Why not Cesc?

Reasons not to lament Fabregas’ non-return

Why not Cesc?

Days before it happened, Cesc Fabregas announced his move to Chelsea by posting a photo of him holding a Chelsea shirt by himself in front of a mirror ("Congrats to myself"). Those days have passed but the little boy inside me still wants to share something with my fellow Gunners. So here I go.

Arsène chose not to bring back Cesc a few days before, and Cesc chose Chelsea as a club with hopes and ambition that matched his. Luckily, this time we didn't hear any “Little Boy” screaming in the papers.

This is the player we all loved to the roots - Mr Cesc Fabregas. I can still remember the faces at The Emirates after Cesc scored the penalty against Barça in a night which no Gunners will forget in a hurry. What happened to him? Why didn’t Arsène want him?

Cesc may be a great player when playing, but what if he is no loner guaranteed a starting place? We have seen enough of him at Barça and recently VDB knocked him off the training pitch. At Arsenal he is no longer guaranteed a starting place or the captaincy, and that's the first reason.

I would have been happy if Arsène bought him back, but am happier now. Arsenal is not a place where you go and come back when you wish. This a club with pride and passion. Our supporters are classy and brave enough; we struggled for years without a trophy but we are still the Arsenal.

Cesc took a pay cut to go to Barça claiming "Barça is my home". Now what? Home isn’t sweeter any more? José was your enemy till the day before you talked to him. A man with no pride and value like you is not eligible to play in red and white.

If you loved Arsenal to the core, and if Arsène told you not to come back, why Chelsea? You could have gone to PSG, Juventus or even Atletico. The reason may be that your wife wanted to be in the UK. Haha; your wife didn't make you the player you are. She came after we made you a star. We don't need a boy who makes his decisions after asking his girlfriend because, we are the Arsenal.

I’m glad that you and RvP are not in the book of legends at Arsenal. You don't even posses the passion of Tony Adams’ boots. You can fill the void left by Mata behind José's technical area. We wished you the very best when you went Barça. But don't expect the cheers that you used to get when entering the E******s pitch.

Cesc, you never wanted to share the struggle we had, so don't expect us to share when you are having one. And look at you - what a mess you have made out of yourself.

Twitter @deepukrish007

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  1. In Wenger We Trust

    Jul 12, 2014, 9:27 #53696

    Despicable! No loyalty at all! Shouldn't have been associated with Arsenal in the first place as adds nothing of value! I'm talking about the anti-Wenger rabble. Arsene knows best.

  2. JB

    Jul 11, 2014, 15:01 #53657

    How is this OTT??? Completely agree! Been saying this for a month now. We made him, Barca spat him out at a young age and without us and AW he would NOT have made it. Barca kept him in team B whilst promoting Messi, Pique and others to A. Lots of talented footballers at that age come to a cross roads, and AW saw something and opened him up. He loves Barca so much, he'll NEVER go to Madrid, so why not do the same by us, another club that's 'in his heart' apparently. Bang on IMO, we've moved on, so should he then but have some decorum and class to not go THERE! C'esc you're just another on of them, cash cash cash!

  3. Old Timer

    Jul 11, 2014, 10:44 #53636

    Whether or not passing on Cesc was a good decision - footballistically- was always going to depend on who we bought instead.This morning it looks a very good decision. I also think it was the right decision - in terms of Arsenal's self respect- not to take back a player who had agitated so desperately for a move. That said, he was an outstanding player for us and ,with a little more investment in team,would have led us to success I'm sure. I wish him well as long as that doesn't involve Chelsea acquiring silverware.

  4. Croker

    Jul 11, 2014, 10:35 #53634

    Personally, I prefer to savour all the happy Cesc memories of him in Arsenal colours and all the pain experienced from Arsenal surrounding him with (at best)very average players while Cesc was in his prim and his departure is long buried. He's not Arsenal's Cesc anymore, he's a Barca player who has joined Maureen at Chelski and an opponent.

  5. Ed enough...

    Jul 11, 2014, 10:12 #53633

    All a bit silly really... To many gooners get hung up on players who chase "greenier grass"... Nasri, Van Persie, Adebayor, Fabregas and now Sagna have all left because the club didn't "share my Ambitions" or some crap like that. But none of them can ever be classed as Arsenal legends so who cares? It would seem the club is turning the financial corner now, and the arrival of the likes of Ozil and Sanchez shows we are ready to compete with the big boys. Forget the past and think about a brighter future. The Future is Red and White...

  6. HowardL

    Jul 10, 2014, 21:54 #53620

    I think Bob is absolutely spot on. Wenger has made a massive mistake. At least we could have prevented him going to Chelski.

