By Hook Or By Crook

Online Ed – Opening day win v Palace… just

By Hook Or By Crook

The Arsenal line-up that started the game last weekend against Manchester City and played very well at Wembley took the field at home to Palace yesterday and looked a very different animal. Ponderous, at times lethargic, unthreatening.

The difference was basically that Palace set up differently, nine men deeply entrenched for most of the game. One of the question marks about Arsène Wenger is whether he is able to adapt his team and tactics to contend with different types of opposition. Some would argue that Arsenal’s lack of success in Europe under Wenger (in terms of actually winning anything) is a consequence of this perceived flaw. What was required yesterday to get through Palace was more taking players on in and around the penalty areas rather than the attempts to work triangles round their thicket of players. And better use of width.

Still, although they left it late, eventually the game was won. Points are more important than performance, although if Arsenal prove this lackadaisical against every team that comes to the Grove to shut up shop, they will drop a fair number of points over the course of the season. Credit to the players for their keeping going right to the end. Many home points have been won over the years for sheer persistence, and so it proved against Palace.

Arsenal’s task was made doubly difficult by the concession of the first goal. Palace, content with a point, were not going to change tactics just because Arsenal equalized. What concerns about Hangeland’s goalbound header was that the two pre-season matches the side lost were both 1-0 defeats from which the goals were conceded from set pieces. This is an area that teams are always going to exploit, and the hope can only be that the return of Mertesacker will solve the problem. In the respect of height, Sagna is also a big loss. Debuchy is not as physically imposing in the air. Giroud not being on the field also weakens the Gunners in such situations.

On that note, I sat next to Gooner contributor Ian Henry and his guest Neil. The latter pointed out to me at half time that Sanogo spent much of the first half running into space where Alexis would have been expected to go, effectively foiling the Chilean’s game. It is going to take a while for understanding to develop, and Arsenal did look better as an attacking unit when Giroud replaced Sanogo. We are all aware that the manager has faith in the latter to come good, but on yesterday’s performance, this observer is going to take some convincing. The story a few weeks back about Milan offering Balotelli for Joel Campbell plus £8 million may not have had much truth in it, but if I am wrong, it is definitely something that should be looked at, as it appears Campbell is unlikely to play much of a role this season, going by the Community Shield. Arsenal need better quality options up front than Yaya Sanogo. I would be amazed if Giroud did not start in Turkey, and perhaps, the decision to start him on the bench was taking physical considerations into account, the belief being Palace could be overcome without him.

Calum Chambers played well, but in fairness, the defence was not seriously tested a great deal. The teenager is quickly becoming a crowd favourite for his commitment, meaning his mistakes are forgiven. Even though the home team enjoyed 75% of the possession, they were still sloppy and slovenly in possession. The ball was given away far too easily and passes often went astray. Mentally, there may have been a sense of complacency after last weekend.

The first goal was the result of a delightful free kick from Alexis which showed real quality, Koscielny getting on the end of his cross in typical fashion. The winner was a consequence of sheer pressure, perhaps aided a little by the red card only moments earlier that left Palace a man light. It was a moment that the dice fell for Arsenal and Ramsey was the man in the right place at the right time, intelligent enough to have remained onside during the build up although the first thing I did as the goal went in was look at the linesman.

If you are going to play badly, then winning on such days is a fantastic habit. I am delighted with the three points, but that should not ignore the fact that there are areas that need to be worked on. Apparently, the German returnees will not be played until next weekend, although it was interesting to see Ron Vlaar (whose World Cup only finished 24 hours earlier than the World Cup winners) have a good 90 minutes at Stoke. He seems to have formed a decent bond with Philippe Senderos, who might just resurrect his career at Villa.

Elsewhere, Manchester United’s defeat was a surprise that demonstrates how misleading pre-season warm up games can be. Giving debuts to two youngsters showed how Louis Van Gaal will take zero notice of reputation, but it appears it will take time for him to get things right. The lack of European involvement (and presumably a couple more significant signings) will give him the opportunity to do that. I wouldn’t write them off just yet.

