World Cup Diary Part 3

Fan Park Day in Salvador

World Cup Diary Part 3

Yesterday was a day without physically attending a match, or catching a plane. I think we have three more of those, two in Manaus and one in Rio. A relaxing morning in the hotel room was followed by five hours in the fan park here in Salvador. We decided to get there to watch the first game of the day - Belgium v Algeria - so we could get a decent spot and avoid queuing to get in later on when the Brazil game was getting close. It was a hot day, although there was a pleasant breeze off the sea. We were well protected with suntan cream which seems to have done the job as I do not feel burned from sitting in the mid-afternoon sun.

Most of the attendees for the first game were visitors. I guess a local would probably think it a bit nuts to sit out in the sun for the hottest part of the day. A case of mad dogs and foreign football fans. The zip wire continued sending thrillseekers from one side of the screen to the other, but low enough not to disturb the view of a half decent game of football which almost poroduced an upset. Credit to Belgium for remaining focussed and clawing back the game. Thomas Vermaelen did what he has been doing for much of the season and watched from the bench.

In the time between that match and the Brazil game, the zip wire stopped and we had some entertainment. First some dancers in costume with those giant papier mache heads - including Phil Scholari and Neymar. That was followed by an open top bus with a band playing on the top deck. Whilst this was going on, a couple of huge inflatable balls with Coca Cola branding were inflated and the crowd played keepy uppy with their hands, until one was caught by the wind and carried over some rocks and into the ocean. They retrieved it, but I think it was punctured as it disappeared soon after.

Sellers were circulating selling drinks which constantly produced empty cans but the operation was well handled as rubbish collectors were always on hand to put them into their polythene sacks. There seems to be a living to be made from recycling, as I see this all over the place. It meant, unlike a lot of open air events in the UK, a mass of trampled tins did not pose the risk of turning your ankle.

By the time of the Brazil game (4pm), the place had filled up considerably, although the crowd was a little more mixed than the evening match the day before, in terms of age. The conclusion was that the young take their chance to socialise in the evenings, and those over the age of, say, 20 are elsewhere by then. It would have been some experience to be in the midst of seeing the reaction to a Brazil goal, but it just didn't happen. Mexico did a decent containing job, sometimes a little cynically, and when all else failed, their keeper made the headlines he did. The result is not a disaster for the hosts - they should beat Cameroon in their final game - however, the attack did not convince as much as I believed it would. I had Fred down as a better forward than maybe he is. Maybe it was just an off day, but one of those in the knockout stages and there is no second chance. They certainly do not appear ominous on the two appearances so far though. I saw a press conference with Scholari later and it appeared that he walked out due to his dislike for the questioning. From memory, they looked a lot better in the Confederations Cup last summer, but at this stage, it's just about getting out of the group. There is time to hit form. Still, in Brazil, every game has to be won by a distance and playing with style.

Getting out of the fan park after the game was a challenge. It isn't designed for a quick exit, but at least we were not in a hurry to get anywhere. Our evening meal was followed by a nice stroll around in the warm temperatures to take in the sights and sounds, including an impromptu party with a car blasting out the music at a petrol station and some hip movement from underdressed females that made your eyes water. It's a different world out here.

As for the tournament, so far, no doubt about the two most impressive sides - both European. Germany and Holland have started excellently. Still, it's early days. Interesting to see Brazil and Mexico completed two matches before Russia and South Korea had even played their first. Doubtless TV scheduling, but a definite advantage if you are in Group A or B.

This is our last day in Salvador, This evening we catch a flight that gets into Sao Paulo fairly late, so straight to the hotel there. We will have time to watch the Holland and Spain games on TV somewhere (although we will have to vacate our hotel room by noon) before Lillian reappears to give us a lift to the airport. Our flight is at 21.10, but she says the traffic is so bad in the evening that she will pick us up at 18.30. We will leave her three tickets to the football feast that is Bosnia v Iran which we have not been able to sell. Doubtless, she will be thrilled.

Tomorrow, England v Uruguay, followed by an evening in Sao Paulo and a 3am flight to Recife. I think that's what you call a long day. I might not post again until after we get to Recife, as I imagine the combination of a lack of wifi and the poor battery on this dying on its arse notebook I am using on this trip may combine to foil any attempt to do anything in Sao Paulo.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 19, 2014, 18:38 #53116

    DW, yes would like to see that scenario myself any one of those match ups would be a good spectacle and make it really interesting, and yes France look tidy, my thoughts on them earlier maybe imploding, were wrong (although it is early days)they look disciplined and up for it, maybe leaving nasri at home wasn't such a bad decision after all.

