World Cup Diary Part 10

There are better sights on Ipanema beach than Arsene Wenger...

World Cup Diary Part 10

We arrived in Rio at 3am on Thursday morning and took a taxi to the hotel. The taxi driver wanted to charge us a set fee of 70 real, but we insisted on him using the meter. It was 40 real on that and even then, we think he might have slightly elongated the route. Our hotel was in the centre of the city, a long way from the beach, although not too far from the Maracana. It will be easily reached by metro for our final match of the trip on Saturday evening between Uruguay and Colombia. The area around does not look very inviting, but we can simply head to nicer parts by metro or taxi as required.

After about five hours' sleep, we caught the tail end of the hotel breakfast before Sanj and Adam headed to Ipanema Beach. I stayed in the room to catch up with some work before the 1pm kick off of the final group G matches. I chose to watch Portugal play Ghana, and occasionally hopped channel to check whether USA and Germany would play out a convenient draw. The latter game went ahead in spite of torrential rain in the morning in Recife which left some streets under more than a foot of water. It was bad enough our reaching the stadium there to see Italy v Costa Rica on a dry day, so credit to all the spectators that actually made it for this one. It is 17km from where the bulk of the hotels are (and even futher from where we stayed in the less salubrious part of town). Apparently, some spectators abandoned their vehicles and started walking. Still, the game went ahead and it did look to me like the ball bounced truly enough from what I saw of proceedings. Germany delivered the required result - a victory - to give the two teams in the other match a chink of daylight and possible qualification.

Cristiano Ronaldo has not had a tournament to remember, and has been outshone by Messi, Neymar and his own team-mate Karim Benzema. Anonymous in the game against Germany, possibly due to injury, he was a little better against the USA, setting up the last minute equaliser, but was still not the player we know him to be. Against Ghana, in fairness, he was unfortunate. Portugal needed to win by maybe four goals, and he came close to scoring about five times, hitting the crossbar, missing by a whisker, forcing saves from the keeper etc etc. He did score one in the 80th minute, but his lack of celebration said it all. Ghana had the better mathematical chance of progress due to goal difference, but their failure to win put paid to that. Ultimately, both teams' failure to beat the USA proved decisive. Adam later told me that some estimated 200,000 people had made the trip to Brazil from the States for these finals, quite obviously most of them not attending the actual USA matches. However, even as an individual that is not a lover of the USA, the argument for them to be awarded the 2022 World Cup ahead of Quatar is obvious. There seems so much more enthusiasm for football there now than I suspect existed in 1994. I wonder if the decision is reversed regarding Quatar the recipients of all the funds buying their votes will have to pay the money back!

I caught the metro to Ipanema myself after the game was completed. I later found out that one M. Wenger had been playing beach volley-football - or whatever they call it - on that very stretch of sand earlier in the day, presumably a stunt for French TV. Adam and Sanj did not spot him either. I was emailed a great pic of him with a bikini clad female with a comment about Le Boss being in Brazil talent spotting. I am sure it has been widely circulated back home.

As for the beach itself, let's just leave it as saying it is a place of outstanding natural beauty, much of it wearing a bikini. And there were some lads from England who had hung their St George flags up between poles normally used for volleyball. I met up with my two travelling companions at the Fan Fest at the far end of the Copacabana and we watched the first half of Russia v Algeria on the big screen. There was a large group of people chilling out sitting on the sand to catch the game except for three pricks in the middle who insisted on standing. Don't you just love people who think the whole world revolves around them? They were politely requested to sit down but were not having it. Confirmation that there are arseholes the world over. We were hungry so went to watch the second half, ironically, in an Arabian restaurant. Algeria got the draw they required to go through the Fabio Capello managed to do even worse than he had with England four years ago. And before 2010, I had him down as a results man who could achieve. Not at international level. It meant that two African teams had made it through to the last 16. At one stage, it appeared than there might not be any.

