A Statement of Intent

Online Editorial – Arsenal Start Doing Business with the signing of Sanchez

A Statement of Intent

So some excellent news in the transfer market and much earlier than many had feared. The signing of Alexis Sanchez seems to have been universally welcomed by Gooners and it is not hard to understand why. He is obviously a quality player and the hope is that he will land on his feet and start performing to his full potential from the off. His World Cup involvement finished on June 28th, so it is possible that he might make an appearance over the Emirates Cup weekend, and I would be surprised if the team that begins the league campaign against Crystal Palace did not start the Community Shield match. Sanchez will definitely play in that game.

With the imminent signing of Debucy to replace Bacary Sagna, there is every indication that things are being done differently this summer. One wonders if Arsene Wenger’s role in the minutiae of the transfer fee and wages negotiations has been relinquished as part of the new agreement. Nothing wrong with Le Boss seducing players with sweet talk as he did with Sanchez. But if a deal needs sealing, surely better that this is handed over to someone who does not have quite so much on their plate, dare I say someone who might not be so much of a penny pincher/pontificator?

So that’s the attack and the right back issues addressed (and remember we currently have Joel Campbell as another option going forward). I think there is a general acceptance at the club that Mikel Arteta is not the man to propel the team to a title, not least because he only has a year left on his deal and there seems no great rush to extend it. The club are working hard to persuade Sami Khedira to follow Mesut Ozil from Real Madrid. If that falls through, the back up options are Lars Bender from Bayer Leverkusen or Southampton’s Morgan Schneiderlin. The way things are going, one of the above may well be secured in good time for the start of the season, strengthening the options in the middle.

Of course, the centre back roster needs a look at. Is Thomas Vermaelen going to stay? If he does, will the club promote Ignasi Miquel (although one imagines he might be sold) to the first team squad or try and get by with three bodies for the season, which they managed for the most part in 2013/14, but only with Sagna filling in. Additionally, another goalkeeper will doubtless arrive with only Szczesny currently still at the club.

Bringing in new faces ready for first team action shakes things up and creates a buzz, the feeling of real possibilities. Ozil’s game would surely benefit from an outlet such as Sanchez, and with the return of Walcott and the continuing good form of Ramsey, he will have several options. Critically, Sanchez offers pace as well as precision. He may well start in place of Giroud, at least once Walcott returns. He is proven in two top European leagues, and there is no reason to think he will need long to adapt to the Premier League. He may not be at the level of Luis Suarez, but at least he isn’t going to go round biting opponents and getting banned for it. And there are enough Spanish speakers at the club to make him feel part of things from the off.

Like the signing of Ozil, the Sanchez news has created a real sense of optimism that the problems of last season can be addressed. That the quality of the squad could be good enough to get better results against the bigger teams that Arsenal struggled against last time around (along with a change of tactics on the road, naturally). Of course, we await more signings, but the indications are that the club are hard at work to secure them, so this summer looks like it will be a far less frustrating one than 2013. Critically, big names at the club act like a magnet. The signing of Ozil, in spite of a mixed first season, was key in this respect. Sanchez has joined Arsenal because the club match his ambitions – they have demonstrated this by spending big on Ozil and in turn shown the willingness to pay a significant sum for the Chilean himself. Ozil will be starting in the World Cup Final on Sunday, so should not be written off on the basis of a slightly disappointing first campaign in England during which he suffered from injuries to colleagues that would bring the best out of his game.

Players being cast off by the big Spanish sides does not make them bad players. Arjen Robben was released by Real Madrid. I am astonished Barcelona sold Cesc Fabregas with Xavi nearing the end of his useful days. On that note, the reason that Arsenal decided against re-signing Fabregas was presumably a question of priorities, and the fact they do not have unlimited funds. Although Fabregas and Ozil could both be accommodated in the team, it would presumably mean the dropping of either Cazorla or Ramsey, and as it stands, it is difficult to see Jack Wilshere habitually starting matches, especially once Theo Walcott returns. So, yes, it won’t be pleasant to see Cesc in a Chelsea shirt, but it should be remembered that he seemed willing to return to Arsenal.

Still, another significant signing to address the defensive midfield position and that particular pain will be easier to bear. There seems an awareness that the club were light on quality last season, leading to the overplaying of certain players. Some good business this summer can rectify that. Let’s hope Sanchez is just the start of things in that respect.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 15, 2014, 16:58 #53816

    Tony Evans, excellent shout but don't bet on it for one minute.


    Jul 15, 2014, 15:36 #53813

    M.Alan(US). Good afternoon to you young chappy. You misspelt my moniker but that can easily be overlooked. I did take a shower once, but being an honourable lad I did bring it back soon after. I am so light I am almost albino, and I give all burgers a wide berth, (you need to read 'The Jungle', by Upton Sinclair), including veggie burgers. Cola is not my cuppa tea, (read 'Belching Out The Devil', by Mark Thomas). I'm sorry to tell you this, but my favourite actress from the USA remains Lisa Simpson, but enough of that. You have to accept failings in order to try to amend them. Sorry if I offended you chum, I have family from the USA and I offend them too, all unintentional of course. Have the most delightful day. Hope we agree on Arsenal though.

  3. RDT - 4

    Jul 15, 2014, 14:10 #53809

    There probably wouldn't be an Arsenal if it wasn't for Henry Norris.

  4. Tony Evans

    Jul 15, 2014, 12:57 #53806

    Good news re Sanchez but we need at least 3 other quality additions to the squad before we can even start to put the flags out. Equally important is the need for Wenger to abandon his gung-ho, attack at will policy this coming season in games where a more cautious approach is called for. Hopefully he will have learned the error of his ways covering the Brazil v Germany semi final for French TV. If ever an international defensive performance resembled a side coached by Wenger that was it.

  5. M. Alan (US)

    Jul 15, 2014, 12:54 #53805

    Hey BADASS, you need to lighten up buddy. Your getting too negative. Go take a shower, (you need to) go watch a movie, and get yourself an extra large vegi-burger and coke.

  6. Herbert

    Jul 15, 2014, 10:31 #53804

    Wenger certainly 'made the club to what it is'. Losers.

  7. In Wenger We Trust

    Jul 15, 2014, 10:01 #53803

    Stan, you're pathetic. You think you can wind me up by saying you're a true Wengerite? LOL. Every true Arsenal supporter around the world knows the club owes it to Wenger as he made the club to what it is. I never called for him to be fired unlike the WOB. Nice try, but you just crawl back into your hole like every single one of those brainless anti-Wenger rabble and every Spurs fan because the two of you lot are so alike. Arsene knows best.


    Jul 14, 2014, 17:23 #53784

    I like 'baddie', ha ha. I am certain we have a whole lot in common radfordkennedy. It is not their fault, that is my overriding message to everyone. The kids people moan about who might go to the Grove and take photos, muck about, wander out to buy a coke, or whatever is my family, your family, or any other person's. We shape, mould and guide our kids into the images we want. There has always been alternative splinters within any society, so you could find yourself in a group who all like Olly whatsit the young singer, you go into a trance and sleepwalk away. Then you find a group of aliens playing their Clapton, or Stevie Winwood CDs and you are suddenly at home, (then they beam you up, ha ha). Social circles continue by passing on a blueprint to the next generation, a group of Sloane Rangers would have similar interests and only on rare occasions would any of their interests overlap mine or your's. Without getting too deep it is partially orchestrated. Every government wants an underclass-this one went wrong though and the experiment failed. It spilled out of the test tube onto the floor, and has multiplied at an alarming rate. To mix metaphors those in charge realise it is too late to put the genie back in the bottle. Everything you see is a sop to just try to keep the wobbling bike from toppling over, they shan't succeed sadly. What a mess to offer as a legacy to the kids and those yet to come. Anyway priorities my friend, we've got Alexis Sanchez!

