thrown away by a manager who refused to strengthen in January and, through kamikaze tactics, lost crucial big away games that did for us in the end. If I thought for one second that this summer would see some significant purchases made then I would be very happy with the FA Cup and 4th place trophy, but we all know what we have in store don't we?

  138. Don't Piss On Me & Say It's Raining.

    May 09, 2014, 14:39 #51091

    Bottom line is that Wenger should not be in the job still. Will the FA Cup this year make up for years of mismanagement and embarrassment? Not for me! I will be ecstatic to win the cup if only to finally end the year on year countdown by the press and to join such giants as Wigan and Swansea in winning silverware in recent years. And on the back of home draws, Wigan and Hull. Wow, Wenger the genius! We haven't challenged for the title, we've been out of it for weeks. We've been hammered by literally 6's! Come on Arsenal for the cup obviously but I sincerely hope it's the managers last triumphant game.

  139. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    May 09, 2014, 14:27 #51090

    Other club supporters were happy ozil was injuried against them.Ian wright did not seem too keen on Remy on Sunday start of season I expected top 4 plus a cup and if that is delivered well AW should get his new contract or go with grace.we have a lot of money from a new shirt maker,who will be looking to sell shirts.a star forward ,and we need one ,would fit the bill.we have. Improved this year and injuries/small squad have hurt us.we now have to add two star players to improve .the summer,not next season, is make or break for AW as I think few of us will put up with the the antics of the last few years

  140. Bard

    May 09, 2014, 14:27 #51089

    Decent enough analysis if overly positive. 4th to 4th represents nil progress to me. However the latter part of the article could have been written by the great man himself to describe every one of the last 9 seasons. 'We just need 2 or 3 top players'. 'With sound investment in the summer' bla bla bla. Its the same old tosh. You're hopes for next season are pie in the sky Canada, surprised to hear such sentiments from you.

  141. Ron

    May 09, 2014, 14:26 #51088

    The same average season but worsened the seasonal norm by 4 embarrassing thrashings on the pitch. OK, liveable with. Off the pitch - an airbrushing of the same thrashings as minor irrelevancies. Unforgivable. No progress. The FAC is a little sweetener and doubtless primed to be the fulcrum of a 'carry on as normal' Club Policy - disappointing.

  142. jeff wright

    May 09, 2014, 14:10 #51085

    Going from 4th to er,4th,is a turning point !!! Surely it's just the same ? We had a cup final against Brum 3 years ago and the same claims were being made then by the usual suspects in optimism that reaching ment a new era was starting. Wenger's out-dated ticky tacky tactics though and injury prone midget midfield players will ensure that no league title or European Cup will be won. I doubt that old Bruce , you get nothing in this game asking for a replay,with his track-record against Wenger will stop our genius from winning the FAC, but having said that I won't be risking any money on the outcome of it. The only point Wenger is reaching is the one where the sign points to the exit directing him to leave the building.

  143. Mofaya

    May 09, 2014, 13:50 #51080

    The trick is to KEEP YOUR EXPECTATIONS VERY LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  144. jeff wright

    May 09, 2014, 13:47 #51078

    Wenger's biggest problem is his lack of tactical skills as he has dumbed down on his players from Henry to Giroud type ,pick other positions deja vu applies, so has his success record ratio deteriorated without these type of players to win him trophies ,despite being handicapped by his lack of tactical nous and bizarre fixed substitutions. Liverpool this season and United last showed that it is possible to compete with City and Chelsea and beat them. Even Wigan beat City in the FAC final. Wenger uses the money spent by City for an excuse to hide behind when it suits him. And he'sat it again now ,however when we were top of the table before xmas Wenger was singing a different tune claiming that City were not that great despite the money they had spent and other teams would beat them when City played away . Now he's back to moaning about City buying success when the win the Prem on Sunday ,odd then that Wenger has not had any problem in selling City players for millions of the money that he despises. Wenger is an hypocrite and a charlatan,end of.

  145. TurningTide

    May 09, 2014, 13:42 #51077

    I think this season was the turning point. Buying Ozil means that Wenger will sign players with proven quality. And the impact of that one signing was clear for all to see. The end result was disappointing, but this season was a big change from the previous one cos we were strong in the league until deep into the season, and we're most likely going to come away with a trophy at the end of it. I see the tide turning, and it all started in 2013/14

  146. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 09, 2014, 13:28 #51076

    "I am assuming that we won't mess up yet another cup final" Canada - I stopped reading after that bit but I promise I will read it if everything goes to plan on the 17th!

  147. Mike

    May 09, 2014, 13:19 #51074

    Fair assessment Canada - I said before that 95% percent of the people would have got the three of the top four teams correct at the beginning of the season and probably 99% would have chosen City as the winners - they just have that much more depth than other squads.No surprise there then. Say what you will for me the biggest loss for the season was Walcott whose pace was missed terribly whilst he has been out.

  148. KC

    May 09, 2014, 13:19 #51073

    Ramsey, Koscieiny, Sagna all have major contributions this season but as the article states the weaknesses are obvious. Re Sanogoal being the worst player thats harsh as it is his first season and if you saw Steponov's you might think again.


    May 09, 2014, 12:44 #51072

    With the potential FA Cup aside, this season hasn't really changed from any of the previous 8 except perhaps the increase in the number of embarrassing defeats handed out. I would settle for Loic Remy - Quick and a smart finisher, everything Giroud is not - Giroud definitely has a part to play though. I could easily see a Loic Remy type breaking the 20 goal barrier with the number of chances a club like Arsenal create, I also think he would bring out the most in Ozil's passing game. As for the Vieira type midfielder - these guys come along once in a generation - The only true Vieira successor currently plies his trade at the Etihad - We could not possibly have hoped to buy him....

  150. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 09, 2014, 12:29 #51069

    Canada, a little bit early? not at all all mate i'd have said late as you could have summed it up at the start of the season.