We all follow the Arsenal over land and sea….

…and Leicester

We all follow the Arsenal over land and sea….

Szcz's expression says it all

I lived the first 40 years of my Gooner Life living off scraps of tickets here and there. 1988-89 was my best season – my Dad lived 20 minutes walk from Highbury, and if I was staying with him, I would walk to the ground on a matchday and pay at the gate. My keenest memories of that season are of interminable League Cup replays with Liverpool, and in the run up to Anfield – the 2-2 with Wimbledon and the 1-2 defeat to Derby (my second team, for family historical reasons – I still watch them when I can).

So when my son was born in 1998, I put down for two season tickets. Ten years later, I got the call from Arsenal and took my place in Block 98. Seven years on from that, I regularly attend the Emirates, and when I can, I go to away matches – with my daughter – SJ.

So why do I tell you this? I have always wondered about the chant. “We all follow the Arsenal, over land and sea (and Leicester). Why Leicester in particular? Why not Hull or Stoke. This weekend, I found out about that. With a visit to Filbert Street/Way/KP/King Power Stadium. Whatever… the home of Leicester City, newly promoted as Championship Champions.

If it’s north of Manchester, we’ll go by Arsenal coach – if it’s south, we drive. Having just got back from holiday after a 15 hour drive, the last thing I felt like was a drive north, but SJ has Osgood Schlatters Disease (sounds terrible – look it up, and it is an affliction of active teenagers – she’ll get better, thanks for asking, but it makes walking and indeed any leg based exercise difficult – which given she swims, hikes, runs and cycles, means she is bouncing off the walls from not being able to do sport). So she doesn’t get out much currently, and Leicester was in the calendar. And she was going.

As we drove North, we did our usual predict the score “4-2 the Arsenal” says RJ as usual – overly optimistic, despite having seen pretty much every 1-0 away defeat of the last four seasons and missing almost every away win. “3-1 – they’ll get no more than one,” says SJ - SJ was obviously more the realist and matter of fact. But still hopelessly wrong overall.

I have never ever been to Leicester in my life. I like Kasabian, I like Walkers crisps, but pretty much despise Gary Lineker. So 2-1 Leicester – it should be an OK . The KP Stadium was neatly tucked into an area near the old Filbert Street. We walked a mile from the car, and unscientifically we observed a higher percentage of replica shirts than I have ever seen at any other ground – a good and loyal fanbase. Perhaps there will be some atmosphere at this new ground?

We had read that policing and stewarding could be heavy handed – odd, given that it is Leicester, not Millwall. As we approached the ground, the home fans were nothing but polite and bantery. As we entered the ground, the stewards were fantastic, the police understated – practically perfect.

So my first true test of the ground – the pie. A Pukka Pie steak and kidney – SJ has a Bovril (liquid pie – she is on a diet). The Bovril was Bovril – nothing more nothing less, but the pie was nice – certainly a change from Holland Pies that we suffer at the Emirates and many other grounds we have been to – whatever happened to the purveyors of local pies that made going to away matches a culinary voyage? Wigan retain a local supplier – let’s hope they are back in the EPL soon.

The away fans are seated in the North East corner of this neat ground. Twelve years old and looks soulless like many new grounds. We took our seats right at one edge of the away support – dangerously close to the Leicester-ites. What an interesting concept – Leicester allow a drummer in the stand nearest the away fans – so the noisier Leicester fans gravitate to that corner, and lo – there is boundless atmosphere. Boom Boom Boom “Shall we sing a song for you” boom boom boom “Oo the f***in ‘ell are you” boom boom, something disgusting and objectionable about sodomy boom boom, “you’re the worst support we’ve ever seen” boom boom boom. For once, the travelling Gooners were outsung, and somewhat unnerved by the strength of feeling. A few of my neighbouring Gooners disgraced themselves by getting involved in fist waving and name calling – Leicester had won the battle of the fans.

Leicester have had a tough three opening games – but have punched to their weight. And gave us a tough game. On the balance of play, I thought we should have won. But as with Besiktas, it was too close, and the midfield seemed to lack cohesion. Some observations from my conversations with SJ.

• Ozil - He gets a lot of stick, but what we saw was – industrious off the ball, did some good work defensively, tracked back when he made mistakes, tried to go forward, tried to pass forward, and when he got it wrong, tried to fix it – when he has the ball, he has so much time – he just looks lazy. He isn’t, he just exudes “Deliberately Casual” – we should embrace this talent in our midst and not trust what we see on the telly.
• Debuchy – We thought we would miss Sagna – we don’t
• Chambers – Came on early for a crocked Kos – one horrible mistake, but overall heart, workrate and determination – A future hero
• Sanchez (can’t get my head around calling him Alexis – it will come) – at the heart of most of what we did well, and a trier – but doesn’t seem to have a centre forward’s appetite for goal – not the solution to our problems up front, but a great addition • Rambo – Looked out of sorts
• Sanogo - Whatever the question is, Sanogo is not the answer. Unless the question is perhaps “Which Arsenal player’s name is an anagram of Anogos?”. There must be something seen in training that we do not see in the thick of when it matters. He clearly has a reasonable football brain and gets into some great positions, but he just appears to have very little talent at controlling and directing a football which when I last checked are key leading football player skills. And he gets into a position, but then shows little movement, so defenders get to the ball before him. A year into Project Sanogo, and it is not working. But unbelievably it actually got worse when he was replaced by Podolski since we had nobody in the box to get on the end of things.
• The “Buy a f***ing striker” chant on 88 minutes – justified, but terrible at the end of an away game – the Leicester fans thought this was the best moment of the game – away support turning on their team during a draw.

And so 1-1. We quickly got back to the car (well, as quick as SJ’s knees would allow) and were on the M1 far quicker than I thought we would be – could be back in Hampshire by 8pm. And then the traffic went mental, we ground to a halt and lost another couple of hours. What a perfect end to an away day. At least the Tiny Totts got thumped.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 19:34 #56671

    alley bear, are you only realising that now?


    Sep 04, 2014, 13:57 #56638

    Thank you Tinman. narcissus, did you not realise, have you still not realised that the 'I-me' was in reported speech. It was an account, intended as light humour to an individual. Do you not realise that your superficial comments undo you? The bile and puss must have been festering for a while to post so severely and negatively. Bet you wished you had led the lynch mob. I can't help you with this anymore.

  3. A Cornish Gooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:47 #56637

    BADARSE. It wasn't me!

  4. narcissus

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:58 #56630

    Fer one whose against retort you aint livin up to yer high expectations BADARSE yer usual inflated spiel noted.

  5. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:13 #56618

    Badarse - glad you survived. They were clearly cowards who perhaps didnt believe in what they were doing when it came to it. Keep looking round corners and over your shoulder though and keep your pistol holster taut. These Moonies are easy enough to pick off if you keep your eyes peeled as they rarely bring any threatening ammo with them. Keep up the good work. COYG

  6. allybear

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:03 #56617

    @GBP yes we are both entitled to our opinions indeed. So shall we agree to disagree? Also Badarse thank you for your comments,im delighted. Best regards to all!


    Sep 04, 2014, 9:34 #56599

    Nice to see you are still there cowardly narcissus, as that is what you call yourself today, crawl back under your rock. 'I, Me, Mine.' One of my favourite GH songs. On a more mature note, do you not allow for an individual's style? It is clear you are a Dark Moonie as someone aligned with my way of thinking wouldn't be so negative and destructive. Are you an obsessive by any chance? I think so. Do you not have better things to do than count minutiae? Sad, and very predictable. If you count the "G's" in this post you may deduce I am a Gooner too.

  8. narcissus

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:54 #56595

    "I" was used only seven times in your last post BADARSE, and only eight "ME/MY" yur slippin buddy


    Sep 04, 2014, 8:32 #56590

    GBP the lynch-party came, not the firing squad, they said wasting a bullet on me wasn't worth it, anyway none were Gunners. Still, with the rope firmly around my neck, and dangling from a height, I confounded them all by singing Good Old Arsenal repeatedly, and my legs danced in the air-a few moves Rocky RIP showed me. I ran through my repertoire of jokes I'd acquired from my days of reading the Dandy and Beano, 'This suspension is killing me!', and 'Don't keep me hanging around, chaps!' I think my silly voices finally got to them with, 'Look at you down there, looking at me up here, looking at you down there.' I think a number were confused by that and one or two began eating the sleeves of their coats.The fact that I kept smiling eventually disarmed them, and ultimately they realised that I was an 'Invincible'.

  10. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:01 #56587

    ct - Not wanting to stretch the point, but i never once mentioned 'dislike'. You have to know a person to go there. The point was about 'respect' as you well know and neither did i mention a spud either. Ive never met a single one of our fans that doesn't respect what AW has done for the Club and moreover ive never met one who sees AW as some kind of a cult 'OGL' type figure. Thats a silly myth that you detractors like to use to give a sarcastic cutting edge in displaying your distaste for him. Other opinions are fine by me but twisting what others say to suit your agenda isnt.

  11. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 7:50 #56584

    DW - Teams like the invincibles are one offs really. It was the perfect mix of player types, who came together under one roof who all happened to gell together at the same time. It had 3-4 arguably world class players in it, all arguably irreplaceable as they aged and declined. It was a team for the moment and its zenith wasnt long lasting really, about 18 months to 2 years. The players were all at their respective peaks together.It had a wonderful ally too in the postage stamp size pitch at Highbury. Some great recipes emerge when the ingredients just all happen to 'work' and the chef often wonders how he created it in the first place.


    Sep 04, 2014, 7:27 #56580

    Good morning Mathew, I don't think I shall read a nicer, more constructive and positive post today, than your recent one. Well done Young Gun. MARCUS, come on fella, together, together, together! Good old Arsenal.

  13. Mathew

    Sep 04, 2014, 6:22 #56579

    @ Marcus, I didn't support Wenger in any of my previous posts. If you read it right, I said he is tactically astute and doesn't read the opposition well. I am not sure this is his arrogance or his inability to adapt something new. Appreciate if all of us can stop lamenting against each other with your comments. Fact is we all have our own opinions & views and Wenger has his own. I also believe this blog isn't the right place to vent, as Arsenal's board isnt listening to you. Till then, keep commenting and share your views, life is beautiful. COYG

  14. CT Gooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 2:20 #56578

    GBP: "after" was a auto correct for "a free" world. I'm interested as to why you thought it stretch for me to presume you owned the rights when you said only a moron or spud dislikes Wenger? I'm neither and I can't stand the humiliating arrogance shown by your great leader. "We don't need tactics", yes worked well in all our big games last year! So your welcome to your views, but don't assume your love and respect for all things Arsenal PLC are shared by all.


