Review: Paul Vaessen Biography

Stuck In A Moment: The Ballard of Paul Vaessen by Stewart Taylor

Review: Paul Vaessen Biography

Honest, original, revealing and a good read were some of the words used to describe Sol Campbell’s recent bio. Whether you love or hate him, find his views and life-journey interesting or self-serving and delusional, for those who read it dispassionately they would have gained a greater insight to the true motives behind decisions he made during his career. It was an opportunity to better assess the personality and character of a player who has historically polarised opinion and this was, probably, made possible by the unorthodox choice of a novelist as author.

For me, Stuck in a moment…, is in another league in terms of both the football and human story. Stewart Taylor leaves very few stones unturned in telling Paul Vaessen’s all too common tale of the sporting dream that comes true before turning into the ultimate living nightmare when disappointment comes knocking.

The author goes more than the “extra mile” in chronicling one of the most balanced, without judgement, accounts you’re ever likely to get of a footballer whether past or present. Warts and all! There are numerous extracts from the local and national press together with contributions from family, friends, team-mates and club officials, the ladies in his life and the relative strangers he would spend his time with in his final years.

Was he over-indulged and spoilt as a youngster to the degree that he was ill-equipped to deal with loneliness and rejection? Was he afforded too much freedom by the Club? Was there a void deep within that was filled while playing for Arsenal and only surfaced with the untimely end of his career? Was the adulation of Arsenal fans the ultimate high he could never replicate or replace? Could Arsenal have done more? The usual debatable questions.

Vas’ parents, brother, neighbours, close friends and the two mothers of his children provide a detailed description of the footballer’s true nature. Don Howe, Terry Neill, Kenny Sansom, Brian McDermott and Raphael Meade reflect on what he was like to work with and there are also valuable inclusions from the likes of Gordon Taylor, Pat Rice, Liam Brady, Gary Lewin, Terry Burton, Fred Street, Pat Jennings, John Devine, Brian Talbot, Alan Sunderland, Frank Stapleton, Sammy Nelson, John Hollins, Steve Walford and Dermot Drummy.

As someone who would know more of Vaessen’s predicament than most, Tony Adams’ foreword gets the book off to a flyer with the candid admission that, as his own drinking problems worsened, he saw the hero of Turin as “a druggy and a no-hoper” but when in recovery was able to “identify with Vas’ problems, thoughts and feelings”.

The three distinctive parts of "Stuck..." are Vas’ early life and rapid rise to short-lived fame, his battle with injury (and Arsenal fans) and the subsequent descent into depression and addiction. Tom Watt helpfully provides an analysis on events that would leave the striker feeling intense bitterness toward Arsenal fans for many years after his forced retirement.

Far from portraying Vas as a victim the book provides examples of (and commentary by) other promising stars who, when faced with a premature end to their football-playing careers, accepted their altered circumstances and either used the experience to serve others or to change course with regards to their life goals. There also the inevitable references to Gascoigne, Best, Greaves, Merson, Tommy Caton, etc.

A commonly held view is that, as individuals, the way we see ourselves is, often, not how others see us and for this reason the long list of contributors provide a collage of the South Londoner's story that is likely to be at least as accurate as Vas' own account would have been in his most lucid moments. Definitely a riveting and absorbing read.

Stuck in a Moment: The Ballard of Paul Vaessen by Stewart Taylor – rrp £18.99 hardback published by GCR Books - ISBN 978 1 9090500 6 8

Ed’s note – another review of the book published by Gooner contributor Brian Dawes can also be read online here.

The next issue of The Gooner, available on Sunday outside Wembley at the Community Shield game, features an interview with author Stewart Taylor about the book.

Additionally, this Friday sees AISA and GCR Books hold an event at the stadium to mark the anniversary of Paul’s death, which will feature a Q&A with Paul’s former team-mates Brian Talbot, Graham Rix and Steve Walford. Copies of the book will be available on the night for £12. If you would like to attend email [email protected]

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  1. Ozzie

    Aug 12, 2014, 12:00 #55216

    Greetings Baddie, you better be careful what you do with that phlegm, old boy, things can get quite sticky. Seriously though, are we not voices in the wilderness and are we not mostly preaching to the converted? I'm a firm believer in keeping one's own backyard clean and minding my own business & 'let it be' as one of our favourites once sang. Like you, I do try to persuade some people to look at situations another way and I do occasionally write to the rags and stir up a hornets nest, then it is up to them to think outside the cave, isn't it? Baddie, it is not always possible to be comfortable with yourself. That dark side has a habit of catching one unawares. Now, before we get onto Pink Floyd & the lunatics on the grass....I still have this thing called ego to watch....thank goodness for Arsenal & all the delightful distractions or we may well be in need of Patch Adams 7 his magic cure? Flowers & peace to all but definetly no LOL-lipops


    Aug 12, 2014, 8:55 #55207

    Evening Athoz. Sponsors are a modern 'bold' phenomenon, and the concept doesn't sit well with me. There are benefits of course, but it's all a soft form of prostituting to me. South Africa! I still won't bank with Barclays due to their involvement during apartheid, so as a teetotaller, (and a bitter man-never lager), this mob sponsoring AFC draw blanks all around-I'm not a cricketer either, ha ha. You are close with your view of 'change'. I would have said 'be comfortable with yourself', but it amounts to the same thing. I am always interested in different approaches and takes on things, but have quite a solid basic view of most things. I am quite phlegmatic and come at things in a tempered fashion. I only draw my sword for important issues. I engaged quite a while ago with a youngish mum at the school. My wife and I had said 'hello' at a meeting. She was nice. One day with a group I was shepherding I noticed a few minibuses with protestors with their engines idling. They were awaiting others. She was there so I ambled over and found they were off to protest against live animal exports. I showed my solidarity in speech, but was amazed at the superficial level of understanding, none really seeing the connecting threads, or ramifications. Yet they were going and I wasn't. Effecting change-rolling along in this instance was my role.

  3. Ozzie....

    Aug 12, 2014, 8:36 #55206

    The only "change" you need make is to...accept yourself as you are - the rest takes care of itself :-)

  4. Sambo

    Aug 11, 2014, 23:28 #55200

    The Dark Moonies are everywhere.