Tottenham under Pocchetino achieved a credible result at Upton Park. You have to wonder whether this is due to improvement under the new manager or a reflection of how poor West Ham are at the moment. I think it is a bit of both, although I will be watching Spurs with interest for a while, as my feeling is they might have finally got a manager who can make the team more consistent, and get results. Whether that is enough to break into the top four, time will tell, but he managed it for a while with Southampton last season.

We still have to see Manchester City, Chelsea and Liverpool begin their campaigns, but going on yesterday’s performances, all three will feel confident they can retain their positions in the top three. But opening days are notoriously misleading. Remember last year? The timing of Arsenal’s goals yesterday avoided the prospect of booing, which is the last thing we want to hear at Gunners matches this season. The next two fixtures will tell us a lot more about the kind of season we can realistically expect than yesterday’s slightly fortuitous win.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 19, 2014, 17:46 #55556

    MARCUS, well said, not everybody is happy just to sit back and accept the goings on at the club, and believe everything they're told and hear, it doesn't make anybody any less of a fan if they critise (and not afraid to do so) although others think it does, and class it as some kind of a sin.


    Aug 19, 2014, 13:16 #55533

    @Bardarse look my criticism of wenger is justified and is part of being a fan. Any fan that doe snot criticise hes manager not even once is a dummy. You cant just sit there and accept stuff you are not happy with, That would be a fake fan. Also if I'm not happy with some of the players with have as they our not good enough. Arteta, Giorud and Sanogo would not start for any team that finished ahead of us last season. FACT!!! Maybe loserpool, but definitely not man city or chelsea

  3. Ozzie...

    Aug 19, 2014, 12:23 #55524

    I remember Ben Arfa running at the Gooner defenders last year thinking: hell, we need someone like this up front. He worried me all game.


    Aug 19, 2014, 7:55 #55511

    Good morning MARCUS, it isn't very nice when someone uses your name, or insults or attacks in an anonymous name. In fact it isn't very nice when people are unkind just because they see the running of a football club differently. What riles me is the cowardly way people attack AW-I wouldn't even attack Redknapp or Ferguson in that way. This brings me to the situation in hand, and it gives me an opportunity to set the record straight, and perhaps inform you. I didn't, and never do take others' names, and I know westlower's character well enough to know he wouldn't stoop in such a fashion either. Clear? I do think you can be quite insulting to AW and Arsenal players though; that isn't a nice trait, is it?


    Aug 19, 2014, 1:19 #55508

    Some fool is using my name to post nonsense. Folks the last two post we supposedly my name and slogan is not from me. Clearly I have ruffled a few feathers. Dammm the truth hurts as they say. Again how sad must your life be if the only way you can rebut someone is by using their name and posting nonsense?? Oh dear,dear. Typical from a DELUDED AKB. What more do you expect they cant see the obvious even if its in their faces smh. Sad really. Probably Bardarse or another delusional akb i.e westlower

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 18, 2014, 14:23 #55488

    Bard 58700, didn't you know OGL has been working his arse off scouring the world (and jungles)for one, their hard to come by you know, especially pre and post WC and they cost a lot of money and big wages, and it's hard to compete with big clubs even though we're supposed to be one.

  7. maguirsbridge gooner

    Aug 18, 2014, 14:07 #55487

    DW, yes Xbox does get a bit of stick mostly for falling down and running into players, but you may be onto something because more often than not he's going forward trying to set something up and get something going, maybe if some of the others would do the same instead of slowing everything down going sideways or backwards with tippy tappy going nowhere football with as someone has already pointed out giving the opposition time to regroup we might be better off, but I suppose at the end of the day it's the coaching, or lack of it and their only following instructions.


    Aug 18, 2014, 13:33 #55483

    Afternoon Bard. Not an ideal situation; do expect Gibbs to miss it, but Kosh may not. Either way there are those slagging off AW for not playing the trio of Germans, one may step unto the breech. Hopeful of a narrow victory in Turkey whoever pulls on the shirt, Alexis with more freedom down to better refereeing may get off the mark.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 18, 2014, 12:31 #55479

    Finsbury Joe, sorry to disappoint but you couldn't be further from the truth.

