The Postman Finally Scores T̶w̶i̶c̶e̶,̶ ̶T̶h̶r̶i̶c̶e̶, (What comes after thrice?)

Online Ed – Emirates Cup Weekend

The Postman Finally Scores T̶w̶i̶c̶e̶,̶ ̶T̶h̶r̶i̶c̶e̶, (What comes after thrice?)

Saturday – Nice to see Sanogo score four times, and Joel Campbell appear in an Arsenal shirt after all these years. Benfica’s mix and match side started with about three players who began May’s Europa League Final. They weren’t exactly at full strength, and played at times like they had never been on the same football pitch before. There may be an element of truth in this, and it is certainly a reason not to read too much into pre-season run outs. Then again, you could make the same argument about Arsenal. Taking the FA Cup Final starting eleven, only two of that side began against Benfica. So what we can conclude is that Yaya Sanogo can finish, and – regards the goal conceded, concentration isn’t as sharp as it will need to be when the real thing begins against Palace on 16th August. The crowd were thrilled to see Alexis make a cameo appearance, and he did look sharp, interested and full of tricks. One imagines his first three or four appearances may be curtailed after 70 minutes, as he plays his way to match fitness, but he certainly does not look like he overdid the fajitas on post World Cup Mexican holiday.

As for Sunday, a stronger staring line-up, and facing a Monaco side whose season starts a week earlier than Arsenal’s, so presumably a little further along the road where sharpness is concerned. The goal that won the game was disappointing to concede. Koscielny seemed to lose Falcao although I have read elsewhere that he was relying on an offside line that wasn’t happening. On the Saturday I noticed Calum Chambers doing a lot of barking at centre back – which I always like to see. However, if Koscielny and the new boy are to begin against Palace, their understanding needs to improve pretty quickly. Going forward, Arsenal looked better with Alexis in the centre after the interval than they did with Giroud in the first half. Granted, Giroud is not match fit by a long way, but the pace and angles of Alexis’ runs were what made the difference. Giroud is a player that gets soaked into the play behind him, a hold up man. This can work if you have two forwards playing off each other, but in the Gunners’ formation with two wide attackers, however mobile they may be, it showed that they are slightly handicapped by having a relatively immobile target man isolated in the middle. It will be interesting to see how the season develops where the Frenchman is concerned, but my suspicion is he may become a last 20 minute battering ram, starting the odd match against less resistant opposition in the way Bendtner was used last season when he was still being considered as an option.

There is lots of talk about the Khedira deal not being dead just yet. That he seems to be a big buddy of Ozil might tempt him to make the move rather than wait for a Bosman next summer. It partly depends on his ambition – whether maxing out on income means more to him than playing. Alexis Sanchez could see the writing on the wall once Barcelona bought Luis Suarez, and he wasn’t even starting habitually last term. I suspect his pay packet has increased a little at Arsenal, but then, I imagine so would Khedira’s. It really depends on how happy a player is to sacrifice a year of his career when he knows he will mainly be on the bench. Let’s hope he wants to play regularly and decides to move to London. It is indisputably the one area of the team which needs strengthening.

This pre-season was always going to be a rather disjointed one, and the strength of the squad will be important in the first month as the returning World Cup players are not going to be playing every match. The club could have done without a Champions League qualifier, and there are some decent sides that could cause an upset. I suspect we will see stronger line-ups in those matches than certain of the early Premier League games. That draw is on Friday. Arsenal’s opponent is most likely to be one of Atletico Bilbao, Copenhagen, Besiktas, Lille or Panathinaikos, although this is dependent on the midweek 2nd legs for these clubs.

Next Sunday at Wembley will hopefully be an enjoyable day out, although it is still a pre-season warm up game when all is said and done. Nice to win, but no-one mourns too long if it doesn’t happen. If Arsenal are beaten by a hatful, I might retract that though. It would be re-assuring if they looked like they could go toe-to-toe with City’s players in their individual battles. The first issue of The Gooner this season goes on sale for that game. We will have a seller on the route from Wembley Park tube station and hopefully another covering the Wembley Stadium station. The issue has just gone to press and features Alexis on the front cover.

And to finish a habitual mention for a new book that I have co-authored with Alex Fynn. It’s a sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here.

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    Aug 10, 2014, 20:44 #55146

    maguiresbridge, no sniping, no crowing, no chickening-I am the Birdman of Alcohol!

  2. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:39 #55145

    Excellent stuff CORNISH and the walk around the ground is an event. Used to do that at Arsenal after half time on a dull day in the 70s and go from the north bank into the west stand. We are looking towards interesting times having gained promotion. Never thought I would see myself looking forward to extra FA prelims but am a bit nervous. All good fun. Good result for Arsenal but with a weak Citeh under less pressure than Arsenal with CL qualification on the horizon, there is much to come. Where we once had '**** off down the lane' now we wait for Fred to do his bit .... on your marks - I'll start it for yer ... lol .... lol This site really is on it's last legs. Hello MacGuire!

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:14 #55141

    BADARSE, no crowing? i don't know what you have to crow about we're all pleased with the win. But it didn't last long with you did it, about two sentences.

  4. Pete

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:07 #55139

    Great performance today and you'll all be pleased to know that no WOB's were taking flying lessons. I see only Jeff has been mildly negative about the Gunners showing so should have some interesting posts. However I bet even MARCUS must have been QUIETLY impressed,shame if Ron's not posting anymore as he used to say some amusing stuff. I thought the defence were excellent today.

  5. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 10, 2014, 19:29 #55138

    jjetplane. First team I supported - Barnet in the Athenian League. Saw Exeter a couple of times in the '60s while on holidays in Devon. Lived in Bournemouth area for nearly 20 years. Saw George Best play for them. Loved it when they beat Man Utd. in the cup. Saw Poole Town a couple of times a few years ago, when they had a good cup run. So close to the opposition keeper for a bit of sledging, then at half time walk round to the other end for another go. Truro City is now my nearest/biggest lower league side. (The only Cornish club playing in the top ten tiers) Unfortunately they were shafted by a dodgy chairman recently. 12th man at The Oval :)


    Aug 10, 2014, 19:27 #55137

    No crowing from me, but it was a good performance, wasn't it? I think once Alexis' body catches up with his brain, (two weeks or so), he will be devastating for us. His movement was remarkable, and will tie defenders in knots once he can sustain that head of steam he needs to ask questions of the PL opponents. Three good goals to win a showpiece game, the last an excellent strike, (did you enjoy it as much as I did MARCUS?). I began yelling, jumped up ran to the door, called the people who were not watching and they all came a-running to see it. A tremendous strike. One for jj, I too think Ron was the best poster. He had mastered the art and I never will, so respect there. My gripes were with the attitude when someone opposed, never with his knowledge or posting ability. I for one expect him, and would like him back-I genuinely hope I am correct. More silver polished required!

  7. Fred

    Aug 10, 2014, 18:16 #55132

    hahaha .... lol ... wobs amgs feeling a bit deflated today ... they really wanted to celebrate ... but they cant ... arsenal didnt lose! ... in fact they were the best side ... they will recover in couple of hours and tell us why the result didnt matter .... as certainly as they would have told us it did matter if the result had gone the way they wanted and arsenal lost ... that most be worth a lol! ... a couple of lols ... lol...

  8. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2014, 15:43 #55129

    CORNISH good to hear you. Was down Exeter way for a couple of years so took up watching them. Saw some great games and always remembered watching Bournemouth take Exeter apart and was very impressed. When I move around I like to watch the local stuff. Love lower league football and the general culture and am happily watching 9th tier in 'the pyramid' currently. Afternoon Fred ... lol ...

  9. A Cornish Gooner (Arsene Sceptic)

    Aug 10, 2014, 14:13 #55125

    jjetplane. Agree, RON was always the best poster on here. He'll be missed I'm sure. Good luck to your team next weekend. (Dave Bacuzzi & Ron Greenwood ex club members) Why the Bournemouth mention?

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 10, 2014, 13:56 #55123

    DW, I agree it's sad how low the AKB moonies have stooped to defend their messiah, really scraping the barrell is that all they have left? I'm surprised some of them hadn't/haven't more self respect.But at least it's showing them all up for what they really are, and proving a lot of others right in the process.

  11. Fred

    Aug 10, 2014, 13:47 #55122

    hahaha ... lol@jjetplane .... all the wobs and amgs are good guys .... and the guys that dont agree with them are all the baddies .... jjetplane has not forgot to how to act in the playground ... he dont know any other way to act! .... typical self denial whinging whining carping bleating negative doom mongers ... if only everyone else could see the world through their blinkered view ... its always someone elses fault their unhappy ... lol

  12. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2014, 12:03 #55112

    RON was always the best poster on here and certainly the most informative and as good players throw it in with Arsenal to move on to something more sensible and grown-up, so interesting voices on here will drift away. Not because they are pigeons (still sniping) but because they have clean forgot how to act in 'the playground'. BADARSE - you are the self-appointed head boy and PETE can take the dinner money from the weaker ones. What can I say - Jeff Wright was always right and good for you MARCUS for having a soul for Arsenal and massive respect to BARD who really is worth taking note of. MacGuire - you always the man .... Right Hailsham in the cup next week and I need to get down to Bornemouth soon. ps Nasri sounds a changed man. What a lot can happen under a coach not spoiled by cheap riches. Might even take up RON's offer and read that article even if it is for some **** Tory rag. On the other hand Scholesyyy in the Indy should be well worth perusing for those who can read, see and listen. Ha ha & the backtrackers! .... Enjoy the game.

  13. Westlower

    Aug 10, 2014, 11:34 #55110

    @Ron, Sorry to see you go but understand why you are signing off. Haven't read Gary Neville's article but he usually attempts to be constructive in his views. That's all you can ask of any fair minded journalist. He's on relatively safe ground predicting AFC may not win the title in the short term, given the strength of CFC, Man City & a revived Man U. I feel Liverpool will struggle to sustain last season's improvement. What gives me hope, is the expected improvement in the younger players at Arsenal. No reason why Gibbs, Ramsey, Wilshere, Ox, Walcott, Sanogo, Chambers, won't go on to a better level. Jenkinson & Gnabry going out on a seasons loan will add to the mix next season. Fingers crossed we can get a good replacement for TV. Surprised that Sunday Express Northern correspondent John Richardson tips AFC to win the title. Differing opinions will continue to enrich the season. Huddersfield manager Mark Robins has left his job after a first game defeat. Wenger may have his faults but continuity & stability works for me over knee jerk style management of hire 'em, fire'em. We've got a frenetic start to the season with games coming thick & fast, so it's important we start well. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend Ron and I hope you'll rejoin us later in the season, when the daily topic is confined to football. Today's odds: Man City 7/5, AFC 11/5, Draw 13/5. First goal scorer, Ramsey 12/1.


    Aug 10, 2014, 10:51 #55109

    Then you will do for me Pete. Now stop scaring the pigeons, please. Nasri says any Arsenal fan who boos him is stupid-that should calm troubled waters. He goes on to say he is not an Arsenal fan, does not come from London and is just someone furthering his career. No surprise there then gentlefolk.

  15. Pete

    Aug 10, 2014, 10:41 #55108

    I've never hit anybody at the football and have saved a few from a hiding back in those naughty days of the 80's.When I say throwing I mean moving trouble makers away from situations.


    Aug 10, 2014, 10:26 #55107

    Morning Pete. Your opening sentence might have said the opposite-'brought up in a strict disciplinarian environment-so aversion to all authority'. My Dad was a gambler-my brother and I were told of his chaotic early life and are both non-gamblers. A child beaten usually as an adult, often beats his own child-some purposefully go the other way. When threatened there is good practise in a warning-silencing another's voice by violence can never be vindicated. I was going to say the intimidation felt has had a number scuttling off, and that even Ron had gone missing-then he posts a farewell! Despite being at the sharp end of some unfair criticism for quite a while-and am enjoying the respite-I would still encourage the posters who see me as an opponent, to continue posting. By the way, I saw the Beatles live, in July '63, and it cost me 17 and a 1/2 pence for the ticket, (Billy J.Kramer and the Dakotas were the support group).

  17. Ron

    Aug 10, 2014, 10:05 #55106

    Morning fella s. First off, most certainly moniker theft BADARSE. The little minds have to have their kicks i suppose. Any way, it s succeeded. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Its gone like the old 606 BBC message board did hasn't it and we saw what the BEEB did to that. I'm signing off anyway and can i do so by directing those of you who havent read Gary Nevilles column in the Telegraph today. Credit to that man, hes become a very precise and informed journalist. Hes reached above mere punditry from his first venture into TV for me. His latest comments set out excellently why Arsenal under under Wenger wont succeed to the point of titles. Those who are content under this regime could do worse than to take close cognizance of his words. They're very good, be they difficult reading for those who back Arsene to the hilt and for those who don't in my view. On that intended neutral note, ill bid you all farewell and i suspect a bit of a tame draw today, 4th place for the season and generally for the season 'overall' (theres an Arsene word for you!) a bit more of whats occurred for the last 6-7 years. Be good, be safe, behave, enjoy your footie where you can and may your respective Gods be with you all.


    Aug 10, 2014, 9:58 #55105

    Echoes of westlower? Johnny Vaughn discussing news on Radio 4 mentions Howard Webb, and insisted there isn't a Prem ref south of Leicester. That's food for thought, and I have thoughts for food. Two little toasted fresh croissants and a nice cuppa-thoughts stray to those poor people marooned on a mountain top starving and dehydrated.

  19. Pete

    Aug 10, 2014, 9:57 #55104

    BADARSE,I was brought up in a family of strict disciplinarians and I grew up to respect those in authority.Sometimes in this world you can dialogue with people as you see on this forum and will achieve nothing.If anybody annoys me and people round me I always warn him before I take action, if the odd WOB has to be thrown for the sake of peace then so be it.


