Arsenal Win English Super Cup

Online Ed – Or the Community Shield if your prefer

Arsenal Win English Super Cup

Thought – Everywhere else, the pre-season play off between the champions and the cup winners is called the Super Cup. It’s a marketable idea, and I would not be surprised if the FA Community Shield is simply listed as the English Super Cup in foreign TV guides showing the game. It stopped being the Charity Shield a few years back and frankly, is a bit of a mouthful these days. Time perhaps for a bit of a re-brand? Just an idea.

Perhaps labelling the season's curtain raiser slightly differently might have added a few dozen to the contingent that travelled to support Manchester City, whose presence in the upper tiers of their half of the stadium was almost a case of ‘count the crowd’. Granted, they have appeared in this fixture for three years out of the last four, on top of a further five trips for domestic cup finals and semis over a similar period. Yet, did Arsenal ever fail to sell out their allocation in Cardiff? The journey is about the same. The reason I attended this game was because the tickets were reasonably priced. Still, it’s a lot cheaper getting to Wembley from the other side of London than it is from Manchester. I wonder how many Gooners would have made the trip were the game to have been played in, say, Old Trafford. There is a school of thought that this fixture should be played abroad, but you can imagine the outcry from the managers of the competing teams. And of course a good number of the fans that do like to attend.

As for the game, yes, it was a pre-season run out when all is said and done. However, Arsenal were fielding a team pretty close to that which will start next weekend. My thought is that Giroud might get the nod ahead of Sanogo against Palace, but I doubt we will see other changes. So on that level, an encouraging performance was important. If the Gunners had been beaten 3-0, there would have been justified cause for concern.

Arsenal were without three likely starters when everyone is fit and available – Ozil, Mertesacker and Walcott. City chose not to start Joe Hart and David Silva, who were on the bench, whilst Kompany, Zabaleta and Aguero would surely feature in Pelegrini’s best eleven. So neither side were full strength, and for this observer, it was a tale of comparison between a pair of impromptu backlines. Clichy played at right back whilst Boyata is still fairly raw at centre back for City. Calum Chambers is still learning his way, and was partnered in the second half by Nacho Monreal.

I am uncertain who decided Olivier Giroud was man of the match based on his wonder strike, but the real man of the match was a pick between Ramsey and Chambers. The latter was exposed two or three times during the course of the match, but got away with it thanks to rescue work from his colleagues. However, aside from those glitches, he did look very impressive, even bursting forward on the break at one point. He looks like a future leader in the making with his on field communication obvious even from the upper tier at Wembley.

Ramsey played another effective match, covering a lot of distance, taking the second goal very nicely and generally influencing the team’s play all over the field. He looks to have picked up where he left off last season.

Elsewhere, Alexis tried hard, but the understanding with colleagues has a way to go, which should be no great surprise to anyone. We won’t see the best of him immediately. At Members Day, he was obsessed by his hair and when the champagne was fired around after the game, he attempted to avoid it, until Mathieu Flamini poured some directly onto his head. On that level, we might have a Cristiano Ronaldo on our hands.

Yaya Sanogo played well enough in the first half to justify his selection, although when Giroud replaced him, it looked like he had a point to prove when his shot sailed in. I thought Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain had a fairly inconspicuous half and it might be a difficult season for him as Wenger does not consider him a starter. I would have liked to see Joel Campbell come on earlier than Rosicky for the plain reason we know what Roiscky can do, but Campbell needs game time with his new colleagues to improve his potential contribution.

Overall though, an excellent display to score three and keep a clean sheet against some very useful and expensively assembled players. Sure, the real thing will be when the league champions visit Arsenal in September, but this will have done no harm at all to the feeling in the side that they can build on last season. Now, where is that replacement for Thomas Vermaelen, and more importantly, the man who will hold things together in front of the defence? Let’s not wait until Besiktas have been negotiated, as the money is already available without the Champions League’s golden egg.

A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here.

The current issue of The Gooner will be on sale at the home games v Palace and Besiktas. It will be available to buy online through the website shortly.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 14, 2014, 13:17 #55305

    BADARSE, sneaky feeling? sounds very like an opinion you are allowed to have them on here.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 13, 2014, 14:23 #55273

    DW,58435 good post I agree.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 13, 2014, 14:12 #55272

    Westlower, all? and who's/what kind of posts am i supporting on this page, and anyway should I not? is there another commandment that doesn't allow that, and of course you would never do the same to posters who you agree with and from your side of the house.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 13, 2014, 13:35 #55270

    Brian, I always misunderstand what he posts maybe it's because I don't understand it.