  7. Bob

    Jul 10, 2014, 18:22 #53614

    Lots of emotion and precious little of substance in this article. I think we have made a huge mistake in waiving our first option on Cesc. He is a proven high-class act in the premiership, and unlike many other overseas players is almost certain to 'hit the ground running'. Still in his prime, with at least six good years ahead of him, the price was a very good one. And it would have killed two birds with one stone in strengthening us while denying Chelsea - exactly the reason why Mourinho prevented the loan deal for Demba Ba going through last summer. Time will tell, but I think it is a big mistake to have passed him over.

  8. DW Thomas

    Jul 10, 2014, 14:58 #53609

    Ok some of the boll locks on the comments to,this article are astounding. Cesc was our best player for most of the years he was here. Like,Ozil he had that passing brain but heart and energy to boot. Maybe Ozil has it, but boy is he a hard one to read. Passing on Cesc was Dumb and Dumbere time again. He would have improved us and given us more depth. A class player not wanted by the team that wants Dracula. So what? They're all motivated by money. Clubs, managers, players. The truly great a little bit less, more by perfection and glory. To each their own, but he does strengthen Chelsea, no doubt. Weird decision for me, but if London was key for him I get it. I used to,get upset when players wanted to save Arsenal. Now if trophies and $$ is their aim, who can blame them?. Our loyalty as fans is nowhere near theirs as players. We stick through the thick,and thin. Maybe Sanchez will change things, maybe not. I still hope, but Wenger, not a players(s) leaving and winning elsewhere, has destroyed most of it.


    Jul 10, 2014, 14:44 #53608

    Just to clear it up. Football fans suffer from unrequited love. We have our club at heart and a newcomer arrives to represent us, our champion, our saviour; he is us incarnate. He wears the badge, beats his chest across that very badge, kisses it and tacitly pledges undying devotion. Yet he is not a fan! He is not you or I. He is a paid employee, forget the mercenary jibe that muddies the water, he just works for the club. Some go beyond this. The essence of the club seeps into the fabric of the individual and they become one. We are perhaps the only club in the world, (only one I know of), who have a term for such players-generally bestowed after they have left-this distinction sets them apart, they are fondly, no affectionately referred to as 'Gooners'. We welcome them into the family Arsenal. The sense of it takes place inside our own heads, that is it. If that sense is disturbed we react as all sentient beings would. Simples!

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 10, 2014, 14:31 #53607

    He left to be successful and win trophies, he did, he wanted to come back (for whatever reason) and the majority of fans would have loved to see him back but OGL didn't want him, what was he supposed to do go to villa, west ham, etc, etc, or another country just to keep Arsenal fans and wengerites happy, good luck to him he'll not need it as much as he would if he came back here.

  11. Ozzie

    Jul 10, 2014, 13:36 #53604

    On a less gloomy note - have a wonderful day :-)

  12. CT Gooner

    Jul 10, 2014, 13:10 #53602

    As much as I disagree with you Deepu, thank you for providing an opportunity to lick the wound, if you will. I think he would have been great for us, but the manager didn't want him, simple as. Unfortunately we still haven't strengthened, although opperation "get rid of my dead wood" is almost over. As for cost of players Ron, 30 mil for RVP or 43 for Ozil, I know which I'd prefer, and it ain't the German! As for next season, love the idea of Sanchez coming, but seriously, is Remi really an improvement on the cart horse?? Also, since when was Islington little Paris??

  13. Ozzie

    Jul 10, 2014, 12:41 #53601

    Ron, Badarse, it gets worse - there doesn't seem to be a sports final anywhere that takes place without all the flag waving and nationalistic claptrap preceding it. And to watch grown? men standing there with hand over breast weeping over a rag on a stick to a tune that reeks of conditioning - I have to turn off 'til the game begins. It is so nauseating! We certainly know who and how these creeps get into the heads of the masses but to use sport as their tool is the lowest; in fact, it is cowardly.

  14. kilkenny cat

    Jul 10, 2014, 12:29 #53600

    Not getting Cesc back is the latest in a long line of bad decisions by this clown of a manager. Cesc is proven in the prem and is one of the best midfielders in the world. As usual he has made a rival stronger. Dont blame Cesc,he would have come back no doubt about it. How anyone can blame him for going to the blue noses is madness. Rvp is a complete judas and i hate him and that dirty club he plays for. But that was also Wenger,s fault. He thinks he is bigger than the club,its about time someone told him he isnt.

