World Cup Diary Part 1

Meanderings from Brazil

World Cup Diary Part 1

Friday evening... So four years ago, to provide some content for the website during a World Cup summer, I ran a series of pieces relaying my experience of the World Cup in South Africa. I have been fortunate enough to have attended five World Cups in person, although I don't really count Germany 2006 as that was a two night, three matches, toe in the water job. My first World Cup was Italia 90 and the only one since I did not attend a single game at was USA 94. As it stands, I have no intention of attending Russia 2018, not least because I really fancy the French Euros in 2016 and pure economics play their part.

I am starting this typing on a London tube train on Friday evening, a little over an hour ago having watched Holland demolish Spain on the box. I caught a the second half of Mexico beating Cameroon on the radio and watched the opening match between Brazil and Croatia, or at least until the second half when i nodded off, to be woken by my son when there was any significant action. It had been a long day...

Currently, Australia are playing Chile, and I would be able to catch the second half of that one if it were not for the fact i will be up at 3.50am to catch a taxi to Heathrow. Even if the flight is not until 6.20, I just don't want to take a chance on being delayed at security at Heathrow. Some days, it can be very thorough and slow. I am staying tonight at Adam's in West London, to save money on the cab fare in the morning. Adam is one of my travelling companions, as he was for much of my trip to South Africa in 2010. The other is Sanj, a pal of Adam's I have met twice before. They are getting direct flights to Rio at more civilised hours and will arrive about two hours after me. I change at Madrid, but at least have a chance to catch the second half of the England v Italy game assuming there is a TV screen somewhere at Rio airport. I can't imagine there won't be.

It's been the traditional mad rush to try and do everything I needed to before departure, and inevitably failing. And at times like this, I always ask myself, why am I doing this? Why not take the easy option and relax on the sofa for a month? The answer is in the memories of the experience of seeing other countries in the context of a World Cup Final tournament. Memories of Italy, France, Japan and South Africa are those that make a life lived all the more worthwhile. To have tasted something in the flesh rather than watch it through a TV screen. With all the travelling and attending matches, one misses a lot of games. Staying on the sofa at home undoubtedly allows you to see more football. Your experience of the tournament is also very different for all kinds of reasons. It must have been plain weird in 2002 to be waking up in the morning to a live football match on the box, however, it was something I never had the joy of experiencing because I was in Japan before the first ball was kicked until after the final had been won. Gilberto Silva held together Brazil's winning midfield and was then signed by Arsenal. If you count him as an Arsenal player in 2002 (ok, you can't, but indulge me), the club have had a player or more on the pitch at the last four World Cup finals.

Unlike previous finals, logistically, and economically, my usual plan to catch a game in every stadium used has gone out of the window in Brazil. Apparently the country is 26 times bigger than the UK. The only way you can really do the distance is by plane. I simply can't afford to do more than we will be doing. We are seeing six matches in five cities, meaning five internal flights including a couple of killer over-nighters.

Through friends, a few weeks back I had a chat with a Brazilian woman who is in London for a few months studying English, and got some first hand advice. She lived in Sao Paolo, which I have been told by another Brazilian is a place to avoid. And yet, she reckoned it was one of the safer places. I will spend one night there to catch England play Uruguay. She did have plenty of advise though, summarised as follows -
Buy suntan cream before going out there. it costs a bomb
Don't keep money in your back pocket, there are expert pickpockets out there
Get to the stadiums for matches very early. There will be long delays
Get to airports for flights early. There will be long delays
Don't take buses - you will get mugged
Have a little money on you if you do get mugged. The thief is less likely to do you harm if you can give them something
If you leave any valuables in your hotel room, put the do not disturb sign on when you go out
Don't take any valuables to the beach
As far as possible, dress down, although it will be impossible to look like a native due to skintone
Don't go out on your own. You will be an immediate target.
Use taxis whenever possible

So not much to worry about there then. Of course, we had plenty of warnings about the dangers of South Africa four years ago, so the hope is that the case with Brazil is that the tournament goes well and no-one becomes a victim. It seems a long shot though. However, Adam tells me he has heard from people in Salvador that they are having a great time and things are going well. So we live in hope.

