Honours Even

Online Ed: Goalless away draw in Turkey

Honours Even

Point of interest. Dimechelis played for Manchester City on Sunday. Schurrle played for Chelsea on Monday. Mertesacker and Ozil watched Arsenal on TV on Tuesday. All were on duty at the World Cup Final. It will be interesting to see whether the former pair are lost to injury in the autumn through being ‘rushed back’.

Still, Arsenal got away with it without their World Cup winners, not conceding against Besiktas in the Ataturk Stadium, although the home side had two excellent opportunities to score when Koscielny was faced with one on ones he was unable to deal with. Add to that the freakish attempt from kick off by Demba Ba which brought about a great save from Szczesny, who did himself a power of good in this game with an excellent performance.

It was an open, exciting game, belying the scoreline, with less of the caution normally associated with these ties. Besiktas went for the win and Arsenal were determined to score. That neither succeeded might make for a tense evening and a markedly different type of match next week, when one imagines the Slaven Bilic’s side might adopt tactics similar to those of Palace last weekend. Perhaps the return of Mesut Ozil might give the Gunners more possibilities.

Olivier Giroud tried manfully, but ultimately, you felt that a better striker would have made more of the opportunities he had. For Alexis, it’s a bit of a comedown after supplying Lionel Messi with the ammunition for the last three years, although he has sacrificed that to be the star man. What did impress was the Chilean’s pace, and in matches that are more open like this one, he could do a lot of damage, akin to Theo Walcott but with greater composure in the danger areas.

Jack Wilshere came in for some criticism on Saturday, but I felt he had a decent enough match last night. Arsenal’s midfield certainly did not boss the game, but they were not over-run either. Two yellow cards for Ramsey saw him dismissed, but there was no requirement for him to commit the foul for the first, and the second card might have been a bit harsh, but away from home in Europe, hardly a surprise. It was an even game with both sides showing quality. Arsenal are still getting into their stride, but on last night’s evidence, there is reason for optimism going forward.

In defence, they were certainly tested, and as previously stated, a little fortunate. In spite of that, aside from the error which led to Demba Ba shooting wide, Calum Chambers had an imperious match, and reminds me a little of the young Bobby Moore. His reading of the game and timing in the tackle is a wonder. Credit to Arsène Wenger for gambling a phenomenal sum of money on an inexperienced teenager and picking up a diamond. One has the sense this player will be the bedrock of the club for many years to come, which is incredible after only a handful of appearances. Will he be dropped against Everton for Mertesacker? Or moved into Arteta’s position if the captain is not fit. Debuchy also had a cracking game, so there is no way he is going to be demoted to accommodate Chambers if the manager is reluctant to drop the teenager on current form.

The pitch looked very poor, and for me, shows the benefits of the team training on it the evening before the game, which is something Arsenal never do.

The run of 12 consecutive wins in Arsenal’s qualifying matches for the Champions League was an incredible feat which had to end sometime. Sure a 1-1 would have been better than a 0-0, but the team simply have to make sure they win in the return match. They should be capable of that, but no harm in practicing penalties in case of a stalemate.

Besiktas wore their black away kit in tribute to their departed honorary president which meant that Arsenal’s blue cup kit did not get any exposure. This is a kit that might only get worn a handful of times, which for this observer, is a blessing. I think it looks repulsive.

Alexis took the corners instead of Cazorla and the improvement in delivery was marked. At times, Arsenal were light on numbers in the penalty box at times, although given this was a first leg away European tie, there was no need to go gung ho. The team has been slaughtered before for doing that, so I can live with it in a first leg on foreign soil.

When the Ox’s late shot was tipped onto the post, you just knew it was going to be one of those nights. However, the result is half the job achieved. Sure it could have been better, but it certainly could have been a lot worse. Wenger’s men have every chance of going through as long as they are composed, patient and on their game next Wednesday evening.

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Further Reading
A sequel to Arsènal – The Making of a Modern Superclub and entitled Arsène and Arsenal The Quest to Rediscover Past Glories has been written by myself and co-author Alex Fynn. It takes up the story of the club from the last update of the previous book, and can be bought online here.