    Aug 11, 2014, 21:13 #55197

    Bard a really sensible and honest response, thanks. Perhaps we are not so different, mostly differences are how we perceive ourselves, as opposed to how others see us, or differences marked due to lack of info. It's kind of amusing to read your 'separation' view of us two, you being the one who doesn't roll with the way things are, implying I do, and you being the one who tries to effect change. I am not decrying your efforts, rather I applaud them. I may not agree with your view or direction but as I have said often, no one will silence you if I have my way. There is an irony in all this, as I have campaigned and reacted throughout my life. Been on many demos and opposed much that I have disagreed with. I am the original, 'Rebel with many causes'. I have always tried to effect change. So my point is that we are therefore closer than you might think, it's just that we have different battlegrounds. I have only had issues with attitudes, and been told by those not on the receiving end that I am overreacting or imagining. I am neither of those. I don't mind familiarity and a soft, 'don't be a silly twit', (insert any adjective and noun you feel suitable). I will not accept 'you are sanctimonious; pompous; spiteful; sniping; you need to grow up; it's all waffle; etc,' when I have responded like for like. You and I have crossed swords at different times, had what I regarded as tongue in cheek digs, but I imagine the respect I have for you is mirrored. My general clarion call is, 'Enjoy!', it doesn't mean you still don't have strong views for change. You keep fighting for what you believe, sometimes those views can soften, or alter, but whatever the outcome you are enjoying it along the way. To the barricades! Vive la revolution!

  6. Bard

    Aug 11, 2014, 19:37 #55196

    Baddie the AKBs are the opposite of Dark Moonies as I understand it. Its a shorthand for those that follow the leader and those that don't as you well know. I was referring to the euphoria and extrapolations that followed yesterdays win. Yes I celebrated as I do all Arsenals win but context is everything. It means nothing in the context of the bigger picture. Did that stop me enjoying the day, most certainly not. Maybe the difference between us Baddie is that I don't roll with the way things are ,its in my nature to try to effect change. I can do very little to change what I feel is wrong with Arsenal other than write here or join in with the "Moonies' at the Emirates.

  7. Ozzie

    Aug 11, 2014, 6:28 #55160

    G'day Cornish Gooner. Enjoy your lollipop Mr Ubermensch. Not easy sitting up 'til 2.30am but well worth it. Oop da Gooners!


    Aug 10, 2014, 21:41 #55151

    Polish the cup, polish the shield, buff, buff, rub-a-dub-dub. Rubbedy, rub, rub, rub. And spit, and polish, and spit, spit, spit-and, polish, polish, polish. Turn cloth over. Buff, buff, buff. Want more!

  9. Was it just me or

    Aug 10, 2014, 21:28 #55150

    did Sanchez spend most of his 45 mins passing to Man City players?

  10. Lee afc

    Aug 10, 2014, 21:27 #55149

    You keep posting your day to day irrelevant, ongoing, anti Arsenal views Jeff and I'll get behind the team. Suits me fine.


    Aug 10, 2014, 21:12 #55148

    Bard, who exactly are the AKB's, and when did they get ahead of themselves? If they did would they be BKA's? Did you celebrate the win today? Is everything put on ice for fear of failure? Why not enjoy the moment? I post that it was a good performance, with a brief resume as I saw the match, and maguiresbridge says....whatever it was he said, but I know it wasn't complimentary. Then you say, 'wait!' No matter how hard people try to make it seem a time of unification, there are those that do really appear upset that we turned in a good performance. Very odd.

  12. confused

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:49 #55147

    does that count as a double??

  13. Bard

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:30 #55144

    Great result lots to look forward to if he buys a couple of top players. The AKBs getting slightly ahead of themselves. It doesn't really mean much. Lets see where we are when we play Chelsea away, that will be an important reality check. Sanchez looked the business and Rambo was terrific.


    Aug 10, 2014, 20:26 #55143

    The glory hunter is back again after a win ...

  15. Lee afc

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:23 #55142

    These old Wembley finals are a piece of cake. Hey badarse, keep polishing the silverware old buddy. JEFF "Germany can't win the world cup, Pellegrini is Spanish and Giroud is second rate" WRIGHT. You, yes you couldn't make it up. Time for bed Jeff ???

  16. Mike

    Aug 10, 2014, 20:10 #55140

    Was really hoping we might get to a positive comment from Jeff....- oh well normal service resumed - no change there then

  17. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2014, 19:21 #55136

    Fred/Pete yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  18. Fred

    Aug 10, 2014, 19:11 #55135

    hahaha ... lol and the world lols with you jeff ... well not you obviously ... the world lols at you .... but yawn and you yawn alone ... lol

  19. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2014, 18:59 #55134

    Well that result against a leaden footed City was just what Arsene needed .Title on! Same result as when we beat them preseason last time - but Fred is jumping up and down excitedly laughing lunatically away to himself . Arsene will not be rushing out to buy anyone else now after that emphatic victory . The question is why was was Diaby not playing ?

  20. A Cornish Gooner (Arsene Sceptic)

    Aug 10, 2014, 18:51 #55133

    Ozzie. Having been a gooner for over 50 years there have been a few 'Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder' moments. But not today. Hats off to the team. Well played Arsenal. Only disappointment of the day - Fred's posts. Sie schaffte es nicht auf. (Gähn).

  21. Fred

    Aug 10, 2014, 18:05 #55131

    hahahaha ... time for a lolfest! ... really disappointing day for the wobs amgs ... they so desperately wanted arsenal to get thrashed today .... must make the miserable so and sos even more miserable ... lol ... of course theyll be back as soon as a result goes against ... carping whinging whining and bleating and enjoying themselves again ... lets have a lolfest ... its a lot better than jeffs yawnfest! ... lol ... rofl ... lmao

  22. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 10, 2014, 17:31 #55130

    80s Gooner - try listening to a BBC World Service commentary in 1987 in Auckland, New Zealand, of a League Cup Final which breaks off two minutes from the end to go to the news - and then doesn't give out the final score for another half hour. Before having to cycle five miles to school. Fortunately, we were back here in 1988 and I got a ticket four days before the final...... oh.

  23. Ozzie

    Aug 10, 2014, 14:39 #55128

    Cornish, why aren't you listening to St Matthew's with a passion? :-)

  24. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2014, 14:33 #55127

    MG, Fred is probably on something a bit stronger than shandy. The constant lols are a dead troll giveaway - and a sign of desperation when they reach for them . Anyway, someone laughing out loud to themselves all the time when on a computer must be a worry to anyone else nearby! CT, I agree about the signings not having made our squad any stronger,the departures may have left it weaker.It will be interesting to see how the fiances of the ins and outs add up when the window closes. Results between now and the last day of the window will determine if Wenger does another familiar late desperate trolley dash.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 10, 2014, 14:15 #55126

    jw, and we all know what kind of shandys.

  26. A Cornish Gooner (Arsene Sceptic)

    Aug 10, 2014, 14:02 #55124

    BADARSE. Apologies if my 'sniping' got to you. Re. the aliases, it's not as though you didn't have any 'previous'. Have to admit I've hidden behind a few, but I'm sure you spotted them. Your secret is safe. Off to join Ron now. PS Has the plane ticket for Tibet arrived yet!