It was dark by this time - although only 7pm - but still pleasantly warm. Certainly not oppressive. Still, this is Rio in the winter. God alone knows how little the women wear when the temperatures rise. We strolled around the shops as I needed to buy gifts for the folks back home. By this time, a trendy pair of Haviana flip flops I had bought in Manaus were cutting into one of my feet, so they won't be used extensively again. You can't 'wear in' flip flops like shoes can you? Anyway, I liked the buzz of the place, even the traffic. The shops all being open when it is dark and the feeling that you are in the midst of something vibrant and feelgood. The other lads are of the opinion that the girls here are better looking than anywhere else we have been in Brazil. Not being young, free and single, I couldn't possibly comment.

Around about 9pm, we took a cab back to the hotel, somewhat knackered from the four hour flight the night before. The traffic was pretty clogged, even at that time. A fact of life here. We had plenty of time in the midst of it to practice Portuguese pronounciation when our driver produced a card with standard phrases, which gave us a bit of a chuckle. Friday is a day without football. We will do a bit more of the tourist stuff and relax a bit.

As for the tournament itself, so far, so good. The final stages look to offer some classic match-ups if the more fancied teams progress to the last eight. The potential semi-finals - Holland v Argentina and Brazil v Germany/France - look very tasty indeed. Of course, it might not pan out that way. In a sense, the tournament is Brazil's to lose, given the favouritism they seem to be getting from the officials. Key decisions can decide a tight game. The teams mentioned above have all shown they can score a hatful of goals, and I am uncertain any of them have a rock solid defence. One suspects as the stakes get higher, caution will come to the fore, which would be a shame, but that might be the way the cup is won. If I had to stick my neck out, I would say we will see a Brazil v Holland final, with the home team triumphing. That Messi fella seems to be showing a bit of form though, so who can say...

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 01, 2014, 13:24 #53279

    Bard, madness is the word some of the names being linked to us at the minute is laughable, just as laughable is some believe it.

  2. Bard

    Jun 30, 2014, 18:48 #53264

    Too busy watching the World Cup to be that bothered about matters Arsenal. But guys remember we never do business early. We will crank into action at the end of Aug as always. All the rest of the stuff is transfer madness. It's also worth remembering that Ozil excepted we don't shop in the top market. It's usually the £10-£15m market. Forget all these big signings we are supposed to be after we don't pay that kind of money. Enjoy the cup, I'm all for Colombia at the moment Rodriguez looks fantastic.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 30, 2014, 17:42 #53263

    Up the Swanee, yes mate that would be more like it, with the usual statement they're top top quality i've been after him/them for a while.

  4. jjetplane

    Jun 30, 2014, 13:29 #53261

    Campbell scored a class penalty when he needed to and Dixie was saying how Wenger told him 'I nearly sold him with a smirk' which can read 'he is in the window with JW and we will throw in an X box.' Having watched footer for 6 score years the sensation of being a Brazilian fan is pretty weird. How can you avoid it and when you see Neymar crying in Scholari's arms - well **** - this is where football goes to. Kinda wished the Dutch had got it off Mexico so the start to the Manc job would carry on where Moyes left off. What did anyone think of the anthem bit at the Brazil game - ****ing mindblowing! I reckon Campbell the can kicker will have an interesting future. He will not want to be sitting on the bench at the Emirates so no doubt Man City will eventually loan him back to a Greek club, or .....

  5. Danny

    Jun 30, 2014, 13:01 #53258

    Up the Swanee without a paddle - Sango can only only get better. Remember he has injuries he is getting over with. Campbell hasn't got it to make it. he just like Vela suited to lower teams in Spain or Greece

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 30, 2014, 12:47 #53257

    DW, great shout the fans of Arsenal are very very good at forgiving alright(some more than others)and love is certainly blind maybe if there was a lot less of both, and as much love for our club as there is the manager we'd have more than one trophy in nine years.