    Aug 13, 2014, 7:23 #55238

    Good morning gentlefolk of red and white. Will we see any more additions or departures? It must rest on the two likely suspects-identified by westlower-leaving, before any arrivals happen. Ryo and Pod, neither would cause too many ripples in departing. Even then it would depend on availability of a replacement. Personally I see our strike force and keeper situation sorted. Think the defence may be accepted as OK. True we only have Kos-BFG as main pair, but young Calum is back-up and who would have seen Nacho come in and do a job? That leaves the much vaunted DM position. I have had a sneaky feeling it is a case of reworking what we have. Coquelin may be the catalyst that has just tipped the scales in holding what we have. Still a very intriguing situation. Personally I will applaud a new arrival, but could go with the personnel available. @radfordkennedy, Spike was my main man, but Hancock ranks right up there as a troubled comic genius for me. One look at the camera and I am smiling, a few words and I am laughing. The complexities of human nature-those that laugh and joke, using humour as a shield...why are you looking at me? Welcome home buddy. @DWT interesting post. I am a film buff with a very small 'b'. (buff, buff, buff the cup, polish, polish, polish the shield). Many (most?) films of today leave me unmoved. Am still always swerving towards the actor rather than the hype of any film. Ben Kingsley, Anthony Hopkins, Denzil Washington, Emma Thompson, are a small handful of trusted and respected players. We watched halfway into 'Awakenings' last night and were tired so pulled the plug-some hilarious scenes, really laugh out loud moments. Robin Williams was certainly touched with stardust. On the footie front I think, though a little late to the party, and reluctant to let your guard down, (for fear of more hurt?), you too can see the turn around. The noises coming out of the Grove suggests there is a new mood amongst the players. It's what radfordkennedy was quizzing over. I know of no specifics but I know the Henry period separated players into the Big Guns and lesser lights in the dressing room. There was acrimony between van Persie and Adebayor-big personalities. Now the Arteta-BFG period begins to exert itself. These two have a dramatic influence off the pitch. Something difficult to purchase, so you embrace it, fan the flames and hope it takes root, and the mentality shapes into a unified esprit de corps. Winning the FA Cup was vital in the development of this, lifting the Shield has added more belief. Arsenal family, we could be on our way, but hard work lays ahead. Here is to 2015. Good old Arsenal.@ maguiresbridge you misunderstood fella, I would never be rude to you, only tease.


    Aug 13, 2014, 0:00 #55237



    Aug 12, 2014, 21:53 #55236

    Morning all. Well I've spent a secretive and sweaty afternoon with Ron in a 'knocking shop' hotel in Kensington. I used all my wiles on him with the express purpose of enticing him back. I smeared Shippam's fish paste on his bonce with seductive anti-clockwise strokes-just as he likes it -but have drawn a blank to date. I sang him a lullaby to the tune of Bob Marley's 'Joanna', 'Give me hope Joe Baker, give me hope...'. Then he drifted off into the land of nod. I left a silver bullet under my pillow as he snoozed, with a signed pic of George Eastham, (I only drew a little Hitler moustache on him, honest), then po-goed off, straight into the wall! I picked myself up, then po-goed off into the sunset. I hope he will return, because if he does he can give me back my socks-I took his by mistake. Come home Ron! He didn't have my mushrooms though.

  8. Without wanting to put a dampener on things ...

    Aug 12, 2014, 21:47 #55235

    Eight words that encapsulate all we need to know about Jeff Wright's attitude to every Arsenal victory.

  9. Acegooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 20:17 #55234

    City claim to be a big club, so by definition their fans should travel in numbers for any major game. The charity shield used to attract 100,000 fans in the 80s even if both teams came from up north. If the game was played at old trafford, guaranteed you would have 30,000 gooners making the trip even if tickets went on sale to red members.

  10. Westlower

    Aug 12, 2014, 19:51 #55233

    @Bard, Ron's Post #58313, time 10.05am, on 10th August, under 'The Postman scores.'

  11. Bard

    Aug 12, 2014, 19:28 #55232

    Sambo; I find the post name a little hard to relate to as it was a term of abuse when I was younger. I agree that humour and wind ups bring some levity to proceedings. i don't understand the comments about the DM. Are you saying we are wasting our time hoping for one ( I agree) or that it is an irrelevant debate/ Westie; couldn't find Ron's last post if you have the number let me know.

  12. Sambo

    Aug 12, 2014, 18:29 #55231

    There has to be the humour and a bit of winding up every now and again otherwise everything gets to boring and stereotyped,I mean there's only so much Wenger's a busted flush that you can take.Ron's posts were very interesting yet I'm not sure he liked the flack he used to get from others.As far as the team is concerned I find this latest cry for a DM a bit laughable really, looking back through time according to some fans we're always two players short of the perfect team.

  13. Westlower

    Aug 12, 2014, 18:06 #55230

    @Bard, Ron's farewell message sounded pretty final but hopefully he'll return when he has a point to make. Agree with you that Podolski is the most likely to leave but it all depends who is available to come in. Ryo is another who may go, given we're well served in his position.

  14. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 17:09 #55229

    DW Thomas. Excuse me butting in on your conversation with BADARSE, but are you living in USA/Canada? Apologies if you've mentioned this in a previous post. If you have I missed it.

  15. Bard

    Aug 12, 2014, 17:06 #55228

    Westie; The make up of the squad does need thinking about. There is room for manoeuvre if we sell one or two. Poldi looks favourite to go somewhere else. But he has to buy a CB. With our injury track record you can bet your bottom dollar one of Kos and BFG will spend time out. As I have said I reckon he will make do with the DM from either Arteta, Flamini or Chambers. Who and whether he buys will also gives us an idea of how competitive Arsenal are intending to be. I missed the Ron departure. Has he thrown in the towel or gone on holiday?

  16. DW Thomas

    Aug 12, 2014, 16:09 #55227

    Badarse, as a film buff, Good Will Hunting is one of my favorite movies, as well because of the math central to its theme. Robin W. gave one of his best performances for sure in that one, some great dialogue with Damon. Second for me is probably Dead Poets Society. Another great film about following your dreams, growing up, and stepping outside your comfort zone. Great scene where he makes the boys read a piece of poetry before they shoot/kick a football. Sad loss for all. His comedy genius will be greatly missed. As for "glass half full", I consider myself often the "half empty" type that expects a lot from anything I put my time into! I see the potential of this club of being so much more than the current and recent past stagnation. This season feels slightly different though. We must wait and see as time always tells! My point is I was trying to be complementary and say I envy those with a sweeter outlook on life. They are always good to be around. And I know things are bad when those types start complaining! Trying to be more positive about this club is often a real challenge for me despite knowing there are any good things about Arsenal. You know the saying, don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining? That's a decent way of describing my attitude about the club. Yet, lately the clouds are clearing, the rain is slowing, and even our manager seems to be changing his tune slightly. Signs are there that indicate a wave of positivity might be building. And even us old codgers can adjust our tune, give credit where due, and catch it!

