You wait nine years for one...

Tears of joy at the sight of a pair of routemasters

You wait nine years for one...

Maybe it’s a fact of life that one needs to suffer a bit before experiencing real happiness. Over the last two days, like all the fans I spoke to yesterday, I have experienced the complete range of emotions. In all my years of watching Arsenal, I can’t recall feeling as stressed during a match as I did on Saturday. Yesterday all those emotions had coalesced into the feel-good factor of a glorious parade. This morning, it seems strange to look in the mirror and for the first time in 48 hours see the reflection of someone not in an Arsenal shirt – just wearing a contented smile.

But back to the parade. With an estimated 250, 000 people thronging the route, choosing a good vantage point wasn’t an easy decision; follow the bus, wait outside Islington Town Hall or grab a spot by the Stadium for the final extravaganza? We opted eventually for a front line view from Aubert Park, close to dear old Highbury. From there we followed the bus with hundreds of others along Highbury Grove and then on to Highbury Corner, which was as far as we could get. In a really nice touch of Arsenal class - and something I’ve not seen before - the bus circled the roundabout to give the thronging masses a good view. We then ambled back down the middle of Holloway Rd, via the The Bailey, waving flags and generally reinforcing the euphoric mood with kind words and compliments to everyone. Ah, if only life could always be so simple.

We’ve been lucky enough to have taken part in quite a few parades over the years, but for me probably May 1989 comes closest to yesterday for sheer uninhibited enjoyment. Everyone seemed happy and at peace with the world, simply as a result of ‘just a game’. And in a moment of clarity, reminiscent of the Invincibles, the players and manager seemed suddenly to have realised the true enormity what they had achieved. The words ‘THANKS TO OUR FANS’ were not just empty marketing rhetoric; they encapsulated what this game is really all about.

I’m expecting yesterday’s feel-good factor to last, at least for the rest of the summer. Good luck to England, Jack and the Ox in Brazil. Perhaps the old stadium can finally rest in peace now that we have a real trophy after nine long years. And after all my fears of last week thankfully nothing did rain on our parade. Just tears of joy. So from all of us, ‘Thank You Arsenal’.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 24, 2014, 12:38 #51964

    Oh dear dear someone's still angry (i wonder who)and why, was it something somebody said? you'd think they'd be happy now.

  2. In Wenger We Trust

    May 23, 2014, 15:10 #51932

    No harm done, Rocky. LJB, the only thing that is pathetic is you anti-Wenger rabble. You would think you people would hide like your master over at "Arsenal Truth" (Ha! Read that title makes me laugh) and call it quits at bashing Wenger, but you crawled out of your hole, so I guess, I got to admire that, even though, you WOB just making yourself into a joke. Just give it up, Wenger has proven you whiners wrong once again. I don't expect Wenger to manage the club past 70, so don't take my words literally, it's just an expression, genius. Anyway, crawl back into your hole and fume some more because your kind didn't get what they wanted that is to have Wenger fired. Arsene knows best.


    May 23, 2014, 6:32 #51891

    Jason B, you don't post a lot, but when you do, you say some really nice things. We are like a couple of bookends chum, because I too am still grinning from ear to ear. Great feeling isn't it? ha ha. Good old Arsenal.

  4. Jason B

    May 22, 2014, 20:25 #51881

    Waited a long time and still grinning from ear to ear.The smile hasn't left my face.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 22, 2014, 17:44 #51878

    LJB, a bit like Renee's last episode of Allo Allo.

  6. LJB

    May 22, 2014, 1:57 #51836

    IWWT,"make Wenger manager for life",don't be so utterly pathetic. No wonder this club is a laughing stock with fans like you.So,IWWT,as Wenger REFUSES to delegate anything and insists on taking training every day,how are we going to get on when he has to be wheeled to the training pitch aged 85?

  7. GoonerRon

    May 21, 2014, 19:36 #51826

    Lovely article and the ding dong comments were an interesting read to say the least. I have to make a comment to @ Danny who suggested we don't have any quality players to sell now Sagna is leaving. Literally, one of the most ridiculous comments I've seen on here, and that is saying something.

  8. Moscow Gooner

    May 21, 2014, 16:20 #51824

    Agree that it would have been good if AW had stepped down after the Cup win: a great way to bow out - but as someone once said, all football careers ultimately end in tragedy... and this one will no different. Not Arsenal's greatest manager - the podium is reserved for Herbert C - but the second greatest and to those who moan about 'scraping past Hull' etc would we really have enjoyed it as much if it had been a 4-0 procession?? We follow football and Arsenal for drama above all else: the comeback win against Anderlecht in '70, WHL the following season, the 'at the death' winner in '79 from Alan Sunderland. This was a great cup final and one worth celebrating in style - as we did...

  9. Rocky RIP

    May 21, 2014, 14:05 #51814

    @ Jeff - nice try. Another lame effort.

  10. jeff wright

    May 21, 2014, 12:34 #51810

    Rocky, where you are concerned it's more a case of all the bells are ringing son .I made the Stevie G post in response to your downer on him during our debate yesterday, and when Paddy made a wrong claim about it I admitted that it was me, and that it was not a wind-up ,but just a bit of banter. I could have denied making the post but I did not do so, this hardly makes me Finsbury Joe as you ludicrously claimed. In fact I used to have a pop at Joe when he was on here talking up the spuds. Anyway,Rocky, there are some who know me on here and they also know that I am an Arsenal supporter, I don't know if anyone knows you and tbh I'm not bothered, but I still don't buy your alleged reasons for joining the Palace gang to help derail Liverpool's title challenge,because ,you didn't like Gerrard and wanted City to win the Prem, all I can say is Rocky RIP ,pull the other one , it's got bells on it...ding dong... bye bye .

  11. Rocky RIP

    May 21, 2014, 11:54 #51808

    @ Jeff - it was a question, based on you having previous at adopting a different name to make a point. You say people should be free and easy with insults (rather than mincing their words), as you are. In which case, you are in no position to complain if someone has a dig. eg. if they were to call you a bellend. It's all water off a bellend's back to you. Live by the bellend, die by the bellend, etc ... sorry Jeff, I'm only yanking your chain. Call me **** and let's call this spat a day shall we?

  12. jeff wright

    May 21, 2014, 11:45 #51807

    lee arsene fc stop bleating like a little lost lamb and if you have something to say to me then get on with it you oaf. Rocky I see that once again you are having an uncalled for dig at me you can't stop it can you.

  13. Rocky RIP

    May 21, 2014, 11:32 #51806

    @ In Wenger we trust - Apologies if I've misread you. On a site where it's rare for people to praise wenger without fear of getting shot down in flames, I was stunned to hear such praise. (Imagine, from our own fans.) I've always made my stance on Wenger very clear. I can see both sides. I sit on the fence. I appreciate what he's done for us, big time. (He's now the only manager to have the FA Cup at the old Wembley, Cardiff and the new Wembley.) And I can also see all the flaws. For all his faults, I've never felt he deserved the dog's abuse he's received from fans.

  14. In Wenger We Trust

    May 21, 2014, 11:20 #51805

    Rocky RIP, if you read some of the dreadful comments from the WOB throughout the years from this site alone you would be calling them out that is if you actually grateful for all the things Wenger has done for the club, which I have always been. It's funny you calling me a Sp*rs fan because it's the anti-Wenger rabble who resembles more like them. Well, that's not entirely true, I know some Sp*rs fans who congratulate our FA Cup win, unlike the WOB, who wants the team they so-called support to lose to Hull because they want Wenger fired. So Rocky support Wenger or not, I don't care, Arsene himself is proving he's the right manager for the job. I'm grateful for what Herbert Chapman has done for the club, but I consider Wenger is the greatest manager Arsenal ever had. Period. Arsene knows best.

  15. Bard

    May 21, 2014, 10:50 #51803

    Thank you Ruby for that constructive comment. What or who is my sort ?

  16. In Wenger We Trust

    May 21, 2014, 10:17 #51801

    Once again, Arsene Wenger has proven to be the best manager that Arsenal ever had!!! Boy those anti-Wenger rabble must be fuming the team didn't lose. Just a three year contract is an insult, appoint Wenger as Arsenal's manager for life, so only he makes the decision to step down and not any of the plastic fans who are now crawling in their holes till this glory has died down. Not for last time, ARSENE KNOWS BEST!!!

  17. Ozzie

    May 21, 2014, 8:48 #51798

    It was all good - even watching from 12.000 miles away. The icing on the cake would surely have been Arsene bowing out with dignity and allowing a fresh dynamic to steer the club into a new era. To Chelsea & Liverpool: Lap that up! To The Arsenal: You have a lot of followers down under.

  18. Rocky RIP

    May 21, 2014, 8:36 #51797

    @ Wenger out - 'baying mob taking pot shots at Jeff' - hilarious. It's just a handful of people, myself included, who take umbrage with persistent and unprovoked personal insults from Jeff. Purely because he struggles to have a rational discussion without resorting to abuse or wind up tactics. It's called biting back. Poor Jeff, the victim once again.

  19. Ron

    May 21, 2014, 8:24 #51796

    Ruby - surely you've something to knit before you head out to weight watchers? Better that than your inept effort at posting.


