Gooner Question Time

The end of season Gooner survey launches today and asks all the questions you’ve been dying to answer about Arsenal in 2014.

Gooner Question Time

The launch of our annual survey is always a key date in The Gooner’s calendar and this year is no exception, launching as it does on the 25th anniversary of the match which topped our very first “match of the season” poll back in 1989.

In that first poll we received fewer than 200 completed surveys, but the counting was all done manually whereas now we use an online system which thankfully saves us a lot of time because last year nearly 3000 Gooners from 66 different countries answered the 67 questions we posed. We’re hoping for an increase on that number this time round so make sure you spread the word far and wide.

This year we have enlarged the survey again so it now contains 80 questions, some of which have been suggested by our contributors and readers. This does mean that you’ll probably need to set aside 10-15 minutes to complete the survey, but we hope you will think it’s worth the effort to partake in what we think is the most comprehensive insight into the thoughts of the Gooner family.

You will almost certainly find that you’ve already debated many of the questions with your friends and colleagues in the pub, in the ground, in workplaces, on internet forums and anywhere else Gooners gather together. However, we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible by making as many questions as possible multiple choice which means I had to try to second guess what people would put, so I’ll apologise now if I’ve missed off any obvious choices.

This also required me to watch every Arsenal goal scored last season to come up with a shortlist of 12 for the goal of the season category. Fortunately for me, there’s a superb video online which has been put together by Slim Swaidy and contains the 99 goals we notched in all competitions. It’s the perfect antidote if you’re missing your Arsenal fix already and is well worth a watch if you’ve an hour to spare.

As well as making you relive the season just finished, from the lows of Anfield and Stamford Bridge to the highs of three victories over our North London neighbours and our first piece of silverware in nine years, we also have sections which ask your views on the squad and manager, the owner and the club’s business model, your experience of being an Arsenal supporter and your thoughts on The Gooner and Online Gooner.

This last section is particularly important to us as the answers we get will heavily influence how we try to run the fanzine and website going forwards. Even if you’re not a reader of the fanzine or a regular visitor to the website, your views are still important to us as we strive to provide the content which will make you want to buy the fanzine or return to the site again and again. As some of you will be aware, sales of the printed edition have been falling in recent seasons as we, along with the rest of the print industry, contemplate how best to survive alongside the ever increasing amount of digital material which is now available. However, we’ve been encouraged enough by the support we’ve had in recent months to keep going and hope fans will believe there is still a place for a printed fanzine in modern times.

It’s also worth highlighting again that we are very much an open church and regularly encourage fans to contribute articles and ideas for both the site and the fanzine. If you’ve ever thought about blogging, whether it’s on a regular or infrequent basis, why not get in touch with us and do it under the umbrella of The Gooner?

OK, so that’s the preliminaries over with. To get started click on this link to the 2014 Gooner Survey and vote away. Everyone who completes the survey has the opportunity to be entered into a draw to win next seasons replica shirt (home or away) and one of three digital Gooner subscriptions by adding their contact details at the end.

The closing date for entries is not until Tuesday 10th June so there is plenty of time to reflect on the last nine months and other aspects of our club.

The results will be published on this site at regular intervals throughout the close season and we’ll also be publicising them on Twitter so if you don’t already, please give us a follow.

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  1. In Wenger We Trust

    Jun 01, 2014, 8:35 #52254

    First of all, Gooner89, it's "In Wenger We Trust". If you are going to reply to someone, get their names right. I expect you anti-Wegner rabble won't apologize, since you people have acted like spoiled children for years, even when Arsene guided us to a FA Cup win. Wenger already said he taken responsibility for those defeats, but I say he shouldn't be too hard on himself, **** like that happens. It's not going to help the team when so-called fans want to fire the manager at every small crisis the club gets. I and many like-minded fans backed our manager, team and the club like every good supporter should, even when things aren't good well than whining like you lot. Anyway off to celebrate some more, I know you lot are angry that the team won the cup cause you badly want Wenger to quit or get fired, so sucks to be you. Not for the last time, Spurs86... I mean Gooner86, ARSENE KNOWS BEST!!!