  17. Westlower

    Aug 12, 2014, 15:56 #55226

    Maguiresbridge is not invisible, he simply supports all negative posts. Latest AFC related odds: Alexis to score more goals than Fabregas 2/5; Score on debut 6/5; score two on debut 8/1; AFC more than 76 points 11/10, less than 74 points 5/4; Next manager, Pat Vieira 33/1; Top Goal scorer, Alexis 13/8, Giroud 15/8; Finish higher than 4th, Yes 21/20, No 4/6; Giroud to score 13 goals or more 5/6, Sanogo to score 5 goals or more 11/13; Top of PL at Xmas, 4.3/1; Saturdays game, AFC 3/10, Draw 5/1, Palace 12/1. Sours no trophies 1/4. Recommended best bet is Giroud to score more than 13 goals at 5/6, stealing money!

  18. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 15:53 #55225

    Brian. Take your point. Sadly, my finger had been hovering over the send button, for that particular message, for quite a while. I think Ron's departure was the final straw. I'll get my coat.

  19. Brian

    Aug 12, 2014, 14:35 #55224

    @Maguiresbridge: I believe you have misunderstood what BADARSE posted - he was not suggesting that you were invisible, he made reference to the "invisible fans" that you know who you see celebrating and boasting everywhere. @BADARSE: I enjoy reading most of your posts and I understand most of them. Others I believe, do not, which I think tends to frustrate and alienate which in turns leads to misunderstanding. I think you know your football - as did Ron. @Ron: I hope you return soon. This is the first time I have posted on here because I am not computer literate but today I have a touch typist on loan. I think it would be wise if perhaps all could take a step back before pressing the Send button to see if what is typed should really be posted (ie your last post Cornish Gooner? It seemed beneath you.) Whilst many probably do find the more sparky posts highly entertaining (myself included sometimes), there is the danger that some of the quips and tongue in cheek comments are misunderstood and all in all it can kind of devalue what people are trying to say. We are all Gooners afterall - enjoy the season everyone.

  20. Sambo

    Aug 12, 2014, 13:50 #55223

    BADARSE is always far too interesting to not have around and I do like his jibber jabber it helps because I tend to believe the same points as he does when it comes to Arsenal if not his worldly views. The wob's are highly amusing too, when they really get into one they can be very entertaining though you can tell when they have been influenced by external forces, like something they've just heard in the media..I find the name calling from both sides excellent as I think it helps let off a bit of steam and I don't think anybody means any malice by it, just a bit of comedy and it has me in stitches sometimes! As for poor old Robin Williams he always struck me as someone who was trying to hard to be liked.In the end he just ran out of laughter,poor chap.

  21. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 13:21 #55222

    BADARSE. I’m not for one moment suggesting that you are a silly old, supercilious, self-indulgent, windbag, know all, twit,* BUT I think maguiresbridge might have a point. (* Keeping within your parameters of acceptability: ‘I don't mind familiarity and a soft, 'don't be a silly twit', (insert any adjective and noun you feel suitable)) Obviously not expecting a response to this, but if you do, try not to start every other sentence with ’I’.

  22. radfordkennedy

    Aug 12, 2014, 12:58 #55221

    Forgot to say whilst keeping up with all things gooner whilst away on my kindle,i saw a quote from young Ramsey saying that" its a happy place to be and that we all enjoy each others company now",using the word now would suggest all was not well in the I only read snippets did he say there was any falling out amongst the team

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 12:13 #55220

    Bard 58390, want to bet.

  24. radfordkennedy

    Aug 12, 2014, 12:12 #55219

    DW and BADARSE....good posts fellas,on my way back to blighty for the rest of the year and saddened to hear the news about robin williams,what is it about comedy genius and depression including my favourites such as Milligan and Hancock.Im off on holiday with my family tomorrow,well I say holiday ive been informed that im the on-call duty babysitter so I will pack my werthers original grandads hat,but my wife has forbidden me to wear my Eric Morcambe style shorts!,so to all in the Gooner brotherhood enjoy the first game and lets hope this is our year and I will post again in a couple of weeks.....Ron I hope to hear from you again ive always enjoyed your posts I like people who type from the an old Spitfire Ace once said"the trouble with being one of the few,is that we keep getting fewer"..hope u come back soon mate

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 12:03 #55218

    Invisible BADARSE? what makes you think that?if you'd have taken the time to scroll on (before shooting from the lip)you'd see i'm still here,and why shouldn't i be? but maybe some of us have better things to do now and again and only speak/type when we think we have something worthwhile to say unlike others who like to talk rubbish and love to hear themselves, only in this case read.

  26. A Paul Davis haymaker

    Aug 12, 2014, 12:01 #55217

    first and last post. too many non match goers. nutjobs and dream merchants ere.Monumental changE for this site ??? LOL it needs it you fruitcake lol. C O Y G despite the saddoes hooked up to us living here .. no surprize the spuds take the piz reading this cra p. COY G smash palace.

