There REALLY is only one Dennis Bergkamp

A bit of reminisence to kick off the quiet season

There REALLY is only one Dennis Bergkamp

Available from Goonershirts

When Arsenal fans used to sing the Dutchman’s name from the Highbury terraces I wonder if we realised how lucky we were back in the 90s and Noughties to be watching footballing royalty. Football was his theatre and Bergkamp created the plot.

You used to watch every game in expectation that at some point during the 90 minutes Bergkamp would make his mark by threading a through ball onto an onrushing player. The pass - so precise. He would excite you in a way few others ever had done. For me, there was and will only ever be One Dennis Bergkamp.

Think of the goal against Newcastle where, back to goal, he controlled the ball by flicking it one way round defender Nicos Dabizas; collecting the ball as he went the other way and elegantly side footed past the hapless keeper.

Then there was his unforgettable hat-trick against Leicester at Filbert Street. If he’d scored three with just one of those goals being of Bergkamp quality we’d still have been waxing lyrical; but to produce three goals of such sublime excellence was frankly mesmeric. To put it bluntly, there were no words. The word genius is used far too often these days to refer to mediocre players but for Bergkamp you’d need a whole new dictionary to describe his greatness.

Away from Highbury, he took Holland to the semi-finals in World Cup 1998 when his magic shone through in the final moments to score that beautiful goal against a tough Argentine side.

Without players of his ilk at Arsenal, or anywhere else for that matter, football could be boring. With the non-flying Dutchman you’d never know which way the ball was going to go; for rarely would he telegraph a pass. You could sense the anticipation with Bergkamp on the ball; expect the unexpected. Who knows what could have been should Bergkamp have been more Canadian goose than emperor penguin when it came to the prospect of aviation? I would expect that Arsene Wenger’s burning desperation for a Champions League trophy would have been tempered a long time ago.

And so, when I look back now with a smile at how he made me shiver with excitement, I do so with a touch of sadness as I wonder whether there really only ever will be One Dennis Bergkamp.

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  1. Ron

    May 28, 2014, 12:15 #52057

    BADARSE - i believe that the extremities on the left and right are actually two peas in the same pod. Same end game, different methods of getting there.Both seek absolute power for the sake of having it, both as odious, both a intellectually bankrupt and both as sinister and self serving. Their 'attraction' is that those who are less able to see behind them can find clarity in their falsely simplistic philosophies.

  2. Ozzie

    May 28, 2014, 9:11 #52049



    May 28, 2014, 7:22 #52045

    Hello Ozzie. I laugh my way through life, as a few do. I prefer the sharp, witty, satirical, acerbic humour, like John Lennon and... Finsbury Joe. This ability is reasonably unique but stretches across the British Isles. Being baptised by the Goons gave us a head start. Understand them at anytime and you are immediately on a par. The hilarity of religionists and those who try to concoct an afterlife is there for all to see if the blinkers are removed, it's man-made, (and you can't blame this one on women Ron)-the whole of existence is a joke, and we all walk towards oblivion. To bestow a death sentence on every beautiful little baby born, and before they even leave the womb is pretty awesome in itself. Gibberish? I like to get my points across in a variety of ways, and like all clowns crave the laughter some ways bring-I know it annoys and irritates some, but that too is quite funny, without wishing to be too unkind to people. My friend Professor Stanley Unwin can explain this better, 'Welly my downunderside chappie Ozzwald, the pointyhat is thus, truthly is weedle all needle in the laughmodes, hee hee ha ha ho ho, and it bringy deep joy whenevery those nerving endless are tickled. The globular spinsy around and day is nightime everywhile, and chuckly helps to soothy the painful. Trial getting a slice me olden chumly, see the earthenware takesen a differential pickysnap, and weedle all on us laughy togetting with the belly hurty and the eyeleaks down the facial. Rejoicing my underdown matelike, rememble, 'We wonder the cuppa, and goodly olden Arthursenal'. So from measle it's over and outtakes.Have a nice day chum.

  4. Ozzie

    May 28, 2014, 4:37 #52044

    Badarse, my comment wasn't meant to be personal. I simply couldn't make out the difference in some of your posts going from lucid/amusing/intelligent to seemingly unintelligible. perhaps I have missed the quantum leap in English humour? take care.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 27, 2014, 21:58 #52042

    R/K, didn't you know every time OGL does that the sun shines.


    May 27, 2014, 20:10 #52041

    That was funny radfordkennedy. Mind you, being the only person smuggling OAPs out of the country is funny in itself. Enjoy your evening buddy...'We won the cup!'

  7. radfordkennedy

    May 27, 2014, 19:38 #52040

    Badarse..Ron...sorry late in replying I loved both of your schoolboy tales fellas,is there anything funnier than trying not to laugh,i nearly got away with it today I managed to deliver a detailed and sombre talk at the gates of Bayeux cemetery then one of the party said to me 'do me a favour guvnor don't drive over any bumps on the way to the beach'it proved too much for me I can tell you


    May 27, 2014, 17:43 #52039

    Ron I've never been or ever would be right wing, however I accept other's political positions, even though I know them to be wrong, (he he), I also respect them, providing they don't overstep the mark. Why I was even prepared to recognise that Theo has something he brings to the AFC team table! A person can hold right wing views but still show consideration and extend courtesies to others with opposing outlooks. In general the Germans conduct themselves in a more dignified manner, at least the generals do, the rebel rousers, and neo-nazis are just foot soldiers. Conducting a capitalist strategy can be respectful and reasonable-I think AFC do this. They slip sometimes and need putting back in their place, but in general they play the game with the cards they hold. I find much unpalatable but then I do with Asda. Get down off that AFC team table Rocky RIP!

  9. Ron

    May 27, 2014, 17:08 #52037

    BADARSE - Yes, Ger is a bit unique in the way it is politically, perhaps as a beneficial over run from the last War? Its certainly why theyve bucked the recession more or less isn't it. Very good at economic idea's when the need is at its most acute are the Germans and they make them happen, rather than just talking about them like this rabble of half baked excuses for politicians we ve had here for 60 years or so. The old far right still hides away there but they seem to know their place and are happy to make the odd bizarre rant (or two) every so often and then crawl back under their stone.


    May 27, 2014, 14:24 #52035

    Ron 'the fascists always running the show' is one of the most apt statements I've seen on these pages, well said! Ironically one notable country as an exception is Germany. I remember our tri-cornered chat the other day with westlower and our Germanic connections. Enjoyed that chat chum.

  11. Ron

    May 27, 2014, 14:12 #52034

    BADARSE - If it helps, i hadnt read any of the 'previous' with Ozzie and your good self, just picked up on his very apt 'media robots' point and commented. I hear many speak of football in particular and its like listening to them slavishly aping some SKY drivel they've heard. I'm sure its why there's so much antipathy amongst fans to each others team? It certainly has made my interest in the game ebb away, that's for sure, though ive much better things to do with my time these days admittedly so i cant blame media and its spin off effects entirely. Yes, the fascists run the show but they always did. It was just masked by semi credible opposition at one time a day much more effectively. Is there any opposition of note now? I cant see any.


    May 27, 2014, 14:00 #52033

    Hi Ron don't know about the female more bacteria thing, it sounds a little misogynistic to me. I know they have a shorter urethra which means they can become infected more frequently, but more bacteria is a new one, perhaps it's the company you keep? ha ha. Your story was funny. Every school had a rumour of a teacher being in love with another, probably not rumours. The situation you describe is wonderful, but always sad that the denouement was punishment. A world that tries to tread on flowers, eh? By the way I was both confused by Ozzie, even more by your reaction to his view. He was both critical of me having a laugh, and at the same time complaining that there isn't enough laughter, bizarre. Incidentally I am all for wresting some power from the establishment, but the fascists are rampant in Europe at the moment, so it is cutting both ways.

  13. Ron

    May 27, 2014, 12:58 #52029

    R/K - that's funny! Throw her a lighter and see if she can do the 'flame thrower' trick mate. An old college buddy of mine circa 1971/2 could blast em out like a CO - OP horse, his lighter underneath him and he was like a human jet engine. Get her to try it, better than dying a slow death by methane poisoning!Must be evil in that wagon. You know that women have many times the tummy bacteria than men don't you, hence the damn awful reek you must be guzzling down you. BADARSE - that music session you mention takes me back. We used to have a very drunken music teacher who took assembly every Friday morning. Him and his ass't on the piano (who by common belief he was banging at the time). He d have us gustily singing hymns as he heavily thumped a foot on the school hall floor boards (he d walk amongst us to check who wasn't singing and drag us out of line for a thrashing if we didnt!). One day, a lad started to mimic him and bit by bit another, than another and another until our entire year were foot stomping like soldiers. The racket resonated up to the head s office as the music teacher started to scream and bellow hysterically raging ,manically for the culprit to be exposed.Brilliant! Needless to say, the head arrived and a dozen of us were unilaterally dragged out for a welcome thrashing. No more evangelistic sessions occurred. Great memories.


