A What If Scenario

Maybe an idea to do the shopping before the season starts this time?

A What If Scenario

Tony Pulis – Will he take the first points off Gunners?

Summer footie can’t get much worse than watching yet another woeful performance from our national team and being outdone by a Bernie Winters’ brace following a neat pair of assists from the Scouse thug. Thoughts automatically turn to what’s in store in a couple of month’s time with the return of proper footie, although our first game of the new season means that we will get a visit from the odious Pulis and his lot.

In the past few weeks we have been linked with most players in the world, whether they are available or not. Following the departures of two of our keepers and the much-missed Sagna, there is plenty of room on the bus for more. Alas, Barry Bender is currently stuck in a revolving door but we live in hope.

So who is exactly going to be running out of the tunnel in red at the start of the long awaited first game of the new season? Let’s examine Arsene’s track record during recent summers to get a hint of what we might expect. We can certainly expect him to be busy holding his purse clenched in his hands ready to bid the odd 20p for the likes of Balotelli. The sad truth is that we have been here before in exactly the same position and there is a fair chance that we will end up with absolutely nobody.

We could even be starting the season with a worse deficit. Orville Cazorla wanted the return of Cesc (deep down, didn’t we all?) and you don’t have to be brain of Britain to see Orville being sold on the cheap to Atletico Madrid. Vermaelen obviously doesn’t want hang around with splinters in his arse for the remainder of his career and he will surely jump at going to ManUre. The current round of meaningless internationals in Brazil will no doubt see Marty Feldman, BFG and probably Podolski all crocked before they return to our shores. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have Cesc around if and when that happens? If all this sounds a bit far fetched, just think back to how many times have we seen the World Cup injury curse strike out against us, going back to the likes of Bergkamp and Henry who were pale shadows of themselves after a World Cup summer. And just for good measure The Ox and Walnutt will still be “two weeks away from fitness” when the middle of August comes around.

So there you have it. Worst case scenario we could end up with starting eleven against Palace of Chesney in goal (there is no other), a back four of Bellerin, Jenkinson (emergency centre half), Koscielny, Gibbs, a midfield quartet of Wiggy Arteta, Flamini, Ramsey, Happy Jack, and up front Gnabry and Giroud. Hardly sets the pulse racing. We might even get a glimpse of Joel Campbell who just might make the bench but he would have to wait until 70 minutes to come on, and that’s if Rosicky doesn’t get there first.

We saw the gaps this time last year. We shouted and screamed as best we could through the virtues of modern technology. We shouted and screamed again last January. Nothing happened and yet again we fell away, rescuing our much heralded fourth place trophy by the skin of our teeth. Winning the Cup was just papering over the cracks.

Arsene, the clock is ticking. We don’t want the first game of the season to be a repeat of last season’s opening fixture against Villa, especially as this time around that vile little man wearing a silly cap will be prowling up and down the touchline, whilst you, Arsene, will be on your arse in the dugout blaming everybody apart from yourself for not strengthening the team this summer.

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  1. JJB

    Jul 10, 2014, 14:26 #53606

    @fourth place.....yeah you really got me with that one. Taking Pitt your anus like most idiots on here. What are you even sayin? Ignorant fool like so many in our base

  2. Fourth place again and Wigan's trophy

    Jul 09, 2014, 15:10 #53549

    JJB- Yeah all us moaners looked pretty stupid a few months after we bought Ozil didn't we? Watch Sanchez regress under Wenger the same way.

  3. JJB

    Jul 09, 2014, 11:10 #53531

    I'm so glad that many of you who cannot wait to lay into the club and manager are about to look pretty stupid when we unveil Sanchez & Debuchy, and thats just for starters. It is beyond ridiculous that you are slagging him off for apparently not signing players in time.......but then again the lack of actual knowledge about the game on this board astounds me.....Those of you who still know what the word "support" means and understand the nuances of the transfer window...your patience is about to be rewarded!

  4. Ozzie

    Jul 08, 2014, 6:24 #53478

    Oh dear, is Arsene going to take all that money with him into the void or will he leave it to the vultures?

  5. Alf Garnett

    Jul 07, 2014, 20:45 #53476

    Shut up yer silly cow! Bloody professors nicking all our jobs!

  6. Bard

    Jul 07, 2014, 20:27 #53475

    Badarse: you make a good point . I would add that football is in the middle of change whereby skill levels, Messi and Rodriguez excepted, havent caught up with the increase in speed and fitness of the destructive beasts. Maybe we will have to wait for the next generation to see a rebalancing. On a completely different point I don't understand all the off season Wenger bile. We haven't played a match yet. I am not his greatest fan but it's ridiculous to pillory the man when we aren't even playing matches. I know arsenal haven't bought anyone but they always take forever to sign anyone so why get in a sweat now. If we pull off Sanchez it will be a miracle and I for one will be more than happy but it's unlikely if we are forced into a bidding war as the club fold as soon as someone raises the stakes. If we get to the start of the season and haven't signed adequate reinforcements by all means start firing but the current crop of outpourings against Wenger are as absurdly deluded as the pro camp. Neither have any substance but and remind me of Alf Garnett at his worst.