  2. Gooner89

    May 30, 2014, 22:15 #52231

    Dear " In Arsene We Trust" just so as you know I and I suspect everyone else who want him out have NOTHING to apologise for where AW is concerned. I don't remember Wenger and the Wenger is God brigade apologising for the shocking performances at SB, Anfield, GP or the Etihad. Giving him a new contract is the club yet again sticking their head in the sand and accepting more of the same and more 4th place trophies. The campaign continues. Wenger out

  3. Welsh Gooner

    May 29, 2014, 22:04 #52166

    Only one question needed to be asked.Should Wenger have been sacked?The answer was of course YES!!!.The muppets who didnt vote Ramsey player of the season are the same who voted Song player of the season when RVP scored 37 goals in a season.If you cant see Ramsey is our only world class player book yourself in for therapy

  4. Ozzie

    May 29, 2014, 8:22 #52111

    True, one has to be wary when clubs let supposed quality talent leave. With all these names being thrown up every day - where have these players been for the last umpteen years? Suddenly they are worth millions? The changing face in football is simply a reflection of social change & values which is noticeable only to us older heads - maybe why many of us do not have the same intensity of interest we once had? Anyway, regarding Jack, sure he is talented but I have a "feeling" about him. JW, to turn your comment around: Giroud and Sanogo must be salivating at the mouth at the prospect of Cesc sending accurate passes to their feet. Perhaps Sanogo will find his feet with so many balls coming at him???


    May 28, 2014, 19:49 #52091

    Rocky RIP your post alludes to the changing face of football, but as I keep suggesting the changing face of society too. If a resource-rich country bought out the TV rights of football and then on a whim refused to show matches for any reason, then there would be no games shown and none seen. Well it happened with Sky in it's limited sense. Those who cannot afford cannot view. They had the rights. If air was in short supply, and perhaps that day advances, and a company could bottle and sell air then they would-perhaps they will, those who cannot afford will not get. It's the tenet these people live by. If it is believed that the middle eastern wars were orchestrated to raise levels of security, then they succeeded. A little tweak and security is everywhere keeping people in line and in check, and certainly off football pitches. It is all about control buddy, and the gun barrel is pointing at us, with their finger on the trigger. Change the manager? Small potato. The powers that be know that an altered state breeds an evolutionary path and very soon the little man will be at another little man's throat. Do you recognise this with one side berating the other? I do! The world has moved on a cog and is probably beyond redemption in so many ways. Football again is just a victim of that change. A little chap or a family go to a match play with their game or whatever and it stings a red-bloodied real Arsenal fan like yourself, but this is what we have now. It isn't the chap or families fault. We are moving into a dangerous period. The overweight/obese people are going to have a rough ride as they use up valuable NHS resources, the old are not too far behind them. What next? Mentally impaired? Disabled? Gays? Can you see where I am going with this. If violence begets violence, then this insensitive and money-driven approach in society will surely breed a callous response. Food for thought Young Gun. I wait and watch on the side lines.

  6. Website Admin

    May 28, 2014, 19:14 #52087

    @Mike Walsh - Apologies you've been having problems completing the survey. We've had over 1200 responses in 48 hours so I'm guessing you were just unfortunate and perhaps hit the site at a time when we were exceeding our bandwidth capabilities. Would be delighted if you were able to retry, but understand how frustrating it would be if you get most of the way through, although the chances are those questions you have answered will be logged and counted in the overall results.