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    Aug 22, 2014, 13:57 #55694

    Afternoon my little Munchkins-they supported Dorothy, but found it impossible to smile at the delight it brought them. They sang and danced a bit though, which leads me onto your post Athoz. Autumn approaches, and with it the old postcard adage, 'Winter drawers on'. It is the season for applications for auditions for my travelling circus troupe. Last Spring there was a dearth of clowns in the business and I found myself imploring some on here to apply for a position. This time I am getting in early so come on lads, dig out those red noses, extra large shoes and rotating bow ties. Remember, your circus needs you. Did I really help keep Arsene Wenger in a job? (What drivel!) Wow playmates, a job well done then.

  2. Gunner be proud

    Aug 22, 2014, 11:44 #55686

    DW - i meant giving away 'losers' medals. Sorry. They should win with honour and lose with honour i think. These half witted footballers and coaches have never had time in the forces or they would have learned something about honour and dignity in the face of a setback or a defeat. Sadly not many modern day fans understand it either. Quite a number post on here!

  3. Gunner be proud

    Aug 22, 2014, 11:31 #55685

    Oh Dear DW. I agree with you absolutely. Its all opinion. i dont offer up 'facts', just my view and feelings. Yes,a few lost Finals too but im still pleased we got there. You cant win them all and there are maybe sound reasons why we didnt win 1 or 2 of them. Makes no difference now. Its all history. They were good days out nontheless and the other teams who beat did so deservedly, though you might have a problem with saying well done to an opponent. I never do and never will.If that makes me 'arrogant', so be it but i dont think i am. The losses makes the wins (when they come) even better. Your very lucky to still play. Make it last. I played till i was mid 40s. Just a game of squash and a swim has to do for me these days!I love to see us win but its not the e all and end all for me. These players and Coaches who publically give winners medals away these days are for me the height of ignorance and revel in disrespecting their opponent. Its about standards of behaviour for me. They do it for effect to curry favour with embittered fans (as you seem to be a little) and to seek quasi hero status. Its all very shallow. Losses or not, you wont remove my pride in getting to finals (though losing) however much you try.A few of us on here im guessing have seen us lose in embarrassing fashions way back when. Its part of being a supporter DW. Arsenal seem to cause you pain. If i ever reach that stage ill simply wash my hands of the whole notion of following the team. Thank you : The lackey! Be as rude as you like. It water off a ducks back.

  4. DW Thomas

    Aug 22, 2014, 0:51 #55679

    Wow, GBP! You are the spitting image of some other Arsene lackeys on here. Hate to use that word, but the blind support and twisting of facts to suit your opinions is astounding. You talk of skewed logic yet many of your thoughts on things are not facts! Just opinion. Disagree all you want, but please don't be so condescending. Last I checked he is no deity. Maybe arrogance is a requirement of his supporters club. Many of us have supported Arsenal for years as you purportedly have, yet we have totally opposite views. All ok in my book. Again I am a fan, but in life overall, I can live without watching football. It is not my only interest, but I do love it at times, though playing still in a competitive league is much much more fun, and always will be! Your disagreement on Cesc is acceptable to me, but again just opinion. He is world class, has won more than any of our players, and has heart. Chelsea in Hazard has one heck of a creative player, yet still bought Fab. No team should have turned him down. Arsenal has the potential tobe way more successful than they are or have ever been. But the club had stagnated greatly! You bring up those finals stats? Which one did we win, barely? The others were all losses. Not a good stat to back up your view. We have only won the league cup twice in 7 tries, ever, and lost 2 of 5 under Wenger. It is harsh to call him a serial loser, but I can see their point. Winning is defined as being first. I think Arsene felt betrayed by Cesc. But, again just my view. We all get fired up on here, myself included, but most of us contain the vitriol to a certain level. I am still waiting for that "job well done" as the FA Cup was necessary to keep his job, but we barely beat Wigan AND Hull. Lets long for something more. How about a club that pushes for sustained title chases each year in the PL and can go deep in the CL. A team to be admired for great defending AND attacking that doesn't sell their captains, is honest to their fans, and isn't primarily focused on$$$! THat would be a great Christmas present. And for me that's all within the realm of our possibility.