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 14, 2014, 17:01 #53782

    Charlie, dead right, preened and primed hair not out of place even when the final whistle goes, and they can't wait to take their shirt off to show everybody their latest silly tattoo. If they'd concentrate on their game more instead of tweeting, tattoos, and hairstyles maybe they'd make decent players, and we have some of the biggest/worst example ourselves one being XBox Jack.

  10. radfordkennedy

    Jul 14, 2014, 16:56 #53781

    Hello baddie - sorry this infernal new phone which my wife says I can't live without won't let me type in your handle Damn thing seems to write what it likes,anyway I have the same problem as you with these Burberry hat attack dog owning tattooed f##kwits,I've got about 4 week's left in Normandy before I go on a family holiday with the grandkids and because they're little and have to be constantly entertained I have to go to these god awful 'butlins in the sun'hotels which in reality are just holding pens for the Jeremy Kyle show,all these identikit wannabe footballers swearing in front of kids smoking over grams dropping beer cups where little ones play,admittedly I do have a tattoo a design my old mates and I had done back in my navy days,but nothing like the Beckham style you see now on young men and women,anyway before I turn into my dad I'll go,just wanted to share my deep loathing of something which irritates you as well

  11. Stan

    Jul 14, 2014, 13:51 #53774

    WEnGER U TRUS Takes one plastic to know another. You are going to have to do better than that to persuade us true Wengerites. Arsene owns the WC as well as the FA.


    Jul 14, 2014, 13:48 #53773

    Hi Charlie, take a look around fella, there are prospective 'modern footballers' everywhere, who would jump at the chance to have a bit more bling, few more tattoos and a number of girls running after them. Personally I cannot stand these modern shopping malls and outlets. I went recently and my senses were assaulted by the chronic smell of sweet doughnuts and cheap burgers which stunk out the place, we had to pass through this only to meet an army of undead stumbling towards us, tattooed, branded, and ephemeral. In the first shop I had to remove myself because it was like a disco-one that played horrid music, using sign language to ask an assistant for a different size through blaring music was not an option. So pretentious it is untrue. The Essex Man and Woman syndrome has gone global. Sorry to go on chum, Good old Arsenal.

  13. Charlie

    Jul 14, 2014, 12:54 #53771

    Is it me or do others on here find the modern day footballer so bloody irritating and hard to find any real affection towards. They all have the same boring personalities, covered in tatts with girly earrings beef-cake physics and cheap looking women leeching off them. Used to live in the same village as a real Arsenal and England star from the 1930's some 20 years ago,now those guys had class. Love Arsenal hate the modern player.

  14. In Wenger We Trust

    Jul 14, 2014, 12:39 #53768

    Stan, what the hell you're talking about? The only traitors are those anti-Wenger rabble who wants the team to lose because it will get Wenger fired. If you don't know that you're either stupid or a member of the WOB... oh wait, saying the WOB is stupid is redundant. LOL. Anyway, can't wait for another great season lead by none other than Wenger himself as he will prove those plastic fans wrong once again. Arsene knows best.

  15. jeff wright

    Jul 14, 2014, 12:35 #53767

    MG, you have to laugh at these it was all down to Arsene claims ,shame about the French flops, but of course they had nothing to do with him!I also recall the 2002 WC in Korea/Japan when a fair few of the French first eleven were Arsene coached players going out in the group stage ,the AKB's were not jumping up and down then praising Arsene. The French side with Diaby on parade went out in ignominy in South Africa as well in the last world cup .

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 14, 2014, 12:17 #53766

    jw, didn't you know when OGL wasn't up the Amazon he was advising Low and Germany on tactics, that's why there was one medal left over it was presented later.

  17. Ron

    Jul 14, 2014, 12:00 #53765

    Re WC stuff -The buzz word for pundits these days seems to be - 'thin margins'. It applied last night. At least 2, probably 3 'goals' went begging for Arg and as a result Ger win and the pundits wax lyrical about how great the Ger system is, how they were always the best team in it and how great and progressive they are and how great Loew is etc etc. Had Arg chances been taken, Loew would be pilloried and Ger said to 'have had their Final' v Bra and many footie fans claiming 'Eng arent far behind Ger' after all. Daft game isnt it! Now for the Cricket!! WC tedium gone at long last and not a day too soon for me. They really ought to devise a system to foreshorten that WC by at least a week to 10 days. Its substance never justifies its dominance of the sports calender and the TV scheduling. Bye bye guys. See you all in August once the 'best league in the World' kicks in again!

  18. jeff wright

    Jul 14, 2014, 11:10 #53764

    Westie ,okay I accept that but unless the players have come through the Arsenal system under Wenger, say like Wilshere has,then the point is a moot one .All rather just another attempt at trying to prove that Wenger is right really by reflected glory . The only trophies that count are what players win with us. Wenger gets judged on that not on what Loew wins with Germany.Apart from the fact that Wenger coaches players who have flopped in the world cup ,but so have others yawn.

  19. Westlower

    Jul 14, 2014, 10:21 #53763

    @Jeff, You missed my point. I'm only talking about players on Arsenal's books at the time of WC success. Vieira was signed in 96, France won in 98, therefore he wasn't a previous WC winner prior to joining AFC, whereas Gilberto & Ball were. Henry, then a Juventus player, never played in the final but remained on the bench in 98.

  20. jeff wright

    Jul 14, 2014, 10:07 #53761

    Westie, I note that you left Alan Ball out of your list of Arsenal signings that played in WC finals . I suppose though that him being English means he doesent count ! He was the first Arsenal signing of a World Cup winner.Meaningless nonsense of course but just thought I would join in the fun.S3V


    Jul 14, 2014, 9:53 #53760

    All things are relative julesd. Oh to be 65! See what I mean? Have a great one, I raise a virtual reality bumper of champagne to drink your health. Oh Athoz, sheath thy rapier. We have covered this before but once more, I see Australia as very much a USA-clone. More even than us and we are very far down that road. Spend a day with me and you might hear many gripes directed towards that 'Americanisation' you mentioned. I insist on never going to the 'movies', only to the cinema, I never take a shower, (USA always take), only ever have a shower etc. I am happy with the evolution of our language, in fact I herald it and give it my full support, it's what enhances it's beauty. Natural change is acceptable, artificial isn't-to me anyway. I shall never refer to you as a dud, er dude again, promise. These posts lose something sometimes. I wasn't for a moment suggesting it was the best WC, just that the media here are hyping it so. The brainwashing is ongoing my friend. As for the size of the nation it has no bearing nowadays. My friend a conservationist, has visited Costa Rica twice recently. A tiny little country, without two beans to rub together yet it performs admirably. Football is simple. Investment at the grass roots level, facilities, different mentality of the society we are trying to nurture it in. Good coaches, and bob's your uncle. We do not possess many, if any of those things, ergo things remain static, or stagnant if you wish. Disappointment for the English supporter in general? Possibly, but don't count me in with them, read my previous post. I am as close to a realist as possible, but still working on that rough model. Nothing disappointed me, beyond general points. Poor refereeing, showing that the game has advanced beyond realistic control. The damaging tackles still allowed-I think the Argentinians systematically tried to assassinate Schweinsteiger in the last twenty minutes-with little punishment. Neuer assaulted Higuain and criminal charges should have been brought, yet he wins the golden glove! Messi Golden Ball-what was that about? Terrible delay for the losers who just, and always do, want away. Personally I react to the flags everywhere and seek England's exit as an escape from them. Now musketeer, all for one and free for all.

