Welbeck may ignite our season

Thoughts on the late, late signing

Welbeck may ignite our season

This transfer window finished as have many others. Arsenal fans with mixed views about the signing of Danny Welbeck from Manchester United. Let’s be honest, when Welbeck was shown the door by Man United, he was told that he could not sign for a rival. So Arsenal have profited from the traditional late activity and bringing in a player at literally the eleventh hour. This is because transfer window megadeals always occur on the last day, the agents are hoping to squeeze more out of the deal and the player knows that personal terms are likely to be agreed if they really want to move away. So how did Arsene Wenger do? Well it’s like the legendary Curate’s egg whatever that is, (apparently good in parts). Arsenal have as usual profited at the expense of other team’s problems, rather than carving out their destiny by ruthless ambition and determined spending.

No one can be absolutely sure that if Man United had not secured Falcao, that Danny Welbeck’s move to Arsenal would not have taken place as the player was determined to move. With me so far? As it seems logical to speculate that from Welbeck’s point of view, playing in the Champions League was mandatory and this would enable a future big money signing should Arsenal’s fortunes falter. A move to Tottenham therefore was never really on the cards unless Arsenal refused to meet his personal terms. I expect to see Welbeck working extremely hard during European fixtures therefore which will be to Arsenal’s benefit in the group D of death which is not as straightforward as pundits think in my view. I believe that in fixtures like the one recently against Leicester, Welbeck may ignite our season by scoring those goals that Sanogo would miss.

Arsenal have managed to claim success in the transfer marker having secured two decent players Alexis Sanchez and Danny Welbeck. I like Danny Welbeck and I believe that he will add to the Arsenal. He is not accepted as world class, but at the age of 23 yrs and being English, how many players truly can carry that tag? Arsenal fans will point to the failure to secure another centre back and so for this Wenger can be correctly criticised. However again the signing of Calum Chambers was decent and provides a degree of cover. Arsenal have failed to dine at the top table with the Barcelona’s Real Madrid and Bayern Munich, and until Arsene Wenger leaves the Emirates I remain of the view that they will never win the Champions League, but let’s be happy that with the current crop of new signings, we can fight hard and should be able to maintain out 4th place berth.


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  1. Bard

    Sep 07, 2014, 14:06 #56849

    Jamie; what planet are you on, toys for christmas? Where I was brought up toys were for wimps. Christmas day was the only day I didnt have to practice heading rocks into a basket. i should have been so lucky as to have presents. Yet still I became a Dark Moonie Jamie how strange is that? Do you think all that practice heading rocks made me really 'ard but stupid?

  2. GBP

    Sep 07, 2014, 12:14 #56839

    Why have we ... I so wish i was still that young! Little Bertie was Coach at my initiation and had been for 3 years.

  3. Why have we only got 6 defenders (and maybe one OAP)?

    Sep 05, 2014, 22:15 #56774

    GBP- You give the impression as being someone who has only known Arsene Wenger as Arsenal manager, so as such I accept your trusting devotion to The Great Man, your steadfast resistance to change, and I wish you a lovely weekend.

  4. GBP

    Sep 05, 2014, 21:13 #56770

    Daniel MK - Wengers 'deafening silence'? is this another big issue now? There are many on here who portray him as being a brutal oppressive tyrant and master of all he surveys and with a Boardroom that panders to his every whim slavishly, as if AW is the unconditional owner of the Club. Your posts suggest some things been done that didnt have his seal of tyrannical approval or seem to be? How can that be? Surely there arent two conflicting schools of thought (thought used reservedly)in planet dark moon? Heaven forbid, they will be a riot therein and youre likey to end tarred and feathered if ever there's a whiff of you breaking ranks.Be afraid, be very afraid.

  5. GBP

    Sep 05, 2014, 20:31 #56767

    Why have we ... as opposed to spouting unsubstantiated piffle on here every day without a shred of sound reason and relying solely on your sad little unfulfilled whims and wishes? You bet your life it is. You and others need to seriously cheer up. Lifes good if you want it to be.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 20:23 #56766

    DW, there you are then BADARSE would like to see one and one or two others, no need for bigger phone boxes just yet then.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 20:01 #56765

    Hiccup, and just wait until you see the way the referee will stitch us up and cost us and be to blame for everything also.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 19:07 #56763

    JAMIE, very original indeed, your only thinking that one up now? but it makes a change from you and you ilk telling everyone to f**k off down the lane.

  9. Why have we only got 6 defenders (and maybe one OAP)?

    Sep 05, 2014, 17:42 #56760

    GBP- Not purportedly I'm afraid. Real words by real people, in context. But it certainly must be bliss being such an unquestioning soul.

  10. maguiresbridge gooners

    Sep 05, 2014, 17:24 #56759

    DW, the wenger lickspittles, good one, where do you get these descriptions from.

  11. GBP

    Sep 05, 2014, 17:03 #56758

    Why have we ... maybe youre right, maybe youre not...i don't really pay heed to anything thats purportedly said by either AW or the Club. G tee its all laced with media spin and journo licence. I cant believe that the Club passes up on players without at least some sensible rationale behind doing so.Im happy to work on the basis that the Clubs had cash restraint needs since 2005 and cant be bothered to pretend i know better than them. It makes for a more tranquil state of mind.

  12. Why have we only got 6 defenders (and maybe one OAP)?

    Sep 05, 2014, 15:09 #56743

    GBP- On the contrary, I have listened to years of 'the club' pledging financial support for the manager with Wenger at the same time urging caution and restraint. Maybe you missed all that. Certainly we have bought within our financial limitations, fine by me, but Wenger's way has made sure that we have bought well within those limitations. Various opportunities for silverware have been passed up as he failed to show the necessary ambition and kept his financial powder dry, but now we arrive at a time when we should be seriously challenging for the trophies that matter and we're further away than ever. If you're happy with that then good for you, but I'm just glad I don't pay his wages any more.

  13. Westlower

    Sep 05, 2014, 14:17 #56735

    @Marcus, You think like a chav (spend, spend,spend), you post like a chav (belittling anything AFC), you worship Maureen, you're spiritual home is surely the Bridge, not the Emirates. Never a good word about AFC or fellow Gooners, I'm convinced you are a chav or a chav in denial.

  14. GBP

    Sep 05, 2014, 13:17 #56721

    DW - Our annoyance? Im not quite with your meaning there. The posters who exhibit the annoyance on here are those of your persuasion, expressing your puerile annoyance that the Club wont give you your candy and sack our Coach surely? Like the Club, I don't much go for mob rule either. Im not annoyed at all. I celebrate the fact we have a top world known Coach and am very happy for that to stay the case until its patently clear that Arsene wants to go or that his employer deems it necessary. On the contrary i find your views quite amusing. Im even more astonished that you spend so long and so often trying to find even a half decent explanation for your view that a man who has guided the Club to 17 years of CL qualifications should be sacked. Do you ever get a migraine from banging your head against a wall from behind nobody who matters listens? You must do surely?Give me a viable and cogent reason so that i can consider it please. I know that Badarse would like to see one too and one or two others. Thus far you've failed abysmally to do so in my view and will likely continue to do so until Arsenes success runs dry. It will one day, no doubt but until then ill let the Club be the arbiter of his fate rather than the loose lipped and ill informed few on here. PS ' Why have we only' .....the Club tell us that they buy whats within our financial limitations and have told us so for years. Its you that choose to ignore them as you shout for such as Falcao to be purchased. I don't make anything up. I go on what i read from you chaps and there's a large number who shout for players we simply cant afford. The number of barrack room accountants on here has long been an object of mirth.