    May 21, 2014, 7:52 #51794

    You're right Westlower, those really would be some worthwhile changes to the game, rather than these farcical attempts at financial fair play, which really should be scrapped all together. I'm glad to see that the baying mob has got bored of taking pot shots at Jeff - We're all better than that! Lee AFC - Season ticket holders don't hold the monopoly on supporting this club, I think you perhaps protest too much and if you actually went to games you'd see it wasn't all rosy in the Emirates garden.

  21. Bard

    May 21, 2014, 7:51 #51793

    Ruby; you obviously don't read the posts on here do very often.There is plenty of constructive criticism on here, it's not all moaning and groaning. There is a general consensus about the team and clubs weaknesses. There is undoubtedly heated debate about Wengers suitability to manage, there is also a debate about whether criticising the club is tantamount to treason and so on. It's all good stuff.

  22. Westlower

    May 21, 2014, 7:25 #51792

    Getting back to the 'luck' theme, I feel it's time the away goal rule was scrapped in two leg ties. It's not natural justice to be eliminated when the scores finish level. Surely a penalty shoot out is preferable to going out against a team playing for 0-0 in the home leg. Also, no more red cards following a penalty being awarded. The penalty rewards the offence. Playing with 10 men + a future suspension(s) is way over the top for a single incident. Born Under A Bad Sign: "If it wasn't for bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all."

  23. Joe S.

    May 21, 2014, 6:40 #51791

    As I posted a month or so ago this has turned into the perfect season what with a trophy, Champions League qualification and a decent run at the title, all without spending a huge amount. The man in Denver will be be pleased. Made all the better of course with Manure's failure to finish in the top six and Chelsea's inability to win anything. How Sweet! The big question of course is has anything been learned?, Has there been any real progress? and will Arsenal have the gumption to keep up with the Jones.

  24. aabbs

    May 21, 2014, 0:54 #51790

    About time we won something. Lets not get 2 happy tho, we struggled against Hull, who obviously learnt from Liverpool and chelsea that we're vurnerable in the 1st 15 mins of a game. 2-0 down in the 1st 10 mins... lucky not to be 3 down after 15 mins... again. It was what it was tho, we won. Probably the greatest FA cup final in years.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2014, 23:20 #51789

    So Ruby, take my love to town, has joined the party that's a new one, be careful mate the word pansies could be seen as insulting and if my memory serves someone did take exception to it a while back.

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2014, 23:05 #51788

    Paddy, or? you were right obviously jeff did make the stevie G post, i honestly didn't think it was him, like jeffs said himself some on here are doing it but their fooling no one only themselves as it doesn't take much working out, it's a pity they don't feel confident enough to stick with their original names.

  27. lee afc

    May 20, 2014, 22:46 #51787

    Jeff.......Moe, Larry and Curly invite you to the Arsenal any day, it may change your views !!!!!!!!!??

  28. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 22:32 #51786

    I'm having visions of the moment at the end of Scooby Doo when the policeman whips off the mask the bank robber is wearing to reveal his true identity.... the mask of Jeff Wright is removed to reveal ... Finsbury Joe!! ... 'I could have got away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids'.

  29. lee afc

    May 20, 2014, 22:18 #51785

    Jeff.... try popping into see the 'arsenal' play a home or away game stupid......and the feeling that myself, Amos, westie, badarse, rocky rip are getting right now after this weekends result will explain all that you need to know....

  30. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 22:02 #51784

    Ok,2 stooges plus + an alter ego.

  31. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 21:59 #51783

    3 people in 'mutual back slapping' after FA Cup win shock! How is this unusual or funny? Try entire pubs of like-minded Gooners bouncing in unison, going utterly mental, throwing beer in the air and kissing strangers. All for the love of Arsenal. You could make it up as it's exactly what fans who love their club do. The others who quietly begrudge it all because it undermines their bitter agenda sit on their own and remember how nobody liked them at school because they had no charm.

  32. Th14afc

    May 20, 2014, 21:52 #51781

    To those still havin a moan about the manager (yawn) we've just won a cup...for once just embrace the moment!!saturday's win was right up there with the 98 cup double for me personally...I'm in my late 20's so started supportin the gunners in 92,was quite young when they did the cup double in 93 so the first time I went mental/ballistic with joy was that first double in 98 & Saturday's feelin of euphoria was right up there with that memory for me....I loved seein wenger happy again,he deserved that moment!

  33. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 21:51 #51780

    This mutual back slapping love-in by the three stooges is something that you really could not make up! Classic comedy.

  34. lee afc

    May 20, 2014, 21:40 #51779

    ROCKY RIP......feelings mutual mate...I am in your ARSENAL corner and after a greatest weekend we have seen for many a year at the club, we have let a few idiotic comments stand in our way.......2014 FA cup winners with Mr Wenger at the helm..... cheers for your backup my friend...

  35. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 21:21 #51778

    Just to clarify: I'm all for lively debate and banter and can roll with the punches. However, anyone who continually and needlessly winds up and insults a fellow Arsenal fan is, in my book, a coward and a prize bellend. If we all have to kiss and make up after being insulted as has been suggested, we'd have to kiss a bellend. It's funny how life can throw up the unexpected, but that's not how I planned to spend the week after winning the FA Cup. Especially after Howard Lamb treated us to such a heart-warming article.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2014, 21:04 #51777

    Paddy, i'm still enjoying the cup win myself, i didn't notice the stevie G post had been removed but i disagree it was down to jeff as there's quite a few on here who like doing it and it sounded like something someone else would come out with and i'm glad the mod is stamping down on it, but also don't remember anything in it that would see it being removed i've seen worse that has stayed up. Quite frankly if others are or feel insulted by some of the things jeff says as someone has already said they need to take a chill pill it's from behind a key board not to their face. Any way enjoy the cup win cheers.

  37. lee afc

    May 20, 2014, 21:02 #51776 complete and utter fool.....sorry old fella but you had to have the last say and you stated you had quit on this pathetic attempt to wind up honest, genuine Arsenal now I am an oafish (stupid and idiotic) person.........Amos, rocky rip, westie.....let's just ignore the psycopath that he is.....this is a fans forum, not an 'agree with jeff right at all cost forum'........

  38. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 21:02 #51775

    Paddy,I don't have to prove anything, the fact that you are trying to get me banned from the board for insulting Rocky Rest In Peace, a self confessed sham Palace supporter, and Badarse, a well known pseudo-intellectual condescending insulting to others on here, is all I need to know. I note though that you at least agree with my views 'on the manager' I would have at least thought it appropriate to use his name , but obviously you could not utter it. Cheers.

  39. Ron

    May 20, 2014, 20:53 #51774

    Two legged European games aren't so luck led as one off domestic Cup games and the reason they are two legged in the main was to remove luck being such a factor. Luck applies to winning leagues as well over a long season of games too, home and away. Two legs and home and away etc is there to even things out and to compare sudden death with it is barmy. Bard - you make a good point too 54903. Jeff's straight punches are preferable to disingenuous claptrap with hidden agendas and clumsy concealed insults.

  40. Paddy

    May 20, 2014, 20:44 #51773

    @Jeff - Haha! I guess I should give you credit for being quite funny. I can't prove my name is Paddy, but then you can't prove I've posted under different guises unless you have admin access to the IP addresses which I'm presuming you don't

  41. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 20:23 #51772

    @jeffwright. If our FA Cup wins can be down to good luck then by the same logic our failure to win a Uefa Cup or a LC can just as easily be attributed to bad luck! You can't have it both ways! As you argue that league position is less affected by luck qualification for the CL must be an achievement! Perhaps there should be a trophy for it! :) After all there is for winning the League play-offs simply to qualify to play in the higher leagues! Nevertheless I hope you got as much joy out of Arsenal's lucky win in the FAC this season as any other supporter.

  42. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 19:44 #51770

    Amos,luck does play a part in the European Cup as it does in the FAC . Wenger has won 5 FAC's but no Euro ones , that can't be just down to luck after all as you point out Wenger qualifies every year for Europe as well as the FAC .He's never won the LC and that is not down to luck alone either. Paddy, I obviously did make the Stevie G post,it was a joke not a wind-up,try and lighten up a bit and you are the last person to be criticizing posters changing names . You couldn't make it up.

  43. Bard

    May 20, 2014, 19:40 #51769

    MG: I agree with you here. I've no problem with a ruck on here insults and all. There are many ways to insult people, you can call other posters names as many do or you can write condescending claptrap that does the same thing. You can call them whingers and moaners it's all the same. Everyone kisses and makes up I'm the end.

  44. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 19:19 #51768

    @jeffwright. Eurpean competitions are primarily cup competitions so presumably we may have been unlucky in that we haven't won a CL trophy yet! Or maybe Di Matteo (now an outside pick for the Brighton job I see!) was just lucky that he did? On the other hand as entry to the CL is dependent on league position the fact that we're only one of two clubs to qualify consistently over the last 17 years in that regard maybe Wenger is reliant on luck to a lesser extent than others? The problem really being that if you can dismiss something on the basis of luck, whether good or bad, then you can dismiss the dismissal on precisely the same basis.

  45. Alan

    May 20, 2014, 19:19 #51767

    jeff wright you are a ruddy bloody legend!


    May 20, 2014, 19:11 #51766

    In an aggregated division of the top flight of English football for the twentieth century, Arsenal came top.