Obviously, there are anti-World Cup protests, accompanied by some heavy handed policing. It's hardly ideal, and I have to say my sympathies are with the protestors. It is obscene that the Brazilian government are spending so much money staging the tournament when there are far more fundamental problems that need addressing with government funding. But that is Brazil, a country of haves and have nots, and very little in between. At least that is my impression. I'll see the reality soon enough. There is also the ethical dilemma of attending the tournament, given the issues the country is facing. By spending money on tickets, I am effectively endorsing the spending on stadiums. Still, was the situation so different in South Africa? In fairness, there was supposed to be money spent on infrastructure which will leave a legacy more useful than new football stadiums, but corruption seems to have gotten in the way of much of that being completed.

Saturday afternoon... I am now writing this on the plane over. I had to change at Madrid, and it seems there are a lot of other English fans doing the same. We will land shortly after the England v Italy game kicks off, but apparently getting through passport control and obtaining your visa means I will be lucky to catch anything before half time. So we'll see. I will post this on Sunday as once we reach the hotel we are in for the night, one thing is certain. I will need to sleep. Three hours sleep last night, and not uninterrupted as the damned cab company sent me a text around 2am to confirm they would be picking me up at 4am, and I forgot to put the phone on silent. So, up at 4am, and by the time I reach the hotel (will await the slightly later arrival of Adam and Sanj on a later, direct flight at the airport) the time in the UK will be somewhere around 3am in the morning. I will have been up for 23 hours solid.

Sunday, we fly up to Salvador, where we catch our first game on Monday, Portugal v Germany.

Sunday morning An attempt to post what I had written up to this point has been foiled by a mix of difficulty getting online and this damned PC notebook I am using, and its issues with internet security. I have turned every type of protection off, and if it goes south, so be it. It has p***ed me off plenty so far, so I won't be too sorry to let it go. Anyhow, hopefully I have resolved things enough to post this before the day's out.

I am currently on a plane awaiting to take off, our first internal flight, from Rio to Salvador. I have made contact with a relative of the Brazilian woman that gave me all the advice mentioned earlier, and she has been good enough to respond and will collect us at the airport. My arrival at Rio yesterday evening was earlier than I expected, and despite a long queue to get the visa at passport control, I was in plenty of time to catch the England v Italy match, after catching the news that Costa Rica had defeated Uruguay. At Rio airport, there is something called a 'fun zone' - I guess calling it a fan zone would breach some FIFA copyrighted concept. Anyway, a large indoor space with a big screen to watch the matches. Perfect. I have to say, the game was an absolute cracker, and yes, England ultimately failed to convert some great opportunities, but in contrast to some of the very mediocre football we have witnessed from them in past tournaments over the last ten years plus, it was a breath of fresh air. On an Arsenal level, I had no idea who was being treated for what looked like a serious injury after the England goal, before eventually Gary Lewin's head popped up. Phew! Has to be better than a player. As I was watching a Brazilian TV channel - and I have to say the commentary was so much enjoyable than 90% of what we have to endure back home - I had no idea what had happened until I read about it later. Jack Wilshere did very little for the 20 minutes he was on and frankly, I would be surprised if he gets another opportunity in this tournament based on his contribution. He really does appear to be a player that has lost his star. Nevertheless, England can progress to their next two matches knowing they can play some decent front foot football, although the crossing will have to improve in the latter stages of matches. I will put that down to mental fatigue yesterday. It was astonishing, after all the build up to what conditions would be like in Manaus, to see such a fast paced approach from England, and at times, even Italy. A thoroughly enjoyable 90 minutes to go with others seen so far in this tournament, which augurs well.

Sanj and Adam arrived shortly after the game finished and we caught a taxi to the hotel where we would be staying for one night. As luck would have it, it was right on the Copacabana beach. Just as well we were not paying for it! In spite of fatigue, we took the opportunity to go out, sit down and have a drink at a beach bar, watch at bit of the Japan v Ivory Coast game on the TV and take a stroll down the front. The weather was balmy, in spite of it being 11 at night, there were a good number of Argentina fans partying and a good atmosphere. Brazilian drivers were tooting at Argentina fans in a friendly way, which made no sense at all, but was refreshing to see. There was a heavy police presence, I am sure to quell any possible gathering of people protesting, although one imagines that might be more likely when either there is a game in Rio (the first one being Argentina's against Bosnia this afternoon) or when Brazil themselves are playing.