  22. jeff wright

    Jul 14, 2014, 9:50 #53759

    This what club's players were in finals is a complete nonsense ,especially regarding Wenger ,the French ones from 98 such as Vieira ,Henry had already won the cup before Wenger signed them for AFC. The German team is mainly made up of BM Bundesliga players .It's amusing though to see attempts to somehow get Arsene some praise from the German win,I think that the Italian ref helped the Germans more they should have been down to 10 men after that challenge by Neuer on Higgy ,that was a straight red any game anywhere ,other than in last night's one. Shame we never had that ref when Chesnay was sent off against BM in the European Cup last season for a far lesser challenge.

  23. julesd

    Jul 14, 2014, 9:10 #53758

    BADARSE & Ron Thank you very much for the birthday wishes, no longer 64 but what's a day?

  24. Ozzie

    Jul 14, 2014, 9:10 #53757

    Bad, here in Oz, as generally agreed, this is one of the most BORING WCs ever so it's a matter of opinion. As stated before, I am not particularly nationalistic but on a mundane footy level I consider it must be very disappointing for the English supporter (in general) to be so poorly rated and finishing below countries with few footy comps when compared with all the divisions and competitions in Eng. Anyway, you're entitled your opinion and I mine and I am not a dude - I am not Americanised like you lot.

  25. Westlower

    Jul 14, 2014, 8:26 #53756

    Remiss of me not to point out that the 5 Arsenal players finishing on the winning side in WC finals were all Wenger signings. Contrary to the belief of some, maybe he DOES know a player when he see's one! Great tipping in the Racing Post, where recommended bets included Schweinsteiger to be first player booked at 14/1 & carded anytime at 5/2. @Ron, Please take note. Your turn next time buddy? From my betting experiences getting a correct score is the hardest bet to forecast.


    Jul 14, 2014, 8:22 #53755

    Interesting slant on the 'Sanchez-new strip' connection 24601. I too hope Gnabry stays an AFC man-he has a future. The rest? We shall see. Good old Arsenal, oh, and a Happy Unbirthday to you too fella-keep winning!

  27. Westlower

    Jul 14, 2014, 7:57 #53754

    As far as I'm aware 5 Arsenal players have graced World Cup Finals, 2 starting, Petit & Ozil + 3 off the bench, Vieira, Fabregas & BFG (albeit very briefly). All have been victorious. Gilberto Silva was bought by AFC immediately after Brazil won the WC in 2002, which shows that in WC year we wait for the tournament to finish before delving into the transfer market. Seems probable that the early signing of Sanchez was to have a big name on board to coincide with launch day of the new Puma strips? Rumours suggest Colombian GK David Ospina may become our next signing. Also talk of Gnabry being used as bait to acquire right back Calum Chambers from Southampton. Hopefully Gnabry will only be loaned out to give him more experience as I believe he'll become an important player for AFC in the coming years. @Badarse, Thanks for your best wishes to the birthday girl.


    Jul 14, 2014, 6:36 #53753

    Afternoon Athoz. Well how about this, here it is being promoted as the best WC ever, so if true why so down, just because England failed again? If the thorn in your side is that then OK, I can offer a tableau to offset that. If in general a bore, I can offer a sticking plaster for that too. Main gripe and I think the real one is the first point. Inventing footie is irrelevant, we gave the world tobacco too, and we wouldn't claim credit for that, dude. We are an archaic institution-England that is, and it is reflected in our football, (in many other things too), so just absorb that fact and come to terms with reality. It shall not change! Hang the FA heads in shame? Hang them yes, I would go along with that. The narrow conservatism which governs all is a powerful status quo maintained constantly. My question would be is it worth changing? I have little interest in nationalism, it is terribly dangerous as it is often used as a panacea for all woes, but I have to walk with it every step of the way. The WC is football to me on an elementary level. I judge, assess and am rarely too disappointed. Countries perform as expected, as their current form dictates, some dip, some excel. Treat the WC as a string of Simpsons episodes as I do. You watch if it suits, walk away if the game bores, enjoy if it holds your attention. I don't see nationalities-truly, just men playing football. My fleeting happiness was that I believed Germany to be a strong choice beforehand, and said so. They were the best team in the competition so deserved to win it. As a bonus our three boys come home as world champions-how can that be bad? I assume the European Championships are followed there in a big way, or is it just the European immigrants? That for you, is only two years to wait...for more of the same? On a loose positive note it is the first win for a unified Germany, and as with our three lads it can only serve to encourage the nation, and they need all the encouragement they can get as they have to carry most other nations in the European Union.


    Jul 14, 2014, 6:04 #53752

    Good morning and to any wrap tune you like, as they are all the same(though in your mind try mine with a Clapton backing)...'I can't give a present, I can't send a gift. I can just offer a greeting, and hope that if-you receive it with the fondness, it had when it went, you'll embrace it with the wishes, from the moment when sent. A happy birthday julesd, Online Gooner Girl alone, holding a special place for me, linked always with Mart Keown.' Looks like it might be a nice one, sweetie. @Black Hei, nice to hear from you again, and your brand of simple, positive, and clear reasoning-good days ahead I think pal.

  30. Black Hei

    Jul 14, 2014, 5:30 #53751

    What a backhanded compliment to Wenger from Gooners. 1. Wenger has always commented at the WC 2. Dick and Ivan has always been around What has changed for us? Only the shirt sponsors. So maybe people can put 1+1 together and get the obvious, in your plate reason why transfers are a wee bit different now. Anyone still want to give le boss more smack for time at the beach? Any more jokes on Ivan the terrible and Dick Lawless?

  31. Ozzie

    Jul 14, 2014, 3:55 #53750

    The missus tapped me on the head - you can wake up now Mike, it's all over. For a country that invented the game having to sit through and watch the likes of Croats, Swiss, Greeks, Algerians, Belgians and Uruguayans make the last 16 is a bit hard to swallow. The FA suits should hang their heads in shame. You have let England down big time! Time to grab the bull by the horns and begin moulding a young team together and having them meet on a regular basis to bond and pledge themselves to winning the next EC & regaining some respect. Never mind, maybe when I'm 64? How I used to sing that with such arrogance.

  32. Roy

    Jul 13, 2014, 23:59 #53749

    Yes, congrats to our German contingent, fantastic achievement from the best team in the tournament. Special mention to Ozil who saw plenty of the ball and hardly wasted it at all. Couple of other bits of note, Neuers bear hug on Angela Merkel when he went up to get his Golden Glove award almost lifted her off her feet - something I suppose you can only get away with if you've just won the World Cup ! And then there was Glenn Hoddles bad hair day on ITVs coverage - priceless.

  33. Lee afc

    Jul 13, 2014, 22:55 #53748

    Well done the three Arsenal Germans........congratulations...best team won...jeff wright...admit that you were wrong and some gooners know more than you ever will.


