A Load of Bull?

Online Ed – Arsenal lose in New York

A Load of Bull?

The US trip was a promotional and marketing exercise, although losing doesn’t exactly enhance the brand. Picking out areas where things need attention is perhaps unfair given the players that were not available. However, I do feel there was, perhaps, a bit too much tikka-takka to Arsenal’s forward play. Still, if Tomas Rosicky is centre-forward, perhaps that is understandable. With Nacho Monreal playing the entire game at centre back, accompanied by first Isaac Hayden and then Ignasi Miquel, it would be churlish to be critical of that department, other than to note the obvious about a lack of strength in depth. The theory is that Callum Chambers will solve that problem, and if Vermaelen remains, it should, on the assumption that Chambers can perform in the role as well as people are saying he will.

For those that did not watch the match, the highlights were Thierry Henry moving the ball around. The level might be lower, but he still has that certain something which made him such a joy to watch. Tim Cahill has not forgotten how to play dirty and took out Jack Wilshere a couple of times. Arsenal might have done better to sign him rather than Arteta in 2011. The Gunners did create a few chances, but the Bulls’ keeper had a very good game. Overall, the performance of Wenger’s team was typical pre-season, fairly rusty, and not helped by the unfamiliarity of the line up. I trust those that travelled from the UK to see the game enjoyed New York itself as it was a long way to go to see that performance.

One assumes that if Vermaelen is allowed to leave, it will only be when the club have secured a replacement. If he remains, it will leave the club to continue the situation whereby the club captain and the on-field captain are different individuals, and if a defensive midfielder is signed, then Arteta could well be demoted too, a move many feel is necessary if the team are to credibly challenge in the coming season. One imagines that would leave Mertesacker wearing the armband, a popular choice.

With Ospina and Chambers secured, the pieces of the jigsaw are coming together much earlier than we have seen before. It has been suggested that there may be a new modus operandi in the transfer negotiations, and whether that is simply Arsene Wenger being willing to spend after years of baulking at market value, or someone else taking over the process of sealing deals, so far, so good. A replacement for Arteta is the one area that really remains unaddressed. There is talk of Wilshere being given the role, but a Wilshere – Ramsey combination was that which started against Villa on the opening day of last season. It does not work defensively.

I accept some would also like another striker, but my thinking is that if Giroud does not cut it, then Sanchez will move in from wide, and as it stands Joel Campbell is an Arsenal player. If Sanogo is demoted to fourth choice for the position, then I can live with that. Realistically, I can’t really see the club spending more money once they have bought a defensive midfielder, although at a pinch, they could at least see what Vermaelen is capable of in the latter role, an idea that seems never to have been considered.

I did mention previously that I would make a pdf of the collected entries of my World Cup diary available for download with this piece. Just give me another week on that, as I have been a little snowed under. Will aim to have that in place for the editorial after the Emirates Cup weekend.

Regarding the print issue of The Gooner, we have found that most of our regular buyers do not attend the Emirates Cup weekend (and those that do attend are not fanzine buyers), so we are going to delay the first issue of the season until the Community Shield at Wembley, where you will be able to buy it on Wembley Way as you make your way from Wembley Park tube station. Seller Alex may be on a stepladder to make it easier to spot him!

Aside from that, I have co-authored a sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub with the erstwhile Alex Fynn. It is entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here.

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  1. jjetplane

    Jul 31, 2014, 12:29 #54529

    Its an online war we got MG. Our best line of defence is comedy verses the very dark comedy. Why do the AKBs not realise it is they in the cul de sac? while Col Wengers cannot stop the grin of 'money for old rope'.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2014, 21:48 #54502

    Alek, enjoy your first live game, and any baldies you do come across will have long robes, they'll have a little splash of paint on their foreheads wearing beads, and playing small cymbals and dancing, and chanting and chasing you all over the place trying to convert you, you'll no doubt think their Hare Krishnas chanting hare hare hare but if you listen and look closely you'll realise their not, and that they're goonies more commonly known as AKB's chanting arsene arsene arsene and bowing down to a replica of his bust in the middle of bear roundabout, and trying to convert everybody by inviting them to a seance at AKB central command where they claim he appears to them every now and again, and If they approach you and your just not interested and you just want to carry on about your business expect to hear f**k off down the lane then.

  3. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2014, 17:52 #54493

    Alex Just look around for the sheep types with AKB branded on their foreheads - then run!

  4. Pete

    Jul 30, 2014, 17:08 #54492

    Alex. Have a good day on your visit but keep away from the doom and gloom mungers, who will try and make your day as miserable as possible.They're easy to spot as they are normally sad looking portly baldies who only cheer once the team are 3-0 up and are the nearest thing to spud fans you're likely to meet.We call them the 'Glory Glory Hunters' and as Fred said they're the 'Chicken Licken 'group so steer clear of the KFC.

  5. Alek Wlodarz

    Jul 30, 2014, 16:37 #54490

    Good one. I'm going to visit London and stay from the 28th of October until the 3rd of November. I've been following and supporting Arsenal since 2003. I've never seen them playing at a stadium only on tv. Hope for help in buying a ticket for a home match against Burnley on November the 1st. Keep up the good work. Greetings from Olkusz, Poland. AW.

  6. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2014, 13:57 #54481

    MB, my kids had to make do with Thomas The Tank Engine videos. I can still fondly recall Ringo's voice overs ! Here is a little ditty I have knocked together in the spirit of things for Peter Pudd,Pete the troll and all the other ones (yawn) . 'Peter Pudd ,Bert and Fred , had the sky fall on their heads, but they are as happy as can be, licken a chicken, under a big pink bubble gum tree'.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2014, 13:08 #54477

    jw, a lot of us missed that story as a child, i had to ask my son and even he just about remembered, funny how others still know it well and are quite up to date with it.

  8. Pete

    Jul 30, 2014, 13:04 #54476

    Excellent way of describing these losers Fred.What always amazes me is how these folk are always crying for money to be spent and ticket prices to be lowered.Yet they are always the last to put their hand in their pockets. By the way Spuds have the most expensive season ticket at £90 a game.Arsenal is £77.

  9. Ozzie

    Jul 30, 2014, 13:00 #54475

    G'day all! Ron, you have been elected head of the advisory committee in appointing a new manager to this stale club:-) Can anyone tell me whether Mo Farah will be competing at the games?

  10. Chris

    Jul 30, 2014, 12:01 #54474

    Why so many folk complaining about Wenger failing to get the players in that are really needed? It's not even August yet... And at the beginning of last season, most folk seemed agreed that the glaring omission was a striker. Well we've got a rather good one! Yes a top DM would be the next priority acquisition, you would think, but barring departures we're looking stronger than last year already.