More soon, internet connection and this notebook (which last saw the light of day in South Africa four years ago) willing. By the way, sorry no pic with this. It's been hard enough just getting some words posted. Just arrived at hotel and found we do not have the right adaptors for the plug sockets here, which will make life interesting. Hopeful we can source an adaptor, but it's not guaranteed!

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  1. Charlie

    Jun 18, 2014, 23:20 #53093

    Ron,I lived half the year in Spain for nine years throughout the noughties and Man Utd were always seen as a long ball team there as all English teams were bar us,as for the spuds they were considered on par with Alicante.

  2. Ron

    Jun 18, 2014, 18:36 #53089

    Charlie - What i believe doesn't really matter. What i know does though. As you ask though, yes, i've always thought Tottenham have tried to play football the right way all of the years ive watched the game ie since the early to mid 60s that is. Same as Utd really. Utd have been universally recognised all over Europe for at least 50 years as being a Club who play in an open way and more so as they've had some of the best players in Europe (and in some cases the World) play for them. Only bigots deny another Club their dues. Im no Tottenham sympathizer but slagging another Clubs style of play just for the reason i'm not keen on them is mindless in my view. Youre in a minority of one if you really think Manchester Utd (or Sours for that matter) have always been a hoofing team, you really are.

  3. Charlie

    Jun 18, 2014, 10:06 #53066

    Ron,Another word for tradition could be old wives tales or myths.I suppose you also believe the spuds used to play like Brazil and the Hindu Elephant god exists. Watch this clip on youtube at this years world cup Henry's reaction is a classic. World Cup 2014 - Rio Ferdinand & Thierry Henry Give Thoughts on Sergio Busquets

  4. Ron

    Jun 17, 2014, 19:47 #53053

    Perhaps had TV done a bit more 'hoofing into row z' instead of pretending to be a shabby imitation of Franco Barezi he might still be a first team player? As to Utd being hoofers, its a comment that shows a poor understanding of the Clubs traditions and history. Id wager you've never heard of Barezi and never understood Utds history either though perhaps?

  5. Charlie

    Jun 17, 2014, 17:46 #53050

    Unfortunately TV is not good enough for Arsenal but too good to just be sat on the bench. He'll have less pressure at United as they don't have such fickle fans as we have and all he'll be required to do is hoof it into row Z.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 17, 2014, 16:11 #53047

    Ron, Roy, The biggest breath of fresh air for many a year, unfortunately it's just TKOS in action yet again and as usual it's being lapped up, and anyway there would still be a smell there stinking the place out.

  7. Wenger

    Jun 17, 2014, 14:30 #53046

    Je suis en vancance and ne travail pas pendant mes vacations. laisse moi dormir et spend mon argent. in this sense i am very different to Mourinhro who is jamais en vacance..

  8. Roy

    Jun 17, 2014, 14:26 #53045

    Interesting this Balotelli thing. While I'm confident it won't happen, it would be interesting to know how many of us think we should sign him if we got the chance. I like him, and he'd certainly freshen up the place. While being an easy one to dismiss for obvious reasons, the more I think about it, the more I'd like it to happen. Pity it won't. Good performances from Ozil and BFG yesterday.

  9. Ron

    Jun 17, 2014, 14:19 #53044

    JJ - Great WC. The camera work was superb where RVP headed it, then hit the floor and then raised his head after he d stopped sliding. His face when he saw his header had gone in was an absolute picture.

  10. jjetplane

    Jun 17, 2014, 14:10 #53042

    RON Balo seems reborn at this instance. Never seen a more classic display of 'bide your time' the moment will come. His shhhs'ing at the whistle may have been aimed at himself. Interesting how the media think it's an attack on them. Keeping with that subject ... better not. Great WC so far and fave moments are when RVP hit the grass after scoring as did the yank after his crazy moment. Beats Fowler's take on it though they are at the epic centre of white lines. Portugal and Spain (dogs and tails) ....