  47. Paddy

    May 20, 2014, 19:07 #51765

    MG - I just think that Jeff is deliberately provoking people by insulting them. Debate the point by all means, but what's the point of accusing someone on here of being a liar because it's different to his own view? Neither party has any way of proving it. I actually side with Jeff on some of his views regarding the club and the manager, but right now am still enjoying the Cup win and would rather be coming on here to read about that... at least until the end of the week. We've been nine years without having anything to celebrate - if this is how we behave then perhaps we deserve to wait another nine. By the way, the mods have removed the comment attributed to Stevie G earlier which was very obviously posted by Jeff so perhaps they are not as relaxed with his posts as you may think. Opinions are fine, wind-ups, insults and pretending to be someone you're not all go against the posting rules I think you'll find.

  48. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 19:05 #51764

    Amos, I was referring to cup wins regarding luck. Wenger deserved to win the league titles,albeit in my view he could have won at least two more than he has done but down to his own shortcomings failed to do so. It's not all down to chance though regarding winning or losing trophies , I think Wenger missed a trick in the European Cup final by not having a decent back up GK to send on , and by his poor substitutions. A good GK would have saved those two goals that the waiter let slip by him.In fact Wenger's squad building and tactics has been the reason why he failed to win anything in Europe and to defend titles in the league.

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2014, 18:51 #51763

    Paddy, what exactly is jeff getting away with? winding people up? telling it like he sees it? telling the truth? throwing in the odd comment that people might take as insult and do? talking rubbish? giving his opinion right or wrong? if that's what your referring to there's a hell of a lot of others on here who do all that, you'll find the moderators are quite happy with it and have been for a long time and believe everybody is entitled to their opinion (just like you) and if they were to take your advice there would be nobody on here at all.

  50. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 18:50 #51762

    @jeffwright. So it's down to luck is it jeff? Well if luck exists then by extension so must bad luck. Perhaps, after all we've just been unlucky over the last 9 years then! Perhaps we've been lucky that Wenger has won almost 25% of all the league titles the club has won and almost 50% of all the FA Cups. He was certainly lucky to have gone a season unbeaten and to set the record for the number of league games unbeaten. Maybe we were lucky to get him or maybe Wenger would have been luckier if he had been manager of Real or Barca or Bayern or Porto (or Chelsea or Man City over the 5 to 10 years for that matter) - clubs that can be expected to win things in their leagues. Lots of reputations are indeed rooted in luck but then it's not that difficult to appreciate who has done with what they've had either.

  51. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 18:36 #51761

    @paddy. Really? I'd always thought that jeff was the one most easily wound up! It's all nonsense anyway. Wenger's signing for another 3 years no matter how much impotent whining takes place on internet blogs. Good to see all those smiling faces this sunny weekend. That's a better picture to keep in your mind than all the name calling and whining.

  52. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 18:32 #51760

    @ Paddy - with pleasure. He thinks it's acceptable to fire off insults from behind his keyboard to people he's not met. So he must be applauded for his bravery. And then ignored.

  53. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 18:29 #51759

    Amos, the trophies we have won are padded out with cup wins over the years,and all cup comps ,unlike league titles ,involve a lot of good fortune. Luck is a transitory thing and can't be bought or invented, or planned for, but it does exist. AFC were for most of the last century , and for some of the current one, one of the top 3 clubs in England . During the Chapman era we were the top club in England . So with our position in the greater scheme of things it should not be so surprising that we won trophies over a period of decades. We have not had a period though since Chapman where we dominated an era, or since Chapman won back to back titles . We also have for a big club with our history a glaringly big omission on our CV,no European Cup. Liverpool and United would not give up their trophies won for our consistent history of popping up here and there with the odd title or domestic cup . Wenger's record of 3 league titles and 5 FAC's looks rather light compared with other top managers who have European trophies on their rap - sheets. Wenger's failure to deliver the European Cup when he had the best team in England,while other managers of English clubs have won it ,has to be a big question mark against his claims to greatness that are put forth for him. Also the failure to defend league titles is another ,he let that chance slip three times. Yes I agree that there is merit in winning trophies consistently over a long period,all big clubs do it though, some just win more than us in shorter periods .Every manager however is responsible for what he wins or doesn't win and luck can and does play a part in this.


    May 20, 2014, 18:23 #51758

    Agreed Paddy.

  55. Paddy

    May 20, 2014, 18:04 #51757

    To Rocky, Badarse and Amos - Please can you all stop responding to Jeff? He's clearly a wind-up merchant and I don't know why the moderators are letting him get away with it. However, the best way to stop a WUM (he seems to love acronyms so there's one for him) is to ignore them. Hopefully he'll then go away.

  56. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 18:01 #51756

    @jeffwright. You've missed the point jeff. Not that spent a great deal of time contemplating it but while of course the present regime can't claim credit for the trophies won by their predecessors the longevity of success owes much to the same prudent self sustaining policies and wise investment in revenue generating assets that appealed to Kroenke when he bought into the club. While, during that time, some others have, perhaps unwisely in hindsight, had mortgaged their futures chasing rainbows and experienced comparatively brief periods of success. The history of the club, and that of others, and our record of enduring success is of course well documented and doesn't exist only in my mind. That really is the preserve of conspiracy theorists who happily invent their own fantasies and promote them as fact.


    May 20, 2014, 17:50 #51755

    jeff not patronizing at all, but it may just be what you want to see, so we shall leave it there, with or without kudos. Sometimes we are more than one person, or appear to be. We are multi-faceted creatures. Humans do also have the ability to operate a form of 'doublethink', one Mr. Blair, coined it in 1948, as jjetplane would endorse. It means to hold two contradictory thoughts in your mind at the same time, believing both to be 'right/acceptable/reasonable.' I am irritated by Liverpool's charisma with the media. They were big long before the other two forced their way into the limelight, so have had a head start in terms of sycophants lauding them, and all those persuaded to run with winners have grown into adulthood-many in the media. There is also the 'Three Lions' connection of Gerrard. He isn't guilty of this, but I am irked by the unwarranted adulation he receives on occasions. The fact that the media will brand a foreign player a diver but not an Englishman. It is enough for me not to want Liverpool to succeed. However my principles will not allow me to recognise the other two culprits as winning the title fairly, due to their finances. Then Man City are further away than the odious Chelsea FC and their fans. So would prefer them, not the London club. So which of the three should it be? It all becomes a bit childish and creates needless angst in my already overcrowded brain, still shuffling through the everyday thought processes I encounter. I usually boot it into touch as a, 'I can't influence the outcome anyway', attitude. I just do a Pooh Bear thing and just 'be'. I draw some consolation that whoever does win it ultimately finished in front of the other two, so it has to be a valid title win, despite any petty reserves I have. People can be intriguing, even ourselves, if you practise looking inwards it reveals a lot. At first I used to go cross-eyed and bit my nose a lot, but I am even more adept at that too, now.

  58. HowardL

    May 20, 2014, 17:41 #51754

    Er - I don't wish to rain on your very interesting discussions about Stevie G etc - but didn't Arsenal win a silver pot this weekend? Or am I on the wrong website?

  59. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 17:38 #51753

    Rocky, you stated that you had City as being your prefered choice to win the Prem,you also said you went incognito to Palace v Suarez to support the Eagles in their bid to derail Liverpool's title bid, down to you not liking Gerrard. So can we stick to what you originally said and not what you now claim to have done. Anyway,time to move on ,as it happens I have two of my family who are ST holders at Palace and have had to put up with that Palace have better supporters who create an atmosphere ,etc, since way back when Highbury was claimed to be the library . A glance at our honours list compared to Palace's says ,so what ? And I will have to ask them,hey who won the cup final this season>?!# Badarse,stop being so patronizing it's best to just come out and make insults openly rather than cloak them as you do in a sly plethora of puerility.You don't get any kudos for that.Or for using Beatles lyrics to try and support it.You only remember years from now the things you said today ,if you are still here to do so.

  60. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 17:19 #51751

    @ Badarse - 'you give a little love and it all comes back to you' (Bugsy Malone) @ Jeff- 'It's so easy to laugh It's so easy to hate, It takes strength to be gentle and kind' (The Smiths)

  61. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 17:08 #51750

    @ Jeff- as I pointed out, it's just my opinion. It happens to be one I know plenty of other football fans share. Especially Arsenal fans of a certain vintage who grew up watching LFC winning everything and don't like the media's love of them. I'm not disputing that Mourhinho is a prime villain. Way above Stevie G. I can't abide JM. I find him egotistical, self-centred, camera hungry, charmless and lacking in class as a human being. I'm not sure how you struggle with my conclusion that City were the most deserving. Is my reasoning in all this not fairly logical? Maybe one of us is, as Wenger might say .. little bit challenged mentally.


    May 20, 2014, 17:03 #51749

    jeff whatever the point in question is there is no need to be insulting-we all know that my Dad could beat your Dad! Seriously if it isn't reined in it becomes automatic and isn't very nice. It is easy to detect the individual that has gone unchecked in these matters because rudeness just trips off their tongues. I have had my share of offensive remarks on here, almost certainly deserved admonishments on occasions, but I don't do personal, nor should others. The aspect I have touched on before, where if someone says something it has to be true because it has been talked of, doesn't hold water. Do you recollect my analogy of Animal Farm? The pigs rewrote the rules and others just accepted them because they were written. I really like Rocky RIP, and even as an atheist who knows people do not rest in peace after death-they just become the most recent to disappear into oblivion-I find his title engaging and respectful. I believe him to be that sort of man. So does that make it so? We cannot both be right. Perhaps I am a little more adept at recognising true qualities, or it could be that you, like others in your 'camp', perceive him as the enemy and it is acceptable behaviour to be rude to the other side. It isn't. Mind I do like my first suggestion, my view that I am sharper at realising true worth in an individual, this way I get a 'gee' as well. Of course you do know that Rocky RIP has a permanent place at my table, even if he insists on dancing on it! 'And in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make.'