    Jul 13, 2014, 22:40 #53747

    Professor Stanley Unwin got it right, the Germaloids won it! We watched it together. Thoroughly deserved too, despite what O'Neill is saying.


    Jul 13, 2014, 21:57 #53746

    That's funny CT Gooner, though I haven't ever seen our shirt look bad on anyone.

  36. CT Gooner

    Jul 13, 2014, 19:53 #53745

    Thx Badarse, love the new away shirt, though not sure what size I should get or how it will look with my flabby A cups. ;o)

  37. Danny

    Jul 13, 2014, 19:09 #53744

    Just amazed that Arsenal fans are jumping up and down because they bought Sanchez who is inconsistent performer we need more quality and i cannot see that happening with club. we are been had by Wenger and stan kroenke when are you guys going to realize this

  38. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 13, 2014, 18:02 #53743

    Just seen the new BT Sport ad! If I had a BT Sport subscription I would cancel it. Presumably Sanchez didn't see it before signing for us.

  39. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 17:48 #53742

    @JJ I lent out my THE END by Tom Watt, never got it back so must replace it, great read. Anytime goalscorer Messi & Muller 19/10, Aguero 3/1, Ozil 11/2, Kroos 13/2. First goalscorer Messi & Muller 11/2, Aguero 8/1, Ozil varies between 8/1 and 14/1.


    Jul 13, 2014, 17:31 #53741

    Hi CT Gooner, simple gaff but you don't need a substitute faith for the absence of religion chum. Have faith in what you see, hear, smell and feel, then anything from wise and trustworthy souls you respect can be added to the mix. Don't ever put faith into a group of individuals, especially those that you don't know and don't know you. Keep the faith is just a unifying symbol, a flag-waving call. Buy your shirt Young Gun, it looks a dandy to me. The money men have already triumphed, the war is over and guess what? We lost. Still when you are sinking below the waves you never question the motives of an outreached hand.

  41. jjetplane

    Jul 13, 2014, 16:47 #53740

    WESTIE thanks for bringing Tin Soldier back to me which in a moddy way lead us to Eton Rifles. Mod is a timeless culture and the fashion displayed on the north bank when I was a teeny skin in me monkey boots was something to behold. Me big bruv used to wear lovely suits with knitted Fred Perrys and a pair of Martens over there as we kicked the back of that old shed. Soul mafia in the 70s and if you could grow an afro, you did. What a lot of fun and happy to say I saw Mr Baker on many an occasion, though that would have been from the schoolboys. Great memories for Alexis to digest if he wants a spot on the official wagon. Keep meaning to dig out my copy of The End (Wattie) - a great read with some very familiar names abounding. Have you ever read Sidney Day's London Born. Bit like me own childhood. ps As would be the case - it's Voodoo Chile (slight return) for me though well remember playing the Purple Haze 7inch on a Civic dropdown which would set yer back fourteen and a eleven - Holloway Rd where else? Now, if Muller scores first tonight (watch the wink and smile at the anthem) then the Argies will have to come out to play. Can they? Personally I am not calling it but that bleeding Muller has got me!

  42. CT Gooner

    Jul 13, 2014, 16:29 #53739

    I must say I've had to check my emotions this week. I don't have religion, so the arsenal is where I put my faith (not the smartest thing for an AMG I readily accept). I was ready to get my new away "Alexis" 17 shirt, but then I read some ones view that this move may have been about selling shirts! So I'm pausing on that until I see more, specifically strengthening in the critical spots. I feel we need a world class defensive midfielder, right back and strong young centre half. If we do that, I'll give the club the money for the shirt, rational religion I suppose....

  43. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 15:51 #53738

    @JJ, Thanks for the memory of that great line "life is just a bowl of All Bran. Later in the same song HappyDaysToyTown came, "Now that we've got the hang of it, there's nothing we can't do with it, Now we're very into it, we can't go wrong." Summed up that generation very well. 'Tin Soldier' stood out as the song that best symbolised the 'Mod' era, closely followed by Hendrix's version of the Dylan song, 'All Along The Watch Tower." Nothing to match it since.


    Jul 13, 2014, 14:27 #53737

    Charlie/Mike are you really jeff? Only kidding! How funny this all is. Roll on tomorrow when the bandwagon leaves town and the populace can revert back to focusing on their abject poverty. The World Cup king is dead-long live the Olympic king!

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 13, 2014, 14:26 #53736

    Nacho Monreal, your guess is as good as mine, maybe right back but not his favorite position would be worth a bet.

  46. jeff wright

    Jul 13, 2014, 14:13 #53735

    Far be it for me to praise the ex-special one but his sale for 50m of 'side show' to PSG must be the best bit of biz done since Wenger fitted the 'ammers ' up with Freddy for 7.5m . Wenger should have been charged with fraud ! As regards 'Hugo' Sanchez choosing us over Liverpool , Mike makes a good point about London playing a part ( the City)because it turns out that Sanchez is another playboy with more extra-curriculum activities off-field going on than on it. He leaves behind him in Spain a pregnant ex and arrives with a new model .She squeezed her ample assets into an AFC shirt the other for a shoot and tbf she looked better than 'Hugo' does in it , but then again I suppose some may disagree with that view... anyway Oliver ... would you like a threesome with me and my ami Flammy ... now has some fellow companyto share the boredom with on those prematch nights locked away in a hotel ... and of even of course the old master of illusion himself come to that...

  47. Mike

    Jul 13, 2014, 14:08 #53734

    Jeff- not waffing at all - I have been in an Airforce for two years but it was definately not the Royal Airforce and I have definately not been in the Falklands. I'm sure Italy and Spain might have been part of the favourites as well - still - not really bothered who wins tonight because Messi needs it to be considered one of the Greats and I won't argue with that either - Always favoured Germany though because it has the largest Arsenal representation -wiulol be great if Oezil gets another goal becuase he will triple Rooney's tally in one competition less

  48. A Cornish Gooner

    Jul 13, 2014, 14:02 #53733

    Ron, Westie. There can't be many 'Silver' Gooners who don't remember Joe Baker fondly. Whether for all his great goals or his demolition of Ron Yeats.

  49. Charlie

    Jul 13, 2014, 13:46 #53732

    It infuriates me why Germany just stick Ozil out on the left wing, when he plays far better through the center where he gets involved in the game more and can thread the ball through and make runs. If you watch Germany play it's very unbalanced with 80% of their forward play taking place down the right side. I hope he plays well in the final yet am glad he's had an average world cup otherwise the wob's would use it to attack the team if he doesn't perform this season. The final will probably go all the way extra time and maybe penalties with hopefully the Argies nicking it though if the Germans win then fair play. As for Sanchez choosing Arsenal over Liverpool, that's always been the norm anyway, in reality we get first choice on the best players, we in turn tell them what a great club they are, how well they play the game and what wonderful fans they have and so on...

  50. Ron

    Jul 13, 2014, 12:51 #53731

    If Ozil and Hleb had a fraction of GE s heart and courage, there could be a likeness. Ohhh for a Joe Baker guys! Hail the King of Highbury now and forever more. Suggest a bid for Lukaku or Benteke.


    Jul 13, 2014, 12:38 #53730

    Yes 24601, the closest for me to Eastham was Hleb, though Ozil fits the bill too. He could really ignite Theo's career, and elevate the right sort of CF whoever he happens to be.