    May 27, 2014, 12:16 #52027

    Ha ha radfordkennedy, that is so typical, and very funny because of it. I would like you to take a few snaps of the tapestry for me because Ron needs challenging, and I have big ideas for his sewing class. The long thin-necked milk bottle with the metal lid, ha ha good old sterilised milk, yuk! The description of farting like a racehorse shows you've been influenced by westlower buddy. I love it when something is so funny and your amusement has to be disguised, or surpressed-like biting the clipboard-it is the greatest of feelings. I still think back to being at school. My pal and I were 12 years old little sods. It was a very good school, with archaic and pompous school rules but in the music lesson this morning we were all standing and singing this daft song with the master at the Joanna. My pal had started this trend in assembly a week before where you dipped your head and made silly groaning singing sounds whilst singing a hymn. I am begin to crack up just thinking of it. We got others to join in and assembly was hilarious on a couple of occasions. Anyway in a small room it wasn't wise to try to repeat the feat but we did. Suddenly the master stopped playing and leapt to his feet. He came and walked the line peering into each boys face. My friend and I bit our lips-really hard. I could see my pal colouring up and suddenly the dam burst, he spluttered out his laughter which pushed me over the edge. We both almost fell down laughing. We went into a kind of laughing meltdown even though he was going purple with anger we couldn't stop. We suffered later of course, but that joy has just been repeated here at my laptop. Getting your place at the breakfast bar ready chum. Keep safe.

  15. Ozzie

    May 27, 2014, 12:09 #52026

    G'day Ron, thanks for the positive words. Yes there are a few of us left - like stars in the night - spaced out but plentiful. Intelligence will prevail. Up the Gooners!

  16. radfordkennedy

    May 27, 2014, 11:44 #52025

    Afternoon westie..badarse enjoyed your discussion on tastebuds because I'd like to know what happened to Brown Sauce? When I was a kid you could clean old pennies in it but it has no bite to it me a couple of weetabix at breakfast club but please badarse promise me there will be none of that dreadfull milk from my childhood the stuff that came in a long neck bottle with a crown top on it....on the subject of a british sense of humour I've got to tell you this because its happening right now,I'm at the front of a mini bus with a party of 12 enroute to bayeux and one of our party a middle aged lady has a terryfying habit of passing wind whenever she coughs,now it wouldn't be so bad if she was letting go with the old butlers revenge but whenever she coughs it sounds like I've got Kenny Ball sitting behind me!!,but here's the very british thing about it if she'd lit up a fag 11 people would have told her to put it out,but when it comes to farting like a racehorse nothing not a word,the driver is currently eating the collar of his fleece trying not to laugh and I'm chewing the clipboard doing the same funny old world!!

  17. Ron

    May 26, 2014, 15:34 #52016

    Ozzie - There's a lot in what you say there. Keep fighting it though mate, there's quite a few of us left who haven't succumbed to TV, radio and general media saturation and media shaped views of the World. Keep the faith! The dumbed down World can be beaten and will be in time. More and more people are waking up, I'm sure of it. The last 6 years of recession has brought about much more realism in society in my opinion. Its the one positive to have been drawn from the many negatives of economic decline and it militates against 'the establishment' too, so its got to be good.

  18. Ozzie

    May 26, 2014, 12:54 #52011

    Badarse, I don't see too many people with the ability to laugh at themselves anymore. We live in a paranoid and defensive world of media saturated robots who have had the soul sucked out of them. Perhaps I shall join the blabbering idiots brigade and set up a new channel here in Oz?


    May 26, 2014, 9:26 #52007

    Ha ha, morning 24601, did julesd get a cuppa in bed today, or did you strike out again? Have the Mods and Rockers prog on record, it will be very interesting. Spike came to a book signing about 20 miles away and my wife secretly did a round trip for a birthday present a few years ago for me, then queued for ages, a labour of love and a prized possession. Another is when I went to see Tony Benn just before Xmas and bought a book, 'Letters to my Grandchildren'. I was the last to ask a question in the hall, and first in the book-signing queue. I asked him to inscribe the book to my three grandchildren, and just held his hand throughout my impromptu interview and hogged the privilege for a number of minutes. My wife captured the moment on film. I can remember as a tiddler, roaming the bombed debris' in London with the 'Ying Tong' song constantly playing in my head-I knew this was the way I wanted to go in, I've been wandering lost ever since. Charlie's fourteenth birthday today, and are busy with work so a bouncing around type day. Now that brings me to Tigger. I never got involved with Winnie the Pooh, so didn't introduce it to my Kids. Sad how our own limitations influence the young. Well fortunately my wife had read them, she too is an avid reader so we have influenced each other over the years. I am fussy in authors' styles and reluctantly picked up a 'Pooh' book. The writing is excellent and I consumed much about A.A.Milne. I have read the 'Tao of Pooh', which is a philosophical assessment of the books, such a wonderful guidance. So bouncing like Tigger is a very good thing, unless you are trying to eat soup. I see Bard as the Tigger of this site, when he gets grumpy and upset he goes to the small back room and bounces for a few minutes, he believes it jiggles up his grey matter and makes him more pleasant-we are not so sure. I say this with confidence as he failed the audition as a clown for my travelling circus. He refused to make his bow-tie go around, and wouldn't let us squirt him with water, he also insisted on singing, 'Hello, Goodbye' all the time. A bit of info, Milne's son was named Christopher Robin, hence the Pooh character, and as a more obscure link, Robin, Kermit's nephew in the Muppets is based on Milne's naming. He was called Robin and sang a song, 'Halfway Down The Stairs', based on Milne's poem 'Halfway Up The Stairs'. Spiel over!

  20. Westlower

    May 26, 2014, 8:55 #52006

    Good morning Bluebottle & Eccles, Is it true Arsene is related to that French aristocrat Moriarty? Sapristi Nabolis! "Is that you Min?" "Henrryyyy, we'll all be murdered in our beds." Who says the English don't have a sense of humour?


    May 26, 2014, 7:28 #52005

    Oh, and Ozzie, be careful Uncle Toby doesn't catch you pilfering his oats-still I would be happy to give you some of mine chum. How do you eat them? We in England have mastered the technique of fire so we cook them, (the ability to cook our food was the catalyst for the dramatic increase in brain size of homo sapiens, we no longer required huge resources of personal energy to break down raw and tough food, the cooking did that for us and all that extra energy went towards brain development), so there is hope for you lot, ha ha, only kidding! Enjoy your day buddy.


    May 26, 2014, 7:05 #52004

    Open invite Ozzie, I am always prepared to bury my differences-not all of them have to be six feet deep either. If any of my humour fails, and it can be a bit obscure at times it's true, (humour is a very personal thing-like bunions), then you have to accept that the English really is the nation which begets all -it is the overlord of joking and being so wide-ranging other nations have to run to try to keep up. They don't manage it usually, so Australians are in good company...with the rest of the world! I have had much experience with different nationalities' senses of humour and oddly found the Poles to be closest to the English-they have the constant ability to laugh at themselves like us-or at least some of us, a few take things too seriously. Anyway you have to blame my development on the Goons, which has spawned much, notably Monty Python. Just thinking in speed rotation my mind is swamped by so many funny people-a few on this site too are hilarious. Adam Hills is a very funny man-do you like him? Anyway it has given me an idea. I shall be arranging comedy prompt lessons during the close season with the hope that as our transfer policy draws to a conclusion most Gooners will be able to laugh, albeit maniacally. You can practise in advance of the first lesson, in fact we all can. So, position shaving mirror in front of face, purse lips whilst holding a thought in your head, like, 'I'm glad I'm not a watermelon!', then slowly curl upper lip. Now wrinkle nose, open mouth wide-no wider than that, stretch a smile from ear to ear and try saying, 'Who's a pretty boy, then?' This should be followed by three 'Hail Bergkamps'. Fade out with us two linking arms and...'Ying Tong, Ying Tong, Ying Tong, Ying Tong, Ying Tong, iddle I po...'