  63. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 16:57 #51748

    No trap set other than in your imagination Rocky. It seems self evident that any AKB would have Mourinho down for the villain role in the nonsensical scenario that you have contrived to present for arriving at your decision on who YOU think was worthy of winning the League Title.rather than Gerrard. As far as I'm aware Gerrard has never insulted Wenger or made any disparaging remarks about AFC. What the circus surrounding Gerrard does concerning his image and Liverpool is irrelevant to me and I can't see it bothering many other Arsenal supporters either. Your unrelenting support and defence of Arsene is a matter of record on here. Why you this though is another matter.

  64. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 16:46 #51747

    @ Jeff - by the way, the trap you laid down for me with the AKB comment didn't go unnoticed. Perhaps I should credit you with more intelligence, although you need to try harder than that to trip me up. Was I supposed to add it to your list of insults aimed at me? Or accept/expose myself as being an AKB?

  65. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 16:34 #51746

    @ Jeff- I don't have it in for Gerrard, more the media's fixation with him and Liverpool in general. (His ungracious 'none of your business' interview after the City game made me want him to fail though.) Another big reason for not wanting LFC to do it is that I didn't believe they were the best. The idea of Rogers with the title didn't sit well. It would also have rubbed our noses in it big time for not being ambitious enough to pay what was needed to get Suarez last Summer. I don't think Liverpool were much better than us, if at all. (We beat them twice this season remember. They spanked us yes, but I don't think that one game told the whole story.) Whereas City had the best squad and deserved it. So as I said, the lesser of evils - City, then LFC then CFC. Just my opinion. Anyway, back to watching an Arsenal player lying flat out on the Wembley turf having scored the winner, again.

  66. Ron

    May 20, 2014, 16:20 #51745

    Patrick - Oh dear! The talk show hoax comment is akin to you asserting that the Queen might well occasionally fart, but only in rose petal flavour whereas everybody else just conventionally honks the place out. Must try harder buddy!

  67. Bard

    May 20, 2014, 16:06 #51744

    Patrick: I found your description of the phone in hilarious. It had me In stitches. The thought of anyone changing their voice for a phone in is absurd. The worrying bit of your post was the the notion that true Wemger suppporters use their 'correct voice '. Elaborate please. Voices aside Patrick I love phone ins and love talksport ones especially. They are the funniest shows on either radio or TV.

  68. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 16:06 #51743

    @ Jeff - Add 'pretentious' and 'creepy' to the your list of insults, and by implication 'liar.' You really are a poor judge of character if you think I wanted Chelsea to win the title. You couldn't be more wide of the mark. Call me all you like, but that's low! I didn't want LFC to win it after Stevie G's 'we go again against Norwich' speech after beating City. The media love in was the biggest factor. The idea that they somehow deserved it because it was the 25th anniversary of Hillsborough and the whole country apparently wanted Stevie G to do it didn't wash with me. Call it footballing schadenfreude, but Liverpool's meltdown was a joy to behold.

  69. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 15:50 #51742

    Rocky RIP, I find you to be a pretentious and slightly creepy sort of individual .I don't buy your claim that you wanted City to win the title because you don't like Gerard , now I realize that he turned Chelsea down but come on now ! No sunshine I think you wanted Chelsea to win the title and not City , and that's why you were happy when Palace got that draw. Tbh, I doubt that you were even at the Palace game ,you threw that in after I pointed out that a Palace player said that Liverpool had switched off after going 3 goals up and you had claimed that the Palace supporters making a racket had upset Liverpool. You then came back claiming that you were standing among them in disguise and could vouch for them causing the Liverpool collapse.The only thing I can add is ..yawn..

  70. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 15:36 #51741

    @ Jeff - you're proving my point. Any debate with you about football descends into personal ad hominem insults. 'Sad' being another. All a bit unpleasant and uncalled for. I went to Palace as a silent spectator, keeping my head down. I wanted City to win it fractionally more than Liverpool as I despise the whole sympathy for Stevie G business. So seeing as one of them had to win it, my most palatable option of the 3 was City, then LFC, then CFC. Really that odd? Plenty of others favoured City over LFC. And how many people on here have been to watch a football match not involving Arsenal? It happens. 'When I need advice ..' How thoroughly unpleasant.

  71. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 15:21 #51740

    RIP . When I need advice from some sad person using a tombstone epitaph for a name on here I will ask for it. Rocky you were the one who pretended to be a Palace supporter and gloated with them when they derailed Liverpool's title bid that helped City win it,although Chelsea were still in with a shout also. We were out of the race. All a bit odd that , but as I aid before it takes all sorts. Regarding my claiming you are also lee arsene fc I actually said you were his alter ego not the same person,I was using that analogy loosely because you are both smugly sure of your own self importance regarding 'your club' .

  72. Rocky RIP

    May 20, 2014, 15:05 #51739

    @Jeff always Wright - you promised not to indulge in any more 'verbose fisticuffs', but couldn't resist a little dig in the ribs as you did so by calling Lee 'oafish' and so on. Very childish tactics, getting the final insult in. Seeing as you couldn't just leave it at that, neither can I. (Apologies to other readers with no interest.) So far you've insulted, belittled and condescended more people on here than anyone else, yet play the more sinned against than sinning victim, and then proceed to pontificate to us all. Personal insults aimed at others include boring, having a sad life, talking codswallop, having no life, semi-literate, oafish, grim reaper, having a weak knowledge of football, being a Palace fan (!) Lee actually being me, (despite vastly different writing styles) and my personal favourite: 'schizo idiot.' So I make no apology for defending myself. Anyone who has to continually point out and re-inforce it that they predicted something which came true has clearly got some kind of complex. What really riles me is that it's abundantly obvious that you really aren't as clever as you think you are, yet see fit to insult/belittle anyone who disagrees with you. ('yawn') 'you couldn't make it up'.

  73. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 15:05 #51738

    One would presume that there are plenty of Wenger doubters about, apart from wind-up merchants from other clubs as well, without Talk Sh*te having to resort to some impersonator playing the part of a number of them ,while the AKBs'are all different people !I'm not buying this nonsense and Pat is either on a ewind-up himself or paranoid.

  74. Danny

    May 20, 2014, 14:58 #51737

    Guys we are a stage, where 50% wanted Wenger out. The rest are sitting on the fence and watching i guarantee if the club does not improve the squad in the summer or makes a effort, he will be gone before his finishes his tenure. The clubs mentality is not to win trophies,it is to reward absolute failure and this coach for making money, for these idiots Also who have we got to sell now- nothing, because they average players which no one wants except Sagna but he is gone freeeeee. OZIL is useless and not the player we need to fight to the end.


    May 20, 2014, 14:35 #51736

    Patrick that is a very interesting point you raise, and as a partially blind man you see things more clearly than many I know. There is a comedy show on Radio 4, 'Down the Line', a spoof 'phone-in' programme, fronted by the very talented Rhys Thomas. His character is Gary Bellamy the 'phone-in' talk show host. He has the same group of odd characters, with all their peculiarities, paraded out habitually, (bit like this website), who regularly ring up the show. One a Jamaican, begins earnestly, and quite clearly, then descends into a broad accent, which 'Gary' never seems to notice. Your name is now etched into the show for me, and next time I listen I shall half expect you to call in.

  76. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 20, 2014, 14:07 #51735

    Bard, don't mention the Carling Cup a big bad meaningless cup like that? I don't expect there would have been half as many lining the streets and in front of the Emirates if we'd have been parading that.

  77. Man United Killer

    May 20, 2014, 13:38 #51733

    This FA cup win was nothing more than expected. No disrespect but this was Hull City. We took 6 points from them in the league. I only hope this leaves an impression on the squad on what winning feels like.But as long as Wenger keeps doing what he has been doing it's going to be another 9 years before we can win another trophy ( if we are fortunate enough to meet another Hull City ) . Kudos to the boys for fighting back.

  78. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 12:26 #51732

    Ron, yes there are arguments for and against taking the FAC seriously for sides competing for the league title, European Cup, or a top 4 finish that can be made. My view is that circumstances play a large part in this and it's a no brainer regarding what Wenger would prefer if he had to choose between finishing 4th or winning the cup. Obviously both is the ideal thing, but the FAC is nowdays worth less than finishing 4th is,financially speaking ,and with football now a corporate business rather than a sport it's the money that talks. Wenger's not really put the baby to bed yet though because there is still a qualifier tie to be won before the cup win and Champions League football scenario is a done deal. What the FAC win showed was that supporters care more about winning actual trophies rather than how much money has been made by winning imaginary ones.