    Sep 04, 2014, 0:51 #56577

    Again I love the little indirect digs Bardarse and hes ilk I.e the deluded communist bunch, is sending me lool. Again can never answer a question. I asked him will wenger win the premier league in the next 3 years or ever again?? Its a simple question. I also asked is wenger a tactically gifted manager?? Simple questions cut the indirect digs and answer the questions son. Or are the questions to hypothetical?? Matthew I see you are a another akb who actually believes the stuff wenger says oh dear, dear. You need to stop reading the daily akb communist paper. Come and join us in the real world not some fantasy utopia world. No wenger is not winning the premier league every season. The akb communist paper has been lying to you. Its not to late to leave that deluded world and come back to the real world son. Again as I said on here if wenger wins the premier league in the next 3 years I will never post on here again. I also stand by my promise to never post on here if Giroud scores more than 25 goals in a season in the PREMIER LEAGUE. Never again. I also made that promise before he got injured. Also if you notice none of this staunch wenger lovies our never on here when we get battered. They always go in to hiding at the akb communist head quarters. Look I'm a young man and what keeps me sane is knowing that wenger will THANK GOD not be the manager for this club for ever. He is in hes late 60's so this probably hes last contract. The club will always be called arsenal fc and always be here long after wenger has gone. Hopefully when he does go hes loylists and go and support hes new club. As they clearly don't support arsenal they support wenger. If that is not a cult what is folks??

  16. DW Thomas

    Sep 04, 2014, 0:04 #56576

    Jamie and GBP, just accept that people have differing opinions than your own. It's ok, it really is. Here's the problem with anyone's argument for tika taka. First, Barca, the ideal tiki taka team have the best player in the world to feed and play with. Second, the Invincibles didn't play tika taka. They played what an earlier poster quoted Chapman as referring to as "football with a kick in it." Watch the 2004 season highlights and you'll see a quick sharp passing direct counter attacking team. The ball was played mostly on the floor, forward, lots of off the ball movement and was fast. Tika taka happened with those guys only after they went up and dominated the game by a couple goals or more. Brazil used to play this way too. Great incisive passing with an end product of a goal or a chance on goal. You must have tall, strong, skillful, fast players collectively that are in sync. I can't fathom why Wenger has not tried to emulate that team again and again. Personally I think his whole philosophy changed after the CL loss in 2006. We probably would have won that game had Lehman simply not been sent off. Or Henry finished his golden chance. But who was in goal? You betcha! Almunia! We had to hold on for 15 minutes to win and couldn't manage it. Look how many times that has happened since that game, even with a full squad to defend. There is one factor that doesn't/hasn't changed since Wenger has been here. Wenger. We'll see how we do this season with an incomplete squad AGAIN!

  17. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 22:18 #56575

    Westie and co ; can we clarify this ongoing issue about the press. you and others keep quoting the news and then slag off Sky. Can you enlighten us about which parts of the news you think we should be paying attention to and which you think are peddling lies. A few facts about who is saying what and why would also be enlightening. My reading is that its b******s and just a poorly thought out rationale.

  18. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 21:59 #56574

    CT - 'own the rights'. Staggering. Why react in such a defensive manner in the face of a view that you don't like to read? Maybe its because you're not entirely convinced or happy with your own expressed position? Cant really comment on 'after World'? Are you speaking from another Universe or is it some chapter of a zealot grouping where the ruling class is made up from those who shout loudest and most belligerently? Seems to fit well with what many would like on here if im right. Badarse - Ditto, though a dark moonie posse and firing squad has been assembled to seek you out for your utterance as we speak!

  19. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 21:57 #56573

    Westlower..lol@"...life isn't dull at AFC!"..haha.. I hear you on that comment man,but hardly the kind of activity that I want to see.sadly...I feel though that we have not given Campbell a fair shot.I feel like he deserves that at least. After all he is probably our only left sided wide player who is willing to run at defenders and God knows we need width on the left.


    Sep 03, 2014, 21:23 #56572

    allybear, as is the case so often, the posts on here seem to ski off piste. Was Bertie Mee a nice man? Well he wasn't a bad man. It was a different world then, with little or no communication between fans-players-club. We focused on our team, which to a large extent I still do. Nowadays managers are celebrities in their own right, perhaps Cloughie began that trend of courting the media. Now they are thrust into the spotlight and are contracted to give interviews. I am not sure how people should or do judge others. Not wisely in many instances I might proffer. Simon Cowell, Boris Johnson, Gary Lineker-clowns, buffoons and shallow individuals all, but revered by many. I see in AW a man who displays honour and integrity. A consummate professional and a man devoted to his team-whoever the team happens to be, it is with great joy that I find it is our team, and has been for almost two decades. He definitely has something Arsenal in his DNA now, that too is clear. He is an intelligent man, an intellectual, and offers more in a four minute interview than many football jokers do in an age. Millionaire? So what? No one should ever be opposed to wealth-just poverty. His value? Unquantifiable! I am immensely proud of his mien, his conduct and his persona. He exudes Arsenal, and I feel very defensive when he has cowardly jibes and insults directed at him, anywhere. Is he my messiah? Nope! No man is, real or imagined. Am I impressed with all he does? Nope! I wasn't even impressed with all my Dad did, and he was a real hero. Am I glad he is manager of my Arsenal? You bet!

  21. jeff wright

    Sep 03, 2014, 21:21 #56571

    It's only a 'friendly ' ,is there really such a thing , but Huns 1 -Argies 4 looks more of a realistic score line (at the moment) than when the injury hit Argies last faced the boring Deutschlanders . I see the Welbeck was tracked for weeks by Arsene claims are up and running ,when all the evidence suggests he was just another late panic buy brought about due to Oliver tripping over his own foot and injuring himself and the poor result at Leicester with the postman failing to grasp his big chance. Had he scored and we had won -1 there would have been no Danny boy signing that was also the result of United having had a poor start and desperation taking over with a Gaal blowing in Manchester bringing it on by signing Falaco .Wenger was a bit part player in it all and obviously had to do as he was told. Mind you his 8m a season wages help to sooth his bruised ego. He needs some good results on fiel though to massage it a bit,starting with City when they pop in for tea. As it happens this could be an opportune time to catch Pells schizophrenic moody blues after next weeks Internationals,what with them often struggling a lot away form Poundlands confidence wise. Will Arsene play his cards right though or struggle to another bore draw against a top side at home,as he so often does.

  22. Westlower

    Sep 03, 2014, 21:15 #56570

    @MUK If the stories in today's papers are true then Campbell was earmarked to go to Benfica. Because the Welbeck deal was completed so late in the day 11.50 pm, Arsenal wouldn't let Campbell go. I would imagine he'll be allowed to leave in January or May. If he does that will enable a new foreign signing to come in. Again according to the papers we've already got a bid in place for Marco Reus in next summers transfer window. Love it or hate it, life isn't dull at AFC!

  23. CT Gooner

    Sep 03, 2014, 21:03 #56569

    @ GBP. You're welcome to respect who you want Pal, thankfully this is after world, so I don't have to share your views. It's not for me to convince you either, because many have summarized the last 9 years in these blogs for a while now and I've no intention of wasting my breath. As for you suggesting you own the rights to what makes a true Gooner, I'd suggest you stop before respectful discussion turns beligerent!

  24. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 20:54 #56568

    Someone tell me how Sanogo is up the pecking order ahead of Campbell.Has it got to do with the fact that he is French? And if you aren't going to play Campbell why not let the kid go.Wenger is something else.

  25. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 20:47 #56567

    ally bear - and ill have my opinion and can i suggest that you might consider practicing what you preach?

  26. allybear

    Sep 03, 2014, 20:04 #56566

    @GBP I thought my post would get your kind of reaction. What im saying is that i dont see the point in saying this man is good or this man is bad. When i started following Arsenal Bertie Mee was the manager and I didnt care for him one way or the other because my main concern was the team. You dont have to pity me because I do respect many people in life&please go away and worship your hero&remember that i am entitled to my opinion.

  27. radfordkennedy

    Sep 03, 2014, 19:26 #56565

    Jamie...come on mate your a good fella but the thought of us in the mid 90's playing the so called tika taka football!,Hillier Mcgoldrick,Jensen,Shwartz and Hartson,we had no choice but to lump it up the middle I dont recall anyone suggesting we should or could play total football

  28. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 19:24 #56564

    I wonder if Welbeck will celebrate if he scores against his boyhood club.

  29. JAMIE

    Sep 03, 2014, 18:58 #56562

    I really hope Welbeck does well at Arsenal,he said in his interview that he always wanted to play for Arsenal because of the style of play,the style which the dark moonies so often criticise as tika taka.I remember the dark moonies in the mid 90's moaning that we didn't play the ball enough,which proves they always say the opposite to what Arsenal are doing.I suppose in a way Welbeck's comment was a poke in the eye to Manure's style of play and evens it out a bit with Van Persestrings comment about'The boy inside'

  30. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 18:56 #56561

    ct Gooner - i truly dont mind what people call me. As far as im concerned im not in a camp. Ive never called for Arsenes head and ive never said there isnt a time when a candidate wouldnt look to be right to bring in. He d have to be pretty impressive though. A chap like youve said might fit the bill, but i personally dont think hes ready for a large task like Arsenal. As for respect, im one who gives it until ive a reason not to. You've no reason not to respect Mr Gazardis either (unless you've personal knowledge of the man. Chaps dont get those jobs by being fools, whether you like his face or the way they do the job or not. As for not respecting Wenger and his record. In my book, no sane or true Arsenal supporter would ever subscribe to such a ridiculous notion. If you can offer up some cogent evidence of dishonesty though i ll gladly revise my view and accept my respect was misplaced. You dont mind if i dont hold my breath while you look do you?