  2. Ron

    Jun 19, 2014, 14:26 #53114

    DW - France seem a tight unit but badly lack a striker. I do hope the Benzema chap stays where he is and doesn't opt to join Arsenal. Hes ordinary indeed.

  3. DW Thomas

    Jun 19, 2014, 14:22 #53113

    Agree maguiresbridge! Wenger's demeanor has bothered me for years. It's like he's an economics professor attempting to be a football manager! Even the zipper thing has become a symbol of his farcical reign now! But again this is a WC blog (albeit within an Arsenal blog)! I am predicting a WW2 matchup...France vs. Germany. How I'd love to see that spectacle again. Or an allied game, France vs. Englad. Maybe not till much later but those type of games can have such drama/emotion. Still the group stage games, though so far great, can be a little like the CL ones.

  4. Westlower

    Jun 19, 2014, 13:45 #53112

    @WOB, Apologies for missing your attempt of humour, went straight over my head. The only excuse I can offer is I'm currently thinking 99% horses & 1% football. Normal service will resume on Sunday.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 19, 2014, 13:19 #53111

    What was the name of that Chile manager? (is he available)making full use of his box, kicking every ball, giving instructions, showing passion, as he danced on the grave of tippy tappy football, instead of sitting on his arse on the bench rocking back and forward clueless still trying to play it.

  6. jeff wright

    Jun 19, 2014, 13:19 #53110

    Oh what a circus,oh what a show ! Arsene is at the World Cup and must know that tippy tappy football's time is up. Then again knowing him it is not impossible that he might think that Spain's defeats were just an accident, the Spanish were not adventurous enough and played with the handbrake on . Some of the goals conceded to the Dutch and Chileans were GK errors, and so on ad - nauseum. I'm fully expecting to see our little men, minus Santi, still tippy tapping away to try and break down Pulis's well organized defence in our first game in the league. And also in the CL qualifier tie against as yet opponents unknown and the CS game v City at Wembley in what will be the cup final that never was.

  7. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jun 19, 2014, 13:15 #53109

    Today's Top 10 World Cup Cliches: (1) Cameroon reached the QF in 1990. (2) Oh my how will the European sides cope with this heat. (3) There's dissention in the Dutch camp. (4) Those Germans are just super-efficient aren't they. (5) France are gifted but sooooo unpredictable. (6) Brave plucky Australia, never know when they're beaten (they certainly beat Holland though, as in beat them up). (7) The pressure on Brazil as the host nation must be unimaginable. (8) Where should Rooney play? Up front, midfield, in the hole, in goal, with himself? Who knows? (9) Capello certainly seems to have got this Russian team playing to a system. (10) Greece won the Euros in 2004. Come on, let's have some more.

  8. Oz

    Jun 19, 2014, 13:02 #53108

    Good luck England. Sad we couldn't have got that extra goal against Holland but did well methinks.

  9. Ron

    Jun 19, 2014, 12:35 #53107

    Good one Chile and thank you, thank you. No more media creaming over Spain. The last 8 years of it have indeed been tedious by its sheer repetition, notwithstanding Spain's obvious achievements. Now its on to the next Gerro and Roo show.............. oh dear, i think i preferred the Spain media creaming after all!

  10. WOB

    Jun 19, 2014, 12:27 #53106

    Westlower yes I know it was a little attempt at humour. Not surprised it was lost on you.

  11. jjetplane

    Jun 19, 2014, 12:08 #53105

    Well Chile appear to have the best team, fans and coach and do they not remind me of Athletico Madrid in their cohesive play. Incredible to watch a type of football (Spanish model) come to a sleeping halt but that happens with all footballing empires. There is a new game on the block and I am predicting a big future for Tony Pulis and Leicester City. WESTIE well done on the horses but you need professional help with that X file complex. The only conspiracy is the stuff being shovelled out of the Boardroom at Le Emirates since the first brick went down. Do Athletico want Santi? Probably not - on the other hand Leicester ..... WESTIE England to score 4 with shrek hatrick .... Oh & well put Charlie and I think Europe is also a very nice city.

  12. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jun 19, 2014, 11:51 #53104

    This World Cup should show for once and for all to OGL that tippy tappy football is dead. The game now is all about defending as a team and counterattacking with pace. What will Sky do now, without their beloved possession stats? Possession is meaningless nowadays.

  13. Westlower

    Jun 19, 2014, 11:05 #53103

    @WOB, "Always find something to moan about."That's rich coming from a dedicated WOB. Pot, kettle, black!! @Don, It was a significant day with the PL fixtures being released. @Bard, Nothing like a good conspiracy theory to pump the blood up!