    Aug 10, 2014, 8:41 #55102

    I M A AKB? U R A WOB? U R A AMG? O, Y? I 8 2 B A AKB, E 2. NME? F I C A AMG A WOB I F T-U 2? G! OK S T 4 U A? T T T U P P P! C U. X

  21. Amos

    Aug 10, 2014, 8:14 #55101

    DW Thomas. Most of us will have our views on which players we should and shouldn't sign but few if any of us are really qualified to put anything other than a fantasy team together. Hence our opinions of who the club should sign are not a statement of intent for anyone just a list of preferences. Nobody should disagree that any exchange or sharing of views should best be conducted with respect for the opposing view. I don't think lumping all opinion together as though it's one single thought shows that respect and I can agree with your suggestion that AMG and WOB are labels with that regrettable purpose. Sadly you then go on to show the same disrespect for a view you disagree with in labelling others as AKB's. A group you don't seem to consider to be capable of 'thoughtful dissent' because apparently they only think about defending their leader. The reality is that many cogent reasoned arguments are regularly put forward that are broadly supportive of him and/or those running the club. Among those content for Wenger to continue there are many degrees of contentment - blind faith being only one extreme of opinion no better or worse than blind opposition. In labelling all those who aren't anxious to see Wenger out as AKB's you are perpetuating and feeding the lunacy you find so boring.


    Aug 10, 2014, 7:05 #55100

    Good morning DWT. I am with you , believe it or not on most things. I don't quite see things with the finality that you do, or necessarily in the purchase/sale/direction we should be taking but that's OK. My wife and I disagree sometimes over small matters. That is to be expected. Just so you know I like being a bit silly on occasions. I have also said a number of times I dislike rudeness. When rude a poster earns a rebuke or to be ignored. I never continue a feud. Two recent posters-Pete and Fred-have happened along and Pete especially is abrasive and aggressive. I am unimpressed with aggression even when 'defending' my view. There are two obvious types though. The 'in your face' Pete type, and the sniping type I have endured from the usual suspects which has been sustained for many months. I am not paranoid on this subject my friend. I invite anyone, yourself included to trawl back over the last year, substituting your moniker for my own. It would read a little differently. As an example of my position, I disagree with Bard on some issues, but respect him. He seems a good lad. My moniker has been used by rogue posters, perhaps even Ron's last night? Some are eager to insist it is me-it isn't! I don't do that, I don't hide behind other posts. This happened fairly recently when some were insistent that 'Charlie' was me. It wasn't. The 'Dark Moonie' sobriquet was aimed at those not screaming for Arsene's head on a silver platter. Like the Gooner reversal to the Sours it has been turned around and aimed back at them. All a little silly, and yes it does sometimes get out of hand. There is still no excuse for veiled aggression and spitefulness. Hope that makes a bit of sense. Normal posting will be resumed later, right now I have to go and feed a member of the family's cats. Tasks, tasks, tasks, tsk, tsk, tsk. Good old Arsenal.

  23. DW Thomas

    Aug 10, 2014, 6:21 #55099

    Sometimes the lunacy on here gets a tad boring. If you don't want to argue respectfully, why not find a better place to spout your bile. If you don't know that word, look it up, bile that is! If woe get Hummels and Khedira I will be over the moon! That is a statement of intent. I have loved Hummels since I saw him a few years ago in the CL. Funny, my autocorrect almost typed Hummus! You whiners probably like it, Hummus that is. I sure do! A spine of Hummels, Ramsey, and Sanchez? Wow, not bad, not bad at all. As for the Dark Moonies rip, I prefer Thoughtful Dissenter! AMG or WOB are so,yesterday's label. If you're gonna criticize someone for their opinion, at least know what you're talkin' bout'! Most AKBs on here seem only to think about defending their leader, "Monsieur I know eet all"! Sure, he might have a trophy or two left in the tank, but will Wenger prove us critics wrong? He's had some years now hasn't he? Lets see how the Comm. Shield goes AKBs! A good strong win and he might yet prove us wrong! Wow how the man seems to always have time for more do-overs! Will he ever get that recipe right again? The PL title glory he so misses? The CL title he never had? Will he? Won't he? Just give me a good season, a competitive season, and we can all shut up!

  24. Fred

    Aug 09, 2014, 21:55 #55097

    hahaha ... there are no gods jjetplane ... there are no devils either ... everything that makes you unhappy is your own fault ... dont blame your misery on others ... and insist that they are as miserable ... negative ... superficial ... and defeatist as you and your fellow carping whining whinging useless spoilt hangers on .... lol ... it is infectious ... laugh and the world laughs with you ... or at you in the case of wobs and amgs ... rofl ...

  25. Pete

    Aug 09, 2014, 21:55 #55096

    Every time jjetplane opens his mouth a crescendo of twaddle comes oozing out only bettered by the inept MARCUS.If he started talking any of this pony in my vicinity on match day he would soon find himself jjetplaneing towards the nearest exit.

  26. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2014, 21:04 #55095

    Ah yes - the art of mimicry. The sheer performativity of it all. Fred - you really are on to something here. Congratulations. Now if your God can just keep himself/and perhaps you in the CL for the next three years we can all plainchant or do a Wenga Wenga Hari Hari .... lol (infectious stuff that). I'm beginning to believe ... lol .... lol ... lol ...

  27. Fred

    Aug 09, 2014, 20:33 #55094

    hahaha ... haha ... ha ... lol ... no problem with listening but mimicking is what you are doing jjetplane ... if you can think you can listen to anything ... you cant think you just mimic what you are spoon fed by those who tell you what to think ... your prejudices dont let you do anything else but parrot the same old crap ... lmao

  28. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2014, 19:45 #55093

    Pray tell how you complexity of complexes knows what Durham and the rest are saying unless , oh don't tell me you download it all and then listen to it in the dark. For my own sins gave up Talksport in the last century and use 5 live for audio wallpaper when I'm chatting to such folk/s as yourself/selves. Robbie Savage is bigging up Arsenal for 3rd slot so I suggest you adjust your dial. I've got me eye on Bournemouth at the moment and very interested in what Burnley can accomplish. ps There's only one Tony Adams .... PETE you don't actually stalk WOBs do you? Takes all sorts I guess.... ps you have a nice season too.


    Aug 09, 2014, 19:28 #55092

    Blimey BADARSE, Pete's got the physique of a giant. Yes Fred, but to say he had the intellect of a midget, would be cruel to midgets.

  30. Pete

    Aug 09, 2014, 19:19 #55090

    Too right Fred,Most WOB's I've met have been spoon fed by Adrian Durham's Drivetime. They try and intimidate the AKB's at home games but it doesn't work with me. I pick them up off the ground and explain to them how they've been brainwashed, they normally then scamper off calling me every name under the sun and I never see them again. Where I sit I have made it a no WOB zone.

  31. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2014, 19:12 #55089

    FRED .... lol you seem to know all the names ... lol so I assume you listen to them ... lol or they dwell in 'your cuckoo's nest'... lol Have a good season/convalescence - you deserve it mate ... lol Just be careful if Arteta starts visiting you in the small hours. That'll be time for Nurse Murphy ... lol to up your dosage .... hahahaahahahahahah ...

  32. Fred

    Aug 09, 2014, 19:03 #55088

    hahaha... lol@jjetplane ... thinking for himself? ... yeah right ... michael owen does your thinking for you .... adrian durham does your thinking for you ... stan collymore does your thinking for you .... every hack journo trying to find a headline does your thinking for you ... talksport motd sky transfer window all do your thinking for you .... you dont think for yourself at all ... you just parrot the unthinking blinkered witterings of other non thinkers .... lol@jjetplanes freedom ... hes a prisoner of his closed mind ... chained by his blind prejudices ... rofl

  33. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2014, 18:26 #55087

    It was us real gooners who originally gave 'wenger's litte apostles' the moonie tag but as is their unoriginal view/s on everything they nicked it. Thing is - they are the silly boys who have the taste of religion so call us what you will, we know you lot are sweating at night while we luxuriate in our freedom to think for ourselves. ps we done Horsham 1-0 and believe me - this is football. Six squid with a prog. Oh our perfect joy. One word for the original Moonies - Arteta - the personification of YGL in a kit lol .... ps come on Bournemouth! I once bought a Fulham mate of mine a Beksiktas shirt ... just saying ....


    Aug 09, 2014, 17:45 #55084

    I take the dark moonies= THE DELUDED AKBS??. Or I'm i wrong?? As these folks the akbs our like a cult so putting two and two together you get the moonies another cult so dark moonies= DELUDED AKBS??

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 09, 2014, 17:18 #55081

    BADARSE, here's another one for you, Jack of all trades master of none.


    Aug 09, 2014, 17:07 #55080

    Now that we've got rid of all the Dark Moonies BADARSE what are we going to talk about? I don't know Fred? What do you want to talk about?


    Aug 09, 2014, 15:39 #55079

    The Dark Moonies are lumping us together Fred, it must seem more reassuring if they do this. Then they reduce those with alternative views to them, by fifty per cent in their own minds. It's a bit like our nonsense political voting system.

  38. Fred

    Aug 09, 2014, 15:33 #55078

    hahahahaha! bard has never heard of footballs twelfth man ! ... he doesn't even know what it means ! ... bard really has no idea that supporters can encourage their team! ... lol ... but we knew that already ... people might take notice of fans .... but nobody cares about the moaners who dont know what footballs twelfth man can do ... lol


    Aug 09, 2014, 15:08 #55077

    Here's an interesting aside. Those who think they know, and revel in the thought of knowing, yet don't really know, are known by the one person (of two), who really knows, and they afford that one person a private amusement.


    Aug 09, 2014, 15:01 #55076

    I picked the name Fred because he's really crap at football.


    Aug 09, 2014, 14:50 #55075

    hahaha Well spotted Fredarse. We are indeed one and the same person.

  42. Dark Moonies Pre-season Disco

    Aug 09, 2014, 14:26 #55073

    With DJ's Marky MARCUS and Jazzy Jeff.Who will be spinning some classic tunes.Including the Smiths'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now,The Rolling Stones 'Can't Get No Satisfaction and Paint it Black' plus 'Creedence Clearwater's 'Bad Moon Risin' and the Eurythmics 'Here Comes the Rain Again. Bartenders Happy Ron and Bonkers Bard will be serving up our own special 'Glass Half Empty Ale' so arrive early so you can hopefully be disappointed.

  43. Jose M

    Aug 09, 2014, 14:16 #55072

    Looks like we have turned the corner with the finances. Am waiting for a comment from the serial failure. If not - how about you WESTIE?

  44. Fredarse

    Aug 09, 2014, 13:53 #55071

    Shoulder to Shoulder.... lol

  45. Bard

    Aug 09, 2014, 13:42 #55070

    Pete; I thought RVP left for more money and trophies. I wasn't aware he left because the so called dark moonies had had enough of him. Its an intriguing hypothesis but according to Fred nobody takes any notice of the fans. Seems like the AKBs have their wires crossed on that one. Fred have you got your sports mixed up. I have heard of the 12th man but I thought it referred to cricket not football.

  46. stevo433

    Aug 09, 2014, 10:14 #55065

    Ha ha, Arteta new club captain, bang goes the new DM then, typical bloody Wenger.


    Aug 09, 2014, 7:54 #55064

    OK, just to lay the ghost, (though some of our ghosts have an amazing habit of resurrection), Arsene has stated that Calum Chambers is ready and he sees him as a DM. Put that together with his admission that he has never even enquired about Khedira and you can relax, as our DM is already at the club. I think we will just look for a CH-Djourrou signed permanently for Hamburg, so he won't be an option. 'Psst, got any unwanted Centre Backs?'


    Aug 09, 2014, 5:39 #55063

    Morning maguiresbridge. We are having a virtual reality Morris Dance event immediately after the game on Sunday. We imagine the 'dance off' will be around 7pm. Once the final decision is made a whistle will be blown and there will be a 'stick fight'. No purposeful destruction of tambourines will be allowed. Following this we are arranging a joyous social evening, with a 'Blow-Football' competition, and as Tongue Twisters have proved to be well supported in the past we will have an 'Extreme' competition, where the entrants will have to stand on one leg whilst delivering their verbiage. The best of the Morris Dancers will be selected from the event, and we hope to throw down the gauntlet by challenging the 'Hare Krishna Fluffy Kittens' to a very friendly marathon. Teams will be allowed five minute bursts of chanting, a five minute lay down, then they will have to go for the 'burn' with a five minute shuffle-dance. This will be repeated until one generous soul decides to concede for his/her team. There is no truth in the rumour that the Dark Moonies are planning to set up a team. The committee think that though whining and whinging can be exhausting their track record shows they can maintain this discipline for such a length of time there would be no competition. Got to sew some more little bells onto my trouser knee caps now.

  49. Pete

    Aug 08, 2014, 23:49 #55060

    I lost count of the times the Dark Moonies said on this site that they wouldn't blame Van Perse if he left.You cannot blame the manager for him leaving if you yourself have given him the green light. NUMBSKULLS.

  50. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2014, 22:32 #55058

    BADARSE, it certainly was not, i don't associate you with the van purse strings brigade at all, that when a player leaves he's left for the dough and walked out on OGL and let him down in some way and he suddenly becomes a traitor, i've never heard you(well i don't remember anyway) come out with rubbish like that, there were enough idiots at it and still are. Yes it was a good piece of business for the club and the share holders but it will be even better if he actually uses the money to strengthen the team.