  15. Ron

    Jul 10, 2014, 12:28 #53599

    Wengers speedos - (great name matey!) I cant really buy into the idea that we ve been bitten as you suggest. Im pretty confident that Man City's trophy wins and rise would have occurred without any of the players they've bought from Arsenal and in turn im fairly sure that the sale of the players to them hasn't made Arsenal any different to what we would have been had they have stayed. None are truly great players after all. I can see that Manure wdt have won that title without Van Ps goals of course but had he have stayed would our fortunes have differed too much? I'm not sure they would have. Add to this the fact that we hadn't really rivalled Utd for many years before Van P left, how did his transfer 'bite' us? PS Looking at him last night, his sale price to be honest looks like a Wenger master-stroke though i backed his sale anyway so maybe im biased towards my own view here and accept that.I dont think hes long now at the very top levels of the game and Wenger knew it too. I think with all of Arsenes sales, its not the sales its the failure to replace properly where the fault lines lie.His sales (for me) over the last 9 years have been pretty much spot on though he lost money by holding on to Henry for a year or so too long didnt he.


    Jul 10, 2014, 12:01 #53597

    Ron you know I am with you on the SKY brainwashing, but the soil has to be fertile for anything to grow. We in this land have long since been seen as amusing to a number of our foreign counterparts-still following archaic and disproven methods, reluctance to change, an inability to see the bigger picture. Our latest debacle over European membership is a current example. When a well-intentioned soul on this website can give credence to the 'oh so very limited' Robbie Savage it must be time to tear up the rule book and rewrite it. Football owes nothing to society except it's obligation to set a good example wherever and whenever possible. All institutions need regulating, whether it be our royal family, our government, the churches and likewise football. We as a nation are politically media-led and should try to erase the internationally 'laughing stock' tag so generously bestowed. We laugh at the USA, but many countries laugh at us. We are all still searching for a hero, your post of the debt owed to your Dad is immeasurable Young Gun, so it falls to older grey beards like us to try to show the way. We are all screaming silently in a vacuum, but I shall continue until the lights go out. Good old Arsenal.

  17. Bard

    Jul 10, 2014, 11:30 #53596

    Terry I'm with you on this one. Having said that it's done and dusted. We deemed him surplus to requirements and he's gone to another club, that's football. Let's move on.

  18. jeff wright

    Jul 10, 2014, 11:13 #53595

    Fabregas is a Spanish pro-footballer not a local Arsenal supporter. So why are you worrying about what he does ? Even Charlie left to play for other clubs , unlike Fabregas though he is a genuine AFC supporter, playing the game for a living is a job not an hobby. Wenger, the master of illusion, has done his job well in brainwashing some of our supporters into believing the loyalty and speeerit that our players supposedly have is a reality, rather than a myth,and that something special is going on at the Emirates . This nonsense hit its peak during the trophyless Fabregas period , that some still believe it though is rather sad. Fabregas is history and he should stay that way.To be honest though, in regard to him there is not really any history worth remembering . Yawn.

  19. Ron

    Jul 10, 2014, 11:02 #53594

    Ozzie - Im not sure what football does mate or even if its supposed to do anything. It creates divisiveness though amongst teams fans. A great many of todays modern supporters, partic of the SKY 5 seem to have made being an Arsenal or Utd or whoever fan part of their inner persona. Its very destructive. Sad too. They're just clubs and pampered overblown, overpaid employees after all. Fans have lost sight of what football is and have bought the elevated importance given to it by SKY and Co.


    Jul 10, 2014, 10:34 #53593

    Am with you on that one Athoz.

  21. Charlie

    Jul 10, 2014, 10:18 #53592

    Interesting read and agree on a number of points especially these footballers men who pander to these type's of wag women.I find them pathetic spineless individuals considering a lot of these women aren't worth the hassle anyway and have mostly been round the track a bit. I would imagine a lot of the wob's have women's thumb-prints firmly implanted on the top of their heads as they love to belly-ache all day too imagine If they hadn't moaned about big signings so much, then Ozil wouldn't have been brought in and there would have been room for Cesc anyway. Yet I believe this could turn out to be a blessing especially after the performance of each players national teams during this years WC, maybe our Mesut will be more of a delight than a Turkey next season whereas Cesc may be just another tattoo covered freak who's frightened of girls.

  22. Mathew

    Jul 10, 2014, 9:26 #53590

    Just an emotional vent, not an article. Sunny days ahead Deepu , don't worry.

  23. Ozzie

    Jul 10, 2014, 9:09 #53588

    Bloody hell, the hysteria and raw emotion over a footy game! What a great tragedy humans, collectively, cannot show as much feeling to the suffering of their fellow man as they have shown at the WC. Did someone say football unites? Or bites :-)

  24. Ron

    Jul 10, 2014, 8:26 #53587

    He ll do well at Chelsea. Hes not a truly top draw player, but hes a good one and alongside their players in a City he knows well he can obtain the top prizes. Good luck to him. All this petty resentment towards players, particularly ex players is corrosive to yourself and other teams supporters. Footballers aren't that important as they're transitory Clubs are. He had his time at N5. Not glory laden, not trophy filled but he made his mark to an extent. Hes right not to go back there and Wengers right not to want him back. PS And yes, i will say the same when he scores twice v Arsenal in a likely thumping Chelsea win against us at some stage.