  11. Ron

    Jul 30, 2014, 11:45 #54473

    John Gage - Hi mate. I never ask and never asked for the top marque so called 'World class' performers to be brought to the Club. Arsenal have never been able to get into that market and maybe never will. I mainly ask for better quality coaching and for the RIGHT players to be signed and for the RIGHT positions to be filled. Im simply of the view that Wengers failed on all 3 fronts for quite some years and that a new, invigorated younger Coach perhaps such as you've mentioned would use Arsenals resources far better. Hes sold the Club short while maximising his own interests and continues to do so.

  12. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2014, 11:35 #54472

    Thank's for the info on chicken licken Afters ( yawn)I must admit to having missed this when I was a child .I've just caught up on it on You Tube .It's a bit weird really what came first the chicken or the egg... obviously the egg... but none the less childish and silly enough for Pete the troll to indulge in . Hey Pudd , I'll wager that you still watch Telly Tubbies !

  13. Ron

    Jul 30, 2014, 11:34 #54471

    Pete 57649 - 'change sides'? Thats where you lot go wrong. I'm never on either 'side'. Only an idiot fails to give credit where its due and Arsene has had and gets lots of credit from me for what he was does, has done etc. For me though, his credit column is largely historic now. Hes a very changed man, a changed Coach, as hes had to be to suit changed circumstances. His changes (for me) though have been very negative. Hes like a long elected, long term Government really in that they run out of ideas and become stale. Its my view that Arsenal wont win another PL title under him and have absolutely no chance of a CL title under him. Under this regime anyway, they're not bothered about reaching such heady heights and that's what keeps AW in a job. Hes been a very good Manager for us, never a great one and never will be. Its quite staggering to think where the Club has to go, or what results have to occur before some of the unquestioning, blinkered Arsene apologists on here would actually even ask the question of whether hes right for the job anymore, never mind asking whether he should he go.

  14. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2014, 11:31 #54470

    Wenger must be telling porkies (with fries/hot sauce) as only last week inbetween having shots taken 'with real live Pumas' (Colonel Wengers dressed as Tarzan) he stated 'you Jane/me Tarzan and I do not listen to people who have never spent one day in a hot jungle - they do not have the spirit. I will not be buying a striker because we are decking the house out with tiger skins but I believe the spirit in the squad (cue Arteta swinging from on tree to another) is OOHOOhoOh (Tarzan call) and we are in the position to compete with the squad we have. Fourth place is not guaranteed for any of the top eight clubs I think but we have the right players to we could say advance on the game Barcelona have failed at. I believe I can do this - ohoh oh ohhh (sic). Knew you had a sense of humour WESTiE Don't let the buggers grind you down. As they say in Holloway - 'It's chicken every nite!' Think I might apply for a marketing slot. Ying and Yang and all dem spices.

  15. John Gage

    Jul 30, 2014, 11:21 #54469

    Ron- You highlight the weakness in Arsenal's squad at CB, DM, LB, RB, CM, as well as a lack of a great striker. I wonder whether the reality is that Arsenal will always struggle to fill in these positions from both a numbers and a financial point of view. The truth is that world class players are few and far between and Arsenal will always struggle to compete with clubs which are bigger, Real Madrid, Barca, Bayern Munich...etc, as well as clubs with unlimited financial firepower Man City, PSG, Chelsea...etc At the moment you have spent about 66.5 million pounds on transfer fees alone, I hate to think how much the wages will amount to but if you are serious about filling in all those positions with world class players then I can see you easily spending double or triple what you have already spent which might be beyond what Arsenal is capable of. Either that or start looking at Diego Simeone or Jurgen Klopp.

  16. Westlower

    Jul 30, 2014, 11:10 #54468

    Here's a cheerful song for the inhabitants of the dark side of the moon. 'Grey skies are going to clear up, put on a happy face. Brush off the clouds and cheer up, put on a happy face.' I bet you feel better already, Dark Moonies? How about renaming the Emirate Stadium the Holloway Bowl or Pumas Den? Although the majority of the Dark Moonies are condemning our transfers to date, a reminder there is still 33 days of the transfer left & I'm sure there are still deals to be done. The bookies still have Khedira (1/2) to join AFC, even though we read the deal has stalled. Carvalho 5/4 to join AFC & TV 4/5 to join Man U. Will Joel Campbell be given his chance or used as bait for a new signing? Interesting that Chambers is wearing the #5 shirt, glimpse of what's to come?

  17. Paul Pudd

    Jul 30, 2014, 10:45 #54467

    Jeff Wrong - ".Anyway what the heck does 'chicken licken' mean ? Is it some sort of American Hill Billy thing where they lick chickens?". No, I think Fred was referring to the children's story where they believe the sky is falling down. Check the moral of the tale. Surprised you don't remember it from school but you were probably too busy yawning and complaining even then, no?!

  18. AMG

    Jul 30, 2014, 10:21 #54466

    Anyone seen the new Puma advert with Wenger in it? - Cringe! If anyone needed any further proof that the man has lost his grip on reality, there it is!

  19. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2014, 10:12 #54465

    Old chicken licken Pete/Fred/Bert/Normal etc... appears to be rather a confused hombre... he doesn't like me because I am never positive... what he means is that I don't change my views on Arsene... I will change them when I see some reason to do so but not just to try and keep morons like him happy ... but then again it becomes more baffling because chicken licken Pete then slates Ron for sometimes doing so ! Badarse annoys him ... Even Westie receives a blast from chicken licken Pete ... and no one could be more positive than him... for ****s sake no one satisfies this troll . Obviously old chicken licken Schizo Pete is really just a half a bag short of a bag of fries.

  20. Westlower

    Jul 30, 2014, 8:50 #54464

    @JJ You could be on to something with your renaming. How about the Plimsoll Pumas? Give the marketeers something to get their feet into. New USA positive chant from the terraces "If you're 'appy and you know it Gooners, clap your hands." Sung of course with a Bronx drawl....

  21. Marco Reus

    Jul 30, 2014, 8:40 #54463

    Watching all other teams win the prem pisses me of. Its been a decade since we won it. How dare Wenger stay as manager after such failure. Leave us Wenger we want to win the prem. We will never win again under this specalist in failure. Wenger out Guardiola in. Time for us to get a top manager like Guardiola to win the prem.