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:58 #53041

    Two up front, The two on the front of every bronzed babe on Copacabana beach if he has any sense.

  12. Ron

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:53 #53040

    Westie - Ballo - Hopefully mate.Ill welcome it anyway, even if no body else does.Great player and he ll bring spark and excitement too. Hail Ballo! Ha. If it is true , the Clubs staff might need to buckle their belts, helmets on all round and pin their ears back and that's only the cleaners and the balls boys!! Breath of fresh air and cobwebs blown aside mate. It wont do any harm .......................... will it? Ha

  13. Two up front for every match Wenger

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:46 #53039

    What matches will you be watching in the flesh Kev?

  14. jeff wright

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:43 #53038

    jjetplane , Ozil is a luxury that the Germans can afford to carry,as you say they would manage without him. Well,come to think so have we! He is the invisible man when it comes to crunch time and that was again the case in the FAC final against mighty Hull. As for Badarse he is probably sulking at AKB HQ , but fear not for he will be back to admonish all non - believers that Arsene does know , see! This when something happens in the World Cup (that he doesn't watch?) such as the JC goal against Uruguay that in Baddies view confirms it.

  15. jjetplane

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:28 #53037

    JEFF if you took Ozil out of that German team we would not notice. They can afford to carry the dressing in that sort of squad. Will Bayern sack Pep before Napolean disembarks the Amazon? Has Draxler just told Arsenal to jog on? Where is Badarse? Oh well, time to 'pull up the weeds'.

  16. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:14 #53036

    re: Joel Campbell. I was impressed with his display against Uruguay but remember what the mighty George Graham once said; forget about doing it at a world cup, I'd like to see him on a Tuesday night in Stoke (or something similar). Remember the lovely Totts signing Nico Clausen and Ilie Dumetrescu after the '86 and '94 WCs and they didn't exactly set the world on fire did they. Ah, but what about Ardiles, you say? Not a bad player, but he weren't all that. Villa was just another midfield lump too - apart from the FA Cup fluke. George on the other hand, got Stephan Schwarz - just about the only decent thing that came out of the 94/95 season

  17. jeff wright

    Jun 17, 2014, 13:11 #53035

    Mad Mario's agent is dangling him like bait on the end of a fishing rod hoping that Wenger will bite. With the Puma kit connection ,Balotelli is the German firms main star, some are putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 4.I'm not convinced that Mario will be wearing an Arsenal shirt next term though and still believe that just two or three squad player types,rather than big bucks marquee ones, will be all that the old part time French football commentator signs, when he consents to return to his day job that is . Ozil is obviously at present enjoying himself playing with those big butch Deutschlanders around him . He must be dreading returning to play with the tippy-tappy garden gnomes and with arthritic Arteta offering him protection instead of the giant huns .Wo ist Swinesteiger !

  18. jjetplane

    Jun 17, 2014, 12:06 #53034

    Talking of sitting on the bench (sleeping in a red hammock) surely OGL is too good for the bench. I think he could have a new project in Spanish div 2 league. This is not a joke and this is where he could prove once and for all (wobbly retardz) that he really knows. Dragging a bunch of players out of nowhere and putting them at the top of the ticky/tacky pinnacle and causing yet another revolution in the meaning of football after the shock reverberation that was caused by that boiled chicken and brocculi moment. If we get Balo ha ha then what I have just said will not happen and OGL will get another contract having resold Balo after a noticeable domestic for 70m. Joel Campbell will love Bayern and we need a tough start to next season for perspective (dontcha know). RVP will be shagged out by then having left Arsenal to win the league and world cup On me head. Nice **** there Napoleon - welcome to the complete clear out campaign. Meanwhile, who is not coming to Arsenal.

  19. Westlower

    Jun 17, 2014, 11:33 #53033

    I believe next season's fixtures are released tomorrow. The cynic in me reckons we'll be playing Man U immediately after one of our CL qualifying games. The true odds of it happening is 9.5/1. @Ron If the paper stories are true it looks as if the Balotelli deal could be possible.