    Sep 05, 2014, 12:47 #56710

    How sad does your life have to be, that you could post as someone else???. Oh dear, dear, but what do you expect from a delusional bunch of folks, who I have destroyed with facts which they despise. So all they can resort to is using your name and slogan to try and undermine you. Yep sad indeed folks. Typical sentimental deluded akb behaviour. We won't argue with facts or answer questions just make stuff up. So folks ignore the 59940 nonsensical post. Clearly a disgruntled akb who has been destroyed with FACTS!!!! Which they hate big time. I will debate deluded akb face to face again with facts. Let me leave them with two more facts 1. Wenger has never beaten mourinho never. 2. Wenger has just been sacked from he's useless punditry or commentator job lool fact . Please akbs debate with facts

  16. Hiccup

    Sep 05, 2014, 12:41 #56709

    Any else noticed the FA stitching us up again? Firstly they make us play Leicester before we had a chance to sign our striker which was well out of order. And now, for our first game back after the international break they pair us with City! Meanwhile, Chelsea are given a nice easy stroll against Swansea. The more you look in to this stuff, it's quite clear the FA do all they can to make it hard for Arsenal. They've even made it a 12.45 kick off which is an outrage. That gives Chelsea an extra 3 hours of recovery.

  17. DW Thomas

    Sep 05, 2014, 12:38 #56708

    Badarse and GBP as usual you hit the nail on the head...re yourselves! The "herd" mentality is more exemplified by the utter adherence and alignment to anything Wenger says and does. To borrow from JW, you really can't make that up! It's differing from the norm or as you like to say the masses that love Wenger that always gets targeted by your annoyance. Very revealing methinks. Not a glass half full attitude as you may believe, more blind and unthinking faith and an ignoring of facts in front of your faces.

  18. Why have we only got 6 defenders (and maybe one OAP)?

    Sep 05, 2014, 12:24 #56707

    BADARSE- Or maybe DW Thomas is just saying what he thinks. Given that those who don't want Wenger to be our manager are still are minority group, if one of you is displaying symptoms of peer pressure and a need to conform I would suggest it is yourself. Believe it or not but some of us believe that life after Wenger would be a positive, exhilarating experience. Not much chance of the WOBs ever becoming the majority though as more and more children are growing into young adult fans who have only ever known Wenger as manager, and older fans are ever more comfortable with that cosy, safe, non-threatening, not-too-ambitious feeling that having Arsene around brings. GBP- No-one wants the club 'to spend mega money we dont have'. You just made that up.

  19. JAMIE

    Sep 05, 2014, 12:17 #56706

    The trouble with most of the dark's is that they only live for the here and now.They're like little children at Christmas opening their parcels and immediately getting bored with them and going on to the next.There were many on here who were screaming for Arsenal to buy Ozil and Sanchez,yet as soon as they get them they want them taken back to the shop.The best way I find to deal with these characters is to picture them as certain celebrities going about their business and encountering certain situations with each other.I find that works best for everyone,we all have a bit of a giggle and the dark moonies get to be center stage.

  20. Classic deluded muppet

    Sep 05, 2014, 11:22 #56705

    Apparently, Welbeck was "the best possible buy" that could have been made in a market where Falcao, Diego Costa and Balotelli all moved clubs. Ladies and gents, welcome to the deluded asylum of deluded Wenger cheerleaders!

  21. Daniel MK Gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 11:10 #56704

    I just hope he doesn't play him left wing and ruin him like he did Arshavin and appears to be trying to do to Ozil. As others have posted Welbeck appears to be quite the model professional which maybe useful and something some of our other home grown talent could learn from. I've read a couple of things about AWs deafening silence over this deal which worries me a bit.

  22. jeff wright

    Sep 05, 2014, 11:09 #56703

    Aunty Fufkin,is that it? Yawn. I will wager you are still celebrating didn't Per do well !Never mind Diaby will be back at Easter.

  23. kilkenny cat

    Sep 05, 2014, 10:44 #56702

    Maguiresbridge. Ha ha probably will too. As if our national team doesn,t have enough problems.

  24. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 9:52 #56701

    If DW plays wide left the first thing that will happen is that right sided players will not be queuing up to run past our left full back. This signing improves our defensive capabilities and brings us a step nearer to once again being a side that is greater as a whole rather than a collection of individuals. (71,89,91) Give this lad a chance because I don't think he will disappoint!

  25. GBP

    Sep 05, 2014, 9:41 #56700

    A prevalent national characteristic is sadly imprinted, by so many on this board each day Badarse. Its that of the glass half empty syndrome.Not just Arsenal but many so called footfall fans no longer know how to enjoy it. They-re enjoyment is gauged by the extent to which they can stare into another's back garden and think 'my lawn is better than yours'. For these on here that equates to wanting the Club to spend mega money we dont have on exotic sounding players just as their neighbours do. Alan Sugar, rather uncouth man he is in my view didnt do much right when running Spurs but faced with an idiot like Venables he told him to coach players and not keep running to him for money he couldnt give to buy ready made players to placate an illusory notion long held by Tottenham fans that they only have flair filled and romantic players etc etc. Venables couldn't react and Sugar made the point that any player named 'Carlos kick a ball' was OK in the modern game, as long as he was expensive even if his standard of kicking wasn't too good! This was 20 years back but it sums up the fickle crowd on here to a tee. Essentially if Wellbeck was Wellbecanollio of Roma and an Italian international costing 35 Million, this dark moonie crowd on here would be singing from the rooftops like little nightingales.

  26. peter hughes

    Sep 05, 2014, 9:25 #56699

    Welbeck is the same build & moves like Henry.Henry could not hit a barn door when he first joined.Not saying he will be as good at this stage but the potential is there.He may get the confidence to fufill his potential & add some more goals to his game.He certainly has the ability.

  27. Artie Fufkin

    Sep 05, 2014, 8:47 #56698

    "Germany will win nothing" - jeff wrong


    Sep 05, 2014, 8:10 #56697

    DWT often people display ugly national characteristics, and you may have done in your last post. I say ugly because invariably it denotes a herd mentality, a comfortable way of fitting in, a convenient method of an off the shelf 'one size fits all' view, and often inhibits the independent thinking vital for advancement, of the self, and the group. Engage directly with any you envisage as an opponent, and you may find people do not fit conveniently into 'them and us', or as George W. inscribed on many hearts, 'You are either with us, or against us.' It is a form of simplification, a continuation of the doctrine to 'dumb down', reductionism. The masses are easier governed if they are given a simplistic overview, will shepherd any with slightly different outlooks then vilify, and outlaw. You clearly are of a higher intelligence-being an Arsenal fan immediately marks you out, please read this as a friendly gesture. You know I have got your seat ready for the BBQ next week-the one right next to mine, with the RvP face on the seat, and with the restraining straps on the arms.

  29. Westlower

    Sep 05, 2014, 7:55 #56696

    The more you read the Darkie Moonies views & opinions the more you realise their anxiety & angst is caused by a fear of losing. They simply don't know how to rationalize a setback without lashing out and hurting those who they perceive to have caused their pain. Their list of victims includes the inept, deluded, old fools Wenger, Badarse & Westie + any players they hate. They always have to blame someone for the misery inflicted upon themselves. Back in the middle ages they would have belonged to a lynch mob ridding their neighbourhood of witches. There's certainly some strange people living in Moansville, on the dark side of the moon. What's your postal address Finsbury Joe? Envy Lane, Sh*teshire, DM54 & counting?

  30. Joe S.

    Sep 05, 2014, 6:02 #56695

    I doubt if Wellbeck was "positively the best buy Arsenal could have made" however I'm also looking forward to seeing what eventuates. I wouldn't underestimate his potential and am certain anything is possible. I doubt if Wegner still has the ability, luck or timing to snare top notch talent such as Viera, Anelka, Henri and Van the Man ( what a role call! ) but it will be fun to see what happens with this Kid. I'm sure he'll still want to prove something and might relish being away from Rooney and co.

  31. Danny

    Sep 05, 2014, 3:08 #56694

    the cheapskate wenger is looking at getting a 38yr defender what has he been doing all summer?