  27. CT Gooner

    Aug 10, 2014, 13:45 #55121

    Jeff, you've got to ignore Fred. Let's hold off on who's right or wrong September, once we see where we're at. The press are going on about how active we've been this transfer window, I don't agree. We've replaced 3 players who left (with the jury out on wether the new players are any improvement), and signed a stellar player. In short, I still think we lack the right depth and a real defensive midfield general. 3 weeks left to fix that though!!

  28. Ozzie

    Aug 10, 2014, 13:32 #55120

    @Ozziearse? the! What is lol? Is that short for lollipop? Lollipop lollipop, ooh la la lala la la lollipop. The Chordettes, wasn't it?

  29. Fred

    Aug 10, 2014, 13:24 #55119

    hahaha ... lol@jeff wright ... flailing around like a boxer with both eyes closed ... after taking another battering... hoping to hit a target he cant see ... and missing ... every time he gets on the head with another piece of logic ... he thinks the sky is falling ! ... hoping some other idiots will rush with him to tell the king ... the sky is falling! .... the sky is falling!


    Aug 10, 2014, 13:04 #55118

    Evening Athoz. People who know the patient me, explaining or talking to the 'littlies' with unlimited patience, cannot believe others talk of the same person, when describing the impatient facet of my nature, if they haven't witnessed it. Think it's a general thing, just that I go from the two states at the flick of a switch sometimes, then usually feel a right berk. I am often calm and friendly again in the blink of an eye. What a twit! Game has draw written all over it to me, nice to be able to sneak a win though. 'Come on Arsenal.' (sung in a North Bank voice).


    Aug 10, 2014, 12:39 #55117

    80's Gooner good reminiscing. I remember the 1980 S/F 2nd Replay against Liverpool. I was standing in my bedroom pacing-as I often do, with the radio commentary blaring from my Bedside clock/radio. My Dad came upstairs and saw me. He stopped by listening with me for the last few minutes and true to form Dalglish I think, popped up and equalised in the last minute-anguish! So extra time and another drawn game. Listening is a terrible experience, but one necessary sometimes, it certainly was back then.@jj, scaring the pigeons is sniping? No scaring the snipes is sniping. Too serious chum, you are locked in, take it down fella, take it down. My post was a conciliatory olive branch, at least I post openly, unlike those/he who would seek anonymity behind an alias just to insult. Powerful karma, eh?

  32. jeff wright

    Aug 10, 2014, 12:33 #55116

    Bard,Fred/Pete is obviously someone who used to wet the bed,and probably still does after a few shandies judging by his rantings. His mummy must have shouted at him for bedwetting and his daddy ridiculed him - and this has left him feeling unloved .Sob sob... Fred's obsession with Arsene , with his kindness warmth and humility , compensates for what he missed from his parents. He also obviously watches kiddies nursery shows with ones about a chicken and the sky falling on its enemies heads being his favourite,bless him.

  33. 80's Gooner

    Aug 10, 2014, 12:17 #55115

    Very first Arsenal game I attended was a 4-0 league cup replay against Brighton which PV scored twice (Man u traitor scumbag FS scored the other two) I can also remember jumping around my bedroom when he scored in Turin. Back in the day these games were not on the box & if you were lucky you might get a second half commentary on radio two. As I recall the game radio two was covering had reached FT & they switched over to Turin for the last knockings just in time for PV's goal.

  34. Ozziearse

    Aug 10, 2014, 12:16 #55114

    The Warriors ... lol

  35. Ozzie

    Aug 10, 2014, 12:07 #55113

    G'day to you Baddie. Nice to know you have a similar relationship - we are indeed fortunate! Birds of a feather flock together, it is said. You are almost describing me there, though I share your quick temper but definitely not patience - it is the small things that I am irritated by. The dye is set, I'm afraid. My wife often calls me a chameleon - the colourful pattern paradigm - you cant beat it. Perhaps we are warriors of a kind? The taming of the beast seems to be a full time job:-) Hope da Gooners can bring that expensive sh#te back to earth, tonight.

  36. Bard

    Aug 10, 2014, 11:48 #55111

    Can't say I found the 'injury revue' debate between Amos and Jeff either illuminating or very interesting but Im glad they've come an 'arrangement'. What does interest me is why Fred and Pete post on this site. This is a site for those with differing opinions. Pete/Fred's line as far as I can understand is that any dissent is an act of treason and merits an insult, crybaby or bed wetter.( the origin of these insults had never been explained although I would suggest they speak of unresolved childhood issues) If you don't buy into the validity of differing opinions then why bother with a site like this. Very odd.

  37. ooo errr

    Aug 10, 2014, 9:41 #55103

    Amos,you and your buddy arseblog are sending out contradictory messages re the internal investigation that did/didnt occur. Please contact Arsenes PR dept ASAP and get it sorted.


    Aug 10, 2014, 0:02 #55098



    Aug 09, 2014, 19:24 #55091

    Oh dear, I leave you alone for a couple of hours and look at the corner you have painted yourselves into, still, it is your corner. No one can take it away from you, or would want to-your very own darkened corner. Both sides coming together making a point, of sorts. Sweet.

  40. Peter Wain

    Aug 09, 2014, 18:09 #55086

    so an injury to Koscielny tomorrow and our sole centre back is an untried 18 old. Brilliant management Wenger absolutely brilliant.


    Aug 09, 2014, 17:57 #55085

    Yes you've told me that story a couple of times BADARSE. Now that all the Dark Moonies have gone I won't be able to write Dark Moonies every other sentence like you told me to. Shall I get rid of this quirky keyboard now? You know the one with the dodgy dotty button and the dodgy shifty button and... I said get a QWERTY keyboard FRED! Oh, sorry boss. I got it wrong again.


    Aug 09, 2014, 17:30 #55083

    Yes, my work is nearly done Fred. By the way did I ever tell you about the time............


    Aug 09, 2014, 17:18 #55082

    All the Dark Moonies have gone from this thread as well BADARSE. Yes I know Fred. Peace at last.


    Aug 09, 2014, 14:46 #55074

    Good evening, or morning perhaps when you read this Athoz. I too have a rudder in my wife. I am patient and quick-tempered, she is stable, calm and anticipates the moods before my weather vane swings around. She is meticulous, as I am not. I am a chameleon taken by the mood and react or I choose not to. Not easy to live with, thankfully she finds me impossible to live without. I am allowed to be exuberant and expansive, or quiet and pensive. Would be a warrior rather than a soldier-I still want to change the world. Another beautifully sunny day here, hope your weather changes soon. See the blue-shirts 24601?