  10. Bard

    Aug 18, 2014, 12:14 #55478

    Generally in agreement DW, although I think we have to wait and see what happens when they are all up to speed. The fact that it was the first game of the season means we can cut them some slack. However you are dead right about Sanogo. We have 9 midfield players available for 4 slots so I wouldn't be worrying about Jack. he will either step up or stay benched. The stand out problems are at the back. As I read it this morning we have our first crisis for Besiktas, no Gibbs and more than likely no Kos. It is curious ( or genius as the AKBS like to call it) that for a game of this magnitude ( worth £25m) his squad currently only has 2 CBs one of whom is just back from post world cup holiday and not available. Its moments like this that make me doubt Wenger has lost the plot. He can't say we are unlucky as Gibbs is an injury waiting to happen. How difficult is it to get a half decent centre half as back up.


    Aug 18, 2014, 9:54 #55473

    Mathew I wasn't reacting against your post, quite the contrary, I see merit in your view. If anything I was just painting a picture, and building on what you or others see, though we all see a little differently.

  12. Mathew

    Aug 18, 2014, 9:38 #55471

    Well BADARSE, you can only dream of, unless you are the manager to ring those changes in. Alternatives are required to adapt to the situation, but Wenger is damn adamant that he wont change his style of play.


    Aug 18, 2014, 8:04 #55464

    Ha ha, WHALWTGTConvinceMe. Are you from the USA, or just wish you were? 'guy', 'man', 'jheez'-just hilarious. Am confused as USA don't do irony very well, and an anonymous poster, keeping his head down, asking for backbone in another is loaded down with it. @Glad to be of service David. Now to the real people; morning Athoz. You have got the answer with the fast-forward button I think. Thing is 'ticka tacka' used as a descriptive insult, is when it is not performed well. When it is it's wonderful, and ties defenders in knots giving space and opportunity. Running with the ball is the best individual way of unlocking a defence, which stands like a forest, providing it is performed well. On Saturday we did neither well in my opinion. Our passing wasn't accurate enough, it wasn't crisp enough, our running with the ball carried the man into trouble, (this isn't always the fault of the man on the ball, but the poor movement of those off the ball). We just weren't on song. It happens. Some individuals have really finely tuned observational skills, and can visualise positive alternatives on the pitch. It is worth sifting through the posts for those, but too many react by rote, pouring scorn on the team/manager for attempting something that they might only dream of.

  14. Mathew

    Aug 18, 2014, 6:55 #55463

    Good observations Kevin, i had pointed out a few in my previous comments. Its so typical that Wenger looses his ploy in most of the matches in team selection & style of play. Agreed that it was the season opener but it didnt take long to realize that Palace had shut shop. I have a strong belief that Wenger's triangles and tiki-taka wont take us any further this year as well. I watched Sterling score yesterday against a good Southampton side. The beauty of the goal was pace upfront from Sterling and an assist from Henderson from Liverpool's half. He managed to get a goal although he had two defenders around him. A glaring opportunity to show what we were missing, no pace upfront and our insistence in PERFECT GOALS. Our tiki-takas gives enough time for the opposition to regroup hence no more surprise attacks. My emphasis here is, if we are to win the league we need to score more goals, and for that we need proven goal scorers upfront, not SaNogoal. A genuine attacker who can score at will and a defensive cover is what is needed urgently. I feel Wenger should plan Chambers to replace Arteta next year as he can defense and prod forward as well. He is young and willing to learn, ample opportunities with Arsenal this year should help him. Looking forward to a day when Arsenal will be counted among the elite.

  15. Ozzie

    Aug 18, 2014, 6:02 #55462

    Fed up with all the endless sideways-backwards passing? Then tape the game and watch it on fast-forward. A boring game becomes an instant cracker - the same game, only played in a different time zone.