    Aug 08, 2014, 22:10 #55057

    Bard I had three eyes this morning, now I have one. That is a seriously diminishing return. Guess I shall have to live with it. So we should have bought a demon striker, though probably one wasn't available, then unloaded our surplus striker this season at a loss, and continued in the same vein ad infinitum. I know there are these games of managing your own team etc, never had any truck with them and know nothing about them. However I expect they are somehow based in the real world, whereby you can only spend so much, and with funds being limited you would have to sell in order to balance the books. I have a feeling your way might not be too successful. Then again it might, in which case we are talking about a gamble, so perhaps westlower would be the one to ask. I respect your view, even though I believe it to be blinkered, it's clearly obvious mine isn't respected though. This is the underlying problem on this website. One side rails against what is, the other tries to explain the rationale, in turn they are castigated for daring to suggest that those with the ideas for change are somehow in error. It then goes to the next level of personal insults and veiled attacks. It really is quite laughable. Discussion only takes place in the first or second posts, thereafter each side becomes entrenched and the custard pies start flying. After weeks of posting we can anticipate almost exactly what will be said by individual posters. It really is the same old stuff. Arsene Wenger is no good, oh yes he is, oh no he's not. It's classic pantomime. Scholar-lager drinker: Absolve-outcome of a stomach muscle mystery: Speed-Dad saying the baby's wet it's nappy: Swede-politer way:

  52. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 22:08 #55056

    ha! ... bards arithmetic letting him down ... 10 to 12 weeks? ... how about 8 weeks ... paid for by his by his club .... signing players doesnt make a statement ... wining the fa cup makes a statement ... performance reflects support ... never heard of twelfth man? .... anyone can sing when we are winning ... thats easy .... petes right .... arsenal has some of the worst whinging whining moaning carping spoilt so called supporters any club has to suffer ... they are crap ...

  53. Bard

    Aug 08, 2014, 21:39 #55054

    Badarse; the Kallstrom story is not put to bed by your one eyed analysis.We were top of the league at the Xmas break. We were short of players and he signed a player who had a broken back and was injured for the following 10-12 weeks. He contributed nothing to the campaign. it was the only signing we made by a side who were allegedly going for the title. It was a significant statement about where the club where at that time. Pete your analysis is childish mate the idea that continued uncritical support will improve our results is absolute rubbish. Support reflects performance, if the team were performing they would get the support. The 'Dark Moonies'are not the reason Arsenal have underperformed over the last 9 years.

  54. Pete

    Aug 08, 2014, 21:16 #55053

    I think the 'Dark Moonies' have always been part of Arsenal's heritage.Sadly we can never really push on that extra mile because we always have this negativity that seems to hold us back. I remember back in the eighties as a young marine meeting many supporters of other clubs from England Scotland and Wales and the majority of them were like myself 100% behind their team.Yet on the rare occasion I would meet up with another Gooner more than often he would be as BADARSE says a 'Dark Moonie' The more of these types of fans at a club the less a club gets the rub of the green and the more the press will get away with and the less the club defended and given the backing it deserves.


    Aug 08, 2014, 20:50 #55051

    MARCUS just imagine a world where superior beings have all-consuming power and as much time on their hands as they want. They espy earth, spinning in the dark void. They create a world full of wonders with the express purpose of arriving at this point in time. With a little tweaking they allow for Arsenal FC to attain a certain status. There are many unwitting participants in their little game, let's call them fans for now. Some are allowed to develop and recognise which way is up, but, and this is where the creatures are damnably nasty, they interfere with the maturity of some-let's call them Dark Moonies to avoid confusion. They then purposely orchestrate a situation whereby AFC will always be the bridesmaid and never the bride. They know that most fans will just accommodate their sense of reality, but they also know the Dark Moonies will splutter and spit throughout eternity. Eternity of course will not be an option, all will grow old and eventually die. How they will chuckle in the meantime, just watching the Dark Moonies constantly howling at the moon.


    Aug 08, 2014, 20:27 #55050

    Again more deluded folks on here smh. Look if either arsenal is not a big club and we have always been punching above our weight for years?? Or we our a big club and only winning the pl 3 times in 18 years is not a great record which one is it folks?? Also if we have ambition to the win the pl than why in the hell is Giroud and Areta in our starting line up?? Or is our main aim to get top 4?? If its the latter than I understand why those type of c rate players our in our first eleven. The problem is this club love to always come out with bold statements about how " we can now compete with anyone and buy who we want" so those type of statements get you all excited and happy for a new dawn, than you realize it was all baloney. As we have not yet dealt with weakness from last season. So either the club just come out and tell folks we our a small club batting way above our station and maybe more folks would have better realistic targets, but all this talk of us now being able to compete is all NONSENSE!! Especially if you dont show it. Sanchez was a good buy, but we need more if we want to be that so called BIG club. Just feel another groundhog season is coming. I just dont have faith in Giroud and Arteta. Those two positions cost us big. Giroud would miss a chance and in the next minute the opposing team was scoring a goal. The man= WASTEFUL

  57. Darkside

    Aug 08, 2014, 20:17 #55048

    While my guitar gently weeps.


    Aug 08, 2014, 20:09 #55047

    Pete a reasonable guess, closer than most on here can target. I am a few years older than Ron and will always look out for him when he is stressed. We have a love/hate relationship-we love to hate each other. I was a Beatle man, and along with other influences they helped to change my life. I've always been a Lennon man, and have got into as many scrapes as him in my life. My younger brother, around Ron's age was heavily into pot and everything else, the closest I have ever come to any drug is singing Lucy in the Sky, loudly! Being a bit of a sportsman, being blessed with the looks, (the Dark Moonies will love that, and use it against me later, still once a pretty boy and all that), so I was very interested and moderately successful with females. They were always the better half of the partnership though, then I grew up and became a fifty percenter in relationships. That understanding and consideration stands me in good stead with those on the Dark side. Love music, Arsenal, cinema, theatre, AC/DC, whoops thought I was filling in a dating agency profile again. I cannot believe how fortunate I was to become an Arsenal fan, and earned the right to be called a Gooner way back, a real privilege, because we are so different. As Max Ehrmann wrote, 'With all it's sham, drudgery and broken dreams Arsenal FC is still a beautiful thing.' Carrot-when a car's fanbelt snaps: Basic-mal de mer in the Bay of Biscay: Syndrome-a very nauhty drum: Chagrin-happy sex: Good old Arsenal.

  59. Pete

    Aug 08, 2014, 19:45 #55046

    I don't think Ron and BADARSE will ever really see eye to eye.I bet both were children of the sixties, Ron was probably a skinhead who spent his time listening to rock music and chasing spuds and garnets around his manor.While BADARSE probably spent his time smoking weed and fornicating with the hippy chicks.Years have passed and Ron no longer can see the point in it all and wishes he was still in the year 71. To BADARSE every day is a bonus and wants to squeeze every drop out of Arsenal he can get.

  60. DW Thomas

    Aug 08, 2014, 19:34 #55045

    I am a idealist yet live in a world of realities. Yes, we all see moslty the same things yet differ in our opinions. There is however, something called the Rashomon effect. Many can see an event/experience something, yet all remember it differently, or at least key points. I feel like tat sometimes happens on here. Kallstrom is a player I respect, he had some class and did help when he played. But, it is signings like him that have become symptomatic of the club. Yes, we buy an Ozil or Sanchez or Arshavin. But what do we really need? At the time of announcement, many of our signings were of good players, but not really the oes we needed. Last season for example we needed a top striker but got Ozil, then passed on Cesc? To me it's all a little like a child is steering the car! If one looks at the facts surrounding the club these past 5-6 seasons and quotes from our manager and others, we should be doing much better than we are. If people are saying we should be happy with 4th and CL and essentially lower our expectations those are the fans I deem don't get it. Sport is about winning things. 38 games can bring lots of ups and downs. You can't enjoy the highs without the lows. The club speak out of both sides of their mouths and some sheeple slurp it up! Are we a big club with big aspirations or not? If the answeris yes, let's start acting like it! Not selling your captain is a good start! And I ain't just talking about Verm!

  61. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 18:36 #55044

    hahaha! ... lol @ deluded bard .... ozil joined cos they moaned ... yeah right! ... ozil joined cos wenger said ignore the villa moaners ... the purple faced swivel eyed mouth frothing knee jerkers dont matter ... we will have a street party in may ... the moaners will all pretend they have always supported us then .... all the ramsey haters will pretend they always knew he was a good un .... fair weather supporters dont count ... we can ignore them .... they just give us something else to laugh at instead of spuds ... lol


    Aug 08, 2014, 17:56 #55043

    Let's nail the Kallstrom 'fiasco', once and for all. Whether AW should have bought anyone or not is academic, he settled on a loan deal for a very good player. The circumstances were ideal. A player with bags of experience, able to plug a hole, reaching the end of his career so no aspirations beyond a wonderful six months at the Arsenal. At the eleventh hour AW was notified that he'd sustained an injury. A straight decision required, reject and quickly look for a replacement, which would have been unlikely at that stage, so effectively go without a replacement, or take a qualified loan. The loaning club paid his wages for a month I think, by which time he was more or less ready as a stand-by, which was his role-a stand-by! He performed admirably when called upon and took a superb penalty to help us reach Wembley, then we won the cup! Pastiche-meat pie on a skewer:

  63. Bard

    Aug 08, 2014, 17:43 #55042

    Always good to read your analysis Fred. I admire your uncritical loyalty. I would argue the 'moaners' at the Villa game last season contributed to us getting Ozil ( and there were quite a lot of us) . Yes your correct we didn't buy Kallstrom we took him on loan, so thats alright then.


    Aug 08, 2014, 17:36 #55041

    I guess one of the people your comments were aimed at was me, maguiresbridge. Let me explain. I was overjoyed when TV arrived and I witnessed that stunning goal at the Clock End. It wasn't just the strike but the way he moved forward, demanded the ball and hit a blistering shot. His early games had goals littered throughout and he was really a big hit, with me and I think most. His game tailed off after two or three seasons. I remember him doing his ankle ligaments against Blackburn, and he suffered a few injuries from then on. He made a number of comebacks, scoring occasionally, a last minute winner I think, perhaps against Newcastle(?), but failed on a few occasions, a slip at Loftus Road topped off a very poor performance. He hasn't made his way back, although he did play at Old Trollope and gave van Purse a goal which won the game. He was a player to be admired, seemingly with a presence-ergo Team Captain, but his train has left the station I believe. I repeat, if true £15m is good business, it gives us the money to replace. He wanted to go, and I respect his reason, to play more football. There is little venom/exuberance in a player leaving generally, unless special circumstances dictate. He has been 'leaving' for a while now so no surprise, and would be wished the best of luck, the lad deserves that. Moods, flavours and statements seem to be imagined by the Dark Moonies, along with other non-existent characteristics. Now then, Amphetamine-A South African putting on weight: Benign-CF for the reserves: Dogma-a canine mother: Porridge-got no money, got lots of money: Arable-unruly mob: Good old Arsenal.

  65. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 17:34 #55040

    ha! ... gotta feel for ron ... can not quote correctly ... only the ones that turn up and cheer matter ... not the ones that turn up looking for an excuse to moan .. they are just taking up a space for someone who will cheer ... but ron dont turn up at all so he dont matter at all .... lol

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2014, 17:07 #55039

    DW, yes another captain gone or near enough seems to have been forgotten that, but hey who cares it's good business, ten minutes after he's gone (according to some anyway) he'll be the worst in the world and just went for the money and so good riddence, replace him? yeah right. Ramsey says he'd love the captaincy maybe he'd love to play for another team more.


    Aug 08, 2014, 17:05 #55038

    Marcus, you've started shouting again. We're in the same room, we can hear you well enough. It's a pity you see only grey skies, but at least for you it isn't yet falling on your head, and you are in the right camp to avoid insults and sniping. Take radfordkennedy's advice chum, he scores pretty high in the commonsense stakes, trust me. To the man himself, yes great business as you say pal. True Bard's correct that we have to replace but £15m should look after the cover charge. Here's a quote for you radfordkennedy, 'I find red wine improves with age, the older I get the more I like it.' 24601 Big Ears.

  68. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 16:40 #55037

    Westie - suspect that you've missed the point re Tommy V. He s a player an opposing fan WANTS to see lining up for Man U. Have you not watched him for the last 5 years and if you have, what have you thought that you've seen? If 15 Mill is true, its an astonishing price but we ve ripped off Barca before what with Overmars, Petitt and Van Bronk.Nothing much changes it seems.

  69. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 16:23 #55036

    Westie - sound view mate as long as you believe that Arsenal would actually use the resources if they had them to more or less match the Chelsea's et al. There aren't many who think they would and i don't think they're far wrong.

  70. Mark Carney

    Aug 08, 2014, 16:22 #55035

    So Vermaelen goes for £15m, Vela for £12m, a couple of others for £3m combined and 11 players' contracts not renewed. Wenger's done it again, convincing the lemmings that he's showing ambition when his net spend is minimal. The man is a genius.

  71. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 16:08 #55034

    Good old Fred - You seem to really need a job ... lol...hahaha. Having said that mate, your comment about 'only those that attend every week matter' is so very true. Well said that man!

  72. Westlower

    Aug 08, 2014, 16:07 #55033

    @Marcus, On a train journey from Finsbury Park to Hatfield a few years ago, I got into an argument with a cocky young Chelsea supporter who reckoned the only AFC player that would get into Chelsea's team was Thierry Henry. His argument was not strong enough to make me give up my AFC season ticket, even though he considered the Arsenal team was made up of inferior players, compared to CFC. In recent years we have been in a relatively weak financial position & unable to match the resources of both Manchester clubs & Chelsea. The consequence of this period is that those clubs have been able to acquire superior players to AFC. I agree, that in an ideal world we would have better & quicker players than Arteta & Giroud + IMO, Podolski, Cazorla & Monreal. Until that happens anytime soon, we support them, rather than ridicule them. Logic dictates both CFC & Man C are more likely to win the PL than AFC. The bookies odds state AFC have an 86% chance of NOT winning the PL this season. There is no shame in finishing top 3/4, considering the financial advantages the other clubs have. If your mentality can't handle AFC not winning the PL, then it's probably best you've decided to stay away. It'll save you a lot of hurt & disillusionment. What gives us hope is that nothing stands still forever & success is cyclic. Our turn is coming, don't know when but come it will. The slow one now will later be fast!