  7. Rocky RIP

    May 28, 2014, 18:41 #52085

    @ Ron - all very true. I heard a story of a kid who was at Wembley and played some kind of game (Nintendo?) throughout the entire match. When someone pointed out to the kid's Mum that it was a waste of a precious seat, she really didn't grasp it. As I've said before, if you create a habitat, certain types of creatures will inhabit it. Football has invited in the type of fans it deserves. Have you seen the footage of the pitch invasion at the emirates screening? The guy on the tannoy was telling them to clear the pitch or he'd turn off the screen. Like he was talking to kids. I'm not advocating a riot, but it's all so restrained at Arsenal now. Any over exuberance is frowned upon. It's so frustrating. You end up questioning if the prices charged justify the enjoyment. It's now purely about the result. Football is the way it is after Heysel, Bradford, Hillsborough, etc. I've no problem with stringent safety measures, it's just gone a bit too far and the fun has been taken away and replaced by a sanitised, day tripper driven, overly corporate atmosphere. Anyway, I refuse to let any of this tarnish the glory of the FA Cup win and my love of The Arsenal. My only Arsenal.


    May 28, 2014, 18:04 #52080

    Am not surprised at the way these views reverberate but am a bit at odds with the momentum picking up amongst posters ready to level an overview of Jack Wilshere. I have admitted to being quietly concerned as I sense a distracting element with the lad's personality-but I may be wrong. Others seem ready to hang him out to dry. He is a very good young footballer and his development may become stymied or suddenly skyrocket, that's what happens with everyone. What's being discussed is his personality and his propensity to self-destruct a footballing career. Speculation gentlemen, and just based on the flimsiest of indications. They may be proven to be groundless, then again bang on the money, we shall see. Meanwhile back at the ranch he is a very good young player with heaps of potential, and for the record I would have Fabregas back in a trice.

  9. Ron

    May 28, 2014, 17:45 #52079

    Rocky RIP - Good points and good questions. I very rarely do the Emirates any more and only do 4-5 away games per season now.The whole Emirates 'experience' leaves me cold to be honest.Its testimony to what football has become and i don't enjoy the reminder. Tickets at a decent price wouldn't alter my position now. I actually find the games there, governed largely as they are v those opponents who still don't fancy their chances of winning there, by our style of play to be like watching paint dry to be honest.Its that as much as Mr and Mrs i pad that's created the atmosphere the place now has. The pub is nearly always better as you say. What a shame that is. Away games in the main still offer an earthy feel to get us fans interested and in recent years, though we ve had some truly insipid performances away its a far better day out, win, lose, draw (or getting thrashed) for me. Mr and Mrs I pad aren't often seen away at Wigan and Stoke or anywhere for that matter. I wonder why! Having said that the early Kick off s have reduced the fans appetite for the games and ive often thought the players feel the same to be honest. Thats all to suit the international TV viewers time zones and of course betting times. Its pathetic how football has bared its greedy arse for anybody that offers it a better length of buck and that includes Mr and Mrs I Pad (and don't forget young Sophie and Amelia i pad who often tag along to the Emirates, dark shades on, boots and tight jeans giving it their ' look at me, i might marry a footballer one day' eye scan about the ground everywhere bar the pitch act)- what a waste of seats a real supporter could use. Arsenal have said f--- the real fans, we ll take the lolly every time. If the truth be known, they have executive boxes stacked floor to ceiling there and play in total silence and be happy doing it. Its heading that way for sure.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 28, 2014, 17:10 #52074

    allybear, and if he's not expect to hear, he'll need more time after the world cup, and then another season to really settle in.

  11. jeff wright

    May 28, 2014, 17:03 #52073

    allybear, bringing Fabregas back certainly wouldn't prove he was wrong to leave .He was only using us at the time for his own ends and was never an Arsenal man anyway ,the whole thing is just more Wenger AKB sentimental delusion . Fabregas left and that's how it should stay. As you point out the ex-real Madrid man is who Wenger should be concentrating his thoughts on . He's not looked like a 42m player so far ,more like a £4.20p one. Real have not missed him that's for sure.I'm always dubious when big clubs sell players who on the face of things are in their prime.