    Jul 07, 2014, 17:11 #53466

    What I am about to say is not revolutionary or particularly insightful, but I believe that modern football has altered it's shape quite considerably in the last two seasons or so. The game naturally evolves of course but sometimes there is a bigger click of the gears-or so it seems. I think one has taken place. The game has consistently developed whereby the positives/attackers have been developed to bring the game to life. At the same time defensive ploys and plans have been introduced to limit the effect of the skilful artists. It was always enough to intimidate and brutalise, without fear of retribution by powder-puff refereeing, until big players stepped into the ring and guarded and acted as a shield to the gifted in their ranks. The more common or garden teams could effectively kick their way to survival, and woe betide a skilful side without an enforcer, or a few who could mix it...step up Arsenal. AW committed a sin in trying to play football without the complement needed, doomed to failure in our Prem particularly, which is pretty lawless on the pitch. What I think I have been witnessing is a more strident form of brutality in the game. We begin with a number of strong athletes and endeavour to get their fitness level to such a high degree that there is little breathing space for the opposing artists-they are hurried off the ball, or hit by an express train. All a little bit scary. As players improve their speed and fitness, fresher due to squad rotation, impervious to rules because of poor officiating, the pitch effectively shrinks. We have one real solution which is the fast counter attack. This is how the 'long ball' game developed and today we have a much more polished manifestation of those crude tactics. I genuinely believe football is metamorphosing before our very eyes. It is no surprise to hear and read posts of WC disappointment; I have seen scraps of games and have winced as I see men hurtle into others and the tackle resembling a car crash. The performances on the field have shown a huge levelling to these old eyes. People laugh and deride 'tippy tappy' football. Ironic that it was created as a way to bring more beauty and joy to a game we all love, and it has failed. Efficient, methodical, solid, strong all well used adjectives, and though I would go to the opera house to see and listen to a high art form I am more than saddened by the way football is slipping into an abyss. Thank you, and goodnight.

  8. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2014, 17:11 #53465

    Westie - maybe Arsenal isn't the club for you dear boy. Think you have always got the higher ground on everything but I maintain what I say. Wenger is an accountant with a new found love of beach football. Maybe they will introduce beach pitches at the 'academy' and Diaby can watch from Ward 10 (non-emergency). We want the 'vile little man with the cap' OK - we want a youngish coach who lives in the real world and is paid half what the money-counter is paid. If he does watch all that football then the bloke needs a career change. Hold on! He's had one from 10 years back. Do nothing, win nothing. But the FA Cup was a trophy! Top and tail a leg-end with it! Westie behave! .....

  9. Ron

    Jul 07, 2014, 15:20 #53464

    Hi Cornish G - We thought we had seen some thing off the footie planet that night mate. It must have been like my Dad and others felt when Hungary in the mid 50s trashed England. I always see his performance as the birth of the modern day midfield player. He was 3 or 4 thoughts ahead of even his own team mates at times. What did England do? Looked for a bloke with long blonde hair - enter Tony Currie of Sheff Utd! Decent player but hardly a revolutionary response. These foreign imports and coaches have net done half what the pundits say they have for english football and thats not to criticise them. Its closed minds and closed eyes all round here and always has been ever since Hidekuti and his hungarian mates owned england. Its will carry on.

  10. Westlower

    Jul 07, 2014, 14:58 #53463

    @JJ, Behave yourself. You WOB's (bleating sheep)get more ridiculous by each post. Wenger not a football man? Honours to date: Ligue 1 & Coup de France with Monaco; Emperors Cup & J League Super Cup with Nagoya Grampus; PL x3; FA Cup x4 + 2 doubles. 13 times PL Manager of the Month; World Coach of the Decade 2001-10. Groomed numerous players to world class level including George Weah (World Football of Year), Henry, Vieira, Ashley Cole, Anelka, Fabregas, RVP & many many more. The more you WOB'S post, the more you dilute any real grievances you may have. @Ron, Must agree that no single player has stood out in WC. It looks to be a tournament too far for many of the players after a protracted league season. Take away the hype and the substance is mediocre. I'm sickened by Robben's cheating & Suarez's biting + the cynical tackling by the hairy arsed plodders on the talented guys. World footballer of the year Ronaldo achieved zilch. The knowledgeable pundits constantly tell us there is nothing in between brilliant or useless. A coach who wins a penalty shoot out is brilliant, while the losing manager is by implication useless and must be sacked immediately. Losers will not be tolerated, certainly not by serial winner Robbie Savage, who won what exactly? @LJB, If we didn't play to our own way then to whose way do we play? Do you want a team of stoppers rather than creators? Sam Allardyce perhaps as 'lump it into the box' style coach? Perhaps Arsenal isn't the club for you? Everybody else is soooo much better! LVG is a genius for subbing a GK who sledges the opposition. Graham Poll reckons he should have been carded for his gamesmanship & sent off if he persisted. Would LGV been hailed a genius then? Do you hail AW as a genius for making subs before the Wigan penalty shoot out or making significant subs in the FA Cup final?

  11. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 07, 2014, 14:49 #53462

    Ron. I can't remember too many games from over forty years ago, but I do remember the '72 game against Germany (who wore green) Netzer was brilliant. It was the first leg of the European Championship quarter-final. We lost 3-1. Peter Storey was picked for the second leg. We drew 0-0. Incidentally both Lothar Matthaus and Netzer have recently criticised Ozil's performance.