  73. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 15:56 #55032

    hahaha ... ooooooh! scary! ..... wenger and the team are gonna get it in the neck big time if bard sees any mental weakness at the emirates.... i bet they are really frightened now !!! .... or more likely laughing like drains if they hear such crap ... they wont give a toss ... only those that turn up every week and cheer matter .... rofl

  74. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 15:45 #55031

    hahaha .... lol @ bard .... wenger did not buy kallstrom ... lol @ mentally weak bard on the lookout for signs of mental weakness ... lol

  75. DW Thomas

    Aug 08, 2014, 15:36 #55030

    Does anyone else find it sad that we are selling yet another captain? Sure on paper it's sounds like good business, but, TV was a pretty good player for us early on and still could be valuable. We always let players go. He had grit and steel. Sure he struggled with injuries but was put on the doghouse when Kos, Wenger's obvious Grench favorite, played well and took his spot. Yet, did TV ever get a chance redeem himself? I think not. Now, I do think most pro footballers have charmed lives, make insane money, have all this world really can offer bar being a billionaire, so I don't have too much pity on him. Is just we seem to this again and again. Cesc, RVP, and now TV. Who's next? Wilshere or Ramsey gets the armband and then they're off? Regardless the circumstances of our last 3 captains leaving, they left! What other club has done that? Name me one! The problem with this club has been consistency and completing the squad. With TV's departure we better fill his void. Otherwise it's the same old story with our club. Mertesacker out for a couple more weeks, no back up, etc, etc. but, wait we still have 3 weeks. This story repeats itself each year. If we buy a solid CB to backup Kos and Per, how long will it take to bed him in!? This reeks of incompetence again!

  76. radfordkennedy

    Aug 08, 2014, 15:15 #55029

    Marcus....stop having a pop at westie its all points of view mate,you gotta calm down otherwise your gonna end up on the nebuliser with a packet of Ramipril in your pocket like the rest of us

  77. Bard

    Aug 08, 2014, 15:11 #55028

    Pete if he's sold TVM for £15m then its good business, he might have to pay the same amount or more for a replacement but thats another argument altogether. Whether it constitutes genius is a debatable question. My view is that he is better at selling players than buying them. Up until a few years ago I might have thought differently but he seems to have lost his touch. Buying an injured Kallstrom was up there with the most stupid buys ever. In answer to a previous post you wrote I will be at the Emirates giving the team my full support but if I see any evidence of the 'mental weakness' he professes we have sorted he and the team will get it in the neck big time.

  78. radfordkennedy

    Aug 08, 2014, 14:42 #55027

    £15mil for TV!,are they sure they've got the right bloke,they must be paying him 1.l 7.s and 6.d a week,thats an incredible bit of business he's crap.


    Aug 08, 2014, 14:31 #55026

    @Westlower. What are you talking about?? I have watched Giroud for 2 seasons straight and STILL BELIEVE HES NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! Its got nothing to do with emotion its called THE REALITY. See last season we got three reality checks i.e the maulings we took at the hands of man city, chelsea and liverpool also we had everyone fit when we played man city and got beat 6-3 so the excuse of injuries cant be uttered there. Also I base all my comments on hours of watching both giroud and arteta and I have come to the conclusion you cant win the pl with them in your first 11 its NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Its called being a reasonable person and taking off your bias hat as an arsenal fan which is what I always do when judging players. It has nothing to do with being emotional after a bad game. I have never rated both Giroud and Areta, not when they have a bad game. I have been consistent from the get go with my analysis of those two. So your analogy is all wrong from where im coming from. Im coming from a reasonable unbias point of view. So let me ask you this would Giorud start for any of our so called main rivals?? Also would Arteta start for any of our so called rivals. Namely man city, chelsea, liverpool and united?? I know the answer already but I want to hear defensive you come up with for them starting for those above mentioned teams smh.

  80. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 14:29 #55025

    hahaha @ ron preaching about change ... and regularly harking back to the 70s when he sez all football was good .... lol @ ron whining about others thinking they have a monopoly on wisdom .... then chucking insults out to all those not bowing to his wisdom .... lol @ ron and penny pinching ... lol @ ron ... lol

  81. Pete

    Aug 08, 2014, 14:21 #55023

    Wenger truly is a genius and leaves all others in the shade and while all these other tuppeny happeny clubs who think their so great will always buy up our unwanted dross like Van Persestrings,Sagna weirdo head and the man Nasri from the planet Lesbostasio. It's another great bit of business in getting £15 million for another player not good enough for Arsenal but plenty good enough for Barca. We'll give you Vermi you give us Sanchez.If it was the other way round the media circus nuts and the AAA would be exploding. Have to give it Arsene he's always known a good deal and very rarely comes out worse from any deal.

  82. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2014, 13:29 #55019

    Good to hear selling a player takes care of a spoilt brat's wage for a year. The logic is really fantastic! Next up Wally? If we sell him, you get another ranch and I can have a castle built in France. Not so sure about a fast food franchise though. Remember - I am the original chickenman. So let's sell organic chicken and fries for rich, discerning AWBs. That's what my followers are called! Blessed is Broccoli! Blessed are you and me .....


    Aug 08, 2014, 12:30 #55016

    At the end of 'I wanna be your man.', by the Beatles, Ringo sings, 'woof, woof.' John Lennon had said, 'Bow now!', Ringo thought he had said, 'Bow Wow.' Verminator ready to depart abroad, and not to MU, so frustrating them, with us creaming in £15million-good business.

  84. Westlower

    Aug 08, 2014, 12:20 #55015

    @Jeff Re your complaint that AW was delaying the TV transfer over a 'piddling amount of money.' If the reports are true, a fee of £15m has been agreed with Barcelona. With Wenger rejecting the opening bid of £7m, wanting at least £10m, he has paid his own wages for a year, from the extra £8m generated. The bonus being Man U have been denied a player they wanted. Win, win, win! What an astute manager we have.

  85. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 12:19 #55014

    Right back at you Badarse verbatim. Your patriarchal lecturing dressed up as wisdom sucks similarly. Indeed you're often told as much yet rarely take heed. Perhaps you should? It might avoid you getting an enormous hump when such as i choose not to bow to you?

  86. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2014, 12:13 #55013

    Ron, Ouch.


    Aug 08, 2014, 12:06 #55011

    Ron you follow a usual pattern. You grab some unconnected fact and rework it to suit, you lace your words with flimsy assumptions and slip in insults left, right, and centre. You play to the gallery in such a pompous and bumptious fashion, just to win approval from your acolytes. On a considered appraisal, my desire for change would dwarf your needs. Take AFC and Sky TV out of the equation and what else do you have? It seems all about griping, with a regular monotonous theme. I think you have dug yourself into a hole so that the all too familiar whinging and whining has become systematic. For goodness sake try to be more positive, we are all a long time dead and that grim reaper approaches, looking both for thee and me.

  88. Pete

    Aug 08, 2014, 11:58 #55010

    I suppose if Cromwell was prime minister now we wouldn't have to worry about Arsenal as sport would be banned. He was a very forward thinking man and probably banned all sports because he saw how it took over a mans thought process and he'd probably met a few WOB characters from the 16th Century like MARCUS and Jeff and didn't want to inflict them on society.

  89. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 11:28 #55009

    Oliver Cromwell thought and more or less said the same thing Badarse after he d cut a Kings head off. As his exasperation with demand for change grew and his annoyance witn the sources of it as a result of his own bungled and tyrannical efforts as leader foundered, his own head was eventually lost. What ultimately occurred after much teething problems, as a result of a move for change was a constitution that's stood the test of time for the better. The moral of the story is that change can and does often occur for the better and that sycophants whose view mirror yours and who revel in poo pooing others views on change don't hold a monopoly on wisdom. Moreover, if the World was ever permanently populated by those in your corner who live in fear of change, it beggars belief what would become of things. It doesnt folow that those who Burns spoke of really thought they could run a Country. He maybe resented alternative perspectives as your posts often do and therefore made the quote at risk of re inforcing his own known pompous pr-ck status.He and Cromwell had much in common it seems! The word 'corner' here is used intentionally too. Once more your post is yet more finger wagging and as JJ mentioned yesterday is quite sanctimonious. Ponder on yourself perhaps?


    Aug 08, 2014, 10:03 #55007

    Time I introduced a bit of levity into discussions. To those opposed to Arsene Wenger and AFC, in whichever proportion you see fit, I offer this to all of you in your corner. The wonderful George Burns once said, 'Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair.' This isn't meant to be glib, though some might deserve such a response. I see it as a moment to ponder. So ponder away chaps-oh, and the choice of the word corner was intended, :-) Good old Arsenal. Trouble-Yorkshire hardcore: Attest-an exam: Triple-cause Paul to fall down: Manufacture-chap confronting his girlfriend's lover:

  91. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 9:47 #55006

    Westie - im sad to say mate that in my view the foreign Coaches who land the plum jobs at the top clubs are better than english/British counterparts really. Theyve played in and coached in and been trained in more sophisticated footballing cultures, where Charles Hughes type tactics and methods arent heard of as amazingly they still are here.See John Beck and Co installed in Burton on Trent as we speak. Can i say as well that they seem far more intelligent as men to start with. We still hold Harry Redknapp in high regard here, the man who cant start up a computer or load an app to his phone(allegedy!!)A lot of the english coaches we ve known were schooled in kick and rush, played it too. Im hoping that the new breed younger guys will prove different. Id love to see an english coach win the title at Arsenal.Its one Club that's lost its way and been overcome by foreign cosmopolitan attitudes. The balance has been skewed for years away from its english roots. As you say, the money helps a lot. Of course it does. PS Ive met Paul Lambert at Villa and been to Bodymoor Heath many times to see Villa train. He s an impressive guy and so are his team. Sadly he works on a shoestring at present so his profile cant be raised to propel him to be the new Chelsea or City boss etc etc. They need the chances and for Clubs bosses to look beneath the surface of what a coach is doing.Really hope Villa do OK and Keane there is a positive idea for them. Rate them highly as a Club and the massive support deserves much better.If they had an Aaronvitch/Mansour, they would fly. They could get 75-80000 crowds if they had the momentum that would give them.

  92. Ron

    Aug 08, 2014, 9:31 #55005

    Westie - Ha ha. Morning mate. You started it!! ha. You 'loaded' your question in such a way as to try and pre empt the answer, you naughty lad! All good stuff.

  93. Westlower

    Aug 08, 2014, 9:24 #55004

    'Ron Yes there have been plenty of foreign disasters as coaches but I come back to my recent post that links success with mega-rich clubs. At Chelsea silverware has been won by every foreign coach with the exception of AVB & Ranieri. All the following won trophies, Hiddink, Grant, Vialli, Guillit, Benitez, Ancelotti, Di Matteo & Mourinho. The last English coach at CFC, Hoddle won zilch in his time there although he did reach a FA Cup final. Mancini & Pellegrini have reaped the rewards of coaching for owners who have spent excessive sums of money. Are these foreign coaches any better than their English/British counterparts? Probably not, but realistically, success is directly proportional to money invested. Most coaches, whatever nationality can be successful at clubs devoid of inhibiting financial constraints.

  94. AMG

    Aug 08, 2014, 8:47 #55002

    Markus, you make some good points, keep fighting mate. Giroud is pretty incongruous for Arsenal under Wenger, which makes it that much harder to understand why he sticks with him. When he's had Wright, Bergkamp, Anelka, Henry, Adebayor, RVP, how can he stick with that useless lump? - Lovely guy though I'm sure he is - Even the likes of Kevin Campbell and John Hartson were better than poor Olivier, never mind Kanu and Wiltord who could exhibit more skill in 1 turn than Giroud does all season. Almost all of the strikers mentioned above were signed by Wenger (notice I forgot about Franny?), so where is our top striker now when we need him most? Proof if ever it was needed than Wenger has lost his mojo, sad but true. On a completely different point, if Manchester United and Barca are desperate to sign Vermaelen, maybe he's worth keeping - 2 clubs that have won slightly more than 1 FA cup in 9 years, probably know better than our Arsene - Truth is it's just another failure of Wenger's non-existant squad rotation.

  95. Westlower

    Aug 08, 2014, 8:39 #55001

    @Marcus, If the running of the club were in your extreme, illogical hands, they'd be nobody left after we put in a poor performance. You cannot run a football club on emotion alone. As for AMG'S being the only decent supporters? Is giving up your season ticket part of your decent support? @Ron, You naughty politician, you substituted British for English.

  96. Amos

    Aug 08, 2014, 8:35 #55000

    Ron's right in that the sports science based methods that Wenger employed existed before he employed them at Arsenal. I don't think he has ever been credited with creating sports science but he has been fairly credited with implementing it in its modern form at Arsenal. As westlower points out irrespective of how many were talking about it Wenger got on with doing it while at the same time Hoddle was promoting the powers of faith healing as England coach!. In the process Wenger successfully extended the careers of some players that were already there and enhanced the performance of the squad of players. As a consequence of his success with those methods he encouraged a wider adoption of those methods in the English game while Eileen Drewery was less successful. In the history of sports science at the time does Wenger warrant being denounced as a con artist or could that be more fairly directed elsewhere in the English football coaching establishment of the time?

  97. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 23:14 #54993

    Badarse - if AW had have gone through the AFC dressing room dressed in a Wild Bill Hickock outfit shooting everybody between the eyes who had ever had a half shandy you would say that he was on a humane cull serving the greater good. Wenger didn't 'implement' anything out of the ordinary and certainly did nothing unique. He encouraged players to be responsible for their own actions.Some saw it as a reasonable request, others didn't and were drummed out. Ask Merson. All Clubs were doing/had done it. It had happened at Liverpool in the 80s and was attributed in many ways to their dominance. AF at Utd had done it in 1986 at Utd, sacking those that wouldn't comply and helping those that would. Brian Little and John Gregory purged Villa pre Wenger and the Club pushed for titles. Booze culture had ran its course by the time the PL was born more or less.It just so happened that at Arsenal there was still a high proportion of drunks vis the size of the squad by the time Wenger arrived. Wenger simply got rid of the ones that didnt change their ways as well as the social ringleaders and repeated what had been done before elsewhere. Whats so revolutionary about that. Westie - whats the relevance of your question? 5 Clubs have won the PL. 2 had British coaches. A high proportion id say in an era where Clubs have thought only foreign would open the keys to the promised land. Youre best analyzing the legions of foreign disasters as coaches if you really need some thing to do. Some of you seriously need to take your blinkers off.