  7. Up the Swanee without a paddle

    Jun 30, 2014, 10:14 #53256

    Latest rumor, OGL looking closely at buying some bargains from the Greek squad. There possession stas are high and they are good at passing it sideways at low tempo. Should fit in well with the current Arsenal style. Danny, If Joel Campbell is average and crap, what does that make Sanogol?

  8. DANNY

    Jun 30, 2014, 2:33 #53255

    saw Joel Campbell against Greece and i found him average and crap. useless game from him today, so anyone thinking he is going to a world beater, he ain't

  9. jjetplane

    Jun 29, 2014, 23:04 #53254

    So Wiltord is a done deal. Nice .....

  10. Ted

    Jun 29, 2014, 20:39 #53253

    What's wrong with Wenger having a bit of fun anyway.He has to endure the 'Wenger out no fun zone brigade' all year so he should be allowed some time off to let his hair down. Maybe play a few games of beach football, take in a couple of flamenco dance shows. Have a few nights out and bang a couple of the local beauties,sounds good to me.Arsenal don't own him.

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 29, 2014, 19:37 #53252

    DW, yes little boys with their toys, (they're supposed to be professional footballers) reminded me when my lad got his some years back all excited and wouldn't let go of it. Although i'd hazard a guess those were complimentary freebies provided by the FA no doubt, you'd have thought they'd at least have kept them hidden (no shame) you could say the same regarding Arsenal maybe if they'd concentrated more on tactics and the opposition rather than video games they'd be still in the competition.

  12. Danny

    Jun 29, 2014, 16:55 #53251

    Wenger will nevre finish hs contarct. he will be gone soon he is hanging himself by doing nothing. A sensile old man never learns. others are buying and he does what?- nothing!!!

  13. Jose Mourinhio

    Jun 29, 2014, 16:02 #53250

    Maybe i will be in charge next season….

  14. DW Thomas

    Jun 29, 2014, 15:45 #53249

    I find it very interesting how so many are willing to forgive and forget so easily. What have this club done this off season so far to deserve any of our cash/trust?? Please, enlighten me! We have signed no one, off loaded a great right back who never got a pay rise after loyal service for years, and instead of signing much needed reinforcements, our already overpaid leader is commentating for more cash and enjoying some Brazil fun! Sure, sure. I get it now. When you love someone, you defend them vigorously from attacks. Love is blind. My love is for the club. I would defend it like those of you do Arsene. I admit, all will be forgiven IF, a big one, he signs some very good additions. Otherwise it's the same old s..t. So far it aint even sausages, let alone caviar!


    Jun 29, 2014, 15:29 #53248

    Arsene, sign Alexis or resign

  16. Ted & Charlie

    Jun 29, 2014, 15:16 #53247

    Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit ....... Bleat Bleat Bleat .......

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 29, 2014, 14:58 #53246

    Arsene, thanks very much for taking time out from your hectic schedule of poncing about on the beach with the babes, to let us know your views, even though their nothing we didn't already know, and you really didn't need to tell us to get used to it we have been for a long time. Keep us up to date with what your doing, are there any more safaris planned? Is there still a couple of unknowns to scout,if so don't be getting lost again and take miss Friday with you she's a big girl so she can carry you, you should be used to that. You didn't tell us how you got out the last time was it your great mental strength that kept you going? Or was it two St Bernards that came to your rescue tails wagging with their barrels full of your favorite claret?


    Jun 29, 2014, 14:27 #53245

    Alexis is such an amazing player. Arsene I'm begging you sign Sanchez he his what we need. He has everything speed, skill and finishing, tenacity, strength and stamina. Super impressive player.

  19. Westlower

    Jun 29, 2014, 12:51 #53244

    @Arsene, Better a puppy than a bleating sheep. As puppies mature they become stronger, more intelligent, supportive & useful companions, whereas bleating sheep remain just witless nonentities.

  20. Tired and Narrow

    Jun 29, 2014, 12:22 #53243

    Ha ha Here comes that French clown again! Make haste my lovely dart!


