World Cup Diary Part 13

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World Cup Diary Part 13

So the trip is over, and I am back in Blighty. There are a few loose ends that will come to mind in the entries about the remaining matches, now experienced by me in the same way as it has been by those that did not make the trip, so let me start now with one of them. Graffiti. It is everywhere in Brazil, far more prevalent than here, and although some of it is pretty dubious in quality, the vast majority is of very high standard indeed. Just type ‘Brazil Graffiti’ into a google image search and you will be astonished at the quality of some of it. Another sensation that will remain in the memory is the phenomenon of walking along a street, coming to a large crack in the pavement and smelling the sewage drains below. It wasn’t pleasant and the heat made it worse. This aspect of life – poor sanitization – is doubtless far worse in places I would have been foolish to go, and is a good example how the Brazilian government could have spent money in better ways than on new and upgraded football stadiums that are unlikely to justify the investment once the FIFA roadshow leaves town.

One thing I should mention is that the fears about travelling around by plane were misplaced. I anticipated chaos and long delays at airports, but it was anything but. There were issues with flight times being changed – although that was months before we arrived, meaning, for example, a much later flight from Salvador to Sao Paulo than we had initially planned for. However, getting to the airports was fine, in terms of the roads, and the only alarms were a couple of occasions on which we were so early, our flights had not appeared on the departure boards leading to our fearing they might have been figments of our imagination.

We witnessed no protests against the World Cup when we were out there. Sure, there was some anti-FIFA graffiti and a highpoint for me was the appearance of Sepp Blatter on the screens in the stadium towards the end of the Switzerland v Honduras game when the crowd as one started booing a man synonymous with FIFA’s all too apparent corruption. The general feeling is that should Brazil exit the tournament before the final, the protests might return. Certainly, the heavy police presence indicates the authorities will do what is required to ensure the tournament runs smoothly. Yesterday, I added my name to a petition calling for some kind of monument for the construction workers who died building the stadiums for these finals. Needless sacrifices, a consequence, surely, of bypassing safety measures to cut corners and presumably cost.

It’s a strange contrast. In many senses, this has been a marvelous tournament so far, with exciting games, some excellent football from countries that were expected to be whipping boys, a healthy dose of drama, packed out stadiums and a lively and vibrant atmosphere at the matches. And yet, the background to the finals is something everyone is all too well aware of. Significantly, once it was decided that the 2014 World Cup would be held in South America, no other country bid for it. The reason is simple – the cost of staging it is phenomenal, the long term benefits dubious. Add to this the amount of money siphoned off by those awarded contracts to build the stadiums and infrastructure (some of this in turn doubtless used to bribe the decision makers), and the reality that much of the non-stadium improvements were never actually finished - and by all accounts, some not even started. The end result is that you have something wonderful created from something rotten. It takes a while to get your head around it.

Brazil is a fascinating country. Huge in scale, with a lot to recommend it. Sure, you will get ripped off if you are quite obviously a dumb tourist, and pretty much any visitor without much in the way of Portuguese is going to fall into that category. But you know that before you get there and simply try to limit your losses. I would certainly like to return one day.

As for the tournament, it was back to the armchair for the final four games of the last 16 knockout round. France were expected to beat Nigeria, but made heavy weather of it, significantly looking a better outfit once Giroud was hauled off. It was a similar case with Germany. Algeria put up a very decent display and it is interesting to note that Germany have a history of struggling to overcome certain African and South American countries. That they needed extra time says it all. France against Germany, given neither side looked outstanding in their first knockout game, is a tough one to call. I suspect Giroud will not start for France.

The following day saw Argentina become the third heavily fancied side to struggle against supposedly lesser opposition. However, ultimately, the space that Switzerland’s extra time fatigue allowed Messi at the key moment resulted in the goal. Frankly though, Argentina do not look like champions in waiting. Messi can only carry them so far. My suspicion now is that Holland will have too much in attack for them at the semi-final stage, if they can get past Belgium in the first place. The latter team came through a very entertaining encounter against the USA, one of the games of the tournament in spite of there being no goals in normal time.