  12. Rocky RIP

    May 28, 2014, 16:46 #52072

    @ We are building a team to dominate - you make a very good point. There should be more of an inquiry into how and why so many long-term fans have had to stop going to games. Or if it's not purely a case of affordability, why they have chosen not to go any more. It's come to something when people who you know who have never missed a Wembley final, have travelled all over Europe, ventured to some hell hole grounds, but are now replaced by Mr and Mrs ipad who are quite sedate and composed enough to film Aaron Ramsey's winner whilst clutching a hot dog and merchandise, when any self-respecting fan would be losing his mind like the rest of us. It's also come to something when fans like me weren't that jealous not to have a ticket for Wembley and actually believed the atmosphere in the pub I was in was better, holding a beer, surrounded by proper old school Arsenal, none of whom told you to sit down or pipe down. And they knew the words to all the old classic Arsenal songs. The lot who go to home games only seem to know 4 songs - ...and it's Arsenal, Arsenal FC (snore) ... stand up if you hate Tottenham (Yawn)...ooh ah ya (tragic) and what do you think of Tottenham? (nice)

  13. allybear

    May 28, 2014, 16:37 #52070

    Jeff Wright i agree with you and anyway whats with this bringing back players once sold? If they went then good riddance. I would love to see the survey now. Just a word on Ozil, if he is such a top player then he had more than enough time to settle,we shall see if he is consistent next term.

  14. Unchives

    May 28, 2014, 15:15 #52067

    Its still baffles me that fans still ask for David Dein to come back as our saviour. David Dein is totally supportive of Arsene Wenger and his actions, he lives next door to him, does anyone think they don't talk. He also brought in Kroenke. He was ousted because of the level of spend he was demanding and thought Kroenke was the man to provide it. He sold-out for personal profit to the tune of £75 million! did Lady Nina. Usmonov what to bring in dividend payments. No one does anything for the love of the clubs except the fans.....and boy are we paying!

  15. jeff wright

    May 28, 2014, 14:47 #52066

    Ron, our midfield is getting more crowded than the old dance floor at the Hammersmith Palais on a Saturday night used to be. We already have Real Madrid's surplus to requirements cast off with a 42m price tag attached - so the question is do we need Barca's one as well ? I don't think so , but as you say Wenger might think otherwise. Not sure what it would prove though other than that Fabregas has won more trophies at Barca than he would have done staying with old Uncle Arsene and that returning to him is a step backwards.

  16. Ron

    May 28, 2014, 14:29 #52065

    MG - Yes, sadly i smell a Bentleyesque/Pennantile odour bellowing from our Mr Wilshere and i suspect Mr Wenger has noted it and more than getting a whiff too. We'll see. Jeff - Can see you point but Fabregas though very good on a good day inst top marque (never was in my view) and his career is in the doldrums right now. A step downwards or sideways to a very decent Club is the best he can hope for. Maybe Arsenal fits his bill with a few g tees of a player or two coming in would convince him? Im not bothered whether he comes back or not in truth. In my view we need two physically imposing players in midfield and one of them needs to be a DM as i see it. Fabregas is just another and better version of what's there already.Is Wenger going to allow sentiment to cloud his thinking? I wdt be at all surprised and am sure his leathery grinned smugness would shine like a beacon as he delivered back the prodigal Son.

  17. jeff wright

    May 28, 2014, 14:13 #52064

    Fabregas must be slavering at the mouth at the prospect of leaving the likes of Messi and co to link up with Giroud and Sanago.He will know that Wenger's current squad is not even as good as the one that he forced a move from. I don't think though that he will be back, and with United not now likely to buy him he my have to settle for a move to another la liga club.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 28, 2014, 14:00 #52063

    Ron, also agree with you on the great English hope like i've said many times before he thinks he's arrived but he's nowhere near there, Scholes was spot on and the fact Wilshire demanded an explanation of someone like him who has won it all says it all. Another rat boy and pennant in the making and maybe OGL can see that too but doesn't want to be proved wrong like he has with a lot of others or he's just waiting for the right moment to flog. Either way when the usual happens with England at the world cup and they arrive home with their tail between their legs it might bring him and a few others back down to earth, for a while anyway.