  23. Ozzie

    May 26, 2014, 6:28 #52003

    Badarse, if you are an example of what has happened to the once great English sense of humour then no wonder England is full of dullness & psychosis:-) Anyway, thanks for the invite, I prefer Uncle Toby's oats myself.


    May 25, 2014, 17:37 #52002

    Hi maguiresbridge. The essence of your story is the problem I think. No one should be tarred with the same brush but a pattern emerges, and you ignore it at your peril. As stated before, it's what our survival instincts are based on. Recognising certain behavioural practises, their level of acceptance, the conditions-whether right for them to be repeated and how frequently. It is socially acceptable in this country to behave accordingly, so it happens perhaps more often than it should. Good you think this way, I now believe your story of your indiscretions at the OnlineGooner BBQ. It now becomes apparent that you must really have thought that litre of vodka, in a vodka bottle, seal unbroken, was just hot and spicy water. I am sure you running amuck in the neighbours garden will also be forgiven in due course. As us nutty protestors say, 'Power to the Peanut!'

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 25, 2014, 17:02 #52001

    Although Chamberlain and Jenkinson seem to have their head screwed on Wilshire is another one of these English players who think they've arrived and has been thinking that for a while when it's very clear he hasn't, he has a long way to go and a lot of work to do yet. Although trivial enough the song he tried to get going about the spuds at the celebrations and sky having to apologise for him said it all, we didn't hear any foreigners using inappropriate language. I remember a story the old spiv told when he was at Portsmouth i think it was, they were staying in a hotel before a game and there was another English team staying there as well and he walked into the bar area and a crowd of players from both teams were congregated round the bar supping away, all English British players not a foreigner in sight.


    May 25, 2014, 16:29 #52000

    Ta for the tip 24601, will record that for sure. A '99' in one hand, pack of No.6 in back pocket, and ready for the world, to change it or at least make a statement of intent. Sadly the world knew we were coming, lay in wait, and ambushed us all.Due to the interest shown in recent posts I shall be holding a 'cereal Breakfast Morning', at WENGER OUT's place, next Monday morning. Bring your own favourite variety pack and be seated at the breakfast bar by no later than 8.30am. There will be full fat, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk in abundance. Pasteurised will be in limited supply, evaporated for any war babies, and condensed for any sweet and sickly anti-Arsene types. Pure cane, Demerara and plain white sugar supplied, and for jeff wright I shall have some of westlower's sugar lumps available. Dress code casual, but no gaping pyjama bottoms please gentlemen, leave hot water bottles beside the hat stand in a tidy fashion. If anyone wanders into the playroom please be careful of WENGER OUT's train set on the floor, and whatever you do please never refer to him as 'the Fat Controller'. If you want seconds form an orderly queue by the bread bin. Happy munching my little puffed wheats; invite extends to you too Ozzie, and yes you can bring your comfort blanket if you must, providing it is a pure Witney blanket, only the best allowed I'm afraid.

  27. Westlower

    May 25, 2014, 16:08 #51999

    @Badarse: Don't miss. Tomorrow, BBC Four, 9.00pm; Timeshift: Mods, Rockers and Bank Holiday Mayhem. We may not be dead but we sure did know how to live! Lazy Sunday Afternoon.....


    May 25, 2014, 15:52 #51998

    Yeah 24601, we couldn't even do that right, could we?

  29. Westlower

    May 25, 2014, 15:46 #51997

    @Frosty Tony, We used to think just like you: "Hope I die before I get old."


    May 25, 2014, 15:42 #51996

    Tony Frostie, my little dangerously emulsified, sugar enhanced piece of corn, you will, count on it!

  31. Frostie Tony

    May 25, 2014, 15:18 #51995

    I hope I never grow as old as this lot.


    May 25, 2014, 15:10 #51994

    Afternoon 24601, how coincidental life can be. Some experiences can run parallel. A lifetime ago I worked for a food company in West London, J.Lyons, as a warehouse and transport manager. Sadly, I never attained a position to influence our CEO, or for that matter forktruck drivers. We had Ready Brek amongst our group of companies on the site which was a serial cereal, (never could ever in my life see a need to type that in a sentence). I remember the guys up to their ankles in it when there was a production problem-which seemed a regular occurrence. It reminds me of Spike, 'Eccles, why are you carrying around a bootful of porridge?' 'I always carry one around on a Monday.' 'But today's Tuesday.' 'Oh, I do feel a fool!' Nice stories of footballer links. I had Alan Gilzean ring me up when he worked as a freight manager. He was touting for business-but never got any from me, so that is the yang from me, to your ying I guess. Interesting little tidbits.

  33. Westlower

    May 25, 2014, 10:33 #51991

    @Badarse, I worked for a breakfast cereal company that is 50% owned by Nestle & 50% by General Mills of USA, although the Nestle logo is used on products outside of the states. For more info read the small print on the box. If you work in the food industry long enough there is a fair chance that one day you will end up under the Nestle umbrella. I once got to meet Brian Clough as he was used to promote Shredded Wheat. He wrote on my Arsenal v Forest programme, 'Bad luck, Brian.' Kevin Keegan, Ian Botham were also used. Glenn Hoddle was dropped after a bit of scandal concerning his love life became public. I begged our CEO to use Ian Wright but unfortunately Glenn Hoddle had a better 'family profile' except he was sh***ing someone else at the time. It's a funny ole world Saint!


    May 25, 2014, 9:44 #51990

    Yes 24601, I know what you say to be true regarding tastebuds and the sameness of the product. I have reduced my sugar intake over the years, starting from my early twenties. Avoiding certain foods by enjoying alternatives has left me tasting an 'old' food and being disappointed. As much due to changing taste buds as on occasions the adulteration of some products. I am sure you would have qualified as amongst the most honourable of the Nestle employees, we are all often just foot-soldiers.


    May 25, 2014, 9:02 #51988

    julesd, I overlooked the last part of your post regarding Freddie. Yes Bergy helped to make his career, certainly he brought him to a different and higher level without any question. I still remember with absolute joy those carpet-slippered, round the corner delicate passes for Freddie. He was adept at feeding off them. Telepathic connections almost. Back to goal, ball delivered to feet, which way would he go? Would he go at all? Might he move away from goal? No, he caressed a perfectly-weighted reverse pass, and there was Freddie, zooming in on goal, bringing his own wonderfully balanced sense of skill and artistry, to chip, side-foot, or stroke past the keeper. Ah, those red and white memories.

  36. Westlower

    May 25, 2014, 9:00 #51987

    @Badarse, As an ex Nestle employee (originally Nabisco) I can tell you that your Shreddies are no different from when you were a kid, unless you picked up the frosted with sugar version. Like all us old farts your taste buds have aged as we become bitter & twisted with time.


    May 25, 2014, 8:23 #51985

    And good morning to you too 24601, my dear little honey monster. As a an aside, I liked Shreddies as a youngster-sans sucre, naturally. I ate on odd occasions the generic packs of the same cereal-wouldn't buy Nestle products you see. We picked up a box by mistake one day a while back and they had changed! Much too sweet, sweeter seemingly than the generic brands. I stick to porridge nowadays, and as I get older it sticks to me-or at least my jumper! I can only once more echo the thoughts of you and Ron regarding Germans. Have also had many dealings with them across the years, and have connections with some in the Bremen area. So shall raise a stein or two to you and julesd on that one. These lederhosen are a bit itchy though so perhaps I am overdoing the Germanic love-in just a tad. Both Rocky RIP and I wear them on our table-top dance evenings.

  38. Westlower

    May 25, 2014, 8:09 #51984

    @Ron, I share your good experiences of Germany & it's friendly people. Worked there on a few occasions, mainly in the Bremen & Stuttgart areas. I found Bavarian's to be a bit more hostile & they make it known they are not Germans but very proud to be Bavarian's. Whenever AFC played at home in European competitions we got in the habit of swapping our AFC scarves with the opposition. The only time we were refused was by a young couple supporting Borussia Mochengladbach, who we met in Planet Hollywood earlier in the day. "Never" came the stern Germanic reply. Our gesture probably got lost in translation? So I thought of giving them a quick rendition of 'Two world wars & one world cup, but I bit my tongue in time. Imagine the paper headlines next day 'World War 3 kicks off in Leicester Square.' Watching the arrogant Stephan Effenberg play that evening was a privilege, his skills were on a par with DB. @Badarse, Good morning my little Bitesize shredding of ze wheat!

