Besiktas Away Reflections

Contributor offering on the first leg in Turkey

Besiktas Away Reflections

Going in to Tuesday night’s match, I was fairly confident of a solid Arsenal performance, resulting in a handsome away win.

Not to take anything away from Besiktas, but I would always expect a semi strength Arsenal team to rock up and turn over teams such as these.

To start off with the negatives this evening I feel going forward, we just didn’t have that cutting edge. No-one to invent something out of nothing. This was the same feeling I had on Saturday at the Palace match. Sometimes a good win (such as the Community Shield Victory over Citeh) can paper over the cracks and I now feel we still need three additional signings to really mount a serious challenge on all fronts this season.

Giroud couldn’t get the ball out of his feet when linking up with Ramsey or Wilshere and he was unable to hold the ball up at vital moments in the game. This is meant to be his strength and without this, I fail to realise what he brings to the team. Cazorla has looked out of sorts for the second game running now and this is also worrying. He is someone we look to for the creation of that little bit of magic when our backs are against the wall.

Szczesny was largely a spectator for the duration of the game and this was down to the sterling work of Kos and the impressive Chambers. At 19 Chambers looked assured and his reputation continues to grow. He will obviously lose his place to Mertesacker but he will develop in to a world class defender, without a shadow of doubt. Sanchez was another plus and his probing runs caused a number of problems, but sadly the support in the final third was lacking. He will improve those and I know the pitch wouldn’t have helped his game.

Debuchy did ok and whilst I think Sagna is the better defender, Debuchy looks more imposing going forward. Monreal was also steady on the left side and in front of them Ramsey and Wilshere did well in patches, but were not consistent enough throughout the game. The last mention of the starting 11 is for Arteta and I am not certain he improves the Arsenal team with his presence. I feel he has lost his legs a bit and I put him on par with Flamini, so therefore we need to improve in this area.

Coming back to the three players we need. We are desperate for a world class striker. Someone who can finish with a little bit of sharp movement and can put the ball in the back of the net when it is least expected. Then we have to look to replace The Verminator, as I don’t think Chambers is ready to establish himself as first choice back-up. We need to look after the youngsters and although his games will be carefully selected and he’ll play a big part in the season, another centre half is needed. And to finish off, a defensive midfielder would be a big plus. Khedira would be great but possibly Alex Song coming back in on loan? I think we would then have a genuine chance of not only winning the Premiership, but going on to finish strongly in the Champions League.

I am always very positive when it comes to Arsenal but now is the time to be brutal and honest about our team as ultimately, this will shape our season.

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    Aug 25, 2014, 7:22 #55855

    Sometimes Athoz, those tiny acorns of a connection, become more important to protect above the giant oak, which in this case is AFC. In paying due respect to my Jekyll and Hide personality, and your good self, I will trade off the Arsenal unity phrase, 'Together, together, together!'

  2. Ozzie

    Aug 25, 2014, 4:58 #55853

    Baddie, I was touched by your post (59021). I love people who speak from their heart, so easy to communicate with. The 'digs' at you is a polite way of putting sarcasm - diplomacy not being one of my strong points though it did come to the fore when my wife burnt Uncle Toby's this morning. @Stuart Reid: it is said every dog has it's day and I say some dogs have a few extra days due to the luxuries afforded them which gives them a (leg up) over most everyone else.....the slow one now will later be fast, as the present now will later be past, the order is rapidly fadin' for the times they are a-changing.

  3. Stuart Reid

    Aug 24, 2014, 22:01 #55845

    I think this is a fair post and honestly written. I think you all seen to agree that you are 3-4 players away from mounting a serious challenge and all seen to agree that this is a repeat of the last 10 seasons. The only fault in all of this is YOU THE FANS. You have all allowed this by putting up with top 4 finishes papering over the cracks of yet another poor season. The FA cup win just added extra gloss last season. You all pay more money to watch your team than anyone else and you should of all voiced your opinions in a stronger manner than you have. My valuation of your team from a non fan is: Keeper not good enough. Defence getting better but misses a true leader: Midfield is frightingly brilliant if they are all fit and this stretches over maybe 8 players. Strikers are no where to be seen. I'm a big Giroud fan and agree with Gavin on the strengths he has but you can't play him by himself, and that is your biggest problem. In case your all wondering I'm a united fan and I'm realising what it has been to be all of you for the last 10 years when I'm now saying I think we are 3 players away from being challengers!

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 24, 2014, 19:54 #55836

    So there you have it then, OG aka the cart horse supposedly our best striker and who we rely so much on, and so good he has a shoo in for the next game against the mighty Leicester only a shoo? Wow he must have some competition I bet Leicester are really worried.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 24, 2014, 18:37 #55831

    GBP, it seems you really do have your wires crossed, it's not you lot (who ever they are, or supposed to be) who expect home teams to frazzle and die, and indeed roll over and let OGL and his team have their way and play pretty tippy tappy football and walk the ball into the net and score plenty of goals, it's OGL himself, and his biggest fans.


    Aug 24, 2014, 17:50 #55827

    Good morning Athoz, get the Uncle Toby's on the stove! If friendship means a few digs are needed then so be it. I never get upset with someone who wants to remain a pal, irritated on occasions, get the hump, a bit sparky, but can change within the blink of an eye. It's my dual personality at work. It does disarm some, even close family are put off guard by me being ready to go to war, and then just being a little cheeky and making up. Yes I do love food, cheese is a special desire-as I caught the car ferry back from Rodbyhaven I scooted over to a nearby shop, grabbed the Danish morning rag announcing Arsenal's victory over Parma, and a big wedge of Danish Blue. The spoils of war, ha ha. They have a great little Vietnamese shop in the Grote Markt, and we often just grab a handful of Filipino lumpia to chomp on as we stroll around, then the cumin Gouda, and the magnificent Dutch coffee-can't wait, looking forward to seeing my younger brother again.

  7. maguiresbridge gooners

    Aug 24, 2014, 16:39 #55823

    MARCUS, good choice, yes he is a joke and has been for quite a while now but the chavs, two mancs, scousers, and even the spuds among others love him, and of course so do the moonies they really must love a good laugh.

  8. Ozzie

    Aug 24, 2014, 11:58 #55802

    Baddie, couldn't resist latching onto your 'daddy arsenal' while Arsene was on my mind. I had no intention of insulting you personally and hope you didn't read it that way. Enjoy your cheddar and trip to the Netherlands, my friend.


    Aug 24, 2014, 9:35 #55789

    I think I'm right, I know down deep I'm right, I question and question some more. The years and disappointments take their toll. I reshape, rethink, reassess. Then I find with some slight nuances, I arrive at the same or at least similar conclusions. As time passes I begin to place people into compartments. I am a people watcher, an observer. I recognise certain traits in those I encounter and know whether friend or foe automatically, but then there is something more, a little bit less friend-a little bit more foe, and the sub-divisions begin until I have an array, a panoply of different types. They all vie for attention and I try to give it. I too carry a burden, my personality and tenets. I cannot very easily turn aside from someone-that has been my undoing on many occasions. The people who post have categories, though they would be horrified to learn that, all thinking themselves unique and individual. I have searched my entire adult life for the 'me' in me, it is so damnably difficult to locate, I have yet scratched the surface. Still most won't even open the box to take a peep inside. This football supporting is one of life's beautiful distractions. John Lennon once said, 'There is no secret to life, we eat, we ****, we sleep.' Anything else we can graft on along the journey from cradle to grave is our only meaning for being here-there is no other. A huge part of my existence is that I can love, and love well. Arsenal is that incarnate. I love my team. Good old Arsenal, good old GBP. By the way I saw Big Raddy score from the North Bank a lifetime ago. It was an arcing volley from a long pass. A superb goal. After he was quoted as saying that he had practised those in his previous training session and never managed one goal. I rest my case, a heavy one, right on the feet of the naysayers.

  10. GBP

    Aug 24, 2014, 9:04 #55785

    Badarse - apologies for stealing your point about OG's shot over the crossbar. I didnt realise you had already picked up on the shallowness of Valium's criticism. Immense he was. His best performance for us to date i believe. I think hes a shoe in to start next game. Debuchy played well. Monreal did too and i thought Sanchez had good moments though out of position. Ramsey never stopped driving did he. His game wasnt his top notch best but his spirit was unquenchable. A lot of thought our goalie should have done better with the header for Evtn's 1st goal.Really pleased we got a point. COYG

  11. GBP

    Aug 24, 2014, 8:53 #55781

    DW Thomas aka Valium - two main comments that you make that you really ought to be embarrassed about. 1. The shot from OG a minute from when he came on 'is easier to put over than put in'. Ha. Cant believe that you've said that. Those efforts blaze wide in 99 pc of games. Marco Van Basten managed it once in his entire career! Im guessing that you do it every week playing for the Dog and Duck do you? 2. 'The jury is still out on Chambers' Hes had 27 games at top level and hes 19. Of course we dont know his full potential.Forgive me for being barbed but you really are foolish in your comments, though ive got to hand it to you, you truly are the undisputed Captain of what others call the dark moony brigade on here. Moan if you like, its a free site, but at least think before you moan, at least occasionally.Heaven forbid. You never inherited many of your Mothers genes fella. The USA wasnt built on moaners and defeatists backs!

  12. GBP

    Aug 24, 2014, 8:37 #55779

    A draw away at Everton these days at is a good result. Its a good result however it is realized. They are a very good team. Forget luck. Forget the fact that you lot always want seemingly to see us to fail to give oxygen to your childish anti Arsene W agenda, forget the fact that we had to scratch away and grind out a solution to the situation we were in, forget the fact that you lot have been condemning the team for not being able to dredge results from days like that for ages, bUt most of all put aside your weak kneed ditherings and your grumbling gear. There are a high proportion of games in ANY season that a team wins or draws that calls for a bit of luck and calls for digging in. Our team of invincibles won and drew many games where those amongst us who were honest thought we had got away from gaol or the other team was unlucky. Many of you are idealistically deluded. We are NOT going to look like the smoothest team in the World. We are not going to be super smooth demolishing all opponents and rolling them over as if they didnt exist and werent there. Get this too, Arsenal have NEVER EVER in their entire history had a team that can do that and we re not going to get one now. The PL is a tough,grinding type league and right now we have players who are pushing each other, bollocking each other and fighting for each other and encouraging and complimenting each other. Not once did their heads drop yesterday. This missed a cutting edge and yes they missed a player able to 'sit' at times as that might have stopped Barry chipping the ball to create the first goal and they missed Koschielny a little too but what a start to the season! Yet to be beaten. What they didn't miss was you lot sat at home thankfully. The chaps that were there were at times frustrated as i was, but the nature of our second half as we saw OG put the frighteners on them made us feel that we could get some thing from the game and we did. Well done the Gunners and its on to Leicester we go where no doubt you lot will expect the home team to just frazzle and die and let us weave patterns of football reminiscent of the 1960s Real Madrid class of old.Grow up you moaning bunch of old minnies. Theres enough in the world for you to whinge about without whinging about some thing that you purport to 'support'. Heaven help the Club if you lot are a sample of its future support. Good morning Valium lad 59003, good to see your up early with your moaning head on. I bet you missus hopes your going out today!