  32. Danny

    Sep 05, 2014, 2:43 #56693

    Looks like our useless Manager has been dropped from his Analyst job from French broadcaster TF1 for being “Minimalist”. Doesn’t this seem a pattern by our has been. All we want is for the Arsenal board to do the same People are realizing he is no good anymore

  33. DW Thomas

    Sep 05, 2014, 2:03 #56692

    It's all about results, at least for me. Not this club obviously. It's only about status quo and 4th place. The manager has all encompassing power and control. No amount of failure will get him sacked! He is untouchable. So we watch and we wait. If his results against the top clubs improve this year, we can let off on the criticism. But a points total better than last year will be necessary to continue to hold our words. Welbeck may be ok go us, and do a decent job. But, he was not a planned buy and that is total incompetence. He better not be another Silvestre, at least he is younger. The Wenger lickspittles see nothing but righteous actions by their hero. Any way his wind blows they defend him. To me that is the utter antithesis to thinking for oneself. If the man is so perfect, where are his recent trophies? What happened to his title tilt to end last season in the PL?

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 1:00 #56691

    JAMIE 59927, careful with your choice of words i'm surprised you haven't been pulled up on it or even asked to apologise by one of your holier than thou mates, i suppose if it had been someone from the other side of the house that would have happened already, so i'd stick to using moonies as well just in case.

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2014, 0:20 #56690

    Cat Chill Chalnnigh, they'll be telling us OGL is Irish next.


    Sep 05, 2014, 0:05 #56689

    @Jumpers for Goalposts and Pesho Saulov great posts. Could not agree with you both anymore. All 100% accurate in what you both said. WENGER= GETS CREDIT FOR WHAT HE DID 10 YEARS AGO!! Its all sentimental nothing to do with how hes running the club now or over the ast 10 years. As Mourinho said " some managers have it easy and our under no pressure to win anything. He was clearly talking about wenger. What really annoys me is not even the transfer dithering and failures to strengthen the weakness in the team. For me its hes awful tactics especially away from home against the so called big boys. He could not even beat the worst manure team or squad in a generation. I honestly believe we wont get top this season. Manure cant risk another season without top 4. Big season ahead folks of beatings away and shockingly inept tactics from the Great Leader!!! YOU COULD NOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!! SHOCKING

  37. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 23:37 #56688

    Love this thread. So funny lads and then ... f--k me, Finsbury turns up with his own brand of bollocks. Gotta love this site have nt we! Nite lads.

  38. maguiresbridge gooners

    Sep 04, 2014, 23:30 #56687

    underachiever, 59885, would any of us be surprised? OGL may have a point to prove, but it wouldn't matter to his fans he knows best.

  39. Finsbury Joe

    Sep 04, 2014, 23:22 #56686

    Average......that's the word that sums up the club, the players, the coaching, though flatters the AKBs and the manager. Welbeck has his qualities, but wenger will coach out anything fergie taught him. A desperate panic buy signing ordered by his bosses, but one wenger will turn into another Arshavin, ozil, podolski........and they had more talent than this guy to start with. Alexis, you have been warned. Get ready for a downward spiral as wenger works his magic, starting against city.....then the neighbours.....as they expose wengers stone age tactics and complete lack of defensive nous, and players ineptitude. Depressing, true Gooners already up in arms over the lack of defensive signings......why have ....seems like 15- midfielders in a 25 man squad?


    Sep 04, 2014, 23:13 #56685

    maguiresbridge, life is short, so are small women. You learn all your life, then you die and forget it all. Red and white dreams.

  41. Conchita Wurst

    Sep 04, 2014, 23:10 #56684

    Bard-I'm leaving you,Jeff Wright's picking me up in five minutes we're going off touring the West Indies with The Arsenal football Club,Pope Gregory the ninth and the Baelanese Goddess of plenty.

  42. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 22:56 #56683

    BADARSE 59850, so you reckon you'll not need to get onto BT any time soon to make their phone boxes a bit bigger.


    Sep 04, 2014, 22:54 #56682

    Anyway, so I said to this bloke...


    Sep 04, 2014, 22:42 #56681

    i'm sorry but wenger must go. The man is totally clueless tactically.BADARSE IS CLUELESS AKB'S DELUDED.LOOOOOOL Smhsmh He got exposed IN ITALY and we got lucky maybe we were a bit unlucky especially their BLOOMIN goals. We have a hack of pass, pass, pass and losing the ball and getting punished on the break oh dear, dear. When will wenger learn?? The man is totally a joke now. Im sorry he is. Why in the hell did he BUY Sanchez?? He should have RESTED Wilshere and Ozil, who Im sorry I cant defend anymore. He looks totally unaware where he is upside down or roundabout. He seems to not want to be there?? Why come in the first place if you did not want to come?? He has to show why we spent bloody 16 million. Look it was hes first game back after a long break its not easy, but he looked to me like he did not want to be there. He has to step up hes game. He is not the defender we saw at Hull. He hardly ever dribbles now. Just always looking for the easy ball why?? 60 MILLION could have bought Messi?? Hes not showing it for me. I used to rate him big time when he was at PSG. He looks like he does not care. HE HAS TO STEP UP!!! Also Giorud finally scored WITH A FRENCH MAID after missing hes 4 sitters as per usual GLAD HE'S INJURED. if he had scored IN that NET first and bloomers second he always missed from 6 yards out we would have owned more games. That is the difference from a world class striker and a average one. Again wenger will try and spin this. He was utterly outclassed in this match the score line is very deceptive we got lucky. We got lucky, but we could have won the league as well so its mind boggling we coulf finish mid table. If only Ox had hit the net a couple times he had no chances on a plate. Thank God he finally took one. smh!! Also what is wrong with SZEZNEY?? I have to go back to him. I did not watch the match I was listening to it on the radio and he was getting blasted. So I'm going off that. They were saying is this guy really worth A million etc. He kept giving the ball TO Walcott who wasn't playing away and just not willing to take anyone on, just looking to offload responsibility. I HOPE HE COMES GOOD AND PROVES HE IS A WORLD CLASS PLAYER. HE HAS TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE. Show why we spent 26 pound to get in. If not why did he come?? Your not playing with women anymore. You have to get over the fact you left munich for Madrid. -


    Sep 04, 2014, 22:27 #56680

    See what I mean about Bard-trying to hide his intelligence and only making a passable job of it. He, like myself appreciates that one 24601. Anything to boost the young man's confidence. Well done Yaya. Bard, the over 45's would even allow for me getting a run out.

  46. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 22:22 #56679

    Thanks for the family predictions Baddie,but it was dear Jamie who I was trying to elicit a response from his total grasp of all things Arsenal being unparalleled in the history of AFC . I know that you couldn't tip a bucket of ****e from your past efforts on here Badarse! My own humble view ,for what it is worth is that City are a Jekyll and Hyde type side and predicting any of their results depends on which side turns up.The good doctor one is the best with Mr Hyde being the drunken wastrel .So I will sit on the fence and go for a draw with both sides will be scared of losing so this looks to me to be the best call. Of course if we do beat them I will then claim that I also had a saver on that result. Well you can't be too careful!

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 21:40 #56678

    Rocky T K, if we have profited and it's still an if it's not very often we do, it's usually the other teams that profit from us, apart from the financial end of course we're very good at making a profit where money is concerned if only as much effort was put into the playing end. Yes another eleventh hour signing or more like thirteenth, which is surprising as we're now been told we've been after him for weeks or even further back, I guess OGL couldn't get a signal at heathrow or they had to wait for him to top up. No he's not world class but it's very surprising we're not been told he is, or top top quality at least, maybe if he were a wenger signing we would be. He's certainly not the worst signing we've ever made and yes a lot is expected of Danny boy (copyright jeff wright)and i'm not a believer of nicknames until their earned (unlike others)but a lot better than Becks which no doubt some will try to give him. At least we'll not have to hear the usual excuse it'll take him a season or two to settle in and find his feet. Yes big things are expected of him and I believe given the chance we will see them too. And I don't mean having to wait forever on a carthorse or unproven third rater to come good. It depends on will he be coached properly and actually played in his proper preferred position, and not be told and try to be convinced and converted by his new so called manager into a defender.

  48. Bard

    Sep 04, 2014, 21:30 #56677

    Westie. very funny post. I got 2 last Sunday against the Mongolian over 45s. The thing was I had 15 minutes to control the ball in their penalty area. Come on Westie you can do better than that.