  5. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 14:57 #55656

    DJ - No problem at all. Lets not spend too much time blaming Mrs T though. There's simply too much to say!!

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 21, 2014, 13:10 #55651

    DJ, it's makes a change from the referee.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 21, 2014, 12:49 #55649

    Dartford gooner, and he must have a big bag to carry them all.

  8. DJ

    Aug 21, 2014, 12:25 #55647

    GBP: I apologise for my tongue firmly in cheek post meant no offence. You actually made me laugh out loud which is a good thing even though I am work! Enjoy following the team this season.

  9. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 12:20 #55646

    Hear this my friend : 2006 - 2014 CL every season. CL Finalists 2006, CC Finalists 2007. CC Finalists 2011, FAC Winners 2014. A Club of which is largely the envy of most. Massive fan base. Top Coach (who if he resigned tomorrow would spark off half a dozen sackings by top Clubs of their own Coaches so to lure him). Wonderful arena to play football in. A squad most Clubs would hanker for. A great future beckoning for us. Known for the style of our football. Whats not to celebrate? I think Father Xmas still exists for me (and you) ensuring these gifts i mention are delivered each year? Open up your heart and your eyes. You might just like what you see.


    Aug 21, 2014, 12:12 #55645

    Picasso painted sublime pictures-it wasn't recognised-now he is regarded as a 'master'. Gunner be proud is painting a picture-you don't recognise the artistry-others might. Here endeth the lesson Bard, and other people utilising a two-dimensional approach. Oh, and 'The Bitch' was responsible for a complete change of mentality, which is still heading off in the wrong direction. Sad thing is that those going in that direction are aware many tramp with them, which gives a false sense of purpose and belief, others watch the hordes march mindlessly towards the cliff's edge-many are innocents carried along with the masses. Who wants hot milk on their Shredded Wheat?

  11. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 12:07 #55644

    Ooh DJ. No,No. The lady in blue is to blame for yours and others attitudes towards the Club that lie behind wanting us to win the title. Can see the distinction? You are being selective in taking from my post only that part which you feel supports your own angle on things. It isn't clever or helpful to do that within the wider debate really i think.

  12. Bard

    Aug 21, 2014, 12:02 #55643

    GBP, dear me a disciple with his knickers in a twist. Badarse has the monopoly on lectures, moralising and chastisement. You will have to find another platform. Either that or post under the Badarse2 name. I used to believe in Father Christmas once upon a time.

  13. DJ

    Aug 21, 2014, 11:22 #55642

    So there you have it in a nutshell Margaret Thatcher is to blame for anyone wanting Arsenal to win the title this season!

  14. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 11:10 #55641

    Its always the easier option to allow the tide to take us isn't it, however malignant and however we may not like the effect of its swell upon us. I cant judge those who post in such derogatory terms of our Club, but i think its a manifestation of the i want it now mentality that a certain lady between 1979 and 1990 harnessed, polished and encouraged so robustly. We pay the price of the society she cherished still now, 24 years on and the destructive tone of much of what's said on here reflects it.Nobody gives anybody any credit any more for a job well done, so ill do it for Arsene where i can as i know you do to and the baseless phhhs and poo poo retorts can be fended off by the few who see a wider vista on here just as relentlessly as they're delivered.

  15. Ozzie

    Aug 21, 2014, 10:58 #55638

    I accept what you say Bard but wouldn't it be refreshing if we could see someone other than the top three winning the championship for a change? It just irks me to watch what is ever predictable with little to no surprises at the top a la Spain, Scotland, Italy, Turkey, etc. Arsenal are a good club and always give the supporters their money's worth (provided one has realistic expectations. Many of us already believe it is a two-horse race and we're only one game into the season. How excited can you get? Some comp!!!