    Jul 07, 2014, 14:40 #53460

    A manager who ate, drank and slept football. Who lived and breathed football, who still runs his life to a footballing regime with no going out two days before a match. A man who refuses to socialise, or meet with friends after a poor result. A man who wants to kick every ball, take every training session-even with the youth team if he can, and who spends many waking moments engaged with the game we love-in one form or another. A person who is abreast of world football probably more than any other. A man dedicated to our club. Ladies and gentlemen, and those not so gentle amongst you, Arsene Wenger is that man. Now his coaching, tactics, approach may all be questioned, and this website is like the Spanish Inquisition where he is concerned, but not a football man? Wow!


    Jul 07, 2014, 14:29 #53459

    Tinman, what a team we make. 'Magic mirror on the wall...oh sod it, it's cracked again!'

  14. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 07, 2014, 14:17 #53458

    Monsieur Leblanc. I have a mirror just like yours.

  15. Wenger is still on the beach

    Jul 07, 2014, 13:25 #53456

    I think even Ashley Cole of today is better than any of the left backs on our books and if we were serious about putting up more of a fight in the matches against the other TOP6 then we should have grabbed him.

  16. jjetplane

    Jul 07, 2014, 13:22 #53455

    LJB Great post and you are so right about OGL. The bloke is not a football man - just an aging beatnik with a serious bank account. Seems Arsenal are happy making their money away from the pitch and I am praying they spend 60m on another midfielder who will last as long as Ozil DID. On his way out - probably to PSG or Russia or some other money circus. Will be interested in the Ozil spin next season. His first prolonged absence will not be his last. What we want to do is what Ramsay has been up to over the holidays nudge nudge (Stan is wearing out his hands rubbing them). Money for old rope. French football - you gotta laugh.

  17. Ron

    Jul 07, 2014, 13:14 #53453

    What was the point - Id take it further mate. I still feel that we re waiting for a keeper post Seaman. Lehmann was ok but always an error in waiting and his temperament stunk at times. Yes, i see your point re timing too. I just dont expect changes in that dept. Lets hope AW is at least addressing the void though. To be honest ive seen nothing much at that WC to make me think we need that player or another. Matuidi ok maybe or the Ger keeper (never happen i know!)The hype of it has surpassed the quality by some distance for me mate.


    Jul 07, 2014, 12:22 #53451

    24601, Jonathan Pearce is a buffoon.


    Jul 07, 2014, 12:07 #53450

    Good afternoon 24601, I've missed our connecting posts as it's been a while-you are my oasis in the desert my friend, ha ha. Cryptic but store it, was working in Valjean's factory last week. Why does it not surprise me that Effenberg was your favourite, or that you share the admiration I have for Overath? They say it takes one to know one, and often that is the case, so funny. Ron buddy, Der Bomber was my favourite too. Uve Seeler was their main man in Mexico 1970, but Gert carried the mantle in '74. Gunter Netzer, ah, memories. Talk of Mueller in the same breath as Costa, how unequal.

  20. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jul 07, 2014, 11:55 #53449

    Ron - in regards to the point you make about Costa then I to have doubts about him. However, my point about the signing is Chelsea realised they lacked a striker, targeted someone and went and got him quickly. RVP was on his own for the last 18 months but thankfully stayed fit and now Giroud, who is average at best, has been opn his own for two years. Problems at Arsenal take years to solve. How long did we go without a proper keeper for after Lehman retired for instance.

  21. Ron

    Jul 07, 2014, 10:41 #53447

    What was the point ..... Good point re Sanchez. Strange purchase if it happens. On Costa, I'm not sure he ll tear up the PL to be honest.

  22. Ron

    Jul 07, 2014, 10:19 #53446

    BADARSE and Westie - Guys, i was always a Der Bomber fan, Gerd Muller but as a full back enthusiast i liked and rated Paul Breitner very highly too. Do you recall Gunter Netzer's midfield intelligence making english football look prehistoric in 1972 at Wembley? I went to that one. I don't think english football has ever really recovered to be honest. English football's still navel gazing and head scratching and its still as crude and naive as it ever was, based on hope rather than design. Its good drama granted, but its in serious trouble.

  23. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jul 07, 2014, 10:04 #53445

    I just dont get why a striker wasnt lined up months ago when its been obvious for years now that we are short in that department. Chelsea showed how it should be done with Costa. Three more years of Wenger has killed any enthusiasm I have for Arsenal these days. Who knows we might have a good window but so many times before all these stories about signing players have gone up in smoke over a few quid and Wengers valuation being different from the Club we are buying from. You really wouldnt be suprised if we signed a right back and that was it. I like Sanchez and hope we get him but hes a wide player so i dont see how that would solve us only having one very average stirker at the Club? Addmitedly I dont watch a lot of La Liga so others may say he can play down the middle but i dont see it. Another puzzling Wenger choice is to leave business so late. It clearly looks like he has no clear plan and muddles about. So instead of getting his ideal first choice bedded in during pre season the season is underway before player comes to the club. Why wouldnt you go all out to sign players early then get them settled in London with a proper pre seaosn alongside their team mates? Surely it cant be to save on wages?

  24. radfordkennedy

    Jul 07, 2014, 9:53 #53444

    Ron....glad to hear the Jamaican post was a ruse mate,i honestly thought you was going to get the old Marigolds and touch yer toes routine on the way back after just 3 days....anyway glad your German trip went well,those wheat beers are an aquired taste though i couldnt imagine drinking a bottle of Worthingtons White Shield in the same fashion..it would be like bleeding a radiator the next morning!!!