It leaves us with a fairly cracking quartet of quarter finals, although I would accept an argument that Holland v Costa Rica might prove a bit one-sided. However, a tournament full of surprises should teach us that nothing is guaranteed. It is unusual though, for the eight group winners to have all won their first knockout match. I am fairly certain that has never happened before.

It’s wind down time now. 56 matches played, eight remaining. The business end of things and the games that actually matter. All that has gone before is an irrelevance, merely the means to the end of reaching this stage. So Germany trouncing Portugal 4-0 and other such impressive displays are good performances to remember, but mean nothing now. Brazil are the favourites, but only remain in the competition because of a penalty shoot-out in which they missed two themselves. It’s about survival, composure, big moments. Brazil were 1-0 up against Holland in the quarter final four years ago, but conceded two second half goals, and then, with 17 minutes remaining to get an equalizer, Felipe Melo lost his head and got sent off. A few days ago, the Dutch had far less time left on the clock when Wesley Sneijder coolly slotted home an equalizer against Mexico, leading to their dramatic win. How a team, or sometimes an individual player reacts to adversity can be decisive, the difference between going through and going home. If you look at that side of things, the likely final is probably Holland v Germany. Might have a bet on that if the odds are respectable…

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  1. Rob

    Jul 05, 2014, 11:56 #53401

    Well done Kev. The experience of a lifetime - and I envy you for it. It's hard to believe anyone will be able to make the same of Quatar, when that comes around. Let's hope we've something good coming up, starting in August.

  2. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2014, 9:35 #53395

    Hi all! What profiteth a man if he gain six signatures and they all turn out to be more flops? :-)


    Jul 04, 2014, 20:22 #53388

    Hi Bard, westlower and I are currently on a tandem-I'm behind him trying to go left as he goes right-and as in all good team relays I backed the Germans to win, so we score a 50% win rate and our stake goes onto the next nag, er team. jeff wright you will love this, we have a WC competition running here and though my wife is winning by a country mile I tipped all 8 winners in the last 16 games( and the Germans tonight). I said to the better half I should have asked westlower to give me the odds on that piece of guesswork. Seven teams left and my three tips are still in it.

  4. jeff wright

    Jul 04, 2014, 19:59 #53386

    There was a certain deja vu look about the simple set piece headed goal that won the Deutschlanders the game 1-0 against the powder-puff French . The French folded meekly once again when faced with a tough opponent and the Germans did not even have to work hard to win 1-0 . I must add that Lowe's side looked a lot quicker in defense without big slow Per plodding about in it.I still don't see Germany winning the tournament though ,they are nothing special.

  5. Westlower

    Jul 04, 2014, 19:52 #53384

    @Bard, Classic German victory, we've seen many over the years. GG would have been proud of them (yawn)! On the contrary, my betting on the horses has been exceptional, my best year yet. Must be getting wiser with age? It's much harder predicting the outcome of a football match, especially in warmer climbs. Kos may have prevented the goal, big mistake leaving him out IMO. I would still like to see Griezmann in an Arsenal shirt.

  6. Bard

    Jul 04, 2014, 19:44 #53383

    Westie; keep it up mate. Just watched France fail to create a serious chance against Germany. If you're betting on the nags is as bad as your assessment of football talent you need to get a new vocation. Roll on Colombia.