  31. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 18:38 #56560

    Westie; As usual you get the wrong end of the stick or choose to get the wrong end. There are posters on here who would be miserable if we signed Messi but the vast majority of Wenger sceptics don't disagree that we have good players etc etc etc but I can only speak for myself, I don't pay exorbitant season ticket prices to watch a team who's ambition is limited to finishing fourth and whose primary aim is to balance the books. I want them to make a real commitment to try to compete, if we don't win anything so be it. Currently we are treading water and happy as i am that we have signed Welbeck I don't think this side has a cat in hells chance of winning anything and nor do you. If the club fronted up and said so much and explained why, i would be ok. but they are selling a pup, Pretending to compete but not really going for it. They had a fantastic chance last year and he blew it or decided not to go for it. I can cope with the not winning its the deceit that p****s me off. To dismiss the sceptics as fans who would never be happy or who only want us to spend spend spend is way off the mark.

  32. Highbury Boy

    Sep 03, 2014, 18:32 #56559

    @Westlower Posts 59768 and 59781. I know your loyalty is commendable but it's a bit much to say "this is the best transfer window for many years" when you can see from your second post that of the 28 squad players just 6 are defenders. It's a very unbalanced squad. One of those is Gibbs who is 2nd only to Diaby in the number of injuries he has suffered/is suffering. That's 5 with ok injury records but as expected with defenders they have all had yellow/ red cards leading to suspensions. During the window Jenkinson has been loaned out and young Chambers with less than half a PL season at right back now has to cover for both cbs as well as rb. Experienced captain Vermaelen was sold (despite fans being told a replacement would come in )and though Djourou re-appeared on the Arsenal site this summer he too was sold. Even Miguel who played pre-season was sold to Norwich on Monday. We are going into 4 competitions with 5 of those players also being called on for international duty with further risk of injury. Against Leicester Chambers was our only defender on the bench and you could see Wenger's reluctance to replace Kos so early in the game when there was no other defender to come on if needed. Yes I have seen Ramsey fill in at rb but then we lose his skills going forward. Yes I have seen 8 years ago a young Flamini cope with lb after about half a dozen in front of him fell by the wayside. Monreal has in pre-season stepped in (not very convincingly) at cb and he does lack height. It seems to me negligence for a club of Arsenal's wealth, status and stated ambitions to go into a new season with just 6 defenders while so many midfielders and strikers in the squad have very little chance of making the bench let alone getting a game . And we're not talking big money for an experienced back-up cb.

  33. Westlower

    Sep 03, 2014, 18:17 #56558

    @Jamie Man City had 24 players on loan in 2011/12; 12 in 2012/13 & 10 in 2013/14. Since Arsenal lost their last meaningful game on April 6th v Everton they have gone 12 games unbeaten, won FA Cup, qualified for ECL & are favourites to win Group D, although matched with Borussia Dortmund. Spent a record amount in the transfer window £78-82m depending on add on's. Twice broken the club record on an individual signings in the past year. Have 7 full English internationals on the books, that hasn't happened since the days of Ted Drake, & still the Dark Moonies moan? Go figure? You couldn't make it up (yawn).

  34. CT Gooner

    Sep 03, 2014, 18:01 #56557

    @GBP, just because some one works for Arsenal PLC doesn't mean you have to respect them, take Ivan for example, or that fella we heard about in the travel department last year. Personally I question Wenger's honesty, so I fail to see how he can be reqarded as having integrity?? If you think I'm being unfair, I point you to the whole RVP debacle. You also say you don't think anyone out there can do a better job. That's why you are thought of as an AKB. Nothing wrong with that, just many of us believe there are better tactical managers who have done well with limited resources, Roberto Martinez for example.


    Sep 03, 2014, 18:00 #56556

    Danny Welbeck could really be the deal. I think we had a situation where MU needed to claw some money back and £16m was enough for them under the circumstances. I believe him to be undervalued by around £3m, but we perhaps profited by their urgency to grab the dosh. Unsubstantiated of course but the 'anti's' on here peddle assumptions daily. He has intimated that the toing and froing went on for a while-how long? A week, two? Panic buy? Possibly, but probably not. Perhaps in the frame for a while and the negotiations were sticking around AW'S 12/6 offer. They may have pushed us up to the £16m thinking they'd done well, and they have. Both clubs, plus the player, all have done well. This transfer may become widely regarded as inspirational-he may be a missing piece in the jigsaw. I think the odds are more with than against. I wish the young man well, don't we all? Now being positive wasn't so hard, was it? GBP, I knew nothing of the Agency situation with Frank, though realised that GG was the fall guy for many.

  36. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 17:33 #56554

    71 Guns - RVP at the time wasnt in a position to win us a title on his own as he did for Utd. He had emerged from 7 years of an injury ravaged Arsenal career and hiT his optimum ability and thus his optimum price. It was perhaps obvious that his old tendency to injury would again re surface. 7 years of it strongly suggested so. 24 Mill was top price obtainable from the ONE club prepared to pay it. Nobody else wanted him really. He was getting towards 29 years old. His peak had been reached. Utd were not a real rival to us. Whats not good business about selling him? Would you have him at Arsenal now approaching nil to average value? You now even have the knowledge that the operation he needs might finish him or at least leave him the lesser player yet still choose to trot out the total rubbish that SKY and co purvey of 'never selling to a rival'. Chap, Clubs have sold players to each other as rivals since football time began. Alan Ball. Sol Campbell. Frank Stapleton, Pat Jennings. David Herd. Brian Kidd.Ray Kennedy.George Graham ...... How many more do you need to know? We are buying Wellbeck not as a 'reject'. Thats football fan speak. Hes a player that his Coach now doesnt think sits with his plans and moreover hes a player whos never been given a regular CF spot in his team. Hes a player who the other players at Utd clearly rate. Hes an international. Hes English. Whats not good about him joining Arsenal?Youre idly buying into media peddled dirge with all due respect.

  37. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 17:13 #56553

    MUK, I enjoyed your post but all the stats are open to different interpretations.. Maybe we would play more decisive passes if the movement up front was better. With no Theo and Giroud being slow we havent had the pace to get behind defences and stretch play. Maybe this will change with Welbeck and Sanchez. I certainly agree that the tippy tappy stuff doesnt seem particularly effective. I always thought it was overrated at Barca. Put Messi up front and anything becomes effective.

  38. JAMIE

    Sep 03, 2014, 17:07 #56551

    Westie-I heard that stat about Chelsea the other day as well.That shows a great negligence in the Chelsea management 26 on loan players is disgraceful,why do the DM's only ever point to our failures,do you know how many the other top sides have out on loan.

  39. 71guns

    Sep 03, 2014, 17:00 #56550

    The point is we have once again taken a Utd reject - a player that couldn't hold a first team place in a team not in the CL. It's madness. When we supposedly enquired about Rooney is was laughed out the door yet when they came in for RVP (at the time our best player)they got him? We need to start valuing ourselves a bit more and have standards, the main one being you don't under any circumstances sell to your rivals unless the player is not good enough - hence we have Danny Welbeck. On the bright he's got to be better than Sanogood (as is my nan).

  40. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 16:57 #56549

    allybear - what is there to suggest that Wenger isnt a good man. Hes got good integrity as far as i can see. Rare in football? Over paid? Who says so? His employers seem happy enough to pay him his wages. Doesn't deserve it? What does that mean? Lastly, faced with the bile chucked at Wenger on here from the irrational and loose lipped gobby brigade, Marcus, Maguiresbridge, Jeff and Co each day, i reckon its only right to pass a comment on my perception of Wenger's personality. What's so wrong with doing so? Are you so uncharitable never to say some thing decent about anybody? If so i pity you. I dont know AW to say i 'care' for him but ill defend his place as a man and his entitlement as an Arsenal employee to my respect in the face of any of the abuse he gets on here from the fools, morons and ignoramus's who throw it at him indiscriminately every day just because they can. The truth is that AW has done a smashing job for Arsenal for 18 years and there's little that screams at me that there's anybody out there who can do a better job.Dead easy to be destructive on a message board isnt it. Its a pity a few of you dont try and justify it with common sense and rational thought.

  41. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 16:42 #56548

    I just think he couldn't find a striker good enough at the right price Bard.Lots of them were around but how many were that great at the prices quoted allowing for the fact that we weren't looking for the top level calibre type? Kallstrom? Cant answer that. Maybe he was just a hopeful punt? He didn't cost anything either. He did actually look a capable player when he got on the pitch ultimately too. Ozil? I think anybody would have gone for him when he became available at that time. TV? Hes had so long out and injured and thus so seldom played, what was there to replace? Yes, he was a body on the payroll but as an active player he had ceased to be one ages ago. I would also say that buying CBs is the hardest part of a managers today. Lots of poor to average performers but so few are really dominant and competent.I dont see our actions in transfers as historically poor anyway, save for left back frustration. Ive always been annoyed at the fact we ve never had a top class one since Ashley Cole who i loved as a player.I dont seek agreement on my view but i feel its easy to condemn a coach for his actions in the transfer market and in truth us lot know nothing of the chaos, dirty tricks and player U turns and double speak that shrouds the transfer windows.

  42. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 15:59 #56546

    Bard, no I don't think we have a crap midfield at all but of course the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement so we it can always get better.Without getting too elaborate,Last season alone we had 55% possession,same as Man City.First of all that of course points to the fact that they did more with their possesion that us.Did they have better finishers? Did they create more chances? I dont know.Let's find out together.Citeh scored 102 goals.We scored 68.A whooping 34 goal difference.Now lets explore key passes (highest first). ManCity=468 Chelsea=465 Liverpool=425 S*urs=407 New Castle=395 Everton=371 Arsenal=351. Obviously we are not creating enough chances with all the possession that we have.In my mind we can add a more direct component to our game and be more effective if we can cut out most of the sideways,excessive,inside penalty box passing,lack of shooting etc.Key passes bring chances and chances bring goals and at the moment we are obviously not making enough key passes. Finally if you consider that we were only 7 points off the top and with the same amount of possession as the leaders I dare to say that we could have won the league (easily) if we had a few more key passes and created a few more chances for our strikers.Heck, Liverpool got to the top just by playing effective football with an average midfield.This is why I always say our players aren't as bad as they seem albeit we are still short (both in quality and numbers) in certain areas.

  43. allybear

    Sep 03, 2014, 15:30 #56545

    "i think Wenger is a good man" my God this is unbelievable that people should be saying that about a multimillionare who is grossly overpaid and doesnt deserve it. A lot of people on here seem to care more about Wenger rather than the team!