  39. Edmund

    May 25, 2014, 7:13 #51983

    Rocky,thanks for the reference to the youtube compilation on Berkamp. Just watched it. Simply brilliant. That's Arsenal football at its best. They seem to be trying it at Liverpool and Man City. If only we can see it revived at the Emirates.


    May 25, 2014, 6:55 #51982

    Morning julesd, a later good morning to him still in snoozeland. Charlie's team was a specific tournament from within his club, which we thought may be his undoing as he has a few problems that I have touched on before. It was from mixed ages of entire squads making ten 5 a side teams, selected on the day. His team lost 0-1, 2-3, 0-1, and won 2-1. He scored a cracking goal in the solitary victory, but was 'angry' throughout with the shortcomings of his teammates-we knew had he not randomly found himself in a strong side that it would go this way. One other player of his comparable standard and they perhaps would have won the tournie. Having experience with Charlie helps in dealing with some on this website, a few display similar traits, perhaps they suffer in the same way. Any with this condition would largely pass unnoticed in days gone by, nowadays with societies demands and expectations it shows more often, and usually understood as bad behaviour rather than a kind of crossed-wire in the brain. This article seemingly written by a woman is nice-I wish there were more females contributing, then you would have more company in your knitting group, that would please Ron. I still think he marshalls it well though, with his little impromptu suggestions of hair products and underarm deodorants-invaluable! Think of all the little chats about which washing powder gets your whites whiter, with those new members; then you can leave all the important stuff to be discussed by the men. How on earth did they ever sell that one? Whites whiter! Mind you as the years have gone by I've got redder, ha ha. Aaron did get us across the line-didn't the lad?

  41. julesd

    May 25, 2014, 5:40 #51981

    Badarse - you didn't say how the tournament went, hope Charlie had a good time. Much like we used to have watching DB play, he certainly made a great career at Arsenal for Freddie Lundberg.

  42. Ozzie

    May 25, 2014, 3:37 #51980

    Badarse, you certainly wouldn't pass as an Australian - we don't talk such garbled crap!


    May 24, 2014, 22:45 #51979

    Ik gettin' den de ballclogs, Und it's op und on de kneecup, bongo on de kopf, shimmy, shammy, rund de korny, woops, twisty turn up. Udder fistballer fallin' on der arsen all feinty finelines. Schteppin' ober ballclogs ungen, nudder flatballeR turny wrong wayside und Ik am maken im der magik, und de keine Goonerisch gunning in der ecstatic. Op de Arseenal, good old gouda!


    May 24, 2014, 21:57 #51978

    So right DW Thomas. I remember reading some of Dennis' words. He said he sees the move and it's possibilities in his head, as he begins to orchestrate the operation and movement. His manoeuvring of his body and his moving of the ball-all are a part of what he seems to visualise is likely to occur. I think we all do this-the brain is a remarkable organ of course-but at our pace. His brain, like all top sportsmen and women, just does it so much faster. He was a maestro, and what's more, he was our maestro.

  45. DW Thomas

    May 24, 2014, 21:48 #51977

    Check out his book. A great read. A fantastic talent and good man. Was hoping Fabregas would take his reins, but not to be. His Newcastle goal, on purpose or not,was simply brilliant. He truly loved/s the game and its perfection. Love to see him back at Arsenal. Shame he never won the CL. His passing vision and touch combined with Henry's speed and skill were mesmerizing. Like no others before or after. They were at times simply unplayable.


    May 24, 2014, 21:27 #51976

    Good evening my little chipolatas-firm, tasty but oh so small. This is a slice of Online Gooner, perhaps even of discourse in life, shown in microcosm. Just to remind you, and perhaps raise a smile, here is a resume. We have a very nice article on DB10. A post, clearly a bit xenophobic(?), offers a criticism of AW on slightly racist grounds. A few jump in to defend, a few more want to allude to the original post, as perhaps it suits-et voila! Then the theme takes on a life of it's own in tennis-type exchanges. You must admit it is a little like being 'mugged off', don't you think? 'We're playing those mind games together. Pushing the barriers, planting seeds. Playing the mind guerrilla. Chanting the mantra, 'Peace on earth!' We've all been playing those mind games forever. Some kind of druid dudes, lifting the veil. Doing the mind guerrilla. Some call it magic, the search for the grail.

  47. jeff wright

    May 24, 2014, 20:45 #51975

    KC, no one wants to see over the top tackles, but there was none of that in the Everton game and it was just another usual bad loser Wenger rant ( although the game was a draw it was as bad as losing ) that we see him embarrassingly haranguing hapless 4th officials with ,when he should be shouting Wakey ! Wakey! at our players instead. Right back to the Spanis final I hope monkey boy and Ronny wake up ,I have money running on them to win !

  48. Rocky RIP

    May 24, 2014, 20:03 #51974

    KC- ... or Alex, for good measure.

  49. KC

    May 24, 2014, 19:54 #51973

    @Jeff I agree, some valid points and sometimes wenger is a very bad loser aiming criticism when it would be better to learn from it. But long ball, over the top tackling and Hull type gamesmanship are understandable areas of the game most football connoisseurs hate. This debate though has no foundation just ask Theo, Jack, Kieran, Carl or Aaron.

  50. Rocky RIP

    May 24, 2014, 19:52 #51972

    @ Jeff - I made a rough guess that it was you. Sorry that I was wrong. In which case, there's some whey-faced poltroon out there anonymously posting inflammatory comments.

  51. jeff wright

    May 24, 2014, 19:40 #51971

    Rocky RIP I guess by the question mark you put on your 'spoiling for a fight again' rant that this was aimed at me !By the way I am not the poster and have only just looked in on here -if I were I would have used Rocky wobbling on the fence and about to fall off it ,as in Humpty Dumpty on a wall - and we all know how he ended up. However,having sorted that out, my views on Wenger being anti-Brit is , no. I do think though that he is anti certain British footballing ways. He doesn't like strong tackling and moans about it calling it 'anti-football' . He was at after the disastrous 1-1 v Everton at home in the Prem claiming that Everton were over physical, many of our supporters though would prefer that we went to places like Chelsea and performed like Everton did against us , rather than ship 6 goals. Wenger was much happier with Everton's approach in the FAC tie - when they went all out for a win with them probably not wanting extra-time or a replay . Martinez had won the cup the season before and was more concerned with trying to get 4th place in the league. Wenger also dislikes traditional Brit high crosses to strikers for them to head at goal - and has made it clear in the past that this is not appreciative to his atheistical taste. There are other things ,such as trad after match drinks with rival managers , that he does not like , and this has made him in the eyes of some aloof ,but hey would you you want to have to share a bottle of plonk with a gloating Mourinho or Ferguson after receiving another trouncing off them ? Nah, much better to claim that he doesn't like drinking ! He must be in a club of one among Frenchman regarding that.

  52. KC

    May 24, 2014, 17:41 #51970

    Rocky RIP - good call, This anti British idea is an embarrassment. All wenger cares about is quality he may not always get it right but he does not see nationality just ability. Let's just hope his judgement is good this summer and his stubbornness is kept under control.

  53. Rocky RIP

    May 24, 2014, 16:59 #51969

    Marvellous. 'Somebody' has dragged me into a debate I wasn't a part of. Spoiling for an argument, again? Purely because I don't align myself to the divisive AKB or WOB factions. It is possible to be neither. It is possible to praise the guy and acknowledge the good he's done for us without claiming he knows best and can do no wrong and isn't utterly infuriating at times. It's also a fair bit healthier as you don't end up finger pointing or point scoring at 'the other lot' the whole time rather than enjoying a cup final win, for example. Some fans wanted us to lose the cup final as they thought it would force him out. Now, how on earth can your priorities be so warped that you don't want your club to win the FA Cup?! As far as Wenger being anti-British is concerned, I'd just say he recognises the market value for most English players is more than it should be and isn't prepared to pay it. Shaun Wright-Philips was signed by Chelsea for £21 million almost 10 years ago. Wenger wouldn't entertain the idea. Some very average players have gone for silly prices.(Francis Jeffers was signed by David Dein by all accounts.) Especially when they don't come with the technical qualities he looks for in a player. (And yes he's wasted plenty on some fairly dreadful talents down the years.)The right player at the right price (BY HIS RECKONING) and I don't think he's remotely anti-British - Sol Campbell being an example. Would the equivalent of an RVP at the time of purchase cost so much more to an English club than £2.75m as we tend to over-hype our precocious young talents? I'd say so. PS. If you want to see the best Dennis compilation on Youtube, search for 'Bergkamp, artistic one touch'. Genius. Especially when you consider the moments not included as well.