  13. Bard

    Aug 24, 2014, 7:50 #55778

    Matthew; I tend to agree with the style. Its too easy to negate these days and we don't have a Messi to make the difference. All credit to the team for their spirit. A few looked rusty but that will improve. If it told us anything its that we need another CB. Really like Chambers and Debuchy. The down side is that we still seem short up front( if we are to be considered contenders), Giroud was Giroud, a mixture of the sublime and the ridiculous. In top games you need a really world class striker.


    Aug 24, 2014, 7:41 #55777

    Good morning my 'Full English Breakfasts', (with veggie sausage and bacon as options-but with toast and no fried slice). A tricky match overcome. The 'cake' guesses were two 1-2's, and my 1-1. All three expected a tough and close game. I claim the result, but the other two were denied the 'cake' by a poor off-side decision. I was groaning at our poor movement down our left in the first half. The second half saw Nacho push forward and we owned that flank, especially when Santi entered the fray-no surprise that both our goals came from that wing. Giroud was immense and people who are unable to see that need to be taken by the hand and shown exactly what he did. His runs, feints, pulling the two main defenders this way and that was Premier play. Their defence was uneasy with his arrival. That 46th minute strike sent out shock waves, but he should have scored? I am staggered by that comment. A ball flies into the box, the receiving player finds space, anticipates, shapes his body and strikes sweetly. His fine-tuning wasn't 100% and the ball cleared the bar. If any top striker hit a dozen balls like that in training, how many would you expect to fly into the net? Answers on a postcard please, (your responses may give you away). We let in goals or don't play too well and we are useless. The opposition do the same and we take a similar advantage yet we are, 'lucky', have a, 'poor team to contend with', and moans in that vein. I would find that too embarrassing and difficult to explain to a child. I do think that psychologically, some are not comfortable with their own personas. We have to win every time and win well, almost as if their own manhoods are at stake. So naive, so immature. Two last minute goals, three extra points and an unbeaten start. How odd to be a supporter and take some satisfaction from that. I am not papering over the cracks, not hiding any misgivings, and not altering reality to suit a prescribed position, either.

  15. Hiccup

    Aug 24, 2014, 7:33 #55776

    In stitches with the usual blinkered codswallop on here. Would have won but for the referee? Yes, chalk off Everton goals that were offside, but let our goals stand when giroud pins their defender to the ground? Still on course to be champions with away draws? Yes repeat yesterday's form at anfield, the bridge and the etihad and we'll be the ones tonking them by 6 and lifting the trophy in May!

  16. Mathew

    Aug 24, 2014, 7:29 #55775

    Tiki-taka,tiki-taka,tiki-taka, fed up of this boring triangles as you just cant do that against top teams. Well, maybe against Norwich, it worked. But Arsene should understand that by now, most teams know how to nip it off from the bud itself.

  17. Hi Berry

    Aug 24, 2014, 6:48 #55774

    We spent 80% of the game trying tippy tappy triangles through the heart of the Everton defence in an attempt to wrap up goal of the season early doors and scored two goals with crosses out wide from the left. Wonder if there's anything to be learnt from that?

  18. OZZIE...

    Aug 24, 2014, 6:21 #55773

    maguiresbrige gooner, thank you for the compliment - am gradually finding my way - thanks to the likes of Badarse who made me feel welcome and realizes that we are real people behind the keyboard - tho' you may wonder at times? Another get out of jail card used, hope the jokers are still there in the pack :-)

  19. julesd

    Aug 24, 2014, 5:29 #55772

    Oh look on the bright side (of life) at least it was better than April when we lost 3-0, coming back from 2 goals down in pundit circles means you have a spine and can fight back, or is that just MU, yep through pundit eyes thats it! Well done chaps.

  20. DW Thomas

    Aug 24, 2014, 2:11 #55771

    AMG I agree mostly. But a point for me just isn't good enough. We should have the team to beat Everton at home. Piennar went off early and no Barkley! We made Naismith look World Class! And the jury is still out on Chambers. His diving in at half field reminded me of Djourou doing the same a few years ago vs Blackburn I think. The game I think where Kos scored an own goal too? If he is our new Tony Adams and England material, he has some growing up to do. Made some other poor mistakes with Per too. Without Kos our back line is suspect. With that said our wing backs especially Nacho played pretty well. I guess you could argue both of Everton's goals were gifts too, but ours certainly were. Our 42 million $ man failed to track his man. I like Ozil, he has vision and skill most players on,y dream of, but he does look a lazy bum often. And he never takes players on! Cesc scored goals sometimes by beating 2 or 3 players on the dribble. We probably can finish top 6, but we need to improve and fast if we are going to challenge for first! The Rainbow Peddlers will surely see this game as an improvement on last year. Let's hope it continues against City, Liverpool, and Chelsea.

  21. AMG

    Aug 24, 2014, 0:00 #55770

    You can't fault a point away from home at Everton. It seemed very much the same as last year, so I'm not quite sure where all these sanctimonious pro Wenger comments are coming from, we were f'ing s**t, but very lucky. Good on the lads for coming back from 2 down, but there really needs to be an overhaul with the tactics. We were gung-ho far too often, caught out at the back constantly, no incisiveness, no variation to the play. Why do the team insist on letting the opposition get their whole team behind the ball before venturing a meaningful attack? If you watch Everton for comparison, they play with confidence, long balls, short balls, first touch passing, tempo on the break, a great team to watch! There is no variation to our play under Wenger, pass pass pass ad nauseam. This result will give Wenger a mandate (in his warped brain) to remain completely inactive in the transfer window, we won't be so lucky against the Liverpools and Man Citys of this world.

  22. Lee afc

    Aug 23, 2014, 22:51 #55769

    Marcus......I fear for your sanity. One minute it's all sanogos fault, then giroud, now ozil. "win your home games, draw your away games equals champions" a famous manager once stated.1 win at home 1 draw away. My Arsenal bubble aint burst yet mate.

  23. DW Thomas

    Aug 23, 2014, 22:37 #55768

    Now worries Cornish. I had a European immigrant father (France) and American mother. He gave me my love of football through watching Les Bleus and German league football. So, I should have some patience for Monsieur Wenger as I understand his French arrogance all too well! Westie, ever heard the phrase "rose tinted glasses"? If Giroud played well I'd hate to see a bad game from him! Next thing you'll be saying Ramsey had the game of his career. We got lucky. Period. It was like Everton were throwing the game. They completely switched off. From what it sounds like, did the same last week. One thing we do well at times is hang on till the end and either win or tie. Too bad that never happens vs big teams as we're already 2 or 3 goals behind after 20 minutes in those games and title contenders, the real deals, don't squander leads. One interesting fact thrown out byArlo White. The Everton Arsenal fixture is the most played in league history, something like 187 times over the last 110 years? Pretty cool and says a lot about our club history and theirs. Still though, no Ross Barkley and we can't mange to beat an average Everton as you said Westie, they had very few chances. My major concern is we lack a true great striker and are tippy tappy passing to nowhere as badly as we ever have. That chance Giroud had is harder to put over the goal as to put on from that distance. Yet many on here will be saying he was the difference in today's game. If we're relying on him to win big games vs big teams we are over and done!! Hasn't even scored a goal against them if I recall correctly. But the Rainbow Peddlers, see I can come up with monikers too!, will be singing songs and slamming pints tonight after this point like we just won the champions league! I live in the world of reality, not unicorns my friends, and we have a long, long way to go to be champions.

  24. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 23, 2014, 22:08 #55767

    @DWT. Thanks for the response. No ill will intended. Just my curiosity. :-)

  25. Westie Cameron

    Aug 23, 2014, 21:50 #55766

    We're squealing for Wenger because he's one of us.

  26. GBP

    Aug 23, 2014, 21:27 #55765

    Go easy Westlower, you ll have the two of them above with migrains and heads in hands. DW Thomas and Marcus - i introduce to you, Messrs Valium and Aspirin!

  27. Westlower

    Aug 23, 2014, 21:18 #55764

    The Dark Moonies have started squealing early this season. Two games, one win, one draw, boo hoo! Never known the Goodison crowd so quiet when they've been leading. Their silence betrayed an anxiety that we would get back into the game. The officials 'gifted' them a 2nd goal on the stroke of half time & still they didn't believe they could beat us. They only had the two attempts on target, one of which should have been disallowed. At least we found out that Alexis is probably not a CF & he'll need at least a dozen games to adjust to English football. Both Germans were ring rusty as to be expected. Ozil is such a dangerous player with the ball at his feet & he'll improve with games. Giroud was as good today as he was poor in Istanbul. Well done son! His first touch was good, just a shame his strike just after he came on didn't go in. Chambers will make mistakes as all young defenders do, it's how you learn your craft. Even though we were 0-2 at half time I was encouraged enough to bet the draw at 8/1 & AFC to win at 22/1. Never say die AFC!

  28. GBP

    Aug 23, 2014, 21:03 #55763

    J 'ney back seems long but wow! Giroud made a mess of them at the back in the end though i suppose it wont stop you lot monstering him again will it? Well done Arsene and well done lads. a 2-2 fight back after a long trip to Turkey. Well done to all the lads. Great point. great fighters all round. Good to see all of you usual armchair bound manic depressives are still tethered on here re cycling, re hashing and re dramatizing your inane brickbats spears and arrows. Enjoy your team you miserable lot!

  29. DW Thomas

    Aug 23, 2014, 20:29 #55762

    Everton went to sleep and gifted us that point. No defending on Cazorlas pass and Distin was a human cone on Giroud's goal. Again, our team is all talk and no game. Performances that are barely good enough. The will be a long season and I can't begin to think about how the games with big boys might go. If this is a preview, we're gonna get smashed. There looks like a ton of work to do. And we need a couple extra players, ones with grit,,strength, and heart, BADLY!


    Aug 23, 2014, 20:17 #55761

    I'm sorry but wenger must go. The man is totally clueless tactically. He got exposed today and we got lucky maybe we were a bit unlucky especially their goals. We have a hack of pass, pass, pass and losing the ball and getting punished on the break oh dear, dear. When will wenger learn?? The man is totally a joke now. Im sorry he is. Why in the hell did he take off Sanchez?? He should have taken of Wilshere and Ozil, who Im sorry I cant defend anymore. He looks totally unaware where he is. He seems to not want to be there?? Why come in the first place if you did not want to come?? He has to show why we spent bloody 42 million. Look it was hes first game back after a long break its not easy, but he looked to me like he did not want to be there. He has to step up hes game. He is not the ozil we saw at Madrid. He hardly ever dribbles now. Just always looking for the easy ball why?? 42 MILLION?? Hes not showing it for me. I used to rate him big time when he was at Madrid. He looks like he does not care. HE HAS TO STEP UP!!! Also Giorud finally scored after missing hes 4 sitters as per usual. if he had scored that first sitter he missed from 6 yards out we would have own this game. That is the difference from a world class striker and a average one. Again wenger will try and spin this. He was utterly outclassed in this match the score line is very deceptive we got lucky. We got lucky, but we could have won this match as well so its mind boggling. If only Giroud had hit the net a couple times he had 5 chances on a plate. Thank God he finally took one. smh!! Also what is wrong with Ozil?? I have to go back to him. I did not watch the match I was listening to it on the radio and he was getting blasted. So I'm going off that. They were saying is this guy really worth 42 million etc. He kept giving the ball away and just not willing to take anyone on, just looking to offload responsibility. I HOPE HE COMES GOOD AND PROVES HE IS A WORLD CLASS PLAYER. HE HAS TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE. Show why we spent 42 million. If not why did he come?? Your not playing with Ronaldo anymore. You have to get over the fact you left real Madrid.