  44. Don't Piss On Me & Say It's Raining

    Sep 03, 2014, 15:18 #56544

    First of all, enjoyable article, many thanks for taking the time and effort. With regards to Wellbeck, I welcome him aboard even though I don't believe he is what is specifically needed. However, he has EPL experience in spades and has also experienced high pressure situations. That said, for £16m why didn't we go for Balliotelli as well? I would agree with the 'big risk' observations if Wenger hadn't already gone after Suarez for £50m. Don't wanna risk £16m but happy to risk £50m. It's things like this that drive me insane as there is no logic to Wenger (or tactics) but that is an age old slanging match for another day ;-)

  45. CT Gooner

    Sep 03, 2014, 14:42 #56542

    I think our transfer dealings frustrate many fans as they don't appear to follow any logical strategy. OK, OGL feels our defensive midfield options are good, and he feels our defensive coverage is acceptable, hence we didn't sign these players right?? I don't agree with this hence I feel we failed again. My feeling is we the fan base just don't know what's going through Wenger's head, we don't know what he thinks of his player, what his priorities are, which makes judging his performance very subjective. To me though, if you won't pick the player (eg. Diaby, Rosicky, Ryo, Podolski, Gnabry, Flamini, Campbell, etc) sell him and get someone you will pick. And for goodness sake loan out Sanogo, let him learn his trade at a level where he can keep his confidence. It looked to me during the Leicester game that the other players don't trust him, not good....

  46. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 14:36 #56541

    GBP: its an interesting point you make. That we don't have mixed up transfer policy. Happy to accept that point if you explain why we spent all summer trying to sign a striker failed and bought Ozil instead. Then in Jan when leading the PL loaned Kallstrom who was injured coulda t play for months. And having sold TVM we didn't replace him. If you can convince me of the logic of that little lot I will buy into your argument that the frustration misplaced. MUK: I take that as a no. We won't be creating chances for Welbeck because our team is set up wrongly. Look forward to seeing how that pans out . What I never hear from those who go on about his tactical ineptitude is what that means precisely. Maybe you could enlighten me.

  47. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 14:25 #56540

    Matthew I still think we have decent players who can do the job@run at defenses.Like you said maybe the instructions are to pass it around-even in box.I strongly believe that our players will be so much better when they are given freedom to play a more open dynamic game than this tiki taka.

  48. Westlower

    Sep 03, 2014, 14:18 #56539

    For completeness, AFC have 6 players out on loan: Jenks; Wellington Silva; Austin Lipman; Jon Toral; Ryo & Man U's destroyer Benik Afobe. In comparison CFC have 26 players out on loan - is that anyway to run a football club? Obscene springs to mind.


    Sep 03, 2014, 14:16 #56538

    'I'd say 'ere Wenger, enough! No more of this arrogant messing around with female cashiers in Tesco, keep yer 'ands to yourself. One thing I can't stand is someone what's French messing about with our English cashiers like that nice Mrs Patel, and doing it so arrogantly. I'd say 'old this! Wallop, I'd go. That'd learn 'im what's what.


    Sep 03, 2014, 14:02 #56537

    GBP, I think if you and I ever met up we might both become dizzy, discussing some aspects on this site would just produce so much head-shaking, I am sure. The idea that AW must not be in Italy, or an Italian restaurant in the Holloway Road, is odd, considering modern technology, and the obvious fact that we have a negotiating transfer team. The kicker for me is that having decided he is in the wrong, the mentality is stretched to start the character assassination. He is arrogant. What? Because he was in Italy and you can't or won't recognise that this fact is not up for sensible discussion? Why arrogance, how about he was in Italy picking his nose? It's bizarre. These quantum leaps of understanding and awareness in order to vilify the man are perverse, especially as those with the astrological knowledge of how he thinks, feels and what that translates as, are the same ones who cannot see what appears as obvious to others. I see you shaking your head as you read this, I am too. Going to lie down as am feeling quite dizzy.

  51. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:59 #56536

    Bard, you actually supposed wrong.And if you go back to my first response to you I was referring to a particular message you posted.Now I would have had to read your post to respond to it wouldn't I? You may not be Wenger's biggest supporter but the point I am trying to make is that, Welbeck probably wont benefit much from the strong/creative midfield we have until there are tactical changes.If you have been reading my posts on here as well you would know that I have posted several times that I don't think our rivals' players are so much better than ours like its cracked up to be and that we are just tactically inferior.So I answered your question but perhaps not the way you expected.And Oh what Man C love are you referring to? Not a chance!

  52. JAMIE

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:51 #56535

    Frank Doberman,that's who MARCUS reminds me of.

  53. RJ

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:43 #56533

    Thanks for the positive comments about the article (and recovery from OSD - SJ in particular was pleased to see those), and also for slightly clearing up the point on the Leicester chant. And pleased to see so much debate on this - even if it is all about Danny Wellbeck and transfer policy. For what it's worth, I am in the "yeah, that might work" camp. He seems an intelligent young man and he certainly has a lot to prove - hopefully he can prove it with us. COYG

  54. AH

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:41 #56532

    I think the and Leicester chant came about due to back in 1979 we played Sheffield Wednesday in the FA cup we drew 1-1 at Hillsborough , 1-1 at Highbury then had 3 replays at Leicester's Filbert Street as neutral ground had to be used, these ended 2-2,3-3 and we finally beat them 2-0 and that year we beat Man Utd 3-2 in the final happy days

  55. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:40 #56531

    PW, maybe he was told to piss off and get lost at Heathrow, maybe the powers that be could see that the dithering uncertainty, indecision, and arrogance was coming (yet again)and we'd have ended up stuck with bambi and intervened, it's a pity they didn't do it earlier and left it so late, as you say other business needed to be done, but at least they got some done and we have welbeck and he has to be better than we have, he certainly can't be any worse.

  56. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:32 #56530

    I agree DJ. We re the same as any other Club in that regard though aren't we. The fact is that we cant stockpile quality players who ll hardly play so to cover all eventualities. Chelsea and City can.Its pretty basic stuff and i cant honestly see why some of us cant or wont see or understand it.

  57. DJ

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:25 #56529

    GBP: You're right it doesn't matter where Arsene was on transfer deadline day but now the dust has settled and West Lower has kindly printed our squad to take on our various challenges. I think we are going to need to be extremely fortunate with injuries/suspensions to compete, not necessarly win, the major trophies.


    Sep 03, 2014, 13:22 #56528

    Thanks for the response Mike. I also acknowledge both of the points covered by yourself and radfordkennedy. A UK lad would certainly tune into the NLD factor naturally, though a foreign import would need to absorb and switch onto that feeling-still I remember Sagna's interview after the first 5-2 Grove game referring to the Sours as, 'The enemy', I liked that. The idea of having more home grown players can certainly be a good thing, but the priority has to be the skill quotient, then the personality. The nationality must be a low priority. Remember Pennant and Bentley, would have qualified as preferred.

  59. GBP

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:13 #56527

    Some here describe a random and mixed up transfer policy. Its more the case that the description reflects the frustration of such posters that the Club hasn't signed who they want rather than being a description of reality. Theres simply no reliable evidence showing that our dealings are handled anything but properly and efficiently and within price bands that the Club see fit to pay for a player. A transfer market isn't a sweet shop though the expressed expectations on here surely suggest it is. As for the Coach being in Rome. Whats all the fuss about? Does he not have a phone and e mail? Its common knowledge and has been for some years that Dick Law is the primary actor in player dealings.

  60. radfordkennedy

    Sep 03, 2014, 13:10 #56526

    Mike..Badarse...In my opinion you have to factor in a managers loyalty to a player as well, do you guys think that Terry Neill would of outed captain Frank and Kennedy or even Charlie,would AW have shown the door to Mickey and Rocky,i personally doubt that Don Howe would have allowed Cole and a succession of defenders to go without them being properly replaced before hand,yes of course players follow the money who wouldnt in a short career,but by and large most players are the same as all of us, once you get an inkling that your not fancied for the task anymore or youre being ignored you dont think twice about seeking pastures new.I do think that fans expect too much loyalty from foreign players,they'll go wherever their abillity can take them then go home and enjoy the money,again theyre no different to any of us who have gone abroad to turn a shilling.

  61. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 12:51 #56524

    DJ it's a good point. Last year we were after a striker and ended up with no striker and Ozil. Why no defenders this window, it doesn't make sense and it would help if the club did some explaining. It's interesting that Wenger hasn't said anything about signing Welbeck, it's all gone quiet at the club. I wonder why.

  62. Westlower

    Sep 03, 2014, 12:15 #56523

    Arsenal's 25 man + 3 U-21, squad for 2014/15. The 17 foreign players are: Debuchy; BFG; Kos; Rosicky; Arteta; Podolski; Ozil; Giroud; Ospina; Alexis; Monreal; Cazorla; Flamini; Sanogo; Diaby; Martinez; Campbell. Home grown players are: Szczesny; Gibbs; JW; Theo; Ox; AR; Welbeck; Coquelin. U-21 players: Chambers; Gnabry & Zelalem.

  63. Mike

    Sep 03, 2014, 11:20 #56522

    Bardarse - with you 100% on the quality of players - just wondering why there is an apparent change - coincidence or intentional - my view is that it could be intentional and I put forward my thinking as to why in the previous post. Would winning a North London Derby have more meaning to someone like Chamberlain or Ozil - the answer in my mind is obvious. Chamberlain has grown up being exposed to this rivalry and tradition - of course he will move on if the money is there, but he might think a bit harder about it first

  64. DJ

    Sep 03, 2014, 11:14 #56520

    Bard: Whatever our transfer policy is I don't think no one, not the most ardent AMG or AKB can deny we crossing our fingers where injuries and suspensions are concerned. Someone st the club should be held accountable or at least explain why we are going into the season with only two recognised centre backs albeit with a very promising 19 year old as cover. As much as I admire Arteta as a character and man to expect to compete for the league with Flamini and him as our defensive enforcers is stretching it to say the least!


    Sep 03, 2014, 10:58 #56519

    Mike, I'd like to think that you could 'buy' loyalty by just having English/UK players, perhaps you can. Possibly the concept of a UK player-and we as a nation are not particularly worldly wise, or comfortable in travelling abroad as Europeans are-would be more inclined to stay put, as it were. I am not sure if that counts for loyalty though. The mercenary nature of today's football sees a player of any nationality 'kissing the badge' routine, only to kiss another in rapid switchovers. I do think that a London player, (Parlour, Adams, especially an Arsenal man, circa Charlie George), would possibly show loyalty up to a point. However if the Oilers came-a-knocking offering to double the salary of a player, he would be gone, loyalty or not. I think you clearly can gain in more subtle ways by being more UK-based as a squad, but give me a choice between Lampard and Pires, Rooney and Henry, or Gerrard and Bergkamp, and I would pick the latter, non-English everytime.

