Gooner Survey Results – Part 3

The Fans

Gooner Survey Results – Part 3

You, the people

There are three more articles on the Gooner Survey Results to come along for you. To come we have a section of questions on how our Club itself is running and whether anything needs to be changed, and an overall review of the Gooner, its website and podcast to finish everything off. But before that we have arguably the most important set of questions – those about us as Arsenal fans, how things are working for us as a supporter, a follower, and a customer, and whether any changes would be welcomed.

First few questions confirm that out of the c.3000 of us taking part in the survey, 480 are not members of the Club itself and the rest of us vary from Platinum to the newly-fangled Digital Membership. The most being 517 Season Ticket holders and 451 Red members. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that out of those 517 Gold Members, only 76 of them went to all the games included on their ticket and/or went to the League Cup games as well. One would believe that they go on to use the ticket exchange system in place through the Club which would perhaps suggest it is a good thing. The majority of the c.3000 of us went to 0-8 games over the course of the season, with the average number of games between us all being 4. Whilst we’d absolutely love to go to every game of every season, the sad fact is that football is ridiculously expensive nowadays so seeing a game is a genuine treat. If I find a woman stupid enough to start a family with me then I’m already 99% certain that that is when my relationship with Arsenal will reduce.

An interesting stat we went on to learn from the next question was that a few of us left before the final whistle for every game, and over 450 of us did that for at least one game. As ‘Fever Pitch’ will always remind us that act was sacrilege and frowned upon by the rest of the fans back in the day, but life changes. With there now being 60,000 of us and the vast majority of us unable to afford living in Islington, we have to worry about getting home – whether it’s a Saturday afternoon, a Tuesday night, or there’s a nightmare like the tube drivers on strike as we had for the Newcastle game last season. I don’t blame anyone for leaving early at all and this is something for the Club to look at themselves. Surely something can be done with Holloway Road and Drayton Park stations for a start? I know the Club spoke with the respective line operators at the time we were moving ground and were priced out of having them open, but there’s nothing wrong with asking.

Arguably the most interesting point is that less than 40 of us went to more than 10 away games. If the tickets themselves aren’t pricey enough then anyone having to get to Newcastle or Sunderland etc. probably has to mortgage their kidney to cover transport etc. FSF are doing a lot to help actual football supporters going to away games but the Premier League’s response to bury its head in the sand says a lot. Having said that, I’m keen as mustard for away games but as I’ve only got 2 credits to my name for the last 3 years then the games always sell out before the likes of me become eligible (apart from European away games which I just can’t afford, sadly). A proper chicken and egg situation there methinks.

At the games themselves, the atmosphere itself is part of the reason why we turn up and one of the highlights for this season would appear to be how it was improved. 76% of you felt it has improved this year and when you look at the games that have been picked out in the next question (hundreds of people choosing Bayern Munchen (h), Tottenham (h) x 2, Liverpool (h) x 2) then there’s probably a good point there. Of course, when you don’t have to sit through turgid 0-0 first halves without a shot on goal and there’s something to actually sing about then that does help, but hopefully this better atmosphere will see it continue to improve from season to season.

One idea of further improving the atmosphere in general would be to introduce singing section no. 2 into the ground at the Clock End, and 81% of you felt that that was a good idea. And the other idea of a safe-standing section was also backed by you with 74% in favour of that… 52% of you saying you’d then prefer to use that standing section rather than your current seats. Whilst we admit that the atmosphere is a lot better than it was in the 2013 season, it’s good to see that we want further improvement and eager to try these two particular ideas out.

An interesting point that went on to be made was as we to refer to our new ground. Whilst my editor refuses to acknowledge Emirates’ presence within the club by referring to the naming rights they hold over this stadium, 70% of you have bitten the bullet and refer to it as ‘The Emirates’. With the deal being renewed whether we like it or not then I suppose we just have to live with it, even though 14% of us still use Ashburton Grove, and 9% use Highbury for old time’s sake.

Going back to atmosphere, part of every game is the group of away fans in the Clock End and 43% of you were overwhelmed by the brilliant and bonkers Borussia Dortmund fans… and who can blame you?! With them leaping up and down, very loud and boisterous German songs for 90 minutes, and incredibly nice men, it’s always a pleasure to have them here (save for their team beating us, obviously). Credit also to our former neighbours Palace who 29% of you thought were the best opposition guys amongst us and they too were always up for a laugh.

When it came to which song you like…. Well… we don’t sing many, do we? I’ve tried to get “Feed the Ox and he will score” and “Oh Jacky Boy” going for a couple of years now but they don’t even venture outside of Block 99. Out of the several we’ve been singing this season our faves are all the same amongst you… “It’s Happened Again!” against Spuds, “Big F*cking German” when referring to our World Cup winning centre-half, the nutty “He’s Lukas, Lukas, Lukas” about his German teammate, and “49, 49 Undefeated”. If we can get a song about Sanchez going before the season itself starts I’ll be very appreciative! 49 is also the banner we particularly like with loads of you pointing that out and when that comes out across the North Bank Lower ahead of every game it obviously gets a tingle going on the back of all of our necks.

Other things to consider on our matchdays include the programme, the food and drink available in the ground, and what we get up to before and after the game itself. Before or after every game many of us like to have a beer or three with other Gooners and based on what you guys have said, the main pubs of choice are The Tollington, The Highbury Barn, and The Twelve Pins – covering all three area around the ground, thinking about it! All lovely places with brilliant landlords and many thanks to them in advance for giving me a gallon of IPA each. Cheers, gents!