  45. Bard

    Aug 09, 2014, 13:32 #55069

    Marcus; we haven't played a game yet and the transfer window is open for another 3 weeks. Relax.

  46. Ozzie

    Aug 09, 2014, 13:25 #55068

    Baddie, the missus & I have ground each other's egos down over time in order to find the diamond. Fortunately for me she is practical or I would be up there with Timothy & Lucy. We compliment one another in that she enjoys my rebellious, non conformist free spirit. The secret is finding the Middle Way as in Buddhism. This is where self awareness is vital as it is sure difficult to remain conscious in the now(even though we ARE always in the now.) The mind is such that if you don't use it, it uses you. I don't live with regret, one must accept all of oneself unconditionally; besides, you are not that person of ten years ago - you are not even who you were yesterday. We are constantly dying and living, simultaneously....Amen. (Not very Arsenal, is it? But, then, I guess Arsenal is it's fans & supporters SBd9p(and detractors:-)

  47. Fred

    Aug 09, 2014, 10:57 #55067

    hahaha! ... no point telling a wob amg to stop shouting .... thats all they have ... except for the few that go to matches ... where theyll boo the team .... like spoilt children ... lol

  48. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2014, 10:53 #55066

    Stick to licking chickens Fred and your silly trolling is not fooling anyone lol


    Aug 09, 2014, 5:04 #55062



    Aug 09, 2014, 0:39 #55061


  51. Fred

    Aug 08, 2014, 22:34 #55059

    hahaha! ... lol @ jeff ... dont matter how much real information is given him ... he wont see it .... the sky is still falling on jeff ... he must hurry and tell everyone ... the sky is falling ... the sky is falling .... lets all laugh @ jeff ... lol

  52. jeff wright

    Aug 08, 2014, 21:55 #55055

    Badarse, it's not about who is right or wrong,merely an interpretation of what Arsene said regarding him ordering an inquiry into every aspect of the training fitness regime at AFC last term after another run of injuries to some of our players , one of them was of course Diaby ( yawn) was it really such a big shock that he went down like a fly sprayed with DDT again after a brief comeback ? Tbh, it all looked to me like just another smokescreen job anyway this injury inquiry malarkey to try and explain away the supposed title challenge collapsing , the challenge that many doubted was a reality anyway , because of the injury problems that we always have every season .And also because of Wenger's poor away results that he produces. The 1-0 defeat to Moyes United away was the harbinger of doom for the title tilt - and that was before the injuries started ,so Wenger is only fooling fools with his claims that injuries done for him. Anyway, obviously all the time and effort and money(?) invested into the so called Elite project that Amos keeps knocking on about was all a waste of time. Other than to prove that under Arsen's watch we have a worse injury record than anyone else. Anyone with any common sense could work that out anyway,it was hardly rocket science. You couldn't make it up ! A good chance awaits though to try and instil some confidence in the players, and in Wenger himself , by beating City on Sunday at Wembley .Of course winning the CS did not help Moyes and United last season - but hey we take what we can from events non >?


    Aug 08, 2014, 21:02 #55052

    Arrrghh, jeff wright!!! I surrender you are right about it all, please, please let me concede! I just want to crawl away (into the Dark Moonies corner), and die. Turn out the lights someone, I'm going under for the third time, and I don't even care..

  54. jeff wright

    Aug 08, 2014, 20:26 #55049

    Amos, if there was already an inquiry scheduled into the injury fitness problems last season then why did Wenger say that he had ordered one to be carried out to see if there were things that could be done better?


    Aug 08, 2014, 14:24 #55024

    Aha jeff wright, The Sun Always Shines on TV, and us if he goes for that money. Such a funny post. Boa constrictors, polar bears, what is going on? Parted-Daddy bear: Titan-a snug fit: Pittance-mining termites: Gravely-Lee who works in the cemetery:

  56. Amos

    Aug 08, 2014, 14:13 #55022

    Jeff. As it seems that the fact Wenger didn't order a 'far reaching' inquiry, or indeed order for anything to be done that wasn't already being done as a matter of course, hasn't registered with you yet then I guess it's time to assume that it simply won't. Similarly the purpose and function of the Elite Clubs Injury Study Group seems to have been misunderstood but there's a fair amount of information accessible elsewhere if you did ever feel the urge to have a clearer picture of what role it plays in the club's injury management.


    Aug 08, 2014, 13:52 #55021

    AH, The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B. Blue-shirted ice cream lickers, your time is nigh, for horses your time is neigh, for the knights your time is ni, for the yeas your time is nay, for the German mathematicians your time is nein, and for the mother superior your time is nun.

  58. jjetplane

    Aug 08, 2014, 13:41 #55020

    As the circus continues/more crazy than cruel/one of us now/will spin like a top/on the end of his tool. Now teasing out Ramsay's statement re TV are we detecting a customary 'what the **** is the manager up to now?' narrative. Buried for now but to be resurrected when Ramsay goes for 40m upwards. The Sad Summer of Samuel S opens brilliantly.


    Aug 08, 2014, 12:52 #55018

    At risk of an over-statement, your final line Athoz is a polished gem of it's own, one for people to absorb. We are all, at different times, lost in a moment, the firm ground becoming quicksand beneath our feet. Then we sink. It is often difficult to struggle free from thoughts of yesteryear and comparisons, recriminations and regrets, or the fear of what is yet to be. Here and now is the only reality, just awaiting the next moment, with the best of intentions never to be lost in it. You are lucky to have another to connect with in that way, I share a similar good fortune.

  60. Ozzie

    Aug 08, 2014, 12:33 #55017

    Greetings Baddie. yes, we reflect more - I bounce my gems off my wife and they return about face, sparkling like diamonds of another kind. Many faceted are our experiences. As for the unknown-tomorrow, I wouldn't know as sufficient unto the moment where one may rest in that third eye (the silent witness) is ever present. Past-future is a mere concept in which most people are unfortunately, lost.