  31. DW Thomas

    Aug 23, 2014, 20:00 #55760

    Wenger is clueless. Naismith was the best MF on the pitch today, and he is not very good is he. Ozil was nowhere to be seen. Ramsey played terrible first half, yet he seems to get goals when we need them. Is he a great player or simply anArsene favorite who plays every minute and thus gets those chances? He too Jack off who at least is a trier and pushes forward. Problem is Ramsey clogs his space. They do it to each other. Why take Sanchez off, was he injured?? Giroud missed 3 very good chances before his goal. What an average player he is. And Chambers too had a poor game. He and Per made some really bad decisions, schoolboy errors. Alexis kept waving at the team to press and they all looked lost. Everton were very average and we barely tied them. Man his is going to be one long season. And yes Cornish, I am a Yank and proud of it!

  32. Peter Wain

    Aug 23, 2014, 19:48 #55759

    so wengers pymigies got away with this lacklustre display. The midgets in midfield were totally dominated by a very ordinary everton side. When will we buy a 6 ft midfield player.when we play everton it will be carnige at corners. Wiltshire has definitely gone backwards and Ozil is not a 40 million player. He seems to be playing for transfer. Win anything this year? not with this lot we wont

  33. Oliver

    Aug 23, 2014, 19:32 #55758

    I cannot take all the credit, but yes, I am a game changer and I deserve my threesome tonight. I am coming ladies!

  34. groundhog

    Aug 23, 2014, 19:25 #55757

    Buy golly by gum, the old Dog did it!

  35. Man United Killer

    Aug 23, 2014, 19:08 #55756

    I will argue that the quality of players we have can do much better than we are doing now though some need to be shown the door.Adding more WC players wont solve our problems now.The reasons we will win NO MAJOR trophy under wenger: 1. pass pass pass pass pass poor cross 2. Pass pass pass pass pass till opponent conver 3. pass pass pass pass pass and pass some more even in opponent box 4. pass pass pass pass don't shoot 5. pass pass pass pass sideways 6. pass pass pass pass..dont take defenders on and force them into making mistakes..just pass some more 7. pass pass pass pass pass even when you have a shot at goal

  36. groundhog

    Aug 23, 2014, 18:25 #55755

    2 o down at half time. Playing like a disorganised rabble, being tacticaly out thought by a younger manager. Can the over paid old dog sort it out at half time. What are the odds on that? Might have a bet.

  37. Gav Lee

    Aug 23, 2014, 18:21 #55754

    He must go. This manager can no longer put out a balanced team. Three games so far this season and three different starting forwards. And could the away support let let the manager know what the rest of us are thinking.

  38. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 23, 2014, 17:35 #55753

    @DWT. If you are American I would like to apoligise for the less than complimentary sentiments, regarding USA, expressed by some posters on this site. If you are not American, apologies for suggesting that you might be.


    Aug 23, 2014, 16:39 #55752

    My 'reckless and immediate' quote wasn't aimed at you Athoz old friend, they were part of a general observation. You are quite right to go your own way, and if that path is a roaring highway so be it. I tread my own pathway of course, often weed strewn but to me the direction which I believe to be correct. Incidentally I have no idea of Australian cheeses, that is a dairy blind spot in the kitchens of the world, is it anything like the horrid selection of cheeses that the USA have given rise to? Monterey Jack anyone? Old cheeses are by far the tastiest and most satisfying, difficult to beat a piece of vintage mature cheddar, though the oulde belegen Gouda is divine-and I shall be eating rounds of it next week in the Netherlands.

  40. DW Thomas

    Aug 23, 2014, 16:09 #55751

    Another big reason I watch and follow footbal is to root for my favorite players. Cesc starting today for Chelsea is a kick in the teeth as an Arsenal fan. I don't blame the player at all, the club is at fault, and Wenger. From aPR stance they could have milked his return for a huge cash cow. The prodigal son returns to push for a title fight. Ozil, Cesc, Ramsey? Wow! Today is a sad day in that regard. Another example for me of Wenger's arrogance and unwillingness to complete the team. Was a case of a man being rejected by his poster boy captain and then refusing to welcome him home despite the FACT he would have strengthened us? Arteta can't have more than this year as a starter can he? So why pass? Mo for all his faults is a winner and knows a player too good to pass up when he sees him. Their midfield is now Hazard, Oscar, and Cesc with Matic behind. Arguably as good as anyones. Take out Cesc and I can't say that. I do believe inthe future and not living in the past, but Cesc could have had a bright one with us!

  41. Mathew

    Aug 23, 2014, 15:45 #55750

    I am just imagining Wenger having a laugh at the amount of players being linked at Arsenal throughout this summer. Everyone knows the weaknesses of the team except the Monsieur, still manages to raise the expectations year after year (even staying on top for 128 days). For a moment I felt sad to hear Prince Pol is leaving, but sentiments apart the club and fans needs to move on. Wanyama is linked lately although Ancelotti claims Khedira is surplus. Maybe his wages are putting us off, Economist Wenger may have predicted a restless locker room. Looking forward to today's game, COYG

  42. KC

    Aug 23, 2014, 14:33 #55749

    GBP - the great dilemma with Wenger is highlighted by his purchases. This summer he has bought a player in Chambers that could go on to be the capture of the summer, a truly talented footballer that no one else challenged us for. But up against that we have a manager who will persist with his pet project of Sonogo and Giroud. In terms of hope I really do hope he plays Chambers in the holding midfield position today if Pers returns. Then once Walcott is back move Sanchez to play down the middle.

  43. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 23, 2014, 14:29 #55748

    Ozzie, a couple of good posts and here was me thinking because of them you might lose your standing as Athos with one of your best mates but i'm glad to see you didn't, maybe Gunner be proud has got his wires crossed and read it wrong and he is more of a candidate for baring his troubled soul and turning and coming over than Bard.

  44. DW Thomas

    Aug 23, 2014, 14:20 #55747

    Today's game will be a good test. For me I think maybe the focus should be on our results in games, how we play, if we win, our tactics, substitutions, etc. Those are facts we can all interpret somewhat differently, but at the end of the day it's 3 points that matter. The man in charge often makes a difference in the result, so we shall see. I am die hard read and white through and through! Some people only see what they want to see. But, often the truth when they see it sets them free! I too used to support Wenger mostly, but that faith has been eroded by utter disappointment as he has let us down so many times, as have many of his players. I can remember many instances where Almunia for example blundered and his mistakes drained our teams confidence. It's that feeling of continuously expecting more, hoping for better, being told its coming by the club, and then no, failure again. We are a sleeping giant of a club, who with the right "dynamic" manager (Wenger is the complete opposite for me) and planning by the board could rise to levels maybe unseen before. A period of dominance through great football, grit, and skill, is possible. Wenger has given us a taste in the past, but he can no longer achieve it. The fact that so many settle for Wenger and 4th is unfathomable to me now. Great companies are innovative. We are not. Great teams ave ideas. Where are our new ones? Despite those who believe contrary, money and buying players is a key component these days too. And that is what grates on me. We won't do all we can to win. Still, this game gives me joy and I want that win. I want our boys to play well but I no longer support the man in charge. What has he done to deserve that?

  45. Young Guns (a nightmare)

    Aug 23, 2014, 14:05 #55746

    Grandad/Grandad/You're lovely/That's what we all think of you.

  46. Ozzie

    Aug 23, 2014, 12:59 #55745

    Greetings Baddie! I stick by my post regardless of your embellishments. I mentioned boldness and risk taking NOT reckless. Taking risks on the back of self & team confidence is not reckless but is borne of self belief in the ability to adapt to what is in front of you. Carrying on willy nilly with the same predictable game is reckless in my definition. Arsenal need a fresh beginning and need to re invent themselves as they are stale as old cheese (as it appears are a number of their fans) and look like remaining that way while we have the "daddy arsenal" persona gradually reaching grandad status - and then one day you'll find ten years have got behind you...hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way....for that Premier League trophy that looks so far away...while our fans are growing grey....come on Arsenal!

  47. Westlower

    Aug 23, 2014, 12:16 #55744

    Impressive stat that Arsenal have won their last 30 league games when leading at half time. Note to self: Don't back AFC to lose 'in running' when that particular stat is in place. Victory this evening would be our 100th win over Everton. Score prediction, 1-1.


    Aug 23, 2014, 10:53 #55743

    I think dynamism is displayed in different ways Athoz my friend. I am still dynamic, but in a fast-flowing current beneath the surface, rather than the crashing 'breakers' battering the shoreline. So too with Arsene. I go by facial expressions and body language a lot, however they are snapshots and tell of a moment in time. Arsene did grow younger immediately after that cup final's final whistle. In some circumstances the 'bold and the brave' are just reckless and immediate. I will stick with the Professor, though I too recognise some human traits in his weaknesses and blind spots. Thank goodness he shows more positive aspects than otherwise. He is still, 'Daddy Arsenal' to my friend's children, and a little to me too.

  49. Ozzie

    Aug 23, 2014, 10:14 #55742

    @Westlower, some have matured sufficiently to know ranting n' raving achievers little except maybe ulcers; nevertheless if it helps relieve some people's obvious frustration then it is ok by me. I don't have a problem with the players though some weaknesses need addressing. Will be sitting up at 2.30am for kick off and Que Sera.

  50. Westlower

    Aug 23, 2014, 9:31 #55741

    @Ozzie, I put considerable time, energy & money into horse & dog racing but I quickly learnt that 'ranting & raving' achieves very little. Being a betting man I understand only too well that form is temporary. A player who is going through a bad patch of form gets labelled as 'useless' & a player on a hot streak is 'brilliant', usually neither description is true. How quickly a bad pass turns a player into a w**nker by some on the terraces. The media encourage us to live in black & white terms where winning is everything & losing is a disaster. Any club losing two consecutive games is in 'crisis'. Once perspective is lost, so too is the argument.

  51. Bard

    Aug 23, 2014, 9:22 #55740

    Cheers Marky I do love a moronatang dialogue now and again. Unless Im mistaken its a new latin dance craze. Haven't been having one with MG for a while though. Keep you blood pressure stable.