On your way to the Ground you walk past a selection of people offering that matchday programme for sale, but 43% of you walk straight past them and 20% of you will only buy it occasionally. 30% of you will always buy it and the rest of you have a digital subscription to it, but the Club should find it slightly concerning that less than 40% of these Gooners are regular buyers of the once adored matchday programme. Having said that, it used to be 2d back in the day…

Anyway – you get to the ground itself and after your pints may have left you needing a nibble but not many of these Gooners like the food offered by those chaps at Delaware North. 1/3 of us never use them, 24% say it’s a rarity, and only 10% consider it a regular thing. Let’s face it – the food at the Ground is overpriced and under-quality and if these guys want their licence renewed they need to start serving proper food. 50% currently rate it as ‘ok’, but less than 15% would consider it to be ‘good’ or more. When asked what needs to be done a lot of you have asked for a High Street brand in there like McDonald’s (there’s one at Anfield), but generally ‘burgers’ are a big demand… as long as they’re cheaper. I really don’t think that having a mini Maccy D’s in there would be a stupid idea, and at least you know what you’re getting there. Any of you coming to the Ground from Holloway Road will always see the McDonald’s there is always rammed, so you’d be giving the people what they want. Having said that, when asked whether more options would change people’s current match-day routine, only 25% said that it definitely would do, so maybe the Club are stuck between a rock and a hard place here.

Anyway… regardless of how many games we see, when we have to shoot off home, and what we get up to on a matchday, the big questions are how our Club handle us supporters. And arguably the most prevalent for all of us whether we are Gold Members or not is how we feel about our Club deciding to up the prices by 3% for the 2014/2015 season… in December 2013. 82% of us consider that to be unjustifiable and when their decision to raise the price was 8 years since we’d last won a trophy and we had the most expensive season tickets in world sport (you can get the best seat at Boston Red Sox for $4,000… but they play a 162 game season!), this was the most blatant p*** take ever. Even our FA Cup win doesn’t change that for me, and if the rumours that the 3% rise will become a perennial occurrence then that’s horrid.

Something else the Box Office introduced last season was a new grading of games, varying from Grade A to C, rather than just having Grades A and B. 33% of you weren’t fussed one way or the other with it, but of those of you that did have an opinion it was almost a clean split. 51% thought it was a great idea, but the other 49% preferred the A-B format or that there was no point in having Grades at all – just keep matches at the same price. It will be interesting to see what happens with it over the course of this season and whether the Club decide to persevere with it or not.

When it came to getting a ticket for the Cup Final, the Box Office decision was based on the number of away credits season ticket holders had and 48% of you thought it was a good idea, with 29% thinking it was a bad idea. I lost out in the first round of the ballot and was heartbroken my 2 credits didn’t get me a ticket, but if those tickets went to people who had been to Naples, Liverpool (twice) and Manchester (when they could have sat through those games on TV) then how could I hold it against them?

This year our relationship with Nike ended when it came to them renewing their agreement with the Club and, ironically, they didn’t ‘just do it’ and were replaced by Puma. Even though it’s a major, long-term change of brand for us to wear on our chests that aspect to it doesn’t really matter. When asked whether the shirts being made by Nike/Puma would affect you buying them, the vast majority weren’t fussed one way or the other (over 72% didn’t care about Puma, over 82% about Nike). When it came to the likelihood of buying the new shirts themselves the factors that did count for you were the design and the price of both the home shirt and away shirt (26% and 21% respectively). With them giving us red shirts with white sleeves and shorts at home and yellow shirts with navy sleeves and shorts away from home they’ve got the basic designs right. However, with the Club’s first team shirt Ts&Cs changing and now saying the Club will be changing them every year, the price becomes a far more important issue here.

To finish us off in this part we take a look at your top social media aspects of being a Gooner and pretty much all of you agree that Arseblog is by far and away your number one favourite unofficial Arsenal website/blog, and who can blame you? Pretty much all of us subscribe to his daily blog update, and the man is having a Q&A session with ArsenalAmerica when he’s on holiday in New York soon. Impressive, huh? He’s also one of your preferred twitter feeds as well and looking through the long list of them I was nodding fervently in agreement at a lot of the names you’ve mentioned. Tim Stillman, Simon Rose and Darrenarsenal1 appear to be three of the leaders with hundreds of followers each based on these results.

But to finish us all off with a huge chuckle is the unveiling of the most annoying Arsenal fan where 107% of you voted for Piers Morgan. Ok, that’s a slight exaggeration but considering I’ve been through the answers of 100+ questions so far, I can confirm this is the only question with that many answers that were the same. And despite wracking my brain for 15 minutes I can’t think of anything remotely positive or non-cringeworthy he has done as a supposed Arsenal fan. If we could sell him to Spurs I’d happily drive him up there.

Twitter @DavidOudot

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  1. Empty seats kill the atmosphere

    Jul 29, 2014, 14:14 #54439

    I refuse to be so lenient on people who leave early. 'Times have changed' is no excuse. Especially for afternoon games. It's unforgivable and kills the atmosphere. As do season ticket holders leaving their seats empty.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 25, 2014, 17:42 #54299

    Peter Wain, if there were none available at the start of the season it would make no difference to some, their messiah would still be right, and knows best.

  3. Peter Wain

    Jul 25, 2014, 13:10 #54287

    brilliant management Wenger. With oinly three centre backs at the club one is not available for the opening pl game. If TV5 leaves before the start of the season its Kocielny and one other. What a plank

  4. Westlower

    Jul 25, 2014, 11:27 #54285

    @Jeff, You may inadvertently mentioned a bet in the big race at Ascot tomorrow, TELESCOPE. I may not be an authority on astronomy but I do know a star when I see one. Oh, sorry I was looking in the mirror & not through my telescope. As the Yanks would say, there goes that 'T' word again!!!!