  7. DW Thomas

    Jul 04, 2014, 16:16 #53381

    Badman, hope you don't think I was referring to you about the self-righteous thing, although you do have strong views. Yet, I find you willing mostly to understand others perspectives. The regulars on here usually provide me with thoughtful insight and humor as well. Sometimes I like to just sit back and enjoy the banter! My reference was to OGL and any like him. We all have some arrogance/confidence, some more than others. Yet, the decisions that lie in Wenger's hands year in year out effect way more people than our day to day ones. At the end of the day it's just sport, not all that important compared to many other hugely important things like family, work, etc. however, without our little joys in life, life becomes a tad boring, as we would be always doing for others and never for ourselves. Its a balance to me. Work hard,play hard. There are many times where I used to give Arsene the benefit of the doubt. No more. He is having his cake and eating it too. The man has not found that extra something to get us over the line having had more years in his job than any other coach, even successful ones. There is always some excuse or we just can't possibly understand as fans the difficulty of his job. I have never bought the whole "under pressure" mantra. Coaches, players. They make a ton of money, have everything a human being could possibly desire materially. They rely on themselves to do the necessary things for their success. And they get every support possible to achieve it. They deserve no pity in my opinion. Neither do they deserve crazed fans and media. What is honest is honest criticism. If sport is about winning, the present or future, not the past, how is he still here doing the same things, getting the same results? I think my bar is even lower than most fans. I simply desire a good go. To do all the club can to attain success, not just profits. If we build a squad for.this season filling in the needed positions with quality players that can make a difference and still fail, I can accept that. What is unacceptable to me is the same old same old. Selling our best, and buying cheap or not replacing at all. The silly prevarications.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2014, 13:34 #53376

    Ron, have a good time i hear the babes are classy there as well. And keep an eye out for OGL and a couple of shifty companions working hard on the beach word has it they re orbited in that area this morning.

  9. Ron

    Jul 04, 2014, 9:05 #53371

    Off to Jamaica today for 3 days so can't hang about.

  10. Matty B

    Jul 04, 2014, 8:58 #53370

    Great blog on the WC. Really interesting to hear about it first hand, whilst watching the highlights on the telly. I hope you enjoyed it (sounds like you did) and only slightly jealous (!) of not being out there too. Inevitably one gets drawn into watching the Arse players in the different teams. Not been that impressed with any so far and the biggest challenge is seeing just how much better Benzema is compared to Giroud. Jesus. If we were going to buy one player it would be him for me... Anyway hope you get some rest back home and memories live long!

  11. Westlower

    Jul 04, 2014, 8:16 #53369

    Looking forward to the France v Germany game. It appears to my wonky eyes that the French have the most balanced team (best midfield & bench) in the WC tournament, providing they only play Giroud or Benzema. At least Wenger has been able to see first hand that as a pair of strikers they do not compliment each other. IMO, Griezemann gives the French more than Podolski gives the Germans. Beating the Germans may give the French the impetus to go all the way. Wenger is definitely in the right place at the right time to evaluate players & I'd certainly be disappointed if he wasn't at the WC.


    Jul 04, 2014, 7:13 #53368

    Oh dear, a flyover has collapsed in Belo Horizonte, with a loss of life. It seems it was half expected as the infrastructure for the WC was often rushed and incomplete. A little more ugliness DWT, so tragic.


    Jul 04, 2014, 6:29 #53367

    DWT, loved all of your post, right up until the dig at the end of it, but I can forgive that buddy. I am sure I do come across as a self-righteous, perhaps even pompous, fool often. It isn't intended-I promise you. If my words in person were delivered in a gentle, soft, jokingly and friendly manner, as intended, (promise), then it would give evidence of how wrong your judgement of me might be. Possibly Arsene too? The plan for AFC is probably all you claim it to be-no longer primarily a football club, but then Coke isn't the 'Real thing' either! Times have changed, the world has cranked on a notch and this is reality. You are right to see it as ugly, I do too. All men and women have feet of clay, Arsenal Stadium is built on it. Nothing remains the same and although unpalatable it is as it is. I am ageing and I joke to people that I am a dinosaur in many ways-ironically I am more in tune and aware of the evolution that goes on all around me than most youngsters. I am not holy, neither am I preaching a new-age cosmic lot of nonsense-I just recognise some obvious and repeating circumstances in everyday things, that's all. My response to many posts is born of the repetition I see daily. People are entitled to their opinions and shouldn't try to dominate and influence others by intimidation or rudeness. I do try to offer an alternative view, sorry if it wounds on occasions. Together, together, together is a clarion call, a unifying approach and an olive branch all rolled into one. Hello Athoz, a nice post for the day-my 'Uncle Toby's' follows after my second cuppa Rosie which is due now.