  16. DW Thomas

    Aug 18, 2014, 3:25 #55461

    It's Sanogo's skill and inability to control the ball under pressure. At this level, skill is a requirement, a basic if you will. As a player, I developed a good first touch and skill so I recognized it as a coach and when I see players like him. Not saying he can't improve, but by his age it should be way better. Everyone is slagging Jack off a litte, but I thought he was our only bright light in the game as far as pushing the play forward. He makes dumb decisions sometimes, but too many of the team don't play on his level and merely want to tippy tappy around in triangles. Wilshere still has the potential to be even better than Ramsey in my opinion, but he has certainly regressed a little. Whether it was injuries, Wenger, his own growing ego, or all of those things in some mix, he needs to get better soon or he will be a sub. Again, maybe the teams just needs a few more games together to gel and show a more dominant game. But the missing striker piece still irks me to no end. Giroud tries, Sanogo will try, but we need someone like Aguero. Although, if you watched City's game, the Newcastle defending on both goals was terrible. Aguero got his own rebound and finished from a close, narrow angle. Still, he gets those chances and buries them. Not every club can have a Messi, but aren't there more out there that can be bought and developed with that kind of skill and attacking mentality? Also, Soton has a new skillful guy, Tadic, who looks really good.

  17. David

    Aug 18, 2014, 2:48 #55460

    BadArse - when my young daughter wakes me up in the middle of the night, and I struggle to return to the land of nod, I turn to your verbose ramblings, and within moments the shackles of sleeplessness slip away. Night night.


    Aug 17, 2014, 23:32 #55459

    SPEND SPEND SPEND Enter in the words as a broken winged creature, On last flights full of humbled sonnets, Lay down and rest the wings, inkling feathery Centers, that of your very essence. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolll Turn in on your self, flow that inward universe And outwardly express like a hopeful current All that the Word might ever be. Face the face of that which hides in darker Tombs, spinning all that tethered strings Of nouns and pronouns and verbiage, Be that which might grasp what only Your tainted moonlight has hidden, Be that faceless spike into the dead fantasies For those lost in modern poetics of emotions. Smhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhloolllololololol. Dissolving all things and meshing the poetic soul, Metaphor to connect, connect the metaphor: Life is after all the grandest metaphor. Be that spirit of the written word, A warriors pen fallen by swordsmans Tongue, still the ink will run, Erupting lamentations, songs! Lyrical constellations! Dream the dreamer, Life is a poem, make way for the words That you borrowed returning Them to the dreaming current.Arsene Your Still the daddy


    Aug 17, 2014, 23:27 #55458

    This guy Badarse is a typical wenger loyalist. For him wenger can do no wrong. Have a backbone man jheez.


    Aug 17, 2014, 22:57 #55457

    Bob you are aware then that it was a different world then, with different criteria. Now? Well everyone has a take on everything-checkout the posts on this website for confirmation of that fact. Yes in many ways players are pampered, but everyone is trying to do their best as they see fit, in governing their own little principalities. If I was running a club I would do it my way if allowed, as you would do it your way. Seems that AW does it his, which may be a little different to some others. So where is the rub?

  21. Bard

    Aug 17, 2014, 22:02 #55456

    Good review Kev as usual. We will get better. What intrigues me is by how much. Sanogo can't be learning his trade in a side allegedly trying to win trophies. My view is that his technique is too poor for this level, he needs replacing pronto. I liked Chambers and Sanchez, who will get better when he can get more central. My overriding thought was how unbalanced the squad is. On yesterdays performance dear Jack will be spending a lot of time pulling splinters out of his arse. He looks as though he has filled out a bit and has lost his zip. i hope I am wrong as I love him but he looked pedestrian and with Rambo looking like he is moving in to the world class category, I can only see bench for Jack once Ozil does back. I don't think Ox will get much time either once Wally gets back. Further back we are thin beyond belief. Gibbs is an injury waiting to happen and as yet no back up CB. Interesting times. Unless Wenger signs a couple you don't need to be a football genius to see that we will be stretched before too long.

