Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man

Thoughts on the Besiktas 2nd Leg and beyond

Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man

What a sterling performance from Jack Wilshere last night. I think we all know what he is capable of and yesterday proved how vital he can be for the team. I thought he broke up the play really well, filled in defensively when needed, won some good challenges, and also showed a superb creative side, including an assist for the goal. This is a big year for Jack and he has the character to deliver this type of performance, week in week out. Critics are arguing that Jack was allowed to blossom in the absence of Aaron, but I disagree. They can spur each other on to help the team achieve great things this year.

Ozil and Santi showed marked improvements in their performances from the Everton match and had we showed a more ruthless side to our game, the tie could have should have been put to bed long before the final tense 15 minutes. Merse mentioned that we need a striker who loves scoring goals, as opponents would not show any fear when facing an Arsenal frontline. How much would an Ian Wright cost in today’s money!? If you look at the strikers at any one of our rivals then you would be pushed to agree that we are lacking in this critical area. We knew this last season and for too long now we haven’t learned from previous lessons, season after season.

Coming back to Wednesday night’s game - The Ox looked dangerous at times but we didn’t feed him enough and he was largely frustrated out on the right flank. Alexis played the lone man role superbly and ran his socks off for the cause. Not only did he get his goal but he ran all night and won numerous free-kicks and corners to relive the pressure on the team and in time he will only get better.

Playing with one striker is an extremely difficult position to play and I felt sorry for Alexis as he looked isolated on a number of occasions, but he wasn’t fazed and kept going until the end. For me, his best position is on the flanks, with the ball at this feet and running at people.

Giroud apart, Wenger hasn’t got the trust to play anyone else there on a regular basis. And when you have Joel Campbell, Poldi and Sanogo on the bench ready to come on and replace an exhausted striker but are overlooked, you have to ask - are we equipped enough to maintain a title challenge?

Defensively we are sound. Chambers will continue to improve and Gibbs will eventually return but I can’t see Wenger investing in a World Class central defender before the transfer window closes. Debuchy has settled in well and he was unlucky with his sending off yesterday. These referees will continue to make these petty decisions and the players will have to become savvy about playing to these conditions.

Flamini does a job in the defensive midfield role, as does Arteta, and played well - but my worry is that when we visit places such as the Etihad, Anfield and Stamford Bridge, we need someone in there of such quality that we don’t allow a repeat episode of last season. We were opened up far too easily, so we have to improve - there is no two ways about it.

Wenger is known to complete transfer business late in the day and with the Champions League qualification now assured, he has the platform now to acquire what we need before the transfer window closes on Monday. With the FA Cup under our belts everything is now in our favour, the question is - will Wenger capitalise on this and show his intent…

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  1. Beaugey

    Aug 30, 2014, 9:44 #56155

    Am I the only person who thinks that the Ox was immense and is currently the best English player out there? He's quick, direct, with great close control and the full range of passing. Discuss.

  2. Gerry

    Aug 29, 2014, 21:31 #56136

    Nervy last 20 mins thanks mainly to poor finishing ( any chance of singing a top striker) and a ref who was on a mission from uefa to reduce the number of english teams in the competition. People talk about Ba's missed header but I cannot believe that merts did'nt even attempt to jump and flick on the cross to safety. Another reason why we will never be good enough when it really matters.

  3. CT Gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 19:40 #56131

    Westie, that is pretty offensive. I'm not asking you to share the views of folks who prescribe to that title, just to stay above the nonsense you posted. I've always appreciated your perspective, though not the gambling numbers, but in this post you sound more like Fred or Jamie

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 18:49 #56128

    Questions, maybe your first question should have been why the WOB's came about in the first place, rather than who they are, or why they first came to prominence (and growing by the week) and the reasons for it, reasons that are still as relevant today as they were years ago, maybe you'd have been more enlightened, but I don't doubt you already knew anyway.

  5. Bard

    Aug 29, 2014, 18:43 #56127

    Westie; the 'lemmings' are a group of disciples who obediently and unquestioningly follow a leader. They see criticism as disloyalty and ambition as hubris. They are happy with mediocrity, too stupid to see the deception. Jamie I think you have point. the fan base is being corroded by spurs and chelsea fans dressed up as Arsenal fans. They turn up every week at the Arsenal and are trying to take the club down. It could of course be paranoia Jamie but we won't go there mate.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 29, 2014, 13:24 #56099

    BADARSE, your best mate always uses AFC also what does that make him? a sour?