  22. Weep you no more sad fountains...

    Jul 30, 2014, 8:29 #54462

    Oh dear, oh dear, just one worthwhile signing so far?? Carvalho, please.

  23. Paul

    Jul 30, 2014, 7:47 #54461

    If we dont sign a quality striker with pace, a world class DM and two CB's this summer will be another waste.For the last 5 years we have all been calling for a world class DM and every summer Wenger thinks Diaby is the answer.I have given up on Wenger now signing a DM.Buying a 19 year old RB instead of a DM is rank bad mamagement.To hear some deluded Gooners say Chambers has been signed as cover for Kos and Mert is bonkers.But we have been used to this under the last 9 years under Clueless.Wenger Out

  24. Marco Reus

    Jul 30, 2014, 4:26 #54460

    Yet again Wenger shows his incompotence. No top ST and DM signed. RVP yet to be replaced after 2 years. No quality LB as well. The squad is ridiculously average and certainly won't finish top 4. Lovren went to Liverpool we needed a quality CB like him seeing as we have none. Wenger is the moat inept manager I have seen can't build an quality squad with 150m in the bank. Wenger out. Leave us you charlatan. I wish we never appointed this fraud.

  25. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2014, 23:48 #54459

    aaah you mean finger licking good like old Col Wengers (sic) and his Kentucky Fried Football Franchise (FFFF). You want cheese with that 30 passes across the field and back to the 'stopper' (goalie). We got all kinds of stuff lined up for the break. If we could just cut the game down to quarters there will be more time for the Red Bull Cheerleaders and the new ticky tacky swing band. I'm loving this ****. Holloway Pumas - you read it here!

  26. Chris

    Jul 29, 2014, 22:18 #54458

    'It's still a..PR Exercise' (post 57631)- The last time Diaby played in one of the matches you mention (Liverpool away) he absolutely owned them and we won 2-0. Ok that was nearly 2 years ago but even so - shows up your rantings for what they are, don't you think?

  27. KC

    Jul 29, 2014, 21:22 #54457

    Ron sorry it was KC not KR. Take your point about a lump and regard our CF. I prefer fast quick talented strikers to strong hold the ball up types. A real blend of both is the perfect striker. Giroud for what he cost has pluses but for me is three yards to slow to cut the mustard at the top level. Right now though an athletic ball winning midfielder is a must and will improve us greatly. Bard re being a season ticket holder and entitled to a view with you mate all the way. Too many that sit next to their remote control have the biggest mouths and busiest fingers.

  28. Pete

    Jul 29, 2014, 20:36 #54455

    Anybody who is new to this site should be taught a few fundamentals-Ron,maguirebridge,Jeff Wright,Bard.Always come out with the same opinions which are normally all is bad down Arse-way they are like four peas in a pod.Though being proper old schooler's I do listen to their opinions.Ron sometimes even swaps sides and once or twice has been known to say something positive,Jeff Wright is never positive and some suspect him to be in allegiance with the evil Finsbury Joe.Later on we'll have our old friend BADARSE reappear who loves to love everybody in his own unique humanistic I love weirdo's kind of way, yet he defo loves Wenger,Amos will come along who loves Wenger more and Westie who loves Wenger a little less but betting more.Hope that clears things up.

  29. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2014, 20:02 #54454

    MG, the troll must have more IP's than than Facebook! The fool obviously likes talking to himself,that's probably because no one else does.Right said Fred it's chicken licken good ....yeah agrees Pete I must tell Bert,Normal Service ... and all the other Muppets about it...

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 29, 2014, 19:29 #54453

    jw, my last post was for you, and it didn't take him long in yet another disguise.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 29, 2014, 19:18 #54452

    Bert, Hen Len will be along anytime to join them, oh he already has.

  32. wenger is our lord

    Jul 29, 2014, 19:15 #54451

    Thank you Pete, Bert and Fred for sticking up for our visionary manager. You are always welcome in the Directors bar to serve drinks.

  33. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 29, 2014, 19:07 #54450

    jj, it wouldn't surprise if that chambers line has already been spun (but i'd imagine he's saving it for a rainy day as it is a ready made excuse for OGL and not only him of course,his followers also if they haven't already)and it was used enough times for the other two from the same neck of the woods over the years and we're still waiting, lets hope we don't have to wait as long on him.

  34. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2014, 18:56 #54449

    there are no 'they' Fred ... just you spoof and your other troll schizo personas living in chicken licken dreamland where nothing is what it seems to be ...

  35. Bert

    Jul 29, 2014, 17:55 #54448

    hahaha...and so chicken licken was joined by roany moany...jetty petty...bardy mardy...jeffy deffy....as they all marched to tell the king that the sky was falling...

  36. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2014, 16:20 #54447

    Normal Service aka Pete and Fred ( yawn) talking to your ' chicken licken' self again to try and pretend someone else agrees with you is a sign of desperation on your part.Anyway what the heck does 'chicken licken' mean ? Is it some sort of American Hill Billy thing where they lick chickens ? The mind boggles at what part of the creature it is that they lick! You couldn't make it up.

  37. Bard

    Jul 29, 2014, 16:20 #54446

    Thats a cracker Fred. There were so many incisive and thought provoking ideas in your post I nearly burst a blood vessel trying to digest them. The only one missing was the why dont you f### off and support the spuds comment. Of course no one cares whats written on here. Its entertainment and opinion thats all. But Ive watched Arsenal for many many years and had a season ticket for nearly as long so I reckon Im entitled to whatever opinion I like as are you. What Id like to hear from you is something coherent rather than spouting the party line like a mantra.

  38. Ron

    Jul 29, 2014, 16:13 #54445

    KR - Respect mate, but im not sure ive advocated anywhere that we have a 'big lump' up front have i? We do need an adequately talented central striker with power though. We already have a big lump up top, but hes not good enough, despite his one or two redeeming features.

  39. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2014, 15:54 #54444

    Bit worrying Diaby could only send a video message to the community awards. Saving his energy for the plane flights. Nice plane too. Oh yeah, and Arsene says 'the spirit is good'. Is he talking about souls here. Do they exist? What does Arteta think? Oh to ponder ......

  40. KR

    Jul 29, 2014, 15:46 #54443

    To all, the range of views on here and across blogs is I guess the norm but quite extreme. Ron you make lots of good posts but your negativity and harsh views on Wenger are I believe over the top, you also appear to want to hark back to days of blood and thunder im sure my best days of watching Arsenal we never had a big lump up front. In saying that the Wenger is God brigade are a deluded bunch that can not even see his errors with Bendtner Denilson etc and its a bit rich to hear them gush now we have spent the cash which is exactly what has been asked for so long. We must be happy with Sanchez (top talent), a new right back and hopefully a good young player that Southampton people think is a great prospect. The issue though is that these players will not stop the away hammerings and unless we get a player that protects the back four I will be very disappointed. I still remember the Bridge, City Anfield etc, we will be better going forward for sure but to compete we must be better when we do not have the ball.