  52. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 12:32 #53729

    The more I see Ozil play the more I see a clone of George Eastham. Same run style with the ball, same subtle skills, intelligence, perceptive vision, tremendous passing ability + chipping in with some goals. Both were the clubs record signings albeit 50 years apart. We just need to find a Joe Baker type to bring out the best in him. Alexis Sanchez & Ozil could well be the architects of greatness for Arsenal's centre forward next season, whoever he may be?


    Jul 13, 2014, 12:26 #53728

    Afternoon jj Max. I play hop-scotch along my path and take delight in dangling my carpet slippers over the ravines either side of it. You are an interesting man buddy. I enjoyed the revelation of ex-Vietnam vets, the Mojave desert and the desert storm. I have a simplistic tale which doesn't haunt me, but is a Dali-style unanswered question mark balancing upon my head, (you are right about the man's credentials, less than nice). In August '69 I was alone in York, late with nowhere to crash and went to the local 'nick' where I got a phone number. A lad with a backpack was about to leave having got the same number. I rang and they only had a twin room so we bunked in together. He was grateful for me ringing and giving him a lift to the guest house. We went for a Chinese meal together and had a couple of beers. Had we been gay it might have been the start of a wonderfully romantic relationship. He was heading for London to fly back to the States to be shipped out to Vietnam. He understood my 'anti' stance. I gave him a lift to London the next day. I said farewell and he was gone. I have often wondered where young Carl is, if he survived the war, if he survived the peace. Life is amazing, if only it was real. Have a story about sherpas too-nothing to do with a pie-will keep for another day.


    Jul 13, 2014, 12:08 #53727

    24601 I didn't see the programme, but know of the pub-The Earl of Derby in Grange Road, I lived around the corner and went to school as a tiddler in Grange Road, had left long before the Small Faces though. Iconic band, which reflected much of life in those days-especially for the young. So last day to sing 'When I'm 64'. Wow, where does time go? It just evaporates before your very eyes doesn't it? She is around 39 to me on this site, and shall remain so. One of my favourite ladies, and my wife isn't remotely jealous of the high esteem I hold her in. Funny how the mind works. I love Martin Keown and always connect you two with that same sense, naturally. As I have more connection with you in different ways and different topics julesd has monopolised the Keown connection. That isn't a bad connecting thread pal. Blue shirted ice cream. What about tipping all 8 teams to advance into the Q/Fs? True it was fairly predictable, but it nearly went boss-eyed in the first game. My wife has won the WC competition with my grandson just ahead of me miles behind her. However I did tip three teams to perhaps win it, and all of them reached the S/Fs, and both finalists are my tips. Ron although I see your reasoning for the Liverpool choice and Sanchez I don't share it. Arsenal are mega in South America, Liverpool is still associated with the Beatles. It was the manager and style which swung him, money would have been matched by Liverpool. I think he would have been a success there as at the Grove though. I do share your assessment of Aguero, such a player, of course he is building a track record in injuries, and that always affects the odds, as westlower would verify.

  55. Ron

    Jul 13, 2014, 11:53 #53726

    Westie - thanks pal. Yes, im well overdue arent i! ha. I've maybe condemned Arg to defeat in truth. Seriously though, im not sure Ger match the post semi final media hype. The 7-1 has masked their patchy shows v USA and the other lesser lights they've faced. They looked potent up front of course v Bra as Bra were just so utterly hopeless as i see it. Im banking on Argentines being tight at the back plus Mascherano for me has been the player of the tourny (hes the type we need!)Hes been very unheralded as is the trend with his type of player. If Arg can just be braver up top and more ambitious, im of the view they can really make Ger panic at the back. Really need Aguero though. Theyve missed him badly haven't they. We ll see? 12-1? Not bad odds then? Happy b day Jules.

  56. jjetplane

    Jul 13, 2014, 11:52 #53725

    BADARSE Don't worry Wenger is all yours forever! Know how it feels when you have numerous sherpas, paid up WObS setting up base camp six below your sacred cavalry (rhymes with) at base 4. Voices in the head again. Watch that narrow path mate. WESTIE - life is just a bowl of all bran ahhh. Marriot was wicked - brings me back to seaside beanos and plenty of 'magic dragon puff' Re tonight - that Muller man is threatening to gatecrash the soccer celeb party. Di Maria to the mancy hasbeens. If only they had a coach. If only we had Jorge ...... 'Joy/fun .... Joe is on the run' We were beaten 4-1 yesterday in a game of two sides but all in all bodes well. And we have Haisham in the FA Cup! FA Cups - who remembers that now.

  57. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 11:43 #53724

    @Ron, The best odds available for your 2-1 forecast is 12/1. You are overdue to get one right! I fancy a bit of 6/1 about 1-1. Over 90 mins the odds are Germany 13/10, Argentina 13/5 & the draw at 9/4. @Badarse, Julesd is 65 tomorrow, but don't let on I told you.

  58. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 11:10 #53723

    @Badarse, Did you watch the 'British Invasion' on Thursday evening, featuring the original Small Faces. The band was formed after it's members were thrown out of a pub in Bermondsey. Always liked Steve Marriott. The old joke springs to mind; I used to do drugs in the 80's. Now I don't care what the temperature is. @Ron, Thanks for your 2-1 forecast, I now know were my money is going! When is it you see Clapton?

  59. Ron

    Jul 13, 2014, 11:08 #53722

    Morning Westie - Lewis is a Spurs fan i believe? So, form your own view on his opinion. Suspect the green eyed monster applies to him? Ill be totally honest though and objective in saying that i can see why some think Sanchez would have been good for Liverpool. Sturridge would gel well with him and as a Club i think they have a greater momentum than do Arsenal now. As you know, i know Liverpool well and the City is buzzing like its hasnt for 35 years. Anfields compactness and better atmosphere would suit him well. Theres a remorseless feel to Liverpools play now that s not been there since Rush and Dalglish best years or even Keegan and Toshack. Its money thats decrees where these players go isnt it mate, but hand on heart, if i was a player id opt for Anfield now too, not the Gunners for a variety of reasons. Sorry to be so forthright and im glad hes with us. Just my view mate.

  60. Ron

    Jul 13, 2014, 10:55 #53721

    Morning guys. Its C mon Argentina for me. If they can get Aguero (i have to say hes my favourite Prem League player - wish he was ours, though Sanchez good) some thing like fitness, if only for an hour and push little Messi further up top they can beat Germany by making their statues at the back turn and work. Be lovely for Messi to claim a World crown now as he might not get chance again. Hes a wonderful, wonderful player, great and humble sportsman too. Credit to his profession. 2-1 Argentina.


    Jul 13, 2014, 10:26 #53720

    Morning 24601. I like the notion of Carl being loaned, and share your opinion on Khedira, I expect most do. Darren Lewis? As I never read the Mirror, and even avoid looking in them nowadays, it's a little like you telling me that Canada Gooner doesn't rate Arsene Wenger. My unspoken response is, 'So?'. Kicked on the pitch and whipped by the media off it. Sorry Bob, in some areas the times are not a-changing. It's why I know England will never win the World Cup again-it would take a monumental altering of society's direction and values. Only far-sighted people the stature of Arsene Wenger could ever hope to enact such change, but that 'Dad's Army' mentality is too strong my friend. Yes Walker's crisps in Brighton, it was.