  79. Ron

    May 20, 2014, 12:05 #51731

    Fair points Jeff. The FAC has always been about the luck of the draw though, not to mention the 'rub of the green' in the games themselves irrespective of what a team is doing in the league. It can affect league form, but in today's game i suspect it affects lower ranking Clubs more as its more a novelty that excites them more (it did Hull ). The top Clubs have got it in perspective i feel. In fact, a good Cup run can enhance league form too. Its a nice departure from the mundane PL pressures at times,so the argument cuts both ways. Lets face it its only 6 games to win it. By the time January comes round for the 3rd round and certainly by Feb for the 4th round and onwards, most Clubs and for sure the Arsenal normally are playing out time in the CL and often the PL by then so blaming the FAC as a disruptive tourny (for me) has always been a bit hollow. Its an age old argument ran not only by Arsene Wenger, but other top team coaches too. I accept it can be a nuisance, wider circumstances and serious injuries applying, but its often just a cop out and a weak excuse for failure in the primary tournies.

  80. Tony Evans

    May 20, 2014, 11:45 #51730

    radfordkennedy - It is not just Tony Adams AFC have no room for, what the hell is Viera doing at City? My own take on it is that they and their ilk have too strong a character for Wenger to suffer and he only wants yes men around him. It was interesting to hear Keown say that quite often the fabled back four would ignore Wenger's instructions and keep it tight at the back and that is what is missing at Arsenal both on and off the pitch - someone to stand up to the dictator that is Wenger.

  81. jeff wright

    May 20, 2014, 11:43 #51729

    The trophy in every decade is just another meaningless stat. Wengers trophy haul is made up of 3 league titles and 5 FAC's .What happened in previous decades to his and the current shareholders tenure is what happenend and nothing to do with them. This plan that Amos keeps going on about only exists in his own mind. Two of the cups that Wenger won were in title winning seasons ,none though interestingly enough were won in the unbeaten one by the Invincibles who were only invincible in the league that season when concentrating on not losing in the league became a sort of fixation. So I guess that there is some merit in Westies claims that the cups can be a handicap for sides battling for the league title - or even top 4 finish . It's that pesky top 4 finish and the big money that goes with it that has devalued the domestic cups - and I suspect that City - with the LC already won and finding life tough in their desperate bid to win the Prem - were not that fussed about losing to Wigan in the FAC and it helped to make life easier for them in the league. After the Chelsea away defeat it was obvious to Wenger that he was not going to win the Prem and lady luck dealt him a good hand in the FAC with all of our games being drawn at the Emirates, where in horse racing terminology, we are a stone better off than we are away ,well perhaps a bit less, but better anyway. Wenger, to his credit, took full advantage of this situation in the cup and reversed his and his supporters previous laizze faire attitude toward the FAC that he had displayed since the 2005 final and desperately sought to win it. He rode his luck at times in the home games and made hard work of it in the Wembley ones,but got there in the end. A man with more self awareness than Wenger would now bow out in the cloud of euphoria that he is presently floating on ,but this is Arsene Wenger that we are talking about, a man more deluded in his own beliefs than a believer in Scientology and one who displays all of the self awareness possessed by an housebrick. The rather fortuitous FAC win has helped to paper over the big cracks in things this season at AFC ,but the cracks are still there, and Ivan is still in the counting house counting out the money along with the other counts . He will be reluctant to spend any until he knows for sure that the Champions League cash is in the bag,Wenger doesn't get paid 8m a year to win the FAC ,trophies in decades are all well and good,but they are just stats in the history books,Stan prefers money in the bank. So it could be another late trolley dash in the super- super- player - market for Wenger to try and buy what has been left on the shelves by shoppers already back home with their feet up watching the fun on TV.

  82. radfordkennedy

    May 20, 2014, 11:38 #51728

    Ron.Amos.Bard...morning fellas I have on occasion over the years chatted with Ian Ridley TA's biographer and he told me that his experience at Wycombe and to an extent Pompey nearly did for him,he really couldn't get to grips with players not being able to carry out what he considered a basic skill or drill.Ian didn't say what went on at Pompey but what he did say was that Tony would never be anybody's number 2 which is limiting his chances somewhat in the game,added to which it would seem that TA still has dark moments in his life and some people in football are not prepared to take a chance on him,Ian said that TA was convinced hed got the Celtic job pre Lennon and felt the same about the job at Coventry some years ago,alas both failed to materialise for whatever reason.Personally I think TA could be a brilliant DEF coach for AFC but it would appear and for reasons I cannot fathom AFC have no room at the inn for its most succesful son.


    May 20, 2014, 11:28 #51727

    BADARSE - You're right, I had planned to stay away from poisonous barbs for a while longer. Unfortunately others aren't abiding by the same rules and instead of enjoying the cup win in isolation, are using it to vindicate Wenger and a regime which really is poisonous. We won the cup in spite of him, not because of him - Great to see the duffer win something though, the look of joy on a face so tortured at times last season warmed even my cold heart.


    May 20, 2014, 11:12 #51726

    julesd I knew of your Charlie-it's a nice connection and an interesting little story of mum and bump. I was very impressed with 24601, I am clearly one of his biggest fans. Whoops I shouldn't say that, as I am a fan of Arsene and get criticised for it I am just inviting the wrath of the hob nobs. I love it though, I think you can tell. It's the devil in me, ha ha. WENGER OUT, what's up chum? Cretins? Why all the poison seeping out? Trophies, as in fourth place etc? Well Amos has answered succinctly enough, but come on man. They are milestones along the way of AFC, don't interpret them as signposts. They are there to speak to you-true the language is unusual, but they each tell a story. Bard I do think you need to re-evaluate what is and what isn't 'blind loyalty', also the 'black and white' understanding of loyalty. One form is terrible one is great-think you might find most forms are different shades of grey. Life can be beautiful chum, this is one such period, don't let it pass you by. Now with me, 'Good old Arsenal, we're proud to say your name, while we sing... get down off that table jeff, dancing on it with Rocky RIP and lee afc is one thing, trying a maguiresbridge River Dance is just inviting an accident!'

  85. allybear

    May 20, 2014, 11:08 #51725

    @julesd so happy your glad that Wenger is staying and that you think he is a class act.Where do you get this from? Is it after 6-3,5-1,6-0? Oh he is a genius alright and he will be manager for ever!

  86. Bard

    May 20, 2014, 11:01 #51724

    Ron: this is the nub of the argument. Richards is adequate no more but we need a world class back. Will he buy one or make do in the hope that they kick on. I haven't heard of this French lad, but he's only 21 so it's another one for the future like Sanogo. I know it's paper talk and we will have to wait and see.

  87. Tony Evans

    May 20, 2014, 10:29 #51723

    Maguiresbridge gooner - Yes it's great to see our rival fans suffer, watching us win the cup, after all the crap of the last few years. Hope Wenger will now realise what a difference winning a real trophy makes and adjusts his priorities accordingly. I know CL football is important but not at the expense of absolutely everything else. Can't help but feel he should have gone out on a trophy winning note and I fear this great high we are all on at the moment will quickly evaporate if the summer pans out as expected (i.e. no decent signings) and we see the usual capitulations begin again next season.

  88. Ron

    May 20, 2014, 10:17 #51722

    Bard - Yes Adams can some times make good comments about players etc. The full backs at Arsenal are a real weakness and it often gets ignored. There S still a perception that anything will do at FB, yet theyre 2 of the most important positions now in modern football. Gibbs isn't quality and his defending has always been very suspect. He was once an out and out winger and its always shown!!We never replaced Cole. In the short term id have Ashley Cole back. Still a very good player and knows how to win, how to kill games off, how and when to advance etc. All the FB skills and mindset is there. Westie - I wdt touch Richards. Hes a very fragile player despite the physique, often out for long periods as a result and can be very indisciplined in his play. That s why hes never really made it to the top of his profession. I read about the french lad though ive never heard of him.

  89. julesd

    May 20, 2014, 9:37 #51719

    BADARSE - That's a bit twilight zone, we have a nephew called Charlie, he is also fourteen, went to his first Arsenal match before he was born, his mother wearing her huge Ray Parlour shirt to cover her Charlie bump! Which she also wore on Saturday. PS - for those of you who don't know Marie - she is the lady who shouts 'come on you gunners, come on Arsenal'

  90. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 9:33 #51718

    A trophy in every decade for the 10 consecutive decades wouldn't have been a target, meagre or otherwise, at any time. It's just a consequence of retaining the ability to compete on an enduring basis. That's entailed some sacrifice and tough choices through many different changes and competitive landscapes. While, during that time, some others have had brief flurries of more fleeting glory before relatively quickly fading, perhaps as a consequence of misguided and short term chasing of rainbows, the club has managed it's affairs well. That should give encouragement to those Arsenal supporters who see some satisfaction in sharing their allegiances with family members of different generations. Trophies are won and lost and won again. Triumphs and disasters follow each other. Enjoy the moment now but it'll come again.


    May 20, 2014, 9:10 #51717

    Amos - Malcontents rarely do matter, in the same way that those who rage against the machine haven't really stopped the machine, or even slowed it down, but I daresay it hasn't stopped them from raging. I agree that winning something in every decade is something the club can be proud of, but it's a very meagre target to set for a club of this size.