  5. jeff wright

    Jul 25, 2014, 11:21 #54284

    Mars now the dark side of the moon... astronomy is obviously more your forte than football is Westie... pssst... try turning the telescope the other way around then you will be able to see things clearer.... as it happens Westie I have been whiling away the time relaxing in my garden in the shade sipping a Pimm's No 1 and perusing the Racing Post... black holes in N17 are not something that I worry over but you obviously do... a song for you Westie ...Black Sabbath's Paranoid... turn it up loud!!!

  6. jjetplane

    Jul 25, 2014, 11:15 #54283

    WESTIE why so bitter - everything seems to be just as you wish it. Enjoy the decades!


    Jul 25, 2014, 11:09 #54282

    I would be if Arsenal didn't have one of the best attacking midfields in world football!

  8. Westlower

    Jul 25, 2014, 10:42 #54280

    @Jeff Wright, I'm concerned we haven't heard from you today as I've just been reading that the Moon has drifted about as far from Earth as it ever gets. Indeed, tonight & tomorrow night it will not be visible anywhere in the world. To all you Gooners who have moved to the dark side of the moon in the past 9 years, be careful you get out of bed the right side or you may disappear forever down a black hole. @FJ, You don't have to live on the dark side of the moon as you frequent the Lane instead, a black hole here on planet earth.

  9. Amos

    Jul 25, 2014, 10:39 #54279

    Good point Newsflash! I presume you're encouraged by Debuchy's better attacking stats then?


    Jul 25, 2014, 10:32 #54278

    Newcastle right-back has to defend more than Arsenal right-back!

  11. Marco Reus

    Jul 25, 2014, 9:59 #54277

    Yeah always felt Wilshere was average not suprising how hr has turned out. Its only matter of time before Ramsey leaves. Only quality player at the club. The club will make a fortune selling him.Agree with Liverpool improving they have made excellent signings and have a talented manager they play lovely football. Exciting team to watch out for next year. As for Debuchy he is soon to be 29 and average as they come dull mediocre signing as usual from Wenger.The striker sitaution is dire with the dreadful Giroud and Sanago as our strikers. The squad is an average lot and won't do much. As well with Wenger's management it will be the same old.

  12. radfordkennedy

    Jul 25, 2014, 9:59 #54276

    Peter....i dont have any concubines I dont like any animals with sharp quills!

  13. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 25, 2014, 8:51 #54275

    Peter Wain : I think Wenger will develop Sanchez into an Henry (Please god) type striker - coming in from a wide position. Ron : I do agree about JW - a proper DM is Gilberto, Alonso type, those who can read the game and sense danger before it happens. I remember watching Gilberto in one game and he barely had a dozen touches but that was because he blocked off most of the opposition moves before they developed. IMO JW does not have the right mentality to become a real player - he will probably end up like Bentley, unless he changes his attitude quickly.

  14. Amos

    Jul 25, 2014, 8:32 #54274

    If you look at Debuchy's stats last season in comparison to Sagna's then the idea that he's an upgrade doesn't appear to be fanciful at all. He wins way more tackles making far more interceptions and blocks too. He also has more assists and creates more goal scoring chances. Debuchy also made more interceptions in the opponents half last season than any other PL full back which is a useful quality when looking to stop those counter attacks that were a little painful on occasion last year. Of course we don't know whether he can reproduce those stats in an Arsenal shirt, all transfers are a risk to some degree, but on the surface, rationally he looks like an upgrade. We just have to wait to find out whether he is or not.

  15. Marco Reus

    Jul 25, 2014, 5:56 #54273

    Debuchy is just an average player though mind I always thought Sagna was average and overrated. Wenger again has failed to buy the players we need. 3 more years of torture under this washed up manager. That is if he doesnt extend which I feel he will. Sigh this dictator will never leave us I can see him continuing as director of football even after he retires. Another season with that french do key Giroud as our striker and that german donkey Mertesacker as our centre back. Horrifying really. I fancy us falling out of top 4 which is all failure to me anyway as the Mancs Liverpool Chelsea have far better players and managers.Yet another season for Ozil a chance for him to step up but I think he will continue being the average fragil boy he is. He is mentally an 18 year old kid. 42m playmaker who is afraid of taking shots and pgysical challenges. Another mess up by OGL. Sad times ahead my gooners sad sad times. Makes me angry frustrated sad thibking about it really.

  16. Finsbury Joe

    Jul 25, 2014, 0:29 #54272

    All very depressing,yet so predictable. Wilshere, a holding midfielder, only Wenger. Personally, think this is all about preserving a place for Diaby. So hilarious that some think Wenger has had power taken away from him, this proves it all. Ivan Gazidis and Satan Kronke have bowed to their true master.The message coming from the club....get used to more failure, as that's your lot. True Gooners who have woken up to what's going on will be protesting on social media, on forums and in the ground.

  17. Peter

    Jul 24, 2014, 23:27 #54271

    I don't think any of those useless tarts who left Arsenal would get a start now, and that includes Fabregas and Van Persestrings.

  18. Peter

    Jul 24, 2014, 22:55 #54270

    CT Gooner.Your not thinking straight.Too much time spent with RadfordKennedy's concubines me thinks.

  19. Ron

    Jul 24, 2014, 22:51 #54269

    i think Sagna s past his best which is why hes chosen to go and see out his days here on the bench at City and playing the Cups and so on, but a guy with 40 games in the PL for sure isn't an upgrade but as Amos says, the Club might think it so and my guess is that Wenger wd spin it as an upgrade for sure.

  20. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 22:48 #54268

    @CTGooner. I didn't actually say whether I thought Debuchy was an upgrade or not. I haven't seen him play for us yet so any such conclusion, or the conclusion that he isn't for that matter, would be a bit premature. I merely pointed out that Deschamps presumably believes he is an upgrade as he invariably selects him ahead of Sagna. No CIES are not suggesting that if we'd spent £24m more we would have won the league. It's simply a measure of the relative value of our squad. Not that I believe the transfer market is rational enough to make such judgements really but it's an attempt to apply some methodology to the process that could be of interest to those wondering whether the quality of our squad is indeed improving.