  54. Rocky Sitting On The Fence

    May 24, 2014, 15:39 #51968

    I don't think that Wenger is anti-British but he might be . I find it best to take a view of things like this that way I can never be wrong. I'm tipping Madrid to win tonight.


    May 24, 2014, 13:31 #51967

    Ozzie, firstly I don't like the term Brit. I am no more Scottish or Irish than I am Australian, and don't want to be. Just a quirk you might think, but I always want to pare down these group identities and be an individual, unless I choose otherwise, no one does it for me. I am English. That is only just Ok, because then I am a Londoner, which gets a bit convoluted because my father was a Yorkshireman. The point is I select my own labels. With that out of the way if I selected a homegrown talent as a manager what is wrong with Northern Ireland? In which case it is a UK manager, not British-see what I mean? Anyway if you genuinely believe that exchanging Tim Sherwood for Arsene Wenger would change the face of English football I think you've kind of lost the plot. As background to my views, which are just my personal views, some think I am being didactic and misconstrue what I am saying, so it has been explained to you quite clearly, so no excuses. I didn't like the inception of the PL( neither did I the Common Market), I believed both would destroy our identity. I was correct to a certain extent, but then I realised it was just another form of evolution and there would be benefits. So sometimes the individual judgement alters a little and the scales invariably tip the other way. Now I am in favour of the PL, and it sits comfortably with my belief in freedom of movement-I just don't like SKY or the corporate shift shapers. As for buying Bale and Baines, these are just names, he had the opportunity no doubt to buy many but would not have baulked at the prospect because of nationality. Would you? I just think you might.

  56. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright right!

    May 24, 2014, 12:57 #51966

    On the theme of great Arsenal players - Ian Wright also ranks very very high for me indeed. As my monicker suggests. An infectious individual, with bags of courage and skill. An all round finisher much like DB10 actually. Wrighty scored many awesome goals too, and for sheer variety. Ian, you also big up Arsenal on Telly nowadays and for that we luv ya even more.

  57. Ron

    May 24, 2014, 12:41 #51965

    Hi Westie - That Ipswich team was perhaps the best team never to win a title? Lots of players of which Wark was a good one. Beattie Gates and Co. Played Arsenal to death didnt they. I was at that Final. We looked like drey horses to them that day. I was fortunate to get freebies to see many Of Villa s matches in 80/81. Really good side who kept their nerve better than Ipswich, who were their main rivals to take the title, yet as i recall beat the Villa home and away.Wark was very accomplished. Never really shone up at Anfield. GG wanted to sign him but you know the rest, they wouldn't pay the fee nor the wage.Arsenal will never change. Ever the tight wads!

  58. Ron

    May 24, 2014, 12:11 #51963

    Alsace - Old enmities die hard re Dutch/Ger. Bergy came after the teams that really detested Ger footie. The 1974 WC saw the orange best side of Cruff, Ari Haan and Neeskens etc v Ger. They were outplaying Ger and then tried to humiliate them rather than just win the match. Played right into Ger hands who had suspected it would happen. 2-1 Ger. The great Muller, Breitner and Co won the day. Very tough Ger team yet it was Hollands best chance to win the WC all screwed up by their own arrogance. Eng teams (of far less quality than Dutch of course) down the years have fell for the same energy sapping sentiment and been caught by the GER 'rope a dope' trick too. Very clever sportsmen are the Germans. Rarely the best skill wise but have no equal when it comes to match play. Ive a lot of time for the German people. Very respectful and WW2 has seen successive generations treated quite poorly by a few other euro peoples. Its a wonderful country and great place to live. The teutons have much in common with us english but just do things better, because they care more for their Country. Theres no cheap and tacky yank trash thats infested their culture you see.

  59. Steve 1962er

    May 24, 2014, 11:29 #51962

    Great article, and for me, Dennis was simply the best I have ever seen in an Arsenal shirt; his goal against Newcastle the best I have ever seen in watching football for 52 years. On the Wenger anti British debate; I do not think he is, but he is DEFINITELT PRO FRENCH! If he is not, how come we have had so many French duffers since his managerial reign. I do not need to list them, you all know who they are. Let us hope for several top class signings in the close season, we need 3 in forward/DM/center half and right back/goalkeeper replacement.

  60. Ozzie

    May 24, 2014, 11:23 #51961

    Badarse, home grown talent doesn't develop well enough? I wonder why?? It couldn't be to do with the recruitment of all the foreigners rather than persevering with the local lads? It is a vicious circle and one that wont be broken until Arsenal are managed by a Brit. Wenger had the opportunity to sign up the likes of Bale and Baines, etc, but he was too busy strengthening the French side.

  61. Mike

    May 24, 2014, 10:56 #51959

    Ackpom is still very much in the picture -he has been coming through the ranks at the academy and was on the bench once or twice during the season. He feature in the pre season games as well. He was subsequently loaned out to Brentford and Coventry and played several games there without too much impact but got playing time at least -the comment made that he has been overlooked because he is English is totally baseless. Grom what I have seen Sanago at this stage seems to be faster and stronger but it wont surprise me to see Ackpom featuring more and more as time goes on.


    May 24, 2014, 8:50 #51958

    Morning 24601, yes I remember the big walrus moustache he wore better than him, ha ha. How interesting. He could play a bit too, coming from a pretty good footballing side. Hope you turned a few tricks and had a touch or two at the races. Have you two noticed how well behaved I have been of late? I am not always just a children! Charlie tournament today.

  63. Westlower

    May 24, 2014, 8:38 #51957

    Sitting at the table next to us in the restaurant at Yarmouth races yesterday was Scottish International John Wark. Some of you old timers may remember him being part of the very good Bobby Robson Ipswich team of the late 70's, early 80's. This team beat Arsenal in the FA Cup final of 1977/78. Wark later played for Liverpool in 1984-88.

  64. David the Price is Ian Wright Wright right!

    May 24, 2014, 7:57 #51956

    I am so proud that we had Dennis in our ranks. What kudos and worldwide dame and acclaim he brought to us. Arsenal in return were for Dennis his perfect fit! Oh for those years......


    May 24, 2014, 6:58 #51955

    I have mentioned this story so often to others but worth a mention here I think. Sitting in the Lower East Stand at Highbury for an evening match my eyes settled like a butterfly on Dennis during the kick around before the game. He had his back to me and another player was his foil. Standing about thirty yards apart they were passing the ball to each other. There was a water bottle midway between them slightly out of their direct line. I then noted that his pass had come perilously close to the bottle as it curled in to feet. The next pass followed a similar arc. He was aiming at the bottle. After perhaps five passes, all within a yard of the bottle the next pass clipped it, knocking it over, and yet still curled into the other player. As it did so Dennis gave an involuntary raised arms acknowledgement-a bit like a small boy, or perhaps I would. He still got a lift from something so trivial, and just before a big game too. The wonderfully skilful Iceman.

  66. Edmund

    May 24, 2014, 6:51 #51954

    We can add "loves DB10" to the definition of a Gooner. I would like to see Chuba Akpom given a chance too. For that matter, I would like Park given a fair shot. He has more goals in him than Sanogo. But we don't always know what happens behind the scenes to make a judgement.

  67. Alsace Lorraine de totteridge

    May 24, 2014, 6:24 #51953

    The marvellous thing about that generation of Dutch footballers is that they still disliked the Germans in internationals and in a certain geniuses' case home grown fascists, on one occasion, in front of the north bank, during a game against west ham, our hero both elbowed and clattered in quick succession, a famous pain in the arse who had unwisely chosen to try and make a violent nuisance of himself. The ref, equally appalled at the presence on the pitch of said waste of space, did nothing. Very very funny, on the brilliant skill front, leaving Dabizas on his arse would be very hard to beat, but if you watch youtube, it's actually his assists that are the most brilliant - his redirection of a moving ball into the path of Freddie, bob, TH , mark overmars or wrighty with a stab or a flick of the ball. Just a marvellous player. Omg how we need him on the coaching staff.