  14. DW Thomas

    Jul 04, 2014, 2:07 #53365

    Baddie, if I have to explain the numerous, maybe countless actions and comments Wenger has made over the years that led me to my belief that he has a giant ego and regards himself above most in football, then I am amazed. Especially to a self-proclaimed life long Arsenal like yourself? Arsenal and following football is a hobby, one of many that take up what little time I get for myself after my family responsibilities. I respect Wenger in some ways as you say for sticking to his guns, but his guns have led to failure for too long. As for my friends and family and how they think, I am an anomaly to them and most I meet. I am very analytical and try not to make judgements too soon without weighing all facts and opinions. It has taken me a while to come fully around, but there is too much evidence for me to he that this club will push on with the current manager and squad. We have the potential to be a dominating force in world soccer, but we are stagnating. Great reward requires often great risk. Arsenal are too comfortable, too happy to finish 4th and take the money. Perhaps that is today's football. MONEY! Above all else. I just don't have to like it. Nor our manager's ways. Especially for the money we as fans shell out each year in support and with hopes high. We have every right to criticize what we see as right, as both AKBs and WOBs, and all others somewhere in between. I for one love the arguments, to debate, but can't stand a self-rightious know it all. Allez Les Bleus! And Victoria Concordia Crescit!


    Jul 03, 2014, 22:41 #53364

    All the teachers in the country are about due a 6-7 week holiday soon. They shouldn't take time off with pay, they should keep working until their heads explode, or go unpaid and find more things to list that they are unable to afford. Educashun, who needs it? I was accused once of not having a job as I posted frequently-my work often calls for me to sit at the computer-some would have me earn my corn by doing press-ups in idle moments. The idea of a person on a contract which allows for a different set of work practises beyond the Neanderthal concept, offends those unable to grasp the small and intricate nuances which some jobs offer. In this principle Arsene Wenger's remuneration isn't connected, neither is his Wi-Fi.

  16. Bard

    Jul 03, 2014, 21:58 #53363

    Great set of posts Kev. Gives a real flavour of the WC. Much needed respite from the Arsenal stuff. Can't honestly get my head round the Wenger frustrations, the question that keeps coming to mind is what's new? We always do our business in late August, the eternal Arsenal haggling takes a long time. This is the organsiation that wouldn't buy Shwartzer for£5m and wouldn't pay Cole 5 grand more. The idea that we're seriously in for all these big names is fanciful. We might sign one eventually but the absence of activity is just par for the course. Just because we won the FA cup isn't going to change the business model. As Badarse rightly pointed out on a post a while ago you don't get much for your £100m these days, that's two top players plus wages, no more. I think some of the Wenger abuse is borne of envy. I would die to have his job, job security, shedload loads of money and no serious expectations. Oh and a summer spent looking at scantily clad beach babes. Own up guys don't you feel a tinge of envy, I do.

  17. Agent from Mars

    Jul 03, 2014, 21:30 #53362

    The one with the glasses and the silly voice got zapped and transported out. The one they call Dein is staying for a light year or two. If you look up you might just see a bright comet (duvet) coming back to earth. He should have a story or two for the press.

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 21:01 #53361

    Agent from Mars, any sign of a Lear jet with three faces peering out the side window?

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 20:04 #53360

    Ron, any sign of OGL? maybe there any parts there that still remain unexplored? because those that still believe are telling us he's disappeared with David Dein and a couple of agents.

  20. allybear

    Jul 03, 2014, 19:50 #53359

    Nice article Kyle and i agree about Wenger,cant stand him and never could. I have been embarrased too many times as a fan by his mismanagement. I would love to see Sanchez at the club but doubt it very much. My ideal would be Wenger gone for good. It will be interesting to see the Germany France match tmrw.