  49. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2014, 21:17 #56676

    Yaya Sanogo scored 2 goals for the French U-21's v Kazakhstan.

  50. Conchita Wurst

    Sep 04, 2014, 21:14 #56675

    Darling Jamie dont you dare confuse me with that bedwetting, BBQ loving Dark Moonie, Bard. He never gets right up behind the lads if you know what I mean Jamie. All he does is moan about the state of the team. He doesnt appreciate the lovely Mr Wenger. Jamie Ill tell you a little secret. Id love to get right..... Sorry Jamie I cant go there


    Sep 04, 2014, 21:07 #56674

    Touche Bard. No more ribbing jeff wright, sorry it went as far as it did-you are funny though. Don't do predictions, or guess if we shall win this or that. When Arsenal are involved a natural reticence occurs. I am edgy in predicting a big win only to disappoint any around who place too much on my judgement. However we guess for the cake in this household as previously mentioned. It isn't easy to get a score on the nose, ask westlower. Against Leicester none of us even got the result let alone the score, but here is the kicker, all three of us guessed it might be 0-1 to the Arsenal. For two minutes all of us were on for the cake! As you asked for a prediction jeff I couldn't disappoint as you have behaved well today so our scores are thus: Two of us going for 2-1 to the Arsenal, one of us going for 0-2 to the Oilers. The other SHOUTY PERSON's demands will we win the PL or the CL, is silly. We might, but realistically we probably won't as there are stronger sides in both competitions, but in Dreamland we dream-you must know a fair bit about that jeff, you are kipping so much.

  52. Bard

    Sep 04, 2014, 20:50 #56673

    Jamie, BBQs are for bedwetting, latte drinking, red wine consuming effeminate posers. Me and my mates eat raw meat and gravel, we drink undiluted rocket fuel. You are so right we need to get right behind the lads Jamie, not too close behind if you get my drift. You me and your alter ego Pete are three peas in a wotsit Jamie. We need to stick together and repel the enemy wherever we see it. Ronaldo hes crap, Messi hes a flash git, no mate Up the Arsenal I say, although I dont want you to take that the wrong way Jamie.

  53. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 19:25 #56670

    It's amusing how dumb Jamie believes that he dislikes are all conspiring together is just nonsensical another obsession . I just post my views Badarse the fact that they mainly prove to be true where Arsene is concerned makes them unpopular in Dreamland where Jamie lives he never answers Marcus's questions about will Wenger win the Prem or Champions League this season- so how about then brainy ,give us your views . If you have any to offer.Yes or no will suffice we don't want another load of old bull. If you can't manage this then gives us your prediction for the City game . I don't think that you have the bottle to do so.

  54. Hiccup

    Sep 04, 2014, 19:08 #56669

    Best transfer window for many years... No sh!t Sherlock. Better than the year we sold RVP? I always remember wenger being hailed a a genius for offloading our world class striker for bucket loads of cash? Or when cesc left, wasn't that deemed a fantastic bit of business. Or when ade was sold, another fantastic transfer window for wenger. My personal best window was when we acquired chamack for free. Terrific bit of business that really propelled the club. But this is the 'best window in years.' Yeah, like crashing your car every day but then one day in the month you manage to splutter to work without an accident and say what a fantastic drive you had!

  55. JAMIE

    Sep 04, 2014, 18:58 #56668

    I wonder if the dark's have their own BBQ.//'Oh look here comes Rab C Nesbitt'Oh no it's not it's Jeff Wright.'Look over yonder Is that Frank Doberman','wrong again'It's MARCUS'.'Who invited Conchita Wurst'.'that's not him that's Bard'.


    Sep 04, 2014, 18:42 #56667

    Come off it jeff, you love it. You have been propelled into a stratospheric, cult status. You are a living leg end. Stay with it buddy, just keep trying to make it up. Now, where's the Marmite? Always wanted Danny as a Gunner, ha ha.

  57. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 18:35 #56666

    Hiccup, poor little Jamie is obviously not the sharpest knife in the draw he thinks that imaginary descriptions of myself that emanate from Badarse's deluded mind are exactly how he sees me as well! You really couldn't make it up.The truth is that the little sheep AKB's were once again caught short by the usual late trolley dash to buy Welbeck. They really did believe that Arsene was not going to panic and buy anyone and that his belief in Sango would be proven right. Did they demand that Welbeck should be signed,er,non.In fact if you or I had said this they would have ridiculed us and rubbished Danny ! You know that this is true. The AKB's believe though that anything Wenger says must be true ,all a bit weird really. Jamie is obviously some teenager with problems,he needs to get out a bit more.


    Sep 04, 2014, 18:31 #56665

    JAMIE you are a little sod, ha ha. I'm much worse when I play to an audience. The humour on this site is seeping into every pore, in jeff's case every paw. Keep up the good work Young Gun. Frank Doberman, love it!

  59. JAMIE

    Sep 04, 2014, 17:59 #56664

    The description BADARSE gives of Jeff Wright is absolutely hilarious,exactly as I imagined he would look.Where's our old friend Frank'MARCUS'Doberman gone,surely it must be time for him to have another shout at Wenger and the AKB's.Someone mentioned earlier that Jeff was MARCUS's dad,is that really true I would love it if it was.

  60. Hiccup

    Sep 04, 2014, 17:56 #56663

    Jeff, they don't hold an opinion. They just accept whatever wenger does is right. Hence, when it looked like no one was coming in, they rallied round with their excuses that we didn't need another forward. Remember Jamie's 'it would be foolish' and as you said you don't spend spend spend after a defeat. I'm flabbergasted these super fans aren't up in arms wasting all that money while we are already overstocked in their eyes with strikers. The point is Welbeck may come good and some posters on here voice reasoned arguments for him. They are worth listening to. However, the posse that contradict themselves with every other post, would have been ecstatic if we'd signed Peter Crouch. Had we bought David Nugent they'd even be telling us it was an excellent buy. Basically, whatever wenger does is right.

  61. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 17:37 #56662

    Hiccup, it was only the other day that the same high fivers were parroting Wenger's claims that we were well stocked up with strikers and was there really anyone out there who is better than what we have got! Then it was you don't go out and buy a striker everytime you get a bad result .Have you noticed how quiet the little lambs have gone now about Sanago ? You couldn't make it up.The first real test of Wenger's current abilities will come at home v City, he can't afford to lose that game otherwise he will be struggling for the rest of the season playing catch-up for 4th place . Liverpool play Villa at home,the Villains record is not very good at Anfield, chavs have a home banker v Swansea, United should break their duck for the season over Arry and Glenda's QPR, so it looks like us and City have drawn the short straw that weekend regarding fixtures. Most punters will have this match down for a draw on their coupons. Wenger though needs to win the game big time.

  62. John A

    Sep 04, 2014, 17:21 #56661

    Our submitted squad looks so thin: Arteta ok Campbell - will he get played? Cazorla ok Conqulin ? Debauchey ok Diaby - say no more Flamini ok Gibbs - injury prone Giroud - out until spring Kos - injury niggles Martinez - 3rd choice Montreal just ok BFG ok Ospina 2nd choice keeper Ozil - ok Podolski - not favoured Ramsey ok Tommy R - ok Sanchez ok Walcott injury prone Welbeck ok WIltshere ok On that basis we have a 'squad' of roughly 12/14 who warrant selection based on injury issues and Arsene's current preferences. Things look dire. I think we will be struggling come Christmas!!

  63. kilkenny cat

    Sep 04, 2014, 17:08 #56660

    Fair play badarse and west lower. Cant fault you. Though we have to get through Tipp 1st and that will be the usual war before we are hurling champs again.

  64. Hiccup

    Sep 04, 2014, 17:02 #56659

    Good to see the disciples all high fiveing each other with the 'best transfer window in years' quoted earlier. Job done for the season in their eyes which is why they've still got their heads stuck out of the sand. They've even bypassed the 'lets wait until May before judging'. Very refreshing. What usually follows now is how wenger will strengthen again in January and we will be all domineering. Oh, I believe Westie has already started that ball rolling...