  66. Just asking

    Sep 03, 2014, 10:51 #56518

    Bard we all know why our transfer windows seem so random and amateurish. Wenger would never have signed a new contract if he had been forced to relinquish too much control. He's still the man and always will be.

  67. Mike

    Sep 03, 2014, 10:34 #56517

    @Badarse - what I am referring to is that the core and apparent future of the team lies with English players -Welbeck, Walcott, (Ramsey), Chambers, Ox, Wilshire, Gibbs - there has definately been a shift in policy with regard to the make up of the team over the last two years and I think it has something to do with loyalty.


    Sep 03, 2014, 10:13 #56515

    Bard, I am not playing Devil's Advocate-though it would be simple to do-but I understood your point perfectly and agreed in principle. As to a suggestion that some don't read other posts, refer to my last post, I too am confused by the exchanges sometime. @Mike, what does the last sentence in your post mean? @Peter Wain, sometimes there is role reversal in my house-not as rude as it might sound-my wife compiles a shopping list for me, and I go off and buy, I also get the best deals. On occasions I write a list for her and she does likewise. westlower's explanation covers that situation in our transfer department. For some to suggest arrogance on a flimsy, unconnected link smacks of a preconceived agenda-not healthy, trust me.

  69. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 10:10 #56514

    really interesting article in the Independent today about transfers. Chelsea and City have directors of football. Transfer targets are identified early and the director gets them done. Compare and contrast Arsenal and Man U who dont and both have chaotic transfer windows. In Arsenals case many. He also alludes to the problem Arsenal have in making up their mind. Might go some way to explaining why our transfer windows seem so random and amateurish.

  70. Rocky RIP

    Sep 03, 2014, 10:07 #56513

    @ (MARCUS) - 'As you said we have not beated united since 2008 that is a FACT'. - May 2011, Premier league: Arsenal 1-0 Man Utd (Ramsey)

  71. Mike

    Sep 03, 2014, 9:38 #56512

    20 million for a season loan and nobody flinches - am I missing something here? How can there be any loyalty of that player toward the club if he is moving back in 12 months. I used to think Man Utd was a well run club now I see like Chelsea and City they think throwing money is a way to solve a problem. On another point though, they might actually be speaking english in the dressing room this year.

  72. Bard

    Sep 03, 2014, 8:40 #56511

    MUK, you seem to have run off in another direction with this. I never mentioned Wengers tactical skills, or anything about Man Us win lost ratio. I made the point that Welbeck would get more chances with our miodfield than he did at Untd and that might mean he scored more goals. How that translates into support for Wenger or a comment on his tactical skills I dont know. Oddly enough you despite the usual tirade you didnt manage to answer the question I posed other than that your not a Manc which I am pleased to hear. I suspect that your one of those posters who doesnt bother to probably read other comments otherwise you would have realised that I am hardly known on this site as Wengers biggest supporter.

  73. Westlower

    Sep 03, 2014, 8:26 #56510

    @Peter Wain, Wenger identifies the players wanted & sets their value but is not required in the negotiating thereafter. It doesn't matter if he's at the World Cup in Brazil or in Rome, he has no function to fulfill once the deal is in motion. Ivan Gazidis & Dick Law sort out the fine detail of any transfer & I'm sure Stan rubber stamps any large deal. Doubtless Wenger is kept informed as to the state of play but his presence is not needed. Perhaps you are confusing the way 'Arry Redknapp conducts his transfer business with the Arsenal way? I doubt an Arsenal manager has had as too much involvement in transfer dealings since GG took a £425,000 bung from Rune Hague. IMO, this has been the best transfer window for AFC in many years with £82m spent on 5 class players. Of course we all want more, as that is the nature of football fans. Maybe the other players we needed just weren't available or were overpriced? Cavalho with his third party ownership was too complicated a deal to ever get done. Southampton wouldn't sell Schneiderlin & who could blame them after the mass exodus they suffered? The Benders are happy to remain in Germany, Khedira spent the summer playing silly b*ggers with all & sundry & so on.


    Sep 03, 2014, 7:09 #56509

    Very strange, I have an exchange with Just asking-a positive one ultimately, and RUFARSE had an exchange with maguiresbridge, also a silly but positive one. Now I am being slated by the 'SHOUTY PERSON' for running up against M U Killer, who I have never posted to. Give a dog a bad name, eh? Woof, woof! Still he concurs with DWT, and they all agree with each other. The essence being, three things. One, magnanimously they will allow Welbeck a chance, as he might work out, (how convenient, 'we don't want Welbeck, didn't want AW to buy him, but if he fits in we shall stop whining about him-just find something else to gripe about). Secondly, they have a shopping list that they only want three more world class players, which on a five year contract each, which roughly equates with around £250m, or £50m p.a, or again roughly £1.5m per full game played. Very reasonable-total fantasy! The third wish, and this is a 'biggie', a sweeping move. Get Usmanov to buy out Kronke, sack Arsene Wenger, and bankroll the club like the Russian Gangster's club, and the Oilers. I think that little three-cornered discussion suggests to ordinary fans that they are looking for something at AFC that they probably will never find, however the aforementioned two clubs fit the bill. I never get sucked into 'daft exchanges' but made an exception due to a need to illustrate the way nonsense passes for common posts when read in isolation. Carry on amongst yourselves gentlemen.

  75. Peter Wain

    Sep 03, 2014, 6:48 #56508

    I do not think Wenger has covered himself in glory during this transfer window. Going to Rome on the last day of the transfer window looks like the act of a very arrogant man. Whoever allowed this at Arsenal should think again. As usual in the transfer window indecision and uncertainty were the watch word of Wengers approach.The squad now is unbalanced, small and dependent on injury free defensive players until January. Already Koscieny has an injury and should either Mertersacker of Chambers sustain a serious injury we are left with a 5foot nine centre half. When you consider the height of the squads in the premier league ours is one of the smallest. Already this season we have conceded 2 headed goals and other teams will be sure to attack us in this manner. Quite what Wenger was trying to prove on Monday is beyond me. Why sign a contract to manager a team when you are absent from the club on the most important day of this season so far. No Wenger must go this year - he just does not cut it anymore. We need someone committed to the club not himself.

  76. Mathew

    Sep 03, 2014, 5:49 #56507

    Thanks Russel, summarizes the countryside well and a much fought game. Like last year, these games will be the difference in our title challenge, for me it was a must win game. I don't think Wenger takes any opposition lightly, but maybe he doesn't have a plan B for these situations. Besiktas was one example and Leicester did it again and the answer is a proven striker to dribble past the defenders. If we don't have one, then better change your game plan, your tiki-takas and final third will just ensure that a strong defense can nip it off. I feel Wenger's tactical astuteness will derail our title bid again. Few quality additions would have made an impact, now the only choice left is to support the team with what we have. Marcus, relax mate, life doesn't end here, i would suggest you to divert your energy for something more useful, the Board isn't listening to you. COYG

  77. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 5:07 #56506

    Marcus..You Echoed my thoughts there. I like the managers you mention. I fancy Martinez too. Someone who plays positive dynamic football that actually gets the ball forward.

  78. Rob1970

    Sep 03, 2014, 4:08 #56505

    Russell, Thanks for a great, informative post. As an Australian resident (and forty plus year Arsenal supporter and member) I don't get to see the Arsenal too often, and do feel I have missed out on a lot of atmosphere and feeling that being a supporter normally entails. Thanks again.


    Sep 03, 2014, 2:50 #56504

    @ Man united killer. Stop arguing with Bardarse. He is one of a number of akbs who HATE FACTS!!! You can name wengers record to them word for word and they will dismiss it. They live in some utopia world where wenger is winning the pl every season in their deluded minds. As you said we have not beated united since 2008 that is a FACT. Its not you picking it out from thin air somewhere and deciding to post it. Wenger has never beaten Mourinhos Chelsea again FACT!!. I honestly believe this season we might not get top 4. All those other season I always believed we would scrape top 4. This season I don't see it. The cdm position for is worrying big time. Arteta is never a dm. He just has not got the attributes to play that position. He has no pace and no power and no athleticism what so ever. Flamani just barks at people but has no technical attributes what so ever and cant tackle without fowling someone same can be said about arteta. Again that area against the better teams we will get exposed and be in for more beatings. The defence for me is one injury away from disaster and that injury from disaster is on Koscienly who is for me one of the best cb in the country when hes at hes best. If he gets injured good luck keeping clean sheets as we saw what both chambers and mertersacker together offer at everton. My dream scenario is that Usamanov buys out Korenke and than sacks wenger lol. This club needs to move forward. We need a young hungry manager that wants to win stuff and is tactically astute i.e Diego Simone would be perfect for me. So would Klopp both great young guys who want to win stuff. They should have been headhunted after the fa cup final and wenger should have handed in hes resignation. The club lies to the fans saying we want to win the premier league and can now compete. What utter nonsense. Clearly the main aim is to consolidate top 4 every season and hope you get lucky by winning a domestic cup i.e fa cup or capital one cup. Its a joke and a lot of so called fans put up with it as they want to keep wenger in the job no matter what hes results say. To win the league who need a world class striker, a world class or just below that cdm and the same applies to the cb position everyone knows that. Yet one man thinks you can do it with below average players. The club just don't want to admit it as fans would not be turing up. They cant risk those season tickets not be sold.The club might be able to make big bids now but it still cant afford big wages and that is a problem. What is the point of bidding for Cavani if you cant afford hes 200k a week wages???

  80. Man United Killer

    Sep 03, 2014, 0:06 #56503

    DWT I agree with you on both points. Overall we have decent squad though we are clearly a WC striker, WC DM and CD short. As far as being genuine title contenders we are a tactical overhaul short (even with the players we have).Until that happens it won't matter much who we bring in.

  81. DW Thomas

    Sep 02, 2014, 23:38 #56502

    Lets all be honest. Welbeck is no Cavani or Falcao, but even I can say give him a shot. Should he turn out no better than Sanogo, well we'll all be a tad upset. Still a thin squad save midfield. Maybe Bellerin will do for cover, but overall not a bad window compared to some in the recent past. Doesn't seem well planned though does it? Another sign Monsieur Unicorn is either past it or others atthe club are stepping. Maybe both methinks.