  25. Westlower

    Jul 07, 2014, 9:06 #53442

    @LJB What's a Man U lover doing on this site? Robbie Savage the font of all knowledge? Please, calling him a headless chicken is being unkind to poultry! You've let yourself become brainwashed by the SKY style of football analysis. Warm words are the preserve of Man U & Liverpool. Don't expect to hear too many compliments flowing Arsenal's way. I am alone in thinking what a poor commentator Jonathan Pearce is? Struggles to stay focused on the game he's watching and constantly drifts off into tales about all manner of trivia.

  26. Westlower

    Jul 07, 2014, 8:27 #53441

    @Badarse, I to was at Highbury for the Cologne game & I share your admiration for Overath. Lots of similarities with Ozil. My all time favourite German is the arrogant, egotistical Stefhan Effenberg. He destroyed us when we played Borussia Mochengladbach before he moved on to Bayern Munich, what a player. If the papers are to be believed a deal has been agreed with Barcelona for Alexis Sanchez, but Barca are stalling to see if Juventus top our offer. It would take approx. £60m of our transfer budget with wages included. Liverpool appeared to hold the ace card with Suarez but the player doesn't want to play on Merseyside. So much for the theory money can buy any player in the world. It only works if the player wants to join the buying club.


    Jul 07, 2014, 6:12 #53440

    Morning Tinman, wrong on the first point, (though I am sure you had your doubts all along), actually wrong on two earlier counts as the youngster is not allowed the use of a computer-and wouldn't behave that way anyway. Correct on the latter of course, technology-nearly as unreliable as humans. Morning Ron, yes, didn't think it was you at all, spoke to my wife about the posts and we had a laugh about it-glad you enjoyed your trip. Was with German's myself last week. Only got a snapshot and it was one of general good-natured support for their team, without total conviction. A side good enough to win the pot, and poor enough not to. Talked of old players, including Wolfgang Overath, my all-time favourite whom I saw when he came to Highbury with Cologne in 1971. He was another who carried that common tag of, 'a cultured left foot'. Loved his balance and style. Now an old man, who I permanently remember as a handsome, startlingly skilful athlete-bit like me...ha ha, (er, that's how I remember myself until I see the old grump staring back at me from the mirror).

  28. LJB

    Jul 07, 2014, 5:25 #53439

    It has been very interesting listening to OGLs punditry at the World Cup.He never mentions tactics; his comments range from "so and so " is an intelligent player to "I like this player". Seriously Robbie savage gives more insight. And he never ever praises the manager. I honestly think that Wenger is a total fraud; hes like one of those doctors who practices for 20 years before it is revealed that he is an imposter with no training, usually after he has failed to spot something obvious and the patient croaks. Managers are becoming more and more tactically astute and Wengers "we play our own game" just won't do, especially for 8 mill a year. Still the board are going to be left with egg on their faces when we finish mid table and the majority of fans make Wengers position untenable. As for all this swanning around in Brazil, well if he fails to make signings and we have a bad start to the season then OGL will have nowhere to hide. On the subject of Ozil, I'm afraid that not everyone criticising him is an idiot. Now the Germans say he is a waste of space ,lazy and disinterested. Arsenal fans have this ridiculous idea that people don't understand what he does on the pitch; how patronising can you get,saying that Ex German internationals are biased and don't know what they are on about.It seems that the Germans have become Anti Arsenal too (yawn).I tell you if Ozil played for MU,Pool,City or Chelsea Arsenal fans would be ripping him to shreds.Face it,he was a total waste of 42 mill. Could have bought James Rodrigeuz for that. Finally,it has been interesting to note how few Arsenal players have been first choice for their country at the WC;we no longer have the elite internationals at Arsenal,just bench warmers. I see the AKB knives are already being sharpened for LVG, must be getting worried,what with United getting an elite manager who seems to be attracting quality players and is not afraid to spend big bucks.enjoy the CL this season because you won't be seeing it again in a hurry.

  29. DW Thomas

    Jul 07, 2014, 1:06 #53438

    Wenger is stuck in perpetual neutral. Using the same old ways that once worked but don't now. His teams since Henry left, or Viera, take your pick, have always lacked something. A proper keeper, a tough defensive CM, a true loyal vocal leader of a captain, and a top top consistent striker. He never strengthens when obviously necessary, that's my biggest issue with Le Prof. Maybe this summer things will be different. I'll believe it when I see it!

  30. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 21:28 #53436

    BADARSE I had read Mo's post of a fortnight ago. I wasn't trying to suggest that there was a sinister motive to your post. As you say it's just not the way you would normally start. Anyway welcome back, even though I don't think you've really been away! Glad to see the PR scanner behaved itself on Saturday

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 21:06 #53435

    Cornish, they're a breakaway branch of Arsenal fans from the Moonies who used to be devoted to Mr Moon, but are now goonies such is their devotion to OGL.

  32. Westlower

    Jul 06, 2014, 21:04 #53434

    Interesting developments on the transfer betting books for players joining AFC. Alexis Sanchez is 1/4 (looks most likely); Balotelli 4/6; Schneiderlin 11/10. Sami Khedira is 4/6 to join Chelsea & 7/2 AFC. Intriguingly Theo Walcott is 6/4 to join Man U.