  22. Bob

    Aug 17, 2014, 21:23 #55455

    Badarse not sure what point you are making....winning the 66 world cup involved 6 games, winning this world cup involved just one more. I am sure if Wenger had been West Ham manager in 66 Moore Hurst and Peters would not have played until October (as it is they all turned out against Chelsea on 20 August and then against Arsenal three days later!). Different days, yes, but one reason why so many people are turned off the game these days where some modern managers indulge over-pampered prima donnas. Yes there was a bit of flying around between venues but the fact remains Arsenal have indulged their German contingent. City had two of their three finalists performing today, the third (Zabaletta) was injured.


    Aug 17, 2014, 21:12 #55453

    We all agree that Sanogo is a raw talent, either with a small, or capital 'T'. To try to find your feet is not easy, even in a new team of kiddies football-here we are talking of Arsenal. Every young player has to hit the ground running, with us. The same stunted development of young talent in this country is largely due to the big clubs-and we are a big club, despite some who would have it otherwise-who cannot/will not persevere with the young developing talent, as indirectly it is too costly to risk it. We do and it's slammed, probably by many who decry the disintegration of our national team. Ironic. Sanogo is asked to plough a lone furrow, making his settling in even more difficult-he has a shield when playing with a partner alongside. The game of a lone central striker depends on those behind him playing well, or invariably he won't either. With our usual slick passing, and fast movement he is brought into the game and space opens around him, this means he can have a better game. When our passing is off, and our movement is stilted, with too many running with the ball and carrying it into trouble, the lone striker has no natural outlet for his skills. I think what we saw against Palace was part of the reason for Sanogo's poor return, because that's what we did all afternoon. I see what others see, and also what some others don't. The lad will do for me and before too long will do his bit, for which we shall all be grateful.

  24. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 17, 2014, 21:09 #55452

    Some very....very shrewd observations in the lead article and posts. The team were truly appalling , couldn't string two passes together. Players regress under this manager, the only exception being Ramsey who will join his wales team mate in Madrid as soon as they wave thirty five million in front of Kronke and who know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Still, the AKBs are crowing.....they think the club have signed Baresi, rather than a raw gangly kid from Soton that wenger will soon wreck.throughout the centuries, the smart have used guile, lateral thinking, studies of opponents to defeat the odds and superior opponents. Such a shame wenger refuses to use such tactics, meaning he will again be undone by the might of City, Chelsea, Liverpool....and even Utd....and as the article suggests, he should be looking very closely towards North London as well. The man and the club have become a joke, fortunately astute Gooners are waking up to this


    Aug 17, 2014, 21:06 #55451

    Again we got lucky, we played badly but we won. So those three points our even more good now. Why in the hell does wenger play Sanogo?? Technically hes absolutely poor. He has no control what so ever, he looks gangly and just plain terrible. WHAT DOES WENHER SEE IN HIM?? I was not convinced by hes four goal tap in performance against Benefica goals any one could have scored. They were all 5 yards out for Gods sake!!! I would even take Welbeck ahead of that guy and I for one do not even think Welbeck is anything special. The kid needs to go out on loan asap. Again a position we have not strengthened oh dear, dear. WHEN WILL WENGER LEARN?? Everyone last season said we needed a striker EVERYONE?? Yet one man seems oblivious to our BLANTANT NEEDS!!1 SMH Is he going to play Sanchez down the middle?? Hes a winger last time I looked coming off the right where hes at hes best. So Wenger has been able to con folks by buying Sanchez. So a lot of folks forgot we have yet to deal with our problems i.e cf, cdm and a cover cb. Well he has not conned me. We wil struggle to beat the top teams as per usual. Why in hell does Arteta even start for us?? My God!! Is it because he takes the pens?? Are you telling me know one else can step up and take the pens?? He is a big, big liability. Just don't get what wengers sees in him. Its just mind boggling. Also in my view our left back position is weak as hell. I have never rated Gibbs nor Monreal who is just poor. Again we have weakness all over. We will be lucky to even get 3rd for me. With this current squad. I was impressed with the way we defend when we have the ball. We our not bombing forward leaving huge gaps at the back which is where we can get caught on the counter. So just maybe wenger has learned most of those ebating we took last season came from getting caught on the counter after the opposition wins the ball form us we would leave big , big spaces and they would punish us as our full backs would be up the pitch caught out. So its good to see we leave the back 4 back and areta stays even though I think hes not the solution that tactical change makes it hard for teams to punish us when we lose the ball as we don't leave huge caps. So may that continue. Also there is nothing wrong with going to city or Chelsea and playing cautiously in the first 45 mins and sitting deep and letting them have the ball and playing on the counter. Its called tactics. Than coming out in the second 45 mins and being more attack minded as you are still the game. Last season we were not streetwise enough we would be down 3 goals within 20 mins and that is game over. so we have to improve that aspect and also improve our set piece defending asap. To many goals conceded that way. Fa cup final two, Liverpool 5-1 mauling first two and yesterday. We have to work on that quick