  82. Man United Killer

    Sep 02, 2014, 23:03 #56501

    AMG... Thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure Bard gets my drift though.

  83. AMG

    Sep 02, 2014, 22:54 #56500

    MUK, I hate to be that guy, but we beat Man U in 2011 courtesy of a Ramsey strike.

  84. Man United Killer

    Sep 02, 2014, 22:09 #56499

    Bard,sadly sometimes you have to come clean and admit the facts than resort name calling.I am NOT a Man U fan.NEVER will be.We have not beaten Man United for the past 7 years (since 2008).Neither have we beaten Mou's Chelsea. Also if you care to know about 51.85% of the scorers during these 7 years have been players other than strikers.Mind you, I counted Ronaldo as a striker and this could be debatable.If I counted Ronaldo as midfielder,then strikers would have accounted a meager 22.65% of Manchester United goals against us since 2008.So you see,your argument that they have had better strikers doesn't hold much water.I know you hate to hear this but Wenger is tactically clueless.The tippy tappy nonsense doesn't work.And of course during these 7 years we have had some decent strikers too but that is another story. Do you want me to get started on our statistics vs Mou's Chelsea? Or are you going to call me a Chelsea fan because I lay down the facts?

  85. stegun82

    Sep 02, 2014, 22:03 #56498

    How can people rate an amusing, intelligent and heartfelt contribution as this as less than a 10. Come on. It's accurate and makes me feel more for the Gooner family. Anyone who travels is the best of the best and makes me proud to be a Gooner albeit one that that doesn't get out enough.


    Sep 02, 2014, 20:50 #56496

    Evening radfordkennedy. OK a lady from Galicia, who doesn't like Indian food-sounds like you got one out of two fella, so that's a pass in anyone's books. I am an Indian food gourmet-not really! If there had been a job I would have applied. Funny thing is I cannot consume huge amounts of alcohol, or never could way back when. In fact I struggle with any liquid, even water. The idea of drinking half a gallon of water or more, just phases me. I was never macho amongst my peers in that department, which I bore easily. Oddly my love at an early age for Indian food, (I cook a lot myself), allowed me to experiment with fresh green chillies as an accompaniment. Now I always have a dozen or more with my meal. Guess what, it doesn't affect me, biologically. My opinion is you must build up an immunity or tolerance to them. As an aside I developed a macho tag for being able to consume a handful of chillies as a matter of course. How susceptible people are. Anyway, had my Dhansak and am making some strong Italian coffee, with creamer. Namaste. Hey, that's an idea! I can organise an OnlineGooner virtual reality Indian bash. The Gooner's 'Chapatti Party', coming your way soon.

  87. Westlower

    Sep 02, 2014, 20:09 #56494

    Welbeck has a goal ratio of a goal from every two games when played at CF for Man U but drops to 1 in 7 when played wide. Discussing DW's move, Peter Schmeichel reckons Wenger is a brilliant coach at bringing on young talent & Mike Phelan (Fergies #2) quoted as saying " A club like Arsenal is a fabulous club, it is a well run club. From a footballers point of view, if you want to choose a football club, then Arsenal is right up there with the best." Bizarre to hear Mancs being so wholesome in their praise of AFC. @Jeff Wright, Hope you won a few bob on MAKE IT UP at 11/4.

  88. Bard

    Sep 02, 2014, 19:48 #56493

    MUK, rubbish equals Cleverly , Anderson, Fletcher, Carrick. Why havent we beaten them because they have a better group of strikers. My point is that our midfield will provide more chances for Welbeck than Man U . Do you disagree and whats with this Man U love in . Are you a Manc posting on our site. or are you saying we have a crap midfield.

  89. Just asking

    Sep 02, 2014, 19:29 #56492

    Hiccup- Fair enough mate, although Gervinho and to a lesser degree Chamakh were both good before and after being coached by Wenger but they were strangely ****e while they were being coached by Wenger. Anyway, given Welbeck's physique I reckon Wenger has got him earmarked for centre-back cover, kind of Huggy Bear in reverse. Playing players in their correct positions is sooo 1990s.

  90. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 02, 2014, 18:48 #56490

    BADARSE, aye there's plenty of left hand corners over here alright we also have one of those magic roads it's on a hill and if you park your car on it and forget to put your handbrake on it runs up instead of back. Maybe wenger has found another one somewhere close to London Colney it would explain why he doesn't know whether he's coming or going. And if he does manage to figure it out it'll hardly be much of a surprise when it turns out to be a dead end.

  91. smee

    Sep 02, 2014, 18:22 #56489

    If Sonogo is the answer... its a very stupid question.


    Sep 02, 2014, 18:14 #56488

    Just asking. That is an interesting poser, sadly I am getting ready for my Ruby. I shall try to comment on it though.

  93. Just asking

    Sep 02, 2014, 18:11 #56487

    BADARSE- Yes there was needle but more directed toward the manager than yourself. Nothing against Welbeck really, seems a nice lad and a hard worker, just don't want him as the number one centre-forward at my football club. Under Wenger in this modern era of football, we will never be what we could be, and every excruciating transfer window re-emphasises that. It really doesn't seem to bother many fans, who applaud clearly wrong decisions with the same enthusiasm as they applaud inspired ones, but I guess it depends on what your definition of being a 'fan' is. I'm sure most if asked would say they're somewhere in the middle between blind faith and overtly critical, but in my experience over the last few years it doesn't seem that way.

  94. Hiccup

    Sep 02, 2014, 18:07 #56486

    @Just asking. I wanted Welbeck! The problem is if you say something like that on here, suggesting we spend spend spend makes you a chav fan. I'd plucked up enough courage to suggest him, but then along came Westie's "read my lips" battlecry that the sooner the fools on here realised no one was coming in because we had our 25 man squad the better. Then we were told by Jamie it would be foolish to buy another striker, and he knows his stuff. I think most fans in the cold day of light are taking a step back and thinking who knows, maybe this is gonna work out. It's not in the bracket of wenger's chamack, park and gervinho signings, so it looks like we've turned a corner of some sorts on the striker front.

  95. radfordkennedy

    Sep 02, 2014, 18:00 #56484

    Badarse....you lucky devil,my good lady is Galician and cannot abide indian food so it was an avenue of pleasure closed to me many years ago,but I can almost taste a garlic nan and a cauliflower bhajee now you've mentioned it,enjoy yourself and dont forget to put the toilet roll in the fridge before you go!


    Sep 02, 2014, 17:57 #56483

    Rocky RIP, we must always count Ray! maguiresbridge RUFUS can't play football, not because he has two wooden legs but because one is shorter than the other. He asked the surgeon if after the double amputation he'd be able to play football again. As he couldn't play before he certainly couldn't after. One is shorter than the other because there are many left-handed staircases in the Netherlands, as there are many right-handed corners in Ulster. The odd thing is, after the operation he could play the piano! 'Hoi, magwitcherbridge. Er is twee tings fur u. Ein, never floaten opside down an der canal, evening iffen u lossen de capp op de wasser,en zein kopf is koude. Twee, every sayen alstubleift, wennen de gals in de red light laans given u de winken. Nee vergetten, Channel makes scents, en wat happenen to de Avon Lady? Max Factor!. Tot ziens, mijn Arsenal frienden. Jenever Juniper, taken dat away, Donovan!


    Sep 02, 2014, 17:32 #56481

    Well jeff wright, at the risk of being called a SMART BADARSE, the chicken and the egg arrived together. Evolutionary development at work. The incredible single cell! Of course as a vegetarian I never eat chicken now, but still have an occasional egg, so for me the egg always comes first. You seem so sleepy, perhaps it's anaemia, so more iron required. I recommend a huge sahg bhagi, or even a sahg aloo-if you prefer spuds! @Just asking, noted a bit of needle in your post, so reread mine. It seemed a little sharp on my part, not intended to hurt, so sorry buddy. Anyway the analogy was because I am fired up for a Ruby tonight, all else disappears off the radar when I am going for Indian food, (or I should say Bangladeshi), it surely is the nectar of the gods. So back to planet earth. No Danny Welbeck was not, as far as I was concerned, a consideration. However you get the chance to perform, you grasp it with both hands, don't you? One man's broken leg, another's leg up. Let's hope this young man's footballing career soars. Good old Arsenal.

  98. Rocky RIP

    Sep 02, 2014, 17:27 #56480

    @ Lee O'C - It depends if you count Ray Parlour in the starting 11. (He made 26 appearances.)

  99. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 02, 2014, 17:25 #56479

    BADARSE, good one he must have got around a bit though as there are a hint of quite a few accents in there.

  100. John F

    Sep 02, 2014, 17:12 #56478

    Sounds a lot better then the last time i went to leicester at filbert street in the eighties.There was a pitch invasion and a lot fans running up and down in the streets outside.I still think Sanogoal can do a job for Arsenal in the postroom at the emirates.Fergie admitted that he played Welbeck out of position because of his work rate.He said that if he played him more as a striker he would have scored more goals.So i do hope Wenger takes note and does not play him as a winger.

  101. Just asking

    Sep 02, 2014, 17:05 #56477

    No it's not difficult BADARSE. Common sense tells you that if you turn up at the Tandoori just before it shuts you're not likely to get what you either want or need, are you? Even if you have plenty enough money to pay for it. No, if you're lucky you might end up fighting for the scraps from the table with other equally disorganised but hopefully less cash-rich types. Of course Welbeck wasn't at the top of anyone's list, but you might have thought he would have been somewhere on someone's list on here surely, considering what's being said now.

  102. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 16:57 #56476

    A lot of deleted posts on this article. Why can't some people just keep common civility going for a few sentences? 24601 hope you had a great day at the seaside, did you get to paddle? Are you familiar with Dave Davies' 'Fortis Green'? My favourite, great tune and the lyrics paint a picture. Ah, yesterday, all my truffles seemed so far away.

  103. jeff wright

    Sep 02, 2014, 16:54 #56475

    Badarse, it's the old what came first the chicken or the egg conundrum at work here. Obviously it was the chicken that first arrived as the result of some cross breeding between two other species of fowls that have since like the Dodo become now extinct. Just as well it happened otherwise we couldn't dip our little toasty soldiers into boiled eggs at brekky Tippy Tappy tick-tock (yawn) football , unlike the Dodo, is still alive though ,well just about alive ( yawn),and what better old dinosaur to provide us with it than monsieur Wenger the master of illusion! Ah! so , 4th place and all that Baddie wot ? Well you know the old excuses are like old jokes they are always the best . What would Stan do without his European Cup money , one thing I do know is that he won't give it up easily, even if he doesn't actually expect to ever win it. It's the taking part in the midweek snore bore group stages that provides the old fraudster Arsene with the illusion of him challenging for the prize and this helps to cover up a multitude of sins. Amen.