  33. Ron

    Jul 06, 2014, 20:35 #53433

    Evening BADARSE lad . The genuine Ron, back home in blighty and pleased to be so! Looks like i've had a stalker while away mate on the earlier posts. Takes all sorts i suppose. The german people where i've been in my bit of the place dont seem too cock sure of WC success to be honest.

  34. Homer

    Jul 06, 2014, 20:30 #53432

    Homer says...... Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose: it's how drunk you get.

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 20:29 #53431

    Steve Williams, good post and true, he's probably play or try and turn Messi into a left back.


    Jul 06, 2014, 20:14 #53430

    Hi CT Gooner, I didn't say I agreed with all Mo said just nice to read posts with a positive view. Yeah I think we need more men to really compete but finances and a whole raft of other considerations have a bearing on those matters, but my post to him was just a general acknowledgement. Tinman, Mo said on a previous post perhaps a week ago, '...as a black man...'. I felt if he felt it important enough to mention it thus, I would respond positively. It's not a way I would normally begin a post, but one I expect him to understand and agree with-that we may well be kindred spirits. Does that all make sense?

  37. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 19:21 #53428

    Bard, CT Gooner. Many people are locked-in to a mind set. Difficult to change their views but always good to point out any inconsistencies and alternatives in their thinking, so well done to you both.BADARSE Why in this day and age would anybody start a post with 'I can't claim to have the same skin tone as you, but..'. And back from church?

  38. Peter Wain

    Jul 06, 2014, 17:26 #53427

    like the previous many transfer windows Wenger will dither change his mind lie and then change his mind again. The owner board chief executive should all be sacked and Wenger should go with them. Wait until the middle of August when we have signed a very weak right back and none else for the familiar quote at that time as to how difficult to sign players. Before the wc began Wenger proudly predicted no meaning ful transfers will take place before it ends but Man City Chelsea and Liverpool have all made major investments as well as Man United. One day someone will wake up and smell the coffe. More season ticket increases for less quality. Hardly a winning formula.

  39. CT Gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 17:05 #53426

    Hi Badarse, I got the sense you shared his views when you gave him the pat on the back. If you don't, my bad. But my point in this whole debate is we need more than one striker to compete, which was an argument Mo made. 10 years on we still need to replace Viera, we need more on the flanks, maybe a player who likes playing there, a striker to upgrade our current mediocre players (may be extremely difficult to do), and a centre half (I'd like to see a strong youth player here). I guess the other point I'd like to hear others views on is what happened to our youth development program? We really haven't seen results in this department I'm afraid


    Jul 06, 2014, 16:42 #53424

    Hello Bard, and CT Gooner, am just back from church and I see a couple of posts from you gentlemen. westlower has answered in my absence and it is clear for both of you to see, his sense and logic. I will also add my two penneth. To offer a simple statement of subjectivity wasn't the issue Bard, everything is subjective, how blue do you see the sky? I was aligning myself with an individual's approach, no more, no less. Subjectivity wasn't in question. Your posse or people in your camp, outnumber those with opposing views, and often go in for this self-congratulatory posting tennis, 'Well said!', 'I couldn't agree more!' etc. That's OK with me, I pretty much know what floats individual poster's boats. Yet it seems if an 'opponent' voices a form of support to another it is taboo. That is very revealing. CT Gooner love fest? Interesting, and once more very revealing. A friendly word and attitude wouldn't have got you a return invite to the 'sixties' love-ins that I remember so well, so love fest? Not really. Revealing? Absolutely!

  41. CT Gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 16:02 #53423

    @ Westlower, I think Bard was making a point about the Mo/Badarse lovefest. I agree it's not just about winning or losing, but let's face it, Wenger's detractors (myself included) have a significant amount of ammo, and being preached to about how it's "all good' at Ashburton tends to make our blood boil.

  42. Westlower

    Jul 06, 2014, 15:58 #53422

    Debuchy has been picked ahead of Sagna in the French WC games, so Didier Deschamps must consider him the better player.

  43. Westlower

    Jul 06, 2014, 15:29 #53421

    @Bard, You are too dogmatic, simplifying into win (right) or lose (wrong). If football was that predictable we wouldn't bother to watch. Life & football is very much played out somewhere between the extremes. Many incidents outside of the coaches control determine the outcome of a football match. TV pundits are paid to polarise every incident and unfortunately too many gullible punters hang on to every controversial word.

  44. Bard

    Jul 06, 2014, 13:43 #53420

    Badarse; all the opinions expressed on here are subjective. All equally valid. I get pissed off with those that claim objectivity either in tone or content. In the end results dictate all. if you win you are right and if you lose you are wrong. The results at Arsenal show we are consistently the 4th best team in the perm despite paying the highest price to watch them. And we have won 1 trophy in a decade.That informs my opinion of Wenger. All the other stuff about head tennis on the beach is guff.