    Aug 07, 2014, 23:04 #54991

    Wenger's a busted flush,He's inspector clueless,He's completely inept at all he does.We need to SPEND SPEND SPEND. He's got to go/We're miles behind everyone else/lower ticket prices.spend some b-l-o-o-d-y money.AKB's are taking this club down/sack the board.Broken promises/My old mans a mushroom.Too much dead wood/Too many injuries.sack the medics.No passion/no atmosphere.AMG's only decent supporters/Gave up my season ticket/Had enough of this mediocrity.Too many basic errors/Players arn't good enough.Spend some money.


    Aug 07, 2014, 22:35 #54988

    @Westlower. Please tell me you did not just compare Giroud to Van Nistlerooy & Drogba?? Also you say Drogba was slow??? He was never as slow as Giroud even now at age 37 he is faster than Giroud says it all really no?? Also Van Nistlerooy was again never as SLOW as Giroud. Also both were way better players and lethal finishers than Giroud. So again your comparing him to players who if playing for us in their primes against Giroud he would not even get a start smh. Giroud for me is average at best and below average most of the time. I JUST DONT RATE THE GUY I'M SORRY. You cannot win the pl with a c rate striker never has been done in this modern pl especially for the last 15 years. Also you dont have to be lighting quick to be a good striker look at Ibrahimovic again he is not as slow as Giroud lool. Again i cant think of any strikers as slow as Giroud?? Also being big is not an excuse to be slow. Its all about genetics. Adebayor is 6ft3 the same as Giroud and hes not slow. Thierry Hnery is 6ft2 and he or still is not slow. Again all genetics. Also look at Klose or Van Nistlerooy I would also add Manzudic who we should have bought smh. They all have box intelligence and know what do when in the box i.e great positional movement and deadly finishers again Giroud is neither. I just dont understand why wenger has not bought in a striker. Is he going to play Sanchez through the middle?? @Bard Well I thought we had the money now to buy ANYONE?? Also if we cant buy those tier 1 strikers why did we not buy a level below that I.e mandzukic was available this summer but we did not bid. Quite a few strikers where available this summer but nope. I hope we play Sanchez through the middle.

  100. BADARSE

    Aug 07, 2014, 22:25 #54987

    I raise a stella to you radfordkennedy, you know you are missed, I am too when I disappear, though they miss me like a headache. Here's a funny thing, in the late 70's-early 80's I was gung ho about recycling and people thought I was a half-wit, well they were fifty percent right. Then it came into vogue, it gathered pace and with the conniving politicians sensing a 'green' vote it's come to the fore. Now people around tell me how important it is. Ron, Arsene Wenger changed the English booze culture at the club, earned respect from being at every training session and as ex players will attest earned the respect he thoroughly deserved with his alternative instructions. Diet figured high on the list, as steak and chips before a game gave way to light pasta and fish or soups. Not krypton factor stuff with our knowledge now, but nearly twenty years ago quite revolutionary. Others may have talked of this in the mid-eighties, Arsene Wenger implemented it at Arsenal in the mid-nineties.

  101. jjetplane

    Aug 07, 2014, 21:41 #54986

    Good stuff RON and the idea of the Messiah is laughable when you see that irritated temperament borne out of pathological arrogance, cornered by a few easy going reporters giving him a soft ride. How will he react if things go really pear-shaped. Surely such an attractive club is begging for an appropriate personae to lead it. The likes of Adams and Parlour are cases of them being their own men and some do get over the booze. Do not think some detached economics man could possibly have caused such an awakening. Just part of the times of which are steadily proceeding without Arsene if he is not careful. Does he really understand the hunger for a success beyond his own? Hull were drawing last I heard/ Football .....

  102. Westlower

    Aug 07, 2014, 21:23 #54985

    @Ron, Hoddle played under Wenger at Monaco from 87-91, maybe that's where he picked up his 'revolutionary' ideas? Where the English coaches failed dismally at that time, was getting their players off the booze. What's your theory as to why no Englishman has ever managed to win the PL?

  103. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 21:18 #54984

    JJ - ....and Peter Taylor too plus Coppell, though i never ever saw Coppell to speak live.

  104. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:58 #54983

    JJ - waht always irritates me about Wenger is that old tired myth still peddled by sections of the media as wel as his acolytes amongst the fans that he came over here preaching a new unheard of gospel re diet, body care, stretching, rest and all sorts of tantric stuff plus the stuff of ice baths, warm baths, breathing routines, training wear, isotonic training facilities etc etc etc. Its the biggest loads of bollocks that gets spouted about the man. As a kids Coach in the mid to late 80s i heard these guys at coaching forums talk of all this stuff 1. Jim Smith 2. Venables 3. Ron Greenwood 4. Hoddle (who was still a spud but very involved in childrens coaching even then)4. Graham Turner in the old 3rd Div. Hosts of others on cassette tapes they used to present too. All the ideas that get attributed to Wenger were there 10 years before his time. He got lucky as ppl were listening more by the mid 90s thats all. All the changes would have occurred without him.Some of these dumb toadies who see him as some kind of guru need to seriously wake up. The guy is a con artist and you're right the press are smelling his blood. All power to them as his myth needs busting once and for all in my view. Its astonishing hes never been exposed but its because the press are lazy and don't look in the right places. They prefer big stories from bigger sources and dont ask the right questions of people who aren't really newsworthy themselves as the story then doesn't cause a ripple. .

  105. radfordkennedy

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:40 #54981

    Badarse...noticed the typo's mate I just thought everyone had been on the stella artois raspberry cider,cheers! Hic!

  106. jjetplane

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:23 #54979

    Yes RON Nasri is just that type who has become a no-nonsense, studious, stronger player than the lightweight he was under Wenger. I was interested in the stuff coming out of Rotterdam from the the Feyenoord training camp. Pretty basic facilities producing fit, strong, athletic players for 21stc football. Training is not the end and be all but being strong enough to do clever things without ending up in the air every time. On another note listening to Wenger today with his snooty, aloof hat on makes it very hard to warm to the man. You can hear it in the probing reporters. They are watching Arsenal too closely for his liking and with the season not even in progress he is sounding the familiar notes of retreat. Playing out like Citizen Wenger .... Greetings AL and Ray was top of the pile - total Arsenal titan. Dixon's reaction when he put that one away against the chavs. Oh our days.

  107. BADARSE

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:05 #54978

    Brd, is that you Bard? Marcus says westlover, and I type SADARSE, (no slip intended, ha ha). What is going on? Welcome AL, to the onlinegooner nutters.

  108. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:05 #54977

    Hi Al. You seem a decent sort. Anybody who valued Romford Ray and his attributes is fine by me. Welcome pal. Get your skin thickened up though mate, there's no room for shrinking violets on here, i tell you now. Enjoy.

  109. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 19:53 #54976

    jj - I think a prime eg of what a demanding regime can do is to take Nasri as an example. He seems to have personality issues hence his omission fromthe France team, but look his general play since joining City. He looks a top player, doing a discipline job for them, not the flaky, ill do what i feel, when i feel like it irritating little tit he was under Wenger.


    Aug 07, 2014, 19:03 #54974

    @Westlover. Again you need to watch Giroud all match like I do and just watch him even when he does not have the ball. He hardly moves and is just static expecting ball to feet as he has no pace to get in behind the opposition. You are saying hes main attribute is hes good in the air or that he defends set pieces hmmm. That is just a stupid argument. The main job of the striker is to score goals end off argument. WE WONT WIN THE PL 100% convinced by that as we have no addressed our main weakness i.e the cf and cdm positions. I have just heard wenger say we were not in for Khedira in the first place. Also Carvallo agent has apparently said that sporting lisbon have not received any bids for him from arsenal or any club. So again it seems mr wenger " the mr 18 years manager of arsenal, who does not listen to folks who have managed zero games in thier lifes" That is a quote by the way from mr wenger him self replying to Paul Scholes who said that he was not surprised by arsenal usual collapse and wenger replied with a typical arrogant remark to a man who has won the pl 13 times to wengers 3 times in 18 YEARS. I know whose record I would take. Anyway it seems wenger will not be buying a cdm which for me is suicidal. To reply on a over the hill Areta who was never a cdm even when he was in hes prime is plain stupidity, but for mr wenger its hes 18 years at arsenal that make him immune from criticism. You cant make this stuff up. So wenger judgement is always right folks. Lets hope we win on saturday even though I doubt it. As seem to always lose to team IN AND AROUND US, oh but one man does not see it mr 18 years of experience right.

  111. Pete

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:54 #54973

    Supermac always won the superstars 100 metre sprint and Woodcock was pretty quick normally a head in front of Finsbury Joe's spud donkeys.

  112. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:53 #54972

    AL, not care if we missed his birthday, a sense of humor that's a good start, you'll need it.

  113. SADARSE

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:43 #54971

    Welcome AL, I would like to include myself in the welcoming committee. I bring you a virtual enamel bowl of jellied eels. Enjoy buddy. Good old Arsenal. @maguiresbridge, bloodsports? Wow, I have my can of fox scent for the hounds and a big gun for the hunters. I also saw jj drive from the tee into the rough at the first, straight and narrow my arse, (quiet Jim). Jeff wright you were nearly responsible for a road accident, my wife read your posts and I laughed so much I nearly left the motorway before the exit.

  114. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:40 #54970

    R/K, yes you have it or you haven't or it's in you or it's not, and in the carthorse's case it's hardly going to surface now, but the proper coaching on how to do it, or how to go about it, would certainly be a help.

  115. Westlower

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:14 #54967

    @Al, welcome to the daily dust up! Gooners on this site are strong minded, opinionated, obnoxious, never wrong & that's just me & Jeff. Sanchez will play wide right until Theo returns. That leaves Cazorla, Pod or Ozil to play wide left. If Giroud is subbed early, then Gnabry or Campbell will go wide right with Sanchez at CF, assuming Sanogo isn't a straight swap for Giroud. Ramsey Ox & JW will be the midfield box to box players. That leaves one or two of Arteta, Flamini, Coquelin or Chambers as the DM(s). The defence picks itself but a new CB will probably be signed to replace TV, with Chambers also used as cover.

  116. AL

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:37 #54963

    Brd Thanks! God knows I've been Wenger in and out over the last several years.... But you're right, We're all Gooners and we wear it every day!

  117. Brd

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:28 #54962

    Welcome AL, but a word of caution this isn't Arseblog, there's a diversity of views on here not all many of them probably not to your liking, but hang in there. We are all gooners

  118. AL

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:22 #54961

    First time on here but a Gooner since 1986. Plenty of tears, joy and btw a great following on here... We're so close to being there. Keen to get your views on what we do with our starting eleven. Back four will be as we expect but then? Ramsey is a given, Ozil, Sanchez on the left or right? With Giroud (I know) and Chamberlain most likely with Walcott being injured. With what we have now do you play Wilshere alongside Ramsey? If you do, we have 3 players (Wilshere Ramsey and Ozil) in the middle do the park contesting goal kicks! None of which are the Wall that Gilberto was. From what I've seen of Carvalho he looks like a Viera/Flamini mix which would be ideal.... So why are we procrastinating? We've spent 50m plus on Ozil and Sanchez... Pay the 30m whatever on the one position which will see it all make sense.... God knows when the play breaks up and the opposition run at our back four we're like deers in headlights.... Please Arsene... If you break the bank, give us a player who like Ray would bleed red and white and not care if we missed his birthday....

  119. Wenger Out

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:11 #54959

    Chambers is the new DM. What a joke. What a conman Wenger telling a 19 year old RB is the quality DM. I can't wait for the end of this idiot. People will look back and realise what a fraud Wenger was. Poor Chambers another promising player Wenger will destroy.

  120. radfordkennedy

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:09 #54958 westie and ron have said it isnt speed of legs so much as speed of thought that counts,which sadly can let Giroud down,count how many times he's flagged offside and how many times he misses the pass to the near post or the header to the back by fractions of a not so sure you can coach that,Raddy knew when the keeper would fumble and wrighty knew when to time a run,all instinct and discipline which often is the difference between journeyman and true class

  121. jjetplane

    Aug 07, 2014, 16:43 #54955

    Do believe Arsenal players were found out at the WC. For most countries they were making up the numbers and someone like Pod who is a bench warmer par excellence has took it to a whole new level by winning his own WC along with the 'BFG' and then inviting Ozil into his dream farce. This is the behaviour of a player who has been so long in the Emirates comfort zone that he has loss all self sense that any good footballer needs. Giroud also walked into his own trap by getting cocky to early when he scored. He thought 'that's it - I'm the daddy now'. But Benzema who has always made up numbers at RM kept his head down and kept his place. Pretty much tells you that Arsene's present Arsenal are a second tier outfit in a first tier environ. Have a look at what is going on in Rotterdam at the moment and see how an academy works even without the big resources. It is just way too cushy at Arsenal and only a change at the top can shake it up. I imagine some of the players secretly relish it and it would be exhilarating to see Ramsay, Ozil et al working with a new boss. Change is good wherever you happened to have parked yourself.

  122. DW Thomas

    Aug 07, 2014, 16:35 #54954

    If Vermaelen goes to Barca and we get Hummels in or someone of comparison, then we are making another step in the right direction. If, however, he goes to United and we get no one of quality to replace like for like, that makes 3 captains in 4 years (?). What a joke if that happens. The club has another chance like last season to show we have changed, improved, and are doing things differently and better. A positive: Arseblog has a good image of our squad divided into two teams, looks like we now have some decent depth now if all can handle rotation and put in a shift. The verdict is still out on many of those players though. The Community Shield must be viewed as a game to make a statement. If somehow we smack City silly and win by a goal or two, it won't predict the season's outcome, but boy what a way to start. As for all the comments about glory hunting fans, what's wrong with that as long as you always support the team (not the board or a lackluster manager!) through thick and thin? Isn't sport ultimately about glory? Who remembers second place finishers? Let alone 3rd or 4th? We must hit the ground running, straight out of the blocks. I would also give Giroud a chance to improve again this season. But, he must step up right away, show improved finishing, and start doing something against the big boys, goals or assists. You can't be the starting striker at a big club and not make a difference against key competition can you! If come the end of September we are leading or thereabout the return of ze Germans may be key. Love to be proved wrong this season.