  20. Mike

    Jun 17, 2014, 10:46 #53032

    TV was not good enough to be a regular in the squad which I think was right. In my opinion however, he is too good to be sitting on the bench. I can fully understand why he would go

  21. Ron

    Jun 17, 2014, 10:31 #53031

    Unless there are character/personality issues to get in the way (ive no idea what's stunted his opportunities at United?), i happen to think Nani is a very good and dangerous player. Agree, i struggle to recognise the real merits in Cleverley's game, but much of the continuing 'scatter gun' style chastisement of him is likely to derive from the idiocy handed out to him by the mindless Twitter/Facebook herd, a good portion of whom I've long thought are seriously psychologically challenged.

  22. Ron

    Jun 17, 2014, 10:06 #53030

    Westie - i agree with you re Cazorla. Hes a good player but only really suited to Spanish or French football. I think he knows it too. Rarely (if ever) performs in the crunch games v better opponents. Id expect a good DM, to be bought in his place though if he did leave.I suspect its more press trash talk to be honest.

  23. Bard

    Jun 17, 2014, 9:55 #53029

    Westie I am about Santi but Tv looks nailed on and by my calculations we need at a minimum of 5 top players. When was the last time we signed 5 top players. Not in my time of supporting Arsenal. There was the bargain basement shop after we were thrashed by United but that's it. Lack of squad depth was one of the main reasons we collapsed and contributed to so many injuries. If there are reasons to believe its gong to change next season would be delighted to hear.

  24. Arsene Napoleon Wenger

    Jun 17, 2014, 9:34 #53028

    June 17th:Morning everyone.And i hope everyone is happy with the news that i want Super Tom Cleverly as part of the TV deal to Utd.I have always been a big fan of Tom he reminds me of England's answer to Denilson.And that is the real reason why i didnt resign Cesc.Cant believe Tom isnt in England starting line up.And if i cant get Tom i would like Nani always rated him a top player.I watched. Ozil play last night and i know what youre thinking why cant he play like that for us?.A clue is Giroud doesnt play for Germany.And Podolski came on for 10 mins.He must have been tired after his hour in the cup final.Have a good day speak again tomorrow

  25. John Boy

    Jun 17, 2014, 8:57 #53027

    Great article Kevin, thanks. Ron, I agree with all you say about TV, but what Bard says is equally, if not more, valid. I have no problem with offloading Thomas, who has been a great servant for the club (certainly doesn't deserve to rot on the bench), if, and only if, we had already purchased 2 very capable centre backs. We were very lucky last season that neither Per or Kos suffered a significant injury. Bard has hit the nail on the head, we already needed more players than Wenger was ever going to sign, now the high improbability of starting next season stronger than we finished last is looking like an impossibility. You think Santi would want out if we had signed Fabregas, a player he was begging Wenger to sign? Also I would put money on Joel Campbell being sold for about £7m. Wenger once again fails to grasp that to keep the players you have, you need to show ambition in the players you bring in. The argument that bringing Cesc in would kill Jack, Aaron or the Ox is a nonsense as they will leave the club anyway when the lack of ambition has been so exposed for all to see.

  26. Westlower

    Jun 17, 2014, 8:49 #53026

    TV only started 7 games in PL last season, so he's hardly a key player in the current first team. Kos is a far superior defender. @Bard You're rather jumping the gun on us being light on numbers going into next season. We've already been told no signings will be made until after the World Cup so let's see what happens then. Until the outgoings are confirmed it's guess work at this stage to know who needs replacing. If the rumours about Cazorla leaving are true' he'd be the one I'd least worry about losing of all the midfield players.

  27. Ron

    Jun 17, 2014, 8:20 #53025

    If Vermaelen is as good as you seem to think he is, why would he want to remain a 'back up' player? Have to question the assumption that hes a DM as well. I wd suggest that is only ever posited as a result of him being too small to dominate forwards when playing at CB. Hes been found out for lack of height by a ball over the top on countless occasions sadly and i'm pretty sure that at 29 any innate ability he might have as a DM would have shown itself to his coaches by now. If its right that 10 Million is his price or his value vis player exchanges, then in my view its sound business for both Club and player.