  52. Ozzie

    Aug 23, 2014, 9:03 #55739

    Good one Westlower, perhaps you can inject a little of your dynamics into AW or is HE past it? Have you read his face? It doesn't exactly glow with optimism, does it? What you withhold is quite contagious. He is not a risk taker which suggests he is afraid of failure and so, plays it safe to appease his admirers and preserve his own ego which pleases not the "customers." His swiftly ageing face is a reflection of his game plan. If he had any honour he would have moved over for a "dynamic" young manager with a penchant for boldness and risk taking - which is what Ron and I amongst others have been saying. Arsene is a relic of his time and a great shame his legacy doesn't rest where it should have in 2012. He is at least two years past his use-by date and has been given a very generous run. The fans have every right to rant n' rave, especially when they are putting in so much energy, time and money.

  53. Amos

    Aug 23, 2014, 8:55 #55738

    Mori. I did point out that all the polls I have referred to show varying degrees of contentment with Wenger. The Jan 2013 BSM poll still showed good support for Wenger even if only 5% were unqualified. I'm pretty sure most of those here broadly supportive of Wenger and the board would also qualify their support to some extent. Most of us see him in more human terms than the messianic fervour those fervently opposing him like to claim. But there are plenty of other polls too as I've pointed out. There's even a 2nd part to the BSM poll taken 6 months later at the end of the 2013 season which showed those who didn't think Wenger was the best man for the job had fallen to a little over one third. Bearing in mind that BSM is a group formed for and aimed at the discontented that still shows anti-Wenger feeling, among the wider gooner community particularly, to be a minority sentiment. Whether that's important or not depends to what extent you value a sense of perspective introduced to much of the grumbling that goes on here. As for Alex Fynn, I'm not in the least bit bitter or jealous of him. He has industry experience of advertising and marketing related to football and connections to a number of clubs, at one time also strong with our North London neighbours, but his views are also coloured to some extent by those connections. That doesn't make them not worth listening to but it's as well to consider the perspective. Like Myles Palmer and others that have profited by these connections they're still the views of an outsider based largely on hear say and supposition.

  54. Westlower

    Aug 23, 2014, 8:08 #55737

    @Marcus, Contrary to your snap shot view that some of our players are STATIC. I believe all athletes are dynamic until they reach a certain age. Then they plateau for a few years before a decline sets in. Typically a player reaches his peak in his 20's before mother nature has her say in the 30's. You are very critical of JW, but you fail to consider his protracted 18 month injury period. Still only 22 years old his potential for improvement is only limited by injuries restricting his mobility. IMO the only players who won't improve their game significantly because of age are, Rosicky, Arteta, BFG, Podolski, Cazorla, Flamini. That doesn't make them bad players as long as they can hold their form at the level they have attained. Man U walked the PL 2 years ago with a team of old farts. With the exception of these named older players I feel the rest of the AFC squad are still open to considerable improvement. What assists their development of course is getting a consistent run of games to build up confidence & experience. Plus dare I say it, the unconditional support of Gooners! Be critical by all means but for the good of the team don't continually slag them off. Always be prepared to reassess your judgement because in life very little is static and everything is dynamic. The slow one now will later be fast.


    Aug 23, 2014, 7:51 #55736

    Good morning my little boiled eggs-no sunny side up for you! A post from MARCUS not insulting me, wow! DWT, I have said before I hold respect for you, and not in an obsequious way. The anti AW brigade on here, you included, just give out sound bites and regurgitate the same post, dressing it up slightly differently, with the mantra of 'change the manager'. You are quite clearly passionate about Arsenal and your views-so you should be. I have no problem with you holding an opposing or just plain different outlook to me, and you are quite right in that a majority wanting AW to stay does not necessarily make it a sound judgement. It is only used to counter those claiming a majority for him to go. It's not debating, it's verbal tennis-I think MARCUS could be quite good at that, if he refrained from being silly and insulting! Anyway, today I am centred for the game, no distractions, and no release for Mark Chapman.

  56. Mori

    Aug 23, 2014, 7:38 #55735

    Amos- As you are aware, the Jan 2013 BSM poll kindly gave fans 2 chances to vote for Wenger, with less than 5% giving him their unequivocal backing. And of course despite your curious use of words the BSM are merely anti Kroenke and Gazidis, very attractive to Wenger supporters looking to exonerate their man for the trophyless years. It does all beg the question though that if you really believe the anti Wenger faction to be as small and insignificant as you seem to, then why do you bother to spend so much time and energy on here attempting to dissect their argument? PS You do seem to be very jealous and bitter over the amount of time that 'football guru' Alex Fynn has spent in the company of Arsene Wenger and David Dein over the years, gaining a far greater insight into the psyche and working practices of Wenger than you or I could ever have. Did he once refuse to sign one of his books for you or something?


    Aug 23, 2014, 3:44 #55734

    Again some deluded akb loyalist blind to the obvious is using my name and slogan. How sad do you have to be?? That the only way you can argue or rebutt someone is by posting as them wow smh. See all my arguments our with facts I.e the 8-2, 6-3, 5-1 and 6-0 beatings and 3 of them in the same season all FACTS!! I use facts as the base of everything I write on here. Having Giroud and sanogo as your main strikers for a team that apperently wants to win the pl is again a fact!! Last time I checked we still have the donkey giroud and the techniqually awful saNOGOAL at the club and more likely the donkey is going to start 2moro oh dear, dear. Giroud has atleast four things that happen when he has a goal scoring chance. 1. He scuffs the shot into the ground and misses badly, 2. He misses awfully close but should have scored as it was a sitter. 3. Misses the ball completely with a air shot and finally misses by dragging the shot miles long. Typical giroud oh he might score after about 8 chances smh. This is the man wenger believes can fire us to the pl title lool. He would not even start for everton if every one was fit. Its a damm shame this club allows this man wenger to control the transfers. He is just getting more and more annoying. Sanchez was a smoke screen. The core of the team is terriable. Giroud, arteta, apart from kos and maybe schezney the other two our liabilities. Wilshere is so overrated its not even funny. WHAT DOES HE BRING?? I don't see it. Again wenger refused to bring back fabregas because of the development of wilshere loool. The kid will never be lampard nor gerrad he has not got the ability and already thinks he's world class lool. The arrogance the kid excudes is actually down right embarrassing especially because he has done absolutely nothing in he's career to even act like that. Ross barkley is better than wilshere and I would have him at arsenal in a heart beat. He's got everything power, pace, can pass the ball, skip pass players, a deadly shot etc class. Again it seems wenger has refused to stregthen the core of the team. Well let's see if giroud puts in another usual performance today of huffing and puffing and looking up to the sky and pulling he's hair back when he misses after miss

  58. Ozzie

    Aug 23, 2014, 2:29 #55733

    Goodonya Johnny Lynch - someone who is willing to express the 'other side' that lurks at the back of people's minds. I even briefly had that thought myself as to how else the club rids itself of Wenger. Your honesty is a far cry from the persistent bleating from the one or three of Arsenal's self anointed PR men on here 'who have become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal' Yawn

  59. DW Thomas

    Aug 23, 2014, 0:48 #55732

    Baddie, you said the best thing I've heard in a long time. Just because a majority has an opinion on something, that doesn't make it the right one. My sentiments exactly about the majority of fans who still support Arsene. The club have decided to accept their position as 2nd tier but act in public as if they are the best. Kevin's new book with Fynn is another great read. That story about Gadzidis and Ozil and Shad Forsythe seems totally plausible, despite is veracity. We fans differ in our views and way we see the club moving forward. The stagnation isn't enough for me. The untapped potential is waiting for release. We have seen season after season end with collapse when often close to the summit. Wenger seems to me like a man stuck in the past, unable to see his poor decisions and how to adapt to a new world where his methods no longer bring titles. His arrogance and stubbornness drags everyone else along the road of repeated failure.

  60. Amos

    Aug 23, 2014, 0:33 #55731

    The Jan 2013 BSM survey asked a slightly different question and was a much smaller sample poll than the one taken prior to the end of this season. As the BSM take a largely anti club and management stance you'd imagine support would be more anti Wenger than it is but even in the Jan 2013 survey 45.92% thought he was the best man for the job and 46.01% didn't - a difference of less than 1/10th of 1 per cent. However, if you were to carry out a poll of polls, including those carried out annually here and by the AST plus the less frequent soundings of BSM you would still find, albeit to varying degrees of contentment, a strong majority in the region of 3 or 4 to 1 in favour of Wenger staying in place. In fact that's one of the reasons why he is still very much in place. However you dress it up the anti-wenger faction are very much a minority grouping.

  61. Mori

    Aug 22, 2014, 23:24 #55730

    Amos- I'm sure the fair-minded BADARSE would be equally disparaging of your poll results as he is of mine, but you forgot to mention the Jan 2013 BSM survey where anti-Wenger voters outnumbered pro-Wenger voters. Funny that, but in keeping with your record of very carefully selecting your stats. Feel free to keep repeating your line though, just understand that however many times you do won't necessarily make it true. 60% anti-Wenger in a post cup win Online Gooner poll is quite a lot, isn't it.

  62. Ed Gibbons

    Aug 22, 2014, 23:12 #55729

    Great contribution- Keep it up Gavin


    Aug 22, 2014, 23:03 #55728

    Gunner be proud, yes Bard can come and play with our ball anytime. I too think I would get on with him in real life, away from this fantasy football nonsense we have going here. No sackcloth and ashes for this man, but a captain's armband. Come on Bard, it's only like a transfer. As for %'s and averages, they are just banes to the soul. Prove and disprove almost anything. My assessment was tongue in cheek, but clearly the pro-Wenger camp holds a very big majority. Yet still numbers are pretty meaningless-the average for a human is not two legs-but so what if it wasn't? A straw poll would vote for bringing back hanging, and that is clearly wrong, majority does not make for correct judgement, just a majority. Anyway I get two votes, one as BADARSE and one as Gunner be proud. Guess what? I voted twice in a General Election, so there! Stats? I leave that to the expert, and Amos should be recognised as such-we are lucky to have him here. My numbers thing a lot of the time involves counting bricks in walls, sub-dividing, then multiplying and finally chalking up, 'Arsene knows best!' Red and white dreams to you all.

  64. GBP

    Aug 22, 2014, 22:34 #55727

    KC - I never saw the CFC game, not even the highlights. I was on hols. Suspect Anfield revisited? I didnt deliberately not mention it ha.

  65. GBP

    Aug 22, 2014, 22:22 #55726

    KC - I question him. Course i do chap. We didnt actually play too bad at City i honestly thought that. That score flattered City a bit. At Everton we were without Wilshire Walcott Oxil Koschielny Gibbs and Ramsey. Anfield was very poor. They appeared to freeze. It was Liverpools zenith. They never hit that level again.Had it not have been us it would have been another team under the hammer. I didnt think the season was so bad and we won the Cup. I hope like you do. Its all we can do.

  66. Lee afc

    Aug 22, 2014, 21:58 #55725

    Johnny lynch........are you related to Jeff Wright...2 games in and the manager has to go. I'm just guessing, but are you one of those a few years back wanted to see Arron Ramsey sent back to Wales because he was underperforming week in week out. Give it a rest mate, if we are bottom of the league at Christmas then I'll tip my hat to ya.