  123. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 16:00 #54952

    Super Mac was pretty quick Westie. Not many lived with him over a short burst.

  124. Westlower

    Aug 07, 2014, 15:47 #54951

    @Marcus, You set me off racking my worn out memory cells when we did have any Olympic sprinter types playing at CF. I started off with David Herd, Mel Charles, Joe Baker, John Radford, Ray Kennedy, George Graham, Brian Kidd, Malcolm McDonald, Frank Stapleton, Tony Woodcock, Niall Quinn, Charlie Nicholas, Alan Smith, Kevin Campbell, all good strikers who scored plenty of goals, but alas no 'Theo' types there. It's only when Wrighty, Henry & Anelka appeared that we recognised the benefit of having an areoplane at CF. A speedy CF isn't essential as Van Nistlerooy & Drogba can testify. Other qualities can compensate for lack of speed. When available, AFC will have an abundance of speed in Alexis & Walcott. Would you play the free goal scoring, relatively speedy Sanogo ahead of Giroud?

  125. Bard

    Aug 07, 2014, 14:57 #54950

    Marcus; I think we are all agreed that Giroud isn't the real deal but he suffers from standing comparison with some great strikers at Arsenal. I like him. he mostly puts in a shift and he is very good in the air. He is slow but he has quite a good touch for a big man. He's is useful counter foil to all the midgets in the team. The trouble is Marcus Arsenal won't pay the money to buy you a world class striker. We tried albeit halfheartedly with Suarez. But we're not going to pay 50m + for Falcao or someone of his ilk so forget it. Giroud will be a good for a dozen goals or more mainly against lesser opposition I agree but having him won't be the reason we won't win anything.

  126. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 14:53 #54949

    Westie - Im guessing our Oli saves his beat moves and quick silver swerves that we never see for the bedroom mate, looking at that broad that set him up a few months back! On 70 K a week and skirt like that to explore who's going give two f---s about what he cant do on a footie pitch.

  127. Westlower

    Aug 07, 2014, 14:40 #54948

    @Marcus, I bow to your superior judgement. Truth is, I'm delusional & too old to change. I confess I wouldn't know a good footballer if he peed on my shoes. Although we do agree that Giroud is devoid of pace & from my knowledge of racehorses & greyhounds I do recognise a lack of pace when I see it. Every player has strengths & weaknesses and I thank you for highlighting Giroud's weakness without acknowledging his many strengths. Apparently World Cup strikers are 2 a penny these days!

  128. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 14:30 #54946

    Hi Marcus - Fair comment. Im not as anti Giroud as many are on nhere but youre right, he isnt good enough and nor will better players around him change much in my view. I hope Westies take on him is right though as Wenger isnt going to buy a proper central striker. I think Giroud has good aspects to his game, but hes not a title/CL winning forward as you say. Lets face it , his coach isnt and doesn't want to be a title/CL winning Coach and nor does their Employer have any great desire to be one either, hence you've got Giroud for your sins.


    Aug 07, 2014, 13:15 #54938

    @Westlower. I dont care what you tell me about Giroud he is not good enough for any team that wants to win the pl. ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. See im not delusional and call it how I see it. I even think Wilshere is OVERRATED yes a arsenal fan saying that. Its called the harsh reality. We wont win the pl this season simply because we have a donkey up front. He has scored zero goals against the top 4 last season, and you think we can win the pl loooooooooooool. Has no pace and slows down our game. You saw what happens to him when he has quality in front of him, hes dropped to the bench. Also this nonsense about him being a target man so it means he has no pace hmm drogba was the same but he was not as slow as this guy. Giroud is probably the slowest striker I have seen play EVER. You might say Klose but he is and still is a better lethal finisher ahead of giroud by a country mile. Giroud is also really profligate. He wastes so many chances and against the big teams you only get maybe 3 chances you have to put atleast one in the back of the net.

  130. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 12:58 #54937

    Bard, and that's where you'll find the flower pot men.

  131. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 12:48 #54936

    jj, excellent post, never left the straight and narrow, even going up hill on occasions.

  132. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 11:00 #54930

    BADARSE. Your post reminds me. No response to my post 57928. Your use of ellipsis is a bit Freddish.

  133. Westlower

    Aug 07, 2014, 10:33 #54929

    @FJ The highlight of your season will be looking forward to who your next manager will be. It shouldn't take Daniel too long to tire of the present incumbent (2 defeats?). Daniels usual interviewing technique, "Next, and your name is? Are you currently unemployable?" Followed by the inevitable questions, "Can you count past 54?, Did your grandfather or great grandfather witness a truly great Sours team before colour TV was invented? Have you ever heard of Arthur Rowe or Bill Nicholson?" If the answer is yes to all questions it proves you are a dyed in the bleating wool Sour, the job's yours, whatever your name is, commiserations. We'll discuss you're severance pay at the end of your first completed month of employment. All members of your family will receive a 5% discount on ticket prices, we can't afford more because we've got a new stadium to build & we're determined it'll be the best in the Championship. Oh, and bring your own sandwiches as we don't subsidise any parasites on our payroll at the Lane.

  134. BADARSE

    Aug 07, 2014, 9:21 #54926

    FJ, you seem very Sour, why is that? Remember chum, I am old enough to remember when they were a football team, so I witnessed that 'gory' year.

  135. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 07, 2014, 9:12 #54925

    Losses against the mighty Monaco and Red Bull, to be well, we all know what against City. Nobody should be reading much into a result against a team that allows Sanogo four goals. Another season of failure awaits.

  136. BADARSE

    Aug 07, 2014, 7:46 #54923

    Good morning my little fidgety, pheromone, friends. A theory put forward by a Doctor Moussaka is as follows. During a recent sabbatical on Kos, (amusing aside, in Greek sabbatikos, so a sabbatikos on Kos), whilst reclining beside the pool, looking for button mushrooms in his, and nearby guests' belly buttons, he noted a line of ants. He was listening to the Dark Side of the Moon at the time. Now he gives governance to the coincidence of the circumstances-it was his Eureka moment. Alpha y Beta= Omega in a flash of even brighter sunlight. 'Ulrika!', he cried, shooting stars, and an astronomical thought pattern, had given a revelation. The lead ant who has found a tasty morsel lays a chemical trail, then returning to the nest he posts on the OnlineGooner, and before you can say, 'Dark Moonies', (probably only able to say 'Dark Moo'), the colony follows a straight line! Doctor Moussaka regarded the line, realising those behind, especially at the rear had no idea where they were going or what was at the end of the trek-a case of 'follow my leader'. He suggests that this theory might be digested by the spanakopitas out there, as a possible explanation of irrational behaviour in all instances. Yassou!

  137. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 06, 2014, 23:26 #54921

    jj. Good result for the 'other' team last night. Just noticed the Arsenal connection of years gone by. Player and assistant manager. The original DB had something in common with Bacary Sagna. Hear you might have 'peer group Arsene-ists' in your part of the world.

  138. Th14afc

    Aug 06, 2014, 23:06 #54918

    Good on Sanogo...still has a long way to go before he convinces me that he's good enough for the arsenal but I hope he proves me wrong come may

  139. wenger forever

    Aug 06, 2014, 21:26 #54915

    Absolutely no way will Jeff right get his todger out if afc win, cos he's got no balls anyway, bit of a moaning old woman in my eyes. Oooo to beee, oooo to beee aaaaa goooonaaaa.

  140. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 20:59 #54914

    Howard Webb s gone! I think i was in the minority of one who used to think him a good ref! Now hes gone!

  141. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 20:36 #54912

    These are spoof posts, right? Digs for no apparent reason, a riposte without offensiveness, then support for the original, with the, 'good on you's, well said, couldn't agree more', nonsense. Funny, but funny peculiar. Bard, nice to take the sting out of it chum-you too Amos, ta. Seems vocabulary is often a problem so try this, Pernickety-BFG stealing a cuppa: Align-straight mark on the ground: Train-Yorkshire wet weather: Feisty-Scotsman needing a drink: Sated-posh people sitting down: Lint-South African lending: Aggrieve-Scottish burial site: Cabbage-a time when people used lots of taxis: Pizza-Tsar Peter: Seismic-Michael worried about his weight: Aloof-Northern bread: Enough? Good old Arsenal.

  142. Amos

    Aug 06, 2014, 20:01 #54911

    Football, or most other things for that matter, is only as important in your life as you yourself make it. I don't think any of the factors I've cited in my post should make football more prominent, or must create entitlement in the lives of others but I think I can see and understand that it does. Whether any one allows it to do so or not is a matter of choice. The cop out is in holding others responsible for your choice whether that's a football club or any of those involved in it. Which sort of leads me on to a point made about the nature of Badarse's challenges because it seems to me that he rarely challenges the views and conclusions of others as much as he does the process of thought that leads to such views and conclusions. That he manages to do so with a metaphorical smile in his posts is more worthy of acknowledgement than it is disparagement.

  143. Bard

    Aug 06, 2014, 19:58 #54910

    At the risk of bringing some levity to the debate, if we're really into my dad versus your dad then we need Pete, he is the sites go to man when someone needs sorting. I suggest Jj and Baddie get to it 3 rounds no holds barred, winner takes all. For a full and frank analysis lets bring in Fred…….. Relax guys insulting each other and abuse is all part of the fun. I could add if you don't like it f*** off and support the spuds but worse you could go and try reading Arseblog. Its the valium of Arsenal blogs

  144. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2014, 19:44 #54909

    It's in the socks - feet, that is.

  145. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 19:39 #54908

    jj you resort to insults, why? True the figure pretty low on the Beaufort scale, but a little rude, don't you think? What's with the being 'big' and important enough. Where also are the comments suggesting you are not a true fan of AFC? You make great pains to insist you are not really bothered, I know you are, and I just try to cut slack between different fans and styles of support in an understanding way. I don't really care how any fan supports AFC or any other team-it's their choice, (think I am repeating myself here, but that is because the message seems to have been lost, or at least misunderstood. Sanctimonious conservatism-how many games do we see? It'll be 'my Dad can fight your Dad', next. Wow buddy, you are hitting below the belt.

  146. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 19:37 #54907

    We ll have to agree to disagree then Amos. Im not sure your post clarifies much either, Its rests on too many brittle assumptions (perhaps my earlier post does too) but i can only say that those who expect and then find discontent are to be pitied. As a lad i was always taught never to expect, especially from my Mother bless her and i never do mate. It s an unhealthy emotion so she always said. I think she was right. All of those mediuls that you mention maybe creates expectation. Im not sure to what extent. Im certainly of the view they all have made football far too prominent in peoples lives and Clubs, players, coaches and supporters (individually and collectively) all more snide and uncaring towards each other. Its seen in every pre match/post match pub and stadium every game at the higher end of the game particularly and its a big part of why im content not to have the commitment to and attendance at that i once had. Far too many better things in life to enjoy and cherish im pleased to say.

  147. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 19:19 #54906

    Badarse - Disclaiming 'interest' in others views, foibles and decisions etc is one thing, yet why then do you spend so much time on here challenging them when you see them? Beyond that, why so spikey in facing such alternative views to yours? A little inconsistent buddy. Youve responded there in a very precious manner, in fact a little like the pimply boy on the playing track, the only one who ever had a proper case ball in Winter and Stuart Surridge bat, compo ball and wickets in Summer who you could always guarantee would take the case ball home if he cdt be centre forward and the bat home if he couldn't open the innings. As for theatre and footie, you've clearly not been paying attention when you've attended a play, see the wrong productions or perhaps lack an understanding of how a theatre set and production is put together. Being part of a production is is as much (more in fact as i understand it) about being part of a team as ever, being part of a comparatively crude activity such as being a member of a football team is - and lo and behold, ive just noticed pesky JJ has beat me to the jump here. Respect JJ! No intent to steal your thunder fella. Sorry.

  148. Amos

    Aug 06, 2014, 19:15 #54905

    If the distinction between aspiration and expectation isn't already clear Ron then your post doesn't really set out to make it any clearer now does it. The difference as I see it, and indicated earlier, is in the sense of entitlement that expectation will carry. Now if you were to argue that a greater sense of entitlement is inevitable in an era in which Sky and BT and others demand a premium to watch televised games and the club itself can command an annual fee just for the privilege of being able to buy tickets that don't go on general sale, along with four figure season tickets and an average player receiving what would be the average annual male salary each week then I'd find it difficult to disagree that entitlement is understandable even if it's not shared by all. However that some still aspire to win trophies and others expect to do so is also true - it doesn't really need redefining. It's the degree of expectation that feeds the degree of discontent.

  149. DW Thomas

    Aug 06, 2014, 18:55 #54904

    The goal of watching sport to me, and putting up with many, many mundane performances, is to see those occasional, not necessarily rare, brilliant events that stay in the mind forever. You older gents have some fantastic memories of Arsenal, and many with nothing to do with Arsene, before his time! There doesn't seem to be much improvement in certain areas of our team over the years. Sure, individual errors happen, but collectively there seems to be a team attitude that we are top, top. But we aren't there yet and haven't been for some time. Wenger's lack of addressing these issues appears obvious to me. Take for example his tactics and substitutions. Too little in those departments too many times. Add sub standard players in key positions given too many chances in key games with a pinch of injuries and you have a recipe for disaster. And if that recipe is filled, voila, our past seasons of collapse. I don't want drone on and on in each post negatively, but nothing is really changing for the better. I love when we win a big game vs a big team, heck even against the minnows of the PL. And even losing I can stomach if we had a good go and were outclassed. But many of our failings could have been prevented by many different, better decisions on the part of the club and manager. Take Kallstrom last season. Loved the guy, but how any times did he play/help the season? That's not hind sight 20/20 vision, that's just bad planning and team building/transfers. It is obvious to many that our "moral high ground" when it comes to FFP and self-sustainability is a load of bs. A football clubs main aim should be to win by any and all mens at its disposal, fairly, at least in theory. I don't believe we are doing all we can and should to win and that's my big beef. Take Arsene's recent comment on Lampard being loaned to City. Lampard, really? Aren't there bigger and better things to be doing? It just seems to go on endlessly without change, the excuses and bs. So I agree with the honesty argument. Be an honest club, with the goal of winning first, profits second and I will be happy. Shouldn't we all enjoy that?