  104. Man United Killer

    Sep 02, 2014, 16:44 #56474

    Bard@ post59690.Remind me...when was the last time we beat that United team with what you call a rubbish midfield?I wonder what you consider rubbish.

  105. jeff wright

    Sep 02, 2014, 16:29 #56473

    Lee O'C , Sol Campbell was coached by Graham at spuds and has paid tribute to GG for that in the past. Sol was the main man in defence and was selected twice for FIFA world elevens at two World Cups. Wenger though is entitled to claim the credit for the unbeaten season just as he is entitled to be blamed for the 9 trophyless years that followed the 2005 FAC win.As the actress said to the bishop ,you can't have it both ways. Tbh, Wenger needs to look at the defending side a bit more than he does do right now and pronto like because these current players are not 2004 vintage ones that can turn his pusillanimous tactics into a winning formula by ad-libbing when he loses the plot.So far every game has seen us struggle defensively other than the CS one , and that is really just a non-event anyway,at one time the two clubs involved even used to share the shield if it were a draw after 90 minutes .

  106. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 16:27 #56472

    @Just asking, tonight I am going for a Ruby. If the local Tandoori is shut I might stay in and cook a pasta meal. Why didn't I decide on pasta in the first place? Not too difficult, is it? @jeff wright, was it the phantoms in the shadows who whispered that to you? I don't believe anyone said that at all. Quite a few, myself included insisted that both the Capital Cup, and sadly the old lady herself, the FA Cup, has been denigrated to such an extent that it carries a lower value. Fourth is vital, if not to you, and perhaps not to me, it clearly is to the club. The ethics of that is another debatable point, but true all the same.

  107. jeff wright

    Sep 02, 2014, 16:12 #56471

    Just Asking, have you never heard of being wise after the event? If they gave out medals for it then some on here would have a chestful of 'em. These are the same ones who said Wenger should give the FAC a swerve last season because it would get in the way of him winning the league.You couldn't make it up.

  108. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 15:55 #56470

    My friend from the Netherlands came to England for a brief sojourn, his name is Rufus, and is a student of football and a lifelong Arsenal fan. He cannot play the game, he cannot do much in fact, his belly gets in the way. Anyway, I shall let him introduce himself, so I give you RUFARSE. 'Hoi, mijn frienden. It is grote to be in this land of deep set David Cameroon, the far rechts party in de Nederlands likes him en that Oranjeboom Boris. Spliff! Well ach so, it is ein udder finger in de dijk job for Arsene, mit Danny Welldone. Ik hear op de table mit Rocky RIP, was is dat? Spliff! Ik vergetten de day as de Grolsch en Jenever bites mijn ass, aber Ik drinken de santi to you all and Santi auch. Dit is de weg Arsenal, ja, vier place en de Comical Cup. Spendt, spendt, spendt? Nee, dank u wel. Spliff, spliff, spliff, ja! Oh, ja, mijn frienden BADARSE says 'Dutch cheese clogs.', en hij laffen zijn kopf off. Warrom is dat? Red light, red light, I gotta see Jane. Whoops, fallen downen, bangen de kneecapzen, en spillin op de jenever, schitten! Tot ziens, mijn kleinen tulips. Dennis! Dennis! Dennis!'

  109. Lee O'Callaghan

    Sep 02, 2014, 15:41 #56469

    Question for 'hec': other than Bergkamp, how many of the other 10 starting 'Invincibles' (and FA Cup winners in 2005) had anything to do with the GG era or Rioch? A: 0! Perspective, please...

  110. Just asking

    Sep 02, 2014, 15:21 #56467

    maguiresbridge I fear his nickname will be Bambi soon enough.

  111. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 02, 2014, 15:13 #56466

    And who will be first fans or set of fans to give him the pet nickname Becks or beck before he has earned it? something our fans are good at and love to do, come on you know who you are.

  112. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 15:00 #56465

    GBP I agree about Calum, though my post was intended as a sweeping generalisation to talk 'numbers', it left a little area of vagueness. I think the lad is a CB, and will be something special in that position. I have likened him to a young Tony Adams, though I think this lad has a bit more polish. How he progresses is open to circumstance, but of course TA went far beyond what should have been the limitations of his abilities, least I think he did. The whole being greater than the sum of the parts. Whether this young man scales those heights time alone will tell. He may still be our CB in a decades time, but like Keown could play wherever to cover, whether at full back, or even midfield. 'We hate Nottingham Forest, we hate Liverpool too. We hate West Ham United, but Arsenal we love you!' Were you singing with me GoonerRon?

  113. Nutty's Right Peg

    Sep 02, 2014, 14:43 #56464

    Clearly we needed a striker, defensive midfielder & centre-back and ended up with 1 out of 3.....always the same with Wenger, & whilst I feel Wellbeck isn't the worst signing ever made he'll only prosper if he's played in his best position ie. through the middle. I have little faith in Wenger doing this though given what he does with Ozil,Podolski & to be fair to the lad, what he did with Bendtner !! Like others the sight of Silent Stan getting off the coach up in Leicester even had me thinking we might sort out the glaring defiencies this time round....ho hum ! Here comes the battle for our much converted "fourth place trophy"

  114. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 14:42 #56463

    David, you are not going to get me arguing against your last point, I think you are very close with your observation. I do think these men running our club, and running it well in my opinion, are not gamblers. Only mugs gamble, westlower knows his way around the racetracks of the UK blindfolded, but isn't a gambler, he is a mathematician. I read a book he recommended about Barney Curly, he was involved with horses all his life but wasn't a gambler, these people are too bright for that. Play the percentages when you have to but calculate everything. I do believe the powers consider making fourth vital and that the scaling of the summit is a much slower process. It's all about perspective, it's that which makes a person feel good, or bad. I feel good whilst many around feel bad, yet we are experiencing the same things. So in agreeing with you I would summarise thus, Arsenal have committed to establishing fourth place for the revenues it brings, it is not just our lifeblood, but that which we shall build upon for the final assault on the summit. That as I suggested, takes longer, it is a slow burn, and I see the smouldering glow. Whether it bursts into flames or not is dependent on other influences, but I think the policy is correct and we are all standing by awaiting that spark. Football has changed and people are inherently oppositional to change, but change and evolve they must, or become dinosaurs. Make no mistake I shall be standing by to fan the flames, if and when they flare. I have a feeling you will be too. Good old Arsenal.

  115. Just asking

    Sep 02, 2014, 14:41 #56462

    If people on here really believe that Welbeck is a possible answer to our centre forward problem, why didn't they say so before yesterday? He was widely reported as wanting to leave at the end of last season, and Van Gaal was only last week widely reported as being happy to let him go.

  116. GBP

    Sep 02, 2014, 14:10 #56459

    Badarse - we have to be careful with Chambers. Im not sure he does have equal skills in 2 positions really. I see him as centre back ideally. Persisting with that approach with a player often makes player a 'utility' player but master of none. Utd have fallen into this trap with Phil Jones. Hes a defender, likes defending yet they still attribute midfield skills to him. It hinders his career as i see it. We have done the same to Theo. The chap just isnt a central striker. His game and persona just doesn't lend itself to the job. Its rare to find a defender/midfielder who can interchange seamlessly. Gilberto wasnt bad at it but was never an accomplished CB. I see good things for Chambers but he needs clarity of thought in his coaching i believe. Is Arsene indulging him or just trialling him? I hope for the players sake its the latter. TONY - Yes. I think Arsene is too much the Patriarchal boss at times and it stems from the 2006-09 years when the Club persisted with such youngsters perhaps?

  117. Ozzie

    Sep 02, 2014, 14:09 #56458

    The Manchesters dominate on the back of ex Arsenal stars while Arsenal gain their 'surplus-to-requirements' rejects. It's a long waaaay to the top if you wanna rock n' roll.

  118. allybear

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:59 #56456

    I think that Wellbeck could be very good if he is used properly. No midfield steel unfortunately as Wenger only likes small ball players! Agree with Kilkenny cat about Mertesacker,he is a liability far too slow and should be replaced as should the manager! Arrivederchi!

  119. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:41 #56453

    Six defenders? Well, technically yes, but with the probable dual role of Nacho, and the obvious two-edged ability of Calun it permutates as more. True it is still 'six' the number-do love numbers, so three more need throwing into the mix in the shape of emergency FB the Flaminal, Franny Coquelin does that too, then their is the 'Road Runner' Bellerin. That is nine, and that is often how decisions are made, rightly or wrongly.

  120. Tony Evans

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:40 #56452

    GBP - If Wenger had gone out and brought in a top quality midfield enforcer and centre back I think most of us on this site would have been happy with the transfer window dealings this time around. I agree with your defensive assessment and it is good to exchange views with someone more pro Wenger than I am, but not blind to his faults like so many seem to be. I think Wenger is a good man, like you say, but that is a fault in itself for me, as he often seems to indulge his players and is not ruthless enough when needed to be. I still take issue with your statement that he is a good coach, but we can agree to differ on that.

  121. GBP

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:26 #56451

    Tony - disappointed we haven't got a good and specialist 'enforcer'. I would have traded in Cazorla if needed to pay for it. Respect your opinion on older fans as well. I m not a big fan of Mertersacker. A top professional and a great trier but simply too slow and rather cumbersome in my view. We have needed a top quality CB for quite some years as opposed to a back up CB. Maybe Chambers is the lad for the job? Id like to think so. The much needed enforcer though even without an added defender might (as i see it anyway) improve the defence in itself. At LB, we have never properly replaced Ashley Cole and the left side has had so much to do with our goals conceded column since. Monreal is ok but struggles against the best and fastest right sided attackers. The squads not bad now though. Not title winning team but im suspecting better than last years performance. I hope so. I question stuff Arsene does but still think hes a really good man and good Coach. I truly feel that what's happening now is the groundwork for his successor.