  45. jjetplane

    Jul 06, 2014, 12:40 #53419

    Sweeping duties are to be shared between Arsene and Arteta in the new season. Seems reasonable now that Arsene has proved himself a better header of the ball that the BFG (streak of slow pee) and just has to be marginally quicker - case of chicken verses sausages. Costa Rica defence was a thing of art but like some of the smaller footballing nations, there is little up front. It would appear the game has moved on from Front Man Syndrome (FMS) to having five or six attackers when the game demands it. If season starts with Giroud as senior attacker with Ozil and Happy Jack (like that) supplying the 'selfies' then the fun begins with The Pulis Particle (TPP). Atoms will be split but the money will continue to be shovelled into accounts. This WC was fun while the minnows were involved but would appear global fixation rules the day. Hope the Dutch get battered by the immensely unattractive Argies. The GK's spoiling tactics during the penalities were nasty. Does it augur for the Mancs to now reclaim the league next season? Four teams in it with RVWenger claiming 5th. Look - we cannot afford it so just enjoy the beautiful football this great club continues to serve up. Now I feel much better .... Have to say the Argie 'fans' are better than Celtic. The art of repetition. Think Philip Glass should make a footer opera. Oh yeah - Come on Arsenal ....


    Jul 06, 2014, 11:18 #53418

    Mo, I can't claim to have the same skin tone as you, but our blood is the same colour-red and white! I like a lot of what you say and the way you say it. Much is naturally made of coaches and their abilities, equally much is made of individual manager's failings, it is often subjective. If you want to tear down the walls you have enough tools at your disposal, it's usually the same if you want to build one. Many people are locked-in to a mind set. Difficult to change their views but always good to point out any inconsistencies and alternatives in their thinking, so well done to you.

  47. Steve Williams

    Jul 06, 2014, 11:07 #53417

    Mo, wenger certainly should be terrified, when he faces a tactical manager, he is usually three or four goals down before he knows it

  48. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 06, 2014, 11:01 #53416

    The stars of this WC for me have been the coaches of the so called "un-fancied" teams. Watching Costa Rica's defensive display last night was straight out of George Graham's coaching manual. Holland could not get bodies behind their back four and everytime a Dutch runner went beyond the defensive line he was either tackled or caught offside. IMO it was a perfect example of through coaching coupled with a great work ethic and team spirit. The USA workrate and team ethic was also to be admired and surely now the FA have to reign in the PL influence, either by reducing games or limiting the number of foreign players per team. However the FA is now just a part of our political system and no amount of legislation will ever be passed that stops the flood of the world's money coming to these shores or the thousands of "carpetbaggers" who make an absolute fortune out of our national game. On a lighter note I fell out of my chair when I saw Gareth Bale complete with alice band promoting BT Sport - if he is now a pin up boy I am better looking than George Clooney (my wife of forty years thinks I am anyway!) Argentina for the World Cup.

  49. Mo

    Jul 06, 2014, 10:51 #53415

    Stevewilliams.I bet Wenger is terrified coming up against the brilliant tactical geniuses called Pochettino and Martinez and how they can mastermind their comedy clubs into a top 10 finish along with that genius Van Gaal who somehow managed to brilliantly get past that world dominating force called Costa Rica.

  50. Steve Williams

    Jul 06, 2014, 10:30 #53414

    A French defender from a club below Arsenal who has no aptitude for defending, how very wenger. But let's face it, doesn't matter who wenger signs, he regresses players anyway, look at what he has done to ozil, and Arshavin. He could turn Ronaldo into gus Caesar in a few months. Watch him pull out of the Sanchez deal at the last moment and sign an injury prone unknown 17 year old. How magnificent was Van Gaal yesterday, putting my neutral hat on, cannot wait to see him up against Pelligrini, Jose, Pochettino, Martinez, proper, tactical managers one and all.

  51. Mo

    Jul 06, 2014, 9:18 #53413

    Read today how Van Gaal wanted the Arsenal job, he waited till Wenger had committed his future before accepting his second choice Manure.

  52. Spike

    Jul 06, 2014, 8:17 #53412

    Bl@@dy hell, Debuchy? If that happens, it is a poor poor signing.

  53. Ozzie

    Jul 06, 2014, 3:54 #53411

    There is still hope, lads. Maybe someone will slip a little ayahuasca in Arsene's glass? Drastic situations require drastic measures :-)

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 05, 2014, 17:43 #53410

    jj, nice one i like the Apocalypse now take, i can just imagine TKOS in the sheene role looking for OGL god knows where, and with fifteen minutes left of the transfer window finding him standing in the middle of the battlefield between two lost tribes with both closing in, twenty B&H in each hand shouting does any body want to sign for me, and TKOS shouting arsene arsene there's only fifteen minutes left how an i going to spin this one to the fans, and OGL shouting back don't worry you'll think of something most of them will believe anything anyway.

  55. DW Thomas

    Jul 05, 2014, 15:47 #53409

    Poor James Rodriguez got kicked and fouled all night. But it was Neymar who got his back broken. I was looking forward to both quarters yesterday. Especially France vs. Germany. What a total let down. Pogba was toothless and Benzema? Had enough of that boring, slow, jogger! Couldn't finish for nothing! For all of Suarez's issues, at least the man knows his trade and can win games. How on earth can France (and Germany by the way!) not have a top striker to score goals in key games?? Sahko over Kos? Now that was a bad decision. Today's matches better improve, or the WC will be like an Arsenal season! All hype, early promise, then fizzling out like a flaming turd in the rain!