  27. Westlower

    Aug 12, 2014, 11:59 #55215

    I've been looking at scope for further new signings as we are only allowed a squad of 25, 8 of which must be 'home grown' & maximum of 17 foreign players. The definition of 'home grown' being the player spent a total of 36 months in the youth set up at a club in England or Wales before they reached 21 years old regardless of where they were born. This qualifies Szczesny, Gibbs, JW, Coquelin, AR, Theo, Ox, Chambers, with Jenks to return in 2015/16. Unless we buy another 'home bred' such as Smalling these 8 look certain to remain at AFC during 2014/15. Chambers, Gnabry & Zelalem are all under 21 and there is no numerical limit on this age group too add to the squad. That leaves the number of foreigners outside of under 21 & home grown at 17. Which means one of the foreign players will have to go out on loan or be sold before a new foreign signing can come in. Rumours that Gnabry is to go out on loan makes no significant impact on our squad size. Given Kos & BFG are certain to remain our CB pairing, with Chambers given game time replacing one or other periodically. It'll be difficult attracting a quality CB who'll be content to sit on the bench for the majority of the season. Man U have a vacancy for a front line CB and are struggling to find anyone of the required quality available. Man City have just spent £31m for a CB & I cannot imagine AFC spending a similar amount for a bench warmer. It would take a serious long term injury to Kos or BFG to make that happen if indeed the right player is available. Maybe an out of favour CB would fill the gap - Agger? Rumours also about Vlaar (Villa) & Manolas (Olympiakos). Another possibility is Tiote of Newcastle as the DM. Carvalho seems overpriced with a buyout clause of £37.5m considering his lack of top class experience playing for Sporting Lisbon & on loan at Brugge .


    Aug 12, 2014, 11:16 #55214

    No more mugs Athoz, cups are better.

  29. Fred

    Aug 12, 2014, 11:02 #55213

    hahaha ... mugs? ... is that the same as wobs or amgs? .... i suppose it is ... it must be for the wobs and amgs in rehab ... and stands for ... must use greycells sometimes ... lol

  30. Ozzie

    Aug 12, 2014, 10:54 #55212

    Did someone mention mugs? :-) :-)

  31. Fred

    Aug 12, 2014, 10:43 #55211

    hahaha ... starting his post with ..without wanting to put a dampener on things .... like he ever wants to do anything else .... dont worry jeff you wont dampen the spirit of most gooners ... though you are pretty wet yourself ... see hes joining ron in doing a runner until things take a turn for the worst ... lol ... the wobs and amgs hate to think we might be getting better ... they are creatures that the sunlight arent they ! ... they will be back when it gets dark ... lol ... and lol again

  32. Unchives

    Aug 12, 2014, 10:41 #55210

    @ Finsbury Joe .....can you imagine Spurs winning the Charity Shield, with the money spinning production of all the DVDs, mugs, aprons, commemorative toilet rolls! Your last meaningful trophy was on Cine film or betamax wasn't it?


    Aug 12, 2014, 9:44 #55209

    Nice words Athoz. His was a good will hunting.

  34. Ozzie

    Aug 12, 2014, 8:56 #55208

    Farewell, Patch Adams, you touched many a heart. Death is nothing but a dispersal & re formation of energy. Fly high you good thing...


    Aug 12, 2014, 7:08 #55205

    That was an interesting post DWT. westlower and myself, 'glass half-full'(?), mmm. I do see what you mean, another misinterpretation though. Two chaps enjoying whatever, one has run through the rain to get to the venue, sings and dances his way through the event, the other less animated perhaps. At some stage the quieter of the two complains of a selection of songs being sung, his friend doesn't and continues dancing and sings a little louder. The chap finds another nearby moaning at the selection being performed and takes comfort in shared disappointment. The performance over, the next day the chap is telling mutual friends that his pal, was a 'glass half-full', (this was only true in that he spilt some whilst dancing the evening away. Can you see the clumsy analogy? Whatever brings anyone to a fork in the road is incidental; my main theme is enjoy. It seems as though the switch has been clicked in your case, or more specifically, the lever has been moved a little. It could move back, it could move on some, but if enjoyment is happening along the way it's all good. Only the bitter would decry it, labelling you 'traitor'. My life goes on, whatever your decision, it is your life that determines good/bad. Worn you down sounds grim, if it has sent a shaft of light, then your outlook sounds more positive, again it's incidental. This is a monumental time of change for this website, perhaps a number have given up the ghost. westlower and myself have remained static. Feet firmly planted. All around doom and gloom. Whilst recognising the grumbles a different view was offered, criticising the rationale of those complaining. This is a very good squad we have assembled, some key players have joined, Alexis or Fabregas? I am overjoyed that we have Alexis and I was the biggest supporter of Fabregas, fine nuances, little differences. Right now I mourn the loss of my favourite actor, Robin Williams. Time is relentless. Enjoy what you have-or moan about it, always your decision. Good old Arsenal.

  36. Debuchy

    Aug 12, 2014, 4:11 #55204

    I played a solid game with a promise of more to come. Would love to have CARVAHLO, ideal complement to our young squad. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CARVAHLO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  37. DW Thomas