  92. Bard

    May 20, 2014, 8:59 #51716

    Jules the chill pills are not working! Maybe you got your tablets mixed up. You need to relax. Blind unquestioning loyalty will never sit well with me either about Arsenal or life. Ron I agree totally there something not quite right with Tone. I don't know what it is but you can sense it when he speaks. But he's bang on abut both fullbacks though . Maybe it's injuries but Gibbs hasn't kicked on as I' hoped. These days it's a critical position especially when teams come to defend.

  93. Westlower

    May 20, 2014, 8:57 #51715

    @Ron, Agree with you that two broken legs has taken a toll on Sagna. Good luck to him in negotiating his final pension pot in Manchester. I wouldn't be too upset if Micah Richards came in to replace him as he's also cover at CB. Serge Aurier of Toulouse, is being touted as our first signing in the RB position. Only 21 with 7 International caps for Ivory Coast. Doubtless some will leave and replacements will come in. If you check the AFC squad year on year that's what inevitably happens. With our well publicised weaknesses all over the pitch it shouldn't be too hard to improve on what we have.

  94. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 8:54 #51714

    @Wenger Out. The 'trophy in each decade', like 4th place (or 3rd or 2nd for that matter), isn't a trophy, it's just something to be prized. It's a prize that isn't diminished simply because it isn't represented by something glittery and wouldn't be any more or less valued if it were. It's a prize gained for the longevity and consistency of success measured against that of our peers. To what extent you prize the achievement, much like to the extent to which you 'feel good' about any achievement, with or without a trophy, depends to some extent on your attitude towards those two imposters. I'm not sure who you mean by Wengerites (is that everyone who doesn't necessarily want Wenger Out? So are those who do all Wengerphobes?) but it seems they may have prevailed and will do so for another 3 years in which case the malcontents don't really matter at all do they.


    May 20, 2014, 8:31 #51712

    Amos, you're right! The 'trophy in each decade' trophy is another one to put in the cabinet with the pretty collection of 4th place trophies and of course the stamina league title - O wait... no those don't exist. Long live Lord Wenger, the man who, when failing to win actual trophies, makes up his own (although it's not gone so well in the Emirates cup - Perhaps we should invite Hull this year). As for Westie's misconstrued comments re Tony Adams.... Really? So TA directly criticised Sagna? Or was he stating the glaringly obvious that Gibbs and Monreal aren't up to the job? Have you Wengerites learned nothing from the years of being let down? Did you learn nothing when you thought we were going to win the title half way through the season? Wenger will let you down, next season will be started with a weaker team than the one we have now - Is Wenger really going to replace Sagna, Vermaelen, Fabianski and Arteta with actual 'top quality' players and purchase the much needed striker and DM that we require? Perhaps time will tell like it did with our title challenge. Sorry, all that sounded dangerously negative, just can't believe all these cretins using the FA cup as a stick to bash those who dare to be critical of Wenger.. I'm sorry, but if you read back through the comments, I think you'll find that no one ever doubted that we could win an FA cup, just whether Wenger valued it enough to give it a good go - Flappy in the final? I'll admit that I thought we would bottle it against Hull, for that I apologise to the players who really dug deep after their characteristically arrogant and complacent start.

  96. Ron

    May 20, 2014, 8:30 #51711

    Hi Westie - I reckon Sagna s performances have declined and the Club are right not to push the boat out to keep him. Hes still decent, but the injuries have taken their toll i suspect. Playing less often, with better calibre players at City will prolong his career and earn him bigger bucks. Im sure Arsenal will wish him well.We've needed a top marque RB for a few years. Its replacing him that the issue. I just hope Wenger doesn't stick with Jenks as the lad simply wont make a top performer. Hes a tryer though and a useful sub. AW is right to move Sagna on as he was right to move RVP and Song on, PV4, Gilberto and Henry et al before them. His and the Clubs failing has been in the replacements or lack of. Tony Adams? I suspect he still harbours a return to Arsenal in some capacity and Wengers new contract will perhaps suggest to him that it might happen, so hes bound to suggest AW stays isn't he. Adams is a bit deluded though in truth. Great CB , but a bit too thick for coaching and management roles. Footie s a small tight 'community' and its left Adams in the wilderness, probably for reasons well known but best not spoken of too much within the game.

  97. julesd

    May 20, 2014, 8:18 #51710

    It was lovely to see Marie being interviewed on TV re the Cup Final, there is a proper fan, she never moans and has had a season ticket for many many years, remember seeing an article in the Telegraph about her when she was off to OT a good few years ago now, such dedication, shame some of you on here aren't as loyal.


    May 20, 2014, 8:08 #51709

    My eldest grandson Charlie is aware of Arsenal winning a trophy, though was only five the last time we did. He picked up a couple of personal football awards at the weekend, and Arsenal winning the cup he took in his stride. My second grandson was a month old in May 2005, his younger brother not yet born until 2006. Arsenal winning was the stuff of folklore no doubt. To me a wondrous event. How odd the footie fan is,(and no I am not talking about you jjetplane)-all of us. We build castles in the air, concoct scenarios of importance involving ourselves connected with AFC, wring our hands in despair and salute victories with strident gladiatorial aplomb. We are footie fans, we are odd. Yet none would have it any other way. Tears of sadness, tears of joy. I am so, so glad I am a footie fan of Arsenal Football Club. None can compete. We are the Arsenal, and we are the best!

  99. Bard

    May 20, 2014, 7:41 #51708

    I didn't read Tone's comments Westie but although he was a wonderful player he seems to be a bit of a nutter these days .As to the content. I agree the full backs aren't good enough and no I didn't think ( and still don't) Wenger should stay. But that deals been done and it's wait and see what happens this summer. I don't honestly think there will be any change in the chaotic and random Arsenal transfer activity but I can do delusional with the best of you for a while.

  100. BADARSE

    May 20, 2014, 7:32 #51707

    Morning julesd...echo, echo, echo those sentiments. jeff my dear friend, and despite yourself, and any attempts to disrupt, you probably-possibly would be. A promise to anyone, especially on occasions mum, is an admirable gesture, yet difficult to comply with sometimes, I know that much. It displays honour and trust in the recognition though. See, I knew you were a good lad...come little children, let me gather you up to me. ha ha. Just a few points. Firstly you couldn't let go, by name-calling. Try not to buddy, it can be achieved it is only practise. Secondly you misunderstood my post-not too surprising as most do. I was not trying to instigate more of the same, I was genuinely trying to separate the three of you and had lollipops behind my back if you sat like good boys, which you are. Boring repetitious statement but it is the behaviour which can be poor, not the person-hang on, got to take off this dog collar. Susej, done it! You also misunderstood an observation of westlower regarding Frank and took it as an insult to the great man, this is more serious because with the big boys that kind of assessment can get you into trouble, reread what he said. The next point is a silly contradictory one. You talk of westlower explaining Frank's failure referring to it as a slating, suggesting he shouldn't say what he did. Then you champion free speech. That is a bit confusing. To end with you throw in a couple of soft taunts that westlower, myself and people like us are brainwashed. That's airbrushing over the opposition's views and clearly wrong, again. Anyway, I am giving you a 'C+', which is OK, but I know there is a 'B-' lurking within you at least, and an 'A+' achievable. By the way for your edification-and anyone else's-I smoked perhaps 30 ciggies a day in my youth. I graduated to John Cotton cigarillos and found myself quickly smoking them like ciggies. Then it was Manikin cigars, followed by Hamlets, all smoked like ciggies. One day, thirty seven years ago I got out of bed and didn't light up. I haven't had a puff since. That was before the Ipswich final!!! I went through the sixties and never took a drag of weed-never have to this day. My drug is AFC. Oh, and I don't drink, so though it appears boring on the surface any nonsense and drivel I espouse is unadulterated me-I can't blame it on anything else, I blame it on the Boogie. Now give us a smile, you are safe and amongst friends. Truly!

  101. Amos

    May 20, 2014, 7:21 #51706

    The feelgood factor would have existed among Arsenal supporters even before the cup triumph. It does feel good to support Arsenal - win or lose! Now, having extended their record, the only club to have won a trophy in each of the last 10 successive decades. Due to astute management and wise investment of resources that's almost certain to become 11 successive decades. There isn't a better PL club for your kids to support in terms of longevity of success. Teach them to meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same and they'll be even happier. We seemed to have persuaded ourselves that the malcontents are important but they've always been there. Win a title and they're unhappy if it's not a back to back title. They've always been there but have never been contented for long nor important really. We don't need everyone to be happy in order to be happy. Plenty looked happy enough over the weekend. As for mental strength I think the players have shown great mental strength at times this season. It's only part of the fanbase, for whom every setback is a crisis, that hasn't. Enjoy the moment.

  102. Westlower

    May 20, 2014, 7:07 #51705

    While we're on the sensitive subject of ex players views on Arsenal's 'troubles,' what do we make of Tony Adams comments made before the cup final? Point 1."Our full backs are not good enough." Point 2. "Wenger should stay." On point 1, do we rejoice because Sagna is leaving, or is Tone wide of the mark? On point 2, What do Gooners who only support the club and not the board/manager/certain players (what's left for you to support?) think about Tone's backing of AW?

  103. julesd

    May 20, 2014, 5:28 #51704

    Oh dear, some of you on this website need to take a chill pill, or in the words of the song 'RELAX', maybe take a trip to Hollywood. So glad we have Arsene for three more years, the man is a class act compared to most of the managers. Well done Arsenal.