  67. KC

    Aug 22, 2014, 21:45 #55724

    GBP - your last post is pretty much accurate it's the club nothing else. Can't agree we take it to seriously we support, it means a lot and once the club decided to move and move up the food change the expectations changed. Football is simple hence most clubs with the most money win the most. But judgement on players is the managers responsibility and Wengers judgement on Giroud, Sonogo etc is shameful for a club of our size. Add that to the shocking tactics at cfc, city and Anfield and you can not but question our manager, in saying that I want Wenger to prove me wrong but that's hope not sense.

  68. Bard

    Aug 22, 2014, 21:27 #55723

    Amos; am only too familiar with you're posts. You tend to drag posters into a wrestle. Not interested, if the podcast doesn't grab you no problem. I personally found it interesting. I didnt realise you were so knowledgeable and connected to Alex Fynn. Have you met him and talked through your concerns?

  69. GBP

    Aug 22, 2014, 21:14 #55722

    I prefer to consider my take on Arsenal as more realism than faith Bard. All the talk of being 'blind'and loyal only to the boss and all of the silly other stuff is just fun on here really. Im only loyal to the Club, whoever runs and coaches it. Otherwise what its all about? I dont know enough about behind the football scene to say my take is accurate or not. If im wrong im wrong. Im not bothered frankly. Supposed to enjoy football. It s taken too seriously by far by everybody in these days of wall to wall tele.

  70. Amos

    Aug 22, 2014, 20:55 #55721

    Alex Fynn is another outsider looking in. Entertaining musings and probably a little better informed than most but not much better and still an outsider, with assumption and presumption masquerading as knowledge. Very pro-Dein, so much so that at one AGM the most important question he could find to ask was why Dein hadn't been publicly lauded at the AGM after Dein was removed, and his views reflect that slant on most of his Arsenal contemplations. He's wrong to say Wenger had the money 4 years ago and didn't spend it as the records show. We spent more in 2011 than we'd spent previously until this season. We've been spending relatively big for 4 seasons now. If you look at the pattern each year of short term debt (amounts payable in under one year) which excludes the stadium debt there's quite a clear relationship between the reduction of that debt and the increase in spending. Alex Fynn leans towards the Dein philosophy of renting Wembley to release money to spend chasing trophies and let the future take care of itself rather than Fiszman/Wenger's philosophy of investing in long term revenue generating assets in order to sustain long term competitiveness. His reflection that Wenger wasn't reluctant to sign Ozil (in fact Wenger had tried to sign him before he joined Real)but Gazidis had endorsed the transfer fee is pretty much how the relationship between a CEO and senior management might go. Not really a conflict at all simply two executives acting in concert to achieve an objective.

  71. GBP

    Aug 22, 2014, 20:52 #55720

    KC - Not to win the top titles of course not. Its the team as a whole, you cant isolate forwards from defenders really. We will get there though. i cant support the view that the Club doesn't want to improve the team. Were just not able too yet. i think the real push to do so will happen after Arsene. Patience is needed and i don't think we should be ganging up on him. I don't think he will see out his full contract but the transition has to be gradual. While it happens we should just support our lads the best we can, even those who we know wont hit the heights. Arsene is a prisoner of his own success up to 2005. A decade or so of what we ve seen after we left our ground in my opinion was easily foreseeable.What we have done in that time has exceeded what i thought we would do. Thats me, right or wrong.

  72. KC

    Aug 22, 2014, 20:09 #55719

    Gunner be proud - love or hate Wenger support or hate the board in simple football terms forgetting bias are our forwards good enough to compete at the top level?Seriously are they?

  73. Bard

    Aug 22, 2014, 20:03 #55718

    GBP; thanks for support as I fight my way through the mire of fundamentalism and blind loyalty. I feel Im on a religious crusade. On a more serious note have just listened to Arseblogs podcast interview with Alex Fynn who knows more about Arsenal than most of us. Skip Arseblogs ramblings and get to what Fynn says. Fascinating stuff. Might be a little too painful for the 'faithful'. Gazidis pushed through the Ozil deal in the face of Wengers reluctance. There's money to spend and Wenger won't spend it. Gazidis is the driving force behind the revamping of the youth set up and the conditioning side with Shad Forsythe.

  74. KC

    Aug 22, 2014, 19:45 #55717

    Bard I do tend to agree with a lot of what you say, this keep waiting game is becoming frustrating. The problem is that I go to games I support the club, I get angry at crap performances and I pay the price. But above all I get angry watching a team with no quality centre forward the most important player in any team as transfer fees prove. How can our manager really believe he can compete with city and the chavs with our forward line. It is becoming a joke year after year. This squad requires a TV replacement, an Alex Song replacement and an RVP replacement I don't hate or slag Wenger as he has achieved so much but I can not support a manager who can not see or accept the obvious when my season ticket costs so much.

  75. Amos

    Aug 22, 2014, 19:34 #55716

    They aren't my poll stats Mori I haven't conducted one. The figures are fairly consistent from a number of sources including the Online Gooners annual surveys going back 3 seasons or so. BSM also took a poll before the FA Cup final and before we'd secured a CL spot. The AST published their annual poll results and those disagreeing with awarding a new contract to Wenger polled 19% - much the same as in 2013. While it's fine to advocate the removal of Wenger it's as well to acknowledge that it is very much a minority position among gooner supporters. It always has been.

  76. Gunner be proud

    Aug 22, 2014, 19:09 #55715

    Can i suggest this Bard? I believe that deep down you want to admire Arsene, in fact DO love him. I think that youre such a troubled soul and a concience at odds with your inner self and want to come over, in fact i think your ripe for integration on the light side of the debate. Only been here for a while but there's a softening, a smile that wasnt always there with you? What do you think badarse? I think we need to show compassion when Bard comes to break it to his buddies on here, who see him as the vanguard of their ire. Yes, they will lose an inspired leader but out of loss will come gain. Johnny Lynch awaits anointment with Marcus as his able deputy now. Step up Johnny. Your destiny as ayatollah of the darker side demands your crowning. He (Bard) will need shelter for a while, but the warmth of our bosoms will welcome him. I like Bard? Do you like him Badarse? I ask you this, but in answering to put your pity for him aside for a moment. Bard needs to come home doesnt he. Led astray by roguish delinquents, he now needs succour from the chill winds he has faced so redoubtably and bravely. Hes a warrior who simply lost his way isnt he? Bard, welcome my Son. Our arms are ready to embrace you and our doors are open . Come and darken them my boy. Welcome. COYG

  77. Mori

    Aug 22, 2014, 19:00 #55714

    BADARSE- Don't remember you applying your mathematics skills to any of Amos' pro-Wenger opinion poll stats, but maybe I missed it eh?

  78. Amos

    Aug 22, 2014, 18:44 #55713

    I've never been an accountant but if facts and figures are being bandied about they might as well be accurate. Most of us have our philosophies. As does Arsenal football club though sometimes its set of beliefs are mistaken for moral superiority. Just letting off steam on a football forum is fine but better to acknowledge it as such rather than to pass it off as the consequence of philosophical reflection.

  79. AL

    Aug 22, 2014, 18:36 #55712

    BARD, I agree be patient, but for how long? Futile for me to talk about Fabregas (so hard) but it's glaring..... For 10 years since the Wall left that we need a proper unit in there...... Can we bring back Ray?

  80. Plato's left foot

    Aug 22, 2014, 18:35 #55711

    Your leader is no Philosopher King and it is you adoring fools who are in the darkness of the cave.

  81. AL

    Aug 22, 2014, 18:24 #55710

    Gloves are off. I can take only so far the tip tap and crawling over the line against palace and the result away at besiktas..... Then I see balotelli for 16m.... Surely that's worth a punt?? I don't pretend to know what goes on in Wengers mind, if I did i don't think id sleep... The Gooner in me hopes he's frying bigger fish and we're gunning for someone bigger but if he really thinks we're ok and no need to panic buy.. Wtf! 8 days til the window closes on another season... Where is the spine of our team? It's still Giroud, Arteta and Per.... Really? That's the spine of a league winning team? ... Adams/Campbell Vieira Henry would laugh at them in the tunnel. It's lthe hobbits vs the real world.....

  82. stevo433

    Aug 22, 2014, 18:11 #55709

    Never mind the bickering for a moment, there's a headline in tonight's Evening Standard enough to put fear in any Goomers heart.

  83. Mr Stats

    Aug 22, 2014, 17:49 #55708

    60% of 2% eh? So when MORI take a poll before a general election and interview 1000 people and have 45% saying they will vote Labour, that is 45% of 0.0001% of the electorate or less, which means Labour wont even win 1 seat. You can see the ridiculousness of your statement can you not BA?


    Aug 22, 2014, 17:17 #55707

    Thanks for the honest response Bard; your answer means there is hope for you yet. Sometimes the hand dealt you determines how you might respond, that seems to be the case with Amos. More philosophical, but without whimsy, that I like. @Mori 60% of 2%, (if that is the total of fans ascribed to the Onlinegooner), is a little over 1%. It doesn't necessarily translate to 60% of the fanbase, but of course you knew that.

  85. Mori

    Aug 22, 2014, 16:58 #55706

    I'm sure there was a poll on here recently (after the cup win) where 60% still voted against giving Wenger a new contract.

  86. Bard

    Aug 22, 2014, 16:41 #55705

    Amos couldn't agree more. Don't expect anyone to be interested in my views. i enjoy the banter, the argument, even the vitriol from time to time. This site is a magnificent distraction and allows me to let off steam after watching Arsenal on a Saturday. Baddie in answer to your question yes I do. I have a problem with spin and bull**** per se. Amos i had you down as a facts and figures man but your recent posts have been a touch philosophical. Is this evidence of a metamorphosis from accountant to philosopher?

  87. Gunner be Thatcher like

    Aug 22, 2014, 16:10 #55704

    I wish to maintain the status quo ad nauseum.

  88. Amos

    Aug 22, 2014, 16:09 #55703

    No matter how large the magnifying glass Gunner be proud it won't help those standing in the wrong place to see more than they can see now. Arsenal clearly aren't going to shift their position to enable those with a restricted view to see better. Nor is there any real need for them to do so.

  89. DJ

    Aug 22, 2014, 15:59 #55702

    Bard: From where I sit in the ground i think you are in the majority. While I don't agree with the vitriol aimed at our manager (sorry Mr Lynch) I feel the PR at the club is non existent. We pay the highest prices in the country, have the secong highest attendance yet seem unable/unwilling to grasp the nettle. Personally I feel last season was a chance missed when we failed to strengthen in January when both Aaron and Theo were long term absentees. As has been mentioned Man City and Chelsea should finish above us due to their resources but that doesn't mean we should roll over and have our tummies tickled without a fight!

  90. Gunner be proud

    Aug 22, 2014, 15:58 #55701

    Surely what has kept the boss in his job is just that hes done a really good job and his employer hasn't needed a magnifying lens the size of Wales to see it. There is talk of commissioning one to be made though ive heard to allow those who cant see it to have a shufty from time to time.