  25. Chris Lee

    Jul 10, 2014, 6:43 #53584

    We struggled for years without a trophy but we are still the 'Who?' Arsenal made it clear that they did not want Cesc so why criticise him? He is ambitious and has more chance of winning major trophies at Chelsea!


    Jul 10, 2014, 6:35 #53583

    How on earth can you criticise this article when you offer a phrase like 'butt hurt'?

  27. Banned gunner

    Jul 10, 2014, 5:32 #53582

    what a load of tosh...do some research before writing such butt hurt stuff...

  28. Mannix

    Jul 10, 2014, 4:41 #53581

    Good articles,a friend in need is a friend indeed,he abandoned us when we needed him most,now what! Who need cesc when we have Santi Carzolla,0‰0zil and Ramsey?

  29. Loh

    Jul 10, 2014, 4:36 #53580

    Wow.... the bitterness.... relax man.... it's true he wanted to come back after things failed to work out in Barca. It's true that he basically forced his way to get to Barca before. But all in all, Cesc did things is a pretty professional manner. He didnt' publicly voice his wishes to leave like that guy with a "little boy inside him" and even when he did signed for Chelsea, he had only compliments for Arsenal. At the end of the day, we didn't want him, so needs to find a new club, Chelsea came, it matches what he wants, and he signed for them. There shouldn't be any bitterness on him for this to me really.

  30. Wolfman

    Jul 10, 2014, 4:14 #53579

    This is a terrible piece..so poorly written. Please never write an article again

  31. Edmund

    Jul 10, 2014, 2:15 #53578

    Deepu, if it makes you happy that's fine. I cannot accept your reasoning. Cesc wanted to join Barca with Pep as coach. He would probably have stayed at Barca if they wanted him. Both Barca and Arsenal rejected him. Where else could he go that could afford his salary? At least he didn't try Spurs.

  32. Joe S.

    Jul 10, 2014, 1:06 #53577

    I thing we are living in a fool's paradise if we still believe that Fabergrass is a Gunner at heart and will always remain so. Outside of being a mercenary, we know that his last two seasons at the Emirates were not particularly good ones. All that nonsense with the Barcelona shirt and his Catalan buddies,as well as the endless speculation.It was always where he wanted to be. Now he has chosen to play for Mourinhio. What else is there to say? He has obviously moved on.

  33. slim mike

    Jul 09, 2014, 21:47 #53575

    true talk bro what happened to "my boyhood club "

  34. Simon P

    Jul 09, 2014, 21:42 #53574

    One month too late

  35. 1971 Gooner

    Jul 09, 2014, 21:38 #53573


  36. Abiola

    Jul 09, 2014, 21:24 #53572

    This article has no substance. If you are a true Gooner why worry about a Chelsea player? Your focus should be on whats going on in our training camp and what players we are bringing in. As far as am concerned Fabregas was a good servant and it would be fun to beat him when we play against him.


    Jul 09, 2014, 20:56 #53571

    The lad is exorcising his daemons, so cut him a little slack gentlemen. Life my 'young'(?) friend is transitory. We are all moving on, and in doing so, slipping away. Some do it faster than others; enjoy your journey buddy, if you run fast enough you'll catch me up as I am not too far in front, just over that horizon. Part of me is still grieving over Frank McLintock leaving us! Thanks for the article chum, and now leave it all behind you...'Good old Arsenal'.

  38. Marcus

    Jul 09, 2014, 20:41 #53569

    Utter nollocks.

  39. Born Gooner

    Jul 09, 2014, 20:34 #53567

    Have to agree with all the above comments!

  40. Androus

    Jul 09, 2014, 20:24 #53566

    I don't think you thought this through. It's not a very intelligent article,We had the option to buy him and we didn't, much as I hate him going to Chelsea it's a free world and he can go where he wants. Why shouldn't he take his wife's view Into consideration, football is not everything. Would you live in Italy or France when you prefer London? I am sorry but you don't talk for all Arsenal fans with this article.

  41. Mick Mahoney

    Jul 09, 2014, 20:16 #53565

    Grow up mate.

  42. allybear

    Jul 09, 2014, 20:15 #53564

    Dont see the point in this article at all,its unimportant. You should be more concerned about who OGL might bring in.

  43. Michael K

    Jul 09, 2014, 20:11 #53563

    A bit over the top, no?