  104. Hope is pain

    May 20, 2014, 2:23 #51703

    I was so desperate for us to win, not for me though' for my 13 year old son, we were at the Birmingham final and that was so hard for me to see his tears, so the joy on Saturday was the best thing ever, I have seen the glory days, starting from a boy in 79 to the glories of George and then of course the 98 to 2005 years, the best time of all. I don't thing WENGER will win another trophy though and unfortunately this will mean he stays for a bit longer, I do hope I'm wrong, but he is past his time and we all know it.

  105. Jason B

    May 19, 2014, 23:33 #51702

    Fantastic weekend!!

  106. HowardL

    May 19, 2014, 23:12 #51701 of little faith - complete this well-known phrase or saying - Ee-ay-adio, W _ W _ _ T_ _ C _ _!

  107. jeff wright

    May 19, 2014, 23:09 #51700

    Badarse,the pipes the pipes are obviously still calling you . Look I promised Cornish, who appears to be a normal forum poster,that I would not indulge the oafish ladish lee arsene fc ( Arsenal belongs to him,AFC is HIS club!! And the grim RIP sham Palace supporter in anymore verbose fisticuffs and having once promised my mother to never break a promise I intend ,despite your crafty attempt to instigate more of them,to keep that promise. What has poorFrank done anyway to deserve a slating off Westie ,what ever happened to free speech at AFC ,it's all about thought control now with brain washed types such as Westie, and yourself, using any means fair or foul to denigrate anyone daring to criticize Arsene.Even with comments such as those made by Frank that were clearly meant to try and help Arsene to see the error of his ways and to help Arsene to deliver the Prem title and European Cup to us ,after all Arsene did claim that this was going to happen donkeys years ago . He can't keep on winning the FAC and holding victory parades to celebrate that and to justify his huge wages and controversial policies that have split the AFC fan base. To be honest when I heard him say during his speech on Sunday to the crowd ,these players have shown great mental strength all season,I thought that Wenger must have been smoking one of your pipes ! You couldn't make it up.

  108. Roy

    May 19, 2014, 21:57 #51698

    After getting well and truly spannered on Saturday and stupidly carrying it on yesterday, ( I should know better, I can't take it like I used to ), I returned to work today. I wasn't really fit to do so, but then again I'm not quite on Arsenes wages ! To see the faces of some of those who so desperately wanted us to lose was worth it alone. I've not been Wengers biggest fan this season, but for now I'll enjoy the Summer and see what transpires. If he can't see the glaringly obvious this year, then it'll be at least 4 years from now before we can celebrate another PL title. Mind you, based on Saturday, a title win next season would probably finish me off !!....Still, I'm up for it. COYG.

  109. BADARSE

    May 19, 2014, 21:56 #51697

    Good evening my little hob nobs-I'm addressing the very sweet, but a little bit crumbly ones. To the rest, We won the Cup! I've been away and wasn't able to get involved in any positive way and watched from the side lines as dear old jeff managed to wind up lee afc and Rocky RIP. I so wanted to start joking the discourse into nothingness-which is usually what it is-and get all three back on track. It's your medicine, isn't it jeff? See, I know you buddy, ha ha. I also wanted to step once more unto the breach to take my place beside westlower-he didn't need me! He was like d'Artagnan and carried the day in every riposte. I echoed everything you said my friend, everything! Also wanted to say thanks for the info and correction from A Cornish Gooner. I shan't die ignorant of those facts-see guys, you are never too old to learn, ta chum. Have to just throw my pennyworth in on this though. My all-time footballing hero was Frank McLintock and he failed as a manager in his one attempt. He may have succeeded had he stayed on the carousel, but chose to get off, so he failed. A simple succinct statement. His views are views. Like mine and your views, easy to voice, but quite different if you are driving the bus, think about it fellas. Oh and the monkey on westlower's back is not a burden he carries alone, because, 'I'm BADSPARTACUS!' Gaz, were you dancing on my table whilst I was giggling beneath it? It must have been you; it was certainly someone with Yorkshire blood because I recognise a clog dance when I hear one. Happy! Happy! I am such a children.

  110. allybear

    May 19, 2014, 21:54 #51696

    @Bard nice article mate and very good points. I know we can all speculate as to what will happen next season but the worry is that it wont change much. I do agree that the players should be more relaxed but as you say tactically there is huge improvement needed. We really have to start sompeting with the top teams and not take anymore thrashings like we did. I just dont think Wenger can change and still feel he is past it.

  111. UB10

    May 19, 2014, 20:20 #51695

    AKB's WOB's AFC's BBC & ITV! WE'VE WON THE CUP!! Sorry, had to get that off me chest.

  112. Bard

    May 19, 2014, 19:37 #51694

    Frank I get your drift. And yes in the bigger scheme of things it hardly qualifies as game of decade but I do think it is significant in that we have won something. I would have been happy if it had been the Carling cup. I think it will help the players relax and improve the atmosphere in the ground. I won't have to get an earbashing from my mates which is a massive plus but where we go from here in anyone's call. There are clearly huge problems tactically, 2 goals down in 10 minutes is shocking and on the playing side. Who knows whether they will get sorted for next season

  113. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 19, 2014, 18:26 #51693

    jjetplane, i don't know if there's an answer to that question but if any one knows it it's arsene, but one things for sure your post will never be late again.

  114. Pete Mountford

    May 19, 2014, 18:13 #51692

    great account, as bad luck would have it, we moved out of our 2st floor flat on Aubert Park near to where you must of been @ avenell rd 6 months ago as our lives have taken us down to brighton. I did feel a bit of a pang when I saw the route passed that way, and i guess i didn't come to london for the parade as i didn't want to feel annoyed that i'd lived there for nearly 6 years and never got a sniff of a parade. I'll be up for others in the future, alhough hopefully not after 9 years of waiting for it

  115. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 19, 2014, 18:06 #51691

    Tony Evans, it was torture alright and yes sheer joy at the end for more reasons than one, where i watched the game it was full of gooners but also had red mancs and scousers but the only red shirts on show were Arsenal (i wonder why that could be?) needless to say when you heard them and didn't know any better you'd think they were Hull fans so to see them all sitting there at the end heads bowed with nothing to say was indeed sheer joy.

  116. Westlower

    May 19, 2014, 17:54 #51690

    @JJ, Chill out mate before you blow a fuse. Don't insult me by saying I didn't enjoy the FA Cup win. AW is not my master but I suspect he's become yours with your continued bitter outbursts towards him. His wage is the going rate for a multi-million pound club. Finding a good manager is not easy, just ask Mr Levy. I will support whoever is AFC manager, from George Swindin through to whoever is next. Having a divided fan base only weakens AFC. Of course Frank is entitled to his opinions but only a weak manager would listen to an array of opinions from ex players. My point about Frank is that very few players become great managers. Guardiola was the most recent. The world has changed, it isn't just about a game for Islington kids. This particular fan (& many travel further than me), travels 150 miles to watch AFC home games and have done it for 54 years. 'Outsiders' commitment to AFC is at least equal to the locals.

  117. hibeegunner

    May 19, 2014, 17:47 #51689

    Well said Ron 54814 we need to up our game with some good signings but I have more pressing thoughts on how Joe Baker's old team are going to avoid the drop fingers crossed but how they need Joe now as they can't buy a goal for love nor money.

  118. Howard Lamb

    May 19, 2014, 17:46 #51688

    Hello party poopers! Mike Collins started this thread by saying I was being overoptimistic in expecting the feelgood factor to last more than a week. It seems as if he also was being a trifle overoptimistic - by about 6 days! This whole thread reminds me of the TV roving commentators who grab managers of giant-killing teams as they leave the pitch to ask them who they fancy in the next round. I too think the cup has been devalued - primarily by Man Utd not entering as holders - but Saturday's game - and Sunday's media and FAN response to the way Arsenal did it will make a lot of top clubs rethink their attitude to the FA Cup. Let's all agree there are lots of things that need doing to improve our team but, for a few days at least, why not try to relax and enjoy the feeling of having won the FA Cup. Remember, but for an accident of birth we could all have spent our lives supporting Bristol Rovers. Conference Premier anyone?

  119. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 19, 2014, 17:35 #51687

    Yes Howard a real trophy at last and something to celebrate at last, and it looks better doesn't it and certainly feels better i know which one i'd rather have. It looked to be a great day with fans not only the ones there but all over the world enjoying themselves, i'd rather have the amount in my pocket/bank account rather than the bill for the booze consumed by all gooners since Saturday i'll tell you that. It's good to hear the manager and players have suddenly realised what they have achieved, it's not before time, it's all the fans ever wanted but as you say lets hope they don't suddenly forget especially the manager now he's staying, it wouldn't be the first time, and what he's coming out with already doesn't give much encouragement none of us want another nine years ( well two or three anyway) before we feel and see a real trophy again.

  120. Ron

    May 19, 2014, 17:06 #51686

    Afternoon guys. Good to win a trophy again. Good to come back from what would have been certain 'death' v more accomplished teams than Hull. If nothing else the silly 'no trophies in 9 years' media mantra should be now be silenced and the Club allowed to breathe again. Breathing allows decisions to be made in a less stressful and anxious manner. Those decisions now need to be made quickly. At least 4 possibly 5 decisions are needed that ought ideally result in 4 purchases of a GK, RB, a dominating type CM and a top class forward (or maybe even 2, (though Sanogo really gave it a go didn't he). Good to see the outpouring of relief by players, AW and fans alike on Saturday. Its the next 2 or 3 months now though that matter. Well done players and Arsene but many Clubs have spoken of 'springboards' down the years after FAC wins to no avail. To declare as much has be accompanied by genuine efforts to make it a springboard, it doesn't just happen, so c'mon Mr Wenger, lets see if that lucrative contract has re invigorated your sense of direction please.