  41. Ron

    Jul 29, 2014, 15:07 #54442

    Good old Fred. I don't think anybody wants to provoke sleep loss fella. You're right too that nobody else cares what i think.In turn i (and im sure others) don't really care whether about what others do or don't think either. It seems implicit in your post though that your more conformist, accepting view (if that's what it is, as you've said nothing worthwhile and never do)is a view that you think is widely taken on board by the Club?. I'm guessing that you're right there to be honest, so a big up to you for being in the majority. Arsenal relish another unquestioning sheep to add to its flock im sure.

  42. Fred

    Jul 29, 2014, 14:45 #54441

    none of them need any chemical help to be the miserable bed wetting pessimists they have always been Pete....these are the chicken licken group of arsenal followers...but nobody at arsenal is losing any sleep over what is said on the online groaner....they don't serve any purpose and don't matter really..

  43. Ron

    Jul 29, 2014, 14:27 #54440

    That's right Pete. They're called reality tabs. Bitter tasting and not for everybody. They stunt dreams and avert the on set of delusion. There are a few of you on here who ought to try a few matey!

  44. Pete

    Jul 29, 2014, 13:58 #54438

    Ron,Bard,Tony Evans,Jetplane,Maguirebridge,You've all been at Jeff Wright's psychedelic substances again haven't you.

  45. Its still a PR exercise

    Jul 29, 2014, 13:21 #54437

    If Khedira had come then I would have accepted that were ''serious'' this year. Wenger will tell everyone that Diaby is as good when he plays well against someone like Luton town. when he disappears for Utd/city/chels/liverpool away, along with his teammates, then well know the reality

  46. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2014, 12:42 #54436

    The money has been spent with fourth place consolidation the financial silver grail and third with auto selection becomes the holy one. Wenger is already spinning like a true pro and his lackadaisical and defeatist approach were well to the fore. He spent more time talking about Henry than his own players and methinks a lot of fans were left nonplussed by the experience. We now have two 'marquee' players who were residual at their respective clubs. Both players are silky smooth but not capable of generative inspiration. They will be looking to someone else for that and as many players who have left (Fab, RVP, Nasri) can testify to the absence of presence both on and off the field, there does not appear to be any individual/s up for it. Wenger has stepped up by paying for the prospective Chambers but if he cannot deliver this season he will be spun as a 'great player in the making'. Have images of Ozil 'working his socks off' at the WC while other German players got on with winning the thing. He has no such luxury at Arsenal (think also of that hyper hardworking Chilean outfit) and so it is hard to see how the season will go. Wenger is really pacifying out in his sixties and the absence of 'coaches on fire' is numbing. Witness Bouldie at the Red Bull love in in NYC. He need a kick up the arse too.

  47. Highbury Boy

    Jul 29, 2014, 11:15 #54435

    Fans talk about more signings but after the 4 comparatively early signings I would be surprised if there were any more until after a raft of transfers out took place. The wage bill will need to be reduced and that will happen with loan deals or sales for quite a few in the squad including Jenkinson, Gnabry, Djourou, Coquelin, Campbell, Miyachi and Vermaelen. After they go perhaps another player will come in.

  48. Tony Evans

    Jul 29, 2014, 11:05 #54434

    Ron - Your post 57620 is spot on. I am reasonably pleased with the summer transfer dealings so far, but only because I am comparing them to the last 9 years or so, and if you look at it in the cold light of day - two are direct replacements, one is an inexperienced player with potential (typical Wenger purchase), which leaves Sanchez as the only real exciting addition to the squad - although he is not the out and out striker we needed. Another Wenger conversion job in the offing no doubt! That word fragility keeps springing to mind, and the squad still looks full of it, especially defensive midfield and at the back. It is still what I would call a typical Wenger squad, all show and no substance, and much as I would like to think so I just can't see a real push for the title is on the cards. As ever though I hope I am proven wrong.

  49. Gare K

    Jul 29, 2014, 10:58 #54433

    With the club spending money like there’s no tomorrow (I always thought it was a myth that Wenger never had any money), Wenger now has to truly deliver and prove he really is one of the all-time great managers of British football that his defenders claim he is. For me that means over the next two seasons he has to win both the Premier League AND the European Cup. Not one or the other but both. Wenger is a great Arsenal manager and deserves a lot of credit for what he has done for the club and English football in general, but to me it’s an insult to the true greats like Busby, Clough, Paisley, Ferguson et al that some feel he is in that bracket. The truly great managers of British football can point to consecutive league titles or European trophies or for some both. Fact of the matter is that Wenger can’t point to either achievement, some of it due to his arrogance and naivety. But I’m not implying that every European trophy-winning manager is a great manager (Di Matteo anyone?) but for me, Wenger is still yet to prove he can compete and triumph on the domestic and European scene. Simeone & Klopp have shown in the last two years it is possible to compete on both fronts with their so-called ‘limited resources’ so why not Wenger with his ‘new money’? Up The Arsenal!

  50. radfordkennedy

    Jul 29, 2014, 10:49 #54432

    Ron...hello mate,i must say I agree with what you say,i cant help thinking 'so what'when looking at our new recruits.i fully accept that we are in the second strand of clubs that players will come to,so in reality we will only get players that nobody else wants or fringe players from the true stellar clubs,but with the cash available I would have thought we could have done better.ive never been a fan of outright DM's I often think its like playing with 10 men,but coaching a centre mid pairing when to stick or twist seems to have gone out of fashion,with the current fad for defending in numbers and then break like lightning you become dependent on that DM finding the wings or forward quickly if he doesnt and im thinking of Arteta here,you may miss your chance.in truth we have little in the way of stature and steel and any thought of dropping jack back is madness,maybe this is where Diaby may figure...why we dont just take the insurance and pay him off is beyond me...so with the best part of the kitty spent its unlikely now we will see anyone come in who might make me think we really are serious about the title and mixing it with the big boys,instead I cant help feeling its all like for like and the club shows no sign of any real ambition to join the domestic let alone euro elite

  51. Ron

    Jul 29, 2014, 10:33 #54431

    Bard - respect as ever pal. In fairness to your view, even with Utds last title win you could simply say that RVP won it on his own and not so much Fergie? Its a big debate isn't it and there's maybe no right or wrong conclusions.Agree totally on the point of the Coach being more vital with weaker teams and players. Just look at Pulis both at Stoke and Palace. Brilliant really. I think with Arsenal, we dont have top true marque players but with a different Coach with nous and tactical awareness, both now and even in the days of Denny and Song et al honours were there to be won. All this lends itself to the view that Wenger has needed a top quality assistant for years and many of us have said so. Why isnt there one? I suspect its Wengers arrogance. His assistants like Rice and Bould arent potential head Coach material and are content to lead a very stunted and clipped role under Wenger. It suits Wengers harmonious dressing room with him firmly the master of all that he surveys and not a ripple or a wave anywhere. Fergie always had forceful coaches beneath him and credit to the guy for having done so.