    Aug 22, 2014, 15:56 #55700

    Oh Bard, I loved that. Welcome Fred. Simple question Bard, do you have a problem with the deceit and spin of our government, inflation and wage constraints, the lack of consideration for the poorer individuals in our society, and the jingoistic nature displayed in suggesting we are somehow superior to other nations? Only a rhetorical poser fella, but there is a parallel, don't you think? Anyway, Forward Arsenal.

  92. Amos

    Aug 22, 2014, 15:51 #55699

    I can understand why it's irrelevant to you what others think of Wenger Bard but do you then imagine that it should be relevant to others what you think of Wenger? Presumably you post your views here because you think it should be? Is it relevant that what you see as spin and deceit others might see as normal engagement and interaction? Or what you see as moral superiority others can see as an established system of values and traditions? It's all pretty well irrelevant what any of us says here and no less irrelevant to the majority broadly supportive of Wenger and the club what the minority are standing on the sidelines complaining about. Yet it's difficult to convince them that they are the least relevant of us all.

  93. Bard

    Aug 22, 2014, 15:33 #55698

    Amos I am sure you are right but really its irrelevant to me what other people about Wenger. I pay my money every year and will call it as I see it. I don't have a problem with us not winning things, I don't have a problem with us not buying a decent striker, what I have a problem with is the deceit and spin, the ever increasing season ticket prices, the lack of ambition and the arrogance of believing that Arsenal are somehow morally superior to other clubs in the way they do things. If others are happy with that then fine. Good to see you're back Fred, did they let you out for the day?

  94. J Lynch Appreciation Soc

    Aug 22, 2014, 14:46 #55697

    It's just like reading RON again! We love it!

  95. Johnny Lynch

    Aug 22, 2014, 14:42 #55696

    Wenger is nothing but a fraud, he has no shame , no sense of obligation to the working man paying his wages .. He's ensconced within a no threat relationship with the majority of fans , I imagine he walks around the bowels of the stadium during the week nodding and smiling , the rest of Arsenal's employees tugging forelocks and throwing petals at his feet. My stomach turns over when I see him , it's got to the point where evil thoughts are manifesting , I'm wishing him an accident , the realisation that he'll quite possibly never leave this beautiful club grows more concrete every day. All those lazy arsed pundits , Dixon, Keown , Henry and Ian Wright who never say a bad word about him , the majority on this site still fawning over a man who is a figure of ridicule in world football.. An extra time win over a Hull side and Wenger reacts like Marco Tardelli in 1982 .. His post match , pre match interviews are identical regardless of the opposition or result .. He spunks millions on Ozil and persists with Wilshere .. He sees something in Sanogo that no other top manager can .. Giroud has the first touch of Frankensteins monster and is always always always found wanting against top class opposition .. Cesc wanted to become the Prodigal Son but Wenger's having none of that , let him weave his magic with Jose , Van Persie left to win something fed up of breathing the same air as Bendtner .. I guarantee you Sanchez will walk when he sees we're also rans ..A Charity Shield win against City's third team, A last gasp win against 10 man Palace , A lucky 0-0 in Turkey.. Yeah.. That FA Cup win (Extra time after 0-2 down) , the platform for greatness again.

  96. A Doctor Writes

    Aug 22, 2014, 14:29 #55695

    Bile helps to digest those posts that come from AKB Central and it can also be produced in a ready form which in turn makes AKBs very bilious and liable to online vomiting.

  97. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 22, 2014, 13:41 #55693

    Gunner be proud, maybe if there would have been more effort put into singing at or directed at your messiah for 20 minutes after that match by the hundreds as to letting him know what we all really thought and felt about being humiliated in front of the world and indeed during and after all the other humiliations and embarrassments over the past years instead of one arsene wenger maybe things might have been done or changed and there would have been/be less of them, and we wouldn't have went potless for so long.

  98. Amos

    Aug 22, 2014, 13:22 #55692

    What has kept Wenger in the job for so long is the Arsenal board through 3 different incarnations Dein/Hill-Wood, Fiszman/Hill-Wood and Kroenke. But just as importantly is the fact that popular gooner opinion, albeit to varying degrees, has been content for Wenger to stay on. The annual polls conducted here and other credible polls elsewhere consistently show support in his favour by a factor of 3 or 4 to 1. Those not wanting him to continue under any circumstances are less than 20%. If folks like Badarse and Fred and others have kept Wenger in place then they are supported by the weight of popular opinion.

  99. Johnny Lynch

    Aug 22, 2014, 13:15 #55691

    I'll have to be quick , the editor always removes my posts .. can't be too controversial ay Kev ? Toe the line what what. Spiffing Emirates experience what what ... Anyway , in the real supporters world .. Another season of mediocrity is underway .. SANOGO AND GIROUD up front have got European defences QUAKING in their boots .. Jose Mourinho is thinking of pulling a sicky come the day of reckoning when those two dynamite attackers bear down on the Chelsea defence .. I'll shut my big mouth forever if anyone on here can tell what other major european club would have these two on their books.. And Jack Wilshere ? Is is shi* or has Wenger ruined him ? Again, any other major European Club , would they tolerate his weekly average performances season after season? .. How many midfielders does a club need ? .. There are no guarantees in life they say , apart from these.. We'll be murdered by Chelsea and co again .. We'll go out at the first knockout stage in the Champions League .. Ozil will prove to be the biggest spunk of money in our History ... And Wenger will remain , at the helm , laughing his arse off.


    Aug 22, 2014, 12:38 #55690

    What has kept wenger in the job for this long even though he has clearly underachieved is folks like Bardarse and Fred. These delusional loyal akb desciples see nothing wrong with the mans tactics and all round naivity for a man who loves to alway remind us he has been managing arsenal for more than 18 years. How can you support a man that loses 8-0 as Fred said he would if that happens?? That type of scoreline usually and rightly so results in a manager getting sacked did anyone see what happened to scolari?? The manager gets sacked because he picked the team decided what players to buy and decided not to buy players because he thought he's team was good enough. So he dies by the sword as all the decisions our he's. At arsenal though losing 8-2,6-3,5-1 and 6-0 our not sackable offenses for mr wenger. He has no fear of ever being sacked and he knows it and there lies the problem. A manager who becomes to relaxed becomes a weak manager in my view as he knows regardless of the results I will always be here. It also makes him very static and stagnant as he has no pressure to win anything. As mourinho put it some managers our under no pressure and have an easy ride he was talking about wenger obviously. What manager of a big club can get away with having giroud as your main striker and technically inept back up striker who can't even control the ball?? Oh yeah arsenal what a total disgrace. What club can have a person owning 30% of the club but not being a board member oh yeah arsenal. Why because they our scared of someone actually coming and challenging the way the club is run. Scared of a man who does not tolerate 4th as some kind of a trophy. See usmanov is a ruthless man yo don't become the richest person in russia without being ruthless and tolerating mediocrity. Kronke is a man who is a no ambition type ownwer provided he's making money. Look at he's teams. St louis rams from once a great nfl team in the 90s to average midtable team since he bought it. Look at the denver nuggets another great franchise to a average midtable team. That is the mans ambition. He's the worst type of owner you can have for a club that wants to be challenging for the pl and cl every season. I bet my last dollar that wenger would have been sacked if usmanov was the owner I have no doubt about that long ago and so does wenger. Also all these rumours of wenger going to psg and monaco last season where just that. Why would any manager leave a post where you get 8 million a year to maximum get 4th?? Come on now lool. You have no pressure of winning the pl. You have the best training facilities in the uk or one off. One of the best stadiums in europe and you get paid 8 million WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE?? Lool. In my view this club won't go anywhere in terms of ACTUALLY winning the pl with kronke at the helm. He's a man who wants to put nothing into the club but wants maximum gains. What a disgrace

  101. Ozzie

    Aug 22, 2014, 12:35 #55689

    Hey baddie, did you ever think about becoming a Circus Ringmaster? You keep cracking that whip now, boy:-)

  102. Fred

    Aug 22, 2014, 12:06 #55688

    The bedwetters are at it again worrying lol. Ha! ha! I dont care if Everton beat us 8-0 lol. I will still be there one hour after the game laughing lol and getting behind Arsene where will you be lol Ha! ha! he! he! he !

  103. Finsbury Joe

    Aug 22, 2014, 11:51 #55687

    Nothing good to say SADARSE.

  104. BADARSE

    Aug 22, 2014, 9:34 #55684

    Morning smithy. I just want to draw attention to the line in my previous post, 'a comment is made, a point is stretched ... abstract info...taken as real.' This thing about Joel is seen thus through my eyes, he hasn't had his chance yet as he clearly is third in the pecking order at the moment, (this position can change after a good game or two). He is not being overlooked, there is no consideration of whether his face fits or not, he is third choice striker at the moment-that's it! No intrigue, no secret agendas, no dramas of personality clashes or unrest. Simple and succinct. This idea has been floated on this website as a reality with nothing to substantiate it other than a random hypothetical consideration, dressed up in the guise of fact. People are then only too willing to carry the baton. I am a great admirer of the young man, Jewel Campbell, and was slated for saying so, and told I couldn't judge a man's ability after watching on telly for five minutes, this was wrapped up in a subsequent post or two which effectively shifted it's ground to call me a liar. Strange how the moving finger writes, and having writ moves on. Good old Arsenal.

  105. smithy

    Aug 22, 2014, 8:39 #55683

    I heard Arsene on the radio today, I hope he was bluffing,he stated that he won't buy anybody other than defenders.We are like a shark with no teeth,Sanogo and Giroud simply won't cut it.As for Joel who knows,it looks like his face doesn't fit.Another frustrating season I fear.

  106. BADARSE

    Aug 22, 2014, 7:45 #55682

    DWT, you were growing tired because you were posting on here after three in the morning! Listen chum, people see things differently, and that's it. I have views on much. To me my perceptions are the result of logical thought processes. I assume other alternative views are skewed due to lack of experience, poor information, or obtuse influences. There is also the 'grafting on' effect. By this I mean that a comment is made, a point is stretched, and that particular nugget of abstract information is taken as a real occurrence rather than a stab in the dark, which it really is. The cloaking effect is the vitriol-the veiled or clearly displayed rudeness, shown as one individual's viewpoint opposing a perceived opposite stance. All these aspects distort, but can be countenanced and explained away in a reasonable and rational fashion. If the argument for or against is carried, then we have a form of unity, an understanding. That is very rare. This is the fuel which fires people. The belief that 'one' has the strongest platform, and the firmest grasp on the discussion at hand, is often frustrated by the inability of an opponent to see our sense of reality, so we try again and the carousel turns once more. What is a fundamental stumbling block is the basic differences between people. If one person believes an extreme act is acceptable as in capital punishment, and another doesn't, we clearly are separate types. If one thinks this chap is the best to lead a city, as in the Mayor of London, and another group regard him as a buffoon, we clearly are separate types. I think it is obvious that my point is we shall never, or at least rarely come together. The Beatles knew that much half a century ago.