    May 24, 2014, 6:06 #51952

    Good morning my little sherbet dabs, a little bitter-sweet, does you no good at all, but you always find yourself coming back for one last dab. On a post yesterday I casually mentioned I was concerned for Jack rather than Ox due to different personalities. I want to put into perspective. Playing different games but Jack seems to be a little more of a worry for flimsy reasons. He has this adulation and renown thrust upon him, and is yet a child, probably without a particularly good education or having an abundance of intelligence. He also has been exposed to the 'Three Lions' clots-they can be very influential. Watching clips and reading comments Ox is a good pal of Kieran and seems very balanced. He is also quick-witted and a joker-this will see him through. JW and his married responsibilities-husband/father-demands different things. He already has a good platform though so this may be enough to see him through.


    May 23, 2014, 23:34 #51951

    Lee afc and Rocky RIP, here's something to smile about. This one here, seen so much, here, there, winning cup in last minute, losing cup in last minute, and I've just watched extra time from scoring the winning goal, the last dozen or so minutes, cup presentation, interviews and celebrations, and lapped it up once more. We won the cup! Now, where's me Horlicks?

  70. Lee afc

    May 23, 2014, 22:56 #51950

    Bad day at work.....then I read Rocky's comment about our friend chuckle turned into laughter. Excellent Rocky mate...made my day...


    May 23, 2014, 22:36 #51949

    KC those names just roll off the tongue, don't they? I could add Bobby Pires, the magnificent Charlie George, David Seaman, George Graham, Jack Kelsey, McLintock...Bally, Rocky, have to stop as one level of player kind of merges with the one just below, but how lucky we've been at AFC. Dennis though was the torch-bearer, he led the club into the first stage of them becoming a superclub. Forever in his debt. Stay hopeful Any Old Iron.

  72. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 22:36 #51948

    Rocky RIP , yawn....


    May 23, 2014, 22:33 #51947

    The goal v Argentina in France '98 lives long in the memory. Holland lost to them in the "78 World Cup final so DB10's goal was payback of sorts. An out and out finisher at Inter, he then went on to play behind the line and effect the play from there. We were all mesmerised by his genius thereafter.

  74. KC

    May 23, 2014, 21:40 #51946

    DB10, Patrick and Mr Henry dream players in a dream team along with Liam Brady the greatest players I have seen although Cesc was getting there.

  75. Rocky RIP

    May 23, 2014, 21:35 #51945

    Jeff's definitely a wife beater vest short of a full load. A load half empty kind of a guy. Those stains will take some shifting from his 'More people know me than Rocky RIP on Online Gooner' t-shirt. Not to mention his 'you couldn't make it up' briefs. Soiled.

  76. KC

    May 23, 2014, 21:30 #51944

    This anti British idea is a joke. He might be anti British prices and may be pro French but is anyone really believing he will not keep a player that might help the club. Can some one please name a young British player wenger has realeased that has gone on to great things. While we are at it how about who played left back in the final who signed AOC, Walcott, Ramsey, Crowley to follow. AOC , Wilshire, Walcott all injured lets not forget. I am no wenger defender but this little englander up and at em approach will see us play like Bolton or Stoke. Wenger has much to answer for but this argument is not one of them.

  77. Any Old Iron

    May 23, 2014, 21:29 #51943

    The Iceman cast his spell on us. An outstanding player when he came to us, but whilst with us propelled himself into the football stratosphere. With Thierry, our greatest modern player bar none. He was also with Cruyff probably Holland's most gifted player also. Like many, I yearn for his return someday.


    May 23, 2014, 18:40 #51942

    Mmm, wonder which way jeff's washing machine spins around-it must go the opposite way to everyone else's.

  79. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 18:38 #51941

    Badarse, I will have to go now the washing machine has stopped spinning and I have to unload it . So I leave you in your realistic world where cuckoos pop out of clocks every hour to announce that all is well and the sun always shines on TV.Ce est la vie !


    May 23, 2014, 18:24 #51940

    You see jeff, you do not hold the monopoly on this thing you label realism. Speaking your mind, offering your point of view is admirable, however it isn't necessarily the real deal. I think your posts are pessimistic at best and many are very cynical. Now I am relaxed about that, I cannot talk everyone down from the ledge, DW Thomas is my only success to date. It's when you or for that matter anyone lays it on me as an axiom of life. It is an interpretation of circumstances, no more. 'Realism! Try it sometime!' Smacks of a degree of pomposity my cheeky chappy. I am in my real world, I guess you are in your one.

  81. CT Gooner

    May 23, 2014, 18:05 #51939

    Thanks Wenger is A-B! There's your answer Mike. Must say i haven't seen much of Akpom, but I know he's listed as a first team player. My point was more about how useless Sanogo is to be getting time. A club of our stature should be loaning these players out for game time as our strikers should be world class. We all know that's not the case right now

  82. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 18:05 #51938

    Badarse, no diatribe involved,it's called realism! Try it sometime. Providing that Wenger wins the qualifier,and he always does, then all he has to do next season is to chance his arm in the European Cup and get 4th place as a minimum in the Prem. He's not under pressure like Mourinho who is morphing into a specialist in failure is , or Pell at Poundlands who has to win the league or Euro Cup. If you want to spend all summer dreaming up who Wenger will sign ,or believing the rubbish printed in the papers about alleged interests in Klaus,Dick and Juan ,then go ahead ,but by now you should no better. Recent big signings only came about after a disastrous start to the season ,the 8 goal bashing at United and the Villa defeat first game. We don't want that happening and hopefully we can get up and running next season to help instil some confidence in what is sure to be a very tough league campaign. I would have prefered another manager but it looks like AW is determined to carry on regardless chasing his elusive dream of winning the holy grail . Amen.


    May 23, 2014, 17:44 #51937

    With that diatribe jeff, I am surprised you don't want to end it all. Now, with me...'Smile, though your heart is aching, smile, even though it's breaking-although a tear, may be ever so near...'

  84. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 17:39 #51936

    Wenger has a vested interest in signing French players, due to his French TV football related work and commercial dealings in France , so it makes sense for him to have some French players at AFC . Grimandi is Wenger's chief scout in France and has saddled up some right old donkeys for Wenger to sign. Gervinho being one of them, he-haw! I'm not expecting any big money signings in the summer,the Ozil signing and the recent popular FAC victory , that had over 10m+ viewers on ITV, the so called Champions League all Spanish final is expected to draw less viewers in the UK,has provided a timely double-whammy for slippery Ivan the un-edible to exploit ,and Wenger also. A. No one can claim that the club doesn't buy big money players now ,even if none are bought in this window, Wenger's already warned that it will be hard to find top players . B. The cup win over Hull has got the no trophies won jibes out of the way for awhile ,so no pressure now to win anything again for Arsene next season ,4th place will be a trophy and even if Stan were to spend multi-millions ,he knows that that is all that we might get anyway,in what is likely to be Wenger's toughest ever season with his tippy tappy tactics well sussed out now , and with him stuck with a squad built to play dinosauric tippy tappy .

  85. Bard

    May 23, 2014, 17:24 #51935

    I don't know whether Wenger is anti brit players although I also get the arguments about the cultural stuff. I thought that what he really likes are cheap players, Ozil excepted. He likes to shop in the £10m bracket, preferably young, with sell on value. He rarely buys the finished article and very rarely buys world class. Maybe that will change but £100m doesn't buy you too many of those if you factor in their wages. I think a really good argument was made on here a while ago. Why not buy 1 world class player a season instead of 3 average or below average ones.


    May 23, 2014, 16:24 #51934

    Tony Evans building on what both you and Ron have said, I would add, AW being pro-French is completely different to being anti-British, of course. His part of France has been under Germanic rule and influence on and off for generations. Many border areas have this in common with the two countries they sit astride. He is a wise man irrespective of people's assessments of his footballing nous. It's quite natural that he would exploit the circumstances of his own countries pickings. It is the place he knew best, with many connections, and at a time when French football was at it's zenith, of course those days have passed. Thank goodness he did though-look what it meant to Arsenal! I am also quite certain, though others clearly are not, that he is aware of the/his shortcomings with regard to having a squad minus leaders. By fair means or foul, by accident or design those dynamics are slowly changing. He would also know the benefits of German attitudes, (look away now jeff), in general they are very sensible, a little stoic, but dogged and determined. I know a number of Germans and most seem to share these characteristics, I am sure Ron will bare me out on that. The BFG has stamped his seal on the defence, and whilst none could realistically claim him to be a 'Tone', or McLintock, he has helped to steer the ship on the pitch. So too Mikael. I think the phlegmatic approach that Germans are renowned for can rub off if there are a few around. They also have good 'Poundlands' there, ha ha.