    Aug 21, 2014, 10:33 #55635

    Gunner be proud, are you me? I am having a disquieting identity crisis. My schizophrenia is coming closer like the tide. Do I walk away from the computer as Gunner be proud, have a cuppa and return as that awkward old sod BADARSE? Yet another Spartacus moment. What joy in being an Arsenal fan. Travelling the world and still being linked-those invisible and tenuous threads. I have watched alone, or with wife in strange dives in Thailand, warm sunny climes in California, in darkness alone in the middle of the night in NZ, and an assortment of European holiday/and non-holiday destinations. Always connected, always a part of AFC. Such wonderful feelings despite the outcome. Jubilation through a victory, all going down together in defeat. This season is a new one-time and circumstance dictates there may not be too many more-it is a new beginning, a complete joy, even with all the wrinkles, warts and all. Am a little concerned as I am off to get my third cuppa of the day and may return as Gunner be proud to acknowledge myself. In the likelihood that you are not me, thank you.

  17. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 10:16 #55633

    Bard - the only ones 'falling' for myths are such as your good self who has fallen headlong into the mob ,mentality and inverted 'joy' of the Arsene Wenger witch hunt, which i might add only exists on here and nowhere else!The rest of us recognise the gigantic job the Club have had on just to keep us up there in the top 4 and recognise that our Coach has acted as the top Coach that he is in having done so, after moving the business lock stock and barrel to the new Stadium. Ive not 'fallen' for anything and think our achievement's in the last 9 years are just fantastic. Im not only glad many of you aren't coaches for Arsenal but im even more relieved that you ll never have employment with the Club as business planners and advisers. I'm fairly sure after just reading posts on here for the last 12 months that Arsenal, by now would have ceased to exist by the time of my first post had any of you have been so gainfully employed to have done so. Life has been good making me an Arsenal supporter and i for one celebrate what we re doing, win, lose (however heavily) or draw. Frankly the moaning about us on here is pathetic. Have a good look at yourselves, for heaven sake.

  18. Bard

    Aug 21, 2014, 9:47 #55627

    AMG, good posts mate, Spot on. The clubs main trophy is to get the 20m by beating Beiktas. That is the season goal everything else is a bonus. As you rightly point out all the frothing over Giroud is just that. I suspect we will get a back up CB but wouldnt be surprised if that is it. He has to sell first and apart from Poldi I cant see him getting rid of anyone else. Giroud is reasonably effective against the lesser teams so he will stay. Beating the lesser teams keep us in the mix and thats the limit of the clubs ambition these days add to that a grumble about financial doping and a dose of we are building for the future and there you have the Arsenal strategy in a nutshell. What amazes me is how many Arsenal fans fall for it season after season.

  19. Patrick

    Aug 21, 2014, 8:38 #55625

    It's been a wake up call this week. As many have pointed out, this team, or any team for that matter, will not win a league or European cup with the striking options at the club. Sanogo and giroud would not be in any top premier strike force, let alone any top European team. Why are they in our team? No one can doubt wenger's ability to develop players to their potential over the last fifteen years, but to lack a real out and out quality player in arguably the most significant position is extremely worrying. Pires, freddy and overmars (even parlour) have been quality, creative players under Wenger. Ozil and Sanchez should achieve the same honours as those players , but is it possible with the attackers they play with? For those of who seem to teach the mere mortals on this website about economics of the club, these multi million pound creative players in our team will not have the impact with the strikers in their team seems to be mind boggling. There is implication by many of the people on here who regularly post that it is naive to think purchases are a simplistic solution or that it is ignorant to question the decisions of Wenger is infuriating. As it stands, Wenger is, once again, making a shocking, obvious mistake by not getting a quality striker in. For people who argue that the window is not closed yet, well this has been the same situation for the last three windows. It's not a case of arsenal loosing a superstar goal scorer this summer. That happened three years ago. It is very concerning that these individuals are our goal scoring options. All the economic arguments, or metaphor riddled posts cannot defend this. If top top clubs need someone, they go out and buy someone. Please let us follow suit. Arsenal have such a solid foundation to build from this year, not only on the pitch but also in the stands. Things are more positive than they have been for a long time. Our current striking options will erode this. Quickly.