  7. JAMIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 11:34 #56093

    WOB's favourite saying's are Busted flush,clueless,deluded etc.Their posts are normally started by a chav or a spud immitating an Arsenal fan,though they are very clever not to use the word Arsenal in a positive light or spuds or chavs in a negative,though this can be harder to spot as a chav will happily slaughter a spud making the reader think he's on our side.Most dark moonies are actually Arsenal fans,with faint hearts who unwittingly follow these people because they agree partly with what they say.The main objection of these people is to create a convoy of about 30 negative posts, this then brainwashes the dark moonies into thinking that what is being said is 100% true thus making people believe the lie which unsettle's the fans.A common ploy used is to only focus on negative aspects of the team whist ignoring all positives,while only focusing on positive attributes of our rivals but ignoring the negatives.Remember the easiest way to unsettle a team is to get their own fans on their backs.


    Aug 29, 2014, 9:30 #56088

    There are certain ways to smoke out a WOB, this one will do nicely. Diaby played 45 minutes last night in a winning under-21 Arsenal side. Watch this space!

  9. JAMIE

    Aug 29, 2014, 9:28 #56087

    Missed the banter BADARSE as yesterday there was lots o dark shadows over the OG much howling at the moon,grey faces every direction I looked,pots of peas bubbling yet no mince sauce ala Great Yarmouth.Still BBQ weather,yet thoughts turn to OG xmas panto, maybe Danny and FJ as the ugly sisters,or maybe MARCUS as widow Twankey.

  10. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 29, 2014, 9:20 #56086

    Westlower and Badarse; the WOBS are also a band of tired and weary fans. Tired and weary of repeating the same season over and over, because of one man's belief that his way is the only way. Tell me, at what other top club would you see Sanogo even in the squad, let alone playing regularly? We've made the CL 17 years in succession. Great. How about we actually make a splash in it? Oh hold on, the squad is not big enough. So OGL doesn't want to pay for a striker. What happens when Sanchez gets injured too?


    Aug 29, 2014, 8:21 #56083

    Good morning 24601, missed your comments-loved that last post. Do you know what? Near our house a car is regularly parked, and always in a variety of 3-4 places, once outside our house, it has a registration WOB. A bit inane of me but I find myself smiling whenever I see it, thinking of this website, and our big illustrious family here. Other ways of detecting and identifying a WOB are:- They never refer to Arsenal as, 'Ársenal', just 'the club', or a cool and ambiguous connection in similar words. Invariably echoing some point doing the rounds, a flimsy and unsubstantiated negative point, which only carries credence because a high profile figure (???) in the media is pushing it. The graph for WOB involvement is thus:- Grumblings of discontent, isolated brick bats hurled, wild accusations offered. Then following a poor team performance they scamper out of the shadows, and offer a sneering and sickly, conniving mein, (imagine Uriah Heap wringing his bony hands in eager anticipation). They regurgitate the same threadbare arguments until the team return a good performance, usually the ensuing game. They then slink back into the gloom, with dark mutterings eminating from them as they go. There are rumours that they can be spotted by a few abstract, behavioural patterns. There is no confirmation of this but watch out for, spittle on two-day unshaven chins. Staring eyes and hair like Ken Dodd's-the bald one's have an unnatural sheen to their pates. Tattoos on thighs above the shorts line, invariably of 'Maureen' or, 'I love peas'. They dribble when excited, often talking with a limp. They have friendly nicknames of fellow members like, 'Golightly', 'Hot choc', or 'Bossy Boots', occasionally following a sobriquet with 'boy', as in 'Chubby Boy', or something similar. When seated they cannot stop their feet from tapping, if you try really hard you may be able to pick out the tune that the tapping makes, it's often 'When the Sours go crawling in', or 'Blue is a colour'. It has also been said that if you offer one a helping hand there is every liklihood their's will slip out of your hand, no matter how firmly you grasp it. They also shrink from the sign of the cannon. Time for a cuppa! Good old Arsenal.

  12. west upper.

    Aug 29, 2014, 8:01 #56080

    Defensively sound ! Jesus what team you watching.

  13. Westlower

    Aug 29, 2014, 7:31 #56078

    Post 59317, WOB stands for Wenger Out Brigade, also known as Dark Moonies, Sours & Chavs. They can found living on the dark side of the moon, shielding themselves from optimism. They come out to play whenever there is a hint of negativity regarding AFC. Some are content to echo the negativity of like minded WOB's. Extreme versions of this species would like to burn down the Emirates & create a revolution. Some wish us to go the way of Leeds United. The more financially astute WOB's expect us to go toe to toe with mega rich clubs CFC & Man C. Try & avoid spending an evening down the pub with WOB's because you'll feel the need to phone the Samaritans on your return home. They actively indulge in wallowing in a version of self pity based on events at AFC. At present they are frustrated that AFC have qualified for the ECL group stages for an unprecedented 17 years in succession. To find out who these WOB's are just tune in to this website when AFC next lose a game. They are vultures circling over Wenger's head waiting for their chance to kill him off. They cause division among Gooners, especially when they abuse the personnel of AFC, whether it be the board, manager, medical team or players they dislike. The current ones are Sanogo & Arteta, although Ozil is causing them displeasure. They prefer to undermine a player, rather than support someone lacking in confidence. I hope this has helped your understanding of a WOB?