  121. Danny

    May 19, 2014, 16:55 #51685

    Good win and great to see Cup monkey off the back. Now to get back to reality. Wenger is a busted flush and needs to ride off in the retirement home Do the AKB's really want this clueless dude to continue on a 3yr 24million contract and see the same. Yesterday the defense was a disgrace, where was the Energy We were paying Hull for Christ sake We need a new coach in NOW, bring in SIMEONE and a striker

  122. jjetplane

    May 19, 2014, 16:47 #51684

    Westie you have finally lost it slagging off Frank and yet there is no suprise in it. You don't appear to have enjoyed the FAC victory that much and you are back on a default of siege mentality against 'the hordes at the doors of the Emirates' Much like your master who has now been rewarded with 24m over 3 years for winning something through luck of the draws. He could not help but win it once Citeh had thrown the cup at Arsenal to concentrate on the league (sounds familiar) and only just beat a 4 man Hull side to get there. I am buzzing we have a trophy - probably more for all those Islington kids who know of trophies only through stories told to them and for some of them they will never even get to the Emirates because their places are taken by a more privileged and disinterested type. Why I brought Ozil into this I don't know ..... One question - how many postmen can you get for 100m?

  123. KC

    May 19, 2014, 16:45 #51683

    If Wenger carries on the frugal approach to the transfer market what is the point of a ground move and a business plan to attract major income its a complete contradiction. We have income it must be spent on quality if he fails again to do so there can be no defence at all unless he wins the title. If we are not going to win the major trophies so be it but don't lose the war when you have not used all your weapons. I really hope he changes but will not hold my breath, just fail to understand anyone not using all at their disposal to make you as competitive as possible. We have made a break through now is the time drive on!

  124. Westlower

    May 19, 2014, 16:43 #51682

    @Jeff, I'm not trying to belittle one of my hero's, merely pointing out it's a different game managing to offering opinions without the fear of redress. @Bard, Too early to hammer AW re transfers, let's see what develops.

  125. Bard

    May 19, 2014, 16:04 #51681

    Westie tough start !That sounds like doubt to me or realism if you prefer it. If he buys the players we need then it will give us a fighting chance. However if he's going to try and do it on the cheap or not at all then we will struggle to mount a decent challenge. Shall we run a book on the date of his first Sanogo is the real deal pronouncement. I would venture it will be a couple of days after the transfer window closes when everyone is questioning why we didn't push the boat out to buy a top class striker.

  126. jeff wright

    May 19, 2014, 15:54 #51679

    Westie, Wenger was a mediocre footballer but has had success at managerial level,albeit getting the boot from Monaco. It appears that winning the cup did play a part in Wenger's future judging from his demeanour and post final comments ,despite what he had claimed. Just as well then he was not judging himself on winning the Prem as a benchmark for staying or going! Although ex-pro's like Roy Keane ,Frank McLintock have not cut it at management level they, and others such as TA, and even the ginger dwarf at United,are qualified to question Wenger's tactics in away games that prove so costly,as they did early doors against Wigan at Wembley and again on Saturday v Bruce's dullards Hull but still managed by exploiting Wenger's daft zonal marking on set pieces to score two goals,and it was nearly three ! Now come on Westie Frank one of our best ever CB's is surely entitled to point out that Wenger's away tactics are ****e,and to add that Wenger though,being Wenger, a stubborn fool (I added the fool bit) is unlikely to change his ways . He only does so in cup ties where,unlike the league,there are different circumstances at work ,and only then when goals down and in desperation. Our defending was poor throughout the cup final and these added drama to the event. In reality we should easily have beaten Hull - who were missing their two strikers that left them as being toothless tigers, those players could have posed a threat with their pace. Bruce had to rely on scoring from set pieces. Even he must have been surprised to see how easily his modest side went 2 goals up doing that.No,Westie, Frank was right to point out Wenger's deficiencies at defending in away games,and you are out of order criticising and trying to belittle him, for doing so.

  127. Westlower

    May 19, 2014, 15:52 #51678

    Let's not kid ourselves, the start to next season will be difficult. The Charity Shield game against Man City, followed swiftly by CL qualifying round. Players, including new signings, returning from World Cup, Theo not available in the early weeks. For all that, there's no point approaching the season is pessimistic mood. The players not involved in the World Cup will be vital to us making a good start.

  128. Bard

    May 19, 2014, 15:32 #51677

    Shame on you Bob for daring to suggest that the brilliance of Saturdays win won't trouble the bigger teams. It's blindingly obvious that your suggested recruitment programme is the very minimum needed to compete next year. Will it happen ? Over to the AKB's to answer that question. I have my own thoughts but I will leave that for another time.

  129. Westlower

    May 19, 2014, 15:24 #51675

    @Jeff, As magnificent a footballer was for Leicester & AFC Frank McLintock was found out at managerial level. In one dire spell as manager of Leicester City he managed only 1 win from 26 games. Apparently, everyone and their dog know more than AW about football.

  130. jeff wright

    May 19, 2014, 14:41 #51672

    Well said Bob, a far more realistic appraisal of what is required than Westie type,let's just get behind Arsene because after 9 years he has managed to win the FAC . Unfortunately Wenger will not do any of the things that so many,such as Frank McLintock and others suggest that he needs to do. It will just be carry on regardless.Arsene knows best .(Yawn)

  131. Tony Evans

    May 19, 2014, 14:37 #51671

    Up for Grabs - I agree, definitely odd for VM to be lifting the trophy, but as you say it doesn't really matter.

  132. Tom O'B

    May 19, 2014, 14:36 #51670

    Btw, any takers on who the team to knock us out of the last 16 in the CL next season? Ooops, swipe that reality check away!!

  133. Its up for grabs now

    May 19, 2014, 14:03 #51666

    At last something to cheer about and long overdue. Am I the only one who was somewhat bemused by watching our club captain lift the actual trophy despite not playing a single second in the game? Vermaelen has become a peripheral figure these last couple of season that it remains surprising that he has retained the club captaincy in the first place. I know that Wenger holds little regard as to who is captain and maybe I am just a traditionalist. To me it felt a bit like a John Terry moment and felt the captain on the day should have lifted it, perhaps in conjunction with Vermaelen? I realize it’s a minor point and frankly who cares who lifted it as long as we did, but somehow it didn't sit right with me.

  134. Croker

    May 19, 2014, 14:03 #51665

    Can't beat that winning feeling. Great to have it back. Good article Howard - thanks.

  135. Marco G

    May 19, 2014, 13:14 #51662


  136. Bob

    May 19, 2014, 12:36 #51658

    I am really pleased we won the cup. Although blessed with home draws throughout, we beat three teams from the upper echelons of the premiership, until the draw for the latter stages of the competition opened up so invitingly with Wigan's defeat of Man City. There were glimpses of the reslilience for which we were once so renowned in the semi-final and final. In the grander scheme of things, this is not a squad to challenge for the title. With Sanga's departure we need a top quality right back. We desparately need a commanding ball-winner in midfield. We need at least two top-drawer strikers. Giroud is not quite good enough, nor can he be expected to play as regularly fit throughout another season. We need more depth in other areas of the squad, notably centre back and possibly now goalkeeper. I wish Wenger had taken the opportunity to leave now, having won one final piece of silverware which I admit I didn't think would happen. We need someone new to provide impetus and a desire to do whatever is necessary to make us a real force in the modern era of football.

  137. Erik Chin

    May 19, 2014, 11:18 #51656

    Well said about the feel-good factor. I was at the parade too. I have not seen so many smiles in one town ever. Gone emotional for a bit after reading this.

  138. Tony Evans

    May 19, 2014, 10:59 #51655

    It was great to see thousands of happy fans out in force on Sunday letting out all the roller coaster of emotions that were endured watching the final. It's a funny old business being a football fan because the vast majority of the final was absolute torture but the sheer joy at the end of it was worth every second.

  139. 65red

    May 19, 2014, 10:39 #51653

    Brilliant piece - After the most physically and emotionally draining day on Saturday I spent Sunday in a very sunny Upper Street Islington. Great to see so many young children with their parents. Children that have probably never been to a game before. Their parents doing what their parents had done before. Makes you realise that Arsenal is a "proper" football club with tradition and values. These children - as I was - will be the fans of tomorrow. Yes - money and excess can "buy" you trophies but it will never make you a proper football club. Arsenal Football Club is very special - so much more than just winning trophies.

  140. Unchives

    May 19, 2014, 10:27 #51651

    Great season in the end. I'm sure Liverpool & Chelsea would swap with us now. Lets hope this drives the players on for more. Enjoy your summer everyone!

  141. Mike Collins

    May 19, 2014, 10:09 #51650

    Great report but I'm expecting the feel-good factor to last until the end of the week. The whingers are a lot more frequent than London buses and I'm sure I hear the sound of grinding axes... C'mon Arsenal!