  21. CT Gooner

    Jul 24, 2014, 22:27 #54267

    Interesting Amos. You think Debuchy is an upgrade, fair enough, but I value Sagna's experience, ability to play centre half and his 7 previous years with our club! So forgive me if I don't rate him an upgrade. CIES football observatory data is interesting, are they suggesting if Arsenal spent 24 mil more, we should have won the league?? I'm sure those of us who like to snipe and sneer think it would take a lot more than that....

  22. observer (sniping and sneering)

    Jul 24, 2014, 21:25 #54266

    Amos.57449 Yep, let's all laugh at Robin while he's polishing his medal!

  23. arseblog

    Jul 24, 2014, 19:35 #54265

    Some like to rationalise; some like to snipe and sneer

  24. jeff wright

    Jul 24, 2014, 19:27 #54264

    As I recall it Pete Mr Henry at LFC asked what Arsene, Stan and Ivan were smoking and not me - when he received their 40m and a quid bid for Suarez. Some days are diamonds ; some days are stones.

  25. Peter

    Jul 24, 2014, 18:37 #54263

    Jeff Wright.Have you been inhaling some of Peter Wain's opium plants.

  26. jeff wright

    Jul 24, 2014, 18:30 #54262

    Ferguson wanted RVP, he got him. Wenger wanted Suarez,oh...!

  27. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 18:20 #54261

    Observer. City and Utd., would have known he was in an unprotected period but would not have known his attitude to Arsenal's announcement they expected him to see out his contract. It's similar to Barca's pursuit of Fabregas when they publicly declared that they were waiting for Cesc to declare he wanted to go. As I said it's a political dance. If Arsenal had said to RvP, as they must have done, that they would expect him to see out his contract the next move has to be RvP's. We all know he wanted to go because his view was bound to be far more short term and urgent than Arsenal's. I don't blame him for that. It's perfectly understandable but equally I don't think you can blame the club for taking a longer term view rather than try to appease him for the short term. It's not as though there was a mass exodus when everyone leaving citing the same disenchantment with the way forward. In fact rather the reverse has happened over the last couple of seasons.

  28. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 17:44 #54260

    Fair enough Amos, I'm sure Man Utd/City had no idea that he was in an unprotected period of contract and this was the only way of letting them know.

  29. Westlower

    Jul 24, 2014, 17:38 #54259

    @Tony Evans, The bargain basements buys were borne out of financial necessity due to Wenger being charged to make an annual profit of £15m to keep the club afloat after the stadium move. This objective was partially achieved by selling a top player every year. Thankfully those days are now behind us and we've already committed nudging £60m on new players transfers/wages this transfer window. I've no idea if there is anymore money left in the transfer kitty. As Amos has pointed out we already have our full compliment of 25 senior players and some will have to go to bring in any new signing(s). As things stand the team for our opening game will be along the lines of: Szczesny; Debuchy; BFG; Kos; Gibbs; Diaby/Arteta/Flamini/JW; Ramsey; Ozil; Sanchez; Giroud; Cazorla.

  30. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 17:38 #54258

    Observer. Just as an observation on RvP's idea of the way forward there's a certain irony in that he presumably felt that ManU were a club with a better notion of the 'way forward'. Though he would have been delighted with the PL medal he did win that way forward has, temporarily at least, put him 15 points below us and out of CL football for at least a season.

  31. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 17:21 #54257

    @CTGooner. Debuchy gets picked ahead of Sagna for the national team so I guess they think he's an upgrade. If you can be bothered to look for it there's a report from CIES football observatory which sought to give the transfer value of each squad at the end of last season. The difference in their assessment (yeah I know it's only their assessment but they have a reasonable degree of credibility as an independent research unit) of our squad value (which is also based on period of contract, age, residual contract value et c., so though Toure is a mega player he's coming to the end of his career) puts us just £23m behind the most valuable team Man City. That's just one source that might purport to answer the question 'are we improving the squad'? Another is that we did win a trophy last season and were as close on points to first as we were to fifth. @observer. RvP's quote isn't an indictment of anything. It's a political answer - a PR response designed to let everyone know that as he was in an unprotected period of contract and cracking on a bit he wanted to go. He'd have known he was going to leave long before meeting with Wenger or Gazidis in any formal capacity. He'd have met with them plenty of times before that. It was only a matter of if and who would pay how much for a 29 year old striker with a history of injury problems.

  32. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 16:48 #54256

    Amos. If my original RVP quote that came after a meeting with Wenger and Gazidis isn't a damning indictment of the pair of them (and obviously Kroenke by association) then I don't know what is. He preceded that with " goal has been to win trophies with the team and to bring the club back to its glory days" which is something some of us can relate to, but I guess the words "Out of my huge respect for Mr. Wenger, the players and the fans I don’t want to go into any details.." gives you a little something to hold on to. The point bears repeating though, particularly as you made it clear earlier, that he had no reason to be disparaging about Wenger/Gazidis strategies and 'go public' in such a fashion unless he meant what he said and believed it to be true.

  33. jeff wright

    Jul 24, 2014, 16:40 #54255

    MG, one thing is transparently clear, this transfer window is deja vu previous summer ones and only some shock unexpected result in the Euro qualfier , or v Palace in the opening game of the Prem, will see a reaction from Wenger, or Stan more likely , as was obviously the case last term after the defeat at home to Villa. Arsebblogger can post all the smug head up his own arse comments that he wants,but all the evidence and comments coming out of AFC suggest that the two signings already made are the main ones, and only squad type players, a back up GK and some kids will be the remaining signings. Wenger is off to NY with the team to play in a friendly ,he is going on about how everyone now knows who he is in America due to the World Cup ! Next up it's the Emirates Cup for him , yawn... money never sleeps though and despite the tight schedules and important games shortly to come Stan is not going to miss a chance to screw a few more bucks out of the theater crowd.