  21. jeff wright

    Jul 03, 2014, 19:46 #53358

    Baddie, why check with me,you have already said that you don't like international football. Obviously though you were watching at least one Costa Rica game.Even though you were at work and it was forced upon you! I'm still sticking with the Argies to win the cup ,although my fav side so far is Colombia, but with the boys from Brazil getting awarded dodgy penalties and players credited with goals they never scored , and with the streets of Brazil full of armed riot cops to battle the disgruntled citizens who will rise up in revolt if their side is knocked out,I suspect that somehow or other the home side will win ,to keep the hopes of the populace alive and kicking.Arsene will be brooding over les bleus fate against the dreaded hun .Q. Why does the Champs Elysee have trees lining it > ? A.So the German army can march in the shade. C'est la vie!

  22. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2014, 18:03 #53357

    Nice eloquent stuff as always DW. Talking of conventions that was a great record 'Meet on the ledge'. Wonder why St BADARSE is always on about ledges. Ummmmm most revealing Herr Docktor.

  23. Ron

    Jul 03, 2014, 17:55 #53356

    Just got back from deutschland and I'm pooped.Best short break I've had in years.


    Jul 03, 2014, 17:43 #53355

    DWT, the thoughts of you, your friends, and your brothers, all sharing a similar outlook is a bit scary, I'd be jumping off the ledge! Only kidding buddy, but can I ask a pertinent question please, on what basis do you judge Arsene Wenger to be an egotistical know-it-all? I see him as a man with a strong ethos, and the fortitude to stick to his guns when all around clamour for him to change, concede, abdicate, fly a kite, and throw himself under a bus. Odd that the thing that riles you most I see as a strength and actually admire. The second salient point is the understanding you have arrived at, that being that you can recognise those dreaded AKBs who love Arsene more than they love Arsenal. My question is, who are these people? Do they visit you in the night, opening the window and enticing you to step onto the ledge? Seriously I know none of these people and would find it difficult to identify anyone fitting the bill if I even had a chat with one. You would have to pointedly say, 'Do you love Arsene more than Arsenal?' then say, 'I don't believe you1', if they answered in the negative. Odd that, isn't it? Glad you are enjoying the WC, am not sure if I am, I would have to check with jeff wright.

  25. DW Thomas

    Jul 03, 2014, 16:32 #53354

    Great reports of your trip Kevin! I for one feel like I can really get the jist of what went/is going on down there. Shame really there is so much corruption within FIFA. John Oliver's recent tired about it summed it up for me. How sad to waste all that money that the poor really need so much more than us for,mere entertainment. Then throw in Wenger and his extra pay for extra duty commentator assignment and it really becomes farcical. However, the football has been fun to watch. I have been behind on a few games catching up through my DVR whilst texting my bro and best mate not to spoil anything on the game by texting me back updates. Literally had to ignore my phone buzzing during the US vs Belg. game as my brother was refusing to follow my wishes. Technology these days is amazing, though I hate how it does take a lot of our human interaction away. Much rather share the game will all my my mates and brothers together in someone's living room than talk via text or emails. Yet, the way we can share info and talk instantly is sometimes pretty cool. As far as the transfer saga and Arsene go, I hope that rumors are true, but really can't believe anymore. Too many disappointments from our club and manager. I dream of Sanchez and Pogba coming in, a DM, CB, and backup GK, right back too. Not to look like we are keeping up with the Mancs or Chelsea, but to show we want to compete and understand we have to strengthen to do it! But, the reality is when your leader is an egotistical know-it-all, no change will happen. It will be same old same old as the AKBs lap it up. I used to never try to label posters/fans as such, but these last few seasons have opened my eyes to those die hard Arsene supporters who love him more than Arsenal. Despite these interesting WC blogs, I really miss your Arsenal post match ones and your always astute criticism of the problems and positives with our club! Keep the torch alight my friend!