  20. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 8:22 #55623

    oh my word 58847. So, just to be clear. Arsene already has the best midfield in the league yet ...hes still 'dumb' not adding Fabregas to it? Another eg of the man not being able to win whatever he does for us surely? I dont mean to be unkind but you are right, youre not a coach and this type of skewed logic suggests that youre best not trying to be one. Arsene left CF alone as maybe he thought he had got an excellent midfield too? Maybe he thought he didnt need more creativity? Perhaps he thinks he needs a more solid DM type to bolster his creative elements in the team? With all due respect, bash Arsene if you like but at least think and consider why and when you do it first. CF has gone to a Club who needed creativity and well done to Chelsea for acknowledging it was needed in their team. Arsene, bless him should be applauded for ignoring the ill informed fan sentiment (he surely is aware of) that pressed him to make an emotive but wasteful CF signing just for the sake of it. Im so glad we have a top Coach who oft ignores such lunacy and makes his own decisions. He might not get it right all of the time but he was dead on with the CF saga. Im pretty sure reading the posts on here that the man could sign 2 or 3 top notch players and the grumbling would still not be abated.The fact is for many of you its Arsene hounding thats your primary objective but you disguise it behind the facade of wanting whats best for our team. Finally, well done to the team for getting us a very creditable away draw in Turkey. Sensible supporters would have took it before the game.

  21. AMG

    Aug 21, 2014, 8:06 #55622

    Bringing Song back on loan must be something of a no brainer, then again so was bringing back Cesc. A possible deal to ship Cazorla out to Atletico and bring Reus in for about £20m, another no brainer. Swap deal for Cavani and Giroud - All tabloid nonsense no doubt, but for nonsense, it makes a lot of sense.

  22. Bard

    Aug 21, 2014, 7:00 #55621

    MUK, my reasoning is this. We have too many similar players in midfield. Rambo sadly Arteta and Ozil are certainties, then you have 2 places left depending what system you play. My view is that we need pace so I would play Wally and Ox. I like Santi but he flatters to deceive and doesnt influence the big games enough. If he could be a make weight in a deal I would take it.

  23. DW Thomas

    Aug 21, 2014, 2:49 #55619

    Ok, I am going to take a positive view for once on our guys. Santi is the new Arshavin. Better in the middle but still decent out wide. Wenger can ruin players sometimes. Giroud is not the best, but still above average for the PL. Again, he seems an example of someone who needs more discipline and finishing work. Passing on Cesc was just plain stupidity. No other way to see it as he went to a main rival/contender. Just dumb dumb dumb. But, our midfield is the best in the PL I think. Only guys I would want besides ours are Silva and Hazard. Both would be sublime in our system. Why we never bought Hazard a year or two before Chelsea, again just dumb. Chambers could be our solution to the DM problem. But why was TV never tried there? He was strong and smart. I don't claim to be a veteran top level coach, but these bad decisions are all very poor for someone who makes the claims Arsene does! All we need now is health and a 20-30 goal striker who can make an impact in games, finish, and beat players 1 v 1. Sanchez looks very good and can get a ton of assists with Rambo, Jack, and Ozil if only they had the right striker. Even a Demba Ba type would do. I just can't fathom why we haven't snatched one up, just one time, taking a chance and spending the money. But, no, same old same old Monsieur Know it All sits on his hands! I fear another season of hopes turning into flames of failure. And lastly, for all those slagging off Jack, he was put into an injury nightmare by being overplayed, by who you say? That same "you haven't worked a day in football" arrogant narcissist called our manager.

  24. Chairman Mao

    Aug 21, 2014, 0:01 #55618

    Comrades where are your posts defending my right hand man Wenger? All I see is anti Wenger posts from Spurs supporters masquerading as Arsenal supporters. Come on comrades, we need your snide comments to pierce the hearts of these traitors.