  19. jjetplane

    May 28, 2014, 13:31 #52062

    Ozzie RON Bang on the head about JW - he cannot leave the limelight alone and Wenger is so apt to let players feed into that culture if it sells more shirts in the east. Part of the problem of the general lack of cohesion and discipline on the pitch. We have a bunch of OK players bigging themselves up because everyday they get the mantra of 'great speeeerit' from the philosopher who does not have a great take on Satre. We know Adams did with his own journey to self-responsibility and that's why it worked then. Wenger had a team that ran itself - he just had to play the dignified uncle to them. Now he is trying to be the daddy to a bunch of media savvy individuals who are spoilt by CL qualification as an instant. Note the difference between Ramsey and the rest. He really does deserve better as maybe Walcott does when he returns. I cannot see Wenger in these 'last three years' (yawn) doing much on the regeneration. Of course, he now has to deal with Liverpool, Mankee U and possibly the Toffees/Totts in keeping these players in a (complacent) default zone that as long as you qualify, the riches will come. Such anti-football sentiment is everywhere like a SF plague. Look at the shenanigans that follow QPR around ..... RON if he bought those players then it would be a miracle and after decade of 'top' wage earning is it possible to change?

  20. jjetplane

    May 28, 2014, 12:54 #52061

    LEAST FIT Remember when Ronnie first appeared on these shores in a tippy tappy flashy fashion. Soon learnt the errors of his way and learned how to to steel himself. Bet he did not spend Seasons running around cones while some old'n mumbled on about 'speeerit'. Methinks Wenger has no grasp of the physical game which has now become the grail for ambitious teams. Interesting contrast between Hull and Athletico in their respective finals. These teams had the spirit and physical graft in shedloads and if they had maybe a couple of players in the Di Maria/Ramsey mode we may have been looking at different outcomes. This 'don't get physical, it upsets my speeerit' philosphy is over, though as Arsenal have only ever been in the B division of such a culture, it's not as though it as ever ****ded itself consistently. Watching Adams on that you tube clip tells you everything about how to keep on playing despite the 'niggles'. All eyes on the injury list next season.

  21. Ron

    May 28, 2014, 12:36 #52060

    Ozzie - your Fabs for JW theory is an interesting one indeed. Something or more to the point, somebody has to give to accommodate Fabregas. My first inclination would naturally be SC simply as he doesn't do big games.However, im right with you. Get JW something like fit, hopefully he can window himself favourably in the WC and sell him for a wildly daft price that reflects him being english. I see an unfulfilled career for him and his best value is approaching while Clubs and coaches are still thinking there really is a top player in there, struggling to get out. In truth he badly lacks football intelligence, still thinks ripping up and about the pitch and flying tackles are productive and im sure, still too daft to realise why hes always injured and falls over more than young Theo ever has even. Throw in his ' do you know who i am, im an Eng international heavyweight mentality' and you've got the package. Cash for him would land us CF, put a brain in that there midfield, where theres otherwise just JW s gristle and leave the so called transfer kitty free to get a striker, keeper, DM and a couple of good full backs who can actually defend.

  22. Rocky RIP

    May 28, 2014, 12:22 #52058

    @ Finsbury Joe - go onto Youtube, enter 'spurs fans ranting about arsenal's fa cup final'. The antagonistic joker who says 'remember the face'... it's not you, is it? Cut from the same cloth as you it would seem. Hewn from the same stone of deluded clowns. Let's just let the dust settle on the NINETEENTH straight season of finishing above Spurs before fending off all the bold claims of new eras emanating from the cesspit in Middlesex. (They will come, give it until early August and this season will be wiped from their memories.)

  23. In Wenger We Trust

    May 28, 2014, 11:19 #52056

    To all those the people who wrote anti-Wenger nonsense on this very site, are you people going to apologise for not supporting the manager who has given this club so much or are you going to continue act likes spoiled plastic fans? Now that we got Wenger for three more years, though that's not enough imo, are you people going to support him and stop your "Wenger out" nonsense? Arsene knows best.