  87. Tony Evans

    May 23, 2014, 15:50 #51933

    Ron - yes Wenger certainly is pro French and has never forgotten his golden era of Henry, Viera, Pires, Petit etc etc and he seems to think that he is still ahead of the game as far as un-earthing French talent is concerned. Sadly he is not, and that French golden generation is not there to be exploited now anyway. Your German / French link is an interesting thought and it would not surprise me in the least if we see another German import (and export with Podolski may be going the other way).


    May 23, 2014, 14:35 #51931

    Well said jeff, friends again, and once more good old Arsenal, good old jeff.

  89. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 14:31 #51930

    Badarse, (if you don't mind me calling you that) I had to smile at your claims that you write in plain English and this is confusing me !But, as it is obvious that we are not going to agree on what you claim your views prove , or mean, I will call a truce and move on sometimes it's best to do this,but remember Badarse as the master said to young polite well mannered grasshopper, the unyielding optimist will pretend that the forest is not burning either because he is too lazy or too afraid to go and put the fire out. Cheers.

  90. jjetplane

    May 23, 2014, 14:24 #51929

    Cool stuff and that moment of warrior play against Argentina in one of the greatest games ever! Truly up there with the big boys.


    May 23, 2014, 14:03 #51928

    Hello again jeff. A little bit of info for you. I am not 'down' on USA people per se, but am deeply wary of the corrosive powers of it's culture, and it's readily acceptance by many of the youngsters in this country to embrace it-it's happened in Australia too, it's the non-language barrier you see? You do see, don't you? I am not making a sweeping statement, neither am I painting a picture of depravity. I am also not turning a blind eye to the failures, behaviour-wise, of non-British players. What else do you want to fabricate from my simple original post? Seriously chum, come down a level. I don't want to fall out with you, I think you have much to offer, it's just a shame you seem to want confrontations and these are generally borne from misunderstandings you make. Now I must get some work done, ha ha. Good old Arsenal, good old Bergy, good old jeff, and we won the cup!

  92. Wenger is anti-british

    May 23, 2014, 13:59 #51927

    Akpom has been carrying our reserve team for 2 seasons, Andy Cole said he is the best Academy talent in the whole UK. Sanogo came over, wasnt even fit enough to train with the squad, and has been given many games, and hasnt even looked like scoring, in fact hes embarrassed the club. Arsene isnt quite looking at Sanogo/Akpom on merit. Akpom is a Hale End prospect, Sanogo is pure Wenger. That tells you where Wengers loyalty lies

  93. Peter Wain

    May 23, 2014, 13:44 #51926

    I do not care if Wenger is pro or anti british. I do care about the quality of the players in our first team. And if Sanogo is our second best striker all I can say is that we are in deep trouble. I long to see our esteemed manager splash the cash and buy three or four players who are really top top quality. All we get is that we have to wait for Sagna and Flappy to make up their minds and no action will take place after the world cup. For gods sakes they are leaving just except it Wenger and act accordingly. Someone needs to tell Wenger by the time the world cups finished all the good players will be gone and we will be left chasing free transfers as per usual. Act now buy a right back centre half holding midfield player and two strikers- fat chance.

  94. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 13:41 #51925

    Okay Badarse just to get into this yankee doodle dandy malarkey ,I will run this up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it.. for starters I don't have any preferences for British or foreign players,like Wenger I don't look at their passports. Although in his case perhaps he should do because he has had problems with some players having dodgy ones! As I have said before on here I was a big fan of Bergkamp and have him in my all time greatest Arsenal side, although some players change as time goes by in it, Frank sady is one who I had to drop , DB10 is always there and it will take a good'un to shift him. Your views on the cultural aspects between foreign and British kids is nothing new but you reveal the weakness in them by pointing out that AOC does not fit into the picture of depravity that you paint for our American corrupted ones. I would suggest that there are a fair few others, such as Walcott ,Ramsey , Bale at Madrid and scores more at other clubs who are not American burger bar Rambo AK47 type brainless dolts as well that also contradicts your argument - and that there are a good few French - and other foreign kids - who are not the polite well mannered sort that you claim that they all are. Also it's rather ironic that you have such a downer on the Yankees and are yet so supportive of our manager who works hand in glove with a posse of them who are the most corporate and capitalist ones in world football ! Sorry guys 'soccer'. Cheers

  95. Ron

    May 23, 2014, 13:38 #51924

    Aaron - i think the 'solution' for Ozil is simply that he needs an intelligent, moblie, top quality forward (or 2) to feed, that's all. Dennis in the hole behind Giroud would im sure have created a very frustrated and sulky old Dennis. Thats not to be cruel to Giroud either but the fella isnt top quality and does in my view still have a good role to fulfil for Arsenal. Id go so far as to say that Giroud himself also hankers for a quality 'oppo' with or alongside him. Im sure he knows his own limitations. Footballers usually do.

  96. Wenger is anti-british

    May 23, 2014, 13:33 #51923

    CT Gooner Chuba Akpom is the brightest youth talent we have and he is better than Sanango. The only reason he doesn't play ahead of Sanago is because he is english. He's done everything right and Wenger parachutes that complete useless Sanogo in ahead of him, even though he literally cant score a goal. Its a disgrace how the lad has been treated. Wenger is depriving the likes of Akpom a real chance to succeed in their childhood club.


    May 23, 2014, 13:25 #51922

    Incidentally jeff, I think you need a lesson in understanding written English, it may be why you find yourself in so many conflicts. My post was so far removed from being a rant that it was an odd statement from you again. I think I have you sussed though, deprived of the chaotic turmoil you found yourself in with Chris, you tried to snare lee afc and Rocky RIP. You had me in your sights too, it is so funny. By the way the number of times you mentioned my moniker it is a pity I couldn't charge royalties. I have to get on with some work now so in the meantime can you find another trouser leg to 'worry'?

  98. Mike

    May 23, 2014, 13:23 #51921

    @CT Gooner - Which young British striker comes to mind that is of PL quality - the only one I can think of is currently playing for Liverpool. After that the list pretty much dries up or is made up of more seasone pro's who are not really that good anyway

  99. Aaron

    May 23, 2014, 13:23 #51920

    Bergkamp is my all time favourite Arsenal player. We won trophies in 93 and 94 but if I'm not mistaken we finished 12th the season before Dennis joined. Despite struggling slightly at Inter, he was still a world class player. He could mix it and hated Tottenham I was excited about signing Ozil, he was the nearest thing to Bergkamp in terms of weight of pass to lay on goals from the #10 position. Sadly it hasn't happened for him in his first season and I hope his attitude picks up. Because he has not become a bad player overnight. He still has it in him that made him world class for Germany, Real Madrid and against Napoli at home

  100. BADARSE

    May 23, 2014, 13:10 #51919

    I guess if a point wants to be misunderstood, then it is. Ron you are absolutely correct in what you say regarding aspects of youth culture mentality abroad. It is extremely dangerous to issue a blanket approach to anyone, or anything, but without taking stock and being prepared, keeping the best odds you can find in your favour, the species would have become extinct long ago-that isn't a dig at Darwinism with you in mind jeff. I know that there are problems everywhere, 'the same world' mind sets are becoming very similar, but thankfully a difference still exists in many matters, not least youngsters' behaviour. In France, though straying from the main topic a little, the kids are not obsessed with 'brands', as our youngsters are. It is a breath of fresh air to me when I see a group of French kids 'unbranded', and the females not cloaked in pink. The cause? As Ron suggested, the main culprit I believe is USA marketing, and the preparedness of our society to grab it as manna. The similarity of the two languages doesn't present a natural barrier as it would in France. I am more than a little worried about Jack, not so the Ox. Different personalities. I abhorred the Soviet chiefs jeff, but as bad,(perhaps worse depending on the criteria an individual judges by), I detest the capitalistic attitude of the favoured classes of the 'free' Russia and Putin we see today. Just thought you might like to know that. This is a long way from Dennis Bergkamp-who incidentally wasn't British, though dear old Frank McLintock was. I don't think there is anything controversial there, but who knows?