  25. Peter

    Aug 20, 2014, 22:27 #55617

    We all have to be so PC on the OG as we mustn't offend anybody because we're all spineless and do as we're told.

  26. Peter wain

    Aug 20, 2014, 20:03 #55616

    why is wenger complaining about his lack of options in defence as he is incharge of our transfer policy. He knew Vermalen was going back in may nad he knew that Mertersacker would not be back until now. SO as he makes all of the decisions in the transfer department he should have bought more defenders. Mind you he should have bought a top striker and defensive midfield instead of palying beach football

  27. Man United Killer

    Aug 20, 2014, 19:23 #55615

    Goonger "...i keep having flashbacks to the last visit there and just dont see where we have improved to combat it?" Good question.Your guess is as good as mine!

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 20, 2014, 19:08 #55614

    Bard, good point ref the Qualification dough, OGL has been going to great lengths to tell those who listen that qualifying is not about the money it's about competing with/against the best, and if you believe that you'll believe anything.

  29. Goonger

    Aug 20, 2014, 19:08 #55613

    Got to agre with MUK about the Cazorla battering!! How does Arteta get away with it?For all the money we have spent I dont think anything has been done to address the weakness's in the triangle of Mersacker,Koscielny and especially Arteta??An accident waiting to happen.. Early in the season i know and I will be at Goodison on Saturday,but i keep having flashbacks to the last visit there and just dont see where we have improved to combat it?

  30. Man United Killer

    Aug 20, 2014, 18:53 #55611

    Bard, got a question for you.How do you figure Santi is surpolus to requirements? I tend to disagree with that school of thought and I would love to hear what your reasons are.

  31. Bard

    Aug 20, 2014, 18:31 #55610

    Jb, good post mate. Its an interesting one that. I like the Ox's directness and his pace but it seems he's down the pecking order at the moment. I wonder if it will change once Ozil starts. We are a bit one paced in the middle at the moment. Cruel though it is I feel Santi is surplus to requirements. I agree that up front still looks like a problem. Ive said before that we have been split for front men over the years Wrighty, Anelka, Henry. Giroud is an honest toiler but at the level we aspire to we need someone brighter and sharper. I sometimes admire Wenger's stubbornness but it would be a great if he seized the moment and off loaded Giroud ( there is rumour that we could have Cavanni from PSG for Giroud + cash) a pipe dream I know but Wenger doesn't do that sort of deal .

  32. dartford gooner

    Aug 20, 2014, 18:27 #55609

    I can not understand the stick Cesc is getting from some of you on here. He wanted to come back to us, Wenger said no, what was he meant to do. He wanted to come back to London, if not to us who else. Spurs, Westham, Qpr, Palace ,i don't think so. I for one think he is better than any of our midfielders, he and Ramsey would have been great. Arteta 31, Rosicky 33, Flamini 30. I think Arsene may have dropped his biggest bollock yet. It looks like no matter how bad Giroud plays Campbell will not get a chance.I hope there are more signing on the way because we need them to win anything big

  33. It wasn't an open , exciting game , belying any scoreline, it was

    Aug 20, 2014, 17:55 #55607

    an indication of the season ahead .. a struggle against a team who wouldn't score if they were still playing now , a blueprint for a season where we'll be demolished again, against Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City. It was Groundhog Day, Deja Vu , The Same Old Same Old Wenger's Arsenal .. It was looking at another monumental waste of money in Wenger's Salary . The WORST thing that has ever happened to this club has been the takeover of the middle classes , the apathy they bring and the clear acceptance of the Specialist in Failure

  34. jb

    Aug 20, 2014, 17:40 #55606

    The Ox should start before Santi. He has more pace, more energy and would frighten defences. Giroud and Sanogo would not make the first XI on most premier league teams and yet here we are with lofty ambitions but no alternative so we have to play one of them. Theres no doubting their honesty but they are a long way short of what is required.