  62. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 10:25 #53719

    @Jeff, In response to your comment "Neuer haring out from his area faster than Mick The Miller did from trap 6 at the Stow." Mick won the English Derby at White City in 1929 & 30 from traps 1 & 4. In 1931 a crowd of 70,000 watched him get beat in the final from trap 6. His other major wins were the Welsh Derby at Cardiff, the St Leger at Wembley & the Cesarewitch at West Ham. He never ran at Walhamstow as it didn't open until 1933, although I'm sure Herbert Chapman would have liked Mick as a pacy winger. Here endeth the history lesson. Come on you German Gooners!

  63. Charlie

    Jul 13, 2014, 9:33 #53718

    I've never seen Finsbury Joe and Jeff Wright in the same room but I bet their allegiances are the same.

  64. Westlower

    Jul 13, 2014, 8:09 #53717

    Latest transfer rumours include a year long loan deal for Atletico Madrid right back Javier Manquillo as cover for Debuchy. Jenkinson will be loaned out to a PL club to get more game time. Porto striker Jackson Martinez is also on the radar, the bookies have him at 5/2 to join his boyhood favourite club. My fingers are firmly crossed we get Sami Khedira (AFC 6/4, Chelsea 4/1). On yesterdays Talksport the Daily Mirror's Darren Lewis opined that Alexis Sanchez has made a mistake in joining AFC and should have joined Liverpool instead. Cheers, Darren. World Cup trivia: Prior to last nights game the most fouled player of the tournament is Alexis Sanchez with 24, with Joel Campbell 4th (20) in the list. Top of the pile of those carrying out the fouling is Fellaini with 19 fouls, RVP is joint 3rd with 14. Are we surprised Man U players do the kicking & AFC players usually on the receiving end? Stand up Gary Neville.


    Jul 13, 2014, 7:23 #53716

    So Carey talks positively of assisted dying and is castigated-by those who supported and sang his praises. A head-shaking narrowness of attitude. Ring any bells on this site? Do not disturb the status quo, or else! Hoping to catch that glimpse of Sanchez and the FA Cup at the Emirates Cup. Getting close now guys.

  66. Rob

    Jul 12, 2014, 20:31 #53715

    Have to say I was more than a little surprised, not so much by the signing as the timing of it. Have the repeated mistakes of the last 5 years at last sunk in ? I'll reserve judgement until later. Sanchez is a top signing no doubt about that. I thought for a dreadful moment he might blow £27 million on Balotelli. But Alexi it is and three cheers for that. I also understand there is the suggestion of a new fitness coach ? That could be even more important than Sanchex, if he comes and if he rids the Club of it's injury jinx.

  67. jeff wright

    Jul 12, 2014, 18:56 #53714

    Mike, the only one waffling is you. The only army you have had any connection with is the Salvation Army .' Let's Kick Politics( yawn) Out Of Sport' should the next FIFA campaign.

  68. Charlie

    Jul 12, 2014, 18:25 #53713

    I don't think Mike and my posts are very similar at all except we're both pro-Arsenal.In fact I probably want the Argies to win being an ex Falklands veteran I feel sorry for the men they lost and I always root for the nation who's people have the harder lives. Also I have never had any great love for the Germans. As for you Jeff I think you were brilliant in that short film on Brazil and thought you talked a lot of sense, so don't spoil it with all this downbeat wob waffle.

  69. jeff wright

    Jul 12, 2014, 17:50 #53712

    Well if you say so Mike after all what's in a name. The mantras are the same though in the posts and a case of feel the width not the quality mum,right? As I recall Germany have been one of the favs , right from the kick-off,and most punters could predict the last four being Brazil - Germany -Holland and Argentina. Hardly rocket science. I have no pre-conclusion on how the final will transpire any number of scenarios could occur, a player could get sent off for instance and that might impact on whatever side suffers that fate. Will the final really be close as you suggest ? Argentina defend well and have never been behind so far but have not scored a lot of goals.An early hun goal could make life tough for them and they might get a caning this happens when teams fins themselves chasing the game ask Scolari or Wenger about it, Ssacre bleu ! Mais pour ca je ne passerai pas des nuits blanches ... Then again if Argentina can close the game down the Germans could be set up for a sucker punch . They look rather mechanical when they are denied space and time on the ball. Ozil is in the side to offer some flair to combat that,but he's not done a very good job in games when he should have done so and was even subbed once,much to his chagrin . The Germans didn't need him against Brazil but may do so tomorrow.The world will be watching him,just as well he handles pressure in big games well ! The German defense has relied on their GK to prop them up prior to woeful Brazil , the Deutsche defenders are rather wooden especially when plodding Per is on parade and they get caught out by quick counter-attacks that brings Neur haring out from his area faster than Mick The Miller did from Trap 6 at the Stow . Even the boys from Brazil had the German GK making desperation saves for awhile at the start of the second half. Opponents have not made the most of the chances they have made against the Germans . I had a bet on the Argies before the tournament began having backed the Germans in the last two, the Euro and SA ones , in which they came up short . They are now favs to win tomorrow and it would be no great shock if they did,or did not do so. I won't be having a saver on them though at odds on. I can't recall you tipping the Germans to win the cup though Mike ,can you point us to the posts where you did so,otherwise it will look just like more bullshine from you. As I recall it was West Germany that beat England on penalties in Italia 90 and a united Germany has never won the World Cup ,they have lost in finals though ,which is worse than going out early. They could change that of course tomorrow , and will need to do so, otherwise it will be a case of always the bridesmaid and never the bride for them. Cheers.

  70. Pesho Saulov

    Jul 12, 2014, 17:24 #53710

    WOW, Credit where credit is due! This signing has two major differneces than Ozil - we actually need a player at exactly Sanchez's position and he will have a whole month with his new teamates before a ball is kicked. Now lets get Debuchy and one of Khedira/Bender/Schneiderlen and I will be optimictic for a new season for the first time in a long while.

  71. Mike

    Jul 12, 2014, 16:40 #53709

    Jeff, your assumption that Charlie and I are the same person is somewhat like your view on football -delusional and based on very shaky assumptions. By the way, in case you didn't notice I have been talking up the Germans since the group stages so the bandwagon has been going along quite a while now. Looking forward to the match though because it will be close- as you quite prudently stated earlier - Germany have won absolutely nothing in the last 24 years -but then again wasn't that the last time England were in a semi final - cant remember who beat them though

  72. Bard

    Jul 12, 2014, 16:13 #53708

    Some of the posts on here today are asking the wrong question. Its not the amount of money thats spent its he quality of player we get for it. I don't care whether Sanchez cost a tenner or £50 m. He's a proper player, a couple more of his quality would be more than welcome. I couldn't give a f*** how much they cost.

  73. Stan

    Jul 12, 2014, 13:57 #53707

    In WEngER we TrUST So you are only HOpINg this will prove your GL is up for the big spend down. You are a traitor to the cause. Reckon your a WOB on the quiet.

  74. jeff wright

    Jul 12, 2014, 13:41 #53706

    Money saved on releasing players and from add ons such as Fabregas and Vela have covered most of what will be spent on the couple of signings that cost money. Some kid from Algeria and such like will fill in the rest of the signings. There is still no sign of the mega bucks investment that is required to turn the side from chumps into champs - and even if there were Wenger would still be calling the shots and his best days are long gone with the wind. And there has been plenty of that blowing around from the old master of illusion. Arteta is another that talks rather too much he is along with Lee Arsene FC and Charlie aka Mike trying to get on the German bandwagon now after falling off the French one.At least Flambo , who was amazingly (considering that according to some he was the signing of last season) omitted from France's modest squad, is staying stumn.