  61. jeff wright

    Aug 08, 2014, 12:06 #55012

    Amos, the fact that Wenger ordered a far reaching inquiry last season into why we suffer so many injuries , despite years of having indulged in the Elite project,shows that this project had failed to resolve the issue. So in reality it had just produced a load of old stats for the likes of yourself to ponder over. Anyway,I think Arsene was just reaching for the same old injury excuse and using it yet again to try and explain away the usual collapse when the heat was on. Some poor results such as at home to Villa,first game, away to W Brum and the 2-0 defeat at home in the League Cup, occurred when we had Ramsey and co fit and firing.Apart Stoke away and the other bad away day trouncings were all down down to Wenger's silly tactics rather than injuries. Indeed Mertesacker says we got our tactics wrong in those games ( obviously so!) and need to look at this aspect of our game when playing away. I also go along with the view that Wenger's squad is too weak and the type of players that he buys and tactics they have to play to are not suited to the hors de combat of the Prem, and that is why Chelsea and City who have bigger physical types and use more pragmatic tactics have far less injuries than we do. Badarse I used to think that polarized views were those held by Polar Bears! Apparently not though. Some folk believe what they see on TV is true , a bowl a day of Special K keeps you fit and thin. A dose of Omega Fish Oil turn you into a genius . What about Suzy Laviscious and her giant Boa Constrictor act... she looks fearless when performing with the reptile... but these snakes only kill when hungry so six live rats are fed to the Boa before the performance to ensure it is in a sated and happy mood. Starve the thing for a week and then see how brave Suzy is when it starts to wrap itself around her sequined bikini clad body. Perceptions and reality all illusionists rely on slight of hand and chicanery to perform their miracles, and a bit of on stage eye candy to help to distract the audience from watching the illusionist too closely.

  62. Pete

    Aug 08, 2014, 10:43 #55008

    Come on folks, the season's about to start. Time to get behind the Arsenal. Whether you're a super fan dyed in the wool who follows and supports them through thick and thin or a blubbering cry baby AMG who throws their season ticket in the bin and goes crying to their mummy if we finish fourth.It's time to put our differences aside and say 'Come on you Gooners' a reasonable request don't you think.

  63. Tom

    Aug 08, 2014, 9:02 #55003

    The book is out today.......get a copy


    Aug 08, 2014, 7:21 #54999

    Evening Athoz. Pires was a special player without mistake. I loved his velvety, air-cushioned way that he breezed across the pitch, that alone was a joy to witness. I believe he still has an apartment at Highbury, still a Gooner. If as I place him, in an all-time Arsenal eleven, he would be difficult to replicate. The 'sniffer' box player is of a genre, I think, the best with mobility. On a MARCUS post he slates Giroud and promotes Drogba. Well the latter was also very special and very difficult to replace-just ask Mourhino. Torres anyone? Lineker was a very average, but top flight footballer. His main asset was his speed over ten yards, that dynamic, accelerative burst, MacDonald had it, Suarez does too, but it is a rarity and it doesn't mean a player is useless because it isn't part of his armament. The key element in this is I think a strategy which plays quick balls into feet. Providing of course the player receiving has the ability to feed off such a style. Alexis may prove to be him, with tweaking and a slight alteration we may see Ozil dinking little passes to Theo and Alexis. This could really work, exciting to anticipate. On a different subject I am a reader. J,P,Donleavy is a favourite author of mine. I hadn't read two of his books and read one recently on Kos, I began the very last of his works last week and read a handful of pages a day-I don't want it to end. I think when we get to our ages we reflect a lot more as there are more experiences to dwell on. It can create a sadness in the knowledge that a 'golden' event has gone, but I always shake myself mentally and step forward into the unknown-tomorrow! It can be exciting and invigorating, full of anticipation and curiosity. This season is a new beginning once more. It's great to be alive chum. If you keep both eyes looking back you may walk into something, an eye on the past is the desired mode, that means the other eye must be focused very much on the future. The third eye? You decide, ha ha. Intent-camping: Desist-African boil: Aplomb-soft northern fruit: turnip-unexpected Scottish election result:

  65. Amos

    Aug 08, 2014, 7:10 #54998

    Insofar as the medical and fitness regimes are internal facilities any investigation will by definition be carried out internally Jeff. But you're veering off point. You made the claim that Wenger only started to "sort out the poor fitness regime at the end of last season" basing this on headline reports of an answer he gave to a question asked at a press conference. That answer concerned a spate of injuries at the time which Wenger affirmed they were analysing to see whether there was any link between some of them. It should be pretty obvious based on the history of the club's investment in fitness and medical facilities and their participation in Elite Club Study Groups that they continuously investigate such relationships and treat them because that is what it is there for. I only point this out because your belief that the club has done nothing until last season is clearly a false one and as such misunderstandings appear to be at the root of your discontent with the club I assumed you would be happier with the greater understanding that more perspective should bring. You may then find you become less hostile and antagonistic when exchanging views with others. :) @Quincy MD. There's no league table of injuries and so no mediocrity. If the club doesn't experience injuries to a greater or lesser extent than other comparable clubs (though an average position will obviously involve a little of both) then that will be normality not mediocrity.

  66. Ozzie

    Aug 08, 2014, 6:49 #54997

    Just watched a 30 minute documentary on Bobby Pires which re kindled the old spark. What a feel good experience watching this player on the pitch. Remember his first game when he ran on with a smile on his face - always looked as though he was enjoying himself which really impressed me. What wouldn't I give to see the likes of him at the far post tapping in another cross - sadly been lacking the past few years. I used to groan at the amount of balls crossing the goalmouth with no one there to tap in. Even last year I'd venture to say we may have got closer had there been a fox in the box. Wonderful player, Bobby.


    Aug 08, 2014, 6:23 #54996

    You are on dangerous ground jeff wright, if you try to separate those of a similar outlook to Amos. You do realise you 'lump together' quite a lot, then adopt this type of separation technique. It's very transparent and doesn't bare close scrutiny, once highlighted like I am now, it will become obvious to others when they next see it. There is a broad overlapping of views on here, with a group at each end, those with trenchant views. My views are fairly firm, but as in all things I move away from those who have opposing outlooks to mine and display flaws, rudeness, spite, and other characteristics which would alienate a person like myself. There are also an awful lot of emphatic statements made against what I consider to be a sensible view, which are clearly misrepresentations, couched in strident and bumptious fashion. It is also an obvious blustering style, which means the poster either understands the position taken and is using a devious way to counter the statement, or they just do not understand. Either way it is very difficult to engage. It's why I peddle the same mantra, that I decide if and when to dip in and out of discussion. Just assume this,a rude and narrow retort without a response, is unanswered for a clear reason. Gluttony-too many Tonys: Groupage-The Sixties:

  68. jeff wright

    Aug 08, 2014, 0:06 #54995

    Amos,the fact is that Wenger ordered an INTERNAL inquiry into the injury/fitness regime at AFC. This had nothing to do with the study group ones that compare different clubs injury stats. It was this AFC INTERNAL investigation ordered by Wenger last season to see if any clues could be uncovered as to why we have such a poor injury record to which I referred .I was aware of these injury stats that the study group has done into injuries at various clubs. Do try and stick to the facts old chap and stop prevaricating ,the fact that you only have the mad troll Fred supporting you on this nonsense should be warning enough.