  35. Bard

    Aug 20, 2014, 17:13 #55605

    MUK; its a valid and interesting point this being played out of position. He's fond of it. Remember dear old Asharvin being shunts out left. He dint like it at all and contributed to his demise on my opinion. Sanchez is now a right winger at least for the time being. you're dead right Santi isn't a left winger, but the sides full of central midfielders. We really need a solid performance against Everton otherwise next tuesday will have crisis written all over it. The idea that the club will miss out on a £25m bonus will give Stan and the board sleepless nights.

  36. Ba

    Aug 20, 2014, 16:49 #55603

    There will be no mistakes next time.

  37. Man United Killer

    Aug 20, 2014, 15:46 #55601

    Bard, sigh! Passing on Cesc is one thing I have struggled to forgive Wenger for.Remember Mou didn't give us Ba who could have possibly been a revelation for us.who knows? Mou didn't give us Ba even though he knew that Ba would not feature regularly. It hurts so bad that Cesc is plying his trade in London and it's not Arsenal.It really really hurts. On Santi, I think the criticism he is getting is unwarranted.Santi's best through the middle (recall his goals) and it is the manager's job to get the best out of him.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 20, 2014, 15:44 #55600

    Fozzy's mate, obvious to everybody except one old man with an ego. Stan's little helper, that early wow our new fitness coach is having an impact already.

  39. Man United Killer

    Aug 20, 2014, 15:33 #55599

    Where's Wally is a gooner, I don't know if I agree with the general assessment that Santi is out of form.I mean when you are played out of position week in week out you are likely to have more bad days than good days at the office.Keep Santi is the center and see what happens.We had no width whatsoever on the left side-why? Because Santi is not a winger.It's one thing to play one player out of position in one game but when you have multiple players playing out of position in the same game on a weekly basis winning a major tropy is always going to be a tall order.

  40. Bard

    Aug 20, 2014, 15:21 #55598

    MUK, difficulty is he is not going away at least for the moment so we are stuck with him. The points you have raised have been debated ad infinitum on here. He has signed a new contract on the back of the FAC and he isnt likely to leave unless the atmosphere at the ground becomes toxic. I think we just have to be patient and see how the next month or so pans out. There is still a away to go in the transfer window and I will be surprised if he doesnt buy a CB. The real killer is that we passed on the Cesc signing. That little mistake is going to bite us well and truly in the arse. The idea that we would rather keep Santi instead looks ludicrous by the game. How about this for a midfield Rambo, Ozil, Cesc and Khedira, that would have been seriously good.

  41. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 20, 2014, 15:18 #55597

    I thought we played for a draw from start to finish and were lucky that they couldn't finish some good chances off.If Santi is out of form then play the Ox at Everton. That's why you have a squad. As for Giroud he continues to be very average. Is Wenger ever going to address replacing RVP?

  42. Man United Killer

    Aug 20, 2014, 14:57 #55596

    Wenger will never learn from his mistakes.Quite honestly,if you look closely at how we play it really doesnt matter much what caliber of players we buy.We need a change in management and a complete overhaul of tactics.If you look at the players liverpool/Dortmund have, they are not much superior to ours yet they play more dynamic/effective football than we do.Go figure! Excessively useless passing,no one shoots,no runners at defence,a plethora of back/sideways passes.the list goes on.To think only buying marqee players alone will solve our problems is naive at the very least. The manager's tactics are a dinosaur in the modern game.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 20, 2014, 14:35 #55595

    Another get out of jail card played? it could have also been another embarrassment especially for our keeper right from the kick off with the cross bar coming to his rescue but he had a good game with some important saves. It turned out fairly even in the end with both teams having chances but it's just as well the turks didn't take theirs early on or we could have been coming home with our tails between our legs, as for our own chances you just have to look at who some of them fell to so you'd expect nothing else. This tie is far from over if last night is anything to go by, but as you say it depends what tactics the away team deploy in the return leg it might be another case of us having to break them down and we all know how good we are at that. But we're at home and that should be a big help and we should score and keep OGL's precious record in tact and progress even with a cart horse.

  44. Hi Berry

    Aug 20, 2014, 14:33 #55594

    Arsenal certainly are 'still getting into their stride, but bear in mind Besiktas don't start their league season for another 10 days or so and made us look pedestrian at times.