  52. Bard

    Jul 29, 2014, 9:56 #54430

    Ron I should have qualified that by saying the last title winning Unt were rubbish and Fergie made the difference

  53. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 29, 2014, 9:32 #54429

    So right Kev about Henry, his running with the ball is still a thing of beauty. Listening to Mourinho talking about having to win the league this season shows the kind of pressure he puts himself under to succeed. Friction in any walk of life is always needed for success and I agree with Ron, we need a no nonsense DM & a stroppy captain to upset Wenger's soft lights and Habitat curtains dressing room.

  54. Bard

    Jul 29, 2014, 9:01 #54428

    Rob1970 right with you on that one. Apart from Sanchez we are where we were last season. There is still plenty of time to go, so trying to remain hopeful. Ron, sorry mate we will have to disagree on that one. Of course they make a difference but its not as great as is made out. If Drogba had played for us and not Chelsea we probably would have won more trophies and Chelsea certainly less. Messi up front and we would have won a load of trophies. Where they make a difference is with average sides. But average sides dont win trophies so its irrelevant. Tikka Takka is fantastic if you have Messi banging in 50 goals but without him it looks moribund.

  55. Ron

    Jul 29, 2014, 8:37 #54427

    Graham - very true. Reality is that there isn't one quality CB in the squad, though admitted its perhaps the hardest position in modern football to find a true quality performer. The so called back ups there are the kid Chambers and Miguel. You're right about Diaby. Once more , hes 'like a new signing'. He ll break down by mid September in all likelihood. A brittle back line like Wengers got needs a DM to break things up before they happen. These players seem to be of a certain disposition that matches their role. Awkward, tough demanding of others and uncompromising. You wont find such a character in Wengers dressing room. Theyre not allowed in. He prefers 'good boy' types, not ones who might knock a few edges and illusions off others (and him!)Its been so many years since Wenger had to cope with that and he s not going to re start now at 64. Similarly, there's no bullying striker there. The same applies on the striker matter re the DM. Bank on Wenger still dreaming of a Henryesque 'conversion' job with Sanchez. He knows its failed with Walcott now and hes desperate to do his King Midas routine again. Theres no real LB there either. Its not just right back thats the issue. Left side has yielded so, so many goals for opponents since Cole left really and it ll continue, as Gibbs cant defend and Wenger has no midfielder who knows how to drop in behind an over lapping full back. Its never coached i suspect.He needed a Keeper to replace the Pole, not play back up to him. A keeper who made forwards wary. The Pole doesn't do it at all. Hes like an errant schoolboy. Hopefully Ospina can oust him sooner rather than later. In center mid theres a conundrum of who to perm together. Wenger thinks he can interchange players in a type of cheap jack dutch 'total football' way and that the likes of Wilshere, Ozil and Ramsey et al can all interchange and drop in each others places seamlessly. Its a pipe dream as none are good enough and none know their place in the team. I'm guessing Wenger has a harmonious dressing room though if nothing else. Harmonious and comfy dressing rooms never win a bean, be it at a pub team, kids team or a top team, but why make life hard for yourself as a Coach when your Employers not making any great demands. 4th spot beckons, but only then if Utd or Liverpool stutter a bit. Same old, same old at Arsenal. The transfer window this time does have an impression of being better its true, but Wengers up to his old tricks again. Hes ever the illusionist, if nothing else. His buying this time have finished yet i can feel the surges of fans being sucked into his 'philosophy' again. Philosophy belongs in University campus's. Don't let him fool you.

  56. Charlie

    Jul 29, 2014, 8:18 #54426

    Jack was built up by the Arsenal fans mainly the AMG's who used him mainly as a vehicle to bash the other players who they thought weren't up to the task. Now the other players are performing Jack is taking a beating from the same fans.These so called fans go from one player to another, Ramsey has the golden balls at the moment yet a dip in form and someone else takes up the mantle. There always has to be a player who takes all the glory and a player who takes all the flack with these half wits.

  57. Graham

    Jul 29, 2014, 7:18 #54425

    Dont kid yourselves We are still 4 players short.2 CB's(we only have 2 now Mert and Kos) a striker(Giroud should be 2nd choice) and once again we have said it since Gilberto left a DM.We have signed two RB's and a back up keeper.Once again Wenger has ignored the obvious weaknesses in the team.My fear once again is Wenger is going to try Diaby for the 20th time.Why cant Wenger see we need a world class DM to protect our back 4?4th place at best and Man Utd will not be as bad this season

  58. Rob1970

    Jul 29, 2014, 4:01 #54424

    After some early optimism I am now worried that Wenger has not changed his spots. Sanchez - good signing, but not a centre forward; Debuchy - replaces Sagna; Ospina - replaces Fabianski. Chambers is 19, costs 16 mil - an expensive purchase for the future….Total cost around 65 million pounds….and no DM, and we let Chelski take Cesc!!. Still no resolution re Vermalen…..and three weeks to the start of the season. The 'lightweight' tag still hangs true.

  59. DW Thomas

    Jul 29, 2014, 1:52 #54423

    The Barca game where RVP was sent off and Jacks pass to Bendtner who failed,miserably rings a bell. I don't believe his hype either, but he does have more talent than most English lads. I'll take him over Henderson 100 times out of 100. Before his major foot/ankle injury he was developing pretty well. In my mind the jury is still out on him and even Ramsey. We as a club have seemed to stagnate or take many players back. They seem to live and train in this bubble Arsene creates where he gets them thinking they are the king s...ts when they haven't done s..t yet! Jack and many,of our players are the type that play a certain way that invites tackles and bad injuries regularly. More protection is needed from the refs and better rehab from their own physios. And even on a bad day Wilshere still offers more than most. What our midfielders need,,in fact the way Arsene wants to play, his "Arsenal Way" requires a craft, quick forward with great skill and touch to feed. We haven't had one in some time! Sanchez might help, we'll see.