  107. DW Thomas

    Aug 22, 2014, 3:06 #55681

    I am growing tired of waiting for change. But, we must wait. In the mean time we have every right to criticize and demand more from our manager and club. Supporting a team of any kind is all about the camaraderie and common interest of the fans. We should often disagree, it's those arguments that entertain AND inform. But, we are all allowed to think and speak as we see it. Sometimes the fire and passion grows too big and we lose a little respect for our fellow fans. Many of us try to look at facts and go from there. For me it's pretty simple. We're not doing what we are capable of as a club. Wenger has had enough chances and failed, he should carry that burden, he is in charge, more than any other coach at any other club, save perhaps Ferguson before he retired. So those of us that want change have been patient for a long time. And even I would give him a little more if he did the things we all know he needs to do to win! But, the money is too important. Trophies are secondary. Just look at his comments about qualifying for the CL groups. He knows he must achieve that to insure the $$$. He was top of the league, flopped miserably, yet still earns megabucks and extends his contract. Idolisation is a dangerous road. One I will never be on.

  108. Cyril

    Aug 22, 2014, 2:09 #55680

    What will he pass on, is the question? He is old and they become bold. We must use his power to move on. Thank u mr Wenger. Now in your own time ....

  109. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 23:10 #55678

    Jimmy G - Thank you and ditto. There has been and still is a case for change as you say, but there's a right and a wrong way of making it isn't there. Evolution can bring enough pain for it to occur, but rarely does revolution bring ultimate rewards. History tells us so and in Arsenals context its always been our way. Long may it last eh. Some of these young bucks spitting blood have little clue of our ways but worse, don't want to find out. COYG.

  110. JimmyGooner

    Aug 21, 2014, 22:50 #55677

    @Gunner Be Proud - I have to say I agree with you that AW deserves better than some of the abuse he gets on here, even though I'm sure he doesn't read it. I have been of the view that we need a change of manager for at least a couple of seasons, but am still able to respect the man and what he's done for the club over the years. I feel it shames Arsenal fans that so many have turned on him to such an extent and I do find myself increasingly defending him just because I don't feel able to side with those who can not criticise respectfully. I think I am just old-fashioned on that score. Up the Gunners!

  111. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 22:42 #55676

    I agree with you on me being a 'fundamentalist' Bard ha ha, though our understanding of being one differs. Youre as much of a fundamentalist as me. Mine is that i don't expect to see water converted into wine. Ive yet to see any of the bosses weve had in my time pull that one off and im sure Arsene wont either. Im well aware of his faults my friend, but whether i differ from him about a footballers ability to kick or head a bag of wind about is at variance to his wont bother him, so it doesn't bother me either. I cheered Hawley and Hankin and Mancini so this crop are like Pele, Rivelinho and Carlos Alberto by comparison so i choose to cheer these (laugh at them too at times!). Bottom Line? Arsene Wenger deserves better than the bile dished out every day on here towards the man, for all of his many faults and when hes gone id like to say hes been here with and then gone with my blessing and thanks not with my disrespect. Seriously, some of you, some more than others admittedly need to take a long look at yourselves. Much might be and is wrong about our Club but most of it is the envy of many. Theres no perfect coach team or Club, but the Arsenal have always strived to be better than most. Arsene has carried on that tradition and i thank him for doing so. Win with valour and lose with dignity is my watchword for life. Sorry if it offends. AMG - if its 3-0 again and i dont think it will be, i wont be shouting for the coaches head. Hes smart enough to offer it up himself when the time comes. Ill wait until then.It doesn't affect my life. Lack of 'passion' i hear you cry. Maybe, but i do feel it when we tonked, just differently to you though. Agree with you on the dearth of passion amongst us though. Its always been the same i believe. Our support has always been cosmopolitan, yes, reserved to in the main and its this kind of support that Mr Henry Norris sought as he desired central London proximity. Its a fan culture that's never left us and it takes a lot to have us raise the rafters. Ironically when we have its of ten been during and after a defeat. Theres a lesson there for some of you fellas surely. Good night lads.


    Aug 21, 2014, 22:36 #55675

    BADARSE.Get a life will you and stop walking around in your deluded bubble smhsmh.I think it's time OGL went,he's hung around for far too long and to say I'm not impressed is an,looooooool,loooooooooooool. As for the AKB's They are all soooo deluded it's a larf a minute and I've been humming this one all day. AKB's are silly,AKB's are ninny's,silly ninny's throw them in the binny's.Lollollol.Come on let's have some passion,great post's Peter Wain and maguirebridge.

  113. AMG

    Aug 21, 2014, 22:14 #55674

    I was there when Jesus walked on water, but you don't hear me going on about it. You'll get no 'told you so' from me if we do get spanked. Enjoy your day out in Scouseland on Saturday, I hope they give you something good to cheer for this time.

  114. Bard

    Aug 21, 2014, 21:43 #55673

    GBP; I loved your post mate, made me laugh out loud. i always enjoy the fundamentalists. They fake equanimity but its skin deep, their message is 'follow our leader and brook no dissent'. It reminds me of North Korea. Looking forward to reading your justifications once our beloved leader fails to convert water into wine.

  115. Gunner be bought

    Aug 21, 2014, 20:10 #55672

    I love to fail/but my buddies just love to dance.

  116. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 19:45 #55671

    AMG - Hear me. I cant take football matters to heart. Its too much fun for that for those of us who aren't border line depressives over it and recognize it as something positive in our lives. There were hundreds of us at Old Trafford after we were destroyed in 2011 singing our heads off for 20 mins after the game and at Anfield last year too. Chatting to Utd fans and Pool fans after brought great comments from them about our support.It was great. The score wasn't of course but knowing there are Gunners fans who really back the Club win lose or draw gives me a lot of pleasure. I saw my first game in 1969 and ive been that way since so i need no convincing. Im pretty sure that those Utd and Liverpool fans who rated our support those awful days would revise their view if they ever ventured on here to read you and your fellow moaning minnies whining like a bunch of cats stuck up your respective drainpipes. Masquerade your futile groaning behind your mask of 'passion' if you like. It doesn't convince me one bit. You and those who echo you sound like little childish saddoes who really ought to give up supporting a football Club like ours if it makes you so depressed as you read on here. You really should. As you ask yes you ll hear from me if we re tonked by Everton Saturday. Ill be there. Will you?

  117. johnnyh

    Aug 21, 2014, 19:36 #55670

    girouds performance was shocking. when he plays as the lone striker away from home his main role is to do the ugly things like holding the ball up and winning free kicks in order to give the defence a breather. he really is a waste of space who requires a boot up the ass to remind him of his responsibilities. wenger should give him the dvd of last nights maribor versus celtic match to watch how a lone striker should play. former gunner anthony stokes was outstanding in the role. he chased every ball,held the ball up and basically ran himself to a standstill,and to think he is on a fraction of what giroud "earns"

  118. Th14afc

    Aug 21, 2014, 19:29 #55669

    I thought defensively we were strong,especially the goalie...but after this is where our problems were in this particular game,as mentioned above wilshere and Ramsey (before the red) had good moments but weren't consistent enough....Sanchez again showed glimpses of what we expect him to do on a regular basis but it's true the pitch didn't help,I'm still totally convinces he'll b our star man very soon....carzola,well what has happened to santi?awful for 2 games running...the ox must start for me,put him through the middle instead if santi,the ox played well in the middle when he ayes there last season and we were much better on Tuesday when the ox came on...giroud was absolutely useless as usual...still see us goin through with the Germans back in business next Wednesday night

  119. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 21, 2014, 19:03 #55668

    MARCUS, yes he's been doing that for years now, giving second and third raters chance after chance in the false hope they'll become good and he's still at it, and the reason he keeps giving these second raters chances? all the wengerites are/have been happy doing the same for him giving him chance after chance for years, sitting on their hands saying nothing as he does it, and supporting him in the false hope it'll all work out and one day he'll become good, and they're still at it.

  120. Bard

    Aug 21, 2014, 18:51 #55667

    Good post Groundhog. Dont despair even Wenger will have to buy a CB not that it will make much difference to the bigger picture. I suspect there will be a last minute signing but it may depend on getting through CL qualifying first. Remember first and foremost its about balancing books rather than winning things. Thats not going to change any time soon. What I sense maybe wrongly is the euphoria of signing Sanchez has given way to more of the same old same old. Could be a really interesting situation if we have a poor start.

  121. Much respected statesman

    Aug 21, 2014, 18:27 #55666

    I raise my glass to Sanogo and Giroud. Please - save your veneration for the return of Diaby. He will be like a new signing.

  122. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 21, 2014, 18:22 #55665

    Groundhog, good post it's been a while since we've had a yawn, you couldn't make it up.

  123. mike

    Aug 21, 2014, 18:13 #55664

    please not Alex Song - One untidy game and the prophets of doom are on the site again - the game I saw was a scrappy affair with very little fluidity. Giroud takes a lot of flak but it was Ba who missed the easiest opportunities and people say we should have bought him - if he had missed those chances in an Arsenal shirt he would have been slaughtered and branded a donkey - we still have three very good German players to step into the team and Walcott(who in my opinion was the biggest loss last year)coming back to full fitness

  124. Lee afc

    Aug 21, 2014, 18:06 #55663

    Gavin...rather than stating the obvious that we are a few players short. Would you kindly name this world class striker that we should sign, I appreciate that most fans can see a shortfall but I don't believe Mr wenger is sitting on his hands blind to the whole scenario.

  125. Flamini

    Aug 21, 2014, 18:04 #55662

    I like this GROunDHOG guy. Talks a lot of sense unlike that last bloke who keeps on whining. Even Arsene has stopped reading him.

  126. BADARSE

    Aug 21, 2014, 17:50 #55661

    There is a big difference between not 'killing' a player's desire and being 'soft'. Psychology is a manipulative tool. In the right hands it is the finest of scalpels, in the hands of a crude workman it becomes a carving knife. Arsene has augmented the running of Arsenal in the finest of fashions; whilst maintaining our reputation-that of a top historic football club, and enhancing our position as a modern super-club. He is a much-respected statesman and the qualities he has brought to our club are to be venerated, this is irrespective of whether anyone agrees with his transfer dealings, coaching, team selection, time he makes a substitute, or size shoes he wears.

  127. AMG

    Aug 21, 2014, 17:35 #55660

    The groundhog - I totally agree with you, this business is a lot simpler than many Wenger apologists would have you believe. Gunner be proud - I wonder if we will hear a peep from you next time your 'top coach' gets another 5-0/6-0 spanking. If you take all of this 'bluster' to heart, then I suggest you're in the wrong place. To be honest, you sound like you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else now. Football is about passion and I for one, love the passion Groundhog just displayed. The dearth of passion around the Emirates is the very plague which allows Wenger to perpetuate mediocrity get paid handsomely for it. Wenger is stuck in his small-time mentality and can no longer compete in a tactical sense with the top managers. That he lacks ambition is there for all to see, sticking with Arteta and Giroud says more about his small-time mentality than he ever could. I don't care if Arteta is 32 or 22, he's not up to the job, simple as that. To say that Everton are not in the same league as Arsenal in terms of financial clout is not denigrating them, it is a statement of fact - A great club indeed and one that could well have pipped us to 4th last year had the fixtures been kinder to them.