    Jun 29, 2014, 10:55 #53242

    Look I haven't had much to say for a while, I thought I would leave jeff wright to explain any views I might have, as he seems to know more about me than I do myself...yap, yap, yap! Recently, beyond the general posts I've seen the same tired and narrow comments from the usual suspects, however three posts have stood out; they have been simple, succinct and illuminating. Despite varying reasons, and possibly alternative views to me in some things, they have shown that they understand the situation and have a total grasp of the topic. I would like to redirect any blinkered souls to reread the last posts of Gaz, Seven Kings Gooner and Ron. If you absorb what these gentlefolk are saying things may become a little clearer, failing that I suggest you get your custard pies at the ready and stand poised to hurl.

  22. Gaz

    Jun 29, 2014, 7:51 #53241

    Look I'm usually more than happy to criticise Arsene but on this occasion I really don't see what the problem is. Quite enjoyed the pictures of him enjoying himself and in all honesty Brazil is THE place to be because all the better players AND their agents are most likely there too! I'm going to give him a chance until I see certain players we're being heavily linked to (who I really want!) go elsewhere. If and when they do and we're left with the players hardly any better than we've got then I'll really start to complain...

  23. DW Thomas

    Jun 29, 2014, 4:43 #53240

    Despite my excitement for this WC, Arsenal stay in the back of my mind. James Rodriguez looks the real deal. Anyone see the pics of Jack W. and others getting their Xboxes from their trip as they headed home? Funny! Also,caught the video of Arsene playing beach soccer/volleyball. At least we can get some good laughs before the season makes us cry.

  24. Ozzie

    Jun 29, 2014, 3:14 #53239

    Some interesting reports out this morning....but not holding my breath.

  25. charlie

    Jun 29, 2014, 0:20 #53238

    The other top sides will do what they always do,sign a load of overated crap on exorbitant wages and play hoofball what's so clever about that,if you don't like the way Arsenal are run just bugger off glory hunters.

  26. Tony

    Jun 29, 2014, 0:03 #53237

    We only got into the CL because Utd f**ked up Fergie's replacement.Now they have a top class manager,a winner.No CL next season look how much that helped Liverpool last season.We will sign Remy and bring back Campbell and no DM again.

  27. Ted

    Jun 28, 2014, 23:25 #53236

    The Wenger knockers are absolutely obsessed with every thing the man does. Get a life and stop talking crap you're acting like woopsies.

  28. stan stan the arsenal man

    Jun 28, 2014, 22:02 #53235

    Thanks's all much clearer are the greatest thing to happen to my club..I hope that you are well and enjoying your summer break......IN ARSENE WE TRUST xxxxxx

  29. Arsene

    Jun 28, 2014, 21:32 #53234

    Why should I change? I have signed my new megabucks contract and the club has got your season ticket renewal money. There was a moment last August when I panicked and sanctioned the Ozil deal but as soon as Ivan publicly stated in January that I would be staying I knew I could get away with spending nothing again, even if our title 'challenge' was yet again to become a distant memory come May. And with my obedient puppies Westlower and BADARSE hanging on my every word and defending me from disbelievers till the end of time I will continue to be the winner and you mugs will always be the losers, so get used to it.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 28, 2014, 16:16 #53233

    Yes of course it will be August we all know it,and if everything goes well in the first game maybe nothing at all except for a couple of cheapie light weights who like knitting(remember we already have a team of winners now, and are good enough) but there's fools who think and believe OGL is working hard behind the scenes on world class, and actually believe the stories and rumors of this player and that (even though he's on a jolly and got lost in the Amazon and was swept up on the beach) but maybe OGL has instructed Ivan and Dick to do the biz of course he has if you believe that you'll believe anything (wait some do) because nothing will happen without OGL's being there in person to put his grubby fingerprints all over it.

  31. Ted

    Jun 28, 2014, 16:03 #53232

    The other top sides have only signed ordinary players who have failed in the WC why are the wob's getting so hot under the collar already.Gits!