    Sep 04, 2014, 17:01 #56658

    So funny jeff. Ooh, you are awful-but I like you.

  66. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 16:45 #56657

    GPD, I did once say that I thought a couple of posters were Chelsea supporters ,but that's just a guess . I view all points made on their merit though and recall that someone once said that the purpose of oratory is not truth but persuasion ,that scenario fits Badarse because most of his sermons are clearly not factual but ones of faith .All messiahs have to have disciples who believe in them to spread the words of their master and to try and show the unbelievers ,in his case the dark moonies of Baddies imagination,the error of their ways. Also it's obvious that sometimes the same person is posting under different names on here ,even agreeing with themselves,but as the actress said to the bishop, it takes all sorts .


    Sep 04, 2014, 16:44 #56656

    Funny GBP, so funny. Very descriptive of the Bard, he comes across as much like that. He is the type who tries to hide their intelligence and only makes a passable job of it. Many of the anti-Arsene's will be trying to work that last sentence out-insult or not-except jeff who is having a nap right now. Am laughing again as I recall that bloody bout where jeff was knocked down, got up, knocked down, got up facing the wrong way, fell over as he turned around, got back up only to be decked again. A few supporters cheered from the side lines as he was knocked down again, none stepped forward as he argued his ground, changing fact after fact. He had no seconds to throw in the towel for him. He is belligerent, cussed, rude, insulting, and an awkward so and so, but amusing. I see him in his flapping undies, long dark socks complete with calf suspenders, wild-eyed, unshaven, hair straggling over his face, munching on a dry bread marmite sarnie, singing, 'My mate Marmite!', with breadcrumbs flying out of his mouth as he hits the high notes. Wandering across the cold linoleum floor, treading on a greasy chip plate from the night before, continuing on his journey with a cold chip stuck to his sock, where his big toe pokes through, scratching his belly, belching, sticking his finger in his ear and waggling it-leaving a piece of sarnie hanging there, which goes with the bit left on his chin. Then deciding to try to provoke someone with a few xenophobic taunts, like Argies, Huns, and Frogs. He throws in a few yawns and 'couldn't make it ups', as he does just that. Odd fellow, but quite unique-thankfully.

  68. JAMIE

    Sep 04, 2014, 16:42 #56655

    Sanchez was the hottest property at the world cup,Costa has never scored for his country,Sturridge is on par with Welbeck,Van Pesestrings is on his last legs,Shrek too fat and uninterested,Falcao injury prone and too expensive,Aguero and Dimario are too inconsistant and overated.We lack nothing the other top sides have and I agree that Van Gaal will nose dive Manure.The title is on it's way to the Emirates and semi's at least in the champions league.Lets stop all this faint heart dark moonies effeminate clap trap,man up or ship out.

  69. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 16:14 #56654

    Badarse - Jeff s a grand lad too. His posts do make me laugh often as he crashes through any obstruction and never lets a fact or two disrupt his narrative. Hes a like a naysaying Prince Rupert! Recall a battle royal before i posted here that he had, single handedly taking on Amos and a few others. He was bowed bashed and badly cut yet even though floored for long periods, still howled, 'is that all you've got'!! Great stuff Jeff. Cant see things your way but you do make some good points in true warrior style. What let him down was that few anti Arsenes, joined in to defend him though. Worrying eh Jeffrey?

  70. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 15:59 #56653

    Badarse - have to like Bard too. Its the mix of his depression yet wry humour, self deprecation and basic resignation to matters generally that makes him one of the best Wenger naysayers on here. Its the added parts of having to agree with quite a bit of what he says too that makes for a nice mix. He tears a strip of us and smiles while does it! You don't think he works as a part time Mafia assassin though do you? Its that Old Spice he wears that makes me ask? What do you reckon?

  71. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 15:58 #56652

    Badarse,yes indeed ,I'm an Arsenal fan but not an Arsene one. I used to be back in times gone by but for me the old duffer has stayed too long for any good he may still do.Stan is happy to indulge him while he produces the Euro TV cash - although 4th place would not save saved Wenger last term had he lost to Hull in the cup final then the charade would have been all over. Giroud was at it all night with young models in his hotel room on pre-match nights last season on two occasions that we know of,so obviously is devotion to the cause is less than what it should be . Danny boy at least will have points to prove and is a bit quicker than tight shorts Oliver is. Danny though was not every ones' cup of tea at sold Trafford where he was accused of running around like an headless chicken by some United supporters. That may be why lee KFC aka th14 KFC was not keen on him. I was happy enough to see Danny come aboard , but alas my lack of faith in Arsene lends me to thinking that even if he signed some more top players that it would make no overall difference. Look at the mess he made of the Koss injury one last Sunday - plus old Arsene's tippy tappy tactics are out dated , this all suggests to me that 3rd or most likely 4th place is about the best result we will get in the league . In fact if Gaal does get United up and running and Liverpool maintain their current form then it could be mighty close for the two minor places in the fabled top 4. Wenger looks rather bewildered and baffled these days with every ( yawn)passing season,when will it ever end.


    Sep 04, 2014, 15:51 #56651

    Then of course there is Barney Curley.

  73. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2014, 15:48 #56650

    @Kilkenny Cat, Being a greyhound fanatic I am familiar with tracks in Eire, St James Park, Kilkenny; Youghal; Cork; Clonmel, Tralee, Limerick, Shelbourne Park, Thurles. I recently bought a share in a puppy who won on his debut in Thurles by 11 lengths. I used to sit next to a guy from Cork in the west lower at Highbury.


    Sep 04, 2014, 15:33 #56649

    I travelled past Croke Park last September, and I heard the hordes pledging death to one, 'Kenneth'. 'Kilkenny! Kilkenny! they chanted, which I thought a little harsh, but also very native. I believe it was the month that Cork didn't float. So well done to you all, and especially you Kilkenny cat, Champion Hurlers of all Eire. Didn't know I was there, did you?


    Sep 04, 2014, 15:22 #56648

    jeff wright you are every bit an Arsenal fan, ha ha. I can vouch for Bard. Dirty fingernails, calloused hands, yellow nicotine-stained fingers, tattoos of tomatoes, artichokes and other exotic vegetables on his forearms, or on at least two of them.He exudes stale tobacco smell, hints of diesel oil, pongy socks, rancid lager breath, honest sweat, and the aroma of marshmallow yummy bites. All in all a good egg, oh yes, and sometimes an old egg smell!

  76. kilkenny cat

    Sep 04, 2014, 15:21 #56647

    West lower. The name gives it away. Or maybe you dont know where Kilkenny is.

  77. CT Gooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 15:06 #56646

    I'm with you TT, though I'd be giving more of a 6/10. It would be an 8 if I wasn't a "dark moonie", but I want my club pushing for footballing honours, not share price (don't take this literally folks, I understand Arsenal PLC doesn't actually have a share price as shares aren't actually available- our Billionaire owners make sure of that). Our replacements were excellent and Sanchez is amazing, but the mark reflects what we didn't get, an extra body at the back and a world class holding midfielder. I believe our spine is still weak....

  78. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 14:59 #56645

    Badarse ,preaching is preaching and that is what you mainly do however you try to dress it up.Here is what Wenger said about how Oliver broke his ankle quote : "In the final minute, he stretched his ankle," "manager Arsene Wenger said on Saturday after the match." Hmm,seems clear enough and that's how I recall it watching on TV , with the replays in slow-mo it looked like Oliver was trying to do a bit of the flash Fancy Dan stuff on the ball to entertain the crowd with and ended making a mug out of of himself( Being polite here there is another word more fitting - it's a four letter one starting with a C).

  79. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2014, 14:49 #56644

    @Kilkenny Cat, I'm definitely from planet Earth, Cambridgeshire, if you want to pin it down to an actual place. Yourself? Dark side of the Moon maybe?