  60. AMG

    Jul 28, 2014, 23:38 #54422

    Totally agree with you DW. It's too early to write Jack off as useless. There was a time a couple of seasons ago where he was a out best player - His development has been regularly hampered through injuries, poor injury management, being played out of position, poor coaching and poor tactics. At times last year when he was fit we saw glimpses of what he was capable, 4 or 5 great goals that I can remember. I hear a lot of people say that he spends the whole time on his arse, but I think it's more a case that he is targeted by the more hardline players and he has no protection from the likes of Arteta. Would he get kicked as much playing alongside Keane or Vieira? I think Jack can still be a great player, but maybe not under Wenger.

  61. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 21:47 #54421

    DW - Yes AR was pretty ordinary but many of us had faith in him based on how he was coming on before that b-----d went through him at Stoke. It was always going to be a tricky emotional journey back for him. AR has always had more to offer than Wilshere in my view. What i don't get is the hero worship of JW. Perhaps you can enlighten me of what hes actually done in 4 years matey as i cant see one sustained run of form in all of that time to justify 'the great English hope' mantle. Truth is that if he wasn't English and wasn't Gerrads mate, there would be a clamour to sell him.He was better at 17 than he is now.

  62. DW Thomas

    Jul 28, 2014, 21:05 #54420

    What matters more is the Comm Shield and then really Palace. Even I can't criticize Wenger for losing in NYC as it was more about exposure. But spanking the Red Bulls would have looked much better, non? As for comments about Wilshere, especially Ron's, how you all are slagging him off I don't get it. Remember Ramsey post leg break? He was pretty much awful at times, giving the ball away, trying stupid flicks, missing sitters! Then he had one great half season and he is the next Zudane? I don't think so yet! Jack had/had way better innate ability and was becoming a great, first team player before his big foot injury and subsequent injuries. He almost scored another brilliant passin goal against the Red Bulls and played better than Ramsey or at least even. Diaby too looked very smooth and scored a good buildup goal that was offsides. As fans there should be patience with players, especially Jack. We know all those that have given it to our manager! A better coach would pull Jack aside regularly and teach him! Funny how Jacks best season was Fabregas's last. I can complain about a lot of things, but players with his heart and ability if given the right chance and nurtured correctly can become game changers. Again, remember Ramsey. Jack has not played near as many poor games as he has in the past! Plus his position is full of top competition now! Ozil, Diaby, Ramsey, Cazorla, Rosicky. All very good players on their day! And a top CM is the engine and most difficult positions to become great in. That's why Zidane and Xavi are such rare players.

  63. Gare K

    Jul 28, 2014, 20:30 #54419

    Not bothered about the loss. Pre season as we all know is about fitness so even a hard-nosed Wenger critic like me won’t beat him with a stick for our loss to the Bulls. The squad for next season is looking good bit I’m of the opinion it’s still short in certain areas as it has been for the last two years. In my view, we still need a centre-back (or two if Vermaelen leaves and if he went, it’s no big loss) & most crucially a holding midfielder. The notion that Wilshire will make a good DM is stupid and anyone who thinks that is as stupid as Wilshire himself. The performances by the likes of Pogba, Khedira & Mascherano in the World Cup would have surely convinced a lot of Gooners that Arteta is average and his showings in the big games last season might be seen as proof. Chelsea have the excellent Matic, Man City have two in Fernandinho & new boy Fernando, Liverpool now have Gerrard adapting to that role but who are is ours? Flamini waned towards the end of last season so another DM is needed. As for Wilshire, I still think there is talent in him but he needs to stop thinking he’s football equivalent of Superman, an all-rounder, the complete player who can do everything on the pitch; run, pass, tackle, shoot, head, score & assist. He can’t tackle for toffee, when he does he continuously gets injured and as Ron as mentioned, he’s ill-disciplined. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Wilshire should be our Paul Scholes. He’s nowhere near a Roy Keane or Patrick Vieira type player and will never be. As per usual, I stand by my past belief that spending big money alone won’t win games; a manager having a great tactical nous is more influential than a lot of Gooners think. Wenger has already hinted that we will play more likely 433 this season (it was never the 4231 that many Gooners suggested) and hopefully there will be no more square pegs in round holes that we have seen in recent years e.g. Abou Diaby as a left winger. Up The Arsenal!

  64. Roy

    Jul 28, 2014, 20:24 #54418

    Wilshere DM ? As Ron rightly says, if he can couple his undoubted ability with a brain, then maybe. Until then, no way. I reckon Bender would be a great acquisition, if we bid enough they would sell and I actually think he would be better in that particular role for us than Khedira.

  65. Gooner In Exile

    Jul 28, 2014, 19:55 #54417

    A midfield of Ramsay Diaby and Wiltshire.I hope that was said in jest Westlower the only one who should be anywhere near the first eleven of those is Ramsay. We should get shot of Diaby I wonder what he's been paid for all these years of massages and gym work., and Wilshere has gone backwards, should have sold him and got Cesc back.

  66. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 18:51 #54416

    Westie - Oooh mate, those of us who well recall Tottenham's last glorious relegation in 74 can't possibly describe and convey the sheer unbridled joy of seeing it happen can we? Are any of us deserving of seeing it happen twice in a lifetime? I doubt it. I do so hope that today's young Guns get to experience it sooner than rather than later. The only regret was that they didn't stay down for long enough did they. 25 years would have been nice. As they say though, good things never last. FOYS!

  67. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 18:39 #54415

    Bard - Not sure that players win trophies irrespective of coaches mate. A Coach moulds a team. He plays to his style and strengths, its him that asks players to fulfil roles. Its him that alters roles, its him that subs players and sells and buys, its him that studies opponents and coaches accordingly, he makes tactical changes, he motivates and bollocks them, he reads their characters and guides and admonishes them, he makes his representations to owners and so on and on. Left to players, there wdt be any game. Most are beyond tying up their boots and playing in some simplistic way. You cd also say too that any top Coach wdt win a bean at Stoke. The converse applies too in that the types of Coach at Stoke cdt, wdt or rarely win stuff at Chelsea either.