  75. Nothing we couldn't have done years ago

    Jul 12, 2014, 13:11 #53705

    £35m net spend last summer and winter, virtually zero so far this summer. Wenger really can fool most of the people all of the time.


    Jul 12, 2014, 10:52 #53701

    Thank you for the insight on football managers FJ, a Sour has certainly had the experience when it comes to judging them; as you have had so many to run the rule over. In the eighteen years of Arsene Wenger's tenure the Sours have had almost as many men-managers?-passing through as we have had in our entire history. Stand down chum.

  77. Homer

    Jul 12, 2014, 10:36 #53700

    I don't think we will sign a DM like Khedira or bender . Wengers thinking will be he has arteta, flamini & the ever present diaby To play that role. I hope I'm wrong but it's the way he thinks. I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman.

  78. Finsbury Joe

    Jul 12, 2014, 10:36 #53699

    I would caution over excited AKBs that Wenger is something of a reverse alchemist when it comes to signing talented players. Wenger can sign who he wants, or in the case of the likes of ozil and Arshavin, players he doesn't want, but ultimately his lack of tactical acumen, his lack of coaching ability , his dogmatic approach rooted in 1998, and his propensity to run players into the ground will lead to failure. But Gooners are used to this

  79. Gooner Gary

    Jul 12, 2014, 9:56 #53698

    The signing has certainly had an impact on you Kevin as this is this piece has plenty of positive vibes. Great stuff. Sanchez is certainly an exciting signing, but as you've mentioned there are still a few other positions which need filled and I'd like to see another attacker brought in. If we can get Remy for £8m I think that's good value and he'd be a good back-up player who can also step in if injuries or loss of form strike the first choices. I can see Sanchez starting alongside Walcott (when fit) and Giroud which would certainly give us plenty of variety up front and will hopefully bring the best out of Ozil.

  80. unchives

    Jul 12, 2014, 9:35 #53697

    Whilst we have been fed Rhetoric with regard to how much money we have had to spend in the past two or three seasons, I think only now, with all the new sponsors on-board, do we actually have the money to spend without penny pinching. Lets hope so.

  81. In Wenger We Trust

    Jul 12, 2014, 9:12 #53695

    Wenger should once again shows what a genius he is with this signing. I would like to see what the anti-Wenger rabble complain about this time. Maybe something stupid like "we didn't spend £100 million getting Messi" or something dumb like that. I hope this and the signing of Ozil last season proves that Wenger is not afraid to spend money. When he didn't, it's because he was prevented from spending by the board or other factors. Arsene knows best.

  82. LJB

    Jul 12, 2014, 4:37 #53691

    Wenger gave Gazidis a list of players before he went to Brazil and it looks like we have been getting down to business .The fact that Barcelona have praised the efficiency of Dick Law in getting the Sanchez deal done strongly suggests to me that the problem in the past has been Wenger .Can we not send him away every summer? One more thing,there has been much crowing by the AKBs over this deal.Yes,the same people who said we didn't need any new players,that Jenkinson could replace Sagna and that Diaby will be our DM are W*****g themselves silly. Someone had better tell them that Wenger seems to have seen the light over AKB fave Arteta, and that with spending money comes expectations.6.0 and 5.1 drubbings away from home HAVE to become sackable offences.Don't they?

  83. Edmund

    Jul 12, 2014, 3:06 #53690

    I welcome Sanchez but we have a big gaping hole at the back with Sagna gone. Hope Wenger doesn't do his 'nearly-man' act again by not taking care of this. Last year the front line was thin. Hopefully this year it is not the back.

  84. mikey

    Jul 11, 2014, 23:45 #53689

    Wenger the genius does it again,well done that man a couple more will do just fine. Jeff if it is you in the video, you look well cool.

  85. DW Thomas

    Jul 11, 2014, 23:38 #53688

    For all those praising Wenger, better to wait and see. I will be the first one to give the man credit if we lift a big trophy again this season and sustain a serious title and/or CL challenge. Even if we finish 2nd or 3rd but at least fight to the end it will be ok with me. Just no more false dawns. Maguiresbridge is right. We are only adding one more piece to complete the puzzle. I would love to know what's going on behind the scenes at the club, to see what's being said and done. Maybe, just maybe fan unrest is finally being listened to! We still need a few more and a better season with injuries.add the depth and that should help! And maybe Wenger wasn't just having an old mans Spring Break in Brazil but doing his highly paid job!!

  86. For £8m a year i expect

    Jul 11, 2014, 23:31 #53687

    A signing to get us 4th place again and sell those awful Puma shirts.Win the title?What with a tacically clueless manager.It doesnt matter who we sign Wenger is still there to ruin it.We were top in February yet contrived to finish 4th.Wenger you coaching genius

  87. Jenny

    Jul 11, 2014, 23:10 #53686

    I have very much enjoyed all these very well written pieces from Kevin and his world cup experiences. Also well done to you Ron for getting to be part of the short film even if you look nothing like I expected. Bravo more please.

  88. Lee afc

    Jul 11, 2014, 22:55 #53685

    Excellent piece Kevin and balanced as always......i'm sure Jeff will make sure his Arsenal negativity shines through others comments......

  89. Spike

    Jul 11, 2014, 22:42 #53684

    Fantastic signing of the type we have cried out for. He would have been my top pick after Suarez (pre bite). There seems to be something afoot with AW being told to take more of a back seat in transfers. We have screwed up the past few campaigns because we screwed up the transfer windows before a ball was kicked, so this change can only be a good thing.

  90. Bard

    Jul 11, 2014, 22:22 #53683

    Sanchez is an exciting signing. However my excitement is tempered by the fact that we need at least 2 more top class signings on the playing front to compete. The second question is that even with the a good squad does Wenger have the tactical nous to compete with Mourinho, Van Gaal, or Rogers. On last seasons evidence the answer is no. We will find out soon enough

  91. Homer

    Jul 11, 2014, 22:18 #53682

    Sanchez can be an Arsenal great. At long last we are paying the fees required to get quality players at the club. It's been a very long tine coming for the fans , who have been incredibly patient. I hope this is a real turning point for us & we rebuild and act like the big club we are. I'm having the best day of my life, and I owe it all to not going to Church!

  92. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 11, 2014, 22:13 #53681

    A statement of intent alright Kev, and excellent news very much welcomed indeed, hold on? weren't we here before? didn't we all think and say the same and have the same hard on and get the same buzz when that world class player Ozil was signed? There's still a long way to go, this signing as much as it's welcome even with a couple of others still doesn't/won't make up for, or air brush the last nine years the humiliations and the rest. Lets hope things are done differently this season and maybe we might be onto something big, a real new dawn at last after all the false ones, because it really won't make much difference who we sign when/if we still have an out of date manager who will continue to behave the same and do the same old and Carry on regardless.

  93. johnnyh

    Jul 11, 2014, 19:38 #53680

    great signing. all we need now is a competent goalkeeper,a whole new medical team and a tactically astute manager to challenge for the league.

  94. jjetplane

    Jul 11, 2014, 18:59 #53679

    Julesd Such harmony before the fireworks go off and Pulis starts tearing up and down the touchline. Now if Jorge were injecting much needed technical musculature he would also quite accidentally knock that baseball cap for six with a wave of the arm as he screams at Debuchey: 'are you forgetting something laddie/ladios?' Truly an inspired signing. Well done Stan! Come on you rip-roaring Chilean!