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2014, 20:38 #55450

    CT Gooner, last week we got our own way (although they might not be as obliging next time)yesterday we didn't so there has to be an excuse sorry reason for it,some things never change.


    Aug 17, 2014, 20:30 #55449

    Bob in 1966 England only played six games over 20 days, so a bit like two games per week-with no travel. Oh and no Arsenal players took part, though George Eastham warmed the bench.

  28. Mike Collins

    Aug 17, 2014, 20:12 #55448

    DW Thomas ar 20.00 mentions Cazorla, whose rate of giving the ball away cheaply is astonishing. It's annoying enough but even more so given that trademarkcheeky-boy grin as wide as the Watford Gap every time he does it. Shape up, Santi.

  29. DW Thomas

    Aug 17, 2014, 20:00 #55446

    What's depressing, no wait, more infuriating is that the champions won with many players involved late in the WC. Aguero was in the final! How many minutes did Per and Podolski play combined down there? Can't be too much! I see Ozil only needing some time, just because our MF is full of good players. Wenger's bs show is in full swing already. And where was Rosicky? How he doesn't get a start in front of Cazorla is simply a mystery! He played no minutes inthe WC and is ready to go. Gibbs injured already? Weren't we hearing he was over his injury problems? City and Liverpool both won. Chelsea tomorrow will most likely win. 3 points is god but expected of title contenders. We are still looking bare in depth. DM, wide back who can play CB, and a top striker. Otherwise set the season to repeat of the last 6-7 years. What a stubborn man Arsene is!

  30. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 17, 2014, 19:48 #55445

    Nice- last minute winner, Ramsey keeping going and scoring again, the new signings. Not nice- Sanogo is not the answer to any question I can think of, no player on the posts at a corner is asking for trouble , Arteta is going to get overrun when we play better teams. Answer- buy the 3 players we all know we need and we have a serious chance of the league.

  31. Rippy

    Aug 17, 2014, 19:19 #55444

    Season openers are always hard work. They rarely go to plan. We looked a bit rusty as a team yesterday. But there was always only going to be one winner. Interesting that palace managed to waste 15 mins of time. Real shame for the football fan. Sanago looks like his a bit lost at the moment . He probably needs 6-7 games to find his feet. But the question is will the fans be patient enough? I am really worried about the defensive situation. It's looking more likely that Gibbs is going to be just one of those injury prone players. Real shame but we need to be realistic. I think we need 3 more defensive minded signings. And a striker with pace who's good in the air.

  32. Gunner be proud

    Aug 17, 2014, 19:09 #55443

    I thought the tempo given to the game was about right with the games coming up in mind. Palace played a very well drilled game and Arsenal just about deserved to work through for the win in the end, though hard fought. Palace will feel a little hard done too and well played to them too The sniping towards Sanogo seen on here at the moment (it may well have been here a while?) is a little cruel surely. The young fellow is a support striker for OG after all. Over the season i think he may well knock in a few important goals for us. The lad Chambers looks a very good player indeed.

  33. Mike Collins

    Aug 17, 2014, 18:56 #55442

    I almost detect implied criticism of the lethally brilliant Yaya Sanogoal here and that's enough from a so-called Arsenal fanzine. The man's legend will soon eclispse M.Henry and to drag a shot 20 yards wide in only 23 touches is no disgrace. Shape up The Gooner or 1-0 Down, 2-1 Up will be back to bite you.