  68. wenger is our lord

    Jul 28, 2014, 18:20 #54414

    Now that Arsene has been given complete control of transfers ( this was what held up him signing his new contract )we are getting the business done asap, no dithering as was the way with dick law etc. Anyone who thinks it it was Arsene who was the procrastinator has got it all wrong, just ask westie or BA or Amiss

  69. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2014, 18:09 #54413

    Reading between the lines it appears the Sours must be short of dosh. The top 4 clubs are snapping up Southampton players with the exception of Chelsea who refuse to pay inflated wages for Shaw, ironic or what? With Pochettino as their new manager you'd think he'd take some of his star ex players with him to the Lane. Maybe the reality of financing a new stadium has hit home to Daniel & Joe. Maybe he has Schneiderlin in the bag? Will the Sours be able to keep their place in the top 7 of the PL? What's going on at the Lane Finsbury Joe? Are you readying yourselves for life in the Championship in 2015/16?

  70. Bard

    Jul 28, 2014, 18:02 #54412

    Some of these posts are getting ahead of themselves. Im in general agreement but we need to wait until the window closes and then see. If we sign a Khedira and one other the squad will look a lot different. There is little point keep banging on about his tactical shortcomings, they are what they are. I want us at least to have sufficient quality in the squad to give it a go and we wont know that until the end of August. Players win trophies not managers. Maureen is a top manager but he wouldnt win diddly squat if he was managing Stoke.

  71. CT Gooner

    Jul 28, 2014, 17:31 #54411

    I agree with you, Ron & Tony. Expect no change in tactics, but when we learned Wenger was back for three more years, that was always going to be the case. I'd prefer to support Arsenal despite my dislike of our current manager's tactical abilities. I'm also of the opinion that a good DM (hard nosed like Smithy points out, with a strong sense of leadership and organization) will have a big impact. My biggest worry of playing Jack a DM (beyond your arguments) is his maturity, I could see him banned for half the season with all the cards he'd pick up...

  72. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 28, 2014, 17:15 #54410

    Another pre season and nothing really changes and it's not going to, it was only a friendly so ah well it doesn't matter, it's a pity we didn't win we'd have been of to a great start, prem league contenders. There's always the Emirates Cup win it and we'll be buzzing and we'll be told/spun we have the best team/squad in years. Win the community shield, and we'll clean up and all will be rosy in the garden, lose by three or four and it doesn't matter it was only a friendly, and it starts all over again.

  73. jjetplane

    Jul 28, 2014, 16:56 #54409

    Wenger can be read as 1 Economics 2 Broccoli & 3 Football. He used 2 during the first decade and then switched to 1 for the remainder. 3 was illustrated on a beach a month ago. Someone said looking 'forward to seeing Diaby' and Smokey Jack in meaningful football dialogue. Gimme what's in your pipe Star! RON your deconstruction of JW was as ever - masterful. Jack and da beanstalk (BFG).

  74. TJ

    Jul 28, 2014, 16:49 #54408

    Looks like Jenkinson is about to be sold to Hull City if the newspaper reports are to be taken seriously. I have to say I think that's a real shame- we don't see him in training but when he's had a run of games he has performed really well. I also really admired how he gave his all for Arsenal because he was a supporter just like us. Has anyone here had a chance to watch Bellerin? Some have said he could be world class but I haven't watched him play much.

  75. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 16:41 #54407

    Hi Westie - True enough mate but to be honest you only need to watch Wilshere play to see hes not DM material. He wanders in and out of games and is ill disciplined. He also flies recklessly into tackles hence his oft self created injuries (hes thick basically!). He naturally gets forward though holds the ball far too long and nearly always ends up in 'traffic' and falls over. He lacks the brain to 'foul constructively' in the right areas of the pitch. Im not even sure there's enough evidence to suggest that hes any good for anything to be really honest. A very over rated chap. Hes also far too small to try and play any sort of role that involves imposing himself on a game physically. Players shrug him off as hes short arsed, like hes not there and he loses his rag in response, flies into a dirty tackle and ever hurts himself, the mug. Agger rightly did him v Liverpool. Prior to that, Wilshere had took a piece of him on two occasions in his silly temper moments. In my view Agger was right and the reason Wilshere never squealed was because he knew Agger was justfied doing it. Wilshere s no more a DM than my Labrador. In fact my labbie is better behaved, has a better running gait and style and has better positional sense.

  76. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2014, 16:12 #54406

    Will we see Calum Chambers groomed as a defensive midfielder? I'm looking forward to seeing a dynamic midfield of Ramsey, Diaby & JW for games where the opposition 'park the bus.' All 3 can alternate roles in getting ahead of the strikers with late runs into the box scoring goals. Meanwhile the search for a club bouncer type DM continues or does it?

  77. smithy

    Jul 28, 2014, 15:47 #54405

    I hope a central midfielder of a water carrying type is a priority- a shield for the back 4.A real nasty Bas**** would be just the ticket to do what other teams do to us.I am not convinced Arsene will do it but I think it will the difference btw progress and Standing still.Fingers crossed.

  78. Tony Evans

    Jul 28, 2014, 15:34 #54404

    Ron - Yes it is always the lack of funds argument that is used to defend Wenger, which conveniently glosses over the suicidal tactics, woeful defensive displays and too much emphasis on possession with no end product, that we see all too often. As you say the side of 2002-04 had the strength of character and experience to 'ad lib' so to speak, covering up the flaws in Wenger's insistence on style over substance. Style is great and will win you many plaudits, but not the games big prizes unless it is backed up by tactical awareness, grit, determination and that all important will to win. Unfortunately Wenger does not appear to see it that way, or if he does, is incapable of coaching the missing elements into the team. Love him or loath him, Maureen, over at Chelsea does and can, and I will be very surprised if the title doesn't end up at Stamford Bridge - let's hope not anyway.

  79. 4th Place Anyone?

    Jul 28, 2014, 15:14 #54403

    Sanchez is the type of player we needed this time last year and could be mentioned as an eventual replacement for RVP. Debuchy is replacing Sagna and Ospina for Fabianski. Chambers is going to replace Jenkinson. I certainly won't be high fiving other Gooners due to our new strength in depth. Wilshere is not the answer to our defensive midfield conundrum and will be injured at some stage. Arteta was shown up in the Citeh, Liverpool and Chelski away games. We can't band aid this area of the pitch any longer. Go get Khedira, Bender (can't wait to buy the replica shirt) or Carvalho.

  80. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2014, 14:50 #54402

    @Ron, There's not enough sampling data to determine if Jack Wilshire as DM alongside Ramsey + one other works or not. The Villa game may not give a true reflection as Kosielny was sent off + 2 penalties awarded against us. Only 3 further games with Jack as DM in PL & ECL, all 3 games were won against Fenerbahce x2, 2-0, 3-0 & Spurs 1-0. With no goals conceded in those 3 games the jury is still out. They also played together in the 0-2 defeat v Chelsea in Cap One Cup but we fielded a generally weak team.