  122. gooner go carpfising

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:24 #56450

    Although I wasn't jumping up and down at us signing Danny Wellbeck I think he'll do well what did have me jumping up and down was why on the final day to be able to bring players in was our illustrious leader allowed to be reffing a charity match instead of sorting out an effective defensive midfielder and cover at centre back? The man has far too much power and nobody standing up to him. The worst thing that happened (in a way)was for us to win the FA cup and give him in effect a new lease of life. Sorry to say but it's time to go Mr Wenger and that's been the case for a long time

  123. fozzys mate

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:10 #56449

    I am not unhappy with Wellbeck who if played upfront is direct and dangerous. More concerned that we have only six defenders on the books including the occassionally available Gibbs. United did what we did in 2011 but at a higher level of player and bought whatever moved. Their purchases will make the fight for the fpt tighter. Let's hope we don't live to regret the lack of defensive cover and enjoy Wellbeck and co finding the onion bag.Finally though the myth of having to be in the champions league to sign players is busted. City, Monaco and now manure have seen all that matters is how much you pay playersn albeit you have more to throw around if you are in it.

  124. kilkenny cat

    Sep 02, 2014, 13:08 #56448

    16 mil for an average forward who is more of a wide man is typical of this clown manager. Remy was half that and a better player,and an actual striker. Two centre halves and a kid who needs to be used wisely. No holding presence in midfield. With our injury problems we will have a team of teenagers playing shortly. Wenger should stay in Rome. The next pope would be better than destroying our club even more. 3 more yrs at least of this eejit.

  125. Michael the 50 Something Gooner

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:56 #56445

    I think Wellbeck will work out well - he has pace and can finish when given the opportunity - should work well with the quickfire passing of Sanchez , Ozil , Rambo etc. I'm a bit surprised utd sold him - lets hope he scores the winner at OT and give him a good welcome to the Arsenal.

  126. Tony Evans

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:55 #56444

    Good account of a typical away day, so thanks for that, Russell. GBP - some of the anti Wenger sentiment on this site may indeed stem from 'Johnny come lately types' but I assure you that much of it comes from seasoned fans like myself that go way back with Arsenal, who are completely brassed off with the team always being short-changed by our myopic manager, scuppering any real chance of the Premiership or CL. I would like to hear your assessment of the current lack of a quality midfield enforcer, and the fact that we have only three centre halves, one of which is a raw 19 year old. Yes of course things could we worse (you only have to look at the Spuds for that) but my God they could also be a great deal better if Wenger didn't consistently leave us so short, particularly defensively.

  127. AMG

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:51 #56443

    I had Osgood Schlatters as a teenager, was gutted. Went from 1st choice striker for my school, scouted by ManUre, to the football nobody I am today, at least it's better now - I wish your daughter a speedy recovery as I have shared that frustration. Thanks for sharing your experience, I broadly agree with your assessment of Ozil, I think he needs to be played in the right position though and coached properly for a change.

  128. David

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:47 #56442

    This is intrestin an all, but where's the article about Danny Welbeck? Danny Welbeck is probably the most intriguing signing AW has made for a long time. He has never really been played as THE CF - has a lot in common with Sturridge in that regard. This is much more like an old AW hunch - vastly better buy than Sanogo - and out of the blue. Lots of potential there. @In Wenger We Trust - a bit harsh. AW spent a lot of money over the summer, but not on players that would take Arsenal up a notch. Sanchez was a great buy, but not necessary - not with the midfield Arsenal have. He needed a DM, CF and CH. Chambers fits the bill as a CH, but the other two positions are glaring holes in the squad. Sanchez would've been the icing on the cake, rather than the cake itself. AW only did enough to maintain 3rd/4th this season, as I'm sure BADARSE will agree.

  129. Mike

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:37 #56441

    I had osgood schlatters as a teenager - I think Sanogo has it as well. Not sure if Wellbeck strengthens the squad - time will tell - but I guess it is a safe buy as opposed to the likes of Ballotelli which is a huge risk

  130. radfordkennedy

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:33 #56440

    Good post Russell,i always thought that the teams mentioned in that song,just happen fit the rythmn of the tune although I could be wrong mate....Vin nice..73-76 dark times indeed my friend, if some on here are unhappy now they would have started self harming watching Blockley,Mancini et al making a mess of it every week thank God for Jimmy Rimmer...as far as Welbeck goes he young fast and better than what we got so welcome to the madhouse my friend and I hope you go on to become a legend....a little worried that no CB or defender signed especially after letting 'San' go to Norwich. so lets get at em Up The Gunners!!

  131. Jesus Saidpaddy

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:24 #56438

    The chant stems from the 1970's when many clubs fans - including ours - sung "We hate Nottingham Forest, we hate Liverpool too "AND LEICESTER". It was kept on when the song became "We all follow the Arsenal".

  132. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Sep 02, 2014, 12:14 #56437

    Moscow; the "and Leicester" bit came after the three cup replays with Sheffield Weds played there in 1979.

  133. Moscow Gooner

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:59 #56434

    I think the 'and Leicester' add on comes from the fact that there was always a lot of aggro when we played at Filbert Street from the early '70s onwards: the cup tie in '71, the league games in the next couple of seasons, the cup replay in '72/73 etc.

  134. N4

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:58 #56433

    @ Unchives - What goes through the manager's mind is simply MONEY! Needs to balance the book! Therefore, everything is about money and them not us Fans! Wenger new task is to look after the spending hence why he can't just concentrate on building, buying the right players and simply be a coach that he once was!

  135. Bard

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:58 #56432

    I think we need to calm down. Westie made the point that one thing Welbeck has is pace and he will be playing in front of a very good midfield. Untd midfield are rubbish. He will get loads of chances and may develop into a great striker. I didn't see too many other options out there. I prefer him up top than anyone else we have. I would have loved Falcao but the money he was asking is absurd.

  136. DJ

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:58 #56431

    I think Danny could be an inspired buy and greatly increases our attacking options. However, as has been mentioned on here can't believe we haven't bolstered our squad numbers with a couple of defensive signings. TV left a month ago and we have been crying out for a defensive midfielder for a few seasons now. It looks like our team spirit is second to none which helped as limp over the line in Europe and get 5 points from our first three games but you have to question the club's ambition with such a light squad. And no I do not wish to support Chelsea!

  137. Unchives

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:46 #56430

    Welbeck is good value for £16 million, however he is not a centre forward that is going to score 20-30 goals. How many wingers can one club have? Seems like a Panic buy. Two centre backs leave, only one brought in. Two full-backs out, only one in. I honestly don't know what goes through this managers head, but I hope he is right.

  138. In Wenger We Trust

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:28 #56428

    Wow, Wenger outdid himself this summer transfer. I grade this summer transfer an A. Predictable as always the anti-Wenger rabble whining again like every summer like spending £83.8m for 5 players isn't enough. Whether Arsene spends or not, you people moan. What are you lot angry? Not buying Falcao? Spending £20 for a season loan on a player who spent most of time injured last season is madness. Balotelli? Moroninho the manager you WOB worship called him "uncoachable". Even if we buy him, he'll do something idiotic and just piss off the next chance he gets like does for every club he goes to. Loic Remy? Liverpool didn't bought him because he failed his medical. Why spend on a player that has a heart problem? But logic isn't something you WOB are known for. You people are a disgrace just like the people who were having a go at Welbeck, even before he put on an Arsenal shirt. I don't blame him if he doesn't perform well, seeing as he had to go out there on the pitch with moronic "fans" like you people. I trust Wenger in his purchase of Welbeck. You people forgot he has a habit of turning young players into world class strikers, case in point Anelka, Henry and RVP. So relax and shut up. Even Piers Morgan isn't as whinny as you lot with the purchase of Welbeck and that says something. If you want to follow a club who spends like there's no tomorrow go follow Cesc and support Chelsea, they need more plastic fans. In Arsene We Trust.

  139. N4

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:10 #56427

    Wellbeck = Panic buy...once again!!!

  140. BADARSE

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:06 #56425

    A nice account of an 'away day', thanks Russell, and well done to you SJ, just for going. I think my daughter may have suffered with this problem when she was around thirteen/fourteen. Never diagnosed, but she was a runner, gymnast and suffered for her sports, so perhaps. She outgrew it and has never had any problems since. I have had problems all my life because of low-down joints, though mine were due to frequenting them!

  141. David G

    Sep 02, 2014, 11:03 #56424

    I think the chant is to do with the sign on the motorway that reads "The North...and Leicester! I think!

  142. TJ

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:39 #56421

    Well we've got Welbeck now at least. I see some are unhappy with him, but to be fair he had periods where he played brilliantly for United, he just needs to be given confidence, especially through game time, and he could be a brilliant striker. Don't bother looking at his goalscoring record: he played on the wing a lot, has been used as a bit part player and made caps from a young age. I would love to have seen a big name striker arrive that is world class but are there any available even? Maybe Jackson Martinez and a few others, but a big risk in terms of fees and wages. Again that is Wenger's fault as Higuain (at least) may have been available last summer. Therefore we have to go with potential and to be fair Alan Smith and some other pundits think he could become a great player and I agree. Let's just hope he really does play as a striker.

  143. Vinnie

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:20 #56415

    Yeh GBP some truth in that great memories ...vinnie

  144. GBP

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:11 #56413

    Vin nice - The last sentence of your post explains much of the childish angst and vitriol directed towards Wenger and the Club on this site, those purveying it never having experienced such times. Very sad.

  145. Vin nice

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:05 #56412

    The Leicester chant goes back at least to the early seventies others may remember earlier but that's when I started going to highbury so cannot say for sure when it first started We used to struggle to beat leicester then mostly draws I think so the chant may have come from that By the way we used to struggle to beat most teams in my first season 73-74!

  146. hec

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:04 #56411

    Welbeck 19 goals in 6 years for Man Utd. 16 million a million pounds per goal , Wenger aving a laff ,why get rid of Bentdner , the F.A. Cup last season was the only thing Wenger has ever won with purely his team, Grahams defence and Riochs Bergkamp wonder if Wenger would have spent 50 million (equivelant) on Bergkamp if he was a young player and available , Wenger would find a reason not to spend the money. EN.

  147. Guy in Jersey

    Sep 02, 2014, 10:02 #56409

    I agree, Sanogo is not the answer, but nor is Welbeck. 29 goals in 142 appearances for Man U is a pathetic return for a supposedly top striker. He's England class, but that doesn't say much. Arsenal need a striker who lives and breathes scoring goals, and whose main priority is always to get in the box and score. Welbeck is another in the long line of Arsenal forwards for whom goalscoring is an occasional activity.