  34. DW Thomas

    Jul 24, 2014, 16:24 #54254

    Despite what many think, Piers does want Arsenal to do well, he is passionate but says some things that aren't the brightest or most well thought out. Toby Evans makes the best point, bridging the gap between the best clubs! We aren't and show little interest in doing so. All rational thought re the club points to a desire for profits above all else. No other explanation makes sense,rationally. Let me ask you all this. Would you rather have a title every 4-5 years, but no CL football the others, or the current run of consecutive CL years with no title? The best clubs maintain CL participation and regularly win things. We do not. But the potential is there for more, but not with our manager. Dithering, penny-pinching, selling our best, sticking with deadwood, shelling out millions to a past it manager. These are not qualities of a top club! Wilshere as a DM, if its Arsene's idea is ludicrous! Why not try TV there? Give him some starts, see if it pans out, if not then sell him in January. But give him a chance! We treated our captain the last 3 years like dirt but we are a classy club? I believe in this club, our great history, our glorious and glory-filled past, I even used to believe in the manager. But that's all gone tits up hasn't it? We need fresh ideas, a complete squad. Anything less and there's only one guarantee, the same past failures. And as for Arseblog, along with the Gooner, I read them both daily and enjoy both. Lately his optimism reads a little blind and his faith in Arsene stronger than his desire for the clubs success. Just my take. The Gooner seems to have more interesting back and forth, and I like the many different contributors.

  35. CT Gooner

    Jul 24, 2014, 16:22 #54253

    When I talk about standing still, I'm asking "are we improving our squad with quality additions"? IMO Sanchez was an upgrade, Aspina also provides competition at Keeper that should drive improvement and competition at that position. RB is like for like, so at this stage a fortnight to the start of the season, we've added a forward and improved competition at goalie. Our midfield squad players are getting long in the tooth (Atrteta, Rosicky, Flamini, all over 30)and we really don't have an out and out world class holding midfield player. So for me to feel that we really have a chance, we need to get that player. I truly believe we are very close to having a great starting 11, but if we're serious about winning, we need to identify those key targets and sign them. If Wenger looks at last year and believes all we need is what he's done, it's going to be a long season with Thursday night football to look forward to the next season.

  36. Tony Evans

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:57 #54252

    Westlower - It is tough out there, but some of the bargain basement buys we have seen in the past few years have been inexcusable and gives the impression that we are not serious players at the top of the tree. When you say why should top players choose Arsenal over and above the clubs you listed I say why shouldn't they, and it is about time the club stepped up to the plate.

  37. Man United Killer

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:33 #54251

    Peter Wain, I dont know where you got the idea that Wilshere is our most creative player.Wilshere has retrogressed in development and has not lived up to expectation.At the moment, he is greatly overrated.I wonder if being English has something to do with it.

  38. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:30 #54250

    Observer. You'll find RvP wasn't damning of Wenger at all. The timing was after Arsenal had formally announced that they expected RvP to see his contract out. In order to counter that RvP had to 'go public'. If the way forward was to splash the cash on the players RvP wanted in (Van der Vaart at one time I think!) then the club were right get as much as they could for him. @CTgooner. Not everyone will see what the club does or every decision it makes as rational even if ultimately it is. For one thing we're all under informed or ill informed or perhaps unable to appreciate the complexities and nuances of the decisions that have to be made. I'm not sure that we're standing still at all. certainly not on transfer spending. Not counting this seasons spending we've spent as much in the last 3 seasons as in the previous 8 seasons combined. It looks as though we're continuing that trend this season too. We've probably always had a divided fan base. It's just easy to moan for longer now. In the past the arguments ended at closing time.

  39. 1971 Gooner

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:25 #54249

    Whatever you may think of Arseblog, and personally I think he's very good, what you must credit him for is turning his content out virtually every day before 9am. That is commitment. I also read Le Grove but if there are any other good ones out there I'd give them a go.

  40. Westlower

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:17 #54248

    @Tony Evans, Sometimes you need to step out of the AFC bubble and look at the bigger picture. This season we are 7th top seed in the ECL ratings, behind RM, Barca, BM, Chelsea, Benfica & Atletico Madrid. Add to that list Man U, Man C + cash laden PSG & Monaco, Italian giants Juve, Inter & AC, can we realistically perform any better than we have? Given there is only a finite amount of top players to purchase, why would they choose AFC above these other clubs I've listed. It also shows why the Sours were only able to buy mediocre quality players with their £106m budget last summer. The game gets tougher each year!

  41. CT Gooner

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:17 #54247

    @ Amos, If everything the club did was rational, you wouldn't have a divided fan base. And our squad is not where it should be at this stage of the transfer window, end of. I'm not so patiently suffering as all our competition is getting better, and we a really standing still.

  42. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 15:16 #54246

    Amos. RVP could have verbally put himself in the show window many other ways than giving a damning indictment of Wenger and Gazidis' way 'forward'. As you say he didn't have to force his way out. It's perfectly reasonable for the captain to ask for quality to be brought in, and in pointing a finger at those at the top he was merely confirming from the inside the long-held suspicions of many fans on the outside.

  43. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:56 #54245

    Observer. You can't make anyone sign a new contract if they don't want too. It's not a lack of ambition at the club that necessarily encourages a player to seek another club. In RvP's case one season away from his 30th birthday I can understand he would look at Arsenal at the time as still a little too much work in progress for him and with Fergie looking for one last hurrah he could cash in on his desperate need. He's had one good season there and will be 31 by the time next season starts. I think we've had the best of him. So while we would have preferred for him to hang on, on the scale of things we didn't do bad business. As for his claim that he disagrees with the club on the way forward that was said when the club were saying they would hold onto him so clearly it was an invitation for offers - putting himself in the shop window. Disregarding that though it clearly doesn't make sense to let players dictate who we should bring in and who not. He was a great player at one time but great players come and go. They're always replaced eventually.