  69. Quincy MD

    Aug 08, 2014, 0:00 #54994

    Amos, 'pretty much in the middle' in elite terms and a shocking 13/14 PL season seems a rather disappointing return for years of ambition, investment and investigation, but I guess we've all become used to mediocrity dressed up as achievement.

  70. Amos

    Aug 07, 2014, 23:11 #54992

    Quincy MD. Our injury record was certainly poor last season but the club has been benchmarking itself against clubs that compete at the same level as part of a Uefa initiative for 11 years now. It's a pretty detailed and forensic review with clubs providing data to the study group each quarter on a whole range of injuries whether in training or match conditions. Arsenal find that they're pretty much in the middle of the group in terms of their injury record.

  71. Amos

    Aug 07, 2014, 23:00 #54990

    I understand it's reading those stories and accepting them at face value without looking behind the headlines that's leading you astray Jeff. It's just cut and paste opinion. You'll read nothing in those stories that, other than last season, ManU and Spurs lost more playing days than we did over the previous 3 seasons. You'll read nothing there that tells you we'd lost 15% more playing days than the PL average despite playing 30% more games. You'll read nothing there about the investment in the medical centre or about Arsenal's long standing participation in the Uefa Elite Clubs Injury Study Group against which the club is able to benchmark itself against clubs competing at the same level and under similar conditions. You'll read nothing there that tells you Chelsea and City are able to rotate a bigger squad of more mature international players without having to develop young talent than any club that relies on self sustaining finance. I'm well aware that your opinions are largely formed by the stuff that's put in front of you and not the wealth of information that you could access that tells you whether you're just being fed the stuff that's easy to digest. If your opinion is only informed by what you will read in the popular media you can't be anything other than discontented most of the time. Good news doesn't make good copy but fortunately now there're many, many other sources of information, all freely and easily accessible, through which you can check whether what you're being told stands up or not.

  72. Quincy MD

    Aug 07, 2014, 22:46 #54989

    OK Amos so Arsenal have been ambitiously investing in the medical team for some years and conducting annual special investigations into our injury record, SO WHY IS OUR INJURY RECORD SO BAD THEN???

  73. Amos

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:46 #54982

    I didn't clarify it enough it seems Jeff. Wenger didn't order a special investigation last season because he didn't have to - as he told the press conference it was going on anyway - just as it does throughout each and every season. Still the fact they've appointed another fitness coach, presumably at the recommendation of the German contingent, shows that they're willing to continue to invest in the best resources available. It might seem a small point but it appears such misunderstandings are at the core of much of your discontent.

  74. Fred

    Aug 07, 2014, 20:27 #54980

    hahaha .... hark at jeff ... still can not understand what a medical and fitness centre is for .... or when it ever stops investigating injuries .... goes straight over his head every time ... not like the sky which gets him rushing to tell every one that its falling when he thinks it has hit him on the head! ... lol

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 19:17 #54975

    Roy, you can be sure there are a lot, and not even as far back as that, any time before Lord Arsene and their lost all you'll get is a blank expression, like the guy three or four seasons back who asked as Terry Neill was signing autographs out side the Armoury who's that? another dude came over wondering the same and called the guy pete.

  76. jeff wright

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:39 #54969

    Thank's for clarifying that Amos, but at least we can agree that the investigation was ordered by Inspector Clueless last season.

  77. hal

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:26 #54968

    There you go Jeff - no argument with a machine. Tenacity levels perfectly set for optimum response factor (Emirates phase two; folios 1 - 14).

  78. Amos

    Aug 07, 2014, 18:12 #54966

    There wasn't a leak from the PR crew jeff. Wenger was asked a question about our injuries, specifically related to those suffered by Ramsey and Ozil, at a press conference in March last season and included in what was a fuller response than the resulting headlines he said "We are analysing very deeply why it happened to see if there is a link between these injuries." and "We will analyse everything". There was no special order issued just a normal and ongoing review of all injuries which is part of a continuous process. Indeed as part of Uefa's Elite Clubs Injury Study Group it's an obligation. There'd be little point in investing as much in the medical centre as they did if it weren't an ongoing process of course. So find the context in which Wenger said what he did and you'll understand what was said. Rely on the headlines and you'll deceive yourself into thinking this may have been the product of the PR department.

  79. jeff wright

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:55 #54965

    Okay Amos, it was only last season,at the end of it, that one of those obviously leaked stories from the club PR crew advised us that monsieur Wonga had ordered an investigation into the training and medical regime at AFC. It's normal practice for staff to change at clubs over a period of time ,docs and physios ,and what have you. We need a shrink on here to have a look at Fred he appears to be heading for a breakdown in his various attempted disguises . And we have not even played a serious game yet!

  80. The WOB 10 Commandments

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:40 #54964

    1.Sack the Manager 2.Spend Spend Spend.3.Free Entry to Ground. 4.Get in Bent Russian with Bottomless Pit.5.Spend More Than We Earn.6.Spend Spend Spend again.7.Refuse To Attend if Team Loses.8. Always play victim on Talk Sport.9. Always Big up Citeh,Manure and Chavski.10.Never say a Good Word about Arsenal.

  81. Amos

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:14 #54960

    Not quite true that Arsenal only just started to sort out the fitness regime at the end of last season Jeff. In recent years the club has brought in a new club doctor, new physio's/fitness staff and built a brand new state of the art medical centre. While last season was the poorest for a while in terms of playing days lost, over the previous three seasons we lost fewer playing days than either ManU or Spurs and while over the same period we lost some 15% more playing days than the PL average we also play some 30% more games than the PL average. Any improvements to our medical/fitness set up this season isn't the start of anything just a continuation of the same ambition and investment.

  82. Fred

    Aug 07, 2014, 17:01 #54957

    hahaha ... so jeff thinks the four in five who wanted wenger to stay on were the ones out of step???? .... not the one in five who wanted him out???? .... his acute tiredness must be cos of his brain giving up under the burden !! ... you couldnt make it up .... but jeff can ... and does ... lol

  83. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 16:47 #54956

    Something tells me Pete that you ll spend your life being wide eyed 'amazed' from cradle to grave. It must be lovely.Only 4 weeks till you go back isn't it? Try and make a token effort at your homework at least, though i do pity your teachers.

  84. Pete

    Aug 07, 2014, 16:17 #54953

    It amazes me that people like Ron and Jeff are so gullible in believing that Nasri,Van Persestrings and now Sagna actually went to win silverware, it's so foolish it's unbelievable. Lets think this through seriously Best stadium,best style of football,best facilities,best City to live in// or crap mercenary clubs crap hoofball but DOUBLE YOUR MONEY and a tailor made excuse you left to win things,which gets you out of the crap and will have the WOB's loving you forever.