    Aug 12, 2014, 3:44 #55203

    A quick plug for Kevin's book. It's my busiest time of year work wise, but putting my older boy to bed tonight I was reading on my Kindle Kevin's new book while my little guy was falling off to sleep. He had some bad dream about dragons. The first one was good, read it a while back, but tonight I was reading the chapter in the sequel on our injury problem. Very, very interesting, couldn't put it down till I finished that chapter even though my work was beckoning me! The rest has been good to as he points out many, many of the issues over the years that have been major problems at the club. I had forgotten (or purposefully pushed it deep into my psyche!) the 4 goals Liverpool scored in their match against us at Anfield. These tidbits and many other facts are presented very respectfully by Kevin. I await his post game posts with eagerness each week as he, despite the criticism (which by the way I can't ever remember disagreeing with!), presents the game and club with a clear description on what happened and is happening within. I guess I am sounding kind of like a lackey now, but I have come to enjoy this site very much and most of the posters as well. Even when I completely disagree! Also, I dug out another one of my Arsenal books, a photo album of the long ago days and players. Some great pics and stories of the history of our club. Despite my waning affection for the club, especially this last couple of years, I find something just lately feels different about this upcoming season. I get a sense that despite (or maybe because of mine and others) complaints and critiques, the team feels different, more mature and ready to really have a go at the title. It's just my gut, but having spent so much time over the years reading, following, watching this team, something feels changed. Not even so much the manager, but the collective vibe within the players and fans. Maybe Badarse, Westlower, and all the other glass half fullers have finally worn me down. Or maybe the collective desire of so many fans and our players trying for so many years to get that trophy monkey off our back has finally pushed us over a mental hurdle previously unable to get past. Here's to you all and a great season!

  38. Ozzie

    Aug 12, 2014, 3:30 #55202

    Just read about Arsenal's new sponsor: Sth African brewer's Hansa Pilsener. Don't fancy beer made with boer water. Up the VB!

  39. CT Gooner

    Aug 12, 2014, 1:25 #55201

    Hi Bard, I was trying to give the club the benefit of the doubt in terms of ambition, but I'm with you. I wish the board room had the passion you see on this forum.

  40. Jimmy Gooner

    Aug 11, 2014, 22:27 #55199

    Good report Kevin. Look forward to reading your latest book as the last one was excellent. What a shame to see some regular posters grow tired of the constant sniping from others. I read all the comments and enjoy pretty much everyone's views but rarely comment myself. The art of debate is a dying one I fear as people seem to be less and less willing to respect another view. I guess it's the way of the world, but I always like to think of Gooners as better than everyone else! A couple of other observations from me. Firstly, people bang on about needing a DM and a CB, when I think what we need is a Gilberto type player who can play both. We have a first choice CB pairing which was good enough for most of last season (yes I know there were a couple of aberrations - I've not forgotten them however much I've tried to) and with a quality DM in front of them, I think they'd be even better, but a DM who could slot into the centre of defence when required because of injury/suspension/loss of form would be ideal as Gilberto did it on quite a few occasions. I don't know enough about Carvalho to know whether he fits the bill, but that's my fantasy signing. Last comment from me is about how people react to criticism of the club, the manager and players. Just because someone says a bad word about them here does not mean they do not cheer and get behind the team at the ground. Quite the opposite in fact from my experience. The two are completely separate in my view and often the most passionate and vocal fan in the ground, will also show a great deal of passion in the pub (or online forum which is a virtual pub really) when debating the areas of weakness and what could have been done differently. We're all Gooners here... apart from Finsbury Joe of course!

  41. Man Utd to ban ipads from Old Trafford

    Aug 11, 2014, 22:14 #55198

    PLEASE Arsenal, follow suit. (I'd personally ban the people carrying them into the ground too.)

  42. Gaz

    Aug 11, 2014, 17:06 #55195

    Really enjoyable performance yesterday full of purpose and meaning (despite what the media say about Citys performance!). All the new signings performed well with a special mention for Debuchy who I had some real concerns about. Seen him three times now for us and he's been quite superb on every occasion. Chambers is a star in the making, Campbell looks a real liverwire and Sanchez I think we all realise is gonna be great! And I'll tell you something else-Sanchez is loving it here! Was at the Q&A in Club level the other day with him (and six other players including Ramsey) and he laughed and joked his way through the whole afternoon! As for Arteta as captain I totally get it. He's a great pro and as vice captain simply had to get it even if-as I hope-we sign another DM and he fails to play in a lot of the bigger games. As for this 'DM' I so hope we sign a top one as I honestly believe it could be the difference between us fighting for third/fourth and first/second. If nothing else I really can't see what harm bringing one in would I'd simply we rather cover all the bases than see us short and regret it again. Whatever happens a great result yesterday and I'm thoroughly looking forward to the new season. Up the Gunners!!!

  43. Gary

    Aug 11, 2014, 17:01 #55194

    @Vrom - spot on: We had 6 missing Our world cup holy trinity of Germans Theo Walcott On account of Vermalen’s departure, a Cback AND lets not forget Abou Diaby. Even with rare appearances, he should count for at least fat Lamps.;) What are they complaining about? Lack of depth? Poor British players making numbers on the bench for high prices? Lame excuses.

  44. Vrom

    Aug 11, 2014, 16:42 #55193

    Makes me laugh how BBC talk about their absentees.. “However, he was not helped by the absence of Vincent Kompany, Pablo Zabaleta, Fernandinho, Sergio Aguero, Martin Demichelis, Frank Lampard, Bacary Sagna and Alvaro Negredo for the game.” How ever did they cope without their back up right back, a striker who hasn’t scored for six months and a player signed only to get their squad in line with regulations about homegrown talent?! I’d wager that their team still cost significantly more than ours, particularly without Ozil. On a less cynical note, Calum Chambers is absolutely unreal, enjoyed his performance more than Sanchez’s, who I thought was equally great. Trying desperately not to, but difficult to not get carried away about this season..

  45. Man United Killer

    Aug 11, 2014, 16:10 #55192

    Though the performance on Sunday provides plenty of cause for optimism make no mistake-We are a super striker,defensive midfielder and a center back away from genuine title contenders.Also I don't care what goal Giroud scored.He is slow and severly stifles our attack.If you watch the game carefully,one of the main reasons we won that game yesterday was that Yaya is actually mobile and thus draws defenders out of position allowing others to make runs.Ramsey's goal is a perfect example.Until Giroud stops standing still in games we have NO CHANCE with him.Mark my words.