  44. jjetplane

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:53 #54244

    RON just saw/read ARSEblog for first time and jeeez is he up his own arse. Bit like Wenger at a lower tier. All smug and no substance.

  45. Tony Evans

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:45 #54243

    Westlower - Agree that the ground move was a painful necessity, but the promises made have not been kept have they? We are not truly competing at the very top, not in my eyes anyway.

  46. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:36 #54242

    Amos. Or you can show enough ambition to make him want to sign a new contract. What you really really don't want is for your captain's parting shot to be " has again become clear to me that we in many aspects disagree on the way Arsenal FC should move forward”.

  47. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:29 #54241

    If we really are being brutally honest about the Khedira story and accept the word of his agent that he hasn't had any contact from either Arsenal or Chelsea and that as he understands it no bid has been accepted or made then the story has mainly been to feed the gullible. You might well ask why Khedira would leave Real to join Arsenal but you could then also ask why Ozil would have done. Khedira didn't play much last season due to injury but even in the previous season Ozil played way more than Khedira did for them. You could also ask why Sanchez would leave Barcelona for us. The fact is that Fifa and domestic squad restrictions, player contract laws as well as the more obvious financial ones mean that even the strongest clubs with the biggest squads are going to have to move some good players on.

  48. Westlower

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:26 #54240

    @Tony Evans, Unfortunately the world has moved on since we moved from Highbury with obscene amounts of money poured into Man C & Chelsea. Had we remained at Highbury with maximum crowds of 38,000, we would be competing for 6th/7th place with Everton & Sours. The likes of Sanchez & Ozil wouldn't have touched us with a barge pole.

  49. Tony Evans

    Jul 24, 2014, 14:02 #54239

    Hi Ron - You are right of course, much as I am sure we both wish you weren't. My cynical self can't help but wonder how much Wenger and Arsenal actively encourage the Khedira type stories (with absolutely zero intention of actually making the signing) so they can hide behind the 'well we did try and sign such and such' clap trap when it all goes pear shaped. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, we still try to kid ourselves that our club will really try to bridge the gap between themselves and the real top sides, and I suppose I am no different. The promises made about competing at the very top once the move to the Emirates was sorted still sticks in the craw with me, and if the will was there I am sure Khedira could have been persuaded to sign. Yes we are not a Real Madrid, though with a bit of ambition we could certainly give it a go, but sadly it is not going to happen is it.

  50. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 13:33 #54238

    Observer. Liverpool spoke an awful lot last summer about a player they didn't want to sell. At the price they were probably looking for at the time I don't think there were many takers. Barca probably felt they were more in need of a glamour signing this summer than they might have been last summer and Suarez did have a particularly good season. The difference between the RvP and Suarez situations was that Suarez was still in a protected period of contract. RvP was in an unprotected contract period, as was Cesc previously, and under player contract laws introduced in 2005 there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop a player from leaving once he has reached that stage (after 3 years under 28 under or 2 years over)if he says he wants to go no matter how much time is left on the contract. All you can do is to get the most you can for him.

  51. Ron

    Jul 24, 2014, 13:30 #54237

    Hi Tony - brutal honesty is called for i think re the Khadira story. Heres a chap at the top of his earning powers, WC and CL winner. His Club's Real Madrid, the biggest Club on the planet by a mile (whatever Barca and the ridiculous Man U claim to be), he seeks out (if its true). Is he going to join Arsenal? A club with no real Euro pedigree, no apparent intention to get any and not title winning candidates for at least 6/7 years and a Club notorious for its low comparative pay. Unless there's some thing that's holding him back such as an underlying fitness issue, he s not going to go the Arsenal is he?

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 24, 2014, 13:23 #54236

    jw, that's what i've done although i was never what you'd call a regular anyway, Ron has pretty much nailed it 57413, Irish blarney? he doesn't even sound Irish maybe if you met him he does, and if you took away all that go on it and talk about everything apart from Arsenal and football he wouldn't have half as many hits, yes it happens on here on occasion but it soon reverts back, you had two guys on watching the cricket one day nothing wrong with that i know but it was nice bowl this, catch it that, that must have been an 80mph bowl, that was out, all the time answering each other and on they droned. And you had two percy throwers discussing the best way to plant garden peas i don't know how many hits or arses as their called (very appropriate) that took, and that's only a couple of examples maybe it's different now i doubt it but you never know, thank god the Online gooner only allows posting every ten minutes, but there again if you want to get you hits/comment tally up.

  53. JJB

    Jul 24, 2014, 12:58 #54235

    Thank god for Arseblog, Managan is a legend and he p***** all over the jeff wrights of this world.....

  54. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 12:53 #54234

    Amos. Of course they could have got far more than £40m if they had actually put him up for sale, but maybe if we had forced RVP to stay similarly and showed some ambition in the transfer market we would won the league instead of the club that we sold RVP to, eh? Guess we'll never know. And excitement over the Ozil signing was quickly dampened at midnight when the transfer window shut without us having signed a quality striker for him to pass to.

  55. ppp

    Jul 24, 2014, 12:37 #54233

    In fairness to Piers Morgan he is a genuine Arsenal fan. He sat behind me at Highbury for years and he was responsible for the famous (and much cherished) "Arsenal win the world cup!" headline in The Mirror. He continually tweets about Arsenal and says some pretty rash/stupid things in the process - but if I had an audience of millions willing to listen to my own stupid views on the arse I would probably do the same. I'm sure he regrets a lot of the things he says - but as fans we all spout ill considered b*llsh*t the majority of the time. He does seem to graciously accept when he's made a total tool of himself and he openly slags off w*nkers like RVP so I don't think he's as bad as he's made out to be.

