Maybe it’s a fact of life that one needs to suffer a bit before experiencing real happiness. Over the last two days, like all the fans I spoke to yesterday, I have experienced the complete range of emotions. In all my years of watching Arsenal, I can’t recall feeling as stressed during a match as I did on Saturday. Yesterday all those emotions had coalesced into the feel-good factor of a glorious parade. This morning, it seems strange to look in the mirror and for the first time in 48 hours see the reflection of someone not in an Arsenal shirt – just wearing a contented smile.
But back to the parade. With an estimated 250, 000 people thronging the route, choosing a good vantage point wasn’t an easy decision; follow the bus, wait outside Islington Town Hall or grab a spot by the Stadium for the final extravaganza? We opted eventually for a front line view from Aubert Park, close to dear old Highbury. From there we followed the bus with hundreds of others along Highbury Grove and then on to Highbury Corner, which was as far as we could get. In a really nice touch of Arsenal class - and something I’ve not seen before - the bus circled the roundabout to give the thronging masses a good view. We then ambled back down the middle of Holloway Rd, via the The Bailey, waving flags and generally reinforcing the euphoric mood with kind words and compliments to everyone. Ah, if only life could always be so simple.
We’ve been lucky enough to have taken part in quite a few parades over the years, but for me probably May 1989 comes closest to yesterday for sheer uninhibited enjoyment. Everyone seemed happy and at peace with the world, simply as a result of ‘just a game’. And in a moment of clarity, reminiscent of the Invincibles, the players and manager seemed suddenly to have realised the true enormity what they had achieved. The words ‘THANKS TO OUR FANS’ were not just empty marketing rhetoric; they encapsulated what this game is really all about.
I’m expecting yesterday’s feel-good factor to last, at least for the rest of the summer. Good luck to England, Jack and the Ox in Brazil. Perhaps the old stadium can finally rest in peace now that we have a real trophy after nine long years. And after all my fears of last week thankfully nothing did rain on our parade. Just tears of joy. So from all of us, ‘Thank You Arsenal’.