  85. jeff wright

    Aug 07, 2014, 14:38 #54947

    Ron, AFC has been a comfort zone for Wenger and our players and medical staff for donkeys years .Wenger only got around to trying to sort out the poor fitness regime at the end of last season after years of diabolical incompetence by the fitness/medical team. Wenger's wage policy of paying kids a fortune in wages before they had even shown they could cut the mustard was another factor in the 9 years of apathy that we endured up until the latest FAC win. Wenger says it's a big season for Wilshere and we have had a fair few of these scenarios over the past few seasons with players that were touted as being future stars struggling to fulfill that prophecy . It would be churlish not to give credit as well to the AKB's who have played a big part in helping Arsene to keep his job when it was obvious to other supporters that his time was past and the game has moved on since the late 90s and early noughty's... with tock following tick ... ..tick tock... tick ... yawn...

  86. I. P. Knightley (friend of Pete and Dud Fred)

    Aug 07, 2014, 14:05 #54945

    hahaha ... --- ... / ... --- ...

  87. tom

    Aug 07, 2014, 13:50 #54944

    for what it's worth, i think the main purpose of this review is to generate sufficient interest in the book to make it a best seller. that's got to be good for all who support the club?

  88. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 13:46 #54943

    Hi Jeff - I do like Pellegrini. Hes a classy bloke i think but i agree, i think one of the worlds leading lights will be at City before long. Theyve gradually worked up from Hughes via RM and Now Pellegrini. A top man will be there soon. They need a CL win now and even then they might still bring in a top chap in Pellegrinis job. As for Sagna, i think his words were interesting. He says he want to 'work hard again' and 'to be challenged again'. It speaks volumes really. Ive thought for a long time Arsenal is a bit of a slippers and cardigan gents Club/holiday camp type place. Far too comfortable and has been for years. It reflects Wengers job role and the lack of pressures on him i suspect. Arsenal may well need to change coach, but they also need to change Club culture too in all probability otherwise a new coach wont alter things one jot, whoever it may be. Im of the view anyway that when a Northern Club has momentum like City have, the demands on its staff and self imposed desires of those Clubs and drive are far different to Southern Clubs. The latter have always seen success as a nice thing when it happens as opposed to some thing that's vital in opinion. We ve bucked the historic southern trend a bit (as have Chelsea latterly), but we ve had periods where the Club has chosen to hibernate before and will again, even after Wenger i guess. Whatever people say, the passion for football isnt anywhere near the same in the South East as it is in the North West and the Clubs historys reflect it. I say this having spent 30 years of my life in the SE and 14 in the NW. I know this might be argued but i speak as i find. It makes a big difference to Clubs by my reckoning mate.

  89. Bard

    Aug 07, 2014, 13:46 #54942

    I like this site precisely because everyone can have a say however mundane their arguments. I for one always enjoy reading Fred and Pete or is that Pete and Fred. I need a little help with Fred's obsession with bedwetting or to be precise bedwetters. I have a fair few friends but as far as I know none of them wet their bed. Are you referring to children Fred? Bedwetting is a complex problem in children but Im completely at sea as to what its got to do with posters criticising Wenger. And Fred sentences end with a full stop. If you want to emphasise your point you could try an exclamation mark.

  90. Fred

    Aug 07, 2014, 13:46 #54941

    hahaha ... jeff thinks the sky is falling on pellegrini now! .... but he still cant work out the difference between managing city or chavs and arsenal ... too much thought needed there ... in jeffs world everyone can do better than wenger not just someone ... for arsenal to do better all we have to do according to jeff is change our manager ... like its worked really well for every other club .... in jeffs world if you keep saying the same thing over and over and over again it will be true eventually ... he cant believe that most really dont believe the sky is falling ... so he thinks they must be the stupid ones ... lol

  91. tom

    Aug 07, 2014, 13:36 #54940

    Cornish - you'll not regret it. I've read many arsenal bio's from Charlie George's to Merson and Adams (and all those in between). This book really does take you inside the club from the Ken Friar (who enabled access for the author) down to the physio and kit man

  92. jeff wright

    Aug 07, 2014, 13:19 #54939

    Fred and his other doppelganger selves are as you say Ron not worth bothering, with his latest inane response shows this. Pell is of course a Chilean they speak Spanish but I should not be holding that against him ! He is a bit of an enigma he got the job done,just, last season in the Prem ,but looks more of a short-term option for the ambitious Arabs ,rather than a long-term one. It will be a very short tenure for Pell at Poundlands if he fails to do well in Europe this season - and even a Prem title might not be enough to save him. The parameters that some managers work to are obviously very narrower than what our great leader has to contend with. Don't tell Fred this though he thinks Arsene is over achieving and no one on Earth could do any better. I see that Sagna is already parroting Nasri type comments that he has gone to Poundlands to win trophies -obviously those 4th place ones of Arsene's and the FAC don't count as ones ! He also says that Sunday's game is just another one for him. It only seems five mo's ago that he was waving at the crowds outside the Emirates with his kid wearing an AFC shirt,but that's football.

  93. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 07, 2014, 12:34 #54935

    tom. Point taken. Obviously a very sad story, but also well researched and written, from all the other reviews I have seen. Just ordered my copy.

  94. Fred

    Aug 07, 2014, 12:24 #54934

    hahaha ... poor jeff .... so many words to say nothing .... beaten by chelsea ... blah blah ... only won fa cup ... blah blah .... wenger must go ... someone else must come in ... spend some f***ing money .... kroenke must be repalced with the tooth fairy ... more trophies ... fourth dont matter ... blah blah ... follow me says jeff ... the sky really is falling! ... lets hurry we must go and tell the king .... rofl

  95. Ron

    Aug 07, 2014, 12:19 #54933

    Morning Jeff - addressing a zealot like Fred/Pete and the numerous alter egos is only going to be energy sapping and fruitless. Why bother mate? Hes Chilean by the way (Pellegrini)