  56. Tony Evans

    Jul 24, 2014, 12:37 #54232

    Joining in with the squad debate, I hope the rumour that Wenger has decided to trust the much needed defensive midfield role to Wilshire isn't true. Yet more misplaced faith in his squad, and failing as usual to take the harder, more expensive option of buying in the genuine class act desperately needed to turn us into real title challengers. Wilshire has gone backwards, never fulfilled his potential, is either injured or on his ar*e complaining to the ref and he bares no comparison to someone like Khedira. After the excitement generated by the purchase of Sanchez, Wenger now appears to have settled back in to his comfort zone and I am expecting nothing more than a keeper (hopefully with the ability to put real pressure on big-head, Sczesney)and maybe a centre half if Vermaelen moves on. Nowhere near good enough in my opinion, if this does turn out to be the limit of Wenger's ambitions and par for the course as usual.

  57. Ron

    Jul 24, 2014, 11:40 #54230

    Amos - the Arseblog used to be quite incisive in its desire to get info out of the Club, quotes etc. Most of that's gone now, hence my lack of hunger ref. Like you, i don't often bother checking it. It was quite insightful at one time of the day though, credit to him. He's still decent on match reports too. I'm sure he cdt give a hoot what i think of his blog nowadays either!

  58. jeff wright

    Jul 24, 2014, 11:28 #54229

    The solution to stop being fazed by Arsebog is simple...stop reading his blogs ! They are best left to those living in Dreamland where the sun always shines on TV and all footballers wear Puma kit... in Dreamland Arsene is a respected world class coach even though he's never won sod all at International or European football level one asks.... hey how many years has this been going on...? In Dreamland no one must be paid more wages than Arsene gets... everyone is happy with this they don't want mere footballers to be paid more than Arsene... they know that this makes sense... in Dreamland a 6-0 defeat at Chelsea by Mourinho ...a coach that Arsene has never won a game against.... are rationalized as just being accidents ... even though compared to his past results Jose was nothing special last term ... again though as in with other similar situations Wenger failed to take advantage at Chelsea and was in reality completely humiliated... but hey in Dreamland it's the thrashings of the lesser sides at the Emirates that are the real Wenger... and tippy - tappy( yawn) is king!

  59. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 11:25 #54228

    I'm not sure that anyone is claiming an exclusive ability to rationalise though in this thread it was an attribute someone critical of Arseblog first ascribed to him. I guess laying claim to the idea that one side better knows the price of everything and the value of nothing than the other is equally soft ground though. I'm not sure that it would have made better business sense to have sold Suarez last summer for £40m instead of £65 or £70m this season but they held onto him and won nothing (unless CL qualification really is a prize after all!). It certainly made sense for them to sell their best player in Torres for £50m a while back but less sense to have spent most of it on Andy Carroll. Perhaps they were confused about price and value too. Arsenal kept their powder dry and the next two transfer fee signings after missing out on Suarez were Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez (the latter being a player Liverpool apparently missed out on). 'Tis true you won't find much football excitement on a balance sheet but you'll find transfer signings there, under intangible assets.

  60. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 11:09 #54227

    Also seems to me that those who believe the concept of rationalisation is exclusively theirs know, in football terms, the price of everything and the value of nothing. It would have made good business sense for Liverpool to sell their best player last Summer as Arsenal have done time and again, but they decided to keep him and gave their fans more excitement this past season than Arsenal fans have had in the last 8 years combined. Liverpool are in a worse position re FFP than us but of course they won't go under and nor would Arsenal if they showed more ambition. You won't find excitement on a balance sheet though so for many proud rationalisers, it simply does not compute.

  61. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 10:54 #54226

    @Peter Wain. I guess many people would think we need a defensive midfielder - or at least someone different to what we have. I think Wenger is really imagining more of a Pirlo role than a Makele one. Whether Wilshere is anything other than a trial run we'll find out but many years back some thought that Don Howe was on the wrong tracks in turning midfielder McLintock into a CB, full back Storey into a DM and striker Graham into a midfielder - and all at a pretty advanced stage of their careers. Wilshere in a holding role? I don't know either but it could work. As for why we haven't bought Khedira/Bender - well I'm not sure that Khedira is anymore of a DM than Wilshere nor that he's available on any terms that make sense nor that Lars Bender is available at all.

  62. Peter Wain

    Jul 24, 2014, 10:34 #54225

    Amos the lack of depth in the first team squad is awful. Why Wiltshire who is our most creative midfield player is relegated to a position he is not suitable makes no sense at all. we need another striker a defensive midfield and another centre half. Why should not we buy Khedira/Bender we have the money. The present management is spine less and should go.

  63. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 10:23 #54224

    You maybe right Ron. I only dip into Arseblog now and again - much as I do with the Online Groaner really. I'm not sure what Arseblog is expected to be hungry for though. He seems to get plaudits enough not to be too concerned about those less favourable.

  64. Ron

    Jul 24, 2014, 9:43 #54223

    I think Arseblog was pretty good a few years ago. Now hes just up himself it seems to me resting on his laurels of most read blog etc etc while it lasts. It lacks hunger now. The blog has an underlying and irritating "aren't i making you think im a clever and in the know little irish blarney peddler" basis to it. its a smooth running blog, a bit superficial, a lot condescending, a tiny bit controversial here and there but in the main pretty bland daily offering in my view.