  14. WOB

    Jun 19, 2014, 9:58 #53102

    Westlower, nice easy first game, nice easy last game (both at home is that allowed?), games against the top teams nicely spread out and only one away game at a top team in the nervy last 3 months! Should be happy days for the optimists! Wenger's defeatist army will always find something to moan about though.

  15. Don

    Jun 19, 2014, 9:36 #53101

    Westlower Give the League a rest.This is a world cup diary.I know you like to get in with your excuses early but wait till the world cup finishes at least

  16. Bard

    Jun 19, 2014, 8:59 #53100

    Westie I think I feel a conspiracy coming on. The powers that be are plotting to stop this great club winning the title.

  17. Charlie

    Jun 19, 2014, 8:02 #53098

    Having spent many years in Europe I have always found the people very knowledgeable about football and judge the game and each team on how they see them.Unlike a lot of English folk who seem to be blinkered in foolish traditions and are spoon fed by the media.

  18. Westlower

    Jun 19, 2014, 7:56 #53097

    Assuming we reach the CL Group stages, we'll have 7 away games in the PL after our 8 fixtures in Europe. Some honest little soul is trying to make life hard for AFC. In contrast Man U are only 4/1 to win their opening 5 games in PL against Swansea, Sunderland, Burnley, QPR & Leicester. The powers that be + Sky will be busting a gut to get the Mancs back on top of the PL. Football's future finances largely depend on it. Corruption is alive & well in the Premier League.

  19. lol

    Jun 19, 2014, 6:56 #53096

    DW Thomas - Fellaini is a great for a hoofball team like Stoke, West Ham, the Everton under David Moyes. His strengths are limited to heading and hold-up play. His passing and tackling are poor. So basically a poor option as a CDM, but decent you want to hoof the ball to him every time.

  20. DW Thomas

    Jun 19, 2014, 1:52 #53095

    I have always thought that more important than possession is high pressing defense where the players see the benefit of working equally hard on defense as offense. Second, is effective possession, not just to keep the ball, but something creative with it. Not just sideways passing. The old Barca and Spain used to do this well. We did it in that Chelsea game years ago now. Why we haven't made that our blueprint for tactics is beyond explanation. Perhaps Wenger knows he has too many players that don't relish defending and believe it is beneath them. Even Messi works his tail off at times. Iniesta had a so-so game today, but he works tirelessly off the ball and at least was attempting to drive Spain forward! RVPlooking class again too!

  21. allybear

    Jun 18, 2014, 22:32 #53092

    DW Thomas yes tippy tappy is dead&has been for quite a while but Wenger wont hear of it! I like your choice of players but we can only dream. I thought the Chile defence was excellent and very well organised. It was a well thought out plan and proves that the right tactics can work. Of course our manager doesnt do tactics! Maybe he will get the Spain job!

  22. DW Thomas

    Jun 18, 2014, 21:32 #53091

    Spain must be getting advice from Arsene. Tippy tappy road to nowhere. No answers for Chiles high pressure. Haven't seen this much sideways passing since the days of Denilson.

  23. Roy

    Jun 18, 2014, 17:51 #53088

    I have to say Kev, I'm jealous ! Sounds like your having a cracking time. Stay safe. I wonder if anyone's told Shrek about Manures massively favourable looking fixture list next season ? May put an extra spring in his step tomorrow.

  24. Stan

    Jun 18, 2014, 17:05 #53087

    DW You have the job. Let's take this to the bank.

  25. DW Thomas

    Jun 18, 2014, 15:23 #53085

    Another good game for Belgium. Fellaini made the difference. Lets get him for TV. A fresh start for him might see his best side which was unplayable at times 2years ago. Lots of players still needed, but the daily WC games takes my mind off it all. Kevin, your trip seems a dream. Really wanted to goto France in 98 with my French dad and always regret we didn't Ashe passed in 2004. He loved Les Bleus and gave me my love for the game! I have heard great stories over the years of friends who went to Germany and South Africa. Great times if you can avoid crime/muggings. International fans seem even more die hard than us! Having some great conversations with buddies and many beers watching on the tele. No one discussing our clubs, just who we like, players and teams. Balotelli, Fellaini, Aurier, Griezman. How about those four additions?

  26. Norms

    Jun 18, 2014, 14:01 #53082

    What a refreshing blog....... It's great to read one that is down to earth and sincere. Enjoy your stay, enjoy the games, and safe flying. I look forward to further episodes....thanks

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 18, 2014, 13:16 #53079

    Wow three more days watching the scantily clad babes you certainly seem to be enjoying yourself, it beats working any day lucky for some. No big papier mache heads of OGL? maybe he's still on the Amazon, anyway i suppose the real ones enough to have to put up with.