  46. vadam

    Aug 11, 2014, 16:09 #55191

    Superb performance by the team, smashing! What can I say, Sanogo and Campbell certainly has the talent, it's just a matter of time that they will have a key role in the team if they are given the opportunity to prove themselves. Maybe I'm rushing my assumptions here but from what I see, Sanogo has the potential to be one of the best target man, much better than Giroud! What Sanogo has that Giroud doesn't is that mobility and if he can continously improve his finishing, he will be lethal! His off the ball is superb and is a team player, what more can you ask from a target man? I can see him replacing Giroud in the near future. Campbell was superb as well, a proper replacement for Podolski, more effective in the left wing, a better team player as well, however of course Podolski's finishing ability is second to none but technically Campbell is better. He just needs to improve physically and also work on his finishing and we will have a quality winger in our side. I'm impressed with Chamber's performance as well, looked comfortable, good overall defensive display, so versatile. Last but not least, Sanchez did well, adapted quickly in the team, gives that extra edge offensively.

  47. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 11, 2014, 16:07 #55190

    Well it's now been 24 hours since we last won any silverware. Just not good enough for a club of our standing.

  48. James

    Aug 11, 2014, 15:54 #55189

    Football is a fairly simple game- you only have to beat the opposition this one included Dzeko, Toure, Navas, Nasri,Clichy, Fernando, Jovetic, Kolarov and Silva- despite the centreback the rest of the team could hardly be considered as “reserve”by anybodies standards. They cant blame lack of match practice either having just returned from the US tour. A win against the EPL Champs in a prestige friendly is always worth having and in patches Arsenal played very well indeed and when we didn’t have the ball we covered very well. Hope we can continue to play with the same fluency and confidence. Who is Barney Ronay anyway?

  49. Marc

    Aug 11, 2014, 15:40 #55188

    played without Ozil, Mertersacker, Podolski, Walcott and Giroud in the first half – five of the players we might expect to start if all were available. But still, “Man C with just over half their first team missing lose to Arsenal with just under half their first team missing” doesn’t really have the ring. Or the rampant bias. The other line repeated (and BT Sport became BT Sprout again over this one) was “After nine years without a trophy Arsène Wenger now has two in two games.” Yes, well, 0 out of 10 for imagination but you hit 85% on the cheesyness barometer.

  50. Bard

    Aug 11, 2014, 15:12 #55187

    CTGooner: I think there may be a bit of muddled thinking here CT, the club aren't expecting to win the league despite the rhetoric,a top 4 spot is the goal as always. We had an opportunity last year but didn't go for it which showed a shameful lack of ambition. Nothing has changed to alter that view. The club operate in a comfort zone unlike City or Chelsea. I am ok with that limited ambition while Wenger is at the helm,provided we stop getting rolled over in embarrassing fashion. The idea that the club are gearing up for tilt at the title is fanciful in the extreme.

  51. Pedantic, moi?

    Aug 11, 2014, 15:06 #55186

    Thank you Amos Nitpicker for pointing that out. Re-read the first paragraph.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 11, 2014, 14:12 #55185

    I had the chance to be at the game myself and would have been only for circumstances.Two trophies in nine years we're going well a little way to go yet to make up for all the false dawns though. It was a good enough game and the win thoroughly deserved i thought Xbox Jack had a good game him and some others did an awfull lot of looking and examining the shield when they had it there again it was a long time since we last had it in our hands but well done to all. Giroud recieved the happy meal at the end for his goal i wonder if the toy was a horse. The real stuff starts now and as usual after we win some of the players were talking a good game lets hope they can play the game as well in the coming months as some of them are talking it this morning and it won't be just another false dawn, time will tell.

  53. CT Gooner

    Aug 11, 2014, 14:06 #55184

    First half vintage Wenger's Arsenal, something we've only seen in glimpses recently. Sanchez will be a difference maker, though I really don't see how Giroud's lack of pace will complement this style of play. Going forward I think we all agree, it's going to be exciting (though many would like to see a pacier striker, maybe Sanogo and Campbell will provide that). Defensively things are a little more concerning. I'm left thinking can we compete for the league, I think the answer is yes, but win the league, I don't think so. I don't think we need much, a great holding midfielder, but given how many midfielders we have, I don't see it happening.

  54. GoonerRon

    Aug 11, 2014, 13:37 #55183

    A really encouraging performance, where we played with more verve and fluidity than I was expecting as this stage of the season. Yes it's essentially a pre-season friendly but I can guarantee if we had have lost 3-0 the knives would be out and the standard 'Arsenal can't beat a big team' rhetoric would be in full flow. It's great for confidence and continues the momentum from the end of last season.

  55. Bard

    Aug 11, 2014, 13:28 #55182

    Fair post Kev. I thought it was a really good boost for the fans and the team. Of course it doesn't mean much in the bigger scheme of things but would rather take a 3-0 win than a loss. I don't think he will buy a DM. He's got Flamini and Arteta plus he could use Chambers at a pinch. He will have to buy a CB as he can't go into a season as intense as the PL with only 2 CBs. Well you would think he couldn't but he went into last season with 1 striker so I guess its possible.