  150. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2014, 18:38 #54902

    Nice one BADARSE Football is theatre old bean and boy, do I know my theatre and there you go again - thinking yourself the big Arsenal man elected. Cannot imagine you go to many games these days and I well imagine I attend more live sport presently than your dear self. There you also go again thinking so-called attacks are aimed at you. Sorry mate - you are not a big enough target and the idea of thinking I am not a worthy gooner tells me more about your sanctimonious conservatism. Saying all that, I am pleased you found your socks dead chap. Us poor artistes are forever wearing odd ones. Let's be honest. The medium is the message and that is why we are here. Arsenal is the grand incidence. If I make your virtual blood boil, as you make mine, then the medium is doing it's job. Peace bro ha ha.

  151. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 17:58 #54899

    Well jj your post started badly, then fell away. Seriously misconstrued. There is nothing wrong with your way at all. Despite claims that those who might see themselves offering an alternate view are haughty, or purveyors of magnanimity towards their own, and finger-wagging others, is just wrong. A gross misrepresentation. Life is mucky and grubby. It's never been perfect. The days you talk of were unique, I walked those same pavements, treading in dog crap and fearing a whack on the back of the head. It's different now. Not necessarily better, nor worse, just different. The dynamics have changed, and we all find our own way to the grave. Mine is a trusted path-for me! You go your way, which must suit yourself, and you go with my respect. Personally I have no interest in people's proclamations of intent, refusing to go to the Grove, returning ST's, disliking the manager, certain players, or even me. Their choices, for loss or for gain. The argument of comparing a sporting performance and the theatre is invalid. I visit both, regularly and they are inherently differently forums. A poor sporting performance happens, especially when it is a team performance. Dullards talking numbers all day? That my friend is a side of posting, I find nothing dull in it, it's informative. Football is a laugh? Yes, but this is a website for posting. I muck about on here constantly and you are amongst my critics, perhaps the most vociferous. The criticisms are consistent and difficult to grasp. You don't go to the games, you don't really rate much about AFC, you know you are opposing people who clearly love Arsenal and yet you seem vexed. You are an intelligent man, you know that much of what you see reflected in the machinations of AFC are common with most aspects of business in today's world. Some may claim to be agitators, what they overlook is that they are often aggressors too. A set of supporters supporting, a schism occurs and those that split gripe and complain and take umbrage with those who are-relatively speaking-maintaining a level of consistent support. Then a divergence as those supporting still, become the enemies of the new division. It's convoluted thinking. I stand, feet firmly planted, a man on my right calls me a 'leftie', then he runs to my other side and calls me a right winger. It's largely an obtuse view, just the moving man's perspective. And I am not at all upset or cross, just a little disappointed sometimes. Still that only lasts for a few minutes, in fact it's dissipating already. That night at WHL, Monday 3rd May 1971, I was there, along with you, a glorious evening. Just over 50K there perhaps? Half probably dead now, we are in the living half, each with our stories, tales worth passing on to Young Guns. Keep the faith chum...or pass it on at least.

  152. Bard

    Aug 06, 2014, 17:57 #54898

    Baddie; p***** myself, terrific post. JJetplane; I completely agree. There is some kind of myth peddled that we as a club operate in some kind of parallel universe separate from other clubs. It has something to do with the model of 'self sustainability' which is seen as a morally superior model of football. While there is some merit in that what about the morality of charging loyal supporters the highest prices around and producing substandard teams. Arsenal's moral compass is dodgy to say the least.

  153. jjetplane

    Aug 06, 2014, 17:19 #54897

    I meet lots of young gooners down my way and a chap yesterday had a lovely 1970 trackie top on and he said 'this is the year for the big stuff'. I told him I was at the Lane the night we won half that double and how I finally bought my first season ticket just before Wenger turned up. Told him how it cost me 12 and half pence to get on the north bank and there was wonderment in his eyes. I never give these guys a tough time but just encourage them in their love for Arsenal. On here we have another situ where gooners all can express themselves in whatever fashion they choose. Some humourless posters (usually bright-eyed type moonies) are forever bleating (yes) about their club as though their love for a manager who has been found out on so many occasions entitles them to some hallowed ground. It's so typically conservative as to be laughable and the history of true Arsenal support is not about a bunch of dullards talking numbers all day. Football is a laugh and sometimes an unequaled joy but nowhere in the book of fans is it some safe haven for a few individuals who have no real truck with football to pour all the riches down their own personal drains. When I read about Kroneke and his ranch which is so ****ing big you could fit Birmingham into it twice I need a very big sick bag to hold the vomit. In what sense are Arsenal any better than the rest. Presently they are a lot worse because at least the other wankers at the top are giving it a go. Arsenal are happy to stay where they are because why even contemplate upsetting an average production where you pay top prices. Bores me ****less and some of the older posters should know better. Would not mind one of them trackie tops ..... Come on you ****ing reds.

  154. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 16:56 #54896

    Afternoon gentlefolk. I think the debate is getting a little tangled. Aspirations and expectations from Amos and I, permutations and calculations from westlower, train stations and salutations from Ozzie, inclinations and ramifications from Ron, ministrations and peregrinations from Bard, considerations and indications from DWT, and all without complications and disorientations from jeff wright. Thing is Ron I love it when you talk dirty to me, this finger wagging sounds exciting and wrong, oh so wrong! Now, selective perspective, it is summer but I've got a hole in me water bottle.

  155. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 15:31 #54893

    Not all Westie - Im still fan of the Club, and still happy to suffer occasionally. Supporting properly doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything that the Club does or says.Its like a marriage. 2 spouses dont agree with every aspect of each others style, but they still support each other though differ wildly every so often. Theres too much unquestioning acceptance at Arsenal though in my view. The fans have always been too plegmatic and passive but Wengers personal support has become a distasteful and some thing of an unhealthy borderline 'religion'. I dont do, passive obedience if i think some things amiss. In my view, at Arsenal there's much amiss, but its very much airbrushed away, hence ive chose to step aside from it until things change. Thats all. Im very much not alone either mate. Ive no problem with glory hunters either. Its up to them. They pays their money and their welcome to attend games.Arsenal have many of them as do all of the other so called top Clubs.

  156. Westlower

    Aug 06, 2014, 15:01 #54892

    @Ron, What is the practical alternative to supporting Arsene & the club through thick & thin? Only supporting them in the good times? Glory hunters 'R' us!

  157. DW Thomas

    Aug 06, 2014, 14:54 #54891

    Ron, Bard, you two have very good posts regularly and usually if not always stick to the point without demeaning others for their polar opposite opinions. I agree ,lastly with what you say with som differences. For me competing is being there close to top with a chance to win it come end of season. Take Liverpool last year for an example, they were there. That Gerrard flop probably cost them the title, or at least was a major moment that led to their demise. That I can handle. I could live with that type of failure as it was an honest go! What most bothers me and I think many, is the repeated promises that things are changing but they really aren't. Like you said, it all seems like a con to me. I still like to see the games and root for the boys, but its luster is gone. Just not the same as it used to be. Mostly that saddens me as I once took great joy each weekend as I looked forward to each game. Now it's a feeling of the snake oil salesmen grinning to get my dough as I fork it over like a mug. Reading Kevin's sequel to Arsenal the Making of a Modern Super Club, I remember all the ups and so many downs the last few years. The players that didn't work out or we sold, the tactical demolishings, and the comments from manager and club to excuse it all. I would love nothing better than for Wenger to win the league or CL this year to prove us all wrong, that he still has it! But deep down my gut always feels his time is up. He seems to have proven that, at least to me. Too many times my hope got in the way of honest facts, the writing on the wall. The day might come where the team has given the necessary mental strength and wins the title. We'll all be cheering then! Will it still be Arsene at the helm?

  158. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 14:33 #54889

    Hi Bard - You are saying what nearly everybody sensible i know says.In a nutshell, you've got it exactly. Ive often thought down the years of the fans of Clubs who consider one win a bonus and the joy they get from it. I get across to Leicester and less so, Forest (harks back to the days i lived in Loughboro) still occasionally and they've both had some horrible times down the years, yet the fans have known the situations they've been in and the enjoyment, yes the moans and groans too are there still, are happily co existing. Neither Club 'pretends'. The supporters back them accordingly. Arsenal do pretend in my view.I find it quite insulting to be honest. The guys on here who back Arsene and the Clubs methods through thick and thin are entitled to do so. Its choices isn't it.I do think though that many of them are so emotionally and irrationally wedded to Arsenal (and Wenger especially) that the slightest of criticisms has their heckles up. You see it in their posts. Supporting a football Club can do that to people i know. I was like it once, but the way the game at Arsenals level has gone and the manner in which its participants behave (for me) leaves Clubs or players little latitude to excuse themselves. Arsenal are exploiting fans loyalties, particularly the youngsters. They deserve better. Youre so right too. Ask many fans from beyond London how they perceive Arsenal and the words 'weak', 'arrogant' and 'sunny day team' are oft mentioned, not to mention the widespread dislike of Wengers propensity for bizarre excuse making,inability to take defeat graciously, bellyaching and whining. Im sick of his down beat 'why me' personality too and have been for years. Trophies and especially the tedious 'top 4' stuff dont enter the equation for me.

  159. Bard

    Aug 06, 2014, 13:53 #54887

    Ron and Westie some good points. i agree that Arsenal have done well to compete in some respects but Ron's point about the theatre or any other entertainment for that matter rings true. The price should reflect the quality on offer. Arsenal charge one of the highest prices in the world but the quality on offer doesn't match the product. I would like us to win things but Im realistic enough to know how hard that is. What I can't stomach is the abject capitulations routinely seen from Wengers charges over the last few years. The lack of mental strength and Arsenal are synonymous these days. If Wenger can produce a side full of guts as well as skill I will be happy with that whether we win anything or not. to my mind that not an aspiration it should be a minimum expectation for the price they charge and if he can't produce that then he should walk.

  160. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 13:11 #54886

    Hi Westie - I never used the word failure as its a subjective notion in most contexts. Agree with the thrust of what you say mate as i often do really. I wont shift from my view though that Arsenal should and in fact DO have the resources, albeit less than those you mention, to get closer to their immediate rivals. That they dont, is a choice the Club has made in my opinion. Ive no real problem with that choice either.Its up to them, but dont have to share it. I just dont respect it hence ive turned away from it. I can never respect a deliberate under achiever in the same way i can do so to one who underachieves despite throwing all of their best efforts at it. Arsenal (in my view) don't and wont). In my book, they do this and yet present a facade that suggests to people who pay to see them, that they've not made that choice. In other words its all a bit of an illusion they peddle, a con if you like. I only expect honesty.If Arsenal 'came clean' and told the fans what they are and how they see themselves truthfully, id probably go back to games again. Im happy with my perspective Westie. As you know, i was happy in the dark mid 60s when it was honest toils and oft repeated failures, so im for sure clear on my perspectives now.Its about opinions, not so much perspectives but i take your point my friend.

  161. Westlower

    Aug 06, 2014, 12:51 #54885

    @Ron, To top the league at various stages of the season and to consistently finish top 4 must surely be the result of being competitive. Some 'agitators' are angry we can't do better than that but reality says we're in competition with teams who have superior resources than ourselves. English football is completely dominated by 5 clubs, sorry Everton & Sours but you didn't make the cut. I cannot envisage Chelsea & Man City being out of the top 4 for the next decade, providing their sugar daddies keep supplying the sweets. That leaves us fighting Man U, biggest club in the World & Liverpool for 3rd, 4th & 5th. It's hardly a definition of failure to finish 4th in those circumstances. Yes we all want more, but it's important to keep perspective on reality. It's no different from winning the Epsom Derby, only one horse can win it, no matter how talented the placed horses are, there is always someone better than you in the race. Perspective, perspective, perspective!

  162. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2014, 12:41 #54884

    Kev, wasn't there didn't even see it on TV, i actually had better things to do. But what i read and heard nothing much seemed to have changed lets see if we/players can do it when it matters.

  163. Ron

    Aug 06, 2014, 12:21 #54883

    Distinguishing between aspirations and expectations is a bit of a foggy, clever cop out really, but its a convenient device for those who want to justify the Club remaining uncompetitive vis the top Clubs, so a good effort you guys using it, but it doesn't really work in my view. It all depends on how expectations/aspirations are defined anyway. Most of the more intelligent, but negative critiques of the Club on here are under pinned by nothing more than an expectation that for the price of the product there will be a team put on to on the pitch that genuinely does compete, in the sense that it truly challenges the top clubs all the way to the wire for the prestige trophies as opposed to offering an inevitable collapse and a few embarrassments year on year thrown in. That much given, the fans can then aspire to actually winning them. The two emotions aren't either/or options at all. Most of the more sensible critics don't have a starting point of a blind expectation of trophy wins as that would be silly. An 'expectation'of an ultimate win can only grow and be created from the seed of an 'aspiration'. When i visit the RSC in Stratford (a weakness of mine) i 'expect' a polished and professional performance for the price,not a half baked half committed performance, which in 35 years, unlike watching Arsenal which has become habitual. ive gladly never been unfortunate enough to experience it in theatre context. I aspire to seeing the best nights performance of the cycle of productions. It doesn't always happen but the two emotions co exist in tandem.Its a thin dividing line between aspiration and expectation. The division of the two on here in Arsenal context is a little limp but on the face of it, it looks like and im sure its intended to be just more haughty finger wagging by those who will defend what the Club does and offers to the the death towards those who want more for their entry fee, no matter how ordinary the product is that the Club offers up. Thats fine for those who are satisfied with it. Im not, thats why i dont/rarely go. Thats my privilege as is the case with many, many other former regulars. It doesn't make us all wrong to have expectations. Thankfully there are those who frequent the Stadium still who do and rightfully expect some thing better than the mundane. Its good that people do think this way as without it everything, be it footie or anything else becomes stale and predictable. Unfortunately Arsenal, in my view have been in such a state for at least 5 years. I remain thankful that the RSC would never tolerate such lackadaisical efforts from its performers.For those of you who who accept it, i sort of take my hat off to you on one hand, but on the other feel a little sorry for you. This post is directed to those who do actually attend matches frequently as i once did. Its easy to accept the moderate product offered up by the Club when your Arsenal hobby is derived from the TV, but to ask those who actually put money into the Club to accept the fayre on offer there right now, is shamefully fraudulent at worst and naughtily deceptive at best.