  65. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 9:28 #54222

    @bard. The telegraph isn't anywhere near as popular as the Mail but if it attempts to rationalise rather than incite as the Mail does then it'll attract those that prefer rationality. To be fair to Arseblog I don't think he's always uncritical of the club but if, as some of these surveys seem to show, support for the manager outweighs opposition to him by a factor of 2 or 3 to 1 then maybe he's popular because a majority of gooners simply prefer to rationalise. Similarly, if the stadium sells out more often than not those running the club are likely to imagine they're getting more things right than they are wrong. @observer. I imagine only Peter Wain will know for sure what he meant but if he meant 'weak' where he used the word 'small' some confusion is inevitable.

  66. observer

    Jul 24, 2014, 9:15 #54221

    Amos. Seems to me that Peter Wain was referring to a 'small squad' in terms of strength rather than actual numbers. I'm sure you knew that.

  67. Bard

    Jul 24, 2014, 8:46 #54220

    Amos: the reason Arseblog is popular is that he is the 'telegraph' of arsenal blogs. Conservative and uncritical. Always following the clubs line. There are a few like him on here. Ron: quite right the idea of jw as a DM is absurd, but it's probably just a lot of media guff or at least I hope so. Still trying to keep hopeful re new signings.

  68. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 8:18 #54219

    @Peter Wain. Whatever squad needs we might have we don't have a small squad. In fact we already have the maximum of 25 players over 21 which means that before anyone else can come in someone has to go out whether as a permanent transfer or on loan.

  69. Ron

    Jul 24, 2014, 8:08 #54218

    Peter Wain - the Kahdira/Bender stuff was just agent/tabloid invention. The usual vacuous dirge. Wilshere as a DM is clueless. His conception of a DM is like most english footie players ie run till you drop and throw yourself into mindless and often needless tackles. The english disease basically. Be seen to sweat and toil and rip players under even if the tackle is in a neutral part of the pitch. Thats why he spends most of his time injured. His injuries are in the main self inflicted. Thick as pig s---e basically, but fans here 'do love a tackle! The tactically better and stronger midfielders around shrug him off like an annoying gnat, which is really what he is. Im guessing hes got this Season in him at the Arse and if it s like the previous 3 they ll get shot of him. Rightly so.

  70. Peter Wain

    Jul 24, 2014, 7:53 #54217

    typical Wenger No Khedira or Bender will use Wiltshire as defensive mid field player. No new striker maybe a new centre half if TV5 goes but please not that useless lump Smalling. How can we win anything with such a small squad. The man just does not learn why did we give him three more years?

  71. Amos

    Jul 24, 2014, 7:15 #54216

    @CTGonner. It is infuriating when Arseblog attempts to rationalise what the club is doing and why isn't it! How much better it would be if he didn't and were to simply snipe and sneer at the club as many others seem to prefer to do. I wonder why he's so popular?

  72. Mathew

    Jul 24, 2014, 6:03 #54214

    JW for a holding midfielder, no way, he ain't have the power and stamina to hold back someone and will end up getting a card for sure. Khedira or Bender would have been a better choice, with the right physique and staying calm. Wenger needs to recruit a striker to play upfront, a holding midfielder, and now someone to replace Santi.

  73. Munich Mike

    Jul 23, 2014, 23:50 #54213

    Wot iz zis Arseblog? Vit zoundz goode no? Come on ze reds ya!

  74. CT Gooner

    Jul 23, 2014, 21:26 #54209

    Got to agree with Dec, I look at Arseblog but I've become very disappointed with it. He seems to find a way to rationalize anything the club do, maybe that's why the masses like it...Also, it's quite self-promoting, I really don't give a crap about his book.

  75. allybear

    Jul 23, 2014, 21:20 #54208

    Dont really see the point in these surveys. More importantly is why the squad isnt added to and Wenger saying he doesnt need a striker.DW Thomas you make a lot of sense but i dont think Ozil is the player he is cracked up to be,completely overrated. Believe OGL was with Scolari in Brazil after Germany game and said to him 'dont worry i know how you feel and at least it wasnt 8'!

  76. The Dec

    Jul 23, 2014, 20:48 #54206

    Arseblog, im surprised the club allow him out of his box long enough for a daily post.

  77. CHRIS

    Jul 23, 2014, 17:27 #54200

    We don't need songs about individual players,we need to adopt a easily sung and remembered song for the club a la 'Glad all Over' Palace or 'Delilah' Stoke

  78. Paul Adams

    Jul 23, 2014, 15:47 #54197

    Piers Morgan is just a boring self publicist narcissus, he slags off the Gooners & the England cricket team in the same manner, & his favourite is " Bring back Piertersen" says it all really ! COYG, Really looking forward to this new season.L

  79. DW Thomas

    Jul 23, 2014, 15:20 #54196

    Very quiet on the Arsenal front last few days. Maybe they're gearing up for the US trip? Still thin on the squad though. I accept we're not Real Madrid or Barca, but must we not compete with them in the CL? What are the long term plans of our club? To always be behind the great world clubs? Will it be luck we're counting on to win things? A fortunate good run sometime, without our consistent injury issue? Survey results are all good and fun I guess. But, lets get serious soon about this upcoming season. Saw Eisfeld is going to Fulham this season. And we got some new young lad from Barcas academy? Without some serious squad building between now and City Aug.10th and Palace the 16th we will be on the road to nowhere. Don't fool yourselves! One exciting thing to think about keeps coming up in my thoughts though. Walcott coming back, Ramsey continuing his progression, Sanchez adding quality to the attack, Ozil's second season growth, Jack hopefully maturing, Diaby on the mend(??), a new quality GK...lots of positives. Wenger has a lot to do in 3-4 weeks.

  80. Peter Wain

    Jul 23, 2014, 12:23 #54188

    Piers Morgan is a complete idiot and deserves every bit of abuse given to him

  81. Red Member

    Jul 23, 2014, 11:49 #54187

    I don't know why Piers Morgan gets so much abuse - he is clearly a big Arsenal supporter