  32. DW Thomas

    Jun 28, 2014, 15:01 #53231

    Wenger will never change. His lack of interest in building this team early is baffling. Each we get late signings and each year we are told they need time, sometimes a season to bed in. It's a joke now. At least the WC has been entertaining. Wenger's contract as a reward for failure is a sober reminder this club is only about profits. Winning is secondary. So are the players. How many of our former players or missed targets are shining at the WC? We won't sign anyone of quality. Yet Wenger takes his pay without any signs of remorse. Remember, nobody is signing anyone during the WC! His delusions continue...

  33. Ron

    Jun 28, 2014, 14:47 #53230

    Sign him up, sign him up, sign him up ........ good old Arsene! He knows!Guys. Far be it for me to defend Wenger's transfer methods but its not July yet. Shaw and Lallana? Barmy in mu view. Neither worth near the prices.

  34. Anti-Wenger

    Jun 28, 2014, 13:07 #53229

    This was why a part me was wishing us not to win the FA Cup. The man has finally got the monkey off his back, signed the most ridiculously lucrative contract(for a coach who has won only one FA cup in 9 yrs) and he's back to business as usual. Well, 3 more trophyless years won't kill us, we survived 9.

  35. Fozzy's mate

    Jun 28, 2014, 12:41 #53228

    Good old OGL. Maybe he needs the extra tv cash to add to his new 25 million contract to pay for next years holiday. As he said nobody does any business during the world cup do they? While chelsea, manure, city and liverpool use their cash at bank which according to published accounts is far less than ours. But hey as long as Arsene enjoys himself there is still the late august charge of the light offer brigade.

  36. jeff wright

    Jun 28, 2014, 12:25 #53227

    The Wenger carry on up the Amazon khazi show is becoming ever more hilarious - who needs RVP - or any other top striker - when we have Arsene Von Wenger showing how to head goals. If he can do it then anyone can.If the going gets tough for Sanago and leaden footed Giroud then Arsene Von Wenger can send himself on. On me 'ead son! Will be the new approach now that tippy tappy is dead . Fat Sam will be rubbing his hands with glee at the prospect of big Andy suddenly becoming in vogue with the return of route one bang - wham!

  37. Ozzie

    Jun 28, 2014, 11:30 #53226

    Some of our WC players are going to have a looooong season.

  38. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 28, 2014, 9:20 #53225

    Great read as usual Kev - as for transfers guys, forget it until August, late August at that! Arsenal don't buy until the very last minute because it saves on wages. Remember if we sign 3 players in June that is over 3 million quidAFpR to be found without them even kicking a ball - and that is not the Arsenal way.

  39. Simon

    Jun 28, 2014, 9:01 #53224

    I'm thrilled that arsene is having such a wonderful time. Whilst all of his rivals strengthen their squads in time for pre-season there he is poncing around on the beach. He's over paid, over the hill and more importantly over there when he should be back here signing the players our mundane squad so desperately needs.

  40. Peter Wain

    Jun 28, 2014, 8:11 #53223

    Marvellous. United strenghten Liverpool strenghten and we play beach football with French has beens. Typical transfer window -we are behing the eight ball yet again.

  41. Roy

    Jun 27, 2014, 21:28 #53222

    Kev, please hurry home. Having read all 10 installments thus far, I am insanely jealous ! Seriously though, thanks for the insights into a very diverse country and it's culture. OGL strutting his stuff on the beach eh ? He must have noticed a decent player or two there and I can't see the wages being a problem !

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 27, 2014, 18:31 #53221

    Yes Kev back to the babes that's more like it, your still aloud to look you know, and imagine, and dream. So OGL has resurfaced at last,with no poison darts in his arse, i wonder did he win the volleyball if not i'm sure there was an excuse maybe the wrong kind of sand, i'm sure the referee was involved somewhere. Yes OGL's safe and out and about it's hardly the talent spotting we'd prefer as all the transfer business is already done with the signings of two more light weight players who will need special permission from the FA to play wearing knitting needles through their nose's.