  56. jjetplane

    Jul 05, 2014, 14:33 #53408

    Well I listened to Tony Pulis on 5 live and thought this bloke is ****ing great and I would rather him at the Emiratz any day of the week over the two bob commentator/ancient mariner who thinks working for TV much more important than a 8m job getting whipped by the also-rans. Pulis would have us playing like the new Brazil - conning refs, fixing games, praying to Jesus, banning poor people from matches (they already do that?) and setting up virtual beaches along Holloway Rd. Rough with the smooth I say. Least we would do Chelski and the Scouse with super Tony and the helm. And who knows - kick RM off the park in front the Spanish King. Got me thinking with the new season coming how long will it be before Jaws gets stuck into the monkey's ears. ps watching Brazzzil last night did anyone get a whiff that this game had a bit of 'fixation' ahem about it. I mean - did that free kick happen? & I did not realise there were so many blue eyed blond Brazzzzzilians - now there's a endangered tribe - NOT! Ah well. Have money, will win. On a more profound note: really ought to be more careful what I wish for. Come Xmas, Colonel Arsene Kurtz is still somewhere upriver and Stan plans to send Martin Sheen after him with orders to terminate his contract without impunity. A tall order with half the tribes now committed to a philosophy of expressing their spirit in a tikkatakka fashion. The horror, the horror ......

  57. Fozzys mate

    Jul 05, 2014, 13:33 #53407

    Fozzy do not torture yourself enjoy the summer. I now switch off until late August and the start of the season and cavalry charge, whilst I admit it is tortous watching rivals sign players with OGL in the comm box. Manure will be back in the hunt for the fpt. All I hope for is some decent cup runs like last year to keep the season going. We will sign some players but probably not of the proven calibre we desire.

  58. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2014, 12:50 #53406

    Ah, I didn't know that, Jeff. What are we going to call Arsene? Kermit or Gerry?


    Jul 05, 2014, 12:34 #53405

    Athoz, as eloquent and insightful as ever-brothers in arms; Spike Milligan's parting has a bouquet of it's own, so to you-love, light and peace.

  60. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2014, 12:11 #53404

    Badarse, if a man doesn't know what he's missing he isn't going to be too worried is he? Power is in a flower - peace, brother!

  61. jeff wright

    Jul 05, 2014, 12:04 #53403

    Oz, with Arsene being half German, some of his family fought for Kaiser Bill and Adolph,he may have some interest in seeing the Deutschers involved . The German GK is the one he should be trying to sign he's kept his side in the3 tournament ,and after all we didn't do too badly with the last German GK that we had .


    Jul 05, 2014, 12:03 #53402

    exiled & dangerous, that's the way to go...I am currently chilling to David Gilmour-'Live in Gdansk', (mind you why would I want to live there? Bit bossy too, if you ask me). I've been-it's nice, plenty of 'Solidarity', but had a deeper connection with nearby Sopot and it's links to that star of yesterday, Joseph Conrad.

  63. exiled&dangerous

    Jul 05, 2014, 11:54 #53400

    Although this sticks in my throat to say it - being fair to Tony Pulis, he gets the best out of the talent at his disposal. Stoke City of his era were never going to be easy on the eye but he got them working together and nobody liked going to their place. Admittedly, he used the "rugby" comment to wind up the home fans even more but that only added to an intimidating atmosphere so it worked in his side's favour. Always nice to beat them though. As for Palace, they were dead and buried weren't they? Then up the table they went. Including the "let's make Suarez bawl like a baby" game. So I'll reluctantly give the guy some credit. Now I'm off to gargle some lemon pulp to get the foul taste out of my mouth. As for the transfer window, I really don't expect the policy of the past few windows to change, so I'll stick to music for the rest of the summer and eventually awake bleary-eyed saying "what'd I miss?"

  64. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2014, 11:48 #53399

    Jeff,as long as they're not wearing a German skirt but then, we could re name the side Wenger's tippy tappy ballerinas.


    Jul 05, 2014, 11:42 #53398

    Oh Athoz, I was pinning my hopes on you knowing the answer to that one. Of course you do know that the man who can see through women is missing an awful lot, don't you? In answer to your poser, 'If the sixth, sense it doesn't make, the seventh then might; and does not might equate with power?

  66. Homer

    Jul 05, 2014, 10:56 #53397

    Why don't we lose our first home game against an average side , team & manager get abused by home fans then panic buy a player at a hugely inflated cost to appease the fans. Repeat each season as required to stay in fourth. DOH!

  67. jeff wright

    Jul 05, 2014, 10:15 #53396

    Come on now you AKB's chins up it's not the end of the world because France sob sob are out . Wenger's still got Mertesacker and Ozil involved with the Deutschlanders ! lee Arsene FC is already wearing a German shirt and singing along with Charlie aka Mike... Mo and Dick... Deutschland Uber Alles ! Admittedly though it looks like Per's World Cup is over(yawn) other than for him watching Brazil taking on his comrades in the semi-final ... but the little Turk will get another chance to try and prove that he is not just a show-pony who doesn't know the words to the German national anthem in that dour Deutsche mannschaft side - it should be recalled though that even the lightweight tiki taka Senors proved too cunning in previous tournaments for the hefty huns with Ozil in tandem ... and the German side was better than it currently is . Neymar, if he is ruled out, will help the German cause, but even if the Germans beat the boys from Brazil there will still be the nippy slick Messi and co to face in the final - and the dodgy high-line Deutsch defense will have the Argies licking their lips in anticipation after them having had to play sides who defend deep and make less mistakes than the German defenders do. Wenger when asked about the French defeat said: I feel that we lacked sharpness after having played too many games .. the Germans were anti-fussball and over physical... we have showed great speeerit and mental strength despite not playing in France and I expect to be awarded the legion de honor for my TV work on behalf of le bleus.