  81. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 14:05 #54401

    Tony - your last sentence of 57591 takes all. I think you can take it as read that his tactical methods wont alter. When you look at it in context of Wengers reign, his best side of 2002 - 2004 didn't need coaching in the PL games. It coached itself and in many of the games the players ad libbed to rescue situations so often. They needed coaching in the CL though and didn't get it, hence they flopped in it. In the years since that team, coaching has been much needed as the emergence of Chelsea and City has impacted on the PL in terms of the way those teams are financed and set up. Wenger has either chosen not to bother, thinking his teams are above the need for structure and system or he hasn't the nous and tactical ability to do it. I suspect its partly both but mainly the latter. Either way, the drought has happened and its the lack of expertise on his part that's equally so the factor in the drought occurring as lack of funds ever has been. Wenger's supporters (at least those on here) only ever mention financial shackles for the teams demise as its nice and convenient isn't it.Like you, I'm of the view that you can pack a team with some of the best players and without a reliable system and certainly without any attention to opponents (Wengers admitted forte) it wont yield results. Its hardly rocket science is it.

  82. Jim

    Jul 28, 2014, 13:48 #54400

    We must now be approaching that time of the year when Finsbury Joe and all his AMG spud mates start predicting doom and gloom such as seventh place finishes,shifts of power and the general malaise of Arsenal football club.

  83. CT Gooner

    Jul 28, 2014, 13:42 #54399

    I'm with AMG, sign a defensive midfielder and we can call this transfer window a success. Cleared off almost all the dead weight / signed a wide forward, who can likely also play through the middle / brought in a young defender with talent (unlike Djouru or Senderos) / replaced Sagna (my feeling is with like) & brought in a good keeper to promote competition.

  84. Tony Evans

    Jul 28, 2014, 13:24 #54398

    Can't really read too much into this result, except to say that the quality holding midfielder we are desperately lacking was all too evident in their absence. If we sign one up then I for one will be pleased with the summer transfers (excepting poss CB issue);who wouldn't be when you think of some of the ones gone by in recent years. However just as important will be our style of play, how we 'set our stall out' and vary our tactics to suit the opposition. If that remains the same I don't think it would matter much who we signed!

  85. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 13:13 #54397

    TJ - Hi mate. Yes, agree totally, its just that there's nobody else is there! He is hopeless v better quality defenders as you say, but then hes not alone is he, there are quite a few in that squad who excel v weaker teams and disappear as if they've entered the Bermuda triangle v the best sides. Mr Wilshere, Mr Cazorla, Mr Walcott, Mr Gibbs to name but 4.

  86. TJ

    Jul 28, 2014, 12:50 #54396

    A fair point Ron, but Giroud really is the slowest of all... It doesn't matter against lesser teams as we saw last season but I'm sure you'd agree that he got marked out of games pretty easily against the bigger sides last campaign?

  87. Bard

    Jul 28, 2014, 12:39 #54395

    Good post Kev. I dont see us buying another striker either but as I have said previously so far we have only made 1 significant addition, Sanchez. We need at least 2 more substantial players to stay competitive. I didnt see the NY game but its a micky mouse marketing exercise anyway. Something to be got out of the way. It will be interesting to see how long we go before Wenger comes out with the WC fatigue excuse. I suspect about the beginning of Sept if things dont go well. I await the odds from Westiie. Meanwhile in the my new guise as the disciple of all disciples I will follow the great mans every move in the transfer window with baited breathe.

  88. Graham Simons

    Jul 28, 2014, 12:32 #54394

    Well for years we've been calling for our Arsenal back and this season it seems we've got it. Business done and done early. I know we've generally looked at temporary solutions to problems dictated by our financial restraints and this season it seems we haven't had to but I can't help agreeing over Vermaelen. I think few gooners would be happy to see the captain leave. In an ideal world we're looking for a centre back who can cover in central midfield. We have two players on the books who can actually do this - Djourou and Vermaelen. I'm not a fan of Johann but surely Thomas can be deployed in the role and resurrect his Arsenal career.

  89. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 12:23 #54393

    TJ - and have no aerial ability in the team whatsoever mate? That cant be right can it? Speed isnt needed to lead a line. Drogba had little, Shearer had little.Van Nistelroy was cumbersome. What they did have was a Coach who used their strengths. They were in or near the box when needed, muscling off the last defender. Giroud isnt in their class of course but he is good in the air, if nothing else. His Coach expects him to track back, link up play with midfield and play in others. Its his Coach that's the problem, not so much the player. OG has strengths that he rarely has to use, sacrificed in the wider interest of tippy tap, tip and flick.

  90. TJ

    Jul 28, 2014, 12:12 #54392

    The fact that the Catalan press praised Dick Law for his work in negotiations over Sanchez probably indicates the board won't defer to Wenger now. In any case, so far so good. We need another centre back (I'd go with Nastasic, a holding midfielder (Carvalho/Schneiderlin) and I'd actually play Podolski or Sanchez through the middle and sell Giroud- he's way too slow to lead the line.

  91. Ron

    Jul 28, 2014, 12:10 #54391

    Good player Tim Cahill. It doesn't take much to take Wilshere out, yet hes Wengers erstwhile new DM lynchpin. (To quote Jeff 'Yawn' and 'you couldnt make it up'). Add to this Wengers pathetic whinge and comments - 'we were physically dominated' and you have same old, same old at AFC. Only a two penny halfpenny holiday time freindly but so tiresome and oh so utterly predictable, along with his whining, groaning and bellyaching about 'not having a proper pre season' etc etc. Even by Wengers standards, hes getting his excuses in early this year isnt he. If its starts badly, what price his resignation before Xmas Kev?

  92. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jul 28, 2014, 11:47 #54390

    Chambers is good business. Obviously only potential at this point but very exciting. So far so good this summer in fairness to the Club. Credit where it is due. I wonder what has changed behind the scenes. No doubt there is more money available to the manager. I would love to know who is doing the deals. Please dont pull up now though. A real quality power house in midfield, another CB and in a dream world another out and out forward and we have a serious chance. Surely we could pinch Remy on the cheap now he has failed a medical.

  93. AMG

    Jul 28, 2014, 11:20 #54389

    Thanks Kevin, a welcome return to the world of Arsenal. A top class striker and one of either Khadeira (probably asking for too much in wages) or Bender (my personal choice) and this transfer window can be hailed as an unprecedented success under Wenger. Here's hoping!