  95. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Jul 11, 2014, 18:46 #53678

    Great signing but if one is played up front will enough bodies be in the box to score the required amount of goals to win the league/European Cup, Kev?

  96. Charlie

    Jul 11, 2014, 18:40 #53677

    Is the Jeff/Ron guy in the short film wearing a Rangers or QPR away shirt or is it our new fourth kit.

  97. julesd

    Jul 11, 2014, 18:30 #53676

    JJetplane, Compliments on your admiration of the 54 year old Chilean coach Jorge Sampaoli. May I refer to a quote from Alexis Sanchez., "Arsene Wenger's style of play is the sort of style the Chilean national team has. Therefore I am used to it. Arsenal play very well, which fits my style. That's why I moved here." Looks like Arsene & Jorge are peas in a pod.

  98. Mark

    Jul 11, 2014, 17:55 #53673

    Interesting comment from Phil Thompson, suggesting that Sanchez should have joined Liverpool, given their great name around the world. Perhaps someone should have told him that Liverpool haven't won the title since 1990, so no-one gives a monkeys about their reputation.

  99. jjetplane

    Jul 11, 2014, 17:49 #53672

    Now we have Sanchez it would be a total revolution to try and bring in Jorge Sampaoli (who?) to complement this purchase. He could work as senior coach/OGL understudy and take over fully in 2017 though anything could happen before then in football. Like the guy, like his style and what he did for Chile he could do for us both here and in Europe. I am sure OGL must be thinking along the lines of appropriate delegation and so three more players in while shedding some midfield residue, a smart energetic coach and we're good to go me old mucker Arsene. 'Hoy! watch where you're firing those arrows'.... See - even old WOBs can help own the Arsenal issue.

  100. Mark Carney

    Jul 11, 2014, 17:41 #53671

    Mr Wenger, congratulations on continuing the prudent financial management of AFC, with all the outgoing personnel and Fabregas moving you've effectively spent nothing so far and yet you're the messiah all over again. And well done for convincing Sanchez that London is a better place to live than Liverpool, I'm sure no one else could have managed that. Le Boss still has it!

  101. David

    Jul 11, 2014, 17:23 #53670

    That's the biggest summer transfer statement Arsenal have made since Overmars. Amazing that Le Boss still has it.

  102. jeff wright

    Jul 11, 2014, 16:56 #53669

    Sami is another delusional AKB clutching at straws and re-posting discredited theories and claims that have been around the block and back numerous times. Money can buy success and has done ,but it still has to be won. Money can't buy you love ,but if you are going to be unhappy you might as do it in comfort.

  103. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 11, 2014, 16:26 #53668

    I wonder if we had not landed Sanchez would we have bought back Cesc, as the wow signing for this coming season. Just looked on Arseblog and there is a video of some of the goals Alexis has scored - definitely worth a look. Is it me or does he have the same gait and running style as Rocastle?

  104. jeff wright

    Jul 11, 2014, 16:15 #53666

    Charlie and Marcus have already ordered their shirts with 'Hugo Is Da Boss' stenciled on the back. Charlie is really the man in the red shirt in the film and not me he's embarrassed to admit it though.

  105. allybear

    Jul 11, 2014, 16:05 #53665

    Good article Kevin and a lot of sense. I think Sanchez is quality&hopefully will settle quickly. Khedira looks like someone we need as he puts himself about&is also very skilfull.A commanding CB would be nice too but not a lot of them around. One important fact for the new season is OGL needs to change tactics against the big teams or it will be more thrashings.

  106. DW Thomas

    Jul 11, 2014, 16:04 #53664

    Maybe Arsene has seen the proverbial light. We'll see. Must say this is the best buy for me for quite some time. He could be the player that really gets the attack gelling. Add Khedira and we could have that tough CM to get us through those tough games away. Still not over the moon though. Been too much disappointment for me the last several years. With that said, Sanchez is a big first step. We could be finally completing a team to compete on all fronts. If it is Wenger behind it all, I must say, hats off. A very very good start!

  107. Charlie

    Jul 11, 2014, 16:02 #53663

    So happy with new signings. Finally the end of prudent financial management. Well done to the board and Arsene Wenger to persist in making a viable long term future for the club, not a play thing for the mega rich or some despotic government. With Sanchez I suspect it will also be the end of tiki taka football at Arsenal, but to the fast and powerful attacking days. Maybe that's the reason why the manager pass on the signing of Fabergas. Times Are Changing.

  108. DW Thomas

    Jul 11, 2014, 15:12 #53661

    Two words: ABOUT TIME!!

  109. lee armitt

    Jul 11, 2014, 15:11 #53660

    it doesn't matter who you buy if the man in charge is clueles.expect the same results at the away games of the top 3 plus utd #wengerout

  110. TJ

    Jul 11, 2014, 15:10 #53659

    Maybe since Wenger's been commentating for French TV it's someone else who has been doing all the business. If after Debuchy and Sanchez we got a holding midfielder, a backup centre back and goalkeeper, we wouldn't have any major deficiencies in the squad. Considering the amount spent, even without the money left in the bank, has been enough to plug the gaps in recent years, and that nothing was done (Mata, Schwarzer, Cahill etc.) it would seem that someone else is focused on transfer activity these days, or Wenger has just changed his philosophy radically.

  111. julesd

    Jul 11, 2014, 14:55 #53656

    Far better to pay approx. £35m for Sanchez and have £40m left in kitty than spend the lot on flawed Suarez. Future players under consideration include Loic Remy, Sami Khedira, Lars Bender, Morgan Schneiderlin, Javier Manquillo (Atletico Madrid RB). Two or three of them will do nicely. AFC critised on Talksport for blocking the careers of Theo & Ox by signing Sanchez. AFC are always the whipping boys for UK media. Overpraise Man U & undermine AFC is the media's ongoing mantra.

  112. MARCUS

    Jul 11, 2014, 14:42 #53654

    Is that really you in the red T shirt Jeff? I always had you down as English and more serious looking, how did you get to be in it.

  113. sami

    Jul 11, 2014, 14:30 #53652

    Wenger has just showed the world why we are the ‘best’ team in England. When I say best, the big picture: sustainability, prudence, doing things the right way. We have a manager who could only spend £10-15 million on a player for 7 years due to stadium debt with a board who stuck by the manager until eventually we would be able to compete financially, now Wenger is on the road to 20 years as manager of a club. 2 of the top 4 record PL transfers are by us as of today. Chelsea and City still have some debt clearing of their own to do for the wrong reasons. Whilst £ doesn’t always buy you success, Chelsea should know: Torres £50 million flop, Shevchenko £30 million flop (give Ozil another season to meet the fitness demands of the PL now with a pacy world class forward to lay through balls to), after all those years of £100s millions Chelsea and City spent to build a great great team, we were 7 points away from winning the double, you all know how obscene our injury list was compared to all teams last season. Mourinho, Grant, Hiddink, Scolari, Ancelotti, Villas Boas, Di Matteo, Benitez until eventually Chelsea learnt their lesson from United with Ferguson/us with Wenger for managerial stability by bringing Mourinho back. The truth is the world doesn’t care or pay any attention to Chelsea or City winning the league, put it this way, despite us falling behind at the end of last season, I was cheering on Liverpool on the inside to do the unthinkable and pip 2 teams, who’ve spent half a billion combined since their owners arrived, for the title. The truth is, every team should go about their business to be successful as Arsenal Football Club do