  101. Ron

    May 23, 2014, 13:07 #51918

    Hi Tony - Respect as ever. I think over and above anything, Mr Wenger is very much pro French disregarding where he is on anything else and that it stands as a separate issue for him. Without getting too deep into it, i think the Clubs French 'feel', hasn't served it well for many years. Its a strange on isnt it, as many from Mr Wengers part of France are as much pro German as French and culturally are Germanic for sure for a host of reasons. Maybe Wengers a bit that way hence his recent German acquisitions that he seems so pleased to have bought?

  102. CT Gooner

    May 23, 2014, 13:07 #51917

    If you think Wenger isn't anti-British (sorry about the double negative) how do you explain Sonogo? He is currently "raw" at best, yet getting time with our first team. If Britain has no raw talent as good as him, god help us!!

  103. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 13:02 #51916

    Ron, the only points that I agree with in Badarse's rant was the cost of buying Brit players against that of foreign ones. I can't differentiate between Giroud knocking off some girl in his team hotel room the night before a match when he should be having kip and trying to improve on scoring more than once against top oppo on the field of play,rather than off it and a Brit one having a few beers . It looks to me that Badarse is just slagging off all British players while not mentioning the cases of many foreign ones who have acted unprofessionally off pitch. The old drink culture that was prevalent in the game here was a problem, but let's not forget that there were many players who did not indulge in it and they deserve a little more respect than what Badarse is giving them by lumping them in with the boozers.Also being foreign may be cheaper but it doesn't mean that they are better, or more moral, as Badarse implies in comparison to the locals. Regarding Wilsher,he is another example that Wenger's coaching skills for youngsters is not all that it is cracked up to be , going way back to Pennant is first big money young signing .It's not just English kids who he fails with either there has been a string of foreign ones also . Do you remember that French striker Aliader (spelling)whom Wenger coached for 5 years, everyone could see that he was pony but old Arsene knew best even claiming he was the next Henry ! However sadly he ended up at Boro and eventually was released and was unable to find any club to employ him and had to retire from football. Sacre bleu ! You couldn't make it up.

  104. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 23, 2014, 12:56 #51915

    There will only ever be one Dennis Bergkamp alright, if only he hadn't missed that pen against man yoo think what it would have prevented, and he never took another. And think what our players are missing out on as he earns his coaching badges elsewhere, but hopefully one day he'll be back and make up for it.

  105. Tony Evans

    May 23, 2014, 12:40 #51914

    Not sure about Wenger's attitude to British players. A few years ago I would have definitely said he was anti but he does now seem to be wanting a young British core to the team. Having said that he does still seem to give the likes of Sanogo far too many chances to impress (or not to) and he could be accused of not extending that sort of chance to home grown talent. To sum up I will have to sit firmly on the fence with this one!

  106. Mike

    May 23, 2014, 12:30 #51913

    Dont think wenger is anti British - extending contracts to youngsters like Ramsey, Wilshire, Ox, Jenkinson, Walcott and Gibbs perhaps points to the fact that he actually wants the core of the team to be British

  107. allybear

    May 23, 2014, 12:08 #51912

    Yes Dennis was the best i have ever seen and as T Evans says he could look after himself. A truly exceptional player who had it all, unfortunately you dont get too many like him.

  108. Ron

    May 23, 2014, 12:08 #51911

    Jeff - Fair points but there are always exceptions. NB is a disgrace too. Not sure Girouds playing away affects attitude to footie though? Its rife everywhere sadly. I think you've got Badarse s comments a little out of kilter there to be honest. It opens a big debate but speaking as some one whos worked abroad in 4 countries in my time, i do find continental youth/atitudes to more or less everything far more palatable than in the UK. I always blame American culture for having rotted the fabric of youth here, rightly or wrongly!! We do have some cracking young english/british people though i might add and we all have to be careful not to paint everybody with a dirty brush.

  109. Ron

    May 23, 2014, 11:57 #51910

    Badarse - Good points. Id take it even further and on your attitude point would distinguish between English and Celtic, the former in so many cases lacking by comparison. Jack Wilshere is a candidate for a ruined career before it even starts as i see him right now. Not particularly bright as a man, yet seemingly already in love with his own unproven hype. I think Scholes was alluding to this with his withering verdict on JW recently and i agree with him. Ive never seen AW as anti british either really and hes right to look at the person as well as the player. The top Clubs do by and large unless they unearth a real gem for whom they ll ignore the minus's aka Suarez. Double standards i know but football is riven with that isn't it. Arsene Wenger has many faults but i dont think racism is one of them.

  110. jeff wright

    May 23, 2014, 11:47 #51909

    It was no coincidence either that Wengers golden years were when he had Denis in his sides. Badarse I suppose the antics of Bendtner,Giroud and some other foreign imports get up to are all made up by the media then ? To label British players in the way you do is a disgrace, but symptomatic of your mindset regarding the way you portray things to suit your own agenda , which I must add appears to have more than a touch of the old lefty liberal politico soviet bureaus about it. If someone made those comments about all foreign players that you used to label Britones with ,and I assume you are including Irish ones in that, then you would be ranting about them being xenophobic and racist !

  111. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 23, 2014, 11:40 #51908

    Dennis was a true great for sure, but he was also a tough son of a gun not afraid to give his marker a dig - which lead to a few red cards along the way (West Ham, Sunderland for instance). Remember that 01-02 season - a DB through ball for Freddie Ljunberg, the cause of so many goals that season. Going on from Badarse comment about English players so often not living up to the hype, wasn't it the case that the 2@ David Bentley thought he should be getting a game instead of DB10. Case closed.

  112. Tony Evans

    May 23, 2014, 11:37 #51907

    Yes he had it all - great first touch (Sanogo please look and learn),superb vision, awareness and skill. Crucially too he could look after himself and wasn't intimidated by the thugs of the football world. If only Wenger would admit defeat in his quest for perfect football and accept that pure skill alone is not enough and that a team needs backbone and leadership qualities too to be really successful.

  113. BADARSE

    May 23, 2014, 11:11 #51906

    Wenger is anti British, you are mistaken. Many home grown talent doesn't develop well enough, or invariably quickly enough. If they did they would be much sought after candidates for AFC, I am sure. There is another aspect to this though, they are more costly than a corresponding talent from elsewhere, and everywhere, especially in today's financial climate value for money is paramount. The one consideration I haven't mentioned is attitude, and we score very poorly in these stakes. To overcome the drink-sodden culture, to keep egos in check, and to promote a level of acceptable responsibility in anyone so young is difficult for a football club in this country, particularly those who are impressed with their own ability as a number of youngsters from these shores are. I shan't name names but we have had a few pretenders who never lived up to their early promise mainly due to their attitude. I don't think Arsene has a problem with British players-I am not so sure that you don't.

  114. Wenger is anti-british

    May 23, 2014, 10:48 #51905

    Ron agree with you there on the brutal bit. I was watching the 71 cup final. I'm actually embarrassed at the team we have now compared to that. What a team that was we had real men playing for us. Thats what a Arsenal team should be like are not this garbage we see. And it was a complete British team as well who Mr. Wenger deems not good enough these days forgetting the fact we are a british club. How I wish for a team like that.

  115. BADARSE

    May 23, 2014, 10:46 #51904

    'This player was better than him', 'He wasn't as good as so and so.' The debate goes around and around. For me, Bergy was the most skilfully artistic player I have ever seen, and almost certainly will never see his like again. Thank you Rachael, and he made me quiver with excitement. What a shivering, quivering pair we must have been.

  116. Ron

    May 23, 2014, 9:58 #51903

    ...... and a nasty f----r as well! Oh for the days when we were brutal. Would AW have signed Dennis? I have my doubts. Up there in the top 3 imports to the english league. He was better at 35 than our front men now.

  117. Dominic

    May 23, 2014, 9:50 #51902

    Don't forget that he was the first and, as far as I know, the only player to have won the top three places in MOTD's goal of the month competition.

  118. Yc

    May 23, 2014, 9:45 #51901

    I am a big fan of DB10 and not may players have come close to him in recent times. I always admire his ability to read and anticipate how the game will unfold. Either providing that killer pass or simply placing the ball into the net.

  119. Rocky RIP

    May 23, 2014, 9:17 #51900

    The best first touch I've ever seen.

  120. Bard

    May 23, 2014, 8:55 #51897

    Nice post Rachael. My all time favourite Arsenal player alongside Liam Brady. I could watch Dennis all day long. The goal against Newcastle was the epitome of genius. Makes you realise pine for the days when we had so many world class players.