  34. Bob

    Aug 17, 2014, 18:30 #55441

    Wenger is apparently quoted as saying the season has come "too soon". Who would have thought it would have sneaked up on us like this after the world cup? Whatever did English football do in 1966 when the world cup final was on 30 July and all the top players in our big teams were English? It isn't the first season that has started too early for monsieur Wenger. 2011-12 was a classic, featuring the 8-2 debacle at Old Trafford which prompted his mercy dash to the transfer market on deadline day.

  35. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 17, 2014, 18:23 #55439

    maguirebridge-I always had you down as a spurs man anyway,and was just waiting for you to come out of your closet or cesspit.

  36. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Aug 17, 2014, 17:56 #55438

    Demichelis (played 120 mins of World Cup Final) & Aguero( played 1 hr 15 mins) both played today less than 23 hrs after Arsenal did. Demichelis kept a clean sheet, Aguero scored. Take note Wenger.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2014, 17:55 #55437

    Kev, you'll be watching the spuds with interest for a while? you'd better be careful your liable to be accused of not been a true supporter and told by some of OGL's disciples on here to f**k of down the lane or crawl back into your cesspit.

  38. jezzer

    Aug 17, 2014, 17:53 #55436

    How can the Man City Argentine players be available to play at St James Park and our World finalists have only just come back ?

  39. John F

    Aug 17, 2014, 17:38 #55434

    On the plus side I was very impressed with chambers and Kos. Sanogo was poor he reminds me of Lee Chapman back in the day.How many chances do you give a player who cannot control the ball. I am not sure he would be good enough even for Stoke although if he could sing swing low and learn how to do the Haka they might be interested.

  40. smithy

    Aug 17, 2014, 17:11 #55433

    Good result against a side a lot will struggle against.I agree with many on here that Campbell needs to be given a chance.We need to recruit a centre back who can cover lft back( we just sold one).A Tall athletic defensive midfielder and possibly another forward. I think Arsene will sign one of the three.Early days but we shouldn't under estimate the problems palace will cause others and how we will evolve from this game.Bestikas away will also be a difficult game but let's look at the positives we got 3 points to build on!

  41. GoonerRon

    Aug 17, 2014, 16:49 #55432

    3 points and edging closer towards full fitness and sharpness were what was needed and all we're delivered. I'll take that. We also continue the momentum carried over the momentum and feel good factor from the previous season. Including the Comm Shield that's 9 wins in a row in all comps.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2014, 15:40 #55430

    That question has been asked many times Kev with always the same answer and yesterday was no exception, but we did enough, just enough against the mighty palace with the usual defensive mistake thrown in and i'm sure we'll be told that will be sorted on the training ground (and not just by the players)the problem is we've been told that for the last eight years now, what ever it is that is sorted at London Colney it's not the defence. But we got away with It again got out of jail is been widely used thanks to Ramsey again, it wasn't a game to text home about with a couple of decent displays here and there but the two points is all that matters this early at least it wasn't a repeat of last seasons opener. Bigger and harder tests to come over the next weeks and months and a lot of work to be done at London Colney apart from the defence, but we're of the mark now and no doubt going to win the league.

  43. DW Thomas

    Aug 17, 2014, 15:26 #55429

    Good analysis. How Sanogo gets so much time over Campbell is something to question! He looked like a deer on ice again. Bad feet, not much impact at all. The passing was extremely poor at times, remember those two combos between Ox and Cazorla? And it wasn't a fast paced game like Liverpool's today. We have a ways to go. I'll say it again and again. We will struggle to compete and win big games with no top striker that can run at defenses and create for others. Chambers looked better than Kos who was good as well. Why didn't we have anyone at either post on their goal? Is that how zonal defending works on corners? The jury is back and it doesn't work!! We changed nothing but players second half and got lucky to win. Few chances for a supposed attacking team. At least United lost. Chambers could be a diamond in the making. Again, thought Wilshere played well at times, he pushes things forward. But his tendency to hold the ball too long and get tackled needs to be coached out of him. When he played with Cesc he was much better. Didn't see Ramsey do too much either. All need to improve quickly. Sanchez is good, but lacks outlets and better support at times.