  56. jeff wright

    Aug 11, 2014, 13:07 #55181

    Without wanting to put a dampener on things it should out pointed out that although we were well worth the 3-0 win,I had a tenner on us at halftime at 12-1 to win 4-0 because City looked so diabolically poor that this score looked possible, however the Poundlands GK was at fault for 2 of the 3 goals that he conceded . Including MOTM Oliver only actually touched the ball once !And that was to lob it over the GK who was way off his line. Hart would not have been caught out like that . Giroud is still slow and his record against top defences is not great. Agree about the need for a DM because Atreta is way past his best and Flammy is a joke. Diaby,forget him, he is taking up acting in films instead of football now and is to star in a remake of The Invisible Man . . Keep that polish in the draw Badarse until another trophy is actually in the cabinet. I was pleased to see that you took my advice to do that this weekend after the disaster of the previous weekend when you had it ready to go to graft with but all to no avail.Although of course the old Shield is not actually counted as being a trophy.Anyway,my last post for awhile, but I shall return later to comment on how things are shaping up. Cheers.

  57. HowardL

    Aug 11, 2014, 12:45 #55180

    No mention of Debouchy? Thought he had a particularly good game. I think Geoff Hurst picked the MOTM - almost Olivier's only touch of the game but a good goal. Probably got the award for not hitting the bar and bouncing out to test the goalline technology.

  58. AMG

    Aug 11, 2014, 12:27 #55179

    Yes Sambo, all these pretend Gooners wanting Arsenal to strengthen, how dare they?!

  59. smithy

    Aug 11, 2014, 12:26 #55178

    Good performances all round but still need a kedhira or Cavallio in ct midfield.Shame Joel didn't get 30 minutes after his excellent performance in the Emirates Cup.Crystal Palace will be a much tougher game but signs so far are good.

  60. allybear

    Aug 11, 2014, 11:49 #55177

    Nice to have a 3-0 win even if only a charity shield. I think Chambers will be very good and hope he gets proper coaching from Steve Bould. Some very good moments from Arsenal and hopefully this will build confidence. Dont think there will be anymore signings though.

  61. WOB

    Aug 11, 2014, 11:25 #55176

    Is MARCUS really your son Jeff? Would make a lot of sense. He's very passionate in what he says which I admire, even if he does come across as a little bone.


    Aug 11, 2014, 11:21 #55175

    Evening Athoz, keep banging the drum fella, ha ha. A good game enjoyed by all in red and white. BBQ lettuce? Cuppa Rosie? Doesn't have the same ring to it. I thought Yaya Toure was around half a stone overweight, and seemed to grow old in that first half. And please stop comparing an old friendly result as if it has any relevance. It was a friendly, true, but a showpiece friendly and we played well. Lots to enjoy about it, much to give hope for, that is it. Nobody is getting carried away, or do you know the same invisible fans as maguiresbridge, who sees them celebrating and boasting everywhere, whilst others are still searching for them.

  63. Ozzie

    Aug 11, 2014, 10:53 #55174

    Well, they could play the game abroad - try Melbourne - the sports capital of the world, it is said. Nice holiday, too, with BBQ kanga steaks & good old Victoria Bitter. As for the crowd - guaranteed 100.000 at the MCG. Time to promote the club down under - plenty of Gunners. Ars-enal oi oi oi


    Aug 11, 2014, 10:30 #55173

    Yes Marc, and it was the Cup Winners who beat the Champions this year!

  65. Marc

    Aug 11, 2014, 10:18 #55172

    Last year Many u won the shield but they were playing Wigan. We were playing City - bit of a difference there I think.

  66. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Aug 11, 2014, 10:04 #55171

    Chambers is the replacement for Vermaelen as getting an experienced & competent player to sit on the bench fo most of the season won't happen. VJust pay Khedira's inflated wages, Wenger.

  67. Simon F

    Aug 11, 2014, 9:58 #55170

    Good win and yes its only a pre-season game but its a good foundation and there are some real positives in this side. To all the people that post negative comments - have a think about the word SUPPORT. If a 3-0 victory brings out negatives from you then I would suggest that Football isn't for you anymore..............


    Aug 11, 2014, 9:21 #55169

    Some worthwhile posts gentlefolk. 24601, I posted after the Emirates Cup visit that there was much about Chambers that reminded me of the young 'Tone'. Actually with finer tuning to my observation/s he seems a little less awkward, a little more polished as a footballer. If his heart comes anywhere near the size of Tony Adams he will be a real gem. This in-fighting you referred to is an odd phenomenon pal. Once lines are marked many think you have an identity, to belong to one or the other, when in fact you don't have to belong to either. Our minds paint pictures which we as unthinking organisms, (which we are much of the time, just following regular patterns of movement and behaviour), find it simpler to follow. It isn't a normal or usual practise to draw up sharp, take a look at yourself, and make a real analysis of anything in particular. People are more comfortable adhering to the black path or the white path, I've always liked stepping off the path, others should try it more often, but please don't step on the snails.

  69. chris dee

    Aug 11, 2014, 8:54 #55168

    A good win although without four top players in Ozil, Mert,Pololski and Theo and it was obvious we were only at half pace. Let's hope if we get into the same position as Liverpool did last year we won't blow it through awful management as Brendon Rogers displayed last year.

  70. Sambo

    Aug 11, 2014, 8:50 #55167

    There's a lot of naughty boys on here today pretending to be Gooners going on about this defensive midfielder nonesense... Finsbury Joe just go back to wherever you came from, I know your team ain't worth a jot to talk about but blame your father not us. Talking about fathers, Jeff Wright can you keep your son MARCUS in order he does seem to shout a bit.