  68. Mo

    Jul 05, 2014, 9:32 #53394

    The games in the world cup seem to have become a bit like our WOB friends, very predictable and a bit boring. These sides need Arsene Wenger to galvanise them and get them playing proper football. I haven't seen one coach at this years world cup who I would like to see at Arsenal, yet this is supposedly the cream of the crop. I suppose the disgruntles have a huge list of candidates themselves which would be great if they could reveal to us, as they seem to know everything there is to know about everything.

  69. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2014, 9:19 #53393

    Dunno, Badarse, just hang on a bit while I consult the Ubermensch......


    Jul 05, 2014, 8:29 #53392

    Evening Athoz. Your thought for the day, just suppose that Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola are the same company. Then imagine the 'big' clubs in the Prem have formed a cartel and some have greater voting rights in some matters than others in that select group. Are we close to that day?

  71. Ozzie

    Jul 05, 2014, 8:12 #53391

    Week one of the EPL begins a 36 team competition, by week two it will be a four horse race - all the way to a silver cup stuffed with money.

  72. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 05, 2014, 0:10 #53390

    jj, yes one of the worst games so far and after all the hype in the build up, i suppose we should have known better as they included wengers finest, but i suppose we can't really hold him responsible for that can we? there again if it would have been a classic and the cart horse and the rest shone he'd be getting tributes left right and center from his fans as if it was all down to him, and no doubt the old fraud would have been smiling like a Cheshire cat and accepting them. Yes it would have been good to hear the slabbers of him after the game although i'm sure we could rhyme it off word for word. Well he can go back now to doing whatever it was he was doing before boat trips safaris etc.

  73. CT Gooner

    Jul 04, 2014, 23:42 #53389

    I guess Mo is all set for that 4 th place challenge...

  74. smithy

    Jul 04, 2014, 20:01 #53387

    You never know, this could be the year he throws off his shackles and buys some top class players. I would be happy with a front two of Sanchez and Campbell with Giroud and Remy joint third choices. Kedhira or Shniedalin ( sorry about the spellings on both) in midfield. Aurier as competition for jenks not that god awful Debuchy who I have just watched being caught out time and time again. The Mexican keeper or the Nigerian keeper would be good competition for Woycheck. I would like to see a very quick centre back as cover if Thomas goes. Fingers crossed it might be different this time.

  75. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2014, 19:53 #53385

    Well that was 'fun'. Boring Euro contest where all Arsenal 'players' played their customary bit parts. BFG looked perfectly content with water duties and the look on poor misunderstood Ozil's boat makes you wonder how he will feel if he bothers to loo at his club's opening fixtures. Benzema played in his historical shell and still towered over Giroud. Looking at you can see firmly the ambition of Arsenal to retain 4th place until 2050. How the fans hissed and booed which is the equivalent of The Great Holloway silence. Did enjoy Henry reading Bauderlaire though. Just how easy was it beating a French side. OGL was there no doubt talking about 'the speeereeeet of the team' before he headed off back to the beach. It just remains whether Giroud will come back with the others or will he go hunting up river for an amazonian bride.Echoes of colonel Kurtz re OGL. What was that movie - Arsenal Apocalypse Now.

  76. jeff wright

    Jul 04, 2014, 16:29 #53382

    It should be pointed out that the baseball cap wearing fingers in his gob whistling neanderthal Pulis did Arsene a big favour, when beating Everton away. That defeat at home knocked the wind out of Everton's 4th place challenge . Pulis's dour tactics succeeded where Wenger's tippy tappy ones spectacularly, yet again, failed in tough away games. Not that Wenger saw it like that of course .Then again he never does learn from his mistakes does he , and that's why he carries on making them.

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2014, 16:04 #53380

    It's been reported that a tribe of imperiled Amazon Indians have made first contact with outsiders, well done arsene you've been working hard on signings after all.

  78. CT Gooner

    Jul 04, 2014, 14:26 #53379

    I hear your frustrations Fozzy, and many of us share them, but let's hold off on judgement till the whistle blows. I don't like seeing all our "rivals" strengthening and us doing nothing, but I'll hold my reaction until then. PS. That's the start of the season, not the closing of the transfer window.

  79. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jul 04, 2014, 14:24 #53378

    Wenger Out AKA Finsbury Joe: how you getting on watching the WC? Must be hard watching the games with them keep cutting to a babe in the stands. Difficult to concentrate on the football with all that lot going on. None of em are a patch on Mrs WeAreBuilding though.

  80. Wenger Out

    Jul 04, 2014, 14:08 #53377

    Once Wenger is gone Spurs will rule the world.

  81. Mo

    Jul 04, 2014, 12:54 #53375

    WeAreBuilding.I didn't know you had a season ticket at Chelsea.

  82. The Fonz

    Jul 04, 2014, 12:53 #53374


  83. Mjc

    Jul 04, 2014, 12:48 #53373

    You sound like the cheerful type....

  84. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jul 04, 2014, 12:43 #53372

    That vile little man with a cap did a very good job of keeping Palace up. You can't deny him that. If you're looking forward to another season with the dreadful standard of football that is served up these days, good luck to you. I'll stick to watching the WC. Mightn't be the best one granted, but it's a lot better than watching 22 overpaid prem plodders launching the ball at each other for 90 minutes.