  44. Comedian

    Aug 17, 2014, 15:23 #55428

    Comical that a club with Arsenal's money and resources is having to play garbage like Sanogio, who isn't good enough to start a game for WBA or Stoke. Pathetic. The alternative Giroud, is mediocre. I won't go on about how average Arteta is cos Arsene "is gonna spend big@. Sanchez or not, the team is short, lacking in key areas. Contenders? You're having a laugh!

  45. Amos

    Aug 17, 2014, 15:13 #55427

    I'd imagine the difference in performance between last weekend and this was that Man City came to play a game they were trying and probably expected to win while Crystal Palace came to play a game they didn't want to lose. New players may not help as much as the ones we've got being more familiar each other but the likelihood is that any new players are likely to be more defensive recruits anyway.


    Aug 17, 2014, 14:09 #55426

    Thought Debuchy and Monreal acquitted themselves well yesterday. Both aided attack and in Debuchy's case there was a fullback on the opposition's six yard line popping at goal, and but for a blind save , which thankfully young Aaron tucked away, he would have been the unexpected match winner. Just a point, had Monreal not been so nimble and able to release his studs to raise that standing leg it could have been broken with the second yellow tackle. Well done to his presence of mind and agility. If Gibbsy is injured again we are going to need him.

  47. CT Gooner

    Aug 17, 2014, 14:03 #55425

    I don't see why we're constantly making excuses for the players/coaching staff. Last week, at least the first half, we were fluid and fast, so what the heck happened this week? We were sooo slow, made way too many backward passes, and how many chances did we create, very few. Beyond a real improvement up top, and the obvious replacement of Arteta, not sure how new players will help. To me it's getting this group to play faster and educate the wide midfielders they need to play both ways. Overall, a very lucky 3 points

  48. TJ

    Aug 17, 2014, 13:27 #55424

    Thought Monreal filled in pretty well to be honest. Really nice to have Sanchez who is a proper winger- whichever side Cazorla operated on looked seriously weak. Chambers, Debuchy and Sanchez all looked settled, maybe because of their having a proper pre-season to gel. As for breaking the parked bus, whatever tactics you employ, it's the tempo of play that is most important; since the team has more and more pace coming into it now, hopefully we'll get to see even more consistency this season.

  49. Amos

    Aug 17, 2014, 12:56 #55422

    I'm not sure that we needed to take on players more in yesterday's game as much as we needed to make those one touch triangles in, around and through a packed defence. It appeared to me that too many were guilty of taking people on Alexis, Cazorla, Ramsey, Wilshere, Sanogo particularly and losing the ball on their second or third touch. The Wilshere's goal against Norwich and Rosicky's against Sunderland last season seem to me exactly the tactics we should have employed working triangles through their thicket of players - and didn't. We all see tactics differently I guess. It may seem at times as those Wenger gets his tactics wrong but it is unlikely that the right strategy will be found in the stands either.

  50. AMG

    Aug 17, 2014, 12:36 #55421

    Good report Kevin, nice to see the 3 points even if it was the least you would expect against a rudderless Crystal Palace at home. Let's hope that our business in the transfer window is not complete, as Arteta looks a real liability as does our left-back position. The injury to Gibbs is a predictable and concerning development as Monreal is not up to the job of first choice left-back. One of the common features of the thrashings last year was the very permeable left side of defence, both Gibbs and Monreal were exposed over and over again to devastating effect. I'm loving the application of Chambers, although his naivety will get found out in the big games, so quality cover in this position is a must. Nothing has really changed, we've gone into the season light at centre-back, left-back, defensive midfield and upfront. It's a familiar situation and if things really are different this time around, then I hope we see some more arrivals before Sept 1st.

  51. clockers

    Aug 17, 2014, 12:14 #55420

    Nice to see balanced reportage from someone who goes to the games. Agree with you all the way on every point and see Villa as another irritant in the works. Things just get more competitive - can Arsenal?

  52. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Aug 17, 2014, 12:11 #55419

    Three points. See if Zabaleta & Aguero (who played in World Cup Final) play today at St James's Park, Kev