  28. Bard

    Jun 17, 2014, 7:34 #53024

    We seem to be leaking players right left and centre. TV to Man U, Santi wants out. How many players do we need to sign now? At the last count we needed another keeper, a striker, a right back and a Dm, add to that another midfielder to replace Santi and another CB to replace TV. That makes six to be back to where we were last season. How many of us believe that's going to happen. We will undoubtedly be going into the new season light on numbers although we will hear the famous words 'we have a strong enough squad', This will be followed by players being overplayed leading to more injuries. Groundhog Day is upon us.

  29. DW Thomas

    Jun 17, 2014, 0:21 #53022

    TV has been a loyal and seems a class man. You all talking about him leaving like its taking out old trash is pitiful. Especially for an AKB. He would be a great DM imo. But Arsene has a knack for putting players in the wrong positions doesnt he. Again selling TV to United you lot make it sound like a reverse on Silvestre. Lets just answer this. Will we get an equal or better replacement as a CB backup? Not a snowballs chance...

  30. chas

    Jun 17, 2014, 0:11 #53021

    surely it's good to get rid of average squad players like TV and Sagna, just as it was good to get shot of Nasri, Adabayor, Clichy, Senderos, Eboue and Gervinho. Even Vieira and Henry were past their best when they left. Only Van Persie and Fabregas left before time.

  31. We're Doomed

    Jun 16, 2014, 23:56 #53020

    TV to United and Cleverly or Smalling in return.That will please the natives

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 16, 2014, 23:49 #53019

    A N W, very inventive, and no doubt just like here he has an opinion on everything, ans Sam it would be a waste of time he listens to no one.

  33. Sam

    Jun 16, 2014, 21:50 #53017

    enjoy the world cup, Kevin. You lucky bugger. How much do the tickets cost? Seems beyond many locals, as in South Africa. If you see Arsene, tell him what he needs to hear!

  34. Welcome to another AFC Close Season

    Jun 16, 2014, 20:11 #53016

    Sagna, Vermaelen sold and Fabregas not bought and its only mid June.

  35. Westlower

    Jun 16, 2014, 19:40 #53015

    Anyone else fed up with our media trying to turn the World Cup into the Wayne & Cristiano show?

  36. Bard

    Jun 16, 2014, 19:36 #53014

    Looking forward to reading your posts Kev. They will be a welcome distraction from Arsenals non transfer activity. There is only so much debate can be had about nothing.

  37. jeff wright

    Jun 16, 2014, 16:01 #53013

    This J.Campbell thingy provides a handy distraction from the reality that Wenger is off the day job at the world cup commenting on France's games for French TV and he already has two French strikers on board.

  38. Frank

    Jun 16, 2014, 14:49 #53012

    Joel Campbell.There is more chance of Sol Campbell playing next season.His work permit came through last July and even though we were short of strikers we made no attempt to get him back.Expect another loan or us to cash in on him after his success in the world cup.We dont want him "killing" Sanogo do we?


    Jun 16, 2014, 13:50 #53011

    but the wages would be high: Cole, Sagna, Vermaelen, Toure. Fabregas, Hleb,Nasri, Diarra RVP, Adebayor.

  40. radfordkennedy

    Jun 16, 2014, 13:47 #53009

    Kevin...a good read mate as all your tourno diaries are,I hope you have a great time,but at the risk of sounding like your Dad be careful fella,its not just the jungle where the nasties come out to play at night.I shall keep an eye out for a St Georges Gooner flag...C'mon England!!

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 16, 2014, 13:42 #53008

    Good post Kev enjoyed the read it's a good job you weren't waiting on your passport. I'm not all that bothered with international Football and wasn't really looking forward to the WC but as it got closer found myself warming to it and have found myself watching the games, i suppose the world cup it self's different rather than meaningless friendlies, and haven't been disappointed either with some great games even this early, and no doubt there will be plenty more. A pleasant distraction indeed from the humiliations and embarrassments we've seen and had to put up with over the last year in the prem or indeed the last four, we have the chance to laugh at others now and enjoy real world class football at the same time. And of course the bonus of not having to listen to wenger drone on with the same old same old before and after every game. Enjoy, and yes keep us posted it's good to hear the crack from someone who's there.