    Sep 04, 2014, 14:43 #56643

    Hi Gaz my red and white Yorkshire Pudding, missed you chum. @tpm it sounds a little mawkish and it probably is, but to think I am GBP is the highest of compliments. Have covered this before with my schizophrenia syndrome, but I don't post with alternative names. I did post twice, way back as 'George Osborne's Velvet Drawers', but it wasn't a very good attempt at disguise and wasn't done in a cowardly way , just a painfully unfunny attempt of mine. I try 'funny' often, my outlook being one out of ten attempts is OKish. @WHWOG6D, how comes I get roped in with Butch Cassidy every time? OK we did a jump off a cliff together, we did a 'Raindrops' cycling song together, we took on the whole wild west together, we did the 'Sting' together, but we haven't said it was a straight choice between Danny and Falcao together, in fact we both said Falcao wouldn't come to AFC, together. I note you strayed into religious territory, be careful, crucifix's, strands of garlic, and wooden stakes have no effect-it's film makers' fiction. Why I remember at the BBQ before last the Count and I were sharing a plateful of garlic mushrooms...then someone took them. Ah, Wetherby! @ jeff wright it isn't preaching chum. People stray out of line and it isn't beyond someone else to kindly point it out, is it? Anyway, I forgive you my son. Now get up off your knees, take the hair shirt off...second thoughts, put it back on, and please stop trying to lick the end of your nose whilst I'm talking to you, it makes you go cross-eyed. Now I'll put the kettle on and you can grab a cuppa, then after you can have a nap. Meanwhile, try to make something up, I have every confidence in you managing it, don't be so defeatist-whoops that's your raison d'etre gone for a Burton.

  81. Bard

    Sep 04, 2014, 14:38 #56642

    Jamie: you read me too well. I splash myself with old spice on match days and use my laptop to bash anyone who misbehaves,especially those bed wetting, effeminate dark moonies who dare to criticise my beloved Wenger. I do a lot of twatting but not much twittering. Know what I mean?

  82. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 14:25 #56641

    Badarse,it is a fact , that has obviously escaped your attention, that your own posts cause more annoyance on here to others than do my ones. Considering the content of your preaching at others posts and the excuses that you dream up to try and justify up Wenger's incompetence that is hardly any big surprise. It's a results game football,not a game of Monopoly .

  83. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 14:14 #56640

    Ed 1 - Watching Man U is like a re run of what they did in the early 70s, the last time they went seriously stale and aged. Spent stacks on duds then in desperation, sacked a few managers for fun and then went down! Ive a feeling this guy Van Gaal isnt what hes cracked up to be and hes hiding his insecurities and faults behind their cheque book. Just like O Farrell and Sexton and Docherty did (before he boned the physios Wife of course). Atkinson later did the same and still failed. The real problem for VG will be when Bobby Charlton starts crying and blubbing into his cocoa at night about his precious Manch Utd. Long may the chaos there continue. Its long over due.

  84. Ed l

    Sep 04, 2014, 14:05 #56639

    I am sure that Man U didn t want to sell to us as rivals but the reality was they needed to offload players and regardless of transfer fees I am sure that DW s wages were beyond the budgets of any Prem club with a turnover of less than 150m. Will be enjoying watching the sagas of Anderson and Nani clinging on Bentner like to contracts that they know they will never see again whilst their clubs make ever more futile attempts to give them away.

  85. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:41 #56636

    Smithy - Good stuff. I think Rooney was a top player between 18 and 21. Hes declined since but very gradually. I think hes next out of the Utd door if Falcao proves good. Could be as soon as January. His best hope for surviving there is if RVP remains half fit and thats a likely case isnt it. Cant see Arsenal Chelsea or City wanting him. He could end up at Iottenham or (at a push) back at Everton? Either way, his downhill trajectory will pick up pace.

  86. Smithy

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:33 #56635

    Reference- YAWN we don't want Rooney he is massively declining year on year. He will continue to struggle.

  87. cyril

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:31 #56634

    Really pleased about Welbeck and all the other signings. If Wenger has a really good season and I can't see why not now, then I will be singing Wenger's song again. I can't remember the last time I sang that song. Nice point earlier about keeping 2 defenders busy. This could open up so much for Ramsey and Ox as I am waiting for Ox to shine as he has got some shot on him, just need that bit more space.Really, really optimistic right now. Please get it right Wenger! COYG

  88. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:30 #56633

    Why have we....true. Major slip up never buying Xabi A. Always an excellent intelligent player. I like Bony too. Hes good, but does badly lack any pace which Wellbeck has. Drogba was 3 years older than DW when he got to the PL. I doubt anybody will emulate him, inc Falcao.

  89. allybear

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:22 #56632

    Think that Wellbeck is a good signing&he is young but with a lot of experience.Like a lot on here i had hoped for a DM&CB but didnt happen. The City game will be very interesting!

  90. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Sep 04, 2014, 13:12 #56631

    Unchives- It's a silly Badarse/Westlower type argument to imply that it was straight choice between Welbeck and Falcao. Just as no AKBs wanted the available Welbeck before we bought him, no WOBs thought the recovering Falcao was worth £60m and £300k a week. According to more than one respected journalist Wilfred Bony (a proper striker, exactly what we need) was available for a £19m buy-out fee, and there was Remy, but of course after over a year of begging we end up with another powderpuff (let's face it, despite his size he's no Drogba) winger/forward who may or may not become quite good given time. Looking around at the other teams we're further away from the title than we've ever been but Wenger's disciples still seem happy enough and I'm sure when the inevitable injuries at the back come they will blame opponent's over-physicality rather than their idol's arrogant lack of forward planning. GBP- We had the chance to buy Alonso years ago when he was in his prime but Wenger wouldn't pay the extra £2m. Didn't want to 'kill' Diaby apparently.

  91. tpm

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:55 #56629

    wellbeck is a 4th place signing, as expected it placates the sheep and gives the akbs another false sick to beat everyone with. we are not going to compete for the league with wellbeck as striker. not to mentione the shocking dm options, and unbeilvable lack of defenders. by the way badarse and GBP are one and the same.

  92. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:52 #56628

    DJ - Wouldn't a Mascherano or an Alonso type in there be just great. (wistful frown here, but we might just surprise a few people i reckon) COYG. Got a good feeling about the Man City game. JAMIE - Bards just nipped into the bathroom to wax himself and pluck his eyebrows im guessing ha. He ll be back soon.

  93. JAMIE

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:48 #56627

    Bard,Are you one of these youngsters we see on the tv these days who are useless for anything bar pampering themselves,crying because they didn't get the right exam results and texting their weirdo mates every five minutes.They then go along to the football sit in their comfy seats and get their laptops out and start twittering.

  94. underacheiver

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:47 #56626

    westlower, do you have any odds on Sanogo starting ahead of Welbeck against man city next week?

  95. Esmeralda

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:46 #56625

    Mr Emerald, you spelt your own email address incorrectly. Oh dear.

  96. DJ

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:41 #56624

    Gaz: Good post, I think that's where all like minded Gooners are, happy with Welbeck an quietly confident he will be a success. The danger is injuries and suspensions at the back will leave us exposed as will not having a top quality DM against the big teams. However, now is the time to get fully behind the team, as I think 99% of fans already do, and hope Sanogo breaks his duck!

  97. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:40 #56623

    Lovely post Gaz and more importantly, spot on! Couldn't agree more. Get your tin helmet on though. You might need it.

  98. kilkenny cat

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:40 #56622

    Badarse. This magnificent 7 garbage underlines my point. If English players are so great why have they not challenged for a tournament in 20 years? Westlower. What planet are you from?

  99. Gaz

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:33 #56621

    Hi all. Been a while sice I last posted! Welbeck? Put me firmly in the 'happy' camp with this signing! Was delighted about it and nothing I've heard or seen since has diminished that initial delight! We're getting a young english player who's going to be busting a gut to prove Utd wrong. He's quick, skilful and defends right from the front. Read an interesting piece yesterday suggesting whereas Giroud occupies one CB Welbeck will occupy both. This means there'll be no 'spare' CB available to fill the space our attacking midfielders are moving into. Made a lot of sense to me. Ok, downside is we never got the DM I was desperately after and Wenger will pay a heavy price if this causes us problems. After all the excuse has always been we havent the money to really compete yet we all know thats no longer an excuse that can be used. Heh ho though, we are what we are and for some strange reason I'm quitly optimistic about the season. One things for sure, the thought of Ozil breaking out of defence alongside Welbeck, Walcott and Sanchez make me smile quite a lot!!!