  164. Fred the Manc

    Aug 06, 2014, 11:51 #54881

    Today I will mostly be looking at football tactics in quantum fields. The universal reality that one team must score more than the opposition to win remains. Pete will now present an introduction. Pete? ......

  165. Jeff Wrong

    Aug 06, 2014, 11:34 #54879

    If Arsenal win any thing this year, I will run across the pitch with my todger between two baps with the AKB's chanting dinner time Fido.

  166. Westlower

    Aug 06, 2014, 10:48 #54878

    @Fred, If you believe dreams come true you can get 1000/1 with BetFred but Paddy Power are only offering 125/1. Throw in the Capital One Cup for a 4 timer & you can get 5000/1 with BetFred. Top price on a PL & ECL double is 150/1 with Corals, only 66/1 with Paddy Power. PL & FA Cup double is best priced at 50/1 with William Hill, 35/1 with PP. Either PP is a good judge or he's sh*t scared of AFC? Fred Done the owner of BetFred, is a die hard Man U fan & friend of Sir Bobby Charlton.

  167. Ozzie

    Aug 06, 2014, 10:43 #54877

    Greetings and salutations, Baddie. Yes, I saw that on the box tonight - rocking the boat is now rocking the train. Only a couple of weeks ago in Queensland we had a similar thing only this time it was trying to get a whale back in the water. People power (with a flower in your hair.) Now, where are my long johns? ah, the poodle has run off with em again! Socrates, you.... pest, where are you?

  168. Fred

    Aug 06, 2014, 10:19 #54876

    Pete I had a dream last night in it Arsene was parading the European Cup the Premier League trophy and the FA Cup. He was laughing at the fools who doubted him. Keep the faith.

  169. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 10:04 #54875

    Nice story from Perth Athoz. People power in action. A lad had his leg trapped between platform and carriage, so around 50 people pushed the carriage to free the leg. That is a special kind of 'training'. The report didn't say if the chap's name was Diaby.

  170. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 9:46 #54874

    Ha ha, not too early for me Amos, but I take your drift. You reveal a noble side in your own words, one disguised in the posts you generally make, but it's there all the same.

  171. Amos

    Aug 06, 2014, 9:08 #54873

    There was a time when we didn't have expectations just aspirations Badarse. On balance I think aspirations are a better or perhaps nobler thing to have. Especially when the expectations are set by headlines and sound bites and very little rational analysis. Aspirations are more ambitions whereas expectations convey a sense of entitlement. If you look at life from the perspective that it's other peoples responsibility to make you happy then I suspect there's a fair chance you'll be disappointed more often than not. Far too early in the morning for such philosophical reflections maybe.

  172. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 8:38 #54872

    A nice way to start the day Amos, thank you. Such small pleasures taken from these little exchanges. It stands as a stark contrast to the generalised cinemascoped and technicoloured, orchestrated views of the world, which has given the youngsters, and many older ones who perhaps should know better, unrealistic expectations. Always looking for the big hit, not indulging in, or allowing the smaller nuances to carry the weight that they should. Football is no different. Hyped up media-speak from 'rags' and Sky TV have changed perceptions sadly. I wish sometimes I had the power to rub it all out, so that we could start again, but it would as likely as not manifest in a similar fashion. Ironic that the news item heralding the change in ruling regarding doctor decision-making for head injured players, is the Sour/Lloris injury where the Sours were rightly criticised for him playing on.

  173. Westlower

    Aug 06, 2014, 8:37 #54871

    @Marcus, Nobody will disagree with you about Giroud's lack of pace. He's not the first nor will he be the last CF who relies on bulk over speed. His goal scoring record confirms he CAN hit a barn door with his impressive banjo. 39 goals to date for AFC, leading goal scorer for Montpellier when they won the French League (he was top scorer) + 5 goals for France, the most recent a good header in WC. He was palpably unfit on Sunday and will quickly put that performance behind him. I'm sure he'll form an effective double act with the speedy Alexis. Great contrast, one battering ram/holdup merchant, one roadrunner (BEEP, BEEP!). Sanogo will also be able to share game time preventing Giroud suffering fatigue. No reason why they can't play 60/30 minutes shifts per game as it also gives Sanogo more exposure. Giroud is also useful helping the defence deal with set pieces. He heads away his fair share of crosses.

  174. Amos

    Aug 06, 2014, 8:14 #54870

    It's good to see the club taking its obligations to the well being of their players seriously Badarse. Still you can't help but have a sneaking regard for the enterprising manager who, some years back, when told by his physio that a player who had taken a bad knock didn't know who he was, apparently replied 'Tell him he's Pele and send him back on!'

  175. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 7:11 #54869

    New governance regarding concussion recognition can only be a good thing. The PL will have a 'Tunnel Doctor' at every match, and his decision will be final-no 'toughing' it out will be allowed. Our own Doctor Gary Driscoll was on the steering committee and in a presentation made the point that he was at a club where the manager accepted everything a doctor said and advised upon, but that it might not be a universal approach. It was little pointers like this that influenced me greatly as a little boy-it gave a sense of us being different. Good old Arsenal.

  176. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 6:53 #54868

    Found me socks! They were in a ball under the sofa, where I kicked them on Saturday when Jewel Campbell scored. Sorry to half accuse maguiresbridge, but I know you like unravelling darned things, remember I saw what you'd done to your crocheted comfort blanket that night, when we had a sleepover. Morning Athoz, are you having a Brrr-bie again this evening. Celtic due to go out of CL-some of their 'agitators' are blaming it on the Independence vote, I blame it on the boogie. Funny Ron, I don't and never have expected an apology from Arsenal. Never heard all those promises you speak of; perhaps ignoring sound bites, the media, the twit in the pub, et al meant I just applied common sense to the situation and found my own truths in them? Still, my perception is just a perception, not unique though. Those odds from yesterday were interesting 24601, bookies are not philanthropists and anyone can garner a sense of 'reality' in the prices quoted. In essence we are chasing the two money men, fending off the other 'good' sides, with credence given that once more we could be close to the 'two' and possibly just ahead of the rest, or thereabouts. Resources is the key word. Did take a quiet moment on Sunday to reflect on the Stadium icon of the FA Cup 2014, at last! A century of ten successive decades of winning a major trophy, quite a gentle, passive, persuasive, but powerful statement if viewed that way-or perhaps meaningless if not. Got me mushrooms, got me socks-suspenders to go with them, got me monocle, got me cravat, got me cumerband, can't find me wellies! New dinosaur discovered in Venezuela, wearing a, 'We are the Champions' Sour shirt.

  177. Ozzie

    Aug 06, 2014, 6:03 #54867

    Just been reading about Viera's 3 mil house in Hampstead and how he intends to demolish & build a new one. Will someone remind me if the word "home" still exists or has it drowned in the 'housing market'? Jeff, why don't you get your bollocky over with early? Aresenal ARE going to win a major trophy this season - take that from an objective observer who is not caught up in all the bollocks.


    Aug 05, 2014, 23:48 #54865

    Again its all what ifs. Oh dear,dear. When will this club learn?? We have yet to strengthn the positions that costs us big last season i.e CDM, CF. We have a guy upfront who cant hit a barn door with a banjo. Wenger made excuses for hes not so shocking performance against Monaco, syaing stuff like he was unfit blah,blah. That is the usual Giroud performance nothing new. Especially against top qulaity opposition, he gets exposed time and time again. Stumbling over the ball as per usual, having no pace etc. All typical giroud traits for me. I think we will lose on sunday. I will be surprised if we win. I hope we do win but I doubt it.

  179. Roy aka Jeff Wright

    Aug 05, 2014, 23:07 #54864

    Blimey, with everyone pretending to be Jeff, it's a bit like the end of Life of Brian - " No, I'm Jeff, and so's my wife !!! " Although I've never responded directly to Jeff, I've always respected his views. Yes, he may be the perennial glass half empty kind of guy, but he always makes valid points somewhere within his posts, even if some on here are pissed off with his supposed negativity. I can't wait to hear what the real Jeff has to say about all this hero worship though ! COYG

  180. Jeffs right right right

    Aug 05, 2014, 22:35 #54863

    yap yap yap

  181. Jeff Wright

    Aug 05, 2014, 22:05 #54861

    If Arsenal win anything this year.I will run bollocky buff around the Emirates on match day, and that's a promise.

  182. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Aug 05, 2014, 21:20 #54859

    Or Campbell who also scored on Saturday (been informed Sanogo got injured while scoring)!

  183. Chris

    Aug 05, 2014, 20:58 #54857

    Jeffs Right Right Right - Arsenal are usually the 4th and occasionally the 5th highest payers, get yer facts right! Misrepresentation is a sign of desperation!

  184. Jeffs right right right

    Aug 05, 2014, 20:45 #54856

    so westie seeing as Arsenal are always the 3rd or 4th highest wage payers why is it Arsenes Chihuahuas always yap away saying he is overachieving??

  185. Jeff Wrong

    Aug 05, 2014, 18:50 #54846

    Facts don't mean anything westie, all that counts is made up AMG poodle.

  186. Westlower

    Aug 05, 2014, 18:30 #54844

    Reality check for those who reckon money doesn't necessarily bring success. The Racing Post analysed that over the past 10 seasons, clubs paying the top wages have won the PL 4 times, the 2nd highest wage payers won the PL 4 times & the 3rd highest wages won the PL twice. This season the top wage payers are Man C, Chelsea & Man U, then AFC, Liverpool, Sours & Everton. Over the same 10 year period the club that paid the lowest wage were relegated 8 times. This years lowest payers are Burnley. With that in mind, how significant is the managers/coaches role in bringing success or failure? Even the most talented coaches need the right tools to work with.

  187. Jeff Wrong

    Aug 05, 2014, 18:05 #54841

    I want my teddy and my comfort blanky..

  188. Westlower

    Aug 05, 2014, 16:27 #54834

    AFC related latest odds. Leading goalscorer: Alexis 13/8, Giroud 7/4, Theo 6/1, Ramsey 12/1, Campbell 33/1, Sanogo 33/1. No trophy 8/15, Any major trophy 7/4. Khedira to join 8/15, Carvalho 5/4. Racing Post predict AFC to finish 3rd in PL. Best odds available to win PL, Chelsea 19/10, Man C 5/2, Man U 5/1, AFC 7/1, Liverpool 12/1, Sours 66/1, Everton 150/1, Rest 1000/1. Badarse to wear a matching pair of socks, Burlington Bertie, 100/30.

  189. Westie Kojak

    Aug 05, 2014, 15:59 #54831

    If a picture paints a thousand words/Then why can't I paint you.

  190. DW Thomas

    Aug 05, 2014, 15:25 #54826

    Again we are relying on too many what ifs! What if we get Khedira? What if Diaby stays fit? What if Sanogo takes off and becomes the next superstar? Has this club and manager learned nothing? We need reliable, proven players before preseason ends. Especially in a WC summer. The EC games mean little. My biggest question. Will the new fitness coach maintain better health for our team? That might be the key AGAIN!

  191. Smithy

    Aug 05, 2014, 14:17 #54820

    I agree with Silver Gooner,I sat in the west stand scanning for Diaby in the warm up,only to see no sign- another calf strain on the offing I fear.As to the Cup I went both days.Brilliant on Saturday, pace,movement and invention.Campbell,Sanogo,Bellerin.ox,Ramsey,Martinez and Chambers all excellent.Whereas on Sunday we were slow,predictable and lacking in most areas.Giroud was appalling.Alexis with ozil and Walcott will be *!*! Hot! We desperately need a ball winner as arteta,jack,diaby are not up to it and flamini only a good stand in.I am also glad that Arsene himself said Sunday was poor.We still need 2-3 players to be real contenders.I also don't rate debuchy but time will prove me right or wrong.Excellent on Sat,poor on Sunday,Truth is we are somewhere in between.Hope Sanogo starts on Sunday!

  192. SilverGooner

    Aug 05, 2014, 13:15 #54816

    Interesting that Diaby didn't feature in either squad over the weekend. Is it only me that thinks he may have been injured...even though Arsene said he wasn't?!

  193. Peter Wain

    Aug 05, 2014, 13:00 #54815

    same old problems against Monaco Midfield overrun and not capable of imposing themselves on young fit hard tackling opposition. Quite where this leaves Wiltshire I am not sure as we clearly need to strengthen in this area. Also we need a quality centre back now otherwise it will be the usual campaign for fourth place.

  194. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Aug 05, 2014, 12:15 #54809

    Aftet thrice comes why no appearance against Monaco with a goal needed to win a trophy?! (Meaningless one I concur).

  195. trugun

    Aug 05, 2014, 12:14 #54808

    The answer to your headline can only be "Fourplay".

  196. Ozzie

    Aug 05, 2014, 12:07 #54807

    Pity we cant send the top six out on their own and allow the rest of the clubs to compete evenly - how intriguing would be the competition without the wealthy bullies with the repetitive weekly predictability of results. Ah, well, come on the Arsenal. (Carvahlo would be a handy pick up).

  197. David

    Aug 05, 2014, 11:58 #54805

    what comes after once, twice, thrice? Can only be, Easy like a Sunday morning...oooohhhh

  198. lance peters

    Aug 05, 2014, 10:56 #54799

    we need that midfield general to have a good squad to compete. i dont this khedira will solve that issue. injury prone and likes to get into opposition box will leave us stranded at the back.