  42. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Jun 16, 2014, 13:37 #53007

    Selling TV is fine.Just why can't we ever sell after we buy the replacement? Yet again the same old mistakes being made year after year.Really really poor.Mind you cashflow can be tricky when you're down to you're last £150 mill.


    Jun 16, 2014, 12:41 #53004

    we need to get funds in from Vermaelen to MANU so that Wenger/Board can pay for Training Centre upgrade. Training Centre upgrade is long term investment increasing value of the company for when the IPO floatation comes. Keeping Vermaelen doesnt make sense when you can have a 19 year old reserve for 20% of the salary. This is good financial sense alround isntit. As for those of us who really do not understand selling our players to our rivals, tough **** !

  44. Charlie

    Jun 16, 2014, 11:22 #53002

    Arsene Napolean,If you love long ball and hate tika taka that much just go and watch the chavs or spuds or better still follow TV to Manure I think you'll be at home there.

  45. Ron

    Jun 16, 2014, 11:14 #52999

    Arsene Napoleon - Selling TV isnt a big thing. The truth is that he started 6 years ago with a flurry of goals and a few solid performances for some of that season, since that time hes been an ineffective defender and only a decent some time stand in too, but sadly, even then hes not performed very well. Maybe due to injuries and maybe due to misuse of him, i don't know but his sale hardly shatters the 'player out richer scale'. AW deserves a few brickbats lobbing towards him but selling TV doesn't justify it as i see it.

  46. Charlie

    Jun 16, 2014, 10:03 #52996

    I have really enjoyed watching the World Cup this year especially if there's players connected to Arsenal involved.Joel Campbell looks a good prospect let's just hope the wob boo boys give him a chance and don't hound him out like they did to Gervinho and that Arsene can find some real gems and not just follow the cry's of the glory hunters to get in big name stars. Would like to see the spray can free kick markers introduced in the Prem next season to stop the other 19 cheating skyballing rabble who make up the league from moving balls 20 yards further forward and failing to retreat on free-kicks when playing us.

  47. Arsene Napoleon Wenger

    Jun 16, 2014, 9:58 #52995

    Arsene Wenger's Diary:June 13th An RVP inspired Holland smashed Spain.Some are saying Tiki Taki football is dead.If it is i'm f**cked because thats the only tactic i know.June 14th:Joel Campbell a player who hasnt played one minute for us is the star of the world cup.Wonder how much we can get for him?I will take £2m.Sort it out Ivan. June 15th:I watched France win 3-0.I cant believe Benzama is starting in front of Sanogo.Saw an young Argentinian lad last night called Messi.Think i'll get Dick Law to put a £3m bid in for him. June 16th:I have been in Brazil a week and have done some great business for Arsenal i turned down the chance to sign a true world class midfielder,One of our most consistent players Sagna has left on a free to join our rivals Man City and today my captain has agreed to join another of our rivals Man Utd.But the best news of all is Carlos Vela the king of chips is coming back i have never seen a better player in the world when your team is 4-0 up.And some fans dont think i earn my £8m a year i should get double that.Well thats enough for today off to the beach to top up the tan its a hard life managing Arsenal now where did i leave my champagne

  48. SteveB

    Jun 16, 2014, 4:48 #52990

    Very good read. How long are you staying out there for? Would be keen to hear what the ticket situation is, if the stadiums are full, if there is a black market etc.

  49. MikeF

    Jun 15, 2014, 22:21 #52989

    Thanks for sharing Kevin. I enjoyed your articles four years ago and look forward to reading of your exploits this time round. It's a shame you were on board a plane when we had the Arsenal highlight of the tournament so far - Joel Campbell's performance for Costa Rica. Very promising and I'm sure he'll be part of the squad next season now. Enjoy yourself and say safe.