  45. Graham Simons

    Aug 20, 2014, 14:24 #55593

    Great shout Kev - would be harsh on Chambers to be dropped - but having seen him in the flesh twice in a week I have to say we should be looking at giving the boy the defensive midfield berth so he can go on improving his game with Per and Koscielny behind him. Get Campbell on the right wing, play Sanchez up front and go 4,4,2 against Everton. Bring on Ozil and Podolski as they tire.

  46. Roy

    Aug 20, 2014, 14:21 #55592

    Pesho - good and well balanced observations you make. I think it's fair to say that no one else will come in until after the return leg at least, and even then it probably won't be the 2 - 3 players that most think we need. I reckon Giroud would make a decent squad player at any top side, and while we can mend and make do in the CB and DM positions ( not ideal but doable ), unless we solve the striker conundrum we have no chance of the PL or CL, such as the fine margins between success and failure can be.

  47. Two up front for every match, Wenger

    Aug 20, 2014, 13:46 #55591

    No Podolski or Ozil last night. Hope Arsenal doesn't regret not scoring in Turkey. It won't matter if Demichelis and Schurrle are injured this autumn Chelsea or Citeh will still win the league. Thought the performance in midfield was dreadful Kev.

  48. stans little helper

    Aug 20, 2014, 13:39 #55590

    fear not diaby back in march,

  49. AMG

    Aug 20, 2014, 13:29 #55589

    Pesho - I think non-existant flatters Cazorla slightly. What I don't get is why he always plays 90 mins while the Ox comes on for the vastly more dangerous Alexis or the impressive JW - Maybe a fitness thing. The injury to Arteta might prove a blessing in disguise, it might force Wenger's hand into purchasing a conventional DM. Then again, we knew Walcott was out for the rest of last season and he brought in an aging Swede with a broken back, so you never really know. I don't have any concerns over the stuttering style of play at the moment, that will come good after a few more fixtures, but I agree with others that Giroud's propensity to kick lumps out of the air when one of our gifted midfielders pulls off a miraculous pass, is worrying. We won't win anything with this current squad because the spine of the team is Championship standard, not PL or even CL, but then nothing has really changed for years, so I'm not sure why we bother pointing it out again. Hope > Despair > 4th > Repeat.

  50. Pesho Saulov

    Aug 20, 2014, 13:18 #55587

    I reckon Giroud is getting too much of a kicking around here. He has his qualities - heading ability and physical strength most of all. Unfortunately, his speed and technique are lacking meaning that when he receives the ball high up the pitch and he can't do much with it. He is not a bad striker, he is just not the type of striker Wenger's sacred 4-5-1 demands.

  51. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 20, 2014, 12:16 #55585

    A decent result. As we all know Giroud despite toiling away is not good enough without a top striker rather than one in cat B we will struggle in knock out stages and against top prem sides. Carzola to step aside for Ozil and the Arteta injury is a worry as if Flamini has to play more than the odd game he will soon be suspended. Thress players still required as is obvious to all.

  52. DJ

    Aug 20, 2014, 11:53 #55584

    I thought it was a fair result on a poor pitch. We should be able to see them off on our patch but without a top stiker it won't be easy. It also looks like we are going to leave it til the last knockings to add to our squad which we must if we want to challenge on all fronts. Though, I was one of the idiots who thought we were going to buy a striker in January!!!

  53. lance peters

    Aug 20, 2014, 11:51 #55583

    @ always a realist , Giroud is the ultimate doneky. Worst striker in the league

  54. Pesho Saulov

    Aug 20, 2014, 11:47 #55582

    It is very difficult for me to share the optimism. I find it worrying that we couldn't boss the midfield with 5 players in the area against a team that played open football. Cazorla has been non-existent for 2 games now and shouldn't start against Everton. Elsewhere, Giroud continues to battle with a task that is beyond his abilities and we have 2 injuries in 2 games... Here's hoping that the team is not yet firing on all cylinders because there is a lot of space for improvement.