  96. jeff wright

    Aug 07, 2014, 12:10 #54932

    Just more 'we all have to get behind Arsene regardless ' from you Fred .Other than your own chicking licking self with your other troll personas , and a few others , the majority of posters on here are fair-minded and give credit where it's due to Wenger and Stan .It's not easy to find anything to praise cowboy Kranky about though so when there is something can you point it out ? I can't spend my time on here constantly lavishing praise on Wenger for winning the FAC after 9 years of failure in trying to win the European one. After he had claimed that winning it was his my ambition . Nor can I brush away the embarrassing 6-0 type defeats that we keep getting away under Wenger in the Prem .Not when managers with lesser resources go to Chelsea,United,and get better results. This is down to a more common sense approach being adopted, even just getting a draw at City , United, Chelsea, would do the trick, but old silly arse Wenger has to try and show who the boss is , and let's face it he keeps ending up looking instead like a clueless dope. No one is saying that Wenger has to win the Prem or the European Cup every season - or to always finish at least second,there is in reality no difference really to finishing third in the greater scheme of things in the cosmos . However it should be pointed out that Wenger has had the chance in recent times to win two League Cup finals, but lost both of them. The firstagainst Mourinho in Cardif was purely down to Weger's arrogance in trying to prove that his beloved youth policy would work and the second one at Wembley v Brum was due to the usual incompetent defending that we have grown accoustomed to having to endure . No sign of any thing improving in that aspect of our game either Fred so why don't you comment on this ? Or is it a case of you being so brainwashed with your big head stuck right up Arsene's jacksie that you can't see the wood for the trees. What many of us want to see is a more realistic approach taken in away games, instead of Wenger trying to carry on regardless by using the tactics that work only at home on his billiard table top playing surface, and even then ,as we saw on Sunday,not always when faced with equal opponents ,rather than teams of road sweepers who just park the team bus. Pellegrini awaits Arsene on Sunday, no doubt if Arsene is triumphant it will be a case of much OTT joy for the AKB and a supposed indicator that all is well. If Wenger loses to the dour Spaniard ,well so what then it was just a poxy no event affair that doesn't matter . Hey Badarse can you refrain from getting the silver polish out before we have won the shield,you looked rather stupid last weekend Baddie after claiming that you was looking forward to polishing another piece of silverware! You couldn't make it up.

  97. Pete

    Aug 07, 2014, 11:18 #54931

    How far do you think Arsenal would get If every supporter was like Bard,Jeff or Maguirebridge?. Expecting Wenger to be perfect in every decision he makes, spending piles of cash each transfer window though expecting to get into the Emirates for a tenner. Wanting there to be 20,000 there each week grumbling and moaning about the football instead of 60,000 because the AKB's are all banned because they're not passionate enough or don't care enough. Expecting to finish top 2 every season and at least getting to the Champions league final, yet not at the expense of the two domestic cups.Get real people...The sons of the people who moaned in Paul's day are the same people moaning today.

  98. tom

    Aug 07, 2014, 10:32 #54928

    gentle reminder that the review is about paul vaessen and the club between '78-'83 not aw or forum members

  99. Fred

    Aug 07, 2014, 9:42 #54927

    hahaha .... bard wants something thought provoking ... yeah like ... spend some f**ing money ... wenger out someone else in ... cheaper tickets .... more trophies .... dont read arseblog cos they dont hate wenger enough ... the last thing bard and his bed wetters want is anything thoughtful ....they cant handle thoughful .... lol

  100. Bard

    Aug 07, 2014, 8:33 #54924

    Pete; sadly all you seem to do is bellyache about various matters/posters and tell us what you do with dissenters. How about something thought provoking?

  101. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 06, 2014, 23:37 #54922

    Pete. Thanks for the confirmation!

  102. Pete

    Aug 06, 2014, 23:19 #54920

    maguirebridge:you sound a bit like one of these bed wetters you love to condemn as plastics yourself.I bet your another one of these Jeff losers who just bore folk with your constant bellyaching.

  103. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 06, 2014, 23:16 #54919

    Pete. Those people that sit on your side of the fence may be generally nicer people, but I think you've highlighted a notable exception.

  104. BADARSE

    Aug 06, 2014, 22:58 #54917

    Some nice and sensitive posts. Paul suffered in a common fashion, there are many like him outside of football. Being a relative high-roller doesn't make it easier, but it can make it harder. Sad that it ended as it did, he left those who were around, with a lasting memory. Good memory Roy, encapsulates the mood.

  105. Roy

    Aug 06, 2014, 22:27 #54916

    For anyone that doesn't know Paul's tragic story, this will be act as a cautionary example of the pitfalls that can await. For the rest of us, especially those like me who were in the Stadio Comunale that night, it has a double meaning. Firstly, I will never forget that he gave me one of the best moments of my young life as a 16 year old, which I celebrated wildly and for that memory I am forever indebted. Secondly, not many will know that Paul was lucky to last as long as he did, he should have died three years earlier on the operating table after a drug related incident. His downward spiral of self destruction would seem rather quick, but everyone is different and anyone who has never been in that situation - which is most of us - are in no position to preach. Thanks Paul.

  106. Homer

    Aug 06, 2014, 20:56 #54913

    Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

  107. Pete

    Aug 06, 2014, 18:54 #54903

    jjetplane:It's a good job you no longer attend games after reading your ridiculous posts.If you did I think you would be a prime example of somebody whom I would hulk towards row A.

  108. Bard

    Aug 06, 2014, 18:32 #54901

    Pete good to hear you're alive and well. I got worried for a moment. I wouldn't worry about Jeff he is bullet proof if you will excuse the army metaphor. Fred is missing you. He went all quiet in your absence.

  109. Pete

    Aug 06, 2014, 18:02 #54900

    Touched a nerve there Jeff eh..

  110. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 06, 2014, 16:47 #54895

    Would the plastics and johnny come latelys of today, and those who think their messiah wenger formed Arsenal even know who he was?

  111. jeff wright

    Aug 06, 2014, 15:56 #54894

    Why don't you just shut the **** up Pete the preacher, you obviously suffer from psychological problems yourself give it a swerve it's becoming yawn inducing monotonously boring this constant sniping at others that yo indulge in under your various anglo-saxon working man names that you cower behind .Why not just call yourself Arsene Is Great that would explain your position and motives more easily.

  112. Les Crang

    Aug 06, 2014, 14:36 #54890

    I read the book. Its a sad and cautionary tale. Taylor has done some great research on the book. The book should be used for the youth set up as an indicator of what can go wrong.

  113. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Aug 06, 2014, 14:24 #54888

    Bard,did 70% have all or one of the problems?nearly every one would have or know someone with one of those issues.a cautionary tale for any sports star nonetheless

  114. Bard

    Aug 06, 2014, 12:01 #54882

    Sounds interesting but familiar. The psychological problems that come from playing professional sport are huge. I read that somewhere in the region of 70% of professional sports men and women end up bankrupt, divorced, alcohol and drug problems, suicide and depression. Its a dangerous game . Dear old Vas was sadly another of its casualties

  115. Pete

    Aug 06, 2014, 11:49 #54880

    The highly critical supporters have always been around particularly at Arsenal.We have it now with the AAA and the WOB to a certain extent. It's called perfectionism and exists mainly in Sports, Education and many religious groups. I for one hate it and choose my friends from those who sit on the other side of the fence who are less demanding on others and who in my experience's are generally nicer people.