  26. jeff wright

    Jul 03, 2014, 14:12 #53353

    One man went to Mo went to Mo a meadow ... one man and his dog went to Mo a meadow...( yawn) I love the way the deluded AKB's keep reappearing on here casting abuse at non-believers using different monikers, as though this in some way makes their deluded rantings more credible. The great thing about the World Cup is that it has provided a ready made excuse for Wenger to hide behind until he, Ivan and of course Silent Stan, have secured the Cash Cow TV European Champs group stage loot by having won that pesky qualifier tie.Anyone who believes that Wenger is in Brazil looking to sign world class stars really is living in la la land. He is on a paid for holiday doing some French TV work . As Wenger himself has pointed out before buying players on the back of what they have done in these tournaments is a risky biz, for starters you pay inflated prices and wages and there is no guarantee that the players will reproduce their cup heroics in the Prem. There has been more costly failures of this sort than successful ones. It all makes for good copy and speculation in the media and on blogs of course .The real deals are already being done openly by other clubs ,right now, and Barca are not buying Suarez for what he did in Brazil , and neither would Wenger be,if he could get him and that applies to any one else that he might be interested in. Remember though that Wenger will not sign anyone who wants more wages than he himself gets. This is how he operates. So unless a top player is in an Ozil type scenario ,that the little Turk found himself in last summer with Bale arriving at RM and himself being told that he was surplus to requirements, then they are not going to join us for less than what they can earn elsewhere.That's the reality of Wenger's wage policy and he is not going to change it.Trying to dress it up in a plethora of glib smug self satisfaction by knocking on about other clubs doing financial doping ,etc, will not change this fact.The real dopes are those who keep on supporting Wenger.

  27. Agent from Mars

    Jul 03, 2014, 13:36 #53352

    Apologies OGL You have been busy as we should be seeing Campbell somewhere in Italy from next season. Meanwhile, extra spin on Sanchez and Vidal. Keep the loyalists cooing into their drug cabinets.

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 13:31 #53351

    Yes Kev you went there and done it,and bought the tee shirt unlike the others, and i'm sure we'd all like to see the pic's especially the ones of you know what.Yes it's always good to come home, and back to the best seat in the house, and i'm not talking about the bog. Although when the whole thing kicks off again in August and you have to do it all over again only for a longer period of time like a hell of a lot of us you could be using it as frequently as ever.

  29. Website Editor

    Jul 03, 2014, 12:51 #53349

    @Norms - Well, you could copy and paste the blogs onto one document! After SA2010, a handful of people asked me to collate all the entries there into a pdf. I might do the same for Brazil if there is sufficient interest. Would give me the chance to use some of the pics I took out there I guess. So I might do that. Thanks to all those who have responded positively to the diary. I appreciate it's not to everyone's taste, but it provides content for the site in lean times, Arsenal-wise. From the little I have seen of other Arsenal blogs, they tend to be covering the World Cup as well, albeit from the sanctuary of their armchairs.

  30. Norms

    Jul 03, 2014, 12:42 #53348

    As before....where can I get all of your are such a pleasure to read. I live near Cape Town so in 2010 I was able to go to seven matches here....but your Diary is an even better experience. Thank you for such engaging writing.

  31. Kyle

    Jul 03, 2014, 12:30 #53347

    Get Yer Gooner - Wenger is partying in Brazil if he had any interest in making signings he wouldn't be there. I predict no signings at all. One way or another the man has destroyed the club and just continues to do so.

  32. Get Yer Gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 12:07 #53345

    Anyone that thinks Wenger is not trying to sign players is deluded. He's out in Brazil with David Dein and Gerald Houlier. Dein has made his private jet available and they are watching players and having meetings all over the place in between Wenger's TV work. I'd say he's getting some very good advice from his advisors. Look up Marvin Burglas on twitter and see the evidence for yourselves