  100. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:26 #56620

    Sturridge and Mata seem ok having left Chelsea don't they? Are they at QPR and WBA? The problem with you and your like isn't that you don't like our transfer policy deep down, its that you aren't happy unless the players we bring in are exotic, cavalier enough and bristling with panache and narrow eyed gunslinger haughtiness. Its all a bit childish and lacking substance isnt it even for a dark moonie?

  101. Yawn

    Sep 04, 2014, 12:14 #56619

    Welbeck? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Manu have Falcao. Chelski Costa. Citeh Aguero. Pool Sturridge...and Arsenal fans are showing off about recruiting a Man U reject who was their 4th choice attacker. This very much reminds me of the time Silvestre was signed and Arsenal fans tried to convince themselves that it was actually a coup. Note to all the deluded jokers: Man Unityed do NOT sell their best players to domestic rivals. So for instance, Rooney would never ever have been sold to Arsenal. Indeed there is only one team in England that sells its best players to domestic rivals, and it is the one managed by our very own "specialist in failure". (see RVP)

  102. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:59 #56616

    Jeff - you do display a strange attitude to things at best chap. While condemning Giroud and others as you do, i do wonder if you've any idea just how hard it is to reach the top levels in football. I suspect that you don't have an inkling. On Wellbeck last night, yes, the Norwegian lads weren't great but have you ever heard of beating what's in front of you?DW looked a good buy ladst night. Good strength. Shooting ability, quick, hard working, links up with midfield well. Whats not to rate? You couldn't make it up, oh .... and yawn of course!.

  103. TT

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:58 #56615

    Its been a 7/10 window for me. We covered the exits of Fabianski and Sagna with Ospina and Debuchy, we brought in a potential star of the future in Chambers, a marquee world player in Sanchez and after people clamoured for us to sign a striker we did in Welbeck, hopefully he can do a Sturridge for us. That looks good business to me and i dont really think it can be argued that it was sensible and good spending. But we've yet again failed to bring in a top class defensive midfielder and yet again I think it could be our undoing, it was one big area we just had to improve and we havent. And Chambers replacing Vermaelan? that is risky for me. He looks good but we look wafer thin at the back now. Its a lot of pressure to put on Chambers as a 19 yr old to be the third centre half and its a lot of pressure on Bellerin to be back up right back.

  104. Unchives

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:55 #56614

    I don't think anyone can argue with the signings so far, they are excellent.Welbeck @ £16 million is a bargain. We would have preferred Facao, however @ £300k per week + £6 million signing on fee, £21.6 million for one season is obscene. Not buying a CB is inexcusable. As for drawing with Leicester, be realistic people.....The Champions lost to Stoke at home. The real threat is Chelsea.

  105. Bard

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:45 #56613

    Im with you Jamie. Todays footballers aren't proper men. Some of them even use deodorant, can you Adam and eve it, real wussies. I like my defenders to be well 'ard. No messing about playing from the back. Boot ball and man right into row Z. Oh for the old days Jamie when men were real men.

  106. GBP

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:44 #56612

    Well said Jamie. Agree totally.

  107. David

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:39 #56611

    @Westlower - Supplemented by 'those two pals o' mine, Jenkinson and Chamberlain'. Terrible.

  108. BADARSE

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:35 #56610

    Wrong jeff wright, the ball was struck fiercely at him from close range, catching the end of his boot, turning his foot, and fracturing his tibia. In a 5-a-side game, on the deck at the time, I stuck out my foot to inhibit a defender clearing the ball, which was spinning on it's axis near me. The said defender drove the ball with venom bending my foot back. The pain was intense. I looked down the hall expecting to see my foot, within the trainer, nestling in the other area. It tore my ankle ligaments so badly I wasn't able to walk properly for a month, and spent weeks of rehab exercises so that I could begin to go up on my toes again. My legacy is a swollen right ankle, and one which balloons every time I twist the ankle badly or gets a knock. Innocuous but dramatic, as far as the individual goes. I am surprised others haven't criticised your post, perhaps they have given up the ghost with you. I just don't think you are a particularly happy man.

  109. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:32 #56609

    Arsene Wenger = the man that still gets the credit for brilliant successes that happened over 10 years ago. Arsene Wenger = the man that gets none of the blame for the chronic failures of the last 10 years. How does any Gooner still think that he is the best man to deliver success? What evidence is there that he can deliver either the Premier or Champions League trophy???? Either the author admits that 4th place is the extent of Wenger's ambitions!

  110. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:17 #56608

    Badarse I just pointed out that Oliver tripped over his own foot and injured himself,this is hardly celebrating him ' getting his leg broken' is it now? The big clumsy oaf injured himself and not as you tried to imply got his leg broken by someone else. You couldn't make it up. Also your efforts to try and make the Welbeck signing into another Arsene planned coup are amusing,but with you just par for the course. I'm happy though to have been proven right in my prediction that despite what Wenger the man of integrity claimed, after the poor result at Leicester that he (Wenger) would have to make another late trolley dash panic buy. I didn't need a crystal ball to see this happening because it happens these days every summer when Wenger's deluded beliefs in the strength and abilities ofour players ,supported by the likes of yourself, are exposed forthe sham that they are in early games. Also the fact that Stan was over from his ranch in the west to see how things were going on in little ol'England suggested that if things did not go well in the Midlands on Sunday against the lowly Foxes then Arsene would have to put up with someone standing in Sanago's way. If only someone could also stand in Arteta and Flim-Flams way who knows we might even do better than fighting for 4th spot again come the ides of March and perhaps even the customary early bath in the European Cup once the KO rounds begin could be averted . You of course are happy enough with all of this Stan money making malarkey in Dreamland going on and where Arsene is an intelligent kindly man of integrity . Although of course in football land this doesn't really mean much .Hey Baddie perhaps Arsene should become a social worker ! Oh,I forgot,he already is one !

  111. In Wenger We Trust

    Sep 04, 2014, 11:04 #56607

    Good article, I only thing I disagree is calling Sanchez "decent". It's safe to say, he's a better player than that. Welbeck could be another world class striker that Wenger could convert like strikers before him. Funny how the anti-Wenger rabble forgot that. Then again they are just a bunch of plastic fans. This summer has been terrific in terms of the players we brought in. We already have a great team assembled even before the summer transfers were made and we only need 1 or 2 players, but Wenger has spoiled us with these extras signings. If you're a true Arsenal supporter, time to stop the whining and support the club and the manager. Arsene knows best.

  112. TJ

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:56 #56606

    Welbeck was probably the best buy we could have made for the striker position this summer. Sure, Cavani and Falcao would have been nice but the former hasn't even played as a centre forward for PSG and would command a huge transfer fee and wages, and the latter has just had a major injury and would again cost a fortune; they're also both probably at their peak but it's not clear whether they can sustain that into the next few years. To be a lone striker you need everything- Giroud is second rate because he is too slow and because 80% of his goals come from crosses. Welbeck needs to work on his first touch and his finishing, but he has pace, power, fantastic work rate, good hold up play and decent movement. He could be a great striker with confidence and game time. As for DM- well there were options, Schneiderlin and Tiote as experienced options and Wanyama and Carvalho as future prospects would have been ideal. Flamini and Arteta in those roles shows that 4th place is the extent of Wenger's ambitions. As for CB, Phil Neville said he scouted lots of centre backs under Moyes but couldn't find any that were of the requisite quality. We could maybe have got Manolas but appparently came in too late, so we end up with just Chambers. That again shows how Wenger needlessly leaves the squad thin, despite a massive war chest just sitting there unused. I honestly think he just wants to grab 4th place and have a go at the Champions League. This is also yet another indication though that his judgement of the squad is deficient: We were lucky last year that Ferguson left given the rise of Liverpool. Lucky that AVB overplayed Spurs in the Europa League and the year before that because of him mismanaging Chelsea and Harry's wanting the England job while at Spurs. The main reasons we have made the Champions League places the last three years. Funny how he thinks we'll be ok but the scrambled deadline day activity has been used (after the opening of the season shows he's wrong) in 2011 after the 8-2 defeat, after the Villa defeat last year and after the Leicester draw this year (though even then it appears to be the owners' decision for at least the last two windows).