  24. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 28, 2014, 11:15 #52055

    survey was alright but why was there no option for "Don't go to games anymore"......(a) can't afford it (b) indifferent (c) prefer to spend the afternoon in B&Q (d) Don't know

  25. Ozzie

    May 28, 2014, 10:29 #52053

    How does the Emirates playing surface compare to Highbury? I saw quite a few players slip-sliding this last season. Could this be mathematically possible? It is quite an issue down under - maybe we could send some diggers over Badarse and see what is hidden in that grass of yours - hoho! What about flogging off Jack and bringing in a more stable character like Cesc?

  26. Mike Walsh

    May 28, 2014, 9:19 #52050

    A waste of time! Tried to complete but it crashes out.Pity because these surveys can be useful

  27. Westlower

    May 28, 2014, 9:11 #52048

    New players that maybe lining up for AFC next season. GK, Ruddy; RB, Aurier; DM, Bender/Schneiderlin; MF, Kallstrom; Winger, Griezeman; Striker, Remy.


    May 28, 2014, 8:59 #52047

    There are certainly others but westlower and myself are self-confessed' mathematicians', therefore it is a part of our personal fabric. The cosmos is being understood and explained by mathematics; they are in everything. Funny to think that your few numbers can speak volumes 24601, ha ha. Off to Diggerland with the little ones.

  29. Westlower

    May 28, 2014, 7:54 #52046

    Latest odds: Premier League 2014/15 match bet 2/7 Arsenal, 5/2 TH.

  30. Finsbury Joe

    May 27, 2014, 23:44 #52043

    Wish the club could see what I put in the survey.will be interesting when it is conducted this time next year and wenger has taken the club to sixth or seventh place. The old dinosaur will not compete with rival managers in place now, and who will be place next season, FACT

  31. jeff wright

    May 27, 2014, 17:27 #52038

    Just completed the survey,no prizes for guessing what my answer regarding Wenger staying was . This money motivated head up his own exhaust pipe decision by Wenger has disaster written all over it.It was clearly a time for change and the FAC final result was irrelevant to this but the win was exploited by Wenger to justify him signing a new contract,even though he had claimed that the result of the final was not a factor in his decision. And if you believe that, then you really will believe anything.

  32. Peter Wain

    May 27, 2014, 16:51 #52036

    Do not see Simeone as being realistic. He does not speak English and invading the pitch was ridiculous. Also this is his first decent season. Klopp fair enough but also German manager or Lippi or even Martinez would be a decent choice. However as the board will never sack Wenger no vacancy will ever exist.

  33. Wenger needs to go

    May 27, 2014, 13:43 #52032

    Wonder which are the players people here want us to sign? I want Di Maria and Benzema

  34. Wenger needs to go

    May 27, 2014, 13:30 #52030

    Wenger should have been sacked. Don't see how anyone can argue against. Man City 6-3 Arsenal Liverpool 5-1 Arsenal Chelsea 6-0 Arsenal Everton 3-0 Arsenal Replacement would be between Klopp or Simeone for me.

  35. dirkus

    May 27, 2014, 12:52 #52028

    Good survey, some difficult questions. I still think Arsene should have walked and taken Slimey Stan and Ivan the Terrible with him, unless David Dein had returned then just a year to see if attitude and spending improved. So glad we won the cup even if we did the hard way as usual.


    May 27, 2014, 11:27 #52024

    Ninety nine red balloons-loved them all again! Thank you Gooner.

  37. jjetplane

    May 27, 2014, 11:18 #52023

    Got to almost the End (Highbury), pressed wrong button and it's all gone innit! Maybe next year. Quality goal site that.

  38. Sam

    May 27, 2014, 10:50 #52022

    online survey page is not loading, then timing out and crashing.

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 26, 2014, 18:07 #52019