  71. Westlower

    Aug 11, 2014, 8:38 #55166

    Comment in one of today's papers that AFC have been plagued with infighting among the fans in recent seasons. Time for us all to tone down extreme opinions and get behind AFC for the greater good. Some of our usual fiercest in-house critics will need to cut Chambers some slack as he adapts to playing in new positions with different partners. He comes across as a young Tony Adams, who made plenty of mistakes in his early days - you older Gooners will remember the media ridiculing of him by pining 'donkey ears' on him. It's being increasing obvious Arsenal will provide the core of the England team at the next World Cup. Man City didn't start with an Englishman.

  72. AMG

    Aug 11, 2014, 8:11 #55165

    A fine start to the season, but we beat Man City 3-1 in pre-season last year and it counted for diddly when we met them in the league, so let's hope this just acts as a confidence boost for the players and doesn't convince Mr. Wenger that his squad is 'good enough' to compete. Until we get that solid DM we will be some way short.


    Aug 11, 2014, 8:04 #55164

    Had this feeling all along that we won't sign a DM. I can see the argument against, having Arteta, Flamini, Coquelin and possibly Chambers. We may still buy, but have for a while tried to get used to the idea that we won't.

  74. The Realist

    Aug 11, 2014, 7:18 #55163

    One week till the start of the season and we still havent signed a top quality DM .WTF is Wenger up to.Its the same every season the stubborn old fool thought the likes of Song and now Arteta can do the DM job.I agree with you Kev about the Ox i cant see him getting many starts especially when Theo returns the same goes for Jack.He is behind Ramsey Ozil and Cazorla in the pecking order.Looking at it objectively i think the best we can hope for is 3rd this year but that is only if we sign a DM.Get a f**king move on Wenger


    Aug 11, 2014, 6:39 #55162

    It was quite important for as many players as possible to get some match practise Mathew. Psychologically it perhaps played a bigger part for these lads to get on the pitch. They played, even if for a few minutes, in a winning Arsenal side, against the current champions, at Wembley. It gives an extra sheen to their medal, has a bonding effect, and a memory, possibly not to be repeated for some-though we hope that is not the case. In this instance 3-0 was better than 4-1-that clean sheet was important too.

  76. Reg

    Aug 11, 2014, 6:36 #55161

    Kev didnt you know Stevie Wonder was guest of honour at Wembley yesterday and he picked Giroud as man of the match.Reality check and sorry to burst the bubble Man Utd won the Community shield last year and in the week before last season started we beat City 3-1.We still need a CB a DM(Arteta as captain a joke) and a top class striker because whatever Stevie thinks Giround is not that,

  77. Mathew

    Aug 11, 2014, 5:11 #55159

    Good game to start off the season with, will certainly pep up the spirit and confidence, especially the new recruits. I liked the way Alexis opened the box and looked at the medal, surprised.... one game and a medal kinda ! A point Wenger will never learn is to score more after 1,2 or 3, i think that's what is required to increase the confidence in our strikers. We always bring on Flamini or Rosicky or another defender to put a pause on the game whereas other teams would like to score more and more. No wonder its been ages that we haven't seen a scoreline where Arsenal scores more than 5, unless the opposition is Spuds. Our approach should be similar, we should treat every opposition as our rivals rather than 1-0 friendlies, but Wenger's economics is never hungry for goals.


    Aug 11, 2014, 0:33 #55158

    It was a good performance, and we beat who were in front of us. Look we still need that DM. I hope wenger has no been blinded by this performance and thus does not buy that DM we badly need. Also a CB.

  79. Finsbury Flo

    Aug 11, 2014, 0:27 #55157

    Get back to your side of the fence dear and worry about your own team of totters.

  80. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 11, 2014, 0:15 #55156

    The deluded AKBs are out in force claiming this pre season run out as a trophy! Unbelievable, but it does go a way to explaining their expectations, which match the ambition of the club. This was a below par city side, when it matters, the result will be the same as all last seasons results against the big boys. I hope the rose tinters are looking at pre season games of rivals, such as Liverpools excellent dismantling of Dortmund. Brendan Rogers is a proper manager, a tactical brain who understands British physicality, not one to indulge in the lightweights wenger puts out. It is going to be a long season

  81. DW Thomas

    Aug 10, 2014, 23:26 #55155

    Sweet win. City I respect, but honestly can't stand. Too many traitors in that team and players like Milner and Zabaletta. Good players, but this team has been built with money and mercenaries. Our team looked good with some exceptions. Sanogo still very raw, chambers promising but moments of concern, and Arteta solid but age and speed a concern. Jack, Rambo, Sanchez, and Cazorla all played well. Obvious to me at least a very good DM would greatly complement the team and TV's replacement expected soon! Still, though, despite the negatives or positives, hope grows from games like these. Hope that a real contention for the title is coming this season. Clapped and yelled when Santi scored and my 2 year old son looked up from watching a video and smiled at me! Funny moment I'd to have more of!

  82. DelBoy

    Aug 10, 2014, 23:19 #55154

    Last year Man Utd won the Shield

  83. Th14afc

    Aug 10, 2014, 22:35 #55153

    Good article I agree with all points raised...not too bothered if Alexis doesn't like gettin his hair wet tho,I'll let that slip as long as he lives up to the hype...iv rated him for years and believe he is the real deal,cnt wait for him to settle,won't take long....chambers is a very exciting prospect indeed but we definitely need a quality,experienced centre back to replace tommy v....debuchy had a steady game at rb...moaners will point out its only the community shield but for team confidence havin 2 trophies in the space of 3 months has to b a good thing

  84. Amos

    Aug 10, 2014, 22:26 #55152

    Perhaps I'm being a little pedantic but one good reason for not calling it the English Super Cup is that, for the time being at least, a cup isn't involved. It's a shield. There's even a picture of it included with the article. Perhaps we could call it the English Super Shield though?