    Aug 29, 2014, 6:29 #56077

    Good morning my little hearty Dutch breakfasts, cheeses, thick butter ham, breads, pastries, and coffee-all slowly killing yourselves! @Danny, you are a Sour, aren't you? I have checked back over a number of your posts and you have criticised in every one, but I detect in a vague way. You never mention the word, 'Ársenal', just referring to AFC as, 'the team'. I have seen you drag in a number of faint hearts, as all they need to prop up their narrow spec is someone endorsing them-even if it's a Sour, that's a little empty, but kind of typical. What think you gentlefolk of the CL draw?

  15. Th14afc

    Aug 28, 2014, 23:52 #56075

    Great resilient performance from the lads,still not at our best but that will come....defence was brilliant last night,not just the back 4 but wilshere,carzola & flamini really got stuck in...Alexis was man if match for me,the guy just never stops running....a striker is an absolute must though as I agree with the ppl who hav said that Alexis is better running at people on the flank or just behind the striker...we got away with it to an extent but against the likes of Chelsea and city away we'd struggle unless we sign a striker and top dm...going over old ground I know but these r my thoughts

  16. DW Thomas

    Aug 28, 2014, 23:21 #56072

    Wilshere without Ramsey is much better. He has more freedom with the ball and more room. No mention of Nacho, but he was solid as well. Quiet and determined, he is a better choice for me than Gibbs right now. But, again most likely we will not buy a striker. And that is simply unacceptable. Same s..t, different season. The was enjoyable though. What Sanchez brings is the work ethic Barcelona always has. He was everywhere! Arsene should hold him as the exemplar. If all our team played that hard both ways, we might have a shot. But, Wally, Ox, Ozil, Santi and others sometimes look like they can't be bothered to track back. I like Debuchey, but his first yellow was arguably a red, watch it again. The second was a fair tackle. There was some luck last night, but we were the better team. Still though,what does it say when we can barely beat/tie Besiktas? We must improve team play and understanding and deepen the squad. Otherwise, no chance vs the big boys.

  17. Questions

    Aug 28, 2014, 23:16 #56071

    Can someone please explain who the hell the WOB are.Some people tell me they're a group who hate Wenger,others they're opposed to everything Arsenal another guy told me they're vacation killers.Who are these guys?

  18. Danny

    Aug 28, 2014, 22:33 #56070

    lucky win. we were crap and this coach is the luckiest in the world. i wish he leaves because he keeping this great club back

  19. Gazza

    Aug 28, 2014, 22:15 #56069

    Jack played well !! i must have been at a different ground was that him losing the ball in the 94 minute instead of taking the ball in the corner and running the clock down lost the ball too many times last night

  20. billdodgin

    Aug 28, 2014, 21:58 #56068

    Gavin. Wenger seems to have this issue about integrating the "right" kind of player into the squad. Quality players integrate themselves and other players are pleased to play with them and help them to integrate. I think a lot of this has to do with the manager's control freakery. He wants to wholly fashion everything himself. This accounts for his propensity to want to work with younger less established players - he can dominate them . He once had the vision to bring in, shape and unleash Henry. But that was a rarity . Now, he would sooner dick around with trying to shape poor Yaya Sanogo (who should truly be off on loan learning his trade), rather than bringing someone of high class that we need in that position. It is rumoured that Gazidis and others have more leverage over him now. I wonder. Arsenal have the dosh. I believe that the apparent reluctance to go that extra and add to the quality we already have in order to truly compete has to do with Wenger's psychological flaws.

  21. Hornsey Bill

    Aug 28, 2014, 21:38 #56067

    Kerching! Another £35mill in the bank. Now can we have a striker please? No? Oh ok then at least we keep Stan happy and all those who are happy to fight for a 4th place finish

  22. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 28, 2014, 20:32 #56063

    Wouldn't it be nice if the board sat down and came up with a great new plan: Sign some world class players BEFORE the season starts and try to finish top of the league so they don't have to play in a qualifier just before the transfer window closes. Excuse me now, there's a nice big piggie flying past the window.