    Aug 21, 2014, 16:59 #55659

    @ groundhog. You are sooooo righr. Wenger is small time he does not want to hurt folks feelings?? He once said he did not want to bring in another striker as he wants to give giroud a chance this was last season midn you. The guy has been given 2 bloody years and shown he's not good enough. How many more years does he want to give him?? If giroud was at a supposedly big club he would have been on the bench after 1 year. With wenger you have a weak manager. He is not ruthless enough for me. Also he's very static and does not like bringing in players for competition. As you said wenger would have never brought in matic as he would have said we have ramires and luiz etc. He's a static manager and that is why he has a awful record in europe. Why have arsenal never been past the qfs more than twice?? Well we have a inept tactical clueless manager who refuses to build on a great team and add depth. That's the problem. As this top level of managing you have to be ruthless he lacks that big time as he does not want to hurt he's main guys feelins I.e giroud smh you could not make this stuff up. I feel that he should have gone after the fa cup win. We have to put up with he's stubborn reluctance to sign the players that stevie wonder can see we need just to prove some stupid point that he can with the pl or cl with below average and medicore players. That is the problem and is wenger. Tactically poor, never wantsto build on a great team and go up a level by adding more quality=STATIC, never addresses the obvious areas of need, always blaming others for arsenal lack of winning anything until of course we won the fa cup (mark my words he will still be making excuses when we fall short again and get beat in the second round of the cl after finising second in our group). I'm just tired of all of this now.

  129. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 16:51 #55658

    Ive noticed on here that when ever a poster want to denigrate a player, said poster denigrates another Clubs status. You've just done it 58885. Very sad. Both great Clubs yet you display rude footballing snobbery? Why is that? Has Martinez managed at the same level as Arsene for the last 10 years? Didn't Giroud score 20 goals for us last season? Have we not just bought for ourselves a 31 Million pound forward? Yes, Jose is a ruthless coach,a fine one too, yet hes won nothing for 3 Seasons? Is that correct?Is Arteta just 32? Old? With respect you're allowing your excitement to cloud your judgement, your toys have just hit that old lady as you've launched them from your pram and your bluster is designed to earn you a few 'hear hears'from your peers on here who wallow in the same blackness as you do yourself. Not very impressive really is it? COYG. Arsene - you're doing a fabulous job. Keep it up. Most of us are fully behind your work.

  130. The Groundhog

    Aug 21, 2014, 16:06 #55657

    "We are 2-3 players away" for the 10th year in a row. Yawn. As ever, Wenger screws Arsenal and consigns them to a 4th place trophy scrap (ooh that may even become 3rd place!) Wenger is paid £8 mil a year (!) for having a managerial record over 10 yrs no better than Martinez. Everton, a team of little means managed to sign a £28mil striker. Can we "not compete" with Everton then hmmm? I thought Arsene 'loosened the purse strings'? Did he f***. Ultimately, the net outlay so far is a mere £30 odd mill. That is it. For a team of Arsenal's stature to go into a season with carthorse Giroud and postman Sanogo as their main "strikers" is an absolute joke. Neither would start a game at Villa FFS (Benteke superior). He sold TV5 and got £15m back - whats the excuse for not replacing him there then? All he needs to do is take that 15m and spend it on Manolas or another centre-half. There are plenty. Madness to put a kid with zero experience as main centre-half. Not even Tony Adams managed it all at 18 let alone Calum Chambers! I won't even mention playing old man Arteta in DCM as it's clearly a sick joke. EVERY YEAR for the past 10, Wenger has proved he is nowhere near an elite manager with his celebrating 4th place, his pathetic tactics (4-5-1 at home to a Palace team that came to defend. WOW), his hilariously inept European record (17 years in the CL, beyond the quarters just twice, and thrashed in one semi) etc etc...but by FAR Wenger's biggest failure is that he is small-time. Jose Mourinho is big-time. If Wenger had a team with Hazard, Oscar, Willian and Ramires he would never have signed Matic. Let alone Cesc! He's playing with Arteta and hype man Wilshere but apparently "we don't need Cesc". Wenger isn't ruthless. Jose sees a need and addresses it immediately. Who cares about Torres' feelings, he gets Costa. I don't care if Ramires sulks I need top class so gets Matic. Meanwhile Wenger does not need Cesc. Hilarious


    Aug 21, 2014, 14:31 #55655

    Again great points made, but those same points are made every season smh. A certain seems to always not want to listen to them and he's name is wenger. Every season we have weaknesses but one guy never wants to fix them. We have all known for 2 years since rvp left we needed a striker, but 1 fool who had the audacity to sell him to manure has not quite realized we do. We have also concluded we need a dm, but again wenger has refused to buy 1, as he believes arteta is good enough or flamani. What wenger seems to have forgoten is that you need power, athletcism and guile in the middle of the park to win the pl. 1997/1998=VIERIA and PETIT, 2001/2002=VIERIA and PARLOUR/EDU and 2003/2004 last time we won it 10 years ago now smh we had again VIERIA and GILBERTO SILVA. Again wenger has failed to adequetely replace vieria or silva. If you compare those two to what we have now its not even close. Arteta and flamini would not even get a game if those two in their primes where at arsenal. Again though one delusional man still thinks we can the league with those two smh. I honestly believe that wenger believes we can the pl or he wants to believe it with giroud and arteta in the first 11. Its like I know he reads all the papers and watches a lot of football tv. So he knows what folks our saying about arsenal needing a striker a dm and a cbn but because of he's warpped stubborn personality he wants to prove them wrong and not give in to the majorities demands. Its a very arrogant and individualistic approach if you ask me, but typical wenger. Why in the hell does he have that much trust in giroud and arteta especially giroud?? What has he seen in this donkey that I have not seen?? Even giroud himself said we need another striker??? Yet one man still persists in keeping him as our main striker. Wenger is the problem and he's stubborn personality he has.arsenal will not come close to winning the pl with giroud and arteta in the first 11 just plain old REALITY!!! A strike force of giroud and saNOGOAL fears no body maybe a west ham type team but not the big boys. Wenger has to wake up quick. Also all this praise of fabregas is just over the top he was playing against burnley come on now. Who are probably going straight back down. This is the same guy who was getting booed by the barca fans whenever they saw he's name on the teamsheet and whenever he touched the ball. Also its a lot easier to look good when you have class finsihers like shuhurlle and costa. We have neither shame

  132. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 21, 2014, 14:25 #55654

    Gavin, we all were and did, but remember this is Arsenal under wenger. How many times over the years have we went into games against so called inferior opposition and expected a result/win (and not just from our own league)we're simply not good enough (even if others think we are) and even if we're always been told/spun we are, we'll always be found out, we'll always both be and come up short, in more ways than one, and that's the way it's always going to be with Arsenal under this has been manager.

  133. Fivetothree

    Aug 21, 2014, 13:52 #55653

    Please stop advocating us re-signing Alex Song! He is not good enough.

  134. Roy

    Aug 21, 2014, 13:45 #55652

    The Citeh game - early ko after the int break I believe ? That may be an interesting barometer as to exactly where we are.

  135. kilkenny cat

    Aug 21, 2014, 13:06 #55650

    Wenger will never change. Neither will he learn. Same mistakes every year. Leaves us short in important area,s then injuries to key players make it even worse. Then we get the pre planned,predictable substitutions. No tactics,no plan b and of course no decent strker. Ive tried to give him a chance in the hope it might change,but no. Same old tedium. 3 more years of frustration.

  136. peter wain

    Aug 21, 2014, 12:25 #55648

    same story every years wenger just does not finish the job we need a top striker defensive midfield and top class centre half. will we get them most unlikely.he has just got to go!

  137. Cesc

    Aug 21, 2014, 11:05 #55640

    Do you really think I would have come back to Arsenal? I am playing with athletes now and a fearless coach. See you soon.

  138. AMG

    Aug 21, 2014, 11:03 #55639

    Compare and contrast to the match when Cesc Fabregas singlehandedly won us the match away against a very handy Dynamo Zagreb (one with the likes of Eduardo and Modric), but according to some Cesc isn't any better than what we have. I feel your a little unkind on our attacking midfielders who, while not as good as Cesc, are able to create something out of nothing. Look at the surging run by the Ox or the beautifully lofted pass from Ramsey, which proved too clever for our no.1 striker. I thought we looked a lot more controlled when Flamini came on for Arteta, Wenger doesn't seem to like Flamini for some reason, I think his comment 'I left Arsenal to win' still sticks in the craw for Arsene, he's barely featured since. For me, until we sign a top class DM, Flamini would be the first name on the teamsheet. Giroud is a fine back up striker to play against the lower league types, but you can't win the league with him as the main man, a lot of our sins could be covered up, as they were when we had RVP, with a top striker who snatches up 90% of the chances presented to him. With RVP in the team, we probably would have won that games 2-0 and no one would be bothered about the poor performance, such is the difference a lethal striker can make.

  139. Edmund

    Aug 21, 2014, 10:18 #55634

    Like it or not, Wenger is the manager for the next few years. If the performance of the new players are any indication, I would say leave it to the boss to make whatever decision on transfers he wants. His ability to pick quality youth exceeds his ability to select quality experience. I'm quite sick of the decision to let Cesc go to Chelsea bur other than that he's been doing good business.

  140. N4

    Aug 21, 2014, 10:15 #55632

    I really don't understand why you guys got so fooled suddenly that we are going to suddenly spend big money for world class players!?!! It's all about balancing the books without creating too much hole in the kitty!!!! Nothing will change at Arsenal until the coach is there...and we have another 3 more years or more of this rubbish!!! Year after year we(fans) will be coming on here and pouring our discontentment about the teametc...! Simple nothing will change.....!

  141. Unchives

    Aug 21, 2014, 9:56 #55631

    The disappointment is not the quality of who we have signed, but that they are replacements for outgoing players and not additional to who we have. With the ins and outs, we've only spent about £35 million so far.

  142. Gunner be proud

    Aug 21, 2014, 9:48 #55629

    We defended very well, tried to win and didn't quite manage it. Well done lads. Here s to finishing our work at home.

  143. DJ

    Aug 21, 2014, 9:48 #55628

    Am I the only supporter who doesn't want us to resign Alex Song. He is too lazy and undisplined to play the holding midfielder role, the reason he left us in the first place.

  144. Bard

    Aug 21, 2014, 9:29 #55626

    Gavin, I lost interest when you started on about what is needed to really challenge. Mate Arsenal dont and arent going to challenge, thats a myth. yes they will try and be competitive but challenge no. How many seasons have we heard that phrase, we just need a couple of players to compete and they never materialize. It will be the same this year. Im resigned and relaxed about it. Wenger is in the last phase of his reign, we just need to be patient.

  145. Mathew

    Aug 21, 2014, 8:33 #55624

    Nothing new Gavin from the last two posts, same old stories about Arsene's persistence in pursuing a title challenge with mediocre players. As you said, its high time we are brutal in aiming for a PL title, sentiments and history to be kept aside.