  113. BADARSE

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:40 #56605

    jeff wright am sending you some DDT flypaper, can you stick to that please? Yesterday amongst your xenophobic outpourings you celebrated an Arsenal player getting his leg broken, that you couldn't make up.

  114. jeff wright

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:27 #56604

    Westie, I did say it was only a friendly,just as well that you and the other AKB's on here don't get carried away with these sort of games we would have you saying that Welbeck looked great when he came on against the worst Norwegian side every seen! You couldn't make it up.Missed that horse by the way the other day,but cleaned up on the PP at Southwell yesterday . Anyway, I'm digressing here for the record I still believe that had the Argies had their best players match fit,the Angel did not even play , that they would have beaten the Hun in the final, rather than having lost to them 1-0 in extra time. That's my view and I'm sticking with it!

  115. David

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:21 #56603

    Welbeck is good business: At the very least he's a Sylvain Wiltord; at best he might go on to score 30 goals a season. Nothing to lose at 16 million.

  116. BADARSE

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:10 #56602

    Magnificent Seven indeed, 24601, but which one is Chris? Am not a cricket man, though some say on a bad day I resemble Jiminy, but I remember those illustrious names. 'If you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...'

  117. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:02 #56601

    The Magnificent Seven: Gibbs; Wilshere; Oxlade-Chamberlain; Jenkinson; Walcott, Welbeck & making his debut last night Chambers. All now full England Internationals. Who remembers the famous West Indian cricketers Walcott, Worrel & Weekes? We now have our own Walcott, Wilshere & Welbeck. @Jeff Before you get too carried away with the Argies victory in Dussledorf, the hosts only started with 3 of their WC final team.

  118. JAMIE

    Sep 04, 2014, 10:00 #56600

    Wellbeck will do alright at Arsenal,looked England's sharpest player when he came on,he also doesn't seem to have a huge ego like a lot of modern day footballers with their effeminate hairdos tramp stamps and Pat Butcher earrings.

  119. Pesho Saulov

    Sep 04, 2014, 9:13 #56598

    Why have we only got 6 defenders? Because our medical team is so good, that is practically 2 more than we need. How long before we seem Flamini at right/left/center back?

  120. Why have we only got 6 defenders?

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:59 #56597

    Westlower nice wind up. Badarse no-one wants it all and wants it now, but given 3 transfer windows and pots of money I think any reasonable fan would expect better than the OK Danny Welbeck.

  121. Bard

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:55 #56596

    Good post Rocky. i think its a good deal or rather an improvement. Im interested that Wenger has said nothing about the deal. Did he sanction it or did someone else. I think his pace will make a difference as defences will have to sit deeper and that will create more room. What I find fascinating is your parting thought about whether we will win anything under Wenger. so far no ones contradicting that argument. What a state of affairs for a club of our size. Who would have thought that our fans would put up with such limited ambition.

  122. Mathew

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:49 #56594

    He is in his prime, looking for CL football and trying to establish himself as a starter. Hopefully Giroud will find it tough to break in, once he returns. COYG

  123. Pesho Saulov

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:47 #56593

    If proof was needed that the target set before (or by) the manager is securing a top 4 finish - it must be our transfer activity this summer. I agree that we had our best transfer window in a while but this is the result of Liverpool's resurgence and the belief that ManU can't possibly have another season like last year. However, if the target was the EPL trophy then we would have also seen a quality DM (since neither Arteta or Flamini are good enough - albeit for different reasons), a new back-up CB and a world class striker (last year nearly a dozen of those switched their teams so there really is no excuse). As it stands, the team appears to have been sufficiently strengthened to fight off tougher competition for a top 4 finish but that is it.

  124. BADARSE

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:45 #56592

    With you on all you say 24601, shoulder to shoulder-not much room on our pedestal up here, is there? 'I want it all, and I want it now!' Be quiet chaps, that isn't the way it works, I do too but don't shout out constantly, it's a dead giveaway. Be more mature, please-wanna gumdrop? Kilkenny cat, this kiddie isn't going down that road, though some might. I see through it, my Irish blood tells me that views like that are just Blarney. Actually it may be my Italian blood, or Russian, or Tibetan-don't think it's my Korean though.

  125. I.M.O.

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:41 #56591

    I'm happy with the Welbeck signing. Hes young, pacey, solid and reliable. The fact that the Manc supporters are reported as being pissed off at the sale of him has made me even happier. But, what about our boy Calum Chambers? What a star in the making. He excites me with his passion and fight. A bright future a a Gunner.

  126. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:22 #56589

    So pleased that Welbeck has joined us. No, he isn't Wrighty, he's much more of a team player. Only heard good things about his personality & I'm sure he'll thrive under Wengers tuition, following on from Klinsman, Weah, Henry, Anelka, Adebeyor, RVP. Best transfer window for many years at AFC.

  127. Mr. T

    Sep 04, 2014, 8:10 #56588

    Sorry Mr. Writer/publisher, you are no Arsenal fan. As hard as you try to mask it, it's clearly written all over your post. Nevertheless I like the fact that we always have the media's attention though... Hahaha

  128. kilkenny cat

    Sep 04, 2014, 7:58 #56586

    Welbeck is not world class. He is not a central striker we needed. He is not going to score goals for fun like Wrighty did. He has pace and experience at a young age,but not what we needed. Wonder if he wasn,t English everyone would be so positive.

  129. Bodam

    Sep 04, 2014, 7:56 #56585

    I know he will mike us happy, Up Arsenal

  130. QuartzGooner

    Sep 04, 2014, 7:47 #56583

    In the absence of signing a top level striker, Welbeck should have enough pace power and experience to make use of Ozil and Cazorla's passing. Welbeck I think will benefit from the fast complimentary runs and cut-backs of Alexis Sanchez and Walcott, and on occasion Oxlade-Chamberlain, Campbell and Gnabry. Centre Back and Defensive Midfield offer opportunities for Callum Chambers and Isaac Hayden. Centre back sees an extraordinary lack of experienced cover for a club of our size, Chambers looks good for his age but is very much developing. Perhaps Hayden will need to play there too? Really wish we had brought in a top class defensive midfielder to partner Ramsey; Flamini works hard but will probably pick up many bookings leading to suspensions, Arteta has lost pace and form over the last 18 months. Again, might the energetic Chambers and the composed Hayden be long term answers in that role? Too soon to say for a pair of teenagers.

  131. BADARSE

    Sep 04, 2014, 7:45 #56582

    Well Rocky I think we definitely profited. I do believe MU were dragging their feet and didn't really want to sell to us. I think Falcao arriving was instrumental in tipping the balance, but I reckon they were moving in the right direction all along-they needed the money. The negotiations were probably typical with us offering £12m and them wanting £20m, we moved no doubt closer, and were possibly near to the price we got him for, another half million and job done. That I think is cheap for us, a bit low for them but overall a satisfied conclusion for both clubs and the player. He will want to do well. If you move from a big club to another it is because your currency is high, no impact and the value of the player nose-dives. He may see this as a good career move, a stepping-stone, yet may, if things go well see us as his main objective. I am moderately excited by the acquisition. Here is to the season, and all things Arsenal.

  132. Smithy

    Sep 04, 2014, 7:38 #56581

    I agree with everything said above. I thought he had a good game last night when he came on for England. Lets get behind Danny- who knows what he could do with confidence and the fans backing. I would like to see Arsene rely on Welbeck, Alexis and Campbell, and put Sanogo back in the reserves until he can start hitting the net.